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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A57763 The birth of Merlin, or, The childe hath found his father as it hath been several times acted with great applause / written by William Shakespear and William Rowley. Rowley, William, 1585?-1642?; Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.; Birmingham Shakespeare Library. 1662 (1662) Wing R2096; ESTC R7261 41,256 56

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from beasts who know no inequality of birth or place but still to fly from goodness oh how base were life at such a rate no no that power that gave to man his being speech and wisdom gave it for thankfulness To him alone that Made me thus may I whence truly know I 'le pay to him not man the love I owe Exit Flourish Cornets Enter Aurelius King of Brittain Donobert Gloster Cador Edwin Toclio Oswold and Attendants Aurelius No tiding of our brother yet 'T is strange so ne're the Court and in our own Land too and yet no news of him oh this loss tempers the sweetness of our happy conquests with much untimely sorrow Dono. Royal sir his safety being unquestion'd should to time leave the redress of sorrow were he dead or taken by the foe our fatal loss had wanted no quick Herald to disclose it Aurelius That hope alone sustains me nor will we be so ingrateful unto heaven to question what we fear with what we enjoy Is answer of our message yet return'd from that religious man the holy Hermit sent by the Earl of Chester to confirm us in that miraculous act For 't was no less our Army being in rout nay quite o'rethrown as Chester writes even then this holy man arm'd with his cross and staff went smiling on and boldly fronts the foe at sight of whom the Saxons stood amaz'd for to their seeming above the Hermit head appear'd such brightness such clear and glorious beams as if our men march't all in fire wherewith the Pagans fled and by our troops were all to death pursu'd Glost. 'T is full of wonder sir Aurel. Oh Gloster he 's a jewelworth a Kingdom where 's Oswold with his answer Oswold 'T is here my Royal Lord Aurel. In writing will he not sit with us Oswo. His Orizons perform'd he bad me say he would attend with all submission Aurel. Proceed to councel then and let some give order the Embassadors being come to take our answer they have admittance Oswold Toclio be it your charge and now my Lords observe the holy councel of this reveren'd Hermit reads As you respect your safety limit not that onely power that hath protected you trust not an open enemy too far He 's yet a looser and knows you have won Mischiefs not ended are but then begun Anselme the Hermit Dono. Powerful and pithie which my advice confirms no man leaves physick when his sickness slakes but doubles the receipts the word of Peace seems fair to blood-shot eyes but being appli'd with such a medicine as blinds all the sight argues desire of Cure but not of Art Aurel. You argue from defects if both the name and the condition of the Peace be one it is to be prefer'd and in the offer made by the Saxon I see nought repugnant Glost. The time of Truce requir'd for thirty days carries suspicion in it since half that space will serve to strength their weakned Regiment Cador. Who in less time will undertake to free our Country from them Edwin Leave that unto our fortune Dono. Is not our bold and hopeful General still Master of the field their Legions faln the rest intrencht for fear half starv'd and wounded and shall we now give o're our fair advantage force heaven my Lord the danger is far more in trusting to their words then to their weapons Enter Oswold Oswold The Embassadors are come sir Aurel. Conduct them in we are resolv'd my Lords since policy fail'd in the beginning it shall have no hand in the conclusion that heavenly power that hath so well begun their fatal overthrow I know can end it from which fair hope my self will give them answer Flourish Cornets Enter Artesia with the Saxon Lords Dono. What 's here a woman Orator Aurel. Peace Donobert speak what are you Lady Artes. The sister of the Saxon General warlike Ostorius the East Anglese King my name Artesia who in terms of love brings peace and health to great Aurelius wishing she may return as fair a present as she makes tender of Aurel. The fairest present e're mine eyes were blest with command a chair there for this Saxon Beauty sit Lady we 'l confer your warlike brother sues for a peace you say Artes. With endless love unto your State and Person Aurel. Ha's sent a moving Orator believe me what thinkst thou Donobert Dono. Believe me sir were I but yong agen this gilded pill might take my stomack quickly Aurel. True thou art old how soon we do forget our own defects Fair damsel oh my tongue turns Traitor and will betray my heart sister to our enemy 's death her beauty mazes me I cannot speak if I but lock on her what 's that we did conclude Dono. This Royal Lord Aurel. Pish thou canst not utter it fair'st of creatures tell the King your Brother that we in love ha and honor to our Country command his Armies to depart our Realm but if you please fair soul-Lord Donobert deliver you our pleasure Dono. I shall sir Lady return and certifie your brother Aurel. Thou art too blunt and rude return so soon fie let her stay and send some messenger to certifie our pleasure Dono. What meanes your Grace Aurel. To give her time of rest to her long Journey we would not willingly be thought uncivil Artes. Great King of Brittain let it not seem strange to embrace the Princely Offers of a friend Whose vertues with thine own in fairest merit Both States in Peace and Love may now inherit Aurel. She speakes of Love agen sure 't is my fear she knows I do not hate her Artes. Be then thy self most great Aurelius and let not envy nor a deeper sin in these thy Councellors deprive thy goodness of that fair honor we in seeking peace give first to thee who never use to sue but force our wishes yet if this seem light oh let my sex though worthless your respect take the report of thy humanity Whose mild and vertuous life loud fame displayes As being o'recome by one so worthy praise Aurel. She has an Angels tongue speak still Dono. This flattery is gross sir hear no more on 't Lady these childish complements are needless you have your answer and believe it Madam his Grace though yong doth wear within his breast too grave a Councellor to be seduc't by smoothing flattery or oyly words Artes. I come not sir to wooe him Dono. 'T were folly if you should you must not wed him shame take thy tongue being old and weak thy self thou doat'st and looking on thine own defects speak'st what thou d'st wish in me do I command the deeds of others mine own act not free Be pleas'd to smile or frown we respect neither My will and rule shall stand and fall together Most fair Artesia see the King descends to give thee welcome with these warlike Saxons and now on equal terms both sues and grants in stead of Truce let a perpetual League seal our united bloods in
seen this face before Ioan. It is enough though your ne're see me more sinks down Toclio. 'Sfoot she 's faln this place is inchanted sure look to the woman fellow Exit Clown Oh she 's dead she 's dead as you are a man stay and help sir Ioan Ioan sister Ioan why Ioan Go too 't I say will you cast away your self and your childe and me too what do you mean sister Ioan. Oh give me pardon sir 't was too much joy opprest my loving thoughts I know you were too noble to deny me ha Where is he Clown Who the Gentleman he 's gone sister Ioan. Oh! I am und one then run tell him I did but faint for joy dear brother haste why dost thou stay oh never cease till he give answer to thee Clown He which he what do you call him tro Ioan. Unnatural brother shew me the path he took why dost thou dally speak oh which way went he Clown This way that way through the bushes there Ioan. Were it through fire the Journey 's easie winged with sweet desire Exit Clown Hey day there 's some hope of this yet I le follow her for kindreds sake if she miss of her purpose now she 'l challenge all she findes I see for if ever we meet with a two leg'd creature in the whole Kingdom the Childe shall have a Father that 's certain Exit Loud Musick Enter two with the Sword and Mace Cador Edwin two Bishops Aurelius Ostorius leading Artesia Crown'd Constancia Modestia Octa Proximus a Magician Donobert Gloster Oswold Toclio all pass over the Stage Manet Donobert Gloster Edwin Cador Dono. Come Gloster I do not like this hasty Marriage Gloster She was quickly wooed and won not six days since arrived an enemy to sue for Peace and now crown'd Queen of Brittain this is strange Dono. Her brother too made as quick speed in coming leaving his Saxons and his starved Troops to take the advantage whilst 't was offer'd fore heaven I fear the King 's too credulous our Army is discharg'd too Gloster Yes and our General commanded home Son Edwin have you seen him since Edwin He 's come to Court but will not view the presence nor speak unto the King he 's so discontent at this so strange aliance with the Saxon as nothing can perswade his patience Cador. You know his humor will indure no check no if the King oppose it all crosses feeds both his spleen and his impatience those affections are in him like powder apt to inflame with every little spark and blow up all his reason Gloster Edol of Chester is a noble Soldier Dono. So is he by the Rood ever most faithful to the King and Kingdom how e're his passions guide him Enter Edoll with Captaine Cador. See where he comes my Lord Omnes Welcome to Court brave Earl Edol. Do not deceive me by your flatteries Is not the Saxon here the League confirm'd the Marriage ratifi'd the Court divided with Pagan Infidels the least part Christians at least in their Commands Oh the gods it is a thought that takes away my sleep and dulls my senses so I scarcely know you Prepare my horses I le away to Chester Capt. What shall we do with our Companies my Lord Edol. Keep them at home to increase Cuckolds and get some Cases for your Captainships smooth up your brows the wars has spoil'd your faces and few will now regard you Dono. Preserve your patience Sir Edol. Preserve your Honors Lords your Countries Safety your Lives and Lands from strangers what black devil could so bewitch the King so to discharge a Royal Army in the height of conquest nay even already made victorious to give such credit to an enemy a starved foe a stragling fugitive beaten beneath our feet so love dejected so servile and so base as hope of life had won them all to leave the Land for ever Dono. It was the Kings will Edol. It was your want of wisdom that should have laid before his tender youth the dangers of a State where forain Powers bandy for Soveraignty with Lawful Kings who being setled once to assure themselves will never fail to seek the blood and life of all competitors Dono. Your words sound well my Lord and point at safety both for the Realm and us but why did you within whose power it lay as General with full Commission to dispose the war lend ear to parly with the weakned foe Edol. Oh the good Gods Cador. And on that parly came this Embassie Edol. You will hear me Edwin Your letters did declare it to the King both of the Peace and all Conditions brought by this Saxon Lady whose fond love has thus be witched him Edol. I will curse you all as black as hell unless you hear me your gross mistake would make wisdom her self run madding through the streets and quarrel with her shadow death why kill'd ye not that woman Dono. Glost. Oh my Lord Edol. The great devil take me quick had I been by and all the women of the world were barren she should have died e're he had married her on these conditions Cador. It is not reason that directs you thus Edol. Then have I none for all I have directs me never was man so palpably abus'd so basely marred bought and sold to scorn my Honor Fame and hopeful Victories the loss of Time Expences Blood and Fortunes all vanisht into nothing Edwin This rage is vain my Lord what the King does nor they nor you can help Edol. My Sword must fail me then Cador 'Gainst whom will you expose it Edol. What 's that to you 'gainst all the devils in hell to guard my country Edwin These are airy words Edol. Sir you tread too hard upon my patience Edwin I speak the duty of a Subjects faith and say agen had your been here in presence What the King did you had not dar'd to cross it Edol. I will trample on his Life and Soul that says it Cador. My Lord Edwin Come come Edol. Now before heaven Cador. Dear sir Edol. Not dare thou liest beneath thy lungs Gloster No more son Edwin Edwin I have done sir I take my leave Edol. But thou shall not you shall take no leave of me Sir Dono. For wisdoms sake my Lord Edol. Sir I 'le leave him and you and all of you the Court and King and let my Sword and friends shuffle for Edols safety stay you here and hug the Saxons till they cut your throats or bring the Land to servile slavery such yokes of baseness Chester must not suffer Go and repent betimes these foul misdeeds For in this League all our whole Kingdom bleeds which I le prevent or perish Glost. See how his rage transports him Exit Edol. Capt. Cador. These passions set apart a braver soldier breathes not i' th' world this day Dono. I wish his own worth do not court his ruine The King must Rule and we must learn to obay True vertue shall direct the noble way
be equal to the Gods and consummate my Marriage with this woman Bishop Her self gives barr my Lord to your desires and our performance 't is against the Law and Orders of the Church to force a Marriage Cador. How am I wrong'd was this your trick my Lord Dono. I am abus'd past sufferance grief and amazement strive which Sense of mine shall loose her being first yet let me call thee Daughter Cador. Me Wife Const. Your words are air you speak of want to wealth And wish her sickness newly rais'd to health Dono. Bewitched Girls tempt not an old mans fury that hath no strength to uphold his feeble age but what your sights give life to oh beware and do not make me curse you Kneel Modest. Dear father here at your feet we kneel grant us but this that in your sight and hearing the good Hermit may plead our Cause which if it shall not give such satisfaction as your Age desires we will submit to you Const. You gave us life save not our bodies but our souls from death Dono. This gives some comfort yet Rise with my blessings Have patience noble Cador worthy Edwin send for the Hermit that we may confer for sure Religion tyes you not to leave Your careful Father thus if so it be Take you content and give all grief to me Exeunt Thunder and Lighning Enter Devil Devil Mix light and darkness earth and heaven dissolve be of one piece agen and turn to Chaos break all your works you powers and spoil the world or if you will maintain earth still give way and life to this abortive birth now coming whose fame shall add unto your Oracles Lucina Hecate dreadful Queen of Night bright Proserpine be pleas'd for Ceres love from Stigian darkness summon up the Fates And in a moment bring them quickly hither Lest death do vent her birth and her together Thunder Assist you spirits of infernal deeps squint ey'd Erictho midinght Incubus Enter Lucina and the three Fates Rise rise to aid this birth prodigious Thanks Hecate hail sister to the Gods there lies your way haste with the Fates and help give quick dispatch unto her laboring throws to bring this mixture of infernal seed to humane being Exit Tates And to beguil her pains till back you come Anticks shall dance and Musick fill the room Dance Devil Thanks Queen of Shades Lucina Farewel great servant to th' infernal King In honor of this childe the Fates shall bring All their assisting powers of Knowledge Arts Learning Wisdom all the hidden parts Of all-admiring Prophecy to fore-see The event of times to come his Art shall stand A wall of brass to guard the Brittain Land Even from this minute all his Arts appears Manlike in Judgement Person State and years Upon his brest the Fates have fixt his name And since his birth place war this forrest here They now have nam'd him Merlin Silvester Devil And Merlins name in Brittain shall live Whilst men inhabit here or Fates can give Power to amazing wonder envy shall weep And mischief sit and shake her ebbone wings Whilst all the world of Merlins magick sings Exit Enter Clown Clown Well I wonder how my poor sister does after all this thundering I think she 's dead for I can hear no tidings of her those woods yields small comfort for her I could meet nothing but a swinherds wife keeping hogs by the Forestside but neither she nor none of her sowes would stir a foot to help us indeed I think she durst not trust her self amongst the trees with me for I must needs confess I offer'd some kindness to her well I would fain know what 's become of my sister if she have brought me a yong Cousin his face may be a picture to finde his Father by so oh sister Ioan Ioan Go-too't where art thou Within Ioan Here here brother stay but a while I come to thee Clown O brave she 's alive still I know her voice she speaks and speaks cherfully methinks how now what Moon-calf has she got with her Enter Ioan and Merlin with a Book Ioan. Come my dear Merlin why dost thou six thine eye so deeply on that book Merlin To sound the depth of Arts of Learning Wisdom Knowledge Ioan. Oh my dear dear son those studies fits thee when thou art a man Merlin Why mother I can be but half a man at best And that is your mortality the rest In me is spirit 't is not meat nor time That gives this growth and bigness no my years Shall be more strange then yet my birth appears Look mother there 's my Uncle Ioan. How doest thou know him son thou never saw'st him Merlin Yet I know him and know the pains he has taken for ye to finde out my Father give me your hand good Uncle Clown Ha ha I 'de laugh at that yfaith do you know me sir Merlin Yes by the same token that even now you kist the swinherds-wife i th' woods and would have done more if she would have let you Uncle Clown A witch a witch a witch sister rid him out of your company he is either a witch or a conjurer he could never have known this else Ioan. Pray love him brother he is my son Clown Ha ha this is worse then all the rest yfaith by his beard he is more like your husband let me see is your great belly gone Ioan. Yes and this the happy fruit Clown What this Hartichoke A Childe born with a beard on his face Merlin Yes and strong legs to go and teeth to eat Clown You can nurse up your self then There 's some charges sav'd for Soap and Candle 'slid I have heard of some that has been born with teeth but never none with such a talking tongue before Ioan. Come come you must use him kindly brother did you but know his worth you would make much of him Clown Make much of a Moncky This is worse then Tom Thumb that let a fart in his Mothers belly a Childe to speak eat and go the first hour of his birth nay such a Baby as had need of a Barber before he was born too why sister this is monstrous and shames all our kindred Ioan. That thus 'gainst nature and our common births he comes thus furnisht to salute the world is power of Fates and gift of his great father Clown Why of what profession is your father sir Merlin He keeps a Hot-house i th' Low Countries will you see him sir Clown See him why sister has the childe found his father Mer. Yes and I le fetch him Uncle Exit Clown Do not Uncle me till I know your kindred for my conscience some Baboon begot thee surely thou art horribly deceived sister this Urchin cannot be of thy breeding I shall be asham'd to call him cousin though his father be a Gentleman Enter Merlin and Devil Merlin Now my kinde Uncle see The Childe has found his Father this is he Clown The devil it is ha
Castle here standing on the hill but I have sent a cry of hounds as violent as hunger to break his stony walls or if they fail We 'l send in wilde fire to dislodge him thence Or burn them all with flaming violence Exeunt Blazing Star appears Florish Tromp Enter Prince Vter Edol Cador Edwin Toclio with with Drum and Soldiers Prin. Look Edol still this fiery exalation shoots his frightful horrors on th' amazed world see in the beam that 'bout his flaming ring a Dragons head appears from out whose mouth two flaming flakes of fire stretch East and West Edol. And see from forth the body of the Star seven smaller blazing streams directly point on this affrighted kingdom Cador. 'T is a dreadful Meteor Edwin And doth portend strange fears Prince This is no Crown of Peace this angry fire hath something more to burn then Vortiger if it alone were pointed at his fall it would pull in his blasing Piramids and be appeas'd for Vortiger is dead Edol. These never come without their large effects Prince The will of heaven be done our sorrows this we want a mistick Pithon to expound this fiery Oracle Cador. Oh no my Lord you have the best that ever Brittain bred and durst I prophecy of your Prophet sir none like him shall succeed him Prince You mean Merlin Cador. True sir wonderous Merlin he met us in the way and did foretell the fortunes of this day successful to us Edwin He 's sure about the Camp send for him sir Cador. He told the bloody Vortiger his fate and truely too and if I could give faith to any Wizards skill it should be Merlin Enter Merlin and Clown Cador. And see my Lord as if to satisfie your Highness pleasure Merlin is come Prince See the Comet 's in his eye disturb him nor Edol. With what a piercing judgement he beholds it Mer. Whither will Heaven and Fate translate this Kingdom what revolutions rise and fall of Nations Is figur'd yonder in that Star that sings The change of Brittains State and death of Kings Ha! He 's dead already how swiftly mischief creeps Thy fatal end sweet Prince even Merlin weeps Prince He does foresee some evil his action shows it for e're he does expound he weeps the story Edol. There 's another weeps too Sirrah dost thou understand what thou lamentst for Clown No sir I am his Uncle and weep because my Cousin weeps flesh and blood cannot forbear Prince Gentle Merlin speak thy prophetick knowledge in explanation of this fiery horror from which we gather from thy mournful tears much sorrow and disaster in it Mer. 'T is true fair Prince but you must hear the rest with patience Mer. I vow I will tho' it portend my ruine Mer. There 's no such fear this brought the fiery fall of Vortiger and yet not him alone this day is faln a King more good the glory of our Land the milde and gentle sweet Aurelius Prince Our brother Edwin Forefend it heaven Mer. He at his Palace Royal sir at Winchester this day is dead and poison'd Cador. By whom Or what means Merlin Mer. By the Traiterous Saxons Edol. I ever fear'd as much that devil Ostorius and the damn'd witch Artesia sure has done it Prince Poison'd oh look further gentle Merlin behold the Star agen and do but finde revenge for me though it cost thousand lives and mine the foremost Mer. Comfort your self the heavens have given it fully all the portentious ills to you is told now hear a happy story sir from me to you and to your fair posterity Clown Me thinks I see something like a peel'd Oinon it makes me weep agen Mer. Be silent Uncle you 'l be forc't else Clown Can you not finde in the Star Cousin whether I can hold my tongue or no Edol. Yes I must cut it out Clown Phu you speak without book sir my Cousin Merlin knows Mer. True I must tie it up now speak your pleasure Uncle Clown Hum hum hum hum Mer. So so now observe my Lord and there behold above yon flame-hair'd beam that upward shoots appears a Dragons head out of whose mouth two streaming lights point their flame-feather'd darts contrary ways yet both shall have their aims Again behold from the ignifirent body seven splendant and illustrious rays are spred all speaking Heralds to this Brittain Isle and thus they are expounded The Dragons head is the Herogliphick that figures out your Princely self that here must reign a King those by-form'd fires that from the Dragons mouth shoot East and West emblem two Royal babes which shall proceed from you a son and daughter her pointed constellation Northwest bending Crowns Her a Queen in Ireland of whom first springs That Kingdoms Title to the Brittain Kings Clown Hum hum hum Mer. But of your Son thus Fate and Merlin tells all after times shall fill their Chronicles with fame of his renown whose warlike sword shall pass through fertile France and Germany nor shall his conjuring foot be forc't to stand till Romes Imperial Wreath hath crown'd his Fame with Monarch of the West from whose seven hills with Conquest and contributory Kings he back returns to inlarge the Brittain bounds his Heraldry adorn'd with thirteen Crowns Clown Hum hum hum Mer. He to the world shall add another Worthy and as a Loadstone for his prowess draw a train of Marshal Lovers to his Court It shall be then the best of Knight-hoods honor at Winchester to fill his Castle Hall and at his Royal Table sit and feast in warlike orders all their arms round hurl'd as if they meant to circumscribe the world he touches the Clowns mouth with his wand Clown Hum hum hum oh that I could speak a little Mer. I know your mind Uncle agen be silent strikes agen Prince Thou speakst of wonders Merlin prithee go on declare at full this Constellation Mer. Those seven beams pointing downward sir betoken the troubles of this Land which then shall meet with other Fate War and Dissension strives to make division till seven Kings agree to draw this Kingdom to a Hepterchy Prince Thine art hath made such proof that we believe thy words authentical be ever neer us my Prophet and the Guide of all my actions Mer. My service shall be faithful to your person and all my studies for my Countries safety Clown Hum hum hum Mer. Come you are releast sir Clown Cousin pray help me to my tongue agen you do not mean I shall be dumb still I hope Mer. Why hast thou not thy tongue Clown Ha! yes I feel it now I was so long dumb I could not well tell whether I spake or no Prince I' st thy advice we presently pursue the bloody Saxons that have slain my brother Mer. With your best speed my Lord Prosperity will keep you company Cador. Take then your Title with you Royal Prince 't will adde unto our strength Long live King Uter Edol. Put the Addition to 't that Heaven hath given you