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A03949 Bromelion A discourse of the most substantial points of diuinitie, handled by diuers common places: vvith great studie, sinceritie, and perspicuitie. Whose titles you haue in the next page following. S. I., fl. 1595.; Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605. Summa totius Christianismi. English. 1595 (1595) STC 14057; ESTC S107410 412,250 588

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by Sanctifie the Lorde of hostes and let him be your feare and let him be your dread saith the Prophet Esay 8. For loe he that formeth the mountaines and createth the wind and declareth to man what is his thought which maketh the morning darkenesse and walketh vppon the high places of the earth the Lorde God of hostes is his name And therefore hée may iustly and that with a maiestie report himselfe vnto his people The Lord the Lord. Euen high and terrible and a great King ouer all the earth who is greatly to be exalted in the congregation of Princes For the Lorde is a great God and a great King aboue all Gods the Lord hath prepared his throne in heauen and his kingdome ruleth ouer all Greatnes and power and glorie and victorie are his hée excelleth and is most mightie he is the Lorde and his name is most glorious the earth is his footestoole and hee is higher then the Kinges of the earth who are but his vassalles And saith the King Nebuchandnezer vnto Da●iel Cap. 2. I knowe of a truth that your God is a God of Gods and the Lord of Kings Pharaoh also the King of Egypt who so gréeuously persecuted the Israelites was driuen so to confesse in that hée spake vnto Moses that he would pray vnto the Lord for him to take away those gréeuous plagues wherewith hée was iustly punished for his disobedience and hard heart against the Lorde By which his punishment of the highest in the earth and as it is in the Prouerbes of Salomon Although they be mightie on earth yet are there mightier then they by which his punishment he declareth himselfe to be the onely Prince the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Which thing the example of Sanehereib the King of Ashur can well testifie whom the Lord withdrew from the siege and slaughter of his people and put a hooke in his nostrils and turned him backe the same way he came and caused the Angel of his wrath to sley a hundreth foure score and fiue thousand of his souldiers Although Rabshakey his Ambassadour in his be halfe gaue forth these words Heare the words of the great King the King of Ashur Thus saith the King Let not your King Hezekiah make you trust in the Lord saying The Lord will surely deliuer vs for who are they among all the gods of the nations that haue deliuered their land out of mine hand that the Lord should deliuer Ierusalem out of mine hand But as you heard his souldiers were slaine himselfe was driuen to flight and furthermore as he was worshipping his Idole god Nisroch Adramelech and Sharezer his own sonnes flew him with the sword and escaped they flew this great King the King of Ashur The Lord raigneth let the people tremble he sitteth betwéene the Cherubins let the earth bee moued I make a decrée saith King Darius that in all the dominion of my kingdom men tremble and feare before the god of Daniel for he is the liuing god and remaineth for euer and his kingdome shal not perish and his dominion shall be euerlasting King Nebuchadnezar to iustisie the Lord in these words The Lord the Lord did extoll and magnifie the King of heauen praised and honoured him that liueth for euer whose power is an euerlasting power and his kingdome is from generation to generation And this did the King confesse after that he had felt the mightie hand of god and his power Let the spirit of Princes be subiect vnto the Lord that euen the chiefest with the lowest may acknowledge this soueraigntie that he is the onely Lord who is highly to be praised and greatly to be feared for glory and strength are before him Wherfore giue vnto the Lord ye families of the people the glory of his name giue vnto the Lord the power which is due vnto his maiestie When the lion roareth all the beasts of the forest tremble and when god commaundeth who will not obey If the Captaine that hath authoritie ouer his souldiers may say to one Go and he goeth and to another Come and he commeth and to his seruant Do this and he doth it Shall not we be as ready when the great Captaine the Lord of hostes shall charge vs If the seruants shall be diligent to fulfill their maisters will to how at his beck and to make haste when he calleth shal not we yéeld our selues to the obedience of our Lord maister which dwelleth in the heauens who hath the Angels at commandement and whose creatures we are who hath more authoritie ouer vs in the wide compasse of his dominion then hath the maister ouer his seruant within the circuit of his house The seruants that are disobedient may flie from their maisters displeasure and escape but if we be rebellious we cannot auoid the anger of the Lord. His eies are in all the corners of the earth neither is there any place wherein we may be frée if it please God according to our deserts to strike vs. Looke what the Prince may do among his subiects much more in the highest degrée may the lord of the whole earth do among vs. Many lawlesse people may resist that which the King commandeth although it may not be resisted by the authoritie of his crowne and dignitie yea furthermore may put the king in hazard but the authoritie of the highest King is such that he maketh the stoutest heart to tremble wel may they murmure grudge and set them selues in defiance against him but they shal be able to do no more although they were as mightie as the diuels in hell they shal no whit preuaile A consuming fire shall go before him the mountains shal be al in a smoke the earth shal tremble at his presence and the wicked y● disobey his commandements resist his wil and are as far as they dare at defiance shal in their time hide themselues in the holes of the rockes and wish y● the mountains might fall vpon them And then shall they know how y● he onely is the lord that he hath authoritie to command and y● they were bound to obey In diuers places of the holy scriptures in the prophecies of his seruants and messengers by whom he declared his wil and whom hee gaue in commandement to deliuer his message vnto the people when they speake of any matter of waight they vse these words Thus saith the Lord. To put y● people alwaies in remembrance of his high soueraigntie and authoritie ouer them As in the Prophecie of Ieremy the Lord saith vnto Ieremiah thou shalt say vnto them Thus saith the Lord If ye wil not heare me to walk in my lawes which I haue set before you and to heare the words of my seruants the Prophets whom I sent vnto you both rising vp early and sending them and will not obey them Then wil I make this house like Shiloh meaning that his Temple and his Church shuld be forsaken and the priests deliuered vp to the sword
ioy and to her crowne who was ful néere her death The greatnesse of our peril can be no stop to our deliuerance because the power of our deliuerer is infinit Indéed we sée that men are altogither amazed and in a manner berest of wit and vnderstanding when they féele themselues daungerously tossed too and fro But do we not also sée that when they crie vnto the Lord in their trouble he bringeth them out of distresse hee turneth the storme to calme so that the waues thereof are still Do we not sée how that they passe through tribulations to the kingdome of heauen and through stormie tempests are brought to the hauen where they would be This the Lord doth that we might confesse his louing kindnesse before him and his wonderfull workes before the sonnes of men God for diuers secret causes leadeth his church through many bitter afflictions as it were to no other purpose then by trying them by the crosse to make them true to his crowne and then either in death doth giue them patience and constancie or by deliuerance doth send them ease and libertie Psal 38. 19. Many are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord deliuereth him out of them all It is euen the time of Iacobs trouble saith the Lord yet shall he be deliuered from it and shall be in rest and prosperitie and none shall make him afraid And there shall be a day Zacha. 14. 7. it is knowne to the Lord neither day nor night but about the euening time it shall be light And loe in the euening there is trouble but afore the morning it is gone Esay 17. 14. The wrath of the Lord endureth but the twinkling of an eie and his pleasure is life heauinesse may endure for a night but ioy commeth in the morning Ps 30. 5. The thoughts of the Lord are thoughts of peace and not of trouble to giue you an ende and your hope Ieremy 29. 10. Then shall ye cry vnto me and I will heare you ye shall seeke me and find me because ye shall seeke me with all your heart And if hee come out presently at our call it is most méete and conuenient that wée should waite his pleasure Knowest thou not or hast thou not heard that the euerlasting God the Lord hath created the ends of the earth neither fainteth nor is weary there is no searching of his vnderstanding But he giueth strength to him that fainteth and vnto him that hath no strength he increaseth power Euen the yong men shall faint and be weary and they shall stumble and fall Eut they that wait vpon the Lord shall renue their strength they shall lift vp theire winges as the eagles they shall runne and not be weary they shall walke and not faint Somtimes it pleaseth God to send his people deliuerāce by turning the hearts of the percecutors So was the firie and fierce wrath of Nabuchodonozor turned to great good will toward Shadrake Meshake and Abednago Saul breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the saints of God was conuerted miraculously and Saule a persecutor became Paule the professor and then had the churches rest in those daies King Agrippa beganne to yéeld and from iudging was readie to defend Paule Pontius Pilate spake for Christ when all the Iewes were against him saying I finde no fault in him at all Sometimes by sending danger and trouble to the persecutors Themselues in danger themselues As when Dauid was almost taken and like to come into the hands of Saul his enemy then he heard that the Philistines had inuaded his land Lastly God sendeth comfort and ioy by powring foorth Gods ven g●ance being powred out his vengeance on their enimies Vengeance is mine I will repay faith the Lord. God in time will reuenge our cause According to that we reade in the prophet Ieremie against king Nabuchodonozor and his land Iere. 50. 22. Acrie of Eze. 25. 17. 26. 5. 28. 22. 23. battell is in the land and of great destruction How is the hammer of the whole world destroied and broken how is Babel become desolate among the nations At the noise of the winning of Babel the earth is mooued mooued and the cry is heard among the nations Make bright the arrowes gather the shields the Lord hath raised vp the spirit of the king of Medes For his purpose is against Babel to destroy it because it is the vengeance of the Lord and the vengeance of his temple Iere. 5. 11. Re. 16. 19. Great Babylon came in remembrance before God to giue vnto her the cup of the wine of the fiercenesse of his wrath 18. 20. Oheauen reioyce of her and ye holy Apostles and Prophets For God hath giuen your iudgement on her and reuenged your cause in punishing her and in one houre shee is made desolate But let vs come a little néerer and behold Gods iudgementes vpon persecutors and the ouerthrow not of the And his iudgmentes being put in execution meanest but of the greatest and mightiest in the world kinges and emperours Ioas slaine of his seruauntes after he had caused Zachariah to be put to death by stoning Senacharib murthered by two of his owne sonnes after that he Eze. 28. 26. 35. 11. ca. 39. 21. 22. had blasphemed God and done his worst against godly Ezekiah Antiochus perished by grieuous tormentes in the bowels so that wormes came out of his bodie in aboundance and being aliue his flesh fell from him for paine and torment and all his armie was gréeued at his smell yea and he himselfe might not abide his owne stinke When Nero one of the Emperours of Rome went about by all meanes to extinguish and blot out for euer the religion of Christ and had caused both Paul and Peter and many holy martyrs to be murdered at length he also receiued reward according to his crueltie For being left of all his prouinces souldiers and acquaintance being iudged of the Romaine Senate an ennemie and condemned by most ignominious death to suffer flying at midnight with Sporus his page there fell before bis féete a thunderbolt whereat afraid and hiding himselfe and falling into vtter dispaire he vttered these words Filthily haue I liued and worse shall I die and so taking his dagger with the helpe of Sporus he cut his owne throate and perished What punishments Domitian Traiane Antoninus Verus Seuerus Maximinus Decius Valerianus Emperours yet bloodie and cruell persecutors of Gods church haue suffered time would faile to declare vnto you Most euident it is that Aurelian for his crueltie against the Saints was slaine of his seruaunts that Dioclesian after he had shead much Christian blood druncke poyson in extreame desperation and so perished that Maximian was hanged at Massilia by Constantine and Maximine strooken for his crueltie with Antiochus his disease wormes growing in bodie and deuouring him vp Infinite the like examples might be alledged of the iust iudgements of almightie God vpon such as
through our sin and vngodlines we lose not our happie estate in the world to come As touching the knowledge of our selues that is of our The knowledge of our selues excellent estate wherein we were created of our fall wherby we lost and forfaited that estate and howe againe we are restored vnto the same the word of god doth thus instruct Mans excellent estate vs. That god by his infinit goodnesse created man according to his image and likenes to this end that he should be good holy immortall happie and partaker of all his benefits hauing then and in his time of innocencie Fréewil to fulfill and performe those things which god required at his hands and to do his will and commandements Lastly in graunting him the rule gouernment ouer all his creatures The knowledge of our fall consisteth herein and so His fall we are taught that man being created in so excellēt estate continued not in his innocencie and vprightnesse but fell away by his disobedience from god and from his excellent estate The causes of whose fall were the temptations of the Diuel the enemy of all mankinde the enticement of Eue his wife his infidelitie in not veléeuing gods word to be true and doubting the punishment which god foretold lastly his own high mind and wicked wil by which means he disobeyed god and so became sinfull The sequele and effects of his disobience sin and fall were theirs that thereby he prouoked gods wrath against himselfe that according to his deserts he was vexed with infinit miseries and that he brought death vppon himselfe and vpon all his posteritie And so through sin he chaunged the image of god into the image of the diuel and caused that his ofspring and posteritie should be by nature the children of wrath and subiect to miserie death and damnation Concerning the restoring of man we reade that gods His restoring mercy herein is great and singular who according to his infinit and vnspeakable goodnesse pittying mans miserie of his méere grace ●nd fauour did giue his owne sonne to death for the forgiuenesse of our sinnes And that the meane whereby man should be restored was that the sonne of god should be incarnat and take our flesh of a godly woman and pure virgin being conceiued of the holy ghost and thereby pure and without sin Who in our flesh performed perfect obedience to make vs acceptable who by dying in the flesh did satisfie Gods wrath and by death ouercame death and him that had the power of death that is the diuell who deliuered the faithfull children of Adam and set them frée from the bondage of Sathan who procured them to be adopted the sonnes of God being by nature the children of wrath who sanctified them and inducd them with the gifts and graces of his holy spirit that they might be framed to expresse the image of God in their liues and conuersation that they might be holy both in bodie and soule and so recouer their former estate and become fellowe heires with Christ of euerlasting life being immortall and blessed and eternally glorified And thus when in our painfull endeuours we shal perceiue that God hath graunted vnto vs to vnderstand his will and his word it will bréed an inward comfort in our hearts and consciences which shall be a sufficient witnesse vnto vs both of Gods loue and fauour and of his sauing and euerlasting mercies toward vs. God gaue the heathen people a land wherein were riuers Conclusion of waters and fountaines a land of wheate and barley and of viniards and figge trées and pomegranates a land of oyle and honie a land wherein was no scarcitie a land whose stones were iron and out of whose mountaines they dig brasse they possessed great and goodly citties and houses full of all manner of goods they wanted no earthly commodities that their hearts could desire All which blessings although they enioyed them to the full yet in respect of the word of God they were all but as vaine shadowes The great blessings of his word and of his lawes he gaue onely to his owne people He dealt not so doth the Prophet say with the Heathen nay he dealt not so with any nation vnder the Sunne neither had the Heathen knowledge of his lawes Which great blessing and the onely treasure of all treasures we enioying through the mercy and fauour of God shall we be found so negligent as not to search and spend some time and studie therein The time shall come saith Christ that ye shal desire one of the daies of the sonne of man and shall not sée them What if God should send a famine not of bread nor of bodily foode but of his precious word What if he should punish vs by Idolatry by giuing power to a straunge nation to ouerrunne vs. We may wander from sea to sea and from the North euen to the East then we may runne too and fro to séeke the word of the Lord and yet not be partakers of our desires Now we may reade let not the opportunitie slip vntill the time come that we may wish and want We neuer lightly know what health is till sicknesse come and then we may be nearer to death then to recouer our health What was it to Moses that he could sée that pleasant land and goodly lebanon and could not enter into it And what comfort will it be to vs to thinke that we had time to reade and search the word of God when we shall be debarred from the vse therof O that we could be perswaded to reade and search that we might finde eternall life or that the loue thereof were planted in our hearts that we might bee desirous still to heare reade and meditate in the same who in so doing are pronounced blessed Blessed is the man whose delight is in the lawe of the Lord and therein doth he meditate that is continually spend a great part of his time in that holy and heauenly and sauing exercise Which blessing God of his mercy grant vs and frame our mindes to the earnest desire of reading and vnderstanding his wil and and his word and I pray God giue effect to the same and prosper it To God the Father God the Sonne and God the holy Ghost c. Some reade the word for fashion sake Idle readers Mat. 13. 19. Much like the high way seede And some being touch't by gods good grace Christian workers Mat. 5. 6. Do reade it for their neede Yet is the wisest naturall man 1. Cor. 2. 14. Herein but ignorant and blinde And daily must we pray to God Praier for vnderstanding Eph. 1. 16. 20. Iam. 1. 5. Colloss 1. 9. To light our darkned minde And if that profit we do meane To get and gaine thereby We must not reade but once and twice To satisfie the eye But often must the cud be chu'd Read often if we minde truly to profit Ps
and I will make this Cittie a curse to all the nations of the earth The destruction of this Citie shall be a matter of feare and wonder and shall be continually in euery mans mouth as an example of the reuenge that the lord hath wrought Worship the lord in the glorious Sanctuary tremble before him all the earth Say among the nations The lord raigneth surely he shall iudge the people In the tenth Chapter to the Hebr. The Lord shal iudge his people Before whose iudgement seate we shall all appeare to receiue those things which we haue done in our bodies according to that we haue done whether it be good or euill As the wise man in his booke called Eccle. putteth vs in mind Reioyce ô yoong man in thy youth and let thy heart cheare thee in the dayes of thy youth and walke in the wayes of thy heart and in the sight of thine eyes but knowe that for all these thinges God will bring thee to iudgement If thou set light by and disobey that which I command thee I am the Lorde thou shalt not escape when I shall shewe my selfe from heauen with my mightie Angelles in flaming fire rendering vengeance and paying euerie one according to his desertes The Lorde the Lorde shall appeare in glorie when hee commeth to iudgement and all his holie Angels with him And before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall seperate them one from an other as a shepheard seperateth the shéepe from the goates and he shall set the shéepe on his right hand and the goates on the left Vnto the goates that is to them that haue disobeyed him he shal say Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the diuel and his angels And if god spared not the angels that had sinned but cast them downe into hell and deliuered them into chaines of darknesse to be kept vnto damnation and spared not the old world but brought the floud vpon the vngodly and turned the Citties of Sodome and Gomorra into ashes cōdemned them and ouerthrew them and made them an ensample vnto them that after should liue vngodly Surely the Lord as yet and from this day vnto the end of the world will reserue the wicked and vniust vnto the day of iudgement vnto punishment The Lord shall consume them with the fire of his wrath and render vppon their heads their owne waies and they shall knowe how true and certaine this is that he is the Lorde For in his hand is a cuppe and the wine is redde it is full mixt and he powreth out of the same Surely all the wicked of the earth shall wring out and drinke the dregs thereof Therfore are we willed to lead our liues before the Lord in feare and trembling considering how dreadfull the Lord is As saith the Prophet Dauid My flesh trembleth for feare of thee and I am affraid of thy iudgements Knowing therfore the terrour of the Lord and his fearfull iudgement we perswade men that they haue a diligent regard to that which the Lord hath commanded And séeing that the Lord shall come in such dreadfull maner to iudge the vngodly and disobedient what maner persons ought we to be in holy conuersation and godlinesse And being fully perswaded thorof let vs be diligent that we may be found of him without spot and blamelesse And let vs marke what is written in the last words of the book of Salomon called Ecclesiastes his words are these Let vs heare the end of all Feare God and keepe his commandements For this is the whole dutie of man For God wil bring euery worke vnto iudgement with euery secret thing whether it be good or euill Thus much you haue heard concerning his sacred and Strong fearefull maiestie wherein also the force of his power doth shewe it selfe and yet it is further expressed in that hée is said to be strong Which especially is to be séene in his punishments where I might bring in manifolde and infinit examples of plagues against the wicked procéeding from his iust anger whereby the Lord hath shewed his mightie power and declared his maiestie to be most dreadfull and full of force As among the rest were most notorious the drowning of the old world and the burning of Sodome and Gomorrha with fire and brimstone from heauen This his mightie power did not the Lorde make knowne onely to straungers but euen to his owne people in making the earth to open and swallow vp some the fire to burne and consume others a mightie great plague to make a riddance of them firie serpents to sting them to death for their murmuring and rebellion that they also might confesse and acknowledge the mightie power of the Lord. And to declare howe strong hee is he maketh mention of his thrée great plagues the Sword and Famine and the Pestilence wherby not a fewe but thousands and infinit multitudes perish when it pleaseth God to strike by them as we may read in diuers places of the scriptures well knowne to them that are but meanely séene in them Againe this is a great argument to proue how strong he is that when one punishment is sent and past and gone he can send another and another in the necke of the same and still increase his power by adding and doubling and multiplying For as his mercies haue no ende so his iudgements cannot be numbred And where his anger is ●●●led there his power groweth stronger and stronger In the Prophecie of Iere. cap. 15. 2. 3. The Lord instructeth the Prophet what he shall answere the Iewes that had so greatly prouoked his wrath And if they say vnto thée Whither shall we depart then tell them Thus saith the Lord Such as are appointed vnto death vnto death and such as are for the sword to the sword and such as are for the famine to the famine and such as are for the captiuitie to the captiuitie And I will appoint ouer them foure kinds saith the Lord. The sword to sley and the dogs to teare in pieces the foules of the heauen to deuou● and the beasts of the earth to destroy He might haue gone further in reckoning vp his plagues and neuer bene wearied in throwing downe his thunderbolts That proud and hard hearted king Pharaoh that said Who is the lord that I should heare his voyce I know not the lord The lord that he might make manifest his power shewed himself to this wicked king in diuers plagues punishments Which were such that one excéeding an other one was more greeuous then an other The waters of his land being turned into blood the earth couered with frogges the dust of the earth chaunged into lice the aire replenished with great swarmes of flies the hand of the lord was vpon their beasts and cattle and they died by a mightie great murrain there came a scab-breaking out into blisters vppon man and vppon beast the lord sent lightning and thunder and haile mixed with
to passe but by means but God sheweth his power vnto vs in y● without meanes of nothing he can doo all thinges Sarah Abrahams wife laughed when shée heard that shée should haue a sonne in her olde age séeing it had ceased to be with her after the manner of women and that her wombe had so long bene barreine and as it was to be thought now dead What saith shée after I am waxed olde and my Lord also shall I haue lust But the Angel answered Shall any thing be heard to the Lord who as of nothing made infinit creatures so caused he of one euen of one which was dead to spring so many as the starres of the skie in multitude and as the sande of the sea which is innumerable What more impossible then to put life into a stone Yet saith Iohn Baptist vnto the Iewes that boasted themselues that they were Abrahams posteritie God is able of these stones to raise vp children vnto Abraham Howe should we say in the Articles of our beliefe I beleeue in God the father Almightie vnlesse wee were fully perswaded that hee were able to doo all things whatsoeuer he would Which things also the Diuels knowe and doo beleeue Else the tempter woulde not haue saide vnto Christ If thou be the sonne of God commaund that these stones be made bread What foolishneshnesse is it then for vs to measure the infinit power of God within the narrow strait of our owne conceit Much like the seruant of the Prophet Elisha who sawe nothing when as there were round about his maister and himselfe horses and char●ts of fire the mountaine full Yet this matter of Gods Almightie power is more manifest in the resurrection that after our bodies haue béene consumed to earth and ashes and hath beene meate for the foules of the aire the beastes of the earth and the fishes of the sea when euery part and parcell of our bodies are brought to nothing yet shall they returne to their former estate and be renued againe As Iobe saith I hope to see my Redeemer in the latter day not with anie other but with these same eyes What is it for him when all thinges are vanished and consumed to nothing to bid them returne againe who as the Prophet faith Renueth the face of the earth and doth cloath it yearely as it were with a newe garment What is it for him to make a plentifull lande barraine and to bring foorth nothing as hée did by the lande of Sodome and Gomorrha and to make a barraine land to be plentifull and to bring foorth all things For as hée turneth the flouds into a wildernesse and drieth vp the water springes Psal 107. 35. So againe he maketh the wildernesse a standing water water springs of a dry ground Darknes and light to him are both alike so is it his onely propertie both to make all thinges of nothing and that there should be nothing impossible vnto him Wherefore let vs not foolishly imagine that out of nothing nothing can be made as some haue thought and those not meanly learned but when we come to the view of the workes of God all learning and wisedome of man must 〈◊〉 And although we reade that man was made of the dust of the earth the fishes and foules of the water the woman of man yet the first beginning of all things was of nothing let vs with Iobe cap. 26. 7. beholde yet a little more nearer very manifestly and also with great delight The wordes of Iobe are these Hee hangeth the earth vpon 2. Esd 16. 501. nothing VVhiche thing is subiect euen to our sences For the heauens euerie way foorthe doo compasse the Earth and the Sea and the Earth and the Sea standeth of it selfe without any manner helpe but onelie from GOD. And although euerie one cannot perceiue so muche yet the learneder sorte haue tryed it and found it out by learning and some passengers and trauellers if not by land yet by sea haue aduentured it If it hang vpon nothing wonder not For God hath laide the foundations of the earth Psal 104. 5. that it neuer should mooue at any time making it fast and giuing it a lawe which should neuer be broken till he saw good and that all should be ended But that we should be somewhat more resolued in this By his word doubtfull matter this we are to learne that as God made all things of nothing that did appeare so also he performed this wonderfull worke onely by the word of his mouth The Potter maketh his vessels out of the claie the Carpenter buildeth his house of timber the Smith forgeth his instruments out of iron but shewe me the workeman that can but wish his woorke made ready to his handes without any other helpe but onely to haue it for the wishing Onely and alone it was God that commanded and said Let it be so and it was so Psal 135. 6. For whatsoeuer it pleased God that did he in the heauen and in the earth in the sea and in all déepe places To vs that haue a very smal insight in the infinit works and power of God it séemeth vnpossible it should bee so yet the word of God which is the foundation of all truth hath certified vs that it is so Psal 33. 6. ● By the word of the Lord were the heauens made and all the hoste of them by the breath of his mouth For he spake and it was done he commanded and it stood His effectuall power was in his word and commandement In the beginning God created the heauen and the earth and said Let there be light and there was light Let there be a afirmament and it was so Let the earth bud forth hearbes and trees and it was so Let there be lights in the heauen and there were lights Let there be foules in the aire and fishes in the sea and there were multitudes and God was delighted in the worke Let the earth bring foorth all beastes and cattell and presently they were to be seene This was that eternall word of God which was before all things the ingraued forme of the image of God the second person in the godhead by the which all things were made This was the word of God which was before his works of old which was set vp from euerlasting from the beginning and before the earth When there were no depthes neither any fountaines abounding with water before the mountaines were setled and before the hilles he had not yet made the earth nor the open places nor the height of the dust in the world when he prepared the heauens it was there and when he set the compasse of the déepe When he established the cloudes aboue when he confirmed the fountaines of the déepe when he gaue his decrée to the sea that the water should not passe his commaundement when he appointed the foundation of the earth then was his word with him a nourisher and it was his daily delight
good the bad the wicked and the godly for whose sake were created his beneficiall and helpefull creatures and his plaguing and reuenging creatures Which god in his wisedome hath thus disposed to frame vs to thankfulnesse to a reuerence and feare of his maiestie that we should not offend him or prouoke his anger against vs. And although the foolish mind of man may thinke some creatures of god to haue no goodnesse in their creation because they that deserue the contrary finde it not yet in their nature they are good because they are the worke of God and this is their goodnesse that they execute Gods punishments A notable example whereof we sée in the Prophecie of Daniel concerning his malicious enemies and wicked accusers who when they were cast vnto the lions were torne in pieces before they came to the ground which if they had done vpon a rauening kinde of nature it would haue bene séene vpon Daniel himselfe who was cast amongst the lions before they were and yet was not touched To giue a manifest proofe vnto vs that God hath made them to execute his wrath and hath ordeined them to a good ende though in their tune they bee terrible and most hurtfull Which as yet more manifestly it appeareth in the examples of the Prophets that disobeyed Gods commandement and was therefore slaine by a lion whereof we reade 1. King 13. The old Prophet which had caused the yoong Prophet to transgresse Gods commandement as they were sitting at the table the word of the Lord came vnto him and he cried vnto the yoong Prophet saying Thus saith the Lord because thou hast disobeyed the mouth of the Lord and hast not kept the commandement which the Lord the God commanded thee but camest backe againe and hast eaten bread and drunke water in the place whereof hee did say vnto thee Thou shalt eate no bread nor drinke any water therefore thy carkasse shal not come into the sepulchre of thy fathers So when the Prophet was departed and gone a lion met him by the way and slew him and his bodie was cast in the way and the asse stood therby the lion stood by the corps also The asse which is wont to be the praie of the lion was vnhurt the hungry lion stood by as though ●e had no lust to eate because God had shut his mouth to shewe his iudgement and therefore the lion stood still till other came to behold the same and as it were to beare witnesse In the lion we may behold gods wisedome in all other cruell and terrible beasts who neuer rage till men be come to an outlawe I meane when they forget God and themselues then doth God vse the fiercenesse of his reuenging creatures because hee would haue good order kept and that men should liue in awe and as we say vnder a lawe euen Gods lawe which is most righteous and holy This is not ordinary for God hath put the sword into the Magistrates hand to punish offendors and to cut them off but sometimes he punisheth extraordinarily As we reade Eccle. 39. 28. 32. There be spirits that are created for vengeance which in their rigour lay on sure strokes In the time of destruction they shewe forth their power and accomplish the wrath of him that made them Fire and haile and famine and death all these are created for vengeance The téeth of wilde beastes and the scorpions and the serpents and the sword execute vengeance for the destruction of the wicked They shall be glad to doo his commaundements and when néed is they shall be readie vppon earth and when their houre is come they shall not ouerpasse the commaundement The night and darknesse is created of God to a good end that all his creatures may take rest therein yet was it a gréeuous punishment vnto the Egiptians and a forerunrer of hellish darknesse Frogges and lice and grashoppers and such creatures lightly do no great hurt but when God would punish the Egiptians his enemies by them they came among them in aboundance and in swarmes and molested them gréeuously in so much that the land did stinke with their huge heaps No creature we think so vgly to looke to as a toad yet it is a good creature of God and in his time deserueth praise The phisitian knoweth it which creature though some do vse to mischief yet he to medicine for he draweth the vertue dried po●●er therof into his purging helpes yet so that he allaieth it with greater preseruatiues Againe God doth make this creature commendable vnto vs if it were for nothing else but for the precious stone which is found in him and therfore is set in gold and some do weare it in their rings being there delectable to their sight which otherwise they take to bee so loathsome Concerning all hurtfull creatures which in their creation are good if we find our selues agréeued let vs consider and waigh the matter with greater deliberation and we shall then finde that no creature had bene hurtfull if man had not bene sinfull So that now the fault of man is to be blamed and lamented not Gods creation which is highly to be honored cannot sufficiently be praised The most hurtfull creature that euer was or is or shal be I meane the diuel let vs consider Gods worke in him For he was made angel of heauen which for his pride was cast downe into hell and forced to dwell in bottomlesse darkenesse and plagued with euerlasting torments In respect of which his excellent creation the history of Iob numbreth him among the children of God that is his Angels As in the chapter 1. v. 6. Now on a day when the children of God came and stood before the Lord Sathan came also among them Also the Prophet Michaah 1. Kin. 22. 19. speaking of the deceiuing of King Achab by a false spirite generally amongst Gods angels maketh mention of him The diuel was good at the first how hurtfull so euer he is now Which is a good instruction to vs that stand or rather that thinke we stand lest we fall away from God as he did and so be partakers of his wofull miseries Lastly let vs beholde our selues next to the angels none more excellently created then we but as the diuel fell away from God and all goodnesse so by our disobedience in our first parents did we deserue the like punishment and in like sort to bee cast away vnlesse God in great mercy had taken compassion on vs and deliuered vs from the gates of hell For whose goodnesse we haue the greater cause to be thankfull that he gaue his onely sonne to death for the redemption of mankind passing by and leauing these rebellious Angelles in their cursed estate And to sée no creatures haue defaced gods worke so much as they that were his moste excellent creatures and of whome it might haue bene very well saide They are verie good So that almightie God was highly displeased and sorrie that
would honour and Haman himselfe was hanged on the same trée which he had prepared for Mordecay Was this Hamans destiny or was it Gods prouidence to bring it so to passe for the benefit of his people and for the ouerthrow of this proude and wicked Haman King Darius because the spirit was excellent in Daniel preferred him aboue all other rulers and gouernours in his kingdome and further thought in his mind to set him ouer the whole realme And because the king had so preferred Daniel his enemies being moued with enuy they sought occasion against Daniel and preuailed so farre against him that he was cast among the lions to be deuoured of them God shutteth the mouthes of the lions the hungry lions that Daniel may be preserued The accusers of Daniel and they which sought his blood by the kings commandement they their wiues and their children are cast into the denne of lions and the lions had the maistry of them and brake all their bones a pieces ere euer they came at the ground of the denne The righteous escapeth out of trouble and the wicked shall come in his stéed saith Salomon in his Prouerbes Looke into the selfe same history of Daniel and there shal ye read of Susanna the wife of Ioachim a beautifull and that which is rare a chaste and godly woman also Through her beautie two wicked Iudges were inflamed and hauing gotten time and occasion to come priuily into her presence néedes she must yeeld vnto them or else no way but death She refuseth and committeth her cause to God and crieth out The wicked Iudges they beare witnesse against her that she would haue bene naught with a yoong man And when she was led to death God raised vp the spirit of a yoong child to trie out the matter and the Iudges being founde guiltie were stoned to death and Susanna deliuered Was this their destinie or or was it the manifestation of the iustice of God in his iudgement God knoweth by his wonderfull prouidence howe to bring the mischieuous intents of the wicked to naught turning all to the setting forth of his glory by shewing his iustice on the one sort and declaring his mercy vnto the other to the comfort of the godly and to the terrour of the wicked For as god hath a prouident and fatherly care ouer the godly not only prospering their estate of life by his manifold blessings and helping them in all their necessities but furthermore asswaging their griefes and easing comforting them in all their miseries distresses so also hath he a stroke in the practises of the wicked that they shal be able to do no more then that which he hath determined shall giue thē leaue to do As our Sauior Christ answered Pilat when he said vnto him Answerest thou nothing knowest thou not that I haue power to loose thée and power to condemne thée Iesus answered said vnto him Thou couldest haue no power vnlesse it were giuen thée frō aboue Which also is confirmed by the sayings of the Apostles Act. 4. 28. concerning the death of Christ Doubtlesse say they against thy holy son Iesus whom thou haddest annointed both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the gentiles and people of Israel gathered themselues togither to doo whatsoeuer thy hand and thy counsell had determined before to be done Diuers waies hath god to restraine the mallice of the wicked and to breake their mightie purposes Sometimes he casteth a dumpe into their mindes and taketh away their vnderstanding sometimes although their sences be fresh and and their mindes currant and marnellous readie as a lyon to the praie yet before they come to the déede God casteth a feare into their hearts or stoppeth them some way or other that they cannot do as they would Sometimes god giueth them leaue a degrée further as to beginne and to put their mischiefe in practise but before their matters come to an ende he crosseth all and they stand amazed to thinke what was done Absolon he laieth his plot to put his father out of his kingdom and vseth flattering means and stealeth away the hearts of the people his minde was currant and his sences fresh he taketh counsell of the matter and it goeth forward The trumpet is blowne and the people rebelliously are vp in armes against their lawfull king the matter beginneth now to be set on foote Achitophel he giues mischéeuous counsell but god turneth it into foolishnesse The armies méete but vpon a sodain Absolon and his army are discomfited and dismaid and before he can come to the victory and to enioy his fathers kingdome and his crowne he hangeth vpon an oake being caught by the long locks and haire of his head and thus taken vp betwéen the heauen and the earth he hangeth til Ioab one of the chief captaines of his fathers army came and thrust thrée darts through him and dispatched him of his life King Pharaoh he cannot away with the people of god that dwell in his land hee is affraide they will be more mightie than his people He taketh vppon him to be wise and to stop the increase of the people and giueth commandement to slaie the men children the midwiues fearing god they kéepe them aliue Yea he that afterwarde was moste against him was preserued aliue by his owne daughter and daintily kept as one of the kings stocke so long as he would himselfe When this deuice failed he laieth vpon them sore oppression and gréeuous burthens and taskes them to the death belike to make them flie his land God taketh such order in their behalfe that they should depart out of his kingdome I know not how but the king will not giue them leaue and when they were going out he pursued after them to destroy them and in the pusuit lost his owne life and many moe of his people The histories of France can tell that although their persecuting king be in his complet harnes and in his roialtie shall shew his valour among his friends and subiects yet while he is Iusting a splinter of Momorance his speare shall enter as the arrow did betwéene the ioynts of king Ahabs Brigandine that he died and shall strike him through the holes of his eyes into the braines that he dieth euen a little before that he ioyeth to sée and beholde the death of a fewe poore Christians Marke and wonder at the estate of our Soueraigne and gratious Quéene Elizabeth whom pray we that God may long continue among vs to his glory and our comfort What mallice and mischiefe against her One curseth an other reioyceth to performe treachery the third in a holy and deuout minde counteth it religion to murther her whome God hath annointed and established to rule and gouerne vs. Poysoning assaied Sorcery and witchcraft put in practise She taketh them to be her friends which are come to dispatch her of her life Either in her countenance they sée Gods presence or in their hearts is a fainting feare that
the diuels themselues Ye shall take away serpents and if ye drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt you So in the tenth Chapter of the gospell after S. Luke Behold I giue vnto you saith Christ vnto his Apostles power to treade on serpents and scorpions and ouer all the power of the enemie and nothing shall hurt you This power which he gaue to his Apostles was so much the more manifest that it was in him to giue them that gift because he himselfe was in the wildernesse fortie daies among the wilde beastes and had no hurt of them yea his presence made them amazed whose anger if they had felt they could not haue liued an houre The Israelites Deut. 8. 15. were in the great and terrible wildernesse amongst the firie serpents and scorpions yet he was their guide Well therefore might the Prophet Dauid say Psal 91. Who so dwelleth in the secret of the most high shall abide in the shadow of the Almightie and he that maketh God his defence and trust shall perceiue his protection to bee a most sure safegard There shall no euill come vnto him He shall walke vpon the lion and the aspe the yoong lion and the dragon shall he tread vnder his féete and be as safe as was the Apostle S. Paul that shooke off the viper from his hand being neuer a whit the worse 1. Sa. 17. 36. King Dauid before he was exalted to the throne of Israel and being at that time in no higher estate then a shepheard before that he did incounter with Goliah that great giant of the Philistines that he might be suffered to vndertake that enterprise he shewed king Saul that as he was kéeping shéep there came a lion and a beare to deuour and to take their praie but he not only tooke the praie from them but slue them both Sampson also of whom we reade Iudges 14. 6. As a yoong lion roared on him he rent him in péeces as it were a kid and yet had nothing in his hand The Prophet Fsay chap. 11. 6. 7. 8. did foretell that when Christ should come to restore the image of GOD in man from which he was fallen he sheweth in what obedience cruell and fierce beastes be euen to the little childe The wolfe shall dwell with the lambe and the leopard shall lie with the kid and the calfe and the lion and the fat beast togither and a little childe shall leade them And the Cowe and the beare shall féede their yoong ones shall lie togither and the lion shall eate strawe like the bullocke And the sucking childe shall plaie vpon the hole of the aspe and the weaned childe shall put his hand vpon the cockatrice hole What lions and beares are we know the leopard is a beast that inticeth other beastes vnto it and being in his compasse reach he deuoureth them The aspe and the cockatrice are two most hurtfull and poysonable beastes whereof the one that is the cockatrice destroyeth a man a farre off with the forcible poyson of his sight A little youth of seuen or eight yeares old as by experience we sée ruleth both oxen and horses which are great and strong beastes Our prouerbe is If the horse knew his strength no man should tame him Yet euen children do rule and guide them not that they so much feare the children but because they reuerence the image of God in man euen in the children Wherby they shewe what priuiledge in the rule and gouernment ouer beastes at the first time when man was created God had preferred him vnto and graunted him The rauen is a bird that standeth greatlie in néede of foode whose birdes cry vnto God wandring for lacke of meate yet how néedie so euer they be they brought the Prophet Eliah his meat As we reade 1. King 17. 6. And the rauens brought him bread and flesh in the morning and bread and flesh in the euening and he drancke of the riuer That fierce and cruell beastes at Christ his comming should be so milde and gentle it giueth vs to vnderstand what a punishment was laide vppon man for sinne in that beastes were not onely not vnder his rule and gouernement but wilde and vntameable and putting them in daunger of their liues The Prophet Hoshea chapter 2. 18. telleth the Iewes that when they shall repent them of their idolatrie that in that day God will make a couenant for them with the wilde beastes and with the foules of the heauen and with that that créepeth vpon the earth that hée would so blesse them that all creatures should fauour them that they should haue no néede to feare but might sléepe safely Which thing also is promised to the godly as we may reade in the historie of Iob Chapter 5. 22. Thou shalt laugh at destruction and death and shalt not bee affraide of the beast of the earth for the stones of the field shall bee in league with thée and the beastes of the field shall be at peace with thée At home and abroad thou shalt haue nothing to make thée sorrowful but all things before thy eyes shall giue thée large cause to giue God thankes I haue shewed you how men haue preuailed that is the best and godliest sort of men against fierce and cruell beastes and howe they haue reuerenced them and stood them greatly in stéed Now as for the vngodly and wicked sort of men they haue bene farre from this rule and gouernment insomuch that the meanest and the weakest kind of creatures haue had power ouer them For example A flie is a beast which lightly no man careth for yet Pharao king of Egipt and all his people were so troubled and molested with them that great swarmes of them came into the kings pallace and into his seruaunts houses and into the houses of all the Egiptians so that through all the land of Egipt the earth was corrupt by the swarmes of flies Exod. 8. 24. As we reade Wised 16. 9. The biting of grashoppers and flies killed them and there was no remedie found for their life for they were worthie to be punished by such A frogge is a beast of as little account yet the same king his seruants and his people were so pestered with them that they came into their chambers leapt vpon their tables as they were at meate molested them in their beds while they slept so that for the time they could be at no rest and quiet for them A louce is of lesse account then Wisd 16. 9. Psal 78. 45. VVis 12. 8. any of these two yet was he his people greatly vexed with them Herod the king mentioned Acts 12. in most stately and royall apparrel pronounced an eloquent oration before Hornets the people insomuch that the people gaue a shout saying The voice of God not of man But immediatly the Angel of the Lord smote him because he gaue not the glorie vnto God so that he was eaten of wormes and gaue vp the ghoast as
We must learne our hearts to bee content with it nay to take it as a rich and liberall portion what euer it be and as a barre to hold in our affections from raunging into gréedie desire For our affections are as gulfes that are most insatiable which would neuer rest with contentation in any thing but still be inflamed with the desire of more and drawe and hale vs forward and so hold vs in continuall torment The remedie whereof the Lord hath appointed our owne estate to be whatsoeuer it is that it might appease our affections and settle them with rest peace and good liking as in the seate which our good God hath séene to be conuenient for vs and therefore hath set vs in it to finde ease quiet comfort and contentment therein For if thine heart be not setled in thine estate with good liking and contentation as in a good prouision it is impossible that euer thou shouldest become thankfull for it For to séeme to ioy without ioy is to play the hipocrite and to dissemble with God Now if there be any of vs who are so loaden with infirmities and ouercome of their owne weakenesse that this godly sobrietie cannot take place in euerie respect as it ought let him or them become earnest sutors vnto the Lord to preuaile against their corruption which dooth so abounde that it cannot neither will of it owne accord entertaine sobrietie and contentation And let them bee well assured that the vnfained petition and praier of them that are so loaden with the burthen of their wants their praiers being continued cannot returne emptie from that God who by name calleth out such to come vnto him with promise that he will heare him and them whosoeuer For he that hath begunne this grace within them will also in good time make it perfect So that all vnséemly behauiour all vncleannesse pride and excesse couetous desires and discontentments shall vanish away by litle and litle when as the grace of God hath fully taught vs to liue soberly 2. After we be fully perswaded to liue soberly then also Righteously shall we be desirous to liue both righteously and godly For the grace of God cannot be without his true effects To liue righteously is so to order our life as euery man may haue his owne at our hands for iustice and equitie is a vertue that giueth to euery one his due This vertue doth first and principally touch Kings Princes Magistrates Iudges and Lawiers whome God hath made the Lordes and Rulers of right and to minister true iustice vnto the people Secondarily and more nearly it concerneth euery one particulerly and namely by this generall rule of Right that we should wish and do to euery one as we would that King other should wish and do to vs. The King and Prince in a realme ought chiefly to take care that he make and ordain no lawes wherby his subiects should be iniured and wronged and that it may be said of him as it was of King Dauid who ruled the people committed to his charge prudently with all his power And that the King might deale vprightly therefore God commanded that his lawe should be written in a booke that the King might haue it alwaies before his eies and that in ruling well and vprightly he might prosper According to that we reade Ier. 22. concerning the King Iehoiakim Shalt thou raigne saith the Prophet to Iehoiakim because thou closest thy selfe in Cedar Did not thy father eate drinke and prosper when he executed iustice and iudgement when he iudged the cause of the poore he prospered Was not this because he knew me saith the Lord But thy eies and thy heart are only for couetousnes and for oppression Therefore thus saith the Lord of Iehoiakim he shall be buried as an asse is buried Prou. 20. 8. A King that sitteth in the throne of iudgement chaseth away all euill with his eies The care of iustice shall preserue the King and establish him in his throne For a King by iudgement maintaineth the countrey Prou. 29. 4. yea so much the more ought the King to haue care hereof because his whole land shall be punished for the want of it as where it is vsed the land shall prosper the better for it Iustice and iudgement they are the strong holdes and fenced places of the land they are the keies of the country and they kéep vs better then all the block-houses or places of defence whersoeuer They are better able to encounter with our enemies then any garrison of men how well practised or prepared soeuer they may be But contrariwise the neglect of iustice is worse then rebellion it pulleth Princes out of their throanes maketh the land cast out her inhabitants ioyneth with forreine power openeth the gates of all our castles and holds taketh the weapon from the warriour the heart from the valiant souldier wisedom and forecast from the wise counsailour and poisoneth al our munition What is it for Kings and Princes to take care for a mightie nauie or a valiant army or forcastles and bulwarkes for shot and ordinance if Gods ordinances bee not fulfilled accordingly and iustice and equitie be not executed in the land For God can giue ouer a great number into the hands of a fewe and make things impossible séeme very easie Next to the King and Prince are they to looke to the Iudge due ministration of iustice whom the King doth put in his place and whom he doth put in trust to see all things rightly performed That they may haue regarde to bee men of courage to feare God to deale truly and to hate couetousnesse Yea such as that godly King Iehoshaphat would haue to be vnder him as we reade 2. Chro. 19. whom he did vnto his great commendation worthily exhort vnto their dutie that through the counsaile and countenance of the King they might haue heart to do it And he said to the Iudges whom he had set in the land throughout all the strong citties citie by citie Take héed what ye do for ye execute not the iudgements of man but of the Lord and he wil be with you in the cause iudgement Wherefore now let the feare of the Lord be vpon you take héed and do it for there is no iniquitie with the Lord our God neither respect of persons nor receiuing of reward That the Iudges should not be danted or corrupted they know séeing they are men of reuerend grauitie and great wisedome that they beare the person of the King as though the King himselfe were there in presence The Princes armes are hung ouer them the best of the shire do homage and reuerence vnto them they countenance them out before the people the Sheriffe waiteth vppon them with all his power Yea more then this God hath appointed them in his seate and calleth them by his owne name Gods that they may be put in minde that God in all rightfull causes will maintaine them
their adoption by the parable of an earnest pennie and by the parable of a seale In making of a bargaine when part of the price is paide and laid downe in earnest then assurance is made that all the rest y● remaines behind shal be wel truly paid And as when an indenture or lease is made for the peaceable possession of any lands tenements for the terme of a mans life or for long time the seale of the landlord is put too to make the matter most certain sure so when the childe of god hath receiued thus much from the holy ghest as to be persuaded that he is adopted and chosen in Christ he may be in good hope and is alreadie put in good assurance fully to e●io● eternall life in the kingdome of heauen So familiar is God with vs as to bring vs to be perswaded of his good will by such meanes as are most vsuall with vs. For what is more vsuall with vs then either the order of an earnest penny or a seale to put vs out of all doubt and to warrant that thing which we haue vndertaken Therfore the Apostle in an other place doth giue vs great comfort shewing forth the determinate purpose of god cōcerning this matter God saith he sent forth his son and made him subi●● vnto the curse of the la●● that by vndergoing the penaltie punishment which that curse and wrath of God did import he might redéeme them which were vnder the condemnation of the lawe vnder the bondage of sin and ●athan hell that being released and deliuered they might receiue the adoption of sonnes Wherfore saith he and the most chéerfully thou art no more a seruant but a sonne Now if thou be a sonne thou art also the heire of God through Christ This assurance of gods holy spirit is then most effectual whē it shall yéeld vs greatest comfort and that is at the time of our departure out of this world and in the houre of death When all worldly comforts shal vanish thē shal this come in place gods blessings in this world shall shall then take their leaue wealth and possessions wife and children friendes and acquaintance and we shall goe naked out as we came naked in only this glorious apparel and this heauenlie raiment shal remaine that we are the adopted children of God that being along time strangers and pilgrims here on earth we shall nowe come to our home and to our inheritance reserued in heauen for vs. Here also shall the greatnes and the swéetnesse of the comfort appeare that when the diuell shal be most busie with vs to lay our sinnes to our charge and when death shall approach and the time of our passage drawe neare and when he shall vse all meanes possible to put vs beside the assured hope of our adoption then shall the comfort of Gods good spirit so strengthen our harts and consciences against the assaults of the diuel that he shal go away vanquished and we imboldned Thē shal our minds be lifted vp with cheerfulnesse knowing that our redemption shall fully be accomplished and our adoption sealed and perfectlie confirmed vnto vs. Contrariwise the wicked at the houre of death How Adoption respecteth the wicked which in their life time haue flattered themselues with the hope of their adoption shall then féele no certeintie neither anie comfort of the holy Ghost but in stéed of comfort they shall féele the horrible and dreadfull accusations of the diuel then to take place be of force against them The wicked and reprobate cannot haue the testimony and witnesse of gods good spirit to assure them that they are the children of God although for a time their va●ne imaginations may deceiue themselues as also the diuel imitating the spirit of god doth vsually perswade carnal men and hipocrites that they are adopted and that they shal be saued But this perswasion of the diuel is but an illution and their deceiued hearts are not established by the assurance of Gods spirit which filleth the heart with ioy Whereas their hearts are full of doubtfulnesse full of distrust full of dispaire It may be they may beléeue for a time but as for that st●dfast and induring faith whereby they may trulie say that God is their father this is onlie in the elect children of God and those that are adopted Whose perfect regeneration it pleaseth God to begin in this world by sowing in their harts the immortall séed of life whereby he doth so certainly seale vnto them the grace of his adoption that it shall continue firme vnto the end In the meane time the faithfull are admonished carefullie and humblie to examine themselues least in stéede of a true faith concerning their adoption a carnall kinde of securitie créepe into their minds and growe vpon them and compasse them about euen as the Iuie doth the Oake The wicked haue neuer the féeling of gods grace but after a confused sort taking hold as it were rather of a shadow then of a bodie Because the spirit of God doth truly and properly seale the forgiuenesse of their sinnes onelie in the hearts of the godlie and the elect that they may apply the same by an especiall gift of faith vnto their comfort Confusedly I say the vngodlie receiue the grace of God not that they are partakers togither with the children of God of regeneration but because they séeme to haue a ground of faith after a common sort which is hid with a vaile and couering of hipocrisie Yet notwithstanding it may not be denied that God doth lighten their mindes so farre as they may ackowledge his grace and goodnesse toward them but this common sence and féeling of his grace is so distinguished from that comfortable assurance of gods spirit which is in the elect that the wicked come neuer to that sounde comfort and ioy which adoption bringeth with it For God dooth not so farre shewe himselfe fauourable vnto them as to take them into his guarde and kéeping as though they were quite deliuered from the punishment of their sinnes and from the feare of eternall death and damnation but only for the present time God doth giue them a taste of his mercie Neither is it amisse that God doth lighten the mindes of the wicked with some féeling of his gracious fauour the which anon withereth and vanisheth away through the hardnesse of their hearts through their vnstedfast mindes and through their owne vnthankfulnesse and backsliding wherby they make themselues more culpable and the more inexcusable all which is wonderfully brought to passe by the manifold wisedome of God That spirit of ours which the Apostle talketh off is a renued heart and a sanctified minde that fully and perfectly receiueth the benefit of adoption and vnto which spirit of ours gods spirite doth also beare witnesse that out of all doubt we are the adopted children of god The vngodly they haue but as it were a glimse but vnto the godly
one sort the other thinke that they néede no repentance yea they thinke that heauen is their due and that they haue deserued it and thinke that they shall haue greate wronge if they be put beside it Are the eldest therefore alwaies heires or do not the youngest sometimes take place Doubtlesse the yongest are often heires and the last are accepted as first I meane sinners are made heires such in whome is repentance and faith for whome it might be thought that there is no roome nor any place kept and reserued for them in heauen But howe falleth it out that séeing God hath an heire of his glorious inheritaunce Iesus Christ the sonne of God of whome he pronounceth This is my welbeloued sonne in whom I am well pleased how falleth it out that their should be more heires and that we should be heires Surely as God amongst all creatures made most account of mankind and séeing that al were lost by iust desert yet in mercy it pleased him to make some his children and for the further setting foorth of his glory to make them also heires In the nature of man he had no children because all were gone astray all had corrupted their waies and were strangers from the Common-wealth of Israel Yet as his wisdome was and is most infinit so the way to his mercy was euident to him although hid from the world and impossible to flesh blood which sat in darknesse and in the shadow of death For God so loued the world that he hath giuen his only begotten sonne that whosoeuer beléeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life And God sent not his sonne into the world that he should condemne the world but that the world through him might be saued So it falleth out with vs after the custome of men that yoonger brethren come not to inheritance without the death and decease of the elder Neither in any respect worldly consideratiō may we know how we come to our inheiritāce as by the comparison of the death of the elder brother which doth fitly shew vnto vs how by what meanes we are made heires Who is it among the sonnes of men that would willingly die that his brethren might enter into his inheritance nay is it not their chiefe desire that their daies may be prolonged that they may enioy their treasures and pleasures and liue in their possessions Which the wise man noteth in these words O death how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man that liueth at rest in his possessions vnto the man that hath nothing to vexe him and that hath prosperitie in all things yea vnto him that is yet able to receiue meate Who is it not that saith vnto his soule as the rich man in the Gospell Soule thou hast much good laide vp for many yeares take thy rest Who would leaue this life if he might kéepe especially enioying possessions and being an heire But beholde the liberallitie and bountifulnesse the wonderfull charitie and great good will of our elder brother who desireth yea and reioyceth to haue vs to be fellowe heires with him and rather then his life should bee anie hinderaunce to our inheritaunce hée is content to sheade his dearest blood and to loose his life for our good euen in the floure of his age and in his best yeares hée gaue himselfe to death to make vs heires This is our elder brother who disdaineth not to call vs brethren For he that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all one Wherefore hée is not ashamed saieth the Apostle Hebr. 2. 11. to call them brethren How great is our dignitie in that we haue Christ to be our brother who after he had suffered his passion and rose the third day said vnto the women vnto whome hee appeared and vnto whome it pleased him to shewe himselfe Goe saith he and tell my brethren Altogither contrary to the course of the world for the rich are so farre from calling the poore their brethren that they disdaine them and so farre from giuing them inheritance with their children that they cannot vouchsafe they should kéepe them company Well with God there is no respect of persons and the poore are as dear to him as the rich nay oftentimes he hath greater care for them and prouideth for them a greater and larger inheritance if not in this world yet in another A wealthie man that hath great landes and possessions if he haue but one sonne is neuer awhit displeased neither doth he séeke after more to adopt them and to make them partners with his sonne But rather reioyceth in his mind that his sonne shall not in time to come be constrained to diuide the inheritaunce with his brethren Whereby the loue of god aboundeth towardes vs who hauing one beloued sonne would yet haue more to beare him company and more on whome he might bestowe this royaltie as to make them heires with his sonne Setting forth the riches of his grace as also how much we are bound vnto him making vs of sinners citizens of heauen and heires with his beloued This heauenly inheritance is neuer awhit diminished although many thousands be partakers as we reade in the Reuelation of such and such a Tribe were sealed twelue thousand and besides these loe a great multitude which no man can number of all nations people and tongues but rather it appeareth in greater glorie whereas this earthly inheritance being parted and diuided would bréed strife and impouerishment and it so falleth out in the world that diuision is with hatred Our gréedie mindes being such that they runne all on this point All or none But in the heauenly inheritance we shall reioyce one at anothers preferment neither shall we grudge or thinke too much that which other haue And as we are willed In giuing honor go one before another so in this inheritance we shal be glad that other also are heires and we shal be readie willing to giue eueryone his place For all shal be satisfied and the best shal be preferred and placed some at the right hand and some at the left hand in the kingdome of the father for whom it is reserued And it was promised vnto Iosua who was made the eldest of all gods children because it pleased god to promote him vnto the highest honour and place of credit account and dignity that he should diuide the inheritance among the people Iosh 1. 6. and among his brethren so to comfort his disciples and in them all the rest of the godly Christ our elder brother he saith Let not your harts be troubled what misery soeuer fall out vnto you in this world Ye beleeue in God beleeue also in me For in my fathers house are many dwelling places Iohn 14. 1. If it were not so I would haue told you I go to prepare a place for you and euery one of you that all may bee heires and that euerie one may receiue his inheritance Which is
lament Which although we ought not to wish for yet being laide on our shoulders wee must both patiently and thankfully beare it According to the answeres of Ely the Priest and Hezekiah the King though in an other case It is the Lord let him doo what seemeth him good The Iere. 10. 19. word of the Lord is good which thou hast spoken The will of the Lord be done Act. 21. 14. 2. The next thing mentioned in the text is the difference betwixt the godly and the wicked concerning ioy and sorrow in these wordes And the world shall reioyce and ye shall sorrow Wherein it is worthy the consideration to know and vnderstand what is meant by this word world VVhat is meant by this word world Which generally is taken for the heauen the earth the sea and all thinges therein contained Yet more néerely it is taken for the people that dwell in the world Also the customes and fashions of the people are meant by this word world According to our prouerbe and vsuall phrase This is the world that is this is the dealing of the men in the world and this is practised now adaies Againe it is taken for a spéech of woonder It is a world to sée that is it is a maruellous matter Also for those chiefe desires wherwith men are much led and ouertaken in the world as honour dignitie and promotion riches pleasures All which are of chiefest account and doe most raigne in the world Confirmed by S. Iohn 1. Ep. cap. 2. ver 15. Loue not the world neither the thinges that are in the world If any man loue the world the loue of the father is not in him For all that is in the world as the lust of the flesh the lust of the eies and the pride of life that is ambition promotion and honour is not of the father but is of the world And the world passeth away and the lust thereof but hee that fulfilleth the will of God abideth for euer Elswhere it signifieth the wisdome of worldly minded men 1. Cor. 1. 21. For seeing the world by wisedome knew not God in the wisdome of God it pleased God by the foolishnesse of preaching to saue them that beleeue ca. 26. And we speake wisedome among them that are perfect not the wisedome of this world neither of the Princes and great men of this world which come to nought Sometimes it is taken for the elect people of God according to that we reade Iohn 3. 16. God so loued the world that he hath giuen his only begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting And although it be manifest that Christ his death is sufficient for all yet this benefite of his death doth rather properly pertaine to the elect that is to them that truely and vnfainedly haue repented them of their sinnes applying the mercies of God in Ieus Christ to the comfort of their distressed soules and relying and depending wholly vpon Gods promises But most commonly it is taken for the worser sort of the people in the world As it is said that Sathan is the prince of this world 2. Cor. 4. 4. Nay the God of the world because the most part serue him more then then God and in whose heartes and mindes and consciences he doth both rule and raigne The godly are against him and against his procéedinges and therefore by this word world the godly in the world are not meant but rather opposed against them that liue in the world Which is confirmed by the spéech of our Sauiour in his praier to God for the elect and godly Iohn 17. I pray for them which haue knowne me beleeued in me I pray not for the world The world hath hated them because they are not of the world as I am not of the world And in the fiftéenth chapter of the same Gospell verse 19. If ye were of the world the world would loue his owne but because yee are not of the worlde but I haue chosen you out of the world therefore the world hateth you And in this last sence this word World is taken for wicked and naughtie men for the haters and persecutors of Gods truth and his Gospell We know we are of God saith Saint Iohn 1. Epist cap. 5. 19. and the whole world lieth buried in wickednesse and is giuen ouer to euill doing In the world saith Christ ye shall haue trouble afflictiō persecutiō ye shal be hated of al men for my sake the Gospels be of good comfort I haue ouercom the world Hauing opened vnto you what is meant by the world The ioy of the world and of the wicked it followeth that I should shew you the difference concerning ioy sorrow betwixt them that are of the world and them that are not of the worlde The worlde hath many things wherein it reioyceth but it is an vsurped and a cou●erfeit ioy no true and sound ioy For the kingdome of God is not meate or drinke or any thing that the world yéeldeth but righteousnesse and peace and ioy in the holy Ghost Ro. 14. VVorldly matters 17. As they are of the worlde so are worldly matters the chéefest cause of their ioy as to be in honour and high promotion with Haman and Absolon although they know not how neare they are to the fall to swimme in wealth and riches to fare deliciously euery day and to go in purple fine silke with the rich glutton spoken of in the Gospell to enioy large dominions and great possessions faire houses and pleasaunt orchiards swéete gardens with all things that may satisfie the eie and fill the soule with pleasure like to King Nabuchodonosor that b●sted of his beautiful pallace Yea they imagine such continuance that they call their houses lands after their owne names as though they should endure for euer The viole tabret singing and dancing feasting banquetting riot and brauery this is the life the ioy of the world while the troubles of Ioseph are not remembred and the poore altogither forgotten in their sight This was the sinne of Sodom Pride idlenesse fulnes of bread contempt of the poore and néedie So that although the people of Sodome be consumed with fire and brimstone from heauen yet it séemeth that their posteritie remaineth and will remaine vntill the wordes ende till fire come downe from heauen the second time and make a wofull and finall destruction The iestures also and dispositions of the world are giuen vp to foolish reioycing and if any be sober and sadde they are not for their company Childish and péeuish gigling prophane laughter dissolute mirth wanton striking out disordered lifting vp the voice and mirth with incontinencie in euerie place All their life is spent in meriment and pastime as though God had not called euery one to painfulnesse and labour in that course of life wherein he hath placed them In time of diuine seruice when we should