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A85411 A post-script, or appendix to a treatise lately published by authority, intituled, Hagio-Mastix, or the scourge of the saints displaid in his colours of ignorance and blood. Being an explication of the third verse of the thirteenth chapter of the prophecie of Zacharie; (the tenour whereof is this: and it shall come to passe, that when any shall yet prophecie, then his father and his mother that begat him shall say unto him, thou shalt not live, for thou speakest lies in the name of the Lord: and his father and his mother that begat him, shall thrust him through when he prophecieth.) According to the analogie of the Sriptures [sic], the scope and exigency of the context, and the sence of the best expositors upon the place. / By John Goodwin a servant of God and men, in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.; Hagiomastix. Appendix Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665. 1647 (1647) Wing G1191; Thomason E383_10; ESTC R201432 31,560 34

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visit their sins they shall return to Egypt In this figure or phrase of speech to forbear further instances the Apostle Paul affirmeth that if any provide not for his own especially for those of his own house he hath denied the faith b his meaning is not that by such a neglective and ungracious course he doth properly or formally deny or disclaime Christian Religion but that he doth that which is tantamont or equivalent to such a deniall in respect of the prejudice which is thereby like to accrue unto Religion Secondly it is a common observation among Writers that the holy Ghost takes a delight to make the New Testament and the Old as it were inter-commoners in language and phrase of speech i. to express matters proper to the one by words and phrases which in propriety and strictness of sence signifie things appropriate to the other c Thus Malachi prophecying of the worship of God under the New Testament expresseth it thus My name shall be great among the Gentiles and incense shall be offered unto my Name and a pure offering Mal. 1. 11. And after cap. 3. 3. he prophecieth of the ministers of the Gospel under the names of the sons of Levi And cap. 4. 5. of John Baptist under the Name of Elijah the Prophet But as none of these expressions are in their literall proper and Grammaticall significations appliable to the times of the New Testament no neither is it necessary no nor so much as probable in the least degree that the Old Testament or Lawphrase of Parents thrusting thorough their children for prophecying lies wherein our prophet expresseth and foresheweth the great zeal for Truth and purity of Religion which should be found in men under the Gospel should be understood in the letter or in the formall sence or signification of the words Thirdly the context it self and the series thereof plainly shew that the passage and prophesie in hand particularly relateth to these times specified viz. wherein the receiving again of the Jewish Nation by God shall be as life from the dead d unto the world and their Church and State restored to seven times more then their ancient beautie and glory For ver. 10. 11. 12. of the preceding Chapter the Prophet clearly describes that great and generall conversion of this people unto to God partly by the causes or means of it partly by the consequents or effects of it And I will poure upon the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and of supplications and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his onely son and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his first-born In that day there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon And the land shall mourn every family apart the family of the house of David apart and their wives apart the family of the house of Nathan apart and their wives apart the family of the house of Levi apart and their wives apart the family of Shimei apart and their wives apart And all the families that remain viz. all besides these every family apart and their wives apart First evident it is that the tenour of the things here spoken carries the scope and intent of the passage directly upon the nation and people of the Jews and doth not suffer it to be understood of any other This needs no other proof except haply a second and more serious perusall of the words Secondly as evident it is that it relates not to a remnant or lesser part but to the generality or body of this Nation And the land shall mourn saith the Prophet every family apart c. And again And all the families that remain c. Thirdly and lastly the expression and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced plainly implies that this Nation shall see and behold Christ viz. when upon their Repentance implied by the spirit of grace and supplications poured out upon them he shall appear or come unto them to raise up the tabernacle of David which had been a long time fallen and to build them up both Church and State in excellency of beauty strength and glory according to the express tenour of that grand motive by which Peter inviteth them to Repentance Act. 3. 19 20. 21. Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} i. not when as our Translation hath it but that or to the intent that times of refreshing may come not shall come as our English Translation again mis-readeth it from the face or presence of the Lord And that he may not and he shall as our English yet again mis-translateth {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you whom the heavens must receive untill the times of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophets since the world began So that the Repentance and conversion of this people unto God when or how soon soever it shall take place shall be immediatly or soon after rewarded by him with the sending of his Son Jesus Christ their long expected Messiah unto them * {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} i. as the word properly imports to restore or re-constitute all things viz. in their Church and State as they were before yet not formally but eminently and with abundance of superadded glory Upon this sight or beholding of him viz as coming or come unto them with this abundance of grace and love and mercy who had for so many ages together so injuriously and despitefully intreated him shall ensue and follow that most solemn affectionate and unparalled mourning viz for their strange inveterate and long continued unkindness and hatred towards him which our Prophet describes in the latter end of the transcribed passage which also is elsewhere foreshewed in Scripture upon the same occasion a Now having thus foretold the general conversion of this Nation unto God towards the end of cap. 12. he goeth on in the beginning of this chapter and declareth how happy holy and glorious the State and condition of this Church shall be upon and after this their conversion and amongst other spiritual priviledges wherewith it should be invested inriched and adorned mentioned ver. 1. 2. he shews that the zeal of this Church and people for the truth and purity of Religion shall be signall eminent so as to reign over all inferiour ends counsels inclinations and desires in men yea over all even the nearest and dearest natural relations themselves which are the hardest to be commanded or brought into subjection Fourthly It no where appeareth either by the Scriptures or by any History of credit nor is it in it self a thing any ways probable or worthy belief
the Holy Ghost had no intent as all to countenance the interposall of the civill Sword for the suppression or punishment of errour or Heresies under the Gospel least of all in these times or in the Churches of the Gentiles will clearly appear if not divisim yet conjunctim by these ensuing considerations 1. It clearly appears from the two preceding verses the first and second of this chapter and indeed from the whole both precedent and subsequent chapters that what is spoken in this third verse concerning the high displeasure which Fathers and mothers should conceive against their children when they should prophecie lies in the name of the Lord respecteth onely the Nation and Church of the Jews Nor is there the least hint or intimation given in the context that any thing expressed in the said verse relates unto the Gentiles For. i. v. 1. he mentions onely the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem 1. the Jews of what rank or condition soever noble or ignoble as those for or unto whom the fountain for sin and for uncleannesse there spoken of was to be opened Upon the same terms he expresseth himself in the Gospel thus Mat. 15. 24. I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel meaning that he was not sent by his Father to minister in the daies of his flesh either by preaching the word of the Kingdom or confirming it mith miracles but onely unto the Jews in which respect the Apostle calleth him a minister of the circumcision a meaning the Jews Now as our Saviour professing that he was not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel speaketh onely and determinately of the Jews not including the Gentiles in the expression in like manner when the Holy Ghost speaking and prophecying of him and of his sending into the world under the metaphor of a fountain to be opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem c. cannot reasonably be conceived in such an expression to minde the Gentiles but the Jews onely Especially considering that this prophecie of the Messiah and the blessing he should bring with him was not simply directed unto the Jews and unto them onely by the gracious appointment of God but it was directed and sent unto them being now in a dejected and low condition on purpose for their incouragement and erection as appears Ezra 5. 1. and all Expositors agree Now when God is well pleased with the Jews or intends their comfort or incouragement by a message from himself by his Prophets he is not wont to speak of the calling of the Gentiles or of making these equall or superiour in holy priviledges unto them but when he puts this ingredient into any such addressement of himself unto them it still argueth his displeasure and discontentment with them according to what himself expresseth by the mouth of Moses a little before his death They have moved me to jealousie with that which is not God they have provoked me to anger with their vanities and I will move them to jealousie with those which are not a people I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation b 2. These expressions I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land and again also I will cause the Prophets and the unclean spirit to passe out of the land ver. 2 clearly shew that the context speaks precisely and circumscriptively of the Church and Nation of the Jews It is a true and frequent observation amongst Interpreters that the word land indefinitely put in the Scriptures of the Old-Testament alwaies in such constructions as this viz. where no particular countrey or people besides are treated of signifies the land of Canaan the inheritance of the Jews 3. Some of our best and most Orthodox Expositors understand not onely the present context I mean the passages near adjoyning both before and behinde to the Scripture in hand and consequently this Scripture it self but the whole chapter yea and the whole proceeding and subsequent chapters with a peculiar reference and limitation to the Jews yea and further limit and confine the whole content of this chapter to that tract or space of time which began with the restauration of this Church and State by the Macchabees after the devastations and prophanations of Antiochus and ended with the siege and destruction of the City and Temple it self of Jerusalem which they conceive and that truly to be predicted and described in the following chapter a wherewith this prophecie ends So that according to this calculation of the passage in hand there is nothing at all herein prophecied concerning the Churches of the Gentiles no nor concerning the Church or nation of the Jews themselves under the Gospel at least after or since the final destruction of their city and temple when according to the general and constant opinion both of ancient modern Divines the Mosaicall politie and Occonomie of that Church and State fully expired and gave up the Ghost Now the practise or course here spoken of viz the appearance and standing up of Parents against their children and that unto death in the case of false Prophecie in case it be to be literally understood being a branch of that politie and enjoyned Deut. 13. 5. 6. c. as all Expositors almost I can meet with upon the place in hand agree it is a ground of much probability at least that this Prophecie reacheth not beyond the said terme of the expiration of the Mosaicall Law If it be objected and said yea but if this be foretold by God in the nature of a speciall benefit or blessing which the Church and nation of the Jews should enjoy as it seems here to be viz. that the zeal of the Truth and purity of Religion should be so great and prevalent amongst them that Parents themselves should do justice and that even unto death upon their own children when they proved false Prophets and teachers of lies doth it not follow that it will and must needs be a proportionable benefit and blessing to all other Churches and nations when their respective Magistrates shall proceed with the like zeal against the like Delinquents To this I answer 1. Be it granted that not only Civill Magistrates I mean but even naturall Parents themselves lawfully may yea and of duty ought in these times of the Gospel to proceed with the like zeal against the like Delinquents yet will it not follow that they lawfully may much lesse that of duty they ought to expresse or act their zeal after the same manner or with the self same kinde of expression It was lawfull for the Apostles to be as zealous against the enemies of God and of Christ as it was for Eliah yet it was not as lawfull for them to expresse their zeal by calling for fire from heaven to consume them b as it was for him So it is not onely as lawfull but