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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01743 The sacred philosophie of the Holy Scripture, laid downe as conclusions on the articles of our faith, commonly called the Apostles Creed Proved by the principles or rules taught and received in the light of understanding. Written by Alexander Gil, Master of Pauls Schole. Gill, Alexander, 1565-1635. 1635 (1635) STC 11878; ESTC S121104 493,000 476

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of the whole world could make it But lest wee should not conceive sufficiently thereof the bookes of the Kings and Chronicles doe enlarge our understandings by the imployment of almost two hundred thousand men for seven yeeres and ●o halfe by the descriptions of the materials and their preparation the roofe ●●ing set with precious stones the walles overlaid yea the very pavement and hinges of the doores being of pure gold so that no historie remembers the like building both for cost and workmanship Now what this second Temple buil● by a small band of poore captives in all but fortie two thousand three hundred sixtie beside their servants a wretched number of seven thousand three hundred thirtie seven and that in a desolate countrey amidst so many enemies that hindred their building was like to bee in comparison of Salomons every man may easily conjecture And therefore this Prophet saith Chap. 2 3. That this new built house in comparison of the former was nothing as you may further see Ez. 2.12 13. Was this house then more excellent in respect of the ornament or priviledges God promises by his prophet Chap. 1. v. 8. that he would take pleasure in it and that hee would be glorified Where the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ecabd by the want of the letter ה which in number signifieth five and in sence would be translated I will glorifie it is supposed by the Rabins to intend the want of five things in this latter Temple which were in the former First the Ark with the covering and Cherubims secondly the fire from heaven thirdly Shecinah or the Divine presence manifested in the oracle Levit. 16.2 Numb 7.89 1 King 6.5 Fourthly the holy Ghost which spake not by any Prophet after this Darius in whose dayes the Temple was built fifthly the Vrim and Thum●nim And this many of our learned doe embrace as you may reade everywhere but Pet. Galat. lib. 4. Chap. 9. cites the booke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 yoma or of dayes interpreting the five things to be First the Arke as before secondly the pot of Manna thirdly the oyle of anointing fourthly the rod of Aaron fiftly the box with the offering of the Phlistines by the side of the Arke But the author of that booke was too carelesse as it is apparent 1 King 8.9 2 Chron. 5.10 where it is directly affirmed that nothing was in the Arke but onely the two tables of the Law And is it likely that the offering of the heathen should bee brought into the most holy place before Christ had entred thereinto But howsoever seeing by all confession it appeareth that this house was not to bee compared with that of Salomon either in outward beautie or in riches or in outward holinesse being so often and grievously profaned by Heliodorus the agent of Selencus then by his brother Epiphanes who set the image of Iupiter in the Temple of God and enforced the Iewes to forsake their Religion after by Pompey by Crassus and others or in the other high and heavenly ornaments and priveleges the glory thereof must needs consist in this that the Lord of glory the Messiah and Saviour of the world would glorifie that Temple with his presence and in that Temple preach peace with God by his owne satisfaction for the sinnes of the world You may reade hereto Ioh. 8.12 to the end and chap. 10.23 to 40. and 18.20 And thus the substance being more excellent than the shadowes and Christ by his suffering having finished the ceremoniall Law in the time while this house did stand according to this prophecie it is necessarie that this Iesus be the promised Messiah seeing this house stood but fourtie yeeres the time of repentance and no more after the death of our Lord. e Haggai 2.7.8 Yet one little while and I will shake the heavens and the earth the Sea and the dry land And I will move all nations and the desire of all nations shall come and I will fill this house with glory saith the Lord of hosts Marfilius Ficinus de Rel. Christ cap. 27. interprets this place too slackly according to the letter onely understanding by the shaking of the heavens that Starre which conducted the wisemen at the birth of Christ and a supposed Ecclips at his death The Evangelists tell us of a darkenesse over all that land but no author of sufficient credit avowes any Ecclipse of the Sunne in the full Moone when * See praef Iac. Christ in Cat. Palast pag. 2● the Passeover was kept by the shaking of the earth he understands that e●●thquake at the suffering of Christ and another mentioned by Iosephus Hi●●●rto also he brings the taxing of all the Roman provinces by Augustus Luke 2. and the rebellion of Iudas of Galilee mentioned Acts 5.37 By the moving of the Sea hee meanes the miracle spoken of Mar. 4.35 and Iohn 6.16 to 22. when by his word our Lord commanded the winds and seas and they obeyed him And if this interpretation had rested with Ficinus by profession a Physician by sect a Platonick I had said nothing but seeing other profest Divines and they not of the least account doe follow him herein as Crocius aforesaid I thought it fit to cleare this text rather by that interpretation which the Apostle makes hereof Heb. 12.26 27. which is directly to this purpose for which I cite it where by the shaking is signified the removing of those things that are shaken that they which are not shaken may remaine Now the whole drift of that Epistle is to prove that the Law had but the shadowes of things to come but the body was Christ Therefore by the heaven understand the Ecclesiasticall estate of the Iewes as it was ordered under the Law and at Christs suffering utterly finished for the Law made nothing perfect but was onely the bringing in of a better hope Heb. 7.19 and Chap. 8. all By the earth understand the civill policie which was likewise so shaken by the Romans that they had not power to put any man to death Iohn 18.31 And after by Adrian were they utterly scattered from being a people These things then being thus shaken and by the shaking removed the sacrifice of Christ and his kingdome must remaine that he may be yesterday and to day and the same for ever Heb. 13.8 that is before the Law and under the Law and after the Law the onely Mediatour betweene God and man And as it was with the Iewes so likewise the inhabitants of the Islands of the Sea and of the maine land were to bee shaken that they might forsake their service of dumbe idoles to serve the living God Acts 14.15 1. Cor. 12.2 that so our Lord might bee the desire and joy of all nations and the Scripture fulfilled which saith Rejoyce thou barren that bearest not breake forth in joy thou that travellest not for the desolate Church of the Gentiles hath many moe children than shee the Synagogue of the Iewes
expect a Messiah yet have they no countrey nor forme of Religion appointed by God to uphold that expectation for the use of the ceremoniall Law wherein the Messiah was figured was commanded onely in their owne land out of which they being now banished their ceremonies have no use See Deut. 12.1 Ios 5.5.7 Amos 5.25 Hebr. 10. Therefore this Iesus is the true Messiah 9 Neither may that argument bee omitted whereby our Lord justified himselfe Ioh. 7.18 Hee that seeketh his glory that sent him the same is true Seeing therfore that our Lord sought not his own glory but came in the greatest humility to endure the greatest affliction and most cruell death onely for the glory of his Father and the salvation of mankind And moreover seeing God did seale unto his words that they were true by those glorious miracles which hee wrought by him it followes in great probabilitie that this Iesus is the Mediatour by whom alone wee may come unto God as hee testifieth of himselfe No man commeth to the Father but by me Ioh. 14.6 and againe Iohn 17.3 This is eternall life to know thee the onely true God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ 10 a He unto whom all the prophecies of all the Prophets of the Old Testament concerning the Saviour to come doe agree must needs be that true Messiah or Saviour of the world But all the Prophecies of the Old Testament concerning the Saviour of the world doe most precisely agree unto this Iesus whom the Christian faith doth confesse and to none other therefore this Iesus the Sonne of the virgin Mary is the Saviour of the world For it cannot stand with the mercie of God to his creature to give us signes whereby to know that which concernes us most to know which should not bee sure and certaine therefore the proposition is manifest and the Iewes themselues doe not gainsay it the assumption will be manifest if the Scriptures of the Old Testament bee compared with the historie of the New First concerning his being both God and man Psal 2.7 Esay 9.6 7. Ier. 33.15 16. Mich. 5.2 compared with Rom. 1.3 4. and those other texts which you had before in the end of the 23 Chapter Then in all the circumstances first of the forerunner of Christ foretold by Esay Chap. 40. v. 3.4.5 and Malach. 3.1 compared with Mat. 11.10.14 Iohn 1.23 Secondly of the time foretold b Gen. 49.10 c Dan. 9.24 25 26 27. and c Hag. 2.9 and Mal. 3.1 comp●red with Luke 2.25 26. Matth. 16.3 Luke 12.56 Thirdly of the place of his birth prophesied Michah 5.2 fulfilled Matth. 2.6 Luke 2.4.6 Iohn 7.42 Fourthly of his mother a virgin Esay 7.14 Ier. 31.22 compared with Matth. 1.23 Luke 1.27.34 Fifthly of the wisemen of the East that came to worship him prophesied Psal 72.9 10 11 15 and fulfilled Matth. 2.11 Sixthly of his propheticall authoritie equall to Moses Deut. 18.15 and 18. Esay 42.1.3 4. and Esay 61.1 2 3. compared with Matth. 12.18.21 and 17.5 Luke 4. from v. 18 to v. 23. Iohn 1.4.5 and 5.46 and 6.14 Acts 6.14 Hebr. 12.26 Seventhly of his miracles Esay 35.5 6. compared with Mat. 11.5 Ioh. 5.36 and 7.31 and 15.24 Eighthly of his humiliation which appeared first in his low estate and povertie Esay 53.2 3 4. verefied Luke 2.7 Then in his flight to Egypt Psal Hos 11.1 verefied Mat. 2.15 Thirdly in the murther of the innocents of his own age prophesied Ier. 31.15 fulfilled Matth. 2.16.4 by his meane bringing up in Galile not in the Vniversity at Ierusalem foretold Psal 22.6 Esay 9.1 fulfilled Mat. 2.22 23. 13.55 Mar. 6.3 Iohn 7.15 Fifthly by his lowly riding on an asse Zach. 9.9 Mat. 21.7 Ioh. 12.14 Sixthly in his reproach and scornfull usage before the high Priests and Pilate where you may remember his meekenesse and silence prophesied Psal 22.22 and 69.21 where the lots the speare his owne words and his enemies the vineger and the spunge of Colocynthis are not forgotten Esay 50.6 and 53. all Micah 5.1 fulfilled in all the Gospels Then in his crucifying with the theeves prophesied Numb 21.8.9 Deut. 21.23 Esay 53.12 fulfilled in all the Gospels and Gal. 3.13 Eighthly in his death Esay 53.8.10 and Matt. 27.50 Lastly in his buriall Esay 53.9 Iohn 19.40 A ninth argument from the prophecies of the Old Testament That this Iesus is the Saviour of the world is from his exaltation and the glories that should follow his sufferings As first his resurrection prophesied Psal 16.10 68.20 Hos 6.2 fulfilled Matth●w Marke Luke Iohn Act. 2.24 1. Cor. 15. By vertue of which they that had slept in his faith did also rise as it was prophecied Psal 68. the 18. and Ioh. 5.25 fulfilled Matth. 27.52.53 Secondly his Ascension prophesied Psal 24.9 68.18 Mic. 2.13 fulfilled in all the Gospels and Act. 1.9 Eph. 4.9.10 Thirdly his sitting at the right hand of God Psal 16.11 110.1 compared with Mar. 16.19 Act. 2.34 7.56 Rom. 8.34 Heb. 1.13 Fourthly the gifts wherewith hee beautified his Church of the faithfull Beleevers prophecied in the text cited before Psal 68.18 and Ioel 2.28 fulfilled Mar. 16.17 18. Acts 2.4 and ver 17.18.33 1. Cor. 12.28 Fifthly the increase of his Church by the conversion of the Gentiles prophesied Esay 42. al. 52.13.14 and 54.1 Psal 2.8 and Psal 22.27 28. So commanded by our Lord Matth. 28.19 Mar. 16.8 so performed by his Disciples Acts 8.35 Mar. 16.20 and Act. 10.34 c. and 13.46 47. and found true by experience almost these 1600 yeeres Sixthly his taking away of the Ceremoniall Law prophesied Esay 66.3 Ier. 31.31 32 33. Dan. 9.27 Hag. e 2.6 fulfilled Iohn 4.21.23 24. Acts. 15. al. Gal. 2.16 and 3.10 11 19 21. Heb. al. especially Chap 9 10. Seventhly his destroying the workes of the devill 1. Iohn 3. speaking of his insatanized Prophets in Egypt at Delphi at Dodone at Colophon and in every corner of the earth This was prophesied Zach. 13.2 3 4. accordingly he rebuked the unclean spirits and suffered them not to speake Mar. 3.12 So Paul Acts 16.18 and this the devils themselves confessed as you may reade note b on the 8 Chapter number 1. The Hebrew Childe c. answerable to that of the Poet Iuven. Sat. 6. Delphis Oracula cessant of Plutarch de defectu Oraculorum and others A tenth argument from the prophecies of the old Testament that this Iesus our Lord is the Saviour that was promised Gen. 3.15 is from forreine circumstances and among them first from the treason of Iudas prophesied Psal 41.9 and 53.13 fulfilled Math. 26.15 and 23. and with the hyre of his treason the thirty pieces of silver take the bestowing of it prophesied in the 11. Chap. v. 12 13. of Zachariah Remember the Lord by equivalence Ieremiah exalt the Lord because he ought never to be remembred without his praise fulfilled Matth. 27.7.10 Then the reward of his treason Psal 55.15 and 109.8 with Matth.