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A09183 The piththy [sic] and moost notable sayinges of al scripture, gathered by Thomas Paynell: after the manner of common places, very necessary for al those that delite in the consolacions of the scriptures Paynell, Thomas. 1550 (1550) STC 19494.3; ESTC S122454 195,516 370

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shalt thou eate all the dayes of thy lyfe I will also put enimitie bytwene the and the woman bytwene thy seed and her seed the same shalt treade downe thy head and thou shalt treade vpon his heele Vnto the woman he sayde In multiplyinge wyl I multiply thy sorowe and thy conceyuing In sorowe shalt thou bringe forth the children and thy lust shall pertayne to thy husband and he shall haue the rule of the. To Adam he sayde cursed be the grounde for thy sake In sorowe shalt thou eate of it all the dayes of thy lyfe Thorne also and thystie shall it cause to growe vnto the and thou shalte eate the hearbe of the felde In the sweate of thy face shalt thou eate breade tyll thou be turned agayne in to the groūde for out of it was thou taken in asmuch as thou art dust and in to dust shalt thou be turned againe ¶ The fourth Chapter ANd in processe of daies it came to passe that Cain brought of the frute of the grounde an oblation vnto the Lorde Habell also brought of the firstlinges of his shepe and of the fat thereof And the Lord had respecte vnto Habel and to his oblation But vnto Cain and to his offering he had no respect for the which cause Cain was excedinge wrath and his countenaunce abated And the Lorde sayde vnto Cain Why art thou wroth and why is thy countenaunce abated if thou do well shall there not be a promotion And if thou dost not wel lyeth not thy sinnes in the dores Vnto the also pertayneth the lust thereof and thou shal thaue dominion euer it AND it fortuned when they were in the felde Cain tose vp againste Habell his brother and slue him And the Lorde sayde vnto Cain where is Habell thy brother Whiche sayde I wote not am I my brothers keper And he sayde what hast thou done The voyce of thy brothers bloude trieth vnto me out of the grounde and now art thou cursed from the earth which hathe opened her mouthe to receaue thy brothers bloude from thy hande Yf thou tyll the grounde she shall not procede to yeld vnto the her strength Fugitiue and avagabende shall thou be in the earth And Cain sayde vnto the Lorde My iniquite is more then that it may be forgeuen Lameth toke vnto hym two wyues the name of the one was Ada and the name of the other was Zylla Iabell was the father of suche as dwell in tentes and of suche as haue cattell Thuball was the father of suche as handle harpe or organe Thubalchain wrought cunningly euery crafte of brasse and of yron ¶ The fyft Chapter ALl the dayes that Adam lyued were nine hundreth and thyrthye yeres Henoche walked with God and he was nomore sene for God toke hym awaye ¶ The syxt Chapter THE sonnes of God saw the doughters of men that they were fayre and they toke them wyues from amonge all that they had chosen The Lord sayde my spryte shall not alwaye stryue in man because he is fleshe and his dayes shal be an hūdred and twenty yeres But God sawe that the malice of man was greate in the earthe and all the imagination of the thoughtes of his hert was onely euill euery daye And it repented the Lorde that he had made man in the earth he was touched with sorowe in his hert and the Lorde sayde I wyll from the vpper parte of the earth destroy man whom I haue created bothe man catel worme and foule of the ayre for it repenteth me that I haue made them Noah was iuste and perfecte in his generations walked with god and begat .iii. sonnes Sem Ham and Iapheth The earth was corrupt before God and the same earth was fylled with crueltye and God loked Apon the earth beholde it was corrupt for all fleshe had corrupte his waye vpon earth The length of the arke shal be thre hundreth cubites the bredth of it .l. cubytes the height of it thyrty cubytes The .vij. Chapter THe rayne was vpon the earth fortye dayes and fortye nyghtes And the waters preuayled exceadingly vpon the earth and all the hye hylles that are vnder whole heauen were couered Fyftene cubites vpwarde did the waters preuayle so that the mountaynes were couered The waters preuayled vpon the earth an hundreth and fyftie dayes ¶ The .viij. Chapter AND he sent forth a rauen whiche went out goinge forth and returninge agayne vntyll the waters were dried vp vpon the earth He sente forth the doue out of the arke and the doue came to him in the euen tyde and Loin her mouthe was an oliue leafe that she had plucte wherby Noah did knowe that the waters were abated vpon the earth And that Lord sayde in his herte I wyl not proceade to curse the grounde any more for mannes sake for the ymagination of mans herte is euell euen from his youth Neyther wyll I adde to smite any more euery thing lyuing as I haue done ¶ The .ix. Chapter EUery thinge that moueth it selfe and that lyueth shall be meate for you euen as the grene heat be haue I geuen you all thynges But fleshe in the life therof and in the bloude therof shall ye not eate Elles your bloude of your liues will I require from the hande of euery beast will I requyre it frō the hande of man from the hand of mans brother will I requyre the life of man who so shedeth mannes bloude by man shall his bloude be shedde for in the ymage of God did god make man My couenaunte wyll I make with you that from henseforth euery fleshe he not rooted oute with the waters of a floude neyther shall there be a floude to destroye the earth any more Noah also beganne to be an husband man and planted a vyneyarde ▪ and he drincking of the wyne was dronken and vncouered within his cente And Ham the father of Canaan seinge the nakednes of his father tolde his two bretherne without And Sem and Iaphet they two takynge a garment layde it vpon there shulders and cōminge backwarde couered the naked priuities of the●re father namely their faces beinge turned awaye leyst they shulde se theyr fathers priuities ¶ The .x. Chapter NImrod began to be mightye in the earth for he was a mightye hunter before the Lorde A slut buylded Niniue the stretes of the citye ¶ The .xi. Chapter ALl the whole earth was of one language and lyke speche And they sayde Go to let vs buylde vs a cytie and a tower whose toppe may reach vnto heare and let vs make vs a name And therfore is the name of it called Babel because the Lorde did there confounde the language of al the earth ¶ The .xii. Chapter THE Lord sayde vnto Abram Gette the out of thy countrey and out of thy natiō and from thy fathers house vnto a lande that I will shewe the and I will make of the a greate people and will blesse the and make thy name greate that thou mayst
the laste it byteth like a serpent and stingeth as an adder My sonne thou eatest hony and the swete honye combe because it is good and sweete in thy mouth euen so shall knowledge of wysdome be vnto thy soule assone as thou hast gotten it A iuste man falleth seuen tymes and ryseth vp agayne but the vngodly fall into wickednes Reioyse not thou at the fall of thyne enemye and let not thyne hearte be gladde when he stombleth leste the Lorde when he seeth it be angrye and turne his wrath from hym vnto the. The .xxv. Chapter PUt not forth thy selfe in the presence of the kynge and prese not into the places of great men Better it is that it be sayde vnto the come vp hether then thou to be put lower in the presence of the prince whome thou seest with thyne eyes Withdrawe thy foote from thy neighboures house lest he be wery of the and so abhorre thee Yf thyne enemy honger fede hym yf he thyrst gyue hym drynke for so shalt thou heape coales of fyrste vpon hys heade and the lord shal rewarde the. Lyke as it is not good to eate to moche hony euen so he that wyll searche out hye thynges it shal be to heuy for hym The .xxvi. Chapter Geue not the foole an aunswere after his foolishnes leaste thou become lyke vnto hym but make the foole an answere to his foolishnes lesse he be wyse in his owne conceyte The .xxvii. Chapter LEt a nother man prayse thee and not thyne owne mouth yes other mennes lippes and not thyne An open rebuke is better then a secrete loue Better is a frende at hande then a brother farre of The .xxviii. Chapter HE that by vsury and vniuste gaynes gathereth ryches he shall laye them in store for a man that wyll pitie the poore He that turneth awaye his eare from hearyng the lawe his prayer shall be abhominable He that hydeth his synnes shall not prosper but whoso knowlegeth them and forsaketh them shall haue mercye Lyke as a roarynge Lyon and an hungrye beare euen so is an vngodly prince ouer the poore people Where the prince is without vnderstanding there is greate oppression and wronge but yf he be suche a one as hateth couetousnesse he shall longe raygne He that maketh to muche haste to be ryche shall not be vngylty He that geueth vnto the poore shall not lacke but he that turneth away his eyes from suche as be in necessitie shal suffre great pouertie himself The .xxix. Chapter WYth true iudgement the kynge setteth vp the lande but yf he be a mā that oppresseth the people with gatheringes he turueth it vpside downe When the vngodly come vp wickednes encreaseth but the righteous shall se theyr fall When the worde of god is not preached the people perishe He that delicately bryngeth vp his seruaunt frō a chylde shall make hym his mayster at length The .xxx. Chapter AL the wordes of god be pure and cleane Put thou nothyng vnto hys wordes leaste he reproue thee and thou be founde a lyar Remoue fro me vanitie and lyes geue me neither pouertie nor ryches onelye graunte me a necessarye liuyng least yf I be full I denye the and saye who is the Lorde And leaste I beynge constrayned thorowe pouertie fall vnto stelynge and take the name of my Lorde god in vayne There be three thynges that are neuer satisfyed yea foure thynges sayeth neuer whoo The graue a womans wombe closed and the earthe that hath neuer water ynough As for fyre it sayth neuer whoo There be three thynges to hye for me and as for the fourth that passeth my knowlege The waye of an Egle in the ayer the waye of a serpent ouer a stone the waye of a shippe in the sea and the waye of a man with a yonge woman Thorowe thre thynges the earthe is disquieeted and the fourth maye it not beare Thorowe a seruaunt that beareth rule Thorowe a foole that hath to muche breade Thorow a wyfe worthy hatred when she is maryed And thorowe an handemayden that is heyre to her maystres The .xxxi. Chapter O My beloued sōne geue not ouer thy strēgth and wayes vnto women whiche are the desiruction euen of kynges O ●amuel it is not for kynges it is not I say for kynges to drinke wyne nor princes stronge drinke for there is no secrete where dronkennes raygneth leste they beyng dronken forgette the lawe and peruerte the iudgemente of all poore mennes chyldren Geue strong drinke vnto suche as are condempned to death and wine vnto those that mourne that they maye drynke it and forget their miserye and aduersitie as for fauoure it is discretefull and beautie is a vayne thynge ¶ The booke of the preacher the first Chapter AL floudes runne into the sea and yet is the sea it selfe not fylled for loke vnto what place the waters runne thēce then come the flowe agayne All thynges are so harde to be knowen that no man can expresse them There is no newe thynge vnder the sunne Where muche wysedome is there is also greate trauayle and disquietnes and the more knowlege a man hath the more is his care The .ii. Chapter The wyse manne dyeth as wel as the foole What gathereth a manne of all the laboure and trauayle of his mynde that he taketh vnder the sunne but heuinesse and sorowe and disquietnesse all the dayes of his lyfe The .iii. Chapter SO I yet ceyued that there is nothyng better for a man then to be merye and to do well as long as he lyueth The .iiii. Chapter I Iudged those that are deade more happye then those that be a lyue yea hym that is yet vnborne to be better at ease then they bothe because he seeth not the miserable workes that are done vnder the sunne Woo is hym that is a lone for yf he fal he hath not another to helpe hym vp The .v. Chapter IF thou make a vowe vnto god be not slacke to performe it Is for folyshe vowes he hathe no pleasure in them Yf thou promyse any thinge paye it for better it is that thou make no vowe then that thou shuldest promise and 〈◊〉 He that loueth money wyll neuer be satisfyed with mo●●… And who so delyteth in riches shall haue no profyte therof Like as he came naked out of his mothers wōbe so go the he thether againe and carieth nothynge awaye with him of all his laboure ¶ The .vii. Chapter A Good name is more worthe then precious oyntement It is better to go into an house of mournynge then into an banckettyng house Better it is to consydre the ende of a thyng then the begynning Vse well the tyme of prosperite and remember the tyme of mysfortune Be thou neither to righteous nor ouer wyse that thou perishe not be neither to vnrighteous also nor to foolishe least thou dye before thy time There is not one iust vpon earth that doeth good and synneth not The .viii. Chapter BEcause that euell worckes are not hastelye punished the hearte of manne
open youre graues O my people and take you out of your sepulchres and brynge you into the lande of Israel againe So shall ye knowe that I am the lorde when I open your graues and bring you out of them My spirite also wyll I put in you and ye shall liue I wil se●te you agayne in youre owne lande and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde whiche haue sayde it and fulfilled it in dede The .xliii. Chapter O Thou sonne of man this tome is my feate and the place of my foote steps where as I wyll dwell amonge the children of Israell for euermore The .xliiii. Chapter THey shall not shaue theyr heades nor nourishe the bushe of theyr heare but rounde theyr heades onely All the priestes that go into the inmoste courte shall drynke no wyne They shall mary no wydowe neyther one that is putte from her husband but a mayde of the scede of the house of Israel or a wydow that hath had a priest before The .xlv. Chapter VPon the .xiiii. daye of the fyrste moneth ye shall kepe Easter seuen dayes shall the feast continue wherein there shall no sowre nor leuended breade be eaten One sycle maketh twenty garres So .xx. sicles and .xxv. and .xv. sicles make a pounde The .xlvi. Chapter If the Prince geue a gifte vnto anye of his sonnes then shall it be his sonnes heritage perpetuall that he maye possesse it But yf he wyll geue one of his seruantes some of his heritage it shal be his vnto the fre yeare and then to returne agayne vnto the Prince for his heritage shall be his sonnes only The booke of the Prophete Daniel the .ii. Chapter ANd Daniel praysed the God of heauen Daniel also cryed loude and sayde O that the name of GOD myghte he praysed for euer and euer for wysedome and strengthe are his owne he chaungeth the times and ages he putteth downe kynges he setteth vp kynges he geueth wysedome vnto the wyse and vnderstandyng to those that vnderstande he openeth the depe secretes he knoweth the thyng that lyeth in darkenesse for the lyghte dwelleth with him The .iiii. Chapter WHerfore O kynge be contente with my coūsell that thou mayest redeme thy synnes with alinesse and thyne ▪ offences with mercye to poore people for this shal be an healyng of thyne erroure O kynge Nabuchodonozor to the it is spoken Thy kyngdome shall departe from thee thou shalte be caste out of mennes companye thy dwellynge shal be with the beastes of the fielde so that thou shalte eate grasse as an Oxe tyll seuen yeares be come and goen ouer thee euen vntyll thou knowest that the kygheste hathe power vpon the kyngdomes of men and that he maye geue them vnto whome it pleaseth hym The .v. Chapter MAne Thetell Phares Nowe the interpretacion of the thing is this Mane God hath noumbred the kingdome and broughte it to an ende Thetel thou arte wayed in the balaunce and arte founde to lighte Phares thy kingdome is delie in partes and geuen to the Medes and Parses The .vii. Chapter HE shal suddue three kinges and shall speake wordes againste the hyghest of all he shall destroye the sayntes of the mooste hyghest and thynke that he maye chaunge tymes and lawes They shall be geuen vnder his power vntyll a tyme two tymes and halfe a time But the iudgemente shall be kepte so that his power shal be taken from hym for he shall be destroyed and peryshe at the laste The .ix. Chapter I Turned me vnto my God the Lorde for to praye and make myne intercercession with fasting sackecloth and ashes We do not cast our prayers before thee in our owne righteousenesse no but onely in thy greate mercies The .xii. Chapter THere shall come a tyme of trouble suche as neuer was sence there began to be any people vnto the same tyme. Then shall thy people de delyuered yea al those that be founde wrytten in the booke Many of them that sleape in the duste of the earthe shall awake some to euerlastynge lyte some to perpertuall shame and reprofe the wyse suche as haue taught other shall glyster as the shynyng of heauen and those that haue instructe the multitude vnto godlynesse shal be as the sterres worlde without ende The .xiii. Chapter WEl it is better for me to fall into youre bandes with out the bede doyns then to synne in the syghte of the lorde ¶ The booke of the Prophete Oseas The fyrst Chapter GO thy waye take an harlotiets thy wyfs gette children by her The .ii. Chapter I Wyll haue mercy vpon her that was without mercy The .iiii. Chapter THe lorde must punyshe thē that dwell in the lāde And why there is no truthe there is no mercy there is no knowledge of god in the lande but see eating liynge manslaughter thefte and aduoutrye haue gotten the vpper hande and one gyltynesse foloweth another Therfore shal the lande be in a miserable case and all they that dwell therin shall be rooted out The beastes of the felde the foules of the ayre and the fyshes of the see shall dye My people peryshe because they haue no know ledge Whoredome wyne and dronckennesse taketh the herte awaye The .vi. Chapter I Haue pleasure in louynge kyndnes and not in offerynge yea in the knowledge of god more then in burnt sacrifice As the theues armed waite for him that passeth by the waye suche is the counsayle of the presses whiche with one agterd counsayle murther cruelly suche as keye the waye yea they dare do all vnspeakable myschefe The .x. Chapter SOwe vnto righteousnesse reape the frutes of weldoynge plowe vp youre freshe lande for it is tyme to seke the lorde tyll he come and raine righteousnesse vpon you but you haue plowed vngodlynesse ye haue reaped iniquitie you haue eaten the frute of lyes The .xii. Chapter Iacob toke his brother by the hele when he was yet in his mothers wombe and in his strength he wrestled with god he stroue with the aungell and gat the victory so that he prayde and desired him The .xiii. Chapter O Israell thine iniquitie hath destroyed the. but in me onely is thy helpe O deathe I wyll be thy deathe O hell I wyl be thy slinge The .xiiii. Chapter THe wayes of the lorde are righteous suche as be godlye wyll walke in them As for the wycked they wyll stomble therin ¶ The booke of the Prophete Ioel The first Chapter WAke vp ye dronkardes and wepe mourne all ye wyne suppere because of your swet wyne for it shal be taken awaye from youre mouthe Gyrde you and mourne O ye prestes mourne ye ministers of the aultar go your waye in and sleape in sackeclothe proclayme a faslyng cal the congregacyon gather the elders and all the inhabytoure of the lande together in to the house of the lorde youre god crye vnto the lord alas alas for this daye And why the daye of the lorde is at hande and cometh as a destroyer from the almyghtye The .ii.
to this nedefull busynes But we wyll geue oure selues continually to prayer and to the ministr●tion of the worde The .vii. Chapter ANd the patriarkes hauynge indignation selde Ioseph into Egipte god was with him and delyuered him out of all his aduersities and gaue him fauoure and wysdome in the syght of Pharao kyng of Egypt whiche made him gouernour ouer Egyte and ouer all his lande Moses was learned in all maner wysdome of the Egyptians and was mightye in dedes and in wordes I haue perfectly sene the affliction of my people whiche is in Egipte and I haue hearde then gronyng and am come downe to delyuer them He that is hyest of all dwelleth not in temples made with handes as sayth the prophete Heauen is my seate earth is my fote stole or what place is it that I shuld rest in hath not my hande made all these thinges But he beyng full of the holy ghoste loked vp sted fastly with his eyes into heauen and sawe the glorye of god and Iesus standynge on the ryghte hande of god and sayde Beholde I se the heauen open and the sonne of man standyng on the right hande of god And they stoned Steuen callyng on and sayeng Lorde Iesu receaue my spryte he kneled downe and cryed with a loude voyce Lord laye not this synne to their charges The .viii. Chapter WHen the Apostles which were at Ierusalem hearde saye that Samaria bathe receaued ●e worde of god they sent vnto them Peter and Iohn whyche when they were come prayed for them that they myghte receaue the holye ghoste For as yet he was come on none of them but they were baptised onely in the name of Christe Iesu Then sayde they handes on them and they receaued the holy ghost Thy money perish with the because thou wenest that the gyfte of god maye be obteyned with money The .ix. Chapter SAul Saul why persecutest thou me And he sayde What arte thou lorde And the lorde sayde I am Iesus whome thou persecuteste ●s shal be harde for the to sticke against the pricke Go thy wayes for he is a chosen vessell vnto me to beare my name before the gentyls and kynges and the children of Israel For I wyll shewe hym ●owe great thynges he must suffre for my names sake The disciples toke him by nyght and put hym ●horowe the wall and let him downe in a basket The .x. Chapter THy prayers and all thy almeses are come vp into remembraunce before god What god hathe clensed that make thou not co●men or vnclene And as it chansed Peter to come in Cornelius ●et him and fell downe at his feete worshipped 〈◊〉 But Peter toke hym vp sayenge stande vp ●or euen I my selfe am a man Ye knowe howe that it is an vnlawfull thynge 〈◊〉 a manne that is a Iewe to company or come vnto an aliene but god hathe shewed me that I shoulde not call any manne commen or vnclen● therfore came I vnto you without saynge nay ●ssone as I was sent for Then Peter opened his mouthe and saide of a trueth I perceiue that god is not perciall but in al people he that feareth him and worcketh rightuousenes is accepted with him The .xi. Chapter COunte not thou those thinges cōmen whiche God hath clensed The .xii. Chapter THen was Peter kepte in prison but pray● was made without ceasing of the congregation vnto God for him And vpon a day appointed Herode araied him in royall apparell and set him in his seate made an oration vnto them And the people gaue a shoute sayinge it is the voice of a god and ●ot of a man And immediatly the Aungell of the Lorde smote him bicause he gaue not God the honoure And he was eaten of wormes and gaue vp the goste The .xiii. Chapter AS they ministred to the lord and fasted the holy gost said seperate me Barnabas Paul for the worcke whereunto I haue called them Then fasted they and praied and put their handes on them and let them go I haue founde Dauid the sonne of Iesse a mā after mine owne herte he shall fulfill al my ●yll Be it knowen vnto you ye men and breth●en that thorowe this man is preached vnto you the forgiuenesse of sinnes and that by him al that beleue are iustified from all thinges frome whiche ●e coulde not be iustified by the lawe of Moses ▪ Then Paule and Barnabas waxed bold and s●iderit was mete that the worde of God shoulde firste haue ben preached to you But seing ye put it from you and thinke your selues vnworthye of euer lastinge life loe we turne to the Gentylles for so hath the Lorde commaunded vs. The .xiiii. Chapter They returned againe to Listes and to Iconium and Antioche and strengthed the disciples soules exhortinge them to continue in the faith affirminge that we muste thorowe much tribulation enter into the kingedome of God And they ordeyned them elders by election ī euery congregation and praied and fasted and commended to god on whom they beleued The .xv. Chapter NOwe therefore why tempe ye God that ye woulde put a yoke on the disciples neckes whiche neither oure fathers nor wee were able to beare Wherefore my sentence in that we trouble not thē whyche from amonge the gentiles are turned to God but that wee write vnto them that they abstaine from filthines of idolles from fornication from strangeled and from bloude For it semed good to the holie goste and vs to put no greuouse thinges to you more then these necessarie thinges that is to saye that ye abstaine from thynges offered to Idolles from bloud frō strangeled and fornication The .xvi. Chapter THey were forbidden of the holye ghoste to preache the worde in Asia And it fortuned as we wente to prayer a certaine Damsel possesied with a spirite that prophecied met vs whiche brought her master and mastres muche vauntage with prophesying The same folowed Paule and vs and cryed sayinge these men are the seruauntes of the most hye god whiche shewe vnto vs the waye of saluation The .xvii. Chapter FOr all the Attenians and straungers whiche were there gaue themselues to nothyng els but either to tell or to heare newe tydinges For as I passed by and behelde the maner howe ye worship your goddes I founde an altare wherein was written vnto vnknowen god Whō ye then ignorauntly worshippe hym shewe I vnto you The .xviii. Chapter ANd because Paule was of the same craft he abode with Aquila and Priscilla his wife and wrought their crefte was to make tentes And Paule shore his heade in Cenchrea for he had a vowe The .xix. Chapter ANd god wrought no small myracles by the handes of Paule so that frō his body were brought vnto the sicke napains or partlets and the diseases departed from them and the euyl spirites went out of them And the euell spirite answered and sayde Iesus I know and Paul I knowe but who are ye The .xx. Chapter I haue desyred no mans siluer gold or vesture
The Piththy and moost notable sayinges of al Scripture gathered by Thomas Paynell after the manner of common places very necessary for al those that delite in the consolacions of the Scriptures 1550. ¶ To the right excellent and moste gracious Lady my Ladye Maryes good grace Thomas Paynell sendeth gretynge NOtwithstāding that this my collection of Scripture moste excellente and vertuous Ladye hathe no nede of any mans tuition or defense forasmuche as it contayneth onelye the simple and very true worde and sayinges of god yet after I had finished and ended the thyng and purposed by the counsell of a lerned man to publyshe it for mans consolaciō and learning youre graces fyery and ●e●uēt mynde to vertuous and godly liuing youre true intente and naturall inclinacion to the same your liberal hand and fauour to those whiche diligently do exercyse themselues in the spirituall and morall study of the sincere worde of god and agayne youre Graces benignitie and gentilnes of long tyme bounte fully to me declared enforced me to publishe it in your graces name Accept therfore this my labour moste excellant Lady as sente of your daylye Orator and moste humble seruaunt to your grace Rede the fruiteful lessons therof and digest them thorowly practyse and proue in very dede howe swete the Lordes wordes be vse the profitable doctrines of this litle boke for so doynge youre grace shall learne dayly more and more truly to know the Lord to tast releafe and to ensewe his holye and swete worde to loue and feare him to be his faithfull and obsequines handmaydē ▪ and a diligent ensuer of his wil and s●eppes moste pleasaunt and voluntariously to beare the yoke of his most comfortable and swete commaundementes Thinke nor esteme not I moste humblye beseche youre grace this my gifte to be slēder in valure although of it selfe it be but litle for precious stones are of themselues in quantitie but lytle and yet for theyr naturall operacions and proprieties of greate estates moste hyely estemed Esteme the content of my boke and gifte that is the worde of God and not the slendernesse thereof esteme my faythful and true heart vnto your grace and not my simple and slender gyfte And yet yf this my poore and slender gyfte maye be wel and exactly wayd and pendred what thyng although it comprehende not al the fruiteful lessons of Scripture maye be compared vnto it For what is more excelēt or more precious then the word of god what thyng maye be estemed equall vnto it what ought to be more embraced of a christian thē Christes wo●de then a pure and a christian lyfe then chastitie then hum●●…e then godly wisedome and pure doctrine the which with other vertuous and heauenly lessons are in this my briefe collection compendiously and fruitfully comprised Wherfore I euen humbly desire youre noble grace to accepte this my labour and small gift in good parte Accept I saye and embrace the worde of God for that truly vnderstanded and seriously ensued and folowed shal be to your graces spirituall encrease mooste comfortable comforte ¶ The fyrste Chapter of Genesis IN the begynning God created heauen and earth The earth was voyde and empty and darckenes was vpō the face of the depe and the spirite of god moued vpon the face of the waters God called the drie land erthe and the gatheringe together of waters called he the sees God made two greate lightes a greater lighte to rule the daye and a lesse lyghte to rule the nyght God created man in his owne ymage in the ymage of God created he him male and female created he them And god blessed them and sayd vnto them Growe and increase and replenishe the earth and subdue it and haue dominion of the fyshe of the see and foule of the ayre and of euery lyuinge thinge that moueth vpon the earth ¶ The seconde Chapter AND in the seuenth daye God endued his worke whiche he had made In the .vii. daye also he rested from all his workes which he had made and God blessed the .vij. daye sanctified it because that in it he had rested frome all his worke which God ordeyned to make The Lord god also shope man euen dust frō the grounde and breathed in to his nostrelles the breath of lyfe and Adam was made a lyuing soule And the Lorde God plāted a garden caste warde from eden and there he put man whome he had made The tree of lyfe and the tree of knowledge of good euil was in the widdes of the garden The Lorde god also tooke Adam and put him into the garden of eden that he might dresse and kepe it And the Lorde God commaunded Adam sayinge eatinge thou shalt eate of euery tree of the garden But as touching the tree of knowledge of good and euill thou shalt not eate of it Ele in what daye soeuer thou eatest there of thou shalt dye the death It is not good that Adam shulde be alone I will make hym an helpe whiche may be present with hym And so oute of the grounde shope the Lorde god euery beste of the felde and euery foule of the ayre and brought it vnto man that he might se how he wolde cal it For lyke wyse as man hym selfe named euery liuinge thinge euen so was the name thereof Man himselfe therfore named the names vnto all catel and foule of the ayre and to euery beast of the felde And for man founde he not an helpe that mighte be present with hym The Lorde god also caused a slombre to fall vpon Adā and he stepte And he toke one of his ribbes and closed vp the fleshe in steade thereof And the ribbe which the Lorde God had taken from man made he a woman and brought her vnto man And man sayde This is now bone of my bones and fleshe of my fleshe she shall be called womā by cause she was taken out of man For this cause shall man leue his father and his mother shal be ioyned with his wife and they shal become one fleshe and they were both naked the man and his wyfe and were not ashamed ¶ The .iij. Chapter THe serpent was subtiller then euery beast of the felde whiche the lorde god made The serpent sayde vnto the woman ye shall not dye the death but god dothe knowe that the same daye that ye eate there of your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be euen as goddes knowynge good and euill And the Lorde god called Adam and sayde vnto him where art thou whiche sayde I herde thy voyce in the Garden and was afrayde bycause I was naked and hyd my selfe Adam sayde The woman whome thou gauest to be with me gaue me of the tree and I dyd eate And the woman sayde yonder serpent begylyd me and I dyd eate The Lorde sayde vnto the serpent because thou hast done this thou art cursed aboue all cattell and aboue euery beast of the felde Vpon thy bellye shalt thou go and dust
that in blessinge I wyll blesse the and in multypliyng I wyll multyplye thy seed as the starres of heauen and as the sande whiche is vpon the see syde And thy seed shall possesse the gate of hys enemyes And in thy seed shall all the nacions of the earthe be blessed because thou haste hearde my voyce The .xxiii. Chapter ABrahā came to mourne Sara and to wepe for her The .xxiiii. Chapter THey sayde we wyll call the damesell inquyre at her mouth And they called for the Rebecca and sayde vnto her wylt thou go with this man and she aunswered I wyll go The .xxv. Chapter THese are the dayes of the yeres of Abrahās lyfe which he lyued an C. lxxv yeres Rebecca conceyued and the chyldren stroue together within her and the Lord sayd vnto her there are two maner of people in thy wombe two natiōs shall be deuyded out of thy bowele and the one nacion shal be myghtyer then the other the elder shal be seruaunt vnto the yonger Therefore when her tyme was come to be delyuered behold ther were two twynes in her wombe And he that came out fyrste was rede he was all ouer as it were a rough garmente they called his name Esau And after hym came his brother out and his hand holdyng Esau by the hele and his name was called Iacob Iacob sayde sell me this daye thy byrthrygth Esau sayde Lo I am at a pointe to dye and what profite ●hal this byrthryght do me Iacob answered sweare to me then this daye and he sware to him and solde his byrthryght vnto Iacob Then Iacob gaue Esau breade and potage of ryse And he did eate and drincke and rose vp and went his waye and Esau regarded not his byrthryghte ¶ The .xxvi. Chapter AND in thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because that Abrahā harkened vnto my voyce and kepte myne ordinaunces my commaundementes my statutes and my lawes ¶ The xxvij Chapter IAcob went to Isahat his father and he felte and sayde the voyce is Iacobs voyce but the handes are the handes of Esau He may well be called Iacob for he hathe vndermined me two tymes fyrst he toke awaye my byrthryght and se now hathe he taken awaye my blessinge also ¶ The .xxviij. Chapter IAcob Dreamed and beholde there stode a Ladder vpon the earth and the toppe of it reached vnto Heauen And se the Aungelles of God wente vp and downe vpon it yea and God stoode vpon it When Iacob was awaked out of hys slepe he sayde Surely the Lorde is in this place and I was not aware And he was afrayd and sayde howe fearefull is this place it is none other but euen the house of God and the gate of Heauen And Iacob vowed a vowe sayinge Yf God wyll be with me and wyll kepe me in thys iourney whiche I go and wyll geue me breade to eate and clothes to put on so that I come agayne vnto my fathers house in sauetie then shal the Lorde be my God that stone which I haue set vp an ende shal be goddes house and of all that thou shalte geue me wyll I geue the tenth vnto the. The .xxix. Chapter LAban had two doughters the eldest called Lea and the youngest Rahell Lea was tender eyed but Rahell was bewtyfull and well fauoured Iacob serued .vii. yere for Rahell and they semed vnto hym but a fewe dayes for the loue he had to her It is not the maner of this place to mary the yongest before the eldest The .xxx. Chapter THen sayde Rahell to Lea geue me of thy sonnes mādragoras Laban toke out al that he goates that were partye and of dyuers colours and all the she goates that were spotted and party● coloured and all that had whyte in them and all the blacke amonge the shepe and put them in the kepynge of his sonnes and set thre dayes iourney betwyxte hym selfe and Iacob And so Iacob kepte the rest of Labans shepe Iacob toke roddes of grene popular hasell and the chestnute trees and pylled whyte strakes in them and made the whyte appere in the roddes but they that were whole remayned grene and thus was it made a variable coloure and put the roddes whiche he had pylled euen before the shepe in the gutters and waterynge troghes when the shepe came to drynke that they shulde conceaue when they came to drinke and the shepe conceaued before the roddes and brought forth Lambes straked spoted and party ▪ c. The .xxxii. Chapter I Am not worthy of thy leaste of all the mercyes and truthe whiche thou hast shewed vnto thy seruaunt And there wrasteled a man with Iacob vnto the breaking of the daye and when he sawe that he coulde not preuayle against him he smote him vnder the thie the s●nowe of Iacob thie shranke as he wrasteled with him he sayd let me go for the daye breketh which answered I wil not let that go except thou blesse me And he sayde vnto hym what is thy name He answered Iacob he sayd thou shalt be called Iacob no more but Israel for as a prince hast thou wrasteled with God and with man and haste preuayled ¶ The .xxxiiij. Chapter DIna doughter of Lea which she Bare vnto Iacob went out to se the doughters of the land whom whan Sichem the sonne of Hemor the henite Lorde of that contrey sawe he toke her and forced her and his hart laye vnto Dina the doughter of Iacob ¶ The .xxxv. Chapter RAhell was buryed in the waye to Ephrath whiche is Bethlehem ¶ The .xxxvij. Chapter I Staelloued Ioseph more then al hys children because he begat hym in his olde age Beholde this dreamer commeth come nowe therfore and let vs slaye hym and caste hym into some pyt and we wyll saye a wycked beaste hathe deuoured hym and we shall se what will come of his dreames I wyll go downe in to the graue vnto my sonne mourninge and thus his father wepte for hym ¶ The .xxxviij. Chapter AND Iudas sayde vnto Ouan go into thy brothers wyfe and mary her that thou mayest styrre vp sede vnto thy brother And when Ouan perceaued that the sede shulde not be his ther fore when he went in to his brothers wyfe he spylled it on the groūde and gaue not seede vnto his brother And the thinge which he did displeased the Lord wherfore he slewe him It fortuned when Chamats tyme was come that she shoulde be delyuered beholde ther was two twynnes in her wombe And it fortuned when she traueled the one put out hys hande the mydwyfe toke bound a rede threde aboute it sayinge this is come out fyrste And it chanced that he plucked his hande backe againe and beholde his brother came out And she sayde wherfore haste thou rent a tent vpon the And called his name Phares Afterwarde came out his brother that had the redde threde aboute his hande and his name was called Zarah ¶ The .xxxix. Chapter IOseph was
a goodly persone and a well fauoured And it fortuned after this that his masters wyfe cast her eyes vpon Ioseph sayde● come lye with me But he refused and sayde to his masters wife Beholde my maister woteth not what he hath in the house with me and hath committed all that he hath to my hande There is no man greater in the house then I. Neyther hath he kepte any thinge from me but onely the because thou art his wife Howe then can I do this greate wyckednes and synne against God ¶ The .xlii. Chapter ANd they sayde one to another we haue verely synned againste out brother in that we sawe the anguishe of his soule when he besought vs and we woldde not heare hym and therfore is this trouble come vpon vs. ¶ The .xliii. Chapter THe Egyptians maye not eate breade with the Hebrues for that is abhomination to the Eyptians ¶ The .xlvi. Chapter THe soules that came with Iacob into Egypte whiche came out of his loyues besyde Iacobs soimes wyues were altogether .xlvi soules and the sonnes of Ioseph whiche were borne hym in Egypt were two soules so that all the soules of the house of Iacob which came into Egypteare .lxx. Euery shepe keper is an abhomination vnto the Egyptians ¶ The .xlvii. Chapter HE appointed the people vnto the cyties from one syde of Egypte vnto the other onely the lande of the prestes bought he not for the priestes had an ordinaunce of Pharao that they shoulde eate that whiche was appointed vnto them whiche Pharao had geuen them And Ioseph made a lawe ouer the lande of Egypte vnto this daye that Pharao shulde haue the fyfte parte excepte the lande of the priestes only whiche was not Pharaoe Thou shalt not burye me in Egypte but I wyll lye with my fathers and thou shalt caty me out of Egypte and burye me in they re buriall ¶ The .xlviii. Chapter GOd which hathe fed me all my lyfe longe and the aungell whiche hathe deuuered me from all euell blesse the laddee and let my name be named in them and the name of my fathers Ibraham and Isabac and that they may growe into a multitude in the middes of the earth ¶ The .xlix. Chapter RVBen myne eldest sonne thou art my might and the begynnynge of my strenght the noblenesse of dignite and the noblenesse of power Iacob dyed was put vnto his people And Ioseph fell vpon his fathers face and wepte vpon hym and kyssed him ¶ The .l. Chapter IOseph commaunded his seruauntes the Phisitions to enbawme his father and the Phisytions enbawmed Israel foriye dayes long for so longe dothe the enbawminge last and the Egyptians bewayled him .lxx. dayes Ioseph mourned his father seuen dayes God wyll not fayle but visyt you and ye shall cary my bones hence and so Ioseph dyed and they embawmed him with spices putting hym in a chest in Egypte The fyrste Chapter of Exodus THE Egiptians helde the chyldren of Israell in bondage without mercye Therfore was there lyfe bytter vnto them in that cruel bondage in claye and bryck all maner of worcke in the feldes For all they re bondage whiche they serued them was full of tyrannye ¶ The .ij. Chapter THE chylde grewe and she brought it vnto Pharaos doughter and it was made her sonne And she called the name of it Moses because sayde she I toke him out of the water ¶ The .iij. Chapter HAD he soked and beholde the bushe burned with fyre the bushe was not cōsumed And the Lorde sayde come not hyther put thy shooes of thy feete for the place where on thou standest is holy grounde I am that I am I am hath sent me vnto you And I will get this people fauoure in the syght of the Egiptions so that when ye go ye shall not go empty but a wyfe shalt borowe of neyghboure and of her that segeorneth in her house iewelles of syluer and golde and rayment And ye shall put them on youre sonnes and doughters and shall robbe the Egyptians Cap. xj xij ¶ The .iiij. Chapter I Wyll be with thy mouthe and teache the what thou shall saye I will holde Pharaos hart and he shalt not let the people go ¶ The .vij. Chapter THe enchāters cast downe theyr roddes and they turned to serpentes but Aarōs rodde did eate vp theyr Roddes ¶ The .viij. Chapter VThen sayde the enchaūters it is the finger of god ¶ The .ix. Chapter HAd the childrē of Israel toke theyr iorney from Ramases to Sucoth syxe hundred thousande men of fote besyde children The dwelling of the children of Israel whiche they dwelled in Egipte was foute hundred and thyrty yeres and when the foure hundred and thyrty yeres were expired euen the selfe same daye departed all the hostes of the Lorde out of Egypte ¶ The .xiij. Chapter HAd the Lorde spake to Moses saying sanctify vnto me al the first borne that open al maner matrices amonge the children of Israell aswell of man as of beast for it is myne All the first borne amonge thy children shalt thou bye out And the Lorde wente before them by daye in a piller of a cloude to leade them the waye and by night in a piller of fire to geue them light that they might go bothe by daye and by nyght The piller of the cloude departed not by daye nor the piller of fire by night out of the sight of the people ¶ The .xiiij. Chapter THe children of Israell walked vpon drye lande thorow the mydst of the see and the waters were a wel vnto them on the right hande of them and on the lefte ¶ The .xv. Chapter HAD when they came to Mars they coulde not drincke of the waters of Mara for they were bytter therfore the name of the place was called Mara And the people murmured against Moses sayinge what shall we drincke and he gryed vnto the Lorde and the lorde shewed hym a tree which when he had cast into the water the waters were made swete ¶ The .xvi. Chapter THen sayde the Lord vnto Moses Beholde I will rayne breade from heauen to you and the people shall go out and gather day by dare that I maye proue them wether they wyll walke in my lawe or no. The syxte daye they shal prepare for them selues that whiche they wyll bringe in and let it be twyse asmoche as they gathered in dayly And at euen the quayles came and couered the grounde where they laye And in the mornynge the dewe laye tomide about the hoste And when the dewe was fallen beholde it laye vpon the grounde in the wildernesse small and rounde and thynne as the hore frost on the grounde And when the children of Israell sawe it they sayde euery one to his neygh boure it is Manne for they wyst not what it was Syxe dayes ye shal gather it and in the seuenth day whiche is the Sabboth there shall be none The house of Israell called it Manna and it was lyke vnto Coriandre sede white and
shall haue the shynne of the burnt offeringe whiche he hath offered Yf any soule eate of the fleshe of the peace offerynge that pertayneth vnto the Lorde hauing his vncleanesse vpon him or that doeth touche anye vncleane thing that is of the vnclennesse of man or of any vncleane beaste or anye abhominacion that is vncleane and then eate of the fleshe of the peace offeringe whiche pertayneth vnto the Lord that soule shal peryshe frome hys people Ye shall not eate no maner of bloude whether it be of foule or of beaste whatsoeuer soule it be that eateth anye maner of bloude the same soule shall perishe from his people ¶ The .ix. Chapter MOses saide vnto Aaron go vnto the anltar and offer thy secrifice for synne and make an attonement for the and the people and thou shalt offer the offeringe of the people to reconcile them as the Lorde commaunded ¶ The .x. Chapter NAdab and Abihu the sonnes of Aaron toke eyther of them his censor and put fyre therin and putte cens therupon and offered straūge fyre before the Lorde whiche he commaunded them not and there went a fyre out from the lord and consumed them they dyed before the lorde And the lorde spake vnto Aaron saying Thou shalt not drincke wyne and stronge drincke thou and thy sonnes that are with the when ye go into the tabernacle of wytnesse lest ye dye Let it be a lawe for euer thorowout youre generatiōs and that ye may haue knowlege to put difference betwene holy and vnholy betwene cleane and vncleane and that ye maye teache the children of Israell all the statutes whiche the Lorde hath spoken vnto them by the hande of Moses ¶ The .xi. Chapter WHese are the beastes whiche ye shall eate Amonge all the catell that are on the earth whatsoeuer parteth the hose and deuideth it into two clawes chaweth cud amonge the beastes that shall ye eate These shal ye eate of al that are in the waters whatsoeuer hath synnes and skales in the waters sees and ryuers that shall ye eate let all other be abhomination vnto you Let euery crepinge thinge that crepeth vpon the earth be an abhomination vnto you The .xij. Chapter IF a woman hathe conceaued and borne a man chylde she shalt be vncleane .vij. dayes euen in lyke maner as when she his put a part in tyme of her naturall disease And in the .viij. daye the fleshe of the childes foreskynne shall be cut awaye and she shall then continue in the bloude of her purifyinge .xxxiij. dayes She shall touche no halowed thinge nor come into the sanctuary vntyl the tyme of her purifyinge be out Yf she beare a mayde childe she shal be vncleane two weakes as when she hath her naturall disease and she shal continue in the bloud of her purifyinge lxvj dayes ¶ The .xiij. Chapter WHen there appeareth a rysing in any mans fleshe eyther a scabbe or a glistering white and the plage of leprosye be in the skynne of his fleshe he shal be brought vnto Aaron the priest or vnto one of his sonnes the priestes the priest shall loke on the sore in the skynne of his fleshe And as longe as the disease lasteth vpon hym he shal be defyled and vncleane he shall dwell alone euen without the hoost shalt his habitation be ¶ The .xiiij. Chapter ANd if I put the plage of the leprosie in a house of the lande of your possessiō he that oweth the house shall come and tell the preast sayinge my thinke that there is as it were ▪ a leprosye in the house And the preast shall commaunde them to emptie the house before the preast go into it to se the plage that all that is in the house be not made vncleane and then must the priest go in to se the house Yf the preast also se that the plage is in the walles of the house and that theyr be holowe strakes pale or red whiche seme to be lower then the wall it selfe the preast shall go out at the house doores and shut vp the house seuen dayes And the preast shall come agayne the seuenth daye and yf he se that the plage be increased in the walles of the house the priest shall commaunde them to take away the stones in whiche the plage is and let them cast them into a foule place without the citie and he shall commaunde the house to be scraped within rounde aboute powre out the duste that they scrape of without the cytie into a soule place And they shall take other stones and put they in the places of those stones and other morter to plaster the house withall The .xv. Chapter IF any mans sede departe from hym in his slepe he shall washe his fleshe in water and be vncleane vntill euen And all the clothes and all the furres wherin is suche sede of slepe shal be washed with water be vncleane vnto the euen And yf he that hath suche an yssue of sede do lye with a woman they shal bothe washe them selues with water and be vncleane vntil euen The .xvj. Chapter WHen Aaron hath made an ende of reconcilynge the holy pace and the tabernacle of wytnes and the aultar he shall bringe the lyue goate and Aaron shall put both his handes vpon the heade of the lyue goate and confesse ouer him all the misdedes of the children of Israel and all there trespaces in all theyr synnes putting them vpon the head of the goate and send hym awaye by the hande of a couenient man into the wyldernes And the goate shall beare vpon him all they re misdedes vnto the wildernes and he shall let the goate go free into the wyldernes ¶ The xvij Chapter AND whatsoeuer man it be of the house of Israel or of the straungers that soiourne amonge you that eateth any maner of bloude I will set my face against that soule that eateth bloude and will destroy hym from amonge his people for the lyfe of the fleshe is in the bloude I haue geuē it vnto you vpō the aultar to make an attonement for your soules for bloude shall make an attonement for the soule And therfore I sayde vnto the children of Israel let no soule of you eate bloude The .xviij. Chapteer HE shall kepe myne ordinaunces and my iudgementes whiche if a man do he shall lyue in them I am the Lorde Thou shalt not vnheale the secrettes of thy brothers wyfe for that is thy brothers priuite Thou shalt not lye with mankinde as with woman kynde for it is abhomination Thou shalt lye with nomaner of beaste to defylethy selfe therewith neither shal any womā stande before a beast to lye downe therto for it is abhomination ¶ The .xix. Chapter WHen ye reape downe the ripe corne of your lande ye shall not reape downe the vtmost border of your fylde neyther shalt thou gather that whiche is lefte behinde in thy haruest Thou shalt not plucke in all thy vyneyarde cleane neyther gather in the grapes whiche
doth and haue trespaced against the Lorde that soule hath done amysse Therfore they shall knowledge theyr synne whiche they haue done and let hym restore agayne the hurt that he hath done in the hole putte the fyfte part of it more therto geue it vnto hym whome he hath treaspaced againste But and if there be not a man to restore the hurt vnto nor a kynsman of his lette the trespace be made good vnto the Lorde and it shal be the priestes besyde the ram of the attonement wherby an attonement shal be made for hym ¶ The .vi. Chapter WHen eyther man or womā doth seperate thē selues to vowe a vowe of an absteiner and appointe them selues vnto the Lorde he shal seperate hym selfe from wyne and strōge drincke and shall drincke no vyneagre of wyne or of stronge drincke nor shall drincke whatsoeuer is pressed out of grapes and shall eate no freshe grapes neyther yet dried As longe as his abstinence endureth shall he eate nothing that is made of the vynetre or of the carnels or of the huske of the graye The Lord blesse the and kepe the. The Lorde make his face shyne vpon the and be mercyfull vnto the. The Lorde lyfte vp his countenaunce vpon the and geue the peace And they shall put my name vpon the children of Israell and I wyl blesse them The .viii. Chapter ANd the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayinge this is it that belongeth vnto the Leuites from .xxv. yere vpwarde they shal go in to waite vpon the seruice of the tabernacle of witnes and from the age of fyftye yere they shall cease waytynge vpon the seruice thereof and shall serue no more but shall minister vnto theyr brethren in the tabernacle of wytnes to wayte but shal do no more seruice The .ix. Chapter ANd the same daye that the tabernacle was reared vp a cloude couered the habitacion whiche was a tabernacle of the wytnesse and at euen there was vpon the habitacion as it were the symilytude of fyre vntyll the morninge So it was alwaye the cloude couered it by daye and the symilytude by nyght and when the cloud was taken vp frome the tabernacle then the chyldren of Israel iourneyed and where the cloude abode there the chyldren of Israel pytched theyr tentes At the mouth of the Lorde the chyldrē of Israel iourneyed and at the mouth of the Lorde they pytched And as longe as the cloud abode vpon the habitacion they laye slyll and when the cloude taiyed styll vpon the habitacion longe tyme the chyldren of Israell kepte the watche of the Lorde iourneyed not And it chaunced that when the cloude abode afewe dayes vpon the habitacyon they abode in theyr tentes according to the commaundemente of the Lord and they iourneyed also at the commaundement of the Lorde The .xi. Chapter THe rascall people that was among them fel a lustynge and turned them selues wepte euen as Did also the chyldren of Israell sayd who shal geue vs fleshe to eate we remembre the fleshe whiche we dyd eate in Egypte for naught And the cucumbers and Melones Lekes onions and garleke But now our soules is dryed awaye for we can se nothing saue Manna Manna was as coriander sede and to se to lyke Bedellyon And there went forth a wynde frome the Lorde and brought quayles from the see and let them fall about the hoste euen a dayes iourney rounde aboute on euery syde of the hoste and they dyd flee in the ayre as it were two cubytes hye ouer the earth And the people stode vp al that daye and all the night and on the morow they gathered quayles The .xii. Chapter MOses was a very meke man aboge all the men of the earth The .xiii. Chapter ANd they came vnto the Riuer of Escolle cut downe there a branche with a clouster of grapes and twayne bare it vpon a staffe The xiiii Chapter THe Lord is long yet he be angry and ful of mercye and suffereth iniquytie and synne and leaueth no man innocent and visiteth the vnryghteousnes of the fathers vpon the chyldren in the thyrde and fourth generacyon The .xv. Chapter ANd whyle the chyldren of Israell were in the wyldernes they founde a man the gathered styckes vpon the Sabboth daye And they that founde him gatheringe stickes brought him vnto Moses Aaran and vnto al the congregacion and they put him in ward seinge it was not declared what shulde be done vnto him And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses Let the man dye● and let all the multytude stone hym with stones with out the hoste And all the multytude brought him without the hoste and stoned him with stoues he dyed as the Lorde cōmaunded Moses ¶ The .xvi. Chapter ANd Eleazar cōmaunded that no straunger which is not of the sede of Aarō come nere to offer cens before the Lord that it happen not vnto him lyke as vnto Corab and his companye The .xvij. Chapter ANd Moses put the .xij. Roddes before the Lorde in the Tabernacle of wytnesse And on the morow Moses went into the Tabernacle of witnesse and beholde the rod of Aaron for the house of Leut was budded and bare blossomes and almondes ¶ The .xviii. Chapter ALl that breake the matrice in al fleshe that men bring vnto the Lord whether it be of men or of beastes shal be thyne Neuer the later the first borne of vncleane beastes shalt thou redeme lykewyse And the Lorde spake vnto Aaron thou shalt haue none inheritaunce in they re lande neyther shalt thou haue any parte amonge them I am thy parte and thy inheritaunce amonge the children of Israel Beholde I haue geuen the childrē of Leui al the tenthe in Israel to inherite for the seruice whiche they serue in the tabernacle of wytnesse ¶ The .xx. Chapter MOses Aaron gathered the cōgregatiō together before the rocke Moses said vnto thē heare ye rebelliōs must we fet you water out of this rocke And Moses lifte vp his hande with his rod he smote the rocke two times the water came out aboundātly and the multitude dranke and they re beastes allo And the Lord spake vnto Moses and Aaron because ye beleued me not to sanctyfye the in the eyes of the children of Israell therefore ye shall not brynge this congtegacion into the lande whiche I haue geuen them This is the water of strife because the chyldren of Israel stroue with the lorde he was sanctified in the. When all the multitude sawe that Aaron was dead they mourned for Aaron thyrtye dayes and thorowout all the housholdes of Israell The .xxi. Chapter OUre soule lotheth this lyght breade The Lorde sente fyerye serpentes amonge the people whiche stonge them and muche people of Israell dyed And the Lorde sayd vnto Moses make the a fycrye serpente and set yt vp for a sygne that as manye as are bytten maye lohe vpon it and lyue And Moses made a serpente of brasse and set it vp for a sygne and when the serpentes
infirmities and wyll put none of the euell diseases of Egipte whiche thou knowest vpon the but wyll sende them vpon all them that hate the. ¶ The .viii. Chapter A Man dothe not lyue by breade onely but by euery worde that procedeth out of the mouth of the lorde dothe a man lyue Thy raiment waxed not olde vpon the neither thy foote dyd swell those forty yeares The .ix. Chapter SPeake not thou in thy harte after that the lorde thy god hathe caste them oute before thee saying for my righteousne● the lorde hathe brought me in to possesse this land Naye but for the wickednesse of these nacions the lorde hathe caste them out before thee It is not for thy righteousnesse sake or for thy righte harte that thou goest to possesse theyr lande but for the wickednesse of these nacions the lorde thy god doth cast them out before thee euen to performe the word whiche the lorde thy god sware vnto thy fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob Fortye dayes and forty nightes I did neyther eate breade nor drynke water because of all your synnes whiche ye synned in doyng wickedly in the sighte of the lorde in that ye prouoked hym vnto wrathe The .x. Chapter ANd now O Israel what doeth the lord thy god requyre of thee but to feare the lorde thy god and to walke in al his wayes to loue hym and to serue the lorde thy god with all thyne harte and withall thy soule namely that thou kepe the commaundementes of the lorde and his ordinaūces whiche I commaunded this daye to obserue ¶ The xiij Chapter IF thy brother the sonne of thy mother or thyne owne sonne or thy doughter or thy wyfe that lyeth in thy bosome or thy frend which is as thine owne soule vnto the entyce the secretly sayinge let vs go and serue straunge goddes whiche thou haste not knowē nor yet thy fathers And they be of the gods of the people whiche are rounde about you whether they benye vnto the or far of from the from the one ende of the earth vnto the other Chou shalt not consent vnto hym nor herken vnto hym thyne eye shal not pytye hym neyther shalt thou haue compassion on hym nor kepe hym secrete but cause hym to be slayne Thyne hande shall be fyrste vpon hym to kyll hym and then the handes of all the people The .xiiij. Chapter THou shalte tithe al the encrease of thy sede that the felde bringeth forthe yere be yere The .xv. Chapter There shall be no beggers amonge you Yf one of thy brethren among● you be poore within any of thy gates in thy lande whiche the lorde thy god geueth the thou shalt ●ot harden thy harte nor shut thy hande from thy poore brother but open thyne hande vnto hym and lende hym sufficient for his nede whiche he hathe The .xvj. Chapter WRest not thou the lawe nor knowe any person neyther take any rewarde for gyftes blinde the wyse and peruert the wordes of the righteous That whiche is iuste and ryght shalte thou folowe that thou mayste lyue and enioye the lands whiche the lorde thy God gyueth the. The .xvij. Chapter AT the mouth of two or thre wytnesses shall he that is worthy of death dy● and at the mouth of one wytnes let no man dye That man that wyll do presumptuously and wyl not herken vnto the priest that standeth before the lord thy god to minister or vnto the iudge that man shall dye and thou shalte put awaye euyl from Israel The .xviij. Chapter THis is the priestes dutye of the people and thē that offer sacrifice whether it be oxe or shepe They muste geue vnto the prieste the shulder and the two chekes and the mawe the fyrst frutes also of thy corne wyne and oyle and the first of the well of thy shepe shalte thou gyue hym For the Lorde thy GOD hathe chosen hym out of all thy trybes to stande and to minister in the name of the Lorde he and his sonnes for euer Let there not be founde amonge you any one that maketh his sonne or his doughter to go thorowe the fyre or that vseth wytchecraft or a choser out of dayes or that regardeth the flyinge of foules or a sorcerer or a charmar or that counceleth with spretes or a sothsayer or that asketh the truth at them that be deade The Lorde GOD wyll stere vp vnto the a Prophete amonge you euen of thy brethren lyke vnto me vnto hym ye shall herken accordynge to all that thou desyredst of the Lorde thy God in Hor●b The .xix. Chapter IF an vnrighteous wylnesse ryse vp against a man to accuse hym of trespace then bothe the men whiche stryue together shall stande before the Lorde before the priestes and the iudges whiche shal be in those dayes and the iudges shall make diligent inquisition And yf the witnes be founde false and that he hath geuen false wytnesse againste his brother then shall ye do vnto him as he had thought to do vnto his brother and thou shalte put euell awaye frō the. ¶ The .xx. Chapter IF any man be betrouthed vnto a wyfe I haue not taken her let hym go and returne againe vnto his house lest he dye in the battalle and an other man take her Yf any man feare and be fainte herted let him go and returne home to his house lest he make his brothers hart fainte as well as his ¶ The .xxi. Chapter THou shalt geue to the first borne double portion of all that thou hast for he is the first of thy strength and to him belongeth the ryght of the fyrst borne Yf any man beue a sonne that is stubborne and disobedient that he wyll not hearken vnto the voyce of his father and voyce of his mother and they haue chastened him and he wolde not harken vnto them Then shall his father and his mother take him and bringe him out vnto the elders of that cytie and vnto the gate of that same place and saye vnto the elders of the cytie This oure sonne is stubburne and disobediente and wyl not herken vnto oure voyce he is a ryotour and a drunckarde And all the men of that cytie shall stone hym with stones vnto death And thou shalt put euell awaye from the and all Israell shall heare and feare Yf a man haue committed a trespasse worthy of deathe and is put to deathe for it and thou hangest hym on tre his bodye shall not remayne all night vpon the tree but thou shalt burye hym the same daye for the curse of God is on him that is hanged ¶ The .xxij. Chapter THou shalte norse thy brothers oxe or shepe go astray and withdraw thy selfe from thē But shalt bringe them againe vnto thy brother And yf thy brother be not nye vnto the or if thou know hym not then bringe it vnto thyne owne house and it shall remayne with the vntyll thy brother aske after them and then deliuer them hym agayne In lyke maner shalt thou do with his asse and so
therof but he sayd bryng meale and he cast it into the po● and sayd Fyl for the people that they maye eate and there was no more harme in the potte The .vi. Chapter ANd beholde there was a greate dearthe in Samaria and Benhadad king of Siria besieged it vntyll an Asses head was sold for foure score syluer pence and the fourth parte of a cab of doues dunge for .v. sicles The .xiii. Chapter THe souldiers of the Moabites came into the lande the same yeare and it chaunced as some of them were buryeng a man and spyed the souldiers they cast the man into the sepulchre of Eliseus and when the man was rolled downe touched the bodye of Eliseus he reuiued and stode vpon his feete The .xviii. Chapter HEzekia put away the hyl aulters and brake the Idolles and cut downe the groues and all to brake the brasen serpent that Moses hadde made for vnto those dayes the chyldren of Israel dyd burne sacrifice to it and he called it Nehustā The .xix. Chapter ANd so it came to passe that the selfe same tyghte the aungell of the lorde wente oute and smote in the hoost of the Assirians an hūdred foure score and fyue thousande The .xx. Chapter HAd Hesekia tourned his face to the waland prayed to the lorde saying I beseche thee nowe O Lorde remembre howe I haue walked before thee in truthe and with a perfite hearte haue done that whiche is good in thy sight Hesekia wepte sore Esaye sayde to Hesekia Thus saith the lord god of Dauid thy father I haue herd thy prayer and sene thy teares And beholde I wyll heale thee so that on the thyrde daye thou shalte go vp into the house of the Lorde And I wyll adde vnto thy dayes yet fiftene yeare Shal the shado we go forwarde ten degrees or go backe agayne ten degrees Hesekia answered it is a lyght thyng for the shadowe to go downe ten degrees nether is that my desyre but yf the shadowe go backewarde ten degrees it is no light thynge And Esaye the prophete called vnto the lorde and he brought the shadowe tenne degrees backewardes by whych it had goen downe in the dyall of Ahas Th .xxii. Chapter THe Kyng Iosus sent Saphan sayinge go vp to Nelkia the hye prieste that he maye summe the syluer which is brought into the house of the lorde whiche the kepers of the porche haue gathered of the people c. Howe be it let no te●●nyng be made with them of the moneye that is delyuered into theyr handes for theyr vse is to deal ▪ faythfully ¶ The fyrst booke of Chronicles the tenthe Chapter SAVL dyed for his trespasse that he trespassed agaynst the Lorde in that he kepte not the worde of the lorde and in that he soughte and asked counsayle of a womanne that wrought with a spirite and asked not of the Lorde And therfore he slue hym and turned the kyngdom vnto Dauid the sonne of Esay The .xv. Chapter ANd Chenanishu the chiefe of the Leuites was wayster of the songe for he taughte other to synge because he was a man of vnderstandynge ¶ The .xvi. Chapter O Gyue thankes vnto the Lorde call vpon his name make his actes knowen amonge the people Synge vnto hym and playe vnto hym talke of all his wondrefull dedes Reioyse in his holy name lette the hartes of them that seke the Lorde be gladde Seke the lorde and his strengthe seke his presence alwaye Touche not myne annoynted and do my Prophetes no harme The .xx. Chapter And there chaunced yet agayne warre at Geth ▪ where as was a man of a great stature with xx●●… fyngers and toes .vi. on euery hande and .vi. on euery foote and was the sonne of Raphath The .xxi. Chapter HAd Dauid sayde vnto God I am in an excedyng strayte Lette me fall nowe into the hande of the lorde for passyng greate are his mercyes but let me not fall into the hande of men The .xxii. Chapter HAd Dauid sayd vnto Salomon my sōne I thought as it was in my heart to buyld an house vnto the name of the Lorde my God but the worde of the lorde came to me saying thou haste shed muche bloude and haste made greate battayles thou shalte therefore not buylde an house vnto my name for thou haste shedde muche bloude vpon the earth in my syght The .xxiij. Chapter HAD the Leuites were noumbred from the age of .xxx. yere and aboue and the numbre and summe of them was .xxxvii. thousande men Of whiche .xxxiiii. M. were sette to fourther the worke of the house of the Lorde and .vi. M. were officers and iudges iiii M. were porters and .iiii. M praysed the lorde with suche instrumentes as was made to prayse withall The .xxv. Chapter IEduthun and Heman execated the seruice in the house of god at the kynges hande And the multitude of them with theyr brethren that were instructe in the songes of the lorde euen all that were commyng were two hundred foure froze and eyght The .xxviij. Chapter THe Lorde searchech all heartes and vnderstandeth all the ymaginacion of thoughtes The .xxix. Chapter OUre dayes on the earth are but as a shadow and there is none abydynge ¶ The .ii. boke of the Chronicles the .vi. Chapter AND wyll GOD in verye dede dwel with mē on earth beholde heauen and heauen aboue al heauens do not contayne thee howe muche lesse the house whyche I haue buylded The .vii. Chapter This house whiche I haue sanctified for my name wyl I cast out of my sight and wyll make it to be a prouerbe and a ieste among all nacions And euery one that passeth by shall be astoned at this house whiche belonged to the moost hye GOD and shal saye why hath the lorde delte on this fashion with this land and with this house And they shal aunswere bycause they forsoke the lorde god of theyr father whiche broughte them oute of the lande of Egypte and caught holde on other goddes and worshypped them and serued them euen therfore hathe he broughte all this euell vpon them The .xiiii. Chapter HAd Asa eryed vnto the lorde hys god and sayde lord it is no harde thynge with the to helpe eyther manye or them that haue no power Helpe vs therfore O lorde our god for we truste to the and in thy name we go agaynste this multitude The .xvi. Chapter THe eyes of the Lorde beholde al the earthe to strengthe them that are of perfect heart towarde hym The .xxiiij. Chapter HAd the sprite of God came vpon Zacharye the sonne Iehoiada the priest whiche stode by the people and sayde vnto them Thus saythe god why transgresse ye the commaundementes of the lorde that ye cannot prospere for because ye haue forsaken the lorde he also hathe forsaken you And thay conspired agaynst hym and stoned hym with stones at the commaundemente of the kynge euen in the courte of the house of the lord The .xxvi. Chapter TZia transgressed agaynst the lorde his god and wente into the
temple of the Lorde to burne cense vpon the altare of incense And Azariahu the priest went in after hym and with hym fourescore priestes of the lorde that were valiaūt men And they stoode by Vzia the kyng and sayde vnto him It pertaineth not to the Vziato burne incense vnto the lord but to the priestes the children of Aaron that are consecrated for to offer incense Come therfore out of the Sanctuarye for thou hast trespaced and it is no worshyp to the before the lorde god And Vzia was wroth and hadde incense in his hande to burne it and so whyle he had indignaciō against the priestes the leprosy sprang in his foreheade before the priestes in the house of the lorde euen besyde the incense altare The .xxxii. Chapter PLucke vp your hertes and be strong be not afrayed nor discoraged for the king of Assur and for all the multitude that he hath with hym for there be mo with vs then with him With him is an arme of fleshe but with vs is the lorde oure god for to helpe vs and to fight oure battayles The .xxxiii. Chapter ¶ And when Manasses was in tribulation he besought the lord his god and humbled him selfe excedingly before the god of his fathere made intercessyon to him god was intreated of him and hearde his prayer and brought him againe to Ierusalem into his kingdome and then Manasse knewe that the lorde was god ¶ The fyrst boke of Esdras The .vii. Chapter AND we certifie you that ye haue no auctorite to require taxynge and custome yearly rentes vpō any of the prestes leuites singers porters Nethinuns and ministers in the house of his god The .viii. Chapter The hāde of our god is vpō all them that seke hym in goodnes his violence and wrath is against all them that forsake him ¶ The .ii. boke of Esdras The .v. Chapter I And my brethren and my seruauntes do lende them money corne but as for vsury let vs leaue it The .xii. Chapter In the tyme of Zorobabell and Nehemiah dyd al they of Israell geue portions vnto the syngers porters euerye daye his portion and they gaue tythes vnto the Leuites and the Leuites gaue tythes againe vnto the chyldren of Aaron ¶ The .iii. boke of Esdras The .iii. Chapter WYne is a stronge thyng The kyng is stronger Women haue yet more strenghte but aboue all thynges the truthe beareth awaye the victorie ¶ The .iiii. Chapter TRuthe endureth and is alwaye stronge it lyueth conquereth for euermore worlde without ende ¶ The .viii. Chapter I Commaunde you also that ye require no taxe nor tribute of the preastes Leuites syngers and ministers of the temple nor of the writers and that no man haue auctorite to medle any thing against them The .iiii. boke of Esdras the .i. Chap. WHat shall I do vnto the O Iacob Thou Iuda woldest not obey me I wyll turne me to another people and vnto those wil I geue my name that they maye kepe my statutes seynge ye haue forsaken me I will forsake you When ye desyre me to be gracious vnto you I shall haue no mercye vpon you Whan ye call vpon me I wyll not heare you for ye haue defiled your handes with bloude and your fete are swyfte to commit manslaughter Ye haue not forsaken me in a maner but your owne selues saithe the lorde ¶ The .ii. Chapter EXecute iustice for the wyddowe be iudge for the fatherles geue to the peore defende the confortlesse clothe the naked heale the wounded and sicke laugh not a lame man so scorne defende the crepell and let the blynde come into the lyght of my clearenes whersoeuer thou fyndest the dead take them and bury them and I shall geue the the fyrst place in my resurrection ¶ The .iiii. Chapter GO thy waye waye me the weight of the fyre or measure me the blaste of the wynde or call me againe the daye that is paste They that dowell vpon earth may vnderstande nothinge but that whiche is vpon earthe and he that dwelleth aboue the heauens maye onely vnderstande the thinges that are aboue the heuens The worlde hasteth fast to passe away and can not comprehende the thynges that are promysed for the righteous in time to come for this world is full of vnryghteousnes and weakenes The corne of euel sede hathe bene sowne in the hearte of man from the begynnynge ¶ The .v. Chapter BEholde the dayes shall come that they whiche dwell vpō the earth shal be taken in a great nombre and the waye of the truthe shal be hydde and the lande shal be barren from faithe but iniquitie shall haue the vpper hande lyke as thou hast sene nowe and as thou haste hearde long ago And he said vnto me Nombre the thinges that are yet not come gather me together the droppes that are scattered abroade make me the floures greane againe that are wythered open me the thinge that is closed brynge me forth the wyndes that are shut vp shewe me the Image of a voyce and then shall I declare the thynge that thou labourest to knowe ¶ The .vi. Chapter FRom Abraham vnto Isahar when Iacob Esau were borne of him Iacobs hande helde fyrste the heir of Esau for Esau is the ende of this worlde and Iacob is the begynnynge of it that foloweth The hande of man betwyxt the hele and the hande The earthe shall restore those that haue slepte in her and so shall the dust those that dwell in silence and the secrete places shall delyuer those that be committed vnto them ¶ The .vii. Chapter HAnd the moste hyghest shal be openly declared vpon the seate of iudgement and all miserye shall vanyshe awaye and longe sufferynge shal be gathered togyther but the iudgement shal continue the truthe shall remayne and faith shall waxe strong the worke shall folowe and the rewarde shal be shewed the righteousnes shal watch and the vnrighteousnes shall beare no rule The daye of dome shal be the ende of this time the begynnyng of the immortalitie for to come where in all corruption is vanyshed all voluptuousnes is lowsed all mysbeleue taken awaye righteousnes growed the verite spronge vp Then shal no man be able to saue him that is destroyed nor oppresse him that hath gyuen the victory I knowe lorde that the hyghest is mercyfull in that he hath mercye vpon them whiche are not yet in the worlde and vpon those also that walke in his lawe and that he is pacient and long sufferynge towarde those that haue synned in they re worckes and that he is liberall to geue where as it requyreth and that he is of greate mercye for he multiplied his louyng kyndnesse toward those that are present and that are paste and to theym whiche are for to come for yf he multiplye not hys mercyes the worlde shall not be made liuing with those that dwell therin He geueth also for yf he gaue not of his goodnes that they whiche haue done euyll
toke and so was also Iames and Iohn the sonnes of Zebede whyche were parteners with Simon And Iesus saide vnto Simon Feare not frome hence forthe thou shalte catche menne And they brought the shyppes to lande and forsoke all and folowed him He war●ed the leper that he shoulde go and shewe him selfe to the preste and offer for his clensyng accordinge as Moses commaundement was for a witnes vnto them When he sawe theyr faythe he sayde vnto hym man thy synnes are forgeuen the. Who can forgeue synnes but god onely He went forth sawe a publicane named Leui sittynge at the rec●pte of cullome and saide vni● him folowe me and he lef●e all rose vy and folowed him They that are whole nede not of the phisicion but they that are sicke I ●am not to call the righteous but sinners to repentaunce No man putteh a pece of a newe garment into an olde vesture for yf he do then breaketh he the newe the pece that was taken out of the newe agreeth not with the olde Also no man powreth newe wyne into olde vessels for yf he do the new wine breaketh the vessels runneth out it selfe and the vessels perishe But newe wyne muste be powred into newe vessels and bothe are preserued Also no man that dryncketh olde wyne straight waye can awaye with newe for he saithe the olde is pleasaunter The .vi. Chapter WHether is it laufull on the sabothe dayes to do good or to do euill to saue ones life or for to destroye it And he beheld thē all in cōpasse and said vnto the man Stretche forth thy hande and he dyd so and his hande was restored made as whole as the other And it fortuned in those dayes that he went out into a mountayne for to praye and continued all nyght in prayer to god Blessed be ye poore for yours is the kyngdome of god Blessed are ye that honger nowe for ye shal be satiffyed Blessed are ye that wepe nowe for ye shall laughe Blessed are ye when men● hate you and thruste you oute of theyr companye and rayle and abhorte your name as an euyll thynge for the son of mannes sake Reioyse ye then and be glad for behold your rewarde is great in heauen Wo be to you that are riche for you haue therin your consolation Wo be to you that are ful for ye shall honger wo be to you that nowe laugh for ye shal waste wepe Wo be to you whē al men praise you for so did their fathers to that false prophetes Loue your enemyes do good to them that hate you Blesse them that curse you And pray for thē whiche wrongfully trouble you And vnto hym that smytteth the on the one cheke offer also the other And him that taketh awaye thy gowne forbyd not to take thy cote also Geue to euery man that axeth of the. And of him that taketh awaye thy goodes axe thē not againe And as ye wolde that men shulde do to you so do you to them likewise Yf ye loue them whiche loue you what thanke are ye worthy of For the very synners loue theyr louers And yf you do for thē whyche do for you what thanke are you worthy of for the very synners doo euen the same Yf ye lende to them of whome ye hope to receaue what thanke shall ye haue For the verye synners lende to synners to receaue as muche againe Wherfore loue ye your enemyes do good and lende lokyng for nothynge againe and youre rewarde shal be greate and ye shal be the children of the hiest for he is kynde vnto the vnkynde and to the euyll Be ye therfore mercifull as your father is merciful Iudge not and ye shall not be iudged Condemne not ye shall not be condemned Forgeue ye shal be forgeuen Geue it shal be geuen vnto you good measure pressed downe Geue together running ouer shal men geue into your bosomes For with what measure ye mete with the same shall menne mete to you againe Canne the blynde leade the blynde do they not bothe then fall into the dyche The disciple ys not aboue his master Euerye manner shal be perfecte euen as his master is Why seest thou a more in thy brothers eye and consyderest not the beame that is in thyne owne eye Eyther howe canste thou saye to thy brother Brother ●ette me pull out the moote that is in thine eye when thou perceauest not the beame that is in thine owne eye Ypocrite cast out the beame out of thine owne eye fyrste and then shalte thou see perfectly to pull out the moote oute of thy brothers eye It is not a good tree that bryngeth forth euyll frute neyter is that an euyll tree that bryngeth forthe good frute For euerye tree is knowen by his frute Nether of thornes gader menne fygges nor of busshes gader menne grapes A good manne oute of the good treasure of his herte bryngeth forth that whiche is good And an euyll man oute of the euyll treasure of his herte bryngeth forthe that whiche is euyll For of the aboundaunce of the hert his mouth speaketh Why call you me Master Master and do not as I byd you whosoeuer cōmeth to me and heareth my sayinges and doth the same I wyll shewe you to whome he is lyke He is lyke a manne whiche bylte an housse and dyggyd depe and layde the foundation on a rocke when the waters arose the flud bet vpon the house and coulde not moue it for it was grounded vpon a rocke But he that heareth doth not is lyke a man that without foundation by it an housse vpō the earth against which the fludde dyd beate and it fell by and by and the fall of the house was greate The .vii. Chapter LOrde trouble not thy selfe for I am not worthy that thou shouldest entre vnder my rofe Wherfore I thought not myselfe worthye to come vnto thee But saye the worde and my seruaunt shal be hole I saye vnto you I haue not founde so great fayth no not in Israel Beholde they whiche are gorgeouslye apparelled and lyue delycately are in kynges courtes But what went ye forth to se a prophete ye I saye to you and more then a prophete This is he of whome it is written Beholde I sende my messenger before thy face to prepare thy waye before the. For I saye vnto you a greater prophete then Iohn among wemens chyldren is there none Neuerthelesse one that is lesse in the kyngdome of god is greater then he Iohn Baptist came neither eatyng bread nor drynkyng wyne and ye saye he hathe the deuyll The sonne of mā is come and eateth and drinketh and ye saye beholde a man which is a glotten and a drinker of wyne a seende of Publicanes and synners Symon seest thou this woman I entred in to thy house and thou gauest me no water to my feete but she hath washed my feete with teares and wyped them with the heares of her heade Thou gauest me
be euen a blessing I will also blesse them that blesse the and curse thē that cursethe and in the shal al kinredes of the earth be blessed AND it happened when he was come nite to entre into Egipte he sayde vnto Sara his wyfe Behold I know that thou art a fayre woman to loke vpon Therfore shall it come to passe that when the Egyptians se the they shal saye She is his wyfe And they shal kyll me but they shall saue the alyue Saye I pray the that thou art my sister that I may fare well for thy sake and that my soule maye lyuethorowe thy occasion AND the Lorde smote Pharao this house with greate plages because of Sara Abrams wyfe The .xiii. Chapter THen sayd Abram vnto Lot Let ther be no strife I pray the betwene the and me betwene my herdmē thyne for we be brethrē And I wyll make thy sede as the dust of the earth so that if a man can nomber the duste of the earth then shall thy sede also be numbred ¶ The .xiiii. Chapter WHen Abram heard that his brother was taken he harnessed his freshe young men borne in his owne house thre hūdred eightene folowed on them vnto Dan. And he was set in araye vpon them by night he and his seruauntes and smote them and pursued them vnto Hoba whiche lyeth of the left hande of Damascos and recouered all the goodes and also brought again his brother Lot and his goodes the women also and the people And Melchisedech kyng of Salem brought forth breade wyne for he was the preaste of the moste hyghest god blessed him sayinge Blessed be Abram vnto the hygh God possessor of heauen and earth and blessed be the hye GOD whiche hathe delyuered thyne enemyes into thy hande And Abram gaue him tythes of all And Abram answered the kynge of Sodom I haue lyft vp my hand vnto the Lorde the hye God possessor of heauen and earth that I wyll not take of all that is thyne somuche as a threde or shoulachet least thou shuldest saye I haue made Abram ryche The xv Chapter ADN Abram sayde See to me thou haste geuen no seed Lo a lad borne in my house is myne heyre AND beholde the worde of the Lorde came vnto hym sayinge He shall not be thyne heyre but one that shall come out of thyne owne bodye shall be thyne heyre And he brought hym out and sayde loke vp vnto heauen and tell the ●●attes yf thou be able to numbre them And be saide vnto hym euen so shal thy sede be Abram beleued the Lorde and that counted he to him for ryghtwysnes ¶ The .xvi. Chapter SAra sayd vnto Abram beholde the Lorde hath restrayned me that I can not beare I praye the go in vnto my mayde perauenture I maye be edyfyed by her The .xvii. Chapter NEyther shall thy name anye more be called Abram but thy name shal be Abraham for a father of many nacyone haue I made the. Euery mans chylde amonge you shall be cyrcumcised ye shall circumcise the fleshe of youre foreskyn and it shall be a token of the bonde betwyxte me and you And euery man chylde of eyghte dayes olde shall be circumcised amonge you and suche as be in youre generacions and borne at home And the vncircumcised man chylde in whose fleshe the foreskynne ys not circumcised that soule shall peryshe from his people because he hath broken my testamente Abraham fell vpon his face and laughed and sayde in his herte shal a chylde be borne vnto hym that is an hundreth yere olde shal Sara that is nyntie yere olde beare Abraham also him selfe was nyntye yere olde and nine whē the fleshe of his foreskynne was cyrcumcised The .xviii. Chaptre ANd the Lord appeared vnto Abraham in the plaine of Mamre as he satte in his tent dore in the heate of the daye And he lyft vp hys eyes and loked lo thre men stode by hym And when he sawe them he ranne to meate them from the tente dore and fell to the grounde and sayde Lorde I beseche the yf I haue founde fauoure in thy syght go not I praye the frome thy seruaunte Let a lytle water be fet and washe youre feete and refreshe youre selues vnder the tree And I wyl feate a morsell of breade to comforte youre hartes wyth all and then shall ye go youre wayes for euen therfore are ye come to youre seruaunte Sara laughed within her selfe saying Now am I waxed olde shall I geue my selfe to iuste and my lorde olde also And the Lorde sayd The crye of Sodome and Gomore is greate and theyr sinne is exceding greuous I wil go downe nowe and see whether they haue downe altogether accordynge to that crye whiche is come vnto me or not that I maye knowe I haue taken vpon me to speake vnto the Lord whiche arte but dust and ashes The .xix. Chapter ANd there came two Angels to Sodome at euen and Lot sat at the gate of Sodome And Lote seynge them rose vp to mete thē and be bowed him selfe to the gronde wyth hys face And be sayde My Lordes turne in I praye you into youre serusuntes house and rary all night and washe youre feete and ye shall ryse vp early to go on your waye Nay good brethren do not so wyckedly behold I haue two doughters whiche haue knowne no man them wyll I bringe out nowe vnto you and do with them as it semeth good in youre eyes Only vnto these men do nothinge for therfore came they in vnder the shadowe of my rofe Se I haue receaued thy requeste as concernyng this thinge that I wyll not ouerthrowe this Citie for the which thou hast spoken Lotes wyfe looked behind her and was turned into a piller of salte The .xx. Chapter SE thou shalte dye for the womans sake whiche thou hast taken awaye for she is a mans wyfe Now therfore belyuer the man his wife agayne for he is a Prophet and he shall praye for the that thou mayste lyue But if thou delyuer her not agayne be sure that thou shalte dye the death both thou and all that thou haste In very dede she is my sister for she is the doughter of my father though she be not the doughter of my mother ¶ The .xxi. Chapter SAra sawe also the sōne of Hagar the Egiptian whiche she had borne vnto Abraham to be a mocker wherfore she sayde vnto Abrahā put awaye this bonde mayde and her sonne for the sonne of this bon●e woman shal not be heyr● wyth my sonne Isahac The .xxii. Chapter AND the Aungell of the Lorde called vnto hym frome heauen Abraham Abrahā And he sayde here am I. And he sayde saye not thy hande vpon the chylde nether do any thynge at all vnto hym for nowe I knowe that thou fearest God haste for my sake not spared thine onely sonne By my selfe haue I sworne saythe the Lorde because thou haste done this thynge and haste not spared thy onely sonne