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A14033 The whole booke of psalms, collected into English meter by Thomas Sternhold, I. Hopkins and others: co[n]ferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to syng them withall. Faithfully perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes Maiesties Injunctions. very meete to be vsed of al sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort: laying apart al vngodly songes and ballades, which read only to the norishing of vice & corrupting of youth..; Whole book of psalms. 1565 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1565 (1565) STC 2434 175,429 234

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thee was borne wherfore I wil thee prayse with mirth both euening and morne verse 7 As to a monster seldome sene much folke about me throng But thou art now and stil hast bene my fence and ayde so strong verse 8 Wherfore my mouth no time shal lacke thy glory and thy prayse and eke my tong shal not be slacke to honor thee alwayse verse 9 Refuse not me O Lord I say when age my limmes doth take and when my strength doth wast away do not my soule forsake verse 10 Among them selues my foes enquire to take me through deceyt and they agaynst me do conspire that for my soule layd wayt The second part verse 11 Lay hand take him now they sayd for God from him is gone Dispatch him quite for to his ayde I wis there commeth none verse 12 Do not absent thy self away O Lord when nede shal be But that in time of grief thou may in hast geue helpe to me verse 13 With shame confound and ouerthrow al those that seke my life Oppres thē with rebukes also that fayne would worke me strife verse 14 But I wil patiently abyde thy helpe in al assayes Stil more and more ech time tide I wil set forth thy prayse verse 15 My mouth thy iustice shal record that dayly helpe doth send But of thy benefites O Lord I know no compt nor end verse 16 Yet wil I go and seke forth one with thy good helpe O God The sauing health of thee alone to shew and set abrod verse 17 For of my youth thou tookest the care and doost instruct me stil Therfore thy wonders to declare I haue great mind and wil. verse 18 And as in youth from wanton rage thou didst me kepe and stay Forsake me not vnto mine age and til my head be gray verse 19 That I thy strēgth might may show to them that now be here and that our sede thy power may know hereafter many a yere verse 20 O Lord thy iustice doth excede thy doings al may see Thy workes are wonderful in dede oh who is lyke to thee verse 21 Thou madest me fele afflictions sore and yet thou didst me saue yea thou didst helpe and me restore and tokest me from the graue verse 22 And thou mine honor doost encrease my dignitie maintayne yea thou doost make al grief to cease and comforts me agayne verse 23 Therfore thy faithfulnes to prayse I wil both lute and syng My harpe shal sound thy laud alwayes O Israels holy kyng verse 24 My mouth wil ioy with pleasant voyce when I shal sing to thee and eke my soule wil much reioyce for thou hast made me free verse 25 My tong thy vprightnes shal sound and speake it dayly stil For grief and shame do thē confound that sought to worke me ill Deus iudicium tuum Psalme .lxxii. I. H. ¶ He prayeth that the kingdome of God by Christe may come vnder the parson of Salomon vnder whom shall be ryghteousnes peace and felicitie vnto whom all kynges and all nations shall do homage whose name and power shal indure for euer LOrd geue thy iudgements to the king therin instruct hym wel And with his sonne that Princely thyng Lord let thy iustice dwel that he may gouerne vp ryghtly and rule thy folke a ryght and so defend through equitie the poore that haue no might verse 3 And let the mountaines that are hye vnto their folke geue peace And eke let litle hils apply in iustice to encrease verse 4 That he may help the weake poore with aide make thē strōg And eke destroy for euermore al those that do them wrong verse 5 And then from age to age shal they regard and feare thy might So long as sunne doth shine by day or els the moone by night verse 6 Lord make the king vnto the iust like rain to fieldes new mowen And like to drops that lay the dust and fresh the land vnsowen verse 7 The iust shal florish in his time and al shal be at peace Vntil the moone shal leaue to prime wast chaūge to encrease verse 8 He shal be Lord of sea and sand from shore to shore throughout and from the flouds within the land through al the earth about verse 9 The people that in desert dwel shal knele to him ful thicke and al his enmies that rebel the earth and dust shal licke verse 10 Theyr Lordes of al the yles therby great gifts to him shal bring The kings of Sabe and Arabie geue many a costly thyng verse 11 Al kings shal seke with one accord in his good grace to stand And al the people of the world shal serue him at his hand verse 12 For he the nedy sort doth saue that vnto him do cal And eke the simple folke that haue no helpe of man at al. verse 13 He taketh pity on the poore that are with nede opprest He doth preserue them euermore bringes their soules to rest verse 14 He shal redeme theyr life from dread frō fraud frō wrōg frō might And eke the bloud that they shal bleed is precious in his sight verse 15 But he shal liue and they shal bring to him of Sabaes gold He shal be honored as a kyng and dayly be extold verse 16 The mighty mountaines of his land of corne shal beare such thrōg That it like Cedre trees shal stand in Libanus ful long verse 17 Theyr cities eke ful wel shal spede the frutes therof shal pas In plenty it shal far excede and spring as grene as gras verse 18 For euer they shal prayse his name while that the sunne is light And thinke thē happy through y ● same al folk shal bles his might verse 19 Prayse ye the Lord of hostes and sing to Israels God echone For he doth euery wondrous thing yea he him self alone verse 20 And blessed be his holy name al times eternally That al the earth may prayse the same Amen Amen say I. Quam bonus deus Psalme .lxxiii. T. S. ¶ The Prophet teacheth by his example that neither the worldly prosperitie of the vngodly nor yet the affliction of the good ought to discourage Gods children but rather ought to moue vs to consider our fathers prouidence to cause vs to reuerence gods iudgements for asmuche as the wicked vanishe a waye lyke smoke and the godly enter into lyfe euerlastyng in hope wherof he resigneth him selfe into Gods handes Sing this as the .xliiii. psal verse 1 HOw euer it be yet God is good and kynd to Israel And to al such as safely kepe their consciēce pure wel ▪ verse 2 yet lyke a foole I almost slipt my feete began to slyde And or I wist euē at a pinch my steps a wrye gā glyde verse 3 For when I saw such foolish men I grudged and did disdayne That wicked mē al things should haue wtout turmoyle or payne verse 4 They neuer suffer panges nor grief as if death should them
plucke these folke away So that the name of Israel may vtterly decay verse 5 They al conspire within theyr hart how they may thee withstand agaynst the Lord to take a part they are in league and band verse 6 The tents of al the Edomites the Ismalites also The Hagarens and Moabites with diuers othermore verse 7 Gebal with Ammon and like wise doth Amalec conspire The Philistines against thee rise with them that dwel at Tyre verse 8 And Assur eke is wel apayd with them in league to be And doth become a fence and ayde to Lots posterity verse 9 As thou diddest to the Madianites so serue them Lord echeone as to Cicer and to Iabin beside the broke Kison verse 10 Whom thou in Endor didst destroy wast thē through thy might That they like dung on earth did lye and that in open sight The seconde part verse 11 Make thē now theyr Lords appeare like Zeb and Oreb then as Zebah and Zalmana were the kinges of Madian verse 12 Which sayd let vs throughout the lād in al the costs abrod Posses and take into our hand the fayre houses of God verse 13 Tourne thē O God w t stormes as fast as wheles that haue no stay Or like as chaffe which men do cast with windes to fle away verse 14 Like as the fire with rage and fume the mighty forest spilles and as the flame doth quite consume the moūtaynes the hilles verse 15 So let the tempest of thy wrath vpon theyr neckes be layd and of thy stormy wind shower Lord make them al afrayd verse 16 Lord bring them al I thee desire to such rebuke and shame That it may cause them to enquire and learne to seke thy name verse 17 And let them euermore dayly to shame and sclander fal and in rebuke and obliquie to perish eke with al. verse 18 That they may know and fele ful wel that thou art called Lord and that alone thou doost excel raigne throughout the world Quam dilecta tabernacula Psalme .lxxxiiii. I. H. ¶ Dauid driuen forth of his country desireth most ardētly to come againe to the Tabernacle of the Lord and the assemble of the saintes to prayse God pronouncyng them blessed that may so do Then he prayseth the courage of the people that passe thorowe the wildernesse to assemble them selues in Sion Finally with prayse of this matter and confidence of gods goodnes be endeth the Psalme Sing this as the .67 Psalme verse 1 HOw pleasaūt is thy dwelling place O Lord of hostes to me The Tabernacles of thy grace how pleasāt Lord they be verse 2 My soule doth long ful sore to go into thy courts abrod My hart doth lust my flesh also in thee the liuing God verse 3 The sparowes find a roume to rest and saue them selues frō wrong And eke the swalow hath a nest wherin to kepe her yong verse 4 These birdes ful nigh thine alter may haue place to sit and sing O Lord of hostes thou art I say my God and eke my kyng verse 5 Oh they be blessed that may dwel within thy house alwayse For they al times thy factes do tel and euer geue thee prayse verse 6 Yea happy sure like wise are they whose stay and strēgth thou art which to thy house do mind the way and seke it in theyr hart verse 7 As they go through the vale of teares they dig vp fountaines stil That as a spring it al appeares and thou theyr pits doost fil verse 8 Frō strēgth to strēgth they walke ful fast no fayntnes there shal be and so the God of Gods at last in Sion they do se verse 9 O Lord of hostes to me geue hede and heare when I do pray and let it through thine eares procede O Iacobs God I say verse 10 O Lord our shield of thy good grace regard and so draw nere Regard I say behold the face of thine annoynted dere verse 11 For why within thy courts one day is better to abide Then other where to kepe or stay a thousand dayes beside verse 12 Much rather would I kepe a dore within the house of God Then in the tents of wickednes to settle mine abode verse 13 For God the Lord light and defence wil grace and worship gyue and no good thing shal he withold from them that purely lyue verse 14 O Lord of hostes that man is blest and happy sure is hee That is persuaded in his brest to trust al tymes in thee Benedixisti domine Psalme .lxxxv. I H. ¶ Because God withdrew not hys rods from his Churche after the retorne from Babilon first they put him in minde of theyr deliueraunce to th entent that he should not leaue the worke of his grace vnperfite nexte they complayn of theyr long affliction And thirdly they reioyce in hope of felicity promised for their deliueraūce was a figure of Christs kyngdom vnder whiche should be perfite felicity Sing this as the .81 psalme verse 1 THou hast ben mercyful in dede O Lord vnto thy land For thou restoredst Iacobs sede frō thraldome out of band verse 2 The wicked wayes that they wer in y u didst thē clean remit and thou didst hide thy peoples sinne ful close thou coueredst it verse 3 Thine anger eke thou didst asswage that al thy wrath was gone and so didst tourne thee from thy rage with them to be at one verse 4 O God our health do now conuert thy people vnto thee Put al thy wrath from vs apart and angry cease to be verse 5 Why shal thine anger neuer end but stil procede on vs and shal thy wrath it self extend vpon al ages thus verse 6 Wilt thou not rather tourne therfore and quicken vs that we and al thy folke may euermore be glad and ioy in thee verse 7 O Lord on vs do thou declare thy goodnes to our welth Shew forth to vs and do not spare thyne ayde sauing helth verse 8 I wil harke what God sayth for he speaketh to his people peace and to his saints that neuer they returne to folishnes verse 9 For why his health is stil at hand to such as him do feare wherby great glory in our land shal dwel and florish there verse 10 For truth and mercy there shal mete in one to take their place and peace also iustice kis with grete and there they shal imbrace verse 11 As truth from earth shal spring a pace and florish pleasauntly So righteousnes shal shew her face and looke from heauen hye verse 12 Yea God him selfe shal take in hand to geue vs ech good thing and through y ● costes of al our lād the earth her frutes shal bring verse 13 Before his face shal iustice go much like a guide or stay He shal direct his steps also and kepe them in the way Inclina domine aurem Psalme .lxxxvi. I. H. ¶ Dauid sore afflicted and forsaken of all prayeth feruently for deliueraunce sometymes rebearsing his miseries
I flee he is my strength and rocke And he shal cause their mischiefs al themselues for to annoy and in their malice they shal fal our God shal them destroy Venite exultemus psalme .xcv. I. H. An carnest exhortation to prayse God for the gouerment of the world and the election of hys church An admonition not to follow the rebellion of the oldfathers that tempted God in the wildernes For the which they might not enter into the land of promise O Come let vs lift vp our voyce and syng vn to the Lorde in hym oure rocke of health reioyce let vs wyth one accord Yea let vs come before hys face to geue hym thanks and prayse in syngyng Psalmes vnto his grace let vs be glad alwayes verse 3 For why the Lord he is no doubt a great and mighty God A kyng aboue al gods throughout in al the world abrode verse 4 The secrets of the earth so depe and corners of the land The tops of hils that are so stepe he hath them in his hand verse 5 The sea and waters al are his for he the same hath wrought The earth and al that therin is his hand hath made of nought verse 6 Come let vs bow and prayse the Lord before hym let vs fal and knele to hym with one accord the which hath made vs al. verse 7 For why he is the Lord our God for vs he doth prouyde We are his folke he doth vs fede his shepe and he our guide verse 8 To day if ye his voyce wil heare then harden not your hart as ye with grudging many a yeare prouokte me in desert verse 9 Where as your fathers tempted me my power for to proue my wōdrous works whē they did see yet stil they wold me moue verse 10 Twise twenty yeares they did me greue and I to them did say They erre in hart and not beleue they haue not known my way verse 11 Wherfore I sware whē that my wrath was kindled in my brest That they should neuer tread the path to enter to my rest Cantate domino Psalme .xcvi. I. H. An exhortation both to the Iewes and Gentils to praise god for hys mercy And this specially ought to be referred to the kingdom of Christ Sing thys as the .77 ▪ psalme verse 1 SYng ye with prayse vnto the Lord new songs of ioy mirth Sing vnto hym with one accord al people on the earth verse 2 Yea sing vnto the Lord I say prayse ye his holy name Declare and shew from day to day saluation by the same verse 3 Among the heathen eke declare his honor round about To shew his wonders do not spare in al the world throughout verse 4 For why the Lord is much of might and worthy prayse alway and he is to be dread of right aboue al Gods I say verse 5 For al the gods of Heathen folke are idols that wil fade But yet our God he is the Lord that hath the heauens made verse 6 Al prayse and honor eke do dwel for aye before his face Both power and might likewyse excel within his holy 〈◊〉 verse 7 Ascribe vnto the Lord alway ye people of the world Al might and worship eke I say ascribe vnto the Lord. verse 8 Ascribe vnto the Lord also the glory of his name And eke into his courtes do go with giftes vnto the same verse 9 Fal down and worship ye the Lord within his temple bright Let al the people of the world be fearful at hys syght verse 10 Tel al the world be not agast the Lord doth raigne aboue Yea he hath set the earth so fast that it did neuer moue verse 11 And that it is the Lord alone that rules with princely might To iudge the nations euery one with equity and right verse 12 The heauens shal great ioy begin the earth shal eke reioyce The sea with al that is therin shal shoote and make a noyce verse 13 The field shal ioy and euery thyng that springeth of the earth The wood and euery tree shal syng with gladnes and w t mirth verse 14 Before the presence of the Lord and commyng of hys might when he shal iustly iudge the world and rule his folke w t right Dominus regnauit psalme .xcvii. I. H The prophet exhorteth al to reioyce for the comming of the kyngdome of Christ dreadfull to the rebels and Idolaters and ioyful to the iust whom he exhorteth to innocency to reioycing and thankes geuyng Sing this as the 9● Psalme verse 1 THe Lord doth raign where at y ● earth may ioy w t pleasāt voyce and eke the yles wich ioyful mirth may triūph and reioyce verse 2 Both cloudes darknes eke do swel round about him beat yea right and iustice euer dwel and bide about hys seat verse 3 Yea fyre and heat at once doth run and go before his face Which shal his foes and enmies burne abrode in euery place verse 4 His lightnes eke ful bright did blase and to the world appeare wherat the earth did looke and gase with dread and deadly feare verse 5 The hils like waxe did melt in sight and presence of the Lord they fled before that rulers might which gideth al the world verse 6 The heauens eke declare and shew his iustice forth abrode That al the world may see and know the glory of our God verse 7 Confusion sure shal come to such as worship Idoles vayne and eke to those that glory much dome pictures to maintayne verse 8 For al the Idols of the world which they as gods did cal Shal fele the power of the Lord and down to him shal fal verse 9 With ioy shal Sion heare this thing and Iuda shal reioyce For at thy iudgements they shal sing and make a pleasant noyce verse 10 That thou O Lord art set on hye in al the earth abrode And art exalted wondrously aboue ech other God verse 11 Al ye that loue the Lord do this hate al thyng that is il For he doth kepe the soules of his from such as would them spil verse 12 And lyght doth spring vp to the iust with pleasure for his part Great ioy w t gladnes mirth and lust to them of vpright hart verse 13 Ye righteous in the Lord reioyce his holines proclayme Be thankful eke with hart and voyce and mindful of the same Cantate domino Psalme .xcviii. I. H. An earnest exhortation to al creatures to prayse the Lord for his power mercy tidelity in the promise by Christ by whom he hath communicated his saluation to al nations Syng this as the .95 Psalme verse 1 O Sing ye now vnto the Lord a new and pleasaunt song for he hath wrought throughout y ● world his wōders great strōg w t his right hād ful worthely he doth his foes deuour And get himself the victory with his own arme and power verse 2 The lord doth make the people know his sauing helth and myght The Lord
high they then vp ascend If thou do but speake thy word they fulfil So like wise the valleis most quickly discend where thou thē apointest remain they do stil verse 9 Their bonds hast y u set how far they shal run So as in their rage not that passe they can For God hath appointed they shal not returne the earth to destroy more which made was for man The second part verse 10 He sendeth the springs to strong streames and lakes which run do ful swift among the huge hils verse 11 Where both y e wild asses their thirst oft times slakes and beastes of the mountains therof drink their fils verse 12 By these pleasant springs or fountaynes ful fayre The foules of the ayre abide shal and dwel Who moued by nature to hoppe here and there among the grene braunches their songs shal excel verse 13 The mountaynes to moyst the cloudes he doth vse the earth with his workes are wholy repleate verse 14 So as the brute cattle he doth not refuse but grasse doth prouide them and herb for mās meat verse 15 Yea bread wyne and oyle he made for mans sake His face to refresh and hart to make strong verse 16 The Ceders of Liban this great Lord dyd make which trees he doth nourish that grow vp so long verse 17 In these may birds build and make there their nest In firre trees the storkes remayn and abide verse 18 The hie hils are succours for wild goates to rest And eke the rockes stony for conies to hyde verse 19 The moone then is set her seasons to runne The dayes frō the nyghtes therby to discerne And by the discendyng also of the Sunne The cold from heat alway therby we do learne verse 20 When darknes doth come by Gods wil and power Then crepe forth do al the beasts of the wood verse 21 The Lions range roaring theyr pray to deuour But yet it is thou Lord which giuest them foode verse 22 Assone as the sunne is vp they retyre To couch in their dennes then are they ful fayne verse 23 That mā do his workes may as right doth require Til night come and cal him to take rest agayne The third part verse 24 How sondry O Lord are al thy workes found with wisdome ful great they are in dede wrought So that the whole world of thy prayse doth sound and as for thy riches they passe al mens thought verse 25 So is the great sea which large is and broad Where things y ● crepe swarme beasts of ech sort verse 26 There both mighty ships saile and some lye at road The whale huge m●strous there also doth sport verse 27 Al things on thee wayt thou doost them relieue And thou in due time ful wel doost them fede verse 28 Now when it doth please thee the same so to geue They gather ful gladly those things which they nede Thou openest thine hand and they find such grace That they with good things are filled we see verse 29 But sore are they troubled if thou turne thy face For if thou their breath take vile dust thē they bee verse 30 Agayne when the spirit from thee doth procede al things to appoint and what shal insue Then are they created as thou hast decreed and doost by thy goodnes the dry earth renew verse 31 The prayse of the Lord for euer shal last Who may in his workes by right wel reioyce verse 32 His looke can the earth make to tremble ful fast and likewise the mountains to smoke at his voyce verse 33 To this Lord and God sing wil I alwayes So long as I lyue my God prayse wil I. verse 34 Thē am I most certaine my wordes shal him please I wil reioyce in him to hym wil I cry verse 35 The sinners O Lord consume in thine ire and eke the peruerse them roote out with shame But as for my soule now let it stil desire and say with the faithful prayse ye the Lords name Confitemini domino Psalme Cv. N. ¶ He prayseth the singular goodnes of God who hath of all the people of the world chosen a peculier people to hym selfe and hauyng chosen them neuer ●●aseth to do them good euen for his promise sake Syng this as the .95 Psalm verse 1 GEue prayses vnto God the Lord and cal vpon his name amōg y ● people eke declare his workes to spread his fame verse 2 Sing ye vnto the Lord I say and sing vnto him prayse And talke of al the wōdrous works y ● he hath wrought alwayes verse 3 In honor of his holy name reioyse with one accorde and let the hart also reioyse of them that seke the Lord. verse 4 Seke ye the Lord seke the strēgth of his eternal might and seke his face continually and presence of his sight verse 5 The wōdrous workes that he hath done kepe stil in mindful hart Ne let the iudgements of his mouth out of your mind depart verse 6 Ye that of faithful Abraham his seruaunt are the sede Ye his elect the children that of Iacob do procede verse 7 For he he onely is I say the mighty Lord our God and his most rightful iudgemēts are through al the earth abrod verse 8 His promise and his couenaunt which he hath made to his He hath remembred euermore to thousandes of degrees The second part verse 9 The couenaunt which he hath made with Abraham long ago and faythful oth which he hath sworne to Isaac also verse 10 And did confirme the same for law that Iacob should obey and for eternal couenaunt to Israel for ay verse 11 When thus he sayd loe I to you al Canaan land wil geue The lot of your inheritaunce wherin your sede shal liue verse 12 Although theyr number at that time did very smal appeare Yea very smal and in the land they then but straūgers were verse 13 Whyle yet they walkt from land to land without a sure abode and while fro sondry kingdomes they did wander al abrod verse 14 And wrong at none oppressors hand he suffred them to take But euen the great and mighty kings reproued for theyr sake verse 15 And thus he sayd touch ye not those that mine annoynted be Ne do the Prophetes any harme that do pertayne to me verse 16 He cald a dearth vpon the land of bread he stroyed the store But he agaynst their time of nede had sent a man before The third part verse 17 Euen Ioseph which had once ben sold in liue a slaue in wo verse 18 Whose feete they hurt in stocks whose soule the yron pearst also verse 19 Vntil the time came whē his cause was knowen apparantly The mighty word of God the Lord his faulties truth did try verse 20 The king sent and deliuered him from prison where he was The ruler of the people then did frely let him pas verse 21 And ouer al his house he made him Lord to beare the sway and of his substaunce made
controlyng Therfore he calleth vpon god to sende some remedy these desperate euils And at length comforteth him selfe with hope of delyueraunce Sing this as the third Psalme verse 1 WHat is the cause that thou O Lord art now so far from thine And kepest close thy coūtenaūce frō vs this troublous time verse 2 The poore doth perish by the proud and wicked mēs desire Let them be taken in the craft that they them selues conspire verse 3 For in the lust of his own hart the vngodly doth delyte So doth the wicked prayse him self and doth the Lord despite verse 4 He is so proud that right and wrong he setteth al apart Nay nay there is no God sayth he for thus he thinkes in heart verse 5 Because his wayes do prosper stil he doth thy lawes neglect And with a blast doth puffe against such as would him correct verse 6 Tush tush saith he I haue no dread least mine estate should chāge And why for al aduersity to him is very straunge verse 7 His mouth is ful of cursednes of fraud deceyte and guile Vnder his to ung doth mischief sit trauel al the while verse 8 He lieth hid in wayes and holes to slay the innocent Against the poore that passe him by his cruel eyes are bēt verse 9 And like a Lion priuily lieth lurkyng in his den If he may snare them in his net to spoile poore simple mē verse 10 And for the nonce ful craftly he croucheth down I say verse 11 So ar great heapes of pore mē made by his strōg power hys pray verse 12 Tush God forgetteth this sayth he therfore may I behold His countenaunce is cast aside he doth it not behold verse 13 Arise O Lord O God in whom the poore mans hope doth rest Lift vp thy hand forget not Lord the poore that be opprest verse 14 What blasphemy is this to thee Lord doost thou not abhorre it To heare the wicked in their harts say tush thou carest not for it verse 15 But thou seest al thys wyckednes and wel doost vnderstand verse 16 That frendles and poore fatherles are left into thy hand verse 17 Of wicked and malitious men then breake the power for euer That they with their iniquitie may perish altogether verse 18 The Lord shal raygne for euermore as kyng and God alone And he wil chase the Heathen folke out of his land eche one verse 19 Thou hearest O lord the poore mās plaint their praiers request Their harts thou wilt cōfirme vntil thine eares to heare be prest verse 20 To iudge the poore and fatherles and helpe them to their right That they may be no more opprest with men of worldly might In Domino confido Psalme .xi. T. S ¶ This Psalme conteyneth two partes In the first Dauid sheweth how hard assaults of tēptations he sustayned and in how great anguish of mynde he was when Saule dyd persecute him Then next he reioyseth that God sent him succor in his necessitie declaring hys iustice as wel in gouerning the good and the wicked men as the whole world Syng this as the third Psalme verse 1 I Trust in God how dare ye then say thus my soule vntil Flee hence as fast as any foule and hide you in your hil verse 2 Behold y e wicked bēd their bowes make their arrowes prest to shote in secret to hurt y e soūd harmles brest verse 3 Of worldly hope al stayes wer shrūke clerely brought to nought Alas the iust and rightuous man what euil hath he wrought verse 4 But he that in his temple is most holy and most hye And in the heauens hath his seat of royal maiestye The poore and simple mans estate considereth in his mynde And searcheth out ful narowly the maners of mankynde verse 5 And with a chereful countenance the righteous man wil vse But in his hart he doth abhorre al such as mischief muse verse 6 And on the sinners casteth snares as thicke as any rayne Fire brimstone whirlwindes thick apointed for their payne verse 7 Ye see then how a righteous God doth righteousnes embrace And to the iust and vpright men shewes forth his pleasant face Saluum me fac Deus Psalme .xii. T. S ¶ The prophet learning the miserable estate of the people and the decay of all good order desireth God spedely to send succor to his children Then cōforting himselfe and others with the assurance of gods helpe he commendeth the constant veritie that God obserueth in keping his promises concluding that when all orders are most corrupted then wyl God delyuer his Sing this as the third Psalme verse 1 HElpe Lord for good and godly men do perish and decay And faith truth frō worldly men is parted cleane away verse 2 Who so doth w t his neighbour talk his talk is al but vaine For euery man bethinketh how to flatter lye and faine verse 3 But flatteryng and deceitful lippes and tonges that be so stout to speak proud words make great brags y ● lord soone cut thē out verse 4 For they say stil we wil preuayle our tonges shal vs extol our tongs are ours we ought to speak what lord shal vs controll verse 5 But for the great complaint and cry of poore and men opprest Arise wil I now saith the lord and them restore to rest verse 6 Gods worde is lyke to siluer pure that from the earth is tride And hath no lesse then seuen tymes in fyre bene purifide verse 7 Now since thy promise is to helpe Lord keepe thy promise then And saue vs now and euermore from this il kind of men verse 8 For now the wicked world is full of mischiefes manifold When vanitie with mortal men so highly is extold Vsquequo domine Psalme xiii T. S ¶ Dauid as it were ouercommen with sundry and new afflictions flyeth to God as hys onely refuge and so at the length being encouraged through gods promises he conceiueth most sure confidence against the extreame horrors of death Sing this as the third psalme verse 1 HOw long wilt y u forget me Lord shal I neuer be remembred How lōg wilt y u thy visage hide as though y u were offēded verse 2 In hart mynde how long shal I with care tormented be How longe eke shal my deadly foe thus triumphe ouer me verse 3 Behold me now my Lord my God and heare me sore opprest Lighten mine eyes least that I sleepe as one by death possest verse 4 Least thus mine enemy say to me behold I do preuayle Least they also that hate my soule reioyce to see me quayle verse 5 But for thy mercies and goodnes my hope shal neuer start In thy reliefe and sauyng health right glad shal bee my hart verse 6 I wil geue thankes vnto the Lord and praises to him syng Because he hath heard my request and graunted my wishyng Dixit insipiens psalme .xiiii. T. S. ¶ He describeth the p●ruerse nature of
S. ¶ He prayeth to be deliuered from them which conspire with Absolon to the ende he mighte ioyfully prayse God in his holy congregation verse 1 IVdge and reuenge my cause O Lord from thē that euil be From wicked and deceitsul mē O Lord deliuer me verse 2 For of my strength y u art y e god why putst y u me thee fro And why walke I so heauily oppressed with my foe verse 3 Send out thy light and eke thy truth and lead me with thy grace Which may conduct me to thy hil and to thy dwelling place verse 4 Then shal I to the alter go of God my ioy and chere And on my harpe geue thanks to thee O god my god most dere verse 5 Why art thou then so sad my soule and fretst thus in my brest Stil trust in God for him to prayse I hold it alwayes best By him I haue deliuerance against al paines and griefe He is my God which doth alwayes at neede send me reliefe Deus auribus nostris psalme .xliiii. T. S. A most earnest prayer made in the name of the faythful when they are afflicted by their enemies for sustanig the quarel of gods word according to y e expositiō of S. Paule Rom .viii. OVr eares haue heard our fathers tel reue rently record the wondrous workes y e y u hast done in alder time O lord How y u didst cast y e gētils out stroidst thē w t strōg hād plātīg our fathers in their place gauest to thē their lād verse 3 They cōquerde not by sword nor strēgth the land of thy behest But by thy hand thy arme grace because y u louedst them best verse 4 Thou art my king O God that holpe Iacob in sundry wise verse 5 Led with thy power we threw down such as did against vs rise verse 6 I trusted not in bowe ne sword they could not saue me sound verse 7 Thou keepst vs frō our enmies rage thou didst our foes confoūd verse 8 And stil we boast of thee our God and prayse thy holy name verse 9 Yet now thou goest not with our host but leauest vs to shame verse 10 Thou madst vs flee before our foes and so were ouer trode Our enmies robd spoild our goods whē we were sparst abrode verse 11 Thou hast vs geuen to our foes as shepe for to be slayne Amongst the heathen euery where scattred we do remaine verse 12 The people thou hast sold like slaues and as a thing of nought For profite none thou hadst therby no gayn at al was sought verse 13 And to our neighbours thou hast made of vs a laughing stock And those that round about vs dwel at vs do grinne and mock The second part verse 14 Thus we serue for none other vse but for a common talke They mock they scorne nod their heds wher euer they go or walk verse 15 I am a shamed continually to heare these wicked men Yea so I blush that all my face with red is couered then verse 16 For why we heare such sclāderous words such false report lies That death it is to se theyr wrōges theyr threatnings their cries verse 17 For al this we forgot not thee nor yet thy couenant brake verse 18 We turne not back our harts frō thee nor yet thy pathes forsake verse 19 yet thou hast trod vs down to dust where dens of Dragons be And couered vs with shade of death and great aduersity verse 20 If we had our Gods name forgot helpe of Idols sought verse 21 wold not god thē haue tride this out for he doth know our thought verse 22 Nay nay for thy names sake O lord alwayes ar we slaine thus As shepe vnto the shambles sent right so they deale with vs. verse 23 Cp Lord why slepest thou awake and leaue vs not for al verse 24 Why hydest thou thy countenance and doost forget our thral verse 25 For down to dust our soule is brought we now at last cast Our belly like as it were glude vnto the ground cleaues fast verse 26 Rise vp therfore for our defence and helpe vs Lord at nede He thee besech for thy goodnes to rescue vs with spede Eructauit Psalme .xlv. I H. ¶ The maiesty of Salomon his honor strēgth beauty riches and power are praised and also his mariage with the Egyptian bayng an heathen woman is blessed if that she can renounce her people and the loue of her country and geue her selfe wholy to her husbande Vnder the whiche figure the wonderfull maiesty and the encrease of the kyngdome of Christ and the Churche his spouse now taken of the gentiles is described Sing this as the. xxv psal verse 1 MY hart doth take in hand some godly song to sing The praise that I shal shew therin perteineth to the king verse 2 My tongue shal be as quick his honor to endyte As is the pen of any Scribe that vseth fast to wryte verse 3 O fayrest of all men thy speach is pleasant pure For God hath blessed thee with gifts for euer to endure verse 4 About thee gird thy sword O prince of might elect With honour glory and renoume thy person pure is dect verse 5 Go forth with godly spede in mekenes truth and right And thy right hād shal thee instruct in workes of dreadful might verse 6 Thine arrowes sharpe and kene theyr hartes so sore shal sting That folke shal fal and knele to thee yea al thy foes O king verse 7 Thy royal seat O Lord for euer shal remayne Because the scepter of thy realme doth righteousnes mayntaine verse 8 Because thou louest the right and doost the il detest God euen thy God hath pointed thee with ioy aboue the rest verse 9 With myrth and sauours swete thy clothes are al besprede When thou doost from thy palace passe therin to make thee glad verse 10 Kinges daughters do attend in fine and rich aray At thy right hand the quene doth stand in gold garments gay The second part verse 11 O daughter take good hede encline and geue good eare Thou must forget thy kindred al and fathers house most deare verse 12 Then shal the king desire thy beauty fayre and trim For why he is the Lord thy God and thou must worship him verse 13 The daughters then of Tyre with gifts ful rich to see And al the welthy of the land shal make their sute to thee verse 14 The daughter of the kyng is glorious to behold Within his closet she doth sit al dect in beaten gold verse 15 In robes wel wrought with needle with many a pleasant thing With virgins fayre on her to waight she cōmeth to the kyng verse 16 Thus are they brought with ioy and mirth on euery side Into the palace of the king and there do they abide verse 17 In stede of parents left O quene the chaunge so standes Thou shalt haue sōnes whō thou maist set
him haue the rule and al the stay verse 22 That he might to his wil instruct the princes of his land and wisdomes lore his auncient men might teach to vnderstand verse 23 Then into the Egiptian land came Israel also and Iacob in the land of Ham did liue a straunger tho verse 24 His people he excedingly in number made to flow and ouer al theyr enemies in strength he made them grow verse 25 Whose hart he turnd that they with hate his people did entreate and did his seruaunts wrongfully abuse with false deceit The fourth part verse 26 His faythful seruaunt Moses then and Aaron whom he chose He did commaund to go to them his message to disclose verse 27 The wondrous message of his signes among them they did shew and wonders in the land of Ham then did they worke also verse 28 Darknes he sent and made it darke in stede of brighter day and vnto hys commission they did not disobey verse 29 He turnd theyr waters into bloud he did theyr fishes slay verse 30 Their lād brought frogs euē in y e place where their kīg Pharao lay verse 31 He spake at his voice there came great swarmes of noysom flies and al the quarters of theyr land were fild with crauling life verse 32 He gaue them cold and stony hayle in stede of milder rayn and firy flames within theyr land he sent vnto theyr payne verse 33 He smote theyr vines al theyr trees wheron the figs did grow and al the trees within their coastes down did he ouerthrow verse 34 He spake then caterpillers did and greshoppers abound verse 35 Which ate the gras in al theyr ground and frute of al theyr land The fifte part verse 36 The first begotten in theyr land eke deadly did he smite yea the begynning and first frute of al theyr strength and might verse 37 With gold and siluer he them brought from Egipt land to pas and in the number of their tribes no feble one there was verse 38 Egipt was glad and ioyful then when they did thence depart For terrour and the feare of them was fallen vpon their hart verse 39 To shroud them from the parching heat a cloud he did display and fire he sent to geue them light when night had hid the day verse 40 They asked and he caused quayles to rayne at theyr request and fully with the bread of heauen theyr hunger he represt verse 41 He opened then the stony rock and waters gushed out and in the dry and parched groundes like riuers ranne about verse 42 For of his holy couenaunt ay mindful was he tho Which to hys seruaunt Abraham he plighted long ago verse 43 He brought his people forth with mirth and his elect with ioy Out of the cruel land where they had liued in great anoy verse 44 And of the Heathen men he gaue to them the frutful lands The labors of the people eke they tooke into theyr hands verse 45 That they his holy statutes might obserue for euermore and faithfully obey his lawes prayse ye the Lord therfore Confitemini domino Psalme .cvi. N. ¶ The people dispersed vnder Antiochus do magnifie the goodnes of God among the iust and repentaunt Desiring to be brought agayne into the lande by Gods mercyfull visitation And after the manifolde meruayles of God wrought in their deliueraunc● forth of Egipt the great ingratitude of the people rehearsed they do pray and desire to be gathered from among the Heathen to the entent they may prayse the name of the God of Israel Sing this as the .95 Psalm verse 1 PRayse ye the Lord for he is good his mercy dures for ay verse 2 Who can expresse his noble actes or al his prayse display verse 3 They blessed are that iudgement kepe and iustly do alway verse 4 With fauour of thy people Lord remember me I pray And with thy sauing health O Lord vouchsafe to visite me verse 5 That I the great felicitie of thine elect may se And with thy peoples ioy I may a ioyful mind posses and may with thine inheritaunce a glorying hart expres verse 6 Both we and eke our fathers al haue sinned euery one We haue committed wickednes and l●udly we haue done verse 7 The wonders great which thou O Lord hast done in Egipt land Our fathers though they saw them al yet did not vnderstand Nor they thy mercyes multitude did kep● in thankful mind But at the sea yea the red sea rebelled most vnkind verse 8 Neuertheles he saued them for honor of his name That he might make his power knowne spred abrod w t fame verse 9 The red sea he did then rebuke and forth with it was dryed and as in wildernes so through the depe he did them guide verse 10 He saued them from the cruel hand of their despitful ●o and from the enmies hand he did deliuer them also The seconde part verse 11 The waters theyr oppressors whelmd not one was left alyue verse 12 Thē they beleued his wordes prayse in song they did him gyue verse 13 But by and by vnthankfully his workes they cleane for gat and for his counsel and his wil they did neglect to wayt verse 14 But lusted in the wildernes with fond and gredy lust and in the desert tempted God the stay of al theyr trust verse 15 And then their wanton mindes desire he suffred them to haue But wasting leannes therewithal into theyr soule he gaue verse 16 Then when they lodged in the tents at Moses they did grutch Aaron the holy of the Lord so did they enuie much verse 17 Therfore the earth did open wyde and Dathan did deuoure and al Abirams company did couer in that houre verse 18 In their assembly kindled was the whote consuming fyre and wasting flame did thē burne vp the wicked in his ire verse 19 Vpon the hil of Horeb they an idole calfe did frame and there the molten image they did worship of the same Into the likenes of a calfe that fedeth on the grasse verse 20 Thus they their glory turnd and al their honor did deface verse 21 And God theyr onely sauiour vnkindly they forgot Which many great mighty things in Egipt lād had wrought The third part verse 22 And in the land of Ham for thē most wondrous workes had done and by the red sea dreadful thyngs performed long agone verse 23 Therfore for their so shewing them forgetful and vnkind To bryng destruction on them al he purposd in his mynd Had not his chosen Moses stood before them in the breake To turne his wrath least he on thē w t slaughter should him wreke verse 24 They did despise the pleasaunt land that he beheight to geue yea and the workes that he had spoke they did no whit beleue verse 25 But in their tents with grudging hart they wickedly repynde Nor to the voyce of God the Lord they gaue a harkning mind verse 26 Therfore agaynst them lifted he
hath framd of nought verse 7 He lifts vp clouds euen from the earth he makes lightnings rain he bringeth forth the winds also he made nothyng in vayne verse 8 He smote the first borne of ech thing in Egipt that tooke rest he spared there no lyuyng thyng the man nor yet the beast verse 9 He hath in thee shewd wonders great O Egipt voyde of vauntes On Pharao thy cursed kyng and hys seuere seruauntes verse 10 He smote then many nations and did great acts and thynges He slew the great and mightiest and chiefest of their kings verse 11 Sion kyng of the Ammorites and Og kyng of Basan He slew also the kyngdomes all that were of Canaan verse 12 And gaue their land to Israel an heritage we see To Israell hys owne people an heritage to bee verse 13 Thy name O Lord shal stil endure and thy memorial Throughout al generations that are or euer shal verse 14 The Lord wil surely now auenge hys people al in deede and to hys seruauntes he wyll shew fauour in tyme of neede verse 15 The Idols of the heathen are made in al their cost and landes Of syluer and of gold be they the worke euen of mens handes verse 16 They haue their mouths cānot speake eies that haue no sight verse 17 They haue eke eares y t heare nothing their mouthes be breathles quite verse 18 Wherfore al thei are like to thē that so doth set thē forth and likewise those that trust in them or think they be ought worth verse 19 O all ye house of Israel see that ye praise the Lord and ye that be of Aarons house prayse hym wyth one accord verse 20 And ye that be of Leuis house praise ye likewyse the Lord and al that stand in awe of hym praise him with one accord verse 21 And out of Syon sound his prayse the great prayse of the Lord Which dwelleth in Ierusalem prayse hym with one accord Confitemini psalm .cxxxvi. N A most earnest exhortation to geue thanks vnto God for the creation and gouernance of all things which standeth in in confessing that he geueth vs al of his mere liberalitie PRaise ye the Lord for he is good for his mercy endureth for euer geue prayse vnto the god of gods for his mercy endureth for euer Geue prayse vnto the lord of Lordes for his mercy endureth for euer which only doth great wōders work for his mercy endureth for euer verse 5 Which by his wisdom made y ● heauēs for his mercy endureth c. verse 6 Which on the waters stretcht the earth for his mercy endureth c. verse 7 Which made great light to shine abrode for his mercy endureth c. verse 8 As sunne of rule the lightsome day for his mercy endureth for euer verse 9 The moone and stars to guide the night for his mercy endureth c. verse 10 Which smote Egipt with their first borne for his mercy endu c verse 11 And Israel brought out from thē for hys mercy endureth for euer verse 12 With mighty hand stretched arme for his mercy endureth c. verse 13 Which cut the red sea in two parts for his mercy endureth for euer verse 14 And Israel made pas there through for his mercy endureth c. verse 15 And dround Pharao and his host for his mercy endureth for euer verse 16 Through wildernes his people led for hys mercy endureth c. verse 17 He which did smite great noble kings for hys mercy endu c. verse 18 And which hath slayne the mighty kings for his mercy endu c. verse 19 As Sion king of the Amorites for his mercy endureth for euer verse 20 And Og the king of Basan land for his mercy endureth for euer verse 21 And gaue their land for heritage for his mercy endureth for euer verse 22 Euen to his seruant Israel for his mercy endureth for euer verse 23 Remembred vs in base estate for his mercy endureth for euer verse 24 And from oppressors rescued vs for his mercy endureth for euer verse 25 Which geueth foode vnto al flesh for his mercy endureth for euer verse 26 Praise ye the God of heauē aboue for his mercy endureth for euer verse 27 Geue thanks vnto the Lord of Lords for his mercy endureth c. Super flumina in Babilonis psalm .cxxxvii. VV. VV. ¶ The people of god in their banishment seyng gods true religion decay lyued in great anguish and sorrow of hart the which grief the Caldeans did so litle pitye that they rather increased the same daily with taunts reproches and blasphemies against god wherfore y e Israelites desire god to punish the Edomites who prouoked the Babilonians against thē and moued by the spirit of god prophecy the destruction of Babilō where they wer handled so ●●rannously WHen as we sate in Babilon the riuers round about and in remembraunce of Sion the teares for grief brast out We hāgd our harps instruments the willow trees vpō for in that place men for their vse had planted many one verse 3 Then they to whom we prisoners were said to vs tauntingly Now let vs heare your Ebrue songs and pleasant melody verse 4 Alas said we who can once frame his sorrowful hart to syng The prayses of our louing God thus vnder a straunge king verse 5 But yet if I Ierusalem out of my hart let slyde Then let my fingers quite forget the warblyng harpe to guyde verse 6 And let my tong within my mouth be tyde for euer fast If that I ioy before I see thy ful deliuerance past verse 7 Therfore O Lord remember now the cursed noyse and cry That Edoms sonnes against vs made whē they razde our City Remember Lord their cruel words when as wyth one accord they cride on sack and raze their wals in despite of their Lord. verse 8 Euen so shalt thou O Babilon at length to dust be brought and happy shal that man be cald that our reuēge hath wrought verse 9 Yea blessed shal that man be cald that takes thy children yong to dash their bones against hard stones which lie y e streetes amōg Confitebor tibi psalme Cxxxviii N Dauid with great courage prayseth the goodnes of god toward hym which is so great that it is known to forren princes who shal prayse the Lord together wyth hym And he is assared to haue like comfort of god in the tyme following as he hath had heretofore Syng this as the .47 Psalme verse 1 THee wil I prayse w t my whole hart my lord my God alwaies Euen in the presēce of the Gods I wil aduance thy prayse verse 2 Toward thy holy temple I wil looke and worship thee and praysed in my thankful mouth thy holy name shal bee Euen for thy louyng kyndnes sake and for thy truth withal For thou thy name hast by thy word aduaunced ouer al. verse 3 When I did cal thou heardest me and thou hast made also The
as princes in al lādes verse 18 Wherfore thy holy name al ages shal record The people shal geue thankes to thee for euermore O Lord. Deus noster refugium Psalme .xlvi. I. Hop ¶ A songe of thankes geuyng for the deliueraunce of Ierusalem after Senacherib with hys army was driuen awaye or some other lyke sodayne and maruelous deliueraunce by the myghly hand of God Wherby the Prophet commendyng this great benefite doth exhort the faithfull to geue them selues wholy into the hand of God doubtyng nothing but that vnder his protection they shal be safe agaynst all the assaultes of their enemies THe Lord is our defence and ayde the strength wherby we stand when we with wo are much dismayd he is our helpe at hande Though th earth remoue we wil not feare though hilles so high and stepe be thrust and hurled here and there within the sea so depe verse 3 No though the waues do rage so sore that al the bankes it spils And though it ouer flow the shore beat down mighty hils verse 4 For one fayre floud doth send abrod his pleasaunt streames a pace To fresh the citie of our God and wash his holy place verse 5 In midst of her the Lord doth dwel she can no whit decay Al things agaynst her that rebel the Lord wil truly stay verse 6 The Heathē folcke the kingdomes feare the people make a noyse The earth doth melt not appeare whē god puts forth his voyce verse 7 The Lord of hostes doth take our part to vs he hath an eye Our hope of health with al our hart on Iacobs God doth lye verse 8 Come here se with mind and thought the working of our God What wōders he himself hath wrought throughout the earth abrod verse 9 By him al warres are husht and gone which coūtryes did cōspire Theyr bowes he brake speares eche one theyr Charets brēt w t fire verse 10 Leaue of therfore saith he know I am a God most stout Among the Heathen high low and al the earth throughout verse 11 The Lord of hostes doth vs defend he is our strength and tower On Iacobs God do we depend and on his mighty power Omnes gentes Psalme .xlvii. I H. ¶ The Prophete exhorteth all people to the worshyp of y e true and euer liuing Got commendyng the mercyes of God toward the posteritie of Iacob and after prophecieth of the kingdome of Christ in this tyme of the Gospell Syng this as the .xlv. Psalme verse 1 YE people all in one accord clap handes and eke reioyce Be glad sing vnto the Lord w t swete pleasaūt voyce verse 2 For high the Lord dredful is with wonders manifold A mighty king he is truly in al the earth extold verse 3 The people shal he make to be vnto our bondage thral And vnderneath our feete he shal the nacions make to fal verse 4 For vs the heritage he chose which we posses alone The flouryng worship of Iacob his welbeloued one verse 5 Our God ascended vp on hy with ioy and pleasaunt noyce The Lord goeth vp aboue the sky with trompets royal voyce verse 6 Sing prayses to our God sing prayse sing prayses to our king For God is king of al the earth al skilful prayses sing verse 7 God on the heathen raygnes sits vpon his holy throne The princes of the people haue them ioyned euery one verse 8 To Abrahams people for our God which is exalted hye Vs with a buckler doth defend the earth continually Magnus dominus Psalme .xlviii. ¶ A notable deliueraunce of Hierusalem from the handes of many kinges is mentioned for the whiche thankes are geuen to God and the estate of that Citie is praysed that hath god so presently al all times ready to defend them this Psalme semeth to be made in the tyme of Achaz Iosaphat Asa or Ezechia for in their tymes chiefly was the Citie by forayne Princes assaulted Sing this as the. xlvi Psalme verse 1 GReat is the Lord with great prayse to be aduaunced stil Within the citie of our Lord vpon his holy hil verse 2 Mount Sion is a pleasaunt place it gladdeth al the land The Citie of the mighty kyng on her northside doth stand verse 3 Within the Pallaces therof God is a refuge knowen For loe the kings were gathered and together eke were gone verse 4 But when they did behold it so they wondred and they were Astonied much and sodenly were driuen backe with feare verse 5 Great terrour there on them did fal for euery wo they cry As doth a woman when she shal go trauaile by and by verse 6 As thou with esterne winde the ships vpon the sea doost breake So they were stayd and euen as we heard our fathers speake verse 7 So in the citie of the Lord we saw as it was told Yea in the citie which our Lord for euer wil vphold verse 8 O Lord we wayt and do attend on thy good helpe and grace For which we do al times attend within thy holy place verse 9 O Lord according to thy name for euer is thy prayse And thy right hand O Lord is ful of rightuousnes alwayes Let for thy iudgements Sion mount fulfilled be with ioyes And eke of Iuda graunt O Lord the daughter to reioyce verse 10 Go walke about al Syon hil yea round about her go And tel the towres that therupon are builded in a row verse 11 And marke ye wel her bulwarks al behold her towers there That ye may tel therof to them that after shal be here verse 12 For this God is our God our God for euermore is he Yea and vnto the death also our guider shal he be Audite haec omnes Psalme .xlix. T. S. ¶ The holy ghost calleth all men to the consideration of mans lyfe shewing them not to be most happy that are most wealthy and therfore not to be feared but contrarywise he lyfteth vp our mindes to consider how all things are ruled by Gods prouidence who as he iudgeth these worldlye misers to euerlastyng tormentes so doth he preserue his and will rewarde them in the day of the resurrection 1. Thes 1. Sing this as the .xiv. psal verse 1 AL people herken and geue eare to that that I shal tel Both high low both rich poore y e in y e world do dwel verse 2 For why my mouth shall make discourse of many thynges rightwise In vnderstāding shal my heart his study excercise verse 3 I wil incline mine eare to know the parables so dark And open al my doubtful speech in metre on my harp verse 4 Why should I feare afflictions or any careful toyle Or els my foes which at my heeles are prest my life to spoyle verse 5 For as for such as riches haue wherin theyr trust is most And they which of their treasures great thē selues do brag boast verse 6 There is not one of them that can his brothers