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A23086 The statutes prohemium Iohannis Rastell; Public General Acts. Abridgments England.; Rastell, John, d. 1536. 1527 (1527) STC 9518; ESTC S121365 220,393 548

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that in to the eschekyr vnder theyr sealis to be leueyd to the kingis vse And yf such heretykkis cōuict refuse to abiure or after abiu●acion fall in to relapse so that thei shuld be delyueryd vnto the seculer court Thē the shyryff mayr or baylyffis next shal be attendant at the request of the ordinary to take them and to brē them in conuenient place before the people in example of other .ii. h. iiii Cap. xv ¶ The chauncellour ● tresorer and all the iustyce mayris baylyffis all officers at the entering in to theyr offyce shall swere to do theyr payn to distroy heretykkis and to help to arest them at the costis of the ordinary and yf they be qict ●f heresie after they be ded they shall lose the●● landis and goodis as in felonye but the landis holdyn of the ordenaries or theyr cōmissione●● shal be forfeit to the kynge iustice of the kyngꝭ bench iustyce of assyse of the peas shall inquyre of them and make proces by capias and delyuer thē to the ordynary by indenture and thei shal be redy to take thē within .x dayes but the meane tyme the sheryffe may let thē to maimpryse and yf such heretyk escape out of pryson the kīge shal haue his land the whyle but yf he dye his heyre may entre .ii. Hen. v. ca. vii Cōmyssyoners shal be made to arest prechers of heresye vppon the certyficat of the ordynary .v. R. ii stat ii Capitulo vltimo London ¶ yf one in london vouch a foreyn he shal haue a som̄ ad warr̄ retorn̄ in the kynges benche and a wryt to the mayre baylyffes of londō to surcease when it is determyned in the kynges bench it shal be cōmaūded to the warranter that he go in to london to answere the fyrst plee a wryte shal go from the iustyce to the mayre c. to procede and yf the demaūdaunt recouer the tenaūt shal haue a wryt to the mayre to extend the lāde retournable before the iustice and after that a wryte to the sheryff● of the countrey where c. to delyuer the tenaunte as myche lande of hys that dyde warrant it in value Glouc ● ca. xii statut de forincecis vocat ad warrant ¶ Marchauntes of london shal be as fre to pak their clothes as other marchaūtes other straūgers withī the cyte or ellys were not withstādīg letters patētes made before .i. h. iiii Capitu. xvi ¶ The mayre aldermē of londō s. euery alderman in his warde the mayre thorowe the hole cyte may call before thē suche that haue power to execute the statute of vacabundꝭ beggers to ponysshe them that be defectyue as well as though thei were ꝯuict by the ordre of the lawe .xix. Hen. vii ca. xii ¶ Also there is an other statute that the gouernours of the cyte of london shal correct redres all open offēcys there cōmytted vppon payn of M. mark for the first defaut .ii. M. mark for the second as appereth at large .i. h. iiii ca. xv and xviii E. iii. capitulo .x. ¶ Loke more for london in the tytle iurrours Lordes ¶ Lordes and other that compell the people to answere before theyr counseyl of any freholde or other thynge determynable at the comyn law shall lose to the kynge The .xvi. R. ii ca. ii ¶ If lordes stewardes procure any persone to moue false quarrelles in their courtes agaīst any that is attached by his goodes the parte greued shall haue a repleuyn against them wherin he shall recouer treble damagꝭ westm̄ ii ca. xliii Maymprise ¶ Prisoners which be outlawed thei that haue abiured the realme ꝓuours they that be take with the manure thei that haue brokē the kīgis psō theues opēly cryed knowē thei that be appelled of ꝓuours wihle the ꝓuer is a lyue if thei be not of god fame they that be takē for brīnīge of houses felonously done or for fals money or forgynge of the kinges seale or excōmunicat taken by the prayer of the bysshoppe or treason that touche the kynge hym selfe be in no maner of wyse repleuysable be cōmī writ nor without wryt but they that be indited of felonye by the sheryffes or baylyffes inquestꝭ taken by theyr offyce or for lyght suspecyons or for petyt larcyn that a mounteth not aboue the sūme of xii.d yf he be not rette of other felonie before or rette of reseuynge of felones or commaundinge to strength or eyde felonye done or other trespas wherfore a man shal not lose his lyfe or men appelled of prouours after the deth of the ●rouour if thei be not open theues proclaymed they shal be frō hensforth let to maimprise by suffycy●nt pledgis wherof the sheryfe wyll answere without any thynge takynge of them And yf the sheryffe or any other let to maimprise any that is not replenysable and therof be attaynt he shall lose his fee offyc● for euer if the vndersheryf constable or other baylyfe then he that hath the fee for kepynge of the prisoners do it without the wyll of his maister or other baylyf hauyng no fee he shall haue prysonement of .iii yerꝭ and make fy● at the kīges pleasure yf any kepe such prisoners repleuysable aft that they haue offered sufficient suerte he shal be mercyed and if thei take any thinge for their delyueraūce he shal yeld to the ꝑte the double value and be greuously a mercyed westm̄ prim̄ Capitulo .xv. ¶ yf any prīcypal or accessary be acquit of murder at the kīgꝭ suet before the yere the day yet the same iustice shal remit him again to prison or let him to bayl by their discression tyll the yere day be past if they be so other acquit or attaīted yet the wyfe or next heire may haue their appelles against the within the yere daye aft the same murder done or against their accessaryes The .iii. H. vii ca. i. Loke the statute c. ¶ Eueri iustice of peas hath power to let prysoners arested for suspecious of felony to maymprise as they may yf they were indited before them of recorde The .i. R. iii. ca. iii. ¶ Two Iustyce of peas wherof one is of the Quorū may let felons suspect or other persons maimpernable to maimprise tyll the nexte generall sessions or gayl● delyuere at whiche day the same iustice must certefye it vpon payne of forfeitour to the kynge for euery defaute vpon that record The .iii. h. vii ca. iii. And the statute of Rychard that gyueth power to one iustice of peas to take suche maimprise is repelled by the same statute ¶ If aman be cōdempned in ani courte his body in execucion after remoued be a corpus cū causa or cerciorare in to the chauncery vpon the same wryt condempned he shall be no more let to bayl nor maimprise but remaūded to the prison there to abyde after the lawe tyll that
the whych shyre they shall com and take the asyses attaynts c. and in euery shyre or they depart they shall assygn a day of theyr cōmyng thydyr agayn that all men may know and by this same statute the iurrours ī assise shall gyf theyr v det at large and the Iustyce shall put non in the assise or iuryes but they that be furst sōmonyd w. ii C. xxx ¶ Ther shal be viii Iustyces assignyd to the assisis iurryes and certificacōns to be takyn thorow out all englond bnt in middylsex they shal be takyng before the justyce of the commyn bench Statut. de iustyces assiss ¶ Other that be not Iustyce of the placys yf they may be found suffycyent shal be iustyc●s of assyses of Iurrys and certificacōns thorow out the land to delyuer the gealys .iij. tymes of the yere more oft yf nede reqire .iiii. E. iii. c.ii ¶ Assises shall be holdyn ī the tounis where the countes be vi R. ii C. v. ¶ The chaūchelour by the aduise of the iustis may charge the tovnis of assisys xi R. ii c vlt ¶ Assises of the coūte com̄land shal be holdyn in the tyme of pease at cardoyll and ī no nother place Anno .xiiij. H. vi c.iii ¶ Assises of rent goyng out of tenementis in ii countes shal be holdyn in the border of the countes as it hath be wōt of comē of pastur in one conute appēdāt to tenemētꝭ a other coūte vii R. ii cx ¶ Assise brought agaīs the lord of the auncy on demesne or baylyf of fraunches that be not disseysours nor ten̄tꝭ therin namyd for to take a way theyr fraunches furst it shal be inq̄ryd therof by the assise if it be found the wryt shall Abate in the hole .ix. H. iiij Ca. v. ¶ Where in assise the shyryf ys namyd a disseyssour to the intent that he shall not serue the wryt the tenant shall pled it and shall sey he is no disseyssour and yf it be fond the wryt shall abate .xj. H. vj. cap. ij ¶ yf in assise or accōn ꝑsonell the deffēd make defaut by colucōn bytwen the pl. hym to take a way the cōusaūce that found by assise wher such excepcion is aleyd or by inquest in accion personell that than the wryt shall abate and the pl. the lord or baylyf of fraunches shall haue theyr chaleng .viij. h. vi Ca. xxvj ¶ A recouer̄ in assise shall not be preiudyciall in the reuercōn to them that were beyōd the see in the kyngis seruyce to īdure to a certeyn time ix h. v. ca. iij. iiij h. vj. ca. ij viij h. vj. ca xiij Assise of the nisi prius were pror●gyd by proclamacion be cause of the plyam●nt wyth out discontynuaunce ix h. iij ca. primo ¶ Loke for assise in the titles panell in iurrour in iustice of assise in takers of ꝓfettis Adiournem●nt ¶ The iustice of assise shall adiourne the assise in theyr iurney also in the bank for difficulte Magna carta cap. xij ¶ The iustice of as●ise frō terme to terme shall adiorn the assises yf that by calling to warātye essō or be defaut of the recognitours at one day the takyng of them be defferryd and if it be seene profitable for any cause that the assise of inordaūcetour by essō calling of warrātye respityd shuld be adiournyd in to the bēch it shal be lawfull for them so to do and thē they shall sēd the record to the iustice of the bench wyth the wryt originall and when the ple cōmyth to the takyng of the assise the ple shal be sēd wyth the wryt originall by the iustyce of the bēch to the furst iustyce before whom the assise shal be takyn But the iustyce of the bench in these assissis shall gyff .iiij. days be the yere before the iustyce assygnyd W. ij C. xxx Assosiacion in assise Loke therfor before in the tytle of assise W. ij capit●lo .xxx. Attaynt ¶ The kyng by his office shall graūt attaynt vppon an inquest in ple of land or of thyngis whych long to frehold when he shall see it necessary W. prim̄ ca. xxxvij ¶ yf the furst iurrours that be alyue come not in the attaynt at the furst grand distress vppon them retornyd or yf the retorn be that they haue nothyng wherof they may be distreynyd that thē the iurry of xxiii shal be takyn by their defaut sauyng alweys other ꝓces in syche iurryes vsyd c. stat de attinctꝭ xiiii E. iii ¶ Attaynt shal be grauntyd as well vppon the princypall as vppon the dam̄ in a wryt of tres pas without spekyng to the kyng and the iustices in sych case shall not let to take the attaintys .j. E. iii. C. vi ¶ Esson de seruices le roy nor ꝓteccon shall not be alowyd in attaynt v dayes in the yere shal be gyffyng in attaynt .v. E iii C vii ¶ Attaynct shal be graūtid in a byll of trespas before the iustyce of record yf the damagis passe not .xl. s. v. E. iij. C. vij ¶ Attaynt shal be grauntid as well vppō a byll of trespas as vppon a wryt not hauing regard to the damag .xxviij. E. iij. Stat. vltimo ca. viij ¶ Attainct shal be grauntid ad well in plereall as ꝑsonnell it shal be gyffin to pore mē wyth out fyne and to all other for easye fyne .xxxiiij. E. iij. Chapitulo septimo ¶ yf the tenāt for terme of lyff tenant in dower tenant by the curtesye or tenant in the tayle af● possibylite of the issu extynct be inpledyd an● lose by defaut or in other maner that he to whom the reuercōn is or his heyris or successours shall haue attaynt or a wryt of errour as well in the lyfe of the seyd tenantꝭ that so lost as after theyr d●th And yf such iugement erroneons be reuersyd or such fals verdyt than the tenaūt that lost by the furst iugement yf he be alyue shal be restoryd to possession of the landꝭ so lost wyth the issues in the meane tyme and the ꝑte pursuant shall recouer the areragis of the same rēt yf any to hym be dew And yf such tenaunt at the tyme of such iugement be ded that the restitucōn of such tenement be made to the perte pursuant wyth the issues after the deth of the tenāt before seyd ●oyntly wyth the areragis of the rēt yf any be dew to hym in the lyfe of s●ch tenāt It is porueyd nor for that be ●ouyth not that the tenant that so lost by the ●urst iugem̄t be alyue and the perte pursuāt wyl ●lege that the same tenant was of couen and ●ssent wyth the demandaūt that recouyd that ●uch tenementis ought to be lost that than resti●ucon of the same tenementis be made to the sa●e partie pursuāt wyth the issues areragꝭ as ●s before seyd sauyng to the seyd tenant his ac●ōn by wryt of scire fac owt of thesame iuge●ent so reuersyd
the partye and be put out of his office and put in pryson and make fyne at the kyngis pleasur● and the kyng shall assygne Iustices whā it shall please hym to inquire these defautis the boteler shall answer for his deputis as well as for him selfe The .xxv. yere of E. iii. cap. xxi ¶ The kyngis boteler shall take his wynꝭ for the kyngis houlsolde within .x. dayes and aft that the merchaunt to do his pleasure not with stondynge the botelers arrest or his leuetenaūt And yf he take more than nedyth he shall be imprisonyd make fyne and raunsome to the ky●ge The .xliii. yere of E. iii. ca. iii. ¶ The boteler shall pay to the Gascoynm● hād for their wynes The xxvji E. iii. ca. v. ¶ The botelers leuetenāt m●st be resydent vppon his offyce vppō the payn of C. li. The .iiii. yere of Henry the .iiii. capitulo .xx. Botmen ¶ That botemē watermen owners of bo●●● barges take no more for their wagis thā hath ben of olde tyme vsyd they that refuse so to do to forfete for euery tyme the treble valu of their fare the one half to the kynge the other half to hym that wyll sue for it by acyō of det informacyon or presentement and that the baylyffis cōstables and other offycers vppon complaynt ●rrest the offenders and commyt them to ward and to make fyne for the same And the Iustyce of pease mayres shiryf●is of lōdō and stywardes of letys inquyre as well for the defautes of the sayd officers as of the defautes of the sayd owners water men or bargemen The .vi. henry viij ca. vij Bochers ¶ No bocher within the Cyte of london borough or wallid town or in the towne of cābryge except the townys of Berewyk or Karlyle flee any best within the Cyte or town vnder the paī of .xij. d. for euery oxe for euery cowe or other beest .viij. d and he that wyl sue by accion of det to haue the one halfe and the kyng the other half and no proteccion nor esson̄ to lye The .iiij. yere of Henry the .vij. capitulo .iiii. ¶ Brokers makyng vnlauful bargainꝭ cheuysaūcis with vsure that shall be voyd and yf he be found defectife by the mayre or other officer where the bargayns be vsyd shall forfeyt euery tyme and haue halfe a yeres īprisonment and be put on the pyllory and he that wyll sue hit by acciō of det shall haue the one halfe and the kyng the other halfe where nother ꝓtecciō nor esson shall lye The .iij. yere of H. vij ca. vi Broderees ¶ Broderers shall work no gold nor syluer me dlyd with laten of spayne oppō payn of forfeture The .ij. yere of henry .vi. ca. xi Brangwyns he that demaundyth ought of the kyng of his coron other ward maryage or other pension he shall not haue the ihing demaundid but he shal be ponys●hyd by the aduyse of the kyngꝭ counsell .iiij. h. iiij ca. iiij Butter chesse butter chese shal be caried owt of the reame to euery place by the lycence of the chauncellour by his discression vnder the kyngis seale .iiij. h. vj. cap. iiij ¶ Butter and chesse be not merchaūdise of staple but euery of the kyngis lege people may cary them to what place they wyll of the kyngis amyte payeng therfor the custome it is ꝓuidid that the kyng may restrein them at his pleasure xviij h. vj. cap. iij. Calece ¶ The inabytaunce of calyce shall not bye of the mayer no marchaundyse of the staple vppō payn of forfetor The .viij h. vi cap. xxv● ¶ All maner shyppys accustomed to come frō yngland to calyce except fyssher botys shall brīg with thē theyr lastage of good stones for the reparacyon of the becons and of the place callyd paradyse The .x. henry .vi. cap. v. ¶ The tresorer and viteler of calyce shall accompt euery secōde yere for the yere before vppon payn of .v. C. li. wherof he that wyl sew therfor shall haue the one half the .xxx. h. vj. at ● parliamēt of reding ¶ yf a mā be seased of any londes in cales for the which he shold do any seruice for the salu●cyon of the same towne and yf he cesse of hys seruice by a yere and a daye the land shal be seasyd in the kyngis handes by the tresorer of calyce and he shall do the seruyce and yf the kyng commyt the land to an other the other shall do it and yf he cesse therof the lande shal be seased agayne cetera from tyme to tyme. And yf the tresorer do not the seruyce when he hath the land in hys handes he shall forf●te the doble value of the seruyce to the kyng The .xi. henry .vij. cap. xvj Capteyns messengers ¶ A mā retainyd to serue the kyng in his warr his message or other maner his couenaūtis shal be put in wrytyng and brought to the eschekyr and they and theyr executours shall haue there alowaunce and yf any repell or cōmaundment he made of such retinew● the same repell shal be put in the eschekyr and they shall haue alowaunce vppō such couenātis wythout other warrant cetera And that that is dew to them shal be payd to them by the tresorer and chaumberleyn by certefycat of the same eschekyr .v. R. ij Capitulo .x. Certificacion ¶ yf in assise the baylyff of the tenaunt pled a record for that the taking of the assise shall not be defferryd but yf his maister afterward shew the matt to the iustyce he shall haue a wryt to make the record to come when the iustice see it and that the record shuld haue preuaylyd before iugement and the plaintyf shuld haue be excludid from his accion anon they shall cause the ꝑte to be warnyd to apere at a day at which day the deffendāt shall haue agayn his seisyn damagꝭ doble that he payd the other shal be ponysshid by psōment after the discression of the iustyce lyke wyse shal be yf the defend agayns whom the recouer̄ was had be defaut shew a quitance or a dede wheruppon the iurry were not examynyd w. ij ca. xxv loke w●ll th● statute at lenght Cessauit ¶ If a man let landꝭ to ferme to fyndest ouers in vitell or in vesture which amonntyth to the gret ꝑte of the valew of the land he suffer the lād to lye fressh wyth out manurīg so that a mā can fynd no distres by .ij. yere with out yeldynge of the ferme or wyth out doyng that that is cōteinyd in the dede or wryting it is ordeynyd that after the .ij. yere the less or shall haue a wryt of cessauit and yf the tenauit come before iugment gyffyn and tend the areragis the damagꝭ and fynd surte as the court shall see to gyf that that is contaynyd in the wrytyng of the lees he shall retayn the lād and yf he abyde tyl it be recoueryd by iugment he
of the deth of any man ꝑishid he shal be takin imprisonyd also of all manslaughters burglaryes of men ꝑishid or slayn hue and crye shal be leueyd as it was wont in englond all shall folow the crye and the trace yf it may be and they that do not theron shal be conuict and attachid that they be before the iustice c. Tracta●● de officiis coronatorum ¶ Certeyn men shal be assygnyd to inquere of the defautis of the coroners and they shall make inquisicion by men of euery hundred and wapentak yf the coroners haue take any thyng for the doyng of theyr offyce and for not doyng of their offyce in euery poynt cetera Stat. Exon. yt semyth by the statute that the coroner shall take the goodꝭ of the felōs suspect delyuer them to the townꝭ to be kept and that he shall take as well appellis of rape as other appellis cetera ¶ Here you this syr coron that I. M. B. am ● theff of .ii. beoffis or some other best or a murderer of one man or many and a felon of our lord kyng henry kyng of englond and because I. haue done many yuellꝭ thefftis ī this his lād I. Abiure the lād of our lord kīg henry of englōd and that I. owe to hyeme toward the port of such a place whych thou hast gyffin me and that I. owe not to goo owt of the hye wey yf I. doo I. wyll that I. shal be takī as a theffe and felon of our lord the kyng and that at such a place I. shall seke my passage diligētly and. I. shall not byde there but one flod an Eb yf I. may haue passage and yf I. cā not haue such spede I. shall go euery day in to the see to the kneys wyllyng to passe and if I. may not wythin .xl. days cōtinually I. shall bryng my self f agayn in to the church as a theffe and a felon to our lord the kyng as so help me god holy iugement c. Tractatu de abiuracione latronum ¶ Coroners owght to certefye theyr inquisicions to the iustyce of the gaole delyuere next beyng in the counte after the inqisiciōs takī vppō paī C. s. also the coroner shall haue for his ●abour .xiij. s. iiij d whych shal be leueyd of the goodꝭ of hym that dyd the murder yf he haue any and yf he haue not and escape than it shal be leueyd of the mercyam̄tꝭ of the town wher any such murder happyth to escape .iii. henry .vij. Capitulo primo ¶ Coroners shall inquere vppon the syght of the body yf the m●rder where don by day and if they fynd it so the murderer be not takyn than it is an escape for the whych the town wher the murder was dō shal be amercid .iiij. h. vii Capitulo primo ¶ The coroner shall do his office vppon the body slain drownyd or other weys ded by mysaduenture vppon a request to hym made wyth owt any thyng takyng for his labour or yf hedo not or ellis take any thing that he shall forfeyt for eueri tyme .xl. s. j. h. viij Cap. vj. Corpus cum causa ¶ He that suith to defete an execucion by a statute of the staple and theruppon commyth in the chauncery by corpus cum causa and there hath a scir̄ fac agains the partie vppō the defeysaunce or such like he shall fynd surete as well to the parte as to the kyng seuerally .xi. hen vi Capitulo .x. Loke yf he shall do so in an audita querela by the equite cetera Cosinage In a wryt of cosynage ayl besayl the tenaūt shall sey that the demaundant is not next heyre of the same auncestour cetera w. ij Cap. xx as it is in mordauncetour at the comin law Countreple de voucher ¶ In a wryt of mordauncestour cosynage ayle nuꝑ obiit intrusion and other wryttis lyke yf the tenaunt vouch to warantie and the demaundant sey that the tenant or his auncestour whose heyre he is was the furst that enteryd after the deth of hym of whose seysyn he demanudyth the auermēt shal be reseynyd yf the tenaunt wyll abyde theron and yf not he shal be put to a nother answer yf he haue not hys warrante in presence that wyll warrant hym and incontynent enter in answer sauyng to the demaundant hys excepcions agayns hym yf he wyll vouch forther as he shuld haue before agayns the furst tenaunt cetera yet agayn in all maner wryttis of entre that make mencion of the degres that non from hens forth vouch owt of the lyue and in other wryttis of entre where no mencion is made of the degrees and in the vryt of ryght it is prouydyd that yf the tenaunt vonch to warrantye and the demaundant sey that he that is vouchid or his auncestours had neuer seisin of the lād or the tenemēt in demaund in fee nor in seruice by the hand of the tenaunt or his auncestours after the tyme of him of whose seseisin the demaundant declaryth vnto the tyme that the writ was purcheysyd and the plee mouyd by the whych he may auer the tenaunt or his auncestours feffours the auerment shal be reseyuid if the tenaūt wyll abyd therby vt supra sauyng to the demaūdāt c And the same excepcion shall haue place in a wryt of mordauncestour and other wryttis before n●myd as well as in wryttis that touch the ryght and ●f the tenaūt haue a dede of warr̄ of a nother mā other wyse his recouery shal be sauyd vnto hym by a wryt of warrant of charters when he wyll porchass it but that the playntef shall not be therbi delayed w. j. Ca. xxxix ¶ when so euer the tenaunt callyth any man to warrant and the demand conterpledith by the statute that he that is vouchyd nor non of his auncestours c. he shall haue the conterple bi the statut whether the vouche be absent or present for by the wordis of the statut of w. j. he shuld not haue had the conterplee yf the vouche had be present at the tyme of the voucher therefore this statute was made cetera Stat de vocat ad warr̄ The demandant shall haue the auermēt that the vouche is ded or that ther is non such c. xiiij E. iii. C. xvij Crosses ¶ yf a tenant put a cross on his house to be defendyd by hospitallis agayns theyr lordis it is inactyd that it shall rene to the lordꝭ lyke wise as of tenementis alyenyd to mortmayn w. ij Capitulo .xxxiii. Crykkis ¶ M●rchaundise shall not be chargid and dischargid in crykkis vppon pain of forfeture but by cohercōn of Tempest .iiij. h. iiii Cap. ix ¶ Merchaundise of the staple shippid in crykkis shal be forfeyt .xiiij. h. vj. Capitulo .v. Cui in vita ¶ yf aman lose by deffaut the tenem̄t that was his wyffis ryght the wyfe shall haue a wryt of cui
Exigent ¶ They that haue or be receyuers of wolles of the kynge whiche they toke of the people and do aloyn them awaye so that the kynge can not be therof serued of them that brynge wolles beyonde the see without cokkettes or payenge of custome or subsydye And of the customers the fynders that suffre it to the kynges hurte of the kynges mynysters that receyue his money and withold it of cōspyratours confederatour● and mayntenours of false quarelles ● of them that r●yse rowtꝭ in the p̄sence of the iustyce or other the kynges mynysters or in the Countes in dysturbaunce of the people soo that the lawe may not be done And also as well they that come in theyr company And of them that brynge false money to dysceyue the people agayns all these in case that they can not be founde or bro●ght to answere by attachement or dystres an exigent shal be gyffyn and s●wyd agayns none other ¶ Exigent shall not be awarded where a man is indyted of trespas excepte tha● it be agaynst the peas .xviij. E. iii. statut ii ca. v. Exspences of knyghtes ¶ Landes purcheysed by lordes of the parlyament shal be contributorye to the exspences o● knyghtes as they were before the purcheys xii R. ii Capitulo .xii. ¶ The sheryf at the next coūte holden after the delyu●raūce of the wryt to him for the eleccion of the knyghtꝭ shal make proclamacyō that the coroners constables and baylyffes of euery hundred be at the n●xt coūte to assesse the wagꝭ of the knyghtꝭ and that the sheryf vndersheryf coroner or baylyffes for the tyme beinge be there vppon payne of .xl. s. At whiche ●yme the Sheryf in the presēs of them and the ●ew tours of the counte shall assesse euery hundred to a certeine sūme and than they must cesse euery towne within the hundred so that the summe in euery towne amount in all to the hole summe of the hundred and n●t aboue And if the Sheryf leue more he shall forfeyt to the kynge euery tyme and .x li. to the parte that wyll sue by Scire facias and if he make defaut or be ꝯ●uyct the parte shall recouer for the kyng and for hymself and treble damage The .xxiii. H. vi ca. xi Exposicion of old wordis ¶ Sok ● that is suyt of men in your court after the costome of the realme Sak that is plee and amendis of trespas of men in your court ¶ Toll that is that you and your men of your homage shal be quit of all maner toll in all mercettis of thyngis to be bought or sold. ¶ Thom that is that he shall haue the hole generacion of your villeyns with theyr suytꝭ and catellis wherso euer they be found in englond except that if any bondman haue dwellyd in ● priuilegyd town by a yere and a day quietely so that he be foūd as one of them in theyr commynalte or gyld therī he is delyueryd of his v●●ly●age ¶ Infang theff that is that theffꝭ take in your lordship or ●ee of thefft conuict in your court shal be iuggyd ¶ Hanghwyte that is to be quit of the hangyng of a theff without iugement or of skap●g owt of ward ¶ ●wt fang theff that is that theffys of your land or of your see takyn without your land or without your fee wyth theft shal be retornyd a gayn and there iuggyd ¶ Home sokyn that is to be quyt of amerc●mē●s of violent entre in to housys without lycence and agayns the kyngys peace and that ye shall hold plees of the same trespassis don in your court and in your land ¶ Grythbreche that is the kingis peas brokin ¶ Blodwyte that is to be quite of amercementis of blode shed and that plees shal be hold in ●our court and that ye shall haue the mercemētis therof commyng for wyte englyssh is mercement in lat●n ¶ Flytwyte that is to be quite of couencions and dispytes and that he haue the pl●e therof in your court and the amercymentis ¶ Fledwyte that is to be quid of amerciamentis when any man vtlawid fleyth and commith to the kyngis peace frely or by lycence ¶ Flemyne swyte that is that ye shall haue the catell and amercyamentis of your mē that flee ¶ Letherwyte that is that ye shall take amendis of him that coruptith your nature without your lycence ¶ Chydwit that is that ye shall take amēdꝭ of your nature corupt got with chyld without your lycence ¶ Forstall ●hat is to be quit of amercymentis ● cattellys a restyd within your land and amercyamentis therof commyng ¶ Scot that is to be quit of a certeyn costom● as of comyn tallage made to the vse of the shyryf or his baylyffis ¶ Belte that is to be quit of bound custome whych sometyme where wont to be giffin as hornegeld and such other ¶ Hidage that is to be quit yf the kyng tax all his land by hidys Caruage that is to be quit yf the kyng tax his land by acres ¶ Dangelt that is to be quit of a certeyn custome that rennyth some tyme whych the danys dyd leu●y in englond ¶ Hornegelt that is to be quyt of a certeyn costome exact by tallage by the hole lād as of euery best that is hornyd ¶ Lastage that is to be quit of a certeyn costome exact in feyrꝭ and merkettis for thyngis tobe caryed whether a man wyll ¶ Stalage that is to be quit of a certeyn co●●ome exact for a place takyn or assignyd in feyrꝭ mercettis ¶ Shewing that is to be quid of attachment i● 〈◊〉 court or before who soeuer of quarrellꝭ she●wd not aduowyd ¶ Mish●rsyng that is to be quit of amercymē●is prouid in the transompt before who so euer ¶ Burghbrech to be quyd of trespassis do● i●●yte or borough agains the pe●ce ¶ wardwyt● that is to be quit of gyffīg of mo●ey for wardis to be made ¶ Hundred that is to be quyt of gyffing of mo●ey or customis to be don to prouostis and hun●redars ¶ Brode halpeni that is to be quit of a certein oftome exact for tabuls leu●yd ¶ B●rghbote that is to be quit of gyffyn ayde ● makyng a borogh cast●ll Cyte or throyng own of wallis ●Auerpeny that is to be quit of dyuers mo●y for the auerage of the kyng ●ractaf de exoposition bus vocabulorum Extorcion ¶ No shyryf coroner nor other of the kyngis ministers take no alowaunce to do hys offyce but they shal be payd of that that they take of the kyng w. i. C. xxvi ¶ Because that people compleyn that seriauntis criours of fee and mershallys wrougfulli take money of them that recouer theyr̄ quarellis or recouer seisyn of land and of fyne leueyd of other attachementis in the plees of the coron that thei ought not to do and that ther be more gret nomber of them thā owght to be the king defendyth that these thyngis from hens forth
kīge more fee if he may shew he haue right the● to The kynges chāberleyns shall haue of arch●bysshopes bysshopꝭ abbottꝭ priors other spirituall men holdynge a hole baronye a reasonable fyne whē they do homage or fealte of ꝑte of a baronye after the porcyon other abbottes priors seculars not holdynge by a baronye or ꝑt of a baronye shall not be dystreyned to make fyne but the chamberlayens shall be ꝯtent with the vtter garment or with the pryce therof w. ii Capitulo .xlii. ¶ Of thē that make homage in the bench they shal be ꝯtent with the vtter garmēt that is vnderstand the vsshers and offycers of the place w. ii Capitulo .xlvi. ¶ yf the heritage descende to systers that is holde of the kynge in cheffe all shall do homage to the kynge ● and yf it be holde of a nother lorde the elder shall do homage for all the other systers shal do seruyce to the lorde by the handꝭ of the elder as it is rehersed in the statute of hybern̄ of coheyrꝭ but it is no statute ¶ The tenaūt shal hold his hādis betwene the handꝭ of the lorde shall sey I become your mā frō this day forwarde shall bere you fayth and wordly honour of the lande that I clayme to holde of you sauynge the fayth that I owe to our souerayne lord the kyng a womā sole shal sey I. make you homage aud shall bere you fayth from hens c. and if he hold of a nother lord by priorite he shall sey as before except the feyth that I. owe to the kinge and to my other lordis more auncyēt hospitallis ¶ The maister and bredern of the hospitall of seint leonard in york shall haue an acciō of det and detinew of their thrauys that is to sey of euery plow land within certein countis a thr●re .ii. h. vi Cap. ii hundredꝭ ¶ Hunderydis and wapētakkis let to ferme bi the kyng taxid of old to the fermys of the coūtes shal be ioynyd agayn to the countes and not seueryd here after .ii. E. iii. Cap. xii hunters ¶ No ley man that hath no landes or tenemetis to the value of .xl. ● bi yere nor no prest no● other clerk except he be auaūced and may dispēde by yere shall haue nor kepe no greyhoūdes nor other houndes to hunte nor kepe no syrrettes hayes nettes harepypes cordes nor noo other ingynes to take or to dystroye dere hares nor conyes nor other game vpon payn of inprysonement of a yere And the iustice of peas shal haue power to inquere of them and ponysshe them by the sayd payne The .xiii. R. ij ca. xiij ¶ Iustyce of peas or the kynges counsell haue power vppon informacyon to them made to awarde their warant to the sheryffe or other offycer agaynst hunters by nyght or with vysers or faces paynted or otherwyse● dysgysed to the entent that they wolde not be knowen and to cause them to come before thē and they to examyne them and yf they counseyl the sayd huntynge of any other persone that was with them● defectyfe that this councelyment shal be felonye and yf the sayd hunters confesse the trouth than it shal be but trespas agayns the kynge and fynable by the iustyce of peas to be assessyd at theyr next sessyons And yf any rescous be made by them in execucion of the precept to any person that wyll execute the warrant so that execucion may not be done because of suche rescous than that rescous be felony inquirable and determina as is aforesayd and that ꝑsons so cōu●cted of huntynge as is aforesayd shall haue suche ponysshement as they shulde haue had yf they were conuycted of felony The .i. h. vii ca. vii ¶ Loke more for hunters in the tytle of venery Husbandry ¶ Euery owner of any mese which within .iii. yers past hath bē or here after shal be let to ferme with .xx. acres of lād at the lest lyēg in tyllage husbandry shal be boūde to kepe and sustein the howsynge and buyldynge of the same● conuenyently for the mayntenaunce of the husbandry tyllage and yf the owner occupye the mese lāde in his owne handes he is bounde to susteyne it as is before sayd ● and yf any do the contrary it shal be lawful to the kynge or for the lordes of whom the lande is holden immedyately to take yerely the one halfe of the yssues and profettes of suche tenementes vntyll the howsynge be buylded agayne And that no person shal ha●e any ●re holde in the lande by takynge of the sayd profettes but only the kynge but than it shal be lawfull for them to dystreine fo● the yssues and profettes The .iiii. Hen. vii capitulo .xix. ¶ In all suche townes villages broughes and hamlettes tythyng houses or other īhabitaciōs wherof the moonst parte the fyrst day of this present parlyament was vsed in tyl●age yf the owner after the sayd fyrst daye suffre them to decay to be torned in to pasture he shall agayn with in one yere after reedyfye the same mete for people to dwell in as they were the said fyrste day and if any do it not within one yere space thā it shal be lefull to the kynge or to the lordes of the fee to do as is before rehersed in the statute of .iiii. H. vij capitulo .xix. ¶ And yf the lordes immediate execute not the p̄mysses thā the lordes nexte aboue immediate within halfe yere after to take the aduauntage therof .viii. Hen. viii capitulo primo ¶ Prouyded that this acte extend nat to parkꝭ to be made for dere or for the inclosynge of any marsche grounde Idemptitate noīs ¶ He that suith a wryt of idēptitate noīs wher his landes goodes be seysed by the eschetoure or other minister for cause of vtlary of a nother person by suche a surname shal fynde suerte that the kynge shall haue the same goodes in case that he can not dyscharge hym selfe And he shall haue his goodes hengynge the suyte and yf the eschetour c. refuse suche suerte he shall yelde doble damage to the parte and also shal be ponysshed greuously agayns the kynge serche yf he be vtlawed of felonye .xxxvii. E. iii. ca. ii ¶ Executours of men outlawed shall haue a w●yt of idemptitate noīs where theyr testatour h●d the same name as he that was outlawed .ix Henry .vi. Capitulo .iiii. yssues ¶ Rētꝭ corne in the graīgis ● all goodes mouable except rydyng gere houshold stuffe be ꝯteyned vnder the name of yssues w. ii ca. xxix ¶ After the attachement witnessed the distres shal be a warded and yf the sheryffe retorne that he hath made execucion that he hath taken the issues to the maymp̄nours he that is attached cōmyth not the kynge shall haue the issues it shal be cōmaūded to the sheryffe that he shall make the issuis to be brought before the iustice and the kynges iustyce shall
rate And from the myddes of Septembre to marche to be at theyr worke in the sprynge of the daye and departe not tyll nyght and that they slepe not by day but from the myddes of May to the myddes of August Also yf any artyfycer or labourer make any assaute or assymble to hurte any men that wyll coūtroll them here in to haue a yeres prysonement without bayl or maimp̄se and to fyne at the kynges wyll This acte to be proclaymed in euery good towne and boroughe ¶ Prouyded that this act extend not to mynours dyggers forsee cole or making of glasse nor for fynours workers labourers for tynne lede yron or syluer The .vi. H. viii ca iii. ¶ Also al artyficers labourers in london may take as they were wonte to do except they worke in the kinges workꝭ or out of the lybertes of the cyte and that the penalte cōprised in the said form̄ actes in the .vi. of h. viii vii of h. viii extēde but to the taker onely The vii h. viii ca. vi ¶ Other old actes were made consernynge labourers and artyfycers some in the t●me of kynge Edwarde the thyrde and in other kynges dayes after whē xx.d made an ounce of troye weyght and at those dayes the maister carpenteres thakkers and playsterers toke but iij.d a dayes founde them selfe for then they had as moche vytell for a peny as nowe for ii d and yet all is one in effecte for a peny at those dayes weyed two pens of the money that nowe is for nowe thre shelynges and foure pens goth to the o●●ce And yet they gafe as moche syluer at that tyme for a dayes worke as they do now at this daye Therfore all the sayd old statutes stand in lytell effect because the coyne is mynysshed chaūged Lancastre ¶ A man outlawed or put in exigent in lācastre shal forfeyte no landes nor tenememtes in other countes .xviii. Hen. vi capitulo .xiii. ¶ No forayne shal be maryed within the coūte of lācastre except the īditours may disped C. s. within the same coūte .xxxiii. h. vi Ca. vi Legacyes ¶ wydowes may beq̄th their cor●e as wel growyng on their dowres as on their other landes merton● Capitulo .ii. Letters patens ¶ If any mā make any suit to the kyng for any lande offyce or other thynge grau●ted by the kyng to any other durynge the kynges pleasure the ꝑson to whom it was graūted be alyue at the tyme of the suet made that thā he do expresse in his byll of petycyon or patent the tenour of the sayd former patent that the kynge hath determyned his pleasure agaīst the first patente or elles the seconde letters patentes of the premysses to be voyde The .vi. Henry .viii. cap. xv ¶ Loke more for this in the tytle of forfeytours and patentes Letters of marke● ¶ Letters of marke is grounded vppon the statute of magna carta Capitulo .xxx. ¶ Loke more for them in the tytle mark Libell ¶ The copye of the libell shal be delyuered to the deff in the spyrytuall court with out dyffyculte to the entent he may sue a prohibicion yf ●●de requyre .ii. Hen v. ca. iii. ¶ No lycence shal be graūted whiche shall be p̄iudycyall to the realm● the staple sauynge to the kyng auctoryte to modefy the statute by the aduyse of his coūseyll and sauynge to the marchaūtꝭ of geane venys tuskayn ● lomberdye ●lorence and catelyn to the burgeys of berwyk theyr̄ lybertes .xiiii Hen. vi Cap. ii ¶ All placardes made by the kynge to shote in crosbowes or hande gones be voyde The .xv. Henry .viii. ca. vii Limitacion ¶ In the declaracyon of a dystent in a wryght of ryght none shall demaūde of the se●syn of his aūce●tours of lenger tyme thā of kyng R. the .i. and that wrytes of nouell diss●●syn of purꝑtye called nuꝑ ob●t shal haue the tyme after the passage of kynge henry the thyrde in to gascoyne that the wrytes of mordauncestre Cosynage ayle bas●yle and wrytes of nieff shall haue the terme of coronement of the same Henry and not before w. i. ca. xxxviii Se the statute of merton that speketh of the same matter● ca. vii Liuerey of landꝭ● ¶ yf the eschetour sease lādꝭ in to the kyngꝭ hādes after by inqisicion foūd before hym it is foūde not holden of the kynge that than a wrytsh all go to the eschetour to take it out of his hādꝭ to deliuer it to him to whō it shuld come with the yssues and ꝓfettꝭ that he hath receyued c And if it be after foūd for the kyng of record in any court thā the sheryffe shal not yet seise the lāde again tyll the tenaūt of the land be warned by scire fac if he come not or come can not distroye the kyngꝭ tytle the kynge shall than sease it agayn he shal be answered of the ꝓfettes the meane whyle not withstandynge c. statu● lincoln̄ .xxix. Ed. primi ¶ yf landꝭ be seised in to the kyngꝭ handes and after of the kyngꝭ handꝭ put out because he had no cause to seise thē the issues shal be holy rendred to hym that had the damage articli super Cart. Capitulo .xx ¶ Euery eschetour minister whiche seiseth to the kyngꝭ vse any cites maners borowes townꝭ hūdredes or fraunchesles wherof ꝓfettꝭ come as from tyme to tyme all the yere longe as mylles her bage toll proffettes of courtes and other suche shall a●swere to the kynge after the rate according to the old course of the eschekir xxviii E. iii. Capitulo .iiii. ¶ All women beyng of the age of .xiiii. yere at the deth of theyr aūcestour whych hyld of the kyng shall haue lyuery of theyr landis out of the kyngis handis mayntenant .xxxix. henry .vi. Capitulo vltimo Lyuerey de companye ¶ Nō shall haue lyuery of a suite for maintenaunce and the iustice of assise shall inquere therof and of fraternites by such lyueres for mayntenaunce or confederecye .i. R. ii Cap. vii ¶ Non lesse thā a esquire shall vse liuerey of cōpany of any lord except he be cōtinually famy lyer ī office wyth the same lord iustice of peace shall ponyssh them .xx. R. ii Cap. ii ¶ No lorde shall gyue lyuere of company to no knyght esquier nor yoman saue oonly that the kynge shall gyue his honourable lyuere to his lordes temporall which shall please hym to his knyghtis and esquyers mannel● and to his knyghtis esquyers takyng f●e of hym for terme of lyfe and that such knightis esquiers were nat theyr lyuere in the countre but in the the kyngis p●esens And he that dothe contrary shall make fyne to the kynge And raunsome And the knyghtis and esquyers shall lose their lyuere and theyr f●e or euer and that none take lyuere of the kyng nor other vppon payne of a fyne as is before sayd ¶ It is prouided that the cōstable
shall chose whether she will haue that man that she furst maryed or an other that the kyng shall appoynt for her ca. vii ¶ Also non holdyng of the kyng in chief by knyghtes seruice may alyen part of his landꝭ except of the resydew mai be made seruice c. wythout the kynges licence c. ca. viii It is sayd that he cannot alyen any ꝑty without lycence c. the same law is though the land be hold in chife by socage as it is sayd ¶ Also of chirchis which be voyd of whō the aduousons long to the king and other haue presentyd so that there is a contention betwene the king and other if the kyng by consideracion of the court hath recoūid his presentacion though that the syx monythis be past no tyme ● shall roun whyle that neuer thelas the king di● present within the sayd tyme of syx monythis ca. ix ¶ Also the king shall haue the custodi of al natral folys taking the ꝓfettes of theyr landꝭ wyth out wast of whose fee so euer it be and after the deth of them shall yeld it to the next heyres so that by the same folys the landꝭ no wise shal be alyenyd ca. x. ¶ Also he shall ꝓuyd of the landꝭ of them that be lunatyk c that they may be kept wythout wast so that he and his household may be conpetētly susteynyd and the resydew shal be kept to they re vsis when they come to good memory and wythin the seyd tyme it shall not be sold yf they dye in such estate thā the residew therof shal be discributyd for the soulys of them by the counsell of the ordinarye ca. xi ¶ Also he shall haue wrek of the ●ee thorow out all the reame and whallys and s●●rgeons takyn in the see or in elles where wythin eng●lond except● in placys preuylegyd by the kyng capitulo .xii ¶ Also he shall haue eschetys of landes of normans of what fe so euer they be sauyng the seruis that ꝑteiīth to the lordꝭ of the fee cxiii this word eschete is intendyd as well of landes for faite bi porchase as of the landꝭ of any of them ¶ yf the kyngꝭ tennant dy● his heyre entre wythout sewyng lyuē c. ther is no fre hold growyn vnto hym and yf he dyeseysyd by the same tyme his wyfe shall haue no douer of the free hold c. but that is not vnderstād of socage and of small tenuris c.xiiii ¶ also he shal haue eschetꝭ of the lādꝭ of freholders of archebysshopis byssoppis when theyr tenanntꝭ be cōdempnyd for felonye don in the tyme of vacacon whyle theyr tēꝑaltes were in the kynges handes to gyf it to whom that he wyll for eū sauyng the seruyce which to the sayd plates therof belongyth hath be wont be don c. .xv. yf the kyng graunt a maner or lād with the pu●tenūces the knyghtꝭ fees the aduousones of churchis with theyr gyftes shall not pass except that expres mencyon of thē be made .c.xvi. ¶ Also he shall haue the goodes of felonꝭ cōdempnyd and fugytyue wher so euer they be found and yf they haue landes holdyn of other men the kyng shall haue the yere d●y the wast ● c. ● thā they shall be delūed to the lordꝭ c ca v●timo ¶ yf any man hold of any eschete as of the ho +nour of wallīgford c his heires shall giff no nother releue nor other seruice than he shuld do to a baron yf it were in a baron his handes magna carta cxxxi p̄senteinent ¶ The kyng shall take no tytlē of presentacion to no benefyꝭ ī an other his right of no tyme of his ꝓgenitours nor non that the p̄larꝭ no● iuggis shall do execuciō therof sauyng to the kyng and his ꝓgenitors p̄sentmētꝭ in others ryght in hys own tyme .xxv. E. iii. statnto d● clero c.i. ¶ Before that the kyng make collac or presenmēt ī a nothyr his ryght The title shal be well examynyd if it be found nor trew the sayd collacion or p̄sentmēt shal be repellyd and the patron or the clerk shall haue possession and as many wryttes of the chauncery as he wyll .xxv E iii. Statut de clero ¶ The persente of the kyng shall not be admyttyd to the church that is full of an encombent tyl the kyng hath recoūyd his presentacōn by ꝓces of the law .x. R. ii C. primo The encōbēt so put out shall cōmēce his suite when he wyll .iiii. h. iiii ca. xx p̄orite Loke for priorite in the tytle wardꝭ w .ii. C xvii ꝓces ¶ Somōuis and attachmētꝭ in ple of land shall coteyn the space of xv days at the lest after the cōmyn law yf he be not attachyd in assise in the presens of the kyng or in ꝑle before the iusty●● In eyre c. articuli super cartas ca. xv and for that cause in the kynges bench they makcattachemētes ī viii days or more or lesse that is by this statut ¶ They that be appellid by ꝓuours before the iustyce of geale de●yūe shal be put in the geale wythin the same counte where they dwell and yf they put them on the contrey they shall send to the shyryf where the felony was to make the Iurre to appere statut de appellatis .xxviii. E. primi ¶ Iustyce of peas or other determyner shall send capias for them that be indyted of felonye and an alias and in that shall be expressyd that the shiriff shall seise all his goodꝭ saue●● to kepe yf he than retorn a nichill than an exigent xxv E. iii. de ꝓuic C. xiiii ¶ yf the baylyffes that shuld accompt haue no thyng to be dystreynyd the parte shall haue attachement for his body m̄lebryg C. xxxiii and ꝓces of ●tlary is gyuin ī the same accion w. ii C xi ¶ ꝓces of vtlary is gyf●yn in dett detinue and takyng of bestꝭ as well as in accompt xxv E. iii de ꝓuic C. xvii Utlary of felony and treasondon by men of tyndall and examshyre shal be made at the commyn law and excutyd in the same fraunches by the mynysters of the same fraunches .ii. h. v.c.vii. And lyke remedy is giffin for mē of ryddesda e for felony and treason .ix. h. v.c.vii. ¶ vppon an endytement of treason or felony in the kynges bench wryttes of capias shal be dyrect as well to the shyryff where they were indited as to the shyryf where they be namyd cōteynyng the space of vi wekes or more by the discression of the iuggys or elles the exigent vtlary thy●ruppon is voyd to indure at the kynges wyll .vi. h. vi ca. primo loke for a lyke ordynaūce made for inditemēs appellys takyn in the connte of chester .vii. h● vi C. x. And also a lyke order for inditmentꝭ and appelles remouyd in to the kynges bench .x. h. vi c●vi loke ī the tytle laborers that a capias shal be awardyd agayns the
excecucyon .xxvii E. iii. sta staple ca. x ¶ Certayn balaunces weyghtes of the sacke halfe sacke of the pounde and half pound and quarter acordynge vnto the standarde of the eschekyr shal be sende to all shyryfꝭ of englande and that euery man may proue his weight with out any thynge gyuyng that no man bye by other weyght vpon payn to be at the kynges wyl xxxi E. iii. ca. ii ¶ The weyght called auncel weyght shal be adnullyd .xxxiii E. iii. ca. v. ¶ The mayrys baylyfꝭ shal see that the mysurys be acordyng to the standard .xxxiiii. E. iil capitulo .vi. ¶ He that vsyth fals mysurys or weyghtꝭ shall haue half yerys prysonment shal make gremēt with the perty the double of his losse The coūt of lancaster is exempt for they haue mysurys by them self .xiii. R. ii ca. ix ¶ He that by●th more for the quarter than .viii. busshels strykyn in london or els where shal forfeyt the corne .xv. R. ii ca ix ¶ None shal bie corn but by misure strikē s. viii busshels for the. q̄ vpō pain of forfeytour to the kynge and. C. s. to the partye and nothyng shall be take for the mysuryug And the ꝑtye shal haue his accyon founde vpon the case .xxxiiii. E. iii ca. vi● and .i. h. v. ca. vltimo ¶ The tōne of wyne shall conteyn CC. xlvi galōs The pype tercyan hoggysshed of wyne of gascoyn after the rate vpon payne of forfeytour of thesame wyn to the kyng The barel of heryng and elys shal contein .xxx. galons The butte of samon .lxxxiiii. galons And the kylderkyns tercyans and fyrkyns after the same rate vpon payne of forfeytour therof to the lordys of the towns And he that wyll sew shall haue the .iiii. parte and the iustyce of peas shal determyn the premissys .ii. h. vi ca. xi ¶ Eueri cyte on pain of Eueri borough vpō payn of C. s. and euery town where any constable is vpō payn of .xl. s. shal haue a cōmyn balans with weyghtꝭ accordyng to the stādard al the inhabitantys within thesame townes may frely way without any thyng gyuyng And foreyns shal pay for euery draught of the weight of q̄ and for eueri draughte betwen C. li. ob And for euery draughte betwen C. li. m. li.i.d. And vpon the offycers shal be rewardyd by the dyscressyon of the chyef of the town And that the iustyce of peas mayrs baylyfꝭ stuwardꝭ haue power to examyn the p̄myssys to ponish the trespassours .viii. h. vi ca. v. ¶ The weyghte of a waye of chese maye holde xxxii clouys s. euery cloue .ix. Henry .vi. ca. viii ¶ The mayer of london shal be sworne in the eschekir to execute the statute of mesurꝭ weyghtes and al other mayrys baylyffꝭ shal be sworn whan they take their charge And euery cyte or town shal haue a comyn balaunce and a comyn busshell insealyd accordyng to the standard vpō payn of euery cyte euery borow C. s. euery town where a cōstable is .xl. s. euery mayer baylyf shal make accompt in the eschekyr of all that euer they maye reseyue by force of these same statutys xi Henry .vi. capitulo .viii and .viii H. vi ca. v. ¶ The instyces of peas baylyffꝭ stuwardꝭ of fraunches shal ponyssh the defautꝭ of mysurys weyghtes as well by examynacyon as other wyse viii h. vi ca. v. .xxxiiii. E. iii. ca. v. vi and he that wil sew for the defautꝭ shal recoue● C. s. and his costes and the kynge an other C. ● ¶ Tōnes pypes tercyās and hoggyshedꝭ of oyle and hony shall cōteyn as wyne doth .xviii. H vi capitulo .xvii. ¶ Tyles shal be well whytyd and aneylyd and that the erth wherof the tyle shal be made shal be dygged and cast vp before the fyrst daye of nouēber next before that they shall be made and that the same yerth be styrryd and turnyd before the fyrste day of februarij than next folowynge and not opynyd before the fyrste day of march than next folowynge and that the yerth befor the makynge be tryed from stonys and also that the veynes callyd Malme merle or calke be seueryd frō the yerth And that euery tyle shall cōteyn in lēght x. ynches and a halfe and in brede .vi. ynches and a quart●r and that euery roffe tyle shall conteyn xiii ynches and ī thyknes half an ynche a quarter and euery gutter tyle and couer tyle shall cōteyn in lenght .x. ynches and a halfe yf any sell any other tyle not made accordinge to this ordynaunce he shall forfeyt to the byer the double valew And shall make fyne and raunson to the kinge and he that wyll sew for the det shall haue ꝓces of vtlary where nother proteccion esson nor wager of law shall lye and the iustyce of pease may inquyre therof and sesse the syne for euery M. playntyle v. s And euery C rose tyle vi s. viii d and euery C. gutter tyle or couert tyle .ii. s. And that ii● serchours may present the defautꝭ before the iustyce of peas and that to be as stronge as a presentment of .ii. men .xvii. E. iiii capiulo iiii● ¶ No herynge samon elys or other fysshe barellyd shall not be packyd before that the vessels be seene s. that euery butte shall cōteyn .lxxxiiii. galōs the barell xlii galons the halfe barel xxi galons payne of forfeytoure of euery butte barell and half barell vi s. viii d And that all the great samons shal be packyd by thē self and the smal samōs by them selfe vpon payn of forfeytour for euery but barel and half barell vi s. viii And no marchaunt sell no herynge nor elys by the barell except it cōteyn xlii galons and the halfe barell and firkin after the rate and that they be wel packyd vpon payn of forfeytour for euery on suche vessell of the herynge iii. s. iiii d And for euery one suche vessell of the elys x. s. xxii E. iiii ca. ii ¶ None shal sell maluesey except that the butte contein C xxvi galons and of other wyne eueri tonne shal conteyn CC. lii galons euery pype C. xxvi galons Euery tercyan .lxxxiiii. galons euery hoggys hed lxili galons And euery barell xxxi galons and a halfe and euery rondelet .xviii galons a halfe And that no vessel be put to sale tyll it be gagyd vpon payne of forfeytour and yf the vessel faut of his mysure the byer shal abate to the seller alow as mych money as cometh to the rate vpon paayn of forfeytour to the kynge all the valew of the wyne hony or oyle so solde i. R. iii. ca. xiii ¶ One mysure and one weyght shal be thorow out al the land and they shal be markid with the letter h. crownyd and who soeuer occupyeth any other mysure shal forfeit for the fyrst tyme .vi s. for the second time .xiii. s. iiii d and for
The Statutes Prohemium Iohannis Rastell BEcause that the lawys of this real● of eglōd as wel the statutes as other iug●mētis decreys be made wrytyn most cōmynly in the frēche tōge dyuerse men thereof muse haue oft tymys cōmunicaciō argumēte cōsyderīg that in reason euery law wherto any people shuld be bo●●dyn oughte shuld be wrytt●n in suche maner and so opynly publyssed decl●●yd that the people myght sone without gret di●ficulte haue the knowlege of thesame lawes But the very cause whithe said lawes of ēglōd were writī in the frēch tōg shuld seme to be this Fyrste it is not vnknowyn that when wyllyam duke of normandy came into this lande slewe kyng herrold conqueryd the hole realm there was a great nōbre of people as wel gentilmē as other that cam with him which vnderstode not the vulgar tong that was that tyme vsyd in this realme but onely the frēch tōg and also by cause the sayd kyng other great wyse mē of his coūsel ꝑseiuid supposid that the vulgar tōg w●ich was than vsyd in this realme was in a maner but homely rude nor had not so greate copy ād ●aboundaūce of wordys as the frenche tōg thā 〈◊〉 ●or that vullgare tonge was not of it sel● suffycyent to expound to declare the matter of such lawis ordenaūcꝭ as thei hade determine● to be made for the good gouernaūce of the people so effectually and so substauncyally as they cowd indyte thē in the frēch tong therfore they order●d wrote indited the seid law is that they made in the french tong And forthermore longe after the cōmyng of kynge wylyā conquerour because that the vse of the frēch tōg ī this real me began to mynyssh because that dyuers people thā inhabytyd withī this realm which coud nother speke the vulgare tongue of this realme nother the french tong Therfore the wyse men of this realme causyd to be orderyd that the matters of law accyōs betwene ꝑtes shuld be pledyd shewyd and defendyd answered debatyd ●●uggyd in the englyssh vulgar tōg more ouer y● wryttyn enteryd of recorde in the rollys in the latyn tonge by cause that euery man generally ● indyfferently myght haue the knowlege thereof as apperyth by a statute made in the .xxxvi. yere of Ed. iii. ca. vltimo wherefore as I suppose for these causꝭ before rehersyd the law is of this realm were īdytid wryttī in the frēch tōg which was ītēdyd for a ryght good purpose But yet besyde this now of late days the moste noble prynce our late souereyn lorde kynge henry the .vii. worthye to be called the seconde salomon whiche excellyd in polytyk wysedome all other pryncis that reyngned in this realm before his tyme concyderynge and well perseyuynge that our vulgare englissh tong was maruelously amendyd augmentyd by reason that dyuerse famous clerkys lernyd men had translate and made many noble workys into our englisshe tōg wherby there was moch more plenty haboundan̄ce of englyssh vsyd than there was in tymys past by reasō ther of our vulgare tōg so āplified sufficient of it self to expound any lawys or ordinaūcis which was nedeful to be made for the ordre of this realm and also thesame wyse price consyderyng that the vnyuersall people of this realm had greate pleasure and gaue thēself greatly to the redynge of the vulgare englyssh tonge ordeynyd and causyd that all the statutys and ordinauncis which were made for the commyn welth of this realm in his dayes shulde be indytyd wryttyn in the vulgare englyssh tonge to be publysshyd declaryd and imprītid so that thā vnyuersally the people of the realm myght sone haue the knowleg of the sayd statutꝭ ordynaūcys which they were bound to obserue so by reasō of that knowlege to auoid the daūger an● penaltes of the same statutys also the better to lyffe in tranquylyte pease which dyscreyt charytable resonable order our most drad souereyne lord that now is kyng Henry the .viii. hath cōtynuyd folowyd causyd all the statutys that haue be made in his dayes to be also īdytyd and wrytten in our englyssh tonge to the intente that all his lege people might haue the knowleg ther of All which goodly purposys intentys in my mynde oftē tymys reuoluyde hath causyd me to ●ake this lytell payne to translate out of frenche in to englysshe the abbreuyacyon of the statutys ma●● before the fyrst yere of the reyn of our late s●uereyn lord kyng Hen. the .vii. also thoughe y● the statu●ꝭ made as well in the tyme of the se●d kinge Hen. the .vii. as in the tyme of our souereyne lord that now is be suffyciently indytyd writen in our englysshe tong yet to thē that be desyrouse shortly to knowe the effect of them they be now more tediouse to rede than thoughe the mater effect of them were cōpēdyously abbreuiat wherfore now as farre as my symple wyt smal lernynge wyll extende I haue here takyn vppo● me to abbregge the effect of them more shortly in this lytell book Besechynge al them to whom the syghte ther of shall come to accept it in gre● though they shall fortune to fynde any thynge my●●eportyd or omyttyd by my neglygēs or ellis by neclygēs of the prynters that it wold lyke them to pardon me to consyder my good wyl which haue intendyd it for a comī welth for the causꝭ consyderacyons before rehersyd and also if y● it shal fortune them to be in dout in any poynte therof yet yf it please them they maye resorte to the hole statute where of this book is but a bred gemente in maner but a kalendre● And further more I wyl aduertyse euery man that shal fortune to haue any matter in vre to resort to som man that is lernyd in the lawes of this realm to haue his coūcel in such poyntes whiche he thynketh douteful concernynge the sayde statutys by the knowlege whereof and by the dylygente obseruyng of the same he maye the better do his d●wty to his prynce souerayngne and also lyue in tranquylyte and pease with his neyghboure acordynge to the pleasure and commaundemente of almyghty god to whome be eternall laude glorye Amen Tabula ¶ Abiuracyon fo pri accompt fo primo accyon populer fo ii accusacyon fo ii a●dycyon fo ii admyrall fo ii administratours fo iiii age fo v aid of the kyng fo v alyen● fo vi ambidexter fo● vii amend●ment fo vii am●rc●●ment fo vii am●su●ement fo viii appar●ll fo viii apprentyce fo viii apꝓp●i●ciō fo ●iiii apr●●mentes fo ●iiii app●ll fo xv ●re●●es fo ●vi artificer● fo xvi armour fo xvi archery fo ●vii a●●yse fo xi● adiournement fo ●●i ass●●●acyon fo ●vii attaynt fo x●ii atteynder fo xxiiii attorney fo xxv auerment fo ●xvi aduowry fo xxvii avwoson fo
weyghtes mysuris fo cc.l ●enery fo cc.lvi wytnes fo cc.lvj view of fraūkplege fo cc.lvii wynys fo cc. l●ii vitell vitellers cc.lviii worsted fo cc lix wollys fo cc.lx voucher fo cc. i●● wreke fo cc lxii wryttes fo cc lxii vsury fo cc.lxiii vtlary fo cc. l●iii Finis Tabule Abiuracion HE that abiurith the land while he is in the opyn strete shal be in the kyngꝭ peace nor ought in no wise to be tro●elyd and whyle he is in the church his keꝑs ●ught not to dwell in the church yard except ●ecessite or iuꝑdye of escape reqire nor he shall ●ot be ꝯpellyd to deꝑt whyle he is ī the church ●ut that he may haue his necessary lyuyng fre●y to go owt to ea●e hym self of the burdō of na●ure The statute callyd articuli cleri capit viij ¶ A Clerk fleyng to th● church for felo●y for ●o haue the puylege of the church affirmīg him ●elff to be a clerk shall not be ꝯpellyd to abiure ●he reame but yeldyng hym self f to the lawys of the reame shall inioy the lybertes of the ●hurch accordyng to the lawdable custome of ●he reame hydirto vsyd Articuli cleri cap̄ xij Accompt ¶ If the lord assigne auditours to the baylyf or reseyuer whych be found in areragis the ●●●itours shall commyt them to the next geall of ●he kyng tyl they haue payd the areragis And ●uch a baylyff or reseiuour may fynd maym per●ours haue a wryt of ex parte talis to ●ryng hym before the barons of the excheker the shyryf shall delyuer hym vnto them And the shyryf in whos pison he is shall warn the lord to be before the barons at a certayn day wyth rollys tayles c̄ and in the presence of the barōs or audytours which they wyl assyne the account shal be rehersyd and yf he be found in areragis he shal be commyttyh to the flete and yf he depart and wyllyngly wyll not account he shal be dystraynyd yf he come auditours shal be assygnyd vnto hym and yf he be in areragys he shal be commyttyd to ward vt supra this statute gyffith ꝓces of vtlary yf the shiryf retorn nichyl And these ꝑsons so cōmyttyd to pison be not repleuysable c And yf the gealour let them go at large An acciō of det shall lye agayns hym but yf he be insuffycient then the accion shall lye agayns hys superiour that commyttyd the geall vnto hym Westmester ii ca xii ¶ The tenure of accomt gyffyn ī the eschekyr by costom̄s countrollers shiryffꝭ other shal be send into the contre where c for to be examynyd by comyssioners therto assinyd yf they be cōuyct of fraud or ꝯceylm̄t they shal yeld to the kyng thre tymys as much be in prison tyl they haue made fyne and raunsom to the kyng The vi yere of henry the iiii Ca iii Auncyen fermys and rētis shall not be ratyd ī accompt in the eschequyr xxviii E iii Ca iiii ¶ Every costōmer vppō hys accoumpt shal be sworne to answere the kyng of all ꝓfetis commodytes for the payment of any assygnement be it by tayl or in any other maner iiij H iiij Ca xx Accion populer If the defēdāt in accion populer plede a recouery in barre had agayn hym selfe by an other ꝑson or els that the same defēdant before that tyme barryd any suche playntyfe in the acc●on populer The playntyfe may auerre that suche recouery was by couyn or that suche ● playntyfe was barryd by couyn or colucion that is to sey agremēt betwene the playntyfe and defēdant and if suche couyn or colucion be foūd the playntyf shall haue Iugemēt and the defendant shall haue īprisonement of ij yeris Also a release made by any estrange ꝑsone before suche an accion or indytem̄t or after be not alowyd Prouydyd that no playntyfe b● receyuyd to auerre suche couyn in case where the poynt of the same acciō or where suche couyn or colusion hath ben before tried or laufully foūd agayns the plaintyffꝭ or ellis with thē by the tryell of xii men and not other wyse The .iiij. yere of kynge hēry the vij cap̄ xx ¶ That all sewtis from the xx day of nouembre in the vij yere of kynge hēry the viij by accciōs byllys īnditementꝭ or informacions vppō an● penall statute wherby the kyng is only intytulyd to any det mouable goodꝭ or cattellꝭ so for●etyd shall be cōmensid sewyd within iiij yeres next aft the offēce or forfeture And that all suche seutis vppon any accion penall wher by the forfeture is gyuyn as well to the kyng as to the ꝑti● that will sewit thā if the kyng sewit only that than that sewt by the kyng be cōmensyd sewyd within the space of two yere next after the offēce and forfeit so made And yf any oth●r ꝑsō sew therfore as well for hym selfe as for the kyng that than that sewt be cōmēsyd within the space of one yere next after the offēce or forfeit so made And yf any acciō or sewte be had or made other wyse than with in the tymys lymytyd they to be voyd of non effect the vij yere of kyng H. viij cap̄ iii. Accusacion ¶ No man shal be takyn or imprisonyd or any wyse distroyed nor we shall not go nor sit vppon hym but by laufull iugement of his peerys or by the law of the land magna carta cap̄ xxix ¶ Non shal be actachid by his bodi nor his landis nor godis sesyd cōtrary to magna carta .v. E iij capitu ix ¶ Non shal be takyn by peticion or suggestion made to the kyng or his counsell yf it be not by inditement or dew origynall nor put out of his ●raunches or frehold wythout iugement .xxv. E. iij. Capitu. iiij ¶ The accuser shal be send wyth the suggestiō before the chauncellour the tresorer there shall fynd surete to pursew c yf he can not ꝓue his seyeng he shall haue that same payn that the other shuld haue .xxxvii E iij Ca x●iij but that payn of pena talionis is put ow● by the statut the yere xxxviii E iij. ca ix but he shal be send to pson there to remayn tyl he hath made gremēt wth the ꝑte of his damagis for the sklaunder c furthermore shall fyne raunsome to the kyng Non shal be put to a●swer wth out p̄se●t●ment before the iustice or by dew ꝓces wryt originall if any be it is voyde in the law holdyn for errour .xlij E iii Cap xii ¶ The deffēdantꝭ vexid by such accusementis before the kyugs counsell or in the chauncery shall recouer theyr damagis .xvij R ii Ca vj Addicion ¶ In wryttis originallis of ꝑsonell accōn● appellis and indi●ementis where an exigent shal be awardid the namys of the deffendaūtis shal be made wyth addycions of theyr estate degre or craft of the townys hamlettis placi●
and countes where of they be or haue be con●ersaunt or ells they shal be abatyd And yf any vtlary be pronoūced in such case it shal be voy● And though they vary from the record o●efpecyalte for such surplysage they shall not abate j. Hvcav Admyrall ¶ ●●●●●ors a●● that they be reteyned to se●● the kyng vppō the see and reseyuyd their wagis and after depart wythout lycēce of the admyral or his leuetenāt be bound to restore the double of that they receyued to haue īprisoemēt of ij yeres without bayll or maymprise the kyng ꝯmaūdyth all shiryffs mayre● aud baylyffes that at the certifycat of the admyrall or hys leueteuaūt witnyssīge the same to arest them and to put thē ī preson ther to remayn tyll thay haue a speciall ꝯmaundemēt of the kyng for theyr delyueraūce lyke punyshm̄t be done of the seriaūtis of armys maisters of shyppꝭ ●ll other that shall be a tayntyd by īquire before the admyrall or hys leuetenāt that haue takyn ought of the sayd mareners to suffer them to go at large after that they haue them so therfore ●restid the ij yere of R. ij c. iiij ¶ All maner contractis plees quarrellys and other thynges done or growyng withī the bodyes of the cōntes as well by lande as by water also wrekys of the see shall be determynyd by the lawe of the land and not by the admyrall neuertheles of the deth or mayme of a man don in the great shyppis beyng harboryd in the myddys of the hye stremis of the gret ryuers only benethe the bryggys of the 〈◊〉 riuers next to the see the admyrall shall haue iurisdiccion in no nother maner And also to arest the shyppys in the great stremys for the great vyagis of the kyng the realme sauing to the kynge all maner forfeytis therof cōmyng And also he shall haue iurisdiccyō in the sayd stremys durynge the sayd viagis only sauynge all wey to cytes and borowes and lordis theyr lybertes and fraunches The xv R ij c iij ¶ The admyrall shal medyl with nothīge done within the realm̄ the xiij R ij c v he that is greued agaīs this estatute shal haue a writ vpppon his cas agayns hym that sewyd hym in the admyrall court shal recouer double damagis yf the defendant be attaīt he shal pay xli to the kyng the ij H iiij c xi Loke mor● for admyrall in the tytle trews Administratours ¶ yf a mā dye intestate the ordinary shall dep●●te the next lawful frēdꝭ of the dede mā whych shall haue accion make answere aud be accomptable to the ordinaryes as executours● xxxj E iij Ca xi Age ¶ In a wryt of entre by the heyre of the disseysi agayns the heyre of the disseisour the wryt shall not be abatyd by the noneage of the one nor of the other nor the plentyff delayd c and if a man bryng assise the disseysour dye before the assise pass the pleyntyff shall haue his wryt agains the heyre of the disseysour of what age so euer he be the ple shall not ab●d but it shall be pursewyd with quyk su●t astyr the disseysyn And in the same maner this point shall be in the ryght of the p̄latis of religion other to whom landis tenemētis may come after an others deth whedyr they be disseysyes or disseysours Westm̄ prim̄ Cxlvi ¶ yf an infant with in age be kept from hys inherytance after the deth of his cosin graunt fadyr or gret graunt fadyr by whcih he owght to haue a wryt his aduersary alege a fefement or sey any other thyng wherby the iustyce award the inquest wher it was delayed tyl the age of the infant here the inquest shall now passe as though he were of full age Gloucester● Capitulo secundo ¶ ● wryt of cui in vita or ●ur cui in vita shall not be di●●erryd after the deth of the husband for the noneage of the heyre which ought to warrant it but the byer shall ●ary vntyll the ful age of the heyre westm̄ ii Ca xl Aid of the kyng ¶ where the kyng makyth a fefement and the dede ther of made be so that any person by lyke dede or lyke feffement be bound to warrantye the iustyce may ꝓcede no further In other casts as where the kyng hath confirmyd or ratyfyed an other mānis dede in to an other mannys ryght or grauntyd any thyng to an other as mych as in hym is Or wher a dede is shew●yd that the kyng hath gyffyn any tenement not no clause therin conteynyd wherby● he owght to warrant it and for the occasion ther of in all such lyke cas●s it shall not be surseysyd but that as sone as it is shewd to the kyng they shall ꝓcede Of wymennys dowers where any ha●e the kepyng off the heyris of theyr husband●s of the kyng is graunt whethyr the kepers hold the land or the heyris of the lond be vouchid or callid to warrantye yf they ley excep●●on that they can not answere wyth out the 〈◊〉 they shall not surcesse therfore but they ●●all procede in the accion accordyng to ryght ●tatut de bigamis Capitulo primo ¶ A mā shall haue but iiij wryttis of●erch were he hath ayde of the kyng wherof euery ●●albe deliuerd .xl. days before the retorn of the ●●me .xiiij. E. iii. Cap̄ xiij Alyens ¶ Priours alyens conuentuall institute in●uct may haue theyr beneficis in englond so ●hat they fynde suerte that they shall not disco●er the secretis of the reame The furst yere o●●enry the .v. Capitulo .vij. ¶ Non of the kyngis lege people nor nō other ●e fermour nor procuratour to any alyen wh●●che hath auy benefyce within this reame The iii. yere of R c. ii capitulo .iij. ¶ Alyens shall take no possessyon in no bene●ice in englond without the kyngis lycēce The 〈◊〉 of Richard .ij. capitulo .xi. ¶ The kyng shall haue the possessions of p●●●ours aliens in fee if they be not cōuentu ●lls ●●●●stitute induct The iiij yere of henry the 〈◊〉 the last chapt ¶ It is law full for no alien to shote in a lo●●● bow with out the kyngꝭ lycence vppon pay●●● of forfeture of the same bow arows euery of the kyng subiectis may seyse the bow ar●●ws .vj h viij Cap ij ¶ All aliens hauyng any manuel occupacio● in the suberbis of any cyte or town with in th●● reame or with in ij myle therof except oxford 〈◊〉 brydg seynt merteyns the graūt in londō 〈◊〉 be vnder the serch of the wardens of the o●●●●paciō with an alion housholder of the same ●●cupaciō to thē chosin And they shall dely●●● to the same alions beyng a blak smyth coup● pouchmaker or ioyner a sign or a merk why● they shall put vppon theyr work or thei pu● to sale vppon payne of forfeytour of doble 〈◊〉 leto of the same warys Also yf such warden●●
make serch and that no person bo●● owt of the kynges legeaunce by thys act may commense no new fayre wythin seynt mertyn● the graunt .v. h. viii C. vii ¶ Euery cordyner in the cyte of lōdon wyt● in iii. mylys of the same may sell shoys boty●galegis vppon the sonday all other festis pr●●cipallis not wyth standing the statute made the tyme of kyng Edward the iiij xv h. viii C. ix Corn ¶ Euery mā may ship corn to what place tha● he wyll owt of the realme but to the kīgis enmys except that restreint be therof made by the counsell .xvii. R. ij Capitulo septimo .iiii. Hen● vi Capitulo .v. ¶ Euery man may shyp corne to what plac● that he wyll out of the realme without lycence saue onely to the kyngꝭ ēnemyes yf the quarter of whete excede not .vi. s. vii● d and barli .iii. s. in the port wher it was shyppyd this to endure .x. yere The .xx. yere henry .vj. ca. vi And after this act was made ꝑpetuall The .xxiii. yere of henry .vi. ca. vi ¶ No persō conuey in any port of this realme any whe●e rye or barly that is not of the growyng of englond yrelond walys or other yle therto be longyng yf the quarter of whete excede not the pryce of .vi. s. viii d the q●arter rye iiii s. and the quarter barly .iii. s. and that vppon the payne of forfeture the one halfe to the kynge and the other halfe to hym that seasyth hyt Thy .ii. yere of E. iiii ca. v. ¶ wedows may bequeth thei corn as well growyng vppon their doweryes as vppon theyr other landis Merton Ca. ii Coron ●No shyryf constable coroner nor other baylyf of the kyng hold any plee of the corō magna carta Capitulo .xv. Coroner ¶ Coroners chalbe chosyn of the most sagist knyghtys c. And the which shall lawfully attache and present the plees of the corone and the shyryff shall haue countrolers wyth the coroners as well of appellis as of inquestis attachementis and other thyngis whych to the office ꝑteynyth that no Coroner take any thig to do his office vppon agreuous forfeture to the kyng w. j. C. x. ¶ Coroners shal be chosyn in opyn counte by the cōmīs of the same coūte .xxviii. E iii. ca. vj. ¶ Coroner shall haue land suffycyent in the same counte c. xiiij E. iij. C. vii ¶ These be to be inquerid of the coroners of our lord the kyng furst when the coroners haue commaundment from the kyngis bayllyff or from the men of the cōtrey that they shall goo to them that be slayn or sodeuly ded or woundyd or brekers of howsis or the place where tres our is found anon they shall comaund .iiij. townys next ioynyng that they be before them in such a place and when they come by an oth shall make inquisition in this forme S. of the man slayn yf ther were any ffurst it is to be inquerid where he was slayn whether in the fyld other in the howse or at tauerne or at any congregacion and who were there Also it is to be inqueryd who be gylty of dede or of force and who were there men or women and what age so euer they be so they can speke and haue discression c. And all that by inquisicion shall be found gilty shall be takyn and delyueryd to the schyryff put in the geale And they that be found though they be not gilty shal be attachyd vntyl the commyng of the iustice and the namys of them all shal be wrytyn in the coroners roll yf any such be slayn in the feld or wood and be found furst it is to see where he were slayn ther or no yf paraduenture he be brought thedyr let the trace be folowyd yf it may be who brought the body thydir by hors or by cart it shal be inq̄ryd also yf the man slain be knowyn or vnknowyn and where he lay the nyght before yf any such be slaī any be foūd gilty anō the coroner shall go to hys bows and inquere what catell he hath and what corn in the grange or fyld yf he be a fre man what landis he hath and what they be worth by the yere and cause them all to be p̄ysyd landis corn catell and anon they shal be seen and delyueri to the hole to wnship to āswer before the iustyc therof And also the lādis deliueryd what they be worth by the yere sauyng the seruis to the lordis of the fee and the landis shall be holdin in the kyngis handis tyl the lordis of the fee haue made fyne for thē These thyngis so inqueryd the body shal be be●yed also it is to be inq̄ryd of such bodyes whether they were drownyd or slain or stranglid be tokin of any cord about the nek or by any member or by any hurt in the body found it is to procede in the forseyd forme and then coroners shall attache the fynders and all other in their companyes ¶ Of tresure found the coroner owght to inquere who be the fynders and also who that is therof suspect and that may be knowyn be cause h●lyffyd dylycately and vsid the tauerne and so long contynued for suspicious he ought to be attachid bi foure six or moo pleggis yf they may be found yf any be appellid of rape he shal be attachyd yf it be newli don and they see a tokyn of trewth s. a tokī of bledyng and crie made he shal be be attachyd by .iiii. or .v. pleggꝭ ●f it be appellid wythout crie or tokī manyfest thā .ij. plegꝭ be suffic●ēt of an appell of a woūd yf the same wound be a dethis wound an●● they that be appelllyd shal be takyn and holdin tyl it ●e knowyn whether he may lyff and yf he dye they shal be hold gylti and yf he lyff by .iiij. or by .vj. pleggis after as the wound is gret or lesse But of mayme by moo than by foure Off a small wound .ij. be sufficient ¶ Also of all woūdis it is to be seen the lēght brede and depnes and wyth what wepon the hurt man was woundyd and in what place of the body and yf any be gylty who made the wound and so all thyng must be put in the coroners roll yf any be appellyd of the dede and some of the force They that be appellyd of the dede shal be takyn and they that be appellyd of the force shal be atachid tyl that they that be appellid of the dede be conuyct ¶ Of horsys bottis cartis by the whych any man is slain whych be properly callid bannys they shal be praysyd and after ward delyuerd as is aboue seyd off wrekkis of the see where soeuer it be found yf any putto his hands s. to take them he shal be attachid by good pleggꝭ and sure and the wrek shal be praysyd and delyuerd to the townis men yf any man be suspect
hādis the landis shall come shal be chargyd of damagis so that euery one shall answer for his tyme yt is prouidyd also that the disseise shall recouer his damage in a wryt o● entre sur disseison agaynst him that is 〈◊〉 tenaunte after the deseisyn it is ꝓuyd●d also that frō hens forth in all casis damage shal be awardyd where a mā recouerith by assiss 〈◊〉 mordaūcestour as is before seyd in assiss nouell disseysyn And in the same maner a man shall recoueryt damage in a wryt of colsynage ayle or baysayll And also from hens forth they shall ●ecouer the costis of his wryt and of his purchase iointly with the damage of val●w of the issues of the land And this shal be hold in all poyntis where a man recoueryth agains a nother of his intrusion and of his own wrong Gloucest Capitulo primo ¶ Doble damage shal be recoueryd in assise where a fefemēt is made by a dyseissour by maītenauuaunce .i. R. ii capitulo .ix. ¶ Treble damage shal be recouerid ī assisse whe●e a man is dysseysyd with ●orce .viii. h. vi ca. ix ¶ They that pur●heys a ꝓhibyciō attachem̄t agaynst the ordynaryes of a thy●ge that belongeth not to the lay court shall y●ld dam̄ to the ordynaryes bi the awarde of the iustyce c. In ●ouis ordinacoī●m .v. E. iii. and it is repelled .xv E. iii. it semyth that the iustyce b●fore whō the attachement is s●ed shall award damage in the ●ame sute to the ordynarye that is deff c. q̄●e if it be a statute ¶ He that suyth a wryt of errour for to extort execucion yf the iugemēt be affirmyd he shall lose damage and costis for the delai that he did to hym that had iugement .iij. h. vii ca. x. The same law shal be yf the wryt of errour be discontinuyd or yf he be non suyt he shall yeld damage but inquere what shall be yf errour be suyd after execuciō This estatute is cōfyrmyd .xix. h vij Capitulo .xx. ¶ The tenaunt shall recouer damage agayns ●he demaundant in a wryt of ryght as apperith in the tytle of gard .iiij. h. vij capi xvij ¶ Euery auouant and other person that makyth auowry conusaunce or iustificacyon 〈◊〉 baylyf to a nother person in any replenin secōd deliueraunce for rent custome or seruyce yf it be found for him or that the pleyntif be other wyse barryd that the auowaunt shall recouer his damage and costis as the playntyf shul● haue done yf he had recoueryd in the seyd replenyn .vij. h. viij Cap. iiii Day ¶ The day of the lepe yere the day folow●● shall be hold for o●e day The statute of the l●pe y●re Darreyn presentem̄t ¶ Assise of darreyn presentment shal be alwey takin and determinid in the bench magna carta Capitulo .xiij. Decies tantum ¶ A wryt callyd decies tantum shal be brought agayns the iurrour that hath takyn money to sey his verdyt and as it is seyd the .xxxiiii. E. iii ca. viii he that wyll sue shall haue the one half and the king the other and the same law shal be against embrasours c. and yf they haue no thin wherof they may make satisfaction they shall haue a yerys prysonment .xxxviii. E. iij. Capitulo .xii. Loke more of this in the title iurro●r Declaracion ¶ A declaracion shall not abate for defaute of forme if it haue substaūce .xxxvi. E. iii. ca. vlii Denmark ¶ The kepar of the priuyseale may make letts of request to the king of denmark for reformacion of all thīgis dō by his people yf he wūt not make reformacyon our souereyn lord the kyng by the aduyse of his counsell shall prouyde remedy .x. h. vi cap. iij. Dett ¶ yf the wardeyn of the flete let a man cōdēpnyd to go by bayll or mamprise or baston if he haue no commandment by wryt he shall losse his offyce and for thermore yf such a warden be attaint by dew proces that he hath lett vt supra the pleyntyffis shall haue theyr recouery agayns the gardeyn by a wryt of det .j. Ric. ij Capitulo .xij. ¶ The mayre of the staple of calece shall haue an accion of dett agaynst hym that shippyth wollys c. to a nother place thā to calece wherin esson proteccion nor law shall lye and shall haue such proces as is in an other accion of dett at the comyn law and the mayre shall recouer the the one halff to the kinge and the other halff to him self f and yf any issue be takyn vppō the certificat of the customer of calece that shal be tried in the shyre where the eschekyr ys iii. E iiij Capitulo .ii. ¶ See in the tytle of shyryff how an accion of de● is mayntenyd agayns the shyryff that sufferyth an escape of one that is in excecucion ¶ The tresorer and barōs of the escheky may termyn and ordeyn euery det dew to the kyng to the somme of sauyng the cōtinuans of the dettours and that they charge not the shyryf nor baylyf of the fraunches nor other accomptaunce in the eschekyr of no thyng to beleueyd of any yf he be chargid of as much as he may leuey by his oth without abatīg the coūtenaūce of the dettour .i. E iii. c. v. Stat. scdō ¶ Recognisaunce to the dodle shall not be takyn in the eschekyr for the kīgis dett as it hath be wont notwithstanding ther shal be takin sufficient surete .xiii R. ij Capitulo .xiiij. ¶ we or our balyffis shall not seyfe any landis for any det as long as the cattell and the dettours presēs suffyce and the pricipall dett therfore be redy to answere Magna carta cap. viij Disseyson with roberye ¶ yf a man be attaint of disseisin don in the tyme of the kyng that now is with robbery of any maner of catell or mouables by reconisaunce of assise of nouell diss the iugem̄t shal be that the playtyf shall recouer seysyn and his damagis as well of the chatell as of the mouable as of land the disseysor shal be fynyd c. and yf he be present he shal be awardyd to prison and the same maner shal be don yf the dysseysin be dō with force and armys though the mā do no robery w. i. Cap. xxxix Disteyt ¶ A man shall haue a wryt of disseyt where he losyth by stire fa● as well as in a precipe quod reddat .ij. E. iii. Cap. vltimo Dysmes ¶ Seyre fac shall not be made to prelatis and mē of holy chrurch to answer of dismis in the chauncery .xviii. E. iij. ꝓ clero capitulo vltimo ¶ Fermours and possessioners of aliens beyng in the kyngis handis shall pay dysmes .v. h. iii. Capitulo .xi. Dystres ¶ No ꝯstable distreī any mā to gyf money for kepīg of a castell yf he wyll do yt hī self or by an other if he mai not for a resonable cause ●nd
see the statut m●gna carta Cap. xx ¶ yf the lord distreyn for his seruice though no rent be behynd therfor the lord shall not be ponisshyd by fyne c. yf he suffer the distressi● to be delyuerid c. And the tenaūt shall recouer his damage agayns hym and the distressis shal be resonable and not to gret merlebr̄ Cap. iii. ¶ Nō shall cause ani distres to be brought owt of the counte wherin c. and yf one neghbor do that to a nother by his wyll he shal be ponissid by fyne as of a thyng agayns the pease and yf the lord do so to his tenent he shal be ponysshid by greuous amercement merlebr̄ cap. iiij ¶ A man shall not distr●yn in a nothers fee yf h● do he shal be ponysshid after the statut of merlebr̄ and more greuous yf the tre●p●s so require w. i. Cap. xvi ¶ A man shal be amercid for excessiue distress merlebr̄ Capitulo .v. ¶ Non shall distr●yn in the kyngis hye wey or comyn strete but the kyng and his ministers merlebr̄ Capitulo .xv. ¶ No distres shal be made but by baylyffis knowyn and ther to sworn and yf they do other wysse therof be conuyet they shall yeld damage to them that be greuyd by an accion of trespas shal be make fyn● w. ii Cap. xxxvii ¶ yf the shyryf distrein for the kingis det the ꝑte to whom the best is be may gyff them mete c. and that sych distres be not sold within .xv. dayes and yf he bryng a tayll of one of the shyryffis of payment made to hym and fynd suretes to be at the next accompt at the escheikr the distres shall sease and that non be dystrenyd by his shepe nor by hys bestis that tyll his lād for the kyngis det nor for other cause yf a nother distres be sufficient except that a man fynd thē doing hurt and that in such casys the distres be not excessyue Statut de distr̄ skaccarii ¶ Distressis shall not be in the church fee ī the whych the churchis be indowyd Statut. vocat Articuli cleri ¶ Non shal be compellyd nor dystreynyd to come before any lord or lady to auswer of hys frehold nor other thing reall nor personell that touchyth the comyn law and yf any be greuyd he shall sue to the chauncellour and he shall gyff hym remedy .xvj. R. ij ca. xii if any do the contrary he shall forfeyt to the kyng Loke for distres in the tytle auowry vii h. viij Capitulo iiij Dower ¶ The thyrde parte shal be assignyd to the woman for her dowry of all the lande that was to her husband in his lyfe except that she were redowed of lesse at the churche dore M. carta capitulo septimo ¶ In a wryt of dowervnde nichil habet there shal be gyuen .iiii. v. or .vi. dayes by the y●re merlebr̄ Capitulo .xvii. In dower wherof she hath nought the write shall not be abated by the excepciō of the tenaunte for that that she hath receyued her dowry of another man before the wryte purcheysed if he can not proue that she hath receyued part of her dower of hym selfe in the same towne before the wryt purchesed w. i. capitulo .xlviij. ¶ The statute rehersyth that yf the husbande graunt playnly the iustyce shall iugge dower to this womā but yf the man lose by defaut it was a doute it is ordeyned therfore that in bothe casys that the womā that demaūdeth dower shall be herd and yf the tenaunt plede a recouere by defaut he owyth to auer his ryght but it speketh not how he shall plede yf the recouere be by confessyon c. but it is adiugyd .xvii. E. iii. that he shal recouer by and by for so was the comyn lawe w. ii capitulo quarto ¶ yf a wyfe wyllyngly refuse her husband and goo her way and dwel with her aduout●rer she shall lose her dower̄ excepte the husbande wyllyn●ly and without cōpulcyon of the churche wyll receyue her againe and suffre her to abyde with him in whiche case she shal be receyued to her accyon w. ii capitulo .xxxiii. ¶ Loke in the tytle off●fement how a woman tenaūte in dower̄ may forfeyt her estate Dorcestre ¶ The borow of Dorcestre shal vse theyr weyghtes .xii. myle aboute the sayd borowe as they were wont notwithstādyng the statute of weyghtes made at the last ꝑlyment .ix. h. vi ca. vi ¶ None brynge no Clothes in to this Realme made in any other place vppon payne of forfeytoure The .xi. E. iii. capitulo .iii. And also clothe makers of other landys be in the kynges proteccyon may dwell worke here at they● pleasure the same statute ¶ Clothes that lacke ayarde of mesure be forfayt and the ●ulnegeo●r founde in defaute before the mayre or baylyffes where they be solde shall haue a yeres p̄sonemēt and lose his offyce The .xxv. statute de pannis and he that wyll sewe in suche case shall haue the one halfe of the thynge forfetyd or elles the pryce ¶ Also the byer whan it is agreid of the pryce maye worke the clothe notwithstondynge it be sealed with the aulnegeours seale and yf it lack● of mesure it shal be forfeyte and the mayre● and baylyffes c. shall certifye to the chauncelour suche defautes and he shall wryte to them to delyuer the one halfe of the forfaite to hym that seweth and the other half● to the kynges vse The same yere capitulo .ii. ¶ The aulnegeour shal take for euery cloth of assyse of the seller a half peny and of halfe a cloth a ferthyng for his offyce and yf it be lesse thā halfe a clothe nothynge and that he medyll with no clothes but suche as be to sell and that he inseale euery clothe what mesure so euer it be And that Clothes putte to sale vnsea●●d ● be forfait .xxvii. yere E. iii. capitulo .v. ¶ Clothe not fullyd shall not be caryed out of the realme and that no subside be payd therfore tyll it be fullyd The .l. E. iii. ca. v. ¶ Cloth sowed to gider of peces īsealed be forfait the aulnegeour shall lose his offyce therfore And also yf the aulnegeour s●ale ony clothe that is not of assyse he shall lose his offyce the valu of the cloth and shall make fyne at the ky●ges pleasure The .iii. yere R. ii ca. ii ¶ Clothe shall conteyn the assyse vppon payn of forfaiture and he that spyeth the defaute agaynst the statutys of clothes shal haue the thyrd part● The .vii. yere R ii ca. ix ¶ Cogware and kendall cloth shal be .iii. quarters of a yard brode as they were wonte to be so that they be not made of better woll than they were wonte to be The .xiii. R. ii ca. x. ¶ No pleyn cloth tacchyd nor rolled be put to sale in the sherys of somerset or dorset o● gloucestre but openyd vpon payn of forfetour● and that the
.xxxiii. h. vi C. ii ¶ An indytement in the torne takyn by them that may not dispend .xx. s● by yere of frehold or .xxvi. s. viii d of copy hold shal be voide .i. R. iii. Capitulo .iiii. And the baylyff that retornyth thē and the shyryff that putteth them in shall lose .xl. s. ¶ A wryt vppon the case and treble damage is gyffyn for hym that is indytyd in a foreyn counte agayns the procuratours .viii h. vi Ca. ix And see more therof in the tytle of proces ¶ No wryt shall go owt to the sheryf to take inditement .xxviii. E. iii. Capitulo .ix. Loke for indytem̄t ī the tytle iustice of the one bench and the other .vi. h. viii Capitulo .vi. Englyshyre ¶ Englisshyre presentmēt of the same is put owt .xiiij. E. iii. Capitulo iii● Englond ¶ Englond shall neuer be subiect nor obediēt to the reame of fraunce nor to no kyng of englond as kyng of fraunce .xiiii. E. iii. Stat. ꝑse Engliss●emen ¶ The kyngis chyldern born in englōd or owt of englond shal be inheritable c. And all childern whych for hens forth shal be born owt of the legeaunce of the kyng of whom the fader and moder at the tyme of the byrth be of the feyth and legeaunce of the king of englōd shall haue and inioy the same benefitis and aduauntage to haue inheritaūce within this same legeaūce as other heirs before seid in tyme to come so that the moders of the same infantm go o ouer the see by the assent and wyll of theyr husbandis And yf it be alegyd agayns any such born beyond the see that he is bastard en cas where the bysshop shuld haue knolege of the basterdie it shal be commaūdyd to the bysshop to certefie to the kīgꝭ court as it hath be of old tyme vsyd ī case of basterdye agayn thē which be born in englond .xxv. E. iii. Stat. ꝑse Enfans ¶ yf enfans wythin age ●e a way so they can not well sew theyr next fryndis shal be admyttyd to sew for them w. ii Capitulo .xv. Entre ¶ yf so many alienacions be made that a man can not haue his wryt of entre with in the degres he shall haue a wryt of ētre ī the post merlebr̄ Capitulo .xxx. ¶ yf the tenaunt in dower alien in fee of for terme of anothers lyff he in the reuercion shall haue incontinent a wryt of entre s. A wryt callid in casu prouyso ¶ yf tenaūt in dower tenaūt by the cortesye or for tme of lif lose bi defaut or make ꝯfessiō he ī the reuercion shall haue a wryt of entr̄ after the deth of the seyd tenauntis in whych wryt the tenant shall haue his ryght c. w. ii C. iij. s. a wryt of entre ad communem legen Also if the tenant by the curtesy tenaunt for terme of lyffaleyn in fee or for terme of nothers lyffe he in the reuercion lyuyng the tenaunt by the cortesye or the tenaunt for terme of lyff shall haue a wryt of entre in casu consili c. but after the deth of the tenant by the curtesye tenāt in dower or tenant for terme of lyfe by this alyenacion made in their lifis he in the reuercyon shall haue a wryt of entre ad comuen legem distent of any landis and tenementis shall not be preiudiciall to any persō beyng ī the war̄ of the kyng no more than the person had bē wyth in age .iij. h. viii Capitulo .iiij. Errour ¶ yf erour ●e in the eschekir the chauncellour and tresorer shall make the record to come before them in some chamber nygh the eschekir takyn to the iustyce other sage men c. they shall cause the barons to be callid to here the cause of their iugement and if defaut befound they shall cause the rollis to be correct amen did and to be send again to the eschekyr to do therof execution as it is conuenyēt .xxxi. E. iii. C. xii it semyth that this statute takyth no pl●ce yf execucion be awardyd quer̄ ¶ Errour before the steward and mershal shal be reuersyd in the kyngis bench .v. E. iii. Ca. ii A mā beyng seke ought to sue a wryt of errour by attorney in a especyall forme of record yf the iu●tice see the person .vii. h iiij Cap. xiii ¶ Se in the tytle of attaynt that he in the r●●euercion shall haue an attaint or errour and so his heyre shall haue vppon a iugement gyffyn ●gayns his tenaunt for terme of lyf .ix. Ri. ii Capitulo .iij. ¶ See the tytle damage how the deffend shall ●ecouer damage iii● h. vij Cap. x. ¶ Loke more for errour in the title a●erment ●nd the title london Escape ● If any thynge be leuyd for the Escape ● any thefe or felon before that it be iuggyd before the Iustice in eyre he shal restore it to the ꝑte or to hym that payed it as moche as he toke and to the kynge asmoche westm̄ j. cap. vii ¶ The escapys of Felons and Clerkes cōuici from hens●orth Iuggid before any Iustyce beleuyd from tyme to tyme by the vew of the s●me Iustyce The .xxi. E. iij. cap. xiiij ¶ If the warden of the Flete let a man condēpn●d goo by bayle or maymprise or baston yf he haue no commaundement by wryt he shall lose his offyce and if h● be attaynt therof by due proces the ꝑte shall haue his recouere agaynst hym by accion of dette The .i. R. ii ca xii Loke in the tytle of Sheryffis an accion of de● mayntenable against the Sheryf that suffred ●n escape of one that was in execucion The .xxiii. h. vi capitulo .x. Loke more for escape in the tytle of coroners Eschaunge ¶ the estreytꝭ chaūgid shal be put ī the eschek● by the chaūcellour of ēglōd frō .xv. days to .xv. the barons haue power to exam●n the customers in this case to punissh thē that do contrary to this estatute .xi. h. iiij Cap. viii ¶ None take any thynge for to chaunge gold for syluer or contrary wyse vppon payne of forfeytour of the money so chaungyd but only the kinges eschaungeours● The .xxv. E. iij. stat de ꝓdic Capitulo .xii. ¶ None shall make eschaunge for payment beyonde the see without the kinges lycence vppon payne of forfeytour The .v. R. ii cap. ii ¶ The chaunge our shal be sworne and boūd● in the chauncery for to bye marchaundise of the lande to the velue the somme within .iij. monthes vpon payne of forfeytour The .xiiij. R. ij Capitulo .ij. ¶ Non shall make eschaunge wytho●t the kingꝭ lycēce and he that doth the cōtrary shall forfeyt the value therof and he that wyl sue by accyon of de● shall haue the one halfe and the kynge the other halfe wherin nother esson proteccyon nor wager of lawe shall lye The .iii. H viii capitulo .vi. ¶ None of this lande paye or gyue to any marchaunt straunger by way of
eschaunge or otherwyse any coyne of this lande of gold or bullion or oth●r maner plate of golde for his marchaundyse vpon payne of forfeyture of double valew of that coyne or plate● And he that wyll sue by accyon of dette shal haue the one halfe and the kynge the other halfe And he may haue it by wryte byll playnte or informacyon The i●ii H vii capitulo .xxiii. ¶ Loke more of this in the tytle of golde and money Eschete ¶ The kynge shall not holde the landes of thē that be conuyct of felonye but a yere and a day and then ●hey shall retourne to the lordes of the fee Mag. carta ca. xxii loke for eshete in the tytle wynes Eschetour ¶ Eschetours shal be chosyn as the sheryf●● and that there be as many of them as ther were whan the kynge toke the gouernaunce of the realme and that no eschetoure tary in his offyce past one yere The .xiiii. E. iii. capitulo .vii. Before this statute there were but .ii. eschetours in Englande ¶ Eschetours shall take the inquestes of theyr offyce bytwene them and the Iurry of the same county openly in good townes or elles it is voyde The .xxxiiii. E. iii. capitulo .xi. ¶ Eschetours must haue lande or fee or more or to be put out of theyr offyce The .xlii. E. iii● Capitulo v● ¶ Eschetours or commyssyoners whiche take inquestes of folkes not retourned by the sheryf shall lose wherof he that wyll sewe shall haue the one halfe also they shal retourne those inquestes so taken byfore them in to the chauncery or escheker withī a moneth after the takynge vppon payn of to be payed as is aforesayd the .viii. H. vj. capitulo .xvi. They shal pay to the kynge as moche as he is indamaged for the not retournynge of them Loke more of exchetours ī the title of tauerner● ¶ Euery Eschetour shall take his inquestes of offyce by vertue of wrytes of diem clausit extremū and of al other wrytes within a moneth after the delyuere of them and that they shall take them in good townes and open places and that he shall not take for his laboure and coste in one Countye aboue .xx. s. And yf he do contrary to the premyssis he shal forfe●te wherof he that wyll sewe it for the kynge shall haue the one halfe The .xxiii. Henry .vi. ca. xvii ¶ None shall be Eschetour excepte he or other to his vse at the tyme that he is chosyn may dysspende by yere in the same county .xx li And also he may not lette his offyce to ferme or make any depute if it be not to suche one for whome he wyll answere and he must gyue knowlege of the deputacyon to the tresourer within .xx. dayes after And yf the ●schetoure do otherwyse than is lymitted here he and his depute that so wyll occupye vnder hym shall forfeite The one halfe to the kynge and the other halfe to hym that wyll sew it by accyon of dette wherin nother esson proteccion nor wager of lawe shall lye And also the Iustyce of peace ought to inquire therof and make proces as vppon an Indytement of trespas but Eschetours in cytes and townes be excepte The .xii. E. iii Capitulo .v. ¶ If any eschetour or Commyssyoner putte in any offyce concernynge landes and inherytaūce in to any of the kynges courtes whiche is not presented by .xii. men indented and by them sealed ● he shall forfeyte to the parte therby greued nor that no eschetour nor other Commyssyoner syt to inquere of any landes or inherytaunce excepte he or other to his vse may dyspende xl marke by yere vppon pain of And yf he may not dispende .xl marke he may refuse to syt in any suche commyssyon and shal be dyscharged in the Esch●ker therof by his owne othe without fyne or fee and that euery eschetoure and commyssyoner shall syt in open places accordynge to the statutes before made and that they suffre euery persone to gyue euydene● opēly in suche inquestes vpon payne of .xl. pounde And the sheryffe and other hauynge retourne of wrytes shall retorne before suche exchetours or cōmyssyoners no persone to inquere of landes excepte suche as haue landes to the yer●ly valewe of .xl. s. within the same shyre vppon payn of euery ꝑson so retorned c. s. And that the Iurry that shall be sworne shall receyue the counterpane o● the offyce indented and sealed by the sayd exchetour or commyssyoners and that to rest in the hādes of the fyrst persō sworne in the same Iurry vppon payne of euery one of the Iurry .xx. s. and that the sayd exchetour or commyssyoners shal receyue the verdet whē the Iurry is redy to gyue it without delay and to delyuer the counterpane of the sayd verdet indented to the Iurry vppon payne of C. li. And the clarke of the pete bagge of the Chauncerye or other offycere there hauynge auctoryte or other offycer of the excheker hauynge auctoryte to receyue suche offyc●s shal receyue the said offyce inquisition to them offered within .iii. dayes after it is offerd vppon payn of And t●●n the sayd exchetours or commyssoner to be dyschargyd of his penalte for none retournynge of the same offyce within the moneth a●ter it is taken so that the sayd exchetour or commyssyoners at any tyme after the sayd moneth within an other moneth than nexte in sewynge retourne the sayd offyce in to the Chauncery or excheker as the case shall requyre And the clerke of the petye bagge to certefy the transcrypte of the sayd offyce the nexte terme folowynge the receyte therof vppon payne of C. s. for euery defaute And that uo exchetour be cōpelled to occupy his offyce cōtynually aboue one yere And the he that is exchetour one yere shal not be agayne in .iii. yeres after the fyrst hole yere ended and yf he do his patent therof to be voyde And the parte greued shall haue theyr recoueres of the sayd forfayte of C. li. by accyon of dette wherin no wager of law proteccyon nor esson shall lye And of the other forfeytours the kynge shall haue the one halffe and the parte that wyll sewe it the other halfe by accyon of dette where nother esson proteccyon nor wager of lawe shall lye ¶ Prouyded that this clause of the exchetours excersysynge theyr offyce ouer one yere extende not to Eschetours in any cyte or towne corporate or in the duche of Lancaster Corne wall and the Countyes palentynes of Lancastre Chestre Durham or Ely or in any other Countye palentyne in Englande wales or the marches of the same or to any eschetour made by any persone hauynge auctoryte by Fraunches pryuylege or by preserypcyon to make them ¶ Prouyded that this clause of the insuffycyency of the exchetours and Iurrours extēde not to any eschet our in cite or town corporat ne to any eschetour made by any person hauynge auctoryte to make them
the iustyce shall put to his seale and yf the kynge cause the record to come before hym and the same excepcyon be not founde in the rolles and the playntyf shewe the same excepcyon wryten c. it shal be commaunded to the iustice that yf at a certeyne day c. and yf he can not a gayne say it they shall procede to iugement after that excepcion as it had ben alowed or dysalowed w. ii ca. xxx● serche yf the iustyc● denye his scale how that shall be tryed c. Excōmengement● ¶ wrytes were ordeyned to the bysshopes to a cursse all and euery of them perturbers of the peace of holy churche of the kynge felons maintenours of felons and conspyratours of felony false Iurrours takers and maynte●ers of false quarrelles euery sonday doble festes c. ī the cathedrall churche in euery colage parysshe churche to procede agaynst thē accordynge to the canō lawes .ix. E. iii. ordinacio per se. Execucion ¶ yf a man recouer dette or damage it shal be in his eleccion to haue a fieri fac of his landes and catelles or that the sheryffe shall delyuer to him all the catell of the dettour excepte oxen and the bestes of his teme vntyll his dette be leueyd by a reasonable p̄ce and extente and yf he be put out he shall haue ass rediss w. ii Capi. xviii ¶ Of those thy●g●s that be recorde before the chauncelour Iustyce whiche haue a recorde in theyr rolles c. there shal be no proces made by somons attachement esson vew of the lande or other solempnytes of the court c. but yf the knowlege be newly done or yf a fyne be leueyd within a ●ere by wryte anon he shall haue a write of execucion c. and yf the recognicion or fyne haue be made of a l●nger tyme he shall haue a stir̄ fac yf he be warned come not he shall haue execucyō ī the same maner it shall ●e cōmaūded to the ordynary in his case obserued notwithstandynge that is a boue spoken of the meane which by recognysaunce or iugemēt is bounde to acquite w. ii Capitulo .xlv. ¶ The statute of acton bornell of merchaūtes shall not be holden but be twene merchaūt and merchaunte for merchaundyse betwene them made and that by the wytnes of .iiii. lawfull mē of theyr names entred in the recognisaunce and that no lande be put in execucyon but burgages and that they shall take suche recognisaunce at new castel york chestre nothyngham brystow suffolke lyncolne northfolke seynt botulphus in london caūtorbury salysbury norwiche and no where elles In nouis ordinac v● E. iii. a●ter it is repelled the xv yere of the same king ¶ yf a man condempned at an others suyt in an other pryson than in the flete wyl knowlege by faynt cause hym selfe to be dettour to the kynge and therfore is adiuged to the pryson of the flete to haue greter suerte the recognisaūs shal not be receyued but he shal be send to the pson where he was tyll the ꝑte be satysfyed and after he shal be sende to the prison of the flete for that recognisaunce .i. R. ii ca. xii ¶ A man shall haue execucyon of landes and goodes alyened by colucion by hym that fleyth to westm̄ or to another place preuileged .i. E. iii. Capitulo .vi. ¶ A man shall haue execucyon i● Englande of all recongnysaunces of dettes made at cales .x. Henry .vi. Capitulo .i. Loke for execucyon in statute merchaunte ¶ Execucion shal be made vppon any condempnacyon of statute merchaunt statute staple or recognysauns and delyuered to the parte of all suche landes and tenementes that any parsone or ꝑsones be sesid so it be to the vse of him agayns whome execucyon is suyd as yf the parte hym selfe had be soleseised to his own vse at the time of the recouere suyd and that euery such persō agayns whom any such execucyon is suyd shal haue lyke aduauntage in the law agaynst hym that suid excuciō as yf he hym selfe had be seysed .xix. H. vii Capitulo .xv. Executours ¶ Executours frō hens forth shall haue a w●yt of accompte the same accion proces as the deed man shuld haue had yf he had lyued w. ii Capitulo .xxiii. ¶ Executours shall haue an accyon of trespas of goodes taken away in the lyfe of theyr testatour .iiii. E. ii Capitulo .iiii. ¶ In a wryte of dette agayns executours they shal not fourch by esson before apparaūce nor afterwarde so that they shall haue but one esson after as the testatour shuld haue had he that comethe furst by dystres shall answere c. And the iugement shall be of the goodes of the deed ●s yf all had appered .ix. E. iii● ca. iii. ¶ Executours of executours shall haue an accyon of accompt of dette and of goodes taken away of the furst testatour and execucion of the statute merchaunt and reconisaūce made to the furst testatour as the furst testatour shulde haue had And that the same executours of executours shall answere as muche as they haue receyued of the furst testatour as the furst testatoure shulde yf he had ben alyue .xxv. Ed. iii. de prodic Capitulo .v. ¶ Executours shall haue a wryt out of the chauncery with .ii. proclamacions retournable ī the cōmyn place against the housholde seruauntes of the testatour that haue spoyled or eloyned the goodꝭ after the deth of the testatour and yf the writ be retourned serued and the defendaūtꝭ make defaut they shal be attaynt of felony yf they appere they shal be cōmyt to prison there to tary at the dyscrecion of the iustyce tyll they haue answerde to the executours by byll or wryte of the furst takyng so that such accyons by sewed with effecte And they shall not go out of prison without fyndynge suerte to the executours by way of recognifa●ce to kepe theyr dayes in the court yf the gealour let them go without suerte c. he shall lose to the executours And no ꝓteccion lieth in any accion taken vpon this statute The .xxxiii. H. vi Capitulo .i. Exempcion ¶ A charter of exempcion shall not be alowed in that that there be not I now suffycyent besyde hym that hath the charter as in the grete assyse attaynt and wryte of per ābulacion or yf th●● be wytnes in the d●de c sauyng to hym alwey his lyberte c. merlebre ca. xx● Exemplificacion ¶ Exemplificacion of domysday by the which vyllaynes tenaūtes in vylynage with sey theyr seruyce were declared for voyde in this parlyament and that lordes haue commyssyones to inquere of thē that purcheyse suche of theyr ●ydours to ponisshe īpriso● them without bail or maymprise tyll they be acquyt .i. R. ii ca. vi ¶ Exemplificacion of a dede in rolled brent in the tyme of īsurreccyō sha●be of the same effecte as the dede was .vi. R. ii ca. iiii
woman may entre and holde the lande to hym durynge the lyfe of the husbande but after the dethe of the husbande the woman shall haue agayne the lande accordynge to her elder ryght prouyded that this acte extende not but to alienacions made after the furst day of decembre nexte comynge nor where he that ought to haue the lande after the deth of the woman is agreable to suche alyenacion or recouere so that the gremēt be of record xi Hen. vi capitulo .xx. ¶ Dedꝭ of gyft of goodꝭ or catellꝭ made to any man to the vse of the graūtour be voyd .iii. h. vii ca. iiii ¶ Loke in the tytle of vyllynage that yf a feff●mēt be made to the vse of a vyllayn that his lord may enter .xix. H. vii ca. xv ¶ Euery ꝑson to whose vse Empson dubley were seysed of landes or tenemētes may entre make estate to otherꝭ in fee to his vse as well vppon the possyssyō of the kynge as vpō the possessyon of any other also of such landes wherof any of thē were seysyd ioyntly with other that the other theyr heyres shal be seysyd to suche intent as they were with Empson dudley notwithstādynge theyr atteīder pmo h. vii ca. xiiii ¶ yt is a greyd that no man shall take fesaūtes nor ꝑtriches with nettes or other ingines ī any others lande vpō payn of the one halfe ther of to the possessour of the land ● wher c and the other halfe to hym that wylsew .xi. h. vii ca. xvii ¶ Noman take in an others lande by craft or in gyne any herons but with haukyng or longe bowe vppon payn of .vi. s. viii d. that none take in a nothers lande yonge her on out of the nest without lycence of the lorde vpon payn of .x s. for euery heron he that wyll sew shall haue an accyon of dette And that the proces shal be as in an other accyon of dette where nother esson proteccyon nor wa●er of lawe shall lye .xix. Hen. vii Capitulo .xi. Felony ¶ None frō hens forth that breketh any prison shal● haue iugemēt to dye for that only brekyng except the cause wherfore he was īprisoned req̄re the same iugemēt though in times past it hath be otherwyse vsed● statut de psonā frāgēt Multiplicaciō of money is made felony .v. h. iiii c. iiii ¶ Cuttynge of ●onges puttynge● out of eyes of malyce p̄pensed is made felony .v. h. iiii ca. v. ¶ wher before this dyuers women hauīge substans in mouable goodes or in landꝭ or that be heyrꝭ apparātes to theyr aūcestours be oftymꝭ takē away by misdoers agayns theyr wyllꝭ and after be maryed to suche mysdoers or to other by theyr assent or elles defoylyd to the grete dyspleasure to god dysꝑgement of the women c. it is ordeyned therfore that suche takynge be felony and that suche mysdoers takers ꝓcuratours receyuers knowyng the same offence c be iugged as pryncypalles felones prouyded that this acte extend not to them that onely clayme the woman as ward or vyllayne c. iii Hen. vii Capitulo .ii. ¶ Loke for felony in staple puru●yours faucō rape recordes money hunters and in iustyce of the one bench other .vi. h. viii ca. vi Fermes ¶ Hundredꝭ wapentakꝭ shal not be let aboue ●he old ferme that is to eschewe brybery c. iustyces of peace haue power to inquyre and to ponysshe sheryffes doynge the contrary .iiii. Ed ii Capitulo v●timo ¶ The next of the kin to whō the heritage may not discēd shal be p̄ferred to the fermꝭ of tenaūtꝭ in the kyngꝭ ward without fraude fyndīge suerte to yelde to the kīge c. .xiiii. E. iii. ca. xii ¶ The chapters shal be perferred to the fermꝭ of bysshoprykꝭ abbais other possessyons of holy church the chaūcelour the tresourer haue power to let such fermꝭ for euer yeldyng the value by the yere or bi the monethe .xiiii. Ed. iii. pro cler● capi iii. ¶ No landꝭ nor tenemētꝭ seysed in the kynges handꝭ vpon enquest taken before exchetours or cōmissioners be let to ferme but shall abyde ī the k●gis hādes till the same questꝭ be retorned ī the chaūcery or in the escheker by one moneth after the same retorne except they that be greuyd put out by ●uil īquestes of theyr lādes tenementis come in to the chauncery and profer them selfe to trauers the same inquest And to take the same landes and tenementes of f●rme then they shall be commytted to them yf they shewe by good euydence prouynge theyr trauers to be t●ewe aft the forme of the statut made .xxxvi. E. iii ca xiii to hold tyll the yssue of the same trauers be dyscused to fynde suerte to set thesame trauers with the effecte to yelde the kynge the value yf it be foūde for the kynge and yf any patēt or lesse be made to the contrarye within the sayd moneth it is voyd c. viii H. vi ca. xvi And the chauncelour tresourer shall let suche fermes .xviii. H. vi ca. vii in fine but now yf he come in to the chaūcery within thre monythes next aft the same offyce put in to the chaūcery or escheker that thē by the same chaūcelour he shal be admytted that all other patens graūtꝭ h●reafter to be made therof with in the .iii. monethes ended be voyd notwithstādinge the sayd statut of āno viii H. vi or any other statute made contrarye c. .i. H. viii capitulo .ix. ¶ None shall holde any fermis within the yle of wyght but that they all extende not to the valewe of .x. marke by the yere .iiii Hen. vi● capitulo .xvi. And he that taketh any suche aboue the the sayd valewe shall forfayte to the kynge they that haue many fermes at this tyme. c shall chose whych of the fermis plesyth hym to the same valew and the lesse of the remenaunt to be voide ī the yere of our lord M. CCCC.lxxxx And they that haue payd fynes for theyr furst lessis to be alowyd and this alowau●ce to be iuggyd by the capteyn of the same yle or his leuetenaunt for the tyme beyng cetera Loke for fermes in trauers Fees forfeyt ¶ Loke in the title forfetour Fees of court ¶ Ushars and seriauntis of the court shall take for theyr fees as yt is ordeinid by the statute but it spekyth but of the iustice in eyre c●te●a ideo vide w. ii cap. xliiij Fynes ¶ At the cōmī law the partes to the fyne and theyr heiris were reseyuid to auoyd the fynes by such auerment that before the fyne leueyd in the tyme of the leueyng therof and after the plaītyffꝭ demādaūtis theyr aūcestours of the tenemētꝭ ꝯteynyd in the fine or any ꝑte of them were alwey seysyd c. yt is ordeynyd that the seyd excepci●s or ansuers no wyse agayn●t the seyd recognusan̄ce fines
marchall of englāde for their retynew of knyghtis esquiers may gyue the sayd knyghtis lyuere in the marches in the tyme of warr̄ Also no lorde spirituall nor temporall shall gyue any lyuere of clothe to none but to his manuell seruaūtis and officers them of his counsell lernyd of the spirytuall law or temporall vppon the same payne The .i. h. iiii cap. viii ¶ And also Iustyce of the one bēch or other iustice of assyse of pease haue power to inqire here determyne aswell by recorde in theyr presēce as other wise of gyuers takers of liuere● it semith that thei may do so out of their courtꝭ ¶ Dukes erles barons banerettis may were the kynges lyuerey ī theyr countres but noo knyghtes nor esquyers except they be goyng or cōmynge frō the kynge And the prynce may gyue his lyuere in lyke maner as the kyng The .ii. H. iiii capitulo .xxi. ¶ Knyghtes other of lower estate that gyue lyuerey of cloth shall lose at euerey tyme. C. s. the receyuour .xl. s. he that wyll sew for the king shall haue the one half the kīge shall nat pardon the payn euerey one of any company which at theyr costꝭ make such lyu●rey shall lose .xl. s. except gyldes craftis Prouyded that in tyme of warr̄ they may wel gyue such lyueres Iustice of assise haue power to inquyre therof in theyr cessions to certefie it in to the kingis bench the .vii. H. iiii ca. xiiii ¶ Iustyce of assyse of the pease shall awarde attachement agaynst gyuers and receyuours of lyuereys vppō suggestion without inditement And vppon that a Capias and exigent and if they appere they shall attaynt them by examinacion as well of the lyueres of lordes and ladyes as other And they shall take C. s. of the giuer and .xl. s. of the taker as oft as thei offende And they shall haue a yeres prisonmēt The .viii. h. vi capitulo .iiii. ¶ And that the iustice of Lancastre and Chestre shall haue the same power c. The statutes be vnder stande of lyueres gyuen to them that be nat manuall seruauntes and officers ¶ None may gyue lyuere or other sygne but to his manuall seruaunt or to his man of law spirituall or temporall or other of his counsel and if he do the con●rary the gyuer shall lose C. s. for euery moneth that there is any with hym so reteyned and the receyuer C. s. he that wyll sew shall haue an accion by byll of informaciō agaīst as many of offēders as he wyll in euery of the kinges courtis or counter palentyne vppon that proces as in trespasse except that in countre palentine no exigende shall be awardyd and if ani of the deffenders be present in courte The Iustice may cōmaunde him to be brought to answere and first the informer shal be examined vppon a boke that his complaint is true after they may examine that defendant and iuge him conuyet b● theyr discression aswell as by triall And the informer shall recouer the o●e half and the ky●g the other half if it be nat in cyte or towne that hath lyke forfeitour by the kyngis graunt And that no esson nor prot●ccion be alowed And that the sheryf or coroner may r●torne no lesse issues at the first day than .xx. s. At the second day .xxx. s. And so at euery day .x. s. of increse and if the sheryf or coroner do the contrary he shall forfeyt for euery tyme .xx. s. And the mayre and gouernours of cytes and boroughes haue power to examine and to determine it as is before sayd aswel by examinacion as by tryall And vppon that the kīg shal haue the one half and the maires gouernours the other half to be imployed to the vse of the cyte or towne The .viii. E. iiii ca. ii But lyueres gyuen at the kyngis coronaciō of creaciō of a bysshop or mariage of any great lorde or lady of estate or at the creacion of the seriauntes at the lawe and at other such festis and lyueres gyuen b● the mayres and sheryffis of townes and lyueres gyuen in the defence of the king be except fro this estatute ¶ The chaunceller tresourer the pryueseale or .ii. of them or a bysshop and a temporall lorde of the kyngis coūsell and with the .ii. chefe iustice or .ii. other Iustice in theyr absence vppon byll or informacion put to the chaunceller for the kynge or any other agaynst any person for mysbehauinge in gyuinge of lyueryes or sygnes haue auctoryte to make to come before them by wryt or pryuey seale the sayd mysdoers and to examine them and to punyssh thē yf thei fynd them defecty● accordyng to the estatutis therof made in lyke maner as they shuld be ponysshed if they had be ꝯuict after the dew ordre of the lawe The iii H. vii ca. i. ¶ If any stewarde auditour receyuour or baylyf of any of the kīgꝭ lādes tenemētis ꝯstable keper of castell wardē maister or game ꝑke keꝑ or other offycer of his forestis chaces ꝑkes or warēs be law fully reteyned with any ꝑsone or reteyne any mē that is dwellīg withī the said lādis tenemētis or lordshyppꝭ ꝯtrary to any ordynaūce before made or suffre any of thē to be so reteyned with any other person shew it nat to the kynge within .xl. dayes that he hath knowlege therof or if any of the sayd offycers conuey any of the sayd tenauntis inhabitaunce fermours of the king to any fyld or assemble other wyse than by the kyngis cōmaundement to do such seruyce as the kyng shall commaūde hym And that alway in the kynges lyuere and sygne Or if such officer come nat to the kyng in tyme of warre or trowble when he is commaundyd hauyng no resonable excuse to the cōtrary that than all graūtis by the kyng or his ꝓgenytours or predecessours to them made be voyde And also if any of the said tenauntes or fermours b● reteyned with any other cont●ary to the statutꝭ by lyuere to kyn o the indenture or promesse or go in any fylde or assemble with ani other persone in any other lyuere sygne nat the kynges to serue the kyng only that than al grauntes lesses of any percell of the sayd lādes lordshyppes and possessions for terme of yeres or at will be vtterly voyde The .iii. h. vii ca. i. An other acte there is .xix. H. vii ca. xiiii but it was durynge the kynges lyfe Lollardis ¶ Ordinaries may arest mē defamyd or suspect for heresie kepe thē ī theyr pryso●s til they be purgid therof or abiuryd after the law of holy church so they make full determinacion therof within .iii. monythis after such arestis except ther be a lawfull impediment And yf they be conuict they shall kepe them in theyr prisons as they shall thynk best and yf it the cas require that thei put them to fyne thā the ordinaryes shall send
and yf he bere ●oruyd he may be challengid as well for the kīg as for the partye .xi. h. vi Ca. i. ¶ A man may haue an auerment agains the record of the merschallsie that the partye was not of the kyngis howse at the tyme. cetera xv h. vi Cap. i. ¶ The stiward and tresorer of the kīgis how 's haue power to call before them all maner of offycers within the virge whych haue power to execute the statute of beggars and vacabundis and they that befound defectyue to haue lyke ponysshment as they where conuyct by course of the commyn law xix h. vii cap. xii Marchauntis ¶ All marchaūtꝭ except thei be b●fore ꝓhibite shall haue saue cōducte to cum and to goo into ynglonde to by and to sell except it be in tyme of warr̄ and yf they be of any lande that is agaīs vs in warr̄ than if that our marchauntis be safe in that coūtrey they shall be safe in this lāde magna carta capitulo .xxviii. ¶ All marchauntis estraungers and d●nymyns may by sell corne wyne marchaūdyse a thynges vendable in euery place without dysturbaūce if they he trobled he that hath the gouernaunce of the towne shall gyfe thē remedy vppō cōplayntes or ellys the fraunches shal be seysed in to the kyngys handes he aswell as the dysturbor shall gyfe doble damages to the party yf he be absent his depute shall gyue thē remedy as is before said or ellys yeld doble damagis c. not withstondinge any charters of fraūches to them graunted to the contrary sauynge that marchauntes estraungers shall cary no wyne out of the realme and that the chaūceler tresorer and iustyce assined to hold ples shall chose where they wyll inquere of suche dysturbaunce and shall make ponyshiment as it is before ordeynyd The .ix. E. iii● cap. i. .ii. ¶ All marchauntis shall come in to englond as is ordeyned in magna carta the .xiiii. E. iii. c.i. ¶ Euery marchaunt as well straunger as denyzyn may sell vitellys other ware in lōdō elles where in grosse or by retayle he that disturbeth thē shal be attached by his bodi by writ out of the chaūcery shall yeld doble damages The .xxv. E. iii. cap. iiii ¶ All marchaūtes except the kynges enmyes may come frely into englond yf our pourue ours or any other by colour take ther gooddes or any thing againest ther wyll they shal be incōtinent ar●●●id by the mayres or baylyffis there shall be proces made f●om day to day and from howre to howre afte● the law of the staple and not by the comyn law and shall yelde doble to the party and as much to the kyng the .xxviii. E. iii. cap. ii stat staple ¶ All marchauntes straūgers may by marchaūdyse of the staple within englond wales yrelande witthout couin̄ to abate the prise so that thei bring them to the staple and that no marchaunt englyss Irish nor welch nor marchant straūger by theyr couībring no woll fell lether nor led out of the sayd lo●d vppon payne of forfetor of the same marchaundise and of theyr goodis to the kynge and theyr landes to the cheffe lord which shall haue a wryt of eschete in the cas● and that euery marchaūt ēglysh yrishe and welsch shall make theyr payment in the place wher the contract was made and not out of it vppon the foresaid payn and euery marchaunt that shall sell the wolles to the stapelers before seid be boūd to warāt the packynge of the same wolles the same y●re cap. iii. ¶ But the payne of deth is put out of all statutes of the staple bi a nother statute The .xxxviii E. iii ca. vi and the warraūt of packyng is put out a .xxviii. E. iii. capitulo .xiii. ¶ Non shall bring out of this realme woll fell nor ledder to berwyk vppon twede nor scotlond to sell them to no man of scoteland vppō paī of forfetour his lādis to the lord the same yere Capitulo .xii. ¶ Marchauntes denisins or straūgers robbyd yf the goodis com ī to this land they shall haue thē agayn by proues of marchaūtes and by sygnes cokettes that they shall shewe without other proses of law and in lyke maner if the shyp be broken commynge to lande i● it be no wrecke The same yere Capitulo .xiii. ¶ Noo marchaunt straunger be impleded or inpeched for anothers det wherof he is not suerte sauynge only the letter of marke and the takyng to be in his force c. in case that debate growe betwene vs and lordes of straunge landes yet for that we wyll not that marchauntes of those lādes beyng here be sodēly greued but they shall haue .xl dayes space by proclamacyō to remoue their goodes and lenger if nede require the same Capitulo .xvii. ¶ Marchauntes shall not lose their goodes for trespas of their seruauntes excepte thei mys vse their offyce wherin their maister hath put them or in other maner where the maister is bounde to answere for his seruaūt after the law m̄chaūt The same yere Capitulo .xix. ¶ Also for asmoche as we haue taken in to ou● ꝓ●eccion al marchaūtes straungers it is ordeyned that if any greuaunce be made to them out of the staple that the iustice wher the greuaūce is made shall do hasty remedy after the lawe m̄chaūt frō day to day and hour to hour without sewyng to the cōmyn law and he that is cōuict shall yelde doble damage to the marchaunt and as moche to vs. The same yere ca. xxi ¶ yf a shyp that is freyght toward englande or elles where come in to any parte of englande by tēpest or other fortune they may sell ꝑte of their marchandise the .xxviii. E. iii. the .iii. ca. xiii ¶ where it was ordeined at the last ꝑliam̄t that no m̄chaūt englissh shuld vse but one m̄chaūdise c. ¶ It is a greed that all peple be as free as they were in the tyme of the graūtfader of our souereine lord that now is of his good ꝓgenitours The .xxxviii E. iii. ca. ii it semeth that this estatute repelleth many therfore they be not here wryten for the letter is very generall ¶ Marchauntis as well straungers as denizy● may cary all marchandise out of the realme but that denyzyns may cary no woll nor shepe fell nor golde nor syluer out The .xxviii. Ed. iii. Capitulo .ii. ¶ All marchaūtes alyens of the kyngis amyte may come in to englande without safecondit abyde as well within fraūches as withuot and they shall sell all maner of wynes in grose by the hole vessel not by retayle and all marchaūtꝭ as well straūgers as denyzyns shall sel in grose in euery place of england vpō payne of forfeitour not by retayle excepte cetemyns bourgesis in theyr owne townes marchauntꝭ straungers denysyns shall by ●el wares c. notwithstondynge the fraunches to the ꝯtrary that as wel
acciō of det wherin nother wager of lawe esson nor protection lyeth The .i. R. iii. cap. x. .xii. loke the statute of the same effect the .ii. Ed. iiii Capitulo .vi. ¶ Marchaūtes straūgers which bring goodis withī this reame to be sold owght to īploy ther moni in marchaundise of england the same l●we of marchauntꝭ of yreland gernesey and ●ersey vppon pain of forfetor of all theyr goodis within this realme and theyir bodis to preson for a yere also the customer and countroller shal take suerte of eueri marchaūt aforsayd that he imploy his money vpon the goodis of this lād vppon payn aforesaid the .iii. h. vii cap. viii ¶ The marchaūtis of s●eleyard shal haue their auncion lybertes priuilegis vsis and customy● of old tyme to them grauntyd and confyrmyd by the kīg ● that no statute agaīs theyr liberte extend not to their libertes prouidid that this act be not preiudicial to the mayr shyriffis cy●● mens and commynalte of london or theyr successours .xix. h. vii cap. xxiii Marches ¶ No officer of the est marches or west marches from hens fourth attache any person by his bodi in the countes of northomber̄ cumbef westmerland or in the town of new castell by colour of any presentment in theyr courtes c. and yf they do it shal be lauful to such persō to make resistence aud if he be greued by suche attachement he shall haue a writ of trespase wherin he shal recouer treble damagꝭ and ouer that the defendant shal have .ii. yeres presonmēt and shal pay to the kīg .c. s. the iustice of peas of the said coūtis shyrif and lorders of lettes haue power to enquere of such attachementꝭ The .xxix Hen. vi capitulo .iii. Marke ¶ Letters of marke shal be where the kyngis emmyes haue don any contempt agayns any trewse made before this day where no menciō is made that markis and taking again shall scase and that thei shal haue letters of request vnder the priuey seale and after letterts of mark vnder the grete seale Also commyssioners shal be made to the wardens of the estmarches and westmarchis to here compleintis of brekīg of trewse of them of scotlād and the marches adioynyng and theruppon they shall make etrters of request or ellis they shall make proclamacion in oppin placys vppon the marches that he that hath done contrary to the trewse shall make restitucion withī tyme cōueniēt or ellis to make letters of mark vnder their seale .iiii. h. v. Cap. vii Loke more for mark in the title letters of mark Masons ¶ The makers of chaptirs and congregacions of masons shal be ponysshid as felōs and other that come therto shal be imprisonid and fynyd at the kingis wyll .iii. h. vi C. i. Mesne ¶ In a wryt of meane at the distres days shal be gyffyd within the whych .ii. countes shal be holdyn with proclamaciō that the meane lord may come at the day in bank and yf he come not that meane shall lose the seruice of hys tenaunt and lyuing the meane the tenaunt shall answer to the chef lord the same seruice that the meane was wont to do and yf the tenaunt offer the seruice for the meane the lord shall take it without takīg any distress and yf the chef lord aske more thā the meame was wont to do the tenāt shall haue the same excepcion that the meame shuld haue c. That is intendid after the foriugement and yf the shyryf retorn nichill at the somons he shall haue a wryt of attachement and a graund distress and yf the meane haue no landis in the same counte to be distrey nyd but in a nother counte ther shall an orygynall writ go owt in to that coūte with a distres with proclamacions vt supra and yet proces shall go in to the furst counte vntyll the distress with proclamacion and so after proclamacion in euery counte the meane shal be foriuggid and yf the meane come and knolege the acquitaūce or be adiuggid that he shall acquite the tenaūt and yf he do not acquite him the tenaunt shal haue a writ iudiciall to distrein the meane to answer him ● yf it be found that he did not acquite hym he shal yeld damage to the plaintiff and shal be foriuggid and yet the tenaunt shall haue his warrantye agains the meane cetera w. ii C. ix stude bene statutum Messengers ¶ No messengers of the kyng nor other for ani bysynes of the kyng take ani hors or other best agains the wyll of the owner except he shew a sufficient auctorite of the kyng and if he do he shal be imprisoned tyl he hath greyd with the parte .xx. R. ii cap. v. Mesures ¶ Loke for mesures in the title weyghth mesuris Misprision ¶ Loke for my prisions in the tytle recordi● Money ¶ Money counterfeyt brought in to this realme shal be forfeit The .ix. E. iii. cap. ii ¶ The sterlyng halpeny nor ferthyng shall not be molton for to make vessell nor other thinge vppon pain of forfetorand he that wyll sew for the kyng shal haue the .iiii. parte The .x. E. iii. Capitulo .iii. ¶ No grote nor peni of ii.d shal be molte to ma●e vessell nor other thyng vppon payne of forfetor and the meltor shal be impreson tyll he haue paied the kīg the half of that that is molte y● no money of golde nor syluer of scotland nor of other landis be yonde the see shal renne in any payment within this realme but it shal be brought in bullion to the mint to be turned in to english coyn on paine of forfetor therof and impresonment and to make fyne and raunsom and that none bryng englysh money into scotland to eschaunge for scottish money vppon the same payne The .xvii. R. ii capitulo .i. ¶ Non bryng money of flandres of scotland● nor other realmes within this realme vppon payn of forfetor The .ii. h. iii ca. vii ¶ Galey halpens shall not be currant frō hens for vppon payn of forfetour .xi. h. iiii cap. v. ¶ No money of gold shal be takī but bi weight ix h. v. Cap. xi ¶ yf golde or syluer in coyne or in masse be founde by the serche or in any shyp or vessell to go out of any port hauyn or kryk of the realme without the kyng is lycence it is all forfayt except resonable expencis abpro uyded that marchaūtis straunge●s that sell they re marchaundyse with in the reame and the half of the half therof receyuyd imployed vppon marchaundyse within the realme that they may cary the other half by the kyngys lycence The .ii. h. iiii cap. v. ¶ For the incresing of charyte of almys it i● ordeynyd that the thyrd parte of all the money of syluer that shall be brought to the bullio● shal be made in halfpens ferthynges that is to say the one halfe therof in halfpens the other halfe in ferthynges and no
golde smyth melt no halfp ny nor farthynge of syluer vpon payn of forfeytour .xi. Hen. iiii Cap. v. ¶ He that byeth or bryngeth in to the realme the halfpens called foskins and dodkyns shal be ponysshed as a felō and he that taketh or payeth suche money shal lose C. s. wherof the kyng shall haue the one halfe he that wyl sew the other halfe that the iustice of peas maire baylyf stewardꝭ of letis shal īquyre c. the said maires baylyffes stewardes shall sende theyr presētment before the iustice of peas and they shal make proses of vtlary and the sayd matters here determyn The .iiii. Henry .v. sta ꝑse ¶ Money shal be made at yorke or elles where and thes chaūge also by the discreciō of the kynges counselours for the tyme beyng .i h. vi ca. i. ¶ None cary money out of the realme without the kingꝭ lycence to no where but to caleis vpō pain of forfetour except wagis for souldeours yet they shall haue lycence of the king m̄chaūtis straūgers shal find suerte for their felawship in the chauncery that they cary none out vt supra vppon the same payne The .ii. h. vi ca. vi ¶ Elākes be voyded out of the realme nor thei shall not be take in paiment vpon the same payn that is rehe●sed of galy halfpens .ii. h. v. ca. ix ¶ The maister of the mynt shal receiue of eueri one that bryngeth syluer to the mint after the value vpō pain of doble damage to the ꝑte that the coūtroller and the assaier of the mynt be present whiche be cōnig in the craft .ii. h. vi ca xii ¶ That none bye nor sel no syluer in plate nor pese nor masse beyng of as good alay as the sterlyng aboue .xxx. s. the .li of troy aboue the faciō vppō payn of forfeifour the double value of as myche so bought or sold against this ordinaūce that the one halfe be forfait to the king is vse the other half to his vse that wyl sewe therfore ꝓue the forfeitor ꝓuided alway that thei that goo to the coynage mai haue take of the maisters of the same coyn after that as is laufully cōteyned in the indentures bytwene the kyng and the maister therof made and also the maister o● the sayd mynt for the time beynge may take and delyuer as it is conteyned in the said indenturis without more takynge for the case and profyte of the commyn people The .ii. Henry vi Capitulo .xiii. ¶ The wardens and mynysters of the mynte shall reseyue plate of golde and syluer by weyght and in the same maner delyuer it and not by number The xxv Ed. iii. statuto de prodic Ca●pitulo .xx. ¶ All maner of gold of the coyne of a souereyn half souereyn ryal half ryal the .iiii ꝑte of a ryal the angell halfe angell beinge hole of weyght shal be currant in this realme for the sum thei were coyned for and also all grotꝭ coined in this realme or in other lādꝭ now currant for iiii.d and al halfe grotes coyned in this realme or in other landis now currant for ii.d not clypped minysshed nor other wise impaired and all pens of the kyngꝭ coyne beyng siluer shal be currant in this realme excepte pens hauynge dyuers spor●es or the mullet betwyxte the barres of the crosse the whiche shal be currante but for halpens onely that the mayre or chefe officers of eueri towne or place to inprison or to ponysshe such by their dyscrecyon that refuse any suche money in any payment and they to be compelled to take it and that all such grotes half grotes and pens of ii.d clypped mynysshed or other wyse impeyred except reasonable weryng shall not be currant but to be forsaken in paiment but thei may bring thē to the mynt and to be chaunged after the custom of the mint for auoydynge of clyppynge here aft the kyng hath ordeined new coynes that euery grote peny shal haue a cercle about the vtt border that al maner of gold hereafter coyned shall haue the hole scrypture aboute euery pece therof that the wardē coūtrollers of the kyngꝭ mynt shal serche se it be so made ꝑfite before it passe from the mynt vppon payn of forfeitour of their office to make fyne at the kyngꝭ pleasure that no ꝑsō cary any bully on plate or coyne of gold or syluer in to yrlond aboue the sōme of vi s. viii d nor cōuey it into any ship or bote nor brynge any coyne of gold or syluer of the coyne of yrlond in to this land aboue the some of .iii. s iii. d vppon payn of forfeitour therof to haue īprisonment to make fyne at the kynges plesure and that euery man that can sease any suche yrisshe money abou● the some of .iii. s. iiii d and bryn●e it to the kynges mynt shall haue the va●e of the one halfe therof delyuered to hym a● the sayd tyme by the mayster of the sayd mynt The .xix. Hen. vii ca. v. ¶ Loke more for money in the tytle of eschaūg of fynours of gold syluer or goldsmythes ¶ They that coyne at any mynt within this realme shall make of euery C. li. of golde as many halfe angelles as a mount to the value of xx.ii and of euery C. li. of syluer plate or bullyon grotes to the value of and half grotes to the value of pens to the value of halfpens to the value of .x. marke and farthyns to the value of .v. marke whiche farthynges shall haue vppon the one syde the print of the porcolyce vppon the oth●r syde a rose with a crosse and yf any do the contrary the mayster of the mynte shall forfeite the halfe therof to the kynge the other to hym that wyll sewe wher● wager of lawe esson and proteccyon shall be put out ¶ They that resorte to the mynt wyth bullyon or plate vnder the value aforesayd shal receyue the .x. parte therof in halfepens prouyded that this acte be not preiudicial to the mynt maisters of yorke Caunterbury and durram .xv. H. viii Capitulo .xii. Mordauncestre ¶ The recognisans of assise of mordauncestre shal be alway taken in their countes magna carta Capitulo .xii. ¶ yf the gardeyn holde the lande aboue the full age of the heyre the heire shall haue assise of mordauncestre agayns hym and recouer his damages from the tyme he was of full age merlebre Capitulo .xvi ¶ yf a man dye and haue many heyres wherof one is a sone or doughter brother or syster neuewe or nece and the other be of a more lenger d●gre than these foresayd heyres they shal haue a wryte of mordauncestre Glouc. ca. vi ¶ yf a woman recouer her dower agayns the gardeyn and he confessithe the accyon or losyth by defaut or pledeth a faynt ple by the which he recouereth the heyre when he cometh to ful
age shall haue an accyon agayns the woman of the dysseysyn of his auncestour and the woman shal haue here ryght westm̄ ii capitulo .iiii Mortemayn ¶ yt shal be lawful to none to sel nor to gyue lāde to any house of relygion and yf any suche gyfte or sale be made it is voyde and the land is forfeyte to the ch●fe lorde magna carta ca. xxxvi ¶ No regilious presume to receyue or to appropre to hym by crafte or ingyne or bye by the coloure of gyfte terme or other tytle any landes or tenementes whiche by any meanes shulde be mortemayn and yf they do it shall be lawfull to the lorde immedyate within a yere after to enter and to holde the same lande in fee and yf the lorde entre not within the yere than it shall be lawfull to the nexte lorde aboue within halfe a yere after to entre et cetera And so euery lorde shall haue his halfe yere yf all the lordꝭ be negligent and be of ful age and within the realme and out of prison Then the kynge shal sease the landes in to his handes and shall infesse other therof yeldyng to hī certein seruyce for the defence of the realme sauyng to the lordes wardꝭ r●leues eschetꝭ other seruyce sta de religiosis ¶ yf any relygyous or spyrytuall ꝑsons impled any that maketh defaut wh●rby the land shuld be lost yet it shal be inquired by the contrey yf the demaūdāt haue ryght or no if he haue thē iugement shal be gyuen for hym and yf he haue no ryght then the land shal be forf●yt to the next lord of the fee yf he aske it within the yere yf not then the next lord aboue if he aske it withī halfe a yere and so euery lord to haue his halfe yere tyll it come to the kynge euery one of the chefe lordꝭ or any other for the kyng may chalēge the i●rry and the land shal remayne after the iugement be clere in the kinges handes tyll the tenement by the demaundant or sōme chef lord be disprouyd ● and the sheryffes shal be charged to answere to the escheker of the issues westm̄ ii Capitulo .xxxiii. ¶ yf relygyous purchace landes with lycence of the kyng and haue his ad ꝙ dampnū though he entre by dew processe yet he shal be put to hys resonable fyne The .xxvii. E. iii. capitu iii. ¶ In all casis where any be in feffyd or in possessyon other wyse of any landes tenementis auousons fees or other possessions to the vse of men of relygyon or other spirituall persones to the intent to mortise them wherof sych persons take the profettis it shal be done of them as of landis alyenid agaynst the statute of religiosis and the same law shall be of such possession purchesyd to the vse of gyldis or broderhodys mayres baylyffes and commyns of any town which haue commynalte perpetuall or of other that haue offyce perpetuall and they that make chyrcheyardis or sepultur̄ perycholl without the kyngis lycence though they haue lycence of the pope yet they shall fall in to the same payne The .xv. R. ii capitu v. Multiplicacion ¶ Nō shall vse to multiplye gold or syluer nor vse the crafft of multiplicacion and yf he be attaynt therof to renne in to the pain of felonie v. h. v. Capitulo .iiii. Murage ¶ Cytezens and burgeys to whō the kyng o● his fader hath graūtyd murage for the inclosing of theyr to wyns for that murage take other wyse than is to them grauntid that they shall lose that grace for euer and shal be in the kyngis mercy w. i. cap. xxxiiii Murder Murder shall not be iuggid wher ther is only b●t mi●fortune mar●ebre Capitulo xxv And the kyng therof shall gyff hi● pardon Ne imustue vexes ¶ Non shal be distreinid to do more seruyce of a knigh●is ●ee nor no oth●r fr●e hold thā is dew therof Magna carta capitulo .x. Nisi prius ¶ A nisi prius is gy●f●n in assise adiornid vppō a foreyn pl●e and also in plees of trespas and in a plee of l●nd ●ft●r the discression of the iustice of the one bench or of the other and before one iustice and a knyght yf both partes ask it cetera and the iugement shal be giffyn in the bench cetera and the wryt is expressyd in the statute and the day of the nisi prius is put ī certeyn in the wryt w. ii Cap. xxx ¶ Inquisicions and recognisans shal be takyn before one iustyce of eythyr benche ●n the tyme of vacacion wyth a knyght of the same counte wher cetera Stat de finibus ¶ Nisi prius of land which nedyth no grete examinacion shal be takin in the countrey before .ii. Iustyce or one iustices and a sade man so ther be a c●rteyn day gyffyn in the bench and a certeyn day in the contrey and the iuggement shal be gyffyn in the bench and yf the iustyce come not in to the contrey the partes and they off the inquest shall kepe theyr days in in the bench Stat. Eborum ¶ Nisi prius shal be grauntyd in ple of land as well at the prayer of the tenanut as of the demaundant .ii. E. iii. Cap. xvi ¶ Nisi prius shal be in attaint v. E. iii. ca. vii ¶ Uppon an issu tried in the kyngis bench yf nō of that bench may come ● the nisi prius shal be than grauntid before the iustice of the commin place and econuerso c. and if non of them may come than before the chef baron yf he be lernyd in the law or before the iustice of assise so that alwey one of them shal be a iustice or seriaunt at the law sworn and that they may record nonsuetis and defautis according to the statute of york c. and that the tenure of the record shal be del●ueryd to eyther parte if it be askyd so that ther be no fraude to them nor to the iurrye .xiiii. E. iii. cap. xv ¶ No enquest but assise and deliueraunce of gealys be takyn by nisi prius nor in other maner at the sewt of non before that the namis of all them that shall pass in the enqnest be retornyd xlij E. iii cap xi ¶ A man shall pay for the commissions of nisi prius in the eschekyr .ii. s. for the writ of record .ii. s. v. R. ii Cap. xvi ¶ Nisi prius shal be grauntid at the praer of the iurrours of any of them at the graundistress● retornyd and that as well at the eschekyr as ellis where .vii. R. ii Cap. vii ¶ Iustice of nisi prius in all casis of felony treason haue power to gyff iugement incontinent as well wh●re they be acquite as attaynte and to ward execucion by and by .xiiii. hen vi Capitulo primo Northūberlād ¶ No shyryff of northumberland make colleccion of hedepens vppon payn of C. li.
there shal be no essoyn in no maner as is before rehersyd and if any knyght cytyzen or burgesse in time to come retornyd by the shiriff to come to the parlyament in maner before sayd aft such retorn made be put out by any person ād a nothere put in his place which doth take vppō hī to be knight cityzen or burgese at any parliamēt in tyme to come he shall forfait to the king C. li. C. li to the knight cityzē or burgesse that is so retornyd by the shiryff and after put out as is before sayd and he so put owt shall haue an accion of det of the sayd C. li. against such persons so put in his place or agaynst his executours or admynystratours prouyded alway that he shal begyn his sute within .iii. monithis after the parliament begō and yf he do not he that will sew shall haue the acciō of det of the sayd C. li. And that no deffendant in such case shall wage his law nor shall haue no esson and that such proces shal be in thos● accions aforesayd as ī a writ or trespas done agaynst the pease of the comen law so that those kny●htis of the shirys for the parliament to be chosen shal be notable knyght is or ellis notable esquyers or gentilmen of the sayd countres as be able to be knyghtis and no man to be such knyghtis which is vnder the degre of a yeman Anno. xxiii h. vi cap. xv ¶ None shal be put to ansuere in the parlyam̄t nor ellis where of matters determinyd by iugement but theyr iugemētis shal be in force vntill thei be reuersid by errour or attaynt Anno .iiii. h. iiii Cap. xxiii ¶ Loke for the expensys of knyghttes of th● shyre and how they shall be leu●yd in the tytl● of expensys for knyghtes of the shyre ¶ Loke more of parliament and how the she●yf ●nd other shall do in the sayd eleccyōs the .xxi. Hen. vi ca. xv other statutes their be concernynge the parlyament but bycause they be but syldome in vre therfore I make no menciou of thē here at this tyme. ¶ That no knightꝭ of the shyre cytezin nor bu●●ys nor barous of the synke portes departe frōe the parlyament nor absent thēselfe frome it tyll it be ended or prorogid without licēce of the speker and cōmyns in the parlyament whiche lycēce be entered of recorde in the boke of the clerke of the cōmyn house vppon payne to lose theire wagis and the shyres cytes and borowes ther of to be dyscharged for euer The .vi. Hen. viii Capitulo .xvi. Payn harde and strayt ¶ yf felons of ill fame wyll not put them selfe vnder thenquest before the iustices at the suyte of the kynge that they shal be put in prison strey●ht hard as they whiche refuse the law of the lāde but this is not vnderstand of thē which be ●aken for lyght suspeccyon w. i. ca. xij Pardon ¶ Loke for the kyngꝭ pardon the .v. h. viii cap. viii .vii. h. viii ca. viii .xv. h. viii passage ¶ Thershal no more be paied for passage at the portes than was wont and the iustyce of assyse shall ponysshe them that do the contrary as wel at the sewt of the kyng as at the parte the constables and baylyffes may redresse suche defautes at euery mannes sewt that complayneth the iiii Ed. iii. Capitulo .ix. ¶ Passage shall not be but at Douer on payne of imprysonment of a yere ●x E. iii. ca. ix ¶ Lycence shal be graunt for passage out of the realme at the portes of london sandwich suth plymmouth dartmouth douer brystvyt yermo●●th saint botulff kingston vpon hull new castel vpō tyne other portis passagꝭ toward yrelād and the yles parteynyng to the realme only an● he that passith without lycēce shal forfeyt al 〈◊〉 goodes and the shyp to be forfeyte where in 〈◊〉 passith but lordes knowen marchaūtꝭ and th● kynges so●dears be except by this statute The .v. R. ii Capitulo .ii ¶ Passage of pylgryms and other saue only in̄chaūtis soudears and men of armes shall be at plymmouth and ●ouer only but a man may pas in to yrelande where hym lyste The .xiii. R. ii Capitulo vltimo ¶ No pylgryme marchaunt beest nor hors may passe in kent but only at douer and he that d●th the ꝯtrary shall forfeyt .v. marke and that ●uery ●re man of the same towne or castell shall haue ●n accyon of dette agaynst the offender vppon this acte and proces of vtlary and also he may haue an accyon of dette agaynst the mayster of the shyp ꝓces of v●lary The iiii● E. iiii ca. x. Patenmakers ¶ Patenmakers shall ma●e no patens nor clogges of aspe vpon payne of C s. for euery tyme ●nd he that wyll sew for the kyng shal haue the one halfe The .iiii. henry .vi. cap. iii ¶ Patenmakers notwithstondynge the statute of the .iiii. h. vi may make pat●̄s of that parte of ●he aspe wherof no shaf●ꝭ cā be ma●e but if they do the contrary they shall lose .xl. s. the one half to the kyng and the other halfe to hym that wyl sew therfore The .iiii E. iii. ca. ix patentys ¶ Patentis by the kynge of landes and tenemētes rentes offyces annuites and other profettes what so euer where there is no expresse mencion made in their petycion of the valewe of the thinge et cetera And also of that that they haue of the kynges gyfte or of his progenytors be voyde The .i. Henry .iiii Capitulo .vi. ¶ They shal make no mencion but of that that they haue of the gyfe of the kynge or of E. his graūt father or of R. or E. late prynce of waly● or of I. late duke of lancastre and as to the profettes of goodes and catellis thei shall make n●●● mencyon except it amount to the sōme of C. 〈◊〉 excepte wardes c. and as to confyrmacyons to be made of any graunt of the kyngꝭ progenito●rs that nowe is ● it is nede to make suche me●●cyon as it semeth by the statute The .ii. Henry iiii Capitulo .ii. ¶ The king and the kynges chyldren be except in the sayd statutis The .vi. Hen. iiii ca. ii ¶ Patentis of the elder date shall be fyrst payd but the proferres shall be preferred The .vii. Henry .iiii. Capitulo ii ¶ Patentꝭ shall bere date the day that the warrant is delyuered to the chauncellour not before and that daye shall be entred in the chaūcery of recorde and yf it bere date otherwyse it is voyde The .xviii. Henry .vi. Capitulo .i. ¶ Patentis of landes or tenementes before the kinges tytle be found bi inquisicion in the chaūcery or escheker retourned of recorde and patētis made within a moneth after the same retour●e if it be not to him or them that tendeth the tra●ers and offeryth to take it to ferme after the statute of the .viii. h. vi be voyd the .xviii. h. vi c. vi The statute of
without grace Eod. anno Cap. x. ¶ That no ꝑson within the cyte of londō nor vii myles of the same occupi as phesiciō or surgyō except he be apꝓbath by the bysshop of lō●on or deane of powles callynge to hī .iiii. doctors of phesyk and for surgery other expert persons in that faculte vppō payne of forfetor for euery moneth the one half therof to the kīge the other half to hym that wyll sew by accyon of det wherin nother wager of law nor proteccyon shall be alowed and that no person in any other place occupy as phesycyon or surgiō except he be approbate by the bysshop of the dyosyce or by his vycar generall callynge to hym syche expert persons therin as he shall thīke conuenient and geffinge letters testimonyall to hym that they shall so approue vppon lyke payn to be leuyd as is before sayd Prouyded that this act be not preiudiciall to oxford or camebryge or to any priuileges grauntid to them The .iii. h. viii cap. xi Playes and gamys ¶ Laborers and seruaūtys that vse dyse and other sych gamis shall haue imprisonment of .vi. dayes and the sheryff mayrys bailyffys and cōstables haue power to execute it frō tyme to tyme and if they do not the sheryffmayre or balyffis shall forfeyt to the kynge for euery defaut● xx s. and the constable vi● s. viii d and the iustyce of assyse haue power to inquyre of theyr defautis and to certyfy it in to the chauncery The xi● h. iiii cap. iiii ¶ Noo gouern●r of howse tenement or gardein suffer wyllyngly any person to occupy to plaie at the classh keyles halfe bowle handyn hād out or quekbourd vppon payn of imprisonment by .iii. yeris or to forfeyt to the kynge or to the lord of the fee that hath catall felon̄ fugit x. li the one halfe therof to the kynge or to the lorde before sayd and the other halfe to hym that wyll sew by acciō of det where proces of vtlary shall lye and the parte that playeth shall haue imprisonment of .ii. yeris and shall forfeyt the one half to the kinge or lord and the other to hym that wyll sew therfore by accion of det c. The .xvii. E. iiii cap. iii. ¶ No apprentyce nor seruaunt of husbādry laborer nor seruaunt artyficer play at the tablis tēnyse dyse cardis bowlys nor at none other vnlawful game owt of the tyme of Crystmas but for mete and drynke and in cristmas to playe onely in the dwelling howse of his mayster or in the presence of his mayster and he that doth other wyse shal be put in the stockys openly by a hole day and that the howsold where such vnlawfull gamis be vsyd be presentyd before the iustice of p●ase and the mayre or sheryf in hys tyme or stywardis or lete and no lesse fine be set than .vi s. viii d and lyke proces shal be made agains hym as is in an enditemēt of trespas and the iustice of pease wherof one shall be of the quorum to reiecte and put a way all vnlawfull al● howses by their dyscressiō The .xi. h. vii ca. ii and the .xix. h. vii cap. xii Plees ¶ All plees in eueri court of england shall be pledid shewed defendyd ansew●●d debatid and iuggyd in the englys tonge and that they shal be en●erid and in rollyd in latyn The .xxxvi. Ed. ii cap. vltimo Pore men ¶ It is agreed that pore men that haue cause to sew by the discressyon of the chaūceller shal haue wryttes oryginall sub pena owt of the chauncery with out any thyng payng and a clerke assyned by the chaunceller to wryt such writtys and also he shall assygne counsell and attorneys to thē cetera And when such a wryt is retorned before the king in his bench the iustyce there shall assy●ne them counsell attorneys and other offycers necessarys that shall do all thynges for them requysyte without any thīge takinge et cetera And the same lawe shall be holden in all courtys of recorde The .xi. h. vii capitulo .xii. Poope ¶ He that payeth to the pope for the fyrst frutys more than is wont to be payd shall forfayte to the kynge all that euer he may forfayt The .vi. h. iiij Capitulo .i. Prechers ¶ No prechers shall prech without licence of the ordynary of the place except personis priuylegid and curatis withī theyr ꝑissh .ii. hē iiii Capitulo .xv. prerogatyf of the king ¶ we shall not haue the custody of any land which is holden of an other by reson of any land which is holden of vs in socage or petyt seriaūtye or fee ferme but that fee ferme which makyth knyghtis seruis Magna carta Capitulo vigesimo quarto ¶ yf the kingis tenaunt hold any land of hym in chief by knightis seruyce he shall haue the ward of that and of all the landis holden of hī and of other for what so euer seruice c. if he dye seysyd except the fee of the byshop of canterbury and the byshop of durham the kyngis prerogat regis Capitulo .i. ¶ Also he shall haue the mariage of the heyr if he hold of eschet in the kingis handis or he shall haue the mariage by reson of the keping hauing no respect to the furst fefement though he hold of an other cap. ii ¶ Also he shall haue the furst seysyn after the deth of them whych hold of hym in chy●f of all the landis of which they dyed seysyd of whō so euer they hild ca. iii. It semyth that he shall haue the furst seys● though they hold of hym but in socage ¶ Also he shall haue the furst of all the landis whych be holden of hī in chief and that is vnderstand of landys and fees whych by reson of knyghtes fee of serīantꝭ f● or by the law were wont to be ī the kynges handꝭ m̄lebrige ca. xx● ¶ Also he shall assinge to wydows of such tennātes theyr dowres though theyr heyrys be of full age and if such widows mary them self without lycence c. he shall seise all theyr land til they make fyne at his wyll ¶ Also women that hold of the kyng in chief of what age so euer she be shall swere that they shall not mary them self wythout licence c. if they do the landes shal be taken into the kingꝭ hādes vntyll they haue made satisfaccion at his plesure ca. iiii loke how this is put in vre ¶ Also if inheritaūce which is holden of the kyng in chief do discend to ꝑten̄s then all shall make homage and the inheritaunce shabe ꝑted among them so that eūy for theyr ꝑte shall hold of the kyng● ca. vj. ¶ Also i● a woman befor the deth of her auncestors which hild of the kīg ī chief before yeris mariable be maried thē the kīg shall haue the custody of the body of that womā vntill the age that she may consent and then that she
kyngꝭ wyll as at the partes in the meane whyle the kyng shal haue the profitꝭ of the beneficis so occupied by such prouysors except abbayes priories other howsys that haue colege or couent shall haue the profet c. the xxv E. iii. sta de prouis ¶ A man may do of prouysors as of the kinges enmys without any impechement that is to say ꝓuysors that execute prouysyōs of abbayes or prioris The same statute and chapytre ¶ They that draw any person in ple out of the realme wherof the knowlege apꝑtaineth to the kyngis court or of such thyngꝭ wherof iugemēt be gyuen in the kynges courte or seweth ī any other court to deffete iugemētis gyuē in the kīgꝭ courte shal haue a day by garnyshement or warning conteininge the space of .ii. monethes to be befor the kyng in his coūcell or in the chaūcery or before the iustice of the one benche or other And yf thei come not at the day in ꝓpre parsō thā they their procurators attorneis executors notaryes mayntenours shal be out of the kingꝭ proteccyon and theyr landys goodis cattellis forfayt and theyr bodyes shal be takē by capias and vpon that an exigent c. prouided alwaye that yf they come befor outlari thei shal answer And yet not withstondīg the forfeitor● of theyr landys goodys and catellys shall abyde in his force yf they come not within .ii. monethes The .xxvii. E. iii. Capitulo .i. The statute of prouysor made the .xxv. .xxvii. E. iii shal be kept saue only y● by force of those statutis the bodyes of the lordys prelatꝭ shall not be takyn and addyd therto that where any seweth to the court of ●ome personell citacions vppon faynt suggestions againste ꝑsons of this realme where knowlege belongyth to the kingꝭ courte and also of impetracyons and prouysyōs made in thesame court of rome of beneficꝭ chappellꝭ and offyces of the churche what so euer belongyng to the presentacyon or gyft of the king or other laye patrons of benefyces appropryed to churchꝭ cathedrall collegꝭ abbeys c● they theyr mayntenours fauourers shall be arestyd by the shyryff of the place iustyce in their cessyons and let to bayll by suffycyēt maynpryse and brought before the kyng and his councell shortly and yf thei be cōuyct they shal haue the pai● comprisy● in the statute made at westm̄ the .xxv. yere of E. iii. and yf they be not foūd they shal be ponysshid by force of the statute made the xxv●● yere of the same kyng whiche begīneth nr̄s●ygne or le ●oy c and that the kynge shall geue the no pardon without assent of the parte and they shall be out of the kyngꝭ proteccyō The .xxviii E. iii. statute de prouys capitulo .i. ¶ None shal take nor receiue ꝓcuracie letter o●●●turney ferme ●or other administracyon by ●●denture nor in other maner of any bn̄fyce with in this realme but onely of the kīges leegꝭ with out the kynges licence or aduise of his councel that none cary ani gold syluer or other tresour out of the realme by letter of eschaunge nor in other maner to the profyt of any alyons without lycence vpon payne conteynyd in the statute of prouysours made the .xxvii. y●re of E. iii. the kinges graunte fader that now is and that no bysshop nor other parsone of the churche medyl by way of sequestrac●on nor in other maner of fruites of suche benefyces to the profytys of the same alyons vppon payne that belongyth there to the iii R. ii c.iiii but the spyrytual lordys assētyd to this estatue ¶ Alyons that take possessyon of benefyces within the realme withoute the kingys lycence shal haue the payn as ꝓuisours The .xxv. E. iii. and the vii R. ii ca. xi but the spyrytuall lordys assentyd not ¶ He that passyth ouer th● see with oute the kyngys lycence and taketh any benefice by prouysyon shall be in contynente in so doynge oute of the kynges proteccion and the benefice voyd the .xii. R. ii ca. xiiii ¶ who so euer take any bn̄fyce by ꝓuinsiō shal b● exciled banished whether thei be within the realme or without and his landys goodꝭ shall be forfeit to the king yf he be within the realme he shall take his way so that he be without the realme within .vi. wekes after such takynge c. And no mā shal receyue him that is so banished after the vi wekes vpō pain of thesame forfeitor And that the procuratours notaryes excutors somners shall haue the payne beforsayd and he y● exhorteth the kyng to wryte or to sende to the court of rome contrary to his estatute or yf any sēd or pray to the pope to the cōtrari yf he be a p̄late he shal pay to the kīg the valew of the temporaltes for a yere yf he be a lord ●ꝑoral the valew of his landꝭ tenemētꝭ for a yere and yf he be a parson of lower degre the valew of the sa● benefice for a yere and he shal haue prisonment of a yere The .xiii. R. ii Ca. vltimo ¶ He that brīgeth into this realm or withī the poure of the king any sōmonis sentence or excōmengement agaynst any ꝑson of what condiciō that he be bycause of the mocyō makyng assent or execucyon of the sayd statute of prouysors shal forfeyt all his landes goodis cat●llis his life And yf any prelate so do he shal forfet his temꝑaltes tyll dew correxiō be therof made a mean parson shall make fyn raunsom these wordes meane ꝑson shall be intended parsons spirituall as it semeth The .xiii. R. ii ca. vltimo ¶ yf ani purches or pursew ī the court of rome or ellys wher to trāslate any prelatys or bysshoppys within this realm without the kyngꝭ assent knowlege without the assent of those p̄latis that shall be so translate any proces sentence of excommunycacion Bullys instrumentes or other thynges whatso euer that towcheth the kynge his crowne and regally in his Realme or they that brynge them in to this realme or them receyue or make notyce of theym or execucyon within this Realme or without thei theyr notaryes proctours maynteynours shall be out of the kynges proteccyon and theyr landys goodꝭ cattellꝭ forfeyt And be attach●d by they●●odyes and brought before the kyng and his counseyle and proces shall be made agay●st th●m by preminire fac as there is in other casis of prouysours ordeyned The .xvi. R. ii ca. v. ¶ Prouision made to any person of Relygyon or other by the. Pope to be exempt frome regular obedyence or ordinarie or to haue offyce perpetuall within any howse of Relygyon c. ●hal ●en in the payne comprysyd in the statute of prouysours The .xiij. R. ii and the .ii. H. iiij ca. iij. ¶ Cisterciens and other religious mē that purches bullys to be dyschargyd of dysmys of thei● landes and possessions set to ferme or otherwise
occupyed or put suche bullys before purchesyd in execucyon proces shall be made agay●st thē by priminire fac by garnysshment or warnynge of .ii. monethes yf they make defaute or be attaynt they shall rēne in to the payn forfeytour cōteined ī the statute o● ꝓuisours made the .xiii. R. ij and .ii. H. iiij ca. iiii ¶ He y● purchasyth or putteth ī execucion any bulle purchesyd after the fyrst yere of Rychard the seconde to be quyte of dysmys shall be punisshed in lyke maner The .vii. H. iiij ca. iiij ¶ Lycence of pardon made by the kyng of prouysyō to a benefyce ful with an incōbent is voyde The .vij. H. iiii ca. vi ¶ All the statutes of prouisours made in the tyme of kynge E. iij. and. R. ij shall be kepte in al● poyntꝭ nat withstandinge any moderacyon made by the kynge The .ix. H. iiij ca. vltimo Purueiours ¶ None shal take horsis or cart of any man for caryage to be made but yf he gyue after t●e ol● ordinaūce that is to sey for a cart with two horses .x. pennys by the day and for a carte with .iii. horses .xiiij. pennys by a daye no lordes carte of any spyrytuall person or of a knyght or of any other lorde shall be takyn by the kynges baylyffꝭ magna carta C. xxi No cōstable or his baylyff shall take corne or other catell of any man that is not of the same town wher the castell is excepte he pay redy money And yf he be of the same town he shall pay it within .xl. dayes after Magna carta .c.xix. ¶ None take vitayl nor charret agaynste the wyll of the owner and yf they do they shal y●lde dowble domages wemynster .i. ca. ii And yf the parte sewe not the kynge shall haue the swete they y● shall be indyted there of shal be be attachid dystreinid by graūde dystresse that cōteineth the space of .ii. moneths ī the kīgꝭ court or wher hym lyst and yf he come not by the day thā he shal be agayne distreyned by the space of vi wekes And yf they come not than they shal be atteynt shall yelde dowble domages to the partes greuyd and make fyne to the kynge ¶ Of them that take vitayles or other thynges to the kynges vse to the makynge or kepynge of a castell or other And whan they haue receuyd the paiment at the Escheker or at the wardero● or els wher and with holde the payment of the credytours to the great domage of them and to the s●lander of the kyng it is prouyded that of them that haue landes and tenementes it shal be leuyed of theyr landes and goodes and payd to the credytours with theyr domages they shall make fyne to the trespasse and yf they haue no landes and tenementes they shal be imprysoned at the kyngꝭ wyl Of thē that take reward of the kyngꝭ credytours to make the kynges payment they shall yeld dowble and be punysshed at the kynges pleasure vestm̄ i. ca. xxxii ¶ Of them that take horse or cartꝭ for the kingꝭ caryage more than nede is take reward to releue thē if he be of the court he shal be punisshed by the marchall and yf he be out of the court he ●hall yelde treble domagꝭ and be imprysoned .xl. dayes vestm̄ i. ca. xxxvi ¶ That no puruey our take any thynge of any ●or make ther of no price without his agrement and that he take corne by cōmyn mesure nor ta●e no thinge but to the very value set by the cō●tabels or other good men And that paymēt be ●ade therof before the kyng passe out of the ver●e that none haue no purueyours excepte the ●inge the quene or theyr chyldren nor that they ●ake no more than nede is And that the kynges ●uruey our take no thinge tyll he shewe his war●ēt vnder the kyngꝭ seale he that otherwise ta●eth any pryse of any man without his agremēt ●t shal be don to hym as to a thefe yf the quanty ●e of the goodes requyre it The ●iiij Edwardꝭ ●ii capitulo .iii. ¶ where the kyngꝭ horsys lye at lyuē iu the cō●ey there shal be for eueri hors a page And the ●eper shall haue a hakney a●d there shall be no ●o nor theyr wyues nor hoūdys at the charge ●f the contrey And that pa●ment shall be made ●efore that they go out of the verge and yf ther ●e mo fonnde there they shall be sent to pryson th●r to byde at the kynges wyl And in thesame maner it shall be cōmaundyd to the shyryff that he make purueyaunce for the kynges houndꝭ of the issues of his baylies wher they dwel so that the countrey be not chargid with them Aud he that is gr●uyd in this case shal haue his recouer agaynste the shyryf .xiiij. E. iij. C. xviij The fees and goodꝭ of holy chyrche be excepte in the commyssyons of purueyours .xiiij. E. iij. pro clero C. i. xxviij E. iij. pro clero Ca iiij ¶ The purueyours of the kyng quene theyr chyldren shall make theyr pryse by the cōstable and .iiij. honest men of the townes with out manace or cōpulsyon to the preysers to set any pse contrary to theyr othes And tayles to be made incontynent and insealed of the agremente c. i● theyr psēce And yf the purueiour do otherwise he shal be incontinent arestid there brought to the next geale and it shal be done to hym as to ● these And this payne shal be expressid ī their cōmyssyons vnder the kynges seale The .v. E. iii. ca. ii and this same clause is enacted The .xx. ● iii. statut de ꝓuis capitulo .i. ¶ The fees and goodes of the church shal be ●●●cept in the cōmyssions of the purueyours The .xiiii. E. iii. ꝓclero ca. i. .xviii. E. iii. ca. iiii ¶ No purueyour of wod or tymbre to the kīgꝭ vse cut any trees growynge in or about any mānes howse And if he do he shal yelde to the ꝑte treble domages and haue a yeres prysonment be foriudgyd his office The .xxv. E. iii. statut de prouys capitulo .vi. ¶ Purueyours that take shepe after ester befor the sheryng mo thā shal be for the. tyme expēdy● for the kynge it is felony and yf they take after warde mo than shall come to the kyngꝭ vse it is also felony Thesame statut ca. xv ¶ Purueours that take puruyauuce for the kynge the quene or prīce with in the some of .xx. s. shall make paymente incontynente and if it be to the summe of .xx. s. or aboue payment shall be made within a quarter of a yere The .xxviii. statut vltimo capitulo xi● ¶ Of purueyours of pultry and small thynges paymēt shall be made in hande and of great purueyaunce within .vi. wekes The .xxxiiii. E. iii. capitulo .iii. ¶ None shal haue purueyours but the king the quene or paymente shal be made in hande after the price of the market and the byers
vltimo No proces shall be adnullyd or dyscontynewed for myspryson of the clarke in wrytynge a lette● or sylable to moch or to litel but as sone as the● thynge is perseyuyd it shall be hastly amendy● without gyuyng any aduauntage to the party● A. xiiii E. iii. ca. vi ¶ If any iudge or clarke be conuyct before th● kyng his councell of fals entrynge of plees r●●synge of Rolys or chaungynge of the trew say●enges so that by that defaut the dishēheritaun●● of any therof folowe so that the sewt yf the ꝑty●● g●●uyd be of full age be with in two yeris a●●ter the defaut done and yf he be within age wi●● in two yeres after he come to full age he sha●● be punysshed by fyne and redempcion at the ki●●●es pleasure shall satysfy the partye and as to ●●e restytucyon of his herytage the parte gre●yd shall sew by wryte of errour or otherwyse ●fter the law yf he thynke it expedyent a. viii R ii Ca. iiii ¶ Recordes shall not be amēdyd nor appayryd after the iugement gyuyn enrolled anno xi H ●●ii ca iii● ¶ Recordes y● shall come before any iustyce by errour or adiourneyment may be amendy● for ●ysprysyon of the clarke As well afte● the ●●gem●nt as afore to endure the next parlyamēt 〈◊〉 ix h v ca iiii And the same statute is made ꝑ●●tuall except recordes of walys and outlaryes ●t the sute of the partye A iiii h vi ca iii. ¶ It is accordyd that for errour assygnyd in a●● recorde proces warrant of atourney orygy●all wrytte panell or retorne in places scrapyd ●●cyd or interlyned or dymynycyon which Ra●ure or interlynynge apperyth to the iustyce sus●ectyd byfor y● such recorde shal com by errour ●r otherwise there shal be iugemēt reuersyd but ●●e iustyce before whan c. shall haue power to ●●amyn such recordes and theym reforme in ●●fyrmynge of the fyrste Iugement And also to ●●mend all suche as they in they re dyscrecyon ●h● thynke to mysprisyon of the clarke In such ●●●ner recordes proces wordes plees warraunt o● attourney wryttes pannellꝭ and retornes excep● appells indytamentes and the vtlaryes of the ●●●me and the substaunce of propre mannys sur●●mys and addycyons enterlesse In writtys ori●●●nall and wryttꝭ of exigentys accordy●ge to th● statute Anno. ii H. v. And ī other writys whic● conteyne proclamacion so that no iugement b●●fore suche mysprysyon reuersyd nor adnully● in affyrmans of suche iugementes the party sh● alledge that the record which is certyfyed do●●vary frome the tother recorde frome whens● comyth And yf it be certyfyed and the vary●●● frome the iugges shall reforme that recorde t● the fyrste recorde Also recordes exemplyfyed 〈◊〉 not rasyd shall not be reuersyd bylerrour contr●●ry to the exēplyficacyon also he that imbecyly●● any recorde wherfore the iugement is reuersy● shall be punyssed as a fellon c. by the iustices o● the same courte so that the halfe enquest be 〈◊〉 the same courte and the other halfe of the othe● Recordes beynge before any of the kinges iust●●cys by errour or otherwise and retournes of t●● shyrys●ꝭ baylyffys and other mynysters in my●●●ysyon of they re clarkes in wrytynge of a lett 〈◊〉 moche or to lytell shall be amendyd by the dys●esyon of the iustyces A. viii H. vi ca. xv ¶ He that entryth plee by these wo●dꝭ in ꝓpria ꝑsona sua the. pl. nor none other suffycyent of ●is cou●sell Is not sworne before the i●styc●s ●●at he is the same parson shall lese .xl. s. If he 〈◊〉 therof attaynt by examynacyon of the iusty●ys c. anno .xviii. H. vi ca. ix ¶ It semyth by these wordꝭ that this is not in ●●●dyd to be in suche sutꝭ where proces of vtla●y lyeth Redisseysin ¶ If a man reco●ere by assyse of nouell dyssey●yn and is put in possessyon by the shyryfe and ●●●er is put by hym agaynste whome he recoue●yd he shal haue a wryt of redysseysō dyrecte to ●●e shyryff and to the coroners that they by the fyr●●e Iurours and other make t●erofe Inquysy●yon Lykewyse it is ordeyned of theym that haue ●●couered theyr land by assi●e mo●●●●unceto●r o● al theyr landes and tenemente● reco●eryd by ●●syse or iurre in the kīges courte yf they be after dysseased and redyssīn found he shall be cōmyttyd to pryson marten ca iii ¶ He that is put in pson for redyssīn shall not be delyu●red without specyal cōmandement of the kynge And also make fyne with the kyn●● therfore and yf the shyryf do otherwyse he sh●● be amercyed marl ca viii In wryttꝭ of reddissīn ther shal be iudgyd do●ble domages the dysseysours shall be Irrep●●gyable by the comyn wryt and as in the statu●● of marten It was prouyd the wryt for them y● were disseysyd after that they had recouerid by assise of nouell disseysyn mort dauncestour or by other iurry furthermore frome hens forthe that writ shall haue place for them that haue reco●●red by defaut reddicyon or other wyse witho●● recognicion of assise or iurry westm̄ ii E xxvi Relefe The heyre of an erle for the hole yerldom sh●●● 〈◊〉 for relefe after the ve●●● of hi● auncestou●s C. li. The 〈◊〉 of a ●arto● for the hole barrony ● ●erkes the hey●e of a knyghte for the hole ●●yghtes ●ee C. ● ●nd he that holdyth lesse shal ●ay after the rate magna cart● ca. ii ¶ If a man make 〈◊〉 by dede or by fyne of landes holden b● 〈…〉 or suffre any recouery agaynste hym to his vse for truste ●nd after dye his heyre shall pay Belefe yf he be 〈◊〉 full age A. iiii h. vii ca. xvii yf the ●enaunt in socage make ● feo●●emēt to hi●●●n vse the lorde of whom i● is hol●yn●●ft the 〈◊〉 of his tenaunt where no 〈…〉 ●●claryd 〈◊〉 haue the relyef and 〈◊〉 ●ll other ●ewtes as yf his ●enaunt had dyed seysyd .xix. h. vii Reasonable ●yd ¶ For reson●ble ●yd to make a 〈◊〉 ●night 〈◊〉 to mar● hi● dowgh● It is ordeyny●●hat for tho●e knyghtes fee shall be gyuyn .xx. ● and of xx.l lande holden in soccage .xx. s. and of more ●ore and of le●●e le●●e 〈◊〉 the rate a●d it sh●ll ●ot be leuyed fo●●he son●●●yl the ●ge of xv● yere ●or for the doughter tyll the 〈◊〉 of v●● yere and of that shall be mencyon m●de in the kyngꝭ wr●● formyd ther vpon when he wyl demaund it yf the father when ●he hath leuyed such ayd dye byfore he haue maryed his dought his executour● be bounde to the doughter of moche as he hath res for that ayd And the goodꝭ of the father suffyce not therto his heyre is bounde to pay it to the doughter westm .ii. ca. xxxv ¶ Also reasonable ●yd to make the kyngꝭ sonne knyghte or to mary his doughter shall be leuyd after the rate of the statute here made And not other wyse s. of euery fee holden of the kynge without mesue .xx. s. no more of euery xx.ll lande holden in socage
made to shyryfꝭ to take endytmentꝭ Eodem statut ¶ Shyryfꝭ shal haue alowaūce in the escheker vpon theyr othys of the yssues of they re counte ● that shal accōpt to the escheker .i. H. iii. ca. xi ¶ Sheryffꝭ shal be sworne to dwel vpon they re baylywykꝭ that they shal not lette theyr baylywykꝭ to ferme .iiii. H. iiii ca. i. ¶ Shyryfꝭ shal haue no alowaunce vpon their othys of casualtes but of an●cion fennes and demaundes as it hath be vsyd before .iiii. H. v. ca. ii ¶ The counte of sussex shal be holdyn at chycester one tyme and at lewes another tyme alway xix H. vii ca. xxiiii Skauage ¶ If any mayre sherif or other officer leuey any custome of any of the kyngꝭ subiectes called skauage or sewage of englysh marchaūt or denizīs for any marchaūdises ●before trewli customid or distreyn thē therfore or dysturbe them therfor he shal lose for euery tyme so offēdyng .xx li. the one halfe therof to the kyng and the other halfe to the ꝑte that wyll sew therfore by accyō of det wherin nother wager of law ꝓteccion nor esson̄ shal lye Prouyded that this acte extende nat to the cyte of London but that they may take for skauage suche sommys as by the kynge and his counsel shal be determynid to be theyr ryght and tytle .xix. H. vii ca. viii Silke ¶ That none brynge in to this realme to be sold any silke wrought out of this realme by it self or with other stuf in rybādys lacys gyrdyls corces calles corces of tyssue or poyntes vpon payne of for●eytor therof or the valew of the same ī whose handis so euer thei be foūd the one half therof to the kynge the other half to hym that s●asith it And that all parsons as wel straūgers as othe● may brynge in all other maner sylke as well wrought as raw or vwnrought to fel at their plesur this act not withstanding The xix H. vii ca. xxi Loke for sealing of cloth of gold of siluer and of sylke The .xii. E. iiii capitulo .iii. Sowldiars ¶ Sowldyars and shipmen shal haue letters of their captain or of the townes wher ther aryue and that they shall be commanndyd to hold the hye waye towarde they re contreys and yf they do coutrary that they shal be takyn ponysshed as vacabondes and he that receyueth them aboue a nyghte in his howse shall lose for euery tyme xii.d xix H. vii ca. xii ¶ If any captayne be reteyned in the kingꝭ seruyce vpon the see or beyond the see nat hauyng his nombre of souldiars as he shal be reteyned gyue nat them their wagꝭ as he shall receyue of the kyng for them he shall for euery such defaut forfeyt all his goodes cattellꝭ to the king his body to be imprisoned And that euery captain ● pety captain paye to euery soul●iour his wages within .vi. daies after that he hath receiuydit for hym and yf any souldy our beyng not captain reteyned īmediatly with the king take any prest to s●rue the kyng vpō these or vpon lāde or beyond the see deꝑte oute of seru●ce without l●cence of the kynges leuetenaunt ther that than such deꝑtyn● be felony to haue execucyon lyke a felō to lose the bn̄fite of his clergy except he be with ī orders And that the Instyce of pease haue power to here and determyne the premysses that suche departynge and retaynou yf it be trauersyd be tryed in the same shyre where they be for suche causes arestyd and arayned ¶ Prouided that no captain be chargi● here by for his sowdyers beyng deed or departyng with out his defaute so that he shewe it to the kyngꝭ leuete naunt yf he be at lande wagꝭ within .x. dayes aft the departynge or to the admyrall of the nauey at his next metynge yf he be at the see wages Prouyded that this act extende nat to captaynes and sowdyers of Calyce hāmys gynys ryse bāck berwik walys or any other marches of the same Prouyded also that this act extende nat to any captayne for nō paymēt of the kynges wagꝭ to any of his howshold seruaūtes or other to whom he shall dayly fynde meat drynke durynge the sayd seruyce of war● The .iii. H. viii capitulo .v. ¶ Captaines shal pay their souldiers their hole wagꝭ without any thyng abatyng but for theyr restures .x. s. for a robe of a gentylman and .vi. s viii d for a ●oman vpon payne of for a spere and for a bowe The .xviii. H. vi ca. xviii ¶ Souldyers that deꝑtyn before the ende of their tyme shal be ponysshed as felons baylyffꝭ cōstables wher they aryue shall putte them vnder ●rest excepte they shew letters of licēce of their captaynes And iustyce of pease shall inquere defmyne the premysses The .xviii. H. vi capit vltimo The .vii. H. vii ca. i. Southwerke ¶ He that hathe dwellyd at the stewes shall be no comen hosteler nor tauerner in sonth warke and iustyce of pease of thesame county may enquere th●re of and ponysshe them by fyne a●d raunson .xi. h. vi ca. i. Staple ¶ The staple of wollys ledyr wol fel and lede shal be holdyn that is to say for england at new castell vpon tyne yorke ● lincoln̄ norwich westmester caunterbur● cycester wynchester and brystuyt and for walys at carmerdyn and for yrelande at deuelyn waterforde corke and drodaugh that all the wollys ledyr c. that shall be brought out of the said Realme ande landes shal be fyrste brought to the sayd staples and the rew●yed by the kinges standarde And that euery sacke and sarpler of woll so weyed be ī sealyd with the mayres seale of the staple testyfyed by byll insealyd with the seale of the sayd mayre c. and they shal be brought to the portys of yo●●ke hul lincoln boston norwych greatiermouth westm london cauntebury sande wytche wy●●chester southampton and the sayd wollys an●lede shal be weyed agayne by the kynges custo●mers And al the wol lede that shall be brough● to the portes of new castel cycester excest bri●●●uyt kermerdyn deuylyn waterford drodaugh corke shal be but ones Weyed and there shalb● an indenture made betwene the mayre of the st●●ple and the customers of the same woll leder c● and customes and co●●ettes the costomes ther●of dew shal be payed to the customers that is to say halfe a marke of a sake of woll half a mar●● of CCC wolꝭ fellys and a marke of a last of ledyr c. the said marchaūdyses shal be brought beyonde th● see by marchanntꝭ straungers that bye them and nat by englyssh men welshe noryrysshe that the sayd mayres customers delay no man nor take no thyng to do theyr offyce vpō payn of impsonmente to pay the dowble that he hath takē of the part with the domages c. And that they take an othe of the byers that they
vltimo Templers ¶ All the knyghtes of the temple were dystroyed for heresye afterwarde s. xvii E. iii. al theyr landꝭ were gyuē by auctoryte of the ꝑlyamēt to the ordre of the hospital of seit Iohn̄ for to maītayn the cristē feith as they were gyuen to the tēplers at the begīnīg not withstōdīg that it was a good entēt ī thesame ꝑlyamēt that the same landꝭ shuld eschete to the lordes sta templer Tenure ¶ It is lawful to eueri fre mā to sel his lād or ꝑte therof at his wyl so that he that is īfeffid holdith it of the chyef lord by thesame seruyce that the feffour first hyld it if he alyen ꝑt the feffe shal be chargyd acordynge to his part this statute holdyth place of landes in fee symple only and that this statute be not preuydycial to the statute fo mort maīsta quia emptores tarrarum Chrōmys ¶ Non shall cary thrōmys nor wollen yaren vnder the colour of thrōmys out of the realm vpon payn of forfeytour the dowble valew The .viii. h. vi ca. xxiii Tyndalle ¶ Al the landys in south● northtyndale shal be gyldable annexid to the counte of northumber landꝭ the kynges wryt and al warantes and p̄ceptes of iustyce of peasse and other offycers of northūberiōd shal be there obeyed .xi. H. vii c.ix Tyles ¶ Loke for tyles ī the tytle weightꝭ misures Tyn ¶ A mā may charge tyn wher it pleasyth hī but the discharg shal be at calice oli the xv R ii c.viii ¶ Passage of tyn out of the realm shal be at the porten of derthmouth no other where the .xiiii R. ii ca. vii ¶ Loke more fortin ī the title of merchaūtꝭ and staple Toll ¶ yf owtragyous toll be takyn in a towne marchaunt yf it be the kynges town let to fee ferme the kyng shal take fraunches of the market into his hande and yf it bo done by a lord of a towne the kyng shall do in lyke maner w. i. Ca. xxx ¶ Toll shal be takyn after the strengthe of the cours of the wat as of the xx corne the mesure wherby it shal be takyn shall agre with the kynges m●sure by strykell and not by hepe The statute of the assyse of brede and ale Tourne of shyryffꝭ ¶ Sheryffꝭ or baylyffꝭ may take presētmentꝭ or indytmentys before thē in theyr tourne but they may make no syne nor award no ꝓces therō vpō payn of C. li. the one half therof to the kyng and the other half to the parte greuyd but they must certyfy that presentmēt to the iustyce of pease at the nexte cessyons vpon payne of And they shal award theron ꝓces as the law wyl but this act shal not be p̄iudicyal to the cyte of londō nor to lordꝭ of any fraūches which hath the kynges patent therof or ellys hath it by tytle of prescrypcyon The .i. E. iiii capitulo primo ¶ No baylyf nor other offycer shal retourn ī an●●urne non but such as be of good fame y● haue landys of free hold within thesame coūte to the yerly valew of .xx. s. or copy hold to .xxvi s viii d. at the lest he that retorneth any contrarye to this ordynaunce shal lose for euery persō not beyng so su●fycyent .xl. s. as oft as h● so off●ndyth And the shyryff other .xl. s. And who that wyll shall sew there fore by accyon of dette as well agaynst the sayd shyryf as baylyf the one half so recoueryd to the kyng the other half to hīselfe wherī nother e●su nor ꝓtecciō shal lye and eueri indytement in any turne other wyse takyn to be voyd The .i. R. iii. ca. iiii ¶ No shyryf nor constable shall hold their torn but twis in a yere ī a place acustomid S. ones aft ester and a nother tyme aft mychelmas c. the vew of frankpleg shal be than at the torne of myghelmas c. no counte shal be holdī but frō moneth to moneth ī the cōtrey where more lōger tyme hathe be vsyd it shall be so contynued magna carta ca. xxxv ¶ Archbysshopꝭ bysshoppꝭ abbotꝭ priors countes barōs nor mē of religiō nor womē shal not cō to the shiryffꝭ torne also mē shal not come to the shyryffꝭ torne whiche haue landys in dyuers hōdredys marlbryg ca. x. ¶ The sheryf shall hold his torne whiti● a monyth after ester the other withi● a moneth aft mychelmas or elles he shal lose his torne for the tyme .xxxi. E. iii. ca. xiiij Trauers ¶ The parte shal haue his trauers to the offyce wherby it is found that the kynges tenaunt did alyen without lycence or that he hyld of the kīg by knygtes seruyce dyed his heyre beīg within age the record shal be send in to the kīges bench and there tryed .xxxiiii. E. iii. ca. xiiii ¶ yf the eschetour sease any lādys in the kyngꝭ handes by inquest of offyce if any mā put claym therto The eschetour shal send the same inquisicyon in to the chauncery within a moneth aft that lād s●sayd And that a wryt shal be delyueryd hī to certify the cause of the seasour ī the chaūcery And there without delay to trauers the ofice or elles to shew his ryght And in case that any cō before the chaūcelour shew his right by good euydens that the chauucellor shall lett the lande vnto hym yeldyng the valew to the kyng fyndīg suerte that he shall do no was● tyll that it be iuggyd the xxxvi● E. iii. ca. xiii This statute is enlargyd the .i. h. viii ca. x. And .iii. monethes respyte gyuen to any man that wyl make clayme ¶ Loke more for this in the tytle of eschetour Tonnage poundage ¶ yf any marchaundyse be shypped to be caried beyond the see or brought from thens in to this realm and there put to land at any port the subcidye and tunnage and poundage dew to the king not payed nor agreed with the colectour th●rfor than the sayd marchaundyses to be forfeyted to the kyng the .xii. E. iiii to endure the kynges life This acte is confyrmed the .vi. h. viii ca. xiiii To endure duryng the kynges lyfe Loke more for this ī the tytle of custō loke for subsyde poūdage The .xii. E. iiii ca. iii. Treason ¶ when a man cōpassyth or ymagineth the deth of the kīg or of the quene his wif or of his eldest sone and heyre or if any defoyle the quene or the kingis eldest doughter not maried or the wife of the kinges eldest son and heyre and yf a mā leuey war agaynst the kynge in his realme or be adherent to the kynges enmyes in the realme or h●lpe them or comfort thē in the realme or ellys where And therof prouabli be attaynt of open dede by people of his degre and condycyon A●d yf a mā counterfeyt the kynges greate seale or his money or yf a man b●ynge any fals money in to this realme
certificat of the customer of calyce thā that shal be tryed in the coūty where the eschekyr is .iiii. E. iiij ca. ii ¶ Loke in the tytle of shipping of wollys how the issue shal be tryed in the coūte of york .iiii. E. iiii ca iii. watermen ¶ Loke for that in the tytle botemen Uacabundys beggers ¶ No mā shal giue almes to beggers that be strōg and able to worke vpon payn of imprysonment The .xxiij. E. iii. ca. vltimo ¶ Beggers that be strōg and hole of body shal be compellyd to work and beggers that depart out of their hūdred cite or borow without leters testymony all it shal be done to them as of labourers that pas out of the hūdred c. Also heremytys and relygyous beggers shall haue letters of theyr ordynaryes and cierkys letters of the vnyuersite The .xij. R. ii ca. vi ¶ Beggers that haue be in prison beiond the see shal haue letters of their captēs or of the towns where they aryued and shal be sworne to go the next way to their contreis The .xii. R. ii ca. vii ¶ Iustyce of pease and assyseꝭ shal inquyre of vacabundys loyterers and faytours and them to ponysshe and as wel thesame iustyce as mayrys baylyffꝭ constablꝭ other gouerners of towns and placys where such come may examyn them and compel them to fynd suerte of there good aberyng and other wyse commit them to the next geale tyl the cōmīg of the iustice of deliueraūce and they haue power to do of thē as they shall thynke conueniēt The .vii. R. ii ca. v. ¶ Mayres shreuys baylyffꝭ and other offycers and rulers of cyties and townes shall take vacabundys idell and suspecte parsons and them to pute in stockys there to abyde .iii. nyghtes with brede and water and after .iii. nyghtes they shal be cōmaundid to a voyd the towne And yf they offend agayne they shall abyde in stockys by .iii dayes with the forsayd dyet and he that gyueth them any other sustenauns shal forfeyt for euery tyme xii.d And that euery begger that may not labor shall goo in to the hundred where he dwellid last or where he is most knowen or where he was borne within .vi. wekis after proclamacion of this statute made there to abyde And ●f any begge in any other place after that he shal be ponysshed as it is before sayde And that none be excusid for that that he his a clerk of the vniuersyte or shipman except that he shew the letter of the chaūcellour of the vniuersyte of his captē or of the towne where he cam to land yf he haue such letters he shall be commaundid to go to his contrye And yf any such vacabūdys tari in any cite or towne by the space of a day not punisshed And such offycer hath notyce of hym than that offycer shall forseyt for euery tyme xx.d ¶ And that lordys in theyr letys and sheryffꝭ in theyr turnys shall inquyre therof and take the amarcyament for euery defaute xx.d And yf it be in a cyte that hath mayre and aldermen that than the alderman of the place where suche defaut is shall take the aduauntage to his owne vse And that euery one that is intytelyd to haue such pe●alte may dystrayn c. further more by this sta●ute the imprysoment that is gyuyn by the statu●● Ryc is put out The .xi. h. vii ca. ii This ac●e ●s confyrmyd The .xix. h. vii ca. x. And thereto ●●largyd and addyd than yf any kepe any suche beggers in his howse ouer one nyght to forfayt xii d. And also yf the offycer examyn not suche beggers but suffer them go vnponysshed as is beforsayde to forfeyt therfore .iii. s. iiii d And the lord of the lete or sheryf in his turne or aldermā as is beforfayde to take the mercyament therfor iii. s. iiii d And to dystrayne therfore And that the chaūcellour the tresorer the two chefe iuggꝭ the chyf barō of the eschekyr the iustice of assise in theyr cyrcuitys to examyn the sayd officers defectyfe and to put them to suche punysshemēt as though they were conuycte by dew ꝓces of the law the styward tresorer controller of the kinges howse haue lyke auctoryte within the p̄cic● of the verge and the mayre and euery alderman in the cyte of london within his warde ꝓuydid that the dyminicyō of ponysshement of vacabūdys shal be for women with chyld and men wymen in grete sekenes and impotente aboue the age o● lx yeres by the dyscression of them that haue au●●toryte And the iustycꝭ of the pease within thei● shyre and the mayre sheryffꝭ and baylyffꝭ in thei● iurysdyccyon to make serche of these .iiii. tyme● in the yere that is to say euery quat ones to se dew● execucyō done as is beforsayd The .xix. h vii c● xii ¶ And that the iustyce of pease mayres baylyffys stywardys of fraunches haue power to serche and examyn it by the contrie and by thyer dyscressyons The .xi. h. vi ca. xii Loke for wardē of the flete ī the title of escape wager of law ¶ No balyf shal put any mā to wage hys law opynly without witnes magna carta ca. xxviii ¶ A mā shal haue his law agayns papirs of lōdon .xxxviii. E. iii. ca. v. In det vpon the arreragys of accōpt the pleyntyff or the deffendaunt shal be examinid by some iuge before whom c. vppon that by theyr dyscression the defendauntes shall do thyer law .v. ●h viii ca vii Atturney ¶ Al abbotꝭ priors in euery hūdred wapētak or court barō by their attorne is made by their co●ēt seale shal pled al plees for thē the stuward ● eueri such court shal receiue such atorneis vpō●ain of xl.i ī the abot of foūteins shall do his ●aw by one of his mōkꝭ or by atturnei with f●●●ādes but the attorney must haue his warraunt ●nder the couente seale and the stuwarde that refustth to take his lawe in such maner shal lose for euery tyme and he that sewyth shal haue the half x●xiii H. vi ca. vi warre ¶ No man shal be chargyd to arme hymselfe otherwyse than hath be vsyd in tymes past that none shal be dystreynyd to go out of theyr countes but bycause of necessyte of sodeyn comynge of straungers enemyes to the kynge and than it shal be done as it hathe be done before this tyme in defence of the realme .i. Ed. iii. capitulo .v. statuto .ii. ¶ Non shal be compellyd to fynd men harnysed bylmen nor archer except that they hold of such seruyce but if it be by a comyn assent graunte of parlyamente xxv E. iii. statuto de prodicione ca. viii this statute is cōfyrmed .iiii. h. iiii ca. xiii But that no lord therby shal lose his seruyce nor amountes nor grauntes therby chaungyd Loke more for warre in the tytle souldyars warde ¶ The lord shal not haue the warde of the heir
the see or beyonde the see holdynge of the kynge or of any other by knyghtes seruyce dye there or yf any feffement be supposyd to be made by collucyon his heyre beyng within age that the feffes or executours of suche parson so dysseysyd shall haue the warde and maryage o● the heyre and of the landys durynge the no nage to the ꝑformaunce of the wyll of hym so desces●syd without any accompt yeldynge payenge th● rent to the cheflorde of the feesauing to euery o●ther ꝑson such ryght vse as they had befor th● feffemēt alienacyō or recouer ꝓuydyd y● this a●●te extend not to the souldiars of Cales hammy● gysnes Ryse bank berwyk walys the marches of the same .iiii. h. viii c. iiii Thesame stat ꝓmis is made for al thē that were reteinyd in the kynges wagꝭ in his warrꝭ the .xv. yere of king h. the .viii ¶ Loke more of wardꝭ ī the tytle felony .iiii h. vii ca. ii walys ¶ The lordꝭ of the marches of walys shal be ꝑpetually ītendīg ānexid to the crown of englōde not to the prīcypalyte of walꝭ .xxviii. E. iii ca● ii ¶ yf any mē of the march of walys be arestid in walꝭ or theyr goodꝭ takyn brought thyder thei shal haue letters testimonialꝭ of the gouernours of the town wher they dwell to the gouernours town where such wrōg is don for to deliuer thē within .viii. daies And yf thei be not delyueryd thā they shal arest and withold as many of thē and of theyr goodes tyll grement be made .ii. H. iiii ca. xvi ¶ The lordes of walys and they re mynysters shal do excecuciō of mē attaīt of felony ī ēgland which dwel in walys vpō a certyfycacyō of the kīges iustice vpō a greuous payn .ii. H. iiij c.xvii ¶ Englyssmen shall not be conuict by welchmē in any accion in walys but by englysshmē of the next vesnew and men of good fame wasters and rymours and mynstrelles in walys shall haue no cōmortha in walys nor that the englysshe burgeys that wede welsshe women shall not haue fredome withe englysshe burgeys .iiii. H. iiii ca. xxv ¶ welsshmen shal bere no armour in marchaunt townꝭ vpō payn of forfeytour .iiii. h. iiii c.xxviii ¶ Uytels and armour shall not be brought in to walys vpon payn of forfeytour And the constable that espyeth it shall haue the .vi. parte .iiii. H iiii ca. xxix ¶ welchmen shall purches no landys in the townys adioynynge to the marchis of walys vppon payne of forfeytour to the lordys of the fee nor they shal not be burgeys nor cityzēs nor bere no offyce nor of the cōmyn counsell of any cyte or borowe .ii. h. iiii ca. xii ¶ welchmen shall not purchas no landys in englōde nor in boroughs nor townꝭ of the marchis of walys vpon payne of forfeytour to the lordꝭ of the fee suche estate as they haue purchasyd nor shall not be accept to be burgeys nor to no lyberte within the reame nor in the seyd boroughs and townes .ii. h. iiii ca. xx ¶ welchmen shall haue no castellꝭ nor forfelettꝭ except lordis and bysshopꝭ for theyr proper bodyes iiij h. iiii ca. xxx ¶ An Englysshman which doth wede a welch woman shal not be put in offyce in walys nor in the marchys of the same .iiij. h. iiii ca. xxxiii ¶ Felons in walꝭ shal not delyuered by dysclaymer nor letters of march .ix. h. iiii ca iiii ¶ Where rebellem were slayn in walys and theyr heyrꝭ and fryndys take englyssmen welchmen of the kyngꝭ legaunce and put them in pson tyll they haue made fyne or be acquyt by assache aft the custome of walys y● is by enquest of CCC men it is ordeynyd that the parte so greuyd shal recouer his treble damage and the defen●aunt shall haue prysōment of two yerys and shall make fyne and raunson i. h. v ca vi ¶ Iustyce of pease shall determyn treasonꝭ and felonyes done by men of walys in englond And yf they be vtlawed shall certyfye that to the offycers and lordꝭ of walys wher they dwel to do execucyon vpon them there .ii. h. v. statut● ii ca. v. ¶ The sheryffꝭ bayliffꝭ or constables all other of the counte of hereforde may arest men of walys and of the marchys that be vtlawyd or indyted of felony or treason or to leuey hue and crye and euery man shall helpe them vpon payn s. of euery knyght C. s. esquyer .xl s. and all other .xx. s. and iustyce of pease shall inquyre therof .xxiii. H. vi ca. v. ¶ All grauntꝭ of markettꝭ feyrys and lybertees within the townes of no●thwalys made to any welchmā is voyd And that all villaynꝭ in north walys shal be compellyd to do theyr auncion seruyce not withstandynge any graunt made to the contrary .xxvi. h. vi ca. i. waranty ¶ yf a man alyen haue landꝭ or tenemētꝭ that he hath by the law of englonde his son shal not be barryd by the dede of his fader with a warantie by to recouer of the seysī of his moder by a writ of mordaūcester but yf herytage descend to him by his fader than he shall be barryd for so myche valew And in the same maner the heyre shal haue recouere by a wryt of cosynage ayle or be sayle and in lyke maner the heire shal not be barryd by his faders dede to demaūd the heritage of his moder by writ of entre which his fader alyeuyd wherof no fyne is leueyd in the kynges courte Gloucester ca. iii. ¶ wher the tenaunte and the vouche be at issue vpon the warantie as the tenaūt sholde lose the landys demanudyde yf the waranter may adnull the warauntye so the waranter shal lose yf he denye the warantye and be cōuyct And yf they two be at issue the playntyff may sew out the venire fac w. ii ca. vi ¶ whē a man alienith his wyffꝭ ryght the sewt of the woman or of her heyre shall not be deferryd after the deth of her husbād by the noneage of the heyre which shold warant it but the bier shall abyde to haue his warantye vntyll the age of the waranter w. ii ca. xl ¶ In dedys where these wordis dadi cōcessi be conteynyd to hold of the dolour his heiris by certayn seruyce dolour his heyrys be boūde to warantye and where it is to holde of the chyef lordes c. the feffour hym self is bound to warantye by reason of his owne gyft not hys heyre sta de bigamis ¶ Loke more for warantye in the tytle london waste ¶ The warden in chyualry shall take but resonable issues seruyce of hym that is in his ward sauyng distruccyon and yf the cōmytte of the kyng make destrucyō the kyng shall take of hym amendes and the landes shall be cōmyttyd to other And yf the donee of the kynge or the vendee make waste he shall lose the warde it shal be cōmyttyd to another magna carta
ca ii●i ¶ The wardē in chyuallry shal sustein the howsys ꝑkes warens pondys myllys other thynges ꝑteynyng to the lande of the ysseus of thesame land shal yelde it to the heyre at his ful age storyd with cartꝭ and other thynges as he receyuyd it an● al this shal be obseruid of the kepers of archbysshoprykys byshoprykys abbays pryoris chyrches dyngnites being voyd which belōg to the kyng Sauynge that suche wardes may not be solde magna carta ca. v. and this statute is confyrmed w. i. ca. xxi ¶ The warden in socage shal do no waste ī the landes yf he do he shal yeld accompt to the heire at his full age merlbryg ca. xvii ¶ Fermers shall do no waste yf they do they shal yelde damage and be amercyed merlebryg ca. xxiii ¶ A man shal haue an accyon of waste agaynst the tenaunt by the law of england tenaunte for terme of lyfe or yerys or a Woman that holdyth in dower he that is attaynt of waste shal lose the thynge wastyd shal gyue treble damagys and of wast made in wardys it shal be done as it is cōteyned in magna carta also he shal lose to the heyre the damagys of the waste yf the losse of the warde be not suffycyent Glouc ca. v. ¶ Of waste done to any maner noysaunce frō hensforth there shal be no prohibicion but a sō●ons yf he come not than he shal be attachid and after that a dystres and yf he come not tha● a cōmaundement to the sheryf to go to the place to enquere of the wast and vpon that retorne to procede to iugement accordyng to the statute of Glouc. w. ii ca. xiiii ¶ Of tenauntꝭ that hold with oute dyuysion yf one do wast the other shal haue remedi by a writ of wast w. ii ca. xxii ¶ The heyr shal haue a wryt of wast as well of wast done in the tyme of his auncester as in his owne tyme of what age so euer he be or within warde or out of warde statutū de vasto .xx. E. i. tamen dicit quod non est statutum ¶ Of wast done by the eschetour in housis parkys and all other thynges which he hath in the kynges hādys he that fyndeth hymselfe greuyd shal haue a wryt of wast agaynste the eschetour or vnder eschetour and shall recouer such damagys as it was late ordeynyd of w●st done inwa●●dys articuli cleri ca xix ¶ Eschetours shall do no wast in parkis warē● nor other extorciōs to the damage of the heire 〈◊〉 the landꝭ beyng ī the kingꝭ hādꝭ xiiii E. iii. c.xi● ¶ Eschetours nor other wardeyn in tyme of vacacyon of the temparaltes shall do no waste no● dystruccyon to the hurte of the housys xiiii E iii. pro clero ca. iii. ¶ Eschetours shal kepe the lādꝭ seysyd in theyr handys by cause of warde withoute waste And that they shal haue no fee of wod veneson fyssh nor other thynge and the heyre shall haue his accyon of waste as well within age as of full age and shal recouer his treble damagys and the defendaunt shall haue .iii. yerys prysōment Also of other landys seysyd in the kynges handys by inquest of offyce this same ordynaunce shall holde place agaynste theschetours xxxvi E. iii● capitulum .xiii. ¶ A wryt of wast is mayntenable agaynste the fyrste lesse for terme of lyffe or yerys which haue lette ouer their estate yf they themselfe receyued the profettꝭ at the tyme of the wast xi h. vi ca. v ¶ yf a man make a feffement by dede or by fyne of landys holdyn by knightes seruyce or suffer ●ny recouere agaynste hym by truste and dye ●is heyre shall be inwarde c. And yf the warden make waste the heyre shal haue an accion of wast agaynste hym .iiii. h. vii ca. xvii wax chaundelers ¶ Euery parsō that worketh any wax shal take for the workyng of a .li. of wax candels images such like b●t iii.d except hersys vpō payn of forfetor of that that is put to sale or the valew therof And that the iustyce of pease mayrys baylyffꝭ stywardys of fraunches haue power to serche examyn it by the contrye by theyr dyscressyōs The .xi. H. vi ca. xii werys ¶ Loke for werys in the tytles hauins ryuers weyghtys mysurys ¶ One mysure of wyne shal be thorow oute all englonde and one mysure of ale And one misure of corne that is to sey the quater of lōdo● magna carta ca. xxiiii ¶ yt is ordeynyd that .iii. barly cornys drye an● round make an ynche and ●xii ynchys make a fote and .iii. fete make a yerd and fyfe yerdys and a half make a perch and .xl. perch in lenght .iiii. in brede maketh an acre of lande The ordynaunce of makynge yerdys and perchys ¶ The stādardys of the bussellꝭ galons yerdꝭ shal be sygnyd with the kynges seale in yryn dylygently and sauely kept vnder the payn of C. li and no mysure shall be made in the towne but it agre with the kingꝭ mysure and sygnyd with the cōmyn seale of the towne and examynyd by the mayre baylyffes And he that byeth or sellyth by mysure not sygny● shal be greuously amercyd And all the mysurys in euery twone shal be .ii. a yere serchid and seen he that is founde to bye by a greate mysure and to sell with the lesse shal be imprysonyd and greuously ponysshyd These stādardys of the busshell galon and yerde shal be in the kepyng of the mayre or baylyffꝭ .vi. men of the towne sworne before whom they shal be sygnyd Statut devlnis buss●llhys ¶ The englysshe peny which is callyd the sterlyng rounde and without clyppynge shall wey xxxii graynys of whete drye and in the my●dys of the ere and .xx. pens makyth an ounce and .xii ounces do make a posid make a galō of wyne .viii. galons of whete make a busshell of lōdō which is the .viii. part of a quarter The ordynauuce of makyng of money mysure ¶ The tresourer of ēglād shal make the stādard of busshels galons weyghtꝭ shall sēd thē ī to euery counte and there shal be .ii assygned to ponysshe them that sell by other mysurys whyche shall haue the fourth part of the fynys for theyr expens and none shal sel by busshel but yf it be markyd with the kynges seale .xiiii. E. iii. capitulo .xi. ¶ The cōmyssyon to asses mysurys weyghtꝭ is repellyd .xviii. E. iii. sta● ii ca. iiii ¶ The we●ghtes of wollys shal be acordynge to the standard of the eschekyr .xxv. E. iii sta de prodic ca. ix ¶ None sel by fals weyghtes nor mysurys vpō pa●ne of forfeytour to the kynge the valewe of the thyng solde and treble damage to the part● and the iustyce assygned haue power to enquere therof as well at the kynges sewt as at the sewt of the party therof to do
of affrays and of blode shede also of escape of theuys and felons also of rauyssyng of women that is not presentyd before the coroners also of out laws resortyng without the kyngꝭ warraunt also of clyppers false makers of money Also of tresour founde also of the assyse of brede and ale brokyn also of fals mysurys and weyghtes also of them that hanth in tauerns and of them that slep● in the daye and watch in the nyght also of them that take dooues by engyns Statut de visu franci pleggis wynys ¶ wynꝭ shal be assaid .ii. tymꝭ in the yere in tauarnys vesse●lꝭ defectyf shal be brokin by the lordꝭ of the towne mayre baylyffys c. resonable pryse set c. Iustyce of assyse shall enquere of the defaut of such mayrꝭ bailyfꝭ .iiii. E. iii. c. xiii ¶ Marchauntꝭ straūgers shal bryng no wynys out of the realme The .ix. E● iii. ca. xiiii ¶ All marchauntys repayryng to gascoyn gy● may frely bye wynys there of the hye coutrey in such lybertes as they were wont .xx. or .xxx. yeris past witho●te imposycyon or charge and yf any offycer or other in those partes dystorbe them he shal forfeyt for euery tyme and treble damagys to pay to the kynge to hym that wyll sewe therfore The .xxiii. H. vi ca. vltimo Uytell vytellers ¶ No mynyster in cyte or borow which by reasō of his office ought to kepe the assise of wine vytayle be marchaūt of wyne of vytel ingrosse nor by retayle vpō payn of forfeytour of the marchaundyse to the kyng the thyrd part shal be gyuyn by the kynge to hym that wyllsew for it c. And the chaūcelour tresorer baronꝭ of the eschekyr Iustyce of the one bēch or other and Iusty●f assyse shal r●ceyue suche pleyntys by wrytte without wrytte determyne them statuto eborum but that is reformyd the iii. of H. viii c.viii y● yf any vyteller be chosyn to bere any offyce in any cyte borowgh or towne whiche shuld ther haue ●he assessyng correccyō of vytell that thā .ii. discrete personys not beyng vitillers be chosin ther by the comonalte sworn which .ii. or one of thē with the seyd offycer shall sesse set the pryce of vytell and that after that assessing done it shal be l●wf●l to the seyd offycer to sell vytell not withsto●dyng the foreseyd act made statuto eborum or any other act ꝓuydyd that this acte extend not to discharge the mynysters of the cytes of lōdon yorke or couentre The .iii. H. viii ca. viii ¶ Also vuchers fisshers hostelers bruers bakers 〈◊〉 other sellers of vytel shall sel for a resonable pryce a fithe dystaunce of the placys frō whēs they come vpon payn of forfeytour of the dowble v●lew of the thynge olde to hym y● is greuyd yf he wyl● not sew therfore than he y● wyll may sew ther●ore ● the mayrys baylyffys of cytes b●rges●esse of townys portys haue power to inquere of the p̄myssys the iustyce of pease haue power to inquere of the defautis of such mayris b●ylyffys c. at the sewt of the parte or hī that wyl sew it and yf they be cōuycte they shall yelde 〈◊〉 d●mages aud make fyne to the kynge The ●xxv E. iii. ca. v ¶ Iustyce of pease shal īquere of the defautꝭ o● 〈◊〉 ● vytellers shall ponyssh them as wel at the sewt of the party as at the kinges ●ewt xv E. iii. ca. v. ¶ Euery one y● brīgeth vytell to london by lād or water may frely sell thē without disturbaūce by the fysshmōgers dochers or pul●ers or other that the mayer aldermē shall redres the fautꝭ of fyshmongers bochers pulters as they do of thē that sel bred wyne or ale the mayer or aldermē shal put it in execucyon vpō the payn prouyded touchīg the cyte of lōdō The .xxxi. E. ca. x ¶ Uytellers shal not be chosē to the offyce of a iuge in cyte and townes but for defaut of other and than they shal not s●● vytell vppon payne of forf●ytour of the same vytell the .vi. R ii ca. ix Uytell shal be folde for resonable ga●nys by the lymytacyon of the iustyce of pease the xiii R ii ca viii ¶ Uitel caried ī to scotlōd the vessel or hors that caryeth it shal be forfeyt The vii R ii ca xv but berwik is except frō this statute .xv R ii c vii The chaūcellour tresourer other of the kīgis councell may make ordynaunce for the pryse of wynys fyssh the xxxi E iii statu de allecis Al foreyns alyens may sel fyssh vytayl by re●ayl in london els where The .vi R ii ca x He that dysturbyth any foreyn or alyen to sel sisshe in londō or els where in grose or by retayle shal lose .xl li. he that sewith therfore shal haue the one half The xiii H vi ca vi worsted ¶ Boltys of syngle worsted may be caryed o●t of the realm to what place y● any mā wyl except to ēmyes payng ther of the custom without payeng money to caleys notwithstandyng any libe●te graūted to burges of calyce or marchan̄tis of the staple or other vse the contrary .vii R ii ca iii ¶ worsted shal be good not defectif shal be ● sealyd And yf any sel any pece not beyng of the mysure lymytyd not insealyd he shall forfeyte the valew of the pece the mayer of norwiche the stiwar● of the duchi of lācaster or one of thē with xii artificers may make serch vii E iiii ca i ¶ worsted weuers of the towne of yermouthe shal chose yerely on the mōday in wytsō weke a householder of thesame town that may dispēd xx s. by the yere or hath goodys to the valew of xli be warden of the same occupacyon whiche shal be sworne before the mayer of norwich the mōday next after corpus xp̄i day as the wardēs of norwych be acordyug to the act made the vi● yere of E iiii yf the mayer be than absēte or refuse to take the othe thā within iiii dayes after the baylyfꝭ of yermouth shal take it that the same wardē shal ordeyn a seale with this lett y. to haue power to serche and seale al clothis of worsted stamyn say ther made thesame act shal extēd to the town of lyn as lōge as there be x householders there of the same occupacyon theyr seale shal be with this letter .l. and whan there is not x ●uch householders there thā one of the wardēs of the cyte or norwych or coūtye shal come thyder euery .xxviii. dayes or within vi days after to serch in seale al the sayde worstedꝭ says stamyns to haue for theyr costes of thē of lyn for euery tyme betwene mychelmas the ānūciaciō of our lady ii s. for eueri time betwene
the .vi. Capitulo viij Lordꝭ banerettꝭ shal take no wages for theyr sessions .xiiii. R. ii ca. xi ¶ In euery cōmyssyō of the peas ther shal be assygned .viii. iustyce of peas and theyr e●●●eittes shal be double and the one ꝑt delyuerd by thē to the sheryffe for to leuey the money cōmyng therof and he shall pay the iustyce her wages by endenture the sheryff vppon that endenture shall haue alowaūce in the escheker vpō his accōpte and the names of the iustyce shal be put in the estretꝭ with the nōbre of the dayes of theyr sessiōs xiiii R. ii Capitulo .xi. ¶ Iustyce of peas shall recorde forcible entres xv R. Capitulo .viii. .viii. h. vi ca. ix ¶ Two lerned mē of the law shal be in euery cōmissiō of peas whiche shall del●uer the felons ꝓcede to the delyueraūce of thē at all tymes whe they shall thynke best .xvii. R. ii ca. vltimo ¶ Iustyce of peas euery of thē shal be ꝯseruators of the waters shall make vnder ꝯseruatours xvii R. ii capitulo .ix. ¶ Iustyce of peas shall ponysshe thē that offēd agains the statute of leuere of cōpany as well by witnes ī their p̄sens as by inq̄re ii h. iiii c. xxi ¶ Iustyce of peas shall ponyssh thē that kepe not due watche vppō the see cost as they were wont to do .v. Hen. iiii Capitulo .iii. ¶ Iustyce of peas shall īprison none but in the comyn geale .v. Henry iiii● Capitulo .x. ¶ Iustice of peas shall ponysshe thē that make arowhedꝭ quarel hedes that be dysfectyue .vii h. iiii c. vii shal execute the statute of apprētice where the fader moder may not dyspēde .xx. s by yere .vii. h. iiii ca. xvij ¶ And also shall ponysshe ryotꝭ rowtꝭ in dyuers maners .xiii. h. iiii c vltimo .ii. h. v. ca. viii they shall wytnes vpō a byll of ryot that the fame is such .ii. h. v. ca. ix viii h. vi ca. xiiii ¶ Iustyce of peas shall holde their sessions the fyrst weke after saint mychell Epyphany Ester saynt Thomas except lordꝭ iustyce of assyce the chefe baron the kynges seriaūtꝭ and attorney occupyed ī the kīgꝭ courtꝭ or in his seruyce .ii. hen v. cap. iiii ¶ Iustyce of peas shall make ꝓces agayne labors to euery sheryffe of englād such ꝓces as the statute doth req̄re as well at the kyngꝭ suyte as of the ꝑte also labourers shal be attaynt by examynacyon of the iustyce of peas Also the statute of labourers shal be exemplified in the keping of the iustyce of peas .ii. hen v. Capit●lo .iii. ¶ Iustyce of peas shal make ꝓces ī walys for a man outlawed of felony or treason ii Hen. v. Statut. ii Capitulo vltimo ¶ Iustyce of peas haue power by cōmissiō to enquere of coūterfeytours clyppers wassheres or other pairers of monei and thei shal make ꝓc by capias only agayns them whiche before thē be indited therof .iii. hen v. capitulo vii● ¶ Iustyce of peas haue power to enquere try the deff of thē that gyld or ouer syluer shethes or other metall than syluer excepte ornamētes of the churche sporres for knyghtꝭ apparel that belōgeth to a baron .viij. h. v. ca. vltimo ¶ Iustice of peas haue power by cōmyssyō to make ponysshm̄t of fals m●sures and weyghtes after theyr dyscrecyō to inquere here determī as oft as they shal thynke nede to put thē in execucyon .ii. Hen. v. stat ii capitulo vltimo .viii. h. vi ca. v. xi h vi ca. viii vii h. vi ca. iii. ¶ Iustyce of peas shal be made dwellyng in the same counte of the moost suffycyent parsones except lordes iustyce of assyse the stewardes of the duchye of lancastre they shal be chosen by the chauncelour and by the kynges counseyl ii h. v. statuto .ii. Capitulo primo ¶ Iustyce of peas shal execute the statute of assese of mysures of vesselles of wines elys samō and herynge .ii. hen vi ca. xv ¶ Iustyce of peas haue power to determin the defautes of cordyners tanners tornars .ii. hē vii ca. vi primo h. vii ca. v. ¶ Iustyce of peas haue power to determyn the defautꝭ of goldsmyth that worke syluer of w●●rse alay thā sterlynge or sell harnes not touched ii henry .vi. capitulo .xviii. ¶ Iustyce of peas shal make ꝓces agains gyfers and receiuers of lyueryes of cloth agains the statute and them examyne ponysshe without inditement .viii. hen vi Capitulo iiii ¶ Iustice of peas and euery of thē haue power to enq̄re and to ponyssh waxchaūdelers as wel by examinaciō as by serche whiche wyn aboue iii. d in the .li. of wax except it be for hersys .xi Henry .vi. Capitulo .xii ¶ Plees before iustyce of peas shall not be dysc●tynued by a newe cōmys●yon of peas but the new iustyce shal haue auctoryte whē they haue theyr record to ꝓcede therupō xi h vi ca vi ¶ Iustice of peas of mydd shal not hold sessiōs aboue .ii. tymes in the yere the kīgꝭ bēche beyng within the same counte except it be for ryot or forsyble entre ¶ Iustyce of peas shall haue lādꝭ to the valewe of xx.lj by yere yf ●ny be made in any other maner yf he syt in the sessions or make any p̄cept or if he certefye not the chaūcelour therof with ī a moneth aft that he haue no tye of the cōmyssyō he shal lose wherof he that wyl su● shal haue the one halfe shal haue therof a wryt of det prouyded that this extend not to cytes and broughes whiche haue iustyce of peas of the inhabitaūs and also they that be lerned in the law shal be made iustyce of peas by the dyscressyō of the chaūcelour though he haue not lādꝭ to suche valew .xviii. h. vi ca. xi ¶ Iustice of peas haue power to enqire determyn as wel at the suete of the kynge as of hym that wyl sue for the defautes of puru●iours and offycers whiche wyl not at the request of the ꝑte make resistens to the puru●your which● wyll make p̄sis agaynst the forme of the statute .xx hē vi capitul viii ¶ Iustyce of peas shall enquere yf any be mordred by the day and if the morderer be not taken by the towne it is an escape to the towne thei shal certefye that in to the kynges benche iii H vii Capitulo primo ¶ Two iustyce of peas wherof one is of the quorū may let felones susp●cte to maimprise vntyl the next cessions or gayle deliuere And they shal certefye the same bayle or maymprice at the next sessions or gayle delyuere vpon payn of forfeyte to the kynge for euery defaute xliiii Hē vii Ca iii and this statute repelleth the statute made the i yere of Ric the thyrde ca iii ¶ Iustyce of peas by theyr discrecyon shall take enquestꝭ wherof euery one shall
haue landes tenementꝭ to the valew of xl s at lest to enqire of conseylmentꝭ of other enquestꝭ taken before them wherof cōplaynt is made by byll as well within fraūches as without and yf any cōseylment be foūd than euery persone of the enquest sh●lbe a mersed which shal be sessid in the open sessions by the descression of the iustyce of peas iii Henry vii ca. primo ¶ Iustyce of peas shall enquere of souldeours whiche departe without lycence of theyr captayn shall ponyssh thē as felon●s .viii h. vii ca i ¶ Iustyce of peas shall ponyssh thē that maīteine laborers ꝯtrary to the statutꝭ in theyr p̄sēs or in their absēs after their discressiō xxv E iii c x ¶ Iustyce of peas shall ponysshe them that suffre any to playe within theyr howses at any play agayns the statute of .xi. h. vii ca. ii thē examyn no offender shal be cessed at any l●ss fyne thē .vi. s. viii d ¶ Two Iustice of peas wherof one is of the quorū haue power to avoyde cōmyn alehowsis shall take sue●te of the maisters of the al●housꝭ by theyr dscreciō .xi. h. vii c. ii .xix. h. vii c. xij ¶ Two iustice of p●as in their coūtꝭ and euery mayre sheryffe and baylyf in their cytees haue power .iiii. tymes in the yere to make priuey serche s. ones a quarter for vacaboūdes and if thei fynde any to ponyssh hym xix h. vii ca. xii ¶ Iustyce of peas haue power to call before thē any ꝑsō suspect for kepīge of dere hays and bukstallꝭ and thē that stalk with busshes or bestes and of thē that kyll herons with engins and which take yonge herons out of their nestꝭ and thē to examyn of the p̄mysses and yf they be foūde defectyffe to cōmyt thē to prisō tyll they fynd suerte for paymēt of the forfeyture to the kynge and the iustyce shall haue the x● ꝑte of the forfeiture ● see the penalte therof in the tytles hunters fesaūtꝭ and ꝑtryches ●xix h. vii cap. xi Iustice of peas iustice of assise shall enquere yf the coroners syt vppon the viwe of the body slaī or other wyse dede by mysaduēture vpō request to hym made and what he taketh for his wagis .j. H. viii Cap. vi ¶ That iustice of gaol● delyuere or of the pease ● wherof one is of the Quorum may inquere for the kyng in panellis made by the sheryf before them and may reforme them by puttynge to takīg out of names of persones and euery mynyster that wyll nat retorne the same panell so reformyd shall forfeyt .xx li. the one half therof to the kyng the other half to hym that wyl sew therfore and that no esson wager of law nor proteccion in such accion to lye nor the kīgis pardon to be no barr̄ The .iii. h. viii C. xii ¶ Iustice of peas haue power to inquere by examinacion or presentment of them that shote in crossebows or gōnis ponyssh thē .vi. h. viii capitulo ●xiii a●d they shall make proces to leuey the forfeture of the statute made the .xv. of H. viii Cap. vii ¶ Iustice of peas mayris and bayliffis shyryffis cōstables and other cheff officers shall commyt them to prison that vse vnlawfull gamys without bayle or maimprise tille he be bound to the kyngis vse that he shall from thēs forth vse no such gamis and they may assigne .ii. or .iii. or mo bowears to dwell in euery counte cite or borow to make long bowes of elme wych or other wod .vi. h. viii Cap. ii ¶ Iustice of peas within euery counte at their cessions shall assigne .ii. personis to serch for vnlawfull pewter as well withī fraūches as with out except in cytes and borows .iiii. Henry .viii Capitulo .vii. ¶ Iustice of peas in euery coūte wher passage is ouer thamys the stywardis of letys haue power to enquere in euery sessions and lete as well of defautis of owners and occupiers of the bargys bottis werys and watermen as of defautis of officers for non ponysshment of such offendours .vi. h. viii Cap. vii Iustice of assise ¶ Iustice of assise mai hold plee of quo waranto by wryt but they may not gyff iugement therof as apperyth by the statute of quo waranto ¶ Iustice of assise shall haue commissiōs to enquere of mayntenours and of shiryffis exchetours and theyr ministers which take reward xx E. iii. Capitulo vltimo ¶ No man of law shal be iustice of assise in his contr●y and the chef iustyce of the commin place shal be assignyd among other to take the assises and gaile delyuere .viii. R. ii Cap. ii ¶ No lord nor other shall sit with the iustice of assise at the takīg of the assise vppon a grete forfeytour to the kyng .xx. R. ii cap. iii. ¶ The chef iustice of the kyngis bench shall not be iustice of assise but in lancaster sauyng the kyngis prerogatif .xiii. h. iiij cap. iij. ¶ Also they shall haue commissions to here and determin treason of money .iii. h. v. Stat. ●i Capitulo .vii. ¶ And loke for the power of iustice of assise in the statutis made .i. E. iii. Cap. viii the .ii. yere Cap. vi .vii. and the .iiii. yere Ca. vii .xxi. vltimo And in the i. yere of R. C. ix and in the vii yere Ca. iiii and in the .ii. yere of h. iiii c.xxi and in the .xi. ca. primo .iii. And in the .ii. yere of h. v. ca● vii and in the .ii. yere h. vi ca. viii and in the viii● yere cap. iiii .ix. ¶ The chauncellour tresorer two cheff iustyce the cheff baron of the eschekir and the iustice of assyse within theyr circuyte shall examin all officers that haue power to execute the statute of beggars and vacabu●dis and they that be found defectiue to haue such ponysshment as thei were conuict by the course of the law .xix. Henry .vii. Capi. xii ¶ The iustyce of assise shall not compell the iurrours to sey precisely whether it be a disseisō or non yf they wyll sey the trewth of the dede and ask help of the iustice but yf they wyll precisely sey it is a disseisyn or non theyr verde● shal be admittyd vppon theyr parell w. ii c.xxxi ¶ Iustice of assise shall enquere yf the coroners do syt vppon vew of the bodyes slayn yf they take ought for theyr wagis .i. hen viii Ca. v. loke for theyr power in the title iues Iustice of both the benchys ¶ The iustice shall not surcesse to do ryght in no poynt by the commaundment of the grete seale nor priuey seale .ii. E. iii. Cap. viii ¶ The iustyce seriauntis and the attorney of the kyng shall be payd in hand theyr wagis by the tresorer of englond for the tyme beyng at ester and mychelmas by euin porcions without any other suite .x. h. vi Stat per se. ¶ yf felons and murderers and theyr