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A47631 A treatise of the divine promises in five bookes : in the first, a generall description of their nature, kinds, excellency, right use, properties, and the persons to whom they belong : in the foure last, a declaration of the covenant it selfe .../ by Edvvard Legh ... Leigh, Edward, 1602-1671. 1641 (1641) Wing L1014; ESTC R19654 173,632 533

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made promises to the publike assemblies of his speciall presence In this respect the Prophet calleth Sion the habitation of GODS house and the place where his honour dwelleth Psal. 26.8 Psalm 132.14 in this respect the place of GODS publike worship is called the face of GOD. The Synagogues were called the houses of GOD Psalm 83.12 This promise is also made to our Assemblies as well as theirs Matth. 18.20 Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them Rev. 2.1 CHRIST walkes in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks 3. GOD hath p●omised his speciall blessing to publike assemblies In all places where I record my name w●ll I come to thee and blesse thee Exod 20.24 GOD hath p●omised Temporall blessings to such as do love and frequent the Assemblies No good thing will he with-hold from them that walke uprightly Psalm 84.11 David makes this one reason of his love to GODS Tabernacles but the chiefe reason why he so esteemed them was this the LORD will give grace and glory and 133.3 For there in Sion the LORD appointed the blessing and life for ever The LORD shall blesse thee out of Sion Psalm 128.5 We shall be satisfied with the goodnesse of thy house even of thine holy Temple Ps 63 4. See Psalm 36.8 9. 92.13 14. 4. GOD will deliver the Church out of trouble Thou shalt see peace upon Israel Ps. 128.6 Thou shalt see the good of Hierusalem all the dayes of thy life verse 5. The LORD will not cast off his people nor forsake his inheritance Ps. 94.14 Thus saith the LORD after seventy yeares be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you and performe my good word towards you in causing you to returne to this place For I know the thoughts that I thinke towards you saith the LORD thoughts of peace to give you an expected end Jerem. 29.10 11. They shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig-tree and none shall make them afraid for the mouth of the LORD 〈◊〉 Hosts hath spoken it Many nations are gathered against thee but they know not the thoughts of the LORD For he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floore Micah 4.4 11 12. When thus it shall be in the middest of the Land amongst the people there shall be as the shaking of an Olive-tree and as the gleaning grapes when the vintage is done Esay 24.13 See Esay 61.10 Deut. 4.29 30. Jeremy 33.6 Jeremie 31.12 Esay 27.5 7 8 9. CHAP. II. Promises 1. Against the seductions of Antichrist 1. THE faithfull are of GOD and overcome Antichristian Seducers 1 Iohn 4.4 2. The Elect cannot be seduced Mat. 24.24 Promises 2. For the d●struction of Antichrist The ten hornes which thou sawest upon the beast these shall ha●e the whore and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat h●● flesh and shall burne her with fire Rev. 17.16 There is a promise that Babylon shall bee cast into the Sea as a milstone Rev. 18.21 And a mighty Angell tooke ●p a stone like a great mill-stone and cast it into the Sea saying thus with violence shall the great city Babylon be throwne downe and and shall be found no more at all Each word almost hath a gradation in that an Angell a strong Angell taketh a stone and a great stone even a mill-stone which he letteth not barely fall but casteth and with impetuous force thrusteth in the bottome of the Sea whence nothing ordinarily is recovered much lesse a mill-stone thrust from such a hand and with such force CHAP. III. Promises For calling the Jewes THere is a promise made of calling the Jewes unto CHRIST and causing them to turn from their transgressions The Redeemer shall come from Sion and unto them that returne from transgression in Jacob Esay 59.20 They shall be graffed in againe for GOD is able to graffe them in as it is written there shall come out of Sion a deliverer and shall turne away ungodlinesse from Jacob Rom. 11.23 26. Before the second comming of CHRIST the Jews shall be converted and become a most famous Church againe and they shall be the meanes of the salvation of all the Elect that shall remaine to be converted among the Gentiles as the Apostle plainly teacheth there 25 26. verses I would not Brethren that yee should be ignorant of this mystery that blindnesse in part is happened to Israel untill the fullnesse of the Gentiles be come in and so all Israel shall bee saved In Hosea there are most sweet and comfortable promises to the Jewes 1. Of delivering them out of misery and making them to flourish againe comparing their wretched estate to death and their delivery to a resurrection Hos. 13.14 2. A promise of their repentance and turning unto GOD Hos. 14.2 3. 3. Of the forgivenesse of sinnes peace reconciliation verse 4. 4. Of a glorious Church 5 6 7 8. verses These promises which GOD hath made unto that nation that he will call them and make them his people againe should provoke us to pray for them as they did for us Cant. 8.8 CHAP. IV. Promises For bringing in the Gentiles THus saith the Lord Behold I will lift up my hand to the Gentiles and set up my standard i.e. the Gospell to the people and they shall bring their sonnes in their armes and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders and Kings shall be thy nursing Fathers and Queenes thy nursing Mothers that is GOD will stirre up the Princes of the Earth to be a protection to it and to shrow'd it under the wings of their authority The Apostle Iohn speaking of the new Jerusalem saith the Kings of the earth shall bring their glory to it Rev. 21.24 Other sheepe I have saith our Saviour meaning the Gentiles not yet called which are not of this fold them also must I bring and they shall heare my voyce and there shall be one fold and one shepheard Joh. 10.16 And the Gentiles shall come to thy light and Kings to the brightnesse of thy rising The aboundance of the Sea shall be converted un●o thee the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee Who are these that fly as a cloud and as the doves to their windowes they are the words of the Church wondering as it were at the sight of such a propagation as a cloude and Doves it is a prophesie of the Gentiles converted they fly as a cloud that is most swiftly and shall in such f●ocks come into the Church as if a whole flight of Doves driven by some hawke or tempest should scoure into the Columbary and rush into the windows The Prophet Esay almost in every Chapter speaketh of the vocation of the Gentiles as the 2. 9. the 11. the 18. the 42. and 45. See 49. Chap. 12. and Chap. 54.1 And Chap. 65.1 Amos 9.11 12. Ephes. 2.12 19. John 12.32 CHAP. V. Promises To Magistrates THe LORD
but the old in tables of Stone 8. The Covenant of nature was made in Paradise the other in Mount Sina 9. There was no Mediator of that this had a Mediator Moses Deut. 5.26 27. 10. That was made with all mankinde when man was perfect this with a certaine people after the fall The Old and New Covenant agree 1. In the principall efficient cause for there is the same Author of both GOD Ier. 31.31 2. In causa pröegumena the inward impulsive cause the mercy of GOD in both Luke 1.54 55 72 78. 3. In the meritorious procatarcticall cause there is one and the same foundation of both Covenants CHRIST Heb. 13.8 Rev. 13 8. 4. In the matter there is the same thing promised in both Rom. 1.1 2. 5. In the essentiall forme in both Covenants there is a mutuall obligation of GOD and the faithfull although of GODS part it is free of mans due Rom. 3.22 6. In the end which in both is the glory of GOD and salvation of man Heb. 11.8 9 10. 7. In the subject for GOD made both of them with the faithfull onely Rom. 3.26 8. In the adjunct the internall obsignation for both of them are sealed by the same HOLY GHOST to the faithfull 2 Cor. 1.22 Ephes. 1.13 The Old and New Co●enant differ 1. In respect of the Author or Covenant-Maker which was not CHRIST but GOD the Father of the Old or he made it then mediately and not Incarnate now immediately and from his owne mouth 2. In respect of the Mediator Moses was Mediator of the Old Levit. 26.46 Deut. 5. 27 28. CHRIST of the New Heb. 8.6 3. In their quality 1. In respect of liberty of old they had circumcision and the Passeover which were painefull and chargeable Seales and they were burdened with many carnall ceremonies we have bread and wine cheape and easie seales in comparison and are freed from the Ceremoniall Law Col. 2.14 that was a hand-writing against us the new is a rest for us Matth. 11.28 2. Clarity the old was obscure Heb. 9.8 2 Cor. 3.13 14. consisting in rites and ceremonies whereby CHRIST was darkely prefigured but the new is more plaine and perspicuous Iohn 1.17 then the Spirit was distilled by drops now there is a larger effusion of the Spirit Heb. 8.10 Ioel 2. which is repeated Acts 2. Tit. 3.6 Zach. 12.8 2 Cor. 3.12 they had the blood of CHRIST but shadowed onely in the blood of bulls and goates Heb. 9.18 Exod. 24.5 8. we have the very blood of CHRIST it selfe to seale unto our covenant Mat. 26.28 Heb. 9.12 10.4 Zach. 9.11 Cuius sanguis sistit omnem sanguinem as the Fathers say 4. In their quantity the new is larger and more extensive then the Old in respect of 1. Persons the Old Testament was appropriated to a few and did belong properly to the nation of the Jewes alone Psal. 76.1 none but Israelites and Proselytes had part in the promise the New extends to the Gentiles 2. Places that was proposed as to one people so in angulo tantum mundi in one land of Canaan this to all nations throughout the whole world 3. Times that was Temporary and to endure but a while viz. till the ●●rst comming of CHRIST this is perpetu●ll and shall last from CHRISTS first to his second comming Heb. 8.6 13. 10.4 9. 9.12 How hath GOD then honoured us in these daies of the Gospell who are herein beyond not Heathens onely who were without GOD and without the Covenant but even beyond Adam in his innocency and GODS Ancient people of Israel for we have a better Covenant then they had made upon better promises Heb. 8.6 upon better termes and conditions upon better evidences and assurances Since GOD hath thus abounded in love and mercy towards us we therefore should abound in knowledge faith love zeale and care to worship GOD publikely and privately with joy and singlenesse of heart I have hitherto handled the severall Covenants comparatively and that to give some light to the Covenant of Grace which I shall now speake of in a speciall manner as it is a Bundle of all the Promises The Covenant of Grace is expressed in these words I will be thy GOD and thou shalt be my people Ier. 31.33 In this Covenant GOD undertakes to free his people from all evill that m●y any way prove hurtfull to them and to bestow all good things upon them Temporall Spirituall and Eternall Gen. 17.1 2. Levit. 2.6.11 12. 2 Cor. 6.16 17 18. Heb. 8.10 11 12. We promise to choose GOD to be our GOD trust in him love and feare him and walke in obedience before him Exodus 15.2 20.19 24.3 7. David cals GOD his Lot and Portion Psal. 119.57 GOD is my portion for ever Psal. 16.5 6. Psal. 142.5 This was promised the faithfull in all ages that GOD would be their GOD and they should be his people Exod. 29.45 Revel 21.3.7 Zach. 13.9 Ezek. 36.28 Ierem 31.1 33. 1 Chron. 17.13 22.10 All the particular promises depend upon this maine Charter that GOD is our GOD one observes that throughout all the Scripture all the mercy promised and every promise wherein any happinesse is contained hath this Seale and I will be their GOD and they shall be my people If we could stedfastly beleeve and rest upon this promise we should finde more true comfort in it then in all the world besides This is the top of mans felicity when GOD takes him into Covenant When GOD Levit. 26. had spoken much by way of promise to his Church as That hee would give them raine in the due season c. That hee would set his Tabernacle among them c. at length he concludes all with this verse 12. I will walke among you I will even neighbour with you as it were and I will be your GOD and yee shall be my people David having prayed for many temporall blessings in the behalfe of his people That their sonnes might be as plants their garners full c. at length he windeth up all with this Epiphonema or conclusion Happie is that people that is in such a case but presently comes with an Epanorthoma or a correction of his former speech Yea rather happy is that people whose GOD is the LORD as if he had said that indeed is a happinesse in some kinde but nothing to this that is but Temporall this is Eternall The honour and happinesse of a nation and people Psal. 33.12 and also of particular persons Psal. 65.4 lyes in this that they have GOD for their GOD. He that is in speciall Covenant with GOD all that is in GOD is for him his truth for his security his love for his comfort his power for his protection his wisedome for his direction all that is in CHRIST is his his love his graces his merits He is his
Pro. 8.18 19. The blessing of the LORD maketh rich and hee addeth no sorrow with it Pro. 10.22 The LORD often promiseth plenty that the land shall yeeld her fruit that hee will give them raine in due season that there should be none barren but he would encrease them in all their substance both ground and cattell that they should eate old store that threshing should reach unto vintage Ezek. 36.30 Ioel 2.23 24 25. Levit. 26.4 5 10. 25.19 See Deut. 28. from 2. to 15. and Chap. 7. from 12. to 17. Psal. 23. Psal. 128. Pro. 3.9 10 16 17 18. and Chap. 8.21 1 Chron. 29.12 Those that waite upon the LORD shall inherit the earth Psal. 37.9 the like is in the 11 22 29 34. verses and Mat. 5.5 A good man leaveth an inheritance to his childrens children and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the Iust Pro. 13.22 Wealth and riches shall be in his house Psal. 112.3 In the house of the righteous is much treasure Pro. 15.6 Thou shalt lay up gold as dust and the gold of Ophir as the stones of the brookes thou shalt have plenty of silver Job 22.24 25. That was a speciall promise made to the people of Israel at their returne They shall flow together to the goodnesse of the Lord for wheate and for wine and for oyle and for the young of the flocke and for the heard c. Jer. 31.12 I will open unto you the windowes of heaven and powre you out a blessing that there shall not be roome to receive it Malac 3.10 2. Good successe and prosperity GOD hath promised prosperity to his children Both to their persons and their purposes They shall prosper that love thee Psal. 122.6 Prosperity shall be within thy palaces ver 7. Good understanding giveth favour Pro. 13.15 Doe according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded thee that thou maist prosper whithersoever thou goest Josh. 1.7 Then shalt thou make they way prosperous and then thou shalt have good successe ver 8. They shall spend their daies in prosperity and their yeares in pleasures Job 36.11 And all nations shall call you blessed for yee shall be a delight some land Malac. 3.12 The LORD taketh pleasure in the prosperity of his servants Psal. 35.27 Hee that feareth the LORD is and shall be blessed every way blessed Psal. 128.1 2.3 GOD will also give good successe to their purposes and indeavours Whatsoever hee doth shall prosper Psal. 1.3 this was verified in Ioseph Gen. 39.3 23. Thou shalt also decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee and the light shall shine upon thy waies Job 22.28 Commit thy way unto the LORD trust also in him and hee shall bring it to passe Psal. 37.5 Promises to GODS children in respect of their Calling Diligence in a calling hath many a sweet promise in the Word of GOD. 1. Abundance and plenty The hand of the diligent maketh rich Pro. 10.4 The soule of the diligent shall be made fat Pro. 13.4 He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread Pro. 28.19 at least sufficiency followes it He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread Pro. 12.11 See 27. verse That which is gotten by honest labour is preserved and multiplied Prov. 13.11 2. Protection GOD hath promised to protect those that keepe themselves within the limits of their calling Hee shall give his Angels charge over thee to keepe thee in all thy waies Psal. 91.11 that is so long as thou keepest thy selfe within the waies of thy calling so long shall my Angels preserve thee 3. Promotion it exalteth to honour and authority The han● of the diligent shall beare rule Pro. 12.24 Seest thou a man diligent in his businesse Hee shall stan● before Kings hee shall not stan● before meane men Prov. 22.29 4. Good successe The recompence of a mans hands shall be rendred unto him Pro. 12.14 They shall build houses and inhabit them they shall plant vineyards and eat● the fruit of them They shall not labour in vaine nor bring forth fo● trouble Esay 65.21 23. There yee shall eate before the LORD your GOD and yee shall reioyce in all that you put your hand unto Yee and your housholds wherein the LORD thy GOD hath blessed thee Deut. 12.7 Deut. 28.8 12. 5. It buildeth the house Pro 24.27 6. It makes sleepe comfortable Eccles. 5.12 The sleepe of a labouring man is sweet and pleasant whether hee eate little or much if little his labour breeds him rest if much his body being strong and hardned by labour causeth easie digestion and uninterrupted sleepe CHAP. VI. GOD hath promised not onely to give these outward things but to blesse them to his children HE will make that prosperous unto the Righteous which they possesse be it little or much Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body and the fruit of thy ground and the fruit of thy cattell the increase of thy kine and the flockes of thy sheepe Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store Deut. 28.4 5. Deut. 7.13 14. The LORD also will blesse thy fruit of thy wombe and the fruit of thy land thy corne and thy wine and thine oyle the increase of thy kine the flockes of thy sheepe there shall be neither male or female barre● among them or among your cattell Hee shall not onely enjoy the fruit of his labours but also be blessed in his fruit Psal. 128.1 2. The godly are in a better state for these outward things then the wicked in two respects 1. They have a spirituall right to them which the wicked have not they have these outward things onely by a generall providence during GODS pleasure but the faithfull have them as rewards of their righteousnesse as testimonies of GODS love and care of them 2. They enjoy them as they are a little gives them more content then plenty others Better is a little righteousnesse then great revenues without right Prov. 16.8 more comfortable in respect of inward peace the present use of this life and continuance Better is a little with the feare of the LORD then great treasure and trouble therewith Prov. 15.16 17. The blessing of the LORD maketh rich and hee addeth no sorrow with it Prov. 10.22 GOD giveth his beloved sleepe Psal. 127.2 The righteous eateth to the satisfying of his soule Pro. 13.25 See Esay 65.13 Eccles. 5.19 3.12 13. Prov. 17.1 THE THIRD BOOK CHAP. 1. 2. SPIRITVALL PROMISES 1. In regard of evill from Temptations 1. Of Satan in generall 2. To uncleannesse Comforts against the temptations of Satan THE Faithfull have a promise to preserve them from such temptations as are incident to their lawfull callings and which they cannot avoid unlesse they would forsake their calling Psal. 91.11 12. In all thy waies seeme they never so dangerous and full of temptation they shall beare thee up The man whose heart is upright shall finde
when hee seeth that their power is gone and there is none shut up or left Deut. 32.36 2 King 14 26. Going into captivity was a signe of the Israelites returning out of Captivity Faith will teach us to say he hath chastized me according as he hath threatned therfore he wil comfort me according as he hath promised Ier. 32.42 It will extract abundance of comfort in the most desperate distresses from those places 2 Chron. 20.12 Prov. 18.10 Esay 33.9 10. For the nature of it is to beleeve GOD upon his bare word and that against sense in things invisible and against reason in things incredible Heb. 11.1 David Psal. 56.10 though sorely afflicted yet rejoyceth in GOD because of his naked promise the woman of Canaan could picke comfort out of the reproachfull name of dog Hath not GOD promised and assured me not to faile nor forsake me but to uphold me in affliction and bring me through it and comfort me by it and glorifie me after it therefore I should with Abraham hope against hope and apprehend the certaine accomplishment of these promises by faith when sense and carnall reason see nothing but the contrary CHAP. III. Temporall Promises in regard of evill things Speciall Sicknesse Poverty Famine Warre Captivity Witchcraft or possession of the Divell Oppression Promises in regard of Sicknesse 1. TO prevent Sicknesse and keepe it away If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy GOD and wilt doe that which is right in his sight and wilt give eare to his Commandements and keepe all his statutes I will put none of these diseases upon thee which I have brought upon the Aegyptians for I am the LORD that healeth thee Exod. 15.26 Deut. 7.15 GOD will preserve his children from the pestilence Psal. 91.3 6 7 10. He will certainly deliver them from the hurt of it so as it shall not hinder the good or salvation of any in the godly mans house 2. If sicknesse be amongst us to helpe in it and remove it from us The LORD will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing thou wilt make all his bed in his sicknesse Psal. 41.3 And the LORD will take away from thee all sicknesse Deut. 7.15 And I will take sicknesse away from the midst of thee Exod. 23.25 In all our bodily infirmities and sore diseases we should remember some of these promises and lay hold on them by faith that wee faint not nor murmure Promises in regard of Poverty There is a generall promise made to all that feare GOD 1 Tim. 4.8 Psal. 34.9 10. Heb. 13.5 And many other speciall promises likewise which may comfort and strengthen the godly against murmuring and impatiency in hard times I will abundantly blesse her provision I will satisfie her poore with bread Psal. 132.15 Deut. 8.16 No rich man under Heaven can be so assured that hee and his shall be preserved from beggery as every poore Christian may be For though the LORD in infinite bounty doe bestow those blessings on wicked men in great abundance yet they belong to them onely ex largitate out of a generall providence but to the faithfull ex promisso out of GODS promise David beholding how much it vexed GODS children to see the wicked prosper in this world and the godly distressed of purpose made the 37. Psalme to hearten● the godly against this sore tentation which in all ages much troubled GODS people and there hee sheweth that the state of the godly is far better even in this life then that of the wicked 3 4 5 11 16. verses To the same purpose was made the 73. Psalme See Psal. 16.5 6. Psal. 23. Psal. 10.14 Psal. 109.31 He raiseth up the poore out of the dust and lifteth the needie out of the dunghill Psal. 103.7 I have beene young saith David in that 37. Psalme 25. verse and now am old yet have I not seene the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread Davids saying may be taken 1. as his owne observation in his time for he saith not the righteous is never forsaken but that he never saw it and it is a rare thing 2. which Exposition Master Perkins approves the righteous man is never forsaken and his seed too GOD may make triall of godly Parents by want but their godly children shall surely be blessed 3. hee saith hee never saw the righteous and his seed forsaken begging bread that is no not forsaken when they were begging their bread Whensoever wee are pinched with any earthly necessity we should runne to one of these gracious promises for if wee rightly beleeve them they will make us cast our care on GOD that careth for us and moderate our immeasurable carking after the things of this world moving us patiently to waite for the accomplishment of our desires or contentedly to want what GOD denieth Phil. 4.5 1 Pet. 5.7 Psal. 55.22 Psal. 37.4 5. Deut. 8.3 Promises for succour in Famine Particular promises for helpe in Famine and deliverance from it In Famine he shall redeeme thee from death Iob 5.20 The LORD will not suffer the soule of the righteous to famish Prov. 10.3 Behold the eye of the LORD is upon them that feare him upon them that hope in his mercy to keepe them alive in famine Psal. 33.19 In the daies of famine they shall be satisfied Psal. 37.19 If I shut up Heaven saith the LORD th●t there be no raine or if I command the Locusts to devoure the land if my people shall humble themselves and pray and seeke my face and turne from their wicked waies then will I heare from heaven and will forgive their sinne and heale their land 2 Chron. 7.13 14. In that day I will heare saith the LORD I will heare the Heavens and they shall heare the Earth and the earth shall heare the corne and the wine and the oyle and they shall heare Iezreel Hosea 2.21 22. When the poore and needy seeke water and there is none and their tongue faileth for thirst I the LORD will heare them I the GOD of Israel will not forsake them I will open rivers in high places and fountaines in the midst of the valleys I will make the wildernesse a poole of water and the drie land springs of water See Ioel 2.18 19. Zach. 8.11 12. 10.1 Mal. 3.10 GODS children in time of scarcity should live by faith Mat. 4.4 feede on the promise and depend on GODS allowance when our owne provision failes us then not to distrust the provision of GOD is a noble tryall of faith Promises to preserve from Warre and deliver from the Sword The LORD will preserve his children from Warre Thou shalt not see a fierce people Esay 33.19 The enemies being astonished shall be a prey to the Church ver 23. GOD will deliver them from the Sword as he saith Ier. 39.17 18. I will deliver thee in that day and thou shalt not be given into the