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A14801 Microbiblion or The Bibles epitome: in verse Digested according to the alphabet, that the Scriptures we reade may more happily be remembred, and things forgotten more easily recalled. By Simon Wastell somtimes of Queenes Colledge in Oxford. Wastell, Simon, d. 1632.; Wastell, Simon, d. 1632. True Christians daily delight. aut; Shaw, John, 1559-1625. Biblii summula. 1629 (1629) STC 25102; ESTC S119488 184,772 543

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for graues are giuen to Gog and to his mighty traine The Israelites for seuen months ● space are burying all the staine NOte here the feast that God doth make to euerie foule and beast How Isr'el once plagu'd for their sinne with blessings are increast Chapt. 40 OBserue the Prophets vision well the time manner and end Hee 's bid to see heare and obserue that Isr'el might attend POrch of the house with pillars post the breadth length measured be The gates courts chambers tables right I there described see Chapt. 41 QVickly then after was I brought the Temple to behold Where I saw measured euery thing and ornaments foretold ROund about all the wall was made Cherubins and Palme trees The Altar table of the Lord gates windowes all he sees Chapt. 42 SOuth East West North sides measured are fiue hundred reedes in space To separate the sanctuary from euery prophane place THE chambers where the Priests did eate and holy garments laid Putting their other garments on when they for people pray'd Chapt. 43 VNto the Temple God returnes and spake to me the while Saying this people shall no more my glorious name defile AWay with all your whoredomes vile your carkasses of Kings ●●r posts and thresholds set by mine which your destruction brings ●VT a wall onely was betweene your thresholds posts and mine if you will repent hereof ●nd will your hearts encline COntinually t' obserue these formes and will my lawes fulfill ●ell in the midst of you will I ●nd grant my blessing still ●Vely let Priests and Levites keepe for measures time and place ●se ordinances of th' Altar ●nd they shall find my grace Chapt. 44 ●EAst gate for Prince assigned is the Priests liue all at large ●ute the temple Couenant breake 〈◊〉 Gods things keepe no charge ●●om Priestly office and holy things I banish Leuites all Priests that mee forsooke and did 〈◊〉 foule Idol'try fall ●Ates of the house yet they may keepe and kill the sacrifice Zad●cks sonnes shall be my priests ●●ey kept my godly guise ●Ere learne how Priests in th'inner cou● in linnen must appeare ●●re the people when they serue ●st other garments weare ●ynd they are no wine to drinke 〈◊〉 yet their heads to shaue ●ddowes must they take for wiues maidens must they haue KEepe his lawes in assemblies all and sabbaths sanctifie They must and teach the people how things diuers to descry Chapt. 45 LAnds for the sanctuary Prince and city exprest at large And what the other tribes shall haue here is the Princes charge MY Princes let this land suffice which here ye doe possesse My people by exactions you shall no more oppresse NO violence nor vniust weights see vs'd in any place But iustly deale with euery man in euery kind of case OBlations and burnt offrings that Princes must prepare And people at each solemne feast here plaine declared are Chapt. 46 PRinces and people both are taugh● on sabbaths and new moones How for to worship what to doe and what to leaue vndone QVietly all the Princes land the sonne shall still possesse The peoples land he shall not take nor any more oppresse ROund about the Court corners were places for to bake And boyle the sin and meate offrings which people then did make Chapt. 47 SEE son of man how from Gods h● these holy waters flow ●●ey from my ancles to my loynes from loynes to floods did grow THese heale the waters of the sea giue life to euery land them are fish exceeding store ●on bankes the fishers stand VIle miry marishes thereof in which these riuers runne ●all not be heal'd but into pits of salt they then shall turne ALL trees for meat vpon the bankes of them shall grow and spring ●hose fruit endures whose leaues likewise shall health to nations bring BY lot the land ye shall diuide to th'tribes of Israel ●e strangers also lands shall haue which doe among you dwell Chapt. ●8 CAnaan coasts by portions to twelue tribes are diuided That part the City sanctuary and Prince hath is decided DImensions of the City gates and names here read and see ●he Cities name from that day forth IEHOVAH THERE shall bee DANIEL Chapt. 1 A Captiue is Iehojakin to mightie Babels King Who him and holy vessels eke to Shiners land doth bring BY Ashpenaz is Daniel brought with other children three That they might stand before the King new names imposed bee CRauing that they foure might abstaine from Kings defiling meat And might haue pulse and water giuen them onely for to eate DAniels countenance and the rest far fairer did appeare Then they that daily were refresht with Kings most dainty cheare EXceeding knowledge these foure had Daniel did vnderstand Both dreames and visions King could find none such in all his land Chapt. ● FOr all the sorcerers in the land the King of Babel sent ●o shew him his forgotten dreame An. Mundi 3348 and also what it meant GRieuously he was then displeas'd and said that he would kill The wise men all who his desire herein could not fu'fill HEre Daniel hindreth the decree and findeth out the thing He giueth thankes vnto the Lord and is brought to the King IN latter times what things shall be God hath O King foretold By this same partie image of clay brasse yron siluer gold KIng hauing heard the dreame declar'd and what should after chance Did worship Daniel gaue him gifts and highly him aduance Chapt. 3 LO here a golden Image made and worshipped of all Excepting three that would not kneele nor downe before it fall MAD is the king and doth command a furnace hett to bee Exceeding hot and bad therein to cast the children three NOw marke the wondrous workes of God how he preserues his owne No fire doth burne or hurt an haire of them in furnace throwne O Come ye forth then said the king blest be your God for aye That sent his Angels to preserue his seruants thus this day PVtting their trust in him alone they rather chose to burne Then at the Kings command to bow or to false worships turne QVickly will I now make a law that who so speakes a word Against the God of Israel shall perish by the sword Chapt. 4 REsting in my stately pallace a vision made m' affraid A mightie tree both high and broad with branches broad displaid SHake off the leaues saith watcher then hew downe the stately tree And let his portion be with beasts his heart let changed be THis is the meaning of the dreame O king and Gods decree Saith Daniel thou must leaue thy state and like a beast must be An. Mundi 3377 VNtill thou know and well perceiue that God doth gouerne still Both men and kingdomes giuing them to whomsoe're he will ACcept my counsell noble king by mercy and righteousnesse Breake off thy sinnes if by this meanes thou maist these ils redresse BEhold braue Babel quoth the king so stately built by me Then came a voyce and said
to the Lord you will obedient be Chapt. 7 KEepe fasts or no what they should doe they send to know and see In all your fasts you made saith God yo fasted not to me LOe should you not haue yeelded to my words spoke early and late By former Prophets when your land was in a rich estate MErcy and compassion shew vnto your needie brother And execute true iudgement all oppresse not one an other NO widdowes strangers fatherlesse see that you harme or hurt Against thy brother thinke no ill so much as in thy heart OF all these things they had no care they made their harts as stones And therefore from the Lord of hoasts came wrath on all at once PRaying to me I would not heare they would not heare me call Among strange nations for their sinne a whirlewind scattered all Chapt. 8 QVietly in Ierusalem and Zion I will dwell It shall a citie of truth be call'd Gods mountaine shall excell REstored so shall Salem be that men that are full old Shall dwell therein boyes in the streets thou playing shalt behold SAy it be maru'llous in mens eye should it be so with mee I le bring them home from countrie strange my people shall they be THen let your hands be strong all ye that here these words this day Great blessings both from heauen and earth you shall receiue I say VNto your neighbours speake the truth let peace bee in your gates Thinke ye no hurt loue no false oath for all these thing God hates ALL solemne fasts to chearefull feasts In Iudah God shall change Loue peace and truth therefore to you shall come a people strange BEfore the Lord let vs goe pray these nations then shall say They shall reioyce with Iewes to ioyne in seruing God that day Chapt. 9 CAst out shall all the Gentiles bee his Church defend will he Reioyce O Salem and Zion thy King doth come to thee DOminion shall thy iust King haue from sea to th' vtmost lands He by his blood hath quite set free thy prisoners out of bands EVen double will I giue to thee when I haue giuen thee power To conquer all thine enemies and them with mght deuour FIlled shall they be with all good things for his he will them take Young men and maides with corne and wine he shall full cheerfull make Chapt. 10 GOD giues his people grasse i' th field he giues them showers of raine Aske it of him all Idols hate they are both vile and vaine HOuses of Iudah and Isr'ell in loue I will regard But cruell goates their Gouernours shall haue their due reward IVda his house as goodly horse of his in warre he makes From out of him the corner naile and battell bow he takes KNock downe their enemies in the mire they shall with deadly wound Iehouah fighteth on their side they shall their foes confound LOrd euen their Lord and God am I and I will heare their voyce I le bring them to their place againe their hearts shall all reioyce ME in farre countries shall they mind and I will blesse them all Th' Assyrian and th' Egyptian pride and scepters downe shall fall Chapt. 11 NAked O Lebanon shalt thou be of all thy Cedars stout The fire the Firre trees eke shall burne the might ' are rooted out OF howling shepheards voyce is heard their glorious state is spoyl'd Of Lyons Roaring for the pride and Iordan's fame is foyl'd POssessors slaughter all the flocks that they of right should feed And say the Lord be blest for I am rich by this my deed QVite pitilesse I sure will be to th' dwellers in the land I le them deliuer to the Kings and also neighbours hand REfusing for to rescue them from cruell smiters deeds The poore distressed slaughtered flocks I will both watch and feed STaues two of beautie and bands I broke their shepheards off I cut The wages I was valued at I to the potter put THe foolish shepheard will not feed the tender lambes so deare Nor heale their hurts but eate their flesh and clawes in sunder teares VPon his arme and his right eye the sword of God shall bee O Idoll shepheard God will take wisedome and strength from thee Chapt. 12 A Cup of trembling will I make Ierusalem to all A heauy stone to crush and cut her foes in peeces small BEhold with madnesse horse and man in those dayes will I smite In Salems strength the Lord of Hosts shall rulers then delight COales of hot fire among the wood and like a torch I le make Ierusalem to make their foes in euery place to quake DEfended shall the dwellers be in those dayes you shall see Like Dauid euen the feeblest and Dauids house to be EVen as the Angell of the Lord there shall the people mourne To looke on him whom they haue pierc'd as one for his first borne FOr good Iosiah as they mourn'd in bitternesse of heart Each familie shall then lament the man and wife apart Chapt. 13 GRaciously in Dauids house a fountaine then shall run To wash away the wickednesse which they haue thought or done HE also will cut off the names of Idols from the land False Prophets here foule spirits call'd his force shall vnderstand IF any in the name of God shall preach lyes in that day Ashamed shall they be thereof their parents shall them slay KNowne by their garments made of haire worne to deceiue and lye They shall not be but then shall say I am not Prophet I. LEarning to play the husbandman and keeping beasts i' th field Man hath me taught and trained vp since first I was a child MY shepheard that 's my fellow smite ô sword arise awake The sheepe shall then be scattered the small ones I will take NOne in the land shall scape with life but third part of the same I sure will try as gold i' th fire they shall call on my name OF them thus clensed I will say it is my people deare And they shall say the Lord 's my God whom I will loue and feare Chapt. 14 PLagu'd be by nations Salem shall women shall be defil'd Halfe of the townes shall captiues goe their houses shall be spoil'd QVickly then will the Lord goe forth and with these nations warre The Mount of Oliues shall be cleft and Salem seene from farre ROyally then the Lord shall reigne o'er all the earth alone And there shall be one God one faith one true Religion SOre plagues Iehouah then will send vpon those people all That fought against Ierusalem they by consumption fall THe rest of all the nations then shall goe vp yeare by yeare To keepe the feast of tabernacles and worship truely there VNto Ierusalem to goe who will not take the paine To worship there vpon their land and them shall fall no raine ANd if that Egypt goe not vp who haue no raine at all The plagues that light on other lands on Egypt land shall fall BOth bells and bridles of the
those foes did quell They for their sinnes were all cast out thou alwayes didst rebell Chapt. 10 A Trend Gods loue in that he doth the tables here restore Continues Priesthood Moses heares loue feare his name therefore Chapt. 11 BE louing to the Lord thy God his wondrous workes thou saw Let blessings or his curse preuaile still study in his law COmmandements keepe and Canaan land which Egypt farre doth passe Ye shall enioy where raine doth fall in Egypt no raine was Chapt. 12 DEstroy all Idoll monuments see Altars ouerthrowne Worship both where and how he bids adde nothing of thine owne FAte thou no blood inquire not how those people seru'd their God Thou shalt not worship thy God so for feare thou feele his rod. Chapt. 13 FRiends neerest deerest of thy kinne if they thy heart will turne Or Citie to a false worship such kill and City burne Chapt. 14 GOds children must not shaue thēselues these meats vncleane refuse These holy feasts keepe to the Lord learne how all tithes to vse Chapt. 15 HElpe needy brother with reliefe let seruants now goe free If he will stay then bore his eare let firstlings holy be Chapt. 16 IN due time keepe these solemne feasts be franck when you appeare Choose Iudges iust but plant no groue neare God nor pillar reare Chapt. 17 KIngs must not horse money or wiues increase nor multiply But read and keepe the Law of God and so liue blessedly LEt spotlesse things be giuen to God let no Idolater liue In doubtfull cases let the Priest and Iudge their sentence giue MEn that refuse to condiscend to their iudgement shall dye So other will be sore affraid to deale presumptuously Chapt. 18 NOte here the Priests and Leuites due the Nations fashions flye Christ must be heard who preacheth ought that God bids not must dye Chapt. 19 OF Cities set apart for him that kills against his will Stirre no landmarkes two must witnesse to false the like fulfill Chapt. 20 PVt hartenings in the souldiers hearts let such and such be free Grant peace to them that peace accept let them thy seruants be QVite spoile and kill those cities males that dare thee to withstand The townes remote kill Cananites let fruit-tres grow and ● stand Chapt. 21 REad how to deale with man found plaine and how with captiue maid Regard first-borne stone stubborne child on tree let none be staid Chapt. 22 SEe how to deale with neighbours beast let none weare womans weed For meest rape adultery is death by God decreed THe dam and young thou must not take make house with battlement Make fringes of adulterers soule marke what 's their punishment Chapt. 23 VNcleannesse in the campe auoide and let no bastard venter Into the congregation till such a time to enter AFfraid who is of Masters house such one doe not oppresse These sacrifices deadly hate and Sodoms filthinesse BEware of biting vsury thy vowes God will require Nor grapes nor coine beare thou away eate what thou dost desire Chapt. 24 COncerning bills of diuorcement obserue what here is said Of pledges which thou must not take when hire is to be paid DIscharge new maried man from warre man stealers all must dye Let iustice still be done to all iudge right in leprosie Chapt. 25 EXceed not forty stripes to giue to brothers wife be kind The oxe must not be muzzeled blot Am'lecke out of mind FRom shamelesse and immodest wife thou must cut off her hand False weights and measures God abhorres let none be in thy land Chapt. 26 GIue thy first fruits in time to God his loue to thee declare Confesse and say he is our God and we his people are HE that doth pay his third yeares tithes must such confession make If wee serue him he sure will vs for his owne people take Chapt. 27 ISrael here commanded is on stones the Law to write Twelue tribes diuided six must blesse and six the curse recited KIll offer eate peace offerings before the Lord reioyce Build altar alwayes of whole stones ●eare and obey his voyce Chapt. 28 LOue feare obey the Lord thy God and he will greatly blesse If not he will such curses send as no tongue can expresse Chapt. 29 MY mercies great and workes ye saw fulfill then my desire If any blesse himselfe ● in sinne I le plague him in mine ire NOw stand they all before the Lord his people they shall see All secret things belong to God reuealed things to thee Chapt. 30 OBserue great mercyes promised to such as leaue their sinne The Law is cleare eternall death for such as laie therein Chapt. 31 POssesse yee shall all Can'an Land the Lord with you will goe Be strong ô Ioshua God will daunt the force of euery foe QVickly you will corrupt your waies when I am dead and gone And cause the Lord for backsliding to plague you euery one Chapt. 32 REad ye the law hear Iosuah chargd a song doth Moses giue To testifie against all those that should vngodly liue SEe Moses song which shewes Gods loue to them that will doe well But direfull vengeance to his foes and them that will rebell THeir hearts they must set on these words which he did testifie God sends him vp to Nebo mount to see the land and dye Chapt. 33 VPon his folke Gods glory shines this doth good Moses tell Before his death and then doth blesse the tribes of Israel ALl haue their seuerall blessings here as God of old decreed He is their God and therefore they all nations farre exceed Chapt. 34 BEholding Canan from the mount there Moses ends his dayes His age and buriall both obserue and his exceeding praise CHildren of Isr'el thirty dayes doe mourne in dolefull case Then Iosuah full of heauenly skill succedeth in his place IOSHVA Chapt. 1 ARise now Ioshua I le thee aide obserue my lawes aright Be valiant stout couragious An. Mundi 1493 and I thy foes will fright BEhold the land I promised is yours both farre and neare Euen all where euer you shall tread or shall in sight appeare COmmanded are the people here themselues for to prepare To passe floud Iordan Rubenites confesse they ready are DVely their promise made to keepe to giue their brethren rest Their fealty then to Ioshua they promise and protest Chapt. 2 EXceeding carefull Rahab is the spies to hide and saue From cruell King of Iericho who sought their liues to haue FOr this they make a couenant they promise life and sweare They hide in hills they bring ● good newes the land doth faint for feare Chapt. 3 GOe after th'arke then campes remoue and priests in Iordan stay The waters part ● the riuer's dry with ioy they passe away Chapt. 4 HEnce take twelue stones for Gilgal mount twelue more in Iordan set Tell sonnes that this is done that they Gods workes should not forget Chapt. 5 IOshua will'd to circumcise the Kings doe quake and feare The Passeouer no Manna more an Angell doth
God his mercies manifold to his doth still reueale KNow here the frailtie of mans life his dayes like grasse and flowers But vnto them that feare the Lord his mercy still endures LOe how the Angels are stir'd vp to praise the liuing Lord Marke how his seruants and himselfe thereto doe all accord Chapt. 104 MOst excellently in this Psalme the Prophet doth set forth Gods making of this world so wide with all his workes of worth NOte how he stirreth vp his soule to magnifie his name For his admired prouidence in gouerning the same OBserue how Dauid here doth pray against the wicked traine Who are the cause why God from vs his blessings doth detaine Chapt. 105 PSalmes of thanksgiuing Dauid bids all people here to sing Vnto the Lord and for his loue to feare him as their King QVickly to seek him in his workes and to remember well His loue his care and prouidence ouer all Israel REcord his care of Abraham and further vnderstand His loue to Ioseph and Iacob declar'd in Aegypt land SEe also ouer Moses mild his ● prouidence and care By whom his people Israell from bondage freed were THen see how through the Wildernesse they were by Moses led And how full forty yeares from heauen the were with Manna fed VNtill they came to Canaan that fruitfull promis'd land These things and more thou in this Psalme may'st fully vnderstand Chapt. 106 ATtend how that the Psalmist doth exhort all men to prayse The Lord for all his mercies great which doe endure alwayes BOuntefully he blest the iust who made their supplication To be againe brought to their land by his kind visitation CAlling to mind the wonders great which were in Aegypt wrought ' The peoples great ingratitude is to rehearsall brought DEuoutly they pray to be brought the Heathens from among That they might in their countrey praise the Lord with heart and tongue Chapt. 107 EXhorted by the Prophet here are all both young and old That are redeemed by the Lord and brought to his sheepfold FOr many mercies to giue thankes for his good prouidence Who ruleth all things and is still his Childrens sure defence GOod things and ill he sends to men that he might winne them so Prosperitie aduersitie he sends both wealth and woe HEreat as good and vpright men shall ioy and much reioyce Soe shall all ill mens mouthes be stopt not muttering any voyce Chapt. 108 IN this Psalme these things ● are contain'd first Dauid doth accord With heart prepared and with tongue to praise the liuing Lord. KNowing his promise to be sure concerning Israel That he should be the King thereof and other kingdomes quell LEarne that although God for a time his children seeme to hate Yet will he fight against his foes and ruinate their state Chapt. 109 MAliciously good Dauid was accused vnto Saul By flatterers he prayes that God would kill such enemies all NOw here of Iudas he doth speake who Iesus did betray And eke of all such traytrous foes that would Gods people slay OBserue that Dauid so desires to be set free from thrall That euen his enemies might know that God doth worke it all PRaises he then will giue to God not onely priuately But euen among the multitude and people publikely Chapt. 110 QVickned and much inlightned with sp'rit of Prophecy Of Christ our Prophet Priest and King Dauid doth testifie REad how Herod of his great power from Sion forth is sent Read how the Lord an oath hath made and neuer will repent SEe how of Leuies Priesthood here a finall end is made See how that Christ our king shall rule whole Kingdome shall not fade Chapt. 111 THe Psalmist stirreth all men vp by his ● example rare To praise the Lord for his great workes and for his loue and care VNto his Church and children shew'd whom he doth still maintaine With all things fitting for this life and which may soules sustaine ANd then he doth declare wherein true wisdome doth consist In fearing God obedience and faith in Iesus Christ Chapt. 112 BLest is that man the Psalmist saith that doth Iehouah feare Who doth delight in Godlinesse to whom his lawes are deare CVrst is the state of all those men that doe contemne the same They shall be grieued at the good and melt away with shame DAuid doth here expresly proue great gaine in godlinesse And of this life and that to come to haue the promises Chapt. 113 EXceeding earnest Dauid is to stirre vp our dull sense To magnifie the name of God for his good prouidence FOr that he workes quite contrary to natures course and order In sauing of the Church from harme in euery land and border GOD made vs for that very end that we his name should praise Who makes the barren women beare and poore mans state doth raise Chapt. 114 HEare how the Israelites were brought from out of Aegypt land Obserue the wonders that were wrought by great Iehouahs hand IN that the Sea in Iordan fled and Mountaines skipt like Rammes The Rocke gaue water earth did quake the Hils did leape like Lambes KNow therefore that we are to keepe Gods loue in memorie Who when the course of nature failes presetues miraculously Chapt. 115 LEarne how the Church doth beg of God for honour of his name To be preseru'd and Tyrants all to be destroy'd with shame MOlested by Idolaters they helpe and succour craue And trust in God most constantly that they his helpe shall haue NOt doubting thereof at their need sith he hath them redeem'd And as adopted sonnes receiu'd and fatherly esteem'd O How the godly are stir'd vp to trust in God their shield Who gaue the earth to sonnes of men and blessings dayly yeeld PRomise is made that they will praise his name for euermore If he will free them from their foes and them to peace restore Chapt. 116 QVite freed from danger and distresse when cruell Saul opprest Dauid doth magnifie the Lord who gaue him peace and rest REsolu'd he is to yeeld to him the sacrifice of praise To walke with him to pay his vowes to worship him alwayes SEe here the care Iehouah hath of all that doe him feare Their death is precious in his sight as of his Saints most deare Chapt. 117 THe Prophet Dauid here exhorts the Gentiles to accord And all the people of the world to praise the highest Lord. VNto them all as well as to his people Israel The promise made of life in Christ fulfilled is right well Chapt. 118 A Long time Dauid tipe of Christ was of King Saul reiected As also of his people all he was no whit respected BVt at the time which God had set he was made Isr'els King For which he bids all fearing God all thankfull praises sing CHrist Iesus King and his kingdome is vnder Dauid here Who was refused of his owne made manifest and cleare Chapt. 119 DAuid distressed grieuously doth comfort much his minde With this same Psalme and shewes wherein
the poore opprest set free Or else for all thy trusty rocke I sure will punish thee Chapt. 22 O King of Iudah thou and thine be iust doe no man wrong Then will I blesse if not I le burne your City now so strong POure forth no teares for those now dead but captiues state deplore Who must forsake their natiue soile and neuer see it more QVite quasht shall King Iehoiakim be and buried like a beast His heart is all for auarice his cruelty's increast RIghteously your fathers rul'd and they were blest therefore But woe to him that builds with wrong and so augments his store SPeaking to thee in prosperous state thou saidst I will not heare Thou and thy Pastors plagu'd shall be with exile shame and feare THough Coniah were most deare to me yet thus I haue decreed He shall be banisht neuer thriue nor any of his seed Chapt. 23 VNto the Pastors murthering soules the Prophet threatneth woe Good pastors after he prouides that will not starue them so A Righteous branch the Lord will raise THE LORD OVR RIGHTEOVSNESS By him his people shall be safe no end of his godnesse BOth Priests and Prophets are prophane adulterers abound The land laments and mournes for oathes all sort of men vnsound CAn any hide himselfe from me I heauen and earth do fill The Prophes feed my folke with lies a whirlewind shall them kill DOting dreamers let them dreame on my word teach faithfully Like fire and hammer t' is which breaks the rocke by Prophecy Chapt. 24 EVen as some figges are passing good and pleasant for to eat So will the Lord bring backe his owne and kindly them intreat FAmine the sword and pestilence shall wicked wretches wast As naughty bad and bitter figges no man can eate nor tast Chapt. 25 GOd hath me sent and many moe both early and late to call And bid you leaue your false worships but ye refused all HAuing oft heard and not obeyed they shall be plagued sore No milstones mirth nor candle light they shall haue any more IN Babylon full seuenty yeares the King there shall they serue But after I will plague that land as their sinnes shall deserue KIngs cause to drinke of this wine cup even Iudah's Princes all My sword shall moue and make them mad by it shall ● nation fall LOth if strange nations be to take the cup and drinke of it Say that my people haue ● begun and you shall not goe quite MIghtily shall Iehouah roare vpon his habitation Mens carkasses shall be as dung in euery land and nation NOw shepheards howle ye chiefe of flocks wallow in dust turmoyl'd The dayes of slaughter are at hand their pastures quite are spoyld Chapt. 26 OF all the words I bid thee speake diminish not a word If they obey they shall be blest if not I le plagues afford PRiests Prophets and the people all say Ieremy thou shalt dye The Princes said no cause of death they could in him espie QVit then in iudgement Ieremy is by two examples rare And is preseru'd from peoples rage by good Ahikams care Chapt. 27 REmaine shall they in their owne ● land that yeeld to Babels King But who refuse I will consume and plagues vpon them bring SVch Prophets false as tell you lies beleeue not what they say The treasures which were left behind the King shall beare away Chapt. 28 THen Hananiah falsly saith that two yeeres once expired Kings vessels captiues shall returne to their owne land desired VNt ' Hananiah Ieremie said Amen so may they fare Who prophesieth true or false the euent will soone declare ALL being present Hanani tooke from Ieremie's necke the yoake Of wood and said thus shall the yoke of Babels King be broake BRoken they haue the yoke of wood but thou for them shalt make Strong yron yoakes they must serue him and he their beasts shall take CAst off and cursed shalt thou be that mak'st them trust a lye Vnsent thou taught rebellion this yeare thou sure shalt dye Chapt. 29 DIrected vnto Babylon and to the captiues there A letter is from Ieremy that they should houses reare EAte you the fruites of gardens there which you your selues did plant Take wiues and pray for Babells peace then peace ye shall not want FAlsly vnsent they prophecie but let them not deceiue The dreames ye caused them to dreame in no case doe receiue GRaciously I will performe at th' end of seuenty yeares My promise made of your returne and free you from all feares HOme shall ye come and if you search for me with all your heart I will be found and heare your pray and will not from you part I Will the sword and famine send on King that sit on throne And on the people here at home and those are captiues gone KNow now the cause you hearkened not to that I did command But said the Lord hath Prophets rays'd for vs in Babels land LYing Prophets here two are slaine and rosted in the fire For villany in Israel a due deserued hire MAliciously ' gainst Ieremy Shemaiah a letter writes Which read the Prophet Ieremy his dolefull doome recites Chapt. 30 NOw God bids Ieremiah write the time to be at hand That all his people should returne and dwell in natiue land O Iacob I will breake thy yoake thou hast beene troubled sore Now shalt thou serue me and the King and shall be plagu'd no more PVt feare away thy spoylers all shall shortly spoyled be Because they thee an out-cast call'd I will giue health to thee QVietly then shall Israel rest reioyce freed from all paine A whirlewind from the Lord shall fall vpon the wicked traine Chapt. 31 REstore and build will I againe my Virgin Israel Reioyce of old I did thee loue and still will loue thee well SHew farre and neare that God will call and as a shepheard keepe His folke who shall in Sion sing they shall no longer weepe THeir Preists with fatnesse people eke with goodnesse I le suffice Cease mourning Rabel to bring backe their children God will raise VNto me turne saith Ephraim and turned shall I be As vnyok'd bullocke haue I beene and thou chastised me Asham'd I was I smote my thigh for sinne confounded sore Thy bowels yearnd thou brought me backe and angry wast no more BEhold how Christ is promis'd here how he his Church regards As he before afflicted sore much more he now rewards COuenant now then will I make my people shall they be I in their hearts will write my lawes their sinnes I will not see DEuider of the Seas hath built his Church so large and sure That it shall fi●me and stable stand while Sunne and Moone endure Chapt. 32 EScape thou canst not Babels King thou shalt see face to face For this he was in prison cast the King did him disgrace FOr rhine owne selfe buy thou my field thus saith Hananeel The writings Baruck keepes as signes that once they there shall dwell
as strong as theirs LOe I a watchman haue thee made if thou shalt warning giue And men shall leaue their wickednesse then thou and they shall liue MEn vpright if they fall and shall commit iniquitie And thou forewarne not thou and they shall then most surely dye NOw when I saw the glory of God I fell vpon my face Then said the Lord they will thee bind goe shut thee in thy place O Sonne of man I le make thee dumb to speake thou shalt forbeare But when I speake then shalt thou say rebellious people heare Chapt. 4 POurtray vpon a tyle as type Ierusalem of fame Pitch campes against her round about as signes or future shame QVietly first on lest side lye their sinnes lay on the City Then lye on right side to foreshew their spoyle without all pity REceiue wheat barley lentiles beanes millet and fitches take Make bread thereof and with mans dung see that the same thou bake SO shall they eate defiled bread with great astonishment And for their sinne shall pine away when all their food is spent Chapt. 5 THine haire cut oft burne some with fire some cut about with knife Some few bind in thy skirts rest burne as signes of fiery strife VPon them will I powre my plagues my statutes they haue chang'd Refusing my commandements from me th' are quite estrang'd A Famine sword and pestilence them therefore shall deuoure All people shall admire the plagues which I on them will powre Chapt. 6 BRoke downe shall all your Idols be your slaine men shall be cast Before your Idols Altars all and Cities shall be wast CAptiues which are dispers'd abroad some few shall scape the sword Who shall lament and loath themselues for casting off my word DIrefull famine sword pestilence shall so destroy their dayes That they shall know I am the Lord that smite for sinfull wayes Chapt. 7 ENduring ills and lasting plagues yea direfull desolation I le send vpon the land saith God for their abomination FVrious anger shall they feele I will no pity take But plague them for their sinfull pride of all I le hauocke make GReat famine sword and pestilence the sinfull sort shall proue Those that escape shall for their sinne on hills mourne like a doue HOrror and shame shall couer them in sackcloth shall they goe Their siluer shall they cast i th streets 〈◊〉 no wealth shall saue from woe 〈◊〉 glory he his Temple set ● there they set Idols vile ●eeues therefore therein enter shall ●●to spoyle and to defile KIng Prince and people shall be vex'd plague vpon plague I le raise 〈◊〉 bloody crimes they shall receiue 〈◊〉 according to their wayes Chapt. ● LOe here a fiery vision is shewed from the Lord Image seene of Iealousie which makes them all abhorr'd MAny foule beasts abominable and creeping creatures all 〈◊〉 Isr'els Idols there he sees 〈◊〉 pourtray'd vpon the wall NEere them did Isr'els ancients stand with censers in their hand ●●ense went vp and then they said God doth not vnderstand O Turne about and thou shalt see yet more abomination ●●r Tammuz women weeping sate and made great lamentation PErceiu'st thou not thou sonne of man how they adore the Sunne ●●r these their foule Idolatries they shall be all vndone Chapt. ● QVickly call them that haue the charge with weapons in their hand 〈◊〉 beside the brasse Al●●● 〈◊〉 ●●ith 〈◊〉 weapons 〈◊〉 RAyment of white one of them had with inkhorne at his side Vpon the Cherub where it was Gods glorie did not bide SET thou a marke saith God on those that mourne and crie for sinne Kill all the rest man woman child and at my house begin THen did I cry and say Ah Lord wilt thou such hauock make He said their sinnes were wondrous great he would no pity take VNto the man in linnen cloath'd God doth his will discouer And bids him fierie coales disperse euen all Ierusalem ouer AGaine he sees the vision at Chebar which appear'd Of Cherubins and wheeles which stood and were together rear'd Chapt. 11 BEcause like heathens you haue liu'd and vs'd their manners vaine Because your princes haue presum'd and many people slaine COnfounded shall you be with sword my plagues on you ●le spend Downe then I fell and said ah Lord wilt make a small end DEclared then it was to mee that though he cast out some He would their sanctuary be in countries where they come EStranged long and scattered though they faire off doe dwell Hee 'l bring them backe giue them againe the land of Israel FRom thence all detestable things they quite away shall take My spirit all their stony hearts shalt soft and fleshy make GRacious God to them I 'le be to me they shall be deare But I will surely plague them all my name that will not feare HEre Israels God the city leaues and doth on mountaine stand Ezek'el is againe conuai'd into Chaldea land Chapt. 12 IN midst of a rebellious house thou sonne of man dost dwell Who though they haue hoth eyes and eares heare and see ne'r a deale KNit vp thy stuffe goe from thy place this doe in peoples sight So shall the King and people all goe Captiues in th'twilight LIke as thou didst dig through the wall to beare thy stuffe away Vpon thy shoulders in that seige tell them that so shall they MOreouer quaking eate thy bread and trembling water drink It may be though they trecherous be they will themselues bethinke NO bread nor drinke shall they receiue nor any good thing tast Without great terrour for the land shall spoyled be and wast O Trecherous house because you say the dayes and visions faile Euen in your daies I le speake the word and you shall see 't preuaile Chapt. 13 PRophesie woes and plagues to light o● Prophets of Isr'el Who Fox-like their owne fancies teach and vaine false visions tell QVite ouerthrowne you shall all be you say Thus saith the Lord Setting your owne lyes still abroach when I spake no such word REnt in my rage with stormie showers and winds shall be the wall With your vntemperd morter made to th' ground it sure shall fall SO shall the daubers also fall that preach'd to Isr'el peace When there was none but bloody broyles were threatned to encrease TO women Prophetesses eke pronounce my curse and woe That hunt the soules of my deare Saints but let the guilty goe VIlely will you pollute my name for barly and for bread Will you make strong the wicked crew and make the righteous dread AGainst you will I set my selfe whom you hunt I will free And take them from your cruell hands but plagued shall you be Chapt. 14 BEfore me certaine Elders sate with Idols in their heart Should I saith God to such as these my minde and will impart COncerning mee who comes t' enquire with sinne before his face A signe and Prouerbe shall he be I 'le cut him from his place DEceiued if the Prophet be him I the
confounded at their might the nations then shall be They serpent-like shall licke the dust and feare because of thee NO anger thou retainest long in mercy dost delight Thy peoples sinnes thou dost forgiue and casts them out of sight NAHVM Chapt. 1 ATtend and marke O Niniueh thy burden plagues and woes God is a God of dreadfull wrath and furious to his soes BEhold he is full slow to wrath and of compassion great His way is in the whitlwinds fierce clouds are dust of his feet CArmel doth languish at his looke the rocks he downe doth thrust But he is good and kind to those in him that put their trust DArknesse shall still pursue his foes thy bands yet shall be burst Thine images I will cut off Thy graue I le make i' th duft ESteeme the feet of him that brings and tydings tels of peace O Iudah keepe thy feasts and vowes thy raging foes shall cease Chapt. 2 FOrtifie thou ô Niniuie for armies full of might Iehouah now prepared hath against thee for to fight GReat preparation here is made marke chariots how they run Like flaming torches in the streets Marke Niniuie quite vndone HVzzab the Queene shall captiue be maids beating on their breasts Take ye the spoyle of siluer gold they empty all her chests IN all their loynes much paine is felt there 's blacknesse in their faces I am against you saith the Lord I le driue you from your places Chapt. 3 KIlling Niniuie full of blood thy wofull pl●gues now heare The souldier shakes his brandish'd sword and eke his glistering speare LAdy of whoredomes and witchcrafts men stumble at thy slaine Because of all thy filthy sinnes which doe in thee remaine MIserable I will thee make and blaze abroad thy name I will procure that nations shall and Kingdomes know thy shame NIniueh now is laid full low thus shall the people say No was as populous as she and yet was driuen away O King thy shepheards are a sleepe thy nobles dwell i' th dust Thy men disperst vpon the hils in whom thou put thy trust PLagu'd for thy sinne most grieuously thou art with fire and sword No man vnto thy deadly wounds can any cure afford HABAKKVK Chapt. 1 ABout the righteous wicked men doe compasse still and throng Therefore the law dissolued is their iudgements all are wrong BEhold the burden of the Lord which Habakkuk did see For spoyling and for violence and great iniquitie COmplaining of these grieuous sinnes how long Lord shall I call And yet thou wilt not heare me cry nor saue vs out of thrall DReadfull things and incredible will I worke in your dayes Caldeans fierce and furious foes I will against you raise EVen as the Eagles flie to eat so they shall come from farre Their horses swift as leopards more fierce then wolues for warre FOR violence they all shall come and captiues take as sand They shall at Kings and Princes scoffe and quite destroy the land GRacious and most holy God that liues eternally Thou for correction hast them sent thy people shall not dye HOld'st thou thy tongue at wickednesse or can thy pure eyes see When sinfull men deuour the iust more righteous far then he IN nets and drags of yron they catch and carry all away To them with ioy they sacrifice Lord shall they alwaies stay Chapt. 2 KEepe well my watch will I and see what God vnto mee saith He bade me write and waite a while the iust shall liue by faith LOfty lifters vp of themselues on earthly things that rest Their soules within them are not right but are with care opprest MArke here the iudgements of the Lord vpon Caldeans all Which for their greedie auarice must sure vpon them fall NAtions many hast thou spoyl'd the rest shall thee destroy The bloody spoyling of the land their soules shall sore annoy OV● of the wals of that mans house shall stones and timber cry Which he hath built with sinfull gaine to set his nest on hie PRoud builders of a towne with blood they are of God abho●d That people toyle and work i' th fire all this is from the Lord. QVake for thy woes who euer thou be that giues thy neighbour drink That thou maist see his nakednesse hereat God will not wink REproach and shame shall thee befall for violence of the land The violence of thy furious foes to spoyle thee is at hand SIluer and guilded Images that teach nothing but lyes Woe to the worshippers thereof Iehouah they despise Chapt. 3 THy voyce Iehouah when I heard I trembled at the same Reuiue thy worke in midst of yeares O Lord make knowne the same VTterly Lord forget not thine haue mercy in thy mind His glorie couer'd heauen and earth his brightnesse clearly shin'd A Pestilence before him went the mountaines scattered be The sunne stood still at thy command and seas diuided be BEholding thee the mountaines quak't thou enemies doest smite Who to deuour the needy poore in secret doth delight COmming vp with his mightie troupes to spoile vs all at once I quak't for feare and rottennesse did enter in my bones DEstroy'd though fruits and flocks shall be though euery thing decay Yet in the Lord will I reioyce he is my strength and stay ZEPHANIAH Chapt. 1 ALL men and beasts all fish and fowle I will take quite away Ierusalem and Iudah both with plagues I meane to pay BAals remnants all I will cut off and reliques from this place False worshippers and backsliders I le vtterly disgrace CHemarims names with all false Priests and them that sweare by God And also by their Idols sweare shall not escape my rod. DIligently who sought not God their plagues he will increase Gods day of vengeance is at hand Let all men hold their peace EVery one both King and Prince and who strange vestures weare Who get their gaine by force and fraud sore punishments shall beare FRom fish-gate is an houling heard great crashing from the hils Your Merchants bearing siluer store the souldier spoyles and spils GOD will doe neither good nor ill who say thus in their heart And who are setled in their lees full sore I make them smart HOuses a desolation a bootie goods shall be The stranger shall drinke vp your wine your lands possesse shall he I Will bring great disstresse on men in that darke gloomy day Their flesh as dung their blood as dust I le powre vpon the way KNow that thy siluer and thy gold in no stead shall thee stand A speedie riddance will he make of all that dwell i' th land Chapt. 2 LEst yee be plagu'd returne to God repent yee people all Seeke ye the Lord ye meeke on earth before his anger fall MAny a mightie nation is made a desolation The Cherethims the Philistims for their abomination NEttles in Ammon shall increase and Moab people vile As Sodom salt-pits shall be made for they my folke reuile OF these and more for cruell pride the Lord will
shent DOe this saith Ioseph and you shall at liberty be set Your brother Ben you told me of goe all saue one and fet Euen then they haue remorse in heart and say one to another God plagues vs iustly for our sinne in selling of our brother FOr pledge is Simeon kept in ward with corne they home doe goe Tell all to Iacob who will stay his Ben he loues him so Chapt. 43 GOe buy some food good Iacob saith the sonnes they durst not goe Except he would send Beniamin for Ioseph charg'd them so HE very loth yet sends his sonne they Presents bring to 'th Court Ioseph confers his brother calls and feasts in wondrous sort Chapt. 44 IOseph to stay his brethren still commands that coyne with corne Should both in their sackes mouth be put with them backe to be borne KNow that in sacke of yongest sonne was Iosephs cup conuay'd Which found they feare the fathers pledge for Ben would now be stayd Chapt. 45 LOe now doth Ioseph make himselfe knowne to his brethren deare Them comforts in Gods prouidence and bids them not to feare MY father Iacob fetch quoth he and bid him come to me For him and his I will prouide in Goshen dwell shall he NOw when the King of this did heare he is full well content And bids all needfull furniture for iourney should be sent OH how they kisse and weepe for ioy he bids them all agree When Iacob heares this ioyfull newes * An. Mundi 2240. a ioyfull man is he Chapt. 46 PAssing great comfort from the Lord he at Beersheba finds Thence he and his to Egypt goe with all things to their minds QVietly all this number goes Ioseph doth Iacob meet He tells his brethren what to say when Pharo shall them greet Chapt. 47 REporting that his friends were come fiue brethren he presents With his father before the King who giues them their contents SEe here how Ioseph gets the coine the cattell and the land All that the Egyptians did possesse into King Pharaos hand THe Priests land was not bought nor sold old Iacobs age is here To bury him with forefathers he maketh * An. Mundi 2255. Ioseph sweare Chapt. 48 VNto his father being sicke he comes and sons doth bring Old Iacob lifteth vp himselfe to giue them his blessing ALmighty God appear'd quoth he to me in Canaan land And said I will thee multiply and make thy seed as land BEhold Manasca * An. Mundi 2280. and Ephraim as his owne sonnes he takes Of mothers graue of their returne old Iacob mention makes Chapt. 49 CAlling his sonnes in blessing them he doth particularize He chargeth where to burie him and then forthwith he dyes Chapt. 50 DEath hauing Iacobs dayes dissolu'd here read good Ioseph's praise Who weepes and bids he should be balm'd they mourne full forty dayes EXceeding willing Pharaoh is that Ioseph's house should goe To bury Iacob as he sware with many Elders moe FOrgiuenesse Ioseph's brethren craue he grants them their request He will maintaine both them and theirs in quiet peace and rest GReat age he liu'd and of his sonnes he saw three ● generations He makes them sweare * An. Mundi 2310 his bones to beare and foretells their translations EXODVS Chapt. 1 AFter good Ioseph's funerall Isr'el did multiply Though new ● King Pharoh them opprest with rage most cruelly BInding the midwifes that in birth each manchild should be kill'd But they fear'd God and did refuse then brookes with babes were fill'd Chapt. 2 CAst out is Moses sweet fac'd in flaggy arke is thrust Kings daughter finds him seekes a nurse hee 's twice of mother nurst DEliuered then to Court he was he an Egyptian slew At Hebrues checke he fled and wod God did their troubles view Chapt. 3 EVen as he kept his fathers sheep he sees a bush on fire God was therein and Moses fear'd of him God did require FRom Pharohs curst and cruell bonds his people for to bring Tell them I AM hath charged thee to free them from that King Chapt. 4 GOe doe these wonders Moses rod is turned to a snake His hand is leprous loath he is this taske to vndertake HIm Aaron meets and must assist from Iethro Moses hyes Gods message vnto Pharoh sent his wife doth circumcise INto the desart Aaron goes meets Moses sent by God Isr'el beleeued and did hope for freedome from that rod. Chapt. 5 KIng Pharoh chides Gods messengers and doth Iehouah dare The peoples taske he doth increase for plaints he doth not care LOud cry their officers to the King they Aaron doe disdaine And Moses then he to the Lord doth pray and sore complaine Chapt. 6 MOses relates Gods couenant of Reubens off-spring read Of Simeon and Leui whence Moses Aaron proceed Chapt. 7 NOw Moses old to Pharoh goes his rod becomes a snake So wizards ● doe the brookes are blood his heart God hard doth make Chapt. 8 O Moses pray frogs flyes and lice doe vexe King Pharoh so That Wizards fayling he inclines but will not let them goe Chapt. 9 PLagu'd are the beasts with murraine much sore botches sent and hayle Now Pharo seemeth to repent yet all will not preuaile Chapt. 10 QVite is the land with Locusts fill'd his seruants turn'd his heart And he somewhat inclines to let the Israelites depart REpent he seemes he prayes them pray for freedome from that ill Darknesse is sent hee 's call'd againe the King is hardned still Chapt. 11 SEe now hee 'll thrust you out require their Iewells first borne slaine Egyptians cry his owne are safe the King withstands againe Chapt. 12 THis moneth tenth day kill paschall lambe obserue thereof all rites Besp●inkle posts first borne are slaine driuen out are th'Isra'lites VNto Succoth great numbers come with flocks and riches great The Passeouer ordained is thereof learne who must eate Chapt. 13 ALl the first borne vnleauened bread as signes doth God require The Passouers memoriall as Moses did desire BOrne are good Iosephs bones from thence and they to Etham came God guides them in the day by cloud and in the night by flame CVrst Pharo cruelly pursues a deadly warre to make God tells his people what to doe and what way they should take Chapt. 14 DIstrest with feare they murmure but from Moses comfort sound They passe the Sea vpon dry ground but Pharo's host is drownd Chapt. 15 EVery one sung prayse to God as it was very meet The people grudge twelue wells are found the bitter water's sweet Chapt. 16 FRom God are quailes and Manna sent which vs'd not right doth rot None could be found on sabbath day an homer put in pot Chapt. 17 GRudging for water God commands him strike the rocke with rod By prayers force Amaleck's queld an Altar built to God Chapt. 18 HIs wife and sonnes old Iethro brings hee 's glad and offers prayse Giues Moses counsell how to rule which done he goes his wayes Chapt. 19 ISr'ell say my voyce
obey I brought you forth with wonders They promise must not touch the mount they tremble at the thunders Chapt. 20 KNow here the ten Commandemēts giuen they will'd are not to feare Nor any Gods to haue but him nor hew'd stone altar reare Chapt. 21 LEarne lawes for seruants and for them that doe their parents ban For killing stealing goaring and smiting or hurting man Chapt. 22 MArke theft forbid no damage doe of trespasses beware For borrowing oxe sheepe or ought no fornicator spare NO witch nor bestiall man shall liue fly all Idolatry No widow stranger orphan vex take heed of vsury O Keepe not poore mans rayment layd as pledge with thee all night Doe reuerence to Magistrates first fruits pay me of right Chapt. 23 PVt farre away a slanderous tongue no wicked witnes beare Be iust to all loue charity the sabbaths keepe with feare QVietly these three feasts obserue let land the seuenth yeare rest See what to doe with blood and fat all Idolls names detest REpay first fruits vnto thy God an Angell will I send Whom if thou serue he will thee blesse and from all foes defend SEe that thou bow not to false Gods nor imitate their wayes Feare God and sicknesse hee 'l remoue and will prolong thy dayes Chapt. 24 TO 'th Mount goe seuenty Elders call'd Moses alone drawes neare He sprinkles Altars with the blood Gods glory doth appeare VNto the Lord they say they le yeeld they see most glorious sights Moses ascends the mount and stayes full forty dayes and nights Chapt. 25 AN offering bring for tabernacle make arke with gold o'relayd Candlestickes table Cherubins and all as God hath said Chapt. 26 BOards sockets bars curtaines make eleuen of the goats haire Ram skins doore hangings also make a vaile for th'Arke prepare Chapt. 27 COurt hangings pillars Altars marke with vessels all of brasse Pure oyle for lamps and lasting lights make all as patterne was Chapt. 28 DEcke Aaron with brestplate robe plates for his miter make Vrim Thummim vestures and bells all these for Priesthood sake Chapt. 29 EAch Priest wash decke consecrate as God here Moses tells At morne and night giue God a lambe his promise there to dwell Chapt. 30 FIrst guilded Altar then lauer by Moses must be made The holy oyle the sweet perfume soule ransome must be paid Chapt. 31 GOd here appoints Bezaleel he tabernacle makes They must not worke on Sabbath day the tables Moses takes Chapt. 32 HOt was Gods wrath for golden calfe by Moses hee 's appeas'd Tables are broken numbers slaine by prayer people eas'd Chapt. 33 I Meane to stay goe on your way from campe my tent remoue The people mourne then he to them and Moses shewes his loue Chapt. 34 KNow here the tables are renew'd God doth proclaime his name Moses intreats his company he will protect from shame LEagues with the heathen make thou none lest they thy soule insnare Destroy their pictures altars groues false worships all beware MOses descendeth from the mount and hides his face with vaile Obserue these lawes and I thy foes with wonders will assaile Chapt. 35 NO man must worke on Sabbath day great gifts the people bring Bezaleel makes the ● tabernacle a great and glorious thing Chapt. 36 OF peoples offrings stay is made the things were nam'd before As couering curtaines bars are made with hangings for the doore Chapt. 37 PVre gold the Arke is guilded with the Cherubs Mercy seat The altar table candlestickes are made with oile most sweet Chapt. 38 QVickly are altar lauer court all by Bezaleel wrought The summe of siluer gold and brasse which Isr'els people brought Chapt. 39 RObe Ephod brestplate Miter plate with garments more lesse The girdle all these Moses sees approues ● and all doth blesse Chapt. 40 SEt vp anoynted tabernacle Moses his care and praise Gods glory seene his will perform'd cloud guides them on their wayes LEVITICVS Chapt. 1 ALl spotlesse males out of thy herd and flocks must offred be And foules for thy burnt offerings their dressing manner see BVt thou must offer willingly thy hand on head must stay The Priest must kill and sprinkle blood and it on altar lay Chapt. 2 COncerning the meat-offering made of the finest flower But frankincense thereon thou must and oyle vpon it powre DOe this if in an ouen or plate thine offering bak'd shall be Or fried in pan no leuen thou nor hony there shalt see EAres of greene corne well dried thou must for thine oblation bring For thy first fruits and offer salt in euery offring Chapt. 3 FOr a peace offring sacrifice of male or female kind Out of the herd see that no spot nor blemish I doe find GOd bids here kill and lay on hands kidneyes ye shall not eate But burne besprinkle the altar learne what must serue for meat Chapt. 4 HEre he that thorough ignorance Prince Priest or people shall The Law of God transgresse and sinne let them for mercy call IN such a case must bullocks blood or goats or kids be shed For that same sinne and as before to God be offered Chapt. 5 KNow thou that dost thy knowledge hide in touching vncleane things Or sinn'st in making of an oath learne thy trespasse offrings LAmbe kidd foules flower in sacriledge like offerings are due A lambe is slaine for ignorance of things they neuer knew Chapt. 6 MArke here the trespasse offering for sinnes done wittingly The Law of the burnt offring learne where fire must neuer dye NOw learne the law of meat offrings and of Priests consecration Learne what the Priests must doe when they for sinne doe make oblation Chapt. 7 OF trespasse offering learne the lawes and of peace offring soe Whether it be a thanksgiuing a vow or gifts most free PRiests portion in the peace offerings is shoulder and the brest No man must eate the fat nor blood but they may eate the rest Chapt. 8 QVickly take Aaron and his sonnes and thus them consecrate Then Moses washeth clothes ● annoynts them for that priestly state REad here what their sinne offring is and burnt offrings likewise The ramme of consecration the place the time the guise Chapt. 9 SEe the first offrings Aaron made for him and people all Which Moses taught him after that the Lord to him did call THe sinne and the burnt offerings which he and people gaue ●re here set downe they pray that God would all his people saue VNt ' all the people then the Lord appear'd most graciously ●ire came from him vpon th' Altar the people shout and cry Chapt. 10 AS Aarons sonnes strange fire did bring So fire them both doth burne The Priests are here forbidden wine and Aaron must not mourne BEside the Altar must the priests eate offrings made by fire Aarons excuse for breach thereof Contents Moses desire Chapt. 11 COme learne what beasts what fish and sowles God doth appoint for meat Vncleane and creeping things touth not be holy doe not eate Chapt.
12 DEliuered wife must in her time bring Lambe for sacrifice Or Turtles two and on th' eight day the childe must circumcise Chapt. 13. ESpie out Leprosie in haire in skin flesh bile or cloath Put such apart them purge with fire with water or with both Chapt. 14 FOr clensing of a Leper learne to anoynt or to descry And how to purge a house that is infect with Leprosie Chapt. 15 GOd here declares how men to clens● and women eke likewise For vncleane issues what to giue to God for sacrifice Chapt. 16 HEre learne how high priests enter 〈◊〉 into the holy place What for himselfe he offer should and people in like case INto the desert with their sinnes the scape goat must be sent Atonement made their yearely fast by Gods commandement Chapt. 17 KIll nothing in nor out of campe to 'th doore thy offrings bring Blood where is life see thou eate not nor any torne dead thing LEt no man sacrifice to Deuills but to the Lord alone Who breaketh any of these lawes must be cut off each one Chapt. 18 MAke no vnlawfull mariages incestuous lusts abhorre To Moloch offer not for these the land was plagued for NO buggerer nor beastly man let liue in land with thee Their wicked customes follow not then blessed shalt thou be Chapt. 19 OBey thy God yeeld filiall feare keepe Sabbaths Neighbours loue Adultry witchcraft lying theft far from thy soule remoue PVt farre away reuenge and hate let not thy brother sinne No stranger vexe be righteous and so Gods fauour winne Chapt. 20 QVite cut off Moloch mungers all with all the beastly ●out ●o Paren●-cursers be thou pure lest land doth spue thee out REgard no wizards lest thou dye thy selfe doe sanctifie All incest and vncleannesse shunne the Countrey manners flye Chapt. 21 SEe how the Priests must Virgins wed his estimation saue His whorish daughter must be burnt he must no blemish haue THe Priests must mourne but for his kinne they needs must holy be No blind lame crooked drawse as Priests shall offer gifts to me Chapt. 22 VNcleannesse is foure wayes procur'd vncleane Priests must refraine From holy things vntill that they be washt and clens'd againe ALL strangers seruants soiourners in Priests house must not eate The age of Sacrifices learne which must be that dayes meat Chapt. 23 BEhold the feasts which God commands that Moses should proclaime The Sabbath feast of Pentecost for honour of Gods name COmming into your fruitfull land when you your field shall reape A solemne feast of your first fruits you solemnly shall keepe DAyes seuen eate all vnleauened bread leaue gleanings for the poore Tabernacles and trumpets feasts come fast the Lord before Chapt. 24 EVening and morne the high Priests must dispose the oyle for light And the Shew bread blasphemers must be ston'd in all mens sight FOr killing man man must be kill'd beast killer makes it good Breach for a breach a tooth for tooth God will haue blood for blood Chapt. 25 GOd bids that fields the seuenth yeare rest and bondmen all be free In fiftieth yeare how houses men and lands restor'd must be HEre fruit the land shall largely giue ye shall in safety dwell ●f these my statutes ye obserue and keepe my iudgements well IF brother stranger soiourner be poore and in decay Releiue them vsury and increase let no such poore man pay Chapt. ●6 KNow keepe doe these Gods commands and then thou shalt be blest ●espise his lawes and looke for plagues the Lord will thee detest LEt grauen pictures none be made in land no pillar reare ●e thou religious who repents the Lord will him forbeare Chapt. ●7 MEn making certaine vowes to God those persons be the Lords ●arke here what estimation God to the Priest affords NOthing deuoted sold shall be no man beast house or fields ●y tithes pay truly to the Lord of all the Country yeelds NVMBERS Chapt. 1 ALl fit for warre by Moses here and Princes numbred be Euen tribe by tribe yet Leuites are exempted and set free Chapt. 2 By their owne standards orderly they campe and pitch their tents Each tribe his captaine hath Leuites with tabernacle went Chapt. 3 CHarge here of holy things is giuen to Coha●h and Gerson To Merari for the first borne is ● Leuies tribe alone DEliuered is the ouerplus of money to Aaron Which Moses had of th' Isra'lites redeeming their first borne Chapt. 4 Ele'zers charge to Leuites care their age and time respected Commit thē●●●iage of the tent by Priest they are directed Chapt. 5 FRom out of campe exclude vncleane confesse the wrong restore Gifts are the Priests suspected wise is tryed the Lord before Chapt. 6 GIue ye no wine to Nazarites let them not shaue their head All dayes of separation nor must they mourne for dead HEre is the forme the Priests must vse Gods people for to blesse God thee preserue still on thee shine his Gratious loue expresse Chapt. 7 IN ample sort the Princes giue to those two dedications From mercy seat God of his will to Moses makes relation Chapt. 8 KNow how the lights must lighted bee the Leuites consecrated How long to serue and when to cease by Moses is related Chapt. 9 LEt Passeouer be kept first month and second by some men A cloud of fire directs and guides the Arke whither and when MOnth day and houre appointed here with all the holy rites And ceremonies of the same wherein the Lord delights Chapt. 10 NOw th' use of siluer trumpets learne to Paran they remoue The order of their marching marke Hobab sees Moses loue OBserue when arke remoues or rests Moses on God doth call To turne to Israel and to quell and scatter enemies all Chapt. 11 PRayer of Moses quencheth fire for flesh they weepe and cry Manna is loathed Moses eas'd with quailes in mouth they die Chapt. 12 QVarrelling with their brother mecke the Lord doth testifie His loue to Moses Miriam strikes with loathsome Leprosie REad how at Moses prayer she is healed of her paine Seuen dayes shee 's shut out of the hoast and then receiu'd againe Chapt. 13 SEarchers are sent commend the land huge grapes from Eshcol bring Some fright with Giants Caleb bids go on feare no such thing Chapt. 14 THe people murmure at the newes but Ioshua cheeres them still And Caleb God doth threaten all the rebels for to kill VNto the Lord then Moses prayes obtaineth at Gods hand A pardon but the murmurers must not come in the land A Plague destroyes the slanderers them also God doth kill That would inuade the holy land without his holy will Chapt. 15 BRing ye these offrings to the Lord let strangers doe likewise For ignorance and error kill the goat for sacrifice CVt off presumptuous sinners all the * An. Mundi 2465 sabbath-breaker note Who must be ston'd God bids them all make fringes on their coat Chapt. 16 DAthan * An. Mundi 2467 Korah and Abiram gainst Moses doe
conspire The earth doth swallow some vp quicke some are consum'd with fire ELeazer to holy vse their brasen censen keepe Fourteene thousand and seuen hundred a plague away doth sweepe FO●thwith then Aaron incense sweet and fire from th' altar takes He stands betweene the sicke and whole and so the pest'lence stakes Chapt. 17 GOd bids that Princes of each tribe should rods to Moses giue Whose rod God chuseth * An. Mundi 2470. Aarons rod doth blossome grow and liue HIs rod is left for monument did buds and almonds beare The rebells murmuring shall cease the people quake for feare Chapt. 18 INiquitie of Priesthood here and sanctuary is layd On Aaron and his sonnes to him by Leuites tithes are paid KNow that the portion of the Priests and eke the Leuites charge Their office and their offerings are here set downe at large Chapt. 19 LEt red cowes blood be sprinckled which burnt her ashes take And let the clensed man thereof a clensing ● water make Chapt. 20 MVch murmuring they water want at Kadesh * An. Mundi 2490 Miriam dies Moses desires passage here but Edom flat denies NOw Aaron to his sonne resignes he dies his race is runne Then all the house of Israel full thirty dayes doe mourne Chapt. 21 OG and Sihon are vanquished at Hormah they destroy King Arad not without some losse the serpents sore annoy PLaguing them for their murmuring yet when they did repent They all are healed by looking on the brazen serpent Chapt. 22 QVickly for Balam Balack sent he first denyes but went The Asse doth saue that coniurer hee 'l speake the Lords intent Chapt. 23 REad what God puts in Balam's mouth twice he is bid to blesse God he repents not as a man new altars he doth dresse SEe Balam's wish to dye the ● death that righteous men doe dye In Iacob God beholds no sinne hee 's truth and cannot lye Chapt. 24 THen coniuring left Gods gratious gift● to Isr'el he doth tell Balack is angry bids him packe their star shall kingdomes quell Chapt. 25 VIle whoredomes false worships mark hang heads against the sunne Here Phineas for his zeale is blest and Midian ouer-runne Chapt. 26 ALl count from twenty yeares vpward saue two all th' old are dead Let those diuide the land by lot as God of old decreed Chapt. 27 BY Gods law daughters lands enioy old Moses now must dye He for a good successor praies and Ioshua must supply Chapt. 28 COme offer euery day two lambs on sabbath moe new moone At Passeouer and at the first fruits learne here what must be done Chapt. 29 DVly your feast of trumpets keepe and feasts of holy fast The feast of tabernacles eke which eight whole dayes must last Chapt. 30 EXhort and charge men keepe their vowes their vowes let widowes pay Let maids and wiues performe the same If rulers fay not nay Chapt. 31 FIerce Midian spoil'd base Balam slaine they clense polluted things The prey is giuen vnto the men who bring large offerings GOod Moses is exceeding wroth that Captaines did not kill Those women that by Palam taught intic'd to breake God will Chapt. 32 H●re portion at Gilead the Reubenites require Halfe of Manasses tribe the same and Gadites doe desire KIll ye the hearts of your brethren saith Moses with this thing Shall they goe fight and you sit here is this your hartening LOc thus your fathers did before and God was ● grieued sore They say they will goe fight with them then ● Moses chid no more Chapt. 33 MArke here their iourneyes forty two let not their pictures stand Driue out the cursed Cananite by lot diuide the land Chapt. 34 NOw learne the borders of the Land who must diuide the same Prince of each tribe Eleazar 〈◊〉 Ioshua Caleb by name Chapt. 35 OF Cities giuen to Leuies tribe here eight and forty see Their suburbs and their measure marke fix must for refuge be PVt him to death that murthers man his life let nothing saue Two witnesses one will not serue thou euermore must haue QVite clense the land from blood hereby nothing can doe this well But life for life defile it not for I therein doe dwell Chapt. 36 REmoue not the imheritance let * An. Mundi 2492 daughters husbands take In their owne tribe and so thereto their land must certaine make DEVTERONOMIE Chapt. 1 AGaine is Moses speech rehears'd An. Mundi 2492 how God would giue the land To Abraham and his seed which should in number passe the sand BEaring all your affaires my selfe did much surpasse my wit Then officers were giuen to you which you thought wondrous fit COmming to Kadesh-bernea from thence twelue spies were sent Who prais'd the Land some were affraid and brought discouragement DRead not said I God then did sweare that onely two should enter The rest for vnbeliefe did dye and who did rashly venter Chapt. 2 EDom ye might not meddle with nor Moab put to stresse But Sihon you were will'd to kill and then his land possesse FIght not with Ammon for his land to you I will not giue Lots children I haue giuen it to let them alone and liue Chapt. 3 GOd then did giue into our hands the King of Bashan land The bignesse of this Gyants bed here maist thou vnderstand HEre I to two tribes and an halfe did all Ogs land diuide And pray'd that I might enter in but that the Lord denyde Chapt. 4 ISrael adde not ●o my word my precepts all obey You saw false worshippers destroy'd but ye liue till this day KEepe therefore thou my statutes well and then these nations all Shall count my iudgements righteous and thee most wise shall call LEt not Mount Horeb be forgot where thou no image saw But only heardst a voyce and where thou didst receiue the Law MArke images and looke for death this teach to thine and liue Three refuge Cities Moses then did them appoint and giue Chapt. 5 NOw is the couenant stablished Law giuen and they desire That Moses should teach them from God they feare the dreadfull fire O That my people would feare me and walke in all my wayes Then they and theirs shall prosper well I would prolong their dayes Chapt. 6 PLease thou thy God serue him alone be mindfull of his will Obey my lawes teach them thy sonnes that they may them fulfill Chapt. 7 QVite shun and flee all fellowship with nations least ye dye Destroy them all and holy be all Idols burne and flye REpay with ruine will the Lord euen to the face of those That hate him and ● transgresse his lawes he takes them for his foes SWeet comforts here are promised to them that doe his will They are assur'd of victory the Lord their foes will kill Chapt. 8 THis God obey he hath you led fed cloath'd and giuen a land Dwell not in pride in feare abide serue him at any hand Chapt. 9 VAunt not it was not for thy worth that God
● appeare Chapt. 6 KIng and the City Iericho the mighty men and stout God giues to Ioshua he the walls besiegeth round about LEst you be curs'd saith he refraine from all the cursed things The walles fall downe who them repaire a curse vpon him brings MArke here how Rahab is ● presen●'d with all the friends she had She hid the spies now dwells with them and Ioshua makes her glad Chapt. 7 NOte Achans sinne how Isr'el fled God tells what thing annoyed He bids them search Achan is ●ound He with all his destroy'd Chapt. 8 O Feare not Ioshua A●● is thine they saine to flee but turne They slay them all hang vp their King take spoyle and City burne PReuailing thus against his foes to God he altar builds He writes the Law vpon the stones thankes to Iehovah yeelds QVite through did Ioshua read the Law to all of Israel Cursing the bad but blessing those that godly liu'd and well Chapt. 9 REad how ' gainst Isr'el Kings combine who cursed of the Lord Doe flocke together furiously to fight with one accord STout Ioshua gull'd by Gibeonites when they great conquests see He life doth promise by an oath their slaues they all must be Chapt. 10 THen fiue Kings warre ' gainst Gibeon but kill'd with sword and haile The Sunne stands still those fiue are hang'd Seuen moe are made to quaile Chapt. 11 VNto one King another sends but all are ouercome Hazar is burnt that chiefe City they kill both all and some Chapt. 12 ALl the ● who le land stout Ioshua takes the Gyants conquered are Rich spoile and prey the people got the land did rest from warre BEhold here thirty Kings and three by Isra lites were slaine Their land on both sides Iordan did to Abrahams seed remaine Chapt. 13 COme marke the limits of those lands not conquered on that side The same to nine tribes and an halfe by lot thou shalt diuide DIuided was th' inheritance to Rubens tribe and Gad The Lord was Leuies portion he no inheritance had EAstward to halfe Manassch's tribe in land of Moabs plaine Did Moses giue these portions there false Balaam was slaine Chapt. 14 FOr wholly following the Lord to * An. Mundi 2500 Caleb Hebron fell By lot the nine tribes and an halfe had land wherein to dwell Chapt. 15 GReat lands large hath Iudahs tribe here Othiniel hath to wife Good Calebs daughter Iebusites in Salem are too rife Chapt. 16 HEre of the sonnes of chast Ioseph the bounds and borders read The bounds of Ephraim Cananites are yet not conquered Chapt. 17 IOseph his sonnes and his sons sonnes their portion being scant Are bid possesse the woods and hills driue our th inhabitant Chapt. 18 KNow that at Shilo th'arke is plac'd three sen● more land to see An. Mundi 2510 The townes allotted Beniamin iust six and twenty be Chapt. 19 LOe Simeon Zebul Issachar with Nephtal Asher Dan Receiue their land a part is giuen to captaine Ioshua than Chapt. 20 MEn killing vnawares for such sixe refuge Cities make At high Priest death to his owne house he may himselfe betake Chapt. 21 NOw eight and forty Cities here the Leuites doe possesse With suburbs for their Cattle then the land hath promis'd rest Chapt. 22 OF Reubenites blest and dismist they then an Altar make For witnesse not for sacrifice which answer Princes take Chapt. 23 POssesse ye shall this promist land your foes God will expell If that you cleaue vnto his lawes and liue godly and well QVietnesse and prosperitie the Lord will euer send One man shall chase ● a thousand foes God will you still defend REfuse commerce with heathens all and names of Idols hate ●f not the Lord will cut you off and quite destroy your state Chapt. 24 SVch and so great from Terah's time Gods fauors euer were ●hat neuer people had like cause his glorious name to feare THen serue him in sinceritie saith Ioshua euery one ●oth I and mine will serue him still then sets he vp a stone VNder an oake as a witnesse lest they should God deny At hundred and ten yeares of age good Ioshua then doth dye ALl Ioshua's and Elders dayes they liue in godly wise Here Ioseph's bones are buried and Eleazer dyes IVDGES Chapt. 1 ACrs of Iudah and Simeon An. Mundi 2511 Adonibezeks due Salem is taken and Hebron they both are made to ●ue BEcause Othiniel tooke Debir he Achsah hath to wife The Kenites dwell in Iudah land marke warres and bloody strife COnquer'd and kill'd are Cananites curst Hormah Askelon Gaza with all the coasts thereof and wicked Ekron Towne DRiuen out of Hebron Anakis the acts of Beniamin Of Iosephs house of Zebulon of Nephtal Asher Dan. Chapt. 2 EVen by an Angell at Bochin the Isra'lites are checkt Because they did the voyce of God rebelliously neglect FVll well in dayes of Ioshua the people seru'd the Lord But afterwards ● his holy lawes they vtterly abhorr'd GOds anger marke for this their sinne and after marke his pity Canaanites are for tryall left in euery towne and citie Chapt. 3 HEare marke the Countries which were left the Isra'lites to try Who by their fellowship with them commit Idolatry IN their distresse from Cushans rage good * An. Mundi 2530 Othniel sets them free from Eglon after eighteen yeares by * An. Mundi 2550 Ehud sau'd they be KNow after this that * An. Mundi 2580 Shamgar stew six hundred Philistines With an oxe goad so they were freed from foes at sundry times Chapt. 4 LEwdly againe did Isr'el deale Iabin molests againe Deborah and Barak sets them free * An. Mundi 2630 by Iael Sisera's slaine Chapt. 5 MElodious praise good Debora doth sing vnto the Lord Meros for not assisting them is cursed and abhorr'd Chapt. 6 NOw Isralites by Midian for sinne are sore opprest A Prophet cheeks them Gideon sent for to procure their rest OBserue how Gideons present with fire in wondrous wise Is quite consum'd and how that he doth after sacrifice PLeaders for Baal Ioash checks hee 's call'd Ierubbaal ● His signes obserue his armies great whereby to vanquish all Chapt. 7 QVickly the most An. Mundi 268● are sent away three hundred he doth take He is encourag'd by a dreame told of the barley cake REad here of trumpets pitchers lamps a stratagem most rare By Ephramites Zeb and Oreb great Princes conquered are Chapt. 8 SVccoth and * An. Mundi 269● Penuel both refuse good Gideon to relieue He pacifieth Ephramites those townes doth spoile and grieue TWo Kings are taken Gideon doth reuenge his brethrens death On Zeba and Zalmanna both with sword he stopt their breath VNwilling is he to beare ● rule his threescore ● sonnes and ●en His Ephod causing false worships his death vnthankfull ● men Chapt. 9 ABimelech with Shechemit●● doth trecherously conspire His brethren kills the kingdome gets which he did much desire BVt Iotham sau'd by parable doth sharply
Samuel laid to sleepe he heares the wofull fall Of Elies house then he though loath to Ely tells it all HOw God appear'd to Samuel how he in credit grew And was his holy Prophet made all Isr'els people knew Chapt. 4 ISra'lites by the Philistins are first foure thousand slaine They fetch the Arke into the campe then cry and shout amaine KIll'd then were thirty thousand moe Philistine take the Arke Hophni and Phineas both are slaine here Elies iudgements marke LOe Phineas wise in trauell falls and comfort could finde none Her sonne she nameth Ichabod the glory of God was gone Chapt. 5 MArke Ashdod in with Emrods smit their Dagon falleth downe Before the Arke Gath's plagued and Eckron that wicked towne Chapt. 6 NOw feare doth force them cart the Arke with gifts it 's sent away For looking in * An. Mundi 285● it God doth moe then fifty thousand slay Chapt. 7 OF th' Arke brought to Abinadab his sonne is sanctifide Put for to keepe it twenty yeares the same doth there abide PRepare your hearts serue God alone false worships put away Saith Samuel to th'Isra'lites they his commands obey QVite were the Philistins subdude when Isr'el did repent For after Samuels sacrifice Iehouah succour sent REstor'd are Isr'els Cities then all things doe prosper well And * An. Mundi 2850. Samuel religiously doth rule all Israel Chapt. 8 SEe Samuels sonnes bad gouernment the people aske a King An. Mundi 2875 He shewes his manners God's cast off God yeelds but hates the thing Chapt. 9 THen seeking Fathers * An. Mundi 2880 Asses out Saul comes to Samuel He feasts him counts him chiefest guest doth certaine secrets ● tell Chapt. 10 V●all of oyle is pour'd on 's head three signes to him reueal'd By them confirm'd his heart is chang'd f om's vncle thing 's conceal'd AMong the Prophets he is one at Mizpeh chose by lot His subiects are of diuers minds for some respect him not Chapt. 11 BArbarian like fierce Naash would thrust out all the right eyes Of men of Iabesh Gilead which caused teares and cryes COmming to Saul to certifie he kills the foes out right Great ioy at this his kingdome is renewed in all their sight Chapt. 12 DEclare saith Samuel whom I wrong'd they all his life doe cleare He checked their ingratitude and frighteth them with feare EVen in wheat haruest God shall send great thunder and great raine For asking King refusing him hee 'l make you all complaine FEaring the Lord and Samuel they doe their sinnes confesse He comforts them in Gods mercies bids them their wayes redresse Chapt. 13 GReat number of Philistins smite they muster a mighty hoast The men of Isr'el feare and fly and some forsake that coast HEre Saul will offer sacrifice and 's checkt of Samuel Three spoiling bands of Philistins no Smith in Israel Chapt. 14 IN wondrous sort stout Ionathan the Philistines defeats A diuine terror makes them quake and one another beates KIng Saul assaults the Priests answer for hast he would not stay The captiue Hebrewes people hid all ioyne with him that day LEwd Sauls rash adiuration hinders the victory He doth restraine from eating ought here Ionathan must dye MAny there are that rescue him and say he shall not dye So Saul surceaseth marke his might and all his family Chapt. 15 NOw goe destroy th' Amalekites he fauours Kenies kinne He spareth Agag and best things and so God wrath doth winne OBedience passeth sacrifice Saul seemeth to repent Agag is slaine by Samuel kingdome from Saul is rent Chapt. 16 PRetend a sacrifice and goe to Bethlem Iesse's Towne And there anoynt whom I appoint his sonne to weare the Crowne QVite otherwise God lookes then man Dauid's annoynted King Saul sends for Dauid for to play and he great ease doth bring Chapt. 17 REady to fight Goliah frights but Dauid arm'd with faith Encountreth and with sling and stone the monstrous Gyant slai'th Chapt. 18 SAul feareth Dauid hates his prayse and seekes to take ● his life His sonne him loues his daughter 's giuen as snare to be his wife TWo hundred foreskinnes he doth giue Sauls hatred doth not cease But Dauids fame and glorious praise doth more and more encrease Chapt. 19 VNto his sonne here Saul doth sweare that Dauid shall not die Yet sends to kill at Rama he and seruants prophesie Chapt. 20 A Secret consultation for Dauids safety had For Dauids troubles Ionathan is grieued and full sad BY oath their cou'nant they renew and Saul would Ionathan kill He token giues and farewell takes and loues good Dauid still Chapt. 21 COmming to Nob he eates shew-bread damn'd Doeg saw him there He takes Goliahs sword at Gath he madnesse fain'd for feare Chapt. 22 DIstressed men to Dauid come for parents he prouides Saul chides the priests Abiathar with Dauid now abides EDomite Doeg is content Kings pleasure to fulfill To kill the Priests but Sauls footmen would not obey his will Chapt. 23 FRom Keila chasing Philistins false Keila Dauid saues Thence flies to Ziph thence to Maon there sau'd to Engedi cau●s Chapt. 24 GOod Dauid cuts Sauls skirt and robe and faithfull there is prou'd Saul weepes and prayes when he is King his seed may be belou'd Chapt. 25 HEre Samuel dyes and Nabal churle to ● Dauid food denies He would haue kill'd him Abigail his anger pacifies IN short time after Nabal dyes he marieth Abigail To Phalti Saul gaue Dauids wife his daughter nam'd Michal Chapt. 26 KIng Saul pursues his sonne againe he finds Saul fast asleepe Checks Abner that he did not guard and King farre better keepe LEt wrath sure ease and in thy fight O let my life be deare Thus Dauid saith and bids Saul send to fetch away his speare MY sonne returne saith Saul againe I will no more assaile I haue beene foolish blest be thou for thou shalt still preuaile Chapt. 27 NO more doth Saul for Dauid seek Ziglag is beg'd o' th King Dauid destroying other lands Achish thinks no such thing Chapt. 28 O● Achish trust in Dauid put Saul feares to see his foes All witches he had once destroy'd and yet to one he goes PVt in great feare when he did heare of his last dismall day He faints but is aduis'd to eate refresht he goes away Chapt. 29 Q●arrelling Princes chide the king for praysing Dauid so He and his men are all dismist to warre they must not goe Chapt. 30 REturning they found Ziklag burn'd which made their hearts to rue Dauid consulteth with the Lord and doth his foes pursue SIcke man receiu'd directs them to their foes whom they doe foyle The most are slaine their owne are safe they haue rich prey and spoyle THen Dauid sends gifts to his friends and makes a law fullright Who keepe the stuffe haue iust as much as they that goe to fight Chapt. 31 VExed full sore Saul lost the field all his three sonnes are slaine Isra'lites flye for sake their townes
all of brasse The molten Sea on twelue oxen which doth in beauty passe KNow here ten lauers Candlesticks and tables all are made● Courts instruments of gold and brasse euen all as God had said Chapt. 5 LOrds house and worke thus finished King Solomon did bring The dedicated treasures all which Dauid that good King MOst worthily had put apart for seruice of the Lord Into his house and Israel euen all with one accord NOw solemnly bring in the Arke into his holy place They praising God he shewes to them a sure signe of his grace Chapt. 6 O Marke how all the people here by Solomon are blest And how he praiseth God who built that house wherein to rest PRayer which Solomon did make vpon the brasse scoffold When as the house was consecrate here read thou and behold Chapt. 7 QVickly then God sends fire from heauen in token of his grace His glory fill'd the house so full Priest there could haue no place REuerently the people then did bow in humble wise And worshipt God then Solomon did offer sacrifice SOlomon hauing kept the feast of altars dedication And Tabernacles sends all men to their owne habitation THen God appeares to Solomon by night in heauenly vision ●nd giues him gratious promises but all vpon condition VNto the Lord himselfe his Queene braue buildings Solomon makes ●nd of those Gentiles which were left he tribute money takes AS for the Isralites he made them rulers euery one 〈◊〉 Queene from Salem to her house he causeth to be gone BVrnt ●off●ings and sacrifice he yearely offe●ed ●hew moones Sabbaths solemne feasts as God had ordered CHarg'd were the Priests and Leui●e● all to serue at any hand ●●ch in his course great store of gold was fetcht from Oph●● 〈◊〉 Chapt. ● DElighting in and wondring at the wisedome of this King ●●e Queene of She●a brings him gold and many a precious thing EXceeding blest she thought those men that might with that King liue ●●en he to her 〈◊〉 she did aske or did desire did g●●● ●Vlly is here set downe his gold his throne of Iuory targets vessls and the gif● which Kings brought ●arre and nye GReat store of horses chario●s great tributes ●●e he hath reigned forty yeares as King ●nd then is call'd by death Chapt. 10 HEre Rehoboam rul'd by youths the peoples suite denies Ten tribes reuolt Hadoram ston'd the King in danger flies Chapt. 11 ISrael Rehoboam would subdue and doth an army raise Shemaiah doth forbid and bids him make no such assayes KIngdome with sorts he strengtheneth and great prouision makes Good Priests and Leuites fearing God Ieroboam quite forsakes LEwd Priests he made for calues and deuill● of men of most disgrace Good people went and serued God at Salem three yeares space MAde strong so long is Iudah land and Rehoboam King His many wiues and children ● marke and their wise dispersing Chapt. 12 NOw Reboam the Lord forsakes his lawes he did transgresse God therefore stirres vp Shishak King his land for to oppresse OF former sinne when they were told and thereof did repent God saued King and Princes all from deadly punishment PRoud Shishak yet did beare away the spoile and treasure all Reboam reigned seuenteene yeares then death for him doth call Chapt. 13 QVickly Abijah then succeeds and maketh open warre Against Ieroboam wicked King and doth the cause declare REligiously he worshipping and seruing God aright Doth vanquish Ieroboams hoast and puts them all to flight SEe here Abijahs fourteene wiues his two and twenty sonnes His sixteene daughters other acts by Iddo are set downe Chapt. 14 THen good king Asa doth succeed Idolatry destroyes And all false worships God then gaue him peace and restfull dayes VAlorous armies Asa had he fortifies the land Zera the Ethiopian King comes with a mightie band ASsaulting him he then to God for helpe and ayde doth call He heares and Asa kills and spoyes the Ethiopians all Chapt. 15 BY Prophesie of Azarie Iudah with one accord And most of men of Israel make couenant with the Lord. COuragio●sly King Asa spoild all Idols here and there His mother an Idolatresse though Queene he did not spare DEdicate and holy things into Gods house he beares And then enioyeth peace and rest full fiue and thirty yeares Chapt. 16 ENtering then into a league for feare of Baash king With Benadad good Hanani reproues him for that thing FRom building Rama by this meanes proud Baash then is stayd King Asa turnes him from that worke ●o by Syrians helpe and aid GOod Hanani is put in ward for speaking that was meet And Asa is exceedingly tormented in his fret HE in his paine sought not to God but vnto Physickes aid His acts are in the Chronicles he dyes is buried Chapt. 17 IEhosaphat doth him succeed he ruleth passing well In honour and prosperity he others did excell KIng Iosaphat doth Leuites send and Princes all abroad All Iudah's people for to teach how they should serue the Lord. LIft vp his heart was to the Lord he doth abolish quite High places groues and Idols all out of his peoples sight MVch terrified are his foes the Lord made them affraid Some bring him gifts and presents in and some him tribute paide NOte here his greatnesse and his might his Captaines stout and strong His castles cities armies great to fence him from all wrong Chapt. 18 OBserue Iohosaphat there is ioynd with Ahab neare in kinne Is easily induc'd and drawne to ioyne with him in sinne PErswaded were they both to goe by Prophets false seduction To fight with Ramath Gilead to Ahabs owne destruction QVarrelling with good Michai who spake the thing was right They imprison him and Iosaphat did hardly scape by flight Chapt. 19 REprou'd he was by good Iehu for his loue helpe and aide To Ahab lent whom God did hate because he disobayd SOone after king Iehosaphat doth shew his care and paine Both in Gods house and Common-wealth good rulers to ordaine THe godly good instructions which reading thou maist find To Iudges Priests and Leuites giuen imprint them in thy mind Chapt. 20 VNto the Lord Iehosaphat in feare proclaimes a fast And prayes that in their great distresse to helpe he would make ● hast ATtend vnto the prophesie here called Iazaels The ioyfull newes from God which he to king and people tels BEhold the people then arose went forth with one accord King them ● exhorts and fingers sets to praise and land the Lord. COme see the wondrous ouerthrow of each selfe murthering foe And how when they had praised God in triumph home they goe DOing the will and worke of God this King did prosper well But God was angry when he ioyn'd with King of Israel EVen Ahazia wicked king in their shipping conuoy As Prophet Elieser said God did their shippes destroy Chapt. 21 FIerce bloody Ioram then succeeds six brothers he doth slay He raigned wickedly Edom and Libna fall away GReat plagues Eliahs prophecies in writing sent this
worlds creation And for the ruling of all things read Dauids exhortation ACknowledging that we receiue all things from Gods good hand The Prophet proueth that therein our thankes and praise doe stand BY his particular mercies which Israel well knew He saith that euerlasting praise to him from them is due Chapt. 137 COme see the Captiues constancy destroy'd in Babels land Their griefe to see Gods truth decay here maist thou vnderstand DAyly they liu'd in anguish great the Caldees vext so sore With taunts reproaches mocks and scoffs and blasphemies great store ENduring long these miseries the Isra'lites desire That God would plague the Edomites in his prouoked ire FOr ioyning with that Babels brood in all their cruelties Of whose destruction in this Psalme the Prophet prophesies Chapt. 138 GReat courage doth the Prophet vse in praysing Gods goodnes Which he declared vnto him and euery day expresse HIs goodnesse to him was so great that Princes knew the same Euen forraine Princes which with him shall likewise proue the same IN time to come he is assur'd like comforts still to find As he had done in former times from his good God so kind Chapt. 139 KIng Dauid for to clense his heart from all hypocrisie Doth shew that nothing can be hid from Gods all seeing eye LYing him downe or rising vp his thoughts each deed and word Yea all his pathes his walkes and wayes are knowne vnto the Lord. MAn cannot hide himselfe from God his hand will find him out The darkest night is as noone day when ● Sunne shines cleare about NOte how he doth confirme all this by mans most strange creation ●s zeale and feare of God he shewes and his great detestation OF all that vp against the Lord maliciously doe rise ●hom he vnfainedly doth hate as vtter enemies Chapt. ●40 PEruse how Dauid doth complaine of many iniuries ●f falshood and of cruelty done by his enemies QVickly he hath recourse to God by prayer and request ●d is assured that the Lord will grant him peace and rest RIghteous then he doth prouoke due pray'rs to God to yeeld ●●d to assure themselues that he will be their fence and shield Chapt. ●41 SOre persecuted vnder Saul good Dauid seemes to be ●d then by prayer vnto God for succour he doth flee THen he desireth God that he would bridle his affections ●nd giue him patience to endure his fatherly corrections VNtill the time was fully come when he would vengeance take ●d of his cruell enemies ●n vtter riddance make Chapt. ●42 AN earnest prayer Dauid makes when he was in the caue That from the cruell rage of Saul the Lord his life would saue BEhold that neither mou'd with hate nor yet amaz'd with feare Of present death nor was he forc'd by any deepe despaire CRuelly then to kill his King but with a quiet mind Directs his prayer vnto God where he doth comfort find Chapt. 143 DAuid doth in this Psalme intreat the Lord most earnestly That all his sinnes he would quite blot out of his memory ENuious men most earnestly did persecute him still Yet he confesseth all was done Gods iustice to fulfill FRom all such foes to be set free he prayeth in this place And that the Lord would him restore to fauour and to grace GOds teaching he desires to haue and Holy Ghosts direction That he may lead a godly life safe vnder his protection Chapt. 144 HEre Dauid with humility and with a heart most sound Doth prayse the Lord omnipotent for fauour which he found IN being his deliuerer his fortresse and his shield In granting him the victorie of all his foes in field KEeping him safe and placing him in royall dignities ●e craues Gods aid and that he would destroy his enemies LArge promises to God he makes that he will still confesse With Psalmes and fongs of thankes and praise his bountifull goodnesse MArke wherein true felicity and happinesse doth rest Who haue Iehouah for their God most happy are and blest Chapt. ●45 NOte that King Dauid then doth make this worthy Psalme of praise When as his Kingdome flourished in his most happy dayes OBserue how herein he describes Gods prouidence on earth ●●uling man and all things else that hath or wanteth breath PRaising his name because iustly he plagues the wicked traine ●ut to the iust doth euermore a louing God remaine QVickned herewith he promised that he would praise his name ●nd that all flesh for euermore should likewise doe the same Chapt. ●46 ROuring vp his affections the Prophet doth declare ●e zeale he had to prayse the Lord for his great loue and care SIng praises during life he will he teacheth not to trust In Princes nor in sonnes of men who quickly turne to dust TRust onely in the Lord saith he who sets th' oppressed free Who comfors widdowes fatherlesse and all in misery VNto the blind who giueth sight who stroyes the wicked traine Who for the sauing of his Church for euermore shall raigne Chapt. 147 A Psalme of praise here Dauid makes wherein he doth declare Gods wisedome power and prouidence vpon all things that are BVt specially vpon his Church which cannot be destroy'd For he doth build it though thereof some members be annoy'd COllecting the dispersed ones healing the broken hearts Feeding the Rauens when they cry much more all true conuerts DEclaring to his chosen folke the word of his saluation A blessing which he hath not giuen to men of euery nation Chapt. 148 EXhorted are all creatures here to prayse the Lord of might Angells in heauen men on the earth and starres that shine so bright FOr he c●eated them of nought but more especially The Psalmist doth prouoke his Church his name to m●gnifie GIuing his people Israel great power and dignity When he had ioyn'd them to himselfe in leagues of amity Chapt. 149 HEre Dauid doth exhort Gods Church and children to prepare Their hearts to sing new songs to God for many blessings rare IOyfull he bids his saints to be and that with one accord For conquering their enemies they still should praise the Lord. KIngs being enemies to them shall all be bound in chaines And Noblemen in Iron bands such foes the Lord restraines Chapt. 150 LEarne lastly how the Prophet bids all men the Lord to prayse Without all intermission and by all meanes and wayes MOst mighty acts and wondrous workes wrought both by sea and land In heauen and in the firmament doe craue this at our hand NOte that with sound of instruments which God of old requir'd He bids them praise him though since Christ such are not so admir'd PROVERBS Chapt. 1 ATtend vnto the Prouerbe vse feare God beleeue his word Inticing sinners all auoyd them no consent afford BY Wisedome here complaint is made that shee 's despis'd of all And therefore when they cry for helpe she will not heare their call Chapt. 2 CRy for knowledge as siluer feeke for heauenly wisedomes skill This will thee keepe in holy wayes and
sauing men abus'd Chapt. 8 DAmascus and Samaria Iudea th' Assyrians spoile Sweet Shilo waters were refus'd which caus'd their bloody broyle ENdeauour ô Assyrians and gather all your rout Gird vp your selues prepare for warre but God will root you out FEare not their feare God is with vs let him be fear'd alone To vs hee 'll be a sanctuary to them a stumbling stone GOds lawes seale vp amoung his owne were wonders in his sight Who speake not as the word doth speake In him there is no light Chapt. 9 HEre by the birth and power of Christ shall be great ioy in woe Thou break'st their yoakes their staues and rods and frees them from their foe IEsus Christ here is borne to vs the mighty God of peace With iustice he shall iudge his folke no end of his increase KIcking against the shining light God plagueth Israel sore For pride and for hypocrisie increased more and more LEwd Leaders make the people sinne no man shall spare his brother Manasseth Iudah and Ephrim each one deuour the other Chapt. 10 MVch woe to tyrants threatned here that by their lawes oppresse Denying right to widdowes poore and robbing fatherlesse NO helpe but from the Lord alone ô Ashur woe to thee When thou hast whipt the hypocrites thou whipt and burnt shall bee OF thy stout hearts and lofty lookes who vauntest of thy strength As if that thou hadst done the deed he 'll vengeance take at length PVt feares away ô people deare a remnant shall returne Thou shalt be freed from all thy foes whom he will ouerturne Chapt. 11 QVietly then shall Woolfe and Lambe together lye and dwell When lesse's branch euen Christ our King shall raigne in Israel RIghteously will he reproue and iudge the poore with right The earth with knowledge shall be fild he iudgeth not by sight SEt vp an ensigne then shall he for Gentiles all about And call together all the Iewes which were before cast out THen Iudah and Ephrim louingly shall ioyne and enemies quell The riuers dried a passage made for th' rest of Israell Chapt. 12 VNto the Lord then shalt thou say Lord though thou wast displeasd Yet now thy wrath is turnd away and I refresh't and ease ALL feare expel'd my trust shall be in God my strength and stay My Sauiour sweet my thankfull song shall praise his name alway BLest be the Lord let all his workes of vs exalted be O Zion saints exult for ioy IEHOVAH dwels in thee Chapt. 13 CAl'd and commanded of the Lord are armies huge and stout Howle Babylon the mightie Medes shall root and race the out DOlefull creatures as Satyres owles in thee shall daunce and stand As Sodome shalt thou be destroyed thy finall fal's at hand Chapt. 14 EXceeding mercy God will shew in bringing Israell back And placing them in their owne land no good thing there to lack FOr seruants shalt thou take thy soes thy captiues they shall bee And thou shalt rule th' oppressors all that once oppressed thee GReat triumph ouer Babels King whose scepter now is broke For pride the Lord giues him and his a shamefull deadly stroke HArd burdens and Assyrians yoakes from his the Lord will take Howle Palestina thou must fall his God will not forsake Chapt. 15 IN one night Air and Kir were foyld howle Moab weepe and cry Thy Cities sack't greene things confirm'd and Nimrim water's drie KIlling robbing and shriking out is heard of all thy slaine Thy riuers bloody Lyons kill the remnant that remaine Chapt. 16 LEt lambe be sent to th' worlds ruler let out cast dwell in thee The throne of Dauid shall in truth and mercy stablish'd bee MOab must mourne and howle for pride fields languish Vines breake downe Moab shall pray but not preuaile God still on Moab frowne Chapt. 17 NO man shall fray away the flocks in Cities that shall feed Of Syria Israel now forlo●e as God himselfe decreed OF which a remnant shall be left that shall false worshp shunne A few like gleaned eares of corne when haruest all is done PIously shall these holy ones vnto their Maker looke But Altars groues workes of their hands they shall in no case brooke Chapt. 18 QVite forgetting their glorious God their Cities shall be sack't But after he will plague their foes that did them rob and racke ROote out the Aethiopians God will out of the Land Then shall the people Presents bring to them with plentious hand Chapt. 19 SOre plagues for Aegypt God sets downe their Idolls cannot saue Fierce cruell Kings shall vex them much they shall no comforts haue THeir folly and madnesse here set downe of Iudah they 're afraid Pure language Cities fiue shall speake to God an Altar's made VNt Egypt and Assyria the Lord will now his blessings send With Israel his inheritance these three he will defend Chapt. 20 AS nak'd and barefoot Esay goes so shall th' Egyptians goe And Cushites captiues Ashur King with terror shame and woe Chapt. 21 BEwailing much the Prophet sees that Babylon must fall Edom derides is bid repent th' Arabians foyled all Chapt. 22 COmfort me not the Cities spoyl'd the Rulers fled away The walls broke downe the people cry O wofull dolefull day DIscerning grieuous plagues approach they trust to humane strength When they should fast they feast and ioy till God did plague at length ELiakim a type of Christ is set in Shebnaes place Shebna is caried captiue thence and dyes in great disgrace Chapt. 23 FOr Tyre and Zidon fearefull plagues are for their pride prepar'd Who caried captiues all their wealth among their foes are shar'de GOe 'bout the Citie sing many songs God will restore thine heires But onely for the good of those that doe what he desires Chapt. 24 HAughtie proud hearts heard anguish sore all mirth and musick gone Here dolefull iudgements threatned are to old and young each one INhabitants defile the land by changing Gods decree His curse therefore deuoures the earth much woe they feele and see KInde is the Lord shall some few sing the Prophets pin'd with paine In iudgements God shall be aduanc'd and in mount Zion raigne Chapt. 25 LOrd who lai'st leuell lofty towers and workest wondrous things Thee will I praise and Nations all shall of thy iudgements sing MOst kind thou hast beene to the poore thou wilt bring downe thy foes And make a glorious feast for thine wipe teares away from those NO death shall hurt his holy ones he will vs keepe and saue Moab trod downe as dunghill straw shall sure destruction haue Chapt. 26 O Trust yee alwaies in the Lord for such haue perfect peace The lofty Citie he layes low to his hath giuen increase PReuaile with wicked nothing will I haue thee early sought For vs thou hast ordained peace in vs all goodnesse wrought QVickly will they Lord seeke to thee when thou dost them chastise Hide thou thy selfe God will repay the dead shall all arise Chapt. 27 REd wine vineyard sing yee to her
law did vnderstand GRieuously was their land defil'd they prophecied by Baall And changed mee for Idoll gods and must be plagued all HAue thy backslidings not procur'd that thou thus plagu'd should be Thou hast forsaken me thy ● God my feare is not in thee I Broke thy yoake and burst thy bands thou said'st I le not transgresse I planted thee a noble vine why art thou so fruitlesse KNow that your sinne is marked out a stocke ye call your fire Yet in their trouble they will say saue Lord we thee desire LIke Lyon fierce your owne sword hath destroy'd your Prophets all Because thou saist I haue not sinn'd looke for a woefull fall Chapt. 3 MOst filthy haue thy whoredomes beene yet turne to me againe Because thou didst defile the land I did deny thee raine NOne turn'd to mee with all their heart in Iudah though they saw The shamefull sinnes of Israell they worse did breake my law O Israell turne confesse your sinnes repent and I will saue To feed your soules with knowledge pure you shall good pastors haue PEruerted haue we all our waies we weeping come to thee Our Fathers children flocke and heards for sinne confounded be Chapt. 4 QVickly if thou mind to returne repent and sweare by me Or else the land King Prophets Priests shall desolation see RAging and ruthlesse foes draw neare O wash thy heart from sinne Thus art thou plagu'd because that thou rebellious still had beene SOunding of trumpets haue I heard I cannot but lament The souldiers slay and slaughter all in euery place they went TO Sinne and serue the deuill my folke haue skill and knowledge store But to doe good they 're very fooles the land laid waste therefore Chapt. 5 VPon the Iewes for fearefull sinnes are fearefull plagues set downe They sought not truth they falsly swore this made the Lord to frowne ALL men refuse to turne to me both poore and men of might They sweare and play th'adulterers can I endure this sight BReake down their walls th' are not the Lorde the Prophets teach them lies A nation shall deuoure thy flockes and food before thine eyes COme heare ye blinde and foolish folke what will ye not me feare Which rules the roaring seas and giues you haruest euery yeare DEpriu'd are you of these good things by reason of your sinne The Prophets lye the Priests loue gifts and people ioy therein Chapt. 6 EVery one prepare to flee your Citie 's spoyled quite Her violence and grieuous sinnes are euer in my sight FRom thee least I depart away ô Salem learne and feare The Word is a reproach to them that haue no ioy to heare GIuen are they all to couetuousnesse ● Priests Prophets preaching peace Without all shame when wickednesse and warres did still increase HEarken ye out the old good pathes heare what your watchmen say And you shall find rest to your soules they answered fla●ly nay I Therefore will lay stumbling blockes both sires and sonnes shall fall I care not for your sacrifice you sure shall perish all KIlling is seene on euery side in sackcloth sore lament ●hee haue I as a fortresse set ● reuolters shall be shent Chapt. 7 LIsten ô Iudah leaue your sinnes forsake your hurtfull goes ●oe no man wrong and you shall liue and feele no smarting rods MAd people w●ll you murther steale adultery commit ●alle worships vse then come to me and in my temple sit NO profit is in lying words nor to your temple trust ●s Shilo will I lay it wast sith you liue as you lust OBserue their deeds pray not for them for I did neuer speake Or such things as they doe to me ●nd my Commandements breake PRophets were daily sent to them who bid obey my will But they refusing waxed worse and were rebellious still QVake and lament the wrathfull God will from you all depart You burne in Tophet children deare which came not in my heart REioycing shall in Iudah cease no mirth be heard that day Their ca●leasses the foules shall eate none shall them fray away Chapt. 8 SPread shall thy foes the buried bones of Prince and people all Before the Sun which they haue seru'd and men for death shall call THey held deceit would not repent but worse and worse did grow The fowles obseru'd their pointed times but me they will not know VS hath he giuen waters of gall because we haue transgrest God will consume 1 their grapes and figs send serpents on the rest AGainst hearts griefe when I would striue my heart doth faint and faile To heare their cry they me prouok't no Physicke could preuaile Chapt. 9 BEcause for sinne the most are slaine I would shed store of teares Like bowes they bend their tongues for lyes not one Iehouah feares COuragious for the truth none is they grow from euill to worse Nor neighbour nor a brother trust they taught their tongues to curse DEns of foule Dragons desolate I will their Cities make Of man and beast for all these sinnes my soule shall vengeance take EVen for their disobedience and walking after Baal I gall and wormewood will them giue they shall be scattered all FOr cunning mourning women send to grieue for great distresse As dung on field dead bodies lye death kills both more and lesse GLorie thou not in wit and wealth or any wordly might ●ut that thou knowest me thy God in such I doe delight HE saith that he will punish sore both Iewes and Gentiles all Who are not circumcis'd in heart ●or truely on him call Chapt. ●0 ISraels house learne not the waies wherein the heathen walke O● trees they make them guilded gods that cannot speake nor talke KIng of all nations thou art great and madst the heauens so high Thee will we feare the stockes doe teach vs naught but vanity LIke Idols is not Iacobs God in knowledge man's a beast By brutish Pastors all are spoyl'd for this Gods wrath 's encreast MAn cannot guide his steps himselfe in mercy mee chastise On Iacobs foes poure out thy rage those heathenish families Chapt. 11 NEglected is the couenant made with Abraham and his seed Which was obey and you shall be my people deare indeed OBeying not but turning backe to their forefathers sinne To bring vpon them grieuous plagues I surely will begin PRay not for this sinfull crew for sure I will not heare As streetes so altars vnto Baal in Salem they doe reare QVite broket are thy branches off who wast an Oliue greene For thy reioycing in thy sinne thou art supplanted cleane RIght like an oxe to slaughter brought I knew not their intents When they said kill and cut him off thou Lord my death preuents SHew me thy wrath on them that said preach not on paine of death Let sword their sonnes and daughters slay or famine stop their breath Chapt. 12 THou Lord art iust yet tell me why the wicked prosper so Thou lett'st them grow and bring forth fruit they feele no kind of woe VNto the
GOod Prophet here to God complaines and hearty prayers makes Here grieuous plagues are threatned them for great transgressions sake HArtily after a while will I to them my mercies shew I le bring them backe renew their heart they shall me feare and know I Will reioyce to doe them good I le free them from annoy My couenant will I make with them they shall their fields inioy Chapt. 33 KIngs houses and the Citie 's spoyl'd they come to fight in vaine To fill themselues with dead coarses whom I in wrath haue slaine LEauing to punish I le them blesse with peace abundant store Their sinnes I le cleanse they shall reioyce and praise me euermore MEn shall inioy their flockes and fields and setled gouernment Shall offer sacrifice of praise to saue Christ shall be sent NEuer shall Dauid want a man to sit vpon his throne Nor Priests to offer sacrifice Iacob shall be mine owne Chapt. 34 OF Zedekiah's captiue state and City set on fire See and how seruants freed are forc'd to seruice to retire PLague sword and famine for this sinne I will for you proclaime Your Cities shall be burn'd with fire none shall therein remaine Chapt. 35 QVickly goe to the Recabites and bid them drinke some wine From fathers charge who them forbad they would no whit decline REturne said I and leaue your sinnes but you did not regard You will I curse but Rechabites with blessings will reward Chapt. 36 SHut vp I am ô Beruch write and in Gods house doe read These words of God in some perchance they will repentance breed THey doe proclaime a solemne fast the roule is read to all The Princes hearing presently doe for the writing call VNto the King the Princes will the things they heard declare Goe hide thy selfe and Ieremie let none know where you are A Part of Gods word King heares read he cuts he burnes the rest A new roule Beruch writes wherein more iudgements are exprest BVrning Gods word the King himselfe Nor seruants once did feare Some did intreat him to refraine but he disdain'd to heare COmmanding for to take Beruch the Lord both them doth hide For this the King and seruants all sore iudgments must abide Chapt. 37 DEsparing of the victory Chaldeans goe away The King here to the prophet sends that he for them should pray ENquirers tell the King quoth he Chaldeans shall returne And certainly shall conquer him and City sacke and burne FOr fugitiue he taken is they beat him shamefully In dungeon long he lyes yet tells the Kings capatiuity GRant liberty ô Lord my King I doe thee humbly pray He yeelds and bids while bread doth last he should haue some each day Chapt. 38 HE is by false suggestion into a dungeon cast Deepe darke and myrie Ebmelech doth get him out at last IF thou wilt saue thy life ô King goe yeeld thee to thy foe If not this Citie shall be burn'd and thou indure much woe KIngs conference with Ieremie from Princes is kept backe And he himselfe in prison kept till Citie went to wracke Chapt. 39 LOe here they take Ierusalem King flies sonnes slaine in sight His eyes put out to Babylon sent chain'd ruin'd all about MAke much of Ieremie saith the ● King Ebedmelech safe shall be From furious foes whom he so feares he put his trust in me Chapt. 40 NAbuzarad●n setting free the Prophet giues him leaue To goe with him to Babylon or to Gedaliah cleaue OF victualls store a good reward he had at captiues hand And to Gedaliah then hee goes and dwells in Iuda Land POore men and rich all flocke to him he bids them nothing feare To serue the King of Babylon to them he there doth sweare QVietly in your Cities dwell and gather fruit and oile Then all the Iewes dispers'd abroad returne to country soyle REuealed is by Iohanam a foule conspiracie That Ishmael will Gedaliah kill he saith it is a lye Chapt. 41 SLaine is Gedaliah and many moe by bloody Ishmaels hand From him the captaines rescued are he scapes into Amonites hand THen Iohanam and captiues eke with those that rescued were To Aegypt purposed to goe they Babels King did feare Chapt. 42 VNto Ieremiah then they come intreating him to pray And know of God what they should doe And they will sure obey ASsured are they to be safe if they in Iudah stay but to be slaine in Egypt land i● that they goe away BEcause of your hypocrisie when me to God you sent Assuring that ye would obey when nothing lesse you meant COnsum'd by sword and pestilence by famine ● shall ye bee In Egypt which you so desire that is the ● Lords decree Chapt. 43 DIsgrac'd is Ieremies Prophecie they said 't was Baruchs deed That the Chaldeans might them kill and into Babell lead EVery person Iohanam takes into Egypt land Which Ieremie saith the Lord will giue into th'Chaldeans hand Chapt. 44 FOr their Idolatries foule and vaine and great abomination In Iuda Ieremie doth declare their wofull desolation GOd hath done this in your owne sight why will ye not obey But anger him in Egypt here by doing worse then they HAue you forgot the wickednesse of all your fathers old That you to doe as bad or werse will waxe so desperate bold IN Aegypt therefore by the sword or famine shall ye fall None shall returne you shall be curst and perish great and small KNowing that they had incense burnt they said they would persist And offer cakes to th Queene of heauen let him say what he list LEauing long off t' offer to her we haue felt woe and want But then we had a merry world no kind of food was scant MArke therefore all except a few shall perish in this land King Pha●'oh also shall be plagu'd marke then whose words shall stand Chapt. 45 NO rest I find thus Beruch moanes I mourne I faint with griefe Now woe is me I see no hope that God will send reliefe O Beruch I will quite breakedowne the things I built before And plucke vp plants I planted erst the Land I le plague full sore PReparest or expectest thou great things whereon to stay Be glad that I haue granted thee thy life for gainfull prey Chapt. 46 QVite ouerthrowne at Euphrates shall Pharohs armies bee His mightie men shall be strucke downe and great destruction see RIsing much like a raging flood they ●●y they ●e conquer all ●ut w th their blood ● swords shall be drunke they d●smally shall fall SEruant Iacob be of good ● cheare at nothing be dismayd ●e●ring thy seed from captiue state none shall make them afraid THee for thy sinne I will chastise in measure and in loue ●ut thou shalt be at rest and ease and still thy kindnesse proue Chapt. ●7 VPon the Philistines wofull plagues are said to be at hand ●s ouerflowing floods their foes doe couer all their land AT stamping of their sturdy steeds a rushing rumbling wheles ●he fathers look'd not backe
vpon their children at their heeles BAldnesse is come vpon Gaza all helpers that remaine ●f fire Zidon and Askelon by Gods sword must be slaine Chapt. ●8 COntempt of God and of his folke and for thy lofty pride 〈◊〉 Moab howle for all the land sore iudgements must abide DEstroy'd shall all thy Cities be for their securitie ●nd cursed shall they be that doe Gods works deceitfully EVen for their carnall confidence being setled on their lees Feare pit and snare shall be thy share Iehouah so decrees FRom bondage and captiuitie I will in l●tter dayes Bring Moabs captiues home againe to giue them cause of praise Chapt. 49 GRieuous plagues ô ye Ammonites expect ere long to fall Vpon your Cries for your sinnes yet some God will recall HEare Edom let thy fatherlesse and widowes trust in me Them I le preserue and keepe a liue But Esa woe to thee I Also in Damascus wall will kindle such a fire As shall consume their palaces I le plague both sonne and fire KEdar and Hazor Babels King doth purpose for to smite That of their goods they should be spoyl'd and they consumed quite LAment thou Elam God will breake thy Law thy might and maine Yet after many dayes hee 'l bring thy captiues backe againe Chapt. 50 MErodach with her Images are brake in peeces small Bell and Babell are quite destroy'd Inhabitants banisht all NAtions shall come out of the North holding the lance and bow ●●d many Kings to make the like ●o Sodoms ouerthrow O Come let vs now ioyne our selues in firme league with the Lord all Israel then and Iudah say with teares with one accord ●Vnished sore must Babylon be of riches all bereft ●estroy her vtterly saith God let nought of her be left QVickly get out of Babylon partake not of her sins 〈◊〉 plague her as she plagued you Iehouah now begins Chapt. ●1 REuenge will God all Israels wrongs on bloody Babels Land 〈◊〉 bids his people flee away lest they doe feele his hand SEarch out and read his prophecie and to it bind a stone ●hen cast it into Euphrates as signe for Babylon Chapt. ●2 THen was Ierusalem sackt and spoyl'd Zedekiahs sonnes are slaine ●is eyes put out he 's caried to Babel bound in chaines VInedressers Nabuzaradan leaues and takes away the rest ●ods house he burnes and eke the Kings the brauest and the best ALL vessells of the Sanctuary he carieth quite away The Priests and persons principall did King of Babell slay BY this same King foure thousand Iewes and hundred six are led Poore captiues into Babylon by new King Iewes King fed LAMENTATIONS Chapt. 1 ALL solitarie Salem sits her sinne hath wrought her shame Her state is now most miserable which was of glorious fame BEcause none come to solemne feasts the wayes of Zion mourne The Priests lament of Sabbath dayes their enemies made a scorne COnsider all ye passers by no griefe is like to mine The cruell force of furious foes I can no way decline DIstressed sore I am O Lord but iustly for my sinne A grieuous rebell to thy Lawes and statutes haue I beene EXceeding glad mine enemies are my greife to heare and see O plague them for their sinne O Lord as thou hast plagued me Chapt. 2 FRom heauen to th' earth how hath the Lord cast downe faire Israel His Sabbath feasts are all forgot and house where he did dwell GOd hath cast off his holy Altar despised priest and King The Prophets flattering men in sinne haue seene vaine foolish things HEr Elders sit vpon the ground mine eyes with teares do faile To see that famine in the streets did sucklings sore assaile IN wrath shall women eate their babes shall young and old be slaine Thou call'st my terrours round a bout none now aliue remaine Chapt. 3 KNow that I haue affliction seene with sorrow griefe and paine My flesh and skin he withered hath and heauy made my chaine LOrd thou art good to them that seeke and waite vpon thy loue It s good that men euen in their youth his yoke should beare and proue MEn willingly he doth not grieue not doth he take delight To crush the prisoners vnder foot nor hinder poore mans right NO pity hast thou had on vs yet should a man complaine When he is punisht for his sinne no let vs turne againe O Lord thou quickly heardst my voice when I on thee did call Thou plead'st my cause redeem'st my life from bondage griefe and thrall PVrsuing enemies thou hast heard they me their musicke make Reward them as they well deserue and on them vengeance take Chapt. 4 QVestionlesse those Sodoms plagues for sinne were not so great As ou●s when louing mothers sod their tender babes for mear REd scarlet they that vs'd to weare the dunghills doe embrace None thought that Salem should haue seene or beene in such a case SVre hopes and helps did faile vs quite the blood of holy Saints Shed by the Priests and Prophets false hath caus'd so sore complaints THy punishment 's accomplished ô Zion daughter deare Thou Edom must drinke of his cup hee 'le make thee quake and feare Chapt. 5 VNto vs Lord our wood is sold strangers possesse our lands Orphanes we are and fatherlesse in persecuters hands ALL mirth is vnto mourning turn'd all ioy of heart is gone Seruants beare rule and vs to helpe or rescue there is none BRead was with perill of life procur'd the maids eke rauish'd were Princes are hang'd vp by their hands for sinne woes euery where CAst is our crowne vnto the ground why dost thou vs forsake Turne vs and turned shall we be vs for thy seruants take EZEKIEL Chapt. 1 AT Chebar in chaldea-Chaldea-land see both the month and yeare When to Ezekiel from the north foure Cherubins appeare BEhold they had the face of man of Eagle and oxe also Of Lyon fierce these that way went the which the spirit did goo COnioyned each in other then he doth behold foure wheeles Which whither the spirit doth remoue doe run remoue and reele DOwne to the ground then did I fall when I the throne did see And him that sate vpon the same most like a man to be Chapt. 2 EZekiel is by heauenly charge to Israels people sent To tell what plagues they should indure vnlesse they did repent FEare not their faces though thou dost among such scorpions dwell Who with their fathers shamelesse are and alwayes did rebell GOe speake whether they heare or no. for they are too too bad Yet shall they know that to instruct they once a Prophet had HEare what I say be not like them eate thou this rowle also In which there was on both sides writ great sorrow griefe and woe Chapt. 3 I Eate the booke and in my mouth it was exceeding sweet Speake not to strangers they would heare and doe what thing is meet KNow that my people will not heare yet speake without all feares I le make thy forehead full as hard and face
THine eyes desire thy wife so deare with deadly stroke shall dye Yet neither shalt thou mourne nor weepe nor yet walke mournefully VNto the house of Israell say my Temple I 'le prophane Which is your eyes and hearts desire your Children shall be slaine AS I haue done yet you shall doe from mourning see you stay But for your sinne each one of you shall mourne and pine away Chapt. 25 BEhold the vengeance of the Lord vpon the Ammonites On Moab Seir Philistims and eke on Edomites CLapping their hands they did reioyce at Israels fatall fall But they that so laught at their harme are here consumed all Chapt. 26 DEstroy'd by many nations triumphing Tire shall bee Because shee said Aha the wealth of Salem's turn'd to me ENgines of warre against thy walls shall King of Babell set To plague thee for thy scoffing spite the Lord will not forget FEare terrour and astonishment shall be vpon the nations When they shall see thy woefull case and dolefull desolations Chapt. 27 GLorious was thy state ô Tire for traffick and for trade With all the nations of the world which thee so rich hath made HOwle shall thy Mariners Merchants eke most bitterly shall cry To see thee cast into the seas with all thy company Chapt. 28 IN pride puft vp blasphemously thou saist I am a god O Prince of Tire but thou shalt feele my sore reuenging rod. KIng thou wast perfect in thy waies till sinne was found in thee Thou hast defil'd the Sanctuaries ●nd therefore burn'd must be LEt Zidon know that for her ● sinne shee needs must feele my hand 〈◊〉 I my scattered Israell will bring safe to their land Chapt. 29 MArk here thy iudgments Pharaoh King because thou proudly said ●riuer is mine owne and I ●t for my selfe haue made NO foot of man nor beast shall passe throughout all Egypt land 〈◊〉 fortie yeares that I am God well shalt thou vnderstand OF beasts thou shalt be eaten vp and of the foules also cause thou wast to Israel a false dissembling foe PErceiue that after fortie yeares ye shall returne againe 〈◊〉 Egypt but a kingdome poore and base thou shalt remaine QVick seruice King of Babell did against the men of Tire ●e shall haue Egypt for his paines to pay his armies hire Chapt. 30 RElate and say woe worth the day the time is neare at hand ●hen woefull desolation shall come on egypt-Egypt-land SOre plagues and paines shall vex and spoile her helpers great and small The King of Babell shall be strong to kill and conquer all Chapt. 31 THou Pharaoh King whom art thou like the Assyrian Cedar see For all his great ● magnificence for pride cut downe is he VPon thy selfe and multitude like plagues the Lord will bring Downe to the death thou shalt be brought O Pharaoh mightie King Chapt. 32 A Woefull lamentation make for Egypts fearfull fall Who though thou bee young Lyon like and as a great sea Whale BY many people in my net thou shalt be caught at length And shalt by King of Babels sword be spoyl'd for all thy strength Chapt. 33 CRie to the people warne them of the sword approaching neere Who heares and will not warned be his sinne and shame shall beare DVely if thou wilt not forewarne the wicked of his sinne Thou shalt be guiltie of his blood but he shall dye therein EVery wicked man that turnes resoluing to l●ue well Shall liue O turne why will yee dye ye house of Israel FRom vpright waies when vpright men shall turne and sinne commit His former goodnesse quite forgot he sure shall dye in it GOds wayes are equall iust and right mans ● wayes peruerse and naught The Land for sinnes abominable is into ruine brought HOe come and let 's goe heare the word thus doe this people say ●hey sit before thee and they heare but they will not obey ●N word they loue their hearts are naught of thee they make their song ●ut they shall say another day Prophets was their among Chapt. 34 KIlling their flocks not feeding them false pastors are reprou'd ●f whom the fat and fleece much more then flocks themselues were lou'd LOst sheepe they sought not but like Lords with rigour rul'd them all ●ut of their power I will them free and them t' account will call MY sheepe I will seeke out my selfe and in good pastures feed ●hough now they eat and drinke of that where your foule feete did tread NO longer shall they be your prey my seruant Dauid he ●hall be their Shepheard they are mine and I their God will bee OVt of the Land ill beasts shall cease a couenant will I make ●f peace with them blest shall they be they shall no dammage take Chapt. 35 PRophesie thou against Seir mount whose cities I 'le lay wast ●hey loued blood blood shall they haue sore iudgements they shall taste QVite ruinated Seir is your malice was so great Against my people whom you did most cruelly intreat REioyce will I to plague you all I will reuenge their wrong As you with them so I with you will deale before 't be long Chapt. 36 SPightfully did thy foes then say Aha we now possesse The ancient places all is ours we swallow more and lesse THerefore I in my iealousie and in my fury sware Your heathenish foes that dwell about their sinne and shame shall beare VNto my people Israel the mountaines fruit shall yeeld I le blesse them more then at the first in men in flockes in fields AS they prophan'd my holy name by their owne wayes and deeds So I dispers'd them all abroad my plague their sinne succeeds BVt I had pity for my name and not for Israels sake I le bring you home from Idols clense and you my people make COrne will I call for with encrease from all your sinnes I le saue All needfull blessings for your soules and bodies you shall haue Chapt. 37 DEad hope of Israell is reuiu'd though now dispersed ones ●hey shall haue life and be restor'd like these drie breathlesse bones EPhraims sticke with Iudah's ioynd and put in Prophets hand ●eclare their vnion calling home and placing in their land FRom Idols and false worships all I will them clense and keepe ●heir God and shepheard I will be and they my pasture sheepe GRaciously with them I le dwell Dauid shall be their King couenant with them will I make they shall lacke no good thing Chapt. 38 HEre bloody Gog his army great and malice is set downe ●ho sayd he would destroy their land and take the vnwalled townes ●N that day God will plead with him with brimstone fire and sword ●nd will bee knowne in all mens eyes to be the mightiest Lord. Chapt. 39 KNow Gog thy iudgments wonderfull the foules shall thee deuoure My name shall not polluted be thou then shalt feele my power LEt Isr'els conquest be obseru'd who for seuen yeares did burne Gogs weapons all that spoiled them they spoyle and ouerturne MVch ground
proue Thou wilt heale their rebellions and freely wilt them loue PRotector will I alwayes be to them of Israel My wrath from them is turn'd away and they shall prosper well QVickly they shall as Lillies grow their branches still shall flourish His beauty like the oliue tree my dew his root shal cherish REuiue as corne shall all those folke that doe delight to dwell Vnder his shade they flourish shall and cast a sweetly smell SAy then shall Ephraim what haue I to doe with Idols vaine I then saith God did see and heare and heale them from their paine THe wise shall vnderstand these things Gods waies are righteous all In them the iust and good shall walke in them the bad shall fall IOEL Chapt. 1 ALL ye Inhabitants of the Land giue eare and listen well To all these plagues sent from the Lord them to your children tell BEhold the wormes haue eate the fruits howle drunkards euery one Your foes haue spoyl'd the fruits and trees and all your wine is gone COme fast and pray lament and mourne ye Priests and people all All ioy is gone the offerings cease on God for mercy call DEstruction from th' Almighty 's come the heards and flocks make moane The pastures all are parched vp which makes all creatures groane EXtend thy loue to vs ô Lord to thee the beasts doe cry The fire their pastures hath deuour'd their riuers all are dry Chapt. 2 FEare ye and tremble people all trumpets in Zion blow A darke and gloomie day 's at hand and dreadfull ouerthrow GReat Armies come against the Land the like was neuer seene Like hauocke in the ages past nor spoyle hath euer beene HArtily returne to God with teares bewaile your sin The Lord is very gracious to saue he will begin IN Sion sound and trumpet blow assemble great and small Let Priests and Elders pray and say Lord spare thy people all KInd then and gracious God will be in sending corne and wine To fright away your fearfull foes he surely will incline LEt feare depart reioyce be glad both man and beast againe Corne wine and oyle he giues and sends the first and latter raine MY spirit vpon all flesh I le poure great wonders shall they see Sunne shall be darke and into blood the moone shall turned be NO man in that great dreadfull day shall haue a finall fall But in Mount Zion shall be safe euen all whom God shall call Chapt. 3 O Tyre and Zidon Palestine who tooke my siluer and gold ●nto your temples and my folke vnto the Grecians sold PAy dearly shall you for this thing and those that spoyled mine Who gaue and sold their boyes and girles for harlots and for wine QVickly will I my people raise and will your children sell To those whose sonnes ye sold before euen vnto Israel RIpe for the sickle haruest is mans wickednesse is great Your plowshares and your pruning hookes to speares and swords doe beat SVn Moone and Starres shall loose their light from Zion God shall roare The earth shall quake but God shall saue his people euermore THen shall the mountaines drop downe wine the hils with milke shall flow In vallies watered from Gods house shall great abundance grow VNt'Egypt Edom plagues prepar'd for shedding guiltlesse blood But to Ierusalem the Lord will euermore be good AMOS Chapt. 1 AMos doth plainly here set downe Gods fearfull plagues and woes Vpon th' Assyrians Philistins and other Israels foes BEcause Damascus Gilead thresht with cruell yron flailes Against their Princes pallaces deuouring fire preuailes CVt off are Ashdod Askelon like firie plagues they feele Because their Princes captiues made my people Israel DEstruction likewise lights vpon the Inhabitants of Tyre For not remembring brothers loue their walles are set on fire EDom did his deare brother hate and Ammon women ript Both these are plagued for their sinnes and of all honour stript Chapt. 2 FOr burning King of Edoms bones this shall be Moabs hire He and his Princes shall be slaine their houses burnt with fire GOds lawes did Iud'and Isr'el breake they walkt in fathers sinnes Their liues did cause them all to erre to plague them God beginnes HE saith because they sold the iust for siluer and for shooes Because the father and the sonne in to one woman goes IN mine owne house because they much pollute my holy name Lying on clothes are laid to pledge they sure shall suffer shame KInd haue I alwayes bene to them from Egypt I them brought I gaue them land of th'Amorites and brought theit power to nought LOe haue not I ô Israel your sonnes for Prophets rays'd And Nazarites yet haue you done things that cannot be prays'd MVch like a cart sore press'd with sheaues so I with you am press'd Therefore shall your couragious men be mightily distress'd Chapt. 3 NOw heare what God against you saith you onely haue I knowne Of all the families of the earth and lou'd you as my owne O Israel therefore thy great sinnes great plagues will shortly breed Two cannot well together walke except they be agreed PRophets euer acquainted be with Gods most secret will None euill in a Citie 's done but God hath wrought it still QVickly publish ye all abroad and bid the assembled see The tumults and oppressions which in Samaria be RIghtly to deale they haue no skill houses are fill d with spoiles Their foes therefore shall compasse them and make most bloody broyles SVch slaughter in Samaria shall in those dayes appeare As when men pull from Lyons mouthes two ● legs and halfe an eare THen will I visite Iacobs house their Altars cast to 'th ground Their palaces of yuory shall all be smitten downe Chapt. 4 VNmercifull oppressors all with kine of Bashan lookes Which crush the needy God hath sworne to take y'away with hookes AT Gilgal multiply your sinnes transgresse ye at Bethel Proclaime abroad your free offrings for this thing likes you well BRead was in all your Cities scant I raine from you with-held Yet would ye not returne to me but more and more rebell'd CIties with raine some I refresht one peice it rain'd vpon From towne to towne they water sought to drinke but could find none DEuoured with the palmer worme were fruits and euery tree With sword and pestilence I smote yet turn'd ye not to me EVen as a brand pluckt out o' th fire as Sodom were ye shent Yet would ye not returne to me O Israel now repent FEare and prepare to meet thy God he did the mountaines frame All things he made shewes men their thoughts Iehouah is his name Chapt. 5 GReat mourning made for Israel of comforts all bereft Of thousand but one hundered of hundred ten are left HEare what God saith seeke me and liue to Gilgal doe not goe Gilgal Bethel Beersheba must tast of captiues woe IVdgement ye into wormewood turne who doth reproue i' th gate And speakes vprightly him they doe abhorre and deadly hate KNowne vnto me are your
great sinnes the iust they sore affright They take a bribe they turne the poore in Courts beside their right LOue ye and euer seeke the good but hate the thing that 's ill Establish iudgement it may be God will be gracious still MOurning shall be in euery street saying alas alas And in all vineyards saith the Lord for I that way will passe NO light nor brightnesse to be seene but darknesse all abhorr'd Woe then to them that doe desire that day of God the Lord. O Israel I despise and hate your meetings and your feasts I care not for your melodie nor offrings of fat beasts POure iudgement downe and righteousnesse as mighty streames of water But you for your Idolatrie as captiues God will scatter Chapt. 6 QVake for the woe that God prouides for them that liue at rest Trusting in the Samaria mount and feeding of the best REioycing in the instruments which they like Dauid make For Iosephs sore affliction no griefe at all they take SEats of oppression ye frequent ye all must captiues be The Lord hath sworne that he abhorres all Iacobs dignitie TEn in one house if there remaine they euery one shall die They turned iudgement into gall and dealt most cruelly VNto our selues by our owne strength you say we haue got might But I will raise a nation strong shall all your land affright Chapt. 7 AMos by praying to the Lord preuents his iudgements all With which he pleaded purposing that they on them should fall BY Grashoppers and furious fire when he would them annoy I sayd ô Lord forgiue their sinnes and doe not so destroy COntent he was then for to heare a plumb-line then I see By which he shew'd that Israel should quite destroyed be DYe by the sword Ieroboam shall thus Amos dare to say And eke that Israel shall be led as captiues quite away EAte thou thy bread in Iuda land ô Amos there goe preach At Bethel here the Kings Chappell I charge thee not to teach FLocks did I feed said Amos then no Prophet was at all From them to preach to Israel Iehouah did me call GOd saith to thee who me forbids to preach against this place Thy wife an whore thou and all thine shall dye in great disgrace Chapt. 8 HEre by a basket full of fruit is shewed Israels end And for oppression of the poore sore iudgements God will send IN that day all the Temple songs to howlings God shall change Dead bodies cast out here and there to see shall be most strange KNow this all ye that pinch the poore and sell your refuse wheat Making your Ephah measure small and eke your shekel great LOnging to haue the sabbaths gone that you may sell your corne To plague you for this wickednesse the Lord himselfe hath sworne MOurning and lamentation then with woe and well-away Shall be as for an onely sonne and th' end a bitter day NO bread nor water shall they want this food I will afford But they shall wander farre and neare and shall not heare my word O How shall yong men in that day and virgins faint for thirst The swearers by Samaria's sinne marke how they here are curst Chapt. 9 POsts of the doore and lintels smite and cut them all i' th head To shew that not a man shall liue but all cut off and dead QVite ouerthrow the land will I yet will not vtterly Destroy the house of Iacob then but sinners all shall dye RAise vp the ruines then will I and close the breaches all Of Dauids house they there shall dwell that on my name doe call SWeet wine shall all the mountaines drop the earth giue great increase I le plant my people in their land and giue them lasting peace OBEDIAH 1 A Rumor from the Lord is heard the heathen say arise Let vs goe warre against Edom whom God doth much despise BEcause thy pride and crueltie so greatly doth abound Although thou nests among the starres I le bring thee to the ground CVt off for euer shalt thou be because thou wast full glad When Iacob thine owne brother was by strangers captiue led DIstressed in calamitie thou should'st not haue them grieu'd Nor cut off those that did escape but rather them relieu'd EVen like as thou hast done to him so shall it be with thee Good Iacob shall possesse their Land and Esau spoyl'd shall be IONAH Chapt. 1 ARise thou Ionas saith the Lord and goe to Niniuee A● Ioppa Ionas tooke a ship and did to Tarshish flee BVt God sent out a mightie storme wares were all cast i' th deepe The shipmen sore affrighted pray'd Ionas fell fast asleepe CAll'on thy God O sleeper thou arise what dost thou meane The Master said then cast they lots that so it might be seene DIstinctly for whose cause it was they were so sore agast● The lot on Ionas then did light and he did bid them cast EVen him into the raging sea for this quoth he I know That for my sinne this storme is sent and mighty winds thus blow FEaring exceedingly they pray'd then did as Ionah said Who being cast into the sea forthwith the storme was stay'd GReat fish did swallow Ionah vp men feared at these sights They vow and pray and Ionah lay i' th fish three dayes and nights Chapt. 2 HIs God did Ionah pray vnto out of the belly of fish The Lord then heard his wofull cry and granted him his wish I Am cast out of sight said I yet will I once againe Toward thy holy temple looke the waters flow amaine KEeping me in on euery side my head is wrapt in weeds Within me when my soule did faint I call'd to mind thy deeds LYes and vanities who obserue their mercy they forsake But I will sacrifice to thee to thee my prayers make MY sauing health is from the Lord to him I le pay my vowes The fish at Gods commandement then on dry land Ionah throwes Chapt. 3 NOw Ionah is sent the second time the Niniuites to call For to repent in forty dayes or looke for fatall fall OF this when King and people heard they all did fast and pray The King put off his Royll Robes in sack-cloth went that day PRoclaiming that no man nor beast all Niniuie within Should eate or drinke but strongly cry and turne from all their sinne QVaking for feare who knowes say they if God will pardon giue And turne from all his anger fierce and grant that we may liue REspecting much their godly griefe and how they did amend God did repent him of the euill which once he did intend Chapt. 4 SEe here how Ionah doth rep'ne at Gods exceeding grace I knew so much quoth he before I came vnto this place TAke therefore now my life away I would no longer liue What Ionah dost thou well to frett and at my mercy grieue VNder a booth did Ionah sit th' effect of all to see The Lord prepar'd a shrowding gourd whereof full glad was hee A Worme this
hauock make And euery one shall worship him and for their God him take PRoud Niniueh and Assyria I le make a wildernesse In it the fowles shall ly them downe and Owles shall make their nests Chapt. 3 QVite quench't is true religion in Salem sinnes abound Oppression disobedience in euery sort is found ROaring Lyons and rauening wolues Princes and Iudges were Her Priests and Prophets all pollute to God thy drew not neere SHamelesse are all the wicked sort though God doth neuer faile To bring his iudgements still to light yet can he not preuaile THE other nations when I plagu'd and made their towers to fall I thought thereby they would mee feare but they corrupted all VNtill I rise vp to the prey and all the earth deuour Waite ye on me and I will turne to you a language pure ALL then shall call vpon my name and serue with one consent My suppliants dispersed ones to offer shall be bent BEhold a remnant will I leaue a people poore and meeke Shall trust in mee shall holy be whose tongues no lyes shall speake CAst out are all thy enemies ô Zion sing therefore The Lord is in the midst of thee thou shalt be plagu'd no more DIstressed ones that were reproach't I will together call And those that did you sore afflict shall haue as sore a fall EVery land that you disgrac'd shall blaze abroad your fame I le free you from captiuitie and get you a noble name HAGGAI Chapt. 1 ALL yee that say it is not time Gods house to build as yet ●t time for you this lying wast in houses siel'd to sit BEhold and ponder in your hearts much seed is sowne i' th field ●nd little reap't meate drinke and cloath full small contentment yeeld COnsider well the cause hereof why you these iudgements taste ●erie man respects his owne and lets Gods housely waste DEawes from the heauen fruits from the earth I did withhold and stay ●th wine and oyle cattell and corne I tooke them all away EArn'd wages with great paine procur'd In bagges with holes were put I blew vpon their goods brought home and in their houses shut FOR this the Rulers people Priests did feare before the Lord And in Gods house most cheerfully did worke with one accord Chapt. 2 GLorious is this Temple built yet must you needs confesse That in respect of former house the glorie of this is lesse HOwbeit Prince people and Priests feare nothing but be strong For I am with you saith the Lord I le see you take no wrong I Once againe the heauens the earth the land and seas will shake More glorious shall this last house be Siluer and gold I make KNow of the Priests if man vncleane doe touch bread wine or oyle Shall they be cleane the Priests replpy they are polluted all LIke such a man this people is before me saith the Lord Their workes are all vncleane and naught their offerings all abhord MArke that your sinnes haue hindred much this worke you haue in hand And made me plague you fore yet you would nothing vnderstand NOw marke the time since you began this house of mine to build The fields and trees abundant store of all increase doe yeeld O Thou Zerubbabel saith God all Heathen Kings I le kill Thee as my signet I will make and dearely loue thee still ZECHARIAH Chapt. 1 AS your forefathers did doe nor they harkned not at all Nor did repent and turne to me when Prophets did them call BVT tell me where your fathers are the plagues my seruants told Did they not of your fathers all accordingly take hold COnfesse they did as much themselues and then return'd to me A man on red horse riding then in vision did I see DEclaring that the earth sate still and was at quiet rest The Angel prai'd that at the last Ierusalem might be blest EXceeding comforts then I heard that God thus intend To Zion and Ierusalem prosperitie to send FOure hornes I after did behold the Angell did me tell That they were Iudah's enemies and scattered Israel GOds instruments four Carpenters I saw to breake the horne Of those that scattered Israel and did his people scorne Chapt. 2 HEre is declar'd by measuring Iehouah's care of all Salem shall be inhabited as townes without a wall I Saith the Lord will be a wall of fire it round about Ho you that dwell in Babylon set free your selues come out KNow he that toucheth you doth touch the apple of his eye I le spoyle your foes in midst of thee O Zion dwell will I. LEt Zion sing for nations my people deare shall be And I will Salem choose againe let all flesh silent be Chapt. 3 MArke here the high Priest Iosuah before the Angel stands Sathan to bee his opposite attends at his right hand NOw God that chose Ierusalem ô Sathan thee reprooue As brand out of the fire that 's pluck't so he is through my loue O Take away his garments foule thus then the Angell said With change of raiment I le him cloath set miter on his head PLace among these that stand here by I sure will giue to thee If thou wilt walke in all my wayes and watchman be to me QVite contemn'd of all the world and monsters are ye thought Thou and thy fellowes Ioshua the BRANCH shall forth be brought REgard the STONE that I haue laid I their transgressions all Will then remoue from vnder vines men shall their neighbours call Chapt. 4 SEE here a golden candlesticke bowle lampes and pipes most fit Two Oliue trees were by the bowle vpon the side of it THE Lord workes not by armies strong but by his spirit of might O Mountaine I will make thee plaine thou shalt not hinder it VNto this building men shall wish all good Zerubbabel As he did well begin the worke so shall he end it well Chapt. 5 A Flying rowle here doe I see with curses fully fraught Which shall the theeues and swearers house consume and bring to naught BEhold a woman in the midst of Ephah here doth sit The which is wickednesse a weight of lead is cast on it CArried is this Ephah then from thence to Shinar land An house to build and on her owne foundation there to stand Chapt. 6 DOwne from betweene two hils of brasse I saw foure chariots come With horses some red black and white and grisled colour some EVery one throughout the earth doe wander to and fro They are the spirits of the Heauens commanded to doe so FOrthwith the Angel spake to me and thus aloud he cry'd Loe these that goe toward the North my spirit hath pacifi'd GOe make thee Gold and siluer crownes and set on Iosuah's head Tell him the man whose name is BRANCH shall perfect all the deed HE shall the holy temple build and rule vpon his throne And he shall be a Priest also our King and Priest alone IN building of the temple they that dwell far off agree Thus shall it be if
horse yea pots shall holy be A Canaanite in Gods owne house no more then shalt thou see MALACHI Chapt. 1 A Tender loue I haue you borne and yet ye aske wherein Louing good Iacob I did hate his brother for his sinne BVild vp againe will we the walls and places once laid wast Thus Edom saith God them assures hee 'le pull them downe as fast COncerning me if I your Lord and louing Father be Where is the feare and honour which you ought to yeeld to me DEspisers of my holy name ô Priests demanding how Mine Altar Table ye pollute yea worse and worse ye grow EVery blind thing lame and sick for sacrifice ye bring Would hee be pleas'd with it or thee so dealing with thy King FOrgiuenesse craue beseech the Lord that he would gracious be This you haue done will God regard or like such men as yee GOD asketh who would shut the doores or kindle fire for naught I like you not nor will accept the offerings which are brought HEathen Gentiles both East and West my glorious name shall praise Pure offerings shall be giuen to me and incense in those dayes IT hath beene much prophan'd by you my table eke defil'd You wearie were and snuft at me should I be reconcil'd KNow hee 's accurst that hath a male and brings a sickly thing My name is dreadfull saith the Lord I am a mightie King Chapt. 2 LAy to your hearts this law of mine giue glorie to my name O Priests else I le your blessings curse yea I haue curst the same MY cou'nant made with Leui old was of long life and peace He fear'd my name he kept my Law and did my flocke increase NO fraud was found within his lips Priests lips should knowledge keepe And at his mouth Gods messenger all men the law should seeke OVt of the way all yee are gone ye haue corrupted all Both law and Leuies couenant many ye make to fall PArtiall in the Law yee were and haue not kept my waies I made you be despis'd therefore and vile in all your dayes QVestionlesse one God vs made one father haue we all Why breake we fathers cou'nant then and with our brethren braule REbelliously they haue prophan'd the holinesse of Lord And matcht with Daughters of strange gods which God himselfe abhord SEruant and master I le cut off that doth this wicked thing And also him that in my house doth any offring bring THE cause of this you still demand the reason 's plaine and rife The Lord himselfe hath witnessed between thee and thy wife VNchastly hast thou dealt and done to thy companion deare With whom thou mad'st a couenant her still to loue and cheare AT first did God not make them one of old he so decreed Although he had of spirit store he sought an holy seed BE sober therefore in your minds but ye doe murmur still In saying that man pleaseth God that doth transgresse his will Chapt. 3 COme to his Temple speedily Messiah shall I say My messenger first will I send for to prepare his way DAy of his comming who can bide for he shall purge with fire The Leuites that they may bring gifts such as God doth require EVen as of old the offerings then of Iuda shall content On sorcerers and Adulterers his iudgments shall be spent FAlse swearers also he will plague and all that doe oppose The strangers widowes labourers friendlesse and fatherlesse GOne quite away from my decrees ye are yet rob no more Ye aske wherein I say by tithes you still encrease your store HAue any people rob'd their Gods ye are cursed euery one For ye haue rob'd and spoyled me euen this whole nation INto the storehouse bring the tithes that there there may be meat And therewith proue me saith the Lord how ● I will you intreat KIndly yea and exceedingly I then on you will poure My blessings and I will rebuke what did your fruits deuoure Lofty lewd words yet haue you spoke you aske what we did say That it is vaine to serue the Lord no gaine is got that way MAlicious proud and wicked men we count them blest to be They are aduanc'd that tempt the Lord and are from dangers free NOw they that truly feared God did to their neighbours speake The Lord did heare a booke was writt for those that did him seeke O Then they shall my deare sonnes be I will their sinnes forgiue Then ye shall iudge betweene the bad and them that purely liue Chapt. 4 PRoud persons and all wicked men shall in a furnace burne As stubble in that fiery day they shall be quite forlorne QVietnesse peace and health shall be to you that feare my name As dust the wicked vnder foot ye shall tread downe with shame REmember Moses Law which I in Horeb did him giue The statutes and the iudgements all wherein they are to liue SEnt shall Eliah be to you before that dreadfull day He fathers harts and sonnes shall turne that so my curse may stay The end of the Prophets A TRVE CHRISTIANS DAILY DELIGHT Being The Summe of euery Chapter of the new Testament set downe Alphabetically in English Verse that the Scriptures we reade may be remembred and the things forgotten more easily recalled By Simon Wastel sometimes of Queenes Colledge in OXFORD now Schoole-Master of the Free-Schoole in Northampton LONDON Printed for Robert Mylbourne THE NEVV TESTAMENT MATTHEVV Chapt. 1 A Pedigree of IESVS CHRIST by th' holy Ghost conceiu'd Virgin borne who though with child of Ioseph is receiu'd Chapt. 2 BY starre the Wisemen guided are to Christ whom they ad●●● They offer gifts King Herod frets and Ioseph flies therefore CHildren by Herod murthered are and then obserue his death Ioseph is sore afraid yet comes with Christ to Nazareth Chapt. 3 DOwne comes the holy Ghost on Christ whom God from heauen doth grace Iohn cries reproues baptizeth Christ himselfe he doth debase Chapt. 4 ENuious tempter thrice repell'd to Christ the Angells come He preacheth calls Apostles foure and heales both all and some Chapt. 5 FOr blessed men Christ these esteemes the city set on hill The Candle Salt light of the world Christ did the law fulfill GIue eare and learne what murther is adultery what to sweare Beare iniuries loue enemies be like thy father deare Chapt. 6 HEre Christ of prayer of fasting alme● and forgiuenesse doth speake Of treasure mammon bids that we first heauen then earth should seeke Chapt. 7 IVdge not nor cast pure things to dogs pray striue at any hand To enter heare and doe the world build not vpon the sand Chapt. 8 KNow the Centurions seruant 's heal'd the Leper clens'd and tride Peters wiues mother's also cur'd and many sicke beside LEarne how Christ must be followed the sea made calme and fine Two men of Deuills are dispossest they goe into the swine Chapt. 9 MAtthew is from the Custome call'd the palsie man amended Disciples for not fasting are by Christ himselfe defended NOw