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A73477 The prophete Isaye, translated into englysshe, by George Ioye; Bible. O.T. Isaiah. English. Joye. Joye, George, d. 1553. 1531 (1531) STC 2777; ESTC S111732 89,011 240

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nomore be a cyte but throne downe into an heape of stones The cites of Aroer shal be turned into pasture layers for flockes of shepe ād other heardes so that noman shal fraye them a waie Ephraim shal nomore be strōge defensed Damascus shal be nomore a kingdome Also the glorye of the lefte cytes of Syrie shal be lyke the glorye of the chylderne of Israel saith the lorde of powers then shal the glorye of Iacob be ful thynne and the well lykinge of theire fatte bodyes shal be full leane For they shal be lyke a gatherer of corne yet stādinge after the sykle which reapeth down the handfulles withe his Arme but when he gathereth or thrusteth them togither even in the valye of Rephaim yet he levethe som what for the gleaners they shal be lyke one beatingeof olyve beryes which yet leveth two or thre beryes in the toppe and not passinge fower or fyve in all the other bouwes saithe y e lorde god of Israel Then shal man returne vnto his maker and his eyes shall loke vnto hym that maketh holye Israel and shall not loke vnto Altars the worke of theyr handes neth r shal he beholde those thinges whiche his owne fyngers made nether wordes nor ymages Then shal the stronge cytes be lefte desolate as were the ploughes harows sometyme of the chananites for feare of the chylderne of Israel Because thou hast forgoten god thy saviower and not remembred thy stronge rocke therfore hast thou planted the so fayer settes and sowne the so straunge seades When thou plantedste them thou waste riche and in thy flowers and beleuedste to haue had fulerlye frutes of thy seade But when the tyme shall come to gather and to possesse them thou shalt reape right plentuouse afflicciō and sorowe Wo be to this confuse clustre and monstrose multitude of so prowde people swellinge lyke the sea whiche haithen hoste ryseth vp lyke a fearce water But let this heady folke be they never so many neuer so vnrulye and lawles swell yet as sone as the Lorde blameth them and sette agenste them thei shall flee full farre a waye and shal be wynnowed of the wynde lyke the duste of y e drye mountayne and lyke a whirlewynde at the comynge of a storme For lo lyke as at the eveninge thei were mervelouse terrible so before the morninge shal thei begone This is the very ende of them that scourge vs this is the rewarde of them that robbe vs of ower goodes Chap. x viij WO be to the lande whose shippes are so swyfte which lande lyeth one thys syde of the flowde of Ethiopye which sendeth ambassiatours by the sea and that in shippes of reedes and bulrushes put vpon the waters saynge Go yower wayes ye messagers vnto a y e pyssed ād ragged nacion people more fearfull then owers and farre vnlyke a vyle nacion litel set bye whose lande the floudes devyde But o ye all that dwel vpon the erthe and inhabit the rownde worlde take hede and loke when ye se the signe lyfted vp to yowe in the hylles and when ye heare the trompetes blowne vp to bataile For thus sayd the Lorde to me I laye downe to reste consyderynge withe my selfe yn my house in the myddaye when it was full warme lyke as a genste a shower of rayne as it is wonte to be in haruest ceason but yet before the corne be redye to reape and the clusters of grapes be perfitly rype and the r was one which kutdowne the clusters with a kutting knyfe and he kut a waye even the branches also and toke them a waye the resydwe were lefte as well fore the fowles of the mountayns as for the beastes of the felde that y e fowles myght lye there all the somer ād the beastes of the feldes all wynter And then shall the r be offred the Lorde of powers a gyfte of y e pild ragged nacion and dredfull people farre above vs a vyle nacion ād troden vnd r fote Whole landes y e flowdes deuyde vnto the lorde of powers I saye these gentyles shal be offerd at the place consecrated vnto his name even at y e mounte Zion Chap. xix THe heuye afflicion which y e lorde shewed to Isaye vppon Egypte Beholde the lorde shal come rydinge vpon a swyfte clowde into Egypte at whose cominge the Idols of Egypte shal sheake ād the harte of Egypte shal faynte in hyr owne bodye For I shal set the Egipcions saith the lorde one agenste a nother so that euery man shal fyght with other even brother agenste brother cyte agenste cyte kyngdome agenste kyngdome and the breath of Egypte shal be broken in hyr belye and I shal scater hyr counsel when she shal go aboute to aske it of hir Idols wytches soth sayers and diuyners I shal betake Egypte into the handes of cruel lordes and a violente kinge shal rule thē saith the lorde god of powers The waters of the sea shal synke awaye and Nilus shal be dryedup their flowdes shal be dronke vp and their dykes and brooks shal be ful shalowe and fayle reed and rushes shal be wytherdvp the medewes ād all the feldes a boute Nilꝰ which wer wonte to wexe grene at the openinge of hyr lippes shal be dryed vp and of no valwe The fyshers shal morne ād al that were wonte to laye hokes bende nettes at their waters shal lamente the spynners and makers of lynyne the sylke wemen with y e weavers therof shal be begerde and cōfunded At that made pondes ād stwes shal breke vp their bankes Also the counsells of the folesshe princes of Zoan the wyse counsel of Pharao shal be turned al into felyshnes Howe dare ye then be so bolde to saye vnto Pharao I am come of a wyse stocke ād I am of an auncyāt noble bloude where nowe where I praye the are thy wyse men let them tell the nowe I praye the what y e lorde entendeth and hath thought to do with Egipte The folyshe prīces of Zoan and the prowde princes of Mempheos begylde Egipte with their noble hyghe stocke The lorde shall mingle the sprite of erroure emonge thez that then shulde seduce Egipte in all thinges even as the dronken and vomytinge man is brought oute of the waye Egipte shal want counsel to convaye hyr causes she shal not knowe where she shal beginne nor where she shal make an ende whether it be vpon y e lande or sea Then shall Egipte be lyke wemen fearfull and astōned at y e lyftinge vp of the hāde of the lorde of powers which he shall lyftup agenst hyr Also te lande of Iuda shal be a thondreclappe to Egipte so that who so euer mynde hyr to Egipte she shal a non be sinayde with feare at y e counsel of the lorde of powers whiche he hath decreede agenste hyr Then shall there be .v. cytes in the lande of Egipte which shal speake the Chananytes tonge and shal be sworne vnto y e lorde of powers
yowe O my childerne and disciples of the lorde aske counsell of the Pythonyts and soth sayers of sorcerers and charmers then answere yowe saynge do not euery nacion aske counsel and knowledge of theyr owne goddes shal they then aske of y ● dede to know thinges concerninge the lyuinge gete ye to the lawe and to goddes testymones for who so ever speaketh not aftyr these wordes they ar not of y ● morninge lyght If a man be negligent and dyspyse the lawe he smyteth hymselfe agenste a rok and faileth of his porpose and when he thus failethe of his porpose he shal be angrie so fret hymselfe that he shal curse his kynge his god And when he shal loke ether vpwarde or downwarde to the grownde lo all are full of anguyshe derknes and tribulacion floteringe aboute hym with the clowdes of erroure whiche shall not be taken from him that is thus grevously tangled in anguisshe as it haue bene sene of late in the lande of Zabulon in the lande of Neptalim Ch. ix FIrste y e londe was ridde of Zabulon ād Neptalim but at laste it shal be right greuously scourged The londe of Zabulon and Neptalim laye by the waye from over Iordan to the sea thorow Galile whervpon then bordred the gentyls the folke that walked in derkenes which shal see a grete lyght and over them dwelling in the region of y e dedly shadewe light shal springe thou shalt multiplye the gētyls shalt thou not therwith also magnifye gladnes thei shal be glad with y ● as men reioyse in their reapīge as mē hauinge victory reioyse in deuyding of their proie For y ● hevye yoke of y e gentyls and the burden of their shulders the pow r of their tyrauntes thou shalte breke euē as thou once delyuerdst thy people frome the tyranye of the Madianites ye al vyolente roberye al hastye insurreccion and al cruel bloud shed shal fead the fyer For a chylde shal be borne for vs and a sonne shal be geuen vs vppon whese shulders Impery and the gouernaunce shal be put and he shal be called the meruelous counseler the myghtye God the father everlastinge the prince of peace this kinge shall neuer haue ende in encresinge his Impery yet shal he therwith nouryshe peace sittinge in the seat regall of Dauid ād in his kingdome to mayntayne it in equyte rightwysnes frome thence into euerlastinge the zele of y ● lorde of powers shal bringe this to passe The lorde sente a worde into Iacob and it fell into Israel which all the people shal know euen Ephraim the citesens of Samarye althoughe yet of a prowde harte thei saye thus Ower buldīges of brycke are smyttē downe but we shal buylde thē agene with fower sqwared stones ower houses of wilde figtres ar broken downe but we shal restore thē buylded with Cedre trees wherfore y ● lorde shal stere vp Resin with other enemes vpon thez whom he shal so dispose ordre that Syrus shal come yn vpon y ● fronte of Israel and the palestines shal come in on their backes ād devower them with open mouthe and yet for al this shal he not swage his wrath but shal yet stretche forth his hande for nether the people returneth vnto hym that plaged them nor yet seke thei the lorde of powers wherfore y ● lorde shal kutof from Israel both toppe and tayle braunche and bande al at once by the toppe vnderstande thou the aldermā and him y t bearethe rule by y ● tayle vnderstande thou the prophete that preachethe lyes For they whiche preache this people to be happye or blessed are deceyuers and they that are thoughte happye emonge them are the moste nyghest their destruction Wherfore the Lorde delighteth not in their yongons and is vnmerciful vnto the fatherles and to their wedews for thei ar al hypocryts and kursed and thei al speake folishnes and yet for all this shall he not swage his wrathe but stretche stil forth his hande For their vngodlynes burneth lyke fyer which is noureshed with brambles and thornes and the smoke of their pryde fleethforth lyke y e smoke of fyer that is fallen emonge thycke bryers wherfore the lande shal be brente in the wrathe of the lorde of powers ād the people shall fede the fyer for noman shal spare a nother And if eny man turne hym on his righthande he shal sterve for honger and if he turne hym on his lefte hande to eats yet shal he fynde no fode every man shal eate the brawne of his owne armes Manasse shal eate Ephraim and Ephraim Manasse ād then shal these togith r also eate Iuda And yet for al this shal he not swage his wrathe but stretch styll forth hys hande Chapi x. WO be to yowe that make vngodly lawes and set statutes to harde to kepe to oppresse the poore in iugement and vtterly to beger my afflicte simple people with stryfe ād lawe that the wedewe myght be a proye for yow and to robbe the fatherlesse What then shal ye do in the daye of visitation and destruccion cominge frome a farre to whome then shall ye flee for helpe Or where shall ye leave yower glorye for a pledge that ye be not caste into fetters or fall into emonge the sīayne And yet for all this shal he not swage his wrathe but stretche still forthe his hande Wo be to Assur also the weapen of my wrathe which holdethe the rodde of my indignacion in his hande for I muste sende hym emonge hypocrytes and to people that hathe deserued my Indignacion shal I sende him to robbe and to spoile thez of al that thei haue to stampe them vnder his fete lyke the dyrte in the streates not with standinge yet he himselfe shal not so consyder y ● thinge nether thus thinke it in his harte but hitherto loketh his harte his luste is to destroye ād to wype awaye with his swerde not a fewe folke for thus thinketh he saynge with hymselfe Are not al other kinges and princes trybutares vnto me shal not I subdwe to me Calenum as easelye as Charchamim and as sone take Antioch as I haue Arphad and Damase as Samariam as who saye I haue goten by my nowne power these kingdoms in y ● which Idols karued images ar worshiped and can I not then get Ierusalē and Samarye shall not I be as able to do to Ierusalem and to hir Images as I haue done to Samarye and to hir goddes Then the tyme shal come saith y e lorde when I haue fyneshed al my worke in the mounte of Zion and Ierusalem y t I muste vyset and loke vpon this Ioylye byrde and so fortunate a felowe even vpon the stoute harte of the kynge of the Assyrions and vpon his hyghe loke for thus he thinketh of him selfe by my nowne power and wysdome do I these thinges for I am wise It is I that haue taken awaye y
be grete destructiō in the londe but yet shall there be lefte a tythe in it to returne a gene so that their pasture shal be restored and as their okes and lyne trees caste of their frutes even so shal that holy seade shoteforth frutefully emonge them The seventh Chapiter THen was it so that in the raigne of Ahaz y e sonne of Iotham the sonne of Ozias kinge of Iuda Rezin the kinge of Aram and Phecca the sonne of Romelie kinge of Israel ascended to Ierusalem to laye sege agenste it whiche at that tyme they myght not wynne then tolde they the house of Dauid that the Syryons wer confederde with Ephraim which tydynges made Ahaz with the house of Dauid to trēble lyke trees in the wode smyten with wynde wherfo r the lorde sayde vnto Isaye Haue done and get the forthe with thy sonne Iasus whiche is lefte the and mete Ahazat y e heade of the over pole in the waye towerde the suffers felde and saye vnto hym Se y t thou be still feare not let not thy harte melte at these two tayles with theyr smokynge fyerbrandes that is to saye at the furye of Rezin kynge of the Syrions and of the sonne of Romelye because the Syrions Ephraim and Romelis sonne haue thus myscheuously counselde and conspyred agenste the saynge We will go vp into Iuda and scourge them and translate them vnto vs and we shal sette the sonne of Tabal to be kinge ouer them For even thus sayth the lorde This thinge shall not ryse nor come to passe but Damascus shal be y ● head of Syria Rezin shal be y e head of Damascꝰ aftyr .65 yeares Ephraī karyed awaye shal no more be y e people although now Samarya be head of Ephraim ād y e sonne of Romelye y e heade of Samaria If ye beleve not yowe are but gone to And besydis thys the Lorde commaunded hym to saye thꝰ also vnto Ahaz Aske the some token of y e Lorde thy God whether it be frome y e deapest benethe or frome the hyghest above And Ahaz answerde I wil not aske nether will I tempte the Lorde Wherfore he sayde Heare then ye house of Dauid is it not enough for yowe to veye men but ye must wearye my god to The lorde therfore his owne selfe shall geve yow a tokē Beholde a mayde shal be with chylde and bringeforth a sonne and she shall call his name Immanuel Boter and honey shal he eate vntil he can eschewe yuel and chose good notwithstandynge before this childe be thꝰ waxen thy londe shal be desolated for y ● which thou arte so a frayde of their two kinges ye the lorde shal bringe both vpon the and vpon thy people and vpon thy fathers house siche dayes as haue not ben sene frome the departinge of Ephraym from Iuda that is to saye he shal bringe vpon yowe the kynge of the Assyrions For the tyme shal come that the lorde shal whystle for a flye whiche dwelleth beyende the flowde of Egypte for bees which ar in the lande of the Assyrions which shal come all hole togither and besege the even with yn thy drye dykes at the kaves with in the rockes in every wode at euery stertinge hole ye in that tyme the Lorde shall shaue the with a raser he shal hyer a raser beyende the flowde Euphrates even the kynge of the Assyryons and he shal shave of the heares of thy heade fete and even thy verye berde shall he wype of then shal the tyme come that a man shal lyue with a kowe ād tway e●es and for the plentye of mylke eate boter for yet shal every on lefte in the myddes of the lande eate boter and honey and yet in those dayes a vyne yarde of a thousand vynes bought for more then a thousand penys shal be turned into bryers and thornes For the kinge of the Assyrions shal not come hither armed so thicke withe bowe and arows as the bryers and thornes shall stande over al this region Also euery frutefull hill which was wonte to be delved and ploughed then shal not a man come to them for feare of thornes bryers but shal serue to put yn heardes ād beastes to graze yn The aight Chapiter ANd then sayde the Lorde agene to me take the a grete rolle ād wryte yn it withe a pen lyke a man Maherschalal haschbaz which ys to saye haste the to robbe spede the to spoyle Then I toke me certayne faithfull witneses vry the preste Zachary the sonne of Barachy and came vnto a prophetise which had now cōceyued and brought forth a sonne the Lorde spake vnto me Geve hym this name hastye robber gredy spoyler for before thys chylde can call Dadye Māmye he shal bare away the riches of Damasce and the proye of Samarye yn y ● sight of the kynge of Assyrye And agene the Lorde spake vnto me these wordes For asmych as this people abhorreth the waters of Siloah that flowe so still and hathe rather plesure in thys kynge Rezin and in the sonne of Romely Lo the lorde therfore shal let the grete myghtye flowdis breke in vpon them that is to saye the kinge of the Assyrions withe all his power whiche shal aryse every where a bove their ryuers and run over all their bankes dryuynge into Iuda redowndyng and swellyngevp even to theyr throtes And the tyme shal come that the spreadinge a brode of their winges shal kover the breadeth of thy lande O Immanuel Get ye togither ye people into counsel and all ye of the fartheste partes of the lande caste yower heades togither haste ye togither to take counsell and yet shall all togither be yn vayne Conclude ye vpon eny thynge and yet shall it not come to passe excepte Immanuel Thus then sayd the Lorde vnto me takynge me by the hande lyke a guyde nourteringe me that I shulde not go in the waye of this people saynge Breke not yower myndes aboute eny confederation with other for eny helpe for althoughe this people speaketh of nothinge but of coniurations and confederations yet let them not fraye yow but sanctifie yowe the Lorde of powers hī feare hym dreade ye for it is he that is y ● very holymakynge and the stomblynge stone also even a rocke to fal at snare and net to ether of y ● houses that is to saye to Israel and to them that dwell aboute Ierusalem and many shall stomble at hym they shall fall they shal be broken they shal be trapt and taken Nowe sayth the Lorde rollvp thys testemony and sealevp the lawe withe my disciples Nowe shal I loke for the lorde faith Isaye whiche hath hyd his face frome the house of Iacob and I shal truste yn hym both I me selfe and y e seruantes whom the Lorde hath geven me to be a miracle and woundre yn Israel for the lorde of powers plesure that dwelleth yn the mounte Zion And when men shall saye to
is to wete that I am aboute to subuerte thy cytes be they neuerso stronge and to bringe thez into heapes of stones ād into ruyne whose inhabitours shal quake for feare lyke handlesse men beinge confounded for they shal be lyke the grasse of the felde which nowe is grene and a nō is it thek for houses ye which often tymes is withred before it be rype But I know I knowe saith y ● lorde thy conuersacion I knowe thy settinge forth and thy returninge ye I knowe thy furyouse rebellinge agenst me For this therfore thy hasty conspyrison agenste me and for thy pryde which al I wel knowe I shal put a brydle vpon thy nose and shal set a snaffle vpon thy lyppes where with I shal plucke y ● backe agene by the same waye thou camste But o Ezekias this token shal I geue y ● this yeare shalt thou eate siche as ye haue in store the nexte yeare shal ye eate siche as shal growe of their selfe with oute tillinge or sowinge but the thirde yeare ye shall both sowe ād reape for ye shal plante vynes and eate their frutes And then thei shal come agene togither which escaped beinge of the house of Iuda and their rotes sente downe into the erthe they shal yilde forthe their fruteful highe For oute of Ierusalē shal cōe the reamnaunt that are lefte and thei that ar saued shall come from the mounte Zion These thinges shall the zele of the lorde of hostes thus bringe to passe wherfore thus promyseth the lorde as touchinge kynge Assyrye That in no maner of wyse shall he enter into this cyte no not so myche as an arowc shal he shote hither there shal no shylde or buckler be bente vp agenste hyr Nether shal they dygvp eny bulwerke agenste hyr but the same waye that he came shal he retourne For vnto this cyte shal he not come sayd the lorde for Ishal fyghte for this cyte and shal defende it saith the lorde ād shal saue it for my nowne sake and for my seruante Dauides sake Then wente forth the angel of the lorde and smyt .v. thousande an hōdred and .iiij. score in the tentes of the Assyrions and when the people of Ierusalem rose erly in the mornīge lo they laye aldede wherfore Senherib kinge o● Assyrie departed ād wente his waye frō thence and abode at Niniue And after this it chaunced on a tyme y t as he worshiped his god in the house of Nisroch Adramesech ād Sarezer his sonnes smit of his head with a swerde and fled into the lande of Ararat And aftyr this Esarhadon his sonne raigned for hym The .xxxviij. Chapiter NOt lōge before these thīges were in doinge Ezekias was sore syke and lykely to haue dyed and then came there vnto him Isaye y ● prophete the sonne of Amoz sayd vnto him Thus sayth the lorde Set an ordyr in thy house for thou shalt dyeād not lyue Then Ezekias turned his face to the walle and made his prayer to y ● lorde saynge Remembyr lorde I beseche the how I haue walked before the intrwe faithe with ꝑfit harte doinge thy plesures And thus saynge Ezekias wepte sore Then spake the lorde to Isaye on this maner Go thy wayes and tell Ezekias Thꝰ sayth the lorde the god of thy father Dauid I haue harde thy prayer I haue sene thy teares wherfore lo I adde yet vnto thy lyfe .xv. yeares also I shal delyuer the and this cyte which I defende frome the handes of the kinge of the Assyrions And this token shal be geuen y ● of the lorde that he will performe his promyse Beholde I shall bringe backe the shadue of the dyall which shadne is now descended withe the sonne arysinge in Ahazdy all and shall turne it vp agene .x. howers then turned backe the sonne the same .x. degrees ascending agene by the which the shadue had descended before The thākesgeuinge which Ezekias kīge of Iuda write aftyr he had bene sycke was nowe rekouerd frome his sore I had wente y t I shulde haue gone to my graue in my beste dayes when I moste desyerde the resydue of my age I sayd with my selfe I shal no more apere before y e lorde god in this lyfe I shal nomore be cōuersante with the mortal men but shal be with y e banesshed cytesens My dayes are foldenvp and taken awaye fro me lyke an herdemannis tente My lyfe is kutof lyke y ● weauers webbe whylys I prouyded to lyue he kut me of He made an ende of me on a daye I trusted at the leste to haue lyued vnto the morowe but he alto broke my bones lyke a lyon and made an ende of me on a daye Then chattred I lyke a swalowe and murmured lyke a Crayne I moorned lyke a dove lyftīge vp my eyes vnto y ● highe god saynge Lorde I am sore handled delyuer me vpon thy worde What myght I thīke or what might I saye that he wolde do this miche for me That I mought yet ꝑuse al my dayes ye although it be to my bytter payne For I knowe verely lorde y t this lyfe is saulsed with galle and that my lyfe is subiecte to all bitter myserye I knowe that thou makest me heuye of sleape wakenest me agene But lo yet shal I thīke that thou doste me grete plesure if thou grauntest me these kareful bitternesses Here thou stayest my lyfe that it ꝑesshed not whiles thou castedste al my synnes behynde thy backe For nether men layed in their graues prayse the nor yet y ● deade loaue the nor they that descende into their graues abyde for thy faithfulnes But it is the lyuīge man it is the lyuinge I saye that prayseth the euen as I do nowe this daye For the fathers laye forth thy faithfulnes vnto theire chylderne Sane vs lorde and we shal synge ower psalmes all the dayes of ower lyfe in the house of the lorde Then commaunded Isaye sayng take the plaster and laye it vpon his botche ād he shal amende And then sayed Ezekias Oh what a meruelouse thinge is this that I shal yet ascēde into the house of the lorde The .xxxix Chapiter AT the same tyme Merodach Baladan y ● sonne of Baladan kinge of Babylon sente letters ād presents vnto Ezekias For he had harde how that he was sycke amēded And Ezekias was glad of thē and shewed thē his tresure houses of his syluer and golde of his riche spyces ād his fyned oyles ād his preciouse oyntments he shewed thē al the houses of his plate and what soeuer tresure he had There was nothinge that Ezekie had other in his house or thorowte al his realme but he shewed it thē And then came Isaye y ● prophete vnto kīge Ezekias sayng to him What saye these men or frō whense ar they comē vnto y ● Ezekias answerde him sayng they arcomon vnto me frō a farre lande euen frō Babylon And Isaye sayd what haue they sene in thy house Ezekias
answerde al y t I haue in my house haue they sene I haue shewed them also all my tresure Then sayd Isaye to Ezekias heare the worde of y ● lorde of powers Beholde y ● dayes shal come that what so euer is in thy house whatsoeuer thy fathers haue gathred layed vp in store vnto this daye it shal be takē awaye karyed to Babylō neth r shal therbe eny thīg left saith y ● lorde ye certaīe of thy chylderne which shal go forth of the ād whom thow shalt begete shal be taken awaye also shal be come gelded men in the kynge of Babylons courte And then sayd Ezekias vnto Isaye The lorde turne it to good that thou hast nowe expressed but in my dayes sayd he I beseche y ● lorde that al thinges mought be quyet suer Here begineth of kynge Cyrus Cha. xl BE of good chere be of good chere my people say the yower god Se that ye counforte y e hartes of Ierusalem tel them of their reste and delyueraunce from captiuite tel thē howe their synnes shal be forgeuen aftyr that thei haue receyued their ful chastisinge of the lordes hāde for al their synnes Wherfore there kryeth a voyce saynge Prepare ye the waye for the lorde in the deserte and make the pathes playne for yower god in the wyldernes let euery vale be exalted ād euery mountayne and hyllbe layed lowe let kroked wayes be made straight rowghe wayes smothe For the gloriouse maiestye of the lorde shal appere which euery mā shal see for the lorde hath promysed it Farthermore the same voyce commaunded sayng krye thou And I asked hī what shal I krye which answerde That euery man is but grasse ād all their gloriouse beutye is lyke a flower of the felde Grasse as sone as it is wythred y ● flower falleth a waye And euen so the people is but grasse aftyr that the spirit of the Lorde hath blowne vpon them notwithstandinge this grasse be witherd and the flower faded yet abydeth the worde of ower god for euer yet this voyce commaunded agene ●aynge Go vp into the highe hill O Zion which preachest vs good tydīges Lyftvp thy voyce as lowde as thow mayste O Ierusalē whiche preachest the gospel Lyftvp thy voyce Isaye be not a frayed and tell the cytes of Iuda saynge Beholde it is yower god beholde the lorde almighty shal come with grete might shal rule by his owne power Beholde he beinge cleare noble both in counsell ād in his actes shal bringe forth his ryches withe greate triumphe He shall feade his flocke lyke an herdman he shall gather his lamb●● into his armes and bare thē in his besome But the ewes grete with lābe shal he wel noureshe Who hath concluded the waters in his fist spanned the heauens with his hande or hath holden vp the waight of the wholl erthe vpon his thre fingers Who wayeth y e mountayns in a payer of balaunces pondreth the hilles in a payer of scoles Who hath enformed the mynde of y e lorde or who hath bene of his counsel to teache hym or of whō hath he fetched his counsel to be taught the waye of iugement to instructe hym of eny knowledge or to declare hym the waye of vnderstandinge Beholde al naciōs in comparison to hym ar but a drope of a bucket or a batemēt of a balaunce The eylandes ar but motes in y ● sonne beame All the trees of Libanꝰ are not sufficiēt to make him a fyer nether al the beastes theryn ar enoughe for his brente sacrifyces al nacions compared to hym are as ye welde saye but nothinge ād but a tryful Vnto whom then wyl ye lykē God or aftyr what fasshion will ye paynte or karue hym Canne eny goldsmyth set forth his Image or cāne he with al his goold and thinne syluer plate caste him into eny forme that maye represente him Shal a keruer for eny mānis plesure that foly shly delyghteth to beholde his Image and haue not wherwithe to make it of gold or syluer chose oute a tree īputrible to setforthe his Image that cānot moue oute of his owne place are ye so blynde that ye se not these thīges Maye ye not heare wer not these vngodlinesses declared yow euen frō y ● begynninge Were ye not moneshed of these thinges at the laynge of the foundaciō of the erthe Sitte he not of whom we now speake vpon the ronnde worlde lyke as vpon a balle and are not we that inhabit it as lytel locustes Stretchethe he not forth the heauens lyke a cortayne and lyke a tente that is faste pitched to be inhabytede Doth he not bringe princes to nothīge the iuges of the erthe to duste so that they be neuer more plāted nor sowē agene nor yet their stocke roted in the erthe For a non as he hath blowne vpon them they ar wythred awaye and gathred vp lyke the stubble with a whyrlewynde But to what thynge I praye yowe wyll yow lyken me or aftyr what fasshion shal I be made saith the holyon lyfte vp yower eyes into the skye above consyder who made these thinges which ledeth forth their a raye or apparel into so grete a nowmber of whom he calleth euery one by his name For by y ● reason of his infinite pow r strength ād mighte ther is not one of thesehyd frome him Wherfore then shuld Iacob thinke and Israel saye My wayes are hyd frome the lorde my iugemēt scapeth my god for is it possible for the to be ignorant or not to haue harde that God is euerlastinge The lorde y t made the worlde laboureth not nether is he wearye nether is it possible his wy sedome to be serched oute But he geueth strength to the wearye and hī y t faynteth he restoreth right wel Chyldern ar weary almoste brethlesse ād yonge men vtterly falldowne but to them that wayte vpon the Lorde strengthe is encresed and oute of thez shal growforth egles wynges so y t whiles they runne they shall not faynte whyles they walke they shal not be wearye Ch. xl LEt the eylandes lysten vnto me and let the people take good harte vnto thē let thē come before me pleate their cause let vscall eche oth r to iugemēt wo stereth vp y t rightuouson frō y e easte calling hī forth to subdue to hym y e gentyles to holde downe kinges to dinge thē downe to the grounde with his swerde to scater thē a brode lyke stubble with his bowe so y t in folowing vpon thē he maye passe thorowe with oute perel nether be cōpelled to slippe a syde into eny bypathe wohathe wroughte made ordined y ● generaciōs frō y ● begīnīg Even I y ● Lorde which am both before the firste and aftyr the laste Beholde ye ey landes wonder ye angles of the erthe come and see whiche of yowe haue louingly byd yower neghboure and brother to dyner
turne y e derkenes in to lyght befo r thē y e kroked into an eaven waye These thinges shal I do for thē neth r will I forsake thez let them therfo r be turned backwarde be confounded with shame that truste in karuen images that saye to these caste Idols you ar our goddes Heare o ye deffe lyfte vp your eyes o blinde for who is blinder then my ●uante or so deffe as ar my messagers whom I sente vnto thē Who I saye ar so blinde as the people of the lorde rulers of thē They ar as ye wolde saye vnto one thou vnderstandest myche but thou obseruest nothing or as one shulde heare ād beleue it not full prone redye verely is y e lorde to forgeue for his rightwysnes sake to magnifye his worshipe his lawe to make it excellent cleare but this people is for lorne troden vnder fote Wherfore al theyr yongemen shal come to y e rope be thruste into depe presons They shal go into proyes noman shal be mynded to restore thē Which of you so taketh these thinges to beware by thez warned her aftyr Who delyuereth Iacob to be troden downe and Israel into a proye but the lorde But we verely are they y t committe these fautes agenst hī we ar they y t wyl not go ī his wayes nor obaye his lawes Wherfo r he power the y e wrathe of his hevye indignaciō vpon vs grevous batayls which assayle vs on every syde but yet we wil not repente and amende these stronge batayls vexe vs with burninge but yet we regarde hym not The .xliii. Chap. ALso thus speaketh the lorde which hath created the O Iacob and fasshioned y e o Israel feare thou not for I shal redeme y e I haue chalenged y e for my nown selfe gevē y e thy name y t thou shuldest be myne so y t when thow passedste thorowe y e waters I wolde be with y e when thou wentest thorow the floud esthei ouerwhelmed the not whē thou wentst thorowe fyer it burned the not neth r yet the flame skortched y e for I am y e lorde thy god he y t maketh holy Israel evē thy sauiour I redemed y e oute of Egypte the Ethiopes Sabeōs I destroyed to save y e because thou waste so preciouse in my eyes ād I setted so myche by y e loued y ● so interely I spent awaye what so euer naciō or people they we r for thy plesu r sauegarde to th entēt thou shuldst not feare but y t I wolde be of thy syde frō y e easte shal I bringe hith r thy seade gath r y ● frō y e weste I shal saye to y e northe geve forthe my people to y e sowthe let thez not to come to me ye yet farthermo r I shal brīge forth my sonnes frō farre lādes my daughters frō y e coostes of y e worlde y t is to saye euery man mamed aftyr me for hī haue I created fashioned ād made for myglorye bringe me forth people as wel y e blīde as thē y t can se as wel y e deffe as they y t heare let al naciōs gētyls iuwes be gatherd togith r brought in to one Which of al these goddes coulde tel vs these thinges haue shewed vs thē to come let thē brīg forth their witnesses go quyte for they y t shal heare thē shal reporte y t at iuste is trwe Evē I me selfe saithe y e lorde take you to witnesses whiche are my chosen because your owne cōscienses teache yowe evē y ● very selfe thinge cōstrayneth y e trowthe to be ascribed vnto me so y ● ye nowe vnderstāde clearly y t I am he which haue neth r peare befo r me nor eny matche aftyr me y t I am evē y e lorde alone y t be sydes me the r is no saviour I warne I saue I teache because ye shulde receyue no noth r. ye I appele vnto your own cōscienses to be my witneses saith y e lorde y e I am god y ● I am he y t is frō y e beginninge of y e tyme neth r is the r eny y t maye take eny thinge fro my hande or vn make y t at I make or do Thus therfore saith y ● lorde your redemer y e maker holy of Israel For your punyshment shal I send vnto Babylon shal cal to thez al their pow r that is to saye y e pow r of y t Chaldes whose glorye standeth in practizinge of warre I am I saye y e lorde your holy mak r y e maker kinge of Israel Farthermore thus sayde the lorde which layed forth y ● waye thorowe y e sea y ● pathe thorow grete waters bringīg forth chariets horsemen hostes with gret pow r to laye thē so a sleape al to gith r y t thei shuld no more ryse ye to quenche thē oute lyke y e snyffe of a candel Because ye ar evel rememberers of old thinges haue no vnderstanding of thinges paste beholde therfo r I shal make a newe thīge which shal flowresshe forth evyn by by wyl ye know it I tolde yowe it befo r nowe shal I tel it you agene I shal lay forthe awaye in y ● deserte in y e flowdes In y e wyldernes wylde beastes shal honour me dragons struthions shal knowledge me I shal geue waters in y e desertes flowdes in the wyldernes to geue drīke to my chosen people even to this people which I haue fashyoned fore my selfe to declare my prayse for as for thou Iacob thow woldest not cal vpō me thou disdaynedst me o Israel for thou offredst not to me beastes into brent sacrifices neth r honouredst me w t thy oblacions thou boughtste me no preciouse fragraunte spice w t thy moneye neth r w t thy fatte sacrifices dydst thou embrue me althoughe I dyd not requyre siche sacrifices of y ● neth r wolde I charge y e w t incense fume But thou madeste me thy ●uāte to bare thy synnes thrustedste medowne ladē w t thy iniquites when it is I only y t do away thy vngodlynesses for my nown selfes sake thi sinnes do I forget put me ī remēbrāce let vs reason togith r shewe me y t thīg wherby thou trustest to be forgeuen iustifyed as for y e fyrst man thy fath r is firste formest a synner thy intercessours betwene y e me haue synned agenst me wherfo r evē y e moste holyest rulers haue I slayne evē iacob dyd I kyl israel dyd I betake into blasphemye The .xliiij. Cha. NOw therfo r heare o iacob my ●uāte israel my chosen for thꝰ spake y e lorde which hath made fashioned y e hath ben thy helpe evē frō thy mothers wōbe let it not greue y