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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A67154 Certain errors in navigation detected and corrected by Edw. Wright ; with many additions that were not in the former editions. Wright, Edward, 1558?-1615. 1657 (1657) Wing W3689; ESTC R16243 281,730 362

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sencible error which insencible error if the over nice will avoid our Author hath not left him unfurnished with Rules sufficient for his purpose Besides if in the New Calculation there had bin any Difference tho never so smal the Tables would not have agreed with the Observations that he made at that Time nor the opperations that were wrought upon those Observations I have added the Treatise called The Haven finding Art to the end of this book the subject being both sutable and serviceable to every Sea-man and the more Notable because of the great probability there is thereby to find the Longitude which doubtless if there be two such Magnetical Poles as our Countryman Mr Anthony Linton in his smal Treatise intituled News of the Complement of the Art of Navigation and divers other learned men have affirmed tho our Author herein Dissent from them then may it not be very Difficult by the Latitude and Variation of the Compass observed to find the Longitude I confess it may be thought that that opinion may be refuted by the Variation of Variation But Time who hath lately revealed the Variation of Variation hath also discovered the Regularity of the Motion of this Variation by which the Variation of any Place being already known may be Calculated what the Variation shall be for any year to come But it were to be wished that this knowledge had bin revealed to our Author Mr Wright or some other so publique spirited as he was Another way of finding Longitude there is and that is by Celestial Observations lately set forth by Andreas Berlicome of Rotterdam which indeed I have translated into English and intended to have annexed to this Book but two Considerations Diverted my purpose the one was because the way Berlicome shews was long since set forth by a Countryman of our own viz. Mr Anthony Linton aforesaid and therefore I was unwilling to applaud a Stranger for the Credit an English man had Deserved The other Consideration was because those Observations cannot well be made at Sea in regard of the Ships continual Tossing and therefore not usefull for Sea-men Thus Courteous Reader wishing you to mend such litteral faults with your pen as may have escaped the Press I commend the book to your acceptance and desire that as formerly the name of Mr Wright hath bin famous all the world over where Navigation doth florish so still his memory may be remembred and every leaf of this book may be as so many Heraulds to proclaim the worth and Deserts of so excellent a Man Farewell Joseph Moxon The Preface to the Reader THe Art of Navigation as it is called though it hath now been in use some thousands of yeeres yet how farre it is at this day from the perfection which is and were to be desired wee would scarce beleeve as a wonder that a thing of so great commoditie should no more be sought into in so many ages but that both the bookes of the learned are extant to testifie and reason approved by often triall doth plainly shew that the principal meanes and Instruments this Art useth have been thus long so farre from this perfection that contrariwise they have been and are much stained with many blots and blemishes of error and imperfection 1 The Sea-Chart the best meane the Mariner hath to know the course from place to place as it hath bin hitherto generally made is so faultie in the very foundation and ground-work thereof that is in the Geometricall lineaments of the Meridians Parallels and Rumbs described therein that hereof there may arise so grosse error as may cause the Mariner to misse one two yea three whole points of the Compasse and more sometimes in a farre Northerly or Southerly Navigation in finding the course from place to place Whereof it may also be necessarily inferred that following the direction of his Chart in such sort as hath been used for finding the distances of places he may erre twice yea thrice so much as the whole distance commeth to and more sometimes in those Northern parts in taking the distance to be twice thrice yea foure times greater then indeed it is 2. The Compass the chiefest Instrument for keeping the course● shewed by the Chart by the Variation neglected as by some it hath been may cause you erre an whole point or two in the courses of divers places and not rightly used hath bred much confusion in many parts of the Chart in laying out many places in false courses which must needs follow when the Chart is made according to the direction shewed by the points of the Compasse without abatement or alowance answerable to the variation in every place This may especially be seen in those places where the variation is greatest as upon the coast of Florida Nova Francia and New-found land where some also seeking to avoid this inconvenience have fallen into another as ill or worse then the former in making a double scale of Latitude And thus one error as a fruitfull mother breeding another and one absurditie admitted drawing many with it it will manifestly appeare by exact discourse out of these grounds that partly through the false projection of the Chart and partly through neglecting or not rightly using the variation of the Compasse that it cannot otherwise be but that the ordinarie Charts are in many places much like an inextricable labyrinth of error out of which it will be very hard for a man easily to unwinde himselfe Hereto accord the often experiments and usuall practise of many well experienced and judicial Mariners and Seamen of our time who confesse that in sailing from the West Indies to the Azores they have often fallen with those Ilands when by their account according to the Chart they should have been 150 or two hundred leagues to the Westwards of them The like hath been found in sailing from the Azores for Vshent as I have also partly seen in the little experience I have had at Sea where we were come within sight of that Iland when by account of the ordinarie Chart we should have been fiftie leagues short of it And as concerning the Courses from place to place I have observed that some of our Masters take a wise course in not trusting to those courses which are shewed by their Charts But first getting themselves into the height or Parallel of the place to which they are going and withal knowing assuredly whether they be more Eastward or Westward then that place they then proceed alwaies heedfully keeping themselves under that Parallel till they come to the place desired Then which way of sailing there is none more certaine and infallible for the sure finding of the place assigned but it hath this inconvenience that it maketh the way longer then otherwise in should be if the straight course where kept But to returne to that from whence wee have a little digressed by these experiments and practise of the skilfullest Mariners it is manifest that they
that the rose or fly may play more nimbly upon the pin This pin must be made of lattin with a very sharp point and is to be fastned upright in a round box of wood which must be of the fashion of a great cup-dish containing the rose within it being covered above with a clear round glasse and the joynts thereof must be stopped with wax to the end that no wind may enter into the rose to disturb it There must be great care had that this rose with the wires placed upon the pin may go nimbly and may not swerve more to the one side then to the other but may stand even and level And when it inclineth towards either part you must put on the contrary part a little wax or a thin plate of lead fastened under the pastboard which covereth the wires This box wherein the rose plaieth up and down hangeth within two hoops of lattin which are two round circles inclosed one within another and distant asunder by the space of half a fingers breadth with two nails of lattin which are diametrally opposite And the box being fitly placed within these hoops you must make in the outward hoop two holes which must be distant from the foresaid two nails a quarter of a Circle both wayes And by these two holes must the outward hoop or circle be fastened within a square box or a round so as although that uttermost box be tossed up and down every way with the motion of the ship yet alwayes the superficies and glasse of the inner box may lie level with the Horizon And this being done with care the instrument which they call the Sea-Compasse is fully finished The manner of using the same is when being placed with the box in the midst of the poop of the ship where the bittacle standeth in a right line which passeth from the bolt-sprit by the midst of the main mast to the poop it serveth continually to govern the ship by moving of the Rudder till the winde or the line of your Compass towards which we desire to shape our course stand directly towards the prow or bolt-sprit of the ship They use also for the night to mark a point within the inner part of the inner box which in respect of the capitel of the Compasse may stand directly towards the prow of the ship And alwayes in guiding the ship you must take heed that the said point be continually joyned with the winde of the rose towards which you intend your course CHAP. XVIII How the Variation of the Compasse may be found THe Mariners use to examine whether their Compass North-easteth or South-westeth watching for that purpose when the former guard beareth with the North star North-east and South-west taking a little of the point of North and South And placing their Compasse in an open place where the North star may be seen if the flowerdeluis of the Rose looketh directly towards the star their Compasse varieth nothing at all but if the star be to the North-east so much as it varieth from the point of the flowerdeluis so much the Compass North-westeth and if it varieth to the North-west of the Compass how much the star swerveth from the point of the flowerdeluis so much the Compasse North-easteth And in regard of this variation of the Compasse there must alwayes allowance be made in the course which is holden This manner of finding out the variation I do account to be somewhat subject unto errour but at land there is another more certain way by the Meridian line which is to be taken in manner following The finding of the Meridian-line In a superficies which is plain and level every where and in a place where the Sun shineth at his rising and setting you must draw certain circles upon one center and having pitched a stile upright in the same center the head whereof must be approved with a pair of compasses to be equally distant from all parts of one of those circles observe you in the morning two or three hours before noon when the point of the shadow of the stile toucheth the circumference of any of those circles and having made a mark in the touches take diligent heed in the afternoon also when the same point of the shadow turneth about to touch in the same circle and making another mark in that second touch divide in the midst that part of the circle which is between those two marks Then laying your Ruler upon the point of the division and upon the center of those circles draw a line which shall be your Meridian and the true North and South Rumb upon which setting your compasse and laying your Ruler over the glasse that it may passe along over the Meridian and over the center or capitel of the rose or flie eithe said Ruler lieth over the North and South of the Compasse and then is the Compasse without variation or the Ruler declineth toward the North-east or South-west and how much it declineth that way so much the Compasse North-westeth or else it declineth towards the North-west and then it North-easteth so much as the Ruler declineth that way But to know the variation of the Compasse both at land and sea we will deliver another far more easie and certain way when we come to intreat of the universal Dial. CHAP. XIX Of the Sea-chart THe Sea-chart is nothing else but a lively picture of the earth and water And it containeth five notable things which do concern as well the true making of the Chart as also the inabling of the Mariner to know the way which he maketh the place where he is and the end of his journey The first is the laying out of the Coasts of the Land which that it may be truly done it is meet that every thing be set down in the Chart in the same course distance and heighth that shall be found in Navigation The second is that it containeth not onely the coast of the firm land but also all other particularities which do occur in sailing as namely Islands Iselets Banks or Bars Shoalds Rocks and Flats The third is the lines which signifie the 32 winds by the help whereof we may see whether the parts of the land be well laid out and in their true courses one from another And of these winds the black are the eight principal which are called whole winds The green be half winds or half parted winds and the red be the quarters of the winds You may know in your Chart whether these winds be well drawn if you trie with your compasses that all points of them be equally distant one from another and that all winds representing the same Rumb be parallels As namely that one Northeast and Southwest Rumb be parallel to another Northeast and Southwest Rumb The fourth is the graduation in all parts whereof it is meet that the degrees be equal one to another and that the parts of the land do directly lie East
and West from those degrees under which they are situate The fifth is the scale of leagues which you may see whether it be true by taking betwixt the points of your compasses just 4 degr out of the line of graduation which being applied to the scale of leagues must there agree exactly with 70 Spanish leagues or 80 English By the Sea-Chart are known five things The first is the lying or trending of the Coast. The second is the distance or number of leagues from one coast to another The third is the latitude or distance from the Equinoctial wherein all Lands both Continents and Islands as also every Port River Isle Shoald or Bank is situate The fourth is the rumb or rumbs by which we are to sail from one place to another The fifth is the point or place where we are with our ship when we are sailing The first is known with a pair of compasses putting one foot thereof upon the beginning of the coast whose trending we desire to know and the other foot upon the rumb which to our thinking is every where equally distant from the said coast For if one foot of the compasses running along the Coast the other foot keepeth by the said Rumb then we say the coast lieth even with that rumb And if our compasse runneth with out swerving one foot from the rumb and the other from the Coast till the point which runneth along the coast leaveth it then from that very place where it leaveth the same we may say that unto the other place where it began the coast runneth by such a rumb as if a man should say East and West Northeast and Southwest or any other rumb whatsoever The second thing which is the distance may be found by taking between the points of your compasses out of your scale of leagues if the distance be very great an hundred leagues and measuring with your compasse so opened from one place to another now if in so doing it falleth not just then remembring how many hundreds of leagues there are you must for the measuring of the rest pitch one foot of your compasse upon the point where the last hundred ended and the other foot upon the land whose distance you desire to know then bringing the compasse so opened to the scale of leagues you shall see manifestly how many leagues the said distance surmounteth above the hundreds But if the distance be lesse then an hundred leagues then setting the points of your compasses upon those two places whose distance you desire to know and removing the compasse so opened to the scale of leagues you shall easily know the distance of one of those places from the other The third which is the heighth or latitude wherein every Port River or Island standeth is to be found by pitching one foot of your compasses upon the Land Haven or Cape whose heighth you desire to know and the other foot upon the next East and West parallel and the compasse remaining in that sort move the point thereof along the said parallel or rumb to the line of graduation and there the other foot which lay upon the land will shew you the heighth thereof The fourth which is the rumb or rumbs by which you must sail from one place to another is known after this manner If you be to sail by one rumb only you may know it by pitching one foot of your compasses upon the place from which you are to depart and the other foot upon the very next rumb which to your thinking goeth most directly to the place whither you would go and running by that rumb with one foot of your compasse so opened the other foot will touch the place whither you are going But if it toucheth not the place whither you are going then pitch one foot of your compasses upon the same place and the other foot upon the second rumb which you suppose may lead you thither And placing one foot of another pair of compasses upon the place from whence we depart and the other upon the most direct rumb toward the place desired these two compasses running along the rumbs one toward another you must mark where those two points joyn together one whereof came from the place of your departure and the other from the place whither you are to go the point where they both concur is that to which we are to change our course As for example if I sail from the bar of S. Lucan to fall with Punta de Naga upon the Isle Teneriffe in time of winter it is evident that I must sail Southwest and by South till I bring my self East and West with Cape Cantin in 32 degrees and an half and from thence I must go Southwest and by west but not all the way because putting one point of the compasse upon Cape Cantin and the other point upon the South west and by west rumb next unto it my compasse thus running open alongst the said rumb the point which departed from Cape Cantin will run on the out-side of Punta de Naga But in such a case as this I place one point of one pair of compasses at Punta de Naga and the other point upon the Southwest rumb Likewise I place one point of another pair of compasses at Cape Cantin and the other upon the next Southwest and by west rumb Then let these two compasses so opened run by their said rumbs one against another and then you must look in what place heighth the very point is where those two points of the compasses which departed from Punta de Naga and Cape Cantin do meet and I say that when I am come to the said heighth and place having sailed from Cape Cantin Southwest and by west then I must change my course and run South-west CHAP. XX. Of the point of Imagination THe fifth thing to be known by the Sea-chart is the point of the ships place and this they term to cast a point or to set a prick upon the chart which is no other thing but to finde a point therein which is proportionally distant in the Chart from all the Lands and Islands there described so many leagues of the scale as there are leagues of distance upon the sea from the place where you are to the Lands and Islands round about you represented by these that are in the Chart. This point is to be found two wayes either by imagination or by traversing which may properly be called geometrical The point of imagination is usually found by the first of these two wayes when we sail directly by a parallel circle which is when we sail due East and West keeping alwayes in one heighth and distance from the Equinoctial or when we sail by any other rumb in close weather when neither the Sun at noon nor the North star in the night can be seen This point doth pre-suppose the knowledge of two things to wit the rumb by which we have sailed and that is known
answer unto one degree of Latitude 45 leagues and ¾ and you are then parted from your right line 42 leagues and ¼ Upon the seventh point doe answer unto one degree of Latitude 89 leagues and ¾ and you are departed from your right line 88 leagues as it appeareth out of the Table following The Table of the Author which is more precise Leagues of the course or Rumb Distance from the right line 1 17 ● 6 3 ½ 2 19 ⅜ 7 ¼ 3 21 11 ⅔ 4 24 ¾ 17 ½ 5 31 ½ 26 ⅕ 6 45 ¾ 42 ¼ 7 89 ¾ 88 The old Table which is less certaine Leagus of the course or Rumb Distance from the right line or Meridian 18 3 ½ 18 ½ 7 ½ 21 ½ 11 ⅔ 25 17 ½ 31 ½ 26 ½ 46 ½ 42 ½ 88 85 CHAP. XXVIII How you may come to know the Longitude or the course from East to West THat which the Cosmographers call Longitude is called by the Mariners the distance from the right line and the course of East and West and the heighth of East and West and it is a part of an East and west Rumb contained between two Meridians one of which runneth by the point or place from whence we departed and the other by the point where the ship is This distance from the right line is known by the mean of two things namely of the course and of the difference of Latitude or of the course and distance The course and the difference of the heighth being given you may know the said distance by traverse or by numbers By Geometry or traverse it is known in manner following the heighth or the distance of your ship from the Equinoctial being known and the Rumb also upon which you have sailed you must cast upon your chart a point by traverse and placing upon that point one of the points of your Compasses and the other upon the next Rumb of East and West you must place one point of another paire of Compasses at the haven or point from whence the ship departed and the other point upon the North and South Rumb which is next These two Compasses thus opened running by their Rumbs one towards another you must mark where the two points meet namely that which came out of the part from whence you departed and that which you removed from the point where the ship presently is being found by traverse and where those two points doe meet there make another point or prick Then looke how many leagues there are from the said third point to the point of traverse where the ship is both which doe alwaies beare East and West one from another so many leagues is your distance from the right line And if in stead of the leagues set down in the scale wee measure with degrees taken out of the graduation we shall have the degrees of Longitude which are between the point of our departure and the point of the place where presently we are And it is to be noted that alwayes when we sail we either alter our latitude onely and that is when we sail North and South or we alter the longitude onely that is when we sail by the self-same latitude going alwayes East and West by the same parrallel or we alter both latitude and longitude when we sail by any of the other 28 winds When we alter the latitude only we swerve not one jot from the right line or Meridian when we alter both longitude and latitude then must we find the longitude or distance from the right line in manner above-said But when your longitude onely is altered because then you must find out the point where the ship is by imagination onely there is no certain manner to know the longitude or distance from the right line but onely little more or lesse setting down a point by imagination and measuring by leagues or by degrees what distance there is between that and the point from which the ship departed By numbers you may find out the longitude in manner following The difference of your distance from the Equinoctial being known which is so many degrees more or less as you have increased or diminished in the heighth of the Pole look in the Table annexed to the chapter next before this for the leagues of distance from the right line which answer unto one degree by the rumb or point of the compass upon which you have sailed and multiplying those leagues by the number of degrees which you have increased or diminished in the heighth of the pole in your Navigation you shall then see how many leagues you are distant from the right line which passeth by the place from whence you came which leagues if you divide by 17 and an half then will appear unto you the degrees of longitude between the place from whence you departed and the point where you are CHAP. XXIX How you may set down in your Chart a new Land never before discovered IT may sometimes fall out in new Discoveries or when your ship by means of a tempest is driven out of her right course that you shall come to the sight of some Isle Shoald or new Land whereof the Mariner is utterly ignorant And to make some relation of the same or to go unto it some other time if you desire to set it down in your Sea-chart in the true place you may do it after this manner So soon as you have sight thereof mark it well first with your compass observing diligently upon which point thereof it lieth And secondly you must there take the heighth of the Sun or of the Pole-star that you may know in what point your ship is and that point you must call the first point which being so done your ship may sail on her course all that day till the day following without losing her way and the next day mark the land again and see upon what point it lieth and then take your heighth and with it cast your point of traverse once again and that you may call your second point Then take a pair of compasses and placing one foot upon the first point and the other upon the rumb towards which the land did bear when you cast your first point set also one foot of another pair of compasses in the second point and the other foot upon the rumb upon which the land lay when you cast your second point and these two compasses thus opened you must move by their rumbs till those two feet of both compasses do meet together which were moved from the foresaid two points and where they do so meet together there may you say is the land which you discovered which land you may point out with the in-lets and out-lets or capes and other signes which you saw thereupon And by the graduation you may see the latitude thereof that thereby you may finde it if at any time after you go to seek for it CHAP. XXX Seeing two known points or Capes of land
as you sail along how you may know the distance of your ship from them IT is the custome of passengers when they first descrie that land which they would arrive at to ask the Pilot how far they are from land Unto which question he may well answer if he know two capes or points or notable places thereupon which places the further they be asunder one from another the more certainly may he answer to that question Let him pitch therefore one foot of one pair of compasses upon one of the two foresaid capes and the other foot upon the rumb which in his compasse pointeth towards that cape And in like manner shall he do with another pair of compasses placing one foot thereof upon the other known cape and the other foot upon the rumb which stretcheth towards the said second cape and moving the two Compasses so opened by their two Rumbs off from the land the very same point where the two feet which came from the two capes do meet you may affirm to be the very point where your ship is And then taking measure by the scale of leagues you may see what distance there is from the said point to either of the foresaid capes or to any other place which you think good for it is a very easie matter if you know the point where your ship is CHAP. XXXI Of the account of the Moone THe account of the Moone and of the tides is most necessarie to be known of Mariners to enter and depart from any Havens Rivers or Barres and to pass by some banks and shoalds A tide is a regular motion of the Sea whereby at some times it seemeth more increased then at other And these tides are of two sorts for some are such as we call spring-tides and neap-tides and the course of this motion hapneth from one half moneth to another half moneth Others be those which we call more properly by the names of tides to wit a full sea and a low sea a swelling and a falling sea and these are from the one half lunar day to the other half Which tides as well the first as the second have their course and moving from the motion of the Moone which is of two sorts one proper from West to East by means whereof in thirty days almost it is in conjunction with the Sun which we call the new Moone and in opposition which wee call the full of the Moone and those wee name the quarters when it shineth half unto us The other motion is from East to West by the force of the Primum mobile or the first moveable heaven whereby in one lunar day the Moone passeth over all the two and thirty points of the compasse or to speak more plainly it riseth and setteth and returneth again to arise which two motions of the Moone being known we may easily discerne the manner of both kinds of the foresaid tides And because that to the knowledge hereof it is requisite that we know the middle motion of the Moone I will first set down how it may be known and then how thereby wee may discerne the seasons of the tides For which purpose we are to note that the golden number as it is commonly called is a certain number of years wherein the Moone hath all the diversities of aspects with the Sun that can happen between them which is done in every nineteen years almost As for example if in the year 1588 there be a conjunction of the Sun and Moone upon the 26 of April or an opposition upon the 11 of April I say that there shall not happen a conjunction of the Sun and Moone upon the 26 of April nor an opposition upon the 11 of April till 19 years be expired which will be in the year of our Lord 1607. And so are wee to conceive likewise of the quarters and other aspects The second thing to be noted is that from this golden number springeth another which is called the concurrent being the days of the Moone at the beginning of the year which year according to that account beginneth from the last of February about twelve a clock at night which is the beginning of March. And the days of the Moone which then remain besides all the whole lunare moneths of the year past are called by Calculators The concurrents because they serve to know the account of the Moone throughout the whole year that is to come and they concur with other numbers to know the age of the Moone Now by these two numbers to be able to discern the days of the Moone or the distance thereof from the Sun you are to note the Rules following The first Rule of the Golden number From the present year of our Lord you must deduct 1500. and out of the remainder taking one in every twenty we shall finde the golden number if they be just twenties But if they be not just twenties above the number of twenties wee must add that which remaineth above the twenties all which being added together if it exceed not nineteene shall be the golden number But if it exceed nineteen cast away nineteen and the remainder is the golden number The second Rule of the concurrent Divide the golden number by three and if there remaine one the concurrent is equall with the golden number and if there remaine two the concurrent is greater then the golden number by ten but if nothing remaine the concurrent exceedeth the golden number by twenty And if this concurrent exceed the number of thirty then the remainder or surplussage shall be the concurent The third Rule of the Conjunction The number of the concurent being known you must add it unto the number of moneths which have passed from the beginning of March last past till the end of that moneth wherein you would know the same and if the whole product amounteth not to thirty mark how much it wanteth of thirty and if it exceedeth thirty see what it lacketh of sixty and that which it wanteth either of thirty or sixty is the number of the days of such a moneth wherein the Conjunction hapneth The fourth Rule of the full and quarters of the Moone If the day of the Conjunction be before the 15 day of the moneth add 15 unto the day of the Conjunction and you shall find the day of the full Moone and if the Conjunction happen after the 15 day take away 15 from the number of the day of the Conjunction and you shall have the full Moone of that moneth The first quarter is seven daies after the Conjunction and the last quarter seven days after the full Moone The fifth Rule of the Spring-tides and Neap-tides Upon the day of the Conjunction and of the full Moone are the Spring-tides and upon the two quarter days are the Neap-tides and so much the more doe the waters increase as the Conjunction or full Moon are nerer and so much the more they decrease also the neerer they come unto
two guards are in the same Azimuth or the one directly over the other betwixt the lowest and the East Heighth of the Pole Star Heighth of the Pole Heighth of th● Pole Star Heighth of ●he Pole Heighth of the Pole Star Heighth of the Pole Deg. degr mi. sec. Deg. degr mi. sec. Deg. degr mi. sec. 1 0 40 50 28 27 58 43 55 55 30 47 2 1 41 27 29 28 59 31 56 56 32 47 3 2 42 3 30 30 0 19 57 57 34 54 4 3 42 39 31 31 1 9 58 58 37 9 5 4 43 16 32 32 1 59 59 59 39 32 6 5 43 52 33 33 2 51 60 60 42 4 7 6 44 29 34 34 3 44 61 61 44 46 8 7 45 6 35 35 4 39 62 62 47 41 9 8 45 43 36 36 5 34 63 63 50 48 10 9 46 20 37 37 6 32 64 64 54 11 11 10 46 58 38 38 7 30 65 65 57 51 12 11 47 36 39 39 8 31 66 67 1 49 13 12 48 14 40 40 9 33 67 68 6 11 14 13 48 52 41 41 10 38 68 69 10 59 15 14 49 31 42 42 11 44 69 70 16 16 16 15 50 10 43 43 12 53 70 71 22 11 17 16 50 50 44 44 14 4 71 72 28 54 18 17 51 30 45 45 15 17 72 73 36 34 19 18 52 10 46 46 16 33 73 74 45 18 20 19 52 52 47 47 17 53 74 75 55 14 21 20 53 33 48 48 19 15         22 21 54 15 49 49 20 41         23 22 54 58 50 50 22 11         24 23 55 42 51 51 23 45         25 24 56 26 52 52 25 23         26 25 57 11 53 53 27 5         27 26 57 57 54 54 28 54         An Addition touching the Variation of the Compasse WHeras there have been some of opinion that there be two Magnetical Poles by knowledge whereof and of the Magnetical Variation Observed in any place they have imagined they could find the Longitude thereof to shew the great error and uncertainty of this their opinion I have here set down this Table of observations of the Variation of the Magnetical Needle which partly by my self but for the most part by others both English and strangers have bin taken in all parts of the World almost whither any Navigation hath bin made for these many years Which Observations I wish the Juditious Reader to compare together with so good advice and judgment as he can whereby I assure my self he will be enforced to acknowlege with me that there can be no such Magnetical Poles found as they imagine To prove these a few instances may be suffic●ent amongst many that may be gathered out of these Observations For if there be two such Magnetical Poles there can be but one common Magnetical Meridian passing by them and the poles of the World but by these Observations it is manifest that there be many Magnetical meridians passing by the Poles of the World as namely the Magnetical Meridian about Trinidado and Barbudas also the Meridian about the Westermost of the Azores also about P. das Agulhas lastly amongst the East Indian Ilands some what beyond Iava Maior the magnetical and true meridian must needs agree in one Now seeing that all these Magnetical Meridians passe by the Poles of the World there can be no reason given why the magnetical Poles should be said to be in one of them more then in another and if in any then in all whereof it must needs follow that as many Magnetical Meridians as you have that passe by the Poles of the World so many paire of Magnetical Poles must you have which is absurd and therefore no such Magnetical Poles Now if any shall think that the great difference that is found betwixt divers of these Observations taken at the same place by divers Observers doth make any thing against the intention of this Argument he is much deceived For although there be three or four degrees difference betwixt some Observations taken at the same place as namely at S. Helena some make the Variation to be almost three degrees some almost four others will have it to be about five degrees and an half and some others seven and an half And although there be some four or five score leagues difference in determining the place where the true and Magnetital Meridian should concur or where there should be no variation about Flores and Corvo and about P. das Agulhas some making to be about seventy or eighty leagues Westward from Flores and some about thirty leagues Eastward from thence where some others will have it hard by Flores or somewhat to the Eastwards thereof And at P. das Agulhas some say there is no variation at all but according to others we must goe 80 leagues further to the Eastward before we come to no variation All these differences notwithstanding how great soever they be can be of no validity to infringe the force of the foresaid argument for still these Observations will necessarily prove that either at Flores and at P. das Agulhas or at the most within three or four score leagues of those places there is a Magneticall Meridian passing by both the Poles of the World which two Meridians differing so much in Longitude each from other and having in all Latitudes great variations betwixt them it cannot be with any reason imagined how they may be reduced into one so to make two Magnetical Poles only But of all these so great differences either of the same or of divers mens Observations we may justly take occasion to admonish all Seamen especially such as are to take charge that they be very carefull both in providing themselves of the most convenient Instruments that can be gotten for this purpose and also in the circumspect and artificiall handling of them whensoever they goe about to make use of them in Observing to find the variation considering how great and excellent use there may be made hereof for finding out the place whereabouts you are betwixt East and West upon the huge and vast Ocean though you have seen no land for a long time   Variat West Latit North.   De. M De. M. In the Ice Haven at Nova Zembla 22 30 76 0 On the West side of Nova Zembla 26 0 76 0 From Nova Zembla Westward 20 leagues 31 0 73 0 At Crosse Iland near Nova Zembla 17 0     At the Hollanders Newland 16 0 81 0 In the Iland of Vaygats 7 0 71 0 Amongst the Iles of Vaygats 8 0 70 25 At S. James Ile 7 30 70 40 On Land near the bar of Pechora 3 30 69 10 At the North Cape 1 0 71 30 From Fowlay Iland half way almost to Friseland 11 15     From Friseland half way to Labrador now called Newfoundland 28 0 62 0   East
6 From the Meridian of Sierraleona 187 leagues VVestward 4 50 3 0 From the Meridian of Sierraleona 187 leagues VVestward 5 40 1 50 From the Meridian of Sierraleona 194 leagues VVestward 5 45 0 45       South From the Meridian of Sierraleona 195 leagues VVestward 5 26 0 10 From the Meridian of Sierraleona 198 leagues VVestward 5 30 0 35 From the Meridian of Sierraleona 206 leagues VVestward 6 33 2 0 From the Meridian of Sierraleona 210 leagues VVestward 6 55 2 35 From the Meridian of Sierraleona 220 leagues VVestward 6 45 3 35 From C.S. Augustine North and by VVest 7 0 7 16 From C.S. Augustine North by East Easterly 6 40 1 4 From C.S. Augustine North Northeast 8 0 4 0 From Cape S. Augustine East Northerly 30 leagues 8 10 8 20 From C.S. Augustine 100 leagues 11 6 8 30 From C.S. Augustine not 120 leagues 5 37 11 30 At the I le Fernando Laronho near Brasil 8 30 2 20 Close by the coast Brasil 3 45 7 0 8 0 10 0 A little VVest from the Meridian of Trinidad near Brasil 11 10 18 30 Among the Ilands of Trinidad and Ascension 12 8 20 35 On the backside of the I le of Ascension 12 10 20 30 At the I le of Ascension 10 0 20 0 In the Meridian of Trinidad Easterly 14 53 27 0 Between the Iles of Trinidad and Tristan de Acunha 18 0     19 0       Varia East Latit South   De. M De. M From the shoalds of Brasil East Southerly about 14 leagues 12 30 19 30 From the same shoalds South-east about 55 leagues 13 52 20 10 Also from the same shoalds Southeast by East 13 20 19 37 From the coast of Brasil 150 leagues 10 0 18 0 At Cape S. Vincent in Brasil 12 0     From the coast of Brasil 100 or 120 leagues 8 30 17 0 7 30 18 0 From Laronho Southwest 12 leagues 8 1 4 20 From Ascension Ile 20 or 30 leagues Eastward at the Cliffe Penedo de S. Pedro 5 30     Betwixt Ascension Ile and S. Helens 7 30     At S. Helena 2 48     3 46     5 37     7 30     From S. Helena a little VVestward 9 0     From S. Helens not 19 leagues 5 40 18 30 From S. Helena northwest by VVest 16 leagues 3 45     From S Helena northwest 156 leagues 7 40 10 20 From S Helena 230 leagues 5 38 8 20 From Ascension I le northeast half a point northerly about 12 leagues 6 0     About the Ilands of Martin Vaz 13 0 19 0 Alongst by those Iles 11 15     From those Ilands northerly 30 leagues 18 30     From the shoare of Africk VVestward some 130 leagues 4 8 27 0 Bearing from thence toward S. Helena 2 48 25 0 From the main of Africa 160 leagues 2 50 23 0 In the Longitude of 28 degrees 15 20 32 0 A little VVestward from the Meridian of the Iles of Martin Vaz 14 58 28 35 Eastward from thence 15 37 28 53 From the former Observation 60 leagues 16 8 29 0 From the last Observation Eastward 27 leagues 16 52 29 33 Beyond Tristan da cunha 70 or 80 leagues comming from Martin Vaz 16 53 33 0 From Tristan da cunha VVestward 17 52 34 35 14 0 At the Iland of Tristan da cunha 19 0     From thence northward 16 8 33 34 Past the Iland towards C. Bona Speranza 14 0     From Tristan da cunha VV. n. VV. 368 leagues 14 0 2● 25 At Cape Frio 13 0     Near Cape Frio 12 0 23 30 From Cape Frio Eastward towards Africa 17 0     18 0     From Cape Frio about 125 leagues Eastward 11 8     About 155 leagues from Cape Frio 14 8 25 0 At Port desire 5 0 47 40 At the East mouth or entrance into Magellans straits 5 30     In the straits of Magellan 5 0     From Cape Bonae spei 900 leagues VVest by north half a point northerly 15 52 26 50 From Cape Bonae spei almost VVest by N. 180 leagues 8 50 34 0 At the bay of Soldania 0 20 33 55 1 30 33 20 At Cape Buona Esperanza 0 15     1 30     About Cape Buona Esperanza 2 0 35 0 From Cape Buona Esperanza VVestwards 30 or 40 leagues 5 38     Betwixt C. Buona Esperanza and S. Helena 3 45     From C. Buona Esperanza South 3 45     From C. Bona Speranza VVestward 40 or 50 leagues 3 0     From C. Buona Esperanza due northwest 5 37 20 0   West     From C. Bonae spei S.w. by S. 36 leagues 4 10 35 25 From C. Bonae spei S.w. by S. 28 leagues 3 50 35 30 At Cape das Agulhas near C. Bonae Spei 0 0     From thence 80 leagues Eastward 0 0     At Cape Talhada 40 leagues East from Cape das Agulhas being in sight of land lying from us north by East 3 47 34 20 At C. Corientes beyond C. Bonae spei 7 30     11 0 25 0 From C. Corientes Southwards 8 30 30 30 About the Ilands Primeras towards Mozambique 15 0 18 0 In the I le Mozambique 12 0 14 45       North. At the Iles of Nicobar 7 36 7 30 10 0     From thence till you come to the Line going towards the East Indies 11 0     At the Ile de Almirant near the line 13 0     Near to C. Guarda fui or Porto Galeacea 8 15 13 15 At P. de estreito or the mouth of the Red sea 5 15 12 15 At Baxos de Cuaqem 1 15 19 15 At Port de Igidid 0 40 22 0 At Xuarit 0 15       East     At Sidon in the bottom of the straigts 2 35 33 30   West North. From the place that is 200 leagues Westward from Goa to Cape Comorin 15 0     At Goa 15 0 15 20 At the Iles Comoro 13 0     In the Bay of S. Augustine in Madagascar 15 0     At Cape Romano in Madagascar 17 40 26 0 Near Madagascar 8 30 26 0 20 0 From Cape Romano Southerly 14 4 27   30   From C. Romano VVest Southwest half a point Southerly 110 leagues 14 14 36 34   Variat East Latit North.   De. M De. M. From C. Romano Southwest 50 leagues 15 25 28 20 In the heighth of C. Romano 8 leagues off 16 45 25 50 At the I le of S. Mary entring the Bay of Antongil 17 0 17 0 In the bottome of the Bay of Antongil by many and exact Observations 20 0     At the Bay of Tanassarin 5 30     At the VVest side of the sands of Saya de Malha 15 0 11 30 At the Iland Ragapez 22 11 10 0 From the
Clavius his grosse demonstration hereof 90 A more exact demonst with the practise thereof 92 The angle of dipping for any heighth of the eye 96 3 Error by the Parallax of the Sun corrected 96 4 Error in Observing by the refraction of the Sun or Stars corrected 97 Chap. 16· Faults amended in the Table of the Suns declination commonly called the Regiment of the Sun 97 Chap. 17. Of the Table of Declination of every minute of the Ecliptick in degrees min. and sec. made according to the greatest obliquity of the Zodiack this present age which by exact Observation is found to be 23 degrees 31 min. and an half 98 A Table of the Declination of every minute of the Ecliptick in degrees min. and sec. 101 Chap. 18. The use of the former Table of Declination 116 Chap. 19. The description and use of a great Quadrant for observation of the Sun on Land 120 A Table of observations of the Suns Meridian Altitudes taken by the foresaid Quadrant in the years 1594 1595 1596 1597 at London   Chap. 20. The finding of the Suns Apogeum and eccentricity out of the former observation 142 To know the time of the Suns comming to any point of the Ecliptick 142 Chap. 21. The middle motion of the Sun corrected out of the former Observations 150 A Table of the Suns middle motions 152 Chap. 22. A new theorick of the Sun for the making of the Table of the Suns Prosthaphaereses 154 A Table of the Suns Prosthaphaereses 157 Chap. 23. The making of the Ephemerides of the Sun 159 Chap. 24. How to reduce the apparent time to the equal time answering thereto 162 A Table of the Aequation of natural days 162 Chap. 25. A Table of Aequations of the Suns Ephemerides to make them serve for many years 163 Ephemerides of the Sun 164 Chap. 26. The use of these Ephemerides 169 Chap. 27. The making of the Table of the Suns Declination 170 Prosthaphaereses of the Suns Declination 172 A Table of the Suns Declination 173 Chap. 28· The use of the former Table of Declination or Regiment of the Sun 181 Chap. 29 The Declinations of the principal fixed stars about the Equinoctial corrected by Observation 183 A Table of fixed Stars about the Equinoctial 198 Chap. 30. The use of the former Table 199 Chap. 31. The true distances of certain principal fixed Stars from the North Pole found by late Observation 199 Chap. 32. To know at what time any of the foresaid fixed Stars come to the Meridian for any day of the year 202 A Table of the Suns right Ascensions in hours and minutes for every day of the year 204 Chap. 33. By the former Tables of fixed Stars and the Suns right Ascensions to know the houre of the night at any time of the year 206 Chap. 34. Of finding the Elevation of the Pole by Observation of the Pole Star and Guard 207 Chap. 35. The description and parts of the Sea Quadrant 208 Chap. 36. The description of the Nocturnal or night Diall 210 Chap. 37. The use of the Sea Quadrant first in Observing the height of the Sun looking only to the Horizon at Sea 211 Chap. 38. How with this Quadrant to Observe the height of the Sun with ●our back turned towards the Sun 211 Chap. 39. How to Observe with this Quadrant the height of the Sun or Star looking both to the Sun or Star and to the Horizon 212 Chap 40. How to find the height of the Pole by Observation of the Pole-star and Guard without giving or taking any allowance or abatement at any time when the Pole-star the Guard and Horizon may be seen 213 To know the houre of the night by the Nocturnal 213 An answer to Simon Stevin shewing his erorrs in blaming me of error in my table of Rumbs 214 The Contents of the TREATISE Of the ART of NAVIGATION The division of the whole Art of Navigation pag. 1 Chap. 1. The definition of the Sphaere 2 2. That the whole World is a Sphaere 2 3. Of the division of the Sphaere 2 4. Of the motion of the Heavens 4 5. Of the figure of the Heavens 4 6. That the earth and water make one perfect Globe 5 7. That the earth is in the center of the world 5 8. The whole quantitie of the earth 5 9. Of the Equinoctial circle 6 10. Of the Poles of the world 6 11. Of the Ecliptick line 7 12. Of the Declination of the Sun 7 13. Of the Colures 8 14. Of the Meridian circle 8 15. Of the Horizon 9 16. Of the 32 Windes 10 17. Of the two Tropicks 12 18. Of the Parallels 13 19. Of the degrees 13 20. What is meant by Longitude and Latitude 14 THE SECOND PART OF THE ART OF Navigation wherein is handled the Practick part shewing the making and use of the principal Instruments belonging to this ART Chap. 1. The making of the Astrolabe pag. 15 Chap. 2. Of the heighth of the Sun pag. 17 3. Of the Shadowes 18 4. Of the Regiment and Rules of the Sun 19 5. Of the Declination of the Sun and of the Tables thereof 20 How the Declination of the Sun may be found out 21 6. The Equation of the Suns Declination 22 7. Foure examples for the plainer declaration of that which is said before 22 8. Another manner of accounting by the Sun as they use in Portugall 25 9. How the height of the Sun may be known in any place whatsoever without an Astrolabe first knowing your distance from the Equinoctial 25 10. The Rule or Regiment of the North-star for the knowledge of the height of the Pole 26 11. The making of the Crosse-staffe 27 12. Of the position of the North-star and the Guards 28 13. Of the height of the Star taken with the Crosse-staffe 30 14. The Regiment or Rules of the North Star 30 15. Other things to be noted in observing the height of the Pole 32 16. Of the Crosiers 34 17. Of the Sea-Compasse 34 18. How the variation of the Compasse may be found 37 The finding of the Meridian line 37 19. Of the Sea-Chart 38 20. Of the point of Imagination 41 21. Of the Traverse or Geometrical point 42 22. Of the amending of the point of Imagination 42 The amending of the point of Imagination by the Traverse point 43 The amendment of the point of Imagination by North South East West 43 23. The point by Imagination and the height 44 24. What it is to increase or diminish in height 45 25. How you may cast a traverse point without Compasses 46 26. Of another kind of casting a point by traverse 46 27. Of the leagues which in Navigation answer to each degree of latitude in every Rumb 47 Chap. 28. How you may come to know the Longitude or the course from East to West pag 48 29. How you may set down in your Chart a new land never before discovered 50 30. Seeing two known points or Capes of land as you sail along