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A39083 Bucaniers of America the second volume : containing the dangerous voyage and bold attempts of Captain Bartholomew Sharp, and others, performed upon the coasts of the South Sea, for the space of two years, &c. : from the original journal of the said voyage / written by ... Basil Ringrose, Gent., who was all along present at those transactions. Ringrose, Basil, d. 1686.; Exquemelin, A. O. (Alexandre Olivier). Americaenische zee-roovers. English. 1685 (1685) Wing E3897; ESTC R20999 159,835 237

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Whale which we took for an infallible token that we were not far distant from Land which now we hoped to see in a few days We made an E.S.E. way and by it we reckoned nineteen Leagues All the evening was very calm Thursday October the 14th we had both a calm and close day until the afternoon Then the weather became very hot and clear This day we saw several land-Fowls being but small Birds Concerning which our Pilot said that they use to appear about one or two days sail from the Land Our reckoning was eleven Leagues by an E.S.E. way In the evening of this day we thought that we had seen Land but it proved to be nothing else than a foggy bank October the 15th both the night past and this day was very clear We made an observation this day which gave us Lat. 18 d. 00 South The 16th last night and this day were contrary to the former both cloudy Our way was N.E. by E. whereof we reckoned thirteen Leagues Sunday October the 17th the wind blew very fresh our course being E. N. E. About five that morning we saw Land but the weather was so hasey that at first we could scarce perceive whether it was Land or not It was distant from us about eight Leagues and appeared as a high and round hill being in form like unto a Sugar-loaf We saw Land afterwards all along to the S. E. by E. from it In the evening we being then within five Leagues of the shoar the Land appeared very high and steep October the 18th all the night last past we stood off to sea with a fresh wind This morning we could just see Land at N. N. E. We reckoned a S. E. by E. way and by observation we found Lat. 17 d. 17 South Tuesday October the 19th we had very cloudy weather finding what our Pilot had told us to be very true High-lands 〈◊〉 Arica concerning the haseyness of this shoar We saw all along as we went very high Land covered with Clouds insomuch that we could not see its top On Wednesday the next day we had likewise cloudy weather and for the most part calm The same weather being very cloudy as before continued in like manner on Thursday Friday October 22. this morning we saw the Land plain before us Our Pilot being asked what Land that was Punta de Hilo answered it was the Point of Hilo At N.N.E. and about six or seven Leagues distance it appeared thus unto us Punta de HILO. Lat. 18. d. 4. S. There is every morning and evening a brightness over the Point which lasteth for two or three hours being caused by the reflection of the Sun on the barren land as it is supposed This day we had but little wind and the huge want of water we were now under Great want of water occasioned much disturbance among our men As for my part I must acknowledge I could not sleep all night long through the greatness of my drougth We could willingly have landed here to seek for water but the fear of being discovered and making our selves known hindred us from so doing Thus we unanimously resolved to endure our thirst for a little longer space of time Hereabouts is a small Current that runneth under the shoar This morning we had but little wind at South our course being E S. E. The Point at the distance of five leagues N. E. looketh on the following side thus Punta de HILO. Our wind continued to blow not above six hours each day We reckoned the difference of our Meridian to be this day one hundred and eighty leagues Very great was our affliction now for want of water Hal● a p●nt a day we having but half a pint a day to our allowance October the 23 d. This day we were forced to spare one measure of water thereby to make it hold out the longer so scarce it became with us At three this afternoon the Point looked thus Punta de HILO. Mora de SAMA Here the Point looketh like unto an Island And Mora de Sama to the Southward thereof giveth this appearance Mora de SAMA About nine of the clock at night we had a land wind and with it we stood S. E. by S. But all the night after we had but little wind October the 24th All the night past we had very cloudy and dark weather with mizling rain The morning being come it cleared up but all the land appeared covered with clouds Yet notwithstanding in the afternoon it gave us again this appearance Mora de SAMA Lat. 18 d. 29 S. Under the Hill of Mora de Sama are eighteen or nineteen white cliffs which appear in the form above described This day we resolved that One hundred and twelve men should go ashoar And about eight this evening we sent our Lanch and four Canoas with fourscore men to take three or four Fisher-men at a certain River close by Mora de Sama called el Rio de Juan Diaz with intent to gain what intelligence we could how affairs stood at present on the Coast and Country thereabouts Munday October the 25th Last night being about the distance of one league and an half from shoar we sounded and found forty five fathom water with an hard ground at the bottom This morning our people and Canoas that were sent to take the Fishermen returned not being able to find either their houses or the River They reported withal they had had a very fresh wind all the night long under shoar whereas we had not one breath of wind all night on board Tuesday October the 26th Last night being the night before this day about six of the clock we departed from the ship to go to take Arica resolving to land about the distance of a league to windward of the Town We were about six leagues distant from the Town when we left our ship whereby we were forced to row all night that we might reach before day the place of our landing Towards morning the Canoa●s l●●t the Lanch which they had had all night in a Tow and wherein I was and made all the speed they possibly could for the shoar with design to land before the Lanch could arrive But being come nigh the place where we designed to land they found to our great sorrow and vexation that we were descryed and that all along the shoar and through the Country they had certain news of our arrival Yet notwithstanding our discovery we would have landed if we could by any means have found a place to do it in But the sea ran so high and with such a force against the rocks that our boats must needs have been staved each in one thousand pieces and we in great danger of wetting our arms if we should adventure to go on shoar The Bay all round was possessed by several parties of horse and likewise the tops of the hills which seemed to be gathered
an hour it forced us to hand our top-sails Having now a fit gale at N. W. and N. N W. we stood S. W. by W. to clear our selves of some breaks which lye four Leagues from the Gulfs mouth at S. and S. S. E. Hereabouts we saw many riffs and rocks which occasioned us to stand close halled I have drawn here and given unto my Reader so much as I have seen of the Gulf it self the rest must be compleated in due time by them that have greater opportunities of making a farther search into it then I had at the time of our stay here under such tempestuous weather as I have described and the distemper which hung upon me at the same time A description of the English Gulfe Lying a litle to the Northward of Magallanes Straights CHAP. XXIV They depart from the English Gulf in quest of the Straight of Magallanes which they cannot find They return home by an unknown way never Navigated before SUnday November the sixth this morning we had lost the sight of land so that we could see it no more All the night last past and this day we were under our two Courses and Sprit-sail The weather this day was hasey My reckoning was a S.W. half South way and by it twenty one Leagues We had now an indifferent high Sea and a fresh wind at N.N.W. November the seventh Variation of the Needle found here last night was both rainy and foggey but in the morning it cleared up The wind for the most part was at W. and W. N. W. But at noon it came about at W. S. W. Our reckoning was a S. W. by S. way and by it twenty Leagues We found by observation Lat. 52 d. 03. We now steered away S.S.E. the wind being at that time at W.S.W. In the evening of this day I found a variation of the Needle to N.E. to the number of 15 d. or better I was still troubled with the Gripes as I had been before November the eighth we had a fair night the last past About midnight the wind came to N.N.W. This day early at the break of day we all were perswaded that we had seen Land but at noon we saw that it was none but only a Cloud The wind was now at North. My reckoning was a S.E. half East way and thirty two leagues and one third of a league We had an observation that gave us 53 d. 27 South The whole day was very fine and warm and we saw great numbers of Fowles and Seales November the ninth yesterday in the evening the weather was cloudy Hereupon we lay by under a main-course After midnight we sailed East and E. by N. with a fresh wind at W. N. W. and not any great Sea The day it self was cloudy and toward noon we had some rain So at two in the afternoon we lay by under a Main course the wind being fresh at N. W. I reckoned an E. N. E. way and thereby twenty eight Leagues Thursday November the tenth all the night last past we lay under a Main-course Astorm with a meer fret of wind at N.W. and N.N.W. Day being come the wind did rather encrease insomuch that about noon our sail blew to pieces Hereupon we were forced to lower the yard and unbend the sail lying for a little while under a Mizen But that also soon gave way So that all the rest of this day we lay a hull in very dark weather foggy and windy with a huge sea which often times rowled over us In the afternoon it seemed to abate for some space of time but soon after it blew worse than before which compelled us to lower our Fore-yard November the tenth all the night last past we had furious windy and tempestuous weather from the points of N.W. and N. N. W. together with Seas higher and higher In the evening we set our Mizen At which time the Sun appeared very waterish but the wind now abated by degrees and the Seas also November the twelfth this morning little wind was stiring but only some rain fell About ten it cleared up and by an observation then made we found Lat. 55 d. 25. The Sea was now much fallen and a fresh wind was sprung up at W. and W.S. W. We experimented also a very great current to the S. W. In the afternoon of this day we set our sails again resolving now unanimously together to make for the Straights of St. Vincent otherwise called the Straights of Fernando de Magallanes We had a fresh wind at W.N.W. our course being S.S.E. under our Sprit-sail Fore-●●●l and Fore-top-sail This day we saw many Fishes or rather Fowls who had heads like unto Muscovia Ducks as also two feet like unto them They had two Fins like the fore-fins of Turtles white breasts and bellies their beak and eyes being red They are full of Feathers on their bodies and their hinder parts are like unto those of a Seal wherewith they cut the water The Spaniard calleth these Fowles Paxaros Ninos They weigh most commonly about six or seven pound being about one foot a little more or less in length Our Commander Captain Sharp had so much dexterity as to strike two of them In the evening we set also our Main-sail the wind now coming to the Southward of the West Sunday November the 13th all the night past we had a fresh wind between S.W. and W.N.W. with sometimes mists of small rain In the evening we enjoyed a fine leading gale at W. N. W. together with both clear and wholesome weather We made a S.E. way and by it forty two leagues and two thirds This day an observation gave us Lat. 56 d. 55 South We still experimented a great S. W. current In the afternoon of this day we steered E.S.E. and in the evening had whiffling winds November the 14th both last night and this morning we had cloudy weather About eight it cleared up My reckoning was a S.E. by E. way and by it thirty two leagues Our observation gave us Lat. 57 d. 50. South This day we could perceive land They see Land and at noon were due West from it In the evening we stood E. by S. November the 15th all the night past was very cloudy But lose it again We judged now that we should be close in with the Land we had seen the day before but the morning being come we could see none In the night much snow fell and in the day we had great fleets thereof the weather being very cold and cloudy I reckoned an E.S.E. way and hereby twenty nine leagues and two thirds Moreover that our Latitude was 58 d. 25 S. The wind was now so fresh at North that we were forced to lye under our two Courses and Sprit-sail Novembe the 16th most of this time we had still rain and snow but now no night at all though the weather was dark The wind was various but from midnight before this day
unto us and we concluded to expect until the next day for the delivery of the Beeves On the following day about eight in the morning there came in unto us a Flag of Truce from the enemy telling us that the winds were so high that they could not drive the Cattle otherwise they had been delivered before now But withal that by noon we should in no manner ●ail to have them brought unto us Noon being come and no Cattle appearing we now having filled our water and finished other concerns resolved to be revenged on the Enemy and do them what mischief we could at least by setting fire on the Sugar-work Hereupon threescore men of us marched up the valley They burn the sugar-work and burnt both the House the Canes and the Mill belonging to the Ingenio We broke likewise the Coppers Coggs and multitudes of great Jars of Oyl that we found in the house This being done we brought away more Sugar and returned unto the Port over the Hills or Mountains the which we sound to be very pleasant smooth and level after once we had ascended them It fell out very fortunately unto us that we returned back this way we did for otherwise our men at the Sea-side had inevitably been cut off and torn in pieces by the enemy they being at that time dispersed and stragling up and down by two and three in a Party For from the Hills we espied coming from the Northward of the Bay above three hundred horsemen Three hundred Horse coming against the● all riding at full speed towards our men who had not as yet descryed them and little thought of any such danger from the enemy so nigh at hand Being alarumed with this sight we threw down what Sugar we had and ran incontinently to meet them thereby to give our other men time to rally and put themselves into a posture of defence We being in good rank and order fairly proffered them Battle upon the Bay but as we advanced to meet them they retired and rid towards the Mountains to surround us and take the Rocks from us if possibly they could Hereupon perceiving their intentions we returned back and possest our selves of the said Rocks and also the lower Town as the Spaniards themselves did of the upper Town at the distance of half a mile from the lower the Hills and the Woods adjoyning thereunto The Horsemen being now in possession of these Quarters we could perceive as far as we could see more and more men resort unto them so that their Forces encreased hourly to considerable numbers We fired one at another as long as we could reach and the day would permit But in the mean while we observed that several of them rid unto the Watch-hill and looked out often to the Sea-board This gave us occasion to fear that they had more strength and Forces coming that way which they expected every minute Hereupon least we should speed worse than we had done before we resolved to imbark silently in the dark of the night and go off from that Coast where we had been so early descryed and the enemy was so much prepared against us We carryed off a great Chest of Sugar whereof we shared seven pound weight and a half each man What they got at Hilo thirty Jars of Oyl and great plenty of all sorts of Garden Herbs Roots and most excellent Fruit. CHAP. XIV The Bucaniers depart from the Port of Hilo and sail unto that of Coquimbo They are descryed before their arrival Notwithstanding they land are encountred by the Spaniards and put them to flight They take plunder and fire the City of la Serena A description thereof A Stratagem of the Spaniards in endeavouring to fire their ship discovered and prevented They are deceived again by the Spaniards and forced to retire from Coquimbo without any Ransom for the City or considerable pillage They release several of their chiefest Prisoners A Description of Hilo November the fourth in the morning we saw the Port of Hilo at E.N.E. at the distance of nine Leagues A great reflection more or less from the Land The white sand giveth a bright reflection over the land the which we could see after we had lost the sight of the land it self The next day unto this we had an indifferent fresh wind at S.S.E. We reckoned a S. W. half west way and by it that we had made twenty Leagues The day was very fair and sun-shiny and the sea very smooth November the 6th we had a clear night the last past and the day proved very fair and clear like unto the former We reckoned by a S. W. by W. way about twenty one leagues In the afternoon it was almost stark calme On the following day we had in like manner very little wind no more than the last twenty four hours They are troubled with the Survey We were now about this time many of us very much troubled and diseased with the Survey It proceeded as we judged from the great hardship and want of Provisions which we had endured for several Months past as having had only bread and water as was mentioned above Only at Hilo we killed a Mule At Hilo they eat a Mule which gave unto those who would eat of the flesh a very good meal as we esteemed it the Spaniards having swept away with them all other provisions of flesh But there we had plundered some small quantity of good Chocolate Chocolate whereof the Spaniards make infinite use So that now we had each morning a dish of that pleasant liquor containing almost a pint Next day likewise we had very little wind as before We made an observation this day and found Lat. 20. d. 05. South November the Ninth we had still very little wind and that variable We took almost every hour an observation and found our selves to be in the Lat. of 20 d. 18. South The 10th we had in like manner but little wind as for so many days before We observed an E.S.E. current or nearest unto it to run hereabouts This day we saw the homing of a very high land which much admired us for at this time I conceived we could not be less than thirty five or forty leagues distant from land They descry land We supposed it to be Mora Tarapaca That day we set up our shrouds Upon the 11th an indifferent gale of wind sprang up at S. W. by S. by which we made twenty five Leagues B●t are d●c●i●ed and one third We had now a great S.S.W. sea In the night the wind as we experimented came one or two points from the land This morning we saw the like homing of land whereby we were made sensible it was no land that which we had seen the day before On the 12th we had several mists of rain with windy weather We made by a S. S. W. half S. way twenty five leagues and one third We had
Wine and other best things as Plate and Jewels having descryed us at sea before our landing They were descryed before landing so that our booty here besides Provisions was inconsiderable However we caught some few Fowls and eat five or six Sheep and likewise a great Hog which tasted very like unto our English Pork The hills are all barren so that the Countrey that beareth Fruit is only an excellent Valley being four times as broad as that of Hilo above-mentioned These people of Guasco serve the Town of Coquimbo with many sorts of Provisions We gave the Indian whom we had taken his liberty and I took the Port of Guasco thus A Description of Guasco Tuesday March the 15th 1680. They depart from Guasco This morning we departed from the Port of Guasco aforementioned with very little wind having done nothing considerable there excepting only the taking in the few Provisions above-related We were bent therefore to seek greater matters having experimented but ill success in most of our attempts hitherto On March the 20th Moro de Horse being high doubled Land and at E. by N. appeared thus unto us in Lat. 24 d. South Moro de Horse Lat. 24 d. S. At North and at the distance of ten Leagues more or less we saw the great and high hill of Morro Moreno being so called from its colour It is a dark hill but much higher and bigger than the other afore-mentioned and appeareth like unto an Island thus Morro Moreno Lat. 23 d. 30 S. We had now very dark weather all along the Coast. On March the 21 we were West from the Bay of Mexillones Bay of Mexillones The point of this Bay one League upwards representeth exactly a Sugar-loaf They seek for the River Loa March the 22. This day our Boat and Canoas went from the ship being well man'd to find the River Loa They went also about two Leagues to Leeward of it But cannot f●●d it unto a fishing village but could find no place fit for landing whereupon they returned without acting any thing The next day another Canoa of our company went out upon the same exploit but found the same success Yet notwithstanding here Sir Francis Drake watered and built a Church as we were told by our Pilot. This Church is now standing on the Sea-side by the River whose mouth is now dry There are several Huts to windward of it and from the said Church or Chappel goeth a great path up the hills which leadeth to Pica On Thursday March the 24th we found Latitude by observation 20 d. 10 South This day also we saw Land at eighteen leagues distance more or less Sunday March the 27th we saw Mora de Sama and La cumba at some distance The same day we had an observation and found by it Lat. 18 d. 17 South That evening we departed from the ship with our Boats and Canoas towards the Coast of Hilo upon which we now were We landed and took the village of Hilo undiscryed They s●rprize Hilo they scarce suspecting we could have any design upon that place the second time We caught the Fryar who was Chaplain unto the Town and most of the Inhabitants asleep making them prisoners at war Here we heard a flying report as if five thousand English had lately taken Panama the second time and kept it But this rumour as it should seem proved to be a falsity At this time the River came out and was overflown it being near the time of the freshes Here the prisoners told us 〈…〉 of their Surgeons at Arica that in Arica ten of our men were still alive whereof three were Surgeons all the rest being dead of their wounds The Spaniards sent word unto Hilo that we had killed them seventy men and wounded three times as many of their Forces But here the Inhabitants said that of forty five men sent to the relief of Arica from hence there came home but only two alive We filled what water we pleased here but a small boat that we brought from Guasco broke loose from us and was s●aved to pieces on the Rocks Here we took eighteen Jars of wine and good store of new Figs. On Tuesday following we went up to the Sugar-work mentioned in our former expedition against Hilo and found all Fruits just ripe and sit for eating There we laded seven Mules downwards with Molossus and Sugar The Inhabitants told us moreover that those men who came to fight us when we were here the first time were most of them Boys and had only fifty Fire-arms amongst them They being commanded by an English Gentleman who is Married at Arequipa Likewise that the owner of the Sugar-work afore-mentioned was now engaged in a Suit at Law against the Town of Hilo pretending it was not the English who robbed him and spoilt his Ingenio when we were there before but the Townsmen themselves This day in the evening we sailed from Hilo with dark weather and little wind which continued for several days afterwards CHAP. XVIII They depart from the Port of Hilo unto the Gulf of Nicoya where they take down their decks and mend the sailing of their ship Forty seven of their Companions leave them and go home over land A description of the Gulf of Nicoya They take two Barks and some Prisoners there Several other remarques belonging to this Voyage They leave Hilo FRom the time that we set sail from the Port of Hilo until Sunday April the tenth 1681. nothing hapned unto us that might be accounted remarkable neither did I take any notes all this while by reason of my indisposition afore-mentioned This day we could hear distinctly the breaking of the Seas on the shoar but could see no land the weather being extream dark and hasey Notwithstanding about noon it cleared up and we found our selves to be in the Bay called de Malabrigo The land in this Bay runneth due East and West By an observation made we found this day 6 d. 35 South We saw from hence the Leeward Island of Lobos or Seals being nothing else than a rocky and scraggy place On the S.W. side thereof is a red hill which is a place about the said Island where the Indian Fishermen much frequent It is situate in Lat. 6 d. 15 S. This day likewise in the evening we saw the Point called Aguja On Saturday April the 16th we came within a league distance of the West-end of the Island of Plate 〈…〉 Pla●e above described 〈…〉 among themselves The next day unto this being Sunday April the 17th 1681. our Mutineers broke out again into an open dissention they having been much dissatisfyed all along the course of this Voyage but more especially since our unfortunate fight at Arica and never entirely reconciled unto us since they chose Captain Watling and deposed Sharp at the Isle of Juan Fernandez as was related above Nothing now could appease them nor serve their turn but a separation from
the rest of the company and a departure from us Hereupon this day they departed from the ship to the number of forty seven men all in company together Forty seven return home with design to go over land by the same way they came into those Seas The rest who remained behind did fully resolve and faithfully promise to each other they would stick close together They took five slaves in their company to guide and do them other service in that Journey This day we had 1 d. 30 minutes Southern Latitude We sailed N. N. W. before the wind The next day after their departure being April the 18th we began to go to work about taking down one of our upper decks Te●y begin to take down the decks thereby to cause our ship still to mend her sailing We now made a N. W. by N. way and had Latitude by observation 25 North the wind being at S. W. On April the 19th we made a N. W. by N. way This day our observation was Lat. 2 d. 45 North. In the afternoon we had cloudy weather The following day likewise we made the same way and by it seventy miles according to my reckoning On the twenty first in the morning we had some small showers of rain and but little wind We saw some Turtle upon the surface of the water and great quantity of fish We caught twenty six small Dolphins By a N. W. by N. way we reckoned this day forty miles April the 22. this day we caught seven large Dolphins Dolphins caught and one Bonito We saw likewise whole multitudes of Turtle swimming upon the water and took five of them We had an observation that gave us Lat. 5 d. 28 North. Hereabouts runneth a great and strong current This day we lowered the quarter deck of our ship and made it even unto the upper deck They save water from the rain that fell The following day we had but small wind and yet great showers of rain Hereupon every man saved water for himself and a great quantity was saved for the whole company In the morning of this day we caught eight Bonitos and in the evening ten more On April the 24th we had both cloudy and rainy weather By an observation we had Lat. 7 d. 37 North. Meridian difference was ninety two Leagues This morning we caught forty Bonitos and in the evening thirty more In the afternoon we stood North the wind being at S. W. by S. Isla del Cano. Munday April the 25th all the night before this day we had huge gusts of wind and rain At break of day we were close in with Land which upon examination proved to be the Island of Cano. To westward thereof is very high land About noon this day it cleared up and we had Lat. 8 d. 34 N. In the evening we sent a Canoa to search the Island In it they found good water and even ground but withal an open road At night we stood off the first watch and the last we had a land wind They anchor ●ere The next day following at day light we stood in and about noon we came to an anchor at the East side of the Island afore-mentioned which is not in breadth above one league over In the afternoon we removed from our former anchoring place and anchored again within shot of the N. E. point of the Island In this place groweth great number of Cacao trees Cacao-trees all over the greatest part of the Isle On the North side thereof are many Rivulets of good water to be found in sandy bays What else they 〈◊〉 We saw moreover some good Hogs on shoar whereof we killed one and two pigs Here are great numbers of Turtle-doves and huge store of fish but withal very shye to be caught To Northward of the Island it looketh thus Isla del Cano. Lat. 8 d. 45 N. April the 27th we had some rain and wind the forepart of the day but the afternoon was fair They depart from the Isle of Cano. The next day in like manner we had great quantity of rain On Saturday the 30th about seven of the clock in the morning we weighed from the aforesaid Island with little wind and stood N. W. That day fell much rain with great thunder and lightning Munday May the 2d This day we observed and found Lat. 9 D. N. The Coast all along appeared to us very high and mountainous and scarce six hours did pass Much thunder and rain but we had thunder lightning and rain The like continued for the two days following wherein we had nothing but almost continual thunder and rain On May the 5th we had an indifferent fair day And that evening we were right off of the Gulf of Nicoya Gulf of Nicoya Friday May the 6th This morning we saw the Cape very plain before us N. by E. from it are certain keys at eight leagues distance close under the Main We steered N. N. W. towards the biggest of them at whose E. S. E. side are two or three small rocks The Main Eastward is fine Savana or plain and even land through which goeth a very great road which is to be seen from off at Sea At noon the Port of Caldero Puerto Caldero commonly called Puerto Caldero bore N. from us At which time the Ebb forced us to sound in the middle of the Gulf where we found fourteen fathom water After this we anchored nearer unto the Eastern keys in the depth of nineteen fathom where we had oosey ground Saturday May the 7th The night before this day was very fair all night long In the morning we went in a Canoa being several in company to seek for a place to lay our ship in Amongst the Islands along the shoar we found many brave holes but little or no water in them which caused us to dislike what we had found On one of the said Islands we hapned to find a hat and many empty jarrs of water which shewed us that some people had been lately there About eight in the evening our ship weighed anchor at young flood and about three after noon we anchored again in six fathom water Sunday May the 8th 1681. The night before this day we had much rain with thunder and lightning The morning being come our Commander Captain Sharp departed from the ship in two Canoas with twenty two men in his company out of design to surprize any vessels or people they could meet hereabouts In the mean while i' th' evening we drove up with the tide there being no wind in the ship They take some prisoners and two barks for the space of two or three leagues higher till that we found but three fathom high water Here we back't a stern At this time we saw one of our Canoas coming off from the Island that was at head of us which was named Chira calling for more men and arms and saying there was two sail of
or Current drove us to the Westward of Cabo Blanco Off of this Cape and at the distance of two miles within the Sea is situate a naked and nothing but barren Key At E. by N. and at four leagues distance Cape Blanco gave us this appearance Cabo BLANCO Lat. 9 D. 30 N. The Coast here along runneth N. W half W. and groweth lower and lower towards Cape Guyones This Cape now mentioned at seven leagues distance and at N. W. by N. appeared thus unto us Cabo de Guyones Lat. 10 D. 00 N. At first sight the Cape appeared very like unto two Islands The latter part of this day was cloudy which hindred much our prospect June the 2d This morning we saw land which appeapeared like several Keys to us at N. W. by N. and at seven leagues distance It was the land of Puerto de Velas and appeared thus Puerto de VELAS They resolve to careen and then cruize This evening our Captain called us together and asked our opinions concerning the course we ought to steer Having discussed the points by him proposed amongst us we all resolved to bear up for Golfo Dulce and there to careen our Vessels This being done we concluded to go from thence unto the Cape and cruize thereabouts under the Equinoctial We observed this day that our Bark taken at the Gulf of Nicoya sailed much better than our ship Friday June the 3d. The night before this day was very fair and we had a fresh wind our course being S. E. This morning we saw no land In the evening the wind came about at S. S. W. and S. W. by S. June the 4th This day we stood E. and E. by N. the wind being W. and W. by N. In the evening we stood N. E. and descryed land at the distance of twenty four leagues more or less from Cabo Blanco Sunday June the 5th Last night we lay by for all or the greatest part thereof This morning we saw the Island of Cano above described which bore E. S. E. from us We saw likewise multitudes of fish but they would not bite Also Water-snakes of divers colours June the 6th All the night past we had rain and with it but little wind Yea scarce enough to carry us clear off from the Island afore-mentioned Towards morning we had a fresh wind at N. N. W. So then we stood out S. until morning and this being come we stood N. E. by E. The land runneth from Punta Mala to Golfo Dulce and Punta Borrica E. S. E. half S. At nine leagues distance we laid the Island of Cano. And Punta Borrica at the same distance or thereabouts looketh thus Punta Borrica Lat. 8 D. 00 N. The West-end of Golfo Dulce is very high land and a high rock lye close off it Besides which two other rocks lyeth farther out the outermost of which is a mile distant from the shoar The East-side is also high but breaketh into small points and bays growing lower and lower to Punta Borrica We came within the mouth of the Gulf about the space of a mile They anchor Then we anchored in eight fathom and a half water The mouth of the Gulf is almost three leagues over The next day being June the 7th we weighed anchor again at young flood and got about two leagues higher At evening we came again to an anchor in the depth of seven fathom and a half water It rained this day until eight of the clock Much rain more like the pouring down of water from the clouds than the usual falling of drops Wednesday June the 8th at day break we weighed anchor again with a fresh Sea-breeze The higher up we went the deeper we found the Gulf and at last no ground even with thirty fathom of line This day we sent our Canoa away to seek water and a good place to lay our ship in Having landed they found one Indian and two boys all which they made prisoners and brought aboard They take three prisoners Here we used them very kindly giving them victuals and cloaths for they had no other than the bark of a tree to cover their nakedness withal Being examined they informed us that a Spanish Priest had been amongst them and had made Peace with their Nation ordering them strictly not to come near any ship nor vessel that had red Colours forasmuch as that they were English-men and would certainly kill them Being asked where now the Priest was they answered he was gone to a great Spanish Town which was distant from thence four sleeps up in the Country After this the Indian left the two boys which were his children with us and went to fetch more Indians unto us from a Plantane-walk or grove situate by a river a league off or thereabouts We came to an anchor in a Bay close by one of the Indian Keys where two fresh Rivers were within a stones throw of each other in twenty seven fathom and a half water and at a cables length from the mark of low water The Indians whom our prisoner went to seek came to us several times selling unto us Honey Plantanes and other necessaries that we usually bought of them or truckt for with other things We also made use of their bark-logs in tallowing our ship in which concern they did us good service Their Darts are headed with iron as sharp as any razor Here one of the prisoners which we took at the Gulf of Nicoya informed us by what means A peace forced upon the Indians of Darien or rather stratagem of War the Spaniards had forced a peace upon the Indians of the Province of Darien since our departure from thence The manner was as followeth A certain Frenchman who ran from us at the Island of Taboga unto the Spaniards was sent by them in a ship to the Rivers mouth which disembogueth from that Province into the South-Sea Being arrived there he went ashoar by himself in a Canoa and told the Indians that the English who had passed that way were come back from their adventures in the South-Sea Withal he asked them if they would not be so kind and friendly unto the English men as to come aboard and conduct them on shoar The poor deceived Indians were very joyful to understand this good news and thus forty of the chiefest men amongst them went on board the Spanish vessel and were immediately carryed prisoners at War to Panama Here they were forced to conclude a peace though upon terms very disadvantageous unto them before they could obtain their liberty These poor and miserable Indians of Golfo dulce would come every day into our company They 〈◊〉 their vessel and eat and drink very familiarly with us all the time we were there We laid our ship on ground but the water did not ebb low enough to see her keel Mean while we were careening our vessel we built a house upon the shoar both to lodge and eat in and
every day we caught plenty of good fish On Sunday June the 12th the work of Careening our ship going on in due order we came to cleanse our hold A strange accident and here on a suddain both my self and several others were strucken totally blind with the filth and nastiness of the said place Yet soon after we recovered our sight again without any other help than the benefit of the fresh and open air which dissipated those malignant vapours that oppressed our eyes On June the 14th we had a great and fierce Tornado with which our Cable broke A great danger and had it not then hapned to be high water at that instant we had been lost inevitably However we had the good fortune to shoar her up again and by that means secure our selves from farther danger On June the 21. we weighed anchor again and went a league higher than the former place Here we watered and in the mean while left men below to cut wood Two Negroes make their escape Thursday June the 23. this day ran away from us two Negroes the name of one of them was Hernando who was taken with Don Thomas de Argandona upon the Coast of Guayaquil as was mentioned above The other was named Silvestre being taken at the Town of Hilo Following the example of these afore-mentioned on Munday June the 27th that is four days after two more of our prisoners endeavoured to make their escape both of them slaves One of these was named Francisco who was a Negro and had been taken in the Cacao-ship mentioned before The name of the other was also Francisco and he was an Indian born Others endeavour it but are taken who was taken before Panama Their attempts to escape succeeded not for we caught them both again before they got on shoar On Tuesday following I went to sail up and down the Gulf in the little Bark belonging to our ship and having viewed all places took this description of Golfo Dulce here inserted Our Captain gave this Gulf the name of King CHARLES his Harbour Adescription of Golfo Dulce CHAP. XX. They depart from Golfo Dulce to go and cruise under the Aequinoctial Here they take a rich Spanish vessel with 37000 Pieces of Eight besides Plate and other Goods They take also a Pacquet-boat bound from Panama to Lima. An account of their Sailings and the Coasts along OUr vessel being now careened and all things in a readiness for our departure They resolve to go and cruise on Tuesday June the 28th in the afternoon we weighed anchor to go to Sea again turning out towards the mouth of Golfo Dulce Our design was to cruise under the Aequinoctial as had been concluded upon before thereby to get what purchase we could by Sea seeing the greatest part of our attempts upon land had proved hitherto very unsuccessful unto us Wednesday June the 29th both the night last past and this day we had rainy weather About three in the afternoon a fresh gale sprang up at S. W. and S.S.W. our course being S. E. and S. E. by S. At five this evening the Gulf bore N. W. by W. being seven leagues distant and Punta Borrica three leagues and an half distant The bark out-saileth the ship Thursday June the 30th all night past we enjoyed a fresh gale at S.S.W. We sailed in the Barque where I was better than the man of war for so we called the Trinity vessel notwithstanding that she was newly cleansed and tallowed This day we had hasey weather and I reckoned my self from Punta Borrica S.S.E. eighteen leagues and an half Tornados July the first 1681 last night we had two or three Tornados I reckoned this day a S.S.E. way and by a clear observation found Lat. 6 d. 10. North. We saw great quantities of fish as we sailed this day July the second we made a S. East way and our reckoning was 64 by it By observation I found Lat. 5 d. 20. North. At noon the same day we had a fresh gale at S.W. with some rain July the third we had hasey weather We made a S.E. by S. way and 37. Munday July the fourth the night past was windy with rain which forced us to hand our top-sails Our reckoning this day was a S. E. way and an hundred miles July the fifth we had a clear night the last past and withal a fresh gale By this we made a S.E. way Our Latitude this day gave us 2 d. 20. North. This morning we saw Land Southward of us lying in low hammocks It was the Point so called of Manglares Wednesday July the 6th we turned up along shoar and by observation took this day Lat. 2 d. 02 N. Hereabouts every new Moon is experimented a windward current In the evening of this day we were close in with low land We had windy weather and a great Sea Thursday July the seventh this day by observation taken we found Lat. 01 d. 48. North. In the evening of the said day we lost sight of the said ship The next day being July the eighth we saw the ship again whose loss began to create some concern in our minds This day we made very high land all along as we went And the Port or rather Bay of San Mateo or St. Matthews appeared unto us like several Islands Saturday July the ninth this morning we stood fair in with the Port of Tucames Off of the highest part of the land seemeth to lye a Key At the North East point of the Port it appeareth exactly thus Puerto de Tucames This day at noon we had a clear observation which gave us Lat. 01 d 22 North. Sunday July the tenth last night past we stood off to Sea thereby to keep clear of the shoar This days observation shewed us Lat. 01 d. 31. North. About noon the same day we hapned to espy a Sail They espy a Sail. unto which immediately we gave chace We bore up one point of the Compass thereby to hinder her lasking away but notwithstanding in the evening lost sight of her again However our great ship got up with her and about eight of the clock at night made her a Prize She proved to be the same ship named San Pedro which we had taken the last year being then bound from Truxillo to Panama and laden with Wine Gunpowder and pieces of Eight whereof mention was made in its due place Thus this same bottom became doubly fortunate unto us being twice taken by us in the space of fourteen Months For she had on board her now twenty one thousand pieces of Eight in eight Chests and in bags sixteen thousand more besides Plate Munday and Tuesday the 11th and 12th of the said Month we made in for the shoar Our Prize was so deeply laden that she seemed clearly to be buryed in the water She had forty men on board her besides some Merchants ●nd Fryars On Tuesday an observation gave us Lat.
Plate was sent as a present unto our King being then in his troubles by the worthy Merchants of Lima. The Rock afore-mentioned lyeth about two Leagues distant from the Main August the 29th this day our Pilot told us that since we were to windward A great 〈◊〉 vessel cast away a certain ship that was coming from Lima bound for Guayaquil ran ashoar on Santa Clara loosing there in money to the value of one hundred thousand pieces of Eight which otherwise peradventure we might very fortunately have met withal Moreover that the Viceroy of Peru had Beheaded their great Admiral Ponce for not coming to fight and destroy us mean while we were at Gorgona This evening we saw the Point of Santa Helena at the distance of ten leagues to S.S.E. from us August the 20th Point St. Helen this day we had both misty and cold weather In the afternoon we saw la Punta de Santa Helena at N. E. by N. and at seven leagues distance more or less On Sunday August the 21st we had a fair and clear day I reckoned my self this day to be about twenty five leagues to the Southward of Santa Helena August the 22d This morning about two of the clock we came close in with the shoar We found our selves to be Leeward of a certain Point called Punta de Mero Punta de Mero which is nothing else than a barren and rocky Point Here runneth an eddy current under the shoar Tuesday August the 23d This day in the morning we had but little wind At noon it blew fresh again We made all day but short trips and riffed top-sails Wednesday August the 24th This morning a great dew fell At noon we were West from Cape Blanco We found by observation Lat. 4 D. 13 S. We resolved now to bear up for Paita They resolve for Paita and take it by surprizal if possible thereby to provide our selves with many necessaries that we wanted CHAP. XXII They arrive at Paita where they are disappointed of their expectations as not daring to land seeing all the Country alarmed before them They bear away for the Straight of Magallanes Description of the Bay and Port of Paita and Colan An account of their Sailings towards the Streight aforementioned THursday August the 25th The night before this day They descry the land of Paita we stood off to Sea for fear of the shoar and lest we should be descryed from the Coast of Paita unto which we were now pretty nigh About noon this day we began to stand in again and saw the homing of land though with hasey weather The next day being August the 26th we had cold winds great dews and dry weather Saturday August the 27th All this day La Silla de Paita but more especially in the morning we had many fogs In the afternoon we saw la Silla de Paita at W. S. W. being about five leagues distant from it Sunday August the 28th last night about ten of the clock we were close in with land at the distance of half a league more or less to leeward of the Island of Lobos Isle of Lobos We continued our course all that night and about break of day found our selves to be close under Pena Horadada a high and steep rock so called Pena Horadada From hence we sailed with a land-wind and sent away from the ship two Canoas well Manned and Armed They endeavou● to land with good hopes that we had conceived in our mind to have taken the Town of Paita undiscryed But as it should seem they had already received news of our coming or being upon that Coast and also supplies of Forces that were sent them from the City of Piura distant from thence twelve leagues up within the Country These supplys consisted chiefly of three Companies of Horse and Foot all of them being armed with fire-arms Besides this they had made for the defence of the Town a breast-work along the sea-side and the great Church which lyeth at the outermost part of the Town From these places as also from a hill that covereth the Town they fired at our men who were innocently rowing towards shoar with their Canoas This preposterous firing was the preservation of our people For had the Spaniards permitted our men to come ashoar they had assuredly destroyed them every man But fear always hindreth that Nation of Victory at least in most of our attempts Our men perceiving themselves to be discovered and the enemy prepared for their reception hereupon retreated They dare not to land and came on board the ship again without attempting to land or do any thing else in relation to the taking of the place We judged there could not be less then one hundred and fifty fire-arms and four times as many Lances upon the shoar all in a readiness to hinder our people from landing Within the Town our Pilot told us there might be to the number of one hundred and fifty Families more or less Being disappointed of our expectations at Paita we stood down the Bay towards Colan A description of Colan This is another Town so called and which exceedeth three times the bigness of Paita It is chiefly inhabited by Fishermen and from hence they send fish unto most inland Towns of Peru and also serve Paita with water from the River Colan not far distant from the Town It is the space of two leagues more or less from the Town of Paita afore-mentioned to Colan and from thence unto the River one league although the Houses of Colan do reach almost unto the River The Town it self of Colan is only inhabited by Indians and these are all rich for as much as that they will be paid in ready money for every thing they do for the Spaniards But the Town of Paita is chiefly inhabited by Spaniards though there be also some Indians but the Spaniards do not suffer the Indians to be any great gainers or grow rich under them About ten of the clock a young breeze sprang up and with that They stand away for the Straight of Magallanes we stood away West and W. by S. Within a little while it blew so fresh that we were forced to riff our top-sails the weather being very dark and hasey I took the Port of Paita and Bay of Colan as they lay exactly situated thus A Description of Paita and Colan Munday August the 29th All our hopes of doing any farther good upon the Coasts of the South Sea being now frustrated seeing we were descryed before our arrival where-ever we came we resolved unanimously to quit all other attempts and bear away for the Straight of Magallanes in order to our return homewards either for England or some of our Plantations in the West-Indies This day we had a great dew and I reckoned my self W. S. W. from Paita thirteen leagues and an half with very little wind So we stood East The next day August the
They alter their course the wind was at S.E. and S.S.E. We now lay E.N.E. I reckoned a N.E. by E. way and twenty three leagues About four in the afternoon two of our fore-shrouds bolts broke but withal were presently mended This afternoon also we saw a very large Whale In the evening we handed in our fore-top sail A Whale seen and lay under our pair of Courses and Sprit-sail the evening being very clear November the 17th in the night past there was a very hard frost Great Islands of Ice At four this morning we saw two or three Islands of Ice the distance of two or three leagues to the Southward of us Soon after this we saw several others the biggest of them being at least two leagues round By an observation made this day we found Lat. 58 d. 23 South We had now a vehement current to the Southward At noon I saw many others of these Islands of Ice afore-mentioned of which some were so long that we could scarce see the end of them and were extant about ten or twelve fathom above water The weather in the mean while was very clear and the wind cold I found variation of the Needle eighteen degrees to the North East Variation of the Needle November the 18th all the night past was very fair I must call it night No night hereabouts for otherwise it was not dark at all The Sea was very smooth and the wind at N. and N.N.W. I reckoned a N.E. by N. way and by the same twenty two leagues At ten it grew stark calme which held all the afternoon of this day But at night we had a wind again at N. and N. by E. November the 19th this day was cloudy with snow and a frosty night preceeding it The wind now was so fresh at North that we were forced to take in our top-sails and lye all day under our Courses and Sprit-sail We made by an E.S.E. way eighteen leagues and two thirds November the twentieth we had a cloudy night the last past A great fog together with mis●ing rain and snow This morning fell so great a fog that we could not see from stem to stern of our ship From ten of the clock last night we had also a calm and very cold weather But what was worse than all this A short allowance we were now kept to a very short allowance of our sorry victuals our Provisions growing very scanty with us About ten this morning we had a very small breeze at North. Extremity of cold Several of our men were not able to endure the cold so fierce it was whereby they were forced to lye and keep themselves as close as they could We made an East way and by the same sixteen leagues This day at noon I reckoned my self to be East from the Gulf from whence we last departed two hundred and five leagues and two thirds of a league Munday November the 21 Land Fowles seen yet no Land last evening we caught a small and white land fowl and saw two or three more and also this morning This sight afforded us good hopes we were not far distant from some Coast or other yet none we could see in all this long and tedious voyage In the night past we had a calme and all this morning a great fog with much snow and rain We reckoned an E. by N. way and ten leagues At one in the afternoon we had a fresh gale that sprang up at East and at E. by N. November the 22 most part of this day was calme In the mean while we could observe our ship to drive East My reckoning was an E. N. E. way and thereby thirteen leagues and one third At one in the afternoon we had a small gale at W. S. W. our course being N. N. E. and N. E. by N. November the 23 this day we had a gale at N.W. and freshning still more and more so that we were forced to take in our top-sails and sprit-sail The wind was not a setled gale but often varied from point to point At noon it came at N. E. and our course was then N. N. W. By a North way we reckoned sixteen leagues November the 24th both the night past and this morning was foggy weather with some calmes between times But at eight in the morning the Sun brake out though notwithstanding the day was not clear By a N.N.E. way we reckoned fifteen leagues This morning the wind came about to East and by noon it was again at N.E. We had a clear evening and a fresh gale November the 25th all the night past we had a fresh wind at E. and E.N.E. Insomuch that at eight in the morning we took in our top-sails But at noon the wind was not so fresh as it had been before I reckoned a N.N.W. half West way and by the same twenty leagues November the 26th last night the wind was not altogether so fresh as before but this morning it was again very high The weather was both dark and cloudy and brought now and then rain and snow We made a N.N.E. way and hereby thirty leagues The wind all along E. by S. and E. S. E. In the evening we had fair weather again We experimented for the ten days last past a great Western Sea and saw in the same time several Seals Sunday November the 27th all the night past we enjoyed a fresh gale and clear weather I reckoned thirty six leagues by a N. E. by N. way By an observation made we now found Lat. 52 d. 48 South 30 d. variation of the Need●● And I judged my self to be East from the Gulf two hundred eighty five leagues In the evening of this day we had a very exact sight of the Sun and found above 30 d. variation of the Needle From whence ought to be concluded that it is very difficult to direct a course of Navigation in these parts Observation For in the space of only twenty five leagues sailing we have experimented eight or nine degrees difference of variation by a good Dutch Azimouth Compass November the 28th all last night we had a fresh wind at E.S.E. More land Fowles seen but no land Towards morning we had but little wind all the day being hasey weather This day we saw a whole flight of such Land-fowles of which sort we killed one before as was mentioned above This sight gave us occasion to believe that neither then nor at this present we were not far distant from land and yet we descryed none in the residue of this whole voyage We made by a N. N. E. way thirty three leagues Yesterday in the evening we set a new sprit-sail and about three this morning we also set our main-sail At one after-noon the wind came about N. E. and N. N. E. which in the evening blew very fresh with cloudy weather November the 29th The night proved very cloudy and the wind blew
leagues distance Isle of Martnica Also the Island of Martinica bore N. W. by W. of us at twelve or thirteen leagues distance We had this day a very clear evening Sunday January the 29th We had a clear night and a fresh wind at E. by N. and E.N.E. Our reckoning was a N. N. W. half W. way and hereby forty six leagues By observation we took Lat. 15 D. 46 N. At noon this day we saw the Island named la Desseada la Desseada or the Desired Iland which then bore N. W. from us and seemed to be at eight leagues distance more or less At six of the clock in the evening we saw likewise Marigalanta Marigalanta another of the Cariby Islands at S. W. by W. from us and that of Guadalupe streaking it self in several hammocks of land Guadalupe both Westward and Northward as also la Desseada above-mentioned at S. E. which from thence showeth like table-table-land and at each end hath a low point running out At six this evening it was W. S. W. and at five or six leagues distance from us At the same time we saw the Island of Monserrate at a great distance from our ship Monserrate and making three round hammocks close together This evening likewise we caught an Albicore of twenty pound weight Munday January the 30th We had a fair night all the last past and a fresh wind Hereupon all night we halled up our main-sail in brails standing at the same time N. by W. with th● wind at E. N. E. At midnight we stood N. W. At three in the morning we lay by until five Then we stood away W. N. W. until six and at that hour we stood W. At eight of the clock we saw the Island of la Antigua 〈◊〉 Antigua called by us Antego to the Southward of us making three round hammocks of land and a long high hill to Northw●●d Hereupon we stood W. S. W. for it At noon we fo●nd Lat. 17 D. N. the Island being then just W. from us We came about to th● S. of the Island and sent a Canoa on shore for to get Tobacco and other necessaries that we wanted as also to ask leave of the Governour to come into the Port. The Gentry of the place and common people were very willing and desirous to receive us But on Wednesday February the first the Governour flatly denyed us entry at which all the Gentry were much greived and shewed themselves very kind unto us Hereupon we agreed among our selves They give away the ship to give away and leave the ship unto them of our company who had no money left them of all their purchase in this Voyage having lost it all at play And disperse and then to divide our selves into two Ships which were now bound for England Thus I my self and thirteen more of our company went on board Captain Robert Porteen his ship called the Lisbon Merchant and set sail from la Antigua on February the eleventh and landed at Dartmouth in England March the 26th Anno 1682. FINIS THE TABLE To the Second Volum OF THE BUCANIERS A. ALbicores a sort of fish so called by the Spaniards 47 203. An huge one taken 204. Another taken of one hundred and thirty five pound weight ibid. Alexander John one of the Bucaniers and a Scotchman drowned at the Gulf of Nicoya 145 Captain Alleston a Commmander among the Bucaniers his Forces p. 2. He is left to guard the ships 4 Captain Alonso a Spanish Officer killed by the Bucaniers 164 Ahorcados two rocks so called nigh the Island of Solango 167 Anchova's huge shoals of them 103 Captain Andraeas a chief Commander among the Indians he conducteth the Bucaniers to the Golden Island 3. He embarketh with them for Santa Maria 8. He returneth home with the King of Darien from Panama 35 Captain Antonio a man of great parts and a chief Commander among the Indians of Darien 5. He joyneth the Bucaniers and perswadeth them to undertake the Journey of Santa Maria ibid. He returneth home from before Panama 35 Antigua alias Antego one of the Caribe Islands 212. It s Governour denieth entry to the Bucaniers ibid. Argandona Don Tomas Commander of a Spanish Vessel taken before Guayaquil 81. He is set at liberty 109 Arequipa an English Gentleman inhabitant thereof and married there fought the Bucaniers at Hilo 143 Arica designed upon by the Bucaniers 53. Being arrived there they dare not to land 93. is designed upon the second time 126. its Governour is Proprietor of Yqueque 129. The Town assaulted and taken but the Fort standeth out 130 c. A description of its Coast and scituation 136. Some account of the place 135 Alligators their bigness and nature 43 Armadilla of Panama destroyed by the Bucaniers 27. Description of that bloudy fight ibid. c. Three Armadilla-barks sent to keep the mouth of the River of Santa Maria for fear of the Bucaniers 145 Captain Assientos his brother killed by the Bucaniers 164 B. Don Baltazar a Gentleman of Quality taken in a Vessel before Guayaquil 82. He is set at liberty 109 Barahona Don Jacinto Admiral of the Armadilla of Panama 28. He is killed in the engagement 30 Barbadas Island descryed by the Bucaniers being the first land they saw 209 Barbacoa a part of the Continent of America in the South Sea 49 Barcos de la Armadilla 27. Two of them taken by the Bucaniers ibid. c. Barco de aviso or a Packet-boat taken by the Bucaniers 161 Bark-logs 70. Their use 78 Beafero or rather Viviero a Negr●-boy whose leg was cut off at Sea dyeth 199 Boca del Toro the place of the general rendezvous of the Bucaniers 1 Bonitos a sort of fish so called 47. many caught 141 142 seen 203. Booby a bird so called seen at Sea being a token of land nigh at hand 208 Captain Bournano a French Commander his forces his attempts on a place called Chepo he tampereth with the Indians of Darien 2. He leaveth the Bucaniers and why 3 Bucaniers they land on Darien being in all three hundred and thirty one men their march towards Santa Maria 4. Their Arms and provisions ibid. Four of their number tire and return to the ships 5. Difficulties of this march ibid. c. They are jealous of the Indians yet without cause 9. They take the Town and Fort of Santa Maria 10. They find little purchase there the Gold being conveyed away ibid. They resolve to go for Panama 12. Are deserted by the Indians excepting the chief Commanders of them Are encouraged by a Spaniard who promiseth to guide them safely ibid. They take two Barks by the way 24. Item several prisoners whom they kill in cold blood as also a Peragua at Chepillo 25 26. They engage the Armadilla of Panama and destroy it by a fierce and bloody fight 27 c. They block up Panama by Sea and take several Vessels before the Town 31. They go
Sun observed 84. What followed ibid. Embargo laid on all Spanish Vessels in the South Sea for fear of the Bucaniers 76. it is taken off 129 Enchanted Island 205 English Gulf a place so named by the Bucaniers its draught 188 F. Farol or Farollon de Glantanos an Island so called nigh Panama 24. The Bucaniers arrive there and seize the watchman of the Isle ibid. Fowls very great seen at Sea and where 102. seen again 114. A strange Sea-fowl like an Eagle 180 Francisco a Negro attempteth to make his escape 154. He is detained prisoner for this attempt 159 Francisco an Indian attempteth the same ibid. Francisco a Biscayner and a Pilot of the South Sea 163 G. Galapagos an Island of the South Sea where the Bucaniers designed to careen 48. Great currents and calms thereabouts 64 Gallo an Island nigh Gorgona its latitude and appearance at Sea 56 Grampusses 53 61 199 Guayaquil designed upon by Sawkins also by Captain Sharp 45. They change this resolution 53. An account of the said place 71 Goat-key a place so called 74 Goats in huge quantity at the Isle of Juan Fernandez 116 Gold whereabouts gathered in great quantity 11 50 53 127 Golden Island whereabouts scituated the Bucaniers meet at the said place 4 Golfo Dulce a draught thereof 155. it is named King Charles his Harbour by Captain Sharp 154 Gorgona Island its latitude scituation appearance at Sea and description 50 51 c. it s continual rains 49 Gorgonilla another Island 56 Gulf of San Miguel 4 15 16. its smoothness of water 18 Gulf of Ballona 14. its description 20. How it lieth in relation to the Bay of Panama 40 Gulf of Nicoya its description 148. The Bucaniers arrive there and search it 143. They take there some prisoners and two barks 144 Gulf of the English or English Gulf its draught and description 188 Guadalupe one of the Caribe-Islands its appearance at Sea 211 Guasco its Point 138. An account of this place 139. Description of its Port 144 Guyones a Cape so named its latitude and appearance at Sea 150 H. Captain Harris a chief Commander among the Bucaniers 2. What party he led at their first landing upon Darien 4. He taketh a Spanish Bark 25. is killed in the engagement before Panama 32 Hilo its Port and Point 94 91 92. The Town taken 94. The Sugar-work burnt 97. The inhabitants force the Bucaniers to retreat ibid. What they got there 98. The place surprized and taken again 142 Hernando a Negro of this name runneth away from the Bucaniers 154 Houses of Darien how they are built even neater than those at Jamaica 6 I. Juan Fernandez an Island of this name its appearance at Sea description and some account thereof 115 c. A particular observation made there by the Author and others ibid Juan Diaz a River so called nigh Arica 136 Captain Juan a Spanish Commander promiseth to conduct the Bucaniers to Guayaquil 45. He is set at liberty 109 Joseph Gabriel a Spaniard dieth 53. He promiseth to deliver Panama into the hands of the Bucaniers ibid. Islands of Ice 192 Island enchanted 205 K. King of Darien goeth with the Bucaniers to take Panama 13. He promiseth 50000 men to assist the English ibid. He returneth home from Panama 35 King Golden-cap Son unto the King of Darien 13. He goeth with the Bucaniers on the expedition of Panama ibid. He remaineth behind after his Father was returned home 35 King Charle's his Harbour 154 King Charles the first of England assisted by the Merchants of Lima 63 L. Land of San Tiago 57 Land of San Matteo 57 Land-fowls 88. seen at Sea yet no land 193 194 Land seen but not found about the Latitude of 57 D. South 191 Leaves of a certain nature eaten by the Inhabitants of Yqueque 128 Lapina the Embarcadero of Guayaquil 71 Lima its Merchants send a ship laden with Plate unto the King of England 63. its Table used by the Author 101. Whereabouts the ship was lost 167 Limpets in strange quantities at the Duke of Yorks Islands 180 c. Limpet point 188 Loa a River so called 142. The Bucaniers could not find it ibid. A Church built there by Sir Francis Drake ibid. Lobos an Island so called or the Isle of Seals 140 169 Lopez Don Diego Commander of el Santo Rosario being a rich prize taken under the Aequinoctial 163. is killed in the fight ibid. Santa Lucia an Isle of this name being one of the Western Islands 210 Lyons adore the Cross at Tumbez 76 Lyon of the Sea or a Sea-Lyon its description and where seen by the Author 110 M. Captain Mackett a Commander among the Bucaniers his forces 2. He is left to guard the ships 4 Magallan-Clouds very famous among the Bucaniers 85 Man-of-war-fowl a Sea-fowl so called in the West-India's 207 Manta a Port and Town so called 60 61 165 Manzanilla-tree the effects of the drops falling from off the leaves 44. One of the Bucaniers poysoned therewith 206 Santa Maria a Town so called with a Garrison is designed upon by the Bucaniers its scituation 4. is taken and burnt 10 14 Santa Martha a Spanish Town taken by Captain Sawkins 38. The Bishop thereof made Bishop of Panama Marigalanta one of the Caribe-Islands 211 Martinica-Island another of the Western Isles ibid. San Matteo its Bay 158. Land of San Matteo 57 Mero a Point of land of this name 168 Mexillones a Bay so called 142 Mines of Silver very rich 127 San Miguel the Gulf. ibid. Miscelaw how it is prepared 7 8 Monte de Christo its latitude and appearance at Sea 61 Montgomery Robert one of the Bucaniers dieth 82 Monserrate one of the Caribe-Islands its appearance at Sea 211 Mora de Sama 91 92 Moro de Horse its appearance at Sea 141 Morro Moreno its appearance at Sea ibid. Mulato-boy one given by the Bucaniers unto Captain Sharp for to wait on him 210 Mules flesh eaten by the Bucaniers at Hilo 99 Mussels in great quantities found at the Duke of Torks Islands 180. Huge ones 183. Those Indians open them more readily with their fingers than we with knives ibid. Mussel Point 188 N. Negro's two of them make their escape 154. More attempt it but are taken ibid. Negro a Shoomaker to the Bucaniers set at liberty for his good service 210 Needle its variation observed by the Author at several places and times 189 192 194 198 200 203 206 Nicoya the Gulf. Night whereabouts the Bucaniers found none 192 Noddy a bird of this name seen at Sea with hopes of seeing land 209 O. Observation made by the Author concerning the Navigation about the latitude of 52 D. S. where the Needle varieth very much 194 Orson a name so given to an Indian boy taken in the English Gulf 185 Oisters very large and great at Cayboa 44 Otoque an Island of the Bay of Panama 38 40 P. Paita 77 78. The Bucaniers design upon the said place 168. Description of its Bay and scituation 191
so we found it by experience For on the next day which was Sunday June the 13th we had very little wind and most commonly none for the space of twenty four hours 〈…〉 we tryed the current of the sea and found it very strong to the Eastward The same day we had much rain and in the afternoon a small breeze at West and West South West but mostly at West Yet notwithstanding all this calmness of weather the next day in the morning very early by a suddain gale of wind which arose we made shift to split our main top-●ail We had all the night before and that day continual and incessant showers of rain and made a S. W. and by south way seeing all along as we went a multitude of Dolphins Bonitos and several other sorts of fish floating upon those Seas whereof in the afternoon we caught many the weather being now changed from stormy to calm again insomuch that we could fish as we sailed along or rather as we lay tumbling in the calm Tuesday June the 15th the morning continued calm as the day ●efore and this day also we saw multitudes of fish of several sorts whereof we caught some for our Table as we were wont to do By an observation which was made this day we found our selves to be now in the latitude of four degrees and twenty one minutes At this time the course of our Navigation and our whole design was to go and careen our Vessels at the Islands commonly called by the Spaniards de los Galapagos that is to say of the Tortoises being so denominated from the infinite number of those Animals swarming and breeding thereabouts These Islands are situated under the Aequinoctial Line at the distance of a hundred Leagues more or less from the main Continent of America in the South Sea In the afternoon of this day we had a small breeze to push us forwards June the 16th being Wednesday we made our way this day G●eat rains all 〈…〉 and for the four and twenty hours last past E.S. E. with much rain which ceased not to fall as in all this Voyage since our departure from Cayboa This day likewise we caught several Dolphins and other sorts of fish But in the evening we had again a fresh breeze at S. by W. our course being as was just now said E. S. E. The next day which was June the 17th about five in the morning we descryed Land which appeared all along to be very low and likewise full of Creeks and Bays We instantly asked our Pilot what Land that was before us But he replyed he knew it not Hereupon being doubtful of our condition we called Mr. Cox on board us who brought Captain Peralta with him This Gentleman being asked presently told us the Land we saw was the Land of Barbacoa being almost a wild Country all over Withal he informed us that to Leeward of us at the distance of ten Leagues or thereabouts did lye an Island called by the name of Gorgona the which Island he said The Island of Gorgona and i●s qualities the Spaniards did shun and very seldom come nigh unto by reason of the incessant and continual rains there falling scarce one day in the year being dry at that place Captain Sharp having heard this information of Captain Peralta judged the said Island might be the fittest place for our company to careen at considering that if the Spaniards did not frequent it They resolve to careen there we might in all probability lye there undiscryed and our Enemies the Spaniards in the mean time might think that we were gone out of those Seas At this time it was that I seriously repented my staying in the South Seas and that I did not return homewards in company of them that went before us For I knew and could easily perceive that by these delays the Spaniards would gain time and be able to send advice of our coming to every Port all along the Coast so that we should be prevented in all or most of our attempts and designs wheresoever we came But those of our company who had got money by the former Prizes of this Voyage overswayed the others who had lost all their booty at gaming Thus we bore away for the Island aforesaid of Gorgona and at the distance of six Leagues and an half at S.W. I observed it to make the appearance following GORGONA Lat. 1.00 N. On the main Land over against this Island of Gorgona we were told by our prisoners A pla●e where Gol● is gathered that up a great Laguna or Lake is seated an Indian Town where they have great quantity of sand grains of Gold Moreover that five days journey up a River belonging to the said Laguna do dwell four Spanish Superintendents who have each of them the charge of overseeing fifty or sixty Indians who are employed in gathering that Gold which slippeth from the chief Collectors or finders thereof These are at least threescore and ten or fourscore Spaniards with a great number of slaves belonging unto them who dwell higher up then these four Superintendents at the distance of twenty five or thirty days Journey on the said River That once every year at a certain season there cometh a vessel from Lima the Capital City of Peru to fetch the Gold that here is gathered and withal to bring unto these people such Necessaries as they want By Land it is nothing less than six weeks travel from thence to Lima. The main Land to windward of this Island is very low and full of Rivers All along the Coast it raineth most desperately The Island is distant from the Continent ●●ly the space of four Leagues Mean while we lay at it I took the whole circumference thereof which is according to what is here underneath described Isla de la Gorgôna or Capt Sharpes Isle Captain Sharp gave unto this Island the name of Sharps Isle by reason we careened at this place We anchored on the South side of the Island at the mouth of a very ●ine River which there disgorgeth it self into the Sea There belong unto this Island about thirty Rivers and Rivolets all which fall from the Rocks on the several sides of the Island The whole circumference thereof is about three L●agues and an half round being all high and mountainous land excepting only on that side where we cast Anchor Here therefore we moor'd our ship in the depth of eighteen or twenty fathom water and began to unrig the vessel But we were four or five days space before we could get our Sails dry so as to be able to take them from the yards there falling a shower of rain almost every hour of the day and night The main Land to the East of the Island and so stretching Northward is extream high and towering and withal perpetually clouded excepting only at the rising of the Sun at which time the tops of those hills are clear From
continued calm till about four in the afternoon at which time we had a W. S. W. wind which continued to blow all that night 〈◊〉 del Gall● Thursday July the 29th 1680. This day the wind continued pretty fresh all day long About four in the afternoon we came within sight of the Island del Gallo which I guessed to be nigh twenty eight Leagues distant from that of Gorgona the place of our departure S. W. It is about nine Leagues distant to East from the Main So that the Island with the Main Land S.W. from it appeareth thus GALLO Lat. 2.12 N. All this day the weather continued clear and the wind W. S. W. The next day being July the 30th the wind blew very fresh and brisk insomuch that we were in some fear for the heads of our low Masts as being very sensible that they were but weak About three or four in the afternoon we saw another Island six or seven Leagues distant from Gallo called Gorgonilla At E. by S. from us it made the appearance which I have here adjoyned All the Main-Land hereabouts lyeth very low and flat and is in very many places overflown and drowned every high-water GORGONILLA On Saturday July the thirty first in the morning the Island del Gallo at E.N.E. being distant about eight Leagues gave us this appearance GALLO Another Prospect thereof The point of Mangroves is a low and level point running out S. S. W. This day and the night before it we lost by our computation three Leagues of our way They loose wa● Which I believe hapned by reason we stood out too far from the Land as having stood off all night long August the first which was Sunday we had a very fresh wind at W. S. W. This was joyned also with several small showers of rain which fell that day In the mean while we got pretty well to windward with it by making small trips to and fro which we performed most commonly by standing in three glasses and as many out The next day August the second in the morning Land of San Tiago we came up unto the high-land of San Tiago where beginneth the high-land of this Coast. We kept at the distance of ten Leagues from it and making continual short trips as was mentioned before The next day likewise we continued to do the same But the weather was cloudy and for the most part full of rain Wednesday August the fourth Land of San Matteo we continued still turning in the winds eye as we had done for two days before This day in the afternoon we discovered three Hills at E. N. E. of our ship These Hills make the Land of San Matteo which giveth this following appearance San MATTEO Cape St. Francis All the Coast along hereabouts is high land That evening also we saw the Cape of San Francisco At first this Cape appeared like unto two several Islands But two hours after at the distance of twelve Leagues at S. by W. it looked thus Cape of San FRANCISCO Thursday August the fifth we being then about the Cape it looked very like unto Beachy-head in England It is full of white Cliffs on all sides The land turneth off here to the Eastward of the South and maketh a large and deep Bay the circumference whereof is full of pleasant Hills In the bite of the Bay are two high and rocky Islands the which represent exactly two ships with their Sails full We were now come out of the rainy Countreys into a pleasant and fair Region where we had for the most part a clear sky and dry weather Only now and then we could here find a small mist which soon would vanish away In the mean while every night a great dew used to fall which supplied the defect of rain The two next days following we continued plying to windward with fair weather nothing else remarkable hapning in them which might deserve any notice to be taken thereof On Sunday August the eighth we came close under a wild and mountainous Country This day likewise we saw Cape Passao Cabo Passao at the distance of ten Leagues more or less to windward of us Ever since we came on this side Mangrove point we observed a windward Current did run all along as we sailed Under shoar the Land is full of white Cliffs and Groves lower towards the pitch of the Cape The next day we had both a fair day and a fresh wind to help us on our Voyage We observed that Cape Passao maketh three points between which are two Bays The Leeward-most of the two is of the length of three Leagues and the other of four Adjoyning to the Bays is seen a pleasant valley Our prisoners informed us that Northward of these Capes live certain Indians who sell Maiz and other Provisions to any ships that happen to come in there The Cape it self is a continued Cliff covered with several sorts of shrubs and low bushes Under these Cliffs lyeth a sandy Bay of the depth of forty feet The Spaniards say that the wind is always here between the S.S.W. and W.S.W. The Cape representeth with much likelyness the brow of an Alligator or Cayman At South Cape Passao appeareth thus Cape PASSAO Lat. 1.30 S. Tuesday August the Tenth This morning the sky was so thick and hasey that we could not see the high-land though it were just before us and not altogether two Leagues distant from us But as soon as it cleared up we stood in towards the Land until we came within a mile of the shoar Here having sounded we found seven fathom and a half water under which was a light and clayey ground The Coast all along is very mountainous and likewise full of high and towring Cliffs When we sounded the Tyde was almost at low-water Here it ebbeth and floweth nigh four fathom perpendicular From this Cape the land runneth along S. E. for the space of three or four Leagues with huge high-land Cliffs like unto those of Callis over against England Being past this Cape high-high-land South from us is Cape St. Lawrence August the 11th we found our selves N. N. W. from Monte de Christo Monte de Christo. being a very high and round hill From thence to windward is seen a very pleasant Country with spots here and there of woody land which causeth the Country all over to look like so many enclosures of ripe Corn fields To Leeward of the said Hill the Land is all high and hilly with white Cliffs at the sea-side The Coast runneth S. W. till it reacheth unto a point of Land within which is the Port of Manta as it is called This Port of Manta Port of Manta is nothing else than a settlement of Spaniards and Indians together where ships that want Provisions do call in and are furnished with several necessaries About six or seven Leagues to windward of this Port is Cape St. Lawrence butting out into the Sea being
in form like unto the top of a Church Monte de Christo giveth this appearance at Sea Monte de CHRISTO Lat. 50. S. The Cape riseth higher and higher from the Port of Manta Water-Snakes and 〈…〉 As we sailed along we saw multitudes of Grampusses every day as also Water-Snakes of divers colours Both the Spaniards and Indians too are very fearful of these Snakes as believing there is no cure for their bitings At the distance of eight Leagues or thereabouts to Leeward of Cape St. Laurence it appeareth thus Cape St. LAVRENCE Lat. 55. S. This day before night we came within sight of Manta Here we saw the Houses of the Town belonging to the Port which were not above twenty or thirty Indian houses lying under the windward and the Mount We were not willing to be descryed by the Inhabitants of the said place and hereupon we stood off to sea again On Thursday August the 12th in the morning we saw the Island of Plate at S. W. at the distance of five Leagues more or less It appeared unto us to be an even land Isle of Palte Having made this Island we resolved to go thither and resit our rigging and get some Goats which there run wild up and down the Country For as was said before at this time we had no other provision than flour and water The Island it self is indifferent high land and off at sea looketh thus as is here described Isle of PLATE Lat. 2.42 S. But the high-land of Cape Passao of which we have spoken before Cape Passao at the distance of fifteen Leagues to North giveth in several hamocks this appearance High-land of Cape PASSAO C. St. Lawrence The Land of Cape Lorenzo is all white Cliffs the head of the Cape running N. and S. This day several great Whales came up to us and dived under our ship One of these Whales followed our ship from two in the afternoon till dark night 〈…〉 Captain Cox 〈…〉 The next morning very early about six of the clock we came under the aforesaid Isle of Plate and here unexpectedly to our great joy we found at anchor the ship of Captain Cox with his whole company whom we had lost at sea for the space of a whole fortnight before We found they had reached this Island and had been there at an anchor four days before us being now just ready to depart from th●nce About seven we came to an anchor and then the other vessel sent us a live Tortoise and a Goat to feast upon that day telling us withal of great store of Tortoise to be found ashoar upon the Bays and of much fish to be caught hereabouts Description of the Isle of Plate The Island is very steep on all sides insomuch that there is no landing but only on the N. E. side thereof where is a Gully nigh unto which we anchored in twelve fathom water Here at the distance of a furlong or little more from the shoar as you go to land you will see on the left side hill a Cross still standing being there erected in former times No Trees are to be found on the whole Island but only low shrubs on which the Goats feed which Cattle is here very numerous The shoar is bold and hard neither is there any water to be found upon it excepting only on the S. W. side of the Island where likewise it cannot be come at as lying so much enclosed by the Rocks and too great a Sea hindring the approach unto it in boats This Island received it's name from Sir Francis Drake Sir Fr. Drake and his famous Actions For here it is reported by tradition that he made the dividend or sharing of that vast quantity of Plate which he took in the Armada of this Sea distributing it unto each man of his company by whole bowles full The Spaniards affirm unto this day he took at that time twelve score Tuns of Plate and sixteen Bowles of Coyned Money a man his number being then forty five men in all Insomuch that they were forced to heave much of it over board because his ship could not carry it all Hence was this Island called by the Spaniards themselves the Isle of Plate from this great Dividend and by us Drakes Isle All along as we sailed Spanish Pilot● their ignorance we found the Spanish Pilots to be very ignorant of the Coasts But they plead thus much for their ignorance that the Merchants their employers either of Mexico Lima Panama or other parts will not entrust one penny worth of Goods on that mans Vessel that corketh her for fear lest she should miscarry Here our Prisoners told us likewise that in the time of Oliver Cromwel or the Common-wealth of England A ship with money sent to King Cha●●● the Second a certain ship was fitted out of Lima with seventy brass Guns having on board her no less th●n thirty Millions of Dollers or pieces of Eight All which vast sum of money was given by the Merchants of Lima and sent as a Present unto our gracious King or rather his Father who now reigneth to supply him in his Exile and distress But that this great and rich ship was lost by keeping the shoar along in the Bay of Manta above-mentioned or thereabouts What truth there may be in this History I cannot easily tell At least it seemeth to me as scarce deserving any credit At this Island we took out of Mr. Cox's ship the old Moor for of that Nation he was who pretended he would be our Pilot unto Arica This was done lest we should have the misfortune of loosing the company of Cox's vessel as we had done before our ship being the biggest in burthen and having the greatest number of men Captain Peralta admired oftentimes that we were gotten so far to windward in so little space of time whereas they had been he said many times three or four months in reaching to this distance from our departure But their long and tedious Voyages he added were occasioned by their keeping at too great a distance from the shoar Moreover he told us that had we gone unto the Islands of Galapagos as we were once determined to do we had met in that Voyage with many Calms and such Currents that many ships have by them been lost and never heard of to this day This Island of Plate is about two Leagues in length and very full of both deep and dangerous Bays as also such as we call Gully's in these parts The circumference and description of the said Island is exactly thus S ● Fran Drakes Isle or Isla de la Plata Great number of Tortoises and G●ats We caught at this Island and salted good number of Goats and Tortoises One man standing here on a little Bay in one day turned seventeen Tortoises besides which number our Mosquito strikers brought us in several more Captain Sharp our Commander shewed himself very ingenious
in striking them he performing it as well as the Tortoise strikers themselves For these creatures here are so little fearful that they offer not to sink from the fishermen but lye still until such time as they are struck But we experimented that the Tortoises on this side were not so large nor so sweet unto the tast as those on the North side of the Island Of Goats we have taken killed and salted above a hundred in a day and that without any labour In the mean while we stayed here we made a square main top-sail yard We cut also six foot of our bolt-sprit and three foot more of our head Most of the time that we remained here we had hasey weather Only now and then the Sun would happen to break out and then to shine so hot that it burnt the skin of the necks of several of our men As for me my lips were burnt in such manner that they were not well in a whole week after CHAP. XII Captain Sharp and his company depart from the Isle of Plate in prosecution of their Voyage towards Arica They take two Spanish Vessels by the way and learn intelligence from the enemy Eight of their company destroyed at the Isle of Gallo Tediousness of this Voyage and great hardship they endured Description of the Coast all along and their sailings HAving taken in at the Isle of Plate They depart from the Isle of Plate what Provisions and other Necessaries we could get we set sail from thence on Tuesday the 17th of August 1680. in prosecution of our Voyage and designs above-mentioned to take and plunder the vastly rich Town of Arica This day we sailed so well and the same we did several others afterwards that we were forced to lye by several times besides reising our top-sails to keep our other ship company least we should loose her again The next morning about break of day They outsail the other Vessel we found our selves to be at the distance of seven or eight Leagues to the Westward of the Island from whence we departed standing W. by S. with a S. by W. wind About noon that day we had laid the land After dinner the wind came at S.S.W. at which time we were forced to stay more than once for the other vessel belonging to our company On the following day we continued in like manner a west course all the day long Sometimes this day the wind would change but then in a quarter of an hour it would return to S.S. W. again as before Hereabouts where we now were we observed great riplings of the Sea August the twentieth yesterday in the afternoon about six of the clock we stood in S. E. But all night and all this day we had very small winds We found still that we gained very much of the small ship which did not a little both perplex and hinder us in our course The next day likewise we stood in S. E. by S. though with very little wind which sometimes varyed as was mentioned above That day I finished two Quadrants each of which were two foot and a half radius Here we had in like manner as hath been mentioned on other days of our sailings very many Dolphins and other sorts of fish swimming about our ship On the morning following we saw again the Island of Plate at NE. of our ship giving us this appearance at that distance of Prospect Isle of PLATE The same day at the distance of six Leagues more or 〈◊〉 from the said Island we saw another Island called 〈◊〉 Th●s 〈◊〉 lyeth close in by the Main-land In the 〈◊〉 we observed it to bare E. N. E. from us Our 〈…〉 by S. and had the wind at SW by S. This 〈…〉 we found that our lesser ship was full a great hindrance to our sailing as being forced to lye by and stay for her two or three hours every day We experimented likewise that the farther from shoar we were the less wind we had all along and that under the shoar we were always sure of a 〈◊〉 gale though not so favourable unto us as we could wish it to be Hitherto we had used to stand 〈◊〉 forty Leagues and yet notwithstanding in the s●a●e of six days we had not got above ten Leagues on our voyage from the place of our departure August the twenty third this day the wind was S. W. by S. and S. S. W. In the morning we stood off The Island Solango at N.E. by N. appeareth thus Isle of SOLANGO At S. by W. and about six Leagues distance from us Point St. Helen we descryed a long and even hill I took it to be an Island and conjectured it might be at least eight Leagues distant from the Continent But afterwards we found it was a point of Land joyning unto the Main and is called Point St. Helena being continued by a piece of Land which lyeth low and in several places is almost drowned from the sight so that it cannot be seen at two Leagues distance In this low-land the Spaniards have convenience for making Pitch Tar Salt and some other things for which purpose they have several houses here and a Fryar who serveth them as their Chaplain From the Island of Solango unto this place are reckoned eleven leagues more or less The Land is hereabouts indifferent high and is likewise full of Bays We had this day very little wind to help us in our Voyage excepting what blasts came now and then in snatches These sometimes would prove pretty fair unto us and allow us for some little while a South course But our chiefest course was S.E. by S. The point of St. Helen at South half East and about six Leagues distance giveth exactly this appearance as followeth Punta de Santa HELENA Here we found no great current of the Sea to move any way At the Isle of Plata afore described the Sea ebbeth and sloweth nigh thirteen foot perpendicular About four Leagues to Leeward of this Point is a deep Bay having a Key at the mouth of it which taketh up the better part of its wideness In the deepest part of the Bay on shoar we saw a great smoak which was at a Village belonging to the Bay unto which place the people were removed from the Point above-mentioned This afternoon we had a small Westerly wind our course being S. S. W. Hereabouts it is all along a very bold shoar At three of the clock after noon we tackt about to clear our selves of the Point ●ark ●●gs Being now a little way without the Point we espied a sail which we conceived to be a Bark Hereupon we hoisted out our Canoa and sent in pursuit of her which made directly for the shoar But the sail proved to be nothing else then a pair of Bark-Logs which arriving on shoar the men spread their sail on the sand of the Bay to dry At the same time there came down upon the shoar
of these men of war is equipped with thirty six brass guns and the other with thirty These ships beside their complement of sea-men have four hundred Souldiers added unto them by the Vice-Roy Another man of war belonging to this number and lesser than the afore-mentioned is called the Patache This ship consisteth of twenty four guns and was sent to Arica to fetch the Kings Plate from thence But the Vice-Roy having received intelligence of your exploits at Panama sent for this ship back from thence with such hast that they came away and left the Money behind them Hence the Patache now lyeth at the Port of Callao ready to sail on the first occasion or news of your arrival thereabouts they having for this purpose sent unto all parts very strict orders to keep a good look-out on all sides and all places along the Coasts Since this from Manta they sent us word that they had seen two Ships at sea pass by that place And from the Goat Key also we heard that the Indians had seen you and that they were assured one of your vessels was the ship called la Trinidad which you had taken before Panama as being a ship very well known in these Seas From hence we concluded that your design was to ply and make your Voyage thereabouts Now this Bark wherein you took us prisoners being bound for Panama the Governour of Guayaquil sent us out before her departure if possible to discover you Which if we did we were to run the Bark on shoar and get away or else to fight you with these Souldiers and fire arms that you see As soon as we heard of your being in these Seas we built two Forts the one of six Guns and the other of four for the defence of the Town At the last Muster taken in the Town of Guayaquil we had there eight hundred and fifty men of all colours but when we came out we left only two hundred men that were actually under Arms. Thus ended the Relation of that worthy Gentleman About noon that day we unrigged the Bark which we had taken and after so doing sunk her Then we stood S.S.E. and afterwards S. by W. and S.S.W. That evening we saw Point St. Helena at North half East at the distance of nine Leagues more or less The next day being August the 26th in the morning we stood S. That day we cryed out all our pillage and found that it amounted unto 3276 Pieces of Eight which was accordingly divided by shares amongst us We also punished a Fryar Their cruelty towards a Fryar who was Chaplain to the Bark aforementioned and shot him upon the deck casting him over-board before he was dead Such cruelties though I abhorred very much in my heart yet here was I forced to hold my tongue and contradict them not as having not authority to oversway them About ten of the clock this morning we saw Land again and the Pilot said we were sixteen Leagues to leeward of Cabo Blanco Hereupon we stood off and in close under the shoar the which all appeared to be barren land The morning following we had very little wind Eight of their men destroyed at Gallo so that we advanced but slowly all that day To windward of us we could perceive the Continent to be all high land being whitish clay full of white Cliffts This morning in common discourse our Prisoners confessed unto us and acknowledged the destruction of one of our little Barks which we lost in our way to the Island of Cayboa They stood away as it appeared by their information for the Goat-key thinking to find us there as having heard Captain Sawkins say that he would go thither On their way they hapned to fall in with the Island of Gallo and understanding its weakness by their Indian Pilot they ventured on shoar and took the place carrying away three white women in their company But after a small time of Cruising they returned again to the aforesaid Island where they stayed the space of two or three days after which time they went out to sea again Within three or four days they came to a little Key four Leagues distant from this Isle But mean while they had been out and in thus several times one of their prisoners made his escape unto the Main and brought off from thence fifty men with fire-arms These placing themselves in Ambuscade at the first volly of their shot they killed six of the seven men that belonged unto the Bark The other man that was left took quarter of the enemy and he it was that discovered unto them our design upon the Town of Guayaquil By an observation which we made this day we found our selves to be in the latitude of 3 d. 50. S. An Embargo laid At this time our prisoners told us there was an Embargo laid on all the Spanish ships commanding them not to stir out of the Ports for fear of their falling into our hands at Sea Saturday August the 28th this morning we took out all the water They 〈◊〉 Captain Cox's 〈◊〉 and most part of the flower that was in Captain Cox's vessel The people in like manner came on board our ship Having done this we made a hole in the vessel and left her to sink with a small old Canoa at her stern To Leeward of Manta a League from shoar in eighteen fathom water there runneth a great current outwards About eleven in the forenoon we weighed Anchor with a wind at W.N. W. turning it out Our number now in all being reckoned we found our selves to be one hundred and forty men two boys and fifty five prisoners being all now in one and the same bottom Their whole number This day we got six or seven Leagues in the winds eye All the day following we had a very strong S. S. W. wind The first place setled in these Seas insomuch that we were forced to sail with two riffs in our main-top sail and one also in our fore-top sail Here Captain Peralta told us that the first place which the Spaniards settled in these parts after Panama was Tumbes a place that now was to Leeward of us in this Gulph where we now were A strange story That there a Priest went ashoar with a Cross in his hand while ten thousand Indians stood gazing at him Being landed on the strand there came out of the woods two Lyons that he laid the Cross gently on their backs and they instantly fell down and worshipped it and moreover that two Tigres following them did the same whereby these Animals gave unto the Indians to understand the excellency of the Christian Religion which they soon after embraced About four in the evening we came abreast the Cape which is the highest part of all The Land hereabouts appeareth to be barren and rock●y ●aho Blanco At three Leagues distance East from us the Cape shewed thus Cape BLANCO Were it not for
a windward Current which runneth under the shoar hereabouts it were totally impossible for any ships to get about this Cape there being such a great current to Leeward in the offing In the last Bark which we took of which we spoke in this Chapter we made Prisoner one Nicolas Moreno a Spaniard by Nation and who was esteemed to be a very good Pilot of the South Sea This man did not cease continually to praise our ship for her sailing and especially for the alterations we had made in her As we went along we observed many Bays to lye between this Cape and Point Parina of which we shall soon make mention hereafter In the night the wind came about to S. S.E. and we had a very stiff gale of it Point Parina So that by break of day the next morning we found our selves to be about five Leagues distance to windward of the Cape afore mentioned The Land hereabouts maketh three or four several Bays and groweth lower and lower by how much the nigher we come unto Punta Parina This Point sheweth it self at first sight thereof like unto two Islands Between four and five of the clock that evening we were West from the said Point The next day likewise being the last day of August the wind still continued S. S. E. as it had done the whole day before This day we thought it convenient to stand farther out to sea for fear of being descryed at Paita Paita which now was not very far distant fromus The morning proved to be hasey But about eleven we espied a Sail which stood then just as we did E. by S. Coming nearer unto it by degrees we found her to be nothing else than a pair of Bark-logs under a sail which were going that way Our Pilot advised us not to meddle with those Logs nor mind them in the least for it was very doubtful whether we should be able to come up with them or not and then by giving chace unto them we should easily be descryed and known to be the English Pirates as they called us These Bark-logs sail excellently well for the most part and some of them are of such a bigness that they will carry two hundred and fifty packs of Meal from the Valleys unto Panama without wetting any of it This day by an observation made we found our selves to be in four degrees fifty five Latitude South Point Parina at N.E. by E. and at the distance of six Leagues more or less giveth this following appearance Punta PARINA At the same time la Silla de Paita bore from us S.E. by E. being distant only seven or eight Leagues It had the form of a high Mountain and appeared thus unto us La Silla de PAITA The Town of Paita it self is situated in a deep Bay about two Leagues to Leeward of this Hill It serveth for an Embarcadero or Port Town unto another great place which is distant from thence about thirteen Leagues higher in the Country and is called Piura being seated in a very barren Country Piura On Wednesday the first of September our course was S. by W. The midnight before this day we had a land-wind that sprung up In the afternoon La Silla de Paita at the distance of seven Leagues at E. by N. appeareth thus La Silla de PAITA All along hereabouts is nothing but barren land as was said before Hereabouts likewise for three or four days last past we observed along the Coasts many Seales That night as we sailed we saw something that appeared unto us to be as it were a light And the next morning we espyed a sail A Pri●e 〈◊〉 from whence we judged the light had come The vessel was at the distance of six Leagues from us in the winds eye and thereupon we gave her chace She stood to windward as we did This day we had an observation which gave us the Lat. 5 d. 30 S. At night we were about four Leagues to Leeward of her but so great a Mist fell that we suddainly lost sight of her At this time the weather was as cold with us as in England in November Every time we went about with our ship the other did the like Our Pilot told us that this ship set forth from Guayaquil eleven days before they were taken And that she was laden with Rigging Woollen and Cotton Cloath and other Manufactures made at Quito Moreover that he had heard that they had spent a Mast and had put into Paita to resit it The night following they shewed us several lights through their negligence which they ought not to have done for by that means we steered directly after them The next morning she was more than three Leagues in the winds eye distant from us Had they suspected us it could not be doubted but they would have made away towards the Land but they seemed not to fly nor stir for our chace The Land here all along is level and not very high The weather was hasey so that about eleven of the clock that morning we lost sight of her At this time we had been for the space of a whole week at an allowance of only two draughts of water each day so scarce were Provisions with us That afternoon we saw the vessel again and at night we were not full two Leagues distant from her and not more than half a League to Leeward We made short trips all the night long On Saturday September the Fourth about break of day we saw the ship again at the distance of a League more or less and not above a mile to windward of us They stood out assoon as they espied us and we stood directly after them Having pursued them for several hours about four of the clock in the Afternoon we came up within the distance of half our small Arms shot to windward of them Hereupon they perceiving who we were presently lower'd all their Sails at once and we cast dice among our selves for the first entrance The lot sell to larboard so that twenty men belonging to that watch entred her In the Vessel were found Fifty packs of Cacao-nut such as Chocolate is made of many packs of Raw-silk Indian cloth The Prize taken and Thred-stockings these things being the principal part of her Cargo We stood out S. W. by S. all the night following The next day being come we transported on board our ship the chiefest part of her lading In her hold we found some Rigging as had been told us by Nicholas Moreno our Pilot taken in the former Vessel off of Guayaquil but the greatest part of the Hold was full of Timber We took out of her also some Osenbriggs of which we made Top-gallant sails as shall be said hereafter It was now nineteen days as they told us since they set sail from Guyaquil and then they had onely heard there of our Exploits before Panama but did not so much as think of our coming
there by a general alarm through the whole Country and that they waited onely for our landing with design to make a strong opposition against us They fired a gun at us but we made them no answer but rather returned to our ship giving over this enterprize until a fairer opportunity The hill of Arica is very white being occasioned by the dung of multitudes of Fowls that nest themselves in the hollow thereof Hill of Arica To Leeward of the said Hill lyeth a small Island at the distance of a mile more or less from the shoar About half a league from that Island we could perceive six ships to ride at anchor four of which had their Yards taken down from their Masts but the other two seemed to be ready for sail We asked our Pilot concerning these ships and he told us that one of them was mounted with six guns and the other with onely four Being disappointed of our expectations at Arica we now resolved to bear away from thence to the Village of Hilo They 〈◊〉 away for Hilo there to take in Water and other Provisions as also to learn what intelligence we could obtain All that night we lay under a calm On October the 27th in the morning we found our selves to be about a league to windward of Mora de Sama. Yet notwithstanding the weather was quite calm and we onely drived with the current at Leeward The land between Hilo and Mora de Sama formeth two several Bays and the Coast runneth along N.W. and S.E. as may appear by the following demonstration Over the land we could see from our ship as we drove the coming or rising of a very high land at a great distance far up in the Country October the 28th The night before this day we sent away our four Canoas with fifty men in them to seize and plunder the Town of Hilo All the day was very calm as the day before The next morning about break of day we had a fair breeze sprang up with which we lay right in with the Port. 〈◊〉 price at the Port. About one in the afternoon we anchored and the Port lyeth thus as is here described Port of HILO. We cast anchor at the distance of two miles from the Village and then we perceived two flags which our men had put out ●he Town taken having taken the Town and set up our English Colours The Spaniards were retreated unto the hills and there had done the same Being come to an anchor our Commander Captain Sharp sent a Canoa on board of us and ordered that all the men our ship could spare should come ashoar Withal they told us that those of our party that landed the morning before were met by some horsemen on the shoar who onely exchanged some few volly's of shot with our men but were soon put to slight That hereupon our forces had marched directly to the Town where the Spaniards expecting we would have landed at first made a breast-work thirty paces long of clay and banks of sand Here in a small skirmish we hapned to kill an Indian who told us before he dy'd that they had received news of our coming nine days ago from Lima and but one day before from Arica Having taken the Town we found therein great quantity of Pitch Tar Oyl Wine and Flower with several other sorts of provisions We endeavoured to keep as good a watch as the Spaniards did on the hills fearing lest they should suddainly make any attempt to destroy us On the next day being October the 30th we chose out threescore men of them who were the fittest to march They search the valley among the rest and ordered them to go up and search the valley adjoyning and belonging to the Town We found the said valley to be very pleasant being all over set with Fig-trees Olive-trees Orange Lemmon and Lime-trees with many other fruits agreeable to the Palat. About four miles up within the valley we came to a great Sugar-work or Ingenio de azucar as it is called by the Spaniards where we found great store of Sugar Oyl and Molossus But most of the Sugar the owners had hidden from us in the cane it self As we marched up the vally the Spaniards marched along the hills and observed our motion From the tops of the hills they often tumbled down great stones upon us but with great care we endeavoured to escape those dangers and but the report of one Gun would suddainly cause them all to hide their heads From this house I mean the Sugar-work above-mentioned Mr. Cox my self and one Cannis a Dutchman who was then our Interpreter went unto the Spaniards with a flag of Truce They met us very civilly They agree with the Spaniards and promised to give us fourscore Beeves for the Ransom of the Sugar-work and upon condition that it should not be spoilt nor demolished With them we agreed that they should be delivered unto us at the Port the next day at noon Hereupon Captain Sharp in the evening sent down unto the Port twenty men with strict orders that our forces there should offer no violence in the least unto those that brought down the Beeves Sunday October the 31st This day being employed in casting up some accounts belonging to our Navigation I reckoned that Hilo was to the Eastward of Paita one hundred eighty and seven leagues This morning the Captain of the Spaniards came unto our Commander Captain Sharp with a flag of Truce and told him that sixteen Beeves were already sent down unto the Port and that the rest should certainly be there the next morning Hereupon we were ordered to prepare our selves to retreat and march back unto the Port and there embark our selves on board our ship My advice was to the contrary that we should rather leave twenty men behind to keep the house of the Sugar-work and that others should possess themselves of the Hills thereby to clear them of the Spaniards and their look out But my counsel not being regarded each man took away what burthen of Sugar he pleased and thus we returned unto our vessel 〈…〉 to 〈◊〉 double dealing in the enemy Being come there we found no Beeves had been brought down at all which occasioned us much to suspect some double dealing would in the latter end be found in this case The next morning being November the first our Captain went unto the top of the Hills afore-mentioned and spoke with the Spaniards themselves concerning the performance of their agreement The Spaniards made answer that the Cattle would certainly come down this night But in case it did not that the Master or Owner of the Sugar-work was now returned from Potosi and we might go up and treat with him and make if we pleased a new bargain for the preservation of his House and Goods whose interest it was more than theirs to save it from being demolished With this answer our men returned
By a W. S. W. way we made forty two leagues By observation we found Lat. 30 D. 45 S. D. M. four leagues and two thirds On the 14th in the morning we had a handsom shower of rain which continued for some while Then about eight of the clock there sprang up a S. S. W. breeze My reckoning was by an E. S. E. way fourteen leagues And by observation we found this day 30 D. 30 S. One of their company dyeth In the afternoon of this day dyed one of our men whose name was William Cammock His disease was occasioned by a furfeit gained by too much drinking on shoar at la Serena the which produced in him a Calenture or Malignant Feaver and an Hicup Thus in the evening we buryed him in the Sea according to the usual custom of Mariners giving him three French Vollies for his Funeral The following day we had an indifferent fresh wind on both tacks Our way was W. S. W. and by it we reckoned thirty four leagues So likewise by an observation we had Lat. 30 D. 42 S. All the afternoon blew a S. by W. wind very fresh with a short topping S. W. Sea But on the next ensuing day we had no small breez but rather hard gusts of wind These grew so high that they forced us to take in our top-sails We made a S. W. half S. way and forty five leagues On the 17th we had likewise high winds and withal a S. W. sea Our way W. by S. By observation taken this day we found Lat. 30 D. 51 S. In the afternoon we had a S. S. E. wind our course being S. W. December the 18th This day we had the same high winds as before at S. S. E. We reckoned by a W. S. W. way forty five leagues At noon the wind was something fallen and then we had some rain The 19th we had both cloudy and windy weather My reckoning was a S. W. by S. way and here upon fifty eight miles Yesterday we were assured by our Pilot that we were now in the Meridian of the Island of Juan Fernandez whither our course was directed for that present What occasioned him to be so positive in his assertion was the seeing of those great birds Great birds seen again of which we made mention in the foregoing Chapter On the 20th we had cloudy weather in the morning on both tacks We made a S. W. and half S. way and by it fifty two leagues By observation we found this day Lat. 32 D. 20 S. Difference of Meridian was now one hundred and twenty three leagues The next day likewise we had cloudy weather yet by observation we found a W. way On the 22d by observation we found and E. way proved Thursday December the 23d All the night past we had a fresh wind But in the morning from top-mast head They descry land we descryed a hammock of land In the evening we saw it again We found afterwards that what we had seen was the Westermost Island of Juan Fernandez which is nothing else but a meer rock there being no riding nor scarce landing near unto it Fryday December the 24th This morning we could descry the Island it self They see the l●st of Juan Fernandez of Juan Fernandez S. by E. it being at sixteen leagues distance when we saw it yesterday At seven this morning the Island stood E. the wind being at N. W. by N. At eight the same morning the Island at the distance of five leagues little more or less appeared thus Isla de JUAN FERNANDEZ Here my observation was that I could see neither fowl nor fish nigh unto this Island A particular observation both which things are usually to be seen about other Islands Having told my observation unto our Pilot he gave me for answer that he had made many Voyages by this Island and yet never saw any either fowl or fish more than I. Our reckoning this day was an E. S. E. way and hereby thirty six leagues Our latitude by observation was found to be 33 D. 30 S. Saturday December the 25th Yesterday in the afternoon at three of the clock we saw the other Island making two or three hammocks of land This morning we were about eight leagues distant from it the Island bearing E. S. E. from us At eight the same morning we were right at breast with it Here therefore are two Islands together the biggest whereof is three leagues and an half in length Bigness of these Isles nearest N. W. and S.E. the other and lesser is almost one league and no more in circumference At ten of the clock we sent off from the ship one of our Canoa's to seek for the best landing and anchoring for our Vessel As we approached both Islands seemed unto us nothing but one entire heap of rocks That which lyeth more unto the N. is the highest though we could not now see the tops thereof for the clouds which covered it In most places it is so steep that it becometh almost perpendicular This day being Christmas-day we gave in the morning early three Vollies of shot Christmas-day for solemnization of that great Festival I reckoned an E. by S. way By a clear observation from the middle of the Island I found here Lat. 33 D. 45 S. and M. D. to be ninty nine leagues In the evening of this day we came to an anchor at the South end of the Island in a stately Bay that we found there but which lyeth open from the South to the South-East winds We anchored in the depth of eleven fathom water and at the distance of onely one furlong from the shoar Here we saw multitudes of Seals covering the Bay every where insomuch that we were forced to kill them Many Seals to set our feet on shoar Sunday December the 26th This day we sent a Canoa to see if we could find any riding secure from the Southerly winds these being the most constant winds that blow on these Coasts The Canoa being gone our Commander sent likewise what men we could spare on shoar to drive Goats They kill Goats whereof there is great plenty in this Island They caught and killed that day to the number of threescore or thereabouts The Canoa returning unto the ship made report that there was good riding in another Bay situate on the North side of the Island in fourteen fathom water and not above one quarter of a mile from the shoar Moreover that there was much wood to be had whereas in the place where we had first anchored not one stick of wood nor tuft of grass was to be found The next day being the 27th between two and four of the clock in the morning A great storm we had a tempest of violent winds and fierce showers of rain The same day we got in two hundred jars of water bringing them the full distance of a league from the place of our riding They
us by reason we lay by several times but undoubtedly they were cowardly given and peradventure as unwilling to engage us as we were to engage them The following day being January the thirteenth in the morning we could descry one of the fore-mentioned men of war under the Leeward side of the Island and we believed that the rest were at Anchor thereabouts At W. by S. and at the distance of seven Leagues the Island appeareth thus Isle of Juan Fernandez Lat. 33 d. 40 South At noon that day we stood in towards the Island They gave them the 〈◊〉 making as if that we intended to be in with them But in the afternoon our Commander propounded the question unto us whether we were willing now that the Fleet was to windward to bare away from them Unto this we all agreed with one consent And hereupon night being come with a fresh wind at S.S.E. we stood away N.E. by N. and thus gave them handsomly the slip after having out braved them that day and the day before Isla de Juan Fernandez CHAP. XVI The Bucaniers depart from the Isle of Juan Fernandez unto that of Yqueque Here they take several Prisoners and learn intelligence of the posture of affairs at Arica Cruelty committed upon one of the said prisoners who had rightly informed them They attempt Arica the second time and take the Town but are beaten out of it again before they could plunder with great loss of men many of them being killed wounded and made Prisoners Captain Watling their chief Commander is killed in this Attacque and Captain Sharp presently chosen again who leadeth them off and through Mountains of difficulties maketh a bold Retreat unto the ship HAving bid our enemies adieu after the manner as was said in the precedent Chapter They leave the Isle of J. Fernandez the next morning being January the 14th we bore N. E. We reckoned this day a N.N.E. one quarter South way and by it thirty Leagues We were four Leagues Eastward from the Isle of Juan Fernandez when I took our departure Saturday January the 15th we had hasey weather This day we made by a N. E. by N. way eleven Leagues The same hasey weather continued in like manner the 16th But about ten that morning the wind dyed away Our reckoning was a N.E. by N. way and thirty six Leagues On the 17th we had a soft gale and a clear observation We found by it Lat. 28 d. 47 S. Easting seventy Leagues The next day we had likewise a clear day and we reckoned by a N· E. by N. way thirty one leagues By observation Lat. 27 d. 29 South Wednesday January the 19th we had a clear day as before They resol●e for Arica and reckoned a N. E. by N. way and thirty five Leagues and two thirds By observation we took Lat. 25 d. 00. South This day we put up our top-gallant masts and sails the which we had taken down at the Island of Juan Fernandez when we thought to have gone directly from thence for the Straights of Magallanes But now our resolutions were changed and our course was bent for Arica that rich place the second time to try what good we could do upon it by another attempt in order to the making all our fortunes there In the evening of this day we saw Land at a great distance January the 20th about midnight past we had a small Land-wind that sprang up and reached us At break of day we could descry Land again at the distance of nine or ten Leagues more or less This day was very hot and calme Easting ninety two Leagues On the 21. we had very little wind and all along as we went we could descry high land and that barren We sailed N. by E. and N.N.E. along the Coast of the Continent The next day being Saturday the 22 of January we had very hot weather 〈◊〉 look out for Yqueque This day we sailed N. and N. by E. and looked out continually for the Island of Yqueque which our Pilot told us was hereabouts We kept at a just distance from Land for fear of being descryed by the enemy On the following day Sunday the 23. we sailed in like manner N.N.E. along the Coast which seemeth to be very full of Bays hereabouts By observation this day we took Lat. 21 d. 49. South Munday January the 24th this day we had an indifferent gale of wind and we stood N. and by E. the wind being S.S.E. We found Latitude by observation 21 d. 02 South Our whole Easting I reckoned to be ninety two leagues and an half In the afternoon of this day Captain Watling our Commander and twenty five men more departed from the ship in two Canoas with design to seek for and take the Island of Yqueque and there to gain intelligence of the posture of affairs at Arica We were at the distance of twelve leagues from shoar when they went away from the ship The next day by a clear observation They find it not we found Lat. 20 d. 40 South At four in the afternoon this day returned one of our Canoas bringing word that they could not find the Island though they had searched for it very diligently At night came the other being brought back by a wrong sign given us by the first Canoa This second Canoa had landed upon the Continent and there found a track the which they followed for some little space Here they met a dead Whale with whose bones the Spaniards had built a Hut and set up a Cross. There lay also many pieces of broken Jars They observed likewise that hereabouts upon the Coast were many Bays good landing and anchoring for ships That evening about seven of the clock a fresh gang departed from the ship to seek for the same Island mean while we lay becalmed all night driving about a league to leeward Wednesday January the 26th Rich Mines on the Continent we had extream hot weather This day the Spanish Pilot told us that on the Continent over against us and at the distance of a very little way within the Land are many rich Mines of Silver but that the Spaniards dared not to open them for fear of an Invasion from some Forreign enemy or other We sailed North at the distance of about two leagues from shoar At noon we had an observation and found Lat. 20 d. 21 S. At four of the clock we saw a smoak made by our men The Island i● ●ound close by a white clift which proved to be the Island Hereupon we immediately sent away another Canoa with more men to supply them in their attempts But in the mean while the first Canoa which had departed the evening before this day came aboard bringing with them four prisoners two old white men and two Indians An account of the Island The other Canoa which set out last brought back Molossus Fish and two Jars of wine To windward of
come at that instant that we did unto the sea-side our Boats had been gone they being already under sail and we had inevitably perished every man Thus we put off from the shoar and got on board about ten of the clock at night having been involved in a continual and bloody fight with the enemy all that day long CHAP. XVII A description of the Bay of Arica They sail from hence unto the Port of Guasco where they get Provisions A draught of the said Port. They land again at Hilo to revenge the former affronts and took what they could find HAving ended our attempt at Arica the next day They depart from Arica being January the last we plyed to and fro in sight of the Port to see if they would send out the three ships we had seen in the Harbour to fight us For upon them we hoped to revenge the defeat and disappointment we had received at the Town the day before But our expectations in this point also were frustrated for not one of those vessels offered to stir The houses of this Town of Arica are not above eleven foot high as being built of earth An account of Arica and not of brick or timber The Town it self is foursquare in figure and at one corner thereof standeth the Castle which may easily be commanded even with small Arms from the hill which lyeth close unto it This place is the Embarcadero or Port-Town of all the Mineral Towns that lye hereabouts and hence is fetched all the Plate that is carryed to Lima the head-City of Peru. I took the Bay of Arica as it appeared to me thus A description of Arica On Tuesday February the first we had a clear observation and by it we found Lat. 19 d. 06. South They make a s●all dividend This day we shared the old remains of our Plate taken in some of our former booties Our shares amounted only unto thirty seven pieces of Eight to each man N. B. Here I would have my Reader to take notice that from this day forwards I kept no constant Diary or Journal as I had done before at least for some considerable space of time as you shall see hereafter my disease and sickness at Sea being the occasion of intermitting what I had never failed to do in all the course of this Voyage till now Only some few Memorandums as my weakness gave leave I now and then committed to paper the which I shall give you as I find them towards a continuance of this History Thus Munday February the 14th this night between eleven add twelve of the clock dyed on board our ship William Cook Captain Cooks man dyeth who was the servant afore-mentioned unto Captain Edmund Cook of whom likewise mention hath been often made in this Journal He desisted not in the least even at his last hour to accuse his Master of Baggering him as before was related Moreover that his Master should say It was no sin to steal from us who thought it none to rob the Spaniards February the 16th 1680. this day we found our selves to be in Lat. 27 d. 30 South We had a constant breeze at S. E. and S. S. E. till we got about two hundred Leagues from land Then at the Eclipse of the Moon we had a a calm for two or three days Several calms and then a breeze at North for the space of two days after which we had a calm again for two or three days more March the first we found Latitude by observation 34 d. 01 South Dirty weather At this time beginneth the dirty weather in these Seas We lay under a pair of courses the wind being at S. E. and E. S. E. with a very great Sea at S. S.E March the third all hands were called up and a Councel held wherein considering it was now dirty weather They resolve to go home over land and late in the year we bore up the Helm and resolved to go unto the Main for water and thence to Leeward and so march over land towards home or at least to the North Sea But God directed us from following this resolution as you shall hear hereafter We being thus determined that day we stood N.E. with a strong wind at S.E. and E.S.E. On March the fifth dyed our Coquimbo Indian The seventh we had a west-wind our course being E. by N. The eighth of the said Month we were put to an allowance Are put to an allowance having only one Cake of bread a day March the tenth we had a strong South-wind They descry la●d On March the 12th we fell in with the main land something to Leeward of Coquimbo Within the Island of Paxaros are double lands in whose Valleys are fires for the melting of Copper Furnaces of Copper with which Metal these Hills abound Off to sea-board it is a rocky land and within it is sandy About the distance of eight Leagues to Leeward is a rocky point with several Keys or Rocks about it About one half mile to Leeward of this point turneth in the Port of Guasco Point of Guasco Right against the anchoring are three Rocks close under the shoar Being arrived here we landed on shoar threescore men of our company They land with design to get Provisions and any thing else that we could purchase The people of the Country ran all away as soon as they saw us There was building on shoar in this Port a fire-Barque of sixteen or eighteen Tuns burthen with a Cock-boat belonging unto it And get Provisions We took one Indian Prisoner and with him went up the space of six or seven miles into the Country unto an Indian Town of Threescore or Fourscore houses From thence we came back unto the Church which is distant four miles from the Sea-side and lodged there all night Here are multitudes of good Sheep and Goats in the Countrey adjoyning to this Port and it is watered with an excellent fresh-water River but the getting of water is very difficult the banks being very high or otherwise inaccessible However we made a shift to get in five hundred Jars of water Furthermore we brought away one hundred and twenty Sheep and fourscore Goats with which stock we victualled our vessel for a while As for Oxen they had driven them away farther up into the Countrey An account of Guasco The jurisdiction of Guasco it self is governed by a Teniente or Deputy-Governour and a Fryar and is in subjection unto the City of la Serena above-mentioned as being a dependance thereupon Here groweth both Corn Pease Beans and several other sorts of Grain and for Fruits this place is not inferiour unto Coquimbo Here we found likewise a Mill to grind Corn and about two hundred bushels thereof ready ground the which we conveyed on board our ship Every house of any account hath branches of water running through their yards or courts The Inhabitants had hidden their
west sea On the 29th we had very windy and hasey weather with some rain now and then All last night we handed our main top-sail We made a S.E. by E. way and thirty two leagues and two thirds We had a South west sea and wind Friday September the 30th this day we had fresh winds between S. W. and W. We reckoned a S. E. half South way and thereupon forty four leagues By observation we found Lat. 35 d. 54 South October the first the wind this day was not very fresh but varying My reckoning was a S. E. half South way and twenty four leagues An observation gave us 36 d. 50 South Another Quadrant made by the Author This day I finished another Quadrant being the third I finished in this Voyage We had a South west sea with showers of rain and gusts of wind Sunday October the second the wind this day was hanging between W.N.W. ' and N.W. by N. We made a S.E. by S. way and thirty three leagues and two thirds By observation we found 38 d. 14 South About noon we had a fresh wind at N.W. and S.W. October the third the last night in the forepart thereof was clear but the latter was rainy The wind very fresh at N.W. by N. But this day we had little wind and cloudy weather A S. W. by W. wind and a S.E. by S. way by which we reckoned thirty three leagues and one third of a league October the fourth we had a clear night and a very fresh wind We reckoned a S. E. by S. way and thereby forty three leagues An observation taken shewed us that we were in Lat. 41 d. 34 South This day also fell several showers of rain October the fifth we had a windy night the last past and a clear day We reckoned a S.S.E. half E. way and forty four leagues and two thirds By an observation made we found Lat. 43 d. 26 South The weather now was very windy causing a huge tempestuous sea The wind at N.W. and N.W. by N. blowing very high October the sixth this day the wind was still at N.W. and yet not so fresh as it was yesterday the weather very foggy and misty As for the wind it came in gusts so that we were forced to hand our top-sails and sprit-sail We reckoned a S. E. half S. way and thereby forty three leagues and one third of a league The Seas now were not so high as for some days past In the evening we scudded away under our fore course Friday October the 7th Last night was very cloudy and this day both dark and foggy weather with small rain We made a S. E. way and thirty leagues and two thirds A fresh wind at N. N. W. and N. W. We keep still under a fore course not so much for the freshness of the wind as the closeness of the weather October the 8th we had a clear night the night before this day and withal a strong gale A great storm insomuch that this day we were forced to take in our fore-sail and loosen our Mizen which was soon blown to pieces Our eldest Seamen said that they were never in the like storm of wind before The Sea was all in a foam In the evening it dulled a little We made a S. E. half E. way and eighteen leagues with very dark weather Sunday October the 9th All the night past we had a furious W. N. W. wind We set our sail a drough They drive at a great rate and so drove to the Southward very much and almost incredibly if an observation had not hapned which gave us Lat. 48 15 S. We had a very stiff gale at W. N. W. with a great Sea from W. which met with a S. S. W. Sea as great as it Now the weather was very cold and we had one or two frosty mornings Yesterday in the afternoon we had a very great storm of hail At noon we bent another Mizen Monday Octob. the 10th This day brought us a freshwind at N. W. and N. N. W We made a S. E. half E. way and by it forty four leagues By observation we found Lat. 49 D. 41 S. I reckoned my self now to be East from Paita sixty nine leagues and an half Tuesday October the 11th Last night we had a small time calm This day was both cloudy and rainy weather The wind at S. W. and S. S. W. so furious that at ten of the clock this morning we scudded under a main sail At noon we lower'd our fore-yard while we sailed We made a S. E. by E. way and thirty leagues CHAP. XXIII The Bucaniers arrive at a place incognito unto which they give the name of the Duke of Yorks Islands A description of the said Islands and of the Gulf or Lagoon wherein they lie so far as it was searched They remain there many days by stress of weather not without great dangers of being lost An account of some other things remarkable that hapned there WEdnesday October the 12th All the night before this day we had many high winds I reckoned an E. S. E. way and twenty leagues for our vessel drove at a great rate Moreover that we were in Lat. 50 D. 50 S. So that our Easting from Paita by my account ought to be one hundred and one leagues or thereabouts This morning about two hours before day we hapned by great accident to espie land They see land before day and are miraculously preserved It was the great mercy of God which had always attended us in this Voyage that saved us from perishing at this time for we were close ashoar before we saw it and our fore-yard which we most needed in this occasion was taken down The land we had seen was very high and towering and here appeared to be many Islands scattered up and down We steered in with what caution we could between them and the Main and at last God be praised arrived at a place or rather Bay where we perceived our selves to be land-lockt and as we thought pretty safe from the danger of those tempestuous Seas From hence we sent away our Canoa to sound and search the f●ttest place for anchoring At this time one of our men One of their me● drowned named Henry Shergall as he was going into our sprit-sail top hapned to fall into the water and was drowned before any help could be had unto him though we endeavoured it as much as we possibly could This accident several of our company did interpret as a bad Omen of the place which proved not so through the providence of the Almighty though many dangers were not wanting here unto us as I shall relate We came to an anchor in the depth of forty fathom Water more or less They came to an anchor and yet at no greater distance than a stones cast from shoar The water where we anchored was very smooth and the high lands round about all covered with snow
very fresh at E. N. E. and N. E. by E. This morning it was at East both with snow and hail Towards noon the weather cleared up and we found by an observation taken Lat. 49 D 45 S. Our reckoning was a North way and thirty leagues This day we had a short Eastern sea and withal a very cold evening I took the Sun and hereby I found variation 26 D. 30. unto the North East This night the wind came about W. and W. N. W. continuing so all the night November the 30th This day the wind was N. and N. N. E. with some clouds hovering in the sky At this time we had already almost four hours of night Four hours of night The morning of this day was very fair and clear Hereupon for to give my self satisfaction in the point as fearing the truth of Spanish Books I worked the true Amplitude of the Sun and found his variation to be 26 25 to the N. E. being very conformable to what I had both read and experimented before Hereabouts also we experimented a current to the Northward Moreover this day we saw much rock-weed which renewed our hopes Rock-we●d once more of seeing land We reckoned a N. E. way and by the same twenty two leagues By an observation made we found Lat. 48 D. 53 S. This day also we saw several of those fowl-fish afore described called Paxaros-ninos Paxaros-ninos and these of a larger size than any we had seen before In the afternoon the wind came about at N. N. E. whereby we stood N. W. by W. with a fresh gale and smooth water The weather now began to grow warmer then hetherto and the evening of this day was clear Tuesday December the first The latter part of the night past was very cloudy and also sometimes rainy About midnight we had a furious and violent Tornado Several Tornados forcing us in a moment to hand in our top-sails At five in the morning we set them again and at eleven we had another Tornado forcing us to hand our top-sails the second time We made a N. N. E. two thirds East way and thereby thirteen leagues and two thirds of a league The afternoon of this stormy day proved very fair and the wind came to W. S. W. our course being N. E. by N. In the evening the wind freshned with cloudy weather Which continue December the second Last night we experimented a very furious whirle-wind which notwithstanding it pleased God did pass about the length of our ship to Westward of us However we handed in our top-sails and halled up our low-sails in the brails After the whirle-wind came a fresh storm of large hail-stones in the night and several Tornados but God be thanked they all came large of our ship We now made a great way under a fore-course and sprit-sail At four of the clock this morning our fore-sail split whereby we were forced to lower our fore-yard At half an hour after ten we hoysted it again with a furious S. W. wind We made a N. E. by E. way and by the same forty seven leagues and an half By observation we now had Lat. 46 D. 54 S. We riffed our fore-sail with respect to the violence of the wind But in the evening this rather increased and we had a very great Sea Our standing rigging through the fury of this gale gave way in several places but was soon mended again Warm weather December the third The wind all the night past was very fresh with several flaws both of wind and rain at S. W. and S. W. by S. We enjoyed now very warm weather This morning we set our fore-top-sail Our reckoning gave us a N. E. half E. way and forty five leagues We found Lat. by observation 45 D. 28 S. This day at noon a large shoal of young Porpusses came about our ship and played up and down Porpusses December the 4th All the night past we had a fresh gale at W. S. W. The night was clear onely that now and then we had a small cloud affording some rain In the morning from four of the clock till eight it rained But then it cleared up again with a S. W. wind and a very smooth sea We made by a N. E. one quarter N. way thirty nine leagues By observation we found Lat. 44 D. 01 S. At noon the wind came to S. S. W. our course then being N. N. E. This day we agreed among our selves having the consent of our commander A dividend made of eight chests of mon to share the eight chests of money which as yet were remaining unshared Yesterday in the evening we let out the reiff of our fore-sail and hoysted up our fore-yard This evening I found variation 17 D. N. E. Munday December the 5th All the night past a clear night and this a fair day with a fresh wind at S.S. W. We reckoned a N. E. 5. D. N. way and by the same forty two leagues An observation gave us Lat. 42 D. 29. S. This afternoon we shared of the chests abovementioned three hundred pieces of eight each man 300 p. 8. to each ma● I now reckoned my self to be East from my departure four hundred seventy one leagues and one third of a league At night again we shared twenty two pieces of eight more to each December the 6th We had a clear star-light-night the last and a fair morning this day with a fresh gale at S. W. At noon we took in our fore-top-sail We reckoned a N. E. half N. way and hereby fifty leagues and two thirds An observation taken afforded us 40 D. 31 S. This evening was cloudy December the 7th The night was both windy and cloudy At one in the morning we took in our top-sails and at three handed our sprit-sail and so we scudded away before the wind which now was very fresh at West This morning a gust of wind came and tore our main-sail into an hundred pieces which made us put away before the wind till we could provide for that accident My reckoning was a N. E. three quarters E. way and by the same thirty three leagues By observation we found Lat. 39 D. 37 S. We had now a great Sea and a fresh wind At three in the afternoon we set another fore-sail the first being blown to pieces Moreover at the same time we furled our sprit-sail At five the wind came at W. S. W. with very bad weather This day our worthy commander Captain Sharp had very certain intelligence given him that on Christmas-day A plot against Captain Sharp discovered which was now at hand the company or at least a great part thereof had a design to shoot him he having appointed that day some time since to be merry Hereupon he made us share the wine amongst us as being perswaded they would scarce attempt any such thing in their sobriety The wine we shared fell out to three jarrs unto
Porpusses did always hinder us of having any good of them On January the 21st We made a W. way and reckoned forty seven leagues By observation we found Lat. 13 D. 07 N. The wind was at E. N. E. and from thence came a long sea The evening was very clear January the 22d We had a fair and a clear day the wind being at E. We reckoned a W. by N. one third W. way and forty leagues An observation shewed us Lat. 13 D. 17 N. We had a clear evening and a fresh wind at E. N. E. January the 23d This day was both clear and hot with a fresh wind at E. N. E. My reckoning was a W. way and forty six leagues Our observation made this day afforded us Lat. 13 D. 15 N. In the evening we had some rain January the 24th This day brought us likewise clear weather such as the day before I reckoned a W. way and forty leagues and one third By observation we found Lat. 13 D. 12. N. The afternoon was cloudy and had some rain the wind freshning at E.N.E. and at E. by N. I reckoned now that I was East from my departure three hundred and eleven leagues We had a cloudy evening January the 25th Both last night and this morning the weather was cloudy This morning we saw several Tropick-birds of divers sorts Tropick-birds seen Our reckoning was a W. three quarters N. way and forty three leagues We found by observation Lat. 13 D. 29 N. This afternoon we saw a Booby flying close aboard the Horison A Booby seen The weather was hasey They look out sharp for land But now we began to look out sharp on all sides for land expecting to see it every minute I reckoned my self to be Eastward of my departure two hundred sixty eight leagues January the 26th The night last past was indifferent clear Yet notwithstanding this morning we had a smart shower of rain and it was very windy Hereupon we furled our sprit sail the weather being very hasey to the Westward We reckoned a W. way and thereby forty six leagues and one third By observation taken we found Lat. 13 D. 17. N. At noon this day we had a very fierce Tornado and rain together but withal a clear afternoon We had a high E N. E. sea A fierce T●●nado and saw multitudes of flying-fish also several fowls and amongst these two or three Booby's The evening was hasey January the 27th All night past we had a fresh wind and clear weather This morning our fore-top-mast back-stay gave way and at day-break the star-board-sheet of our fore-top-sail brake We had several Tornado's this day and dark weather Our reckoning was a W. way and forty eight leagues by the same We had a clear evening and a dark night This day also a certain bird called a Noddy came on board us A Noddy cometh aboard which we took for a certain token that we were not now very far from land Saturday January the 28th We had a very clear night the last past About an hour before day one of our company happened to descry land They descry the Island of Barbado's which proved to be the Island of Barbado's at S. S. W. from us and at two leagues and an half distance more or less Hereupon we clapt on a wind N. and by W. At day-break we were onely four leagues distant from Chalky-Mount at which time we stood S. W. by S. As we sailed we saw several ships at anchor in Spikes-Road Soon after a Shalop passed by between us and the shoar but would not come within call of us Hereupon we stood in within a mile of the shore and made a wiff unto a Pinnace which we saw coming out of the road aforementioned She came close aboard us and as it should seem was the Barge of one of his Majesties Frigats They are affraid of the Richmond Frigat the Richmond then lying at the Bridge-town at anchor They told us of a peace at home but would not come on board us though often invited thereunto Neither dared we be so bold as to put in there at Barbado's for hearing of a Frigat lying there we feared least the said Frigat should seize us for Privateers and for having acted in all our voyage without Commission Thus we stood away from thence for the Island of Antego 〈◊〉 bear away 〈◊〉 Antego Here I cannot easily express the infinit joy we were possessed withal this day to see our own country-men again They told us that a ship which we saw in the offing to leward of the Island was a Bristol-man and an Interloper but we feared that same vessel to be the Frigat aforementioned I reckoned a way of twenty five leagues So that I was now by my account to Eastward of my departure one hundred fifty one leagues Now we stood N. by W. and by observation found Lat. 13 D. 17 N. we being then N. W. from the body of the Island of Barbado's between seven and eight leagues This afternoon we freed the Negro who was our shooemaker by his trade They give liberty to a Negro giving him his liberty for the good service he had done us in all the course of this voyage We gave also unto our good commander Captain Sharp a Mulato boy as a free gift of the whole company for to wait upon him in token of the respects we all were owing unto him for the safety of our conduct through so many dangerous adventures This being done we shared some small parcels of money that had not as yet been touched of our former prizes The last dividend ma●● and this dividend amounted unto twenty four pieces of eight each man At one of the clock this day from our fore-yard we descryed the Island of Santa Lucia being one of the Western Islands not far distant from that of Barbados I had omitted to tell a passage which happened in our ship on Thursday last which was the 26th day of this Month and just two days before we made the Island aforementioned of Barbados On that day therefore a little Spanish shock-Dog which we had found in our last Wine-prize taken under the Aequinoctial and had kept alive till now was sold at the mast by publick cry for forty pieces of eight his owner saying that all he could get for him should be spent upon the company at a publick merriment Our commander Captain Sharp bought the Dog with intention to eat him in case we did not see land very soon This money therefore with one hundred pieces of eight more which our Boatswain Carpinter and Quartermaster had refused to take at this last dividend for some quarrel they had against the sharers thereof was all laid up in store till we came to land to the intent of spending it ashore at a common feast or drinking bout At Sunset the Island of Santa Lucia bore W. S. W. from us and was at ten
set them with a fresh gale at E. S. E. My reckoning this day was thirty one leagues by a S.S. W. way All day long we stood by our top-sails On the 18th we made a S. by W. way We reckoned our selves to be in Lat. 19. D. 33. S. The weather was hasey and the wind began to dye this day by degrees The next day being the 19th we had very small wind I reckoned thirteen leagues and an half by a S. W. by S. way and our whole Westing from Paita to be 164 leagues in Lat. 20. D. 06. S. All the afternoon we had a calm with drizling rain Monday September the 20th Last night we saw the Magallan Clouds Magallan Clouds which are so famous among the Mariners of these Southern Seas The least of these clouds was about the bigness of a mans hat After this sight the morning was very clear We had run at noon at E. S. E thirteen leagues and an half and by an observation then made we found Lat. 20. D. 15. S. This day the wind began to freshen at W. by S. Yet notwithstanding we had a very smooth Sea But on the next morning the wind came about to S.W. and yet slacken by degrees At four this morning it came to S. by E. And at ten the same day to S. E. by S. We had this day a clear observation and by it Lat. 20. D. 25. S. We stood now E by N. with the wind at S. E. September the 22d This morning the wind was at E. S. E. By a clear observation we found Lat 19. D. 30 S. Likewise on a N. E. by E. way and two leagues and two thirds September the 23d we had a fresh wind and a high 〈◊〉 This morning early the wind was at E. and about 〈◊〉 E. N. E. From a clear observation we found our latitude to be 20 D. 35 S. The way we made was S. by W. That morning we hapned to split our Sprit-sail Next morning the wind was variable and inconstant and the weather but hasey We reckoned a S. by E. way this day we bent a new main-top-sail the old one serving for a fore-top-sail In the afternoon we had but little wind whereupon we lowered our top-sails having in like manner a very smooth sea The following day likewise brought us calm and warm weather which occasioned us to set up our shrouds both fore and aft An observation taken this day afforded us Lat. 21. D. 57. That evening we bent a sprit-sail On September the 26th an observation gave us Lat. 22. D. 05. S. At noon we had a breez at N. N. E. our course being E. S. E. In the afternoon we set up a larboard top-sail studden-sail In the evening the wind came about at North pretty fresh The next day we had a smooth sea and took in four studden-sails For yesterday in the afternoon we had put out besides that above-mentioned another studden-sail and two main studden-sails more This day we had by observation 22 D. 45 S. having made by an E. S. E. way thirty five leagues and an half Our whole Merid. differ sixty eight leagues and an half September the 28th all the forenoon we had very little wind and yet withal a great Southern sea By observation we had Lat. 22 D. 40 S. September the 29th All the night past we had much wind with three or four fierce showres of rain This was the first that we could call rain Much rain ever since that we left Cape Francisco above-mentioned This day our allowance was shortned and reduced unto three pints and a half of water and one cake of boyled bread to each man for a day Their allowance shotned again An observation this day gave us Lat. 21 D. 59 S. by a N. E. by E. way On September the 30th we had a cloudy day and the wind very variable the morning being fresh Our way was N. E. half N. wherein we made eighteen leagues October the First All the night past and this day we had a cloudy sky and not much wind We made a N. E. by E. way and by it seventeen leagues and two miles Their allowance still shortens This day we began at two pints and a half of water for a day The Second we made a E.N. E. way and by it twenty six leagues more or less Our observation this day gave us Lat. 20 D. 29 S. I reckoned now that we were ten leagues and an half to East of our Meridian the Port of Paita so that henceforward our departure was Eastward The wind was this day at S. E. by S. On the Third we had both a cloudy morning a high sea and drizling weather An observation which we had this day gave us Lat. 19 D. 45 S. In the afternoon the wind blew so fresh as that we were forced to hand our top-sails and sprit-sail The 4th likewise we had a high sea and a cold wind At break of day we set our top-sails An observation made afforded us Lat. 19 D. 8 S. Here we supposed our selves fifty nine leagues D. M. The 5th we had still a great sea and sharp and cold winds forcing us to our low sails By a N. E. by E way we reckoned this day twenty six leagues and an half But on the 6th we had great gusts of wind Insomuch that this morning our ring-bolts gave way which held our Main-stay and had like to have brought our Main-mast by the board Their Main-mast in danger Hereupon we ran three or four glasses West before the wind By an observation we found Lat. 19 D. 4 S. On the 7th of October the wind was something fallen We had both a cloudy day and variable winds The 8th of the said Month we had again a smooth sea and small whistling winds Water-snakes and Seals This morning we saw a huge shoal of fish two or three Water-snakes and several Seals On the next day we had in like manner a very smooth sea and withal a cloudy day Our course was East October the Tenth we had likewise a cloudy day with small and variable winds and what is consequent unto these a smooth Sea Our way was S. by E. This day we espied sloating upon the Sea 〈◊〉 of sea-grass several Tufts of Sea-grass which gave us good hopes that we were not far from shoar In the afternoon we had a N. E. by E. wind that sprang up the night was very cold and cloudy On the eleventh we had a fresh wind at S. E. and E. S.E. together with a cloudy day such as we had experimented for several days before We reckoned this day thirty two Leagues by a N. E. by E. way Here our Pilot told us that the sky is always hasey nigh the shoar upon these Coasts where we now were A 〈◊〉 sky 〈…〉 On October the 12th we had a clear day and a North-East way The 13th we had but little wind This day we saw a