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A91270 The second part of a Short demurrer to the Ievves long discontinued remitter into England. Containing a brief chronological collection of the most material records in the reigns of King John, Henry 3. and Edward 1. relating the history, affaires, state, condition, priviledges, obligations, debts, legal proceedings, justices, taxes, misdemeanors, forfeitures, restraints, transactions, of the Jews in, and final banishment out of England, never formerly published in print: with some short usefull observations upon them. Worthy the knowledge of all lawyers, scholars, statists, and of such Jews who desire re-admission into England. / By VVilliam Prynne Esquire, a bencher of Lincolns-Inne.; Short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued remitter into England. Part 2 Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1656 (1656) Wing P4073; Thomason E483_2; Thomason E872_1; ESTC R203286 147,465 222

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two Christians and two Jews c. according to the forementioned Charter of King Iohn Inter Placita apud VVestm Anno x Regis Johannis Termino Hilarii in Octabis Sancti Hilarii Rotulo 9 in dorso Samuel Mucun Muriel Judaea petunt versus Herebertum filium Heb. CCCCl de Catallis de debito Israel per quandam Cartam et producunt duos Christianos duos Judaeos paratos ad hoc probandum prout Curia consideraverit Herebertus dicit quod Carta illa falsa est ideo falsa quia Sigillum illud nunquam suum fuit nec Cartam illam fecit nec pecuniam illam mutuo recepit producit Sigillum suum Eburneum plurimas Cartas Sigillo illo Sigillatas tam de Abaciis quam de confirmatione terrarum And hereupon I find no further proceedings in this Record printed a little out of its due place before these ensuing proceeding it in time could be transcribed It seems every Jew in that age had his proper Seal to Seal Charters Stars and Obligations therewith which yet were good in Law if really sealed by him though with any other Seal than his own In the 5 year of King Iohn the Jews of London being assaulted disturbed and misused by the people against the Kings protection and peace thereupon the King at their request sent this sharp Letter to the Mayor and Barons of London committing the Jews there to their protection and defence and threatning severely to punish and require their blood at their hands if they should suffer any injury through their default Rex c. Majori Bar. London c. Semper dileximus vos multum jura libertates vestras bene observari fecimus unde credimus vos nos specialiter diligere ea quae ad bonorem nostrum pacem tranquilitatem terrae nostrae eduntur libenter velle prestare Verum cum sciatis quod Judaei in speciali nostra protectione sint miramur quod Iudaeis in civitate London morantibus malum fieri sustinetis cum id manifeste sit contra pacem Regni terrae nostrae tranquilitatem Ita quidem magis miramur et movemur quia alii Iudaei per Angliam ubicunque moram fecerunt exceptis illis qui sunt in villa vestra in bona pace consistunt Nunc id tamen diximus pro Iudaeis nostris pro pace nostra quia si ●uidam tantum pacem nostram dedissemus debetur inviolabiter observari De caetero autem Iudaeos in civitate London morantes vestrae committimus custodiae ut si quis eis malum facere attentaverit vos manu forti eis subsidium facientes eos defendatis Vestris enim manibus eorum sanguinem modo requiremus si forte per defectum vestri aliquid mali eis acciderit quod absit Scimus enim bene quod per fatuos Villae et non per discretos hujusmodi eveniunt et debent discreti fatuorum Stultitiam compescere Teste meipso apud Montem fortem 29 die Julii This smart Letter demonstrates the Kings cordial affection to the Jews though more for his own advantage than theirs In the Fine Rolls of the 6 of King Iohn I find this Kecord Galfr. de Salvage dat 10 Mar. ut Willus de Hardreshal acquietet ipsum versus Jacob. Iudaeum Northampton de plegagia debiti unde pleg Willi. fuit versus eundem Iudaeum et unde queritur quod pro defectu ejus distringitur Et mandat est licent quod si ipse Willus non fuerit et ipse Galfr. ips sect c. In the Clause Rolls of the 7 9 years of K. Iohn I find these 3 short records manifesting the Kings power both to remit their usury due upon contracts and to respite their debts themselves Rex Constabulario Wallingford c. Praecipimus tibi quod pacem habere facias Roberto de Maure de usuris debiti Iudaeorum de termino quem monstrare poterit quod fuerit in servicio nostro cum equis et armis ultra mare per praeceptum nostrum Teste meipso apud Wodestoke 25 die Maii per Iusticiarios Rex W. de Warren et sociis suis c. Mandamus vobis quod quietum esse faciatis Abbatem sanct Radegunde de usuris debitorum Iudaeorum de duobus annis proxime praeteritis usque ad instans Pasche anno reg nostri 9. dum fuit in servicio nostro per praeceptum nostrum Et Summoneatis Iudaeos quibus ipse debita debet quod sint coram Iusticiario nostro G. fil Petri eoram nobis a die Pasche in 15 dies ad recipiendum ab eo finem debitis illis Et mandetis Vic●quibus necesse fuerit quod nullam interim districtinem faciant eidem Abbati pro debitis illis reddendis T. G. fil Petri apud Suth 25 die Marcii Rex W. de Warren et sociis suis custodibus Iudaeorum c. Mandamus vobis quod quietum esse faciatis Rogerum Wesperill de usuris debitorum quae debet Simoni Iudeo Oxon. ab hoc inst Pasce anno Reg. nostri 9. usque ad Pasche prox sequent et interim ei respectum habere faciatis de praedict debitis T. Aaron Norwic. apud Clarenden 21 die Marcii per eundem By these 3 Presidents it is apparent that the Jews Usury was condemned and no ways favoured by King Iohn and his Justices in that age long before either the Statute of Merton 20 H. 3. c. 5. or De Iudaismo 3 E. 1. c. 1. were enacted and that the King would by no means permit it to run against any whilst actually imployed in his service nor others whom he favoured to whom he released the Usury at his pleasure and his Judges likewise by his command In the Roll of Fines of the 9 year of King Iohn I find these two cases concerning extents of Lands for the debts of Jews in that age Margareta de Lucy dat quinque marcas pro habenda haereditate de Kerchel et de Hammes quam Robertus de Lucy quondam vir ejus invadiavit Iudaeis in vita sua quod Iudaei capiant se a debito quod idem Robertus eis debuit super praedictum vadium ad haeredem ips●us Roberti qui haereditatem suam tenet Et mandatum est Vicecomiti quod accepta ab ea securitate de praedictis 5 marcis faciat ei habere plenariam seisinam de praedicta haereditate sua quae capta fuit in manum Domini Regis occasione praedicta Et mandatum est Iusticiariis Iudaeorum quod de praedicto debito capiant se ad haereditatem praedicti Roberti quam haeres ejus tenet The husband morgaged his wives inheritance to a Jew for a debt and dies for which the wives lands being taken by way of extent into the Kings hands upon the Wives suit and fine of 5 marks her land is discharged the husbands land descended to his heir charged with and extended for
it all the lands of the Jews Debtors on that age before the Statutes of Acton Burnel or de Mercatoribus 13 E. 1. being liable to extents for their debts as this Record of the same year resolves especially if assigned forfeited to or seised by the King Mandatum est Baronibus de Scaccario quod omnes terras quas Jollarius de Anumdevil habuit tempore quo ipse mutuo accepit debita de Aaron Judaeo capiantur in manum Dom. Regis quicunque illas teneat pro 200 72 libris quas ipse Domino Regi debuit de debito Aaron fimiliter districtionem faciatis de omnibus aliis quae Dom. Regi tenentur de debito Aaron de 26 lib. 8 sol 9 d. By this Record it appears that debts to Jews in that age were in the nature of Judgements and Statute binding all the debtors lands he had at the time of the money borrowed into whose hands soever they came afterwards The King at this time claimed such an absolute jurisdiction over the Jews debts that he used to discharge or release them absolutely or for life and to respite them as he pleased as this and other presidents manifest Rex omnibus c. Sciatis quod quietavimus Roberto silio Rogori tota vita sua de omnibus debitis Judaeoorum Willi de Chesney patris Margaretae uxoris ejusdem Roberti praecipimus quod inde sit quietus tota vita sua in hujus rei testimonium has literas nostras Patentes ei fieri fecimus Teste meipso apud Wimo 19 die Augusti In the 13 year of King John of which there are no Rolls or Records in the Tower I meet with this notable Record in the Treasury of the Exchequer touching the Jews assignment of their debts to Christians and exrents upon them by Judgement of the Justices assigned for the custody of the Jews whom the assignee thereupon vouched to warranty in this case Placita a die Sancti Michaelis in 15 dies Anno Regni Regis Johannis 12. capta apud Westmonasterium inter alia sic continetur sequitur Rotulo secundo Assisa venit recogn si Rob●rtus de Kanvill injuste sine Judicio disseseivit Willielmum Couse Beatricem uxorem ejus in Lincoln infra Assisas Robertus venit dicit quod Assisa non debet procedere quia ipse babet seisinam inde per preceptum Domini Regis ut ille qui fecit finem cum Judaeis quibus idem Willielmus debuit debitum super tenementum illud unde ipse profert Cartas Judaeorum quas ipsis acquietavit per finem illum vocat Justiciarios Judaeorum ad Wa●rantum quod habuit inde seisinam per eos ut de vadio suo Quia nihil Juris clamat in tenemento illo nisi ut de vadio Justiciarii Judaeorum sic warrantizant ideo consideratum est quod Willielmus in misericordia Robertus teneat in vadium suum By the Clause Roll of the 15 of King Iohn it appears that the King then seised granted and sold the houses of the Jews at his pleasure as a Lord his Villains without any other Title but his absolute Soveraignty over them witnesse these Writs of his compared together Rex Majori Vicecom London c. Sciatis quod dedimus dilecto fideli nostro Com. de Ferrariis domum Isaac Judaei de Norw c. in London in parochia Sanctae Margaretae cum redditibus omnibus pertinentiis suis Cartam nostram eo modo fieri fecimus Et ideo vobis mandamus quod secundum tenorem ejusdem Cartae nostrae ei sine dilatione plenam seisinam habere faciatis T. meipso apud Craneborn 8 die Julii Rex Vicecom Praeposit Oxon. salutem Sciatis quod ad petitionem venerabilis patris nostri N. Tuscul Episcopi Apostol sedis Legati concessimus Albrico fil Isaac Judaeo domos suas et domos quae fuerunt Isaac patris sui in Oxon. quae non valent per annum nisi viginti sol ut dicitur Unde vobis mandamus quod plenam seisinam domorum illarum ejdem Albrieo fine dilatione habere faciatis nisi valeant per annum plus quam 20 s. T. W. Brewer apud Freemer 11 die Novemb. This year the King laid an heavy Tax upon the Jews at Bristol which some Jews in Southampton refusing and delaying to pay the King thereupon issued this Writ to the Sheriff of Southampton to apprehend and send them prisoners to Bristol unlesse they presently paid it Rex Vic. Suthampton c. precipimus tibi quatenus omnes Judaeos de Balliva tua qui nondum peracquietaverunt se de Tallagio apud Bristol super eos posito vel qui statim se nunc acquietare noluerint ad Castrum de Bristol per literas tuas sine dilatione remittas et eis ibidem Constabulario nostro liberari facias Significavimus autem illi quod eos recipiat cum illuc venerint et omnes denarios quos de illis recipisti vel recepturus es sicut reipsum diligis habeas in Scaccario nostro apud Westm in crastino assumptionis beatae Mariae T. meipso apud Beneden 26 die Iulii These Jews no doubt were ordered thus to be sent to Bristol Castle to meet with such a Toothdrawer as one of them there found some years before This year King Iohn sent these Letters to his Governers and Officers in Rochel Oleron and Zaunt to cause the Jews to surcease their exaction of usury there which you formerly heard he discharged here at home Rex Majoribus et praepositis Rupellae de Aloron et de Zante salutem Mandamus vobis et singulis vestrum quod Iudaeos Balliva vestra cessare faciatis ab exactione usurarum quam faciunt Therefore their usury was suppressed condemned long before the Statute de Iuddismo in 3. E. 1. This Precept of the Kings I find thu seconded by a Decree of the Popes Legat in those parts made in the Council of Burdeaux against the Jewish Usury and rancked in the Van of all the other Decrees there enacted Haec sunt Statuta quae venerabilis Pater Robert de Tur. sarrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Leg. sancti Stephani in monte Coelio Presbyter Cardinalis statuit authoritate Legationis suae in Concilio celebrato apud Burdegal cum aliis quae in Francia statuit Sicut praecepit Dominus per pro. in locis suis de Judaeis ita fiat ut scilicet Barones omnes quae tenent Judaeos compellant ipsos remittere usuras cruce signatis Et si hoc efficere contemnunt compellantur omnes mercatores per censuram ecclesiasticam ne aliquam communionem cum eis aut in contractibus aut in mercimoniis impendant aut in quibuslibet Si autem super hoc Barones incorrigibiles inveniantur censura simili percellentur In the Fine Rolls of the 17 of King Iohn pars 1 there is
Anno c. secundo Eodem modo scribitur Vicecomiti Wigorn. Vicecom Civibus Eborum Vicecomiti Constabulario Lincoln de Stanford Constabulario Bristol pro Judaeis de Bristol Vicecom Constabul Gloucest pro Judaeis Gloucestriae Vicecom Constab Northamton Vicecom Suthampton civibus Winton pro Judaeis There being Jews then residing in all these places In the 2 year of King Henry the 3. I find this Kings Writ to several Sheriffs where the Jews resided to proclaim that all the Jews where ever they did walk or ride should on their upper Garments wear 2 white Tables on their breasts made of Linnen Cloath or parchment as well within the Town as without that so they might be known from Christians Rex Vicecomiti Wigorniae salutem Praecipimus tibi quod clamari observari facias per totam Ballivam tuam quod omnes Judaei deferunt in superiori indumento suo ubicunque ambulaverint aut equitaverint infra villam vel extra quasi duas Tabulas albas in Pectore factas de lineo panno vel de parcameno Ita quod per hujusmodi signum manifestè possint Iudaei à Christianis discerni Teste Comite to wit William Marshal Earl of Glocester the Kings Guardian and Protector apud Oxon. 30. die Martiii Item mandatum est Vicecomit Glocest VVarwick Lincoln Oxon Northampt. Majori Vicecomitibus London In the Fine Roll of 2 H. 3. there is a writ directed to the Barons of the Exchequer by the King reciting Constat Nobis per inspectionem rotulorum Iusticiariorum de Iudaismo c. that King Iohn his Father released Mirabilia the wife of Ely a Jew of all Debts due to him by her Husband Ita quod omnes Chartae quae fuerunt ipsius Eliae debita in eis contenta ipsi patri nostro remaneant that King Iohn upon Elye his death seized and granted all his houses except two which Mirabilia by agreement was to have paying a fine of 15 marks to his Father which was not yet paid which agreement he confirmed and thereupon orders the Sheriff to levy the said Fine and Debts T. Com apud Gloc. 3. die Ian. It appears by many Rolls of 2. and also of 3 4 5. H. 3. that King Iohn seized and ga●e away to other● the Houses of divers Jews both in Glocester Oxon Northampton and that King Henry likewise disposed of them as escheated to him either by the Jews deaths or for some other causes Take these two presidents for all the rest * Rex Ful● de Breant salutem Mandamus vobis quod sine dilatione habere fac Pho Marc. domum quae fuit Isaac Iudaei de Eboraco in Northampton et domum quae fuit Isaac Judaei Oxon in Oxon quas Dom. Jo. pr. noster dedit Galf. Luterel cujus terrae et haeredis custodiam concessimus eidem Pho. T. Com. apud West 17 die Jan. per ipsum Com. coram Dom. Winton Eodem modo scribitur Vic. Oxon. pro eodem et Ballivis Iudaeorum Oxon. pro eodem Rex Vic. Glouc. salutem Constat nobis per inspectionem Rotulorum nostrorum quod Dom. J. Rex pater noster dedit Guiberto de Rue Domum quae fuit Elye Iudaei Gloc. c. cum quadam placita quae fuit Mossei Judaei cum pert suis Et ideo tibi praecipimus quod eidem Guiberto de praedict domo placia plenariam seisinam sine dilatione habere fac T. Dom Pet. Winton apud Novum Templum London 23. die Sept. per eundem In the 3d. year of King Henry the 3. some Jews coming into England from foreign parts with their goods to reside there the Wardens of the Ports of England seised upon the persons and estates of these unwelcom Guests which occasioned these new Writs to be sent unto them for their free admission into England without impediment or seizure upon such security and terms as are expressed in the Writs and prohibiting the transportation of any Jews or their Chattels out of this Land into foreign parts without the Kings special Letters and License being once within his power Rex Custodibus Portuum Angliae Praecipimus vobis quod Judaeos qui venturi sunt in terram nostram Angliae de transmarinis partibus ad morandum in terra nostra Angliae cum catallis suis liberè et sine impedimento in portu nostro ●●cedere permittatis accepta ab eis sufficienti securitate secundum Legem Judaeorum per fidem eorundem quod quam citius poterint veniant ad Iusticiarios nostros ad custodiam Judaeorum assignatos ad inrotuland nomina eorum in rotulis nostris Et si aliquem Judaeum qui de partibus transmarinis venerit sicut praedictum est retinueritis ipsum et catalla sua sine dilatione deliberari faciatis Si quos autem inveneritis Iudaeos de terra nostra qui ad vos venerint ad transfretandum usque ad partes transmarinas sine literis nostris de licentia transfretandi ipsos cum catallis suis arrestari faciatis donec a Nobis vel a Iusticiariis nostris ad custodiam Indaeorum assignatis inde aliud mandatum habueritis T. Petro VVinton Episcopo apud VVestm 13 die Novemb. Anno Regni nostri tertio Divers Debtors of the Jews made a fine with king Iohn in the 10th year of his reign to be paid at certain terms of which payments they failing the Jews thereupon paying the fine had these debts assigned them by king Henry the 3. and a precept to extend all the lands they had in 10 of king Iohn prohibiting the taking of any use from them before the kings assignment but allowing use afterwards as this Record demonstrates Rex Vic. Lincoln et Eborum salutem Quia Gilb. de Bercumworth Norm de Arecy and 5 more there named non servaverunt terminos suos de fine quem fecerunt cum Dom. Rege patre nostro de debitis Iudaeorum Nos de consilio nostro die Sancti Martini An. reg nost 3. Liberavimus Helie de Linc. Iudaeo debita eorundem de quibus finem fecerunt per finem quem idem Helie nobis fecit Ita quod de eisdem debitis exigere possit totum catallum suum sine lucre quod sibi de cetero proveniet Et ideo praecipimus G. de Bercumworth quod sine dilatione reddat eidem Helie 316 l. 10 s. cum lucro quod sibi excreverit a praedicto die sancti Martini Item praecipimus Norm de Arecy quod sine dilatione reddat eidem Helie 23 l. 17 s. c. reciting the other 5 debts at large cum lucris quae de praedictis debitis excreverit a praedicto termino Et nisi fecerint tunc sine dilatione seisiatis ipsum H. and the rest de omnibus terris et redditibus quae fuerunt praedict debitorum in Balliva vestra An. regni Dom. I. regis patris nostri decimo quae scil terrae et
Johis Baptistae ad Iusticiam de ipsis faciendam Quia mandat est Iustic illis quod una cum t is ad hoc intendant Also Rex pardonavit Tho. de Pulton 8 lib. quas idem T. debet Mosseo Crespin Iudeo una cum omnibus usuris quae inde proveniant postquam eas ab eodem Iudaeo mutuaverat Et mandat est Baron de Scac. quod ipsum inde quietum esse et cartam suam pro praedicto debito impignoratam eidem Iudeo deliberari fac Et mandatum est Edwardo fil Odonis quod totam pecuniam suam quam rex eidem Tho. donat pro domibus suis occasione praedict debiti arrestatam ei deliberantur The King this year imposed a Tax of sixty thousand marks upon the Jews as appears by these seisures of their debts towards the payment thereof Mandat est Ed. fil Odonis c. quod solvat ad Scac. Regis 23 l. 5 s. 8 d. quas Tho. de Pulton debet Moss●o Crespin Iudeo in parte solutionis debitorum quae idem Iudeus reddere tenebatnr ad Pasche proximo preterit de portione tallag 60 mil. marc eundem Jud. contingent T. R. apud Wind. 4 die Iunii It seems part of this Tax or another was payable the next year by this Mandate Mandatum est Iusticiar ad custodiam Judeorum assignatis quod non distringant aut distringi permittant Aaron fil Abraham de tallagio 10 millium marc de termino sancti Michis An. r. n. 31 nisi pro 53 marc et dimid ipsi inde de eodem termino contingent T. R. apud Winds 23. die Augusti These tallages were usually imposed on the Jews in their absence being not privy thereto unlesse specially admitted as appears by this Record concerning the Iews of Canterbury who gave the King half a mark of gold that one of them might be present at the imposing of the next tax Quia Iudei Cantuarii dederunt dimid marc auri quam Regi prae manibus reddiderunt pro eo quod concederet eis quod unus Iudeus ejusdem villae Cantuar. intersit tallagio assidendo quod assideri debet apud Northamp Mandatum est Iusticiaris ad custod Iudeorum assignatis quod unam ex ipsis ad hoc eligi et dicto tallagio assidendo interesse faciant T. R. apud Feversham 20 die April Amongst the records in the Treasury of Receipts in the Exchequer I find this Inter Placita et Assis capt apud Northampton in crast Nativ Sancti Iohan. Baptistae Anno Regis Henrici c. 23. coram Rogero de Th●rkelby et sociis suis rot 38. Ivo fil Abraham de Stanford Iudeu rectatus de retonsura denariorum venit et dat Domino Regi 20s quod possit esse sub placito respondend ad preceptum Dom. Regis Pl●gii sui Solomon fil Sancho fil Isaac Benioy fil Aaron de Stanford Whether he were condemned or acquitted for this his clipping of money for which he was then bailed I find not on Record In the 32 year of Henry the 3. I meet with these Records concerning the Jews Rex mandavit Justic ad custodiam Judaeorum assign quod non distringant vel distringi permittant Aaron fil Abrahami de Tallagio 60 millium marc pro duobus milibus marc de termino sancti Michis anno 32. nisi pro quinquaginta et tribus marcis et dimid ipsum inde de eodem termino contingentibus sicut ipse talliatus fuit ad pasch proximo preteritum Et si sorte ipsum ad plus talliaverint illud relaxari et super communitatem Judeorum assidi faciant Teste Rege apud Farendon 29 die Augugusti By which it appears the Jews were taxed at sixty thousand marks in this one year A vast sum in those dayes The same year the King grants respestum de quibuslibet veteribus debitis Iudei c. Particularly Rex dedit respectum Aaron Judeo Ebor. de centum libris quas Regi solvisse debuit ad scac Pasch anno regni Regis 32. usque ad quindenam paschae sancti Iohannis Baptistae anno eodem et mandatum est Baronibus de Scaccario quod respectum illum ei habere faciant T. R. apud Rading 17 die Maii. There is this record this year concerning the Jews of Canterbury Iudei Cantebr liberaverunt in Garderoba regis apud sanctum Edmundum die Lunae prox post cineres quinque Marc. de quibus praedicti Judei promiserunt regi respiciendas in adventu regis apud Cantebr Et mandat est Justic ad custodiam Judeorum assignatis quod pro predictis quinque marc ipsos Judeos non distringant Teste Rege apud Windesor primo die Maii. Mandar est c. quod distringi faciant terras quae fuerunt Mathei Peverel c. for a debt due to a Jew and to others to answer a debt to Aaron the Jew In the 33 of H. 3. I find these records concerning the Jews An Extent of Robert de Muntenay in Littlebar of a Jews land per Sacramentum proborum et legalium hominum extendi fac c. The King himself in that age appointed the Jews Bayliffs in the Eschequer as is evident by this record Mandatum est Justic ad custodiam Judeorum assign quod non permittant quod aliquis Judeus habeat aliquam Ballivam ad Scacc. Judeorum praeter Jacobum Episcopum Abrah fil Vines et Jacob fil Flurye et si Elyas Episcopus qui prius fuit ad dictum Scac. resideat ad idem Scac. per preceptum Regis tunc Rex vult quod recipiant Aaron fil Abraham tanquam socium suum T. R. apud Westm xi die Julii anno c. The King then likewise appointed the Clerks of the Jews Exchequer and the Cirographers of their publick Chests as this record doth manifest Rex vult quod Abraham fil Vines sit clericus Regis in Scac. suo Iudeorum et quod sit Cyrograph Archae Regis Cyrograforum Iudaeorum apud London loco Abrahamae fil Muriell Et ideo mandatum est Justic. ad custodiam Judeorum assignatis quod acceptis ab eodem Abrahamo fil Vines sufficientibus plegiis de fidelitate ipsum ad praemissa Officia admittant et clavem Archae Cirographorum quam Abraham fil Muriel habet eidem liberari faciant T. R. apud Westm xxix die Junii Rex vult quod Aaron fil Abraham Iudeus London resideat ad Scaccarium Regis Iudeorum tanquam Vines c. ut supra T. R. apud Winton 26 die Maii. The same year I find an Extent of John of Coniz of Brewineston his Land for a Debt to a Jew per sacram proborum et legalium hominum extendi fac c. T. R. apud VVestm 9 die Maii. The same year Aaron of Yorke agreed again with the King to pay a certain Tax to him yearly expressed in this Patent Rex omnibus
malitious potent vexatious Adversaries will be utterly abolished by Salt Peters new Firework to burn all our old Records to ashes 4ly Whereas this Ignoramus in our Records the most whereof he never yet saw and cannot so much as read produceth this only reason for their burning that they are the monuments of Tyranny I would demand of rhis bold blind Bayard who judgeth of coulors he never yet saw how he can make good this notorious untruth The greatest part of our Records are the two great Charters of the Liberties of England and the Forrest or sundry subsequent confirmations of them in several Parliaments the good old Laws Statutes Ordinances made by our wisest Kings Nobles Commons upon long advise and serions debates in our English Parliaments for the Government Peace defence wellfare of the people The proceedings debates Judgements Resolutions of our sagest Parliaments Judges Courts of Justice in all matters cases publike private civil or criminal formerly debated or resolved in them Old Charters Commissions Patents Writs Concords Fines Recoveries Statutes Judgements Extents Indictments Offices Grants of Liberties Lands Franchises Fairs Offices Pardons to particular persons corporations all matters advancing the defence of the Realm by Land and Sea in times of danger war according to the ancient Laws and Customes of the Realm Negotiations Truces Leagues with Embassies Letters to from forain Stares All particulars concerning Merchants Merchandise Trade Coyn Bullion Measures weights wools Staples Ships and the like Now how all or any of these can be stiled Monuments of Tyranny let this Lindsy-Wolsy great Clerk demonstrate at his best leasure Besides I here averr ex certa scientia against this Imposture That most of our old Records especially in the Tower are so far from being monuments of Tyranny that on the contrary they are the chiefest badges the clearest evidendences of those good old English Liberties which our noble Ancestors claimed purchased and transmitted to us as our richest Birthrights yea the principal Bulworks Fences against all sorts of Tyrannical usurpations encroachments on the Peoples Liberties Rights Properties in any kind whatsoever To put this out of Controversie I shall appeal only to the many excellent old Records produced most insisted on by the Commons and others in the several Parliaments of 7 8 21 Jacobi and 3 4 17. Caroli against all Impositions Tunnage Poundage Customs Excises Loans Taxes demanded imposed and exacted from the Subject without common consent and Act of Parliament against imprisoning Subjects by King or Council Table without any legal cause expressed in the warrants and not bailing them in such cases against Shipmoney Court and Conductmoney the Bishops late Canons and Oath Commissions for executing martial Law in times of Peace impressing and billiting Souldiers the Commissions of Array with other late Grievances Monopolies and the arbitrary proceedings of Strafford Canterbury the old Council Table Star-chamber and High-commission printed in sundry Treatises in Sir Edw. Cooks 2 4 Institut Sir Robert Cottons Posthuma and in my Legal Historical Vindication and collection of the good old fundamental Liberties c. of England to which I shall refer the Reader and Hugh Peters who if he had St. Augustines ingenuity hath as much cause and more than he to write a book of Retractations especially of this his rash sentence passed against our old Records devoting them to the fire which his and others New-Modles better deserve than they Now that I may the better excite encourage all generous English Spirits especially Lawyers Statesmen Historians Heralds and Divines who have opportunity not only to the diligent preservation but inspection study perusal of our ancient over-much neglected sleighted Records so rashly devoted to the fire by Peters I shall in brief acquaint each of them what hidden Treasures and rare precious pearls are locked up in these old Parchment cabinets 1. All grounded Students and Professors of the Law upon diligent search may find in our old Records the several Writs of Summons for our Archbishops Bishops Abbots Priors Dukes Earls Viscounts Barons Citizens Burgesses Merchants and all other Members to our ancient English Parliaments Great Councils of State Synods Convocations with the several prorogations adjournments dissolutions of them for Knights and others wages The Speeches Proceedings Petitions Debates Consultations Orders Ordinances Statutes Judgements Pleas Demands Grants or Refusals of Aides Subsidies with all transactions resolves concerning peace War Government Trade Merchandise Bullion Coyn Weights Measure purviances Customes Tunnage poundage Imposts Fishing Shipping defence of King or Kingdom by Land or Sea Liberties priviledges properties regulation of abuses supplies of defects of Law Justice and all other matters formerly discussed in our English parliaments Which if faithfully transcribed and methodically digested into a Parliamentary Chronicle would for rare usefull matter Excellency certainty far exceed all Histories Statute-Books Law-Books Chronicles ever yet compiled rectifie many grosse mistakes in most of them and make more able knowing Lawyers Judges parlamentmen Statesmen than former ages have produced Besides the old Records in the respective Treasuries of the Tower Courts at Westminster and the Rolls faithfully relate at large the Institutions Jurisdictions procedings Judgements Writs Formalities Debates commissions Law-cases Judges Officers names customes Fees of all the great courts of Law Justice Equity civil Ecclesiastical Military Marine Justices Itinerant Justices of the Forrest Justices of Assize Oyer and Determiner of most other inferiour Courts and Commissioners both in England Wales Ireland Scotland Gascoyne Normandy Poyters the Isles of Man Gernsy Iersy Alder●y Serk Silly and other Isles the Stanneries in Cornwall and in most Corporations Counties Hundreds Honors Mannors in them Record all sorts of commissions charters Writs Warrants Instruments relating to Law Iustice Trade peace War The Courts Jurisdictions priviledges Mannors Lands Fees Rents exemptions Liberties Royalties Tenures Services customs Offices Successions pedigrees of the Kings Princes Queens Archbishops Bishops Deans Chapters cities corporations Fraternities Guilds Nobility Gentry Freeholders of England Ireland Wales Scotland and all Dominions Isles annexed to them with sundry other particulars necessary for an accomplished Lawyer out of which industrious Lawyers if countenanced by authority and encouraged by a a publike Salary might collect such a rare new Body and Systeme of the Laws customs courts and ancient legal proceedings in all the courts of Justice throughout our Dominions as would as far excell all other Abridgements collections Reports Institutes Registers Law-Books hitherto published for use excellency as the richest Diamond exceeds the basest pibble and bring more honour benefit to the English Nation than all the Shepheards Calenders and New-corps or Models of our old English Laws attempted by Hugh Peters Sword-men and some bold illiterate Ignoramusses of the Law who neuer yet perused any of our old Records nor read over half our English Law-books and yet will be reformers or deformers rather of what they never exactly knew not understood In brief the exact knowledge of our