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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14186 The whole booke of Psalmes collected into English meter by Thom. Sternh., Iohn Hopkins, W. Whittingham and others, conferred with the Ebrue with apt notes to singe them withall ; set forth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before and after mornyng and euenyng prayer, as also before and after sermons, and moreouer in priuate houses for their godly solace and co[m]fort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balades, which tend onely to the nourishyng of vice, and corruptyng of youth.; Whole book of psalms. 1578 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570.; Whittingham, William, d. 1579. 1578 (1578) STC 2450.5 159,067 104

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I will set forth thy prayse verse 15 My mouth thy iustice shall record that dayly helpe doth send But of thy benefite O Lord I know no count no● end verse 16 Yet will I go and seeke forth one with thy good helpe O God The sauyng health of thee alone to shew and set abroad verse 17 For of my youth thou tookest the care and doest instruct me still Therfore thy wonders to declare I haue great mynde and will verse 18 And as in youth from wanton rage thou didst me keepe and stay Forsake me not vnto myne age and till my head be g●●y verse 19 That I thy strength and might may show to them that now be here And that our seede thy power may know hereafter many a yeare verse 20 O Lord thy iustice doth exceede thy doynges all may see Thy workes are wonderfull in deede oh who is like to thee verse 21 Thou madest me feele afflictions sore and yet thou didst me saue Yea thou didst helpe and me restore and tookest me from the graue verse 22 And thou myne honor doest encrease my dignitie maintayne Yea thou doest make all grief to cease and comfortst me agayne verse 23 Therfore thy faithfulnes to prayse I will both l●●e and sing My hart shall sound thy laud alwaye● O Israels holy kyng verse 24 My mouth will ioy with pleasaunt voyce when I shall sing to thee And eke my soule will much reioyce for thou hast made me free verse 25 My toung thy vprightnes shall sound and speake it dayly still For grief and shame do them confound that sought to worke me ill Deus iudicium Psal. Lxxii I.H. LOrd geue thy iudgementes to the king therein instruct him well And with his sonne that Princely thing Lord let thy iustice dwell That he may go uerne vprightly rule thy folke aright And so de fend through equitie the poore that ha ue no might verse 3 And let the mountaines that are hye vnto their folke geue peace And the let litle hils apply in vertue to increase verse 4 That he may helpe the weake and poore with ayde and make them strong And eke destroy for euermore all those that do them wrong verse 5 And then from age to age shall they regard and feare thy might So long as Sunne doth shine by day or els the Moone by night verse 6 Lord make the kyng vnto the iust like rayne to fieldes new mowne And like to drops that lay the dust and fresh the land ●nsowne verse 7 The iust shall florish in his tyme and all shal be at peace Vntill the Moone shall leaue to prime ●ast chaunge and to increase verse 8 He shal be Lord of Sea and land from shore to shore throughout And from the floudes within the land through all the earth about verse 9 The people that in desert dwell shall kneele to him full thicke And all his enemies that rebell the earth and dust shall licke verse 10 Their Lordes of all the Iles therby great giftes to him shall bryng The kynges of Sabe and Arabie geue many a costly thing The second part verse 11 All kynges shall seeke with one accord in his good grace to stand And all the people of the world shall serue him at his hand verse 12 For he the needy sort doth saue that vnto him do call And eke the simple folke that haue no helpe of man at all verse 13 He taketh pitie on the poore that are with neede opprest He doth preserue them euermore and bryng their soules to rest verse 14 He shall redeeme their life from dread from fraud from wrong from might And eke the bloud that they shall bleede is precious in his sight verse 15 But he shall liue and they shall bring to him of Saba●s gold He shall be honored as a kyng and dayly be extold verse 16 The mighty mountaines of his land of corne shall ●eare such throng That it like Ceder trees shall stand in Libanus full long verse 17 Their Cities eke full well shall speede the fruites therof shall passe In plentie it shall farre exceede and spryng as greene as grasse verse 18 For euer they shall prayse his name while that the Sunne is light And thinke them happy through the same all folke shall blesse his might verse 19 Prayse ye the Lord of hostes and sing to Israels God eche one For he doth euery wondrous thing yea he him selfe alone verse 20 And blessed be his holy name all tymes eternally That all the earth may prayse the same Amen Amen say I. Quàm bonus Deus psal Lxxiii T.S. ¶ Sing this as the xliiij Psalme HOw euer it be yet God is good and kinde to Israell And to all such as safely keepe their conscience pure and well verse 2 Yet like a foole I almost slipt my feete began to slyde ▪ And or I wist euen at a pinche my steps away gan glide verse 3 For when I saw such foolish men I grudgd and did disdayne That wicked men all thinges should haue without turmoyle or payne verse 4 They neuer suffer panges nor grief as if death should them smite Their bodies are both stout and strong and euer in good plight verse 5 And free from all aduersitie when other men be shent And with the rest they take no part of plague or punishment verse 6 Therfore presumption doth embrace their neckes as doth a chayne And are euen wrapt as in a robe with rapine and disdayne verse 7 They are so fed that euen for fat their eyes oft tymes out start And as for worldly goodes they haue more then can wishe their hart verse 8 Their life is most licentious boasting much of their wrong Which they baue done to simple men and euer pride among verse 9 The heauens and the liuyng Lord they spare not to blaspheme And prate they do on worldly thinges no wight they do esteeme verse 10 The people of God oft tymes turne backe to see their prosperous state And almost drinke the selfe same cup and follow the same rate The second part verse 11 How can it be that God say they should know and vnderstand These worldly thinges since wicked men be Lordes of Sea and land verse 12 〈◊〉 may see how wicked men in riches still increase Rewarded well with worldly goodes and li●e in rest and peace verse 13 Then why do I from wickednes my fantasie refrayne And wash my handes with innocentes and cleanse my hart in vayne verse 14 And suffer scourges euery day as subiect to all blame And euery mornyng from my youth sustaine rebuke and shame verse 15 And I had almost sayd as they mislyking myne estate But that I should thy children iudge as folke vnfortunate verse 16 Then I bethought me how I might this matter vnderstand But yet the labour was to great for me to take in hand verse 17 Vntill the tyme I went into thy holy place and then I vnderstoode right perfectly the end of all these
vnderstand this thing verse 7 When so the wicked at their will as gras do spring full fast They when they florish in their ill for euer shal be wast verse 8 But thou art mighty Lord most high yea thou doest raigne therfore In euery tyme eternally both now and euermore verse 9 For why O Lord behold and see behold thy foes I say How all that work● iniquitie shall perish and decay verse 10 But thou like as ac● Vntoorn shalt lift my horne on ●y With fresh and new prepared oyle thine ●oynted kyng am I. verse 11 And of my foes before myne eyes shall see the fall and shame Of all that vp agaynst me rise myne eare shall heare the same verse 12 The iust shall florish vp on ●y as Date trees bud and blow And as the Ced●●s multiply and Libanus that grow verse 13 For they are planted in the place and dwelling of our God Within his courts they spryng apace and florishall abroad verse 14 And in their age more fruite shall bryng both fat and well beseen And pleasauntly both bud and spryng with boughes and braunches green verse 15 To shew that God is good and lust and vpright is his will He is my rocke my hope and trust in him there is none ill Dominus regnauit Psal. xciii I. H. ¶ Sing this as the lxxvij Psalme THe Lord as kyng a loft doth raigne with glory goodly dight And he to 〈◊〉 his strength and mayne hath girt him selfe with might verse 2 The Lord likewise the earth hath made and shaped it so sure No might can make it moue or fade at stay it doth indure verse 3 Ere that the world was made or wrought thy s●ate was set before Beyond all tyme that can be thought thou hast been euermore verse 4 The floudes O Lord the flouds do rise they roare and make a noyce The floudes I say did enterprise and lifted vp their voyce verse 5 Yea though the stormes arise in ●ight ▪ though Seas do ●age and swell The Lord is strong and more of might for he on hys doth dwell verse 6 And looke what promise he doth make his houshold to defend For iust and true they shall it take all tymes withoute● end Deus vltionum psal xciiii I. H. ¶ Sing this as the lxviij Psalme O Lord thou doest reuenge all wrong that office longes to thee ●ith vengeaunce doth to thee belong declare that all may see ▪ verse 2 Set forth thy selfe for thou of right the earth doest iudge and guide Reward the proud and men of might accordyng to their pride verse 3 How long shall wicked men beare sway with liftyng vp their voyce How long shall wicked men I say thus triumph and reioyce verse 4 How long shall they with brags burst out and proudly prate their fill ▪ Shall they reioyce ▪ which be softout whose workes are euer ill verse 5 Thy flocke O Lord thine heritage they spoyle and vexe full sore Agaynst thy people they do rage still dayly more and more verse 6 The widowes which are comfortles and straungers they destroy They slay the children fatherles and none doth put them by verse 7 And when they take these thinges in hand this talke they haue of thee Can Iacobs God this vnderstand tush no he cannot see verse 8 O folke vnwise and people rude some knowledge now discerne Ye fooles among the multitude at length begyn to learne verse 9 The Lord which made the eare of man he needes of right must heare He made the eye all thinges must then before his sight appeare verse 10 The Lord doth all the world correct and make them vnderstand Shall he not then your deedes detect how can ye scape his hand The second part verse 11 The Lord doth know the thought of man his hart he seeth full playne The Lord I say mens thoughtes doth scan and findeth them but vayne verse 12 But Lord that man is happy sure whom thou doest keepe in awe And through correction doest procure to teach him in thy law verse 13 Whereby he shall in quiet rest in tyme of trouble sit When wicked men shal be supprest and fall into the pit verse 14 For sure the Lord will not refuse his people for to take His heritage whom he did chuse he will no tyme forsake verse 15 Vntill that iudgement 〈…〉 to iustice to con●●rt ▪ That all may follow hee with spsed that are of vpright hart ▪ verse 16 But who vpon my part shall stand agaynst the cursed trayne Or who shall rid me from their hand that wicked workes maintayne verse 17 Except the Lord had bene myne ayd myn● enemies to repell My soule and life had now heue layd almost as low as hell verse 18 When I did say my snote did slide and now am like to fall Thy goodnes Lord did so prouide to stay me vp withall verse 19 When with my selfe I 〈◊〉 much and could no comfort finde Then Lord thy goodnes did me touch and that did ease my mynde verse 20 Wilt thou 〈◊〉 thy selfe and draw with wicked men to sit Which with pretence in ste●d of law much mischief do commit ▪ verse 21 For they consult agaynst the life of righteous men and good And in their councels they are rise to shed the giltles bloud verse 22 But yet the Lord he is to me a strong defence or locke He is my God to 〈◊〉 I ●●ee he is my strength and rocke verse 23 And he shall cause their mischiefes all ▪ themselues 〈◊〉 by ▪ And in their malice they shall fall out God shall them destroy Venite exultemus psal xcv I. H. ¶ Sing this as the lxix psalme O Come let vs lift vp our voyce and sing vnto the Lord In him ou● rocke of health reloyce let vs with one accord verse 2 Yea let vs come before his face to geut him thankes and prayse In singyng Psalmes vnto his grace let vs be glad alwayes verse 3 For why the Lord he is no doubt a great and mighty God A kyng aboue all Gods throughout in all the world abroad verse 4 The secretes of the earth so deepe and corners of the land The tops of hils that are so steepe he hath them in his hand verse 5 The Sea and waters all are his for he the same hath 〈◊〉 The earth and all that therein is ▪ his hand hath made of ●ought verse 6 Come let vs bow and prayse the Lord before him let vs all And kneele to him with o●t accord the which hath made vs all verse 7 For why he is the Lord our God for vs he doth prouide We are his folke he doth vs ●eede his sheepe and he our guide verse 8 To day if ye his voyce do heare then harden not your hart As ye with grudging many a yeare prouokt me in desert verse 9 Whereas your fathers tempted me my power for to proue My wondrous workes when they did see yet still they would me moue verse 10 Twi●e
verse 34 Then am I most certaine my wordes shall him please I will reioyce in him to him will I cry verse 35 The sinners O Lord consume in thine ire And eke the peruerse them roote out with shame ▪ But as for my soule now let it still desire And say with the faythfull prayse ye the Lordes name Confitemini Domino psal Cv. N. ¶ Sing this as the xcv Psalme GEue prayses vnto God the Lord and call vpon his name Among the people eke declare his workes to spread his fame verse 2 Sing ye vnto the Lord I say and sing vnto him prayse And talke of all the wondrous workes that he hath wrought alwayes verse 3 In honor of his holy name reioyce with one accord And let the hart also reioyce of them that seeke the Lord. verse 4 Seeke ye the Lord and seeke the strength of his eternall might And seeke his face continually and presence of his sight verse 5 The wondrous workes that he hath done keepe still in myndefull hart Ne let the iudgementes of his mouth out of your mynde depart verse 6 Ye that of faythfull Abraham his seruaunt are the seede Ye his elect the children that of Iacob do proceede verse 7 For he he onely is I say the mighty Lord our God And his most rightfull iudgementes are through all the earth abroad verse 8 His promise and his couenant which he hath made to his He hath remembred euermore to thousandes of degrees The second part verse 9 The couenaunt which he hath made with Abraham long ago And faythfull oth which he hath sworne to Isaac also verse 10 And did confirme the same for law that Iacob should obay And for eternall couenant to Israell for ay verse 11 When thus he sayd loe I to you all Chanaan land will geue The lot of your inheritaunce wherein your seede shall liue verse 12 Although their number at that tyme did very small appeare Yea very small and in the land they then but straungers were verse 13 While yet they walkt from land to land without a sure abode And while fro sundry kyngdomes they did wander all abroad verse 14 And wrong at none oppressors hand he suffred them to take But euen the great and mighty kynges reproued for their sake verse 15 And thus he sayd touch ye not those that myne annoynted be Ne do the Prophetes any harme that do pertayne to me verse 16 He cald a dearth vpon the land of bread he stroyd the store But he agaynst their tyme of neede had sent a man before The third part verse 17 Euen Ioseph which had once been sold to liue a slaue in woe verse 18 Whose feete they hurt in stockes whose soule the iron pearst also verse 19 Vntill the tyme came when his cause was knowen apparantly The mighty word of God the Lord his faultles truth did try verse 20 The kyng sent and deliuered him from prison where he was The ruler of the people then did freely let him pas verse 21 And ouer all his house he made him Lord to beare the sway And of his substaunce made him haue the rule and all the stay verse 22 That he might to his will instruct the Princes of his land And wisedomes lore his auncient men might teach to vnderstand verse 23 Then into the Egyptian land came Israell also And Iacob in the land of Ham did liue a straunger tho verse 24 His people he exceedyngly in number made to flowe And ouer all their enemies in strength he made them grow verse 25 Whose hart he turnd that they with hate ▪ his people did intreat And did his seruauntes wrongfully abuse with false deceit The fourth part verse 26 His faythfull seruaunt Moyses then and Aaron whom he chose He did commaund to go to them his message to disclose verse 27 The wondrous message of his signes among them they did shew And wonders in the land of Ham then did they worke also verse 28 Darknes he sent and made it darcke in st●ed of brighter day And vnto his commission they did not disobay verse 29 He turnd their waters into bloud he did their fishes ●lay verse 30 Their land brought frogs euen in the place where their kyng Pharo lay verse 31 He spake ▪ and at his voyce there came great swarmes of noysom Flyes And all the quarters of their land were fild with crawling lyce verse 32 He gaue them cold and stony hayle in steed of milder rayne ▪ And fier● flames within their land he sent vnto their payne verse 33 He smote their vines and all their trees whereon their figs did grow And all the trees within their coastes downe did he ouerthrow verse 34 He spake then Caterpillers did and Grashoppers abound verse 35 Which eat the gras in all their land and fruite of all their ground The fift part verse 36 Their first begotten in their land eke deadly did he smite Yea the begynnyng and first fruit of all their strength and might verse 37 With gold and siluer he them brought from Egypt la●d to pas And in the numb●r of their tribes no feeble one there was verse 38 Egypt was glad and ioyfull then when they did thence depart For terrour and the feare of them was fallen vpon their hart verse 39 To shroud them from the parchyng hea● a cloud he did display And fire ●e sent to geue them light when night had hid the day verse 40 They asked and he caused Quayles to rayne at their request And ●ully with the bread of heauen their hunger he represt verse 41 He opened then the stony rocke and waters gushed out And in the dry and parched grounds like ●iuers ●anne about verse 42 For of his holy couenaunt aye myndefull was he tho Which to his seruant Abraham ●e p●●ghted long ago verse 43 He b●ought his people forth with mirth and his elect with ioy Out of the cruell land where they had lyued in great annoy verse 44 And of the Heathen men he gaue to them the fruitfull landes The labor of the people 〈◊〉 they tooke into their handes verse 45 That they his holy statutes might obserue for euermore And faythfully obey his lawes prayse ye the Lord therfore Confitemini Domino psal Cvi N. ¶ Sing this as the xcv Psalme PRayse ye the Lord for he is good his mercy dures foray verse 2 Who can expresse his noble actes or all his prayse display ▪ verse 3 They blessed are that iudgementes keepe and ●ustly do alway verse 4 With fauour of thy people Lord remember me I pray And with thy sa●yng health O Lord vouchsafe to visit● mee verse 5 That I the great felicitie of thine elect may see And with thy peoples ioy I may a ioyfull mynde possesse And may with thine inheritaunce a glorying ▪ hart expresse verse 6 Both we and eke our fathers all haue sinned euery one We haue committed wickednes and lewdly we haue done verse 7 The wonders great which thou O Lord hast
helpe at all assayes Likewise by night I did not cease the liuing God to prayse verse 9 I am perswaded thus to say to him with pure pretence O Lord thou art my guide and stay my rocke and my defence Why do I then in pen sin ene● hanging the head thus walke While that mine enemies me oppres and vexe me with their talke verse 10 For why'they pearse myne inward partes with panges to be ●bhord ▪ When they cry out with stubburne hartes where is thy God thy Lord verse 11 So soone why doost thou faint and quayle my soule with payne opprest With thoughtes why doost thy selfe assayle so fore within my bre●● ▪ verse 12 Trust in th● Lord thy God alwayes ▪ and thou the tyme shalt se● To geue him thankes with●●●● and prayse for health restord to thee Iudica me Domine psal xliii T. S. ¶ Sing this as the xxxv Psalme IVdge and reuenge my cause O Lord from them that euill be From wicked and deceitfull men O Lord deliuer me verse 2 For of my strength thou art the God why putst thou mee thee fr● And why walke I so heauely oppressed with my s●ct verse 3 Send out thy light and eke thy truth and lead me with thy grace Which may conduct me to thy hill and to thy dwelling place verse 4 Then shall I to the altar goe of God my ioy had cheare And on my harpe geue thankes to thee O God my God most deare verse 5 Why art thou then so sad my soule and freust thus in my brest Still trust in God for him to prayse I hold it alwayes best By him I haue deliueraunce agaynst all paynes and grief He is my God which doth alwayes at neede send me relief Deus auribus psal xliiii T. S. OVr cares haue heard our fathers tell and re●e rently record the wondrous workes that thou hast done in alder time O lord How thou didst cast the Gētils out stroydst thē with strōg hād plāting our fathers in their place and gauest to them their land verse 3 They conquered not by sword nor strength the land of thy behest But by thy hand thy arme and grace because thou louedst them best verse 4 Thou art my king O God that hōlp● Iacob in sundry wise verse 5 Led with thy power we threw downe such as did agaynst vs rise verse 6 I trusted not in bow nesword they could not saue me sound verse 7 Thou keptst vs from our enemies rage thou didst our foes confound verse 8 And still we boast of thee our God and prayse thy holy name verse 9 Yet now thou go●st not with our ●●st but leauest vs to shame verse 10 Thou madest vs ●lee before our foes and so were ou●rtrode Our enemies robd and spoyled our goodes when we were spar● a●●●de verse 11 Thou hast vs geuen to o● foes as sheepe for to be slayn● Amongest the Heathen euery where scattered we do rema●us verse 12 Thy people thou hast sold lyke slaues and as a thing of noughe For profite none thou hadst thereby no gayne at all was sought verse 13 And to our neighbours tho● hast made of vs a laughing stocke● And those that round about vs dwell at vs do grinne 〈…〉 The second part verse 14 Thus we s●r●e for none other vse but for a common talke They mocke they scorne and nod their heds where euer they go or walke verse 15 I am a shamed continually to heare the●e wicked them Yea so I blush that all my face with red is couered then verse 16 For why'we heare such slaunderous wordes such false reportes and lyes That death it is to see their wronges their threatninges and their crves ▪ verse 17 For all this we forget not thee nor yet thy couenaunt breake verse 18 We turne not backe ou● hartes from thee nor yet thy pathes forsake verse 19 Yet thou hast trod vs downe to dust where de●nes of dragons be And couered vs with shade of death and great aduersiue verse 20 If we had our Gods name forgot and helpe of Idols sought verse 21 Would not God then haue ●ride this ou● for he doth knew our thought verse 22 Nay nay for thy names sake O Lord alwayes are we slayne thus As sheepe vnto the shambles sent right so they deale with vs. verse 23 Vp Lord why sleepest thou awake and leaue vs not for all verse 24 Why hidest thou thy countenaunce and doest forget our thrall verse 25 For downe to dust our soule is brought and we now at last cast Our belly like as it we● glude vnto the ground cle●nes fast verse 26 Rise vp therfore for our defence and helpe vs Lord a● neede We thee beseech for thy goodnes to rescue vs with speede Eructauit cor meum psal xlv I. H. ¶ Sing this as the xxv Psalme MY hart doth take in hand some godly song to sing The prayse that I shall shew therein pertaineth to the king ▪ verse 2 My toung shal be as quicke ▪ his honour to endite As is the penne of any scribe that vseth fast to write verse 3 O fay rest of all men thy speech is pleasaunt pure For God hath blessed thee with giftes for euer to endure verse 4 About thee gird thy sword O prince of might elect With honor glory and renowme thy person pure is dect verse 5 Go sorth with godly speede in meekenes truth and right And thy right hand shall thee instruct in workes of dreadfull might verse 6 Thine arrowes sharpe and kene their hartes so sore shall sting That solke shall fall and kn●●le to thee yea all thy foes O kyng verse 7 Thy royall seate O Lord for euer shall remayne Because the scepter of thy Realme doth righteonsu●s maintaine verse 8 Because thou louest the right and doest the ill detest God euen thy God hath nointed thee with ioy aboue the rest verse 9 With myrre and fauours sweete thy clothes are all bespread When thou doest from thy palace passe therein to make thee glad verse 10 Kynges daughters do attend in fine and rich aray At thy right hand the Queene doth stand in gold and garmentes gaye The second part verse 11 O daughter take good ●eede encliue and gene good eare Thou must forget thy kindred all and fathers house most deare verse 12 Then shall the kyng desire thy beauty sayre and trim For why he is the Lord thy God and thou must worshyp him verse 13 The daughters then of Tyre with giftes full rich to see And all the wealthy of the land shall make their sute to thee verse 14 The daughter of the kyng is glorious to behold Within his closet she doth sit all dect in beaten gold verse 15 In robes well wrought with nedle with many a pleasant thyng With virgines fayre on her to wayte she commeth to the kyng verse 16 Thus are they brought with ioy and myrth on euery side Into the palace of the kyng and there do they abide verse 17 In
seru● with feare his prayse forth 〈◊〉 come ye before 〈◊〉 and re●oyce verse 3 The Lord ye know is God in deede without our ayde he 〈◊〉 vs make We are his folke he doth vs ●eede and for his sheepe 〈◊〉 doth vs take verse 4 Oh enter then his gates with prayse approch with ioy his Court● vnto ▪ Prayse laud and blesse his name alway●● for it is seemely so to do verse 5 For why the Lord o●● God●●● good his mercy is for euer 〈◊〉 ▪ His truth at all tymes firmely 〈◊〉 and shall from age to 〈◊〉 ¶ An other of the same Sing this as the lxvij ▪ Psalme IN God the Lord be glad and ●ight prayse him throughout the earth Serue him and come before his sight with singyng and with mirth verse 2 Know that the Lord our God he is he did vs make and keepe Not we our selues for we are his owne folke and pasture sheepe verse 3 O go into his gates alwayes geue thankes within the sam● Within his Co●rt●●● s●t ▪ forth his prayse and laud his holy ●●me verse 4 For why the good● 〈◊〉 the Lord for euermore doth 〈◊〉 From age to age throughout the world his truth doth still remaine Miseric●rdiam Psal. Ci. N. ¶ Sing this as the lxxxi Psalme I Mercy will and iudgement sing O Lord God vnto thee verse 2 And wisely do in perfect way vntill thou come to 〈◊〉 ▪ And in the midst of my house● 〈◊〉 in purenes of my spirite verse 3 And I no kynde of wicked thyng will set before my sight I hate their workes that fall away it shall not cleane to 〈◊〉 verse 4 From me shall 〈◊〉 the froward 〈◊〉 none euill will I see verse 5 Him will I stroy that flaundereth his ●eighbour peiuily ▪ The lofty hart I can not beare no● him that looketh hye verse 6 Mine eyes shal be on them within ▪ the land that faythfull be In per●ect way who worketh shall be seruaunt vnto me verse 7 I will no g●●●efull person haue within my house to dwell And in my presence he shall not remaine that lyes doth ●●ll verse 8 Betymes I will destroy euen all the wicked of the land That I may from Gods Citie 〈◊〉 ▪ the wicked workers hand Domine exaudi Psal. Cii N. ¶ Sing this as the lxvij Psalme O Heare my praye● Lord and le● my cry come vnto thee verse 2 In time of trouble do not hide thy face away from mee Incline thine cares to me make hast to heare me when I call verse 3 For as the ●moke doth ●ade ▪ so do my dayes consume and fall verse 4 And as a harth my bones ▪ are burnt my hart is smitten dead And withers as the grasse that I forget to eat my bread verse 5 By reason of my gronyng voyce my bones clea●e ●o my skin verse 6 As Pellican of wildernes such case now am I in And a● an Owle in desert is ●oc I am suc●●a one verse 7 I watch and as a Sparrow on the house top am alo●e verse 8 Loe dayly in reprochfull wise myne enemies do me scorne And they that do agaynst me rage agaynst me they 〈◊〉 sworne verse 9 Surely with ashes as with bread my hunger I haue fild And mingled haue my drinke with teare● ▪ that from myne eyes haue stild verse 10 Because of thy displeasure Lord thy wrath and thy disdayne For thou hast lifted me a 〈◊〉 ▪ and cast me downe agayne verse 11 The dayes wherein I passe my ly●● are like the ●lectyng shade And I am withered like the grasse that soone away doth fade verse 12 But thou O Lord for euer do●st remayne in steddy place And thy remembraunce euer doth abide from race to race The second part verse 13 Thou wilt arise and mercy 〈◊〉 to Sio● wilt extend The tyme of mercy 〈◊〉 the time forefet is come to end ▪ verse 14 For euen in the 〈◊〉 therof thy seruauntes do delight And on the dust therof they haue compassion in the spirite verse 15 Then shall the Heathen people feare the Lordes most holy name ▪ And all the kynges on ea●th shll dread thy glory and thy fame verse 16 Then when the Lord●●e ●igh●y God agayne shall Sion reare And then when he most nobly in his glory shall appeare verse 17 To prayer of the desolate ▪ when he himselfe shall bend When he shall nor disdayne vnto their prayers to attend verse 18 This shal be written for the age that after shall succed The people yet vncreated the Lordes 〈◊〉 shall sprede verse 19 For he from his ●ye sanctuary ●ath looked downe below And out of heauen hath the Lord beheld the earth also verse 20 That of the mournyng captiue he might heare the wofull cry And that he might deliuer those that damned are to dye verse 21 That they in Sion may declare the Lordes most holy name And in Ierusalem set forth the prayses of the same verse 22 Then when the people of the land and kyngdomes with accord Shal be assembled for to do their seruice to the Lord. The third part verse 23 My former force of strength he hath abayted in the way And shorter he did cut my daye● th●s I therfore ●id say verse 24 My God in midst of all my dayes now take me not away The yeares endure eternally from age to age for aye verse 25 Thou the foundations of the earth before all tymes hast layd And Lord the heauens are the worke which thine owne handes haue made verse 26 Yea they shall perish and decay but thou shalt tary still And they shall all in tyme waxe old euen as a garment will. Thou as a garment shalt them chaunge and chaunged shall they bee verse 27 But thou doest still abide the same thy yeares do ne●er flee verse 28 The children of thy seruauntes shall continually endure And in thy sight their happy seede for euer shall stand sure Benedic anima ▪ psal Ciii T. S. MY soule geue laud vnto the Lord my spirite shall do the same and all the secretes of my hart prayse ye his holy name Geue thankes to God for all his giftes shew not thy selfe vnkynde suffer not his benefites to slip out of thy mynde verse 3 That gaue thee pardon for thy faultes and thee restored agayne For all thy weake and f●ayle disease and heald thee of thy payne verse 4 That did redeeme thy lyfe from death from which thou couldst not flee His mercy and compassion both he did extend to thee verse 5 That fild with goodnes thy desire and did prolong thy youth Like as the Egle castes her bill whereby her ag● renueth verse 6 The Lord with iustice doth repay all such as be opprest So that their suffringes and their wronges are turned to the best verse 7 His wayes and his commaundementes to Moyses he did show His counsels and his valiaunt actes the Israelites did know verse 8 The Lord is kinde and mercifull when sinners do him greue The
grace verse 9 Let all thy Priestes be clothed Lord with truth and righteousnes Let all thy Saintes and holy men sing all with ioyfulnes verse 10 And for thy seruaunt Dauids sake refuse not Lord I say The face of thine annoynted Lord nor turne thy face a way verse 11 The Lord to Dauid swore in truth and will not shrinke from it Saying the fruite of thy body vpon thy seate shall fit verse 12 And if thy Sonnes my couens●ut keepe that I shall learne echone Then shall thy Sonnes for euer sit vpon thy princely throne verse 13 The Lord him selfe hath chose Syon and loues therein to dwell verse 14 Saying this is my restyng place I loue and like it well verse 15 And I will bles with great increase her victuals euery where And I will satisfie with bread the needy that be there verse 16 Yea I will de●ke and cloth her Priestes with my saluation And all her Saintes shall sing for ioy of my protection verse 17 There will I surely make the horne of Dauid for to bud For there haue I ordaind for mine a Lanthorn bright and good verse 18 As for his enemies I will cloth with shame for euermore But I will cause his crowne to shine more fresh then heretofore Ecce quam psal Cxxxiii W. W. Sing this as the Cxxxvij Psalme O How happy a thing it is and ioyfull for to see Brethren together fast to hold the band of amitie verse 2 It cals to mynde that sweet perfume and that costly oyntment Which on the Sacrificers head by Gods precept wa● spent It wet not Aarons head alone but drencht his beard throughout And finally it did run downe his rich attire about verse 3 And as the lower ground doth drinke the dew of Hermon hill And Syon with his siluer drops the fieldes with fruite doth fill verse 4 Euen so the Lord doth poure on them his blessinges manifold Whose harts and myndes without all guile this knot do keepe and hold Ecce nunc psal Cxxxiiii W. K. ¶ Sing this as the xxv Psalme BEhold and haute regard ye seruauntes of the Lord Which in his house by night do watch prayse him with one accord verse 2 Lift vp your handes on high vnto his holy place And geue the Lord his prayses due his benefits embrace verse 3 For why the Lord who did both earth and heauen frame Doth Syon blesse and will 〈◊〉 for euermore the same Laudate nomen psal Cxxxv. M. O Prayse the Lord prayse him prayse him prayse him with one accord O prayse him still all ye that be the seruauntes of the Lord O prayse hym ye that stand and be in the house of the lord Ye of his courf and of his house prayse him with one accord verse 3 Prayse ye the Lord for he is good sing prayses to his name It is a comely and good thyng alwayes to do the same verse 4 For why the Lord hath chose Iacob his very owne you see So hath he chosen Israell his treasure for to bee verse 5 For this I know and am right sure the Lord is very great He is in deede aboue all Gods most easie to entreat verse 6 For what soeuer pleased him all that full well he wrought In heauen in earth and in the Sea which he hath made of nought verse 7 He lifts vp cloudes euen from the earth be makes lightninges and raine He bringeth forth the windes also he made nothing in vayne verse 8 He smote the first borne of ech thing ▪ in Egypt that tooke rest He spared there no liuing thing ▪ the man nor yet the beast verse 9 He hath in thee shewed wonders great O Egypt voyde of vaunts On Pharao thy cursed kyng and his senere seruatnts verse 10 He smote then many nations and did great actes and things He slew the great and mighty est and chiefest of their kings verse 11 Schon king of the Ammorites and Og king of Basan He slew also the kingdomes all that were of Canaan verse 12 And gane their land to Israell an heritage we see To Israell his owne people an heritage to bee The second part verse 13 Thy name O Lord shall still endure and thy memoriall Throughout all generations that are or euer shall verse 14 The Lord will surely now auenge his people all in deede And to his seruaunts he will shew fauour in tyme of neede verse 15 The Idols of the Heathen are made in all their coastes and ●●ndes Of siluer and of gold be they the worke euen of mens handes verse 16 They haue eke mouthes and cannot speake and eyes that haue no sight verse 17 They ha●e eke ●a●es a●d heare nothing their mouthes be brethles quite verse 18 Wherfore all they are like to them that so do set them forth And likewise those that trust in them or thinke they be ought worth verse 19 O all ye house of Israell see that ye prayse the Lord And ye that be of Aa●ous house pray se him with one accord verse 20 And ye that be of Lenies house prayse ye likewise the Lord And all that stand in awe of him prayse him with one accord verse 21 And out of Sinn sound his prayse the great prayse of the Lord Which dwelleth in Ierusalem prayse him with one accord Confitemini Do. psal Cxxxvi. N. PRayse ye the Lord for he is good for his mercy end●reth for euer geue prayse vnto the God of God 's for his mercy endureth for euer geue prayse vnto the Lord of Lordes for his mercy endureth for euer Which onely doth great wondrous works for his mercy endureth foreuer verse 5 Which by his wisedome made the heauens for his mercy endureth for euer verse 6 Which on the waters stretcht the earth for his mercy endureth for euer ▪ verse 7 Which made great light to shine abroad for his mercy endureth for euer verse 8 As Sun to rule the ligh some day for his mercy endureth for euer verse 9 The Moone ●nd starres to g●ide the night for his mercy endureth for euer verse 10 Which smote Egipt with their first borne for his mercy endureth for euer verse 11 And Israell brought out from them for his mercy endureth for euer verse 12 With mighty h●nd and stretched arme for his mercy endureth for euer verse 15 Which cut the red Sea in two partes for his mercy endureth for euer verse 14 And Israell made pas there through for his mercy endureth for euer verse 15 And drowned Pharao and his host for his mercy endureth for euer verse 16 Through wildernes his people led for his mercy endureth for euer verse 17 He which did smite great noble kinges for his mercy endureth for euer verse 18 And which hath thy ne the mighty kinges for his mercy endureth for euer verse 19 As S●hon king of the Ammo●ites for his mercy endureth for euer verse 20 And Og the king of Basan land fo● his mercy endureth for euer verse 21 And gaue
their land for heritage for his mercy endureth for euer verse 22 Euen to his seruaunt Israell for his mercy endureth for euer verse 23 Remembred vs in base estate for his mercy endureth for euer verse 24 And from oppression rescued vs for his mercy endureth for euer verse 25 Which geueth food vnto all flesh for his mercy endureth for euer verse 26 Prayse ye the God of heauen aboue for his mercy endureth for euer verse 27 Geue thankes vnto the Lorde of Lordes for his mercy ●ndureth for euer An other of the same by T. C. ¶ Sing this as the Cxlvij Psalme O Laud the Lord bening Whose mercies last for aye Geue thankes and prayses sing To God of Gods I say For certainely His mercies dure Both firme and sure Eternally verse 3 The Lord of Lordes prayse ye Whose mercies aye do d●re verse 4 Great wonders onely he Doth worke by his great power For certainely His mercyes dure Both firme and sure Eternally verse 5 Which Lord omnipotent By his great wisedome hye The heauenly firmament Did frame as we doo see For certainely c. verse 6 Yea he the heauy charge Of all the earth did stretch And on the waters large The same he did outreach Fo●certaynely c. verse 7 Great lightes he made to vs For why his lone is aye verse 8 Such as the same we see To rule the lightsome day For certainely c. verse 9 And eke the Moon so cleare Which shineth in our fight And Starres that doe appeare To guide the dar●ksome night For certainely c. verse 10 With greuous plagues and sore All Egipt smote he than The first borne les and more He slew of beast and man. For certainely c. verse 11 And from amidst their land His Israell forth brought verse 12 Which he with mighty hand And stretched arme hath wrought For certainly c. verse 13 The Sea be cut in two Which stood vp like a wall verse 14 And made through it to goe His chosen children all For certainely c. verse 15 But there he whelmed then The proud king Pharao With his huge host of men And charets eke also For certainely c. verse 16 Who led through wildernes His people safe and sound And for his loue endles verse 17 Great kinges he brought to ground For certainly c. verse 18 And slew with puisant hand Kinges mightye and of fame As of Amorites land Schon the king by name For certainly c. verse 20 And Og the Giant large Of Basau king also verse 21 Whose land for heritage He gaue his people tho For certainly c. verse 22 Euen vnto Israell His seruaunt deare I say He gaue the same to dwell And there abide for aye For certainly c. verse 23 To made he did vs ●all In our most base degree verse 24 And from oppresso●s all In safety set vs free For certainly c. verse 25 All flesh in earth abroad With food he doth fulfill verse 26 Wherefore of heauen the God To laud be it your will. For certainly c. Super flurnina psal Cxxxvii W. W. WHen as we sat in Babilon the riuers round about and in remembraunce of Sion the teares for griefe burst out We hangd our harpes and instru mentes the willow trees vpon for in that place men for their vse had planted ●any one verse 3 Then they to whome we prisoners were sayd to vs tauntingly Now let vs heare your Ebrue songes and pleasaunt melody verse 4 Alas sayd we who can once frame his sorrowfull hart to sing The prayses of our louing God thus vnder a straunge king verse 5 But yet if I Ierusalem out of my hart let slide Then let my singers quite forget the warbeling harpe to guide verse 6 And let my tongue within my month be tyde for euer fast If that I ioy before I see thy full deliueraunce past verse 7 Therefore O Lord remember now the curssed noyce and cry That Edomes sonnes agaynst vs made when they raced our Citie Remember Lord their ●rnell wordes when as with one accord They cryed on sack ▪ and race their walles in despight of the Lord. verse 8 Euen so shalt thou O Babilon at length to dust be brought And happy shall that man be cald that our reuenge hath wrought verse 9 Yea blessed shall that man be cald that takes thy children young ▪ To dash their bones agaynst hard stones which lye the streetes among Confitebor tibi psal Cxxxvii N. Sing this as the Cxxxvij Psalme THee will I prayse with my whole hart my Lord my God alwayes Euen in the presence of the Gods I will aduaunce thy prayse verse 2 Toward thy holy temple I will looke and worship thee And praysed in my thankfull mouth thy holy nam● shall be Euen for thy louing kindenes sake and for thy truth withall For thou thy name hast hast by thy word aduaunced ouer all verse 3 When I did call thou heardest me and thou hast made also The power of encreased strength within my soule to gr●w verse 4 Yea all the kinges on earth they shall geue prayse to thee O Lord For they of thy most holy mouth bane heard the mighty word verse 5 They of the wayes of God the Lord in singing shall entreat Bycause the glory of the Lord it is exceeding great verse 6 The Lord is hye and yet he doth behold the lowly spirite But he contemning knowes a farre the proud and lofty wight verse 7 Although in midst of trouble I do walke yet shall I stand Renued by thee O my Lord thou wilt stretch out thy hand Vpon the wrath of all my foes and faued shall I be By thy right hand the Lord God will performe his worke to me verse 8 Thy mercy Lord endures for aye Lord do me not forsake Forsake me not that am the worke which thi●e owne hand did make Domine probasti psal Cxxxix N. ¶ Sing this as the Cxxxvij Psalme O Lord thou hast me tride and knowne my sitting thou doest know verse 2 And rising eke my thoughtes a farre thou vnderstandst also verse 3 My pathes yea and my lying downe thou compassest alwayes And by familiar custome art acquainted with my wayes verse 4 No word is in my tongue O Lord but knowen it is to thee verse 5 Thou me behinde holdst and before thou layest thy hand on me verse 6 To wonderfull aboue my reach Lord is thy cunning skill It is so higth that I the same can not attaine vntill verse 7 From sight of thy all seing spirite Lord whether shall I goe Or whether shall I flee away thy presence to scape fro● verse 8 To heauen if I mount aloft loe thou art present there In hell if I lye downe below euen there thou doest appeare verse 9 Yea let me take the morning winges and let me goe and hide Euen there where are the farthest partes where flowing Sea doth slide verse 10 Yea euen thether also shall thy reaching hand me
steede of Parentes left O Queene the chaunge so standes Thou shalt haue sennes whom thou mayest 〈◊〉 as Princes in all landes verse 18 Wherfore thy holy name all ages shall record The people shall gene thankes to thee for euermore O Lord. Deus noster psal xivi I. H. ¶ Sing this as the xl●● Psalme THe Lord is our defence and ay●e the 〈…〉 whereby we stand When we with we are much dismayd he is our helpe at hand verse 2 Though the earth remoue we will not seare though hils so high and steep ▪ Be thrust and hurled here and there within the sea so deepe verse 3 No though the waues do rage so sore that all the baukes it spills ▪ And though it ouerflow the shore and bea●e downe mighty hills verse 4 For one fayre floud doth spread abroad● his pleasaunt streames apace To freshe the Citie of our God and wash his holy place verse 5 In midst of her the Lord doth dwell she can no whit decay All thinges agaynst her that rebell the Lord will truely stay verse 6 The heathens flocke the kingdomes feare the people make a noyse The earth doth melt and not appeare when God puts forth his voyce verse 7 The Lord of hostes doth take our part to vs he hath an eye Our hope of health with all our hart on Iacobs God doth lye verse 8 Come heare and see with minde and thought the working of our God What wonders he himselfe hath wrought throughout the earth abroad verse 9 By him all warres are husnt and gone which countries did conspire Their bow● he brake and speares ech one their charets brent with fire verse 10 Leaue of therefore sayth he and know I am a God most stout Among the heathen high and low and all the earth throughout verse 11 The Lord of hostes doth vs defend he is our strength and 〈◊〉 On Iacobs God we do depend and on his mighty power Omnes gentes Psal. xlvii I. H. ¶ Sing this as the xlvi Psalme YE people all in one accord clap handes and eke reioyce Be glad and sing vnto the Lord with sweete and pleasaunt voyce verse 2 For hye the Lord and dreadfull is with wonders manifold A mighty kyng he is truly in all the earth extold verse 3 The people shall he make to be vnto our bondage thrall And vnderneath our feete he shall the nations make to fall verse 4 For vs the heritage he chose which we possesse alone The flouring worship of Iacob his welbeloued one verse 5 Our God ascended vp on hye with ioy and pleasaunt noyce The Lord goeth vp aboue the sky with trompets royall voyce verse 6 Sing prayses to our God sing prays●● sing prayses to our kyng For God is kyng of all the earth all skilfull prayses sing verse 7 God on the Heathen raignes and sits vpon his holy throne verse 8 The Princes of the people haue them ioyned euery one To Abrams people For our God which is exalted hye Vs with a buckler doth defend on earth continually Magnus Dominus psal xlviii I. H. ¶ Sing this as the xlvi Psalme GReat is the Lord and with great prayse to be aduaunced still Within the Citie of our Lord vpon his holy hill verse 2 Mount Sion is a pleasaunt place it gladdeth all the land The Citie of the mighty king on her North side doth stand verse 3 Within the pallaces therof God is a refuge knowen For loe the kynges were gathered and together eke were gone verse 4 But when they did behold it so they wondred and they were Astonied much and sodenly were driuen backe with feare verse 5 Great terror there on them did fall for very wo they cry As doth a woman when she shall go trauaile by and by verse 6 As thou with easterne windes the ships vpon the Sea doost breake So they were stayd and euen as we heard our fathers speake verse 7 So in the Citie of the Lord we saw as it was told Yea in the Citie which our Lord for euer will vphold verse 8 O Lord we wayte and do attend on thy good helpe and grace For which we do all tymes attend within thy holy place verse 9 O Lord accordyng to thy name for euer is thy prayse And thy right hand O Lord is full of righteousnes alwayes Let for thy iudgementes Sion mount fulfilled be with ioyes And eke of Iuda graunt O Lord the daughter to reioyce verse 10 Goe walke about all Sion hill yea round about her goe And tell the towers that thereupon are builded on a row verse 11 And marke ye well her bulwarkes all behold her towers there That ye may tell thereof to them that after shall be heare verse 12 For this God is our God our God for euermore is he Yea and vnto the death also our guider shall he be Audite haec omnes psal xlix T. S. Sing this as the xlv Psalme ALl people harken and geue eare to that that I shall tell verse 2 Both high and low both rich and poore that in the world do dwell verse 3 For why my mouth shall make discourse of many thinges rightwise In vnderstanding shall my hart his study exercise verse 4 I will incline mine eare to know the parable so darke ▪ And open all my doubtfull speach in meerer on my harpe verse 5 Why should I feare afflictions or any carefull toyle Or els my foes which at my heeles are prest my lyfe to spoyle verse 6 For as for such as riches haue wherein their trust is most And they which of their treasures great themselues do brag and boast verse 7 There is not one of them that can his brothers death redeeme Or that can geue a price to God sufficient for him verse 8 It is to great a price to pay none can thereto attaine verse 9 Or that he might his lyfe prolong or not in graue remaine verse 10 They see wise men as well as fooles subiect vnto deaths handes And being dead stranngers possesse their goodes their rentes their landes verse 11 Their care is to build houses fayre and so determine sure To make their name right great in earth for euer to endure verse 12 Yet shall no man alwayes enioy high honor wealth and rest But shall at length tast of deaths cup as well as the brute beast The second part verse 13 And though they try their foolish thoughtes to be most leud and vaine Their children yet approue their talke and in lyke sinne remaine verse 14 As sheepe into the fold are brought so shall they into graue Death shall them eate and in that day the iust shall Lordship haue Their image and their royall port shall fade and quite decay When as from house to pit they passe with woe and weale away verse 15 But God will surely preserue me from death and endles payne ▪ Because he will of his good grace my soule receaue agayne verse 16 If any man waxe wondrous rich feare not I say