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A07266 The heroyk life and deplorable death of the most Christian King Henry the fourth Addressed to his immortall memory; by P: Mathieu, counceller and historiographer of France. Translated by Ed: Grimeston, Esquire.; Histoire de la mort déplorable de Henry IIII. English Matthieu, Pierre, 1563-1621.; Grimeston, Edward.; Sylvester, Josuah, 1563-1618. 1612 (1612) STC 17661; ESTC S112465 671,896 410

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or of any rare and unusuall Creature or of the continuall burning of the Mountaine Aetna also of divers Islands lying here and there in the great Ocean and also of Salvage Nations some whereof goe naked without cloathes others feede on mans flesh and the like matters or doe reade the wonderfull histories of the East and West Indies in which there are many things which doe rather seeme fabulous than true doe apprehend them with such great admiration and give such earnest attention thereunto out of the desire which they have to heare such novelties how much more may the curious Readers delight in this worke which as we said before doth containe and represent the whole Globe of the Earth with all the Countries Kingdomes Dominions Woods Mountaines Valleys Rivers Lakes People Citties and innumerable Townes thereof with the Seas flowing about it all which any one may here view on dry land without endangering his body or goods and in this travell his friends shall not be sollicitous or take care for him in his absence or earnestly desire his returne Besides in this peregrination or travell he shall want no delight that may drive away the tediousnesse of the journey for while he fixeth his eyes on severall Countries and places he shall straight way behold the speciall gifts and peculiar excellencie of every Country and observe a wonderfull variety therein which are very delightfull to the mind for as the Proverbe saith A good merry companion is as a Coach upon the way But they shall chiefely discerne the great and manifold benefits of this Art of Geography who in their eye-travell and viewing of severall Countryes shall consider the scituation and disposition of Countries the Customes observations lawes and manners of the Inhabitants and shall afterwards traffique and send commodities to severall places or resolve to study the liberall Arts seeing no Poet nor Historian can be well read with profit nor be conveniently expounded or declared by any Interpreter or Commentator without the helpe and knowledge of this most Noble Science I omit here to mention how absurd and unfit it is that he who hath no skill nor knowledge in these matters should give his opinion and judgement in the publicke assembly or councell of the Common-wealth when consultation is held about the discovery of some unknowne Country or in time of warre concerning the bounds and confines of any Province But Princes and Noble men ought chiefely to bestow great paines in studdying this most excellent Art in regard it may be very usefull unto them in undertaking journies and voyages when occasion requireth as also at home for fortifying the Frontiers of their owne Territories or the directing and conducting of any warlike expedition For that irrecoverable dangers have ensued when an army hath beene led through places unknowne both to the souldiers and Captaine both Livy and many other Historiographers have abundantly testified by cleere and manifest examples And moreover as it is very necessary profitable and pleasant to know all Countries Kingdomes Dominions and Provinces with their scituation disposition and qualities so in like manner the severall Seas Rivers Lakes and memorable waters thereof ought to be considered exactly in these times when voyages are so frequently made unto knowne and unknowne Countries so that not any one will continually reside at home and abstaine from making discoveries both by Sea and Land So that Polidore Virgils complaint is now vaine who in the fifteenth chapter of the third Booke concerning the Invention of Matters doth condemne mankind of too much rashnesse and madnesse in regard he cannot bridle his affections and desires with reason and though God hath given him the Earth being a firme and immovable element abundantly producing all things necessary and convenient for mans life yet he being not content therewith hath made a Scrutiny and search into the starres the heavens and the vaste Seas To the same purpose Horace sung formerly in his first Booke and third Ode He had a heart of Oake or Brasse Who did lanch forth a brittle ship to passe At first through the rough Seas And did not feare when he set forth The Affrick wind striving with the North wind c. And a little after in the same place No sort of death he sure did feare That saw the Monsters swimming there And could behold them with drye eyes With the swelling Sea and rockes which in it lyes And afterward he addeth In vaine did God divide the land from the unsociable Seas If impious ships can sayle unto forbidden Ports when they doe please But mankind bold still to adventure doth on forbidden mischiefe enter c. And hereunto Propertius in his third Booke doth allude in that Elegie wherein he be wayleth Petus his Shipwracke where he singeth thus Goe crooked shippes of death the fatall cause Which on himselfe man with his owne hand drawes Vnto the earth wee added have the Seas That the miseries of misfortunes may increase And a little after Nature to ensnare the covetous man Doth let him sayle upon the Ocean But these reasons are not able to discourage any one but rather to quicken their industry greedily to take any occasion to know view and discover divers Countries both neerehand and remote partly by undertaking long voyages and those that cannot conveniently travell may gather the knowledge of all Countries out of Bookes and exact descriptions And truely that studdy is irreproveable so that it ought rather to be accounted laudible profitable pleasant and necessary For Strabo in the first Book of his Geography saith rightly that man ought to live on the Sea as well as on the land and that God made him equally an Inhabitant and Lord thereof Therefore they deserve great praise who have laboured in this Art as Abraham Or●elius Daniel Cellarius Anthony Maginus Paul Merula Peter Bertius and others but especially that most learned Mathematician Gerard Mercator although he were prevented by death so that he could not finish his Geographicall worke intituled Atlas But Iodocus Hondy did supply this defect adding not onely those Tables which were wanting to make the worke perfect but also accurate descriptions thereof by the labour and studdy of Peter Montane This worke we doe publish againe in this new Edition being accurately reuised and purged from many grosse errours and the studious Reader shall finde that the enlargement of this Booke is not to be contemn'd being set forth with divers additions and some new Tables added as he may see in the descriptions of England Ireland Spaine Friesland Groonland Vltrajectum and other Countries that shall compare this Edition with the former Therefore Curteous Reader enjoy these our new labours favour them and Farewell TO The vertuous and learned Gentlemen of Innes of Court Mercator dedicateth his Atlas or Cosmographicall Meditations TO you that are the Ornament of the Temples And by your actions give such faire Examples Vnto the Vulgar that their Iudgements can Discerne that Vertue makes a Gentleman
Zeland being fiftie miles in length Moreover the Inhabitants of these Iles doe make a very strong drinke by putting store of Barley in it and are the greatest drinkers of all others yet Boetius witnesseth that he never saw any of them drunke or deprived of sense The next to these are the Ilands called the Hebrides in number foure and forty which Beda calleth Maevaniae Ethicus Betoricae Insulae Giraldus calls them the Incades and Leucades the Scots the Westerne Iles Ptolomie with Pliny and Solinus calleth them Ebudae Pliny writeth that there are thirty of them but Ptolomie reckons onely five The first is Ricina which Pliny calles Rinea and Antoninus Ridunas but now it is called Racline which is a little Iland just against Ireland The next is Epedium now called Ila an I le as Camden witnesseth very large and having very fruitfull plaines betweene this and Scotland lyeth Iona which Beda calleth Hy and Hu being plaine ground in which there is an Episcopall See in the Towne Sodore whence all the Ilands were called Sodorenses it is famous because here lie buried many Kings of Scotland Then there is another which Ptolomie calleth Maleos now Mula which Pliny mentioneth when he saith that Mella of all the rest is more then 25 miles over The Easterne Hebuda now called Skie is stretched along by the Scotch shoare and the Westerne Hebuda lying more towards the West is now called Lewes of which Maccloyd is Governour and in the ancient book of Mannia it is called Lodhuys being mountainous stony little manured but yet the greatest from which Eust is parted by a little Euripus or flowing Sea betweene them The test except Hyrrha are of no note as being rockie unpassable and having no greene things growing in them The Ilands of Man and Wight doe follow of which see those things that are spoken in the seaventh Table of England THE KINGDOME OF IRELAND THE Island of Ireland followeth which Orpheus Aristotle and Claudi●n doe call Ierna Iuvenal and Mela Iuvernia Diodorus Siculus Iris Eustatius Vernia and Bernia the Inhabitants Erin the Brittains Yverdhon and the English call it Ireland Divers opinions as in obscure matters doe arise concerning the originall of these names Some would have it called Hibernia from Hiberus a Spanish Captaine who first possessed it and peopled it some say from the River Iberus because the Inhabitants thereof did first inhabite this Island some ab hiberno tempore from the winter season because it enclines towards the West the Author of the Eulogue from Irnalphus a Captaine It was called without doubt Hibernia and Iuverna from Ierna which Orpheus and Aristotle mention but that Ierna together with Iris Yverdhon and Ireland did proceede from the word Erin used by the Inhabitants therefore the Etymologie is to bee drawne from the word Erin Here Camden affirmes that hee knowes not what to conjecture unlesse saith hee it bee derived from Hiere an Irish word which with them signifies the West whence Erin seemes to bee drawne being as much to say as the Westerne Countrie This Island is stretched forth from the South Northward in an ovall forme not twenty dayes sayle as Philemon in Ptolemie delivers but onely 400. miles and is scarce 200. miles broad On the East it hath Brittaine from which it is parted by the Irish Sea which is one dayes sayle On the North where the Deucaledon Ocean which Ptolemie cals the Northern breakes in it hath Iseland On the South it looketh towards Spaine The Ayre of this Island is very wholsome the Climate very gentle warme and temperate for the Inhabitants neither by the heate of Summer are enforced to seeke shadie places nor yet by cold to sit by the fire yet the seedes in regard of the moistnesse of Autumne doe seldome come to maturitie and ripenesse Hence Mela writeth that it hath no good Ayre for ripening of seedes yet in the wholsomnesse and cleernesse of the Ayre it doth farre exceede Brittaine Here are never any Earthquakes and you shall scarce heare thunder once in a yeare The Countrie is a fat soyle and hath great plentie of fruits yet it hath greater plenty of pasturage than fruits and of grasse than graine For here their wheate is very small so that it can hardly bee winnowed or cleansed with a fanne What the Spring produceth the Summer cherisheth but it can hardly bee gathered in regard they have too much raine in Harvest time for this Island hath windes and raine very often But as Mela saith it is so full of pleasant sweete grasse that when the Cattell have fed some part of the day if they bee not restrained and kept from grazing they will endanger the bursting of themselves Which also Solinus witnesseth concerning this Island Hence it proceedes that there are infinite numbers of Cattell which are the Inhabitants chiefe riches and many flocks of Sheepe which they sheare twice a yeare They have excellent Horses called Hobbies which are not pac'd like others but doe amble very gently No creeping thing nor Serpent liveth here nor also in Crete and Serpents being often brought hither out of Brittaine as soone as they came neere the Land and smell'd the Ayre they died Beda witnesseth that he hath seene some who have beene stung with Serpents that have drunk the leaves of Bookes brought out of Ireland in a Potion and straight-way the force of the poyson was allayde and the swelling of the body went downe againe Ireland hath greater store of Faulcons and Hawkes than other Countries And here Eagles are as common as Kites in some places Besides here is so great a number of Cranes that you shall often see a hundred in a company together In the North part also there are abundance of Swannes but there are few Storkes through the whole Island and those black There are few Partriges and Pheasants but no Pies nor Nightingales Here is such great store of Bees that they doe not onely breede in hives but also in hollow trees and in the cavernes of the earth Giraldus also writeth a strange thing concerning a kinde of Birde commonly called a Barnacle that out of certain pieces of wood floating up and down in the Sea there comes out first a kinde of Gumme which afterward growes into a hard substance within which little Creatures are generated which first have life and afterward have bils feathers and wings with which they doe flye in the Ayre or swim in the water and in this manner and no other this Creature is generated This Giraldus doth testifie that hee hath seene some of them halfe formed which as soone as they came to perfection did flie as well as the rest There are also many birds of a twofold shape as he witnesseth which they call Aurifrisij lesser than an Eagle and bigger than a Hawke whom Nature to delight her selfe hath framed with one foote armed with tallents sharpe and open the other smoothe with a plaine webbe There are
and Vicountships of Scotland the Dukedome of Rotsay and Albania and the Dukedome of Lennox the Countie of Carnes Sutherlant Rosse Murray Buchquhan Garmach Garmoran Mar Mernis Angus Gowry Frisse Marche Athole Stratherne Menteith Wagion Douglasse Carrike Crawford Annandale Ourmonth and Huntley The Vicountships are Berwich alias North-Berwyk Roxburgh Selkirk Twedale Dunfrise Niddisdale Wigton Are Lanarke Dunbretton Sterueling Louthean Lauden Clacmanan Kiuros Fisse Perth Angus Mernis Aberdone Bamph Fores and Inuernes There are the Universities of Saint Andrew and Aberdone the later was adorned with many priviledges by King Alexander and his Sister Isabel about the yeare 1240. The former was begun to be established under King Iames in the yeare 1411. To which is added the University of Glasgo founded by Bishop Turnbul anno 1554 and Edenburgh The disposition of the Scots is lively stirring fierie hot and very capable of wisdome THE SECOND TABLE OF SCOTLAND I Have ended that which I purposed to speake of Scotland in generall our method requireth that we should run through the parts of it in speciall Scotland is divided by the Mountaine Grampius cutting it in the midst into the Southerne or Higher part and into the Northerne or Lower part It is divided from England by the River Tweede by the high Mountaine Cheviota and where the Mountaine faileth by a trench made not long agoe and lastly by the Rivers Eske and Solway Beyond these bounds the Countries even from the Scottish Sea to the Irish doe lie in this manner The first is Marcia Merchia or March so called because it is the limits and lies on the Marches of Scotland this reacheth to the left side of Tweede on the East it is bounded with the Forth Aestuarium and on the South with England In March is the Towne of Berwyke Borwick or Borcovicum which the English hold Here is also the Castle of Hume the ancient possession of the Lords of Hume who being descended from the Earles of March became at last a great and renowned Familie Neare to this Castle lyeth Kelso famous by a certaine Monasterie and the ancient habitation of the Hepburni who a long time by Hereditary right were Earles of Bothwell and Admiralls of Scotland which honours by the Sister of Iames Earle of Bothwell married to Iohn the lawfull Sonne of King Iames the fift did descend to Francis his Son From thence we may see Coldingham or Childingham which Beda calls the Citie Coldana and Vrbs Coludi and Ptolemie perchance calls Colania On the West side of March on either side of Tweede is Tifedale being so called from the River Tyfie It is divided from England by the Mountaine Cheviota After this are three small Countries Lidesdale Eusedale and Eskedale so named from three Rivers of like name Lide Eue and Eske The last is Annandale which is so called from the River of Annan dividing it in the midst which runnes along by Solway into the Irish Sea Now that wee may returne againe to the Forth or Scottish Fyrth it doth bound Lothiana or Lauden on the East side the Cochurmian Woods and the Lamirian Mountaines doe seperate it from Marcia And then a little toward the West it toucheth upon Lauderia Twedia the one so called frō the Town Laudera the other frō the River Tweede cutting through the middle of that Country On the South and West Lidesdale Nithesdale and Clidesdall doe touch upon Tweede the name of Nithesdale was given unto it from the River Nyth called by Ptolemie Nobios which glideth through it into the Irish Sea Lothiaria was so called from Lothius King of the Scots On the East side it is bounded with the Forth or Scottish Sea and on the West it looketh toward the Vale of Clide This Country both for curtesie and plenty of all things necessary for mans life doth farre excell the rest It is watered with five Rivers Ti●● both the Eskes who before they fall into the Sea doe joyne together in one channell Letha and Almone These rising partly out of the Lamirian Mountaines partly out of the Pictland Mountaines doe runne into the Forth It hath these Townes Dunbarr Hadinia commonly called Hadington Dalneth Edenburrough Leth and Lemnuch Somewhat more towards the West lyeth Clydesdale on either side of the River Clide or Glotta which in regard of the length is divided into two Provinces In the former Province is a hill not very high from whence three Rivers doe discharge themselves into three divers Seas Tweede into the Scotch Sea Annand into the Irish and Clide into the Deucalidon Sea The chiefest Cities in it are Lanarick and Glasco The latter the River Coila or Coyil runneth by on the West beyond Coila is Gallovidia or Galloway It is seperated from Nithesdale with the River Claudanus almost enclining toward the South whose bankes doe hemme in the other side of Scotland The whole Country is more fruitfull in Cattle then in Corne. It hath many Rivers which runne into the Irish Sea as Vrus Dee Kennus Cray and Lowys It is no where raised into Mountaines but yet it swells with little Hills Among which the water setling doth make innumerable Lakes which by the first raine which falls before the Autumnall Aequinox doe make the Rivers rise whence there commeth downe an incredible multitude of Eeles which the Inhabitants having tooke up with wickar-weeles doe salt up and make a great commoditie of In this Country is the Lake of Myrton part of whose Waters doe congeale in Winter the other is never frozen The farthest part on this side is the Promontorie Novantum under which in the mouth of the River Lowys is the Bay which Ptolemy calls Regrionius On the other side there flowes into it the Bay of Glotta commonly called the Lake Rian which Ptolemy calls Vidogara That Land which runneth betweene these two Bayes the Inhabitants call Rine that is the Eye of Galloway they call it also the Mule of Galloway or the Mules nocke The whole Country is called Galloway or Gallovid which in the language of the Ancient Scots signifies a French-man Beneath Vidogara on the backside of Galloway Caricta gently bendeth toward the estuarie of Glotta Two Rivers doe cut through it one called Stinsianus and the other Grevanus on both of which many pleasant Townes are seated Between the Rivers in those places where it swells into little hills it is fruitfull in pasturage and hath some Corne. The whole Country hath not onely a sufficiency of all things for the maintenance of men both by Sea and Land but also doth furnish the neighbour Countries with many commodities The River Dun doth seperate it from Coila arising out of a Lake of the same name which hath an Island in it with a small Castle There are in the Countrie of Caricta very exceeding great Oxen whose flesh is tender and sweet in taste and whose fat being once melted never hardneth againe but alwayes runneth abroad
are not inferiour to any part of Scotland in fertilitie and fruitfulnesse It hath pleasant vallies watered with Rivers full of fish and many Lakes that have fish in abundance but the greatest of them all is ●abrus From the Deucalidon Sea the Shoare by degrees bendeth in and inclineth toward the East From the other Shoare the German Sea making a way for it selfe between the rocks and flowing into a great Bay maketh a safe sure Haven against all tempest Secondly next to the farthest part of Rosse toward the North is Navernia so called from the River Navernus and this Countrie commonly following their Countrie speech they call Strathnaverne Rosse bounds it on the South on the West and North the Deucaledon Sea washeth it on the East it toucheth Cathanesia In the third place Sutherland is neare unto all these and toucheth them on one side or another for on the West it hath Strathnaverme on the South and East Rosse and on the North Cathanesia The Inhabitants of this Countrie by reason of the condition of the soile are rather given to pasturage than tillage There is nothing that I know singular in it but that it hath Mountaines of white marble a● a●e miracle in cold Countries which is not gotten for any use because wantonnesse hath not yet invaded those parts Lastly Cathanesia or Cathanes is the farthest Countrie of Scotland toward the North where Navernia meetes it and these two Countries of Scotland do contract the bredth of it into a strait and narrow front In this front of Land three Promontories do raise themselves The highest was Navernia which Ptolemie calleth Orcas Tavedrum and Tarvisium the two other being nothing so high are in Cathanesia namely Vervedrum now Hoya and Betubium called though not rightly by Hector Boethius Dame now it is commonly called Dunis Bey others call it Duncans Bey Out of this name by taking away some letters the word Dunis Bey seemeth to be derived In this Countrie Ptolemie placeth the Cornavis of whose name there do still remaine some tokens As they commonly call the Castles of the Earles of Cathanesia Gernico or Kernico and those who seeme to Ptolemie and others to be the Cornavii the Brittaines thinke to be the Kernes For sith not onely in this Countrie but in a divers part of this Island they place the Cornavii namely in Cornewall they call those who do still retaine the ancient Brittish speech Kernes Now it remaines that wee should speake somewhat of the Islands The later Writers have made three sorts of all the Islands which do as it were crowne Scotland the Westerne the Orcades and the Zealand Islands Those are called the Westerne Islands which are stretched from Ireland almost to the Orcades in the Deucalidon Sea on the Westerne side These some call the Hebrides others the Aebudae others the Mevaniae others the Beteoricae The Orcades now called Orkney are partly in the Deucalidon Sea and partly in the German and are scattered toward the Notherne part of Scotland Concerning their names Ancient and Moderne Writers do agree but it doth not appeare who first possessed them Some say they had their originall from the Germans But out of what Countrie these Germans came it is not delivered If wee may conjecture by their speech they used formerly as at this day the ancient Gothicke tongue Some suppose them to have beene the Picts enduced thereunto chiefly because the narrow Sea dividing them from Cathanesia is called from the Picts Fretum Picticum And they thinke that the Picts themselves were of the Saxon race which they conjecture by a verse of Claudians Maduerunt Saxone fuso Orcades incaluit Pictorum sanguine Thule Scotorum tumulos flevit glacialis Ierne The Orcades with blood of men grew wet When as the Saxon did the worser get Thule even with the blood of Picts grew hot Ierne wail'd the death of many a Scot. But seeing we have intreated of these things formerly in the Description of the Brittish Isles thus much shall suffice concerning Scotland ENGLANG THE Southerne and greatest part of the Isle of Albion is called in Latine Anglia from Angria a Countrie of Westphalia commonly called Engern as some would have it Some suppose it was so called from angulus a corner because it is a corner of the World Others from Angloen a Towne of Pomerania Goropius deriveth the word Angli or Englishmen from the word Angle that is from a fishing-hooke because as he saith they hooked all things to themselves and were as wee say in England good Anglers but this conjecture rather deserveth laughter than beleefe Some suppose it was so called from Anglia a little Country of the Cimbrick Chersonesus which was named Engelond that is the Land of English-men by Egbert King of the West Saxons or else as it were Engistland that is the Land of Engist who was Captaine over the Saxons But hee that shall note the Etymologie of the words Engelbert Engelhard and the like German names may easily see that thereby is denoted the English-men These are people of Germany that possessed Brittaine and as Camden sheweth were one Nation which now by a common name are called English Saxons This part of the Isle of Albion is diversly called by the Inhabitants for they divide it into two Countries That part which looketh to the East and the German Sea the natives of England being people of Saxonie call in their Language England And the Westerne part which is divided from the other by the Rivers Sabrine or Severne and d ee Wales The Northerne bounds of it toward Scotland are the Rivers Tweede and Solway on the South lies France and the Brittish Ocean on the West Ireland and the Irish Ocean on the East the German Ocean It is 302 English miles long and 300 broad that is from the Cape of Cornwall to the Promontorie of Kent The Ayre here at any time of the yeare is temperate and milde for the skie is thick in which cloudes showres and windes are easily generated by reason wereof it hath lesse cold and heate It hath a fertile and fruitfull Soyle and so furnished with all kinde of fruits that Orpheus saith it was the seate of Ceres With whom agreeth Mamertinus who speaking a Panegyrick Oration to Constantine said that in this Countrie was such great plenty as that it was sufficiently furnished with the gifts both of Ceres and Bacchus It hath fields not onely abounding with ranke and flourishing Corne but it produceth all kinde of commodities Heere groweth the Maple and the Beech-tree in abundance and as for Laurels or Bay trees it surpasseth Thessalie it selfe Here is such plenty of Rosemary that in some places they make hedges with it Here is Gold Silver Copresse though but little store of it yet here is great store of Iron Heere is digged abundance of the best black Lead and white Lead or Tinne and so transported to other Nations Heere are many
now called Meaulx Provinse and others Castellum Theoderick commonly called Chasteau Thierry is the Metropolis of the Country of Brye having a Baily and President in it It hath also a Bishops Seate of which Belleforrestius reckoneth 101. Bishops the last of which number was Ludovicus Bresius Provinsy a Towne famous for the sweete red Roses that are in it and for the Rose-cakes and Rose-water which are made of them in the Summer time Here are some ruinous Monuments of Antiquity And so much shall suffice concerning Campania THE COVNTRY OF BELLOVACVM COMMONLY CALLED BEAVVAIS OR BEAVVOISIN The State Ecclesiastick THE BISHOP OF BELLOVACVM IS A SPIRITVAL and temporall Lord an Earle and Peere of FRANCE The Country of BELLOVACUM THE Country or County of Bellovacum called in French Con té de Beanvais or Beauvoisin did receive that appellation by name from the Metropolis or chiefe City Bellovacum It is a pleasant Country having Hills and Mountaines round about it not very high planted with Vines here also Meddowes and there Pastures and Fields fitt for tillage Beauvois hath a thinne subtile kinde of earth found in it of which divers kindes of vessels are made and transported into many Countries and it is famous for the Flax which groweth at a little Towne commonly called Rule For those of Flanders and Hannonia or Henegou doe buy it and doe make fine webs of cloth of it which they sell at home and transporte abroad both by Sea and Land The ancient Inhabitants of this part of France were the Bellovaci whom Caesar and Pliny doe often mention called by Strabo Bellolakoi and by Ptolemy Belluakoi Caesar witnesseth that these Bellovacians where the chiefest of the Belgians both for prowesse authority and number of men as being able to bring 100000. men into the Field The Author of the 8. Booke de Bello Gallico writeth that the Bellovacians did exceed all Frenchmen and Belgians for matters of warre And Strabo in his 4. Booke saith that the Bellovacians are the best of the Belgians and after them the Suessones Caesar doth in some manner paint out the Common-wealth of the Bellovacians when hee sheweth that they were wont to elect their Princes out of themselves as amongst the rest they did that Corbeus who albeit his Army of Citizens was overcome yet no calamity could make him leave the Field retire to the Woods or yeeld himselfe upon any conditions offerd to him by the Romanes but sighting valiantly and wounding many he did enforce the enraged conquerers to cast their Darts at him Caesar also doth mention the Senate of the Bellovacians and the authority of the common people whence that excuse of the Bellovacian Senate to Caesar That while Corbaeus lived the Senate could not doe so much in the City as the unskilfull multitude But although the Bellovacians in Caesars time had a great opinion for their courage and fortitude yet at length being overcome they yeelded to the Romanes and were subject to them untill the Frenchmen passing over the Rhene possessed France The Husbandmen of this Country in King Iohn time did stirre up a sedition which was commonly called laquerte And they especially aymed at the Nobles of whom they slew many and pulled downe their Houses At length Charles the Dolphin of France who was afterward King and surnamed the Wise The King of Navarre the Duke of Bourbon and other Princes and Nobles of the blood Royall did quiet this sedition as knowing what would be the event of it and what troubles would spring there from if it were not extinguisht in time The Metropolis or Mother City of this Country is Bellovacum commonly called Beauvois Guicciardine endeavoreth to prove by many reasons that this Bellovacum is that Belgium which Caesar mentioneth in his Commentaries when he saith that he wintered part of his Army in Belgium and addeth withall that it is the Seate of the most valiant Bellovacians for hee saith that Caesar meant by this name Belgium not a whole Province but a City or some other particular place They faboulously report that Belgius a King of France the Sonne of Lugdus did lay the foundation of this City and of the City Lugdurum a long time before the building of Troy and called it Belgium whence Gallia Belgica hath its denomination It is an ancient famous City as having besides a Bishoprick an Earle who is one of the twelve Peeres of France and there are also divers Monuments found in it which doe witnesse that it was once a great rich and populous City It hath an excellent situation and is fortified with Walls and Towers entrenched with broad deepe Ditches well furnished with Ordnance as also adorned with faire Churches The chiefe Church whereof is the Cathedrall Church consecrated to S. Peter which is one of the fairest Churches in France and in which they report that the bones of Iustin Martyr Eurotus and Germerus are kept The Bishops of Bellovacum doe write themselves Earles and Peeres of France The first of them was S. Lucian after whom succeeded 84. Bishops whom Belleforrestius doth reckon up and maketh Charles of Bourbon the last of them Bellovacum is governed by a Maior in like manner as the Merchants of Paris by a Proefect and also by twelve Peeres who are as so many Consuls being annuall Magistrates and elected by the people as the Magistrates of Rome were usually chosen This City is rich by clothing and gaines this honour to it selfe that the fairest and best Carpets in all France are made therein A Nation Counsell was here held and kept in the yeere 1114. Here was borne the great Historian Vincentius a Doctor and Governour of the Monastery of the Dominicans who lived in the yeere 840. In this City was also borne Guilielmus Durandus who was THE COVNTRY OF BELLOVACVM BELoVACIUM Comitatus first here a Canon afterward Deane of Chartes and last of all Bishop of Mande He lived in the yeere 1286. There was the place of Iohannes Choletus his nativity who founded a Colledge at Paris commonly called le College des Cholets and was a Cardinall though of meane birth and lastly here was borne Iohann●s Michael Bishop of Angiers whom in Anjou they esteeme as a Saint This is an argument of the riches of this Territory of Beavais that 11. or 12 miles round about this City there are so many Townes and Villages and those so neere one to another that none of them are above a mile distant This City was exchanged for the County of Sancerrane which Roger Bishop of Bellava●nm surrenderd up to Eudon Earle of Campania for the County of Bellovacum the Goods Lands and Dominion whereof he joyned to his Bishoprick The Country of Bellovacum containeth Clermont not farre from Bellovacum which is a County and appertaineth to the Royall house of Burbon Charles Duke of Burbon had by his wife Agres Daughter to Iohn Duke of Burgundie two Sonnes Iohn and Peter Iohn the second of this name married Ione the
Casalis D. Evasij which was made a Citty by Sixtus the fourth in the yere 1474. it is a Bishops Se and the Seate of the Marquesse of Montis-ferrat It hath two Castles the old which was heretofore the Marquesses Palace and the new which Vincentius Gonzaga Duke of Mantua and Montis-ferrat built which is commonly called La Citadella Also Alba which Pliny calleth Pompeja and so calleth the Albensians Pompejanians It is farre bigger than Casalis D. Evasij but it hath not so good an ayre it was heretofore subject to the Marquesses of Montis-ferrat but now to the Dukes of Mantua That part of the Country is very fruitfull which is commonly call'd Laguvilla The third Citty is that which is commonly call'd Acqui Acquae Satyellorum which Pliny Lib. 3. Cap. 5. placeth in Liguria A●toninus call it Aquae from the hot and wholesome Waters and Fountaines which are here for there are in this Citty publike Bathes with stone Tables and steps to goe downe into them Beside the aforesaid Citties there are Bassimana Valentia S. Salvatore Moncalvo Alex●ndria Nicaea surnamed Palea Asta Pollentia Ceva and many others The Dukedome of GENOA THe Dukedome of the Genuensians or the Country of Genoa was heretofore called Liguria yet not all but that part which was beyond the Alpes There are divers opinions concerning the name of Liguria Some among whom is Paulus ●iaconus doe report that it was so called ab legendis Leguminibus from gathering of Pulse some from Ligo one of the fabulous Captaines of Iapetus and Berosus Caro Fabius Pictor and Semprocius suppose that it was so named from Ligures the Sonne of Aegiptian Phaeton Now it is commonly calld Riviera de Genoa from Genua a famous Cittie It is bounderd on the West with the Alpes which divide Gallia Narbonensis from Italie on the East with Etruria and Macra or Marga which floweth betweene them on the South it is beaten with the Ligurian Sea on the North it is enclosed with the Apennine This Country as Strionnius writeth was heretofore barren and had nothing in it worthy of memory but that it had great vast Trees fit for building of Ships But now it yeeldeth good store of Wine Oyle and other fruits The Country Dianus doth so abound with Oyle that sometimes it maketh 18. sometimes 20000. Jarres which they commonly call Barilas Genoa is now twofold the Easterne and the Westerne which from the Metropolis which standeth in the middle of them both is called Riviera di Genova di Ponente de Levante Livie and others call the chiefe Citty Genua Stephanus calleth it Genoa and Luitprandius Ticinensis and the Writers of his age Ianua it is now called Genoa and Genova concerning the situation It fronteth on Meridium and the Iland Cirnus the banke of it is opposite to the North and so it hath a gentle descent into a Plaine being seated at the foote of the Mountaines and behind a Trench or Bulwark doth keepe off the cold Northward having neither a Moutainous Situation nor a plaine but of a mixt kinde The Compasse of it is 35955. foote as the Bishop Nebianus reporteth So that if we allow 7. foote to a pace the measure of the whole Citty will be 5. miles but if wee allow 6. foote then neither the Bulwarke nor the Haven can come within this compasse or dimension It hath a faire Haven which lyeth to the South and Southwest which affoordeth safe harborage for Shipping But concerning Genoa there are these smooth Verses of Scaligers extent in English thus The Asian wealth and Easterne honours great And all that Land the Euxine Sea doth beate The Pisanian Armies and the youth of worth And the French Colours I alone drew forth The subdued Alpes I held and kept in awe And Affrick trembled when my Ships it sawe And the Venetian hath fled from the shot Which in my Haven he hath found too hot O France you are deceived much and Spaine In your attempts you take up armes in vaine I conquer being conquerd for if I obtaine Victory or lose it I am still the same Having viewed the Metropolis wee will shew some of the other Townes and Citties Not farre from Varus is that which Ptolemy calls Nicaea Antoninus Nicia and now Nizza It is a Sea Towne built heretofore by the Massilians and seated behinde the Alpes partly on the Cliffes and partly on plaine ground Now it is strong having a well-fortified Castle and it is subject to the Prince of Sabaudia A mile farther above the Port or Haven of Hercules Monaecus Torbis or Turbias is seated on the high Mountaines There are also the Townes of D. Remi or S. Remo seated in a pleasant fertile soyle and wonderfully terrified and adorned with Citterne-trees Palme-trees Lemmon-trees and others Castellum Tabia is but a little Towne but famous for good rich Appian Wines Albigaunum is an ancient Citty seated in a Plaine 500. paces from the Sea which hath an ill ayre but very rich and abounding with all things necessary Finarium also or Naulum Savona is an ancient Citty adorned with many magnificent buildings and the compasse of it is 1500. paces These Citties are on the Westerne side of Genoa on the East side there are Claverium Sestri di Levanto and others The Rivers here are Varus which devideth Province from Liguria the latter being a Country of Italy the former of France This River on the Westerne banke thereof which is toward France receiveth those Rivers which are commonly called in French Caremp Lavaire and Esteron on the Westerne banke toward Italy it receiveth the Rivers La Lince La Vesubie There are also by the Coasts of Liguria Paulon now called Pulion Rutuba now called R●tta There are also Merula Porzevera Ferisano Lavagna Maera now called Magra Concerning the Ecclesiastick government you may read in Mercators Table the Bishop of Taurinium under whom are the Bishops Casalensis Salutiarum Montis Regalis Novariensis Lodensis Vercellensis Ipporegiensis Actensis Aquensis Albensis Terdonensis Saonensis Albingaunensis Vintimeliensis Placentinus Papiensis are subject to the Archbishop of M●diolanum There are under the Archbishop of Genoa the Bishop Bobiensis Aprumacensis or Brumacensis Metenensis or Maranensis Acoiensis or Ampruniacensis Nubiensis in Corsica or Nebiensis Naulensis Albigaunensis or of Arbenga which is reckoned among the Suffragans to the Archbishop of Mediolanum THE DVKEDOME OF GENOA· THe Dukedome of Genoa which stretcheth forth to the Ligustick Sea belongeth properly to the Transalpine Liguria The Metropolis of it is the Citty Genoa the other part is devided into the Easterne and Westerne The bounds of the former is the Lunensian Haven of the latter the Haven of Monaecus This Country hath a rude stony soyle so that it bringeth forth nothing but that which is forced out of the Earth with great paines It was heretofore cover'd over with woods having a few Husbandmen who did live rather by robberies than tillage Strabo the Geogr. Lib. 4. writeth thus concerning L●g●●a Qui
Liguriam habitant ut plu●imum ex pecore victum agi●●●t 〈…〉 potione maritimis ex locis ac montanis pastum quae names That is those which inhabit Liguria live for the most part on Ca●tle their drinke is Milke and a kinde of drinke made of Barley they get their food on the Sea-shore and on the Mountaines These Mountaines afoord good Timber for building of Ships and great Trees which 〈◊〉 so thick that the Diameter of some of them is 8. foote The 〈◊〉 were heretofore a very warlike People who put the Romans to much trouble and at last could hardly be subdued Whence Liv●● calleth them Durum in armis genus a People hardy in the Warres and Virgil saith Assu●tumque malo Ligurem the Ligurian is inured to trouble Genua the Mistresse of Liguria is supposed to be the ancientest Citty of Italie and that it was built by Ianus whom some suppose to be Noah others conjecture that it was so named from Genuus the Sonne of King Saturne Paulus Perusinus delivers that Genuinus an Egyptian and one of Phaethons Companions who lay sicke here after he had recovered his health call'd it after his owne name Genua Others devise other Fables but it is the famousest Mart-towne of Liguria and it hath i●creased much within these 400. yeeres and now it is very strong much feared The Territories of this Citty did reach heretofore even to the River Tanais It had under it Theodosia a Citty of Taur●●a hers●nesus which is now called Caffa as also Cyprus Lesbus Chius which are Ilands in the Mediterranean Sea and Pera a Citty of Thrace It contended long time with the Venetians concerning the Dominion and Empire of the Sea In this Citty there are 28. Patrician Families out of which a Counsell of 400. men is chosen and the Duke is President thereof It began to be established at Gen●a in imitation of the Venetian Common-wealth about the yeere 1237. but afterward being much troubled with the factions and discords of the Citizens and being enforced to obey forraine Lords as the Mediolanians Frenchmen and Spaniards it lost much of her former power and authority THE DVKEDOME OF GENOA· GENOVESXIO and being now subject it enjoyeth rather an imaginary than a free Common-wealth But to conclude referring the Reader that desireth to know more to Bracelius Bizarus Aug. Iustinianus Fr. Leander Albertus I thinke it fitt to set downe Scaligers Verses The Asian wealth or Easterne honours great And all that Land the Euxine Sea doth beate The Pisanian Armies and the youth of worth And the French Colours I alone drew forth The subdued Alpes I held and kept in awe And Affrick trembled when my Ships it sawe And the Venetian hath fled from the shot Which in my Haven he hath found too hot O France you are deceived much and Spaine In your attempts you take up armes in vaine I conquer if conquerd for if I obtaine Victory or lose it I am still the same THE FOVRTH TABLE OF LOMBARDY IN VVHICH ARE THESE Countries Romandiola the Dukedomes of Parma and Feraria and the Marquiship of Mantua THE fourth and last Table of Lombardie doth present to your view Romandiola and the Dukedomes of Parma and Mantua The first is Romandiola or Romanula which was so called by the Pope and the Emperour Charles the great The bounds of Romanula on the North are the Moores or Marshes of Verona and Patavina even to the Mouth of the River Po together with a part of the Hadriatick Sea on the East Isaurus together with Picenum on the South the Apinnine with Etruria concerning the Western bounds there are different opinions Some goe no farther than the River Vatrinus on this side of Fo●●m Crrn●lij some passe over to Scultenna now Panarium and there they stay Wee will follow the latter and make the length thereof to bee 110. Miles or thereabouts betweene Folia and Panarium and the breadth almost 96. Miles betweene the Apennine and the Marshes before mentioned Concerning the qualitie of this Country Leander writeth that it hath a very good soile yeelding all kinds of fruites both for delight necessary use Here are large fields planted with al kinds of fruite bearing trees pleasant Hills full of Vines Olives and Figgs Woods full of fruite Meddowes full of grasse and Bushie thickets fit for hunting also many wholsome waters many Salt-pits both neere the Shoare side and within the Countrie also Mettalls Mines and innumerable other excellent guifts of nature which would be tedious to rehearse There are some famous Citties in this Country and many Townes The chiefe are that which Ptolemy and other call Arminum the Inhalitants doe now call it Rimini and the Germanes Rumelen It was so so called from the River which watereth it Others have other derivations It aboundeth with plenty The Haven was heretofore very faire large and capable of Shipping but now it receiveth onely small vessells being filled choaked up with sand There is also Cervia a Sea Cittie heretofore called Phicoles The Cernians for the most part are Salt-makers of which they make so great gaine that the Pope hath yearely from thence 60 thousand Crownes There is also Ces●na which Ptolemy calleth Caeseni Strabo Caesena and now the most doe call it Caesena and some Cesnadigo and lastly Cesna It is now a very populous Citty and in former time it was enlarged on the West and Noth sides by Bernardine Rubrius of Parma There is a strong Castle seated on a Hill on the South side of the Cittie which was built by the Emperour Frederick the second Sarsina is an ancient Cittie at the foote of the Apennine where Plautus was borne Ravenna which Strabo calleth Raovenna and Ptolomy Ravennai is an ancient Cittie Concerning the situation whereof Strabo writeth much Lib. 5. There are under the Archbishop hereof the Bishop Adriensis Comaclensis Cerviensis Foroliviensis Foropompiliensis Vellimensis or Fille Cesenatensis Saremensis or Sarsinatensis Faventinus Imolensis Mutinensis Bononiensis Reginensis Parmensis and Barcinensis There are very good Meddowes and Pastures by this Cittie which doe yeeld grrat stoare of Milke Butter and Cheese Forum-Livij is now called Forli It is a Citty that excelleth both for Situation and plenty being seated betweene the two Rivers Ron●us and Montonus and hath a good ayre Forum Cornelij commonly calld Imolais seated by the River Santernus the soyle round about it is fruitefull and yeeldeth great store of Corne Wine Oyle and other fruites Bononia is an ancient noble Cittie commonly calld Bologna it is seated at the foote of the Apennine by the River Rhene and the Torrent Aposa runneth through the middle of the Cittie it lyeth all against the East on the South side it hath Vine-bearing hills on the other sides faire fruitefull Meddowes The ayre is not very wholesome The compasse of it is 7. Miles It hath 12. Gates and Magnificent houses and Noblemens Pallaces The Emperour Theodosius did institute an Universitie here in the yeare 423. Now we come
for the most part of the yeere are white with Snow but yet they are full of Gold Brasse and Lead This Country also hath Cattell and divers wilde beasts as Tigers Lions and the like it hath abundance also of Citterus and Mellons The Province Popajana is annexed and joyned to this which from the North to the South is 220. leagues in length but the most part of it is barren and unhabited and therefore it bringeth forth little Corne but yet it is rich in Gold It hath no peculiar Governour but the Vice-roy of the Kingdome because the most of the Courts of this Citty are subject to the Quito The chiefe Citty is called after the name of the Province being situate two degrees from the Line it hath a temperate constant climate the day and nights are all the yeere equall it hath seldome any raine but it is often troubled with Lightning and Thunder The soyle affordeth two Harvests of Corne every yeere and this Country breedeth great store of Cattell The Inhabitants are courteous the Citty is adorned with a Cathedrall Church and a Monastery of Friers It hath a great Jurisdiction and many Townes round about are subject unto it The Gold which is gotten here is accounted purer than other Gold Not farre from hence the most famous Rivers in this Country doe rise which are called la Magdalena and la Martha which doe water all the Country THE DESCRIPTION OF THE FIRME LAND TERRA FIRMA et NOVUM REGNUM GRANATENSE et POPAIAN THE DESCRIPTION OF PERVVIA PERUVIA is the noblest Country of all the New World it is now devided into three parts namely the Plaine the Mountaines and the Andes The Plaine of Peruvia reacheth 500. leagues by the Sea-coast and is 10. or 15. leagues broad but this part is sandy and full of desarts and for the most part barren for it hath no Springs nor Lakes neither is it watered with any showers but as it is moistned with a kinde of humour or dew which the Inhabitants call Garva But yet there are greene fruitfull meddowes which lye by the bankes of the Rivers which in the Winter time doe overflow them which maketh them yeeld both store of Cotton and all kinde of Corne. The Inhabitants of this Country are poore living under Trees and among Reedes and doe feed on Fish and raw flesh The mountainous is extended in a long space of ground some hundred leagues from the North to the South These Mountaines are very cold neither doe they beare any Trees so that the Inhabitants are faine to burne a kinde of pitchie Turfe Here are Lions Wolves black Beares Goates and a kinde of beast like a Cammell of the Wooll whereof they make Cotton Garments in the Valleys of these Mountaines there liveth a populous Nation who are more witty and civill than the former The Andes also are Mountaines which runne along with a continued ridge without any Valleys and they are chiefly two commonly call'd Cordeleras which are almost 1000. leagues long and equally distant one from another in which there are great store of Goates wilde Sheepe Apes and Parrots the soyle also is very fruitfull and doth yeeld all kinde of Pulse and divers Sallet hearbs And especially there is the hearbe Coca of which there are many fabulous reports whose leaves are like a Shrub which the Graecians call Rhus the Latines call it Tanners hearb which as it is found by experience if it be carryed in ones mouth it takes away the appetite from meate and drinke but it encreaseth valour and strength There is a Vice-roy that governeth all this Province under whose jurisdiction are the Chilenses also Salomons Ilands and toward the West the Country of the Silver River It hath three Seats of Judgement Quito Limam and Las Charcas The first whereof Quito doth containe more Countries as Pogaya Quixos Cavelas Iuan de Salinas Pocomoros and it is 24. leagues in length neere the Aequinoctiall Line even to the Seate of Justice at Lima. Many poisonous hearbes THE DESCRIPTION OF PERVVIA· PERV doe grow in this Country and they doe get Gold out of the Cordillerian Mountaines but afterward it was prohibited they doe also digge Salt-peter from thence The second Seate of Judgement is at Lima which reacheth from the North Southward from the 6. degree of Altitude to the 16. or 17. and so runneth forward 120. leagues The chiefe Citty hereof is Lima built in a Plaine 2. leagues from the Southerne Sea by a River which is a small streame in Summer but in Winter it hath store of water The third Provinciall Seate of Judgement is at a place call'd Charcas it is situate in 17. degrees of latitude by the River Lambopulla and it containeth many Regions and Countries which are amply describ'd in Authors A DESCRIPTION OF THE SVMMER ILANDS VVHICH THEY CALL BERMVDAS WEE have mentioned these Ilands in our former descriptions but now seeing they have gotten a peculiar table of their owne it will not be impertinent to adde this narration thereunto Authors doe report that the chiefest of these Ilands is small and lowe but that it groweth somewhat bigger in the middle There are great store of Birds in it but it is subject to stormes and tempests and it hath great store of Cedar Trees and Hogges Some Englishmen suffring shipwrack neere unto it planted a Colony there in a Semicircular forme and called it after their Captaines name Summers Colony But afterward when the English had got the Kings Letters Patents to erect a Company for the governing these Ilands they sent in the yeere 1612. to the aforesaid Ilands 60. men with Captaine Richard Mone and so the Colony or Plantation began to encrease The Captaine lived in these parts three yeeres and raised every where many Forts and Defences and furnisht them with Ordnance that the Colony might the better defend it selfe from any invasion of the enemy After Captaine Mone there succeeded Captaine Tuckher who caused many Trees which were brought out of the West-Indies to be planted there and the Country to be devided among the Colony that every one might have a greater care of his owne part After whom Captaine Butler with 4. Ships and 5. hundred men sayled thither and so all the Country was replenisht with Inhabitants On the East side Warwicks Forte was built on the North-West Sands Fort on the Prormontory toward Affrick Danes-fort Also two Fortresses were raised in a small Iland the one called Cavendish Fort the other Pagets Fort. There is also an Iland which lyeth to the South which is called Coupers I le At the Promontory call'd Gurnets head there is Pembrooks Fort. A little farther Westward there is Nonsuch a little Iland and Moores Iland with a Fort. The next is Charles his Fort and more to the North is Kings Castle over-against the Easterne Promontory of the greatest Iland Neere which there are many other Ilands to which the English have given severall names And that they might not want fresh
To you Mercator offers by my hand The Worlds Portraicture wherein Sea and Land Which make one Globe are drawn forth in each Part In Plano with such Iudgement Truth and Art That Pictures of all mortall beauties are Weake shaddowes of fraile dust nor can compare With these sweete Picces for who would not be A Lover when he sees Geographie Drawne forth in such fresh colours that invite The eye to gaze with wonder and delight And while it gazes doth such pleasure finde That it convayes loves flame into the minde I know your Iudgements let none henceforth be Your Mistresses but faire Geographie W. S. Reverendae Eruditae Matris Academiae Oxoniae in Albo Mercatoris Famae Inscriptio QVis ille Mundum cogit in leges suas Potentis artis machinâ Non illubenti quis jugum victor dedit Vt serviat feliciùs Angustijsque clausit insuetum novis Vt major inde prodeat Et quae lacerent membra magni corporis Dedit videre singula Per quicquid usquam est sparsa nec lacera tamen Integriora reddidit Non hunc vetustis edidere saeculis seu Roma sive Graecia Aevo priores labore praevios At post-futuris impares Dicemus istos orbis incunabulis Quos admoveri fas erat Quos minores expedire fascias Debebat ut mundo rudi Adultus at jam crevit cingi petit Quod repperit solutius Quin Britanno quod Britanni gaudeant Cinctu decorus visitur N. S. Oxonia Aeque Eruditae Almae Matris Cantabrigiae 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 R. B. Cantabriglae In Praise of Mercators Workes INdustrious Camden Englands brightest starre By 's Art gave light to us and after Times Mercators Sunne shines more resplendent farre By 's History describing all the Climes And uncouth Contnents strange for us to view The Rockes the Isles the Rivers and their falles Gods greatest Workes and Natures rarest shew Which here lies ope with Mountaines Hills and dales And in these Mappes thou mayest at home descry What some have sought with Travaile farre and neere At easie rate they all heere open lie To feast thy Iudgement with delicious cheare Then crowne his Temples with deserving Bayes That such a Trophee to thy use could raise W. D. Exoniae To the worthy Translator IF what that famous Lyrick-Poet writ In praise of Poetrie so full did fit That He of All deserves the prize and praise Which mixeth Profit with his Pleasant-Layes Then sure the same of Historie is true And of all Histories to This most due To this I say This Atlas of Earths frame This Geographick-Structure of much fame This Worlds bright Light Delight and Sunne most faire Discovering all Earths specious Countries rare In such a Cosmographicall display In such a faithfull and exact Survey That Now at least Eleven faire Languages Themselves with Its Translation sweetly please What thankes Me thinkes then unto Thee remaines Praise-worthy Saltonstall for thy great paines In thus Translating on our English-Soyle So choyce a Peece Wherein without much toyle Yet with much Pleasure and Vtilitie The Minde all-bent on Forraine Noveltie May heere at home even in his Chamber view Each Country in his state and station true In figures faire lively delineated And in exact descriptions demonstrated For which let Belgia give her Hondy praise And we our Saltonstall deserved Bayes I. V. In due commendation of the Author with an Allusion of Atlas his supportation of the World 1. An Acrosticke on Mercators Atlas Mercators Atlas Mirror of all storie Expresse in Tropes of deepe Cosmographie Reader admire in reading for It 's Glorie Claimes a precedence past equalitie All that Laborious Artists can compose Triangles Circles Lines and Parallels Only deare Hondius these thy Maps disclose Raising to life a Worke that all excels Atlas by fiction do's the World uphold Thou more by Art dost all the Orbe containe Let Poets pencill forth thy praise in Gold And all that reape the Harvest of thy paine So shall thy fame to every Age remaine Heere mayst thou reade what ere thou wouldst desire The manners of thine owne and foraigne Nations And in thy Study onely but retire To view their customes strengths and Scituations Then praise his Name such gifts to Man that gave Whereby thou maist much cost and labour save M. R. De Mercatoris Atlante in Anglorum sermone edito ATlas Latine fortis in laudes tuas Graeco politus carmine Heinsius fuit At Nostrum Atlantem qui novus prodit modò Laudare non audere laus post Heinsium R. B. S. S. M. Ad Anglum Lectorem SCire cupis mores hominum lustrareque terras hic depicta tibi cuncta videre licet Ne Linguae ignotae exaniment hunc consule nostrum Atlantem notus sic tibi mundus erit Orbem fuloit Atlas opus hoc intellige Atlantem Lector Atlant is non leve fulcis onus R. B. S. Hosp On this Translation an HEXASTICHON MErcator sure thy Merchandize is good Having so current for so long time stood In forreine Countries but in British soyle Vnkenn'd unkiss'd till Saltonstall with toyle And study rich in thee his natives made Teaching thee with our English now to-trade THOM. VICARS olim Reginensis Oxon. NIli diluvium steriles faecundat agellos Floscula sparsa iuvant stercora lucra ferunt Inde decus Solis late quia lumina spargit Rivi fama patet flumina longa trahens Sic linguis varijs doctum lucrantur opellae Laudem diffusae nos tamen omne bonum Hebrae● Graeci exonerant gens undique docta Alueum in Brittanicum qui scatet arte nova Olim non notus noto divisus ab orbe Huc tendi petijt navita nullus iter Olim tendebat cla●us mercator ad Indos Iam oras Angligenúm curva carina petit Ast hic Mercator non est omninò viator Musaeo merces littus aequor eme Pet. Vowel To his learned though unknowne friend the Author of this Translation SOmewhat amongst the rest of those that presse To honour this thy Worke would I addresse Vnto thy praise and therein strive to be As breife and sweete as this Epitomee The World is here contracted and in this Thou shewest us what the lesser world Man is And therein work'st a wonder that the lesse Should comprehend the greaters spaciousnesse As thou hast thus reduc'd both to a span So shall my lynes thy worth and in this one Expresse thy world of that Coelestiall fire Whose beames we love not more than we admire I. G. Verses in Commendation of this description of the terrestriall Globe by G. W. WIth cost and perill some adventure farre Yet ne're the richer nor the wiser are But giddily through many Climates rome And come lesse honor'd and worse manner'd home Some
doe write that the Islanders for the most part doe dwell in Caves which they digge in the sides of the Mountaines especially in the Winter time But Ionas on the contrary saith that there are many Temples and houses built of wood very faire and costly The Island hath two Cathedrall Bishopricks as Holar or Hallen under which are the Monasteries Pingora Remested Modur Munkeniere and Scalholt under which are those Monasteries Videy Pyrnebar Kirckebar and Shieda Yet wee understand by the writings of Velletus the Authour of this Table that there are nine Monasteries in it and three hundred and nine and twenty Churches The Bishops are sent thither out of the Universitie of Hassnia the only University in Denmarke one of them governeth the Northerne part of the Island the other the Southerne And each of them hath a free Schoole joyned to his house in which hee is bound to be at the cost of the bringing up and teaching of foure and twentie Children The Inhabitants live eate and lodge in the same houses with their Cattell They live in a holy simplicity seeking nothing more than what Nature grants them for the Mountaines are their Townes and the Fountaines their delight A happie Nation not envied by reason of their poverty and so much the happier because it hath received the Christian Religion Yet the English and Danish Merchants doe trouble their quiet not suffering them to be content with their owne for they frequenting this Island to bring away fish from thence have brought among them their vices together with their wares The memorable acts of their Ancestours they doe celebrate in Verse and doe keepe them from oblivion by engraving them on Rocks They live for the most part by Fish which being dryed and beaten and so made into a kinde of meate they use at their Table instead of bread But the wealthier doe eate bread twice baked Heretofore they dranke water and the richer milke but now they have learned to mingle corne with it which is brought hither from other places and they scorne to drinke water since strangers have begun to traffick with them For those of Lubeck Hamburrough and Rostoch comming every yeare with their ships to this Island doe bring thither corne bread beere wine honey English cloathes linnen cloth iron steele gold silver womens coyfs and wood for building houses and ships and they doe expect for these Iselandish cloth commonly called Watman great store of Brimstone dried fish butter tallow hides skins of wilde beasts foxes white faulcons horses and the like Here is so great plenty of fish that they lay them in great heapes out of doores and so sell them the heapes being higher than the tops of their houses There is also so great store of salt butter that they put it up in sweet chests of fortie foot long and five foote deepe besides that which they barrell up And here we will adde Michael's Verses concerning Iseland as hee hath them in his third Booke Of Sea matters Vltima Parrhasias Islandia spectat in Arctos c. The farthest part of Iseland looketh North And Westward some Degrees it is streight forth Which hath not onely a rich pleasant soyle While as it doth the yellow Brimstone boyle Within its cavernes blinde which at the last All mingled with sand it forth doth cast Or when the Meddowes bring forth fodder store And all the vales with grasse are clothed o're But when upon the shore it fish doth heape Whose number can't be told it is so great Or he distinguisht every severall sort Which it by shipping doth abroad transport For though here plenty of all things is found Yet most of all in fish it doth abound 'T is rich the Inhabitants are stout of minde And where it lyes against the Southerne winde Hecla still burneth with continuall flame Which it at open holes sends forth againe It casts forth ashes with a fearfull sound While pitchie flames doe to the Starres rebound THE ILES OF BRITTAINE ENGLAND SCOTLAND AND IRELAND WITH THE ILANDS LYING ROVND ABOVT THEM BRITTAINE containeth all those Ilands which lying betweene Spaine and Germany are stretched forth in a great quantitie of Land toward France Lhuyddus saith that not long agoe it was called Prydanium Sr Thomas Eliott would have it called Prytania being incited thereunto through the love of contention rather then truth against the authority of Aristotle Lucretius Iulius Caesar and other ancient Writers But because heretofore all the Brittaines did paint themselves with woade which gave them a blewish colour that so their faces might be more terrible against their enemies in war and in regard that in their ancient Language they did call any thing that was painted and coloured Brit some doe rightly suppose that the Graecians understanding that the inhabitants were called Brith and Briton did adde to Brith Tania which signifies a Country and therefore Brittaine was called the Country of Brittaines that is the Country of painted and coloured men like as Mauritania is called so of the Moores Lusitania from Lusus and Aquitania the Region of Waters Brittaine is endowed by Nature with all guifts both of Aire and Soyle in which neither the cold of winter is too violent as the Oratour hath it speaking to Constantine nor the heate of Summer and it is so fruitfull in bearing corne that it is sufficiently stored with Bread and Drink Here the woods are without wilde beasts and the earth without harmefull Serpents On the contrary innumerable flockes and heards of tame cattell full of milke and loaden with their fleece yea whatsoever is necessary to life is here the dayes are very long so that the nights are not without some light and the Sunne which seemeth in other Countries to goe downe and set doth seeme here only to passe by Among all the Iles of Brittaine two do exceed the rest in greatnesse Albion under which are contained England and Scotland and Ireland The greatest of these is Albion now alone called Brittaine which was a name formerly common to them all and this name is rather deduced out of Books than used in common speech only the Scots doe yet call themselves Albinich and their Country Albin Concerning the name of Albion the Grecians first gave it to this I le for distinction sake seeing all the neighbour Ilands were called the Iles of Brittaine so that it did first arise from the vaine and fabulous lightnesse of the Grecians in faigning names For seeing they called Italy from Hesperus the sonne of Atlas Hesperia France from the sonne of Poliphemus Gallatia c. It is not unlikely that they fabulously named this Iland Albion from Albion the sonne of Neptune which Perottus and Lilius Giraldus THE ISLES OF BRITTAINE ANGLIA SCOTIA et HIBERNIA doe confirme Others would derive it from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which as Festus witnesseth in Greeke signifies white whence also the Alpes are so called The figure of it is Triangular or three
LAGENIA VLTONIA IRELAND being described in generall I thinke it worth my labour before I come to a particular description of the severall parts first to make a division thereof Ireland is divided into five Parts or Provinces Into Lagenia which being Eastward is next to England Connacia or Connachtia which lyeth toward the West Vltonia on the North side Momonia which is situate in the Southerne part The fift part is called Media which being placed in the midst is enclosed with the rest In these five Provinces there are many notable Territories As Lagenia doth include Fingal Offal Leis Ossir and Ormund Media containeth Slani Four and Delvin In Connacia is contained Clar in Vltonia is contained Vril Antrimen Lecal and Treconch In Momonia are included Trippitate Kerie Cosmay Desmond Tomond and some others There is another division of Ireland which wee have touched in our generall Table which is diligently to be considered if any one desire to know the state of this Countrie wherefore hee must observe that Ireland is divided into two parts the English part and the Irish part The latter the native Irish do inhabit the former the Englishmen and that part in common speech is called the English Province because it is as it were empaled and environed with the Territories of the English For after that the English having supprest the Irish Rebells had restored Dermicius to his Countrie and Kingdome they seated themselves and built themselves seats in the chiefest places of Ireland Afterward seeing that as it were certaine Islands did part them from the subdued Irish they called that part in which they placed a Colonie the English Province In this is contained the greater part of Lagenia and Media and that part of Vltonia which is called Vril but the chiefest part of Lagenia which is called Fingal neere to Dublin on the North hath the chiefe place and Media is next to that But Mercator useth the same division which wee made of it in the former Tables describing it in foure Tables beginning with Vltonia Connacia Media and part of Lagenia I will make a briefe description of all these parts in the same order as our Author placeth them Vltonia offers it selfe in the first place This part of Ireland was first called by the Welch Vltun by the Irish Cui-Guilli by the Latines Vltonia and by the English Vlster toward the North it is parted with the Narrow Sea toward the South it stretcheth it selfe to Connaught and Lagenia the THE SECOND TABLE OF IRELAND UDRONE East part is bounded with the Irish Sea and the West part is beaten with the great Westerne Ocean This Countrie beeing neere to Scotland is reckoned one of the Scotch Islands which are called the Hebrides and lye scatterd in the Sea betweene both Kingdomes which Islands the Irish-Scots the successours of the Ancient Scythians do inhabit It is round in forme and in length from the Haven Coldagh in the North to Kilmore in the South it is about an hundred miles and it is in breadth from Black-Abbey in the East to Calebegh a Westerne Promontorie an hundred and thirtie miles and more The whole circumference or compasse of it is about foure hundred and twentie miles This Country hath seldome any intemperate weather for the suddaine and fresh gales of winde do refrigerate and coole the heat of Summer and soft and gentle raines do mitigate the cold of Winter Briefly it is neither in the Cold nor Torrid Zone The clouds are faire and cleare and when they are most impure yet the winde continually driving them about doth make the aire wholsome and at length quite dispelleth them The equall temper of the Clime is the cause that the soyle doth plentifully bring forth divers kindes of trees some bearing fruit and others for building The Countrie is full of grasse and fit for pasturing very rich in horse and sheepe and Oxen. The Rivers are as I may say doubly commodious being navigable to bring up Vessels and Barques and also being full of fish and very convenient for the inhabitants in other uses Among these the first is Vinderius which is now called the Bay of Knocfergus from the Town seated on it from the safety of the Haven which the English call Knocfergus the Irish Caregfergus that is Fergus his rock which name it received from Fergusius who was drownd there There is also Banna which as Giraldus saith is a very faire River as the name witnesseth it runneth out of the Lake Eaugh and dischargeth it selfe into the Ocean with a double Channell it is fuller of Salmons than any River in Europe because as some thinke the water is so cleare in which Salmons do chiefly delight And there is the River Logia which Ptolemie mentioneth and now is called Lough Foile which falleth into the Sea with a great streame There are many great Lakes in it in which is the Lake Eaugh which spreadeth it selfe abroad from Armaugh and on the East side are the woods Kilulto Kilwarney and Dyffrim into which the Lake doth so insinuate and winde in it selfe that it maketh two Peninsula's Lecale toward the South Ard toward the North Lecale runneth out farthest toward the East of any part of Ireland the farthest Promontorie therof Marriners do now call Saint Iohns Foreland Ptolomie calls it Isanius perhaps from the Brittish word Isa which signifies Lowermost In the Isthmus therof stands Dunam which Ptolemie mentions now called Down being an ancient Towne and the Seat of a Bishop Ard lyeth over against it being divided frō it by a little slip of land There are also Lakes of which we have made mention in our generall Table The Countrie is shadowed with great woods To speake in a word although it be barren in some places by reason of Lakes Bogs thicke Woods yet it is every where full of Cattell Grasse at all times it abundantly requiteth the labour of the husbandman Nature is so little beholding here to Art or Industrie that the flourishing bankes of Rivers embrodered with flowers the shadie Woods greene Medowes bending Hills and Fields fit to beare corne if they were tilled do seeme to be angrie with the Inhabitants because by their carelesnesse and negligence they suffer them to be rude and wilde The Voluntii Darni Robogdii and Erdini in Ptolemies time held all this Countrie who also dispersed themselves into other parts of Ireland The speciall place in this Countrie is Armach neere the River Kalis which although it be not very faire yet it is the seat of an Archbishop the Metropolis of the whole Island The Irish-men do fabulously report that it was called so from Queene Armacha but Camden thinkes it to be the same which Beda calleth Dearmach which signifies in the Scotch and Irish language the field of Redmen There is one Archbishop in Vltonia who hath his Seat at Armach hath these Suffraganes
though they be rich in Mynes of Lead and are commodious for to feede sheepe The head Towne of the Shire is Darbie famous for the best Ale in England which is brewed there There are also the Townes of Saint Diacre Workesworth so called from the Lead-workes there and Bakewel And this Shire doth containe an hundred and sixe Parishes The Rivers that water it are Trent Dove and Derwent The Westerne part of this Shire which is mountainous is called the Peake and is very full of Lead for in these Mountaines Lead-stones as the Mettallists call them are daily digged forth which when the winde is Westward they dissolve with a wood fire and having made trenches for the mettall to runne in melt into pieces which they call Sowes Moreover not onely Lead but also veines of Antimonie which the Grecian women were wont to use in dying are found in these Hils Heere also Mill-stones are cut forth as also whet-stones and somtimes a white substance is found in the Mynes like to Chrystall But of this enough I passe to Stafford-shire which is encompassed on the East side with Warwick-shire and Darby-shire on the South with Glocester-shire on the West with Shropshire and on the North with Cheshire It beareth the shape of a Rhombus running from South to North and being broadest in the middle and narrowest toward the two ends The Northern part is mountainous and lesse pleasant the middle part is more delightfull as being watered with the River Trent cloathed with green woods and diversified with variety of fields and meddowes The Southerne part is rich in Pit-coales and veines of Iron The head Towne hereof is Stafford or Stratford anciently called Betheney and is much graced by the Castle called Stafford adjoyning to it which the Barons of Stafford built for their owne dwelling Heere are also the Townes of Lichfield or Licidfield Burton Vtcester anciently called Etocetum Stone Drayton Basset Tameworth Wolverhampton or Vulfrunshampton Theotenhall or Tetnall and Weadesbrig or Wedsborow And in this Shire are reckoned 130 Parishes The chiefe Rivers which glide through this Countrie are Dove Hanse Churnet Tayn Blith and Trent which arising from two spring-heads is the third chiefe River of Brittaine There are also Sous Tam and Penke The Northerne part is somewhat mountainous and full of hils which beginning heere doe runne like the Apennine Hils of Italie with a continued ridge through the middle of England even to Scotland yet often changing their name In the midst of this Shire is Needwood a spatious wood in which the Nobilitie and Gentrie of the Countrie doe THE FIFTH TABLE OF ENGLAND EBORACUM Lincolnia Derbia Stafford etc daily recreate themselves with hunting Nottinghamshire is bounded on the East with Lincolnshire on the North with Yorkeshire on the West with Darbyshire and on the South with Leicestershire The Southerne Easterne part of the Countie is fructified by the famous River of Trent and other Rivulets that flow into it The Forrest of Shirwood taketh up the whole Westerne side this because it is sandie the Inhabitants call the Sand the other by reason the soyle consisteth of Clay they call the Clay and they divide their Countrie into these two parts The chiefe Towne which gives a denomination to the Shire is Nottingham being pleasantly seated for on one side faire Meddowes lye along the River side and on an other little Hils doe raise themselves to adde a grace thereunto It is a Towne abounding with all things necessary to life For besides other conveniences it hath Shirewood which doth furnish it with store of fuell and the River Trent doth yeeld it plenty of Fish The Streetes are large having faire buildings and two great Churches with a spacious Market-place and a strong Castle Besides heere are other great Townes namely Suthwel Newarke Mansfield Blith Scroby and Workensop And in this Shire there are 168 Parishes The Rivers are Trent Lin Snite and Idle Leicester-shire anciently called Ledecester-shire bordereth upon the South with Northampton-shire on the East with Rutland shire and Lincoln-shire on the North with Nottingham shire and Darby-shire and on the West with Warwick-shire It is all field-ground and very fruitfull but for the most part it wanteth wood The chiefe Citie is Leicester called heretofore Legecestria Leogara and Legeocester more ancient than beautifull There are also the Townes of Longburrow Lutterworth Hinckly and Bosworth neere which Richard the third was slaine and in this Shire there are 200 Parish Churches The River Soar running toward Trent waters the middle of it and the little River Wrek which at last mingleth his waters with Soar doth gently winde about through the Easterne part Rutland-shire which was anciently called Rudland and Roteland that is red land is as it were emcompassed with Leicestershire except on the South side where it lyeth by the River Welland and on the East where it joyneth to Lincolne-shire It is the least Shire in England for it lyeth in a round circular forme so that a man may ride quite round about it in one day This Countrie is no lesse pleasant and fruitfull than others although it bee not so spacious The chiefe Towne in it is Vppingham so called because it stands on the ascent of an hill it hath a faire free Schoole in it which was built for the nurture and bringing up of children to learning by R. Iohnson Minister of Gods word who also built an other at the towne of Okeham so called because it is situated in a vale which once was very woody and full of Oakes This Shire can reckon 47 Parish Churches The little River Wash or Gwash gliding through the middle of it from East to West doth divide it into two parts Northfolke remaines yet to be described that is to say the Northerne people The bounds thereof on the South are Suffolke on the East and North the German Ocean and on the West the River Ouse The Countrie is large for the most part field-ground unlesse it bee where there are some smaller hils it is very rich full of flocks of sheepe and especially of Cunnies it is watered with pleasant Rivers and is sufficiently stored with wood The soyle differs according to the diversitie of places for in some parts it is fat and rich in other parts light and sandie and in other clayie and chalkie Amongst the chiefe townes in this Shire old Thetford is the first which Antoninus calleth Sitomagus that is a towne situate by the river Sit. It hath now but few dwelling-houses though heretofore it were faire and very populous There is also in this Shire the famous Citie of Norwich called by the Saxons North that is the North Castle and Yarmouth or Garmouth a faire Haven Towne fortified by its situation and mans industrie for it is almost entrenched with water on the West
mountaines and fortified with Wals Ditches and Rampiers Heere is a famous Universitie and Librarie 3 Bistricia or Noesenstat which is seated on the plaine of a large valley and hath on either side hils full of Vines 4 Segoswar o● S●hespurg which is partly situated on a hill and partly at the foote thereof 5 Megies or M●dwisch which is situated in the midst of Transylvania being fruitfull in wine and stored with all commodities that are either gainefull or necessary for food 6 Zabesium or Zaaz which lyeth in a plaine and deepe valley encompassed with waters full of fish They say that this was the first seate of the Saxons 7 Coloswar or Clausenburg which is likewise sweetly seated in a plaine and is beautified not onely with faire wals without but with stately buildings within Heere is also Alba Iulia or We●senberg an ancient city a Bishops Seate it is situated on a steep hill which hath a large plaine spreading it selfe round about it It hath on the East the River M●●● and on the other side the River called in the Hungarian language ●●●ay which descendeth from the Alpes Heeretofore it was called T●●● and in Trajans time it was the Pallace of King Decebalus As tou●ching the payments of taxes and tributes there are in Transylvania eight principall circles or divisions of ground called Chapters all which together they call the Universitie as first the Bist●●ensian Chapter which hath in it Bistricia with 23 royall Townes 2 The Regne●sian Chapter which hath more than 30 Townes 3 The Bar●ensian Chapter which hath the citie Corona with thirteene royall Townes 4 The Kisde●sian Chapter which hath Segesburg and eight and fortie townes 5 The Chapter called the chapter of two Seates which doth containe the city of M●●ie● with sixe and thirtie townes There are two Chapters of the Cibinian● one of which containeth Cibinium and three and twenty townes and the other which they call Surrogative containe about 22 Villages Last of all the Zabesensian Chapter which hath Zabesium with seventeene Villages This Countrie hath many Lakes and standing waters which are full of excellent fish There are in it three navigable Rivers Aluta Morus called also Marus and Marisus and Samu● the two former arising out of the Scythian Mountaines the last of them falleth into Tibiscus the other runneth straight forward into Danubius Samus which the Germans and Hungarians call Thimes ariseth out of the Alpes called Colota and likewise slideth into Tibiscus There are also ●ther Rivers as Kockel the Greater and the Lesse Sabesus Chrysus Chry●●●●os and Strygius c. the three last whereof have little graines or land of gold in them and doe somtimes bring downe pieces of gold of halfe a pound weight Divers kindes of excellent fish are found in them and the aforesaid Rivers as namely the greater and lesser Sturgeon three kindes of Carpes the Salmon the River and Lake-Lamprey the fish called Silurus the Mullet an other rare kind of Lamprey the white and black Trout the scaly Gudgeons and those that have no scales unknowne to other places besides Pikes Perches Tenches and the common Lamprey all which are found there and of a great size There are Mountaines neere unto Walachia Cisalpina and Moldavia which doe produce Agarick and Turpentine Trees There are many woods in Transylvania and amongst the rest Hercynia in which besides the wilde beasts above-mentioned there are wilde Oxen and Horses whose manes doe reach even to the ground There are also in this Countrie many Castles well fortified among which the chiefe is called the Red Castle being a strong defence and seated on the Alpes neere to a running streame where there is a straight passage betweene the Mountaines into the Countrie and it is as it were the fortresse thereof so that no one can enter into it on that side if the Governour of the castle barre up the way There is also an other fortified castle beneath the Towne Millenbach neere unto the Towne Bros where also neere unto the River there is a way leading into Transylvania betweene the vales and snowie Alpes Now it followeth that wee should adde somthing concerning their manners which are divers and various because as we said before it was formerly possessed by divers Nations and is still at this day The people of Walachia are rude and ignorant of good Arts and Disciplines they are of the Greeke Religion but their manners and customes savour of Paganisme in regard that they much esteeme of Oracles sweare by Iupiter and Venus whom they call Holy and in many other things come neere unto the customes of the Gentiles They have no Townes or brick-houses but doe live in the woods and forrests having no defence against the violence of the weather but a few reedes or cottages of reedes The other part of Transylvania in most places is of a more fruitfull soyle and the people are more civiliz'd and of a better behaviour The Scythians speech in Transylvania differs little from the Hungarian speech at this day though heretofore they differr'd much both in speech and writing for they like the Hebrewes did begin to write from the right hand to the left The Ciculi are a fierie and warlike kinde of people among whom there are no Nobles or Rusticks but all of them are of one ranke The Hungarians have great power and authoritie above all the rest And let so much suffice to have beene spoken briefly concerning Transylvania TAVRICA CHERSONESVS THis CHERSONESVS was so called by Ptolemie from the Tauri a certaine people of Scythia in Europe Strabo calls it the Scythian Chersonesus Pliny in his 2 Booke and 96 chapter calleth it after the Latines the Peninsula of the Taurians Appianus calleth it the Pontick Chersonesus and Paulus Diaconus calleth it Chersenesa At this day it is called Precopska and Gesara by Antonius Pineti● It is a large Peninsula stretched out toward the East betweene the Euxine Sea and the Maeotick Lake even to the Cimmerian Bosporus which divides Europe from Asia It hath a gentle winter and most temperate Aire For at the end of December winter beginneth and is at the sharpest or coldest in the middle of February as having then most snow which yet lyeth not above three daies vvhen the cold and frost is most constant The Winter never lasteth longer than the beginning of March All the whole Countrie is very fruitfull and very fit for feeding flocks of cattell Yet albeit the Inhabitants have a fertile soile many of them do not till their fields nor Sow them They have abundance of Horses Camels Oxen Kine and Sheep on which they live There are also great store of daintie fowle which oftentimes the Christians and Turkes and sometimes the Polanders that come thither as strangers are wont to take There is much hunting of Harts Goates Boares and Hares both in the Tartarian and Turkish Dominions neare the Sea This Chersonesus hath hard and
doe most clearely appeare A Knight saith this author or a Chevalier shall be thus created of one that was a Squire before and bore armes in his Escutcheon If hee having long followed the warres exercised armes beene present at many conflicts hath sufficient meanes to maintaine the state of his degree and commeth of a great noble and rich Familie then in any skirmish hee shall make knowne his request to the Generall of the Army or to some valiant generous Knight and when the battell is ended hee shall come unto the said Generall or Knight and entreate him in the name of God and S. George to give him the Order of Knighthood Whereupon hee shall draw out his Sword and strike him thrice with it saying I make thee a Knight or Chevalier in the name of God and S. George faithfully to defend the Faith Iustice the Church Widowes and Orphanes But if the supplicant although he be valiant yet be poore hee shall not bee admitted unlesse so much yearely revenues be assigned and given unto him as is necessarie to preserve and maintaine the honour and dignitie of his Order And this is the first degree of Nobility arising from the lowest A militarie Tribune called een Bander-heer shall be made of a Knight if having long followed the warres hee hath lands and revenues enough to keepe and maintaine fiftie Gentle-men in pay that is one Band of horse men which shall follow his colours in the war For no man can set up a Colours or standerd of his owne unlesse hee can bring into the field at his owne charge a Troupe or Band at the least of fiftie Gentlemen who receive pay from him A Baron may bee created of a Knight or also of a Noble Squire which hath foure Castles in his dominion and all power within himselfe for then the King may conferre a Baronrie upon him yet hee cannot give him this honour unlesse he hath behaved himselfe valiantly in the warres Therefore after the first conflict or battell he is made a Knight after the second a militarie Tribune and after the third a Baron The degree of an Earle is the next and first an Earle of the Marches whom wee call a Marquesse that is Marcgrave And hee may be created one who hath two or three Baronies included in one Dukedome and that by the Duke in whose precincts they lye Hee may be made a Provinciall Earle that is a Landgrave who hath foure Baronies in one Dukedome by the Duke or the King by the instance or permission of the Duke Hee may bee made a Vicount who hath five Counties or more within one Dukedome or which are joyned together by vicinitie of situation And by the Kings permission he may be created by the Duke with great solemnitie But if the King himselfe be present the Principality is more honourable The Duke who is to be made of an Earle must first possesse in the Kingdome wherein hee is to bee crowned foure principall Counties and must have in every one of them foure other Counties or Baronies which must bee bound to doe fealtie and service to them But he must be crowned by the King or Emperour whose subject hee is his Hatt being adorned with pearles and pretious Stones in the most flourishing Citie of his territories and that in a great assembly of Princes Dukes Earles and Barons a solemne festivall being also held as it is the custome as the Coronation of Kings Hee that is to bee King must have foure Dukedomes lying neere together subject unto him and in every Dukedome foure Cities which hee alone governeth in every one of these foure Cities one Archbishop and under euery one of these againe ten Provinciall Bishops Hee being endowed and adorned with these dominions and dignities shall come unto the Emperours Majestie as to his superiour or shall invite him by an honourable Embassage to come unto him and so desire to be crowned by him But this seemes to be a later manner of electing the Kings and other Princes for as long as those wandring Nations of the Gothes Vandals Longobardes and many others did bring in their Kings with them they did not measure the royall dignitie by large possession of lands but by the multitude and strength of the people which they brought in Neither was there any other choise of Dukes who first began to bee instituted by Longinus Governour of Ravenna in the yeare 569 and afterward by the Longobards than for their valour and wise atchievements Adde to this that which Paulus Aemilius witnesseth namely that Dukes and Earles were in the beginning made Prefects by the King over Nations and Cities on this condition onely that as often as there was occasion they should bee dismissed or changed Now how could the afore said Lawes of creating Princes which are measured by and doe claime the hereditarie possession of Lands be in force at that time seeing Dukedomes and Counties were conferr'd by Kings and Emperours as a temporary bountie Therefore though the precise time of the Institution of them cannot be shewed for that French Booke doth mention nothing of it yet it is very likely that under Otto the second Emperour or about the yeare one thousand or a litle after that manner of constituting and confirming dignities was ordained by the Monarches For even untill Otto the second every Prince according to his power and ambition did aspire to greater dignitie and royall Majestie So out of one Kingdome of Lotharingia or Lorreine which being extended from the Rhene even to the River Scaldis was bounded with the Friesland Sea and belonged to Lotharius the Sonne of Lodovicus Pius more Kingdomes did afterward arise namely the transjurane Burgundie which being extended from the Mountaine Jura even to the Alpes did containe all Helvetia the Rauraci the Allobroges and the transjurane Burgundians and the Kingdome of Provence which did certaine some part of Burgundie and Sabaudia and was afterward called the Kingdome of Arelatum of which at this day the Elector of Trevers is called the Archchan●●liour It did also containe the Kingdome of Lotharingia now also called Lotharingia and other Kingdomes betweene the Rhene and Scaldis even to the Friesland Sea and heretofore it was called the Kingdome of Austrasia Againe this Kingdome of Lotharingia Charles the bald and his Brother Lodovick did part betweene them both of them preserving the title of a King in all places I omit the other Kingdomes which sprung up in that agely the desire and asseciation of Soveraignty But the Emperour Otto the second did divide Lotharingia having tooke away the name of a Kingdome into nine Dukedomes and Earledomes as it were into members pulled and separated from the body as Cuspinian hath it and having made a division thereof Anno 981 be first made Charles the Brother of Lotharius King of France Duke of that Countrie which is now called Lotharingia a● Richardus Wissenburgius doth speake more at large It seemeth that after that time the ar●itrarie
hee boasted hee would THE DVKEDOME OF LIMBVRG LIMBURGENSIS DVCATUS NOVA DESCRIPTIO Auct AEGIDIO MART. doe for at the enemies first approach he came to a parly and yeelded it up unto him without any resistance Not farre from Limburg yet out of the Territorie thereof Northward the Spaw Fountaines doe breake forth which are so famous and well knowne Moreover betweene Walhormus and Montzius there are certaine hills commonly called Kelmbergen in regard of the great store of that mettall and stone above mentioned which is digged out of them in defence whereof the aforesayd Earle hath built a Castell But some few yeares since the Batavians burnt it through the Souldiers negligence The great wood commonly called Fangne lyeth neere unto the Cittie of Limburg in which there is excellent hunting And so much concerning the Cittie it selfe and the Dukedome of Limburg There are three other Citties which have counties belonging to them which are reckoned as appendances to the Dukedome of Limburg which are these Valkenburg Dalthemium and Rolducum of which we will now speake in order Valkenburg in French Fauquemont is a neate Towne having iurisdiction over a large Territorie and some Townes being three long miles from Aquisgrave and two little miles from Vltrajectum It is a fruitfull Country both for corne and pasturage not far from which is the Monastery of S. Gerla being a faire auncient building Moreover the Countie of Valkenburg was in the possession of Iohn the third of that name Duke of Brabant who tooke it by force of armes from Raynout Lord of Valkenburg who being a troublesome man and having injured the Trajectenses at the River Mosa was overcome and taken prisoner by the aforesayd Duke Dalthemium is a little Towne with a small Castell belonging to it It is three long miles from Aquisgranum and two from Leodium It is honoured with the title of a Countie and hath some Villages and lands beyond Mosa which are within the jurisdiction thereof Henry the second Duke of Brabant did possesse it and did joyne it to his owne Territories The famous Abby of the Valley of God belongs to Dalthemium the Abbot whereof is the chiefe man of that Countrie and besides this there is the Abby of the holy Crosse Rolducum is an old Towne with an ancient Castell It is a mile distant from Valkenburg and it is the fourth Lordship beyond Mosa and it hath a Tribunall or Court of Iustice but the Senate of Brabant have the oversight of it Here I cannot passe by the village commonly called Carpen betweene Iuliacum and the Colonie being two long miles from the Rhene It is as big as a little Towne and hath a Collegiate Church as they call it and hath Faires and Markets whither all sorts of commodities are brought and a great confluence of people doe resort unto it it hath also a Castell well fortified William Nassavius Prince of Orange passing over the Rhene tooke it in the yeare 1568 and fortified it with a Garrison All these parts being gathered together doe make a great Lordship which was used to be governed by a peculiar Lord but the Dukes of Limburg have now subjected it to themselves although it have a Prefect beside who lyeth there with a strong Garrison This Countrie hath three other Rivulets besides Mosa which at length become Rivers namely Beruinum which watereth Dalthemium Geuda which runneth by Valckenburg and Worma which glideth by Rodulcum Moreover as well the Dukedome of Limburg as the other States and Lordships aforesayd doe consist of three members namely the Clergie the Nobles and the Iudges The Dukedome of Limburg doth containe five members or divisions which they call Ban●as Hervium Spremontium Balenium Walhornum and Montzium the two former whereof are governed by Majors and the three latter by magistrates called Drossards And so much concerning the Dukedome of Limburg and the appendances thereunto I passe to the rest A PROFITABLE instruction concerning the Tables of GERMANIE FOrasmuch as the Romaine Empire is in the power of the Germaines and very politickely divided into parts I thinke it a matter worth my labour to set before your eyes the order and disposition of those parts as they are described in a writing called Matricula Imperij and afterward to shew you in Tables the severall members of this Empire that the studious Reader may finde in what Country they are situated But I have gotten two Coppies of this Matricula the one written the other printed at Venice in Italian being both much corrupted And I know that the Empire is now divided in another manner Therefore let no man blame me or be of●ended if he finde some parts that are reckoned as belonging to the Empire doe not belong thereunto for it is not my intention to speake expressely of all the severall parts of this Empire neither was it possible for me to do out of such corrupt Coppies especially seeing that I know that a great part of the Empire came into the hands of private Princes either by Exchange or Morgage or gifts for their good service in defence of the Empire or for some other causes Neither is it my part to prosecute those things which belong to Politicians and not Geographers but onely I sought that out of this Coppie of Matricula I might shew the elegant disposition and division of the Empire of Germany and might declare how the studdies of Geographie and Policie doe mutually illustrate one another This is therefore the order of the Empire The Emperour is the head of the Empire And he hath three States under him who meete together to consult and conclude of all the affaires of the Empire namely the seaven Electors who were first instituted about the yeare of our Lord 1273 by Pope Gregorie the tenth and were confirmed by the Emperou● Charles the fifth as Onuphrius sheweth in Comitijs Imperatorijs and Iohn A●ventine Lib. 5. of his history of Bavaria These have power to elect and chuse the Emperour The second State is the Ecclesiasticall and saecular Princes The third is the free Citties GERMANIE GERMANIA The first member therefore of the Empire is the seaven Electors THe Archbishop of Moguntinum Arch-chancellor of the Romaine Empire through Germanie The Archbishop of Trevers Arch-chancellor of the Romaine Empire through France and the Kingdome of Arelatum The Archbishop of Collen Archchancellor of the Romaine Empire through Italy The King of Bohemia chiefe pantler of the Romaine Empire The Count Palatine of Rhene the chiefe cupbearer of the Romaine Empire The Duke of Saxonie chiefe Marshall of the Romaine Empire The Marquesse of Brandenburg chiefe Chamberlaine of the Romaine Empire The second member is the Princes and Nobles I will set downe the common names of places as they are in the Tables and the number of the Circles in which they are afterward mentioned that so they may be more easily found in the Tables The Biships of Magdeburg 9 Saltzburg 2 B●s●n●on 5 Bremon 9 Halb●rstat in the ninth Circle ●erden
and afterward to the Prince Palatine and dyed without is●ue After that the Emperour Maximilian created Eberhard the Nephew of Eberhard Duke of Wirtemberg But hee was droven out of his Country in the yeare 1519 by the Swedlanders Christopher succeeded his father Vlricke and Ludovicke his sonne succeeded after Christopher And Ludovicke was succeeded by Fredericke the sonne of George Earle of Mount Vellicard The Intcurgians were formerly seated heere but Rhenanus called them the Vuithungians This Dukedome is as it were circular and round and doth containe many Citties and Townes The chiefe Citties are Tubinga Stutgardia Tubinga is commonly called Tubingen which is situate neere the River Neccarus being a very neate Cittie having store of bread and Wine which is transported to Swethland and it hath a stone Bridge over the River Neccarus It hath also a Castle and a hill planted with Vines a Colledge of C●nnons and an Vniversitie In this Cittie besides Iohn Stoffler and others Leonard Fuchsius did professe Physicke And the most famous and learned Martin Crusius was the Rhetoricke professor in the same Academy It was instituted by Eberhard Earle of Wirtemberg whom Maximilian as we sayd before created a Duke in the yeere 1477. Iohn Herold in his booke of the Germaine antiquities sheweth by an inscription engraven there that Augustus had a Mansion house at Tubinga Which Peter Appianus in his booke of auncient inscriptions doth set downe thus MAX. IN AV● EM GER MAX. DA● MAX. ARM. MAX. TRIB P. COS. ET But Heroldus setteth downe the whole inscription as the Emperour was usually enstiled at Rome Imp. Caes. Divi. L. Sept. Sever. Pert. Aug. Parth. Tarah Adiab F. M. Aurel. Antonin Aug. Sarmat Max. Ger. Max. Dac Max. Armen Max. Britan. Max. Arab. Max. Aleman Max. Parth. Max. P. E. Pont. Max. Trib. Pote vi Cos. Procos Perpet Leg. 8. Ant. Aug. P. E. Ejus Num. Devot Prin. Opt. Fortis THE COVNTIE OF WIRTEMBERG WIRTENBERG THE LOWER ALSATIA ALsatia commonly called Elsasz was so called as some suppose as it were Edelsalz that is a Noble and famous seate others thinke it was so named from the River Illa by changing a into i as it were a seate by the River Illa whence some doe affirme that it was called the Country of Illesass and not Alsas It is as fruitfull a Country as any that lyeth by the side of the Rhene on the East it hath Helvetia which parteth it from Rhene on the West Lotharingia where the Mountaine Vosagus is the bordering limit betweene Lotharingia and Germanie on the South it hath part of Helvetia Burgundie on the North it is boundred with the Dukedom of Wiriemberg It is nine Germaine miles long and from Rhene to the Mountaines it is three Germaine miles broad but towards Haganoa it groweth broader betweene the Mountaines But this Country is so fruitfull and there is such great plenty of all things especially of Wine and Corne in this little tract of Land that it doth not onely serve the inhabitants but other people also of Germanie both farre and neere Therefore Iames Wimphelingus in his Epitomy of Germany doth call it the Store house and Nurse of Germanie For excellent Wines are continually brought out of this Country in Carts and sometimes are convayd by shipping into Helvetia Swethland Bavaria Lotharingia and the Low Countries and sometimes into England In Sungoja there is great store of corne and all over the plaine ground of Alsatia even to Argentina there is every where great store of corne so that the inhabitants of the Mountaines of Lotharingia the Burgundians and a good part of Helvetia are sustained by it It hath Mountaines which yeeld excell●nt good Wines and in the plaine ground it hath Corne and divers kindes of fruite trees It hath also on the Mountaines Woods of Chesnuts and Mines of Silver Brasse and Lead especially in the val● Leberthal I● hath also faire pastures both upon the Mountaines and valleyes as appeareth by those excellent fat cheeses which are made in Munsterthall so that there are great store of Kine and cattle bred in this Country And it hath in some parts many wilde horses also Leopards Beares Martines and Harts and innumerable other wilde beasts Alsatia was heretofore under the Dominion of the Kings of France as also a part of the Kingdome of Austria Alsatia was held to be the chiefest Dukedome which H●ldericke King of France did honour with that title and gave it to his Cosen Etico in the yeare ●84 After Etico there succeeded his sonne Adelprechtus who being slaine with an arrow left two sonnes Linfrid and Eberhard who were governours of Alsatia Afterward their familie was expelled forth of Alsatia by Charles Martell Palatine and Master of the Court in the Kingdome of France But in the time of Otto the first the Earles of Kyburg who where allyed by consanguinitie to the Emperour did governe Alsatia Some say that they were made Landgraves of Alsatia others say that Otto the third did divide it into Landgraveships and that the higher Landgraveship which contayneth the Towne Einsheim and the adjacent Townes did fall to the Earles of Habsburg The other to the Earles of Ottingen to whom it descended from Henry Landgrave of Lower Alsatia who dying without issue did sell it to the Bishop of Argentine But this small Country is so fruitfull and pleasant that it hath 46 Citties and Townes in it which are walled about Fiftie Castels which are situated on Mountaines and Plaines and an innumerable sort of Villages Alsatia is two fold the Lower which is described in this present Chart and the higher which is painted forth in the Table following the Tribocians did possesse them both The chiefe Cittie is called by moderne writers Argentina Sextus Aurelius and Ptolomie doe call it Argentoratum Reginus nameth it Strasburg who writ five hundred yeeres before and more Rob. Constantinus supposeth it to be the same with that which Aurelius Victor and Diac●nus doe call Angentaria It is commonly called Strasburg from the number and capacity of the streetes This Cittie is situated in a fertile soyle and hath great store of Wine and Corne. And Munster writeth that there are in this Cittie above an hundred Gardiners who make a great gaine out of Turnips Onions Radishes Cabigges and the like An arme of the River Rhene and three other Rivers doe run through this Cittie and the severall Channells doe glide through the streetes as at Venice It is well governed and it hath a famous schoole and a Church On the West there are the Tabernae celebrated by Antoninus Simler calleth them Zaborn Frodoard nameth it Zabreni Ortelius calleth them tres Tabernae Concerning which Antoninus saith thus Riguasque perenni Fonte Tabernas THE LOWER ALSATIA ALSATIA INFERIOR The Country is partly Mountainous and partly plaine and it is every where adorned with Woods and Forrests some of which are full of Chesnuts Almonds and Nutts The Country people lives very miserably for they spend
Monastery There are 8. Bishops assigned to governe these Churches the first and chiefest is the Pope the rest are under him as the Bishop Ostiensis who is Patriarke of Campania and doth consecrate the Pope unto whom is joyned Velletrensis or Valeriensis Portuensis Sabinensis Tusculanensis Praenestiensis and Albanensis There are also assigned for the government of the same Churches 28. Cardinals namely by the title of the holy Crosse of Ierusalem by the title of S. Iohn and Paul by the title of S. Stephen in Celio-Monte by the title of S. Susanna by the title of S. Peter by the title of S. Prisca by the title of S. Siriack by the title of S. Marcellus by the title of S. Balbina by the title of S. Grisogoni S. Marcellinus and Peter S. Anastasia S. Clem●nt S. Potentiana S. Martin on the Mountaines S. Praxedis S. Marcus S. Laurence S. Mary S. 4 or Coronatorum S. Sabina S. Nereus and Archileus S. Sixitus S. Eusebius S. Vitalis the 12. Apostles Church S. Laurentius and S. Cecilia unto which are adjoyned 18. Cardinals as Deacons Without the Citty there are in Campania the Bishops Agnaninus Alatrinensis Fundanus Tiburtinus Sagninus Terracinensis Verulanus Feretinus Soranus Aquinus Moreover the Pope hath under him in other parts of the world foure Patriarchall Churches unto which all other Churches in the same parts are subject as the Church of Constantinopole of Alexandria of Antioch of Hierusalem ABRVZZO AND TERRA DI LAVORO A PART of the Kingdome of NAPLES IN this Table two Countries of the Kingdome of Naples are to be described Aprutium and Terra Laboratoris The former or Aprutium the Italians doe now call Abruzzo The bounds thereof on the West are the Sabinians and Picentians with the River Truentum on the North the Hadriatick Sea on the South the Picentinians Campanians Martians Aequicolians dwelling on every side of the Apennine Mountaine The Country hath a very wholesome ayre and is very populous pleasant and commodious toward the Sea but the inward parts are Mountainous Besides other commodities it hath abundance of Saffron and it breedeth great store of Cattell The chiefe Citty of this Country is Aquila They report that the Langbards did build it and afterward Charles Martell or as some thinke the Emperour Frederick the second did wall it and fortifie it and did call it Aquila or Eagle because the Emperours Standard had an Eagle in it And this Citty in short time was so much enlarged that it is now the principall Citty in all this Country Moreover there are the Townes Guastum or Amontum in Italian Guasto di Amone which Pliny and Mela call Histon●um and Ptolemy Istodium without an aspiration Laucianum is a famous Mart-towne whether every yeere in the Moneths of May or August Italians Inluricians Sicilians Graecians Asians and Merchants from other parts of the world doe come to traffick Soulmoon which Ptolemy calleth Sulmo and Strabo Soulmon is now called Sulmona as Leander witnesseth and some doe call it Sermona It is a faire Citty both for beauty populousnesse and abundance of waters and famous because Ovid was borne here Chieti commonly called Civita Cheto is an Archiepiscopall Citty Asculum is an ancient Citty which Antoninus calleth Asculum and Pliny calleth it the noble Colonie of Picenum It standeth in a plaine open soyle being well fortified with strong walls On one side there is a high Mountaine with a Castle seated on it on the other side it is fortified with the River Truentus It is called now by a more fortunate and auspicious name Beneventum though at first it were called Maleventum from the rushes which it suffered a malo Vento or from evill fierce windes It is commonly called Beneventi This Citty hath a very convenient and pleasant situation and an excellent fruitfull soyle round about it Sora is neere unto the River Lirus being populous and adorned with the title of a Dukedome There is also the Towne which Ptolemy calls Aquinus where the great Philosopher Thomas Aquinas was borne It retaineth still that name but it is almost fallen downe yet the ruines doe shew the ancient largenesse thereof and it hath the title of a Country I omit the description of the other Townes for brevity sake The Rivers here are Phinternus ABRVZZO· ABRUZZO et Terra di LOVORO which devideth Samnium from Apulia commonly called Fortore The Fountaine whereof issueth out of the Mountaine Tifernus not farre from Bovianum And it dischargeth it selfe into the Hadriatick Sea neere the Lesinensian Lake There are also Trintus which Pliny noteth is full of Havens also Asinella Sentus Sangrus There are also the Rivers Morus Feltrinus Pescara Aternus Rafentus Orta Liberata Salmus Plumba Vomanus Turdin●s and others Moreover there are also among the Samnites Mountaines so high that they doe exceed the Apennine Mountaines Among which is the Virgins Mountaine famous for S. Maries Church which is built thereon Majella is a very great Mountaine having a very difficult ascent and full of rugged cliffes and Rockes The top of it is continually coverd with Snow yet it hath many greene Meddowes and it sendeth forth many Rivers and hath very spacious woods which are full of wilde beasts especially Beares and it hath many rugged cliffes There are also the tops of the Apennine which they call Montes Tremuli or the trembling Mountaines Terra di Lavoro THis Contry is now called Terra Laboris or Terra di Lavoro that is the Land of labour It was heretofore called Campania The bounds thereof as we may see in Strabo Ptolemy and others are on the west the River Lirus and Latium on the North the Samnitian Mountaines on the East the River Silarus which parteth it from Lucania and a part of the Samnitians Country on the South the Tyrrhene Sea Truely Campania is Campus or a Field into which nature hath powred forth of her owne bosome all the delights pleasures and delicacies which any place can affoord So that it may bee rightly called the Paradise of Italy for fertility and fruitfulnesse Divers people did heretofore governe this Country which Strabo mentioneth Lib. 5. and Pliny Lib. 3. Cap. 5. as namely the Opicians Ausonians Oscians Cumanians Tuscians and Samnites whom the Romanes last of all subdued So much briefely in generall concerning Campania now I come to a more particular description thereof and first of the Citties The Metropolis or mother Citty of Campania and the Kingdome of Naples is called in Coynes Neapolis or Naples Which name it still retaineth and is commonly called Neapolis It taketh up a great space of ground being magnificently built betweene the Sea and the foote of the pleasant Hills being fortified with Bulwarks Townes and Castles by Charles the fifth so that it is now impregnable It hath Ditches which are 80. feete deepe 8. Gates and spacious Market-places There are great store of common Condiutes out of which the water is conveied thorow an hundred Pipes The figure of it is long and it
nothing and when they are 8. yeeres old 50. of the handsomest and hopefullest of them are placed in the Emperours Palace at Constantinople which is called Saray and there they are instructed in learning and rudiments of warre untill they have attained to 20. yeeres of age Out of these beside other Officers of the Court the Janitzaries are chosen of whom there are 12000. who are the Turkes Garde Out of the Janitzaries 3000. Spachoglani are chosen who goe on the Princes right hand and doe every one keepe 4. or 5. Horses for service Hemus is a very high wood so that from the top thereof you may behold the Euxine and Adrian Sea The Inhabitants of this Country are yellow of complexion long hayrd couragious fierce and cruell they are great drinkers and doe love Wine GREECE VVHICH CONTAINETH THESE CHIEFE COVNTRIES ALBANIA MACEDON EPIRE ACHAIA and MOREA GREECE followes which is a famous Country of Europe and the Fountaine and mother of learning The Inhabitants did call it Hellas But these that doe now inhabite it doe call it Romechi and the Turkes Haromeli Leunclavius calleth it Rumelia and the 70. Interpreters Ihobel and Iava But Greece hath severall bounds assignd it It reacheth properly from Ep●e by the River Achelous On the East it hath the Aegean Sea and thus Greece is properly bounderd Which Pliny doth intimate who saith that Greece beginneth from the Istmus and againe he saith that Gre●ce is joyned to Peloponesus with a short neck of ground Sometimes also Pel●ponesus and Thessalia are comprehended in Greece So L. Aemilius Paulus when he travaild thorow Greece he went to Delphos thorow Thessaly from thence to Lebadia then to Chalcides afterward to Aulides and from thence to Athens then to Corinth Sicyon Argos Epidaurus Lacedemon Megalopolis Olympia and so having travelled thorow Greece he returned to Amphipolis Homer calleth the Phtiotae onely Graecians Herodotus maketh a difference betweene the Thracians and Pelasgans But now we call Greece all the Country which lyeth Westward and is washed with the Jonian Sea on the South with the Libian Sea on the East with the Aegean on the North it is parted from Thrace Mysia and Dalmatia This Country did heretofore excell other parts of Europe both for the temper of the climate and fertility and Heards of Cattell This is that Country which flourished along time and was a famous Empire for Learning Arts and warlike Discipline It was first free but while it affected Sove●●●nty over others it was it selfe brought into servitude for now it is under the Turkes Dominion And heretofore Cyrus afterward Xerxes and other Kings of Persia did vexe it Afterward the Macedons governd it and then the Romanes after the division of their Empire it was subject to Constantinople untill the Gothes the Bulgarians and Sarazens did waste and destroy it and now last of all the Turke hath brought it all into miserable servitude except some Ilands which are subject to the Venetian namely Cor●yra Cephalenia Zacynthus Crete and other little Ilands Greece had heretofore many flourishing Citties as Athens La●●demon Delphos Argis Mycenis Corinth and many others the most of which are ruinate and decayd Here are 32. great Rivers as Strymon Chabrius Eched●us A●●●s ●rigo● Lydius Alia●m●n GREECE· GRAECIA Pha●ybus Feneus Spe●chius Pa●yassus Apsus Lous Celidnus Thyamus A●h●r●n ●●a●h●hus A●h●lous Ev●●us Ilissas As●pus Ism●nus Cephisus ●oag●●us ●●●us Sus Peneus Alphejus Selas Pa●ysius Eurotas and ●nachus The Sea● are called the Jonian Sea from Ionia who was a Queene in the farthest parts of Italy as Soli●us affirmeth or as Archidamus thinketh from I●nius a King of the Illyrians or from the Jonians who were drownd in passing that Sea It was called before the Cronian and Rhaean Bay and the Cretian from the I le Creete as ancient Writers doe witn●●se it is now called Mar di Candia or the Gandian Sea There is also the Carpathiam Sea so called from the Iland Carpathus which lyeth by the Easterne Promontory of Creete The Aegaean Sea as Fest●● and others doe write was so called from Aegeus the Father of Thel●us who cast himselfe into it I omit other opinions Valerius Flaceus calleth it Aego● and Aegeon Thu●ydides calleth it the Greeke Sea and the ●ropeans doe call it by a Greeke name Archipelagus The Turkes call it the white Sea The Romanes did heretofore call this Sea by two names as Pliny witnesseth namely all that which touched Maced●n and 〈◊〉 the Macedonian Sea and that which touched Greece the Graecian Sea Ptolemy calls it Myrtoum or the Myrtoan Sea being a p●●● of the Aegean which beareth on Caria a Country of Asia the less● C●staldus calleth it Mar d● Mandria Strabo Pliny and others doe place it betweene Pel●ponesus and Attica It was so called from Myrthus the Sonne of Mercury who as Solinus and Isodorus report was cast into this Sea by O●n●maus or as Pliny thinketh from a small Iland situate not farre from the Towne Carystum The most doe call it the Icarian Sea from the fable of Icarus It is now called Mar di Nicaria as Cast●ldus writeth It hath also divers Mountaines as Bertiscus Athos Olympus Ossa Pelion Citerius Othris Oeta Pindus Aroceraunij Stimphe Calidromus Carax Pa●nassus Hel●●on Cithaeron Himettus Stimph●lus Pholoe Cr●●us Zarex Minthe Taigetus and others Moreover Athens famous for Arts and Disciplines was in Greece So that Diodorus Siculus calleth it the common Schoole Cicero Lib. 4. Epist Famil calleth it the famousest University of Europe whether Romanes and other Nations did repaire to study Philosophy and the Greeke tongue Cicero doth often commend Greece for Arts Eloquence good wits and plentifull speech so that the Romanes got the knowledge of Philosophy and other Arts and Sciences from them And Flaccus singeth thus Graijs ingenium Graijs dedit ore rotundo Musa loqui The Muses gave the Graecians wit And eloquence of speech to it GREECE hath yeelded these famous Schollers Nus●us the Poet Solon Socrates the Prince of Philosophers Xenophon Plato Isocrates Demosthenes Thucidides and many others Concerning the Graecians religion Idolatry raigned amongst them so that they had an infinite number of Gods and Goddesses Augustine Lib. 3. of the Citty of God affirmeth according to Varros opinion that the Romans and Graecians together had above 3000. gods of which there were 300. Iupiters Every one had his Lar or Houshold god And they had Tutelary gods for every affection of the minde and for defence and protection from danger and every god had distinct and peculiar Ceremonies Prayers Priests Sacrifices and Offerings The common people doe not now keepe their ancient fashions For they let their haire grow long and doe onely cut the forepart of their haire and doe weare a double thicke Hat They use but little houshold stuffe as the Turkes neither doe they lye on Fether-beds but on Flock-beds or Beds stuffed with Wooll or Toe They never mingle any wine with water and women are not present at their drinking feasts and meetings
time being not vexed so much with windes and high Seas as the civell dissentions of the Castellanians and Portugals After hee sayled some dayes Southward hee came to the Promontory of the holy Crosse Here one of his Ships runne a shore but the Men Ordnance and fraight was saved Afterward when he observed that the shore did bend a little from the South Eastward hee began to bee in hope of reaching the Straites And on the 26. of November this narrow passage was discover'd into which Magellan with foure other Ships entred Here they thought good to stay in a certaine Bay and to send 3. Ships before to ●ound the passage and to make discovery One of the Ships in which was Alvarus Meschita having past thorow stood out to Sea againe and so directing their course Northward it was brought first to Aethiopia and afterward to Spaine and 8. moneths after they had left their company Alvarus was brought before Charles King of Castile as a Captive The third Ship made report that it was a straite narrow Sea by observing the flowing and ebbing of the Sea It was the Moneth of November and the night was five houres long the shore on the right hand and the left or the Starbord and Larbord shore was very solitary and no creature to be seene but that on the left side they saw a great fire And this was the cause why they called that Country Terra del Fuego and they supposed that the Inhabitants had discoverd them Magellan having left 2. Ships in this manner he furnished the other according as was fitt for the present occasion and discovering all as he went two and twenty dayes after he entred the Bay or Straite he was brought into another Sea which for the quiet peaceablenesse thereof he called Mar del Zur or Mare P●cificum that is the peaceable Sea But this Straite being environd on every side with high Rocks is 120. miles long or according to others 76. miles the breadth of it is not equall and very different for sometimes it is 2. or 3. miles broad and sometimes 10. or 5. and where it is narrowest it is a mile broad The Northerne Sea on the East side is carried betweene the Straites of either land 70. miles and more where it mingleth with the Southerne Sea on the West side winding thorow those Promontories it meeteth with the Northerne Sea where their Waves meete very violently and with a great noise so that all the Sea is coverd with froth The Southerne Sea doth flow and ebbe more gently for the Westerne part of the Bay being very deepe and broader● affordeth a quieter passage to the Sea when it floweth But the Easterne part of the Straites is full of Flats and Sands and many Ilands which causeth the raging and troublesomenesse of the Seas on either Shore there are high trees Moreover when Magellan had layne halfe a yeere in these Southerne parts hee viewed and discoverd nothing but the shoares but the innermost parts of the Country remained unknowne but yet it is manifest that that part which lyeth Southward is most of it a Mountainous Woodly Country and hath Snow continuall upon it Some say blue Snow hath beene found here which I leave to others judgement Magellan called this Southerne Land del Fugo from the fire or fires for when he discoverd these Straites he saw no mortall creature but he often beheld in the night time many great fires as we said before on the left hand But the Southerne Land on the West side doth looke toward both the Iavas Summatra and the Molucco's on the East it hath Affrick and the Aethiopian Ocean on the North it hath the Straites of the Magellan Bay and the Land of the Patagons The Country on either shore is barren and unfruitful but yet it hath great strange unknowne Trees Here are at all times great store of Pinguines Cormorants and Sea-calfes For the Pinguines come hither in the moneth of September and doe hatch their young ones in October In the Moneth of Aprill they flie to the Sea and after they are gone there commeth great store of Cormorants They are called Pinguines apirguedine from their fatnesse the old one doe weigh 13.14 or 16. pounds the younger 8. or 12. pound They are black on the backe and white on the belly and they have a Milke white circle round about their neck Their backs are like the Sea Calves and as thicke as a Hogge which you cannot pierce with a Speare Their Bill is bigger than a Crowes bill but not crooked Their necke is thicke and short Their bodies are as bigge as a fat Goose but not so broad They have no wings in stead whereof they have two pinnions coverd with feathers which hang downe like wings which doe make them swim wonderfull fast They live by Fish for they are Water-Fowle They goe straite upright with those pinnions hanging downe They have black feete like Geese but not so broad If any pursue them they will cry with a voyce like a man Mergus or the Cormorant is so called by Varro Lib. 4. concerning the Latine tongue because mergendo se in aquam captat escam he getteth his food by diving into the water unto whom Ovid in his Metamor Lib. 11. concerning Aesacus the sonne of Priam doth assent where he singeth thus THE STRAITES OF MAGELLAN· FRETUM Magellani Aequor ama● nomenque manet quia mergitur illi Hee loves the Sea and keepes that name Because he dives into the same And though divers kindes of Water-fowle doe the same yet the ancient Latines did call this kinde of Bird onely Mergus or a Cormorant which the Greekes doe call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Italians Corvo Marino the Germanes Tu●her and the English doe call a Cormorant Turner an Englishman saith that this Bird is as bigge as a Goose of a browne colour having a long Bill and crooked in the end flat footed heavie bodyed the shape of her body when she standeth upright is like a Bird sitting Pliny writeth that she buildeth her Nest in Trees but Aristotle saith upon the Sea Rocks Ovid calleth that Bird which hath long legges and a great throat a Cormorant for he saith Longa internodia crurum Longa manet cervix caput est a corpore longe His Thighs and Neck both long are His Head is from his body farre The Cormorants contrary to all other Birds have their feete under their tayle so that when they stand on the ground they beare their breasts strait upright as men doe as the Author of the Booke of naturall matters writeth Pliny calleth Phoca Phooke and the Sea-calfe Albertus also calleth it the Sea Wolfe and otherwhiles the Sea Dog the Germanes call Ein meer Kalb and the English call it a Seale It doth Bay like a Calfe his tongue is cloven into two parts his teeth are like Sawes and his hinder feete like the tayles of Fishes it hath a small tayle which is coverd
enforced on the mountaines high The French-mens quick resisting force to trie Yea this same Citie valiantly sustain'd The Visigothian siege and honour gain'd Nor could the English furious attempt Oppresse it when to take it they were bent And after threescore yeares were past the Towne And wals thereof decayed there were showne Many strange Reliques which most ancient were For some the face of Senatours did beare And quick-silver even by the Pensils Art Or by Perillus skill did there impart Much grace unto the halfe-consumed eyes Of the dead statue which unmoved lyes Moreover for the wals on Southerne side A Lionesse in shape may bee espi'd Who folding two whelps with her crooked feete Hath these three Verses underneath her writ The Lionesse doth cruell Dukes bring forth and also crowne The madde and wilie off-spring doth this nurse oppressing frowne But suffers underneath the weight wherewith hee 's pressed downe SANTONIA OR LE PAIS DE XAINGTONGE THE ECCLESIASTIC ALL STATE Santonia hath a Bishoprick namely of XAINTOGNE SANTONIA called commonly Le Pays de Xaintogne or Xaintongeois and by the ancient Inhabitants the Santones the Marshalship of Guienna hath on the North Poictou on the East Limosin and Perigort on the South the River Garumna and on the West the Ocean where are the Islands commonly called Les Isles d' Oleron in which there are great store of Cunnies and Hares Heretofore the boundes of Santonia were larger which wee may collect out of the Author of the Ephemerides concerning the French warre who writeth that it reached almost to the borders of Tholous and that in the great warre against Caesar the Councell of the Princes of France did command that twelve thousand men should bee levied out of it when eight thousand onely were levyed out of Poictou and ten thousand out of Lemosin The Countrey of Santonia doth abound with Corne and Wine and it is counted one of the best Countries in France as sending forth many commodities into Spaine England and other Countries The Santones were formerly seated heere for Caesar with others mentioneth them lib. 1. de Bello Gallic In some of his Bookes they are called Xantones In his second Booke hee cals them Santoni and lib. 3. de Bell. Civili Santonae Strabo calleth them Santonoi and Ptolemie Santoones as Stephanus writeth The chiefe Citie of this Countrie is Santonum which in the native Language is called Saintes by a plurall termination as all the other French Townes which end in S namely Paris Rheims and others It was built by the ancient French-men and no doubt but that Towne which was anciently called Mediolanum is this Xantonum or Santonum for Antoninus cals it Mediolanum Santonum the Itinerarie Table corruptly cals it Mediolanum Saneon and Strabo and Ptolemie call it Mediolanon Besides there are divers things which shew the antiquity thereof as first many pieces of ancient wals standing heere and there also famous Amphitheaters without the wals toward the West thirdly in the Bridge over the River Caroutonum or Charente which floweth by the Citie there is an old arch with a double inscription on one side whereof there are these words Caesari Nep. Divi Iulii Pontifici Auguri on the other are some letters which are almost worne out so that nothing can be gathered from them Lastly there are many ruines of an Aquaeduct in the high way from Mediolanum to Angeriacum This Citie is called Santonus by Ausonius in his 23 Epistle as also by Lucan if I bee not mistaken lib. 1. And the same Ausonius calleth the people Santones Epist 14. and 18 as also Tacitus lib. 5. hist August and Sidonius Apollinaris lib. 7. Epist 6. It was called Mediolanum for that the French-men as T. Livius doth witnesse did build it in the Countrie of the Insubres or Mediolanenses which is very likely that I may not say certaine with Causabone If Strabo had more diligently considered and beheld the Countrie lying round about this Citie hee would not have said that it is sandie and barren but that it is rich and fruitfull The Citie is situated by the fertile River Carantonum which riseth in a place commonly called Charemac betweene the Townes Limoges and Angoulesme It is an Episcopall Citie whereof Belleforrestius numbreth 63 Prelates S. Eutropius was the first being sent thither by S. Clement And hee after hee had converted this people to the Ecclesiasticall Faith suffered Martyrdome under the Emperour Domitian The last is called by Belleforestius Tristamus Bisetus or Tristand de Biset There is in this Citie the Monasterie of the Friars of the blessed Virgin founded by Godfry Earle of Santonia and his wife Agnes Anno 1047. The thirtieth Bishop of Santonum being called Petrus Confoulanti did build and reedifie the Bishops house in the yeare 1102 and caused the wals of the Cathedrall Church to bee repaired After Mediolanum or as some Latine Writers doe call it Santonia followes Rupella called in their Language la Rochelle This seemeth by the description of Ptolemie to be called Zantonoon akron or Promontorium Santonum but it is called by Villanovanus Blaye which is interpreted Santonum Portus This Citie is seated in the most fertile part of all France neere the Bay of the Sea which hath twice a day the Sea ebbing and flowing in it It is not ancient but lately built by the Kings of France in regard of the commoditie of the Haven and to represse the invasions of Pirates who did waste the whole coast of Armorica The conveniencie of the Haven here is so great that the Citizens may have commerce with all Nations of Europe and wage warre both by Sea and Land against their enemies for it is capable of many ships it hath a great conveniencie for their going in and comming out and is a safe and excellent harbour for them This Citie is thought to be impregnable by the strength of man for a great Bay of the Ocean doth fortifie the South side thereof the North side the marishes and boggie places commonly called Salantes doe strengthen and the other parts are fortified with wals ditches towres and strong Forts which have severall names so that no Ordnance or Cannon can make a breach into it It is a free Citie which former Princes and others have adorned with many and great immunities and priviledges and especially those which belong to Sea affaires for the Citizens chuse a Maior and Aldermen out of their owne Corporation which governe the Citie and they are not compell'd to admit of any forreine government neither are they kept in awe by any Garrison of SANTONIA XAINTONGE Souldiers Rochelle did sustaine a grievous seige in the 1573 by Henry of Valois Duke of Anjou and afterward King of Poland and France of whom all Historiographers doe make mention In this siege he did use the thunder and lightning of Ordnance both by Sea and Land as also furious assaults stormes of shot scaling Ladders underminings and all manner of engines which could
bee invented or used And on the besieged side you might have seene men women and children with great courage of minde sustaine the furious assaults of their enemies and with constancie and cheerfulnesse repaire the ruines of the wals keepe down those that would have ascended up drive back their enemies to their trenches pursue them and at last fight it out for the most part with good successe Moreover you might have beheld them wearying the besiegers with daily sallying out upon them and lastly subsisting after nine assaults in which though their enemies did fight valiantly yet they were enforced to retire with great losse At length the Ambassadours of Polonia comming the 15 of Iune that they might bring with them Henry Duke of Anjou whom the States of the Kingdome had chosen for King God used this as a meanes to free Rochelle being now exhausted and drawne drie of Corne and being weakned in warlike fortifications besides the losse of many thousand men for now the King by Articles of peace confirmed by his royall solemne edicts did grant that Rochelle Montalban Nemansum and other Cities which did defend themselves should bee free to use their owne Religion such an event had this grievous siege which endured almost for seven moneths In which time more than twentie thousand men perished in conflicts sallies besieges by wounds hunger and sicknesse Rochelle is a constant Seate for presidiall Senatours and other Lawyers The other Cities Townes of note in Santonia are commonly called S. ●ean d' Angely Ponts or Pont l' Oubleze Blaye Taillebourg Borbesieux Brovage and Iosac S. Iean d' Angely otherwise called Angeliacum and S. Ioannes de Angeria is a new Citie although it be one of the speciallest and greatest of all Santonia It renewed its name from an Abbey which was built in that place to the honour of S. Iohn the Baptist the foundation whereof happened to be in the reigne of King Pipin who kept his Court in the Pallace of Angeria neere the River commonly called Boutonne in the Countrie of Alnia for hither as they say came certaine Monkes out of the Holy Land who brought with them the head of S. Iohn Baptist by whose comming the King obtained a famous victorie over his enemies and therefore in remembrance thereof hee built in that place where was the Pallace of Angeria the Abbey of Saint Iohn there placing religious men and endowing them with great revenues that they might there devote themselves to the service of God now by this meanes people flocking thither and building round about the Abbey by degrees it began to be a Citie as it is now at this day and was called by the name of S. Iohn All these things happened about the yeare of our Lord seven hundred sixtie eight while Pipin waged warre against Gaifer King of Aquitania whom hee overcame as it may bee read in the Historie of the Foundation of this Abbey This Citie the Duke of Andegavium or Aniou did besiege in the yeare 1569 and it was yeelded to him after 50 dayes siege the King granting the Citizens th●se conditions That they should march forth of the Citie with their Armour Horses and Colours displayed Santonia raiseth great store of money by its Corne which the Spaniards every yeare doe transport from thence or Merchants which fell it unto them And the Citie of Rochelle is very rich in regard of its neerenesse to the Sea and especially because of the traffick of the English and Dutch whose shipping doe often arrive there AQVITANIA AQVITANIA whose Southerne part is delineated in this Table some would have so called from the waters wherewith it doth abound and some derive it from the Towne Aquis or Aqs. It was extended according to Ptolemie from the Pyrenaean Mountaines even to Liger But now as Ortelius witnesseth from the River Garumna to the Ocean and the Pyrenaean Hils Towards the North-West it hath the Ocean which is called the Aquitanick Bay on the West Spaine on the North Gallia Lugdunensis and on the South Gallia Narbonensis In it according to Mercators account there are five Dukedomes twentie Counties and sixe Seigniories The Dukedomes are Vasconia or Guienna Avernia the Countrie of Engoulesme Berrie and Turonia Vasconia or Guienna being situated neere the Sea betweene Bayon and Burdeaux yeeldeth great store of wine which is transported from thence into other parts of Europe The chiefe Citie in it is Burdigala or Burdeaux the other Cities as Nerac Condom Mirande Nogerat Orthes Bazes and Dax are of no great note yet Dax is famous for her hot Fountaines Salt-pits and Iron-mettle Burdigala so called by Ptolemie is situated in a marsh which the overflowing of Garumna maketh and is adorned both with a Parliament and an University in which the Professours of all Arts and Sciences doe instruct Youth Avernia or the Dutchie of Avergne is partly a plaine and partly a mountainous Countrie It hath on the East Forest on the South Languedock on the West Quercy Perigort and Lemosin and on the North Berry and Bourbon Avernia is two-fold the Higher and the Lower The Higher which is called Le hault pays d' Avergne and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Avernia hath one prime Citie in it called S. Flour being seated on a high Rock the other Townes are commonly called Orillac Carlatum Muratum Buillons le Puy c. There is also in it the Territorie and Bayliwick of Beaucaire The Lower is rich and very fertile being full of excellent Wine Fruit Honey Saffron Cattell Wooll Medowes and Woods The Metropolis of it is Clarimontium commonly called Clermont It is proude of her Castle and is a Bishops Seate The other Cities or Townes are 13 in number of which Rion Monferrat and Isoire doe excell the rest Engoulesme on the North joyneth to Poictou on the West to Santonia on the South to Perigort and on the East to Lemosin It hath abundance of very good Wine fruit and Hempe The Metropolis of it is Inculisma now called Engoulesme being an ancient Citie It is seated on a hill which hangeth over the River Charente in a remote place from the Kings high way The lesser Towns are those which are commonly called Marton Chasteau Neuff Blaisac Chabannes Confollant Cuffec Aigres Gourville la Roche-Foucault Marveil Lanzac Villebois Momberon and Bouteville Concerning the Countrie of Berry wee will speake in a Table by it selfe Turonia commonly called Touraine beginneth somewhat beyond the Citie Amboise towards Belsia and endeth at the towne which is commonly called la Chapelle Blanche AQVITANIA AQUITANIA being subject in spirituall matters to the Bishops of Anjou and Chousai For they appoint and set downe limits betweene the Turonians and Andigavians The sweetnesse of the Ayre doth make this pleasant country more delightfull so that it is called the Garden and Orchard of France It is fruitfull in Wine and Corne and hath woods convenient to hunt in The Metropolis or