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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14624 The mariners mirrour wherin may playnly be seen the courses, heights, distances, depths, soundings, flouds and ebs, risings of lands, rocks, sands and shoalds, with the marks for th'entrings of the harbouroughs, havens and ports of the greatest part of Europe: their seueral traficks and commodities: together wth. the rules and instrume[n]ts of navigation. First made & set fourth in diuers exact sea-charts, by that famous nauigator Luke Wagenar of Enchuisen and now fitted with necessarie additions for the use of Englishmen by Anthony Ashley. Heerin also may be understood the exploits lately atchiued by the right Honorable the L. Admiral of Engla[n]d with her Maties. nauie and some former seruices don by that worthy knight Sr. Fra: Drake.; Spieghel der zeevaerdt. English Waghenaer, Lucas Janszoon, 1534 or 5-1606.; Ashley, Anthony, Sir, 1551-1628.; Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598, engraver.; Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612, engraver.; Ryther, Augustine, engraver. 1588 (1588) STC 24931; ESTC S122236 118,075 186

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the channell vnto the Island Roxo and there anker where you please But on the Southside are 2. or 3. bayes where is good anker holde If you will go to Puente Vedra set in on the Southside of the Isle Blidedones which is a very flat land lying in lēgth East north east about two dutch leagues then shall you come to a little Island in the middest of the Hauen which you shall leaue on the Larboorde To the Southward of it you may perceaue a towre on the mayne lande before which you must sayle and anker at 7. or 8. fatham Foure dutch leagues from Puente vedra lie the Islandes of Bayon which to such as come out of the sea shew like gray rockes or cliffes If you will go in at the North-side your course lieth in midde water betweene these Islandes and the mayne lande vntill the channell of Cannas or Cangas and Vigo be opened vnto you then go Eastwarde in The Hauen is fayre and large you may ride on both sides either before Vigo or Cangas and may likewise go farther in beyonde the South poynte to Rondello where both shippe and lading may be salfe in the Oase without cable or anker But if you will sayle in by the south Island of Bayone your course lieth in the middest of the channell between the sayd Island and the mayne land vntill you are cleare of the poynt of Bayon Then set towards the East poynt of Boyon wherevpon standeth a castle afterwards turne southwarde behinde the Castle to the cittie where you may anker at 6. or 7. fatham You may also crosse ouer thence to Vigo betwixt the poynte and the Islande or Rocke that lieth in the other side of the hauen at 3. or 4. fatham But if you will sayle from the southermost Islande to Vigo or Cangas holde on two leagues Northeast vntill you may see thorough between the mayne and the North Island and that the cittie of Cangas appeare without the corner which is on the North side of the hauen Then ariseth a low point on the starboord side holde on in the middest of the channell between the sayd point the North land where you may anker in what place you please both on the Southside before Vigo and on the North side before Cangas in 12. or 13. fatham These countries and portes yeld great aboundance of Orenges Chestnuts and very small wines And thither is carried great quantitie of Corne to the great benefit and behoofe of many Marchaunts and Marriners A DESCRIPTION OF THE SEA COASTES OF Galicia beginning from Cap de finisterre Vnto Camino Dōne According Vnto the true Situation appearing Thereof * 1588 * A PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE SEA COSTES OF THE NORTH PART of Portugale viz. from Viana to cape de Montego ABout three dutch leagues to the Southward of Bayone standeth a monastery vpon the strand Fiue Dutch leagues from hence is the riuer of Viana called Rio de Lymas at the entry wherof lyeth a notable ledge of rocks That you may goe cleare of the same hold on still Southward vntill the two fire or watch Towers which stand vpon south-South-land be brought in one For by these markes you may hale along the shoare in 4. or 5. fatham vntill the two houses and the little steeple which you see vpon the Northside of the land be brought together Then hold on so alongest the shoare on the East side of the rocke whereon standeth a mast vntil the riuer lie open before you Then saile inwards on the South side of the second rocke whereon also standeth a maste Then crossing vp Northward to Viana anker at 7. or 8. fatham In the very entrie lieth a barre whereon is two fatham water Fiue Dutch leagues South of Viana standeth Villa del Conde and at the entrie of that hauen are many rockes rounde about which you may safely passe in 5. or 6. fatham depth Farther inward lieth a barre or a shoald thwarting all the mouth of the hauen and hath 2. fatham water the deepest place in all the hauen is not aboue 3. or 4. fatham but the best depth is to the Southward It is a bard hauen and in the North part full of rockes and sandes Three leagues Southward of Villa del Conde lie the great high rockes of Lesons halfe a league to the Northward of the riuer of Port de Port called Rio Duero betwixt which rockes and the mayne you may saile in on both sides and there ride at 6. or 7. fatham for the ground is very good for ankering There lieth a rocke vnder water halfe a league Southwest of the west corner of the said rocks The porte of Metellyn lieth within the foresaid high rockes being a bard hauen of 2. fatham A league Southward of Lesons rockes lieth the Riuer Port de Port. into which you must hale on the Northside keeping all the rockes Northward of the riuer and saile along the South shoare East and by North vntill you are cleare of the rocke whereon standeth a crosse then fare you forward in the middest of the riuer to the citie Port de port Inwardes it is 10. or 12. fatham but the entrie is onely 3. or 4. fatham deepe at halfe floud You may enter likewise on the South side along the shoare where at high water there is 3. fatham From Port de port to Aueiro is 8. leagues all the coast alongst the shoare is downes About the mouth of Aueiro are ragged downes and may hale along the strand at 10. or 12. fatham when the high blacke hill within the land beareth East and by South from you then are you in the entrie and right before Aueiro riuer when you are come in 6. or 7. fatham water you shall see three mastes standing vpon the shoare which you must keepe togither bearing inwardes East and by South and East South east vntill you come neare the shoare where these mastes stand by the sand bancks Then set Northward and holding on neare the North shoare leaue all the flattes on the starreboord vntill you haue the riuer open before you Then turne in againe East South east vp to Aueiro in the middest of the channell betwene both the coasts At the entrance vpon the shoald at halfe floud you haue but 2. fatham vntill you are within it where you haue 5. or 6. fatham depth Fiue Dutch leagues Southward of Aueiro beareth the Cape de Montego and a eague to the Southward of that Cape lieth the bard hauen Pisage halfe a league to the westward from thence in the sea lieth a bancke conteining 6. fatham water vnder which you may ride at 12. or 13. fatham Vnder the Burlynges which are pourtraied in the next Table you may cast anker at 10. fatham right against the Hermitage where you haue very faire ground These countries yeeld store of wines Oringes Oyle and Oliues and much good Salte is carried from Aueiro But the citie of port de port is the chiefest Towne of traffique in all these
coastes THE SEA COASTES OF Portugal betwene Camino Montego euē as the Countrie there aboutes is lying and situated with all the hauens thereof Exactly dōne and corected with great dilligence A PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE SEA COASTES OF THE MOST notable part of Portugall viz. from the Burlinges to beyond Sainct Vues THe Cape of Roxent beareth 12. leagues South and by East and South south-east from the Burlings About a league to the Eastward of Roxent lieth the Roade called Cascals where against a North wind you may anker at 10. or 12. fatham If you wil from Cascals into the riuer of Lysbone hale along the north shore bearing a loofe from the first blacke poynte about a cables length Then go towards S. Gyles poynt a quarter of a Cables length of it but take heed you enter not in a calme and a low ebbe because the tide setteth strongly vpon the northern shoalde called the north Malechopos or Katchupps when you are within S. Gyles beare alongest the North shoare vntil you are past the castell called Restiers or Rastels and anker at 12. or 13. fatham before the Towne called Bolin But if you will sayle in the channell called the Craeck deepe or great deepe of Lisbone set the west poynt of Roxent right against Cas-cals vntill the abbey which standeth vpon the hill westward of Restiers aunswereth to the little tower which beareth Northwardes vpon the land Then goe so towardes the Abbey of S. Katherynes almost North-east and North-east and by East vntill on your Larbord side you haue two third partes of the riuer Continue then your course towards Restiers vntill you are past the castell where you may anker at your pleasure But if through the Craicke deepe you will turne in or out vpon a board bring the said little Tower two mastes length westward and the like distance to the northward of the sayd Abbey and euery time when you haue brought your markes after this sort turne the shippe vntill you come to S. Katherynes bay But if you will set towardes the Bankes of S. Vues or S. Toous keepe the first poynt lying to the westward of Zizembre a shippes length without the point that beareth Eastward of it vntill you see a white house appeare ouer agaynst the castell that standes on the shoare Then may you discouer the castell of Palmedo in a great valley keepe these markes after this maner and goe North Northeast and North-east and by North vntill you are past the aforesayde castell on the shoare And from thence hale along that shoare at a cables length to S. Vues In the banks of S. Vues lie 7. shoaldes or barres which at full sea haue 4. fatham water On the South-side these bankes are drie and doe for the moste part shewe aboue water The entrie along the South coastes is onely for Barks and small vessels anker neare the citie of S. Vues at 6. or 7. fatham In this part of Portugall is so great trade and varietie of traffique that it is hardly to be matched in all Europe For there is great plentie of all kinde of spices suger siluer golde wine oyle salt Iuory cochenille brasill and innumerable other kinds of marchandises that are brought thither out of the Indies and from thence transported and dispersed throughout all Europe THE SEA MAPPE OF P●●●ugal wherein are situated the most famous mar● towne of Lisbone St vues with their Riuers and coastes as they show when you saiell vp and downe them A PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE SEA COASTES OF ALGARBES the Southern part of Portugall AT the Cape of S. Vincent you haue salfe harborow for a North and Northwest winde Two leagues from Lagos lieth a great rock vnder water and a great league Southward from Villa Noua whether if yee will goe bring the tower and the mast standing vpon the East land togither and holde alonge the shoare vntil you are past the tower then beare in Northward till you come before the citie of Villa Noua where on the South side you haue a great drie bancke at the entrie or mouth is onely 2. fatham water at half floud and the north side is ful of bancks and shoaldes About 6. leagues Eastward beareth the citie Faraon where vpon the shoare standeth a light tower from the corner whereof lieth out a banck which you must auoyd Go in on the East side setting the tower on the Larbord the shoare of Tauilas on the starrebord side Foure leagues Northward of Faraon lieth Tauilas the entrance is crooked and full of shoalds which you must passe by obseruyng the shoare markes beacons and other signes before you may enter At halfe floud you haue there not aboue 10. or 12. foote depth euery yere the channell shifteth Foure leagues from thence Northward lieth Aimont a good hauen and you may beare right in from the sea or may enter by the Eastside hard abord the shoare within it is wide and broade you may turne to Castro-Marin or Aimont where you may anker at 5. or 6. fatham as you shall thinke best Fiue leagues further Eastward you haue the channell of L'epe which doth chaunge almost euery yeare Two leagues Eastward from thence lieth the entrie of S. Michael where you may come directly in from the sea then from S. Michaels with litle barkes you may passe the shoaldes to L'epe or Cartaya where you may take in the good Bastard wine These Hauens doe yeeld figges oyle corke and wines there is also great store of fish taken at Lagos which is carried thorough the straightes of Gibraltar sold and distributed among the most part of the townes of the Leuant A Description of the Sea Coastes of the land of Algarbe and a parte of the Condado with their shew opening A PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE SEA COASTES AND HAVENS OF ANDALVZIA SAltees beareth 4. leagues Eastward from S. Michaell you may saile by it to the great Condado and may goe in by the west entrance and keepe Guelua which we call the Vuoolfe ouer the Easterne point of the hauen bearing inwardes to Saltees But if you will enter by the land side then must you beare in with the west ende of the white cliffe hale then a cables length off alongest the shoare by the great tree that standeth westward of the cliffe keepyng still the point of the hauen right ouer against the Tower of Odier vntill you are cleare of the Island Then set Northward to Palos where you may anker at 5. or 6. fatham Saltees lieth 8. leagues from Chipiona South-east you may heere enter the riuer of S. Lucar de Barrameda called Guadalgueuir two cables length from the shoare and when you are cleare of the second shoalde giue it a birth of the South shoare vntill the Abbey and the great tree are one then holde on to S. Lucyfers Church commonly called S. Lucar de Barrameda To get the true depth and channell of the riuer set the said great tree right ouer the East-end
of the Abbey and so may you enter or goe forth But when Chipiona beareth South Southwest from you and the castell and tower are one then are you neare the first blinde rocke or shoalde The markes of the rocke that lieth in the entrance of S. Lucars channell are when the windmill and the white Frierie are brought togither on the East-side of S. Lucar for then should you by sayling forwardes strike vpon the rocke wherefore keepe the windmill fiue foote distant Northward of the Abbey and then shall you enter in the best of the channell which at halfe tide is 4. fatham deepe within it is wide and broade anker there at 10. or 12. fatham before the little Church which standeth on the North shoare Calis-malis lyeth South-east from Chipiona 7. leagues there haue you the entrie wide broad You may sayle in about two cables length of the Puercos which lie about half a league from the North corner of Calis About a great halfe league North-east and by North from thence lieth a rocke vnder water called the Diamant then appeareth S. Maryes little Church betweene two great highe hilles If you will go farther in then Calis hold on South-east beyond Puntall where is good harborough for all winds Calis bay is wide and broad and of 15. or 16. fatham depth A North-west winde beateth full vpon it From Calis to the straight of Gibraltar you haue eight leagues and three leagues thence to the hauen or roade of Gibraltar which is a very fayre bay and is able to conteyne many ships About the poynt of Tariffa or the streight halfe a league from lande lyeth a shoalde no deeper then 1½ fatham which you must bee heedefull to auoyde These countries bring foorth all kindes of the best wines fruites and other Marchandises as Seckes Bastarde and Romany Figges Reasins Oyle Oliues Pomegranets Cytherons or Orenges Sugar Skinnes of India and great plentie of the best Salt THE SEA COASTES of Andaluzia made according vnto the right situation thereof eauen as they appeare open with their Riuers and hauens A DECLARATION OF THE SEA CHART FROM THE FARTHEST part of England to Plimouth IF comming out of the East you are bound with the Sorlinges shape your course in by the Easterne shore at 8. or 9. fatham There is a Bulwarke or sconce before the castell And thence off a little waye lieth a rocke vnder water you may sayle betwixt it and the Bulwarke On the west side of the hauen are two rockes keepe them in one and goe neare the North shoare so shall you safely sayle without the poynt in 10. fatham but take heede you come no nearer To go cleare of the rocke that lieth in the entrance set the northerne rocke northward of the other rocke so much as you may see thorough them and then are you on the North-side of the rocke that lieth in the entrie And when you are past the rockes that are aboue water turne Northward neare the castell and anker at 8. or 9. fatham If you wil go from the Lysarde to Monsbay hold on west North-west vntill you see the castell in Monsbay vpon a high round rocke Then beare into the Bay right on the west side of the castell vntill you discerne a litle Island nigh the west coast wherevpon are two sharpe steeples like vnto watch-towers or beakons And goe so into the Bay nigh to that Island or rocke for there alongest it is cleare leauing the castell a good way on your starrebord side by reason of the rockes adioyning VVhen you are past the Island you shall see a great sandy bay where you may anker in 7. or 8. fatham But the best of the roade agaynst a South South South-east winde is at 6. or 7. fathā If you will sayle to Fallmouth hale inwardes alongest the Easterne shoare two cables off that you may be cleare of the blinde rocke that lieth in the entrie Beyond the hauen standes a high wood which you must keepe beyond the Northerne poynt of the west land By that wood are two chalky marks which you must likewise keepe aboue the sayd poynt then beare towards the middest of the high west land where you may anker at 15. fatham at the northerne poynt of the high land But if you will runne farther in plie Eastward towardes the Bay and when you are cleare of the shoald which reacheth downe from the Easterne tower inwards towardes the middest along the hauen there anker within the bancke neare the East land at 8. or 10. fatham Foy standeth also in a great Bay beeing a bard hauen where on each side standes a tower Beare in betweene both shoares But on the west-side the water is broader betweene the stakes and the tower which standeth on the west coast But if you will hale in along the west shoare within the stakes bearing a little off from the land holde about the middest of the channell but nearer to the westward vntill you come before the towne where at full sea you haue depth enough Here is no great trade or traffique but for broad cloathes kersies and Tinne The greatest part of the inhabitantes liue vpon grasing shipping THE SEA COASTES of England from the Sorlinges by the landes end to Plymouth with the hauens and harbrowghes A PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE SEA COASTES OF ENGLAND betweene Plimouth and Portland IF you will sayle into the Sounde of Plimouth and goe cleare of the Rocke beare alongst hard by the East-side of the Island wher it is 5. fatham deepe at high water vntill you see the Churche of Lyme-house on the west-side of the valley for then are you cleere of the rocke behinde that Island and vpon the maine lande of Plimouth standeth a wall which if you doo heedefully marke and Lyme-house Churche appeare on the North head of the aforesayd valley then shall you runne right vpon the Rocke where you haue but 3. fatham at low water yet behinde the Island you may anker in .12 or 13. fatham But if you will forwards into the west harborough set westward between the Island the mayne land vntill you haue opened the west harborough hauen then holde on in the middest of the channell between both landes vntill you are within the west poynt where you may cast anker at 9. or 10. fatham VVhen you will sayle from the Cape called Ramhead into Catvvater then plie towards Plimouth point vntill Catvvater lie open before you leaue the greater parte of the water on your starborde side and so sayle into the middest of the channell where you may anker right against the northland in 4. or 5. fatham at a dead low water And you may anker also on the side of the entrie vnder the Cape of Ramhead Northward thereof by the shoare in 10. fatham water for there is cleare grounde If your course lieth to Dartmouth you shal diserne a red point on the East-side of the Hauen and a blacke point at the waters side In the
from Farder And from thence shape your course to Anslo Copervvicke and Soen vvater and so forwardes thorough the rockes called Lammeren to Braekenes which is a shallow riuer towardes the sides where most part of the firre borde and timber is sawed Rogh point lieth foure leagues North northeast from Farder the rockes called the Sisters are 3. leagues Northeast and by North from Farder The Isle of Akersounde is distant from thence 5. leagues to the Northeast In these partes lie the hauens of the Northeast countrie where now a dayes is the chiefest taking of herringes which was woont to be in Malstrande From all these hauens come deale bordes great and little mastes rayles rafters timber to make hoopes fire woode and such like stuffe fit for building The Sea Coastes of Norway And of the land of North-East as they shewe and appeare betweene Mardou and Akersond according unto their right situation AN EXACT DESCRIPTION OF THE NORTHEAST COVNTRIES where Malstrande is the cheefest Porte IF you will saile from the cape called Schagen or Scaw to Masterlande shape your course East north east till you may discouer an high round rocke or hill called Bretto towards which you must beare East North east till the rockes called the Pater nosters be in sight which you shall leaue on your larbord And when you shal be nigh the shoare the entrie of Masterland will be open before you on your South side liyng Eastward and East south eastwardes And leaue the Island wherin standeth a beakon or warlocke on your starbord But when you come to the poynt then the citie lieth open before you make fast a Cable to the Kay and cast Anker to the Seawards You may sayle out agayne Southward into the mayne two or three wayes If you will beare in with Calfsounde enter harde aborde the great Rocke wheron standeth a high warlocke you may by holding on the same course sayle into Coyhell and Bahuys you may also set forwardes to the Riuer of Nilues called VVinder between the Rockes wher on the East side you haue the mayne and the channell lieth open before you Right before the Riuer lieth a ragged Island which you must leaue on the Larborde You may anker vnder the same in 15. or 16. fatham the hauen is called Reefsounde Two leagues Eastward of Reefsounde lieth the Island Malesounde which you may sayle rounde about Consbaeke lieth from thence two leagues to the East north eastward Monstersounde standeth also on the East-side of the hauen and from thence VVaersberghe lieth 3. leagues to the Southward If you will sayle to vvaersberghe bringe the Castle which standeth in the mayne lande South of you and holde on thorough the middest of the channell between the Island and the Easterne shoare but edge nearer the island because of the rocke vnderwater that stretcheth out from the eastern poynt There is also a blinde Rocke at the poynte of the Island when you are cleare thereof you may borrow of the Northern shore and there come to anker for it is broade and 4. or 5. fatham deepe Parte of these Coastes doo belonge to the gouernement of the Kynge of Svvedeland and parte to the Kynge of Denmarke Their traffique is all sortes of Tallow and such grosse wares Skines Hides Barly and great stoare of Filberd-nuttes A MOST PERFECT description of the Sea coastes of the North East land parte of Norway part of Swedeland as it lieth betwene Distelbergh and Waersbergh A PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE PRINCIPALL PART OF DENmarke where standeth the famous citie of Capen-hauen the cheefest place of the kings residence NOrth-east and by North of Coll lieth an Island called Swedero which is like an hauen on the inside but it is open on the North-side If you cannot goe cleare of Coll beare boldly with the sayd Island hold on streight within the great rock neere the church where you may anker in 10. fatham and ride safely From Anholte set South southeast towardes Zealande And if by reason that the winde hangeth Easterly you cannot get into the Sound hale alongst the coast of Zealand on the backside of Haselin where is good ground in euery place for ankering There is also a great bay which is a good harborough ouer-right alongst the coasts of Zealand for a Northeast winde where is 5. or 6. fatham water To saile into the Sound hold Southeasterly in from Coll but bring not the Isle of VVeen open of Elsenoers castell till you are cleare of Svvynebode Then may you passe by Lappesande thorough the middest of the channell and being past the castell anker where you list Towardes VVeen are certaine places where is good riding in 7. fatham water but it lieth farre from the shoare If you saile from the Sound to Coppen hauen being come to the ende of the wood you may sound the whole channell as you go vpon 5. or 6. fatham and not faile to find the Buy but keep still in 5. fatham when the tower of Coppen hauen is Southwest from you then are you come neare the first Buy where you haue 7. fatham on the East side holde on from the Northerne Buy to the other South by East borrow of the westerne coast if the wind hang westerly in 6. or 7. fatham where you haue also 9. or 10. fatham water Set Southward frō the second to the third Buy for there haue you 10. or 11. fatham then are you right against Southolme where it is shallower and narower from thence continue your course south to the Buy of Casperkine where is 7. fatham water The Fissher lieth from the Buy in Casperkine East and by North the west side thereof is very shallow Your course from Casperkine to the shoald or sand called Drakerriff is South where a Buy lieth in 5. fatham water but from Drakerriff to Steden South and by westward and then haue you sometimes deeper sounding But when you are betwixt Steden and Falsterborne and the flat broad tower of Falsterborne be one with the castell then are you at the poynt of the Riffe or bancke where lieth a Buy in 4. fatham depth and there beginneth the Easterne sea called the Belt and may shape your course thence Easterly towardes Brontholme If you will backe againe from Steden towardes Draker when you come neare Drakerriff if the tower of Coppen hauen appeare on the East side of Draker wood bring Draker North and by west off you so shal you go cleare of the Riff And when the tower of Coppen hauen is to sight a ships length Eastward from the wood you are thwart of Drakerriff Buy where you haue 5. fatham water Your course from Drakerriff to the Buy in Casperkine is almost plaine North where it is about 6. or 7. fatham deepe and there the channell is narrower But from Casperkine to the other three Buyes set North and north and by west where you haue 10. 9. 8. or 7. fathā water when Coppen hauen is Southwest then are you come
and the highest downe of Ameren North. Saile in North north East by the out shoalds but when you are within a little way hold on north East and by north to Voren kéeping the Isle of Voren on your larboord and the north Maze on your starreboord side The Small Deepe hath at halfe floode two fatham and a halfe But if you wil saile from holy land to the Riuer of Heuer set north east a litle more easterly when you haue brought the Tower of Pielworme north East by north a Cables length northwarde of the southern Koehuse or cowhouse you are at the outtermost buy Thence hold on to the second north East and north-east by East and the tower of Pielwormen will stand north north-east but continue your course frō the second buy to the two first Beacons north east by East and from thence to the other two middle East north-east and then north-east and by east to th' other like markes but all these markes stand on the starboord as you goe into the Riuer of Heuer There is a foure square déepe stretching to Huis bridge The entry of the north Heuer lyeth néere Suderoge which is a very lettle Island hauing three or foure rewes of houses in it but at the shoald alled Quaghe it méeteth againe with the right Channell There is also a safe Road betwéen Pelworme and Suderoge but beare somwhat a loofe of the west side of Suderoge for there lieth out from thence a small sand wherfore saile in alongst the land of Pelworme and you shall sée a gréene Island called Nubell where you may anker on the west side in foure or fiue fatham for there is safe riding for ships fraighted and ready to goe out But if you wil to Huyse you may set the Isle of Nubell on your larboord side and returne againe into Huyse-deepe There is also a Channell or entrie neere the land of Eydorsteede leaue the shoald called Quaghe on the larboord side and enter north north-east vntill you are past the Beakons which stande vpon Quaghe and when you are come againe to the true Channell of Heuar which lyeth inwards most north-east and by east in the very entry of Heuar you haue iii. fatham water but on the shoalde called Suidbalge onely two and a halfe But if you wil goe from holy Island to Eyder shape your course east and by north till you perceiue the Tower of Gartingen on the south side of the Downes and north-east and by north from you By these markes saile alongst by the shoald called Blaewart as long as you haue v. or vi fatham where you may gage water But when you haue brought Wisselen-beeren east and by north at v. or vi fatham enter east south-east and east and by south turning sometimes eastward vntill you are cleare of the newe ground for then will the Beakon vpon the shoald of the Hont stand south south-east from you But when the Church of Taringhen appeareth a ships length eastward of the Village Ees you are past the newe ground Then hold on about a league and halfe north north-east towardes the Greene land called Coeberge and if you are to take in any Oxen hale alongst this shoare north north-east bearing sometimes somewhat more casterlie to Vlckehorne into the Channell called Doodebalge which you must warpe out of But when you are right against the south side of Coeberge there you enter into the Channel called Hetlanddeep which stretcheth down from the little Downes on the south-west and from thence reacheth Eyder straight vp to ●onnenghen first east and east by north alongst Dinners shoare then northeast to Tonnenghen The depth of Eyder is almost in euery place like and at halfe flood it hath v. vi or vii fatham If you will from Eyder to the Pipe set small sayle a while vntill the Church of Tatinghen appeare right to the most easterly house of Ees Then saile betwéene the vttermost part of Hont and the shoald of Blaeworte about a quarter of a mile where at halfe flood you shall find two fatham and a halfe water so holding on a little you shall come to the Channell of Pipe in v. or vi fatham There set almost east south-east vntill you are past the Beakon and from thence south-east and by east somewhat more southerly towards the shoalds of Hunen wheron standeth a Beakon and there haue you safe harborough for any wind you may also turne in northward within the Riff or shoald and anker before Buysen If you wyll goe from Buysen to the Elue run through the Channell called Blacke stroome almost south-west where you haue in the way two or thrée Beacons set them on the starboord side as you saile out and you shall enter the Elue néere vnto the seauenth buy And then shall you haue Neweworke almost south-west from you If you will saile to the Elue from holy land your course is south-east and by east and when the markes are one you find the outermost or first buy and the Neweworke will stand from you south-east and by south from the first buy to the second set east and east and by south And from thence to the buy that lieth by the newe entry east north-east and north-east and by east This buy lieth from the Neweworke south and south and by east Hold on from the buy called Coolton to the fourth buy north-east somewhat more easterly from whence to the fift buy east north-east and from the fift to the sixt saile east somewhat to the northwardes The sixt buy and the New worke lie south-west and by south and the north east and by north These buyes lie not as they were wont but are newe placed in a rancke not far from the Newe Shoaldes wherfore looke dilligently to your tide about these foure or fiue buyes for the flood entreth south-easterly through the new shoaldes and the ebbe contrariwise setteth through the northren shoaldes but you may sound the new shoaldes in v. or vi fatham viz. from the fourth buy to the farthest part of the newe shoalder from the vi buy to the vii your course lieth east and by south and east south-east and from the vii to the viii south-east and south east and by east and from thence to the ninth where the shoald is called Kos south-east and south-east and by south then from this buy to the shoald called Meem south-east and by east from Meem to Crutporte or the first buy which lieth in the open streame east south-east and then set towards the shoald called Pilgrimsand or the buy in Doest east and by south which you may saile vnto in foure or v. fatham water from thence to Brunsbuttell hold eastward next to the shoald of Saltshorne or Friburghe eastward alongst the north shoare then kéep east southeast alongst the north shore to the buy which lieth ouer against Steur and then forwards to the buy that lieth vpon Rugero●tesande south-east and south-east and by east This
Islands of Saltees hath 45. fatham But two leagues off Ireland it hath but 40. Betweene the Isles of Saltees and Milford it is 44. fatham deepe betweene Londay and the Isles of Sylly 38. fath In the mid way betweene the Isles of Sylly and Milford it is 44. fatham deepe but plaine North of Sylly 40. and 42. fatham Neere England by the landes ende the channell is of 50. fatham depth A ship that commeth from Cape Finisterre sayling North Northeast if shee hath 80. fatham sounding she is 20. leagues off the shoare and the ground is small blacke stones mingled with great red sand In the same course when you haue but 60. fatham water you are within 12. or 14. leagues off the shoare yet shall you not so soone ken land as you would thinke for you shall a great while haue 60. fath depth for it is at the North partes of the chanell about the Isles of sylly Betweene Vshant and the Isles of sylly the chanell is 70. fatham deepe On the Southside of the Isles of sylly the ground is small red stones and fine white sand Ouer against the Lizard and Falmouth 4. leagues from shoare it is 52. fatham deepe Betwixt Foy and Plimmouth sound in the midst of the chanell it is 60. fatham deep Betweene the Lyzard and the start beare no nearer the shoare then 35. fatham You maye cast anker in the trade or channell in 25. fatham and so shall you lie within the foreland streame Betweene Plimmouth and the Sept Isles in the middest of the chanell it is 55. fatham deepe But 4. leagues South Southwest of Plimmouth it is but 35. fatham South Southeastward of the midland of the start it is 45. fatham deepe but from thence 5. or 6. leagues Southeast you haue 54. fatham In the chanell betweene the Caskets and Portland it is 40. fatham deep a league Northward off the Isle of Alderney is a hole or pit 80. fatham deepe all the rest of the channell betweene Portland and the Isle of Alderney is of equall deapth viz. 40. fatham VVhen you are within kinning of Portland your sounding is 34. fatham and 3. leagues off the Isle of VVight 36. fatham as also two leagues Eastward of Beachy Betweene picardie and the Isle of VVight the channell in the middest is 38. fatham deepe Betweene VVinchelsey and picardy 24. fatham The shoald betweene the Heads called the Vrovven-sand hath but three fatham depth and a halfe but on the Southside of it there is 24. fatham And in all the faire way betwetne Zeland and Douer it is 24. fatham deepe A PERFECT DESCRIPTION of the depths of the North Sea from Englands foreland or the mouth of Flaunders IN the chanell and course from Englandes fore-land and sands of Flaunders you haue 24. fatham depth but three leagues Northwest and by west of the country of Zierickze there is a shoald commonly called Borbreck which hath 4. fatham depth VVithout this shoald the Chanell of Zealand is 26. fatham deepe Northwest of Harlem 8. or 9. miles within the sea there beginneth a shelf commonly called de breede Verthien reaching alongest the coast of Holland to the playne of Ameland where it endeth Ouer agaynst Harlem and Egmond is 13. 14. and 15. fatham depth and the ground is of all Oase mingled with blacke sand like vnto Mustard-seede The sayd shelfe or shoald hath 15. 16. or 17. fatham depth betweene Texel and Vlieland where the ground is grosse red sand 6. or 7. leagues from shoare for there the shoald is narrower then it is towardes the Southend The Chanell without the shoald betweene zealand and Texel is 26 fatham deepe euen as farre as the shoald which the fishers call Doggsant In the Channell on England side ouer agaynst Yermouth is 32. fatham depth but right against Flamborough and Scarborough point 38. fatham whereas the whyte shelf commonly called Doggsant beginneth reaching into the North seas to the chanell of Helichland This shoald where it is within kenning of Flamborough poynt hath but 9. or 10. fatham depth But when in the same sand you find 12. fatham depth then Texel is from you Southest almost 30. leagues but when you are come to 16. fatham depth then are you within 21. leagues South Southeast of Vlieland A ship that comes from the Riffe finding 18. fath depth on the foresaid sand is then 20. leagues South and by East of Vlieland but comming to 22. fatham must then sayle towardes the Vlie S. and by westward and South southwestward But if in the Chanell of Helichland 24. 26. fatham depth be found then must you sayle Southwest and S.w. and by S. and then are you come to the Scellinghe but when as in Helichland sound you haue 27. fatham then are you altogether to the Eastwards of it Betweene the Riffe the shoald called Doggersant the chanell is 26. fath deepe without the chanell westwards it is 32. fath deepe A ship that comes out of the English straightes or out of zealand hauing at the riffe 24. fatham depth is distant from the Noes in Norvvay 18. leagues almost North and by East but hauing 20. fatham is 16. leagues from it Northward and finding but 18. fatham is then 18. leagues off it North and by west The course from thence to the Holmes is 12. leagues North and by E. And from thence towards the poynt of Scakghens 18. leagues Northeast and by East There is a rocke of one onely fatham depth standing Northeast and Northeast and by East of the Holmes two leagues from the shoare The depth of the Northerne Ocean neere vnto Iutland and Ameland IN the sea without Iutland a myle distant from Dodenberg there is a banck called Reef-horn stretching out 8. leagues w. by S. which in some places hath but three fatham depth in some places may be sayled ouer and become a roade for a Northwest and a North winde in 20. fatham depth From Ameland towards the sea the ground is grosse sand red and blacke mingled with shelles From thence sayling Southward in 16. fatham three houres you shall come to the smooth Sea of Ameland where your ground is fine sand mingled with shelles North from Schellinghe in 24. fatham depth is found altogether fine white sand and afterwardes in 18. fatham white and blacke sand mingled Vlieland hath white sand mingled with shelles and thinne blacke sand in 16. fatham depth from the west end of Vlieland is great red sand mingled with black like vnto mustardseede about 6. or 7. leagues from the shoare At the East ende of schellingh to the seawards at 18. fatham water is found fine white sande mingled with blacke hauing in it thinges like needles Ouer against Borckom in the vvester Ems at 17. or 18. fatham depth land may be seene the ground is of grosse grauelly sand At 14. fatham depth may Ameland be kend but schellingh at 16. fatham and Vliland at 15. or 16. fatham water Any man may by night
trust to these measures At the North Hooke of Texel land may be seene at 16. fatham depth Holland is seene at 14. or 15. fath water when you sayle within the shoald called the breede Veerthiene which beginneth at the Northwest of Harlem and stretcheth alongst the coast of Holland to the west ende of Vliland and is 7. or 8. leagues distant from the shoare The soundinges and groundes of Iutland neere the poynt of the Cimbrians commonly called Schagen or Schaw A Great league west and by North from the schavv is 35. fatham depth North northeast a great league of the corner of this poynt is found 38. fatham depth And when the poynt is northwest from you then you haue 17. fatham water Betweene this poynt and Lesou the chanell is 20. fath deep and the ground like clay or dirt Betwixt Anhout and VVaersberg in the middest of the Channell is 22. fatham water Betweene Lesou and Anhout the ground is firme and stony neere VVaersbergh is a shoald of 17. fatham depth Betweene Anhout and Col is another shoald of 17. fatham where sometimes it is troublesome like a whirepoole The depths and grounds of the Balthic or Easterne seas BEtweene Oeland and Gothland the soundinges are vnequall sometimes of 20. sometimes of 23. fath the ground of blacke and stony grosse sand like vnto Peas VVhen the South end of Oeland is two leagues distant from you westwardes you haue 27. fatham water where also you may commodiously gage water But when the chappell in Sudernoorden beareth west Northwest off you then haue you 31. fatham depth and ground fit to gage water Ouer against the rocke in the faire way is 52. fatham and a claye ground but fit for gaging Betweene the greater and lesser Carla you haue 14. fath depth vnder which is safe road for ships There is a shoald betweene Houburg Ostergard contayning 24. fath depth the ground is great red sand but hardly from thence can you ken Gothland out of the top There is also to the Eastward another shoald of 36. fath depth which when you are past you haue more then 40. fatham water VVhen the poynt of Righ is 3. leagues Southeast from you then haue you 30. fatham depth but when it is from you halfe a league South south-easterly you haue 15. fatham the ground is white sand But when it beareth west a small league from you then you shall finde 16. fatham water Ouer against Heel halfe a league from the shoare it is almost 32. fatham deepe The roade for shippes at Heel hath 25. fatham depth Betweene Moane and Falsterborn is 14. fatham depth Betweene sted and Falsterborn in the very chanell it is but 12. fath deepe neere Falsterborn it is full of shoaldes but neere Sted you haue 13. fatham water Betweene Drakerriff and Southolmen which is more shoaldie there is 5. fatham depth wanting two foote From thence towardes the Sound it is sometime deeper as 6. 7. 8. 9. or 10. fatham A DESCRIPTION AND POVRTRAICT OF THE GREATEST PARTE OF THE SEACOASTES OF EVROPE FOr asmuch as these particular Sea Chartes which I haue set foorth of the Westerne Eastern and Northern Nauigation with the rest which I hope hereafter at the first opportunitie to publish haue their originall and beginnyng from this generall Charte of the Sea Coasts of Europe wherin you may playnly perceaue how the particular Countries are annexed and ioyned eache to other and euery one of them in his right place distance poynt of compas degrees minutes c. I haue therefore thought necessary to place this generall table or pourtraict at the very beginnyng of this booke before all the rest to th' end you may thereby the better seeke and finde out the particulars obseruynge th' order and methode of this booke Thinkynge it needelesse to make any larger discourse thereof for the vse of Saylyng Consideryng that the particular descriptions with their Charts being taken out of this generall and enlarged do very sufficiētly teache shew bothe the countries themselues their commodities so they be rightly examined accordyng to the true art of Nauigation employinge therewithall such necessarie instruments as appertayne therevnto A SHORTE INSTRVCTION OF THE FORME AND fashion of Buyes Beakons and other markes c. which are set for Shoaldes Sandes or hidden Rockes as they are marked in the particular Chartes of the Fliestreame Eemse Weeser the Elue Meersdiep and the Mase VPpon all the Riuers and Streames of Holland Friesland and Zeland the Buyes at the vpper ende are rounde and great and at the lower end small and sharpe like vnto this marke 1 being made blacke with Pitche or Tar lying for the moste parte vppon the right hande in Saylinge out on the lefthand in commyng in And on th' other side for sandes flats shoaldes do commonly stand the Beakons and other higher and more apparant marks made of Oasyers after this manner 2 that they may bee the farther of perceaued And where there is danger of poincts of Rockes Sandes shoaldes that stande out there are that you may shunne them white Tunnes or Buyes made after this fashion which do alwayes he vpon the contrary side of the foresaid black buyes The eye markes whereby you may assuredly finde these buyes and other markes are sufficiētly declared in the description before eache Charte But you must vnderstand that the Buyes and markes are herein noted as they weare Anno. 1582. Moreouer because the depthes and channels of the Riuers do yerely shift and chaunge their places both by reason of the vncertaintie and instabilitie of the sandie groundes and for that the entringes and mouthes of the Riuers do dayly waxe wider broder therfore these streames are to be tried by soundyng and to be sayled in with skilfull and experienced Pilots maisters The lande markes placed at the entries of Riuers I haue for streightnes of roome marked thus But where there is false roade grounde fit for Ankering I haue set downe this forme of an Anker The Figures which are placed in al Hauēs Riuers Streames Channels aswell in the mayne sea as elswhere vpō al the shoaldes Sandes Rockes do signifie the depth of the places as 1. 2. 3. 10. 12. Fatham so forth which is alwaies to be vnderstoode at half flood or ebbe The litle Crosses marked in this manner † alonge the Coastes neare Islandes and elswhere betoken hidden and daungerous Rockes of which you must carefully beware And where the double crosses are there lye greater Rockes couered with the water These markes in the Chartes are made thus A Generall Carde discription of the Sea Coastes of Europa and nauigation in this booke conteyned Semper eadem HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE SPQR Judocus Hondius fe A TRVE DESCRIPTION OF THE VLIE AND THE MARSDEEP TWO OF the notablest Riuers of all Holland from the Northern vnto the Southerne sea HE that will sayle from the North sea vp to Amsterdam or
OF ALDERNEY GARNZEY AND IERZEY AND THE QVASKETTES CALLED the Kaskets together with all the coasts rocks and shoalds lying thereabouts both within and without FEcam beareth westward from Deepe 7. leagues and is a bard hauen Beyond it lieth the point of Strusard from whence you may sayle to Seyne head S. S. W. Newhauen called Hable-neuf standeth inwarde from thence halfe a league where you may anker to stay for the tide and sayle vp the Seyne to Roane so that before the tide be vnbent you passe ouer the first traues or Drybancks and the way from Newhauen to Honfleur lieth S. E. But you must sayle along the south shoare because the north side of the riuer to Quillebeuf is ful of shoaldes and then are you thorow the first traues But you must be very heedfull of that strong spring of the Sea called the Barre or beare in which the tide setteth so violently and swiftly that a ship can scarse be kept vp with all her ankers and cables But all this reach is to be sounded Southwest of Seyne head lyeth a banke of three fatham and before the dike of Cadom called the Fosse of Caen there are bankes which you may sayle round abouts by the channell of Caen which is a bard hauen Six leagues or thereaboutes towardes the west standeth the Cape of Cherbourge where for a rough northwest winde is good harbour there lye sands ouerthwart the bay which at low water haue but two fatham depth Agaynst a north and northwest winde you may safely anker vnder Alderney by the little bard hauen in a sandy bay hard abourd the shoare where it is 7. or 8. fatham deepe If you will enter the race of Blancquerd you may runne in eyther in the midst of the channell or at your discretion betweene the cape of Haghe and Alderney for you may borow the north shoare alongst vpon 10. or 12. fatham vntill you are past the Sans which is a row or ledge of hidden rockes to be left on the starreboord there cast anker in the channell at 7. or 8. fatham and against the broad tower The race of Blanquerd reacheth inwardly south and by east and south south east But if you will sayle on the backside of the great Isle of Iersey you must crosse ouer and anker vnder the same where you please for in euery place thereaboutes is good ground And there is an other safe road for ships vnder the main of Sainct Malo called Conkall you may sayle into the same both by East and west before it lieth a ledge of rockes aboue water The bay is great and the harbour safe hauing at lowe water 4. or 5. fatham From this roade you may descrie the Isle of Ierzey right ouer against the same almost 5. dutch myles off But if by reason of a northwest tempest you are driuen to seeke safe ankering vnder Garnezcy or elswhere you must set for Garnezcy or the little Isle of Arme auoyding on the west side the great rockes of the Quasquettes called the Kaskets sayling south and by east vntil the castle which standeth in the sea be brought to the south poynt of Garnezcy Then saile betweene the greater and the lesser Island where you may anker by south or by north from the castle where you please in 7. or 8 fathams But if you will anker at the south side of the sayd Island beare aloofe to sea-ward from the outmost poynt of the land because all that shoare is full of rockes after you haue doubled that poynt you may anker at 12. or 14. fatham you may goe out againe Eastward betweene the Isles Arme and Sarke or seeke there for roade as you list Sarke standeth from the Cape of the Haghe or the trade of Alderney 6. dutch leagues south and by west Although these Islandes lye neere the coastes of Fraunce they are notwithstanding subiect to the Crowne and gouernement of England their trade is little or nothing at all and therefore vnknowne to vs. A CARDE of parte of the Sea Coastes of Normandie and Britānie with the Islands adioyninge A PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE SEA COASTES BETWEEN S. MALO AND BEYOND THE PORTE OF ROSCOVV IF you come from the Westerne sea and seeke harbour vnder Garnezey you must sayle in by the south shore of the lande and may Anker in the Channell at 20. or 25. Fatham neare to the sharpe tower or els where at your pleasure Ierzey standeth from Garnezey southeast almost 5. dutch leagues where is also safe roade for shippes S. Malo is distant from Ierzey 8. leagues towardes the south and is a bard hauen at the entrie whereof are rockes betweene which you must sayle into the riuer and cast anker before the citie at 5. or 6. fatham And there lyeth a bancke westward two or three dutch leagues from the towne vnder which there is safe roade in 5. fatham water There is also an Island called Brybac standing from thence three dutch leagues which you may sayle round about and cast Anker where you will And 2. leagues from thence there is a riuer called Lantrilliers which hath many rockes and shoaldes on the west side From thence stand the sept Isles distant two dutch leagues within which lieth white hauen called Port blanc of 6. or 7. fatham Those Islandes may be sayled round about There lieth a shoald called Octobers northwest from the west point of the sayd Island about a league and a halfe of the shoare Vlisshauen called Green Island is scituated a dutche league westwarde which may on both sides be entered and is a most safe hauen for all wether The Riuer of Morlays lieth fiue dutche leagues from the sept Isles and is a bard hauen you may anker amongst the rockes at 5. fatham in the Channell Two dutche leagues from that place standeth an Islande commonly called Taureau by which you may saile into the Riuer of S. Paul de Lyon which without is full of rockes but within them you may anker at 6. or 7. fatham There lieth an Isle called Ysle de bas 2. dutch leagues distante from thence you may sayle in on both sides of it to the Channell or Road of Roscou which containeth 7. or 8. fatham both on the east and west side Obcurac beareth from Roscou 5. leagues hauing many white sandy bayes alongest the shoare which are most certaine markes of that coast The Inhabitantes of these countries haue great entercourse and traffique with the Portugalles viz. of wheate Rie linnen Cloth and other lyke grosse marcchaundizes THE SHEWING OR APPEARING of the Sea coastes of Britaine euē as they open and shewe betwene S. Malo and Roscou A TRVE DESCRIPTION OF CONQVET BREST AND FONTENEAV THE WONDERFVL COASTES OF BRITANY A Dutch league Eastward of the Cape of Gobe called Les Fours or the Fourn there are many blacke rockes lieng alongst the coast which our sea-men call the Backouens and within the same are manie little white sandie bayes The land is also somewhat low and bewtified
a halfe off Croyswicke poynt betweene which and the land called La Collecte he may sayle vnto the bay of Armentyer If ye will goe from the East-side of Belisle with the bay of Armentyer let him conde East and by South till he come to the Abbie of Armentyer beyond which on the coast side standeth a woode then he must sayle East North-east till the same woode open a good way Northwarde from the Abbey then shall hee be cleare of the shoald called the Munkes Ledge Then must hee set Eastwardes towards the rocke called Peter Meyne which you may on both sides saile by assoone as you are past it anker at 6. or 7. fatham for the rest is to be sounded Right ouer against Armentyer poynt standeth Picquelier from whence the course lyeth South and by East to the Island Heys or Hoy vnder which is a dangerous road and onely safe against a South-west and a west South-west winde there is alwaies a great noyse and troublesome whirling These coastes doe yeeld almost the whole yeere wines white linnen cloth Graynes damaske Prunes and Chesse-nuttes which are transported thence to other countries And Nantes is the chiefest mart towne of these parts whither the best Orleans wines are brought downe the riuer of Loyre The Sea Coastes with the Iles of Bretayne betweene Blauet Piequeliers A PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE SEA COASTES OF PICQVELIER ROCHELL BROVAGE AND OF THE Islandes rockes and shoaldes adioyning euen as farre as Garunne the riuer of Bordeaux FIrst if you will sayle from Heys to the Kellyats shape your course E and by S. and E S E vntil you are past the rocke called Le Baer d'Olone which you may sayle round about Then may you hale along the coast of Poitou leauing two third parts of the water towardes the Isle of S. Martyns vntill Vrcke come without the point of the Downes and then may you see a little Tower and a woode in the land of Bos keepe that tower so long shut vp in the wood vntill the steeple in the coast of Poitou which is called the Leper doe come ouer against Vrcke which you must so hold vntill Rochell appeare without Bos poynt then haue you passed the Lauerdine And then may you sayle forth thorough Porthuis or els cast anker vnder the coast of Bos at 6. or 7. fatham The markes of Lauerdine are these If you will anker vnder the Bos keepe Rochell from Bos a ships length so you shall be cleare of the Lauerdine But if you wil anker vnder the Abbey of S. Martynes Island keepe the Abbey right without the sandy poynt of the sayd Island and hold on your course into the sandy bay Eastward of the Abbey and so shall you escape the shoaldes of Lauerdine for there is the roade for ships that are bound outward Porthuis is wide and broade and stretcheth inward East South east Brant or Burning Island standeth from S. Martynes three dutch miles S E and by East from whence you may sayle to the Easterne shoaldes called Oesterbanke South South-east keepe the little Tower of Hers on the west side of the wood vntill the red round tilde house which standeth ou the South side of the riuer Charante be one with the steeple called Le Four Then sayle East Southeast and South East and by East vntill Soubyse be ioyned to the gray village called Graue Dorpe that standeth on the shore side the little steeple of Hers wil shew it selfe right on the East-side of the Valley which is in Hers woode goe then by the markes South Southeast keeping both the little steeple which is in the Valley on the East-side thereof and the East little steeple of Hers in the white sandy place And these are the true markes of the channell of Brouage inwardes and outwardes vnto the Easterne flattes called Oesterbanke and when the red round house couered with Slates appeareth beyond the broad tower of Vere then are you past out of Brouage channell Now if you will crosse ouer to Brant Island bring not Rochell tower out of the Isle vntill you come neare the Island because of the shoald called the Baniaert which stretcheth downe by the Isle Oleron and is seene at lowe water And the roade vnder Brantysle is where you may anker to heaue out your ballast in 12. or 13. fatham If you wil enter the riuer of Bordeaux called Garunne keep the steeple of Cordam in your sight East South-east or somewhat more Easterly On the other side of the riuer standeth an high redde Downe which you must bring Northeast from you vntil you come neare the Downe which lyeth Northward then coast along that side vntill you haue entered the riuer on the North side anker then before Royan at 6. or 7. fatham all the rest is to be sounded The North-side of the riuer hath redde Downes and somewhat high without trees Three or foure leagues from the riuer side are low Downs where grow some trees and woodes In these coastes is great trade of bay salt and wine all the whole yeare great plenty whereof is transported from thence to diuers countries But Rochell is the ehiefcst towne of traffique there aboutes THE SEA COASTES of the landes of Poyctou and Bordeaux euē as they shew and appeare when you sayle there alongst betweene Picquelier the Riuer of Bordeaux called the Garonne * A PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE SEA COASTES OF ACASON AND BAYON AND OF THE Eastern part of Biscay vnto Castro ABout 18. leagues Southward of the riuer of Bourdeaux is a porte called Acason at the entrie wherof are two great rockes but on the North side it is broadest shunne the inner point of the Porte because it is full of rocks In the very entry you haue 5. fatham water but Northward it is deeper and faire ground and contrariwise towardes the South lie many perillous rockes whereof it behoueth you to be heedefull you may sayle in at this hauen betweene the maine land and the rocke amiddest the channell Foureteen leagues Southward from Acason lieth the hauen of Bayon whose entrie is wide and broade Set the tower at the North poynt or cape of the land and so sayle betweene the rockes and the cape vntill you come into the hauen where you may anker within the point before the towne at 4. or 5. fatham water From thence the course is Southward to S. Iohn de Lux three leagues within the rockes which stretch inwards Southeast and Southeast and by South where standeth a hill like a saddle bearing Southeast from you The towne lyeth in a great bay and so doth Fuenterabie vpon a fresh water riuer Passai beareth 5. leagues from S. Iohn de Lux west Northwest From thence you goe westward two leagues to the port of Otera which stretcheth inwards South Southeast and there haue you in the entrie 3. fatham water but when you are within it is wide and broad and the hauen is bard Foure leagues westwarde of Otera lieth Bilbao streching
little hauen called Quirins which on the west side is full of rockes but on the East side faire and good to enter at Three leagues from Quirin lieth the Cape of Ortegall where also standeth a Castle neere which you haue safe roade for a west and a Southwest wind This countrey yeeldeth great plentie of the best wynes of Ribadeos aswell red as claret and likewise aboundance of Orenges Apples Peares Chessenuttes and other fruites all which are both comfortable and wholsome for mans body THE SEA COASTES of Gallicia from Cape of Auiles vnto Ortegal A PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF CORVNNA CALLED THE GROYNE FEROLES and Monsej the cheefest portes of Gallicia THe hauen of Siguera beareth three dutche leagues South westward from Ortegall it stretcheth inward South east and is a good Porte the Southside thereof hath a low point and is good but the Northside is all rockie and fowle gound You must anker before you come to the village of Siguera Foure dutche leagues westwarde from thence lieth Cape de Prior which reacheth out into the sea Two dutch leagues farther southward you haue the hauen of Feroles vpon the northside therof are 2. or 3. sandie Bayes of which the most Southerly is the greatest whervpon do stande a house or two when you are come nigh the house then appeareth vnto you somewhat Southerly the hauen of Feroles where you may sayle in at the middest of the water and beynge cleare of the North corner geuynge it a little bieth anker in the Channell at 12. fatham for before the village it self it is flat and rockie The south poynt of Feroles stretcheth far outward and is full of rockes you may set out from Feroles to Corunna South and South and by East vntill you be somwhat within the towre which standeth vpon a round Hill or Cliffe Then shall you see on the starborde side a litle Island wherein standeth a litle Church called S. Blase hale alonge a Cables length of it and anker before the towne at 6. or 7. fatham If you will runne into the Channell of Coruna from the Island Cyzarga called by the Fleminges Caesarea you must shape your course East south east about 5. leagues vntill you are within sight of the towre which standeth on the west coast of the lande for then shall you keepe 4. or 5. Cables length of the shore and may holde on your course in the Chanel right South east 4. or 5. leagues and beinge past Corunna may cast anker at Fontenne or Pytance on the west side vnder a rew of Rockes at 10. or 12. fatham water And ouer agaynst Corunna East north east standeth a cittie called Puente de Mas where you may also anker at 10. or 12. fatham There haue you likewise on the northside a rew of Rockes and ouer the Riuer a great Bridge There lieth an Hauen called Queres South south west and South and by west of the Island Cyzarga whose entrie is fayre after you are entred you must turne in westward a great half league and may anker there at 8. or 9. fatham in the channell Seuen dutch leagues westward of Cyzarga lieth the east poynt of Monsei or C. de Bellem neare which you may sayle to Monsei South south east and Southeast and by south If you wil come in thither from the west keepe the cape of Corrian called the Groyne without Cape de conde two ships lengths vntil you may see Marikerke which stands on the westside cleare without Monsei poynt Continue your course towardes Marykerke through the channel south east and anker behinde the Rokes before the towne at 8. or 9. fatham Yet shall you not saile into Monsei before Marykerke be seene without the poynt of Monsei There you may likewise anker on the Northside of the hauen at 6. or 7. fatham On the Southside of the towne of Monsei there is a Bay before which lieth a shoald East north east about two cables length thwart the hauen Marykerke lieth from Monsei North and by East but it lieth East North east from the Shingles VVhen you come from Sea if Marykerke be from you South east you may enter at the west side of the rockes the rocks lie from Monsei South west and by south but the inner end of the rockes beareth South and by west The Cape de Finisterre and Monte Lauro lie from eache other South east and North west and the Rockes betwixt them beare South south east There is a Bay betweene the Capes of Finisterre and Corrian where eastward of the great Rocke you may anker before the sandie Bay at 6. or 7. fatham A litle dutch league to the Eastward of Finisterre beareth the hauen of Corcouia which the Fleminges call Corco baiona It stretcheth inwards to the North where you may cast anker in the channel at the sandy Bay in 8. or 9. Fatham These Coastes or Portes do yelde like Marchandises and Fruites as the aforesayd coastes of Riba deos c. They take besides at certaine seasons euery yeare a wonderfull great quantitie of whales to their great profit and commoditie The mappe ' of the sea coastes of Galicia and of Octugall Vntill you bee paste the Cape of Finisterre Euen as it is scituated and as it appeereth When you comme sailinge alongst Out of the Spannishe Sea A TRVE DECLARATION OF THE SEA COASTES OF GALLITIA FROM the Cape de Finisterre beyonde Camino IF you will sayle into Muros or Moores set Montelauro called Mounteluer Northeast and by East from you holde then on towardes Montelauro and you shall go cleare of the Rockes that he on both sides but borow most of the south side because that is the salfest But when you come neare Montelauro you shall see many high Rockes which you must leaue on the larebord side three cables length and so go in South south east of Montelauro you haue a blinde Rocke in the middest of the Channell which you must leaue on the starbord side But when the Towne that lieth in Northwards of Montelauro cometh full open vnto you then are you past this blinde Rocke which lieth South and by East somwhat more Easterly of the East ende of the towne You must shunne the first poynt within Montelauro two Cables length of and hauyng past the other poynt beare in Northwardes to the towne which is on the starbord side The citie Muros standeth on the west side of the hauen where you may anker at .12 or .13 fatham But if you will enter the Riuer of Roxo you must set Southwarde without the cape of Muros for there are many rockes stretching out into the sea on the Northside of the hauen of Roxo which you cannot saile between VVherefore holde on till you be south of the great rocke and hauing left all the rockes on your Larebordside or to the seawards continue your course between the firme lande and the rocke vntill you may see the hauen open before you Then must you passe vp in the middest of
Red poynt lieth a great white rocke when you haue brought this rocke right ouer the Black poynt you are harde abourde the Blinde rocke that lieth thwart the Channell of Dartmouth yet neerer to the East-ward But when you come to discerne the Kay of the towne that standeth on the East-side of the Hauen keepe amidst the channell vntill you may perfectly see the same then hale inwardes vntill you are within the two Castles standyng on the hauens side and you shall go cleere of the Rocke The hauen is wide within you may turne westward and let fal anker before the towne or the Brew-houses where you list Three leagues East-ward from thence is the road of Torbay which is very salfe for a South-west winde you may likewise anker on the East-side of the start where is good anker holde in 8. or 9. fathā Foure leagues to the Northward of Torbay lyeth the bay of Tynmouth a salfe harborough for a South winde where is also good ground for ankering in 7. or 8. fatham If you come out of the west into Portland road holde on two cables length off alongst Porteland shoare and hauing past the poynt turne westwardes till you come to the castell where is good road against a South and South and by East winde at 7. or 8. fatham Northwarde of Portland lieth a litle bard hauen called VVeymouth where you may anker at 4. or 5. fatham If you will ride vnder S. Aldomes Land shun the Needles of Shipmans poole and so saile into the town which at a low water you haue ankeryng at 3. fatham These Portes yeeld almost nothing els but wooll and clothe the inhabitantes doe liue chiefly vpon grazyng A DESCRIPTION OF THE Sea coastes of England Betweene Plymmouth Portland with the cheefest hauens thereof according vnto theire Situation A PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE SEA COASTES BETVVEENE THE Isle of Wight and Douer TO goe in at the west end of Wight you must looke well to the tide for the flood sets very sore vpon the Needles and the ebbe likewise westwarde vpon the Shingels and Chalkie Rockes which lie westwardes of the Needles and it is very narrow between the Needles and the Shingels wherfore saile directly with the Needles very neere them and keepe the inner poynt of the Isle right without the Needles And when you are so come within the Needles beare somewhat off the Island between the Chesell the Isles poynte because of the Rockes called the VVardens which lie on VVight-side neare the shore then turninge Eastward ouer against Calshorte you must cast anker in 7. or 8. fatham But if you will enter at the East ende of VVight keepe the Castle right against the Lime-kil that lies aboue Portesmouth vntil that Culuer cliffe come within the point of the I le for then shall you haue brought the Lyme-kill to the east end of Portesmouth which you must so holde vntill the Castle which standeth to the westward of Portesmouth doo appeare on the East side of the wood and then plie sometimes towards Sainct Helens Abbey keepyng your markes in this sorte you shall take no hurt on the Shoaldes or Sandes But if you cannot see the Limekill then shall you keepe the Castle on the west-side of Culuer cliffe vntill you haue brought S. Helens church with out the poynt of the Island a shippes length Then may you freely sayle Northwest vp without any daunger of the Riffe or tayle-sand that lieth out Then keepe the square Towre between the East ende of Portesmouth and the Castle vntill you may see the Castle which standeth on the west-side of Portesmouth Eastward of the wood and so may you goe inwardes The marks of these Shoalds and Flats are these viz. The Castle standinge Eastwards of Portesmouth and the square towre wherof I haue now treated VVhen you haue brought the Lymekill so much to the Eastward of the Castle that you may but see betwixt thē then are you vpon a litle shoald which at low water hath 5. fatham and a halfe and then haue you the Castle that standeth on the west ende of Portesmouth at the west corner of the wood But when the square towre that standeth by East of Portesmouth is brought westward of the Castle then the Castle by west of Portesmouth standeth at the woods west ende You haue there at high water 6. fatham And when the square towre is seen betwen the East end of Portsmouth and the Castle and the Castle standeth right betwixt the Limekill and the towre likewise when the Castle on the west end of Portesmouth standeth to the Eastwarde of the wood then haue you 11. fatham at high water But when the Limekill and Portesmouth towre are one the castle beareth westward of the wood then haue you 10. fatham at high water and lastly when S. Helen lieth south west and by west from you then the South east ende of the shoald beareth North east and by north from you Three leagues Eastward of VVeenbridge lieth Arundel which is a bard hauen at half flood .2 fatham deepe you must go in by the west coast and let fall your anker before the towne in .5 fatham Foure leagues from Arundell standeth Nevv Shoram The East side therof hath a grauelly Chesell where alongest you may sayle in and in the entrie you haue .3 fathā water at half flood in the midst before the hauen lie rockes vnder water The entrie on the west side is wide and broad and is at halfe flood 2. fatham deepe the hauen is large and broade within where you may anker in 4. or 5. fatham If you will sayle into the Cammer of Rye shape your course alongst the Shingels and when you shal be a Cables length of the poynt of the Shingels turne vp towards the Castle of VVinchelzey leauing all the shore or shoald markes on your starbord then let fall your Anker in the Riuer of Rie called the Rother at 4. or 5. fatham for the Cammer where in times past we were wonte to lie is now fowle full of shoaldes These countries yeeld litle else but wooll Clothe and Fier-wood which are transported from thence THE SEA COASTES OF ENGLAND betweene the I le of Wight Douer with the principal hauens thereof according to their situation and Appearing * HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE THE SECOND PART OF THE MARINERS MIRROVR conteining in diuers perfect plots sea charts boeth the Northern and Eastern NAVIGATION VIZ. From the Streights between Douer and Callis the coastes of England Scotland Norway Emdenyutland A with all the sounds of Denmark the Baltick sea unto Wiburgh and the Name With their particular descriptions trafiks and commodities A PERFECT DESCRIPTION AND POVRTRAICT OF THE CHIEFEST PART OF England viz. of Thames the riuer of London and of all the sandes bankes flattes and shoaldes vnto Harwich IF you come from the West and will passe within the Goodwin to the foreland first shape your course North north-east
outtermost or the furtheste parte of the Easterne Sea East 〈…〉 which lyeth Jnclosed with in the coastes of East Finland Rusland ●●…sland and wherin lye the Nar●… and Wybo●gh the twoo furthermost 〈…〉 ●archante towne of 〈…〉 with all the 〈◊〉 of the situation 〈…〉 A PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF LIFLAND ABOVT REVEL AND Moonsound and of the coasts adioyning FRom the Isle of Nargen to the buy you haue a great league East and by South and from the buy to Reuell two great leagues not farre from the Isle of VVolfsound is a blind rocke when the tower of Reuell appeareth ouer the point of the Island you are come neare the Rocke which lieth halfe a league Northwest from VVolfsound On the East side of vvolfsound are two Islandes called VVrangen you may anker within them in the channell at 10. or 12. fatham A league and a half to the North northwest of them lieth a blinde rocke and an other halfe a league off plain North. The shoare of Lyfland is all cleare ground If you will sayle from Oegens-holme into Moonsund keepe South southwest and Southwest by west vntill you are within Osse-holme Grasholme lieth a league beyond Osseholme which you may sayle round about or ride there at your pleasure Grasgrond lieth a league within Grasholme in the midst of the channel but borow of the land of Syburgnesse or Dagerorts along by the little Islands a reasonable distance off keepe within al the Islandes S and by E. and S. vntill you come to the westerne coast of Oesell nigh the great tree where you haue 4. fatham water sometimes but three Holde on alongst the coast of Oesell foure or fiue leagues Southeast and by East till you come to a little Island then keepe on betweene that Island and Oesell vntill you come to the farthest partes of Oessell where is 8. fatham water Halfe a league from thence lieth a shoalde called the Pater noster which you must sayle aloufe off Then may you plie agayne Southward to Runen which is an Island situate ten leagues hence in the great bay of Righe Reuell being the moste famous Marte of the whole countrie so flourished thirtie yeares past that euery yeare there arriued and were vnladen aboue an hundreth great ships with salt which were also woont to be fraighted there againe with VVheate Rie VVaxe Flaxe Hempe all kinde of Skinnes and Furres and such like commodities of good value But it is now so decayed by reason of the continuall warres with the Muscouytes that through the whole yeare there are scarce sixe ships laden which hath bene to the generall impouerishing of this citie and countrie A DILLJGENT description of THE SEA COASTES of Lyffland with all the Jles there vnto appartanīg eeuē as they do appeare and open when you sayle there alongst from Ekehol men vnto Syburghs ness A PLAINE DESCRIPTION OF RIGHE AND PARNOVT AND OF the Islandes adioyninge YOu must sayle from Domesnest to Runen 6. leagues East and East and by North and from Runen to the northeren coast of Oesell where Moonsound beginneth you haue 10. leagues North and North and by East from Runen again vnto Kyne 8. leagues East north east From Kyne to Pernout it is 7. leagues North east and by East where in the entrie you haue but 6. or .8 foote depth the channell sometimes shifteth from place to place and serueth only for small vessels called Boyers There standeth a litle towne between Pernout and Righe called Salles where lieth a shoald in 8. foote depth before the entrie and serueth likewise but for small vessels Duinemonde of Righe beareth from Runen 12. leagues South east The eye markes to enter the riuer of Duina are when the watch-house that standeth a litle way from the castle of Duinemond is one with the great tree and the southside of the citie of Righe with the poynt of Terspille These are the right markes to sayle into the Riuer a good wayes turne then vp sometimes Southward till you come between both landes Then borrow of the South coast to the poynt of Terspille where you may anker in any place in 6. or 7. fatham you must go by your Lead because the channell altereth almost euery yeare 4. leagues to the Southward of Domesnest is a litle riuer where many small vessels doo lade In these two places thirtie or fortie yeres past was great traffique of al kinde of costly marchandizes which through the continuall warres with the Muscouytes is almost vtterly decayed Notwithstandyng there is yet some traffique at Righe for euery yeare thirtie or fortie shippes laden with Salt are there discharged and aboue an hundred ships are likewise fraighted with wheate Rie Clawbordes and waynscot wax Flax Hempe Pitch Tarre Salt and drie Hides Sheepe-skinnes Furres and other like commodities of good valew THE SEA card of the Sea coastes of Lyffland comprehending the land lying rounde about the great Juhā of the Ryghish euē as they do appeare open when you sayl thee alongst A MOST PLAINE DESCRIPTION OF THE ISLE OF OESEL WHICH lieth betweene the Belt and the bay of Righ and stretcheth vp from the narrow entrie or straight towardes Righe and Parnout YOur course from Domesnest to Runen is 6. leagues East and by North and so farre lieth Abbrick from Runen whereaboutes are many dangerous shoaldes in your faire way 3. or 4. fatham deepe But being past Domesnest you may see it when you are a great league from Oesell Aberburgh beareth westward of it where shippes are fraighted with Barley Mault Tarre all kinde of grosse wares and diuers Skinnes and Furres From Domesnest lieth a very dangerous riffe or a rough and stone bancke a league out into the sea Northeast and Northeast and by East The roade of Oesell lieth from Domesnest three leagues Northwest and Northwest by west where in 7. fatham is good ground to anker There stretcheth downe also from the South end of Oesell a riffe or bancke two leagues in length into the sea Southward and South and by westward which is both hard and roomie westward from this riffe lye many scattering shoaldes and banckes which stretch out Northward alongst the coast of Oesell where in many places you haue onely 2. 3. 4. 5. fatham c. There are besides in Oesell two other hauens where shippes are laden viz. VVyck and another 5. leagues from thence Northward Hontsfort beareth from VVyck eight leagues North and from thence haue you six leagues to Dagerort North Northwest wherein standeth an high Tower which you may see on both sides of the land Betweene both these heades you may sayle to Hontsvvick which is a perillous bay for there are many shipwrackes by reason the pilots are not skilfull thereaboutes Now that I may againe set downe the entrance of Moonsound Saile from Runen North and North and by East to the North poynt of Oesell and they lye ten leagues one from an other but beare aloufe from the shoald called the Pater noster which ioyneth to
Oesells poynt when you are cleare of it you may see a little Island which you must bring on the starbord hold on in 8. fatham depth betwene Oesell and that litle Island then set Northwest til ye get another Island on the starreborde side wherevpon stand two or three high trees but keepe alongest the coastes of Oesell vntil you see a great tree which being past you shall perceiue many litle Islandes on your Larbord which you must set halfe a league on the same side from you In this place you may best consider by your compasse how all the channels of this entrie doe stretch Oesell is a rough countrie and very hard to be knowne by such as are on the outside of the coastes This Charte also containeth part of Curland where standeth Dervvind the cheefest citie yet knowne to few Sea men and sometime though very seldome a smal vessel or two are fraighted there with clowbord and wainscot THE SEA Coastes round abouts the I le called Ossel With a part of Curland begining from Dagheroort vnto der Winde euē as the Countrei doth shewe his situation that Waye A LARGE DESCRIPTION OF PRVSLAND WHEREOF DANTzick is the chiefest marte IF you will sayle from Hee ll to Dantzyck conde South and South by west towardes the castell of Termonde where you must passe through the olde entrie from the Eastwarde go in between two Buyes vntill you are cleare of the Peerres called kysten where alongst lieth a new entry which now is very commodious for litle vessels called Boyers From Hee ll to the entrie of Kingsborovv shape your course full East where you shall comonly haue two entries viz. the one lying South southeast vp alongst the high land of Hanheer the other E and E Southeast But you must not trust much to the incertentie because euery yeare they change their course sometimes Southeast and at other times inwards South Southeast when you are within there is a great Lake called the Hafr whith parteth it selfe two wayes th one towardes Meluing the other towardes Kingsborovv Your course to Meluing lyeth Southsouthwest and South and by west but Kingsborovv beareth about six leagues East and by Northward Moreouer if you will set out from Righ heade towards Memell your right course is twentie leagues Northeast and by East the entrance of Memell is 2. fatham deepe being within it turne westward and being cleare of the poynt anker in 5. fatham water Southward vp lieth a notable great bay or Lake called the Haft into which runneth Chronus the riuer of Memell out of Littuania from whence commeth great store of flaxe and likewise the Riuer of Dune neare vnto Kingsborovv so that many streames doe meete in this Lake The Dukedome of Prusland conteineth fiue notable marte townes viz. Dantzike Meluing Brimburgh Kingsbourgh and Memell amongest them all Dantzike is held for the cheefest where euery day is solde aboue a 1000. lastes of wheate and rie and likewise Rafters Pitch Tarre Flaxe Hempe Pruse beere commonly called Iupenbeer and many other commodities of great prise The trade in Meluinge and Brimsburghe is of such like merchandises in great abundance at kingsbourgh is the cheefest staple for dealebord and clowbord It yeeldeth also great store of VVheate Rie Flax VVaxe Hemp Pitch Tarre Sope Ashes and like merchandises in such great quantitie that it may worthely be counted amongest the most famous And so also may Memell whose traffique is most of Flaxe besides all such merchandises as may be had in kingsborough But I purpose not to perticularize euery thing that is transported thence Notwithstanding I must confesse that this is a most fertile and plentifull country which God hath blessed aboue all her neighbours other countries THE CARDE of the sea coastes of the land 〈◊〉 with all the hauens and ru●●s from Memel vnto Heel AN EXACT DESCRIPTION OF THE COASTES OF POMERLAND and the countries adioyning FIue Leagues from Vernorde lieth Righe head and from thence to Serneuisse you haue 3. leagues alongst the shoare runneth a small Riuer which farther inwards spreadeth into a great Lake And from Serneuisse to Liba it is fiue leagues where a creeke goeth in called the Osse On the East side therof stande many litle rockes or stumpes called VVollesaken From thence vnto Reefcoll which is a high Mountayne whereby the coaste is knowne you haue foure leagues and so farre lieth the Stolp or Gars-head from Reescoll where is the mouth of a litle Riuer fit for vessels of light burden From Gars-head to Revvold it is three leagues in that entrie called VVipper you haue 4. fatham Colesbourghe lieth from Revvolde seuen leagues where also lieth a litle streame or creeke called Radyng Between Colesbourgh and Iasmonde are reckned 12. leagues and do lie playne East and west the one from the other South east and Northwest from Colsbourgh beareth the Island Borneholme where you haue rounde aboute good anker holde Eertholmen is distant from Borneholme two great leagues North Northeast Vpon the coastes of Pomerland standeth Stattyn the principal marte towne of that countrie from whence is transported great store of VVheate Rie Barly Maulte and the Beere of Mesons There lieth also the Island of Rughen which at sometimes yeeldeth great plentie of Rie but commonly it is restrayned by the inhabitants THE SEA CARDE of the coastes of the Dutchie of Pomerland in there trewe Situation A PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW DEEPE THAT STRETcheth vp to Stattin and Mesound and of the Sea coastes of Mekelenburgh Lubeck the Belt Greensound Moone c. IF you will sayle into the new deep set from Iasmonde two leagues South Southeast towardes the wood called Peert or Bock from whence you must hold on a league Southerly The entry turneth inward west Southwest where you haue shallow water both within and without As you sayle set Mesound on the starborde and Stattyn on the larbord side where is commonly calme water Grypsvvolde is situate vpon the very mouth of a litte riuer before you as you goe in If you will passe through the Yell which runneth neere Dorenbosch keepe betweene the coastes of Barts and the Isle of Rughen where you haue but 1. or 2. fatham water and is onely for small vessels This course may you also take to sayle into Mesound at Barts you haue a little riuer or creek goinge in which beareth onely Boyers and other small vessels Southwest and by west from VVitmond lieth Rostvvyck 12. leagues and is a port for small vessels and from Rostvvick to VVismere haue you 7. leagues Southwest it is a good hauen for all shippes Lubeck lieth from vvismer first to the west South west and then South west and by south where is a deepe channell for great ships to passe thorough for the shoald or barre that lieth in the entrie is of 12. foote depth There haue you a great Bay or a notable good hauen most safe for any winde except a Northeast and a North northeast From thence beareth Femeren