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A08335 Spiritus est vicarius Christi in terra. A breefe and pithie summe of the Christian faith made in fourme of a confession, vvith a confutation of the papistes obiections and argumentes in sundry pointes of religion, repugnaunt to the Christian faith: made by Iohn Northbrooke, minister and preacher of the worde of God. Seene and allowed, according to the order appointed in the Queenes iniunctions.; Breefe and pithie summe of the Christian faith Northbrooke, John. 1571 (1571) STC 18663; ESTC S120959 288,552 342

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vnder the lawe and twoo thousande yere after the Lawe the worlde shall endure and no longer let vs not thinke that any mortall and synfull man is able to tell precisely the daie or tyme that he shall come or at howe many yeres ende he shall come to iudgement The Apostles themselues beyng tickeled with vaine curiositie would faine haue knowen it But saieth our Sauiour Christ vnto them it is not for you to knowe the times or the seasons which the father hath put in his own power If it had béen necessarie that we should haue knowen it our heauenly teacher maister would not haue hidden it from vs But sith that he hath hidden it nor woulde in any wise reueale it vnto vs it is a plaine token that it is not necessarie for vs to know it Leauyng then suche vaine and curious enquiryng of things that pertaine nothyng vnto vs let vs endeuour our selues to knowe those thynges that God will haue vs to knowe that we maie in all thynges frame our liuyng and conuersation accordyng to the blessed will of our heauenly father and so bee founde acceptable nor be ashamed when he shall render vnto euerie man accordyng to his workes Uerely there is no time of sluggardenesse left vnto vs. We see that the same departyng that the blessed Apostle Sainct Paule doeth speake of is come to passe alreadie For howe many nations and people be fallen away from the Empire of Rome or rather is there any Empire of Rome at all Againe howe many kingdomes Landes and Countries haue vtterly forsaken the highest Emperour of all I meane Iesus Christe our onely sauiour with his Gospell The .xxxij. Chapiter ¶ The Pope is Antichriste and that man of synne whiche shal be 〈…〉 before Christes commyng to iudgement MOreouer is not the man of sinne the sonne of perdition opened alreadie and exalted aboue all that is called God or that is worshipped sittyng as GOD in the temple of God and shewyng hymselfe as God For 〈◊〉 the doynges of the fleshely Idoll of Rome and ye shall finde that he is the same man of synne the same sonne of perdition and aduersarie For why In his decrees and lawes in his beggerly statutes and traditions he doeth exalte hymselfe aboue all the holy Lawes and ordinaunces of almightie god and aboue the Testament of the holy one of Israell whiche is confirmed and sealed vp with the moste precious blood of the onely begotten Sonne of God our Sauiour Iesu Christe but hym shall the Lorde consume with the breath of his Nosethrilles that is the spirite of his mouth and also destroye with the appearyng of his commyng For a taste you shall sée out of their owne bookes whether the Pope of Rome be that sonne of perdition that doeth exalte hymselfe aboue God or no. Franciscus Zarabella saieth the Pope doeth what hym listeth yea though it be vnlawfull and is more then a god Pope Nicolas saieth It is well knowen that the Pope of the godly prince Constantine was called God to beléeue that our Lorde God the Pope might not decrée as he decreed it were a mattter of heresie Againe their late Chapiter at Trident one Cornelius Bishop of Bitonto in an oration openly pronounced these wordes Papa lux venit in mundum The Pope is the light that is come into the worlde but men haue loued darkenesse more then light Againe Panormitane saieth these wordes Christe and the Pope make one Consistorie and kéepe one Courte and synne onely excepted the Pope can doe whatsoeuer God hymselfe can doe Againe in their Councell holden at Laterane in Rome one Symon Begnius the Bishop of Modrusia saieth thus vnto Pope Leo Ecce venit Leo de Tribu Iuda radix Dauid c. Te Leobeatissime Saluatorem expectauimus c. Beholde the Lion is come of the Tribe of Iuda the roote of Dauid c. O most blessed Leo we haue looked for thee to be our Sauiour Againe the Pope suffered the Embassadours of Sicilia to lye prostrate on the grounde thus to crie vnto him as if it had been vnto christ Qui tollis peccata mundi misereri nostri Qui t●llis peecata mundi dona nobis pacem O thou holy Pope that takest awaie the sinnes of the worlde haue mercie vpon vs Thou that takest awaie the sinnes of the worlde geue vs peace Wherefore we maie saie of hym as Sainct Gregorie writeth of antichriste Cum sit damnatus homo nequaquam spiritus Deum se esse mentitur Where as he is a damned man and not a spirite by liyng he faineth himselfe to be God Anselmus also saieth Simulabit se religiosum vt sub specie decipiat pietatis I mò se deum esse dicet se adorari faciet atque regna caelorum promitet That is Antichriste shall faine hymselfe to be holy that he maie deceiue men vnder the colour of holinesse Yea and hee shall call hym selfe God and shall cause hymselfe to be worshipped shall promise the kingdome of heauen Therfore to ende Eusebius saieth Hoc est argumentum eos odisse Deum quod velint seipsos appellari deos This is a token that they hate God For that thei will haue themselues called by the name of god In the meane season lest we doe perishe among them that receiue not the loue of the trueth vnto whom God of his righteous iudgement sendeth strong delusion that they shoulde beléeue lyes and so be damned bicause they beléeue not the trueth but haue pleasure in vnrighteousnes Let vs sticke fast vnto the Gospel of our sauiour Christ and vnto the wholsome doctrine of the holy Ghost whiche is the power of God to saluation to all them that beléeue The .xxxiij. Chapiter ¶ The strength and operation of the holy Ghoste workyng in vs. WHom I do also beléeue to be the Lorde and geuer of life to procéede from the Father and the Sonne and to be of one substaunce with them both beyng true and naturall God without beginnyng and without endyng by whom the Father woorketh all thynges in the Sonne by whom he doeth create moue mainteine viuifie and quicken all creatures by whom he doeth call and drawe vnto hym his elect and chosen renueth them into a newe life iustifieth and sanctifieth them enricheth them with many and sundrie giftes also strengthneth them til thei come to their perfect saluatiō who dwelling in vs doth with his light illuminate our mindes that we may learne and knowe perfectly what treasour of gods bounteous mercifulnesse we doe possesse and enioye in Christe So that we maie by good right call hym the keye wherewith all the riches of the heauenly kyngdome is opened vnto vs and the eye wherwith we doe see and beholde them And for this cause he is called now the earnest penye and Scale bicause that he doeth seale vp in our mindes and consciences the certitude or certaintie of
doctrine as some places thereof I will recite first the Lorde saieth in Genesis I will henceforth curse the earth no more for mans sake For the imagination of mans heart is euill euen from the verie youth of hym Againe in Deuteronomie the L. saieth Ye haue séen all that the Lorde did before your eyes in the lande of Egypte vnto Pharao and vnto all his seruauntes Thine eyes haue seen these greate tokens and wonders And yet vnto this daie hath not the Lorde geuen you a hearte that vnderstandeth eyes that see and eares that heare What coulde Moyses saie more vnlesse he shoulde call vs blockes and stones And in Ezechiell the Lorde saieth A newe hearte will I geue you and a newe spirite will I put in you as for that stonie hearte I will take it out of your bodie and geue you a fleshely hearte I will geue you my spirite among you and cause you to walke in my commaundementes to kéepe my lawes and to fulfill them This place doeth teache vs sufficiently that excepte our stonie heartes be taken awaie from vs and fleshely that is to saie obedient heartes geuen vs in stéede of them and a newe spirite put into vs whiche should worke obedience towardes the Lordes commaundementes we are able to do nothyng we can in no wise kéepe the lawes of God nor yet fulfil them Ieremie also saieth by the spirite of God I wil geue them one heart and one waie that they maie feare mée for euer for the wealth of them and of their children I will put my feare in their heartes that they shall not depart from mée In another place he saieth Conuert thou mée and I shall be conuerted for thou art the Lorde my god And againe he saith O Lorde I knowe that the waie of man is not in his owne power neither is it in man to walke and to direct his steppes Salomon also saieth The kynges hearte is in the hande of the Lorde as the riuers of waters he turneth it whither soeuer it pleaseth him ▪ Dauid saith Turne awaie my eyes from regarding vanitie and quicken mée in thy waie Incline mine heaate vnto thy testimonies and not to couetousnes Sainct Iohn saith A man can receaue nothing excepte it be geuen from aboue he speaketh not there doubtlesse of the common giftes of nature but of the speciall giftes of the holy ghoste Unto this the wordes of Christe agrée when he saieth No man can come vnto mée excepte it be geuen him of my father For this cause when Peter had saide Thou art Christe the sonne of the liuyng God Christe made this aunswere vnto hym againe Blessed art thou Symon the sonne of Ionas for fleshe and blood hath not opened that vnto thee but my father that is in heauen And againe whosoeuer saieth he doth heare and learne of the father commeth to mée and they shall all be taught of God This is the worke of God that ye beleue in hym whom he hath sent Sainct Paule strongly beateth downe the vaine pryde of our fréewill men where he writeth on this maner The naturall man perceiueth nothyng of the spirite of god Whereby he doeth vnderstande that the naturall man whiche is not renewed in Christe can not perceiue the thynges that be of the spirite of god For why thei are but foolishnes vnto him And againe he saieth Suche truste haue we through Christe to Godwarde not that we are sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing as it were of our selues but our ablenesse commeth of God. Now if we be not able to thinke a good thought except● God doeth put it in vs how much more vnable be we either to will or to doe anye thyng that good is or acceptable in the sight of God And in his Epistle to the Philippians he saieth It is god that worketh in you both the will and the déede euen of his good pleasure And to the Romaines he hath these wordes So then it is not in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but in God that sheweth mercie Therefore we wyll omit many other textes And beléeue verily the words of christ alowyng and ratifiyng all these places of Scriptures before recited when he saith Sine me nihil potestis facere Without me ye can doe nothyng All these Scriptures doe shewe our vnablenesse weakenes and imbecilitie and that we bee the seruauntes of synne vntill and before we be regenerated and renewed by the holy ghoste and made newe creatures What fréedome then can we iustly boast or bragge of Vbi spiritus domini saieth sainct Paule Ibi libertas Where the spirite of the Lorde is there is libertie and fréedome Againe Si vos filius liberauerit vere liberi eritis That is to say If the sonne therefore doe make you frée ye shal be frée in déede These sayinges doe sufficiently declare that as long as we are voyde of the spirite of God and are not set at libertie by the sonne wee are naught else but the bondslaues of Sathan the deuyll of synne and of death All this doeth teache vs that of our selues ▪ we be not able to thynke a good thought as of our selues Therefore Sainct Augustine doeth define fréewyll after this sort Liberum arbitrium est facultas rationis voluntatis qua bonum eligitur gratia adsistente malum verò ea desistente That is to saie frée will is a vertue or power of the reason will whereby the good is chosen when the grace of God doeth assiste and the euill when it is awaie or is withdrawen The meaning is that by frée will if wee haue the assistaunce and helpe of the grace of God wee are able to choose that whiche is good but if the grace of God be awaie or be withdrawen wee can doe no more but embrace that whiche is euill and hurtefull to our owne soules Therefore saide Paule verie well to the Corinthians By the grace of God I am that I am his grace which is in mée was not in vaine but I laboured more aboundantly then thei al yet not I but the grace of God which is with me And in another place he saieth thus I liue yet not I now but Christe liueth in mee Alwaies we sée that all our ablenes power strength fréedome and wyll commeth by the onely grace of God by wis workyng spirite through Iesus Christe our sauiour and not of our owne selues Where as they cauaile and saie man hath free will to doe good and a power to receiue the grace of God alledgyng the place of Ecclesiasticus for their purpose where he saieth God made man from the beginnyng and lefte hym in the hande of his counsell and gaue hym his commauddementes and preceptes if thou wilt thou shalt obserue the commaundements and testifie thy good will. Before man is life and death good and euill what him liketh shall be geuen