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A09649 A comfortable treatise vpon the latter part of the fourth chapiter of the first Epistle of Saint Peter, from the twelfe verse to the ende. By O. Pigge. Seene and alowed; Comfortable treatise upon the latter part of the fourth chapiter of the first Epistle of Saint Peter, from the twelfe verse to the ende. Pigg, Oliver, b. ca. 1551.; Fielde, John, d. 1588. 1582 (1582) STC 19915; ESTC S106422 38,659 87

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sentence he deliuereth two arguments of great force whereby he laboureth to persuade the reioy sing mentioned The first is drawen from the example of Christ to whose image we should desire to be conformed because we were thereunto predestinate the next is from the rewarde that we shall haue at such time as Iesus Christ shall appeare the second time in glory For the first his meaning is that whensoeuer we be afflicted for righteousnesse sake it is no otherwise with vs then it was with Christ our Lorde our king our head and sauiour before He was baptised with this baptisme and he beganne of this cup vnto vs. If we be rayled vpon hee was charged to be a glutton a Samaritane an enemye to Cesar and to worke by the deuil If men desire to haue vs out of their companies countries so was hee dealt with all by the Gergesenes If we be put to our shiftes to flye from place to place for our own safety he was so before vs. If some of our friendes whom we trust doe betray vs so did Iudas to our Lord. If we be arraigned before the indgemente seates of princes if there wee bee skoffed and mocked at beaten with roddes and condemned to death was not this also the portion of the son of God If we be thought the worst men vppon the earth more daungerous and hurtfull to the common wealth then any others we know that Barrabas was preferred before the Lord of life This is therefore a certeine trueth that Iesus Christe hath gone this way before us And Cranmer in those manifold disgracings about his disgrading y e man whom Bonner scourged in his garden and all the martyrs in their torments were nothing els but his companions Now this shoulde be sufficient to comfort vs in all our troubles and to cause vs most ioyfully to endure the same It is an olde saying it is comfort to the wretched to haue companions in their miseries howe comfortable then should it be vnto vs seing Iesus Christ tooke part with vs When Vriah by Dauids commandement was sent to the court and by the king himselfe willed to goe to his wife to his owne house to take his ease he refused it chose rather to sleepe at the pallace dore with the rest of the kings seruants And being demaunded the reason by Dauid of his so doing he answered that it was vnequall and vncomly for him to be at rest in his bedde in the house when Ioab his Lord lay in the fields The valiant couragious souldier thought it a matter of delight vnto him to endure hardnes with his captein and the greatest dishonour that coulde be to doe otherwise How much more ought we to reioyce in all our extremities seeing in them we do after a sort drinke of one cup with Christ and as it were draw in one yoke with him It had beene sufficient to cheare vs if Peter had said as our Lord spake before in the gospel of Mathew so persecuted they y e prophetes which were before you But when he telleth vs that persecution and affliction was the portion of the sonne of God it is an instruction to patience and a comfort in trouble free from all chalenge exception and speaking against If the prince shoulde say vnto vs or any other subiect you must do somwhat for me which the L. Chanceller the rest of my priuye counsell haue done before you surely the thing beeing good though neuer so painfull we ought to yeeld vnto it But if the prince shoulde say mine only sonne and heire or mine owne selfe haue borne this brunt already how coulde we challenge the prince of any hard measure offered vnto vs and how beastly faint hearted and cowardly shoulde wee be to refuse it Therefore to end this matter let vs be patient in all our afflictions and reioice in the same seeing therin we be partakers with Iesus Christe the sonne of God and our true soueraigne and euerlasting king For as the wood cast into the bitter waters at Marah made them sweet to the children of Israel so Iesus Christe being throwen into the sea of afflictions hath made them most sweete to so many as beleeue in him The second reason is the recompence promised vnto such as with Iesus Chrste suffer afflictions for a good conscience When his glory shall appeare sayth the apostle then shal you reioice and leap for ioy For y e word seemeth to signifie so much His meaning is y t the ioy of Gods children shall be perfect then wheras now by reason of our corruption mortality it is mingled with much heauinesse and sorrowe But we must note that this shalbe at such time as Christ appeareth agayne in his maiesty Whiche glorious manifestation of himselfe is opposed or set againste that base condition of his which he was in here vpon the earth in the sight iudgement of men For as he is nowe in perfect glory euen in respect of his humanity although the worlde neither see it nor beleeue it so when the day commeth wherein the father hath appointed by him to iudge the earth he shall appeare most glorious and excellent as he is with millions of Angelles attending vpon him sitting vppon his throue of maiesty so as from his face the heauen and earth shal flye away and all the vngodly of the world shal runne into caues to hide them shall call for mounteines to fall vpon them y t so if it were possible they mighte not come into his presence The apostle telleth vs that at that time we shall lift vp our heads and reioyce all teares being for euer wiped away from our eyes because after that wee shall neuer more haue any occasion of sorrowe For so we be taught by Sanct Paul in other places That if wee dye with Christ we shall reigne with him and if we suffer with him we shall reigne with him if we be partakers with him of his shame we shall also communicate with him in his glory Now this reason should be of grea● force with vs. Wee see naturall men ver● well contented to endure some hardnesse and paynes with the Sonnes of mortall men that bee of honour and wealth during the time of their mynormitye because when they come to their landes they hope for some preferment from them And to bee in greate straightes in a straunge Countrye with the kinges sonne who woulde not be gladde for a time especiallye hauing certeynty of their returne into their owne Lande and vndoubted promise to be preferred then with the prince Let vs therefore reioice in the middest of all our tentations when Iesus Christ shall restore al things and come agayn to declare his authority in iudgeing all flesh al our mourning shall be turned into ioy and our shame into honour The hope of a moste blessed and happye estate at that time muste make vs comfortable in all oure
A comfortable treatise vpon the latter part of the fourth chapiter of the first Epistle of Saint PETER from the twelfe verse to the ende By O. PIGGE 1. Cor. 49. ¶ I thinke that God hath set foorth vs the last Apostles as men appointed to death for we are made a gasing stock vnto the world and to Angels and to men 1. Peter 4. 15. Let none of you suffer as a murtherer or as a thiefe or an euill doer or as a busibodie in other mens matters Seene and alowed AT LONDON Printed by Robert Walde-graue fot Iohn Harison the yonger and Thomas Man 1582. TO THE RELIGIOVS AND VERY worshipful knightes Sir ROBERT IERMYN of Rushbrooke and Sir IOHN HEIGHAM of Baroe in the countie of Suffolke Grace and peace be multiplied from God our heauenly Father and from our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christe YOVR worships remember that at the beginning of the last newe yere I presented to you in wrighting that which the Lorde a little before had giuen me to speake in two short Sermons at BURI● adding not muche to that which was then vttered as the diligent hearer of me can testifie The reason of my so doing I alledged as the trueth was that I might haue somevvhat according to the maner of that time vvherewith to testifie the good affection vvhich of duty I owe vnto you both as vvel for the manifold blessings vvhich the church of God and the common wealth in these partes of Suffolke enioyeth by your meanes as for your care for my particuler safetie and for the great comfort which by you from time to time I haue had sithence my comming into this countrie The Lord register them in his booke that they may come into your good accounts in the day of his sonne And because it pleased you then to giue such liking of the treatise that both of you desired to reteine the coppie and requested the same at my hands vvherof also I made promise the best vvay for the performance of this I supposed vvas the putting of it in print which I was the rather contented to do because the matter deliuered in it beeing neces●arie to be taught beleeued I hoped might be profitable and comfortable to others vvhich also vvas the iudgement of some godlie and learned men that reade it ouer My purpose when I preached of the text was to sturre vp my self and the hearers to beare patiently comfortablie and profitablie al afflictions that might fal out for a good conscience sake my purpose in sending it a broade and in making it more common to the churche of God is the same The doctrine is necessarie to prepare vs for those times of trouble which the abusing of our peace the contempt of the gospell the euill handling of the ministers the infinite abhominations of the land haue most iustly deserued according also as vve haue these many yeares beene vvarned and threatned not only by our prophets teachers but also by fearefnll signes in heauen earth that fortesl vnto vs further euils vnlesse in time from the highest to the lovvest vve repent take a better course and turne from our disobedience Yea in respect of the time present this argument is not altogeather vnnecessary for although we haue iust cause dayly vpon our knees to praise God for her maiesty the most honourable of her counsell and the rest of the gouerners in the Churche common wealth by whose gracious meanes wee haue good lawes established executed for the liberty of true religion for the comfort and incouragement of such as meane well yet wee see howe in euerye place where the worde is taught cold protestantes earthly minded men papistes and Athiests seeke deuise all possible meanes they can to hinder the course of the gospell and to disquiet the preachers professours which oppose them selues againste their corruptions and refuse to ioyne with them in their disorders A matter too to vsual in these euil dayes as the faythfull seruants of God knowe and in many places finde true by miserable experience If the preachers in any towne be carefull to do their duty what quarrelles doe wicked men pick to stop their mouths weary them and to driue them away and if any of the flocke take part with their teachers and professe obedience to the trueth they want no euill words frovvning lookes and hard practises againste them from popish vvorldly irreligious men The practises of our country of Suffolke to let pas●e other parts of the lande witnes this to be true cry alowde for vengeance in the eares of the Lorde of hostes as your vvorships very vvell know VVe haue many godly learned wise faithful painful pastors I suppose that diuers Counties of the Realme being put together can scarse afforde so greate a numbe● They teache the trueth of God vvith all manner so dutifulnes and holy loialty to her maiesty and the state they be carefull to liue vvell to the vttermoste of their povver and the Lorde be thanked that hath giuen them some good measnre of grace in that behalfe They lacke not countenance comfort and reliefe from the honorable and worshipful in the commission of peace for the shire so farre as they maye with a good conscience and according to the lawes of our most gracious souereigne VVee prayse God therefore and thinke our selues bound to pray daily for you all But I pray you what impes hath Sathan sturred vp amongst vs almost in euery Towne vvhere the vvorde is preached to hinder this vvorke of the Lorde hath there bene any vvay vnattempted to shake some of the preachers and in them no dout al the rest They vvhich seeme to make any account of the teachers and to professe more holinesse then others though alas not so much as they should doe escape not the vennom of poisoned tongues The pore people here and there in the country that be more carefull then the rest to resort to sermons to heare the vvoorde learne their dutie and vvith a good conscience to discharge such duties as by oth are layd vpon them bee not vvithout their crosses Some by the malice of naughty insufficient ministers other vntovvarde men to redeeme peace glad to leaue the tovvn vvhere they dvvelled Others frovvned vpon for doing othervvise then their superstitious landlordes doe vvould haue them Others maliced for indicting and complaining of papists other vvicked men for not resorting to the church not comming to the Communion and for misusing of the prechers some molested one way and some another And this I speak not of any thing done by any magistrate or gouernour in the church or common vveale let no man take me so but by vvicked papistes and godlesse persons that be scattered abroade in the counrry as Goates among the sheepe and darnell among good corne VVho contrary to the lavves peace Crovvne dignity of her highnesse and the kingdome purpose and practise mi●chife and violence sometime couertly
much And if we looke to the whol nation of the Iews first in Egypt and then after in the lande of Canaan we shall finde that the Lorde punished them alwayes first and that to so sharply as the like vengeance and destruction lightened not vpon any people As it is mentioned in Daniel And as Ieremie sayth I beginne to plague the City where my name is called vpō The reason of this proceeding of the Lorde is best knowne vnto himselfe it suffiseth vs for this text to be perswaded of this trueth whiche we may vnderstand by the recordes of the scriptures Although it mighte bee briefly sayde that hee hath an especiall care of the saluation of his people and therefore punisheth them aboue and before the rest to reclaime them from their sinnes that they shoulde not bee damned with the worlde Moreouer because his mercies towardes his Churche are beyonde all comparison more then vnto others It is equall and righteous that it offending should both be first punished and more seuerely then the rest But as this hath beene the ordinary course of the Lorde toward his Churche from the beginning so was it especially true of the time wherein the Apostle writ after the manifestation of the sonne of God in the flesh For both then euer sithence the Lorde was and continueth so sharpe to them that truly worship him be carefull to please his ma●esty in the meane season seeming often times to spare the wicked and vngodly that in the iudgment of flesh and bloud it was better with suche as sayd vnto God departe from vs we will none of thy lawe what is the almightie that we should feare him then with those that stood in awe of his commaundements and sette naught by all the pleasures and tormentes of the worlde in comparison of the fauoure of God and keeping a good conscience beefore him Consider the estate of the Apostles and professours in the Actes The condition of the Church hath not amended any thing sithence but as the glorye of it approcheth neerer neerer so the warrfare of it vpon the earth hath increased sharper sharper The persecutions vnder the Romaine emperours the Turkes and last in the vsurped dominions of the Prieste of Rome doe sufficientlye prooue the truethe of this matter Let vs remember what hardnesse Cranmer Latimer Ridley Hooper Bradforde and the reste indured of late yeares with in our owne realm when as it was peaceable and quiet with all the wicked of the lande And how hath it gone more lately with the true Christians and faythfull seruants of God in our neighbour countries of Flanders France and Spayue as their stories doe witnesse when as in the meane time brothels witches adulterers incestuous persons murtherers blasphemers ruffians and abhominable Idolaters were vntouched And was there euer suche a iudgement vnder heauen as after that marriage at Parise fel vpon those zealouse and sincere professours of the trueth S. Paul therefore sayth truely of all faithful Christians that if the hope of the life to come were taken away of al other men they were most miserable If in this life onely we beleeued in Christ we were sayth he moste wretched of all others Neither spake he this without good matter to lead him vnto it For whereas the wicked liue peaceablie in the worlde because the worlde loueth it owne be free from aduersity and in their prosperity reioyce them selues the faithful seruants of God bee alwayes hated and persecuted one waye or other they no sooner creade awry but the Lord calleth them agayne into the way with some scourge in the middest of their greatest peace they be humbled with inward temptations sorrow for sinnes past griefe for present and dayly falles doubtes terrors so as they alwayes woorke out their saluation with feare trembling Insomuch as indeed the most wicked were in better case then they if their fayth hope good conscience had no other recompense but in this life But the life to come is their comforte because they know that if the tabernacle of this earthly house be put off and dissolued they shall haue a building giuen them of God that is an house not made with handes but eternall in the heauens Therefore let vs not be discomforted in oure troubles as though for them wee mighte conclude wee were forsaken of the Lorde and did not belong vnto him Wee see here the apostle telleth vs that iudgement beginneth at his owne house It followeth If it beginne first with vs what shall be the end of them that obey not the Gospell of God We haue heard before of the troublesome estate of Gods Church people vpon the earth and how the Lorde seemeth to fauor the wicked because for a time they florish and be spared in their sinnes Now least the faythfull shoulde be deceiued with the prosperity of the wicked and imagine that the Lord would euer beare with them in their naughtinesse here the apostle telleth vs that they likewise must haue their course and that necessarily there must be a time wherein they shall be plagued For thus doth he reason from the lesse vnto the greater If God correct them that imbrace his gospell and be careful to doe him faithfull seruice if he begin first to scourge such is it possible that they should escape moste fearefull vengeance which be sworne enemies to his maiesty superstitious idolatrous ignorant and disobedient to his wil The time certeinly will come God being iust when they shall bee rewarded seuenfolde into their bosoms Therefore let not wicked men presume vpon their safety because they be spared for a time let them not insult vppon the Seruauntes of God because they are afflicted and kept vnder when themselues enioy the desire of their heartes and often times be the Lordes roddes whereby he whippeth his chosen For when the Lorde hath worne them to the stumps aboute the backes of his children to their greate good then muste themselues be throwne into the fire of destruction because the Lorde hath no more vse of them This did Isaiah the prophet prophesy to the comfort of the church in his time when sayth he the Lord hath acomplished all his worke vppon Mount Sion and Ierusalem he will visite the fruite of the proud heart of the king of Ashur As though he should haue sayd although God for a time giue vp his church to be chastised by the king of Assiria a wicked man so as he may seeme to haue cast of his owne people for euer and to haue taken the proude and irreligious Assirians in their stead Yet the time will come when they shall bee restored to their beautye and the wicked king with his people broughte to confusion and ruine Euen when the Lord hath by them accomplished that correction of his Church which hee hath determined According to that which he sayth in another place Woe to thee that spoylest and wast