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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09658 Aggeus and Abdias prophetes the one corrected, the other newly added, and both at large declared. Pilkington, James, 1520?-1576. 1562 (1562) STC 19927; ESTC S105053 233,877 506

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is the spirite of truthe because he leades vs into all truth and putteth vs in remembraunce of all thinges whyche Christ him self caught before but no new doctrine he bringes of his owne And because our sauiour Christ is taken from vs in hys bodelye presence he promises vs that this spirite shall dwell with vs not for a tyme but too the ende and therefore wee shoulde not feare But is this a sufficient cause too perswade a man that he should not fear the power of kinges or worldly trouble because the spirite of God dwelles with hym yea truly For what spirite can preuayle against the holy spirit which is the power of God It is written of Gedeon whan he enterprised that venterous acte to fight againste Gods enemies that the spirite of the Lorde bid clothe and defend Gedeon as our clothes doe vs and so he obteined that noble victorie with so few agaīst so many And not to be afraide in suche trouble is the woorke of the holy Ghoste as Esaie called hym the spirite of boldnes strength and wisedom Peter whan he denied hys maister for the woordes of an handmaide after he receiued the holy Ghoste did and durste confesse hym too the deathe before princes and rulers So sayde oure sauiour Christe to hys Apostles when ye shal stād before Kyngs and rulers take no thought what or howe ye shall speake for in that houre it shal be geuen vnto you what you shall speake For it is not you that speake but the spirite of youre father which speaketh in you And although to worldly wisedome thys spirite seemes but a small thinge yet it is moste true that s ▪ Paule saith that which is folishnes before God is wyser then me and that whiche is weake before God is stronger then men And he that hath this spirite dwellinge in hym needes not too feare any power be it neuer so greate for if God be for vs who shall be againste vs and if he take his breath and spirite from the mightiest princes they are troubled vade awaye verse 6 For thus saieth the Lorde of hostes yet one litle time shal be and I will trouble the heauens and the earth the sea the lande verse 7 And I will trouble all people and the desire of all people shall come and I wil fyll thys house with glory saieth the Lorde of hostes ¶ The Prophete goeth on forth with this comforth to all people and promises not onely that God woulde be with theym in hys buyldinge whiche they shoulde finish in fewe yeares folowinge but into● the temple also which thei did now build God woulde sende his sonne Christ Iesus to preache his fathers will whom all people looked for and desired hys comminge and he woulde fyll that house with glory that they shoulde not neede to care for the smalnes of it if they woulde onelye with courage woorke God woulde fulfill the rest And that they shoulde know him too be able to fulfyll hys promise he cals hym selfe by the glorious name of the Lorde of hostes so often here in these verses that they maye vnderstande all creatures too bee at hys commaundement that none coulde preuaile againste that whiche he woulde haue done as is saide before But this is a straunge kynde of comforte too tell theym of suche a trouble as shoulde trouble heauen and earth sea lād and all people and yet they should be glad of it and that it shoulde come not long after The tyme when this trouble chaūced was about .500 yeares after that this prophete had thus spoken and yet he cals it but one litle time And this maye well bee called a litle tyme in respecte of God with whome all thinges are present before hys sighte withoute tyme and a .1000 ▪ yeares with hym is as yesterdaye which is paste and he hym selfe is before all times not cōteyned in tyme but liuing for euer wythout tyme. Or els it is called a little tyme in respect of that longe time wherin their fathers had so long looked for the cōming of Christ and so muche desired hym and yet see hym not It was now aboue 3000. yeare since he was promised to Adā about 2000. since he was so often spoken of too Abraham and .1000 since it was renued to Moyses and after to all the Prophetes from tyme too tyme in respecte of whiche 500. maye well be called a litle tyme. This trouble whiche he sayeth shoulde trouble heauen earthe sea lande and all people is described by these mightie wordes to set out the greatnesse of the trouble by the figure called Hyperbole and not the trouble was suche that heauen earth sea and lande shoulde feele it be troubled therewith whiche are insensible creatures and can feele nothinge that troubles them but thus by these woordes the scripture vses too tell the greatnes of any thinge that it speakes of Moyses and Esaye because the people were harde hearted and woulde not heare their sayinges to set foorthe theyr hardnes of heart and the greatnes of that message which they had frō God to speake saye thus ▪ Heare ye heauēs and geue care thou earth c. Sainct Paule saieth by the like figure euery creature grones and trauayles lookinge for the laste daye wherin they shall be deliuered frō this vayn corruptiō wherin they serue not because deade creatures can grone or trauayle but for the great desire that they haue to see that day of oure redēption fulfilled as the woman whiche trauels grones desires too be deliuered out of her payn to be restored to her former quietnes or els it may be taken that all creatures in all these places should be troubled But if this trouble shoulde be so great how can it be a promise of ioye and comfort Who can be merye to hear tel of such a greate trouble Surelye this is not promised to the euil but to the good For as our Lord maister Christ saieth speaking of the trouble that should be in the destructiō of Ierusalem the latter ende of the world woo be to thē that be with chyld geue sucke in those daies the wicked shall wish the hyls to fal on thē hide thē ▪ thei shuld seke for death ▪ it shuld flee frō thē So he saith to the good in the midst of all the desperat ●orow wherin the euil man cānot tel what to Lifte ye vp your heades and bee merye for your redemption and deliueraunce is at hande So after this shorte time that he speaketh of this greate trouble whiche shall be at the byrthe preachinge miracles and deathe of oure sauioure Christe shoulde be but onely to the wicked For the good men shoulde as muche and more reioyce because of that daye of saluation and redemption was comen he whome all people looked for had now appeared to the comfort of all good men And thys trouble shoulde not be so
married Dina Iacobs daughter as Philo saies that Eliphas also the Aminites one of Iobs frendes whiche came to comfort him as he sate on the dunghyl dwelled in this citie Theman and therof was called the Aminites and wel it may be so for in his counsailinge and confortinge of Iob he speakes oft more worldly than godly although wittely wisely the latter ende of the verse some rede euery one of the hyll Esau some the noble men as the Targ. redes but both wel inough For Isch signifies bothe euery one also a man but suche one as is noble Therfore I ioyne theym together and saye euery noble man and so I expresse bothe their meaninges So here is plainly taughte the neither wisedom nor strength can preuail againste the Lord. All gloryinge craking reioicing or boasting that any man hays of hym selfe or any thinge beside God is vaine and wicked for this muste alwaies be afore vs. He that glories let him glorie in the Lorde and Cyprian sais well wee must glorie in nothinge because nothing is oures We haue receiued al from God therfore all praise must be geuen to him that giues al. What hays thou says s. Paul that thou hays not receiued of God and if thou haue receiued it why crakes thou on it as though thou had not receiued it What a proude soule is he that will bee proude of his borowed coate or paynted sheath God clothes vs and couers our filthy nakednes with his godly gifts what vnthankefull treason is it than to take the praise from hym to oure self and not render due thankes vnto him for them Marke here the difference betwixte true wisedome and boldnes earthly worldly witte and power whan daunger comes the godly wise man will commit him self holy to God lokinge for helpe deliuerāce at his handes or elles patiently beare it without any dismaiyng whatsoeuer God lays on him for he knowes well the things are not ruled by fortune nor that any thing can fall on him withoute the good will of his good God and louinge father But the worldly wise man whan he sees worldly witte power and politie faile he thinkes all the worlde failes and things be without recouery he trusteth not in God and therfore no meruaill if he be left desolate Of the good mans feare in the time of aduersite writes Ieremie blessed is he that trustes in the Lorde for he shall be a tree planted by the waters and in the drught he shall not be carefull nor cease to beare frute And Dauid also sayes Psal. Thou shalt not be afraid of fear in the night c. The wicked contrariwise shall be afraide at the fall of a leaf one shall chase a thousande and ten thousande as God thretēs in Deute by Moyses He will lie flater swere and what ye wil haue him to doe rather than lose his profit The like says Ieremie of theym to they shall bee a rede shaken with the winde Thei shal dwell in drie wildernes in a salt grounde The people whiche dwelte in the lande promised to the Israelites whan they heard t●● what wonders God wrought in the wildernes and the reade sea for his people seinge them come nere vnto theym hearinge the victories thei hadde againste the kinges See and Og their hearts melted in their bodies like waxe as Rahab confessed too the spies whiche Iosue sente but Rahab her selfe shee plucked vp her heart trusted in God and was deliuered where the other perished So the good Gabaonites that feared God yelded thē selfe to Iosue and were saued the other that trusted in their owne strengthe and woulde trie it with the sweerde for all their brag were faint hearted and ouercomen So the Philistines seing Goliath their graūd Captaine slaine of Dauid beinge but a chylde in comparison of hym fled awaye poste where the Israelites afore were s●● afraide that they durst not sturre Thus God turnes the course of thinges whan pleases him that those whiche afore were dismaid plucke vp their courage wynne the victorie and those that were stoute bragginge of them selues afore nowe be made cowards runne awaye flie thinkinge the daungers greater than they be in dede It does euidently appeare here also how the Lorde raises vp one wicked to plage and throw doun an other These Edomites had ioined them selues with their neighbours to trouble pore Iacobs seede and his people but nowe the mater is so turned that one wicked persecutes destroyes and plagues another and Nabuchodonozor destroies Edom. Wicked Iehu was raised to throw doune cruel Iesabel and all the kynges of Israell called the .10 tribes beinge all euill euery one murthered his predecessor and was killed of his successor Howe many Popes haue vsed thesame practise in poisoning one an other that they might come aloft it were more longe and tedious to tell than hard to finde In .12 year space vnder one Emperour were .8 Popes Wherof euery one almoste persecuted an other beinge dead and digged vp out of the earth beheaded them as Formosus Stephanus ▪ c. Some other raigned but a moneth and poisoned one an other as Cranty writes verse 10 For the violence towarde thy brother Iacob shame shall confounde thee thou shall be destroied for euer verse 11 In that daye did thou stāde against him euen in that dai whan straungers didde take his goodes whan straungers entred hys gates and whan thei cast lotte for Ierusalē thou also was one of thē Thou shalt not loke in the day of thy brother nor in the day whan straunge thinges shal happen hym nor thou shalte not reioice againste the chyldren of Iuda in the daye of their destruction nor thou shalte not open thy mouthe boastingly in the dai of their trouble verse 13 Thou shalt not enter the gates of my people in the daye of their destruction nor thou shall not looke on their trouble in the daye of their miserie nor thou shall not stretch out thy self vpon his goodes in the daye of his destructiō verse 14 Nor thou shall not stande in the crosse wayes to kil them that flee nor thou shall hem them that be left in the daye of their trouble For the day of the Lord ouer all people is at hande as the hayes done thei shal do vnto thee like punishmente shall fall vpon thine owne head As ye haue dronkē vpon my holy hyll so shall all people drinke continually they shal drinke and swalowe vp and shall be as though thei were not ¶ Now folowes the declaration of the causes of Gods anger and heauy displeasure against Edom lest any man shoulde thinke God vniuste in his doinges or too sharpe in his punishinges Some woulde thinke a lesse punishment might haue suffised to haue corrected theym with all but whan they shall consider howe great and greuous the sinnes of them were it shall be iudged to litel a punishmēt for so many fautes The
muche to the bodies and goodes of the wicked men as to the mynde and conscience nor this ioye shoulde not be so muche worldly and outwarde to the good as too the soule and inwarde Greate worldlye peace was in all the worlde when oure sauioure Christe was borne but that peace whiche the Aungels sange glorie be to God in hygh in earth peace is rather the peace of conscience because God and man were now reconciled and peace was made betwixt vs and God because his sonne had taken oure nature vpon hym and was made man but vnto the wicked it maye alwayes well be sayd there is no peace too the wicked sayeth the Lorde What a trouble was Herode in whan the wyse men came asked where was he that was born king of the Iewes The scripture sayeth that Herode and all Ierusalem was troubled at this questiō Herode thoughte he shoulde lose his kingdome and the scribes Phariseis thought that their authoritie was gone whiche thinge greued them so much that thei had rather haue hadde no Christe then loste that authoritie But Herode deuises a policie to saue him selfe withall and kylles all the chyldren that were twoo year old● and vnder thinkinge amongest theym all he shoulde haue kylled Christe and he had rather haue kylled all then the onely Christ shoulde escape What a trouble was he in whā he caused such a murther for fear or a yonge chylde What reason is it that suche a kynge shoulde so much feare a yōg chylde But God prouided well ynoughe for hys sonne and was as wyse readye mercifull to saue deliuer hys sōne christ as the other was subtil and cruel to murther him for Herode had rather slea all y● chyldren then that one Christe shoulde escape God had Ioseph take Marie and the chylde Iesus and ●lee into Egipt tarye there vntyll he gaue hym contrary word What trouble were the Scribes Phariseis in whan for his doctrine preachinge and miracles whiche were so wonderful that they coulde not tell what to saye but sometimes saide Do we not saie wel that thou arte a Samaritan and haste a deuil another time they woulde haue throwne hym doune of the hyll and agayn thei say it hath not ben heard of frome the beginninge that any man hath opened the eies of hym that was born blinde and agayn a manifest wonderfull signe they haue wrought we can not denie it and also yf we let hym alone thus the whole worlde will folow him Howe was the other Herode which beheaded Ihon Baptist troubled when he heard of his miracles wold haue hadde him to haue wrought some in his sighte Howe was Pilates wyfe troubled in her dreame for hym and sente her husbande woorde that he shoulde not medle with him howe gladly woulde Pilate him selfe haue deliuered hym wasshed his hands to declare his innocencie and sayde he founde nothinge woorthye of deathe in him Howe were all the Priestes afearde when they heard tel that he was rysen frō death and gaue money to the watchemen to ●aye hys Disciples came and stole hym a●● ye when they slept Why sh●uld they feare a dead man ●f we were a man only he coulde not hurte them if a God they coulde not withstande him ▪ What trouble were the priestes in when they forbad the Apostles to preache any more in Christes name and folowed the counsel of Gamaliel sayinge if it were of God they coulde not abolishe it Why shoulde they bee afrayde of a deadde man Howe was kynge Agrippa troubled whā Paule had defended his cause and sayde to hym thy greate learninge O Paule maketh thee madde How were the great learned Philosophers in Athēs troubled when Paule preached the resurrection of the dead and of Christe and sayde What meanes this sawer of newe doctrine hee semeth too teache newe Gods What a trouble was the Emperour Tiberius in when Pilate wrote to him of the preachinge miracles of Christ and he demaunded that the whole parliament of Rome woulde worshippe hym as a God But they consideringe that he is a gelous God and that he will haue no other worshipped with him but all honor muste be geuen to him onely denied him to be a God or yet to be worshipped there as God What caused Pope Leo the x. to bee so afraide whan Zuinglius beganne too preache the Gospell but that hee perceyued the lighte of Gods woorde woulde deface his pompe pryde and sette abrode all his wickednes too the worlde to be laught at and least he should go forwarde in preachinge and rebuking hys abhomination he sent hys letters too him sealed vnder hys bull of lead willing hym too holde his peace and preache no more suche of thinges he woulde geue hym what liuinge and as many bishoprikes as he woulde yea to be a Cardinall and whatsoeuer he woulde aske excepte his owne seate to be Pope But be lyke a true Preacher went on forwardes in hys busines settinge vp Christe and pulling doune Popery What makes the Pope at this daye hys Clergy too burne persecute empryson all that loue the Gospell but that they feare to loose their lordlines make their bellye 's their God and woulde lyue at ease like lords of the lande What makes thē to denye Christ to be a Go● not so muche in playne woordes as in doctrine dedes couertly but that they se they get muche ryches by reliques pylgrimages sainctes masses pardons c. whiche do as much in effect as denye Christes too bee God because they seeke helpe by these meanes in their troubles and forgeuenes of sinnes with comforte of conscience which all belong so vnto Christ that whosoeuer sekes them other wayes or els where then at his handes onely do as muche as in them lyes as to make Christ no God robbe hym of that honour whiche is due to him only and geue it to Gods of their own making What maruayle is it if they folow the olde decree of the Romaynes in their parliament where they denied Christ to be receiued and worshipped for a God because he shoulde not haue all honour alone as it is due to him onely Thus we se what great trouble it is to the wicked to haue Christ and his doctrine to come abroade and how true this was that the Prophet saith here and what trouble hath ben and shal be too the ende where the Gospell is preached The father shal deliuer the sōne to death and the sonne shall ryse agaynste the father so shal the mother against the daughter and the daughter against the mother brother againste brother c. whiche thinges we all see at this daye to haue comen to passe Howe many wyues rather then they woulde forsake God haue suffered death forsaken husbande chyldren goodes and countrye and willinglye banished theym selues and so haue many good husbandes also Howe hath one brother persecuted another One frende
first verse cōtaines generally that whiche the verses folowinge declare by particulars The pride violence iniuries wrongs and robberies that thei shewed toward their brother Iacob be the causes of this their destruction Iacob Edō are not here taken for the two brethren the sonnes of Isaac but for the hole seede stocke posterite chyldren and issue borne of them bothe so that as hatred began in Esau against Iacob in their fathers lyfe yea in their mothers wombe in so much that Esau persecuted his brother Iacob to deathe so sore that Iacob was caused too flee to his vncle Labā so the hatred persecution enemite did cōtinue in their children vnto this time was fulfilled that the Prophet speakes of here whan the posterite of Esau was vtterly destroied And this is comfortable both for the long sufferinge of God afore he doe extremely punishe and also a true profe of his iustice that although he do differ his punishing long yet he is a righteous iudge and will come at the length and be auenged on his enemies and deliuer his chyldren that haue ben so lōg oppressed vnder their enemies Therefore as the good nede not to be disscouraged as thoughe their God cared not for them so the wicked shall not triūphe as though they might do what they list God woulde not call them to a count They had thus persecuted Iacob and his posterite aboue a thousande yeare that continually afore thei were destroied and coulde neuer be satisfied of their crueltie therefore partly too stoppe their raginge and bring them to the knowledge bothe of God them self partly to feare other for folowinge the like exāple if they shoulde be vnpunished but specially for the crying of the poore oppressed people whō God takes in to his custodie to be their tutor the Lorde will rise to shewe him selfe glorious mighty and merciful pull doun his enemies deliuer his oppressed as Dauid sayes for the misery of the poore and the sighinge of the wretched I will rys● says the Lorde c. Why should Gods people than be dismaide whan they be persecuted seinge they haue so mighty a iudge that canne and will deliuer them whan it shall be metest for his glorie their comfort Refer the vengeaunce to me says the Lorde and I wil reuenge it Let vs therfore submit our selfs vnder his handes patiently loke for his coming for no dout he will come When Moses led the people through the wildernes and came nere the boundes of Edom he asked licence to passe throughe their contree kepinge the high wayes hurting them in no behalfe in so much that they woulde paye for the water that they drāke but they more like no men then cosins cominge of the same stocke and father beinge not contente with this churlishnes to denie theym passage threatens them forther that if they wold not passe by all their countrie not once be so bold as to entre within their coastes they would by and by feight against them with all their power So Moyses to kepe peace ledde the people by a great compasse round about and what sayde God to this did he bid destroy them No but cleane cōtrarie he bade them not to feight agaynst them not onely theym but he sates vnto them thou shall not harme Edō because he is thy brother Note here the patience longe suffering of Goddes people that wolde not once attempt to reuenge such displeasures vnkindnes and iniuries done vnto them and againe note the churlishnes of feined frends hypocrites and dissemblers whiche will shewe no gentelnes to Gods people though they maye do it withoute their hurte o displeasure of anye man Is not the worlde full of suche vnthankefull vnkinde and vnnaturall folke at thys daie S. Paul complaines of suche as caste of all naturall affection that shoulde be amonge men as whan thei whiche be all of one house stocke and kindred comen of one great grandfather or auncetors bee so cruell one againste an other the nature whiche workes in brui●e beastes hays no place in them one to loue or help an other he calles thē Sine affectu as though he shuld saye if nature canne not worke nor moue them whiche moues stoones trees herbes and beastes what hope is there that the Gospell whiche is so farre aboue and contrarie to nature should take any place in them So sainct Paull calles theym whiche doe not prouide for theym and theirs wors than infideles Therefore it was necessarye some greate plague too fall on this people that hadde so ferre forgotten nature that they woulde not let theym passe throughe their countrie nor drinke of their waters which thei would paye for But this is the merke betwixte Gods chyldren and the diuels the Gospeler the papiste the true christian an hypocrite that the one will suffer wronge doe good for euyll praye for theym that hate hym bee contente wyth a lyttell not murmuringe but the bloudy papiste is proude cruel murtheringe oppressinge the innocent merciles hatinge withoute reconciliation euer sekinge to hurte that thei maye liue like lordes of the lande idel bellygods What a comfort is thys for Goddes poore afflicted people ▪ that although God doe longe suffer them to bee vexed of their enemies yet he wil not suffer them to be ouerwhelmed but he will vtterly roote out the wicked whan he beginnes to execute his iustice on them He that touches you says God to his people by the Prophete Zacharie touches the appel of myne eye What parte of man is more tender than the eye or whiche parte doe we take more care for than that yet if the eie be sore or dimme of sight we will laye sharpe bytinge waters or pouders in it to eat oute the webbe perle or blearednes so will God although he loue his people so tenderly lay sharpe bytinge salues purging medicines corrosines laūcings lettinge bloude yea and cutte of rotten membres lest the hole body perish or rotte awaye But all that is for fatherly loue to driue vs vnto him to make vs weri of the worlde to purge carnall cares eat out the dead rotten phantasies of our mindes let out the brused bloude or cut awaie by death some for the example of other too strengthen them boldly to confesse the truth and glorifieng of his name by suche conc●nstant witnes of our weake natures A littell worldly shame as it is thoughte of worldly but not godly men maie light on Gods people for a time but euerlastīg shame shall confounde their enemies for euer afore God A short temporal punishment maye greue Gods chyldren for a tyme but their haters shall bee vtterly destroyed for euer The Israelites were asshamed for a time in their captiuitie whā Esau ioined with Nabuchodonozor to destroi them yet afterward were brought home agayne but now shoulde these bee vtterly destroied for euer without recouerie The Philistines for a tyme made the