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A10262 Hadassa: or The history of Queene Ester with meditations thereupon, diuine and morall. By Fra. Quarles. Quarles, Francis, 1592-1644. 1621 (1621) STC 20546; ESTC S115479 30,717 72

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To sage aduice as ere before sh 'ad been It came to passe as Mardochaeus sate Within the Portall of the Princes gate He ouer-heard two seruants of the King Closly combin'd in hollow whispering Like whistling Notus that foretells a raine To breathe out treason ' gainst their Soueraigne Which soone as loyall Mardochaeus heard Forthwith to Esters presence he repair'd Disclos'd to her and to her care commended The Traitors and the treason they intended Whereat the Queene impatient of delay Betrayd the Traitors that would her betray And to the King vnbosom'd all her heart And who her Newes-man was and his desert Now all on hurly-burly was the Court Fild with the foulenesse of this sad report The watch was set pursuit was sent about To guard the King and finde the Traitours out Who found and guilty found by speedy triall Where witnesse speakes what boots a bare deniall Were both hang'd vp vpon the shamefull tree To beare such fruit let trees ne'r barren be And what successe this happy Day afforded Was in the Persian Chronicles recorded Explicit Hist Meditatio sexta THe hollow Concaue of a humane brest Is Gods Exchequer and therein the best And sum of all his chiefest wealth consists Which he shuts vp and opens when he lists No power is of man To loue or hate Lyes not in mortals brest or pow'r of Fate Who was the issue of a Royall breed The off-cast off-spring of the cursed seed Of Amalek from him descended right That sold his birth-right for his Appetite Haman his name His fortunes did improue Increast by fauour of the Princes loue Full great he grew preferd to high command And plac'd before the Princes of the Land And since that honour and due reuerence Attend where Princes giue preeminence The King commands the seruants of his State To suit Respect to Hamans high estate And doe him honour fitting his degree With vayled Bonnet and low bended knee They all obseru'd But aged Mordecai Whose stubborne ioynts-neglected to obey The seed which God with infamy had branded Stoutly refused what the King commanded Which when the seruants of the King had seene Their fell disdaine mixt with an enuious spleene Inflam'd They question'd how he durst withstand The iust performance of the Kings Command Daily they checkt him for his high disdaine And he their checks did daily entertaine With silent slight behauiour which did proue As full of care as their rebukes of loue Since then their hearts not able to abide A longer suffrance of his peeuish pride Whose scorching fires passion did augment Must either breake or finde a speedy vent To Haman they th' vnwelcome newes related And what they said their malice aggrauated Enuie did ope her Snake-deuouring Iawes Foamd frothy blood and bent her vnked Pawes Her hollow eyes did cast out sudden flame And pale as ashes lookt this angry Dame And thus bespake Art thou that man of might That Impe of Glory Times great Fauorite Hath thy deserued worth restor'd againe The blemisht honour of thy Princely straine Art thou that Wonder which the Persian State Stands gazing at so much and poynting at Filling all wondring eyes with Admiration And euery loyall heart with Adoration Art thou that mighty He How haps it then That wretched Mordecai the worst of men A captiue slaue a superstitious Iew Slights thee and robs thee of thy rightfull due Nor was his fault disguis'd with Ignorance The vnfee'd Aduocate of sinne or Chance But backt with Arrogance and foule Despite Rise vp and doe thy blemisht honour right Vp like his deepe Reuenge rose Haman then And like a sleeping Lion from his Den Rouz'd his relentlesse Rage But when his eye Confirm'd the newes Report did testifie His Reason straight was heau'd from off his henge And Fury rounded in his eare Reuenge And like a rash Aduiser thus began There 's nothing Haman is more deare to man And cooles his boyling veynes with sweeter pleasure Than quicke Reuenge for to reuenge by leisure Is but like feeding when the stomacke 's past Pleasing nor eager appetite nor taste ¶ Lord let my fortunes be or rich or poore If small the lesse account if great the more THE ARGVMENT Vnto the King proud Haman sues For the destruction of the Iewes The King consents and in his name Decrees were sent t' effect the same Sect. 8. NOw when the yeere had tum'd his course about And fully worne his weary howers out And left his circling trauell to his heire That now sets onset to th' ensuing yeere Proud Haman pain'd with trauell in the birth Till after-time could bring his mischiefe forth Cast Lots from month to month from day to day To picke the choycest time when Fortune may Be most prospicious to his damned plot Till on the last month fell th' vnwilling Lot So Haman guided by his Idoll Fate Cloking with publike good his priuate Hate In plaintiffe tearmes where Reason lent the rellish Vnto the King his speech did thus imbellish Vpon the limits of this happy Nation There flotes a skumme an off-cast Generation Disperst despis'd and noysome to the Land And Refractory to the Lawes and thy Command Not stooping to thy Power but despising All Gouernment but of their owne deuising And stirre the glowing embers of diuision The hatefull mother of a States sedition The which not soone redrest by Reformation Will ruine breed to thee and to thy Nation Begetting Rebels and seditious broyles And fill thy peacefull Land with bloody spoyles Now therefore if it please my gracious Lord To right this grieuance with his Princely sword That Death and due Destruction may be sent To take the Couie of this rabblement Vnto the Royall Treasure of the King Ten thousand siluer Talents will I bring Then gaue the King from off his heedlesse hand His Ring to Haman with that Ring command And said Thy proffer'd wealth possesse Yet be thy iust Petition ne'rthelesse Entirely granted Lo before thy face Thy vassals lye with all their rebell race Thine be the people and the power thine To doome the Traitors their deserued Fine Forthwith the Scribes were summon'd to appeare Decrees were written sent to eu'ry Shiere To all Lieutenants Captaines of the Band And all the Prouinces throughout the Land Stil'd in the name and person of the King And made authentick with his Royall Ring By speedy Post-men were the Letters sent And this the summe is of their sad content Let eu'ry Prouince in the Persian Land Vpon the Day prefixt prepare his hand To make the Channels flow with Rebels blood And from the earth to root the Iewish brood And let the softnesse of no partiall heart Through melting pitty loue or fond desert Spare either young or old or man or woman But like their fault so let their plagues be common Decreed and sealed by our Princely Grace And giuen at Sushan from our Royall Place So
And curs'd be all things that proud Tomyris hath O worst that Death can doe to take a life Which lost leaues kingdom's to a Tyrants knife For now alas degenerate Cambyses vices Whose hand was fill'd with blood whose heart with Sits crowned King to vexe the Persian state With heauy burthens and with sore regrate O Cyrus more vnhappy in thy Son Then in that stroke wherewith thy life was don Cambyses now sits King now Tyrant rather Vnlucky Sonne of a renowmed Father Blood cries for Blood Himselfe reuenged hath His bloody Tyranny with his owne death That cruell sword on his owne flesh doth feed Which made so many loyall Persians bleed Whose wofull choyce made an indiff'rent thing To leaue their liues or lose their Tyran ' King Cambyses dead with him the latest drop Of Cyrus blood was spilt his death did stop The infant source of his braue Syers worth Ere after-times could spend his riuers forth Tyrant Cambyses being dead and gone On the reuersion of his empty Throne Mounts vp a Magus which dissembled right Forging the name of him whose greedy night Too early did perpetuate her owne And silent Death did snatch away vnknowne But when the tidings of this Royall cheat Tymes loyall Trumpe had fam'd th' vsurped seat Grew too too hot and longer could not beare So proud a burthen on so proud a Chayre The Nobles sought their freedome to regaine Not resting till the Magi all-vvere slaine And so renovvned vvas that happy slaughter That it solemniz'd was for euer after So that what pen shall write the Persian story Shall treat that Triumph and write that dayes glory For to this time the Persians as they say Obserue a Feast and keepe it holy-day Now Persia lacks a King and now the State Labours as much in want as it of late Did in abundance Too great calms doe harme Sometimes as much the Sea-man as a storme One while they thinke t' erect a Monarchy But that corrupted breeds a Tyranny And dead Cambyses fresh before their eyes Afrights them with their new-scap'd miseries Some to the Nobles would commit the State In change of Rule expecting change of fate Others cri'd no more Kings then one incumber Better admit one Tyrant than a number The rule of many doth disquiet bring One Monarch is enough one Lord one King One saies Let 's rule our selues let 's all be kings No saies another that confusion brings Thus moderne danger bred a carefull trouble Double their care is as their feare is double And doubtfull to resolue of what conclusion To barre confusion thus they bred confusion At last and well aduis'd they put their choyce Vpon the verdit of a Iuries voyce Seuen is a perfect number then by seuen Be Persia's royall Crowne and Scepter giuen Now Persia doe thy plagues or ioyes commence God giue thy Iury sacred euidence Fearefull to chuse and faithlesse in their choyce Since weale or woe depended on their voyce A few from many they extracted forth Whose euen poys'd valour and like equall worth Had set a Non plus on their doubtfull tongues Vnweeting where the most reward belongs They this agreed and thus aduis'd bespake Since bleare-eyd mortals of themselues can make No difference 'twixt good and euill nor know A good from what is only good in show But with vnconstant frailty doth vary From what is good to what is cleane contrary And since it lies not in the braine of man To make his drooping state more happy than His vnprospitious stars allot much lesse To lend another or a state successe In vaine you therefore shall expect this thing That we should giue you fortune with a King Since you haue made vs meanes to propagate The ioyfull welfare of our headlesse State Bound by the tender seruice that we beare Our natiue soyle far then our liues more deare We sifted haue and boulted from the Rest Whose worst admits no badnes and whose best Cannot be bettered When Chaunticleere the Belman of the morne Shall summon twilight with his bugle horne Let these braue Hero's drest in warlike wise And richly mounted on their Palferies Attend our rising Sun-gods ruddy face Within the limits of our Royall place And he whose lusty Stallion first shall neigh To him be giuen the doubtfull Monarchy The choyce of Kings lies not in mortals brest This we the Gods and fortune doe the rest So said the people tickl'd with the motion Some tost their caps some fell to their deuotion Some clapt their ioyfull hands some shout some sing And all at once cri'd out A King A King When Phoebus Harbinger had chac'd the night And tedious Phospher brought the breaking light Complete in armes and glorious in their trayne Came these braue Heroes prauncing o're the playne With mighty streamers came these blazing starres Portending Warres and nothing else but Warres Into the royall Palace now they come There sounds the martiall Trump here beats the Drum There stands a Steede and champes his frothy steele This stroaks the ground that skorn's it with his heele One snorts another pufs out angry wind This mounts before and that curuets behind By this the fomy Steeds of Phaëton Puffe too and spurne the Easterne Horizon Whereat the Nobles prostrate to the ground Ador'd their God Their God was early found Forthwith from out the thickest of the crowd In depth of silence there was heard the loud And lustfull language of Darius Horse Who in the dialect of his discourse Proclaim'd his rider King whereat the rest Patient to beare what cannot be redrest Dismount their lofty Steeds and prostrate bring Their humbled bodies to their happy King God saue the King they ioyntly say God blesse Thy prosprous actions with a due successe The people clap their sweatty palmes and shout The bonfires smoke the bels ring round about The minstrels play the Parrats learne to sing Perchaunce as well as they God saue the King Assuerus now 's inuested in the throne And Persia's rul'd by him and him alone Prooue happy Persia's Great Assuerus prooue As equall happy in thy peoples loue Enough And let this broken breuiate Suffice to shadow forth the downefall state Of mighty Babel and the conquest made By the fierce Medes and Persians conqu'ring blade Whose iust succession we haue traced downe Till great Assuerus weare the Persian Crowne Him haue we sought and hauing found him rest To morrow goe we to his royall Feast FINIS THE ARGVMENT OF THE HISTORY KIng Assuerus makes two feasts to that he inuites his Courtly ghests to this the Citizens of Susa wherevnto he sends for Queene Vashti who denyes to come whereupon the King is angry and referres the censure of her offence to his Councell who giue sentence that shee should be degraded from her Princely estate Forthwith the King commands the fairest Virgins in the Land to bee brought before him for him to take his choyce
plants the tree deserues the fruit 't is fit That he that bought the purchase hansell it Hang Haman there It is his proper good So let the Horseleach burst himselfe with blood They straight obey'd Lo here the end of Pride Now rests the King appeas'd and satisfi'de Meditatio decimaquarta CHeere vp and caroll forth your siluer ditty Heau'ns winged Quiristers and fill your Citty The new Ierusalem with iolly mirth The Church hath peace in heauen hath peace on earth Spread forth your golden pinions and cleaue The flitting skies dismount and quite bereaue Our stupid senses with your heauenly mirth For lo there 's peace in heauen there 's peace on earth Let Haleluiah fill your warbling tongues And let the ayre compos'd of Saintly songs Breathe such Celestiall Sonnets in our eares That whosoe'r this heauenly musicke heares May stand amaz'd and rauish't at the mirth Chaunt forth There 's peace in heauen there 's peace on earth Let Mountaines clap their ioyfull ioyfull hands And let the lesser Hills trace o'r the lands In equall measure and resounding Woods Bow downe your heads and kisse your neighb'ring floods Let peace and loue exalt your key of mirth For loe there 's peace in heauen there 's peace on earth You holy temples of the highest King Triumph with ioy Your sacred Anthemes sing Chaunt forth your Hymnes and heauenly Roundelayes And touch your Organs on their deeper keyes For Haman's dead that daunted all your mirth And now there 's peace in heau'n there 's peace on earth Proud Haman's dead who liuing thee opprest Seeking to cut and seare thy Lilly brest The rau'ning Fox that did annoyance bring Vnto thy Vineyard 's taken in a Spring ¶ Seem'd not thy Spouse vnkind to heare thee weepe And not redresse thee Seem'd he not asleepe No Sion no he heard thy bitter pray'r But let thee weepe for weeping makes thee faire The morning Sunne reflects and shines most bright When Pilgrims grope in darknesse all the night The Church must conquer e'r she gets the prize But there 's no conquest where 's no enemies The Day is thine In triumph make thy mirth For now there 's peace in heauen there 's peace on earth What man 's so dull or in his braines vndone To say because he sees not There 's no Sunne Weake is the faith vpon a sudden griefe That sayes because not now There 's no reliefe God's* bound to helpe but loues to see men sue Though datelesse yet the bond 's not present due ¶ Like to the sorrowes of our Child-bed wines Is the sad pilgrimage of humane liues But when by throes God sends a ioyfull birth Then find we Peace in heauen and Peace on earth Meditatio decimaquinta TO breathe 's a necessary gift of nature Whereby she may discerne a liuing Creature From plants or stones 'T is but a meere degree From Vegitation and this hath she Like equally shar'd out to brutish beasts With man who lesse obserues her due behests Sometimes than they and oft by accident Doe lesse improue the gift in the euent But man whose organs are more fairly drest To entertaine a farre more noble Ghest Hath through the excellence of his Creation A Soule Diuine Diuine by inspiration Diuine through likenesse to that pow'r Diuine That made and plac'd her in her mortall shrine From hence we challenge lifes prerogatiue Beasts onely breathe 'T is man alone doth liue The end of mans Creation was Society Mutuall Communion and friendly Piety The man that liues vnto himselfe alone Subsists and breathes but liues not Neuer one Deseru'd the moity of himselfe for he That 's borne may challenge but one part of three Triparted thus his Country claimes the best The next his Parents and Himselfe the least He husbands best his life that freely giues It for the publike good He rightly liues That nobly dies 't is greatest mastery Not to be fond to liue nor feare to dye On iust occasion He that in case despises Life earnes it best but he that ouer-prizes His dearest blood when Honour bids him dye Steales but a life and liues by Robbery ¶ O sweet Redeemer of the world whose death Deseru'd a world of liues Had Thy deare breath Been deare to Thee Oh had'st Thou but deny'd Thy precious Blood the world for e'r had dy'd O spoyle my life when I desire to saue it By keeping it from Thee that freely gaue it THE ARGVMENT Letters are sent by Mordecai That all the Iewes vpon the day Appointed for their death withstand The fury of their foe-mens hand Sect. 16. FOrthwith the Scribes were summon'd to appeare To eu'ry Prouince and to eu'ry Shiere Letters they wrote as Mordecai directed To all the Iewes the Iewes so much deiected To all Lieu-tenants Captaines of the Band To all the States and Princes of the Land According to the phrase and diuers fashion Of Dialect and speech of eu'ry Nation All which was stiled in the name of King And canonized with his Royall Ring Loe here the tenor of the Kings Commission Whereas of late through Hamans foule sedition Decrees were sent and spred throughout the Land To spoyle the Iewes and with impartiall hand Vpon a day prefixt to kill and slay We likewise grant vpon that very day Full power to the Iewes to make defence And quit their liues and for a Recompence To take the spoyles of those they shall suppresse Shewing like mercy to the mercilesse On posts as swift as Time was this Decree Commanded forth As fast as Day they flee Spurr'd on and hast'ned with the Kings Command Which straight was noys'd publisht through y e Land As warning to the Iewes to make prouision To entertaine so great an opposition So Mordecai disburthen'd of his griefe Which now found hopefull tokens of reliefe Departs the presence of the King addrest In Royall Robes and on his lofty Crest He bore a Crowne of gold his body spred With Lawne and Purple deeply coloured Fill'd are the Iewes with triumphs and with noyse The common Heralds to proclaime true ioyes Like as a prisner muffl'd at the tree Whose life 's remou'd from death scarce one degree His last pray'r said and hearts confession made His eyes possessing deaths eternall shade At last vnlook'd for comes a slow Reprieue And makes him euen as dead once more aliue Amaz'd he rends deaths Muffler from his eyes And ouer-ioy'd knowes not he liues or dyes So ioy'd the Iewes whose liues this new Decree Had quit from death and danger and set free Their gasping soules and like a blazing light Disperst the darknesse of th'approching night So ioy'd the Iewes and with their solemne Feasts They chas'd dull sorrow from their pensiue brests Meane while the people startl'd at the newes Some grieu'd some enui'd some for feare turn'd Iewes Meditatio decimasexta AMong the Noble Greekes it was no shame To lose a Sword It but deseru'd the name Of Warres disastrous fortune but to yeeld
weights To weigh without impeachment Gods designe There 's no proportion 'twixt things Diuine And mortall Liuely faith may not depend Either vpon th' occasion or the end ¶ The glorious Suns reflected beames suffise To lend a luster to the feeblest eyes But if the Eye too couetous of the light Boldly outface the Sunne whose beames so bright And vndispers'd are too-too much refin'd For view is it not iustly strucken blind I dare not taske stout Samson for his death Nor wandring Ionah that bequeath'd his breath To raging Seas when God commanded so Nor thee great Queene whose lips did ouerflow With streames of blood nor thee O cruell kind To slake the vengeance of a womans mind With flowing riuers of thy subiects blood From bad beginnings God creates a good And happy end What I cannot conceiue Lord let my soule admire and beleeue THE ARGVMENT The Feast of Purim consecrated Th' occasion why 't was celebrated Letters wrote by Mordecai To keepe the mem'ry of that Day Sect. 19. SO Mardocheus throughout all the Land Dispers'd his Letters and with them command To celebrate these two dayes memory With Feasts and gifts and yeerly iollity That after ages may record that day And keepe it from the rust of time that they Which shall succeed may ground their holy mirth Vpon the ioyes those happy dayes brought forth Which chang'd their sadnes black nights of sorrow Into the brightnesse of a gladsome morrow Whereto the Iewes to whom these Letters came Gaue due obseruance and did soone proclaime Their sacred Festiuals in memory Of that dayes ioy and ioyfull victory And since the Lots that Haman did abuse To know the dismall day which to the Iewes Might fall most fatall and to his intent Least vnprospitious were in th' euent Crost with a higher Fate than blinded Chance To worke his ruine their deliuerance They therefore in remembrance of the Lot Whose hop'd-for sad euent succeeded not The solemne Feasts of * Purim did inuest And by the name of Purim call'd their Feast Which to obserue with sacred Complement And ceremoniall rites their soules indent And firmly'inroll the happy memory Ith'hearts of their succeeding progeny That time the enemy of mortall things May not with hou'ring of his nimble wings Beat downe the deare memoriall of that time But keepe it flowring in perpetuall prime Now lest this shining day in times progresse Perchance be clouded with forgetfulnesse Or left the gaulled Persians should debate The bloody slaughter and re vlcerate In after-times their former misery And blurre the glory ' of this dayes memory THE ARGVMENT Assuerus Acts vpon Record The iust mans vertue and reward Sect. 20. ANd Assuerus stretcht his heauie hand And laid a Tribute both on Sea and Land What else he did what Trophies of his fame He left for Time to glorifie his Name With what renowne and grace he did appay The faithfull heart of loyall Mordecai Are they not kept in endlesse memory Recorded in the Persian History For Mordecai possest the second seat In all the Kingdome and his name was great Of God and man his vertues were approu'd By God and man both honour'd and belou'd Seeking his peoples good and sweet prosperity And speaking ioyfull peace to his posterity Meditatio vltima THus thriues the man Thus prosper his endeuors That builds on faith and in that faith perseuers ¶ It is no losse to lose no gaine to get If he that loses all shall win the Set God helpes the weakest takes the losers chayre And setting on the King doth soone repaire His losse with vengeance Hee 's not alway best That takes the highest place nor he the least That sits beneath for outward fortunes can Expresse how great but not how good 's the man Whom God will raise he humbles first a while And where he raises oft he meanes to foyle ¶ It matters not Lord what my fortunes be May they but leade or whip me home to thee FINIS Audire fabulas est impedimentum cognitioni veritatis Arist. 2. Metaphis The excellence and vse of this History Heiland in Eth. Mores instituūt ad virtutem Arist Eth 3. Obiectum voluntatis non est nisi bonum Arist Eth. 10. De dubijs non definies sed suspensam teneas sententiam Seneca de formali vita Ierem. 52. * Isay 13. 21. Darius dyes Cyrus King alone * Carionis Chro. lib. 2. p. 81. 2. Chro. 36. 23. * Carionis Chro. lib. 2. p. 81. 2. Chro. 36. 23. Isay 4. 45. * Tomyris Cyrus dyes Tomyris Queen of the Massagetans Cambyses King succeeded Cyrus Cambyses dyes * Chro. Carionis lib. 2. p. 89. A Magus succeeds Cambyses Smerdis The Magi slaine by the Persians The feast is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is the slaughter of the Magi. Otanes Darius Gobrias Asphatines Hidarnes They put the choyce of their King to seuen Electors The speech of the Electors * The Persians did dedicate Horses to their God which was the Sunne * The Persian worshipped the Sunne * Heroditus in medio Tholiae Iustin. * Stiled Assuerus whom Metactines calls Artaxerxes Ester 1. 1. The King makes a Feast to his Princes The King makes another Feast to the common people The description of the banqueting house Whereon they vsed to feast A Law against immoderate drinking Explicit Hist. Hesiod Chap. 1. 9. Queene Vashti makes a Feast The King sends for Queene Vashti Chap. 1. 16. Memucan's speech Genes 34. 2. Costa dura est difficiliter flectitur Sphinx Ioh. Stig in Poematis Coniugium humanae diuina Academia vitae est Hand vlla vnquam salua mansit familia partes priores vxor in qua gesserit Euripid. in Androm Non placet mihi ista domus in qua Gallina cantat Gallus tacet * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chap. 2. 1. The Kings seruants speech to the King The King pleased with the speech Mordecaies parentage * 1. Sam. 9. 1. * 2. Kin. 24. 15. Esters parentage vertue and beauty Explicit Hist * Iuuines meribus * Rehoboam 1. King 12. 8. * Sonne to the blacke Prince Chap. 2. 8. Virgins brought to the Eunuch Hege Hege affects Ester The Persian custome Esters behauiour Explicit Hist * Genes 1. 26. * Gen. 2. 25. The King fauoured Ester Ester made wife and Queene The Nuptials celebrated Mordecai ouer-heares treason Discouers it to the Queene The Queene discouers it to the King The traitors pursued Found and tryed Hanged * Esau Haman comes into fauour with the King Mordecai refuseth to reuerence Haman The Kings seruants complaine of Mordecai to Haman Hamans passion Chap. 3. 7. Hamans speech to the King His request The King grants Hamans suit The Decree was made The Decree * The 13. day of the twelfth month which was part of February part of March. Explicit Hist Paling Cui ius est ius non me●uit ius obruitur vi Summum ius est summa iniuria Simile Chap. 4. 1. Mordecaies passion Cahp 4. 9. Esters message to Mordecai Chap. 54. The Kings speech to the Queene The Queene inuites the King to a feast The Kings speech to the Queene The Queene inuites the King and Haman to a second feast Expl. Hist * The power of a faithfull man Math. 16. 19. and 18. 18. * The power of a faithfull man Math. 16. 19. and 18. 18. 1. King 18. 45. 2. King 20. 9. Iosh 10. 12. 1. King 17. 22. 2. King 4. 35. Act. 9. 40. Chap. 5. 9. Mordecai neglects his seruice to Haman Haman discontented Hamans speech to his wife and friends The answere of Hamans wife and friends Expl. Hist The Kings reply Hamans wife speakes to him Expl. Hist Solon Praemio poena conseruatur resp The Kings answere The Queenes reply The Kings speech Harbona's speech to the King The King commands to hang Haman Explicit hist By promise Chap. 8. 9. The Kings commission * The 13. day of the twelfth moneth The ioy of the Iewes Simile Expl. Hist. Nil fortitudine indigemus si omnes iusti simus Plutarch Chap. 9. 1. The Massacre Exod. 13. 21. Exod. 14. 16. 5. Nouemb. Chap. 9. 11. The Kings speech to the Queene The Queenes Answere 300. in Susan slaine by the Iewes 75000. slaine by the Iewes in the Prouinces Explicit hist * Abraham Gen. 22. 10. Iudg. 16. 30. Iona. 1. 12. Ester 9. 13. Ester 9. 14. Chap. 9. 20. Mordecai sends letters to celebrate a Feast yeerly The originall of the feasts of Purim Interp. Lo●● Ester and Mordecai send letters to confirme the feasts of Purim Chap. 10. 1. The greatnesse and vertue of Mordecai Expl. Hist