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A85452 America painted to the life. A true history of the originall undertakings of the advancement of plantations into those parts, with a perfect relation of our English discoveries ... 1628. to 1658. declaring the forms of their government, policies, religions, manners, customes, military disciplines, warres with the Indians, the commodities of their countries, a description of their townes, and havens, the increase of their trading with the names of their governours and magistrates. More especially an absolute narrative of the north parts of America, and of the discoveries and plantations of our English in New-England. Written by Sir Ferdinando Gorges .... Publisht ... by his grand-child Ferdinando Gorges Esquire, who hath much enlarged it and added severall accurate descriptions of his owne. Gorges, Ferdinando, Sir, 1556?-1647.; Gorges, Ferdinando, 1629-1718. 1658 (1658) Wing G1300; Thomason E969_3 181,058 245

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doe daily bring Wolves to be came but they cannot breake them of their ravening nature and I would your Royalist would learne of them to know that as your Lord Bishops Deanes Prebends c. be right whelps of the Roman litter so let them be never so well cam'd they will retaine their nature still to Lord it over all kinde of Civill Government But woe and alasse that ever any of our Countrymen should be so blind that after they are delivered from so great a bondage by such Wonder Working Providence of the Lord Christ Ever and anon to indeavour to make a Captaine over them that they may returne againe into Egypt as appeares by the plots which have beene discovered and broken in pieces by the right hand of the most high and yet for all this their's such a hankering after somewhat of the Prelaticall greatnesse by the English Clergy and the Scottish Classis that many of them could afford to raise arother war for it But brethren I beseech you be more wiser lest when you are growne hot in your quarrell the Malignant party come and set you agreed stablish peace in righteousnesse and let the word be your rule heare one another with meekenesse and the Lord will cleare up the whole truth unto you in his due time And now to declare plainly how far the Lord hath beene pleased to make use of any of his people in these Westerne pares about this Worke for to say truth they have done nothing in holes and corners but their workes are obvious to all the World if he sufferings of the Saints be pretious in the eyes of Christ so as to provoke him in displeasure to cut off the occasioners thereof then thus his poore unworthy people here have had a great stroake in the downfall of their adversaries to the present possessed truths of Christ for this wildernesse worke hath not beene carried on without sighthings that have come before him and Groanes that have entred his eares and Teares treasured up in his bottles againe if the ardent and strong affections of the people of God for his glorious comming to advance his Kingdome in the splendor and purity of his Gospell as co cry with the holy Prophet Oh that he would broake the Heavens and come down be regarded of the Lord Christ so as to remove with his mighty power the very Mountaines out of the way and hurle them into the deepe Then hath these weake wormes instrumentally had a share in the great desolation the Lord Christ hath wrought For this History will plainely declare with what zeale and deepe affection and unresistable resolutions these Pilgrim people have endeavoured the gathering together his Saints for the edifying the Body of Christ that he may raign both Lord and King for ever Yet againe if the prayers of the faithfull people of God availe any thing for the accomplishment of his promises in the destruction of Antichrist for the subduing of Armies without striking one stroake Then assuredly these Jacobites have wrestled with the Lord not onely with that good King Je●oshaphat proclaiming one Fast but many Fasts they their Wives and little ones standing before the Lord Oh our God wile thou not judge them for we have no might c. Lastly if the Lord himselfe have roared from Sion as in the dayes of the Prophet Amos so from his Churches in New England by a great and terrible Earth quake which happened much about the time the Lordly Prelates were preparing their injunctions for Scotland taking rise from the West it made its progresse to the Eastward causing the Earth to rise up and downe like the waves of the Sea having the same effect on the Sea also causing the Ships that lay in the Harbor to quake the which at that very time was said to be a signe from the Lord to his Churches that he was purposed to shake the Kingdomes of Europes Earth and now by his providences brought to passe all men may reade as much and more as if he should have said to these his scattered people yet now againe united in Church Covenant the Lord is now gathering together his Armies and that your faith may be strengthened you shall feele and heare the shakings of the Earth by the might of his power yea the Sea also to shew he will ordaine Armies both by Sea and Land to make Babilon desolate Things thus concurring as an immediate answer of the Lord to his peoples prayers and endeavours caused some of this little handfull with resolute courage and boldnesse to returne againe to their native Land that they might the Lord accepting and assisting them in their endeavours be helpfull in advancing the Kingdome of Christ and casting down every strong house of sinne and Satan It matters not indeed who be the instruments if with the eye of faith these that go forth to fight the Lords Battailes can but see and heare the Lord going out before them against their enemies with a sound in the tops of the Mulbery Trees Here are assuredly evident signes that the Lord Christ is gone forth for his peoples deliverance and now Frogs Flies Lice or Dust shall serve to destroy those will yet hold his people in bondage notwithstanding the Lord will honour such as hee hath made strong for himselfe And therefore hee causeth the worthies in Davids time to be recorded and it is the duty of Gods people to incourage one another in the worke of the Lord then let all whose hearts are upright for the Lord ponder well his goings in his Sanctuary that their hands may be strengthened in the work they goe about onely be strong and of a good courage CHAP. VI. Of the gratious goodnesse of the Lord Christ in saving his New-England people from the hand of the barbarous Indians LAstly for the frontispiece of their present distresse namely the Indian war they with much meeknesse and great deliberation wisely contrived how they might best helpe their fellow brethren hereupon they resolved to send a solemne Embassage to old Cannonicus chiefe Sachem of the narrow Ganset Indians who being then well stricken in yeares had caused his Nephew Miantinemo to take the Government upon him who was a very sterne man and of a great stature of a cruell nature causing all his Nobility and such as were his attendance to tremble at his speech the people under his Government were very numerous besides the Niantick Indians whose Prince was of neare aliance unto him They were able to set forth as was then supposed 30000. fighting men the English sought by all meanes to keepe these at least from confederating with the Pequods and understanding by intelligence that the Pequots would send to them for that end endeavoured to prevent them Fit and able men being chosen by the English they hast them to Cannonicus Court which was about fourescore miles from Boston The Indian King hearing of their comming gathered together his chiefe Counsellors and a great number
that it hath forced its passage through the mighty Rocks which causeth some sudden falls and hinders Shipping from having any accesse far into the Land her bankes are in many places stored with Oken Timber of all sorts of which that which they commonly call'd white Oke is not inferiou● to our English Timber in this River lie some few Islands of fertill Land this Towne is stored with Meddow and upland which hath caused some Gentlemen who brought over good Estates and finding then no better way to improve th●m to see upon husbandry amongst whom that Religious and sincere hearted servant of Christ Mr. Richard Dummer sometime a Magistrate in this little Common-wealth hathholpen on this Town their houses are built very scattering which hath caused some contending about removall of their place for Sabbath-Assemblies their Cattell are about foure hundred head with store of corne-Corne-land in tillage it consists of about seventy Families the sou'es in Church fellowship are about an hundred the teaching Elders of this Congregation have carried it very lovingly toward their people permitting of them to assist in admitting of persons into Church-society and in Church censures so long as they Act regularly but in case of their male-administration they assume the power wholly to themselves their godly life and conversation hath hitherto been very amiable and their paines and care over their flock not inferiour to many others and being bound together in a more stricter band of love then ordinary with promise to spend their dayes together if the Lord please and therefore shall not be disuaited in the following Verse LOe here Loves twinnes by Christ are sent to Preach In wildernesse his little flock among Though Christs Church-way you fully cannot reach So far hold fast as you in 's word are strong Parker thy paines with Pen and Preaching hath Roomes buildings left in Prelacy cast downe Though ' gainst her thou defer Gods finall wrath Keepe warring still and sure thou shalt have crowne Thy Brother thou oh Noise hast holpe to guide Christ tender Lambs within his fold to gather From East to West thou dost Christs Warrier bide Faint not at last increase thy fighting rather CAHP. XXXII Of good supply and seasonable helpes the Lord Christ was pleased to send to further his Wildernesse worke and particular for his Churches of Charles Towne and Ipswich and Dorchester YEt farther for the incouragement of the people of Christ in these their weak beginnings he daily brings them in fresh supplies adding this yeare also the reverend and painfull Minister of his Gospell Mr. Zachary Simmes who was invited soone after his comming over to assist in planting of another Church of Christ but the place being remote from the pretious servants of Christ already setled be chose rather to joyne with some Church among them and in a short space after hee was called to the Office of a Teaching Elder in the Church of Christ at Charles Towne together with Mr. James who was then their Pastor as you have formerly heard Among all the godly Women that came through the perilous Seas to war their warfare the wife of this zealous Teacher Mrs. Sarah Simmes shall not be omitted nor any other but to avoid tediousnesse the vertuous Woman indued by Christ with graces fit for a Wildernesse condition her courage exceeding her stature with much cheerfulnesse did undergoe all the difficulties of these times of straites her God through Faith in Christ supplying all her wants with great industry nurturing up her young Children in the feare of the Lord their number being ten both Sons and Daughters a certaine signe of the Lords intent to people this vast Wildernesse God grant they may be valiant in Faith against Sin Satan and all the enemies of Christs Kingdome following the example of their Father and Grandfather who have both suffered for the same in remembrance of whom these following lines are placed COme Zachary thou must reed●fie Christ Churches in this Desart Land of his With Moses zeale stampt unto dust defie All crooked wayes that Christ true worship misse With spirits sword and armor girt about Thou lay'st on load proud Prelats crowne to crack And wilt not suffer Wolfes thy flock to rout Though close they creepe with sheepe skins on their back Thy Fathers spirit doubled is upon Thee Simmes then war thy Father fighting died In prayer then prove thou like Champion Hold ou● till death and Christ will crown provide After these poore people had welcomed with great joy their newcome Guests all of a sudden they spy two tall Ships whose colours shewed them to be some forrein Nation at which time this little handfull of people began to be much troubled deeming them to be Rovers they gathered together such forces as their present condition would afford very ill fitted as then to rescue an enemy but their Lord and Master Christ Jesus would not suffer any such to come and instead of enemies brought in friends even Dutchmen to furnish them with farther necessary Provision For the yeare 1635 the honoured Mr. Iohn Haines was chosen Governour and the honoured Mr. Richard Bellingham Deputy Governour the number of Free-men added to this little Common wealth were about one hundred forty and five The time now approaching wherein the Lord Christ would have his people come from the Flaile to the Fan threshing out much this yeare increasing the number of his Troopes and valiant Leaders the Ships came thicker and faster filled with many worthy parsonages Insomuch that the former people began to forget their Poverty and verily Cold Purity Peace and Plenty run all in one channell Gods people here should sure have met with none other but the still waters of Peace and Plenty for back and belly soone contract much mudde as you shall he are God willing in the following History this yeare came in the honoured Sir Henry Vaine who aboad not long in this worthy worke yet mind him I will in the following Lines Sir Henry Vaine once Governour of the English People in New England THy Parents Vaine of worthy fame in Christ and thou for him Through Ocean wide in new World trid a while his warrier bin With small defeat thou didst retreat to Brittaine ground againe There stand thou stout for Christ hold out Christs Champion a● remain● Also at this time Christ sent over the much honoured and upright hearted servant of his Richard Saltingstall Esquire Son to the before-named Sir Richard Saltingstall who being weary of this Wildernesse worke returned home againe not long before and now his Son being chose to the Office of a Magistrate continued for some good space of time helping on the affaires of this little Common wealth to the honour of Christ who hath called him both Father and Son are here remembred THou worthy Knight Saltingstall hight her 's gaine doth gold exceed Then trifle not it s to be got if thou can'st see thy neede Why wilt thhu back and leave as wreck this
divulging of this Proclamation by his Herralds at Armes Many although otherwise willing for this service began to object as followeth Can it possible be the mind of Christ who formerly inabled so many Souldiers of his to keepe their station unto the death here that now so many brave Souldiers disciplined by Christ himselfe the Captaine of our salvation should turne their backs to the disheartning of their Fellow-Souldiers and losse of further opportunity in gaining a greater number of Subjects to Christs Kingdome Notwithstanding this Objection It was further proclaimed as followeth What Creature wilt not know that Christ thy King crusheth with a rod of Iron the Pompe and Price of man and must he like man cast and contrive to take his enemies at advantage No of purpose hee causeth such instruments to retreate as he hath made strong for himselfe that so his adversaries glorying in the pride of their power insulting over the little remnan● remaining Christ causeth them to be cast downe suddenly forever and wee find in stories reported Earths Princes have passio● their Armies at need over Seas and deepe Torrents Could Caesar so suddenly fetch over fresh forces from Europe to Asia Pompy to foyle How much more shall Christ who createth all power c●ll over this 900. league Ocean at his pleasure such instruments as he thinks meete to make use of in this place from whence you are now to depart but further that you may not delay the Voyage intended for your full satisfaction know this is the place where the Lord will create a new Heaven and a new Earth in new Churches and a new Common-wealth together Wherefore CHAP. II. The Commission of the People of Christ shipped for New England and first of their gathering into Churches ATtend to your Commission all you that are or shall hereafter be shipped for this service yee are with all possible speed to imbarque your selves and as for all such Worthies who are hunted after as David was by Saul and his Courtiers you may change your habit and ship you with what secrecy you can carrying all things most needfull for the Voyage and service you are to be imployed in after your landing But as soone as you shall be exposed to danger of tempestious Seas you shall forthwith shew whose servants you are by calling on the Name of your God sometimes by extraordinary seeking his pleasing Face in times of deepe distresse and publishing your Masters will and pleasure to all that Voyage with you and that is his minde to have purity in Religion preferred above all dignity in the world your Christ hath commanded the Seas they shall not swallow you nor Pyrates imprison your persons or possesse your goods At your landing see you observe the Rule of his Word for neither larger nor stricter Commission can hee give by any and therefore at first filling the Land whither you are sent with diligence search out the mind of God both in planting and continuing Church and civill Government but be sure they be distinct yet agreeing and helping the one to the other Let the matter and forme of your Churches be such as were in the Primitive Times before Antichrists Kingdome prevailed plainly poynted out by Christ and his Apostles in most of their Epistles to be neither Nationall nor Provinciall but gathered together in Covenant of such a number as might ordinarily meete together in one place and built of such living stones as outwardly appeare Saints by calling You are also to ordaine Elders in every Church make you use of such as Christ hath indued with the best gifts for that end their call to Office shall be mediate from you but their authority and commission shall be immediate from Christ revealed in his word which if you shall slight d●spise or contemne hee will soone frustrate your call by taking the most able among you to honour with an everlasting Crown whom you neglected to honour on Earth double as their due or he will carry them remote from you to more infant Churches You are not to put them upon anxious Cares for their daily Bread for assuredly although it may now seeme strange you shall be fed in this Wildernesse whither you are to goe with the flower of Wheate and Wine shall be plentifull among you but be sure you abuse it not these Doctrines delivered from the Word of God imbrace and let not Satan delude you by perswading their learned skill is unnecessary soone then will the Word of God be fl●ghted as tra●slated by such and you shall be left wildred with strange Revelations of every phantastick brain which to prevent here are to be shipped among you many both Godly Juditious and Learned who CHAP. III. Of the Demeanor of their Church Officers BEing called to Office are in all humility to feed the flock of Christ and not for lucre to admit mostly of such sheepe whose faire fleeces allure much nor yet for filling the flocks to crowd in infections sheepe or rather wolves in sheepes cloathing assuredly it will prove bitternesse in the end neither shall you for feare your allowance will fall short hinder the increase of Churches that so your fellow brethren indued with like gifts fa●l short of all But above all beware of any love selfe-conceited Opinion stopping your eares from hearing the Counsell of an Orthodox Synod but by daily communication one with another impart Christs minde each to other that you may all speake one and the same things heale not lightly the wounds that Wolves make lest from their festering Teeth a Gangrin grow and further for compleating the Churches of Christ as well in matters as in Doctrine there are ancient experienced godly Christians shipped among you but be sure you make choise of such for feare they be despised and let them not be led by favor or affection as naturally men are to Administer in your Office partially for unworthy the name of a Ruling Elder is hee who loses his Lyon-like courage when the sound and wholesome Doctrines delivered by Pastor or Teacher are spoken against by any unseemly behaviour and sleepy hearing by private exhortation prevent if possible lest publick example in open professors stumb●e some and hinder the operation of his word especially in the hearts of those who have bin long time led away with the inventions of man in the worsh●p of God Be sure you contradict not but confirme with trienall love the Doctrines of Christ delivered by your Teaching Elders which will be a great meanes to make it prevaile for a three-fold cord is not easily broken trust not to your own gifts for preventing error but use all helpes that Christ may blesse his own meanes cast not away as incorrigible such as at first receive not the word in all points but wait with patience if at any time the Lord will be pleased to give them a heart to turne unto him Beware of a proud censorious spirit and shou●d Christ be pleased to place in his
enterance which sure it would have been by many had not the Lord prevented by a troublesom passage At forty dayes end or thereabout they cast to sound the Seas depth and find them sixty fadom by which they deem the bankes of New sound Land are near where they being provided with Cod-line and Hooke hale up some store of fish to their no small refreshing and within some space of time after they approach the Cost of New England where they are againe provided with Mackarell and that which was their greater rejoycing they discover Land at sight thereof they blessed the Lord. But before the Author proceed any further in this Discourse take here a short survay of all the Voyages by Sea in the transportation of these Armies of the great Jehova for fifteene years space to the year 1643. about which time England began to indeavour after Reformation and the Souldiers of Christ were set at liberty to bide his battells at home for whose assistance some of the chiefe worthies of Christ returned back the number of Ships that transported passengers in this space of time as is supposed is 298. Men Women and Children passing over this wide Ocean as near as at present can be gathered is also supposed to be 21200. or thereabout CHAP. XV. An Exhortation to all People Nations and Languages to indeavour the advancing of the Kingdome of Christ in the purity of his Ordinances seeing he hath done such admirable Acts for these poore shrubs ANd now all you whose affections are taken with wonderfull matters Attend and you that thinke Christ hath forgotten his poore despised people Behold and all you that hopefully long for Christs appearing to confound Antichrist Consider and rejoyce all yee his Churches the World throughout for the Lambe is preparing his Bride and oh ● yee the antient Beloved of Christ whom he of old led by the hand from Egypt to Canaan through that great and terrible Wildernesse looke here behold him whom you have peirced preparing to peirce your hearts with his Wonder-working Providence and to provoke you by this little handfull of his people to looke on him and mourne Yet let no man think these few weake Wormes would restraine the wnoderfull Workes of Christ as onely to themselves but the quite contrary these but the Porch of his glorious building in hand and if hee have shewed such admirable acts of his providence toward these what will he doe when the whole Nation of English shall set upon like Reformation according to the direct Rule of his Word Assured confidence there is also for all Nations from the undoubted promise of Christ himselfe The Winter is past the Raine is changed and gone come out of the holes of the secret places feare not because your number is but small gather into Churches and let Christ be your King yee Presbytery Lord it not over them or any Churches but feed every one that one flock over which Christ hath made you over-seers and yee people of Christ give your Presbytery double honours that they with you may keepe the watch of the Lord over his Churches Yee Dutch come out of your hods-podge the great mingle mangle of Religion among you hath caused the Churches of Christ to increase so little with you standing at ● stay like Corne among Weeds Oh yee French feare not the great swarmes of Locusts nor the croking Frogs in your Land Christ is reaching out the hand to you look what hee hath done for these English and sure hee is no Respecter of Persons c. yee Germanes that have had such a bloudy bickering Christ is now comming to your aide then cast off your loose and carelesse kinde of Reformation gather into Churches and keepe them pure that Christ may delight to dwell among you oh Italy The Seat and Center of the Beast Christ will now pick out a People from among you for himselfe see here what wonders hee workes in little time Oh! yee Spaniards and Portugalls Christ will shew you the abominarions of that beastly Whore who hath made your Nations drunke with the Wine of her Fornication Dread not that cruell murtherous Inquisition for Christ is now making Inquisicion for them and behold here how hee hath rewarded them who deale cruelly with these his people Finally oh all yee Nations of the World behold great is the worke the glorious King of Heaven and Earth hath in hand beware of neglecting the call of Christ and you the Seed of Israel both lesse and more the ratling of your dead bones together i● at hand Sinewes Flesh and Life at the Word of Christ it comes Counsellers and Judges you shall have as at the begining to fight for you as Gidion Bareck Jeptha Samson c. then sure your deliverance shall be sudden and wonderfull if Christ have done such great things for these low Shrubs what will his most Admirable Excellent and wonderfull Worke for you be but as the Resurrection from the dead when all the miraculous acts of his wonderfull power shewed upon Pharoah for your fore-Fathers deliverance shall be swallowed up with those far greater workes that Christ shall shew for your deliverance upon the whole World by Fiers and Bloud destroying both Pope and Turke when you shall see great smoake and flames ascending up on high of that great Whore Revel 14 11. verse and the 17. 16. verse and the 18. the 8. and 18. vers Then oh you People of Israel gather together as one Man and grow together as one Tree Ezek. 37. 23. For Christ the great King of all the Earth is now going forth in his great Wrath and terrible Indignation to avenge the bloud of his Saints Ezek 38 19. vers and now for the great and bloudy Battell of Gog and Magog Rivers of bloud and up to the Horse-bridles even the bloud of those have drunke bloud so long oh I dreadfull day when the patience and long-suffering of Christ that hath lasted so many hundreds of yeares shall end what wonderous workes are now suddenly to be wrought for the accomplishment of these things Then judge all you whom the Lord Christ hath given a discerning spirit whether these poore New England People be not the fore runners of Christs Army and the marvelous providences which you shall now heare be not the very Finger of God and whether the Lord hath not sent this people to Preach in this Wildernesse and to proclaime to all Nations the neere approach of the most wonderfull workes that ever the Sonnes of men saw Will not you believe that a Nation can be borne in a day here is a worke come very neare it but if you will believe you shall see far greater things than these and that in very little time and in the meane time looke on the following Discourse CHAP. XVI Of the admirable Acts of Christs Providence in delivering this his people in their Voyages by Sea from many foule dangers YOu have heard of
at breaking up of Winter filleth all her Bankes and with a furious Torrent ventes it selfe into the Sea This Towne is furnished with Mineralls of divers kinds especially Iron and Lead the forme of it is almost square onely it takes two large a run into the Land ward as most Townes do it is filled with about one hundred Houses for dwelling Here is also an Iron Mill in constant use but as for Lead they have tried but little yet Their meeting-house being on a levell Land undefended from the cold North west-wind And therefore made with steps descending into the Earth their streetes are straite and comly yet but thin of Houses the people mostly inclining to Husbandry have built many Farmes Remote there Cattell exceedingly multiplied Goates which were in great esteeme at their first comming are now almost quite banished and now Horse Kine and Sheep are most in request with them the first feeder of this flock of Christ was Mr. Stephen Batchelor gray and aged of whom as followeth THrough Ocean large Christ brought thee for to feede His wandering flock with 's word thou hast oft taught Then teach thy selfe with others thou hast need Thy flowing fame unto low ebbe is brought Faith and Obedience Christ full near hath joyn'd Then trust on Christ and thou againe mayst be Brought on thy race though now far cast behinde Run to the end and crowned thou shalt be CHAP. XXIII Of the seventh Church of Christ gathered at Water-Towne 1631. THe Seaventh Church of Christ gathered out of this wandering Race of Jaccobites was at Water-Towne scituate upon one of the Branches of Charles River a fruitfull plat and of large extent watered with many pleasant Springs and small Rivulets running like veines throughout her Body which hath caused her inhabitants to scatter in such manner that their Sabbath-Assemblies prove very thin if the season favour not and hath made this great Towne consisting of 160. Families to shew nothing delightfull to the eye in any place this Towne began by occasion of Sir Richard Saltingstall who at his arrivall having some store of Cattell and servants they wintered in those parts this Town aboundes in severall sorts of Fish at their seasons Basse Shad Alewifes Frost fish and Smelts their herd of Kine and Cattell of that kinde are about 450. with some store of Sheepe and Goates their Land in tillage is neere upon 1800. Acres this Church is increased to neer about 250. soules in Church-fellowship their first Pastor was Mr. Phillips a man mighty in the Scriptures and very dilligent to search out the minde of Christ therein contained of whom as followeth THe pennury of Wildernesse shall not Daunt Phillips and diswade his undertaking This Voyage long for Christ hath made him hot With zeal for 's truth thy native soile forsaken To follow Christ his bannisht flock to feede With restlesse toile thus honour'd Christ hath thee Then it maintaine though thou thy people neede Christ would thou shouldst of them aye honoured be Till death thou hast been souldier in this War Darke types the shaddowes of good things now come By thee have been unfoulded very far Cleer'd baptimes light from error broch'd by some As by thy worke in Print appeares this day Though thou thy days hast ended on this Earth Yet still thou livest in Name and Fame alway Christ thee poore dust doth crowne with lasting Mirth CHAP. XXIV Of the great cheerefulnesse of their Souldiers of Christ in and under the penuries of a Wildernesse THese were the beginnings of these resolute Souldiers of Christ Jesus in the yeare 1631. Even to lay the Foundation of their severall Churches of Christ built onely on him as their chiefe Corner Stone But as his chosen Israel met with many difficulties after their returne from Captivity in building the Temple and City which they valiantly waded through So these weake wormes Oh Christ to thy praise be it spoken were most wonderfully holpen in such distresses as to appearance of man seemed to be both hopelesse and helplesse threatning destruction to the whole building and far from accomplishing such great things as you have in part seene already and shall in the following discourse God willing see more abundantly adding a strong testimony to the work that as it was begun by Christ so hath it beene carried on by him and shall to the admiration of the whole World be perfected in his time and unlesse men will be wilfully blinde they must needs see and confesse the same and that the influence thereof hath already run from one end of the Earth unto the other This yeare 1631. John Winthrop Esq was chosen Governour pickt out for the worke by the provident hand of the most high and inabled with gifts accordingly then all the folke of Christ who have seene his face and beene partaker of the same remember him in this following Matter Iohn Winthrope Esq Eleven times Governour of the English Nation inhabiting the Mattacusets Bay in New England WHy leavest thou John thy station in Suffolk thy own soile Christ will have thee a pillar be for 's people thors must toyle He chang'd thy heart thē take his part ' gainst prelates proud invading His Kingly throne set up alone in wildernesse their shading His little flocks from Prelates knocks twice ten years rut'd thou hast With civill sword at Christs word and eleven times been trast By Name and Note with peoples vote their Governour to be Thy means hast spent 't was therefore lent to raise this work by thee Well arm'd and strong with sword among Christ armies warcheth he Doth valiant praise and weak one raise with kind benignity To lead the Van ' gainst Babylon doth worthy Winthrop call Thy Progeny shall Battell try When Prelacy shall fall With fluent Tongue thy Pen doth run in learned Latine phrase To Sweads French Dutch thy Neighbours which thy lady rhetorick praise Thy bounty feeds Christs servants needs in wilderness of wants To Indians thou Christs Gospell now 'mongst heathen people plants Yet thou poore dust now dead and must to rottennesse be brought T'ill Christ restore thee glorious more then can of dust be thought The much honoured Thomas Dudly Esquire was chosen Deputy Governour and the number of Free-men added was about 83. Those honoured persons who were now in place of Government having the propagation of the Churches of Christ in their eye laboured by all meanes to make roome for Inhabitants knowing well that where the dead carkass is thither will the Eagles resort But herein they were much opposed by certaine persons whose greedy desire for land much hindered the worke for a time as indeed all such persons do at this very day and let such take notice how these were cured of this distemper some were taken away by death and then to be sure they had Land enough others fearing poverty and famishment supposing the present scarcity would never be turned into plenty removed themselves away and so never beheld the
Voyage in little time after they were tossed and sore beaten with a contrary winde to the losse of the Ships upper worke with which losse and great pe●ill they were driven back againe the Lord Christ intending to confirme their Faith in shewing them that although they were brought back as it were into the mouth of their enemies yet hee could hide them from the hand of the Hunter for the space of six moneths longer or thereabout even till the Spring of the yeare following at which time God willing you shall hear of them againe in the meane time the Master and other Sea men made a strange construction of the sore storme they met withall saying their Ship was bewitched and therefore made use of the common Charme ignorant people use nailing two red hot horse-shoos to their maine mast But assuredly it was the Lord Christ who hath command both of Winds and Seas and now would have his people know he hath delivered and will deliver from so great a death CHAP. XXX Of the Ninth Church of Christ gathered at Ipswitch THis year came over a farther supply of Eminent instruments for furthering this admirable Worke of his amongst whom the Reverend and judicious servant of Christ Mr. Nathaniel Ward who tooke up his station at the Towne of Ipswich where the saithfull servants of Christ gathered the Ninth Church of his This Towne is scituated on a faire and delightfull River whose first rise or spring begins about five and twenty Miles farther up in the Countrey issuing forth a very pleasant pond But soone after it betakes its course through a most hideous swamp of large extent even for many Miles being a great Harbour for Beares after its comming forth this place it groweth larger by the income of many small Rivers and issues forth in the Sea due East over against the Island of Sholes a great place of fishing for out English Nation the peopling of this Towne is by men of good ranke and quality many of them having the yearly Revenue of large Lands in England before they came to this Wildernesse but their Estates being imployed for Christ and left in banke as you have formerly heard they are well content till Christ shall be pleased to-restore it againe to them or theirs which in all reason should be out of the Prelates Lands in England Let all those whom it concernes to judge consider it well and do Justice herein This Towne lies in the Saggamooreship or Earldome of Aggawam now by our English Nation called Essex It is a very good Haven Towne yet a little barr'd up at the Mouth of the River some Marchants here are but Boston being the chiefest place of resort of Shipping carries away all the Trade they have very good Land for Husbandry where Rocks hinder not the course of the Plow the Lord hath beene pleased to increase them in Corne and Cattell of late Insomuch that they have many hundred quarters to spare yearly and feed at the latter end of Summer the Towne of Boston with good Beefe a their Houses are many of them very faire built with pleasant Gardens and Orchards consisting of about one hundred and forty Families Their meeting-house is a very good prospect to a great part of the Towne and beautifully built the Church of Christ here consists of about one hundred and sixty soules being exact in their conversation and free from the Epidemicall Disease of all Reforming Churches which under Christ is procured by their pious Learned and Orthodox Ministery as in due place God willing shall be declared in the meane time look on the following Meeters concerning that Souldier of Christ Master Nathaniel Ward THou ancient Sage come Ward among Christs folfe take part in this great worke of his Why do'st thou stand and gaze about so long Do'st war in jest why Christ in earnest is And hath thee arm'd with weapons for that end To Wound and heale his enemies submitting Not carnally then to this Worke attend Thou hast prevail'd the hearts of many hitting Although the Presbytery unpleasant jar And errors daily in their braines new coyne Despayer not Christs truth they shall not mar But with his helpe such drosse from Gold refins What Man do'st meane to lay thy Trumpet downe Because thy son like Warrier is become Hold out or sure lesse bright will be thy crowne Till death Christs servants labour is not done At this time came over the much honoured Mr. Richard Bellingham whose Estate and person did much further the civill Government of this wandering people hee being learned in the Lawes of England and experimentally fitted for the worke of whom I am bold to say as followeth RIchardus now arise must thou Christ seed hath thee to plead His peoples cause with equall Laws in wildernesse them lead Though slow of speech thy counsell reach shall each occation well Sure thy sterne looke it cannot brook those wickedly rebell With labours might thy pen indite doth Lawes for peoples learning That judge with skill and not with will unarbitrate discerning Bellingham thou on valiant now stop not in discontent Eor Christ with crown will thee renown then spend for him be spent As thou hast done thy race still run till death no death shall stay Christs work of might till Scripture light bring Resurection day As also about this time for further incouragement in this work of Christ hee sent over the Reverend servant of his Mr. Lothrop to helpe on with the planting of Plimoth which increased but little all this time although shee be the elder sister of all the united Colonies Some reasons in due place may be rendered This Reverend Minister was soone called to Office by the Church of Christ at Scicuate CHAP XXXI Of the Church of Christ gathered at Newberry IN the latter end of this yeare two sincere servants of Christ inabled by him with gifts to declare his minde unto his people came over this broad Ocean and began to build the Tenth Church of Christ at a Towne called Newberry their names being Mr. James Noise and Mr. Thomas Parker somewhat differing from all the former and after mentioned Churches in the preheminence of their Presbytery and it were to be wished that all persons who have had any hand in those hot contentions which have fallen out since about Presbyterian and Independent Government in Churches would have looked on this Example comparing it with the Word of God and assuredly it would have stayed all the godly at lest of either part from such unworthy expressions as have passed to the grief of many of Gods people And I doubt not but this History will take of that unjust accusation and standerous imputation of the rise of that floud of errors and false Doctrines sprung up of late as flowing from the Independent or rather congregationall Churches But to follow on this Town is scituate about twelve miles from Ipswitch neere upon the wide venting streames of Merrimeck River whose strong current is such
worthy worke begun Art thou back-bore Christ will send more and raise instead thy son His Fathers gon young Richard on here valiantly doth War For Christ his truth to their great Ruth Heathens opposers are To study thou thy mind dost how and daily good promote Saltingstall why then dost thou fly let all Gods people note That thou wilt stand in thy own Land Christ there thē strengthen thee With grace thee heate that thy retreate may for his glory be At ending day he thee array with Glory will not faile Breaking graves bands with his strong hands and free dust from death's goale Among these Troopes of Christs Souldiers came at this time the godly servant of Christ Mr. Roger Harlackenden a young Gentleman valiant in Faith and appointed by Christ to assist his people in this Desart he was chose to the Office of a Magistrate as also to be a choise Leader of their Military Forces which as yet were but in a strange posture And therefore till the yeare 1644. at which time the Countrey wis really placed in a posture of War to be in a readinesse at all times there shall not be any thing spoken concerning their Military Discipline the continuance of this Souldier of Christ was but short the Lord taking him to rest with himselfe HArlackenden among these men of nose Christ hath thie seated In warlike way Christ thee aray with zeal and love well he ated As generall belov'd of all Christ Souldiers honour thee In thy young yeares courage appeares and kinde benignity Short are thy days spēt to his praise whose Church work thou must aid His work shall bide silver tride but thine by death is staid The number of Ministers that came over this yeare was about eleaven and many other like faithfull servants of Christ among whom arrived those two Reverend and laborious servants of his Mr. Norton and Mr. Shepheard of whose narrow escape you have heard the last yeare Mr. Norton was called to the Office of a Teaching Elder at the Towne of Ipswich to the Church of Christ there where Mr. Warde as yet remained in Office Also the learned labours of this Souldier of Christ are obvious to our Countreymen hee Preaching there the blessing of God hath not onely built up many in the Knowledge of Christ but also been the meanes of converting diverse soules turning them from the power of Satan to Faith in Christ whom the Lord long continue you shall further hear of Christs gratious assisting of him in the first and last Synod holden here at Cambridge and in the meane time let no man be offended that the Author quickens up his own dull effections in telling how largely the Lord hath bestowed his Graces upon these Instruments of his although sinfull dust and ashes THou Noble Norton who art honoured by Thy Christ with learned Arguments doth fill Thy mouth with might new errors to destroy And force deceivers silently to yeild Weake dust waite on thy Christ for further strength Who doth his Davids make as Angels bright To trample down his enemies at length All breake or bow unto his Kingdomes might Illettered Men and Women that doe love Preheminence condemne thy learned skill But Christ hath given his blessing from above Vnto thy workes the World with light to fill Christs faithfull servants met in Synod take Thee for their Pen-men Scriptures light to cleere With Scripture shew what Government Christ gave To 's Churches till himselfe againe appeare Here my indeared Reader I must mind thee of the industrious servant of Christ Mr. John Wilson who this yeare landed the third time upon this American shore from his Native Country where now againe by the Divine Providence of Christ hee narrowly escaped the Hunters hands being cloathed in a Country-mans habit passing from places to place declared to the people of God what great Workes Christ had already done for his people in New England which made many Christian soules long to see these admirable Acts of Christ although it were not to be injoyed but by passing through an Ocean of troubles Voyaging night and day upon the great deep which this zealous servant of Christ had now five times passed over at this time came over the Sage grave reverend and faithfull servant of Christ M. Richard Mather indued by the Lord with many Heavenly gifts of a plaine and upright spirit apt to teach full of gratious expressions and Resolvedly bent to follow the truth as it is in Jesus hee was anon after his comming called to Office in the Church of Christ at the Towne of Dorchester to assist in the Worke of the Lord with Mr. Marareck whose worke not long after was ended by death leaving Mr. Mather alone to continue the same WIth cheerfull face Mather doth toile indure In wildernesse spending the prime of 's age To build Christs Churches and soules health procure In battell thou dost deepe thy selfe ingage Marvell not Man that Mather through an host Of enemies doth breake and fighting stands It 's Christ him keepes of him is all his boast Who power gives to do and then commands With gratious speech thy Masters Message thou Declarest to all and all wouldst have submit That to his Kingdome every knee might bow But those resisthis sword shall surely hit Till age doth crown thy head with hoary hairs Well hast thou warr'd till Mathers young againe Thy son in fight his Fathers strength repairs Father and Son beate down Christs foes amaine CHAP. XXXIII Of the beginning of the Churches of Christ to be planted at Canectico and first of the Church of Christ removall to Hartford 1635. THis yeare the servants of Christ who peopled the Towne of Cambridge were put upon thoughts of removing hearing of a very fertill place upon the River of Canectico low Land and well stored with Meddow which is greatly in esteeme with the people of New England by reason the Winters are very long This people seeing that Tillage went but little on Resolved to remove and breed up store of Cattell which were then at eight and twenty pound a Cow or neare upon but assuredly the Lord intended far greater matters than man purposes but God disposes these men having their hearts gone from the Lord on which they were seated soone tooke dislike at every little matter the Plowable plaines were too dry and sandy for them and the Rocky places although more fruitfull yet to eate their bread with toile of hand and how they deemed it unsupportable And therefore they onely waited now for a people of stronger Faith than themselves were to purchase their Houses and Land which in conceipt they could no longer live upon and accordingly they met with Chapmen a people new come who having ●●●ught their possessions they highed them away to their new P●a●t●tion With whom went the Grave and Reverend servant of Christ Mr. Hooker and Mr. Stone for indeed the whole Church removed as also the much honoured Mr. Haynes divers other men of
have none used as being a thing two opposite to liberty My friend cast off as much of thy owne power as thou canst and beware of Lording it over Gods Heritage but I pray thee let Christ alone with his which he hath given to his Pastors and Teachers in administring the holy things of God peculiar to their Office and tremble all you Presbyterians who to please the people prostrate the authority Christ hath put upon the Eldrs of his Churches as Officers to the resolute liberty of man the people may and ought to call them to Office to the which Christ hath united double honour and authority and appointed them to be had in high esteeme for their worke-sake being Embassadors of Christ Jesus This may no man take from them nor yet they themselves cast off and yet all this makes nothing for the Papall Prelaticall Classicall or Parishionall authority of the Presb●tery for it holds onely in their ruling well while they rule for Christ they must and shall have the power hee hath put upon their Office From these foure dividing Tenents by the cunning art of these deceivers were forescore grosse errours broached secretly sliding in the darke like the Plague proving very infectious to some of the Churches of CHRIST in their Members CHAP. LXII Of sad effects of the pitifull and erronious Doctrines broached by the Sectuaries THe number of these infectious persons increasing now haveing drawn a great party on their side and some considerable persons they grow bold and dare question the sound and whole some truths delivered in publick by the Ministers of Christ Their Church-meetings are full of Disputes in points of difference and their love Feasts are not free from spots in their Courts of civill Justice some men utter their Speeches in matters of Religion very ambiguously and among all sorts of persons a great talke of new light but verily it proved but old darknesse such as sometime over-shadowed the City of Munster But blessed be the Lord Christ who now declared himselfe to be a helpe at hand for his poore New England Churches being now in their infancy whose condition at present was very dolorous and full of difficulties insomuch that the better part of this new transported people stood still many of them gazing one upon another like Sheepe let loose to feed on fresh pasture being stopped and startled in their course by a Kennell of devouring Wolves The weaker sort wavered much and such as were more growne Christians hardly durst discover the truth they held one unto another the fogs of errour increasing the bright beames of the glorious Gospell of our Lord Christ in the Mouth of his Ministers could not be discerned through this thick mist by many and that sweete refreshing warmth that was formerly felt from the spirits influence was now turned in these Erronists to a hot inflamation of their owne conceited Revelations ulcerating and bringing little lesse then frenzy or madnesse to the patient the Congregation of the people of God began to be forsaken and the weaker Sex prevailed so farre that they set up a Priest of their own Profession and Sex who was much thronged after abominably wresting the Scriptures to their own destruction this Master piece of Womens wit drew many Disciples after her and to that end boldly insinuated her selfe into the favour of none of the meanest being also backed with the Sorcery of a second who had much converse with the Devill by her own confession and did to the admiration of those that heard her utter many speeches in the Latine Tongue as it were in a trance this Woman was wonted to give drinkes to other Women to cause them to conceive how they wrought I know not but sure there were Monsters borne not long after as you shall hear in the following History Oh yee New England Men and Women who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth And indeed Satan to make sure worke with semblance of Preaching the Doctrine of Free-grce by his instruments makes shew of our-bidding all the Orthodox and godly Ministers in the Countrey pretending their Preaching to be but a Covenant of workes supposing by this meanes to silence them without a B●shop and lest the civill power should stand up for their aid they threaten them with the high displeasure of Christ for persecuting his people which as they said these erronious persons with their new light were the onely Men and Women that were pure Gospell Preachers Thus the poore people of Christ who kept close to his antient truths invironed with many straites having expended their Estates to voyage far through the perillous Seas that their eyes might behold their Teachers and that they might injoy the protection of a godly civill Government began to deeme themselves in a more dolorous condition then when they were in the Commissaries Court and Prelates Prisons the hideous waves in which their brittle Barques were sometimes covered as they passed hither were nothing so terrible in the apprehension of some as was this floud of errors violently beating against the bankes of Church and civill Government the wants of this Wildernesse and pinching penury in misse of Bread put them to no such paine by gnawing on their empty stomacks with feare of famishing as did the misse of the Administration of Christ in his Word and Ordinances leaving the soule in a languishing condition for want of a continuall supply of Christ in his Graces CHAP. LXIII Of the sorrowfull condition of the people of Christ when they were incountred with these erronists at their first landing BUt to end this dismall yeare of sixteene hundred thirty six take here the sorrowfull complaint of a poore Soule in misse of its expectation at landing who being incountered with some of these Erronists at his first landing when he saw that good old way of Christ rejected by them and hee could not skill in that new light which was the common theame of every mans Discourse hee berooke him to a narrow Indian path in which his serious Meditations soone led him where none but sencelesse Trees and eccohing Rocks make answer to his heart-easeing mone Oh quoth he where am I become is this the place where these Reverend Preachers are fled that Christ was pleased to make use of to rouse up his rich graces in many a drooping soule here have I met with some that tell mee I must take a naked Christ Oh woe is mee if Christ be naked to mee wherewith shall I be cloathed but me thinks I most wonder they tell me of casting of all godly sorrow for sin as unbeseeming a Soule that is united to Christ by Faith and there was a little nimbled tongued Woman among them who said she could bring me acquainted with one of her own Sex that would shew me a way if I could attaine it even Revelations full of such ravishing joy that I should never have cause to be sorry for sinne so long as I
truth able through his mercy to weld that bright Weapon of his Word prepared by the spirit for this purpose to bring to the block these Traytours to his truths one by one and behead them before your eyes and for this very end they are to gather together as one Man in a Synodicall way with a decisive power to undoe all the cunning twisted knots of Satans Malignity to the truths of Christ opening the Scriptures by the power of his spirit cleering Scripture by Scripture that nothing but the pure Word of God may take place and that you may assuredly believe the Lord hath purposely called his Servants and Souldiers to this place by his Providence to cut off this cursed spirit of Errours and Heresies which hath but at first dog'd all Reformed Churches of Christ There are for your further aid herein many more of these sincere Souldiers floating upon the great Ocean toward you who will be with you before this Synod is set that you may declare it in the Eares of all posterity to be the very Finger of God in catching the proud in their owne craftinesse who had hatch't their devices thus to cast all the Ministers of Christ except some one or two under this censure of being prejudiced against their persons and for the little remnant to labour with flattery to blinde their eyes that at least they might not be against them Seeing they could not procure them to take their part to be sure when the grossenesse of their Errors were made known they would not by this meanes having their hopes exalted in their owne apprehensions at least to gaine the most of the people on their side The Lord casts them downe from the proud Pinacle of their Machiavilian Plot by bringing in more men of courage uninterested yea unknown to most of their persons but for their errors as strong to confute them as any and more fit to wipe off the fi●me from the eyes of some of their brethren which these Erronists by their Syccophancy had clouded The time for the meeting of this Synod was to be in the seventh month following commonly called September the civill government well approving of their desires herein were very willing to further them all they could and in the 〈◊〉 time it was the worke of these valiant of the Lord to search out not for men and Womens persons but their errors which they gathered up from all parts willing all that would or could defend them to use their best meanes like as John when he was to execute the judgements of the Lord upon Ahabs bloudy household would have had his servants defend their Masters Children if they could onely you must understand there was but 70. Sons and here was 80. Errors of which you shall further hear when the time comes CHAP. IV. Of the abundant mercies of Christ in providing liberall supply for his New England People in regard of their outward man Food Rayment and all other necessaries and conveniencies NOw for the hardships on the left hand they had as good an answer as in the former their Christ had not saved their lives from the raging Seas to slay them in the Wildernesse with Famine your life is much more pretious in the eyes of the Lord then food and your bodies then rayment yea the Lord of Heaven who hath honoured you so far as to imploy you in this glorious worke of his knowes you must have these things and it was not you deare hearts that chose this place but the Lord as seeing it most fit to doe his worke in knowing that had you met with a Rich Land filled with all plenty your heart would have beene taken off this worke which he must have done But to strengthen your Faith in this point also you shall see hee who commanded the Fruits to spring out of the Earth when none were can much more cause this corner of the Earth to be fruitfull to you and this you shall attaine by meanes although hee have caused the Foules of the Aire and Grasse of the Field to depend upon him in a more immediate manner yet you hath he taught to Sow Reape carry into Barnes and Spin and indeed herein the Lord hath answered his people abundantly to the wo●der of all that see or hear of it And that whereas at their 〈◊〉 comming it was a rare matter for a man to have foure or five Acres of Corne now many have four or five score to prevent men from Sacrificing to their Nets the Lord hath taught them to labour with more ease to great admiration also inlarg'd it for it was with sore labour that on man could Plane and tend foure Acres of Indians Graine and now with two Oxen hee can Plant and tend 30. B sides the Lord hath of late altered the very course of the Heavens in the season of the weather that all kinde of graine growes much better then heretofore Insomuch that Marchandizing being stopped at present they begin question what to do with their Corne. CHAP. V. Of the wonderfull deliverance wrought by the Lord Christ for his poore New England Churches in freing them from the fear of their Malignant adversaries who forc't them to this Wildernesse ANd now to the third and great distresse which lay behind them by reason of their back friends the Lording Bishops and other Malignant adversaries being daily exasperated against them and in especiall at this time by one Merton who named himselfe the Host of Merrimount who wanted not malice could he possible have attained meanes to effect it But the Lord Christ prevented both him and his Masters whom with slattery he sought to please with scurrillous deriding the servants of Christ to bring them into contempt yet the Lord prevented all and delivered this wretched fellow into his peoples hands againe after all this who dealt as favourably with him as David did with Shimmei Besides this the evill usage that many of the beloved servants of Christ had from the hands of those in office at their departure declared plainely that there were some who would willingly have pursued them to bring them under bondage againe herein their answer was that they should stand still and see the salvation of the Lord who was now resolved to fight for them against his and their implacable enemies although more mighty than they and indeed all meanes of resistance in the hand of man being so small that it could not possible bee discerned by any morcall eye yet will the Lord worke by means and not by miracle when the Lord called forth Joshua to fight with Amaleck his Moses must be in the Mount at Prayers seeing this answer deeply concernes the dearly beloved of our Lord Christ remaining in England let them listen to the answer Also how came it to passe that the Lord put it into your hearts to set upon a Reformation was it not by prayer attained You are not excluded although the Churches of Christ here are for
to cast downe many a strong fort erected by the Sectaries but the Lord Christ would not suffer this blow to be given intending all people by way of restitution for their slanderous reports cast upon his New England Churches as being the inlet to Errours shall honour them with this victorious co●quest given them by Christ herein yet willing they would their brethren in England might win the prize by out-stripping them more abundantly in length bredth and height which the same God is able to performe that hath been thus abundantly good to us About this time the Churches of Christ began to be diligent in their duty and the civil government in looking after such as were like to disturb the peace of this new erected government some persons being so hot headed for maintaining of these sinfull opinions that they feared breach of peace even among the Members of the superiour Court but the Lord blessing them with agreement to prevent the wofull effects of civill broyles those in place of government caused certain persons to be disarmed in the severall Townes as in the Towne of Boston to the number of 58. in the Towne of Salem 6. in the Towne of Newbery 3. in the Towne of Roxbury 5. in the Towne of Ipswitch 2. and Charles Towne 2. others there were that through the help of the faithfull servants of Christ came to see how they had beene m●sled and by the power of Christ in his Word returned againe with an acknowledgement of their sinne but others there were who remained obstinate to the disturbing of the civill power and were banished of whom you shall heare farther hereafter Some of the Churches of Christ being more indulgent waited long ere they fell upon the work and here you must tak notice that the Synod Civil Government and the Churches of Christ kept their proper place each moving in their own sphear and acting by their own light or rather by the revelation of Jesus Christ witnessed by his Word and Spirit yet not refusing the help of eacg other as some would willingly have it some of the Churches prosecuting the Rule of Christ against their hereticall Members were forced to proceed to excommunication of them who when they saw whereto it would come they would have prevented it with lying but the Lord discovered it and so they were justly separated from the Churches of Christ for lying which being done they fell to their old trade againe CHAP. VIII Of the planting the fourth Colonie of New Englands godly Government called New-Haven THe Lord Christ having now in his great mercy taken out of the way these mountains that seemed in the eye of Man to block up his Churches further proceedings they had now leisure to welcome the living stones that the Lord was pleased to adde unto this building and with thankfull acknowledgment to give him of his owne for his mercyes multitude whose was the work in planting not onely more Churches but another Colony also for the honoured Mr Eaton being accompanied with many worthy persons of note whom the Lord had furnished with store of substance for this wildernesse-work although they would willingly have made their abode under the government of the Mattachusets yet could they finde no place upon the Sea-coasts for their settling the Lord intending to enlarge his peoples border caused them after much search to take up a place somewhat more southwardly neare the shalles of Cape-cod where they had very flatt water yet being entred in they found commodious harbour for shipping and a fit place to erect a Towne which they built in very little time with very faire houses and compleat streets but in a little time they overstockt it with Chattell although many of them did follow merchandizing and Maritime affairs but their remotenesse from the Mattachusets Bay where the chiefe traffique lay hindred them much Here did these godly and sincere servants of Christ according to the rule of the Word gather into Church Estate and called to the office of a Pastor the reverend judicious and godly Mr John Davenport of whom the Author is bold to say as followeth WHen Men and Devils 'gainst Christs flock conspire For them prepar'd a deadly trapping net Then Christ to make all men his work admire Davenport he doth thee from thy Country fet To sit in Synod and his folk assist The filthy vomit of Hels Dragon deepe In earths womb drawn blest they this poyson mist And blest the meanes doth us from error keep Thy grave advice and arguments of strength Did much prevaile the Erronist confound Well hast thou warr'd Christ drawes thy dayes in length That thou in learn'd experience maist abound What though thou leave a city stor'd with pleasure Spend thy prime dayes in heathen desart land Thy joy 's in Christ and not in earthly treasure Davenport rejoice Christs Kngdome is at hand Didst ever deem to see such glorious dayes Though thou decrease with age and earths content Thou live'st in Christ needs then must thy joy raise His Kingdome 's thine and that can ne'r be spent This Church and Town soon procur'd some Sisters to take part with her and among them they erected a godly and peaceable Government and called their frontier towne New haven of which the Government is denominated being inhabited by many men eminent in gifts for the populating thereof and managing of affaires both by Sea and Land they have had some shipping built there but by the sad losse of Mr. Lambertons ship and goods also they were much disheartned but the much honoured Mr. Eaton remaines with them to this very day THou noble thus Theophilus before great Kings to stand More noble far for Christ his war thou leav'st thy native land With thy rich store thou cam'st on shore Christs Churches to assist What if it wast thou purchast hast that Pearl that most have mist Nay rather he hath purchast thee and whatsoever thou hast With graces store to govern o're his people he thee plac't Our State affaires thy will repaires assistant thou hast bin Firm league to make for Gospels sake four Colonyes within With Sweads French Dutch and Indians much Gods peoples peace this bred Then Eaton aye remember may the Child that 's yet unfed This government of New-haven although the younger Sister of the foure yet was she as beautifull as any of this broode of travellers most minding the end of her coming hither to keep close to the rule of Christ both in Doctrine and Discipline and it were to be wished her elder Sister would follow her example to nurture up all her children accordingly here is not to be forgotten the honoured Mr Hopkins who came over about this time a man of zeale and courage for the truths of Christ assisting this blessed work both in person and estate for the which the Author cannot forget him being oft in commission for the good of all the united Colonyes HOpkins thou must although weak dust for this great work
prepare Through Ocean large Christ gives thee charge to govern his with care What earthen man in thy short span throughout the world to run From East to West at Christs behest thy worthy work is done Vnworthy thou acknowledge now not unto thee at all But to his name be lasting fame thou to his work doth call CHAP. IX Of the planting the fourteenth Church of Christ under the governmen of the Mattachusets Bay called Dedham THe latter end of this yeare 't was the Towne of Dedham began an inland Towne scituate about ten miles from Boston in the County of Suffolk well watred with many pleasant streames abounding with Garden fruits fitly to supply the Markets of the most populous Towne whose coyne and commodities allures the Inhabitants of this Towne to make many a long walk they consist of about a hundred Families being generally given to husbandry and through the blessing of God are much encreased ready to swarme and settle on the building of another Towne more to the Inland they gather into a Church at their first settling for indeed as this was their chiefe errand so was it the first thing they ordinarily minded to pitch their Tabernacles neare the Lords Tent To this end they called to the office of a Pastor the reverend humble and heavenly-minded Mr. John Allen a man of a very courteous behaviour full of sweet Christian love towards all and with much meeknesse of spirit contending earnestly for the faith and peace of Christs Churches ALL you so sl●te Christs sanctifying grace As legall workes what Gospel-work can be But sinne cast out and spirits work in place They justifyed that Christ thus reigning see Allen thou art by Christs free spirit led To warre for him in wildernesse awhile What doe for Christ I man thou art in 's stead Sent to beseech in 's Vineyard thou must toyle John Allen joy thou sinfull dust art taken To spend thy dayes in exile so remote Christs Church to build of him that 's ne'r forsaken Nor thou for now his truths thou must promote He guides thy tongue thy paper pen and hands Thy hearts swift motion and affections choice Needs thou thus lead must doe what he commands And cry aloud when he lifts up thy voice Seven yeares compleat twice told thy work hath bin To feed Christs flock in desart land them keep Both thou and they each day are kept by him Safe maist thou watch being watcht by him ne'r sleeps This Church of Christ hath in its bosome neere about 70. souls joyned in Covenant together and being well seasoned with this savoury salt have continued in much love and unity from their first foundation hitherto tanslating the close clouded woods into goodly corn-fields and adding much comfort to the lonesome travellers in their solitary journey to Canectico by eying the habitation of Gods people in their way ready to administer refreshing to the weary CHAP. X. Of the planting of the fifteenth Church of Christ at the Towne of Waymoth THe Twone and Church of Christ at Waymoth had come in among the other Townes before this as being an elder Sister but onely for her somewhat more then ordinary instability it is battered with the brinish billows on the East Rocks and Swamps to the Southwest makes it delightfull to the nimble tripping Deere as the plowable places of Medow land is to the Inhabitants This Towne was first founded by some persons that were not so forward to promote the Ordinances of Christ as many others have been they desired the reverend Minister of Christ Mr. Gennors to be helpfull in preaching the Word unto them who after some little space of time not liking the place repaired to the Eastern English but the people of this place after his departure being gathered into a Church they called to office the reverend and godly Mr Newman but many of them unwilling to continue in this Towne as supposing they had found a fitter place for habitation removed into the next Government carrying with them their Pastor by which means the people that were left behinde were now destitute and having some godly Christians among them who much desired the sincere milk of the Word that they might grow thereby upon diligent use of meanes they found out a young man able gifted for the work brought up with the reverend and judicious Mr. Chancie called Mr. Thomas Thatcher Yet againe after some few yeares for want of sufficient maintenance with mutuall consent they parted with him and are forced to borrow help of their Neighbours wherein all of them to the Author is bold to say as followeth OH people reason swayes mans actions here You sanctifyed o're these long seas doth look With heavenly things your earthly toyle to cheere Will lose the end for which this toyle you tooke Christ comes in 's Word let their bright feet abide Your Towne among whose grace and gifts excell In preaching Christ it 's he your hearts hath try'd They want no store that all for him doe sell Gennors dost love thy Christ I hope he 's deare Belov'd of thee he honour'd would thee have To feed his flock while thou remainest here With 's Word of truth thy soule and others save With little flock doth Newman pack away The righteous lips sure might a many feed Remov'st for gaine it's most where most men stay Men part for land why land least helps at need Thatcher what mean'st to leavs thy little flock Sure their increase might thee much profit bring What leave Christs Church it's founded on a rock If rock not left their ebb may suddain spring Pastor and People have you both forgot What parting Paul and Christs deare people had Their loves melt teares it 's ve'mently so hot His heart-strings break to see his folk so sad This yeare came over besides the former for the furthering of this blessed work of Christ Mr. William Tompson Mr. Edm Browne and Mr. David Frisk who were called to office in severall Churches as you shall after hear And now to end this yeare that abounded in the wonder-working Providence of Christ for his Churches in the exaltation of his truths that all may take notice the Lord cast in by the by as it were a very fruitfull crop insomuch that from this day forward their increase was every yeare more and more till the Country came to feed its owne Inhabitants and the people who formerly were somewhat pincht with hunger eat bread to the full having not onely for their necessity but also for their conveniency and delight CHAP. XI Of the increase of the people of Christ Printing brought over and the sixteenth Church of Christ planted at Rouly FOr the yeare 1638. John Winthrope Esq was chosen Governour and Tho Dudly Esq Deputy Governour the number of Freemen added were about 130. The peace of this little Common-wealth being now in great measure settled by the Lords mercy in overthrowing the Indians and banishing of certaine turbulent spirits The Churches
good and ill provent But God both time and means hath at 's command Dunster in time to his N. E. hath sent VVhen England 'gan to keep at home their guides N. E. began to pay their borrowed back Jndustrious Dunster providence provides Our friends supply and yet our selves no lack VVith restless labour thou dost delve and dung Surculus set in garden duly tended That in Christs Orchard they with fruit full hung May bless the Lord thy toil gone them expended Thy constant course proves retrograde in this From West to East thy toil returns again Thy husbandry by Christ so honored is That all the world partaketh of thy pains CHAP. XX. Of the planting of the one and twentieth Church of Christ at a Town called Glocester and of the Church and Town of Dover and of the hardships that befel a certain people who thirsted aftor large liberty in a warm Country FOr the Government of this little Commonwealth this year was chosen for Governour Richard Belingham Esquire and John Endiout Esquire for Governors the number of Freemen added this year were about 503. There was another Town and Church of Christ erected in the Mattachuset Government upon the Northern-Cape of the Bay called Cape Ann a place of fishing being peopled with Fishermen till the reverend Mr. Richard Blindman came from a place in Plimouth Patten called Green-Harbor with some few people of his acquaintance and setled down with them named the Town Glocester and gathered into a Church being but a small number about fifty persons they called to office this godly reverend man whose gifts and abilities to handle the word is not inferiour to many others labouring much against the errors of the times of a sweet humble heavenly carriage This Town lying out toward the point of the Cap● the access thereunto by Land becomes uneasie which was the chief cause it was no more populated Their fishing ●●●de would be very beneficial had they men of estates to mannage it yet are they not without other means of maintenance having good timber for shipping and a very sufficient builder but that these times of combustion the Seas throughout hath hindered much that work yet have there ●●en Vessels built here at this Town of late Their reverend Elder is here remembred THou hast ●ky prime and middle age here spent The best is not too good for him that gave it When thou did'st first this Wilderness frequent For Sious sake it was that Christ might save it Blinman be blith in him who thee hath taken To feed his Flock a few poor scattered sheep Why should they be of thee at all forsaken Thy honor 's high that any thou may'st keep Wait patiently thy Masters coming thou Hast hitherto his peoples portions dealt It matters not for high preferment now Thy crown 's to come with joyes immortal felt About this time the people inhabiting the Town of Dover although they lay out of any of these Colonies mentioned yet hearing and seeing with what sweet harmony both in Churches and civil Government the Mattachusets peopled patten was carried on prosperonsly desired greatly to submit unto the same by putting themselves under their protection and for that end they petitioned their General Cort to admit of them and administer Justice as occasion served by the hands of their godly Magistrates which accordingly was granted and they have been partakers of the benefit hitherto having also the benefit of some one Minister to preach unto them till it pleased God to fit stones by the continual hewing of his word for his Temple-work and they gather a Church according to the rule of the word and called to office of a Pastor one M. Maude both godly both godly and diligent in the work This Town is scituate upon Puscataque river lying to the Northeast of Boston which river although it be not nigh so broad as Merrinaeck river yet i● it navigable being very deep and her banks in many place fil'd with stately timber which hath caused one or two Saw Mills to be continued there they have a good quantity o● Meddow Land and good ground for India corn To end th● year 1641. the Lord was pleased to send a very sharp Winte● in so much that the Harbor where Ships ordinarily Anchor wa● frozen over of such a thickness that it became passeable bot for horse carts and oxen for the space of five weeks An here the Reader must be minded of the wonder-working providence of Christ for his poor Churches in altering the ve●● season for their comfort to the wonder of English and Ind●ans the Winter and Summer proving more moderate both for heat and cold unmasking many by this means it being a frequent thing with some that after the novelties of a new la●d began to be stale with them and the sweet nourishment of the soul by the presence of Christ in the preaching of his Word began to dry up through the hot heady conceit of some new conceived opinion Then they wanted a warmer country and every Northwest wind that blew they crept into some odd chimney-corner or other to discourse of the diversity of Climates in the Southerne parts but chiefly of a thing very sweet to the pallate of the flesh called liberty which they supposed might be very easily attain'd could they but once come into a place where all men were chosen to the office of a Magistrate and all were preachers of the Word and no hearers then it would be all Summer and no Winter This consultation was to be put in practise speedily as all headstrong motions are but the issue proved very sad both to these and others also for thus it befell when the time of the year was come that a sea-voyage might be undertaken they having made sale of a better accommodation then any they could afterward attain unto prepare for the voyage with their wifes and children intending to land them in one of the Summer Islands called the Isle of Providence and having wind and seas favouring them as they supposed or to speak more proper the provident hand of the most high God directing it they were brought so neer the shore for convenient landing that they might have heaved a Bisket cake on land their Pilate wondring he could not see the English colours on the Fort he began to mistrust the Island was taken and more especially because they saw not the people appear upon the shores as they usually did when any Vessel was a coming in but now and then they saw some people a far off wasting to them to come in till they were even come to an Anchor and then by the hoising up and down the heads of those on shore they were fully confirmed in it that the Island was taken as indeed it was by the Spaniards who as soone as they tackt about to be gone made shot at them and being in great fear they made all the fail they could but before they could get out of shot the Master
New-England spent Full sixteen years to water plant and prune Trees taken up and for that end here sent Thy end 's with Christ with 's Saints his praises tune This year the General Court made an order about preparing houses for Salt-peter that there might be powder made in the Country but as yet it hath not gone on CHAP. XXIII Of the uniting of the four English Colonies in N E. and the battel fought between the Narragansets and Mawhiggins THe yeare 1653. the honored John Winthrop Esquire was chosen Governor again and John Endicut Esquire Deputy Governour the free men added were about 87. this year the four Colonies the Mattachusets Plimoth Canectico and New-haven taking into consideration the many Nations of Dutch Zewes and French that were on either side of them as also how apt they were to lay claim to lands they never had any right unto but only a paper possession of their own framing and further that the inhumane and barbarous Indians would be continually quarrelling and contending could they see any hopes of prevailing together with the contestion begun in our Native country and withal that although providence had cast them into four several Colonies yet Religion had already united them coming over all for one and the same end Hereupon by Commissioners sent from the several colonies they concluded a firm confederation to assist each other in all just and lawful war bearing an equal proportion in the charge according to the number of persons inhabiting each colony but herein the Mattachuset had the worst end of the staff in bearing as much or more charge then all the other three and yet no greater number of Commissioners to negotiate and judg in transacting of affairs concerning peace and war then the least of the other and any one of the other as l●kely to involve them in a chargeable war with the naked Natives that have neither plunder nor cash to bear the charge of it nay hitherto the most hath risen from the lesser colonies yet are the Mattachusets far from deserting them esteeming them highly so long as their Governments maintain the same purity in Religion with themselves for indeed this is that they have spent their whole travel for and therefore if Plimoth or any of the other shall draw back herein the chiefest end of their confederacy would be lost for should it come to pass that in venturing their persons and estates so far for purity in the Ordinances and Discipline of Christ they should lose the purity in doctrine all their cost and labour were lost This confederacy being finished there came in certain Indian Sachims and submitted to the English Government as Pomham and Soecana●●●●h to the Mattachusets also Miantonemo and Vncas but between these two latter Princes arose a very hot quarrel the English seeking by all means to quench it but could not it being as is supposed fomented by a small company of vacabond English who were then for their crimes banished from their own complices at Rhode Island the Ringleader of them being one Samuel Gorton by whose mean they were drawn into damnable errors These Gortonists as is said lent Miantonenemo a Corslet for safeguard of his own person in the following fight and he promised each of them a Mawchiggin papoose which was the people Vneas was Prince of For although Miantonemo were the more potent Prince by far and a very anstere man yet did he chuse rather to take Vncasses life away by treachery if he could and to that end hired a young man of the Pegod Nation to murther him as is supposed for in an evening when it was very neer dark this Sachim passing without any of his Retinue from one wigwam to another was suddainly shot through the arm with an arrow seeing not whence it came but yet recovering the Palace he was passing unto without receiving any more shot he had the arrow drawn forth and the wound cured in a short time after the young man who was suspected to have done the fact having great store of Wampumpeage about this time being questioned how he came by it could give no good accompt which encreased the suspition the more that he had received it as hire from Miantonemo for this fact and hereupon the young man fled unto him which caused Vneas to complain to the English who having the hearing of the case at a General Co●●● holden at Boston at the same time Miantonemo coming thither with his attendance and sending one of his Councellors to follow the matter in hand the young man was examined in presence of Miantonemo being as is supposed tutored by him he told this tale that while he was in Vncasses Court on a day travelling alone by a thick swamp Vncas call'd him out of the swamp charging him to be true to him in declaring to the English what he required to him which was that he should say he had been hired of Miantonemo to kill him and to make his matter good quoth the young man he then cut his arm on the top and underneath with the flint of his Gun to make men think he had beene shot through with an arrow This tale made the English more to suspect Miantonemo then before and therefore desired to examine the young man alone which he was very unwilling they should do but upon further examination alone they did verily believe this young man had done the fact yet for present they let him depart with Miantonemo advising him to send him home to Vncas but by the way he instead of returning him home cut off his head and forthwith gathered an army of about a thousand men to fight with Vncas who feared not to meet him in the field with half the number the battel being come within shot one of another with a great hubbub they let their long shafts fly one at another and after came to a close with other weapons till the Narrowgansets multitude being forely distressed by the Mawhiggins valour they began to cry out Wem-meck which is to say enough Vncas like a stout commander with others of his bloud-royal that were about him sought to perfect his victory by possessing himself with the person of their Prince which he effected by putting his Life-guard to flight and taking hold on the Sachim himself carried him victoriously away to the Town of Hartford neer the which he kept his residence at this time and then made the English acquainted there with his noble design and desired to have the advise of the united colonies what to do with his prisoner the Narrowgansets sought to ransom him home being much abashed that so mean a Prince as Vncas was should scape scotfree with such a victory but the honered Commissioners have had proof of Miantonemo's treachery both toward this Prince that had him in possession and toward the English in falsisying his promise with them they advised Vncas to put him to death but withall that he should forbear to exercise my barbarous
cruelty toward him as their manner is and by this means the English prevented another war both with English and Indians which was very neer joyning in battel Not many years after the Indian Sachim upon this advise caused Miantonemo to be led forth as if he would remove him to a more safer place of custody and by the way caused him to be executed the Indians his kindred and subjects were much grieved at his death yet took it quietly at present but the lesser Princes his Neighbours rather rejoyced he having tyrannized over them and enforced them to subject to his will right or wrong CHAP. XXIV Of the proceeding of certain persons called Gortonists against the united Colonies and more especially against the Matrachusets and of the hlasphemous doctrines broached by Gorton deluding a company of poor ignor an t people therewith FOr not long before those persons that we spake of who incouraged Miantonemo to this war and with the help of him enforced Pomham and Socananocho to set their hands to a writing which these Gortonists had framad to take their land from them but the poor Sachems when they saw they were thus gull'd of their land would take no pay for it but complained to the Mattachusets Government to whom they had subjected themselves and their lands As also at this time certain English inhabiting those parts with the Indians good leave and liking desired to have the benefit of the Mattachusets Government as Dover formerly had done to whom this Government con●escended in hope they might encrease to such a competent number of godly Christians as that there might be a Church of Christ planted the place being capable to entertain them in a comfortable measure for outward accommodation but hitherto it hath been hindred by these Gortonists and one of Plimoth who forbad our people to plant there These person thus submitting came at this time also to complain of certain wrongs done them by these Gortoxists who had thus in croached and began to build on the Indians land upon these complaints the Governor and the honored Mr. Dudly issue forth their Warrant to summon them to appear they being then about five or six persons without any means for instructing them in the wayes of God and without any civil Government to keep them in civility or humanity which made them to cast off most proudly and disdainfully any giving accompt to man of their actions no not to the chiefest in authority but returned back most insolent scornful scurrilous speeches After this the Government of the Mattachusets sent two messengers on purpose to perswade them to come and have their cause heard assuring them like justice in their cause with any other but Samuel Gorton being the ring-leader of the rout was so full gorged with dreadful and damnable errors the which he had newly insnared these poor souls with that soon after the departure of the messenger he layes aside all civil justice and instead of returning answer to the matter in hand he vomits up a whole paper full of beastly stuff one while scoffing and deriding the ignorance of all beside himself that think Abraham Jsaac c. could be saved by Christ Jesus who was after born of the Virgin Mary another while mocking at the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lords Supper in an opprobrious manner deriding at the Elements Christ was pleased to institute them in and calling them Negromancers that administer them at all and in a word all the Ordinances of the Gospel abominable Idolatry he called and likened them to Molock and the Star of the Idol Rempham his paper was thrust full of such filthiness that no Christian ear could hear them without indignation against them and all was done by him in a very scornful and deriding manner upbraiding all that use them in the mean time magnifying his own glorious light that could see himself to be personally Christ God-Man and so all others that would believe as he did This paper he got to be subscribed with about twelve or thirteen hands his number of Disciples being encreased for assuredly the man had a very glosing tongue but yet very deceitful for when he had but a few with him then he cried out against all such as would rule over their own species affirming that the Scripture termeth such to be Gods of the world or divels but after his return from England having received some incouragement from such as could not look into the depth of his deceits being done at so large a distance he getting into favour again with those who had formerly whipt him out of their company turns divel himself the godly Governors of the Mattachusets seeing this blasphemous Bull of his resolved to send forty persons well-appointed with weapons of war for apprehending of him who accordingly with some waiting did apprehend him and the rest of his company except two or three which ran away without any hurt to any person although he gave out very big words threatning them with bloud and death so soon as they set foot on the ground and yet this brazenface'd deceiver published in print the great fear their women were put unto by the souldiers whereas they came among them day by day and had it not been that they intended peaceably to take them they would never have waited so long upon their worships as they did but being apprehended and standing to that they had written yet would they willingly have covered it with some shifts if they could the greatest punishment they had was to be confin'd to certain Towns for a few moneths and afterward banished but to be sure there be them in N. E. that have Christ Jesus and his blessed Ordinances in such esteem that the Lord assisting they had rather lose their lives then suffer them to be thus blasphemed if they can help it and whereas some have favoured them and endeavoured to bring under blame such as have been zealous against their abominable doctrines the good God be favourable unto them and prevent them from coming under the like blame with Ahab yet they remain in their old way and there 's somewhat to be considered in it to be sure that in these daies when all look for the fall of Antichrist such detestable doctrines should be upheld and persons suffered that exceed the Beast himself for blasphemy and this to be done by those that would be counted Reformers and such as seek the utter subversion of Antichrist To end this year or rather at the beginning of it the Lord caused another Earthquake much less then the former it was on the fifth of the first moneth called March in the morning CHAP. XXV Of the planting the twenty fourth Church of Christ at the Town of Readding and the twenty fifth Church of Christ in the Mattachusets Government called Wenham THis year was chosen to the place of Governor John Endicut Esquire and Iohn Winthrope Esquire Deputy Governor the number of freemen added about 145. this
year The Town of Readding had her foundation stone laid about this time this and the Town of Wooburn were like the twins in the womb of Tamar Readding thrusting forth the hand first but Wooburn came first to the birth this Town is well watered and scituate about a great pond besides it hath two mills the one a Saw-mill the other a 〈◊〉 mill which stand on two several streams it hath not been ●o fruitful for children as her Sister hath her habitation is fallen in the very center of the country they are well stocked with cattel for the number of people they have they gathered into a church and ordained a Pastor from among themselves at the same time a young man of good abilities to preach the Word and of a very humble behaviour named Mr. Green he having finished his course departed this life not long after whose labours are with the Lord after him succeeded in the place one Mr. Hoph a young man one of the first fruits of N. E. a man studious to promote the truths of Christ they are both remembred in this following verse ON earths bed thou at noon hast laid thy head You that for Christ as Green here toy I have taken When nature fails then rest it in earths dead Till Christ by 's word with glory thee awaken Young Hoph thou must be second to this man In field incounter with Christ's foes shalt thou Stand up and take his bright sword in thy hand Error cut down and make stout stomacks bow Green 's gone before thy warfare's now begun And last it may to see Romes Babel fall Byweakest means Christ mighty works hath done Keep footing fast till Christ thee hence do call The next Town and church of Christ planted in this colony was between Salem and Ipswitch Salem the eldest of all the Sisters was very helpful to this her little Sister nourishing her up in her own bosom till she came of age being beneficial to her besides in giving her a good portion of Land this Town is called Wenham and is very well watered as most in land Towns are the people live altogether upon husbandry New England having train'd up great store to this occupation they are encreased in cattel and most of them live very well yet are they no great company they were some good space of time there before they gathered into a Church-body the godly and reverend Mr. John Fisk went thither with them at first setting down as a planter among them yet withal he became helpful in preaching the Word unto them when they were but a few in number they afterward call'd him to the office of a Pastor with whom he now remains labouring in the Word and Doctrine with great industry of whom it may be thus said TO wade through toyl of Wilderness thou hast D●ubled thy work thy wages troble are Christ hath thee call'd and in his vineyard plac't He 'l bear thee up above all sai●ting far Sions strong Mount must now again be built Thy faith oh Fisk the Lord hath holpen much With dreadful sigh● the P●●lars power hath spilt All pride he 'l stain by his almighty touch His truths unstain'd by liberty keep thou To please the most authority must fall What Christ hath given if safely keep with you Till he to thee for thine accompt do call CHAP. XXVI Of the military affairs the forts of Bostoa and Charles the Castle erected anew by the six neerest Towns with the manner of putting the Country in a posture of war to be ready upon all occasions THese souldiers of Christ Jesus having made a fair retreat from their Native country hither and now being come to a convenient station resolved to stand it out the Lord assisting against all such as should come to rob them of their priviledges which the Lord Christ had purchased for them at a very high rate and now out of the riches of his grace was minded to give them yet would he have them follow him into this Wilderness for it although the chiefest work of these select bands of Christ was to mind their spiritual warfare yet they knew right well the Temple was surrounded with walls and bulworks and the people of God in re-edifying the same did prepare to resist their enemies with weapons of war even while they continued building This people no less diligent to make use of such means as the Lord afforded them ordered and decreed That all the souldiers belonging to the 26. bands in the Mattachusets Government should be exercised and drill'd eight daies in a yeare and whosoever should absent himself except it were upon unavoidable occasion should pay 5. s. for every daies neglect there are none exempt unless it be a few timerous persons that are apt to plead infirmity if the Church chuse them not for Deacous or they cannot get to serve some Magistrate or Minister but assuredly the generalicy of this people are very forward for feats of war and many have spent their time and estates to further this work the Town of Boston hath afforded many active Charles Town hath not been inferiour unless it be in number This year the Court appointed certain persons to spend their skill in putting the people possessing this desolate desart in a ready posture of drawing their forces together upon any suddain accident that might befall them to mannage guide order and direct all things as may be best for the good of the whole they being a poor and mean people laboured to avoid high titles yet order they knew was necessary therefore ordained they only one General Officer in time of war under the name of Major General the Governor and Magistrates for the time being are the standing Councel for peace or war and either they or the General Court may appoint any to the office of a General the first Major-General was the much honored Tho. Dudly Esquire whose faithfulness and great zeal and love to the truths of Christ caused the people to chuse him to this office although he were far stricken in years the Government is divided into four Counties which to shew they would their posterity should mind whence they came they have named Suffolk Middlesex Essex and Northfolk each containing a Regiment over whom the chief Commander is only a Serjeant-Major the first chosen to this office over the Regiment of Suffolk was Major Edw. Gibbons who hath now the office of Major-General also he is a man of a resolute spirit bord as a Lion being wholly tutor'd up in N.E. Discipline very generous and forward to promote all military matters his Forts are well contrived and batteries strong and in good repair his great Artillery well mounted and cleanly kept half Canon Culverins and Sakers as also field-pieces of brass very ready for service his own company led by Capt. Lievtenant Sarag are very compleat in their arms and many of them disciplin'd in the military garden beside their ordinary trainings the Captains under him are Caps
will cut off from the city of the Lord the wicked doers and if any man can shew wherein any of them derogate from the Word of God very willingly will they accept thereof and amend their imperfections the Lord assisting but let not any ill affected persons find fault with them because they suit not with their own humour or because they meddle with matters of Religion for it is no wrong to any man that a people who have spent their estates many of them and ventured their lives for to keep faith and a pure conscience to use all means that the Word of God allows for maintenance and continuance of the same especially they having taken up a desolate Wilderness to be their habitation and not deluded any by keeping their profession in huggermug but print and proclaim to all the way and course they intend God willing to walk in if any will yet notwithstanding seek to justle them out of their own right let them not wonder if they meet with all the opposition a people put to their greatest straits can make as in all their undertaking their chiefest aim hath been to promote the Ordinances of Christ so also in contriving their Laws Liberties and Priviledges they have not been wanting which hath caused many to maligne their civil Government and more especially for punishing any by a Law that walk conrrary to the rule of the Gospel which they profess but to them it seems unreasonable and savours too much of hypocrisie that any people should pray unto the Lord for the speedy accomplishment of his Word in the overthrow of Antichrist and in the mean time become a Patron to sinful opinions and damnable errors that oppose the truths of Christ admit it be but in the bare permission of them CHAP. VI. Of the Lords wonder-working Providence in fitting this people with all kind of Manufactures and the bringing of them into the order of a Commonwealth ON the day of Election for Governor and Magistrates which are new chosen every year the honored John Winthrope Esquire was chosen Governor and the like honored Thomas Dudly Esquire Deputy Governor John Endicut Esquire was chosen Major-General which is an Officer the Freemen make a yearly choice of all other Military Officers stand for 〈◊〉 of life unless any be put out for misdemeanour the member of freemen added this year were about 85. the Land affording very good ●●on stone divers persons of good ●ack and quality in England were stirred up by the provident hand of the Lord to venture their estatee upon an hon work which they began at Braintree and profited the owners little but rather wasted their stock which caused some of them to tell away the Kmainder the chief reason being the high price of labour which ordinarily was as much more as in England and in many things treble the way of going on with such a work here was not sudd●inly to be disterned although the Steward had a very able eye yet experience nath out-stript learning here and the most quick-sighted in the Theory of things have been forced to pay prety mundly to Lady Experience for filling their heads with a sittle of her active after-wit much hope there is now that the owners may pick up their crums again if they be but made partakers of the gain in putting off England commodities at N. E. price it will take off one third of the great price they gave for labour and the price of their iron it is supposed another third is taken of the abundance of wood had for little will surely take off the residue besides land at easie rates and common land free for their use it were to be desired that those Gentlemen who have undertaken the work would consider the place where their works are namely in N. E. where the Lord Christ hath chosen to plant his Churches in to hide his people under the covert of his wings till the tyranny of Antichrist be over-passed and any that have disbursed pence for the furthering of his work shall be repayed with thousands Besides the Gentlemen that govern this Colony are very desirous to be helpful in what they may and had rather take any burthens upon themselves and the Inhabitants that in justice they ought then that those Gentlemen should be any wayes damnified The Lord is pleased also to compleat this Commonwealth abundantly beyond all expectation in all sorts of needful occupations it being for a lo●g time the great fear of many and those that were endued with grace from above also that this would be no place of continued habitation for want of a staple-commodity but the Lord whose promises are large to his Sion hath blest his peoples provision and satisfied her poor with bread in a very little space every thing in the country proved a staple-commodity wheat rye oats peas barley beef pork fish butter cheese timber mast tar sope plank-board frames of hous●s clabboard and pipestaves iron and lead is like to be also and those who were formerly forced to fetch most of the bread they eat and beer they drink a hundred leagues by Sea are through the blessing of the Lord so encreased that they have not only fed their Elder Sisters Virginia Barbados and many of the Summer Islands that were prefer'd before her for fruitfulness but also the Grandmother of us all even the firtil Isle of Great Britain beside Portugal hath had many a mouthful of bread and fish from us in exchange of their Madeara liquor and also Spain nor could it be imagined that this Wilderness should turn a mart for Merchants in so short a space Holland France Spain and Portugal coming hither for trade shipping going on gallantly till the Seas became so troublesome and England restrain'd our trade forbidding it with Barbados c. and Portugal stopt and took our ships many a fair ship had her framing and finishing here besides lesser vessels barques and ketches many a Master beside commoa Seamen had their first learning in this Colony Boston Charles-Town Salem and Ipswitch our Maritan Towns began to encrease roundly especially Boston the which of a poor country village in twice seven years is become like unto a small City and is in election to be Mayor Town suddainly chiefly increased by trade by Sea yet of late the Lord hath given a check to our traffique but the reason may be rendred hereafter nor hath this Colony alone been actors in this trade of venturing by Sea but New-haven also who were many of them well experienced in traffique and had good estates to mannage it Canectiso did not linger behind but put forth to Sea with the other all other trades have here fallen into their ranks and places to their great advantage especially Coopers and Shomakers who had either of them a Corporation granted inriching themselves by their trades very much Coopers having their plenty of stuff at a cheap rate and by reason of trade with forraign parts abandance of
become With scatter'd seed of man and beast thou hast Seen thy great God increase thy little sum Towns close compact in desart land hath plac't In Wilderness thy table richly spread Thy poor therein hath satisfi'd with bread While firtil lands with hunger have been pined Thy harvest hath with heaps on heaps come in Oh mourn that thou no more thy God should'st mind His gentle rod to teach thee doth begin Then wonder not that swarms of Locust fly And that earths fruits for want of moysture die A countless crew of Caterpillers craul To rob the earth of her green mantle quite Wolves only wont on lesser beasts to fall On great ones prey by day and eke by night Thy houses are consum'd with much good store By fearful fires which blustering winds blow o're Lord stay thy hand and stop my earthly mind Thy Word not world shall be our sole delight Not Medow ground but Christs rich pearl wee 'l find Thy Saints imbrace and not large lands down plight Murmure no more will we at yearly pay To help uphold our Government each way Not strive who least but who the most shall give Rejoyce will we our hearts inlarged are Those wait on th' Altar shall on Altar live Nor shall our riches their good doctrine mar O●r pride of parts in thought of clear discerning No longer shall disgrace their godly learning Our meaner sort that metamorphos'd are With womens hair in gold and garments gay Whose wages large our Commonwealths work mar Their pride they shall with moderation lay Cast off their cloaths that men may know their rank Axd women that with outward deckings prank The worlds imbrace our longing lust for gain No longer shall us into corners draw Nor our large herds us from Gods house detain From fellowship of Saints who learn thy Law Thy righteous Judgments Lord do make me tremble Nor word nor rod but deep in this dissemble Two Masters Lord we will professed serve How can we Christ united be to thee When from thy Law learn'd we so greatly swarve With watry tears unclued we will be From creature-comforts Christ thou art our stay Work will and deed in us we humbly pray Oh thou my soul and every part in me Lament the Lord his worthies from the earth Takes to himself and makes our earth to be E A mourning place left destituke of mirth Are these the daies wherein that Beast shall fall Lord leave us means though thou be all in all What courage was in Winthrope it was thine Shopheards sweet Sermons from thy blessing came Our heavenly Hooker thy grace did refine And godly Burr receiv'd from thee his frame Philips didst thou indue with Scripture light And Huet had his arguings strong and right Grave Higginson his heavenly truths from thee Maveruck was made an able help to thine What Harver had thou gavest for 's people free Follow Green full of grace to work thou didst assign Godly Glover his rich gifts thou gavest Thus thou by means thy flocks from spoiling savest But Lord why dost by death withdraw thy hand From us these men and means are sever'd quite Stretch forth thy might Lord Christ do thou command Their doubled spirit on those left to light Forth of their graves call ten times ten again That thy dear flocks no damage may sustain Can I forget these means that thou hast used To quicken up my drowsie drooping soul Lord I forget and have the same abused Which makes me now with grief their deaths condole And kiss thy rod laid on with bowels tender By death of mine makes me their death remember Lord stay thy hand thy Jacobs number 's small Powre out thy wrath on Antichrists proud Thrones Here thy poor flocks that on thee daily call Bottle their tears and pity their sad groans Where shall we go Lord Christ we turn to thee Heal our back slidings forward press shall we Not we but all thy Saints the world throughout Shall on thee wait thy wonders to behold Thou King of Saints the Lord in battel stont Increase thy armies many thousand fold Oh Nations all his anger seek to stay That doth create him armies every day CHAP. X. Of the endeavours of this people of Christ to inlarge his Kingdom the world throughout and first of their preaching Christ to the Indians among whom they live THese brood of Travellers having thus through the good hand of their God upon them thus setled these Churches according to the institution of Christ and not by the will of man they now endeavour to be assisting to others The reverend Mr. Hugh Peters and his fellow-helper in Christ Mr. Wells steered their course for England so soon as they heard of the chaining up of those biting beasts who went under the name of spiritual Lords what assistance the Gospel of Christ found there by their preaching is since clearly manifested for the Lord Christ having removed that usurping power of Lordly Prelates hath now inlarged his Kingdom there and that not onely by the means of these men but by divers others both godly and eminent servants of his who never saw New-England and by divers other godly Ministers of Christ who have since gone from hence both young Students and others to the number of twenty or thereabout in the whole besides some who were eminent in the civil Government here both gracious and godly servants of Christ and some who have been Magistrates here to the number of five or six the Lord Christ grant they may all endeavour the advancement of his truths both in Churches and civil Government But before the Author cease to speak of England he is bold to say that the Lord Christ will overturn overturn overturn till he hath caused such a Government to be set up as shall become nursing fathers to his new-planted Churches The Indian people in these parts at the English first coming were very barbarous and uncivilized going for the most part naked although the country be extreme cold cold in the winter-season they are onely clothed with a Deers skin and a little bit of cloth to cover their privy part The Women for the most part are very modest although they go as naked as the Men they are generally very laborious at their planting time and the Men extraordinary idle making their squawes to carry their Children and the luggage beside so that many times they travell eight or ten mile with a burden on their backs more fitter for a horse to carry then a woman The men follow no kind of labour but hunting fishing and fowling in all which they make use of their Bowe and Arrowes to shoot the wilde creatures of the Trees as Squirrells gray and black Rockoones as for Deer they ordinarily catch them in traps with a pole bent down and a Cord at the end which flyes up and stayes their hasty course Bever Otter and Moose they catch with Traps also they are
proud of this thy exaltation For thou wast dung and dogs filth when Christ wrought In thee his work and set thee in this station To stand from him thy strength is dayly brought Yet in him thou shalt go triumphant on Not thou but Christ triumphs his foes upon You people whom he by the hand did lead 〈…〉 Seas with watry wall Apply your selves his Scriptures for to read In reading do for eyes enlightned call And you shall see Christ once being come is now Again at hand your stubborn hearts to bow Though scattered you Earths Kingdoms are throughout In bondage brought cheife by those make some shew Of Jewish rights they Christ with you cast out Christ well their Cords for you in sunder hew Through unbeliefe you were to bondage brought Believe that Christ for you great work hath wrought He will your heart not member circumcise Oh search and see this is your Jesus sure Refuse him not would God you were so wise None but this King can ought your hope procure Once doting on an Earthly Kingdom you Mist of your Christ be sure be wiser now The day 's at hand he will you wiser make To know Earths Kingdoms are too scant and base For such a price as Christ paid for your sake Kings you shall be but in a higher place Yet for your freedom Nations great shall fall That without fear of foes him serve you shall You are the men that Christ will cause subdue Those Turkish Troops that joyned Jews have been His Gentile Churches cast down Babels crue Then you that brood of Mahumetts shall win Destroy his seed ' mongst Persians Turkes and Moores And for poor Christians ope the Prison doors Your Nation prov'd too scant for his possession Whose pretious blood was made a price for sin And Nations all who were in like transgression Some of the whole Christ to his Crown will win And now makes way for this his work indeed That through the world his Kingdom may proceed Now Nations all I pray you look about Christ comes you neer his power I pray embrace In 's word him seek he 's found without all doubt He doth beseech with teares Oh seek his face Yet time there is the Battel 's but begun Christ call thy folke that they to thee may run Place them in thy strong Armies newly gather'd Thy Churches Lord increase and fill withall Those blessed ones are given thee by thy Father The wickeds Rod off from their backs recall Breake off their yokes that they with freedom may Tell of thy workes and praise thee every day Lord Christ go on with thy great wonders working Down headlong cast all Antichristian power Vnmaske those men that lye in corners lurking Whose damned doctrines dayly s●ates advance For why thy Folke for this are dayly longing That Nations may come in thy Churches thronging What greater joy can come thy Saints among Then to behold their Christ exalted high Thy Spirits joy with ravishment stirs strong Thy Folke while they thy Kingdomes glory eye Angels rejoyce because their waiting is In Saints assembly where thy name they bliss Thy workes are not in Israels Land confined From East to West thy wondrous works are known To Nations all thou hast thy grace assigned Thy spirits breathings through the World are blown All Languages and tongues do tell thy praise Dead hear thy voyce them thou dost living raise Oh blessed dayes of Son of Man now seen You that have long'd so sore them to behold March forth in 's might and stoutly stand between The mighties sword and Christs dear flocke infold Vndanted close and clash with them for why ' Gainst Christ they are and he with thee stands by No Captive thou nor Death can on thee seize Fight stand and live in Christ thou dayly dost He long ago did lead as Captives these And ever lives to save thee where thou goest His Father still and Spirit shall with thee Abide and crowne thy Head with lasting glee For thy words sake and according to thine own heart hast thou done all these great things to make thy servant know them 2 Sam. 7. 21. FINIS Courteous Reader These Books following are Printed for Nathaniel Brooke and are to be sold at his Shop at the Angel in Cornehill 1. TImes Treasury or Academy for Gentry excellent grounds both Divine and humane for their accomplishment in arguments of discourse habit fashion with a Ladies love-Lecture and Truths triumph summing up all in a character of Honour by Ri. Braithwait Esq 2. Morton of the Sacrament in folio 3. Physiogmony and Chiromancy Metoposcopy the Symmetricall proportions and signall Moles of the body the subject of Dreames to which is added the Art of Memory by Ri. Sanders Student folio 4. Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum containing severall poeticall peeces of our famous English Philosophers which have written the Hermetique misteries in their antient Language by Elias Ashmole Esq 5. Chiromancy or the Art of Divining by the lines engraven in the hand of man by dame Nature Theologically practically in 19. Genitures with a learned discourse of the soul of the World and universall spirit thereof by Geo. Wharton Esq 6. Catholick History collected and gathered out of Scripture Councels and antient Fathers Moderne writers both ecclesiasticall and civill in answer to Dr. Vane's Lost Sheep returned home by Ed. Chiseuhall Esq 7. Planometria or the whole Art of Survey of Land shewing the use of all Instruments but especially the plain Table whereunto is added an Appendix to measure regular Solids as Timber Stone usefull for all that intend either to sell or purchase 8. An Arithmetick in number and species in two Books 1. Teaching by precept and example the operation in Numbers whole and broken by Decimals and use of the Logarithms Napyers bones 2. The great Rule of Algebra in Species resolving all Arithmeticall questions by supposition with a Canon of the powers of numbers fitted to the meanest capacity by Jonas Moore late of Durham 8. 9. Tactometrica or the Geometry of Regulars after a new exact and expeditious manner in Solids with sundry usefull experiments Practicall Geometry of Regular-like Solids and of a Cylinder body for liquid vessell measure with sundry new experiments never before extant for gauging a work very usefull for all that are imployed in the Art Metrical by John Wiberd Doctor in Physick 10. An Astrologicall discourse with Mathematicall Demonstrations proving the powerfull and harmonicall influence of the Planets and fixed Stars upon Elementary Bodies in justification of the Validity of Astroligy by Sir Christopher Heydon Knight 11. Magick and Astrology vindicated in which is contained the true definitions of the said Arts and the justification of their practise proved by the authority of Scripture and the experience of antient and modern Authors by H. Warren 12. An Astrologicall judgement of Diseases from the Decumbiture of the ficke also the way of finding out the cause change and end of a disease also whether the sick be
of its dead Mother seeking to draw living nourishment from her dead breast Their dead they left oft-times unburied wherefore the English were forced to dig holes and drag their stinking corps into them Thus did the Lord allay their quarrelsome spirits and made roome for the following part of his Army This yeare came over more supplies to forward the worke of Christ CHAP. XXVI Of the gratious provisions the Lord made for his people THe yeare 1632. John Winthrope Esquire was chosen Governour againe and the antient Thomas Dudly Esquire was Deputy Governour a man of a sound judgement in matters of Religion and well read bestowing much labour that way of whom as followeth The honoured aged stable and sincere servant of Christ zealous for his truth Thomas Dudly Esq foure times Governour of the English Nation in the Mattacusets and first Major Generall of the Millitary Forces WHat Thomas now believe dost thou that riches men may gaine In this poore Plot Christ doth allot his people to sustaine Rich Truth thou 'lt buy and sell not why no richer Jem can be Truths Champion in campion Christ's grace hath placed thee With civill Sword at Christs Word early cut off wilt thou Those Wolvish sheep amongst flocks do creep and damned doctrine low To trembling age thou valiant sage one foot wilt not give ground Christs Enemies from thy face flies his truth thou savest sound Thy lengthened dayes to Christs praise continued are by him To set by thee his people free from foes that raging bin Wearied with yeares it plaine appeares Dudly not long can last It matters not Christ Crown thee got it s now at hand hold fast This yeare was the first choise of Migistrates by free-men whose number was now increased fifty three or thereabout to declare the manner of their Government is by the Author deferred till the year 1637. where the Reader may behold Government both in Churches and Common-wealth to be an institution of the Lord and much availeable through his blessing for the accomplshment of his promises to his people This year these fore-runners of the following Army of Christ after the sight of many of the admirable Acts of his providence for them begun to take up steddy resolution through the helpe of him to wade through the Ocean they were farther like to meete withall and therefore began to plant the yet untilled Earth having as yet no other meanes to teare up the bushy lands but their hands and howe 's their bodies being in very ill temper by reason of the Scurvy a Disease in those dayes very frequent to undergoe such extremity but being prick'd on with hungers sharpe gode they keepe doing according to their weake abilities and yet produce but little food for a long season but being perswaded that Christ will rather raine bread from Heaven then his people should want being fully perswaded they were set on the worke at his command Wherefore they followed on with all hands and the Lord who hath the Cattell of thousand Hills and the Corne of ten thousand Vallies the whole Earth and fulnesse of it did now raise up fresh supplies to be added to these both of men and provision of food men no lesse valiane in Faith then them the former amongst whom was the Reverend Mr. Welds and Mr. James who was welcomed by the people of Christ at Charles Towne and by them called to the Office of a Pastor where hee continued for some yeares and from thence removed to New haven upon some seed of prejudice sowne by the enemies of this worke But good Reader doe thou behold and remember him farther in the following Liues THy Native soile Oh James did thee approve Gods people there in Lincolnesh●●e commend Thy courteous speech and worke of Christian love Till Christ through Seas did thee on Message send With learned skill his mind for to unsold His people in New England thou must feed But one sad breach did cut that band should hold Then part wilt thou least farther jars should breed Yet part thou wilt not with Christs Truth thy crowne But my Muse waile that any souldier should In fighting slip why James thou fallest not downe Back thou retreats their valiant fighting hold Fast on thy Christ who thine may raise with thee His bands increase when leaders he provides Thy Son young student may such blessing be Thy losse repayre and Christ thee crown besides Although the great straites this Wildernesse people were in for want of food was heard of among the godly people in England yet would they not decline the worke but men of Estates sold their possessions and bought plenty of food for the Voyage which some of them sent before hand by which meanes they were provided for as also the Lord put it into the hearts of such as were Masters and Undertakers of Ships to store their Vessells so well that they had to spare for this peoples need and further Christ caused abundance of very good Fish to come to their Nots and Hookes and as for such as were unprovided with these meanes they caught them with their hands and so with F●sh wild Onions and other Herbs were sweetly satisfied till other provisions came in here must labouring men a little be minded how ill they recompenced those persons whose estates helpe them to food before they could reape any from the Earth that forgetting those courtesies they soon by excessive prises took for their worke made many File-leaders fall back to the next Ranke advancing themselves in the meane time About this time the Church of Christ at Roxbury being a diligent people early prevented their Brethren in other Churches by calling the Reverend Mr. Welds to be their Pastor of whom you may see somewhat farther in the following lines TO worke oh Welds in wildernesse betime Christ thee commands that thou his folke should's follow And feede his flock in Covenant bandcombine With them through him his glorious name to hallow Seven yeares thou stoutly didst wade through with toile These desare caros back by advice againe Thou didst returne unto thy native soile There to advance Christs Kingdome now remeine In Pulpit and with Pen thou hast the truth Maintained and clear'd from scandalous reproach Christs churches here and shew'd their lasting Ruth That dare ' gainst Christ their own inventions broach Then sage in age continue such to be Till Christ thee crowne his gifts to thee are free This yeare of sad distresses was ended with a terrible cold Winter with weekly Snowes and fierce Frosts betweene while congealing Charles River as well from the Towne to Sea ward as above insomuch that men might frequently passe from one Island to another upon the Ice Here Reader thou must be minded of an other admirable Act of Christ for this yeare in changing the very nature of the seasons moderating the Winters cold of late very much which some impute to the cutting downe the woods and breaking up the Land But Christ have the
praise of all his glorious Acts. About this time did the valiant in faith and Reverend Pastor Mr. John Wilson returne to England and surely the power of Christ hath notably appeared in this weake sorry man You must needs see the Author will flatter no man yet will he not be wanting to tell the noble Acts of Christ Jesus in making men strong for himselfe here is one borne up in the armes of his mercy often through the perillous Seas night and dayes yea weeks and months upon the great deepe and now having with his owne eyes beheld the manifold troubles these poore were in yet at this very time hies him back to his Native soile where his indeared Wife did yet remaine purposely to perswade her to east her cares upon the Lord as he himself had already done and then assuredly the wants of a Wildernesse would never hurt her at the departure of this holy Man of God many of his peoples hearts waxed very sad and having looked long for his returne Their eyes now began to faile in missing of their expectation they according to their common course in time of great straites set and appointed a day wholy to be spent in seeking the pleasing Face of God in Christ purposing the Lord assisting to afflict their soules and give him the honour of his All-seeingness by a downe right acknowledgement of their sinnes but the Lord whose Grace is alwayes undeserved heard them before they cried and the afternoone before the day appointed brought him whom they so much desired in safety to shore with divers other faithfull servants of Christ ready armed for the Battell the day was turned to a day of rejoycing and blessing the Lord even the mighty God of Iacob the God of Armies is for us a refuge high Shela The yeare 1633. the honoured John Winthrope Esquire was chosen Governour againe and Thomas Dudly Esq Deputy Governour the number of Freemen added or Souldiers listed was 46. the Winters Frost being extracted forth the Earth they fall to tearing up the Roots and Bushes with their Howes even such men as scarce ever set hand to labour before men of good birth and breeding but comming through the strength of Christ to war their warfare readily rush through all difficulties cutting down of the Woods they inclose Corne fields the Lord having mitigated their labours by the Indians frequent fiering of the woods that they may not be hindered in hunting Venson and Beares in the Winter season which makes them thin of Timber in many places like our Parkes in England the chiefest Corne they planted before they had Plowes was Indian Graine whose increase is very much beyond all other to the great refreshing of the poore servants of Christ in their low beginings all kinde of Gardens Fruits grew very well and let no man make a j●st at Pumpkins for with this fruit the Lord was pleased to feed his people to their good content till Corne and Cattell were increased And here the Lords mercy appeared much in that those who had beene formerly brought up tender could now contentedly feed on bare and meane Diet amongst whom the Honoured and upright hearted in this worke of Christ Mr. Increase Nowell shall not be forgotten having a diligent hand therein from the first beginning INcrease shalt thou with honour now in this thy undertaking Thou hast remain'd as yet unstained all errors foule forsaking To poore and rich thy Justice much hath manifested bin Like Samuel Nathanaell Christ hath thee fram'd within Thy faithfulnesse people expresse and Secretary they Chose thee each year by which appeare their love with thee doth stay Now Nowell see Christ call'd hath thee and work thou must for him In beating down the triple Crown and all that his foes ben Thus doest thou stand by Christ fraile man to tell his might can make Dust do his will with graces fill till dust to him he take CHAP. XXVII Of the gratious goodnesse of God in hearing his peoples prayers in times of need and of the Ship-loades of goods the Lord sent them in HEre againe the admirable Providence of the Lord is to be noted That whereas the Country is naturally subject to drought even to the withering of their summers Fruits the Lord was pleased during these yeares of scarcity to blesse that small quantity of Land they planted with seasonable showers and that many times to the great admiration of the Heathen for thus it befell the extreame parching heare of the Sun by reason of a more constant clearnesse of the Aire then usually is in England began to scorch the Herbs and Fruits which was the chiefest meanes of their livelyhood they beholding the Hand of the Lord stretched out against them like tender hearted Children they fell down on their knees begging mercy of the Lord for their Saviours sake urging this as a chiefe argument that the malignant adversary would rejoyce in their destruction and blaspheme the pure Ordinances of CHRIST trampling down his Kingly Commands with their owne inventions and in uttering these words their eyes dropped down many teares their affections prevailing so strong that they could not refraine in the Church-Assembly Here admire and be strong in the Grace of Christ all you that hopefully belong unto him for as they powred out water before the Lord so at that very instant the Lord showred down water on their Gardens and Fields which with great industry they had planted and now had not the Lord caused it to raine speedily their hope of food had beene lost but at this these poore wormes were so exceedingly taken that the Lord should shew himselfe so neere unto their Prayers that as the drops from Heaven fell thicker and faster so the teares from their eyes by reason of the sudden mixture of joy and sorrow and verily they were exceedingly stirred in their affections being unable to resolve themselves which mercy was greatest to have a humble begging heart given them of God or to have their request so suddenly answered The Indians hearing hereof and seeing the sweet raine that fell were much taken with Englishmens God but the Lord seeing his poore peoples hearts were to narrow to beg his bounties exceeds toward them at this time as indeed hee ever hitherto hath done for this Wildernesse-People not onely giving the full of their requests but beyond all their thoughts as witnesse his great worke in England of late in which the prayers of Gods people in New England have had a great stroke These people now rising from their knees to receive the rich mercies of Christ in the refreshed fruits of the Earth Behold the Sea also bringing in whole Ship-loades of mercies more being filled with fresh forces for furthering this wonderfull worke of Christ and indeed this yeare came in many pretious ones whom Christ in his grace hath made much use of in these his Churches and Common-wealth insomuch that these people were even almost over-ballanced with the great income of their