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A05269 The copie of a letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine declaring the state of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others. This letter, although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by good hap, the copies therof aswell in English as in French, were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a seminarie priest, who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas. Whereunto are adioyned certaine late aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish nauie, aswell in fight with the English nauie in the narrow seas of England, as also by tempests, and contrarie winds, vpon the west, and north coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the northerne isles beyond Scotland. Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598.; Leigh, Richard, 1561?-1588, attributed name.; Mendoza, Bernardino de, 1540 or 41-1604. 1588 (1588) STC 15413; ESTC S108408 47,041 60

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of the Iesuites that more care and choice be had of such English men as are hereafter to be sent into England and not to send euery yong man that hath more boldnesse then learning and temperance for such a function In the former part of this my declaration to you of the vniuersall concurrence of all men of value wealth and strength in the body of the Realme to serue and defend the Quéene the Realme I forgot to report vnto you the great numbers of Ships of the subiectes of the Realme as of London and other port townes and cities that voluntarily this yeare were armed able to make a full Nauie of themselues for an armie all at the proper costes of the Burgesses for certain moneths with men victuall and munition which did ioyne with the Quéenes owne Nauie all this Sommer a thing neuer in any former age heard of otherwise then that such ships were alwayes hired waged victualled by the Kings of the Realme which argued to the griefe of me and some others a most vehement and vnaccustomed affection deuotion in the Cities and port townes such as they shewed them selues therein ready to fight as it had bene pro aris focis Of the number and strength of the Quéenes owne ships of warre I thinke you haue bene sufficiently enfourmed many times heretofore But yet I will make you a true report of the state of them this present Sommer what I haue credibly heard thereof because I haue bene very sory to heare how you others haue bene therein abused and that not onely in this matter of the Quéenes ships but in some other things also of late whereof some part hath bene here by very many maliciously and in common spéeches imputed to your owne inuention and publication whereof in a few wordes I will make some digression before I shall shewe the estate of the Quéenes Nauie In this Sommer past there was Printed in Paris by your direction as it was reported a notable vntruth which I did sée reade that the King of Scots had besieged Barwicke and had won it by assault and possessed it quietly whereof no part was true nor any cause to imagine the same though I wish it had so bene but not for any good will that I now beare to that King but for the trouble to this Quéene For in truth there is no good for vs to be hoped for from the King of Scots howsoeuer the Scottish Bishops in France haue sought to make you beléeue otherwise who is so rooted in the Caluinists Religion as there is neuer hope that he can be recouered to the church of Rome and so I thinke you are of late duely enfourmed and by his violent actions against diuers Catholiques against all that fauour the Spaniards may certainly appeare And likewise another great vntruth was lately Printed as your enemies say by your direction also in Paris that now in Iuly last when the Spanish Fléete and English had met and fought betwixt France and England the Spaniards had then a great victorie wherein they had sonke the Lord Admirall of England with sixtéene of the Quéenes great ships into the bottome of the Seas and that all the rest were driuen to flie with the Uice admirall Frances Drake Upon these two so notable vntruthes which the Aduersaries spitefully called Don Bernardin Mendozas mendacia many who honour you were right sory that you should giue so hastie credite to publish the same as your enemies say you did though I haue to my power for cléering of you honour giuen it out that these and such like haue procéeded of the lightnes of the Frēch who cōmonly Print more lies then truths in such doubtfull times and not of you whose honour and wisedome I thought would not be iustly touched with so great vntruthes and lies considering alwayes a small time will discouer things that are in facts reported vntruly and bringeth the Authours to discredit and infamy There hath béene a spéech also reported here to haue procéeded from you in France that hath caused a great misliking of you in Scotland which is that you should in open assembly and in a brauery say that the young King of Scots whom you called in your language a boy had deceiued the King your master but if the Kings Nauy might prosper against England the King of Scots should loose his Crowne and of this the King of Scots hath bene aduertised out of France and vseth very euill language of you which I will not report But now to leaue this digression and to returne to let you know the truth of the state of the Quéens Nauy this Sommer The same was in the beginning of the yeare when the brute was brought of the readines of the Kings Armada in Lisbone and of the Army by land vpon the Sea coasts in Flanders with their shipping deuided into thrée companies the greatest vnder the charge of Charles L. Haward high Admirall of England whose father grandfather vncles great vncles and others of his house being of the noble house of the Dukes of Norfolke had also bene high Admirals afore him wherof both France and Scotland haue had proofe An other company were appointed to remaine with the L. Henry Seymour second son to the Duke of Somerset that was Protector in King Edwards time brother to the now Earle of Hartfort and these companies for a time continued in the Narrow seas betwixt England and Flanders vnder the charge of the said high Admirall to attend on the Duke of Parmas Actions A third company were armed in the West part of England towards Spaine vnder the conduct of Sir Francis Drake a man by name and fame knowne too too well to all Spaine and to the Kings Indias and of great reputation in England and this was compounded partly of some of the Quéenes owne ships and partly of the ships of the West parts But after that it was certainely vnderstood that the great Nauy of Spaine was ready to come out from Lisbone and that the fame therof was blowne abroad in Christendome to be inuincible and so published by bookes in print the Quéene and all her Counsel I am sure whatsoeuer good countenance they made were not a little perplexed as looking certainely for a daungerous fight vpon the Seas and after that for a landing and Inuasion Whereupon the Lord Admirall was commaunded to saile with the greatest ships to the West of England towardes Spaine to ioyne with Drake whom he made Viceadmiral to continue in the seas betwixt France and England to stop the landing of the Nauy of Spaine And with the Lord Admirall went in certaine of the Quéens ships the Lord Thomas Haward second sonne to the last Duke of Norfolke and the Lord Sheffeld sonne to the Admirals sister who is wife to the Quéenes Ambassadour in France with a great number of Knights of great liuelode And at that time
William Cecil of Edward Darcy Arthure Gorge and such others with the rehearsall of whom I do not comfort my selfe but only to shew you how farre we haue bene deceiued to thinke that we should haue had a partie here for vs when as we sée both by land and Sea all sorts of men were so readie of their owne charges without either commandement or entertainement to aduenture their liues in defence of the Quéene and the Realme And for the Earle of Huntingtons forces being Lieutenant Generall in the North it is reported that he hath put in readines for an Armie in Yorkshire and other Countries commonly limited to serue against Scotland to the number of fortie thousand well armed footemen and neare hand ten thousand horsemen to come to him if any occasion of Inuasion should be in the North partes to whom are ioyned with their forces thrée Lordes in the North the Lord Scroop Lord Darcy and Lord Euers There are also diuers other Lordes that are Lieutenants of Countries that haue in readinesse of their proper charges good numbers of horsemen As the Earle of Kent Lieutenant of Bedfordshire the L. Hunsdon Lord Chamberlaine Lieutenant of Norfolk and Suffolk the Lord Cobham Lieutenant of Kent the Lord Gray of Buckinghamshire the Lord North of Cambridgeshire Lord Chandos of Glocestershire Lord S. Iohn of Huntingtonshire Lord Buckhurst of Sussex and so by this particuler recital not vnméet for your knowledge it is to be noted what disposition the Nobilitie of the Realme had at this time to haue withstood all Inuasion And if percase you shall peruse your ordinary Catalogue of the grrat Lordes of the Realme you shal find that these are the substance of all the great Lords sauing thrée young Earles within age Rutland Southhampton and Bedford all thrée brought vp in peruerse religion And so remaineth to be spoken of the Earle of Arundel who is in the Tower for attempting to haue fled out of the Realme by prouocation of him that now is Cardinall Allen who howsoeuer he may be affected to the Catholique religion yet I heare most certainly that he offereth his life in defence of the Quéene against all the world And where accompt was made to haue a partie in this Realme which by these former relations appeare could not be possible the whole Nobilitie being assured to the Quéene and the force of the people not violently bent that way In this very time was offered to the Quéene as great a partie for her to come to her seruice and defence of the Realme as out of all Christendome she could not haue to all respects a stronger Which was the King of Scots who hearing of the intended Inuasion of the Realme sent a Gentlemā to the Quéene with his letter as I credibly heard to offer her all the power that he had to defend her her Realme and if she so would he would come in his owne person and hazard his owne life to defend this Realme against all Inuaders for Religion or any other pretence whatsoeuer So by this you may sée what accompt may be made of any vayne promises made in the name of this King And because you shall perceiue that I haue good meanes to haue intelligence of any other forces of the Realme for defence thereof it is most certaine as I heare and I haue séene a List or Rol of a great number both of horsemen and footmen which the Bishops of the Realme haue of their owne charges with the cōtribution of the Clergy raised vp in Bandes of horsemen and footmen which are to be led by Noble Gentlemen at the Quéenes nomination and these Bandes must be vaynely termed Milites Sacri As to the last point of the thrée foundations of the principal hope conceiued whereupon the Inuasion was chiefly grounded and taken in hand which was most certainly and generally beléeued that there should be found here in the Realme a strong partie of Catholiques against the Quéene to ioyne and assist the Inuaders vpō the appearing of the Spanish Nauie by my former relations of the generall great feruent loue of the people towardes the Quéene and of the great offers of seruice now made by the whole Nobilitie of the Realme this their foundation may appeare to haue bene wrong laied onely by imaginations as it were vpon a quick sand or rather as flying in the aire And yet it appeareth very truely that no small accompt was made hereof by the King of Spaine and by his principall Ministers for there is nothing at this present more vniuersally with one lamentable voyce spoken of by all the multitude of the Spaniardes now here prisoners yea by the chiefest of them then that they now euidently sée that the King their Maister was with such informatiōs greatly abused yea rather betrayed For they say there was no mā of value in all this Army but he heard it constantly affirmed and so deliuered for comfort of all that serued therein before they were shipped that they should not be afrayed of any resistance to land in England for that there was good assurance geuen to the King that they should finde a strong Armie of Catholiques ready in their fauour assoone as euer their Nauie should be séene vpon the Sea coast so they all here say they were incouraged to come to this iourney otherwise many of them sweare they would neuer haue come on shipbord so vnlikely they say it was and against all reason to Inuade a Realme with opinion to conquere it without both some title of right and a partie also but specially without a good sure partie And therefore now finding this report very false many of these prisoners do by name curse you as being the Kinges Ambassadour as him they say who vpon the opinion of the knowledge which you had gotten in England was therein more credited then any other and had these many yeares together tempted the King their Maister vpon hope and other such like perswasions to attempt such a matter as this was being vtterly in all wisedome to haue bene condemned without some certaintie of this latter part specially to haue had a strong partie here They also curse all such Englishmen as haue fled out of this Countrie whom they spare not to call arrant Traitors for offring the sale of their Countrie to the Pope and the King of Spaine And these prisoners adde also that they were borne in hand that this Countrie was so open to march in and so weake to withstand any force and the people so miserable as they thought the Conquest thereof had bene of no more difficulty then the ouercomming of a nomber of naked Indians was at the beginning of the Conquest thereof by King Ferdinand And now for strength of this countrie and people many of these prisoners hauing bene brought from the Sea coastes hether to
inuincible so as some begin to say that this purpose by violence by blood by slaughter by conquest agréeth not with Christes doctrine nor the doctrine of S. Peter or S. Paule And to tell your Lordship truly I finde presently a great number of wise and deuout people though they continue in their former religion yet do they secretely condemne this intended reformation by blood and force Insomuch that I heard a good diuine alledge a textout of S. Gregorie in these words Quid de Episcopis qui verberibus timeri volunt Canones dicunt benè paternitas vestra nouit pastores sumus nō percussores Noua enim est predicatio quae verberibus exigit fidem This sentence I obtained of him because it séemeth to be charitably written But leauing this authoritie among Doctors I must néedes say that in very trueth no one thing hath done at this time more hurt to the action then the vntimely hasty publishing abroad in this Realme before this Armie of Spaine was readie to come foorth to the seas of sundrie things written and put in Print sent into this realme to notifie to the people that all the Realme should be inuaded and conquered that the Quéene should be destroied al the Nobilitie men of reputation of honour and wealth that did obey her and would defend her or that would withstand the Inuasion should be with all their families rooted out and their places their honours their houses and landes bestowed vpon the conquerers things vniuersally so odiously taken as the harts of all sorts of people were enflamed some with ire some with feare but all sortes almost without exception resolued to venture their liues for the withstanding of all maner of conquest wherewith euery body can say this Realme was not threatned these fiue hundreth yeares and more These reports were brought to this realme with good credit not in secret but in publique writings printings and tooke déepe roote in all kind of people of this land and in déede was of the more credit first by reason of a new Bull lately published at Rome by the Popes holines which I haue séene with more seueritie then other of his predecessours whereby the Quéene here was accursed and pronounced to be depriued of her Crowne the Inuasion and conquest of the Realme committed by the Pope to y e King Catholique to execute the same with his armies both by sea and land and to take the Crowne to him selfe or to limit it to such a Potentate as the Pope he should name And secondly there followed a large explanation of this Bull by sending hither a number of English bookes printed in Antwerp euen when the Nauy of Spaine was daily looked for the originall whereof was written by the reuerend father Cardinall Allen in Aprill last called in his owne writing the Cardinall of England which booke was so violently sharply and bitterly written yea say the Aduersaries so arrogantly falsly and slaunderously against the person of the Quéene against her father King Henrie the eight against all her Nobilitie and Counsell as in very truth I was heartily sory to perceiue so many good men of our owne religion offended therewith in that there should be found in one accompted a father of the Church who was also a borne subiect of this crowne though by the Aduersaries reported to be very basely borne such foule vile irreuerent and violent spéeches such ireful and bloody threatnings of a Quéene of a Nobilitie yea of the whole people of his owne nation Sory and most sory I am to report the generall cuill conceipt of these vnordinate and vnaduised procéedings of this Cardinall of whose rash choise to such a place the world speaketh strangely as though he came to it through corruption of the Popes sister without liking of the Colledge of Cardinals where otherwise the blessed intention of our holy Father and the desire also of the said Cardinall might without such fatall bloody premonitions and threatnings of future Inuasions and conquests by the Catholique Kings noble forces haue taken better place There was also to adde the more credite to these terrible prognostications such kind of other bookes printed in Spaine and translated into French as it is said by your Lorship containing particular long descriptions and catalogues of Armadas of Castile of Andaluzia of Biscaye of Guipusque of Portingall of Naples of Sicil of Ragusa and other Countries of the Leuant with a masse of all kinde of prouisions beyond measure for the said Armadas sufficient in estimation to be able to make conquest of many kingdomes or countries And one great Argument is published by the Aduersaries to stirre vp the mindes of the Nobilitie of England against the Spaniards which is very maliciously inuented to shew the intention of the conquest not only of England but of the whole Isle of Britaine mouing all men specially to marke by the descriptiō of the Armada that there are specially named such a number of Noblemen as Princes Marquises Condes and Dons that are called Aduenturers without any office or pay such another number also of men with great titles of honour and many of them named Captaines and Alferez without office but yet in sold and therefore called Entertenidos as all those being for no seruice in the Armada may be wel presumed say they to haue come to haue possessed the roomes of all the Noblemen in England and Scotland and this fiction hath taken more place then it is worth And though these armies were in déede excéeding great and mightie yet they were so amplified beyond all measure in these bookes as in no preparation of Christendome in former times against the Sarracins or Turks could be greater By this meanes this Queene and her realme being thus forewarned and terrified tooke occasion with the aide of her people being not onely firmely as she was perswaded deuoted to her but throughly irritated to stirre vp their whole forces for their defence against such prognosticated conquests as in a very short time all her whole Realme and euery corner were spéedily furnished with armed people on horsebacke and on foote and those continually trained exercised and put into Bands in warlike maner as in no age euer was before in this Realme Here was no sparing of money to prouide horse armour weapon powder and all necessaries no not want of prouision of Pioners carriages and victuals in euery Countie of the realme without exception to attend vpon the Armies And to this generall furniture euery man voluntarily offered very many their seruice personally without wages others money for armour and weapons and to wage souldiers a matter strange and neuer the like heard of in this realme or else where And this general reason moued all men to large contributions that to withstand a Conquest where all should be lost there was no time to spare a portion The numbers made ready in the Realme I cannot affirme of
mine owne knowledge but I haue heard it reported when I was gréeued to thinke the same to be so true that there was through England no quarter East West North and South but all concurred in one mynde to be in readines to serue for the Realme and that some one countrie was able to make a sufficient Armie of twentie thousand men fit to fight and fiftéene thousand of them well armed weaponed and in some countries the number of fortie thousand able men The maritime Countries from Cornewall all along the Southside of England to Kent and from Kent Eastward by Essex Suffolk and Norfolk to Lincolnshire which Countries with their Hauens were well described vnto you in perfect Plots when Francis Throgmorton first did treat with your Lordship about the same were so furnished of men of warre both of themselues with resort of aide from their next shires as there was no place to be doubted for landing of any forrein forces but there were within eight and fortie houres to come to the place aboue twentie thousand fighting mē on horsebacke and on foote with field ordinance victuals pioners and cariages and all those gouerned by the principal Noble men of the Countries and reduced vnder Captaines of knowledge And one thing I heard of that was very politikely ordered and executed at this time as of many late yeares was not vsed that as the Leaders officers of the particuler Bāds were men of experience in the warres so to make the Bands strong and constant choise was made of the principall Knights of all Countries to bring their renantes to the field being men of strength landed of wealth whereby all the forces of compounded were of a resolute disposition to sticke to their Lords and Chieftaines the Chieftaines to trust to their owne tenants And to remember one strāge spéech that I heard spoken may be marueiled at but it was auowed to me for a truth that one Gentlemā in Kent had a Band of one hundred fiftie footmen which were worth in goods aboue one hundred fiftie thousand pounds sterling besides their lands such men would fight stoutely before they would haue lost their goods and by likelihood at this time many other Bands were made of such principall men both of wealth and strength Of these thinges I am sory to haue cause to write in this sort because you may see how heretofore you haue bene deceiued with aduertisemēts of many which had no proofe to know the truth thereof and so I confesse my selfe in some thinges to haue erred namely in imagining that whēsoeuer any forreine power should be séene ready to land in any part of this Realme there would haue bene found but a small number resolute to withstand the same or to defend the Quéene but that the same would haue bene very vnable for the warres vntrained raw and ignorant in all warlike actions without sufficient armour and weapons and that also the Noble men and Gentlemē that were in this Realme of our Religion whereof you know we made accōpt when you were here in England of very many although many of thē be dead since that time but at this time there are not so many tens as we accompted hundreds whom we thought would haue shewed them selues like men of courage for our common cause and would haue sodenly surprised the houses families and strength of the heretiques and aduersaries But now such is our calamitie that it hath pleased God as I thinke for our sinnes or els for confounding of our bold opinions and presumptions of our owne strength to put in the hearts of all persons here one like mynde courage to withstand the intended Inuasion as well in such as we accompted Catholiques as also in the Heretiques so as it hath appeared manifestly that for all earnest procéeding for arming and for contributions of money and for all other warlike actions there was no difference to be séene betwixt the Catholique and the heretique But in this case to withstand the threatned conquest yea to defend the person of the Quéene there appeared such a sympathie concourse and consent of all sortes of persons without respect of Religion as they all appeared to be ready to fight against all strangers as it were with one heart and one body And though some few principall Gentlemen of whom heretofore you haue had the names in such Catalogues of Catholiques as you haue bene acquainted withall werelately vpon the report of the comming out of the Armie to the seas sent to the Isle of Ely there to remaine restrained of their former libertie during the expectation of this intended Inuasion yet it hath appeared that they were not so restrained for any doubt that they would with their powers haue assisted our Army but onely thereby to make it knowen to all our friends and countrimen in Spaine and Flaunders yea euen to your selfe for so I heard it spoken as accompting you to haue bene the most principall Author and perswader of this action that there should be no hope to haue any of them or of their fréends to assist these great Armies And in very truth I see now whosoeuer of our fréends in Spaine or in Flaunders or els where made any such accompt of any aide against the Quéene or against her partie here they should haue bene deceaued if the Army had offered to haue landed For I my selfe haue heard that the best of those that were sent to Elie did make offers yea by their letters to the Counsell here signed with their hands that they would aduenture their liues in defence of the Quéene whom they named their vndoubted Soueraigne Lady and Queene against all forrein forces though the same were sent from the Pope or by his commandement Yea diuers of them did offer that in this quarell of inuading of the Realme with strangers they would present their owne bodies in the formost rankes with their countrie men against all strangers Whereupon I heard also by a secrete friende of mine in the Court that it was once in some towardnes of resolution amongst the Counsellers that they should haue bene returned and put to their former libertie But the heate of the warre being kindled with the knowledge of the Kings Armada being at that time come to the Groigne and the Duke of Parmas readines with so great an Armie and shipping in Flaunders daily looked for to land in England yea to come to London and a generall murmur of the people against all such Recusants of reputation was the cause of the staying of these Gentlemen at Elie notwithstanding their offers of their seruice to the Quéene and so they doe remaine in the Bishops pallace there with fruition of large walkes about the same altogether without any imprisonment other then that they are not suffred to depart into the towne or countrey and yet for their religion I thinke surely they doe and will remaine
another place afore Sir Tirlogh Obrynes house there was also another great ship lost supposed to be a Galliasse These losses aboue mētioned were betwixt the fift and tenth of September as was aduertised from sundrie places out of Ireland so as by accompt from the one and twentieth of Iuly when this Nauie was first beaten with the Nauie of England vntill the tenth of September being the space of seuen weekes and more it is most likely that the sayde Nauie had neuer good day nor night Of the rest of the Nauie report is also made that many of them haue bene seene lying of and on vpon the coast of Ireland tossed with the winds in such sort as it is also doubted that many of them shall hardly recouer Spaine if they be so weakened with lacke of victuals and mariners as part of their companies that are left on land do lamentably report These accidents I thought good to adde to the printed Copies of the letters of Don Bernardin that he may see how God doth fauour the iust cause of our gracious Queene in shewing his anger towardes these proud boasting enemies of Christian peace as the whole world from Rome to the vttermost parts of Christendome may see that she and hir Realme professing the Gospell of his sonne Christ are kept and defended as the words of the Psalme are Vnder the shadovve of his vvings from the face of the vvicked that sought to afflict her compasse her round about to take avvay her soule which I doubt not by thankfulnesse yeelded by her Maiestie and her whole Realme will alwayes continewe The 9. of Octob. 1588. CERTEINE ADVERTISEMENTS OVT OF IRELAND CONCERNING THE LOSSES HAPPEned to the Spanish armie vpon the West costes of Irelande in their voyage intended from the Northerne Isles beyond Scotland towardes Spaine VPon Saterday the vii of September the barke which was in peril of wrack in the bay of Trayly of betwéene fortie and fiftie tonne did render them selues in which there were xxiiii men whereof two were the Dukes owne seruaunts and two litle boyes On Tuesday the tenth of this September there was a Frigat cast of as it séemeth by this Nauy which as Sir William Herbert saith wrecked vpon the coast of Desmond On the same Tuesday there wrecked in the sound of the Bleskeys a ship called our Ladie of Rosary of one thousande tonne In this shippe was drowned the Prince of Ascule the Kings base sonne one Don Pedro Don Diego and Don Francisco with seuen other Gentlemen of accompt that accompanied the Prince There was drowned in her also Michael Oquendo a principal sea man chief gouernour of the ship Villa Franca of S. Sebastians Captain of the same ship Matuta Captaine of the Infanterie of that ship Captaine Suwares a Portingall Garrionerie Lopecho de la Vega Montenese and one Francisco Castilliā Captains one Iohn Rise an Irish Captain Francis Roch an Irish man about fiue hūdred persons wherof one hundred were Gentlemen but not of that reckoning as the former were and onely one Iohn Anthonio de Monona a Genuan being the Pilotes sonne of that ship saued The same Tuesday it wad aduertised to the Uicepresident of Mounster that there were lost vpon the coast of Thomond two great ships out of which there were drowned about seuen hundred persons taken prisoners about one hundred fiftie About that Tuesday also as appeareth by a letter writtē to Stephan White of Limmerik the twelfth of this September there was cast vpon the sandes of Ballicrahihy a ship of nine hundred tonnes thirtéene of the Gentlemen of that ship as he writeth are taken and so writeth that he heard the rest of that ship being aboue foure hundred haue sought for their defence being much distressed to intrench themselues He writeth also of another ship which was cast away at the Isle of Clere in Irrise and lxxviij of the men of that ship are drowned and slaine He writeth also that there was about the same time another great ship cast away in Tireawley that there are thrée Noble men a Bishop and a Frier and lxix other men taken by William Brook of Ardnerie and all the residue of that ship are slaine and drowned in somuch as he writeth that one Melaghlin Mac Cab a Galloglasse killed fourescore of them with his Galloglasse axe Wednesday the xi of September seuen of those ships that then remained within the Shenan departed out of that Rode with an Easterly winde and before their going foorth they set on fire one other very great ship of their company which was one thousand tonnes at least It was enformed from the Uicepresident at Cork vpon this seuentéenth of September last that two other great ships of that Fléete should be lost vpon the coastes of Connaught The Admirall called Iohn Martin de Ricalde came into the sound of Bleskeys with one other great ship and a barke about the vi day of this Septēber remaineth there with one other ship of foure hundred tonnes a bark which came in since that time if they be not dispersed or lost by the great tempest that was the xvii and xviii of this moneth for the state of the Admirall at his comming in was thus the ship had bene shot thorough xiiii or xv times her maine mast was so beatē with shot as she durst not beare her full saile and now not lx mariners left in her and many of them so sicke that they lye downe and the residue so weake that they were not able to do any good seruice and there is daily cast ouer the boord out of that ship fiue or sixe of the company After this vvas printed thus farre as euery day bringeth more certaintie in particulars of the losse of the Spaniardes in Irelande these reportes vvhich follovve came from Ireland being the examinations of seuer all persons there taken and saued IOHN ANTHONIO DE MONONA AN Italian sonne to Francisco de Monona Pilot of the ship called Sancta Marie de la Rose of a thousand tonnes cast away in the sound of Bleskey 11. September 1588. EXamined the xi of September saith that he and the rest parted from the English Fléete as he thinketh about the coast of Scotland and at that time they wanted of their whole Fléete foure Gallies seuen ships one Galliasse which was the Captaine Galliasse and there were then dead by fight by sicknes viii thousand men at the least Where he left y e Duke he knoweth not but it was in the North Seas about eightéene daies sithence he saw then no land and therefore can name no place but they seuered by tempest the Duke kept his course to the sea we drew towards land to finde Cape Clere so did diuers other ships which he thinkes to amount to the number of forty ships with the Duke there went fiue and twenty ships Hither he came round about Scotland he thinkes
twenty owers on a side what is become of the rest of the Nauy he can not tell He saith also that about ten dayes past they had one other great storme with a mist by which storme they were againe seuered so as of those seuen twenty saile there came into the coast by Dingle Cushe but the Admirall one other ship of foure hundred tonnes and a barke of about forty tonnes and what is become of the rest of the seuen and twenty saile he can not tel but of one great Hulke of foure hundred tonnes which was so spoiled as she cast towards the shore about twenty leagues from Dingle Cushe he knoweth not who was Captaine of this Hulke he saith that of all sorts there be now remaining in the Admirall néere about fiue hundred of which there be fiue twenty Biskers fourty Portingals which are marriners the Master being very sicke and one of the Pilots He saith there be foure score souldiers twenty of the mariners in the Admirall very sicke and do lie downe and die daily and the rest he saith be all very weake and the Captaine very sad and weake he saith this Admirall hath in her fiftie foure brasse peeces and about foure score kintals of pouder He saith they were so néere the coast before they found it that by meanes of the strong Westerly winde they were not able to double out from it There is in the Admirall left but fiue and twenty Pipes of wine and very little bread and no water but what they brought out of Spaine which stinketh maruellously and their flesh meate they can not eate their drought is so great He saith no part of the Nauy to his knowledge euer touched vpō any land vntil such time as they came to this coast at Dingle Cushe nor hath had any water victuall or other relief from any coast or place sithence the English Fléete left them He saith that when they lay before Callice there came a Pinnace to their fléete from the Duke of Parma who told them the Duke could not be ready for them vntill the Friday following but by reason of this fight of the English Fléete with them they were not able to tarry there so long He saith that the Admirals purpose is vpon the first winde that serueth to passe away for Spaine He saith also that it is a common brute amongst the souldiers if they may once get home againe they will not meddle againe with the English He saith there be of principall men in the Admirals ship Don Iohn de Lina a Spaniard who is chiefe Captaine of the souldiers of that ship Don Gomes a Spaniard an other Captaine Don Sebastian a Portingall gentleman an Aduenturer and a Marquesse an Italian who is also an Aduenturer and one other Portingall Gentleman whom he knoweth not but that they are principal men that haue crosses on their garments other meane Gentlemen there be also in the same ship He saith al the souldiers in this ship were Spaniards he saith there are in the small Barke that is with them about fiue and twenty persons how many are in the Hulke that is there he knoweth not He saith he thinketh that the Duke is past towards Spaine for that he was some twelue leagues more Westerly then the Admirall was in the first storme He saith that the great Gallion which came from the Duke of Florence was neuer séene sithence they were in the sight at Callice He saith the people of the Galliasses were most spoiled by the English Fléete The examination of Emanuell Francisco a Portingall 12. September 1588. EManuell Francisco a Portingall saith in all things as the former examinat till the fight at Callice in which fight he saith he knoweth there was lost a Galliasse that ran ashoare at Callice two Gallions of the Kings the one called S. Philip of the burden of seuen hundred and the other called S. Matthew of eight hundred a Biskeine ship of about fiue hundred and a Castillian ship about foure hundred tonne all sunke This he knoweth for that some of the men of those ships were deuided into the Admirals ship in which this examinat was He saith after this fight ended it was deliuered by him at the top that there was one hundred and twentie saile left of the Spanish Fléet and saith that those were very sore beaten and the Admirall was many times shot through and one shot in their mast and their deck at the prow spoiled and doth confesse that they were in great feare of the English Fléete and doubted much of bording He saith the Admirals mast is so weake by reason of the shot in it as they dare not abide any storme nor beare such saile as otherwise he might doe for the rest he agréeth in euery thing with the former examinat sauing that he saw not or vnderstood of any Pinnace that came from the Duke of Parma nor doth remember that he saw aboue twentie saile with the Admirall after the first storme and saith that those in the shippe that he is in doe say that they will rather go into the ground themselues then come in such a iourney againe for England and saith the best that be in the Admirals ship are scarse able to stand and that if they tarry where they are any time they will all perish as he thinketh for himself he would not passe into Portingall againe if he might choose for that he would not be constrained to such an other iourney Iohn de le Conido of Lekit in Biskey mariner 12. September 1588. IOhn de le Conido of Lekit in Biskey mariner saith he was in the ship that the Admirall is in and that he told the Nauie after the fight ended at Callice that there were then remaining not passing a hundred and ten or a hundred and twelue of the whole Spanish Nauie and saith that a leake fell vpon one of the Galliasses about fiteene daies past which he taketh to be fallen vpon the North coast of this land he saith he doth not remember that there were aboue twentie saile left in the company of the Admirall after the first great storme which fell on them about thirtie daies sithence he saith the Duke did giue them expresse commaundement that they should not goe on land in any place without his order he confesseth that the Nauie that remained after the last fight were maruelously beatē and shot through and their tackle much cut and spoiled with the shot and for the rest of the matter agréeth with the former examinat in euery point in effect and saith there was an English Pilot with the Duke He saith that the Scot that is taken was taken in the North part after the English fléete parted from them in a ship of fifty tonnes in which were about seuen men which the fléete hath caried with them both the ship and people sixe of which Scottes were aboord the Admirall whereof one is he that is taken He saith