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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11779 The Belgick souldier vvarre vvas a blessing. Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. 1624 (1624) STC 22071; ESTC S116965 21,486 44

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to the dangers threatning her triumphs and although the souldiers played the fiery meteors on euery side with mischiefe and terror with afflicting the townes with exacting disbursements and other inconueniences of a cruell misery yet did the warre keep Bauaria Tilley Leopoldus and the Catholike Bishops in awe and might haue procured a blessing to the much humbled Prince Palatine if the Fox had not brought the Lion into a trance or if you will a labourinth For no sooner were the armies recalled and the Princes remoued but Bauaria for himselfe and Tilley for Bauaria ranne in fury to extinguish his brand of light and put out the glory of the Palatine So that I may well conclude Warre was a blessing and the dissemblings of peace haue with Iacobs subtiltie preuented Esau from Isacks benediction who once thought it meete that the first borne should haue the preheminence of being fortunate And thus for Germany Shall we step into France and that with easie paces to take the better suruey of those times and actions Beleeue it then the crueltie of persecution and variety of turmoiles haue dragged Religion by the haire and brought her out as forlorne and contemptible before the people of purpose to stone her as if Susanna had committed folly in Israel but those eyes that burned with reuenge vpon her approued innocencie were turned to compassion those hearts which murmured at her hypocrisie were leniated with a more iustifiable triable and those hands which had stones ready to dash out her braines returned them vpon her accusers and made them repent the warres and curse Spaine whose trechery and ambition onely weakned France by intestine combustions that France might not weaken Spaine by publicke hostilitie I will not deale with the French inventory nor make the long shadowes of story make you beleeue there is some ill lucke behinde you but that you may see how many worthy men have taken vp perspectives to shew the true harted French man a far off upon surmises of Spaines coadjutement or augmentation of his owne territories For the Spaniards would serve him as they once did the Duke of Calabria against Charles the fift to forsake him in his extremitie And when Francis the first sent an army to recover Nauarre and Fonteraby upon Spanish instigation in the tumultuous times of divers insurrections in Arragon and Castile the troubles were soone appeased and the French driven out of the Land But let vs come to the tripping Pheries of all times whereby Princes are seduced to flattery and priuate respect How hath Spaine delt with all Kings and their Minions ever since the Duke of Guises tyrannous Massacree at Vasti and that unfortunate marriage of Navarre and the cunning baites of the King of Spaines Pensioners in the Court of France which I am afraid are still so venemous to all Nations that they will corrupt the soundest hearts let there be never so great pollicy or conveniency at their admission What say you to the house of Loraine the Cardinall and Dukes of Guise What thinke you of the Duke De Maine and the Holy League Shall I name Hespernon and the advancing of his Family Shall I recount the fearefull story of Birone The life and death of the Marquis De Ancre The falls of Luisnes and Cadinet his Brother With divers other whose lives made France afraid and actions were so many tortures to the hearts of sollid Christians and loyall Protestants Were not all these the instruments of Spaines to keep France busied at home though fortune geered at the temerarious proceedings of the Princes against their owne subjects and divert the severall Kings from looking toward Navarre Millane Naples the succoring of the Switzers Grizons and those territories yea if you will the patronizing of the Palatinate it selfe which was once under the covert of the French confedracy Thus hath the cannon battered their owne townes and the mis-led Kings unsheathed their owne swords of vengeance to sheath them in the bowells of naturall and loyall subjects wherein yet they have prevailed no further then to increase an internall hate and jealousie against Rome Spaine the Inquisition Iesuites Priests and all the rablement of Locusts who like vermine in a standing stincking water infect the aire with fulsome and ill vapours If you reade the life of Henry the fourth you shall see how famous were his actions and remarkeable his renowne all the while the warres lasted insomuch that the attribute of greatnesse was made a Trophe of his everlasting fame and yet stood like an impregnable rocke against which the waues did rush impetuously but to the breaking of themselues in peeces but when peace was contracted his honour was distracted his Countrey defiled his Townes vitiated his faith violated his Preachers shed teares and Molines wept over him for temporizing his great officer Biron fell into the snare of perfidiousnesse the Protestants hung their heads for his luke-warmenesse the Papists gnashed their teeth for his pollices the newters feared him the Atheists abhored him his Wife dissembled and an Italian vpstart contrived his destruction as for his Sonne and his unlimited youthfulnesse that must needs cast a chain over the necks of Rochell Monpelier Montalbon Nismes Chartres and other Protestants Provinces and townes what did those attemps beget but the faire birth of increase of religion and firme opposition against unprincely cruelty and unnaturall enforcement and he went away affrighted at his owne handiworke and cursing the motives and setters on of his presumption which abated his malice and taught him to know there was a God aboue princes which could make the warre as a blessing to propagate trve Religion and augment the glory of the Church So that I may well say that peace to France proved like the Aspes of Ethiopea who doe not sting at all but by licking and tickling breake their bladders of poyson which from itches grow to ranckle the flesh til at last it exaestuates and by burning heates proves incurable Why then should we be afraid of warre or for any cause temporize with Gods enemies and a dangerous Nation for whose sake we have suffered the Palatinate to be lost and seene a Noble Prince dejected as if we were glad that by such courses there should no enuy be raised for his thriving in greatnesse or going to fast in his race of Soveraignitie and powerfull Majesty But I dare say that the Angel did cursse Meros for not assisting of Israel Concerning the Low Countries I cannot compare them better then to Camomile which the more it is troden the more it springeth For whether warre hath been a blessing unto them iudge your selues considering they haue augmented their fame and renown abroad and increased their wealth and territories at home Abroad the West Indies haue been frequented with their Navies and the stormes at seas are not so formidable to the mariners as their approches to the Spaniard insomuch that his plate Fleets are many times detained in harbour from their
actions like vnfethered shafts which could not flie to any purpose And though in the Iland Voyage Fortune seemed to giue Vertue the check yet it was a braue attempt worthy of memory and Illustration Remember the batteries of Roane and the besieging of Paris the many exploits and Marches of our Souldiers the admiration of our Kingdome and vnmatchable glory of our Queene all which proceeded from the warres and the Heroick spirit of a woman Whose vertue proued like an Vberant spring the more plentifull and sweeter by agitation and extracting Yea her Countries was made famous and illustruous to forreigne Nations by the endurances of her Gentlemen and Souldiers I haue not breath enough to tell the rest but for these and the rest I will be bold to say we were beholding to the warres and such Martiall spirits who tooke example from ancient Patriots to be indulgent ouer their Countries renowne and enriching and yet witha●l was ioyned the glory of God the Princes honour the Kingdomes prosperity and their owne increases of nob enesse and generosity But what hath the peace done it hath made vs drunke with ease and carelesnesse forget our God be vncharitable to our neighbours neglect our calling sleepe in security accustome our selues to foolish exercises and by studying euery man for his priuate the whole kingdome is confounded with pouerty and wretchednesse insomuch that the complaints fly about like flies and pollicy is ashamed of her own fallacies for you see it hath inuented a trick by factory and drawne diuers worthy men into the net of couetuousnesse to aduenture the Indies when I must say it the very exhausting of our treasure will be the discomfort of our soules I insist not vpon the remotenesse of the place losse of shipps decay of men abuse of time vnwholesomnesse of women danger of shipwracks and the want of our account in our owne channells things subiect to fearefull construction and sensible to examination but say plainly that the bringing in of a million of commodities is not or cannot be so beneficiall as the expo●tation of 30000 l. sterling a yeare besides the conuen●ency at many greater summes is preiudiciall to the Common-wealth a great disparity I confesse but experience goes beyond apprehension For it is well knowne that Henry 8. from one of the richest and mightiest Kings became the discontentest and meerly indigent to the turmoile of the subiect by reason of the ransome of Pope Clement so foolishly and trecherously sent out of England And in former dayes was not the wealth of this Land almost in the hands of the Romanists and how poore were our people by reason of Peter pence paid vnto Rome Looke into the story of Salomon you shall reade of great store of gold brought into the Land but neuer any sent out or permitted to be transported onely commoditie for commoditie or necessaries for their gold and siluer in such Countries as wanted them As for their obiections or cossenning their owne hearts that say England hath no gold growing and therefore we may spare a little of a great deale which is brought in I answer that because England was sometimes barbarous full of boggs woods and a wildernesse for beasts therefore it matters not to haue braue Citties a reduction to ciuillity and an extraordinary beauty of Magnificense and glory we should be no worse then we were before I hope such arguing is weake poore and full of morosity seeing all the Maiestie of Europe receiues exornation from the various commodities of other Count●ies whom it hath pleased God to deny the vse of his creatures that they might serue such as serue him in holinesse and righteousnesse And then shall Isack sow in the Land of Ab●melech and receiue a hundreth for one But to our peace againe Now since our peace what hath that done to vs or we done to ourselues hath it not proued our sicknesse and wrought vpon our corrupt bodies like a feuer not onely obnoxions in it selfe but bringing on apace other diseases And haue not we taken a libertie to sinne because no punishment followed suddenly But hearken how the vengeance of God comes vpon vs the cry goes the countrey is weighed and found lighter by 14 Millions in 15 yeares we are haunted with Beggers vndone in our Trades pestred in the prisons the Common-wealth ouerrunne with pouerty the people cry out of misery and feare and terrors make vs all amazed insomuch that in many Countrey Townes such idle lasie discontented vagabonds abound that the inhabitants are affraid of spoiles and rapes euen in the face of Iustice that is though there be officers to threaten them so that if it were not for forreigne plantations and compulsiue sending some people away we might deuoure one another But marke withall to what inconueniences we are driuen in our cheefest Citties there are so many of all Trades who confound one another by vnderworke and indirect abuses that the welthy are made poore and the poore in a maner labour for nothing besides young men are growne so proude and sauering of liberty that they must be house-keepers the first hower and consume themselues with comparatiue expences to their superiors filling their houses with children and the Common-wealth with bancke-routs so that there is no preuenting of these mischiefes but warre warre must cure this sore which if we looke to in time we may finde remedie with ease either by disburthening the Common wealth of vnnecessary people or enriching the Common-wealth with surprisalls vnlookt for Let vs then resolutely assist the Dutch they and we are all one good neighbours and friends and so no doubt France will come in and then a three fold cable will be very strong otherwise who would not condemne his negligence that standeth still while his neighbours house is on a blase But if we now take opportunity by her faire foretop and ioyne heart and hand wealth and courage prayers and preuentions against the practises of Spaine whose very looke discouers the pride of his heart we shall finde his treaties are trecheries his speeches deceit his deuises scornes his heart hollow his dealings double and his whole course of his proceedings make but so many discourses of abuses and deceit In a word they are the great dissemblers of the world but let vs not dissemble with our selues especially take heed and prepare against them Let vs then take a veiw of our Countries especial Ireland and the Ilands fortifie our Harbours repaire our Castles double our Garisons Muster our Souldies visit our Nauy store our armories countenance the Merchants strengthen our passages disarme our Papists change their dwellings dissolue their meetings breake the knot of their factions watch their wayes and discouer the villany of their darke lanternes so shal their insulting pride and trecherous hearts be kept vnder and a●l the rest be sure and safe againe from home disturbances But yet this is nothing except you banish the Priests hang vp the Iesuites imprison the false hearted and
preuent the discontented Hispanolized faction so shall we be sure of them from annoying of vs that would else make vs sure from defending our selues Let vs with the Belgick Souldier alwayes be in a readinesse keepe good watch and ward stand vpon our guards and looke to our charge the King the Prince the State the Church the Common-wealth is our charge yea our Neighbours are our charge whose Countries haue beene lately ouerrun their Villages destroyed their houses burnt their Cattle pilledged their Wiues deflowered their Daughters rauished their Infants brained their Children starued and their Husbands taken prisoners and thus while they haue I meane their enemies and ou●s the Spaniards beene treating a peace and contract with vs they haue established a warre against them and so by degrees will at last set vpon vs if we prepare not to set vpon them Looke ouer stories and peruse them with iudgement and you shall find that Spaine hath ouer reached all Nations with treaties because he found himselfe to weake to deale with actiue imployment so that his greatnesse hath beene the well spring and head of all mischiefe the foundation and ground of Europes troubles and the meere author and proiector of Religions ruine I will goe no further then 88 while we were treating of a peace the Armado comes vpon vs while France lookes for a pacification of troubles the Iesuites inuite the King to a bloudy warre While we are sending to the Emperor for a restitution of the Palatinate Bauaria enters and is not onely Lord of the Countrey but made the Electorate In 23 he treats of a match in signe of loue but prepares powder and match as effect of his mallice In a word we must looke about vs to ouermatch this match and so no doubt euery true English heart will affoord his helping hand heart purse prayers and all he hath to ouerthrow the boasting pride of this running enemy and teach him a new lesson for his great ambition and forward presumption As for me an old Belgick Souldier I will pray from my heart with sorrow in my soule and sadnesse from my conscience with a liuely spirit and passionate affection that my King Prince and natiue Country that a●l may ioyntly conforme themselues to the fashioning a worke which may tell the Princes of Europe how patiences abused turnes to fury and the King of Great Brittaine is not a subiect for Spanish scornes and indignities Me thinkes I heare his Maiestie say you haue my good will the Prince crys out take my true heart with you the Councell warrant their iudicious consent the Clergy assure their vnfained prayers the Nobillity and Gentry propose their reuinues the Countryman expose his body the Cittizen proffer his wealth the Merchant yeeld his warres the Drum ready to beate the Trumpet ready to sound the Horse furnished and all sorts are ready with their best endeuours except Hispanolized Papists and temporizing couetuous wretches What then doe we stay for but prouide our t 〈…〉 sure prepare our armes reconcile our hearts and pray to God that we may be strong enough with Abraham against the fiue Kings to recouer his Brother Lots substance And so may we gaine and regaine what hath beene lost and by an honest and iustifiable warre repaire all our ruines and damages ouer-working and ouerweying vs by a dissembling peace To conclude the Belgick Souldier once againe intreates the reuerent Bishops and Clergy to prepare their prayers the Senate of wise men their councell the Nobles and Gentry their courages the true Courtiers their loyalty the commonalty their armes and prouision the Merchants their Shipping the Cittizens their meanes and the very Vsurers their money That euery one may be ready with the Machabes to defend the Sanctuary of the Lord And with true English hearts not onely fight in the defence of their Countrey but when God commands not to spare to goe on and prepare and let euery one prepare himselfe For the Belgick Souldier is prepared and made ready to goe to the battell And the God of heauen prepare your hearts wayes words deeds and dealings to be vigilant and carefull to prouide for vs and we with gods helpe will be carefull to fight for you And so the God of heauen Fight for vs all A Prayer O Lord glorious God and euerlasting Father we intreate thee mercifully to looke downe vpon vs and hearken to our complaint and desires and grant we beseech thee our request O gracious Father thou knowest our sinnes and our iniquities are not hid from thee they lie open to thy iudgements yet we know that thy mercies are the cure of our miseries and when we flie to thee thou drawest neere to vs we beseech thee now to be fauorable and spare vs for all our sinnes past and be ready to deliuer vs from sinnes to come looke down in mercy vpon vs and as thou hast beene our euerlasting defence so now defend vs from the rage of our Enemies Go in and out O Lord before our Armies before our Generall and grant we may he thy Souldiers to fight vnder thy banner stirre vp our hearts and strength against the enemy defend thy afflicted flocke Remember we beseech thee the burden of misery layd vpon the Church at this time in Germany and in thy due time restore it to his former glory settle our hearts and affections to regaine and recouer that which hath beene lost by their treacheries and now we see their double dealing grant we may no longer trust to them which haue no truth they imagine mischiefe in their heart and are set on fire to doe ill but break thou the knot of their malice lay open their plots discouer their deuises weaken their Armies and ouerthrow their inuentions confound their councells and consume their numbers O Lord thou hast in times past made the Starres to fight in order the Sunne to stand still the Seas to deuoure the Winds to ouerthrow thy enemies so now O Lord prepare these thy creatures to assist and helpe vs that all the world may know it is thou that fightest our battailes Finally O Lord blesse we beseech thee vs and euery one of vs in what we shall take in hand for defence of thy Church Blesse we intreate our King our Prince our State our Clergey our Commonalty and giue thy blessing vnto vs all And last of all blesse we beseech thee all that worthy and excellent Companies of the Artillery and Military exercises in London and also in this Land blesse O Lord we intreat their new inuentions of warre and mike their practises expert make them skilfull and full of knowledge that all the world may know that thou conductest our Armies Grant this deare Father and all other good things vnto vs now and for euermore Amen FINIS