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A11911 Lucii Annei Senecæ tragedia prima quæ inscribitur Hercules furens nuper recognita, & ab omnibus mendis, quibus antea scatebat sedulo purgata, & in studiosæ iuuentutis vtilitate[m], in Anglicum metrum tanta fide conuersa, vt carmen pro carmine quoad Anglica lingua patiatur pene redditum videas. Per Iasperum Heyvvodum Oxoniensem. = The first tragedie of Lucius Anneus Seneca, intituled Hercules furens, newly pervsed and of all faultes whereof it did before abound diligently corrected, and for the profit of young schollers so faithfully translated into English metre, that ye may se verse for verse tourned as farre as the phrase of the english permitteth by Iasper Heywood studient in Oxford; Hercules furens. English and Latin Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, ca. 4 B.C.-65 A.D.; Heywood, Jasper, 1535-1598. 1561 (1561) STC 22223; ESTC S110867 46,410 186

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hard wrested kkots of them he caught anon And stranglyng then the swellyng throates of them with tender hande To Hydraprelude made the beaste so swyfte of Maenale lande That with muche golde bare vp full bryght his beautified heade Is caught in course of Nemey woode lykewyse the greatest dreade The lyon prest with Hercles armes hath rearde with dreadfull crye What shoulde I speake of stables dyre of steedes of Bystonye Or kyng caste out hym selfe for foode his horses fierce to fyll And brittled beast in thicke topps woont of Crymanthus hyll The boare of Maenalye the woodds of Arcady to shake And bull that dyd no lyttle dreads to hundred peoples make Among the flocks of Hesper lande that hens farre distant bee The shepherde of Cartesian coast of tryple shape to see Is slayne and dryuen is the praye from farthest parte of weaste Cithaeron quakte when by hym past to sea the well knowne beast He beeyng byd to make by coastes of sommer sonne his waye And parched landes whche sore with heate dooth boyle the myddell daye The mountayns brake on eyther syde and rampters all vndoon Euen vnto swyfte and ragyng sea hathe made a waye to roon Then entryng in of plenteous wood the pleasant gardeyns gaye The wakyng dragons golden spoyles with hym he brought awaye The Lerna monsters numerous yll what neede to tell haue I Hath he not hym with fyre at lengthe subdewde and taught to dye And which were woont with wyngs abrode to hyde the daye from syght Euen from the cloudes he sought and draue the Srymphale byrdes to flyght Not hym subdewde who euer lyes in bedde vnmatcht at nyght The wyddowe queene of them that toke to Thermodont their flyght Nor handes that well durst enterprise his noble trauayles all The fylthy labour made to shrynke of foule Augias hall What vayle all these he wants the worlde whyche ofte defended he And th'erthe well knowes the woorker of his quietnes to be Away from earthe the prosperous gylt that beareth happy swaye Is vertue callde and now the good to wycked doo obaye The ryght doth stande in myght of armes feare treadeth downe the lawe Before my face with cruell hande euen presently I sawe Reuengers of theyr fathers reygne the sonnes with swoorde downe cast And of the noble Cadmus eke hymselfe the ofspryng last Then slayne I sawe his regall crowne at once from hym awaye With head byreft Who Thebes alas enough bewayle nowe maye The fertile lande of godds what lorde nowe quakes it for to knowe Out of the fieldes of whiche somtyme and fruitefull bosome lowe The youth vpsprong with sworde in hand preparde to battell stoode And walls of whiche Amphion one of myghty Ioue his broode Hath buylt with sowndyng melody in drawyng to the stones To towne of whome the parent cheefe of Godds not onely ones Heauen beyng left hath come this lande that godds aboue alway Receyuds whiche hath made them godds and leefull beete to say Perhapps shall make with lothsome yoake of bondage is preste downe O Cadmus stocke and citezens of olde Amphions towne Wherto are ye nowe fallne dreade ye a cowardly exul thus His coastes to dwell in lachyng and to ours iniurious Who through the worlde pursues the gyllts and wrong by sea and lande And cruell sceptors broken hath with iuste and ryghtfull hande Nowe absent serues and what he ea●…e in other doothe sustayns And nowe doth vannyshr Lycus holde of Hercles Thebes the rayne Yet shall he not he shall come home And hym with vengeaunte quight And sodayne ryfe to starrs he wyll Soone fynde the waye to lyght Or make it ells returne thou sate repayre to thyne in haste And conquerour to conquerde house yet come agayne at laste Ryse vp my spouse and darknesse deepe repellde of helly shade Breake vp with hande yf no way may for thee kept backe bee made And passage be shette vp returne with worlde vprent by myght And what soeuer lythe possest byneathe in darkest nyght Sende out with thee as when the topps of haughty hylles vndoon A hedlong passage makyng through for hasty floude to roon Thou somtyme stoodst whā w t great might of thyne asunder broake The Tempye woods wyde open laye and beaten with thy stroake Of more renowns MEG what wretches 〈◊〉 moste chiefly wyshe of all They soone beleue AM Nay what thei feare to muche least it may fall They thynke it neuer may bee shoonde nor rydde by remedy MEG Beleefe is ready styll to dreade the woorser myse●…ye Depe drownde whelimde farthermore with all the worlde full lowe Oppressed downe what ways hath he to lyght agayne to goe AM. What way I pray you had he then when through the burnyng coste Aud tumblyng after maner of the troubled sea vp toste He went by sands and freate that twyse with ebbe away doothe slyppe And twyse vpflowe and when alone with his forsaken shyppe Fast caught he stucke in shallowe foordes of shelfy●… Syrtes sande And nowe his shyppe on grounde dyd passe through seas a foote to lande MEG Iniurious fortune vertue most of men moste stoute and strong Doothe seldome spare no man alyue Hymselfe in safetie long Ile gyue the secret sacrifyce to thee with muche fayth loe Long fyre brandes at Eleusis towne full sylent wyll I throe Then to my brethern shall I thynke to bee restoarde agayne Theyr sowles and eke hymselfe alyue and guydyng of his rayne My father for to flouryshe yet yf any greater myght Deo kepe thee shette we followe thee with thy returne to syght Defende vs all or els to hell drawe downe vs all to thee Thou shalt vs drawe no god shall rayse vs vp that broken bee AMPHITRYON MEGARA O Faythfull fellowe of our bloude with chaste true faythfulnes The bridebed keeping and the sonns of haughty Hercules Conceyue in mynde some better thyngs and take good harte to thee He wyll come home as after all his labours woonteth hee The mownt now here now ther fel dow●… and rampier rente of staye The ragyng brooke of Thessaly dyd roon a newe fownde waye Thy parentes so thy soons thy lande repayryng home to see Breake out and lowest bonde of thyngs out bryngyng thens with thee And what soeuer greedy age in all these long yeares race Hath hyd shewe foorth ghosts that haue forgotte theyr former case And people vp before th●…e dryue that fearefull are of lyght Unworthy spoyles for thee they are yf thou but bryng to syght What bydden is great things but farre to muche I speake for me Unwotyng of myne owne estate when shall I happe to see The day when thee and thy ryght hande I maye embrace agayne And slowe returnes nor yet of me once myndefull may complayne To thee for this O guyde of godds vntamed bulls shall bryng Theyr hundred neckes to thee O queen●… of frutes on earthe that spryng To peryls great and daungers may so often tymes out caste Whome chaunce doothe often ouerslippe the same yt fyndes at laste But cruell loe
free awaye But I before the mother wyll this lyttell monster slaye MEG Thou mad man whither goest thow wylte thou thyne owne bloode sheade AM. Th'infant with fathers fyry face astonnyde all for dreade Dyed euen before the wownde his fear●… hath tooke away his lyfe And nowe lykewyse his heauy clubbe is shaken towarde his wyfe He broaken hath the bones her head from blocklyke bodye gone Is quight nor any where it stayes darste thow this looke vppone To long lyude age yf mournyng doo thee greue thou hast then loe The deathe preparde Doo thou thy breast vppon his weapons throe Or ells this clubbe with slaughter staynde of monsters slayne that bee Nowe hyther turne thy parent false vnfytte for name of thee Kyd hens away least he shoulde be to thy renowne a let THE. Which waie y ● father toward thy death dooste thow thy selfe caste yet Or whyther goest thou madde man flee and lye thow cloasely hyd And yet from handes of Hercules this onely myschiefe ryd HER. Tis well the howse of shameful kyng ys nowe quyght ouerthrowne To thee O spowse of greattest Ioue I haue loe beaten downe This offred flocke I gladly haue fulfyllde my wyshes all Full meete for thee and Argos nowe geeue other offryngs shall AM. Thow hast not sonne yet al performde fyll vp the sacrifyse Loeth offryng doothe at th'aultars stande it waytes thy hande lykewyse With necke full prone I gyue my selfe I roon I followe loe Mee sacrifyce what meaneth this his eyes rolle to and froe And heauynesse doothe dull his syght see I of Hercules The tremblyng hands down falles his face to sleepe and quietnes And weery necke with bowed head full faste doothe downewarde shryuke With bended knee nowe all at once he downe to grownde doothe synke As in the woodes wylde asshe cut downe or bulwarke for to make A hauen in seas Lyuste thow or els to deathe doothe thee betake The selfe same rage that hath sent all thy famylye to deathe It is but sleepe for to and froe doothe goe and come his breathe Let tyme bee had of quietnesse that thus by sleepe and reste Greate force of his disease subdewde may ease his greeued breste Remous his weapons seruantes lea●… he madde gette them agayne CHORVS LEt th'ayre cōplain eke y ● parent great of haughty sky fertile lad throughout And wādryng waue of euer mouing freate And thow before thē all which lands about And train of sea thy beams abroad dost throe with glyttryng face makst y ● night to flee O feruent Titan bothe thy settyngs loe and rysyng hath Alcides seene with thee known likewise he hath thy howsē twayn from so great yls release ye nowe his brest O godds release to better turne agayne his ryghter mynde and thow O tamer best O sleepe of toyles the quietnesse of mynde of all the lyfe of man the better parte O of thy mother ast●…ey wynged kynde of hard and pinyng death that brother arte With truth mingling the false of after state The sure but eke the worste foreteller yet O father of all thynges of lyfe the gate Of light the rest of nyght and felowe fytte that comst to kyng and seruant equallye And gentlye cherysshest who weerye bee All mankynde loe that dredfull is to dye thou doost cōstrain lōg deth to learn by thee keepe him fast bound w t heauy slepe opprest Let slōber deps his limmes vntamed bynde Nor sooner leaue his vnryght ragyng brest Thē former mīd his course again may fynd Lo layd on groūd w t full fierce hart yet styll His cruell sleepes he turnes and not yet is The plague subdewde of so great raging yll And on great clubbe the weery head of his He woont to lay dothe seeke y ● staffe to fynde With empty hand his armes owt castīg yet with mouing vayn nor yet all rage of mynde he hath laid down but as w t south wind gre●… The waue once vext yet after kepeth styll his ragyng long though the wind now be Asswaged swells shake of these madde yll tossyngs of mynde returne let pi●…tee And vertue to the man ells let be so his mynd with mouing mad tost euery way Let errour blynde where it begoon hath go for nowght els now but only madnes may Thee gyltlesse make in next estate it stands to hurtles hands thy mischief not to knowe Now strooken let with Hercules his hands thy bosoms soūd thyne armes y ● world alow wer wōt to bear let greuoꝰ strips now smite with cōquryng hād loude cōplainīg cries Let th'aire now here let of dark pole night the quene them heare who ful fiersely lyes That bears his necks in mighty chains fast boūd low lurking Cerberus in dep●…st caue Let Chaos all with clamour sad resound and of broade sea wide open wasting waue And th' ayre that felt thy weapōs better yet But felt them thowgh The brestes with so greate yls as these beset with litle stroake they must not beaten be Let kyngdoms three soūd w t one plaīt cry and thow neckes honowr defence to se His arrowe strong long hanged vp on hye quiuers light y e cruel strypes now smyght on his firce back his shoulders strōg stowt let oken clubbe now stryke poaste of might w t knots full harde his brests loade al about let euen his weapōs so greate woes cōplain Not you poore babes mates of your fathers w t cruel woūd reuēging kings agaī praise not you your lims in argos barriars plaies Are taught to turn w t wepō strōg to smight strōg of hād yet euē now daring loe the weapon of the Scythian quiuer light With steady hand to paise sēt out frō bowe and stags to perse y ● saue thē selues by flyght and backes not yet full maend of cruel beast To Styg●…ā hauens goe ye of shade night goe hurtles souls whō mischief hath opprest Euen in first porche of lyfe but lately hadde And fathers furye goe vnhappy kynde O little chyldren by the way full sadde Of tourneye knowne Goe see the angrye kyngs ¶ The fyfthe Acte Hercules Amphitryon Theseus WHat place is this what region●… or of the worlde what coaste Where am I vnder ryse of sa●…ne or bonde els vttermoste Of th'ycy beare or els doothe here of sea of Hesperye The fardest grownde appoynte a bond●… for th'ocean sea to lye What ayre drawe we●… to weery wyght what grownde is vndersette Of truthe we are returnde from bell whence in my howse downe bette See I these bloudy bodyes hath not yet my mynde of cast Thinfernall shapes but after yet returne from hell at last Yet wander dooth that helly heape before myne eyes to see I am ashamde to grawnte I quake I knowe not what to mee I can not tell what greuous yll my mynde before dooth knowe Where is my parent where is shee with goodly chyldrens showe My noble hartye stomakt spowse why dothe my lefte syde lacke The lyons spoyle whiche waye
patri Vitam dat aliquis non feram vlterius moram Letale ferrum pectori impr●…ssum induam Hic hic iacebit Herculis sani scelus He Iam parce genitor parce iā reuoca manū Succumbe virtus perfer imperium patris Eat ad labores hic quoque Herculeos labor Viuamus artus alleua afflictos solo Theseu parentis dextra contactus pios Scelerata refugit Am. Hanc manū amplector libens Hac nixus ibo pectori hanc ergo admouens Pellā dolores Her Quē locū profugus petā Vbi me recondam quave tellure obruam Quis Tanais aut quis Nilus aut quis persica Violentus vnda Tigris aut Rhenus ferox Tagúsve ●…bera turbidus gaza fluen s Abluere dextram poterit Arctoum licet Maeotis in me gelida transfundat mare Et tota Tethys per meas currat manus Haerebit altum facinus in quas impius Terras recedes ortum an occasum petes Vbique notus perdidi exilio locum Me refugit o●…bis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Obliqua cursus ipse Titan Ce●…berum Meliore vultu vidit ô fidum caput Theseu latebram quaere longi●…quam abditā Quicunque semper sceleris al●…ni arbiter Amas nocentes gratiam meritis refer Vicemque nostris redde me infernis precor Vmbris reductum meque subiectum tuis Restitue vinclis ille me abscondet locus Sed ille nou●…t Th. Nostra te tellus man●… Illic solutam caede gradiuus manum Restituit armis illa te Alcide ●…ocat Facere innocentes terra quae superos solet FINIS THE FYRSTE ACTE Iuno alone ISyster of the thunderer for nowe that name alone remaynes to me Ioue euermore as though deuorste and gone And temples of the hyghest ayre as w●…we shunned haue And beaten out of skyes aboue the place to harlots gaue I muite goe dwell beneathe on grounde for hoores doo holde the skye From hens the beare in parte aboue of y●…ye p●…le full hye A haughty starre the greekysh shypps by seas dothe guyde about Frō this way whēs at spryng tyme warme the days is loased out Europ●…es bearer through the waues of Tyria shynes full bright From th●…s their stormy fearefull flocke to shypps and seas affright The wandryng daughters here and there of Atlas vpwarde swaye With staryng bushe of heare from hens Orion gods dothe fraye And Perseus eke his glyttryng starres of golden glosse hathe heere From hens the twynns of Tyndars stocks doe shyne a sygne full clere And at whose byrth fyrst stoode the grounde that erste went too and fro Nor onely Bacchus nowe hymselfe or Bacchus mother lo Haue clymbde to gods least any parte shoulde from rebuke be free The skyes the Gnossian strumpets crounes doe beare in spight of mee But I of ollde contempts complayne me one dire fierce and shrewde Thebana lande with wicked broode of Ioues base daughters strewde Howe ofte hath it a stepdame made though vp to heauen shoulde rise The conqueryng drabbe Alcmena nowe and holde my place in skies And eke her sonne to promysde starres obtayne the woorthye waye At byrthe of whome the staying worlde so long deferrde the daye And Phoebus slowe from mornyng sea begoon to glyster bryght Commaunded long in th'ocean waues to hyde his drowned lyght Yet shall my hates not leaue them so a wrathfull kyndlyng rage His mynde in madnesse shall styrre vp and yre that maye not swag●… Shall euermore all peace layde downe wage warres eternally What warrs what euer hydous thyng the earthe his ennemy Begetts or what soeuer sea or ayre hath brought to syght Bothe dredfull dire and pestplent of cruell flercest myght Tis tierde and taemde he passeth all and name by ylls dothe rayse And all my wrathe he dothe enioye and to his greatter prayse He turnes my hates whyle tedyous tayles to muche I hym beehest He proues what father hym begot bothe the●… where lyght epprect Hath sea and where it showde agayne where ●…an daye dothe crayne And with his brande approchyng neere dothe dye those Aethiops twayne His strengthe vntamde is honoured and god eche where is he Nowe calde in world and nowe more 〈◊〉 of monsters want to me And labour lesse to Hercles is t'accomplyshe all my wyll Then me to bydde at ease he doothe myne imperies fulfyll What cruell hestes of tyraunt nowe so fierce a yong man maye Preuayle to hurte for loe he beares for weapons nowe awaye What once he fearde and put to flyght he armed comes at syde With lyon fierce and Hydra bothe nor lande suffiseth wyde But broake he hath the thresholde lo of that infernall Ioue And spoyles with hym of conquerde kyng be drawes to godds aboue But thats but lyght broke is the league of sprightes that there doo dwell I sawe my selfe I sawe hym loe the nyght nowe gone of hell And Ditis taemde throwe out abroade before his fathers syght His brothers spoyles Why drawes he not ●…ppreste and bounde by myght Hymselfe in chaynes that equall thynges to Ioue by lotte dooth holde And beare the rule of captyue hell and waye to Styx vnfolde Up opened is from lowest ghosts the backewarde waye to shye And sacred secrets of dire deathe in open syght doo lye But he the dredfull denne of sprights breake vp full fiercs and stout Euen ●…uer me doothe triumphe l●… and with prowde hande about The ●…oule black dogge by Grekishe townes he leades from hell awaye When seene was vgly Cerberus I sawe the fadyng daye And fearefull soon euen melykewyse a tremblyng dreade oppreste And lookyng on the fylthy necks of conquerde monstrous beaste I feared muche myne owne behests but lyght thyngs I complayne For heauen I maye be frayde least he may get the hyghest rayne That lowest woon the sceptors from his father wyll he take Nor he to starrs as Bacchus dy●… his waye wyll gently make The waye with ruyne wyll he seeke and be in empty skyes Wyll reygne alone with force displayde his haughtye harte doothe ryse And he that heauen it selfe by force of his myght gotten bee It bearyng learnde quight vndernethe the worlde his headsette he Nor ones his shoulders bowde the payse of suche a myghty mas And mydst of heauen on Hercles necke alone lo settled was His necke vnwryde the starrs aboue and skies dyd onelye staye And me lykewyse oppressyng hym to Gods he seekes the waye Goe Ire goe on and beate hym downe that greate thynges doothe inuent Matche thou with hym and with thy hands nowe thou thy selfe hym rent Suche hates why dooste thou meditate Lette all wylde beastes nowe go And weary Eurystheus nowe be free from geeuyng charges me The Titans daryng once of Ioue to breake the imperye Sende out lette loase the denne abroade of mounte of Sicilye The Doricke lande that with the turn●… of gyant quakes afrayde Let it bryng foorthe the dredefull necke●… of mon●…er vnderlayde Let yet the haughty moone aboue some other beastes beeget But these he ouercame seekst thou a matchet ' Alcides yet Thers none except hymselfe let hym agaynst
and greeuous threats euen bearyng in his face And suche as he of stomacke ys doothe come euen suche of pace Prowde Lycus who the sceptors shakes in bande of other kyng The plentuous places of the towne of Thebes gouernyng And euery thyng aboute the whyche with fertyle soyle dooth goe Sloape Phocis and what euer doothe Ismenus ouerflo●… What euer thyng Cith●…ron seethe with haughty toppe and hye And slender Isthmos yle the whyche betweene two seas dooth lye Lycus Megara Amphitryon NOt I of natiue countrey bowres Possesse the auncient ryght Unworthy heyre nor yet to me are noble men of myght The grandfathers nor stocke renownd●… with titles hy●… of name But noble vertue who so boastes of kynred whence he came Of others vertue makes his v●…wnte but gotte with fearefull hande My sceptors are obtaynde in swoorde dothe all my safety stande What thee thou wottst agaynst the wyll of cytesyns to get The bryght drawne sworde must it defende in forayne counttey set No stable kyngdome is But one my pompe and princely myght May ratifye once ioynde to me with regall torche full bryght And chambers Megara of stocke of suche nobilitee Let vpstarte state of myne take shape I doo not thynke that shee Refuse it wyll or in the bedde with me despyse to lye But yf with proude vnbrydled mynd●… thee stubberne doo denye Then quyght I purpose to destroye the house of Hercules The hate of men wyll then my pryde and peoples speache oppres Chiese knacke of kyngdome is to beare Thy subiects hares eche one Lets proue her then chaunce gyuen hath To vs a place alone For she her head in folde of daple full sadde and wofully Enwrapt the gods that are her guydes for succour stands faste by And at the syde of her doothe leane A●…cides father trewe MEG What thyng dothe this destroier of our stocke agayne a newe Prepare what proueth he LY. O queene That name renowned hye And title takste of regall stocke full gentle and easyly A lyttle while receyue and beare my woords with pacient eare If alwayes men eternall hates shoulde one to th'other beare And rage beeg●…on out of the harte shoulde neuer fall awaye But th'happy still shoulde armour holde th'unhappye styll obaye Then shall the battayles nothyng leaue with wyde fieldes then the lands Shall lye vntyllde with vnderlayde to housen fyrybrande Then ashes deepe shall ouer whelme the buried people all Expedient is to conquerour to wyshe that peace befall To conquerde needefull partener of the kyngdome come to me Letts ioyn our mynds take here this pledge of faythe and truthe to thee My ryght hand touche Why whishtest thou with cruell face and moode MEG Shoulde I abyde that I the hande sprinkte with my fathers bloode Shoulde touche and double death enbrewde of bothe my bretherne naye Fyrst shall sonne ryse extinguishe quyght And weste shall bryng the daye Fyrst faithfull peace betweene the snowes and fyres there shall bee tryde And Scylla shall t'Ausonius fyrste ioyne his Sicilyan syde And fyrst the fleeyng floude that with swyfte turnes of course deothe flowe Euripus with Euboik waue shall stand full styll and slowe My father th'empire brethern howse Thou haste me cleare berefte My countrey to what may bee more one thyng to me is lefte Then brother father kyngdome house that deerer is to me The hate of thee the whyche to me with people for to bee In commune woe I am howe greate ys myne allonely parte Rule on full proude beare vp full hye thy sprights and haughty harte Yet god the prowde behynde theyr backes dothe followe them to wreake I knowe the The bane kyngdomes What shoulde I the mothers speake Bothe suffryng and aduentryng gylts what double myschefe donne And myxed name of spouse at once of father and of sonne What bretherns double tents or what as many roages also The mother prowde of Tantalls broode congealde in mournyng lo And sory stone yet flowes with teares in Phrygian Sipylye Hymselfe lyke wyse erectyng vp his skaled head awrye Euen Cadmus measuryng throughout th'Illyrian landes in flyght Behynde hym lefte of body drawne long slyniye marks in syght All these examples wayte for thee rule thou as lykes thy wyll Whyle thee our kyngdoms woonted fates doo call and ofte hapte yll LY. Goe ●…o these fierce and furious woords thou woman madde refrayne And imperies of princes learne of Hercles to sustayne Though I the sceptors gotten by the force of warre doo beare In conquryng hande and all doo rule without the lawe his feare Whiche armes subdue a fewe words yet to thee nowe speake I shall For this my cause thy father dyd in blouddy battayle fall Thy bretherne fell the weapons keepe n●… measurable staye For neyther easyly tempred bee nor yet repressed maye The drawne swoordes yre the battels doth the bloude delyght out shed But he yet for his kyngdome fought we all togyther led With wycked luste yet th'ende of warre ys nowe complayned loe And not the cawse but no we let all remembrance therof goe When conquerour hath weapons left the conquerds parte shoulde bee To leaue his hates No●… I that thou with lowly bended knee Me raignyng worshyp shouldst require Euen this dooth me delight That thou thy myseries doost beare with mynde so s●…oute vpright Thou for a kyng a sp●…use arte meete letts ioyne our bedd●… anone MEG A trēblng cold doth run throughout my bloudlesse lyms eche one What heinous thing comes to myne eares I fearde not then at all When all peace broake the noyse of warre dyd by the citie wall ●…sounde about I bare all that vnfeare fully to see I feare the weddyng chambers nowe I captyue seeme to mee Let heauy chaynes my body greeue and ●…ke with hunger long Let lyngryng death be slowly brought yet shall no force full strong My truthe subdue for euen thyne own●… 〈◊〉 wyll I dye LY. Doth then thy husband drownd in hell geue thee this stomacke hye MEG Thehells alowe he toucht that he The heyght agayne myght get LY. The heauy payse oppresseth hym Of all the earthe full great MEG He with no burdeyn shall be prest that heauen it selfe ●…ustaynde LY. Thou shalt be forst M●… He wo●…s not how to dye that is constraynde LY. Speake what may rather I prepare then weddyng newe for th●… More ●…oyall gyft ▪ MEG Thyne owne death els or ells the death of mee LY. Then shalt mad woman dye MEG I shal then to my husbande go LY. More then my sceptors is to thee a seruant loued so MEG Howe many hath this seruant ●…ayne of kyngs with handye stroake LY. Why do●…he he yet a kyng then serus and styll ●…ustayne his yoake MEG Take once away the harde behests whats vertue then at la●…e LY. Doo●…e thou it vertue counte to bee to beasts and monsters caste MEG ●…is vertues part to tame the thyngs that all men quake to knowe LY. Hym great thyngs braggyng darknes deepe o●… 〈◊〉 presse full lowe ME. There neuer may frō grownd to stars an easye
pale deth with gredyteeth so wide Unnūbred natiōs hath set down to sprights with one boate man all ouer feryed bee God graūt thou maist of hl subdue y t tights And vnreueked webs of systers three There kyng of many people raigneth hee who whe thou didst w t Nestors Pylos fight Pesti●…erous hāds applide to matche w e thee weapon bare with triple mace of might And prickt with litle wound he fled awaye and lorde of death hymselfe did feare to dye Breake fate by force let the syght of daye to sory sprights of hell apparentlye and porche vnpast shew way to gods aboue the cruel lords of sprights with plesant song And hūble bown ful wel could Orpheꝰmoue while he Eurydicen them craues among The art y t drew woods birds stones at w●… which made delay to flouds of flitting flight At soūd wherof the sauage beasts stood styll with tunes vnwōt doth ghosts of hel delight And cleerer dothe resounde in darker place wepe with teares did gods of cruell brest And they which fautes with to seuere a face do seeke former gylt of ghosts out wrest The Thracian daughters wails Eurydicē for her the iudges weeping sitte also We cōquerd ar chief kyng of death said thē to godds but vnder this cōdition goe Behynd thy husbands back kepe y ● thy way looke thou not backe thy wyfe before to see Thā the to sight of gods hath brought y t day and gate of Spartane Taenare present bee Loue hates delay nor coulde abyde so long his gyfte he loste while he desires the syght The place y t coulde be thus subdewd w e song that place may soone be ouercom by myght THE THYRDE ACTE Hercules QComfortable guyde of lyght and honour of the skye That cōpassyng both hemyspheres with flamyng charyot hys Thy radiant head to ioyfull landes about the worlde doste bryng Thou Phoebus pardon geue to me yf any vnlawfull thyng Thyne eyes haue seene commanded I haue here to lyght out fette The secretes of the worlde and thow of heauen o guyder grette And parent eke in flashe out throwne of lyghtnyng hyde thy syght And thou that gouernest the seas with seconde sceptors myght To bottome synke of deepest waues who so from hye dothe see And dreadyng yet with cowntnance newe the erthe defylde to bee Let hym from hens turne backe his syght and face to heauen vpholde These mōstrous syghts to shoon let twain this mischiefe great beholde He who it brought and she that badde for paynefull toyles to me And labours long not all the earthe thowght wyde ynough may be For Iunoes hate thyngs vncome to of all men I dyd see Unknowne to sonne and spaces wyde that darke and shadesull bee Whiche woorser poale geeues dyrer Ioue to raigne and rule theryn And yet yf thyrde place pleasyd more for me to enter yn I there coulde raigne the Chaos of eternall nyght of hell And woorse then nyght the dolefull godds I haue that there dood ●…ll And fates subdude the deathe contemnde I am returnde to lyght What yet remaynes I sawe and showde the spryghts of hell to syght Appoynte yf ought be more doste thou my hands so long permyt Iuno to ceasse what thyng bydst thou to be subdued yet But why doo cruell sowldyars holde the holy temples wyde And dreade of armour sacred porche beset on euery syde Amphitryon Hercules Theseus DOo eyther ells my great desyres delude and mocke myne eyes Or hath the tamer of the worlde and greekes renowne lykewyse For sooke the silent howse besette with cloude full sadde to see Is this my soone my membres loe for ioy amased bee Oh sonne the sure and sauegarde late of Thebes in mysery See I thy bodye true in deede or els deceyude am I Mo●…t with thy spright art thou the same●… these brawnes of armes I knowe And shoulders and thy noble handes From body hye that growe HER. Whens father happs this vglynes And why in mournyng cladde Is thus my wyfe howe happs it that with fylthe so fowle bestadde My chyldren are what myserye doothe thus my howse oppresse AM. Thy father in la●…e is slayne the kyngdome Lycus doothe possesse Thy sonnes thy parent and thy wyfe to deathe pursueth he HER. Ungratefull land dothe no man come that will an ayder be Of Hercles howse and this behelde so greate and heynous wrong Hath th' ayded worlds but why weare I the daye in playnt so long Let th'enmy dye and this renowne let strengthe obtayne in haste And of Alcides enmyes all let Lycus be the laste I dryuen am to goe to shedde the blood of enmye out Watche Theseu that no sodayne strength beeset vs heere about Me warres requyre enbracyng yet deferre O father deare And wyfe deferre them Lycus shall to hell this message beare That I am nowe returnde THE. Shake of O queene out of thyne eyes This weepyng face and thou sens that thy sonne is safe lykewyse Thy droppyng teares refrayne yf yet I Hercles euer knewe Then Lycus shall for Creon paye the paynes to hym full dewe Tis lyght he shall he doothe and thats to lyght he hathe it doone AM. Now god that can them bring to passe speede well our wyshes soone And come to helpe our weary woes O noble harted mate Of my stoute sonne of his renowne declare vs all the rate Howe long a waye doothe leade to place where sory sprights doo dwell And howe the harde and heauy bonds the dogge hathe borne of hell THE. The deedes y ● doost constrayne to tell that euen to mynde secure Are dredfull yet and horryble scant yet the truste is sure Of vitall ayre sore blunted is the sharpnesse of my syght And dulled eyes doo scant sustayne to see th'vnwoonted lyght AM. Yet Theseus throwghly ouercome what euer feare remaynes In bosome deepe nor doo thou not of best frute of thy paynes Beguylde thy selfe What thyng hath once to suffre beene a care To haue remembred it is sweete those dredfull happe declare THE. All ryght of worlde and thee lykewise I pray that bearste the rayne In kyngdome wyde and thee for whome All rownde about in dayne Thy mother throughout Aetna sowght that secret thyngs alowe And hydde in grownde it freely may bee lawfull for to showe The Spartane lande a noble toppe of hyll aduaunceth hye Where Taenarus with woodes full ●…hycks the sea doothe ouerlye The house of hatefull Ditis here his mowthe doothe ●…pen sette And rocks of hyll about doothe gape and with a denne full grette A huge and gapyng clefte of grownd●… with iawes full wyde doothe lye And way full broade to people all dothe spredde to passe therby Not straight with darkenes dothe begynne The way that blyndes the syght A lyttle lyngryng bryghtnes lo behynde of late lefte lyght And dubtfull glyttryng yet of sonne afflicted falles alowe And mocks the syght suche lyght is woont vndoubtedly to showe The dawne of day or twylyght els at edge of euenyng tyde From hens to hollowe places
voyde Are loaste the spaces wyde To whiche needes peryshe must all kynde of men that once are throwne Nor it a labour is to goe the waye it selfe leades downe As ofte the shypps agaynst theyr wylles do the tosse the swellyng surge So downe warde dothe that hedlong way and greedy Chaos vrge And backe agayne to drawe thy pat●…thee neuer doo permytte The sprights who what they catch hold fast alowe within doothe flytte In chanell wyde with sylent foorde the quiet lake of lethe And cares dothe rydde and that theremay to scape agayne from deathe No meane be made with many turnes and wyndyngs euery waye Foldes in his floode in suche sorte as with waue vnsure doothe play Maeander wandryng vp and downe And yeldes hymselfe vnto And dowbtfull stands yf he toward banke or backe to spryng may go The soule and fylthy peole to see of slowe Cocytus lyes On th'one the grype on th'other syde the mournefull howlet cryes And sadde lucke of th'unhappy Strix lykewyse resoundeth there Full vglyelye in shady bowes blacke lockes of lethsome heare Where Taxus tree dothe ouer leane whiche holdeth slouthfull sleepe And hunger sadde with famysht lawe that lyes his place to keepe And shame to late doth hyde his face that knowes what crimes it hathe Bothe feare and quakyng funerall and frettyng ragyng wrathe And mournyng dyre dothe followe on and tremblyng pale disease And boystrous battailes set with swoorde and hydde beyonde all thease Dothe slouthfull age his lyngryng pace healpe foorth with staffe in hande AM. Of corne and wyne in hell alowe is any fertile lande THE No ioyful meades do there bring foorth with face so greene and fayre Nor yet with gentyll Zephyrus wagges ripened corne in th'ayre Nor any tree hath there suche bowes as doe bryng apples out The barrayne compasse of deepe soyle full fylthye lyes about And withred with eternall drought the lothsome lande dothe wa●…e And bonde full sadde of thyngs and of the worllde the places laste The ayre vnmoued stands and nyght sytts there full darke to see In slouthfull worlde all thynges by dread●… full horrible there bee And euen farre worse then deathe it selfe is place where deathe doothe byde AM. What ●…e that doth those places darke with regallsceptor gwyde In what seate sette dothe he dispose and rule those peoples light THE. A place there is in turne obscure of Tartarus from syght Which myst full thicke with feareful shade doothe holde and ouergoe From hens a double parted streame from one wellspryng doothe floe The tone muche lyke a standyng poole by this the godds doo sweare The whiche the sacred Stygian lake with silent floude doothe beare The tother fierce with tumulte great is drawen hys course to goe And Archeron with ragyng flood●… the stones dryues to and froe Unsaylable with double foorde is rounoe about besette Agaynst it Ditis palayce dyre and manspon howse full grette In shadefull woode is couered from wide denne here the posts And thresholds of the tyrant hang this is the walke of ghosts This of his kyngdome is the g●…te a felde about it goes Where syttyng with a countnaunce proud●… abroade he doothe dispose Newe sowles a cruell maiestie is in the god to knowe A frownyng forhead whyche yet of his brethren beares the showe And so great stocks there is in hym of Ioue the very face But when he lyghtens and great parte of cruell kyngdomes place Is he hymselfe the lorde therof the syght of who●…e dothe feare What euer thyng is fearde AM. Is fam●… in this poynt trewe that there Suche rygours are and gyltie ghosts of men that there remayne Forgetfull of theyr former faute haue their deserued payne Who is the rector there of ryght and iudge of equitye THE. Not onely one extorter out of f●…utes in seate sette hye The iudgements late to tremblyng sowles doothe there by lotte awarde In one appointed iudgement place is Gnossian Minos harde And in an other Radamanthe This ●…ryme doothe A●…ac beare What eche man ones hath doone he feeles and guylt to th'author theare Returnes and th'hurtfull with their owns example punn●…ht bee The bluddy cruell captaynes I in pryson shette dyd see And backe of tyrant impotent euen with hys peoples hande All t●…rne and cutte what man of myght with fauour leades his lande And of his owne lyfe lorde reserues his hurtlesse handes to good And gently doothe his empyre guyde without the thyrst of blood And spares his sowle he hauyng long ledde foorthe the lyngryng dayes Of happy age at lengthe to heauen do●…the eyther fynde the wayes Or ioyfull happy places ells of fayre Elysius woode Thou then that here muste be a iudg●… abstayne from man his bloode Who so thou bee that raygnest kyng our gyltes are there acquytte In greater wyse AM. Doothe any place prescript of lymite ●…h ytte The gyltie ghosts and as the fame reportes dothe cruell payne The wycked men make tame that in eternall bondes remayne THE. Ixion rollde on whyrlyng wheele is ●…ost and turned hye Uppon the necke o●… Sisyphus the myghty stone dooth lye Amyd the lake with thyrsty iawes ol●…de Tantalus theryn Pursues the waues the water stream●… doothe wette and washe his ●…hyn And when to hym nowe otte deceyude it doothe yet pr●…myse make Straight ●…ytts the ●…ood the trute at mowth his famyne doothe forsake Eternall foode to ●…leeyng ●…owle doothe Tityus harte geue s●…yll And Danaus daughters ●…oo in vayne theyr water vessells fyll The wycked Cadmus daughters all go ragyng euery wa●…e And there doothe greedy rauenyng byrde the Phi●…y tables fraye AM. Nowe of my sonne declare to me the noble woorthy fyght Bryngs he his wyllyng vnkles gyfts or Plutoes spoyles to syght THE. A dyre and dredfull stone there ys the slouthfull foordes fast bye Where sluggysh freate with waue astoond full dull and flowe doothe lye This lake a dredfull fellowe keepes bothe of attyre and syght And quakyng ghosts doothe ouer beare An aged vgly wyght His bearde vnkempt his hosome fowle deformde in fylthy wyse A knotte byndes in full lothesome stande in head his hollows eyes He fery man doothe steare aboute his beate with his long ore He dryuyng nowe his lyghtned shippe of burden towarde the shore Repaires to waues and then his way Alcides doothe requyre The flocke of ghosts all geuyng place Alowde cries Charon dyre What way attemptest thou so bolde thy hastenyng pace here staye But natheles Alcmenaes sonne abydyng no delaye Euen with his owne poale bette he doothe full tame the shypman make And clymes the shippe the barke that could full many peoples take Dyd yelde to one he satte the boate more heauy lyke to breake With shyueryng ioyntes on eythersyde the lethey floode doothe leake Then tremble all the monsters huge the Centaures fierce of myght And Lapythes kyndled with muche wyne to warres and blouddy fyght The lowest chanelles seekyng out of Stygian poole a downe His lerney labour sore affright his sertyle heddes doothe drowne Of greedy Ditis after this doothe then the
house appere The fierce and cruell Stygian dogge doothe fraye the spirites there The whiche with great and roaryng sounds his hedds vpshakyng three The kyngdome keepes his ugly head with fylthe full fowle to see The serpentes lycke his heares be fowle with vypers 〈◊〉 among And at his crooked wrested tayle doothe hysse dragon longe Like yre to shape when hym he wy●… his pace that way to take His bristle heares he lysteth vp with fierce vp bended snake And sownde sent out he soone perceyues in his applyed eare Who euen the sprights is woon●…to sent as soone as stoode more neare The sonn●… of Ioue the doubtfull dogge strayte couched downe in denne And eche of them dyd feare beholde with dolefull barkyng then The places dumme he makes a dred the threatnyng serpent stoute Through all the fieldes aboute dooth hysse the bawlyng noyse sent out Of dredfull voyce from triple mouthe euen spryghts that happy bee Dothe make afrayde from lefte syde then strayte way vndoeth hee The cruell tawes and lyons he●…d once slayne in Cleon fielde Agaynst hym setts and couer doothe hymselfe with myghty shielde And bearyng in his conquer●…ng hands a sturdy clubbe of oke Nowe ●…ere nowe there he ●…olleth hym about with often stre●… His strypes he doubles he subdewde his threates asswaged all And all his heds the weery dogge at once full lowe lette fall And quight out of the ●…enne he fedde full greatly feared 〈◊〉 In regall throne both kyng and queene and dadde hym to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And me lykewyse 〈◊〉 ●…ne for 〈◊〉 to Hercl●… 〈◊〉 ●…e The mon●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with ●…aude then 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thr●… In lynked cha●… he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 forgettyng 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The dogge the watche●… keeper 〈◊〉 the kyngdome darke at leng●… Laythe downe his eares full so●… affrayde and suffryng to be lende And eke acknowledging his lorde folowyng with lowly hedde With tayle that snakes theron doothe beare he bothe his sydes doethe smyght But after that to Taenate mouthe we came and clearenes bryght Had stroake his eyes of lyght vnknowne good stomacke yet agayne He takes althowgh onse ouercome and now the heauye chayn●… He ragyng shakes he had almost his leader pluckt from place And hedlong backwarde drawne to hell and moued from his pace And euen to my handes Hercles then his eies dyd backewarde caste We bothe with double ioyned strengthe the dogge out drawne at laste For anger woode and battells yet attemptyng all in vayne Brought vp to worlde as soone as he the cleere ayre sawe agayne And spaces pure of bryght fayre poale had once behelde with eye The nyght arose his syght to grownde he turned by and by Caste downe his eyes and hatefull daye foorthwith he put to flyght And backewarde turnde away his looke And streyght with all hys myght To th'erthe he falles and vnderneathe the shade of Hercles then He hyd his head therwith there came a great resorte of men With clamour gladde that dyd the bay about theyr forhedds bryng And of the noble Hercules deserued prayses syng Chorus EUrystheꝰ born w t swiftned birth in hast did bid to bottom of the worlde to go This onely lackte of labours all at last to spoyle the kyng of thyrde estate also The dongeons darke to enter ventred he wher as y t way to sprights far of doth bryng Full sadde woode so blacke feard to be but full with flock full great him followyng As great a prease as flocke in cities streetes to see the playes of Theatre newe wrought As great as at Eléus thundrer meetes whē somer fift y t sacred game hath brought As gret as whē comes houre of lōger night and willyng quiet sleepes to bee extent Holds equal Libra Phoebus chariots light a sorte the secrete Ceres doo frequent And frō theyr howsen left doo hast to cum the Atticke priestes the nyght to celebrate Such heape is chast beneth by fields so dum with age ful slow som taking forth their gate Full sad and fylld with life so long now led some yet do runne the race of better yeares The virgins yet vnieynde to spowses bed 〈◊〉 yonglings eke on whō grow yet no heares And infāt lately taught his mothers name To these alone that the●… y ● les might feare Is graūted night to ease w t foreborne flame the rest full sad by darke doo wander theare As is our mynde when ones away is fled the lyght when eche man sory feeles to bee Dep●… ouerwhelmd with all the erth his hed thyck Chaos stands darknes fowle to see And colour yll of nyght ▪ and slouthfull state of silent world and d●…uers clowdes abowt Let hoary age vs thyther bryng full late no mā comes late to that whence neuer out Whē once he is come turne agayn he may to hast the hard and heuy fate what vayles This wādring beape in wide lāds far away shall go to ghosts al shall geue their sayles To slowe ▪ Cocy●…s all is to thee enclynde both what the fall and rise of sonne doth see Spare vs that cum to the we deth ar signde though thou be slow our selfs yet 〈◊〉 we Fyrst houre y ● gaue the lyfe it loast againe TO Thebes is come the ioyfull daye your aulters touche ye humbyllye The fatte fayre sacrfices slaye maydes ●…yxte with men in cumpanye Let them in sole ●…ne flocks goe royle and nowe with y●…ake layde downe let cease The tyllers of the fertyle soyle 〈◊〉 is with hande of Hercles peace betweene the morne and Hespers glade And where sonne holdyng myddle seate dothe make the bodyes caste no shade What euer grownde is ouerweate with compasse long of seas abowght Alcides labour ●…aemde full well he ouer foordes of Tartare browght Returnde appeased beeyng hell there is remaynyng nowe no feare Nought lyes beyonde the hell to see O preest thy staryng lockes of hear●… wrappe in with loued poplar tree ❧ The fourthe Acte Hercules Theseus Amphitryon Megara WIth my reuēgyng right hand slayn nowe Lycus loe the grownde with groueling face hath smit thē who soeuer fellow fownde Of tyrant was partaker of his paynes dyd also lye Nowe to my father sacryfyce and godds victor wyll I And aulters that deserue it with ●…ayne off●…yngs reuerence Thee thee O mate of all my toyles I praye and my defence O warrefull Pallas in whose lefte hande thy cleare shielde Aegis shakes Fierce ●…hretes w t head that eche thyng stone that lookes vpon it makes Let ●…amer of Lycurgus nowe and of redde sea be heare That poynte of speare with yuye greene in hande doothe couerde beare And two godds powre bothe Phoebus and his syster too I praye The syster meeter for her shaftes but he on th'harpe to playe And what soeuer brother ells of myne doothe dwell in skye Not of my stepdame brother bryng ye hyther by and by Your plentuous flockes what euer haue all th' Indians frutes browght owt And what sweete odours th' Arabickes doo gette in trees abowt To th'aultars