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A12475 The communion of saincts A treatise of the fellowship that the faithful have with God, and his angels, and one with an other; in this present life. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, by H.A. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1607 (1607) STC 228; ESTC S118775 187,194 518

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one shepheard that hath made one sheepfold and are therfore exhorted to be al of one mind and to lov as brethren For so was it prophefied of the latter dayes that peoples should ioyntly seek for knowledge of Gods wayes in the mountayn of his howse and nation not lift vp a sword against natiō nor learn to fight any more 4. From hence ariseth the cōmunion of love al Gods graces and blessings among the churches wherin our elder sister the Congregation of Israel hath walked before vs for an example For she had mind and care of vs when we were smal and without breasts not able to bear or nourse vp children to the Lord she prayed for vs vnto God made mention of vs to her acquaintance taught her children by many prophesies to exspect our birth caling and cōjoyning in one spiritual body faith worship and religion And now that we through Christ hav obteyned this riches mercie though it be by her fal and diminishing we ought both to nourish vnity peace among our selves and to remember her again who notwithstanding her present miserie is beloved for her fathers sakes shal againe obteyn mercy which what wil it be vnto vs but life from the dead 5. Examples also we have of y● churches in the Apostles dayes who cōmunicated ech with other in blessings spiritual and temporal as amongst others cheifly appeareth in those two loving sisters the Churches at Ierusalem and Antiochia the one of which wer Iewes the other Gentiles For they in Ierusalem hearing that many in Antioch wer turned vnto Christ sent for their further edification Bainabas vnto them a good man and ful of the holy Ghost and of faith by whose meanes much people joyned themselves vnto the Lord. The Antiochians knowing as the Apostle sayth that if they were made partakers of their spiritual things their dutie was to minister vnto them in carnal things whē they heard of a famine foretold to come over al the world sent succour to their brethren in Iudea by the hands of Barnabas and Saul Again when ther grew a dissention by meanes of false doctrine sown amōg thē they sent the sayd Paul and Barnabas for advise and help vnto Ierusalem which church after great disputation even by the Apostles themselves sent back choise and chief men of their own company to Antiochia with Paul and Barnabas and wrote letters also of the same matter so bot● by word writing the multitude of beleevers there were confirmed in the trueth and rejoyced for the consolation 6. Thus have we a pattern and president of Christian duties between Churches in that Church which first was crowned with the name of Christians have besides this many other instructions and exāples proposed in the scriptures as of the Churches in Macedonia so ready and instant to bestow grace and fellowship of ministring to other Saincts of Corinth also in the like case whose readines of mind Paul boasted of to other congregations and their zele provoked many And wel was it with the churches thē which strove not for primacie nor knew no preeminence one over an other but walked al as brethren vnder one Archpastour Christ who stil walked among thē visiting the wayes and works of those golden candlesticks whose lights shined not onely in them selves but vnto others so as they wer followers of the Apostles of y● Lord ensamples to their sister churches in doctrine faith vertue folowers of thē in patience for which the Apostles rejoyced in the churches of God Herevpon followed prayers one for another thanks salutations with al other means to nourish lov and continew peace Then was fulfilled the prophesie of Isaiah which foretold of a path from Aegypt to Asshur that is from one church and nation of the Gentils to another wherby they should come and cōmunicate togither in the worship of God Israel also being a third with them even a blessing in the midds of the land as we hav seen before in the church at Ierusalem and the blessing of the Lord vpon it in this holy cōmunion saying Blessed be my people Aegypt and Asshur the work of my hands and Israel myne inheritance 7 From these few examples cōpared with the former general duties of al Christians may appear how churches owe help comfort and refreshing one to another as they hav need ability and should not one envie or vex an other but as Ephraim and Iudah flee togither vpon the shoulders of the common enimie yet avoiding both ambition confusiō For although we may advise exhort warn reprove c so far as Christian love and power extendeth yet find we no authority committed to one congregation over an other for excōmunicating the same as every church hath over her own members Christ reserveth this power in his own hand to remove the Candlestiks out of their places if they syn and repent not And he in his Epistles to the seven churches dealeth with every of them severally for their own estate and faults not imputing the syns of one vnto an other though the admonitions given to every one were to be a warning to al churches evē whosoever had an ear to hear Neyther may members disorderly runn from church to church which may work trouble and confusion for avoiding wherof in the Apostles dayes letters of cōmendation wer written for such as by occasion traveiled to other places that they might be esteemed and received as brethren as on the contrary false teachers hereticks excommunicats and such like be shunned avoided 8. As for communicating with an other church when it lieth in syn Christians ar to consider the rules mētioned in the former chapter For when they may not partake with their own congregation vnto which they ar joyned neyther may they partake with an other being in the same estate and transgression A Multitude cannot make an evil thing good neyther can many or al churches togither justify or make tollerable that which Gods law condemneth for al men though they be layd togither in the ballance ar lighter then vanity as the prophet sayth It is iustice according to the true proverbe which exalteth a nation but syn is the shame of peoples As therfore when Israel was in trespasse Iudah was forbidden to syn and every godly Iew to go to their assemblies so the Christians in Sardi which wer commended of Christ for not dofiling their garments in the syns of that church could not hav been blamelesse if they had joyned with their sister church of Thyatira wher Iesabel sate as Doctresse to teach to deceiv Gods servants 9. When ●holah the church of Samaria had defiled her self with the idols of Asshur and was therfore chastised of God it should hav been a warning to Aholihah the
youth for now ther shal be no more curse but the throne of God of the Lamb that was slayn shal be in the city he wil be merciful vnto his land vnto his people The Angels saw this were glad for our salvation they sung at our Saviours birth Glory to God in the highest heavens and vpon earth peace towards men goodwill And when he was glorified the thowsand thowsands of them praysed him saying worthy is the Lamb that was killed to receiv power and riches and wisdome and strength and honour and glory and prayse The heavens rejoyced for that the Lord had done the lower parts of the earth showted the mountaynes forrests and every tree burst forth into prayses for that the Lord had redeemed Iaakob would be glorified in Israel and al creatures in heaven in earth vnder the earth and in the sea al that are in them gave Praise honour and glorie power vnto him that sitteth vpon the throne and vnto the Lamb for ever more Amen 14. This grace was the Wisedom of God in a mysterie the hidden wisedom which God had fore-determined before the world vnto our glorie but it was hid from the eyes of al the living hid from the fowls of the heavē none of the Princes of this world knew it no ye had seen it nor ear heard it neyther came it into mans hart onely God vnderstood the Way thereof and from the beginning of the world it was kept secret and hid in him and stil he hideth it from the wise men of vnderstanding neyther can the natural perceiv it vntil he revele it vnto them by his spirit which spirit sercheth al things even the deep things of God and by it we know the things that are given to vs of God 15. And now he hath opened vnto vs the mysterie of his will according to his good pleasure which he had purposed in Christ he hath proclaymed vnto the ends of the world that the Saviour of the daughter Sion is come his wages with him and his work before him that we might cleerly see the fellowship of the mystery might be able to cōprehend with al Saincts what is the bredth and length and depth and height to know the lov of Christ which passeth knowledge and might be filled with al fulnes of God who hath given vs bewty for ashes the oyl of ioy for mourning the garment of gladnes for the spirit of heavines because our ‡ warfare is accomplished and our iniquitie is pardoned For while we were yet sinners Christ died for vs and when wee were enemies we were reconciled to God by his death and now shal be saved by his life for the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes we are healed he hath washed vs from our syns in his blood and purged our conscience from dead works to serve the living God and is gone vp into very heaven to appear now in the sight of God for vs and there to prepare vs a place that where he is we may be also From whence he wil shortly shew himself with his mightie Angels to be glorified in his Saincts and made marveilous in them that beleev who after that they have drunk of his cup been baptised into his death and buriall and walked with him in newnes of life in this vale of tears and fulfilled the rest of his afflictions in their flesh shal have their vile bodies changed fashioned like to his glorious bodie the dead being raysed vp incorruptible and such as live remayn being chāged and caught vp with them also in the clowds to meet the Lord in the ayre and so shall they ever be with the Lord their faces shyning as the Sun in the kingdome of their Father 16. Although this mysterie of Christ was not opened vnto the sons of men in other ages as it was at last reveled vnto his holy Apostles and Prophets by the spirit yet was the effect and summe therof made known to all the Patriarchs from the beginning For Iesus Christ was yesterday is to day the same for ever Abraham saw his day and was glad Abel also by faith in him obteyned testimonie that he was righteous which faith he learned of his father Adam who heard of God the riches of this grace freely preached in paradise before the sentence of exile and death was pronounced vpon him namely that the womans seed should crush the Serpents head who also was shewed the way to be by death and sacrifice a shadow wherof he saw in the Lambs then slayn and sacrificed in the service of the Lord. The great afflictions of Christ and of his people wer foretold in the Serpents crushing of his ●eel and the enmitie between the womans seed that Serpents foreshewed also in the murder of Abel the iust by Cain his wicked brother To Christ gave all the Prophets witnes that through his name all that beleeved in him should receive remission of syns and the twelve tribes instantly serving God night day hoped to come vnto this promise So in this hope and exspectation of redemption by the Son of God the Fathers rested and comforted their fainting sowles by faith the evidence of things not seene by which faith they saw the promises a farr off were perswaded saluted them confessed that they were strangers and pilgroms vpon earth and so died having through their faith obteyned testimony but received not the promise God providing a better thing for vs that they without vs should not be made perfect but in patient hope passe out their dayes on earth after death wayt al the dayes of their appoynted time til their changing shall come and then stand vp in their lot with vs and al Saincts at the end of the dayes 17. But al this grace and riches of the glorious mysterie now manifested to the Saincts which is Christ in vs the hope of glory God did not communicate with al men neyther yet doeth save with some few chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world Which little flock have their election not by works but by him that caleth according to the good pleasure of his own wil who without any vnrighteousnes hath mercy on whom he wil and whom he will he hardneth having made as the clay-potter of one lump some men vessels of mercie prepared vnto glorie some vessels of wrath prepared to destruction which yet notwithstanding have many favours and benefits from God to draw them to repentance out of the snare of Satan but all in vayn for they despise the grace proffered vnto them and run headlong into the condemnation whereto they were of old ordeyned
into very heaven and obteyned eternal redemption So the Lord took away the iniquitie of his land in one day as he had promised for the ransom was most precious even of infinite value effect seeing by the vnion of the God head with the manhood in this our High-priests person it was the blood of God himself as the scripture speaketh wherewith we are purchased Thus Christ hath reconciled vs that were enimies vnto God by his death and hath put away syn by the sacrifice of himself for he was the ‡ Lamb of God that taketh away the syn of the world and the prophesie of Abraham was fulfilled God wil provide him a Lamb for a burnt offring my son 12. Touching Christs Intercession as he prayed for his church when he was on earth and his Father heard him alwayes so now being ascended and set at the right hand of God he stil maketh request for vs being therefore entred into very heaven to appear now in the sight of God for vs. Whose prayer as it is pure and perfect so prevaileth it with God and is of vnspeakable efficacie to make vs to be accepted For the Father loveth the Son and accepteth him better then he did his servant Iob when he prayed for the trespassers This is that Angel the Angel or messenger of the covenant that hath a golden censer much odours which he offreth with the prayers of all Saincts vpon the golden altar that is before the throne the smoke of which odours with the prayers of the Saincts goeth vp before God out of the Angels hand and vnto his requests which hee maketh for his afflicted people the Lord answereth good and comfortable words Thus our high sacrificer having the names of the whole Israel of God as it were graven vpon two precious stones and embossed in gold beareth vs vpon his two shoulders for a remembrance and presenteth vs pure holy just before the Lord. 13. The things towards vs which ar his Blessing and the fruits that folow he graciously communicateth as a merciful faithful high priest touched with the feeling of our infirmites being raysed vp vnto vs of God and sent to Blesse vs in turning every one of vs from our iniquities And as at the end of his ministery vpon earth he lifted vp his hands and blessed his disciples and then was taken from them into heaven so continewing stil a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedek who met Abrahā blessed him he stil blesseth the children of Abraham giving and applying the promises of the Gospel vnto the harts and consciences of his people even the favour protection of God the light of his countenance and his peace So the blessing of Abraham cometh on vs through Christ Iesus who is that promised seed in whom al nations ar blessed and whom God hath set to be Blessings for ever Thus Christ by Sacrifice hath merited by Intercession obteyneth and by Blessing bestoweth and distributeth vnto vs the love graces of God his Father even all things perteyning to life and godlines that we being partakers of his peace may again blesse God even the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessings in heavenly thinges in Christ as the Apostle sayth 14. The cōmunion of this Blessing is more particularly to be discerned in that honour of Priesthood which is given to al Christians the seales of Gods grace and love towards vs in Christ. For he hath made vs Priests vnto God even his Father and we as lively stones are made a spiritual howse a holy priesthood to offer vp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Iesus Christ. For first applying him vnto our selves by Faith his suffrings death burial are ours his righteousnes resurrection and glorious victory over syn Satan Death and Hel ours so that we by the blood of Iesus may be bold to enter into the holy place though the Levitical Priests might not enter into the shadow thereof at al times by the new living way which hee hath prepared for vs through the veyl that is his flesh even boldly may we goe vnto the throne of grace that we may receiv mercy and finde grace to help in tyme of need Presenting vnto God his Father and ours this Lamb that was slayne for our syns who is our surety and our sacrifice by whose stripes wee are healed by whose death we are restored to life by whose body once offred we are sanctified vpon whose head wee have layd the burden of our syns and by whose curse we are made the heyres of blessing and of all the riches of Gods grace 15. We also giv vp our own bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable vnto God which is our reasonable serving of God so the heavenly Ierusalem is filled with the Flocks of men as the earthly once was with Flocks of holinesses or sacrifices external Our spirits being contrite our harts humbled and broken for our syns ar the sacrifices of God also which he wil not despise By Christ we offer the sacrifice of Praise alwayes to God that is the fruit or calves of our lips which confesse his name and magnify him with thanksgiving this also pleaseth the Lord better then oxe or heiffer that beareth hornes that parteth the hoof Our almes and offrings for relief of the poor especially the ministers of the Gospel of Christ are an odour that smelleth sweet a sacrifice acceptable pleasant to God Finally if we be powred out as a drink offring vpon the sacrifice service of the faith of Christs church do resist vnto blood striving against syn we have cause to rejoyce for precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saincts the ‡ soules of such rest vnder the altar til the Lord holy and true doe avenge their blood on thē that dwel on the earth 16. This honour of Priesthood which no man can take to himself nor any other thing except it be given him frō heavē Christ giveth vnto vs of his rich grace by his word spirit For as by the preaching of the Gospel he is dayly described in our sight and among vs crucified so we by the ministerie of the Gospel are made an acceptable offring vnto the Lord being sāctified by the Holy Ghost His word is a sharp two edged sword and divideth a sunder the sowl and the spirit the joynts and the marow by it we are taught to mortify our members which are on earth his spirit is as fyre where with we being baptised doe also mortifie the deeds of the bodie that we may live give our selves vp vnto God for a living sacrifice The afflictions
that we feel in this world when for his sake we are killed al the day long are counted as sheep for the slaughter doe bear about in our body the dying of the Lord Iesus and are alwayes delivered vnto death for Iesus sake that the life also of our Lord Iesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh these serve for furtherances of our sanctification by being partakers of his holines and make vs as sacrifices and a prey for the ravenous fowles whiles we liv strangers here on earth the land that is not ours as did Ahrahams seed Thus ar we named the Priests of the Lord and hav authority in every place to offer incense vnto his name and a pure offring both we and our works our spiritual sacrifices being acceptable vnto God in Christ Iesus 17. To illustrate and seal vp more assuredly our communion with Christs Priesthood We ar washed with water for a signe assurance of the forgivnes washing away of our syns and to be as the laver of our regeneration new birth wherby we ar also baptised into his death and buried with him by baptisme that like as Christ was raysed vp from the dead by the glory of the Father so we also should walk in newnes of life our old man being crucified with him that the body of syn might be destroyed and our selves be dead to syn but alive to God in Iesus Christ our Lord whom by this symbol we have put on and doe bear his name vpon vs with the name of the Father and of the holy Spirit And after this Christ often feedeth our sowles with his own body blood which was broken powred out for our sakes figured out vnto vs by bread wine hereby cōfirming the former grace of remission of syns and a further growth in Christ continually into whom we ar incorporate have so neer a communion with him vnder these visible earthly elements which we looking past by the eye of faith seeing and feeding vpon Christ have our life by him doe dwel in him he in vs and shal by him be raysed vp at the last day vnto life eternal 18. Having seen how Christ being our Prophet informeth vs in al the wisdome of God and by the Law sheweth vs our syn wretchednes by the Gospel our justice happines and being our Priest Sacrifice hath by himself purged vs frō al syn given vs the gift of justice and sanctitie to present vs pure blamelesse before God his Father it remayneth that we also consider how he conserveth and mainteyneth this our blessed state against al enimies by his mighty power and soveraignty which as Lord and King he hath over al. 19. This soveraigntie is set forth by divers titles of honour and dignitie given him in the scriptures as when he is named Messiah the Governour Captaine or Fore leader the Ruler that is having dominion right and authoritie to govern and guide his people Michael the great Prince the Captaine of the Lords host a mayster or Commander to the peoples a Potentate or Mighty one the king of kings Lord of Lords and Prince of the kings of the earth the Lord of all vnto whom is given al power in heaven in earth an everlasting dominion honour and kingdome that al peoples nations and languages shal serv him And he the true Melchisedek king of Salem shal reign as king in justice and sit as Prince of Peace vpon the throne of David vpon his kingdome to order it to stablish it with judgement with justice frō henceforth even for ever 20. This kingdome of Christ is no earthly Monarchie nor of this world but spiritual and heavenly and therfore is more mighty then the kingdoms of the earth able to beat down break in peeces grind to pouder al adverse power and domination whither of this world or the spiritual wickednesses which are in the high places 21. Therfore also is the manner of administring this kingdom no● worldly nor pompous but a● Christ the king himself came vnto vs poor and riding vpon an asse● and he the Lion of the tribe o● Iudah the root of David was fo● to see to like a killed Lamb s● menageth hee his kingdome stil● neyther by an army nor a Power but by his Spirit that it cometh not with observation for men to say Loe here or loe there but is with in vs wielded by the spiritual scepter of his word the Gospel of the kingdom and by the almighty working of the Spirit and therefore conteyneth in it mysteries or secrets that can not be vnderstood but by the gift of God 22. Our Lord himself hath subdued and dayly subdueth al his foes the world he hath overcome syn he hath condemned and put-away Death he hath abolished the Divil that had the power there of he hath destroyed neyther shal these or any of these ever have dominion over him but he shall reign til he hath put all his enemies vnder his feet and death and hel be cast into the lake of fyre 23. This his power regiment he cōmunicateth with his Saincts two manner of wayes First by applying vnto them for their benefit and salvation al that himself hath done and doeth as the Lord sayth by his prophet I wil camp about mine howse against the army against him that passeth by and against him that returneth no oppressor shal come vpon them any more And as for their sakes Christ sanctified himself so for their comfort he overcame the world to take away their syns did he appear when in himself ther was no syn for the children of the people Israel standeth this Michael the great prince fighteth against the Dragon and casteth him out of heaven wher now is salvatin and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ the accuser of the Saincts being cast down Wherfore the Lord being king the earth may rejoyce and the multitude of the yles be glad because he preserveth the soules of his Sainctes he wil deliver them from the hand of the wicked hee will judge the people of God in justice and his poor with equitie that the mountaynes the hils shal bring peace to the people by justice and in his dayes the righteous shall flourish and abundance of peace shal be so long as the moon endureth For the charets being cut off from Ephraim and the horse from Ierusalem the bow of the battel shal be broken and he shal speak peace vnto the natiōs but in y● mornings he wil destroy al the wicked of the land smiting the earth with the rod of his mouth and slaying the wicked with