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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13988 The whole booke of Psalmes collected into Englysh metre by T. Starnhold, I. Hopkins, & others, conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to synge the[m] with al ; faithfully perused and alowed according to thordre appointed in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions ; very mete to be vsed of all sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and ballades, which tende only to the norishing of vyce, and corrupting of youth.; Whole book of psalms. 1562 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1562 (1562) STC 2430; ESTC S1798 175,161 470

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thou art my fence and fort verse 4 Saue me my God from wicked men and from theyr strength and powre From folke vniuste and eke from them that cruelly deuoure verse 5 Thou art the stay wherin I trust thou Lorde of hosts art he Yea from my youth I had a lust still to depend on thee verse 6 Thou hast me kept euen from my birth and I through thee was borne wherfore I will thee prayse with mirth bothe euening and morne verse 7 As to a monster seldome seen muche folke about me thronge But thou art now and still hast bene my fence and ayde so stronge verse 8 Wherfore my mouth no time shall lacke thy glory and thy prayse And eke my tong shall not be slack to honor thee alwayse verse 9 Refuse not me O Lorde I say when age my limmes doth take And when my strength doth wast away doo not my soule forsake verse 10 Amonge themselues my foes enquire to take me through deceyt And they agaynst me doo conspire that for my soule layd wayt The second parte verse 11 Lay hand and take hym now they sayd for God from him is gone Dispatch him quyte for to hys ayde iwis there commeth none verse 12 Doo not absent thy self away O Lorde when nede shalbe But that in time of grief thou may in hast geue helpe to me verse 13 With shame confound and ouerthrowe all those that seke my lyfe Oppres them with rebukes also that fayne would worke me stryfe verse 14 But I wilpatienly abide thy helpe in all assayes Still more and more ec he time and tide I will set forth thy prayse verse 15 My mouth thy iustice shall recorde that dayly helpe doth sende But of thy benefyts O Lorde I knowe no compt nor ende verse 16 Yet will I goo and seke forth one with thy Good helpe O God The sauing health of thee alone to shew and set abrode verse 17 For of my youth thou tokest the care and dost instruct me styll Therfore thy wonders to declare I haue great minde and will verse 18 And as in youth from wanton rage thou didst me kepe and stay Forsake me not vnto mine age and tyll my head be gray verse 19 That I thy strength might may show to them that now be here And that our sede thy power may know hereafter many a yere verse 20 O Lord thy iustice doth excede thy doinges all may see Thy workes are wonderfull in dede oh who is lyke to thee verse 21 Thou madest me fele afflictions sore and yet thou didst me saue yea thou didst helpe and me restore and take me from the graue verse 23 23 And thou mine honor dost encrease my dignitie maintayne yea thou dost make all grief to cease and comfort me agayne verse 24 Therfore thy faithfulnes to prayse I will bothe lute and sing My harp shall sound thy laude alwayes O Israels holy king verse 25 My mouth will ioy with pleasant voyce when I shall sing to thee And eke my soule will muche reioyce for thou hast made me free verse 26 My tonge thy vprightnes shall sounde and speake it dayly still For grief and shame do them confounde that sought to worck me ill Deus iudicium tuum Psal. lxxi I. H. He prayeth that the kingdom of God by Christ may come vnder the parson of Salomen vnder whom shall be rightuousnes peace felicitie vnto whom all kinges and all nations shall doo homage whose name and power shall in dure for euer LOrd geue thy iudgmēts to the kyng therin instruct him well And with his sonne that Princely thyng Lorde let thy iustyce dwell That he may gouerne vp ryghtly And rule thy folke a ryghte and so defende throughe equitie the poore that haue no myght verse 3 And let the mountains that are hye vnto their folke geue peace And eke let litle hils applye in iustice to encrease verse 4 That he may help the weake and pore with ayde and make them stronge And eke destroy for euermore all those that doo them wrong verse 5 And then from age to age shall they regarde and feare thy might So long as Sunne doth shine by daye or els the moone by night verse 6 Lorde make the king vnto the iust like rayne to fields new mowen And like to droppes that lay the dust and fresh the land vnsowen verse 7 The iust shall florish in his time and all shalbe at peace Untill the mone shall leaue to prime wast chaunge and to encrease verse 8 He shalbe Lorde of sea and sand from shore to shore throughout And from the flouds within the land through all the earth about verse 9 The people that in desert dwell shall knele to him full thick And all hys enemies that rebell the earth and dust shall lyck verse 10 Their Lordes of all the yles therby great giftes to him shall bryng The kings of Sabe and Arabie geue many a costly thyng The second parte verse 11 All kinges shall seke with one accord in his good grace to stand And all the people of the world shall serue him at his hande verse 12 For he the neady sort doth saue that vnto him doo call And eke the simple folke that haue no helpe of man at all verse 13 He taketh pitie on the poore that are with nede opprest He doth preserue them euermore and bring their soules to rest verse 14 He shall redeme theyr lyfe from dread from fraud fom wrong from might And eke the bloud that they shall blead is precious in his sight verse 15 But he shall lyue and they shall bryng to him of Sabaes golde He shalbe honored as a kyng and dayly be extold verse 16 The mightie mountaines of his land of corne shall beare such throng That it lyke Cedre trees shal stand in Libanus full long verse 17 Their cities eke full well shall spede the frutes therof shall pas In plenty it shall far excede and spring as grene as grasse verse 18 For euer they shall prayse his name while that the sunne is lyght And think them happy through the same all folke shall bles his myght verse 19 Praise ye the Lord of hostes and sing to Israels God eche one For he doth euery wondrous thing yea he him self alone verse 20 And blessed be his holy name all times eternally That all the earth may prayse the same Amen Amen say I. Quam bonus deus Psal. lxxiii T. S. The prophet teacheth by his example that neyther the worldly prosperitie of the vngodlye nor yet the affliction of the good ought to discourage Gods children but rather ought to moue vs to consider oure fathers prouidence and to cause vs to reuerence Gods iudgementes for asmuche as the wicked vanysh away like smoke and the vngodly enter into lyfe euerlastyng in hope wherof he resigneth himselfe into Gods handes HOw euer it be yet God is good Sing this as the. xliiii psalme and kynde to Israell And to all suche as safely kepe theyr conscience
enquire For thine elect to lye in wayte theyr councell doth conspire verse 4 4 Come on sayd they let vs expell and plucke these folke awaye So that the name of Israell may vtterly decay verse 5 They all conspire within theyr hart how they may thee withstand Agaynst the Lorde to take a parte they are in league and bande verse 6 The tentes of all the Edomites the Ismalites also The Hagarenes and Moabites with diuers other more verse 7 Geball with Ammon and likewise dothe Amalece conspire The Phillistines against thee ryse with them that dwell at Cyre verse 8 And Assur eke is well apaide with them in league to be And doeth become afence and ayde to Lots posteritie verse 9 As thou diddest to the Madianites so serue them Lorde echeone As to Cicer and to Iabin beside the broke kison verse 10 Whom thou in Endor diddest descry and wast them through thy might That they like doung on earth did lye and not in open sighte verse 11 Make them now theyr Lords appere like Zeb and Oreb then As Zebah and Zalmana we are the kynges of Madian verse 12 Whiche said let vs throughout the land in all the costes abrode Posses and take into our hand the fayer houses of God verse 13 Tourn them O God with storms as fast as wheeles that haue no staye Or lyke as chaffe whiche men doo cast with windes to flee awaye verse 14 Lyke as the fire with rage and fume the mightye forest spilles And as the flame doth quyte consume the mountaynes and the hilles verse 15 So let the tempest of thy wrath vpon theyr neckes be layde And of thy stormy wynde and shower Lorde make them all afrayed verse 16 Lorde brynge them all I thee desire to suche rebuke and shame That it may cause them to enquire and learne to seke thy name verse 17 And let them euermore dayly to shame and sclaunder fall And in rebuke and oblique to perish eke with all verse 18 That they may know fele full well that thou art called Lord And that alone thou doest excell and raygne throughout the worlde Quam dilecta tabernacula Psal. lxxxiiii I. H. Dauid driuen forth of his countrey desireth most ardently to come a gayne to the Tabernacle of the Lord and the assembly of the saincts to prayse God pronouncing them blessed that may so doo Then he prayseth the courage of the people that passe thorow the wildernes to assemble them selues in Sion Finally with prayse of this matter confidence of Gods goodnes he endeth the Psalme HOwe pleasaunt is the dwelling place Sing this as the. lxvii psalme O Lorde of hostes to mee The Tabernacles of thy grace how pleasaunte Lorde they bee verse 2 My soule doth longe full sore to go into thy courtes abrode My hart doth lust my flesh also in thee the liuing God verse 3 The sparrowes finde a rome to rest and saue them selues from wrong And eke the swalow hath a neste wherin to kepe her yong verse 4 These birdes full nigh thine aulter maye haue place to sitte and synge O Lorde of hostes thou art I say my God and eke my kynge verse 5 Oh they be blessed that may dwell within thy house alwayse For they all tymes thy factes doo tell and euer geue thee prayse verse 6 yea happy sure lykewise arthey whose staye and strength thou art Which to thy house doo minde the way and seke it in theyr hart verse 7 As they go through the vale of teares they digge vp fountaynes still That as a spring it all appeeres and thou theyr pittes doest fill verse 8 From strength to strength they walke full fast no fayntnes there shalbe And so the God of Gods at laste in Sion they doo see verse 9 O Lorde of hostes to me geue heede and heare when I doo praye And let it through thine eares procede O Iacobes God I saye verse 10 O Lorde our shilde of thy good grace regarde and so draw nere Regarde I say beholde the face of thyne anoynted deere verse 11 For why within thy courtes one daye is better to abyde Then other where to keepe or staye a thousand dayes beside verse 12 Muche rather would I kepe a dore within the house of God Then in the tents of wickednes to settle mine abode verse 13 For God the Lorde light and defence will grace and worship geue And no good thing shall he witholde from them that purely lyue verse 14 O Lorde of hostes that man is blest and happy sure is he That is perswaded in his brest to trust all times in thee Benedixisti domine Psalme lxxxv I. H Because God with drewe not his roddes from his churche after the retorne from Babilon first they put him in mind of theyr delyueraūce to the entent that he should not leue the worcke of his grace vnperfite next they complaine of theyr long affliction And thirdlye the reioyce in hope of felicytie promised for their deliueraunce was a figure of Christes kingdome vnder which should be perfit felycitie THou hast ben mercyfull in dede Sing this as the. lxxxi Ps. O Lorde vnto thy land For thou restoredst Iacobs sede from thraldom oute of bande verse 2 The wicked wayes that they were in thou didst them cleane remitte And thou didst hide thy peoples sinne full close thou coueredst it verse 3 Thine anger eke thou didst asswage that all thy wrath was gon And so didst tourne the from thy rage with them to be at one verse 4 O God our health doo now conuert thy people vnto thee Put all thy wrath from vs aparte and anger cese to be verse 5 Why shall thyne anger neuer ende but still procede on vs And shall thy wrath it selfe extend vpon all ages thus verse 6 Wilt thou not rather tourne therfore and quicken vs that we And all thy folke may euermore be glad and ioy in thee verse 7 O Lorde on vs doo thou declare thy goodnes to our welth Shew forth to vs and doo not spare thine ayde and sauing health verse 8 I will hark what God saith for he speaketh to his people peace And to his sainctes that neuer they returne to folishnes verse 9 For why his health is still at hand to suche as him doo feare Wherby great glory in our lande shall dwell and florish there verse 10 For truth and mercy there shall mete in one to take their place And peace also iustice greete with kis and there they shall imbrace verse 11 As truth from earth shall spring a pace and florish pleasauntly So righteousnes shall shew her face and loke from heauen hye verse 12 Yea-God him selfe shall take in hand to geue vs eche good thinge And through the costes of all our land the earth her frutes shall bringe verse 13 Before his face shall iustice goe muche lyke a guide or stay He shall direct his steppes also and kepe them in the way Inclina domine aurem Psalm lxxxvi I. H. Dauid sore afflicted and forsaken
exhortaciō to prayse god for the gouernment of the world and the election of his church An admonishion not to folow the rebellion of the olde fathers that tempted God in the wildernes For the which they might not enter into the land of promise O Come let vs lyfte vp oure voyce and synge vnto the Lorde in him our rock of health reioyce let vs with one accorde yea let vs come before his face to geue him thanks and prayse in singing Psalmes vnto his grace let vs be glad all wayes verse 3 For why the Lorde he is no doubte a greate and myghty God A kynge aboue all Gods throughout in all the worlde abrode verse 4 4 The secretes of the yearth so depe and corners of the land The toppes of hilles that are so stepe he hath them in his hand verse 5 The sea and waters all are his for he the same hath wrought The earth and all that therin is his hande hath made of nought verse 6 Come let vs bow and prayse the Lorde before him let vs fall And knele to him with one acorde the whiche hathe made vs all verse 7 For why he is the Lorde our God for vs he doth prouide We are his folke he doth vs fede his shepe and he our guide verse 8 Today if ye his voice will heare then harden not your hart As ye with grudging many a yeare prouoked me in deserte verse 9 Wher as your fathers tempted me my power for to proue My wondrous works whē they did see yet still they woulde me moue verse 10 Twise twenty yeare they did me greue and I to them did saye They erre in heart and not beleue they haue not knowne my waye verse 11 Wherfore I sware when that my wrath was kindled in my brest That they should neuer treade the pathe to enter to my rest Cantate domino Psalme lxxxxvi I. H An exhortacyon bothe to the Iewes and gentiles to prayse God for hys mercye And this specyallye ought to be referred to the kingdom of Chryste Syng ye with prayse vnto the Lorde Sing this as the. lxxvii psalme New songs of ioy and mirthe Sing vnto him with one accorde all people on the yearthe verse 2 yea sing vnto the Lorde I saye prayse ye his holy name Declare and shew from day to daye saluation by the same verse 3 Amonge the Heathen eke declare hys honor round about To shew his wonders doo not spare in all the worlde throughout verse 4 For why the Lord is much of might and worthy prayse alway And he is to be dred of ryght aboue all Gods I saye verse 5 For all the Gods of Heathen folke are idoles that will fade But yet our God he is the Lord that hath the heauens made verse 6 All prayse and honor eke doo dwell for aye before his face Both power and might likewise excell within his holly place verse 7 Ascribe vnto the Lorde alway ye people of the worlde All might and worship eke I say ascribe vnto the Lorde verse 8 Ascribe vnto the Lorde also the glory of his name And eke into his courtes doo goe with giftes vnto the same verse 9 Fall down and worship ye the lorde with in his temple bright Let all the people of the worlde be fearefull at his sight verse 10 Tell all the world be not agaste the Lorde doth raigne aboue Yea he hath set the yerth so fast that it did neuer moue verse 11 And that it is the Lorde alone that ruleth with princely might To iudge the nations euery one with equity and right verse 12 The heauens shall great ioy begin the earth shall eke reioyce The sea with all that is theirin shall shoute and make a noice verse 13 The field shall ioye and euery thing that spryngeth of the earth The wod and euery tree shall sing with gladnes and with mirth verse 14 Before the presence of the Lorde and comming of his might when he shall iustly iudge the worlde and rule his folke with right Dominus regnauit Psalme lxxxxvii I. H The prophet exhorteth all to reioyce for the coming of the kingdome of Christ dreadfull to the rebels and Idolaters and ioyfull to the iust whom he exhorteth to innocency to reioysing and thanks geuing THe lord doth raigne where all y e earth Sing this as the. lxxxxv may ioy with pleasaunt voyce And eke the yles with ioyfull mirth may triumphe and reioyce verse 2 Bothe cloudes darknes eke doo swell and rounde aboute him beate Yea right and iustice euer dwell and byde aboute his seate verse 3 Yea fier and heate at once doth runne and go before his face Which shall his foes and ennemies burn abrode in euery place verse 4 His lightnes eke full bright did blase and to the world appere Wherat the yearthe did loke and gase with dreade and deadly feare verse 5 The hilles like war did melt in sight and presence of the Lorde They fled before that rulers might which gideth all the worlde verse 6 The heauens eke declare and shew his iustice forth abrode That all the world may see and knowe the glory of our god verse 7 Confusion sure shall come to suche as worship Idols vayne And eke to those that glory muche dome pictures to maintayne verse 8 For all the Idouls of the worlde whiche they as Gods doo call Shall feele the power of the Lorde and downe to hym shall fall verse 9 With ioy shall Sion here this thyng and Iuda shall reioyce For at thy iudgements they shall sing and make a pleasaunt noyce verse 10 That thou O Lorde art set on hie in all the earth abrode And arte exalted wonderously aboue eche other God verse 11 All ye that loue the Lorde doo thys hate all thinges that is ill For he doth kepe the soules of his from suche as would them spill verse 12 And light doth spring vp to the iust with pleasure for his part Greate ioye with gladnes mirth lust to them of vpright hart verse 13 Ye rigteous in the Lord reioyce his hollines proclayme Be thankfull eke with hart and voyce and mindefull of the same Cantate domino Psal lxxxxviii I. H An Earnest exhortacyō to all cratures to prayse the Lorde for his power mercy and fydelitie in his promyse by Christ by whō he hath communicated his saluation to all natiōes OSyng ye now vnto the Lorde a new and pleasaunt songe Sing this as the. lxxxxv For he hath wrought throughout the world His wōders great strong With his rigt hand full worthely he doth his foes deuoure And get him sealf the victory with his owne arme and power verse 3 The Lord doth make the people know his sauing health and might The Lorde doth eke his iustice shew in all the Heathens sight verse 4 His grace and truth to Israell in minde he doth recorde That al the yearth hath sene right wel the goodnes of the Lorde verse 5 Be glad in him with ioyfull voyce all
The hie hilles are succours for wilde goates to rest And eke the rocks stonye for conyes to hyde verse 19 The moone then is set her seasons to runne The dayes from the nightes therby to discearne And by thee descending also of the sunne The colde from heate alway therby we do learne verse 20 When darkenes doth come by Gods will and power Then crepe forth doo all the beastes of the wood verse 21 21 The lions range roaring their pray to deuoure But yet it is thou Lord which giuest them foode verse 22 Assone as the sunne is vp they retyre To touche in theyr dennes then are they full fayne verse 23 That man doo his worke may as right doth require Till night come and call him to take rest agayne The thirde parte verse 24 How sondry O Lorde are all thy workes founde With wisdom full great they are in dede wrought So that the whole worlde of thy prayse doth sounde And as for thy ryches they passe all mens thought verse 25 So is the great sea which large is and broade Where thinges that crepe swarme and beastes of eche sorte verse 26 There both mightie shippes saile and some lye at roade The whale huge and monstrous there also doth sporte verse 27 All thinges on thee wayte thou doest them relieue And thou in due tyme full well doest them fede verse 28 28 Now when it doth please thee the same so to geue They gather full gladly those thinges which they nede Thou openest thyne hand and they finde suche grace That they with good thinges are filled we see verse 29 But sore are they troubled if thou turne thy face For if thou their breath take vile dust then they be verse 30 Againe when thy sprite from thee doth procede All things to appoint and what shall insue Then are they created as thou hast decreed And doest by thy goodnes the drye earth renew verse 31 The prayse of the Lorde for euer shall last Who may in his workes by right well reioyce verse 32 His loke can the earth make to tremble full fast And likewise the mountains to smoke at his voyce verse 33 To thys Lorde and God sing will I alwayes So longe as I liue my God prayse wyll I verse 34 Then am I most certayne my wordes shall him please I will reioyce in him to him will I cry verse 35 The sinners O Lorde consume in thine ire And eke the peruerse them roote out with shame But as for my soule now let it still desire And say with the faithful prayse ye the Lordes Name Confitemini domino Psalm Cv. N. He prayseth the singuler goodnes of God who hathe of all the people of the worlde chosen a peculier people to him selfe and hauyng chosen them neuer ceaseth to doo them good euen for his promes sake GEue prayses vnto God the Lorde and call vpon his name Among the people eke declare his workes to spred his fame Sing this as the. lxxxxv Singye vnto the Lorde I say and sing vnto him prayse And talke of all the wondrous workes that he hath wrought alwayes In honor of his holy name reioyse with one accorde And let the hart also reioyse of them that seke the Lorde Seke ye the Lord and seke the strength of his eternall might And seke his face continually And presence of his sight The wondrous works that he hath don kepe still in mindfull hart Ne let the iugements of his mouth out of your minde depart Ye that of faithfull Abraham his seruant are the sede ye his elect the children that of Iacob doo procede For he he only is I say the myghty Lord our God And his most rightfull iugements are through all the earth abrode His promise and his couenant whiche he hath made to his He hath remembred euermore to thousandes of degrees The. ii parte The couenant which he hath made with Abraham long agoe And faithfull othe which he hath sworne to Isaac also And did confirme the same for law that Iacob should obey And for eternall couenant to Israell foray when thus he said loe I to you all Canaan land will geue The lot of your inheritance wherin your sede shall lyue Although their number at that tyme did very small appeare yea very small and in the land they then but strangers were Whyle yet they walkt from land to lande without a sure abode And while fro sondry kingdomes they did wander all abrode And wrong at none oppressers hand he suffred them to take But euen the great and mighty kinges reproued for their sake And thus he sayd touche ye not those that mine anoynted be Ne doo the prophets any harme that doo pertayne to me He calld a dearth vpon the land of death he stroyed the store But he against their time of nede had sent a man before The third parte Euen Ioseph which had once ben solde to liue a slaue in woe Whose feete they hurt in stocks whose soule the iron pearst also Untill the tyme came when his cause was knowne apparantly The mighty word of God the Lord his faultles truth did trye The king sent and deliuerd him from prison where he was The ruler of the people then did freely let hym pas And ouer all hys house he made him Lorde to beare the swey and of his substance made him haue the rule and all the stay That he might to his will instruct the princes of his land And wisdomes lore his auncyent men might teache to vnderstand Then into the Egiptian land came Israell also And Iacob in the land of Ham did liue a straunger thoo His people he excedingly in number made to flowe And ouer all their enemies in strength he made them growe whose hart he turnd that they with hate his people did entreate And did his seruantes wrongfully Abuse with false deceite His faithfull seruant Moses then and Aaron whom he chose He did commaund to goe to them his message to disclose The wondrous message of his signes among them they did shewe And wonders in the land of Ham then did they worke also Darknes he sent and made it darke in dede of brighter day And vnto his commission they did not disobey He turnd theyr waters into bloud he did their fishes slay Their land brought frogs euē in y t place where their king Pharao lay He spake and at his voyce there came great swarmes of noysome flyes And all the quarters of theyr land were filld with crauling lyse He gaue them colde and stony hayle in stede of milder rayne And firy flames within theyr land he sent vnto theyr payne He smote their vines and al theyr trees wheron their figges did growe And all the trees within their coastes downe did he ouerthrowe He spake then caterpillers did and greshoppers abound Which eate the grasse in all their land and frute of all their ground The. v. parte The first begotten in their land eke deadly did he smite yea the beginning and first
and also proued by manifolde experience howe ready God was at hande in all hys troubles he beyng now likewise in daunger of new enemies desireth God to help hym accordyng to hys wont and distroye the malicious arrogancie of his aduersaryes WIth hart and mouthe vnto the Lorde will I syng laude and prayse Sing this as the. iii. ps And speake of all thy wondrous workes and them declare alwayes verse 2 I will be glad and muche reioyce in thee O God moste hie And make my songes extoll thy name aboue the sterry skie verse 3 For that my foes are driuen backe and turned vnto flyght They fall downe flat and are destroyd by thy great force and might Thou hast reuenged all my wrong God only defēdeth the iuste cause my grief and all my grudge verse 4 Thou dost with iustice heare my cause most like a righteous iudge verse 5 Thou doest rebuke the Heathen folke and wicked so confounde That afterwarde the memory of them cannot be founde verse 6 My foe thou hast made good dispatche and all our townes destroyed Thou hast theyr fame with thē defaced through all the world so wyde verse 7 Know thou that he whiche is aboue for euermore shall raygne And in the seate of equitie true iudgement wil mainteyne verse 8 With iustice he wyll kepe and guyde the worlde and euery weight And so will yelde with equitie to euery man his right verse 9 He is protector of the poore what tyme they be opprest He is in all aduersitie their refuge and theyr rest verse 10 All they that know thy holy name therfore shall trust in thee For thou forsakest not theyr sute in their necessitie verse 11 Sing Psalmes therfore vnto the Lorde We seke God there by prayer or by vpright godly lyfe that dwelleth in Sion hill Publishe amonge all nations his noble artes and will verse 12 For he is mindfull of the bloud of those that be opprest For getting not the afflicted hart that seketh to him for rest The second parte verse 13 Haue mercy Lorde on me poore wretche whose enemies still remayne Which from the gates of death are wonte to rayse me vp agayne verse 14 In Sion that I might set forth thy prayse with hart and voyce And that in thy saluation Lorde my soule might still reioyce verse 15 The heathen sticke fast in the pit that they them selues preparde And in the net that they did set their owne fete fast are snarde verse 16 God sheweth his iudgement which wer good The hebr willeth men to meditate dilygently on thys thynge for euery man to marke When as ye see the wicked man lye trapt in his owne warke verse 17 The wicked and the sinfull men go downe to hell for euer And all the people of the worlde that will not god remember verse 18 18 But sure the Lorde will not forget the poore mans grief and payne The pacient folke neuer loke for helpe of God in dayne verse 19 O Lorde arise lest men preuayle that be of worldly might And let the Heathen folke receyue their iudgement in thy sight verse 20 Lord stryke such terror feare and dread into the harts of them That they may know assuredly they be but mortall men Vt quid domine Psalme x. T. S. He complaineth of the fraude rapine tiranny and of all kindes of wrong which worldly men vse assigninge the cause thereof whiche was that wicked men beinge as it were dronken with worldly prosperitie and therfore setting aparte all feare and reuerence towardes God thinke they may doe all thinges without controwlinge Therfore he calleth vppon God to sende some remeady agaynst these desperate enyls And at length comforteth him selfe with hope of deliuerance WHat is the cause that thou O Lorde art now so sarre from thine Sing this as the thirde Psalme And kepest close thy countenaunce from vs this troublous time verse 1 The poore doth pearysh by the proude and wicked mens desire Let them be taken in the craft that they themselues conspire verse 3 For in the lust of his owne hart the vngodly doth delite So doth the wicked praise hym selfe and doeth the Lorde despite verse 4 4 He is so proude that right and wrong he setteth all apart Nay nay there is no God sayeth he for thus he thinketh in hart verse 5 Because his wayes do prosper still he doth thy lawes neglect And with a blast doth puffe against suche as would him correct verse 6 Tush tush saieth he I haue no dread lest mine estate should chaunge And why for all aduersitie to him is very straunge verse 7 His mouth is full of cursednes He meaneth that wickednes is so far ouergrowē that God must nedes nowe helpe or neuer of fraud deceyt and guyle Under his tong doeth mischiefsyt and trauell all the whyle verse 8 He lyeth hid in wayes and holes to slay the innocent Against the poore that passe him by hys cruell eyes are bent verse 9 And like a Lyon priuely lieth lurking in his den If he may snare them in his net to spoyle poore simple men verse 10 And for the nonce full craftely he croucheth downe I say verse 11 So are greate heapes of poore men made by his strong power his pray verse 12 Tush God forgetteth this sayeth he therfore may I be bolde His countenance is cast aside he doth it not beholde verse 13 Arise O Lorde G God in wome the poore mans hope doth rest Lift vp thy hand forget not Lorde the poore that be opprest verse 14 What blasphemy is thys to thee Lorde dost thou not abhorre it To heare the wicked in theyr hartes say tushe thou carest not for it verse 15 But thou seest all thys wickednes and well doest vnderstande verse 16 That frendles and poore fatherles are left into thy hande verse 17 Of wicked and malicions men By the Heathen he meaneth the Hypocrites whyche gloryed as yf they had bene of the churche then breake the power for euer That they with theyr iniquytie may pearish altogether verse 18 The Lorde shall raine for euermore as king and God alone And he will chase the Heathen folke out of hys lande eche one verse 19 Thou hearest O Lord the poore mans plaint vntyll theyr praiers request Their harts thou wilt confirme thine eares to heare be prest verse 20 To iudge the poore and fatherles and helpe them to their right That they may be no more opprest with men of worldly might In Domino confido Psalm xi T. S. This Psalme conteyneth two partes In the firste Dauid shewed how hard assaultes of temtations he susteyned and in howe great anguish of mind he was when Saul did persecute hym Then nexte he reioyseth that God sent hym succor in his necessitie declaryng his iustice as wel in gouernyng the good and the wicked men as the whole worlde I Trust in God how dare ye then say thus my soule vntill Sing this as the third Psalme Flee hence as fast as any foule
forgot and helpe of idols sought verse 21 Would not god then haue tried this out for he doth know our thought verse 22 Nay nay for thy names sake O Lorde alwayes are we slaine thus Aa shepe vnto the shambles sent right so they deale with vs. verse 23 Up Lorde why slepest thou awake and leaue vs not for all verse 24 Why hidest thou thy countenaunce and dost forget our thrall verse 25 For downe to dust our soule is brought and we now at last cast Our belly lyke as it were glude vnto the ground cleaueth fast verse 26 Rise vp therfore for our defence and helpe vs Lorde at nede We thee bese the for thy goodnes to rescue vs with spede Eructauit Psalme xlv I. H. The maiestie of Salomon hys honour strengthe beauty riches and power are praysed and also hys maryage with the Egiptian being an Heathen woman to blessed if that she can renounce her people and thē loue other contrey and geue her selfe wholy to her husbande Under the whyche ●ygu●e the wonderfull maiestie ▪ and the increase of the kingdome of Christe and the Churche hys spouse now taken of the genuies is described MY hart doth now take in hande Sing this as the. xxv psa Some godly songe to singe Thy prayse I shall shew therin perteyneth to the kynge verse 2 My tounge shalbe as quicke his honor to endite As is the pen of any scribe that vseth faste to wryte verse 3 O fayrest of all men thy speache is pleasaunt pure For God hathe blessed thee with giftes for euer to endure verse 4 Aboute thee girde thy sworde O prince of might elect With honour glory and renoume thy person pure is dect verse 5 Go forth with godly speede in mekenes truth and ryght And thy ryght hand shall thee instruct in workes of dredfull might verse 6 Thyne arrowes sharpe and kene theyr harts so sore shall stinge That folke shall fall and knele to thee yea all thy foes O kynge verse 7 Thy royall seate O Lorde for euer shall remayne Because the scepter of thy realme doth righteousnes maintaine verse 8 Because thou louest the ryghte and dost the ill detest God euen thy God hath pointed thee with ioy aboue the rest verse 9 With mirth and sauours swete thy clothes ar all be spreade when thou dost from thy palace pas wherin to make thee glad verse 10 Kinges doughters doo attend in fine and riche araye At thy right hand the queene doth stand in goulde and garments gaye The second parte verse 11 O doughter take good heede enclyne and geue good eare Thou must forget thy kindred all and fathers house most dere verse 12 Then shall the king desire Thy beuty fayer and trim For why he is the Lorde thy God and thou must worship hym verse 13 The doughters then of Tire with giftes full riche to see And all the welthy of the lande shall make theyr sute to thee verse 14 The daughter of the king is glorious to beholde within his closet she doth sitte all dect in beaten goulde verse 15 In robes well wrought with needle with many a pleasaunt thyng With virgins faier on her to waighte she cometh to the king verse 16 16 Thus are they brought with Ioy and mirth on euery side Into the palace of the king and there doo they abide verse 17 In stede of parents lefte O quene the chaunge so standes Thou shalt haue sōnes whō thou maist set as princes in all landes verse 18 Wherfore thy holy name all ages shall recorde The people shall geue thankes to thee for euer more O Lorde Deus noster refugium Psalm xlvi I. H. A songe of thankes geuyng for the delyueraunce of Ierusalem after Senacherib with hys army was driuen awaye or some otherlyke so dayne and maruelous delyueraunce by the myghtye hande of God Whereby the Prophet commendyng thys greate benefyte dothe exhorte the faythfull to geue them selues wholy into the hande of God doubtyng nothyng but that vnder hys protection they shalbe safe agaynste all the assaultes of theyr enemyes THe Lorde is oure defence and ayde the strength wherby we stand when we with wo are muche dismaide he is our helpe at hand Though thearth remoue we will not feare though hilles so high stepe be thrust and hurled heare and there within the sea so depe verse 3 No though the waues doo rage so sore that all the bankes it spilles And though it ouer flow the shore and beate downe mightye hilles verse 4 For one fayer floud doth send abrode his pleasaunt streames a pace To fresh the citie of our God and wash his holy place verse 5 In middest of her the Lord doth dwel she can no whit decaye All thinges against her that rebel the Lord will truly staye verse 6 The heathen flocke the kingdoms feare the people make a noyse The earth doth melte and not appeare when God puttes forth his voyce verse 7 The Lord of hostes doth take our part to vs he hath an eye Our hope of health with all our hart on Iacobes God doeth lye verse 8 Come here see with mind thought the working of our God what wonders he him self hath wrought through out the earth abrod verse 9 By him all warres are husht and gone which countres did conspire Their bowes he brake speares echone theyr Charets brent with fier verse 10 Leaue of therfore saith he and know I am a God most stoute Among the heathen high and low and all the earth throughoute verse 11 The Lorde of hostes doeth vs defend he is our strength and tower On Iacobs God doo we depend and on his mighty power Omnes gentes Psalme xlvii I. H. The prophet exorteth all people to the worship of the true and euerliuing God commending the mercyes of God towarde the posteritie of Jacob and after prophecieth of the kingdome of Christ in this tune of the Gospell YE people all in one accorde clappe handes and eke reioyce Sing this as the. xlvi Psa Be glad and sing vnto the Lorde with swete and pleasaunt voyce verse 2 2 For hie the Lorde and dredfull is with wonders manifolde A mighty kynge he is truly in all the earthe extolde verse 3 The people shall he make to be vnto our bondage thrall And vnderneth our fete he shall the nations make to fall verse 4 For vs the heritage he chose whiche we possesse alone The flouring worship of Iacob hys welbeloued one verse 5 Our God ascended vp on hye with ioy and pleasaunt noyce The Lorde goeth vp aboue the skye with trompets royall voyce verse 6 Sing prayse to God sing prayse sing prayses to our kynge For God is king of all the earth all skilfull prayses syng verse 7 God on the heathen reignes and sittes vpon his holy throne The princes of the people haue them ioyned euery one verse 8 To Abrams people for our God whiche is exalted hye Us with a buckler doth defende the earth continually Magnus dominus Psal. xlviii
haue regard ye seruants of the Lorde Which in his house by night do watch prayse him with one accorde Lyft vp your hands on high vnto his holy place And geue the Lorde his prayses due his benefites embrace For why the Lord who did both earth and heauen frame Doeth Sion bles and will conserue for euer more the same Laudate nomen Psalme Cxxxv. M. He exhorteth all the faithful of what estate so euer they be to praise God for his merueylous worcks specially for his graces towards his people wherein he hath declared his maiestie To the confession of all Idolaters and theyr Idolls O Praise y e lord praise him praise him praise him with one accord o praise him stil al ye that be the seruaunts of y e lord o praise him ye that stand be in the house of the Lord ye of his court and of his house praise hym with one accord Prayse ye the Lord for he is good syng prayses to his name It is a comly and good thing alwayes to doo the same For why the Lorde hath chose Iacob his very owne you see So hath he chosen Israell his treasure for to be For this I know and am right sure the Lorde is very greate He is in dede aboue all Goddes most easy to intreate For what so euer pleased him all that fulwell he wrought In heauen in earthe and in the sea whiche he hath framde of nought He lifteth vp cloudes euen from the earthe he makth the lightnings and rayne He bringkth forth the windes also He made nothing in vayne He smote the first borne of eche thing in Egipt that toke rest He spared there no lyuing thyng the man nor yet the beast He hathe in thee shewde wonders great O Egipt voyde of vauntes On Pharao thy cursed kyng and his seuere seruauntes He smote then many nacyons and did great actes and thynges He slew the great and mightyest and chefest of theyr kynges Syhon king of Ammorites and Og kyng of Basan He slew also the kingdomes all that were of Canaan And gaue their lande to Israell an herytage we see To Israell his owne people an heritage to be Thy name O Lorde shall still endure and thy memoriall Throughout all generations that are or euer shall The Lorde will surely auenge his people all in dede And to his seruauntes he will shewe fauour in tyme of nede The Idols of the Heathen are made in all theyr coste and landes Of syluer and of golde be they the workes euen of mens handes They haue mouthes and cannot speake and eyes to at haue no sight They haue eares that heare nothyng Theyr mouthes be breatheles quite Wherfore all they are lyke to them that so doth set them forth And lyke wyse those that trust in them or thinke they be ought worth O all ye house of Israell see that ye prayse the Lorde And ye that be of Aarons house prayse him with one accord And ye that be of Leuis house prayse ye lykewise the Lorde And all that stand in awe of hym prayse him with one accord And out of Syon sound his prayse the great prayse of the Lorde Whiche dwelleth in Ierusalem praise him with one accord Confitemini Psalme Cxxxvi. N. ☞ A most earnest exhortaciō to geue thanks vnto God for the creation and gouernaunce of all thinges which standeth in confessing that he geueth vs all of his mere liberalitie PRaise ye y e lord for he is good for hys mercy endureth for euer Geue prayse vnto the God of Gods for his mercy endureth for euer Geue prayse vnto the Lorde of Lordes for his mercy endureth for euer which only doth great wōders work for his mercy endureth for euer verse 5 Which by his wisdome made the heauens for his mercy endureth for euer verse 6 Which on the waters stretcht the earth for his mercy endureth for euer verse 7 Which made great light to shine abrode for his mercy endureth for euer verse 8 As sonne to rule the lightsome day for his merry endureth for euer verse 9 The mone and sterres to guide the night for his mercy endureth for euer verse 10 Whiche smote Egipt with their first-borne for his mercy endureth for euer verse 11 And Israell brought out from them for his mercy endureth for euer verse 12 With mighty hand and stretched arme for his mercy endureth for euer verse 13 Whiche cut the red sea in two partes for his mercy endureth for euer verse 14 And Israell made passe there through for his mercy endureth for euer verse 15 And drouned Pharao and his host for his mercy endureth for euer verse 16 Through wildernes hys people led for his mercy endureth for euer verse 17 He whiche did smite greate noble kinges for his mercy endureth for euer verse 18 And whiche hath slayne the mighty kynges for his mercy endureth for euer verse 19 As Sihon king of Amorites for his mercy endureth for euer verse 20 And Og the king of Basan land for his mercy endureth for euer verse 21 And gaue their land for heritage for his mercy endureth for euer verse 22 Euen to his seruant Israell for his mercy endureth for euer verse 23 Remembred vs in base estate for his mercy endureth for euer verse 24 And from oppressors rescued vs. for his mercy endureth for euer verse 25 Which geueth fode vnto all flesh for his mercy endureth for euer verse 26 Praise ye the God of heauen aboue for his mercy endureth for euer verse 27 Geue thankes vnto the Lorde of Lordes for his mercy endureth for euer Super flumina Babilonis Psal. cxxxvii VV. VV ☞ The people of God in their banishment seing Gods true religion decaye lyued in greate anguish and sorow of harte the whiche grief the Eaideons did so litle pitie that they rather increased the same dayly with tauntes reproches and blasphemies againste God wherfore the Israelites desire God to punish the Edomites who prouoked the Babilonians againste them and moued by the spirite of God prophery the destruction of Babilon where they were handeled so tirannously WHen as we sat in Babylon y e riuers rounde about and in remēbraunce of Sion the teares for grief burst out We hāgd out harps instruments the willow trees vpon for in that placemen for their vse had planted many one verse 3 Then they to whom we prisoners were sayde to vs tauntingly Now let vs heare your Ebrue songes and pleasant melody verse 4 Alas sayd we who can once frame his sorowfull hart to syng The prayses of our louing God thus vnder a straunge kyng {punctel} verse 5 But yet if I Ierusalem out of my hart let flyde Then let my fingers quyte forget the warblyng harp to guyde verse 6 And let my tong within my mouth be tyde for euer fast If that I ioy before I see thy full deliueraunce past verse 7 Therfore O Lorde remember now the cursed noyse and cry That Edoms sonnes againste vs made when they razed our citie Remember