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A00951 Miles Christianus, or The campe royal set forth in briefe meditations on the words of the Prophet Moses, Deut. 23, 9, 14. here under following, preached in the armie as Dungen-Leager, profitable for all sorts of men to reade; and published for the generall good of all that will read, By Samuel Bachiler, Preacher to the English at Gorinchem. Bachiler, Samuel. 1625 (1625) STC 1106; ESTC S114807 35,497 56

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his people without his people that is without their diligence Though the meanes and our industrie be nothing without God yet is it his pleasure we should not neglect them which when we doe he will be nothing to us He will haue us up and be doing and leaue him to be at our Elbowes to fall on and second us Or secondly we trust too much to the means our hearts being too much set upon them and hanging after them We are apt to thinke of our own strength and policie and not to regard God whose power and providence it must be to deliver us from our enimies them to us Whence many a day is lost and faire exploit vanisht many an inglorious assault made upon us to our just reproach Secondly we must then expect this in fayth and in the apprehention of God and his divine presence among us looke to be delivered from our enimies and not onely that but haue them fairly delivered unto us be they never so many so mightie and warlike a nation If God were in the midst of their Camp for this end in mercie to rescue them and to giue up those miscreants their enimies unto them should not this greatly encourage them in hope of victorie But this is a fruit of fayth in God wherefore looke unto me and be ye saved oh all the ends of the earth Ies 45 22. And thus much for the first branch of these words The proposition touching Gods presence among them walking in their Camps to cover their heads The second branch of these words is the conclusion or consequence wherein note first an order Secondly a reason of that order The order is layd downe two wayes affirmatiuely or positiuely touching holynes required Therefore shall thy Campe be holy Negatiuely or privatiuely against uncleannes That he see no uncleannes in thee The reason of the order is from the dangerous effect of this Gods turning away from them We haue heard Moses telling them of Gods presence with them now we shall see what ought to follow thereupon therefore the Camp must not be unclean Where he speaketh of the place and of the men likewise and the cleannes of the one implies the puritie of the other Of the place their Campground must be holy There was a twofold sanctitie Ceremoniall and Morall The earth they lay upon must be ceremonially cleane Also their men their persons must be morally holy Note further that holynes may be eyther faederall or practicall Faederally and by league they were a holy people Deut. 7 6. by dedication holy here is required that they be practically holy Observ 3. Forasmuch as God is among us Observ 3 we must all labour to be holy God would haue our Camps and leagers holy Camps and holy leagers Oh sayth Moses if the Lord our God be among us our Camps and tents should be holy But the Lord is among us in the mids of us Therefore shall your Camp be holy According to that Lev. 20 7. Sanctisie your selues and be ye holy for I the Lord your God am holy Where we haue a precept to be holy and a reason the Lord our God is holy A Campe of Saints is mentioned Revel 20 9. It becometh all the Lords people to be holy 1 Thes 4. as he is holy This is the will of God your sanctification that everie one of you should know how to possesse his vessell in sanctification and in honour God would haue his people delight in holynes as he himselfe doeth Holy they must be in all things in their assemblies and meetings of what sort or for what end soever and holy in their Camps and wars This was figuratiuely enjoyned first in their washings verse 11. When the euening commeth on he shall wash himself to wit any man that was not cleane by any nocturnall pollution he must goe out of the Campe and not come within the Camp till he was cleansed Secondly by burying their excrements verse 12. Thou shalt haue a place without the Campe whither thou shalt goe forth abroad and thou shalt haue a paddle upon thy weapon and it shall be when thou wilt ease thy selfe abroad thou shalt digge therewith and shalt turne back and cover that which cometh from thee Reasons for holynes in our Camps The first reason is because God can presently smell out any unholynes who is of perfect sight Psal 44 20 21. least he see sayth Moses uncleannes in thee As who should say God will quickly spye it out having pure eyes nothing can hide it from him And of perfect sent if I may so speake Secondly that holynes may distinguish betweene our Enimies and us without which we differ not from them they from us For men they are as well as we such warlike furniture they haue as we And this shall difference more then any distance of place or other qualities Impuritie doeth in a manner make a consimilitude betweene them and us See Ies 1 10. they are called rulers of Sodome and people of Gomorrah because though by nation and profession they were Iewes and the people of God yet in manners they were like Sodome and her neighbours So Ezech. 16 3.45 46. Thy birth and thy nativitie is of the land of Canaan thy father was an Ammonite and thy mother an Hittite So that the impuritie of those nations which they declared in their works made them altogether like them In this sense Saul was a Cushite Psal 7. So that nothing will distinguish us from our enimies but holynesse onely for want whereof take away the title of Gods people we are as they are And our Camps if holynes reigne not in them are not the Camps of Israelites but of Philistims of Sodomites of Spaniards Thirdly For our Camps and armies to be holy would make our enimies blush and be ashamed yea would dazle their sight to looke at us would throw them to the ground and make them fall backward as the Souldiers did when they came to apprehend Christ Iohn 18 6. The verie holynes of Israels Campe would confound the armies of the Aliens Holynes would driue our enimies from us All sinne and sinners sinke and fall at the presence of holynes The same excellencie in God is that which scarres all from comming neare unto him who dwelleth in that light of holynes which none can attaine unto 1 Tim. 6 16. in so much that Iesay cryed out he was undone chap. 6 3 5. because of his owne uncleannesse and that wonderfull holynes in God Peter in the sense of his owne impuritie bids Christ to depart from him Luke 5 8. or he must runne away from Christ Yea holynes in an Angell which is but a sparcle of Gods holynes made them so affrighted Dan. 10 7. and Zacharie so perplexed he knew not what to doe Luke 1 12. And certainly holynes in Gods people which they haue by communication and participation from God is that which if it were in a more excellent degree would
skarre their enimies and make them shrinke before them This Rom. 13 13. is called their armour of light which in truth so flasheth in the sore eyes of the world and dazeleth them that they are able to doe nothing against them who weare it As sinne and impuritie hath a secret kinde of force whereby we are weakened and doth fight against us so holynes hath a secret vertue to worke as much for us Fourthly holynes is to be chosen for it self it is a qualitie so glorious In regard of this no question Balaam cryed out when he viewed the Camps of Israel saying How goodly are thy tents O Iacob and thy tabernacles O Israell Num. 24 5. Fiftly everie place should be suitable to the Majestie and sacred nature of the person therein Therefore our Camps where God walketh should be holy which to be is suiteable to his Majestie and nature If a King should come and walke among us there would be such care to haue all things comely and pure so in that God hath his residence among us his place must be holy Yet cannot he contract any impuritie be the place what it will be As the sunne shyning with his light into the most noysome filthy vault yet is free from impuritie notwithstanding no more is God defiled by any the most noysome place yet he delights to finde his owne cleannesse where he is pleased to come What remaines then but that we labour and striue to be holy to haue holy Campes and holy leagers It was prophesied Zach. 14.20 that on the bells of the horses should be written Holynes to Iehovah Meaning that the warres and Camps under the Gospell should be holy warres and holy Camps The horse is a warlike beast See Iob 39. Prov. 21 31. and by Synechdoche in that place of the Prophet may comprehend other things belonging to the Campe. And when holynes is engrauen upon the horse what should the Rider haue on him but holynes also That so our Camps and wars may be answerable to that the Lord requires here Object But will some say Object is it possible for our leagers to be so Ans Is it possible Answ why not were it a thing impossible God would not haue required it of them or us Possible it is through grace and the meanes conscionably improved And we see holynes in some therefore I see not but it may be more generall which takes away the vaine objection of many who thinke because they are Souldiers and follow the warrs they haue nothing to do with holynes supposing it ynough for Preachers and others to be carefull for holynes But God would haue the Camp holy now what is the Campe but those who make the Campe which are Souldiers wherefore Souldiers must not cast off the care of holynes This holynes standeth in absteyning from all evill whereof before Secondly in doing the contrarie good and the rule of holynes is that of the Apostle Phil. 4 8. Whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are louely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any vertue and if there be any praise thinke on these things Now the meanes requisite toward a holy Campe are specially these The first is that everie man beginne with himself to reforme himself If everie man cleanse his owne dore we shall haue cleane streets so would everie man cleanse himself we should haue a holy Campe. Wash thy heart Ier. 4 14. everie one his heart Purge your hands yee sinners and purifie your hearts ye double minded Iam. 4. Everie one that hath this hope purgeth himself euen as Christ is pure 1 Iohn 3.5 And for example to the rest let the Leaders and Chiefteins Heads and Commanders first be holy If the eye be single the whole bodie is full of light if they who are chief in place be holy so will the rest be also It was admirablie spoken of Ioshuah chap. 24. that he and his house would serue the Lord First he and then his house never would his house be if he would not goe before in reformation So should everie Worthie in the Lords Camp say I and my Souldiers will be holy and first be a patterne himselfe of holynes to them and be a living and walking image of Gods holines among them Againe Iudg. 7.17 Looke on me and do likewise said Gideon to his men So they would no question behold him and doe as he should doe Nothing poysons a Campe more then when the infection begins at the head If the fountaine be bitter 2 Kin. 2 21. the streames can be no better When Officers and such as should be presidents and patterns of holynes to the rest when I say they are uncleane prophane no marvell though the private Souldier be no better When they will drinke drunke when they will sweare and swagger when they will take licentious libertie to themselues it is no wonder though their followers doe so toe Secondly Gods holy ordinances must be in the Campe. The word especially or trueth of God and Discipline divine and militarie The Discipline of Gods word to suspend from the Sacrament indifferently all obstinate unholy persons to sever the cleane from the uncleane the precious from the vile Ier. 15 19. And discipline militarie must not lye dead but must be exercised impartially upon one and other offending and so second the former Els your preachers may teach holynes till their braines fall out at their browes and to none end This then must be exercised in purging your Camps of open and notorious sinners and sinnes as uncleannes of stewes drunckennes And none must be borne with nor suffred that will not be reformed Psal 101. I will early destroy all the wicked of the land and cutte off all wicked doers from the cittie of my God Prov. 20.26 A wise king scattereth the wicked and bringeth the wheele over them that is incorrigible wicked ones whom no other meanes will do good unto See for the exercise of Martiall discipline in the Lords Campe Exod. 32 27. Put everie man his sword by his side and goe in and out thoroughout the Campe and slaye c. Levit. 24.16 He that blaspheameth the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death Numb 25. The just punishment of Zimri and Cozbi for their wicked presumption But as once the Prophet so may we complaine Habac. 1 4. The law is slacked c. an elegant metaphor from the pulse which in a dying man beates faintly and retires so when the law of just discipline beginns to slacken it argues a dying reipublique and is verie ominous As they had their paddle readie to rid the Campe of their excrements so must Discipline be used to ridde the tents of all the wicked excrements of sinne And as Christ whipt the buyers and sellers out of the Temple so be couragious you whom it concerneth to reforme all enormities And looke especially to