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A56130 Aurum reginæ, or, A compendious tractate and chronological collection of records in the Tower and Court of Exchequer concerning queen-gold evidencing the quiddity, quantity, quality, antiquity, legality of this golden prerogative, duty, and revenue of the queen-consorts of England ... / by William Prynne, Esq. ... Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1668 (1668) Wing P3898; ESTC R4976 161,571 146

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endebted to him to perform their wills 4ly That the ordinary proportion of Queen-gold in King Henries reign was only one Mark to the Queen for every ten Marks to the King yet in the case of Jone Wake the Queen had one thousand Marks for the Kings nine thousand 6ly That the King himself sometimes appointed when and how the whole Ten thousand Marks as well that due to Queen as to himself should be paid at several payments into the Exchequer and that by expresse agreement when the Fine was made 6ly That the Queens gold was to be levyed by the Kings processe issued to the Sheriffs in the same manner as the Kings Fine was And that the Sheriffs of London were imprisoned by the Barons and the Liberties of the City seised into the Kings hands for their neglect in not levying it and for the Citizens riot and rescous of those pawnes they had given for it 7ly That all the Lands and goods of the parties that made the Fines which they had at the time of the Fines made were to be extended for the Queens gold as well as for the Kings Fines And that if the party failed of the last payment of the Kings Fine he was to lose all that was payd and the Custody of the Wards lands and body too for which it was payd 8ly That Aurum Reginae was due to the Queen out of all voluntary Oblations and Fines made to the King in Ireland as well as in England And that by King Henry his special grant of the Land of Ireland to his son and Heir Prince Edward in as free and ample manner as himself enjoyed it the Queen-gold there became due to the Princes wife by his special Patent to her I shall next present you with such Records concerning QUEEN-GOLD as I have found and perused in the Tower and Court of Exchequer during the reign of King Edward the 1. John de Waterele Keeper of the Aurum Reginae accruing to Queen Eleanor wife to King Henry the 3d and Mother to King Edward the 1. exacting this Duty in the Court of Exchequer after King Henries death from those who granted him the 20th part of their goods in his life-time towards the relief of the Holy Land and likewise out of the Tallages last assessed on the Kings Lands and Tenants throughout England to their great grievance upon complaint thereof to King Edward the 1. his Counsil he being then absent in the Holy Land in the first year of his reign some of them came personally into the Court of Exchequer and there openly prohibited Waterele from thenceforth to exact or receive any Gold from any upon these occasions as this Record and Memorandum in the Office of the Kings Remembrancer in the Exchequer informs us MEmorandum quod die Lunae prox ante festum Conversionis Sancti Pauli vener ad Scaccarium W. Eborum Archiepiscopus Rogerus de Mortuo mari Robertus Burnel quidam alii de Consilio Regis et inhibuerunt 5 Johanni de Waterele Custodi AVRI Alienorae Reginae matris Regis Edwardi 4 ne de caetero exigat seu capiat ab aliquo AVRVM ad opus ejusdem Reginae occasione vicesimae praedicto Regi concessae tempo●e H. Regis patris sui in Subsid terrae sanctae nec etiam occasione Tallagii ultimo assess per Angl. super Dominica Regis praedicti In the 3d year of King Edward the 1. Nicholas de Ely Bishop of Winchester being prosecuted in the Kings Exchequer for Queen-gold by Queen Eleanors Clerk for a Debt of 2229 l. 13 s. 1 d. due to King Henry the 3d her husband by John Gernsey his predecessor for the corn and stock of the said Bishoprick which he bought of the King upon the Kings command to the Treasurer and Barons deliverd to them by word of mouth in the Exchequer they discharged him from the payment of the said Gold by authority of the Kings command whether out of meer grace to the Bishop or because the successor Bishop was not obliged by this contract of his predecessor for this stock and corn devolved to the predecessors Executors or to the King by his decease Or because no Aurum Reginae was due in strictnesse of Law upon this bargain or emption appears not by the Record thereof entred in these words MEmorand quod die Lunae proxim post Festum Sanctorum Nerei Achillei venit Walterus de Heleni ad Scaccarium dixit Thes Baron ex parte D. Regis quod in proximo adventu Nicholai Episcopi Wint. ad idem Scaccarium absolverent eundem Episcopum de AVRO quod exigitur ab eo ad oPUS Dominae Reginae matris Domini Regis de 2229 l. 3 s. 1 d. in quibus Johannes quondam Wynton Episcopus Regi H. tenebatur 4 pro emptione bladi et instauri dicti Episcopatus Postea venit idem Episcopus ad Scaccarium praedictum et auctoritate mand praedict absolutus est de AVRO praedicto Eleanor first Queen Consort to King Edward the 1. in the 3d. year of his reign constituted Walter Kent Receiver and keeper of her gold in the Kings Exchequer whereupon she sent this Letter to the Barons to admit him to this Office without any difficulty and to advise and assist him therein when need should require as Eleanor wife to H. 3. had done before her CUM dilecto fideli Waltero de Cantia Clerico nostro terrarum tenementorum nostrorum in Anglia et Auri nostri commiserimus custodiam et exitus inde recipiend de eisdem ordinand et disponend prout nobis viderit expedire ac quaedam dictam custodiam tangentia existant quae per vos cautiorem sortire valeant effectum per quod vos rogamus affectuosè quatinus dictum Walterum ad custodiam Auri praedicti nostro nomine faciend sine aliquo diffugio recipiatis eidem in Ofeficio praedito aliis negotiis nostris coram vobis expediend quociens opus fuerit consulentes esse velitis auxiliantes precibus nostris amore Dat. apud Woodstock 26 die Decembris Anno regni Domini nostri Edwardi tertio Anno 4 E. 1. Queen Eleanor assigned Benett of Wynton a Jew to keep her Gold and dispatch her other businesse in the Exchequer for the Jews as other Jews had alwayes accustomed to do as appears by this Mandate of the King to the Barons to admit him to this office CUM karissima Consors Alienora Regina Angliae 5 assignaverit Benettum de Wynton Judaeum ad Aurum ipsius Consortis Custod ad alia negotia ipsam contingentia exequend prout alii Judaei semper hactenus facere consueverunt Rex mand eisdem quod praefat Benettum ad hoc admittant in forma praedita Teste c. This year there arising some new Controversies and doubts out of what Oblations QUEEN-GOLD ought to be paid the King and his Counsil made these resolutions therein which they
like nature with those here enumerated mentioned in the Fine and Pipe Rolls and 6. Section On the other hand Aurum Reginae is not due or payable for any Subsidies Aides Quindisms Tonnage Poundage voluntarily granted to the King by the Lords Commons in Parliament or Disms by the Pope or Clergy for the Necessary defence of the Kingdom or Church of England or Holy Land or for Fines for respite or remission of their payment at the times limited as most conceive Nor for Fines imposed and ascertained by Judgement of the Court against the Offenders wills not left indefinite to the Kings pleasure and parties subsequent Composition or agreement Nor for voluntary Fines or Oblations of Palfries Hawks Tuns of Wine or the like to the King either alone or joyntly with any certain sum of money as of 10D marks or pounds in gold or silver and of one two three or more Palfries Hawks or Tunnes of Wine frequent in all ancient Fine and Pipe Rolls because these were not money nor apportionable and their rates values being uncertain variable our Law could set no certain rate or proportion on them nor any processe be legally issued to levy them SECT V. What Interest the Queen-Consorts have in their Queen-Gold By what officer it is to be received By what Processe to be levyed when unpaid and on what lands goods To whom the Arrears there of accrue after the Queens death THIS Duty of Aurum Reginae is so absolutely vested in the Queen that although the King himself should pardon or remit all or any part of his Fine to the party by which it became due to the Queen yet he could not pardon remit nor apportion this Duty to his Queen nor respite the Process to levy it without her own consent And if the King her Husband deceased this Debt survived to the Queen and was leviable in the reign of the succeeding Kings not withstanding by like processe as before This Duty or Revenue was received collected levyed by a special Officer or Clerk in the Court of Exchequer authorized and appointed by Patent from the King or Queen or both of them to receive collect levy and render an Account there of in that Court If this Duty was not voluntarily paid it being a Debt grounded on and warranted by matter of Record as the Fine Rolls in the Court of Chancery or Extracts Pipe-rolls in the Exchequer wherein the Oblations Fines out of which it arose are enrolled it was levied by Writs of Extent or Execution issued out of the Court of Exchequer to the Sheriffs in the self-same manner form as the Kings debts were next after the Kings own debts but not before them and that upon the Debtors lands or goods which he had at the time when it first grew due or upon his Sureties in case he had no lands nor goods to satisfie it If the Queen-Consort deceased all the Arrears of this Duty accrued and survived of right to the King her Husband if living and to his Successor if dead who levied them by processe out of the Exchequer as they did their other proper Debts SECT VI. A Chronological Collection of the Principal Records Patents Writs Accounts in the Tower of London and Court of Exchequer at Westminster concerning Aurum Reginae with brief Observations on them HAving rendred you this Summary Account of this Duty of Aurum Reginae and of the several materials circumstances that concern or relate unto it in general and special I shall in this last Section present to your view a Chronological Collection and Transcript of all the principal Records Patents Writs and Accounts extant in the Tower of London and Court of Exchequer at Westminster which have hitherto come to my view with some brief Observations on and from them Which will copiously evidence justifie ratifie the truth of what I have asserted concerning Aurum Reginae in the premised Sections and display what else may conduce to the full discovery or knowledge of this abstruse over-long-concealed discontinued Prerogative of the Queens of England to all those who desire information or satisfaction therein I shall begin with the ancientest and so descend in order of time to the last Records and Memorials of this Subject referring each of them by figures to the premised Sections so farr as they prove evidence confirm or illustrate the contents thereof The first and most memorable Record I have yet seen which both mentions and Treats of Aurum Reginae is a Dialogue or Treatise enrolled in the Red and Black Book of the Kings Exchequer at Westminster whereof there is a fair Transcript in Lincolns Inne Library given to it by our Famous Antiquary Mr. Will Lambard a Member of that Society An. 1572. intituled Gervasii Tilberiensis De Necessariis Scaccarii Observantiis Dialogus dedicated by him to K. Henry the 2. in the 23. year of his reign as himself relates in his Proeme Anno Domini 1177. in the second Part of which Dialogue cap. 26. 1 DE AURO REGINAE he renders us this exact Account concerning the Quiddity Quantity Quality Legality and manner of levying this duty in the Exchequer in that and former ages per Consuetudines et Iura Scaccarii as his Proeme informs us I shall present you with his intire Dialogue concerning this Duty Ad haec noverint hi 1 qui in pecunia numerata Regi 4 sponte obligantur quod REGINAE similiter tenentur licet expressum non fuerit Quamvis enim non sit expressum est tamen promisso compromissum Vt cum Regi Centum vel Ducentas Marcas promiserit REGINAE pariter teneatur pro Centum Marcis Argenti Regi promissis IN UNA MARCA AURI pro Ducentis IN DUABUS MARCIS AURI et st● deinceps In his autem perquirendis 5 eadent lege Vicecomes per omnia utetur qua in Regiis usus est non tamen ante sed post Cum ergo de Regiis debitis summonitiones fiant 5 adest Clericus Reginae ad hoc constitutus Et addit in summonitione de illo has Centum Marcas pro causa illa ET AD OPUS REGINAE UNAM MARCAM AVRI. Summonita autem ad Scaccarium ab eius Officialibus ad 〈◊〉 i●●titutis seors●m suscipiuntur Noveris etiam quod 5 llicet Rex de promissa s●bi summa mediam partem dimiserit vel universam v●l etiam summonere dis●ulerit de his tamen quae ad REGINAM pertinent s●cundum quod sibi visum fuerit per omnia fiet ut ea nolente nec dimittantur nec differentur quae sibi debentur sed summonita solbantur et non solventes praedicto modo coerceantur Discipulus Nunquid de promissis Regi citra Centum Marcas aliquid REGINAE debetur Magister Quibusdam sic videtur ut 1 usque ad Decem Marcas teneatur ut scilicet is qui Regi decem Marcas promiserit IN UNA UNCIA AURI REGINAE TENEATUR Aliis non nisi de Centum
et supra ab initio promissis De his igitur ad praesens cum modestia quia re nondum terminata suspensa resolutio est Litigat sane de his pars REGINAE cum debitoribus et adhuc sub Iudice lis est De misericordia 4 Iudaeorum et de redemptione Monetariorum for falsifying clipping and abusing the Kings coin sicut desponte oblatis dictum est sua portio secundum formam praedictam REGINAE debetur Discip Nunquid in pecuniariis sponte oblatis Clerici Laici sine differentia coerceantur Magister In sponte oblatis apud omnes Lex una servatur ut sive Clericus sit sive Laicus qui non solvend● fuerit donec satisfecerit careat impetrato Observatur etiam idem in omnibus aliis quae quovis pacto Regi debentur c. To which I shall subjoyn this passage in his Dialog 2. c. 23. Quid de sponte offerentibus faciendū cum ipsi non solvunt The Queens Gold arising out of such Oblations Noveris igitur quod oblatorum Regi quaedam in rem quaedam in spem offerentur In rem quidem offerri dicimus cum oblatum à Rege suscipitur offerens consequenter pro quo obtulit à Rege suscipit Vt si quis pro libertate aliqua profundo vel pro firma vel pro custodia cujusque qui minor est aetatis usque ad annos legitimos habenda vel pro quovis alio quod ad suam utilitatē vel honorem accedere videatur sponte Regi Centum libras vel Centum Marcas offerat et assentiente Regi statim post oblatum suscipiat optatum De his qui spontè se obligant qui conventionem cum Principe factam possidere jam ceperint lex nostra decernat ut quamdiu solvendo fuerint indultis sibi beneficiis gaudeant utantur Quod si de Regis debito summoniti solvere desierint statim careant impetratis ut si manente Scaccario super eadem satisfecerint oblata omnia sine molestia restituantur In spem verò dicantur offerri cum quis exhibendae sibi justitiae causa super fundo vel redditu aliquo Regi summam aliquam offert non tamen ut fiat ne in nos excandescas venalia penes eum Justiciam dicas immò ut sine dilatione fiat c. From this Record and Discourse concerning Queen gold stiled in subsequent Records in the Exchequer An Ordinance and Statute to which the Barons and Queens Officers had recourse in succeeding times in Cases concerning Aurum Reginae I shall observe 1. That Aurum Reginae was a Debt Duty Revenue belonging to the Queen-Consorts of England by the Law Custom of England time out of mind long before the reign of King Henry the 2. the beginning whereof is altogether u●known But if I conjecture aright it had its original not from the Earls Dukes of Normandy who were no Kings nor their Wives Queens and so could neither create nor denominate this Royal prerogative of Aurum Reginae but from the Roman Emperors whose Wives had the Titles of AUGUSTA DIVA AUGUSTA as the Emperors had of AUGUSTUS DIVUS AUGUSTUS and the SAME PRIVILEDGES with the EMPEROR And that our famous Queen Helena daughter to King Coell wife to the Emperor Constantius who kept his Imperial Court and died at Yorke where he begate the most renowned Christian Emperor Constantine the Great on the body of this first Christian Queen and Empresse in the world canonized afterwards for a Saint for her piety bounty to the Church and finding out the Holy Crosse whereon Christ was crucified was the first who enjoyed this Royal Duty whereof she was most worthy and being stiled REGINA as well as AUGUSTA might well derive the Name of AURUM REGINAE thereunto This munificent Queen as she built the walls of London and Colchester as our Henry Huntindon stories so Nicephorus Callistus Petrus Ribadeniera Capgrave and others relate that she built three Magnificent Temples in the Holy Land the first near Mount Calvary in the place where she found the Crosse whereon our Saviour Christ was crucified the second at Bethlehem where he was born the third upon Mount Olivet in the place from whence he ascended into heaven besides 27 Churches and Oratories more in other places which she endowed with rich gifts giving likewise large Alms to poor people So large was her revenue whereunto it is probable this Duty of Aurum Reginae made some addition To which Nicephorus subjoyns Quam ob causam condigna etiam à Deo accepit praemia Etenim in praesenti hac vita ea est consequuta ut praestantius quidquam nemo ei accidere potuisse putaret Nam AUGUSTA renunciata est ET NUMMOS AUREOS SUB EFFIGIE SUA PROCUDIT a badge or emblem of Aurum Reginae Imperialibusque Thesauris in potestate sua redactis pro arbitrio suo est usa as our Queens use their Aurum Reginae which if I mistake not had its Original in and from this our glorious Queen and Empresse as both the Roman Emperors and also our Kings of England derived their GOLDEN CROWNS from the Emperor Constantine her Son as Mr. John Selden proves at large in his Titles of Honor. 2ly That Aurum Reginae is due to the Queen out of all sums of Mony or Fines voluntarily offered and assented to by the King for any Liberty lands farm Custody Wardship or other thing redounding to the parties profit or honor and for fines for speedy Justice amounting to or exceeding the sum of 10. Marks which though then a point unresolved disputed between the Queens Officers and those who were to pay this Duty who pretended it not due unlesse it were a Fine of 100 Marks or more yet it was soon after and ever since frequently resolved to the contrary as the subsequent Records will inform us 3ly That the proportion of Aurum Reginae is one Mark of Gold out of every hundred Marks of Silver due to the King that is one full tenth part over and above the intire Oblation or Fine to the King to wit one Mark for ten Marks and ten pounds for every hundred pounds without any deduction from or diminution of the Kings Oblation or Fine from which it is distinct and so proportionably for any other sum above 10 Marks 4ly That at the same instant when any party makes a voluntary Oblation or Fine to the King he becomes an actual Debtor for this Aurum Reginae to the Queen by the Law and Custom of the Realm though it be not expresly promised nor agreed 5ly That the Queen is to have her special Clerk or Officer in the Exchequer to receive and recover this Duty for her use 6ly That the Processe for the recovery thereof if not voluntarily paid ought to issue out of the Kings Exchequer in the same course and manner as Processe doe
sent to the Barons of the Exchequer to be firmly observed REX mand eisdem quandam Cedulam coram se et Consilio suo super AVRO REGINAE proviso o●dinatam praesentibus interclusam Mandantes eisdem quod 4 ea quae super hoc provisa sunt et ordinata de caetero firmiter servari faciant c. BAronibus c. salutem Mittimus vobis quandam Scedulam coram nobis Consilio nostro super Auro Reginae proviso ordinatam praesentibus interclusam Vobis madantes quod ea quae super hoc provisa sunt ordinata de caetero firmiter observari faciatis Teste c. apud Westm 9 die Julii Tenor illius Scedulae talis est De 4 donis quae spontanea voluntate donato●uis ex gratia conferuntur et contingat quod aliquis de dono proprio finem faciat non habebit Regina Aurum Si vero Papa conferat Decimam vel const●ilem gratiam Domino Regi et faciant inde finem vel siquis finem pro hujusmodi Decima vel Quintadecima vel Vicesima alicujus Communitatis seu patriae seu pro donis aliorum quam pro sui ipsius ibi fiat sicut fieri debet An. 5 E. 1. The Officers of Eleanor Queen Consort to King Henry the 3d. and mother of King Edward exacting Queen-gold from the Barons of the Cinque Ports for their free courteous gift of the 20th part of their goods to King Henry his Father by processe issued out of the Court of Exchequer against the King and Counsils resolution the year before contrary to all equity and right the King thereupon issued this Mandate to the Barons to discharge them thereof QVia 4 aequitati dissonum fore reputat Rex quod Barones Duinque Po●tuum pro curialitate quam Domino Henrico Regi fecerant de micesima bono●um suo●um eidem Patri gratis concedenda et praestanda distringantur ad AURUM REGINAE Angliae Matri Regis praestandum occasione micesimae praedictae Rex mandat eisdem Baronibus quod Barones quinque Po●tuum praedictos de pecunia quae ab iis erigitur per summonitionem Scaccarii pro AURO praedicto occasione praediatae Micesimae quietos esse faciant Teste c. REX Baro●bus suis de Scaccario suo Dublin salutem Allocate Magistro Thomae de Cheddeworth nuper Custodi nostro Archiepiscopatus Dubl in compoto suo ad Scaccarium praedictum triginta unam libras quas per praeceptum nostrum liberavit Willielmo de Walleye Auditori compoti ejusdem Archiepi●copatus et 5 AURI Consoztis nostrae c. Teste meipso apud Westm 6 die Julii anno r.n. 7. By which it appears that Queen-gold was then payd to the Queen in Ireland where she had an Officer to receive and account for it In the Roll of Vasconie Anno 8 E 1. I found this Record which hath some Analogie to Queen-gold in England that the wives of all the Lords of Agen for the time being had a certain Annual summe paid unto them over and above the Lords rent and fine out of all Bayliwicks of that land sold or let to farm which the King by this Writ commanded his Steward and Receiver of the Dutchy of Aquitain to pay to his Royal Consort Eleanor Queen of England and Dutchesse of Aquitain in as ample proportion as Jone Countesse of Poictiers and Tholouse in the time of her Husband whiles the lands were in his hands and afterwards the Queen of France enjoyed it when in the hands of the Kings of France that so she might not be in a worse condition than this Countess being a Queen and Dutchesse too REX Senescallo suo in Ducatu Aquitanniae vel Receptori suo in terra Agenensi salutem Cum er antiqua consuetudine Cro●es Domino●um Agen qui pro tempo●e fuerunt de singulis Ballibis illius Terrae benditis seu ad fir mam traditis ab illis qui easdem Ballibas emunt belad firmam recipiunt annis singulis certam habuerunt quantitatem pecuniae Nos nolentes quod karissima Conso●s nostra A. Dei gratia Regina Angliae Domina Hiberniae et Ducissa Aquitaniae deteriozis conditionis eristat quam fuerunt Crores Domino●um Agenen tempo●ibus retroactis set potius st fieri possit meliozis Hobis mandamus quod diotae Canso●ti nostrae bel ejus Mandato be singulis Ball bis a tempo●e quo dida Terra ad manum nostram debenit benditis bel ad firmam traditis seu benditis imposterum aut tradenois tantum quantum Johanna quondam Comitissa Pictaven et Tholesena tempo●e birisui et postmodum illustris Reginae Franciae tempo●e quo ipsa terra fuit in manu Domini Regis Franciae biri sui consueberunt percipere et babere faciatis annis singulis restitui Teste Rege apud Westm 5 die Julii REX Thes Baronibus suis de Scaccario salute●● Cum nuper sexto die Januarii anno regni nostri decimo concesserimus Bonefey de Crekelade Judaeo quod de illis viginti quinque libris tresdecim solidis sex denariis per quos 4 finem fecit nobiscum pro transgressione monetae solveret nobis per annum ad Scarcarium nostrum quadraginta solidos ad duos anni terminos donec praedicta pecunia nobis plenè solveretur Aetdem Judaeus in 5 prisona nostra detineatur pro AURO karissimae Conso●tis nostrae Alienorae Reginae Angliae per quod pecuniam illam solvere non potest ut accepimus Nos eidem Judaeo gratiam facere volentes uberiorem concessimus eidem Judaeo quod de praedictis viginti quinque libris tresdecim solidis sex denariis solvat nobis per annum ad Scaccarium nostrum viginti solidos unam videlicet medietatem ad Scaccarium nostrum Sancti Michaelis proximo futur aliam medietatem ad Scaccarium nostrum Paschae proximo sequens sic de anno in annum ad eosdem terminos viginti solidos donec pecunia praedicta nobis plenè solvatur Et ideo vobis mandamus quod eidem Judaeo terminos illos habere sic fieri irrotulari fac T. R. apud Westm 20 die Inn. QUia Rex concessit karissimae Consorti suae A. Reginae Angliae omnes exitus finium amerciamentorum catallorum fugitivorum dampnatorum al●orum quorumcunque de Hundredo de Gattre in manu ipsius Consortis Regis ex concessione Domini H. Regis existente provenientes de ultimo Itinere Justic in Com. Leyc Rex mand Baron quod exitus illos per extract Scaccar levari Iohanni de Berewyke 5 Custodi Auri ejusdem Reginae ad opus ejusdem Reginae liberari fac That the Queen Debts of AURUM REGINAE and other Debts belonging to her by antient and approved Custome were by her Prerogative to be received and levyed before all other Creditors Debts in the same manner and by like Processe as the
in doubtfull cases concerning this duty the Barons of the Eschequer principally grounded their Judgements Resolutions and Certificates to the King concerning it upon the words of Gervasius Tilberiensis recorded in the Red and Black Books of the Exehequer to which they had reourse as to an ancient Statute Ordinance for that Court as they stiled and reputed it which they were obliged to observe in such controversies 5. That upon the Queen Mothers or Queen Consorts deaths all the Debts and arrears of Queen-gold due to either of them by the Law of the Realm and Kings Prerogative accrued devolved to the King then reigning and to none else who recovered demanded levyed received the same in his Court of Exchequer and disposed thereof as his own proper Debts 6ly That Queen-gold was then demanded levyed out of the Lands and Tenements of the parties from whom it was due which they had at the time of their making of the Oblations and Fines to the King into whose hands soever they came by descent or assignment And out of their goods chattels and the lands goods and chattels of their Pledges or Sureties if the principal Debtors had none out of which it might be levyed 7ly That Sheriffs Bailiffs of Liberties and Receivers of this Duty were obliged to levy pay and account to the Queen in the Exchequer for what ever Queen-gold they were charged to levy by Writs directed to them within their respective Bayliwicks when they there accounted to the King for his Debts levyed and were enjoyned by the Barons not to depart out of the Court till they had accounted and agreed with the Queen for the same That they were attached imprisoned fined for their neglects and contempts in not serving returning the Writs or not levying paying in the moneyes charged by them to the Queen or not accounting for the same in manner as in cases of the King and not discharged till the Queen was satisfied or further day given them by the Queens Attornies consent and acknowledgement in open Court 8ly That Queen-gold was then payd recovered received as due by Law and Custom for all Oblations or Fines to the King for grants of the Lands bodyes or mariages of Wards for licenses of alienations of lands rents or appropriation of Churches Advowsons in mortmain for licenses of alienation of lands in Capite from one person to another for the Temporalties of Archbishopricks Bishopricks Monasteries during their vacancies Fines for Ransoms or pardons of all sorts of Trespasses offences against the Peace capital or criminal Fines for Reliess for Licenses to marry for Grants or Confirmations of Charters of Franchises Liberties for Fines for discharge of Hoblars and other Souldiers And for pecuniary Compositions or Fines made by Corporations for Disms Quindisms Subsidies out of goods and chattels in specie not specially exempted from it by those Acts of Parliament whereby they were granted to the King 9ly That no Queen-gold is due out of publike Aydes and Subsidies voluntarily granted to the King in Parliament when paid in specie or compounded for by any particular person that ought to pay them nor for the grant of the Wardship or marriage of Wards where the Wards die soon after and the grantees receive no benefit by reason of the Wards sudden deaths 10ly That Queen-gold shall not be doubly paid upon a double Recognizance or Security for one and the same Fine given to the King by the same person and his pledges though there be some variance in the Name The reign of King Richard the 2d furnisheth us with these observable Records concerning Aurum Reginae An. 5 R. 2. MEmorand quod praeceptum fuit Vicecomitibus London Midd. per breve hujus Scaccarii dat 12. die Julii hoc anno quinto quod de terris catallis Thomae Saundford Adae Yedding Thoma de la Lodelowe de Com. Surr. Adae de Hadham in Balliva sua fieri faciat 704l 6s 8d de remanen 750 l. de AVRO REGINAE as the Marginal Note thereof resolves us quas iidem Thomas Adam Thomas Adam in Curia Domini Edwardi nuper Regis Angliae Avi Regis hujus coram Baronibus de Scaccario 9. die Junii anno regni sui quinto recognovit se quemlibet eorundem in solidum debere Philippae nuper Reginae Angliae defunct quas ei solvisse debuerunt ad terminos dudum praeteritos prout Domino Regi constat per inspectionem Rotulorum hujus Scaccarii ei non solverint qui quidem denar 5 ad manum Domini Regis Avi occasione mortis praefatae nuper Reginae fuerunt devoluti et jam ad manum Regis hujus per mortem diti Regis Avi devolvuntur Ita quod denarios illos haberent hic in crastino Sancti Michaelis hoc termino Regi solvend sicut continetur inter Brevia execut pro Rege hoc Termino Et ad praedict Crastinum praedicti Vicecom retornaverunt breve mandarunt quod ceperunt in manum Domini Regis de terris catallis praedictor Thomae Saunford Adae Yeddyng in balliva sua ad valenciam 10 s. de debito praedicto Et quod praedicti Thomas de Lodelowe Adam de Hadham nichil c. Et quia praefata Regina mortua est prout superius continetur et denarii praediti ad Regem et non ad alium de jure pertinent Ideo eidem Vic. viz. Walterus Deget Willielmus Kingeston onerentur de 10 s. versus Regem de 10 s. praedict praetextu returni sui praedict MEmorand quod praecept suit Vic. Glouc. per breve hujus Scaccarii dat 8. die Novemer anno quarto Regis nunc sicut pluries quod de bonis catallis Thomae Moigne de terris ren quae sua fuerunt anno regni Dom. E. ●nuper Regis Angliae Avi Regis hujus 38 seu postea in 5 quorumcunque manibus eadem terrae tenementa tunc existerent in balliva sua fieri faceret 74 s. 4 d. ob de remanentia 4 l. 14s 10 d. ob qua● dictus Thomas debet Philippae nuper Reginae Angl. defunctae de AVRO SVO de 4 fine 47 l. 8 s. 3 d. pro maritagio haeredum Adae de Bromhull Roberti Robelkyn Willielmi Malefant infra aetatem in misericordia Domini Regis Avi existentium havend qui quidem denar ad manum dicti Dom. Regis per mortem praefatae nuper Reginae fuerunt devoluti jam ad 5 manum Regis nunc per mortem dicti Regis Avi devolvuntur Ita quod denarios illos hic haberet in crastino Sancti Michaelis hoc Termino Regi solvendos sicut continetur inter brevia execut pro Rege de hoc tempore Et ad praedict Crastinum praedict Vic. returnavit breve Et mandavit quod cepit in manum Regis de bonis catallis praedicti Thomae Moigne ad valenciam 74 s. 10 s. ob
et non de sponte oblatis Consideratum est de assensu Thesaurarii Angliae quod praedict W. de Asthorp de 100 l. praedictis eroneretur et quietus eristat praetextu praemissorum Salbo semper actione Regis st alias inde loqui voluerit 20 R. 2. REX c. fieri facias de bonis catallis Johannis Crumhall 13 s. 4 d. quos debuit Philippae nuper Reginae Angliae de AURO SUO de quodam 5 fine 10 marcarum quem ipse secit pro duabus falsitatibus de quibus convictus fuit in Scaccario Edwardi nuper Regis Angliae 5 Abi nostri charissimi Anno regni dicti Avi nostri 12. Qui quidem denarii ad manus dicti Avi nostri per mortem dictae nuper Reginae fuerunt devoluti jam per mortem dicti Avi ad nos devolvuntur Et denarios illos habeas apud c. From these Records of King Richard the 2. I shall observe 1. That the arrears of Queen-gold due to King Edward the 3d by the decease of Queen Philip devolved by his death to his successor and grandchild King Richard the 2. by vertue of his Prerogative and to none other 2ly That it was due for Fines for the Custody of the Lands bodies and marriages of the Kings Wards of which duty right the King would not suffer his Queen to be deprived at the Petition of the Commons in Parliament for fines for alienations of Advowsons and Lands in Mortmain Confirmations of Lands and Archdeaconries in Ireland Fines for deceipts or frauds But not for fines certain imposed by Judgement of the Court upon Offenders against the parties will or consent 3ly That all Lands and Tenements which the parties had at the time when this Debt to the Queen first accrued by reason of their fine to the King were liable to be extended for it in whose hands soever they came 4ly That Sheriffs were to levy and account for it to the King and Queen in the same manner as they did for the Kings other Debts and were ordered not to depart the Court till they had accounted for or paid in all the moneyes they had levyed for this duty by the Kings Writs and were attached and fined for their contempts in departing from the Court before they accounted for or paid what they had levyed for this duty to the Queen The Principal Records concerning Queen-gold during the reign of our next King Henry the 4. I have yet discovered are these ensuing SImon Ocle Prior Prioratus de Barnstaple venit coram Baronibus hu jus Scaccarii modo in crastino Clausi Paschae hoc termino queritur se grahiter diffrictum esse per Vicecomitem Devon pro sexdecim marcis de eo Conventu suo ad opus Dominae Johannae Reginae Angliae exactis de AVRO SVO de quodam 4 fine Centum et ser Librarum tresdecim solidorum et quatuor denariorum quem praefata Regina asserit se Conventum suum fecisse cum Domino Rege 4 pro licencia concedendi eisdem Prioiri et Conventui quod ipsi et successores sui sint quieti et exonerati imperpetuum de fine firma subsidio et apporto et omnibus aliis oneribus impositionibus et demandis quae de ipsis tanquam alienig possint demandari in augmintationem divini servicii pro dicto Domino Regi et progenitoribus haeredibus et successo●ibus suis inibi faciend Et praefatus Prior dicit quod ipse pro AURO REGINAE in hoc casu minus juste distringitur quia dicit quod AURUM REGINAE per legem Ierrae levari non debet nisi solummodo de finibus et rebus Domino Regi sponte oblatis Sed dicit quod pra dicta summa Centum et ser Lib●arum tresdecim solidorum et quatuor denariorum praedictorum in casu praedicto non est finis sponte oblatus Domino Regi in quo casu per legem Terrae dicta Domina Regina AURUM SUUM erigere non debet ac Vnde petit judicium et quod districtio praedicta versus eum cesset ●c What the issue of this Plea was I cannot yet discover but in all probability it was over-ruled against him for the Queen being such a Priviledge Liberty and Exemption for which others usually payd Queen-gold without any such plea or dispute which would totally elude this Duty Inter Communia de Termino Paschae Anno 13 H. 4. post Conquest Rot. 3. ex parte Remem Regis there is this memorable Record concerning Queen-gold DOminus Rex mandavit hic breve suum de magno Sigillo suo quod est inter Communia de hoc Termino Rot. 3. in haec verba Henricus Dei gratiâ Rex Angliae Franciae Dominus Hiberniae Thes Baronibus de Scaccario salutem Cum ad Reginas Angliae pro tempore existentes de 1 quolibet fine decem marcas attingen temporibus Progenitorum nostrorum quondam Regum Angliae facto unam marcam de viginti marcis duas marcas de centum marcis decem marcas et de majori majus et de minori minus et de quolibet fine decem marcas bel amplius attingen percipiend de illo qui buiusmodi finem facit ultra finem illum nobis solut vel solvend vocat AURUM REGINAE habere pertineat prout tam per Rubrum librum Scaccarii praedicti quam compota Thes et Generalium Receptorum Reginarum praedictarum in Scaccario praedicto residen plenius apparet de Recordo prout sumus informati Ac carissima Consors nostra Regina id quod ad eam pertinet de certis finibus in Camera nostra factis nisi fines illi coram vobis in Scaccarium praedict mittantur de Recordo consequi non potest ut est dictum Nos nolentes eidem Consorti nostrae iusticiam differri in hac parte quandam Cedul de diversis pecuniarum summis de dictis 4 finibus in Camera nostra ut praedictum est factis in quodam brevi nostro de Privato sigillo in Cancellar nostram per nos missam cujus quidam Cedulae tenor una cum dicto brevi in dicta Cancellaria nostra remanet de Recordo vobis mittimus sub pede sigilli nostri Mandantes quod inspectis libro Compotis cedula praedictis ulterius ad prosecutionem praefatae Consortis nostrae pro ●albacione juris sui in hac parte fieri fac prout de jure et secundum legem et consuetudinem regni nostri Angliae fuerit ●aciend Teste meipso apud Westm 27 die Aprilis Anno regni nostri 13. Per breve de privato sigillo Et tenor Cedul de quo fit mentio superius in brevi sequitur in haec verba Memorand de finibus fact in Camera Domini H. Regis Angliae Franciae quarti Annis regni sui quinto sexto septimo octavo nono decimo
praefatae Reginae centum solidorum Et hoc offert c. Et praedictus Robertus Radclyff per praedictum Attornatum suum praesens c. petit auditum Billae praedictae et ei legitur c. Qua audita per praedictum Attornatum nichil dicit in barram et exclusionem dict Actionis praefatae Reginae Et super hoc eadem Regina ex quo supradict nuper Vic. nichil dicit in barram et exclusionem dictus Attornatus praedict Reginae petit judicium suum in praemissis et debitum suum praedictum una cum dampnis suis praedictis sibi in hac parte adjudicari c. Super quo visis praemissis per Barones praedictos habitaque inde deliberatione pleniori inter eosdem consideratum est per eosdem Barones quod praedicta Regina recuperet versus praefat nuper Vic. debitum suum praedict quatuor librarum et decem et nobem solidorum praedict et dampna sua praedicta tam occasione injustae detentionis debiti illius quam pro misis custagiis et expensis suis circa sectam suam praedictam in hac parte appositarum taxata per eosdem Barones ad tresdecem solidos et quatuor denarios Quae quidem summae in toto se attingunt ad summam quinque librarum duodecim solidorum et quatuor denariorum quod praedictus nuper Vic. sit in misericordia Domini Regis c. From this Record and the precedent Writs of King Edward the fourth I shall observe 1. That Queen-gold was payd for every Fine and Oblation amounting to 10 Marks and upwards after the rate and proportion of one mark to the Queen for every 10 marks due or payd to the King and that all the Goods and Chattels of the parties who made the Fines in their own hands or in their Executors or Administrators and all their Lands and Tenements at the time of the Fine or after into whose hands soever they came were liable and extended to satisfie this Duty to the Queen 2ly That the goods chattels lands and tenements of the pledges for the Fine were liable to and extended for Queen-gold as well as the parties who made the Fine and that it was levyed by special Writs directed to Sheriffs who were to levy and be accountable to the Queen for the monies levyed by them for this duty and obliged to satisfie them before they departed out of Court in the selfsame manner as they were to levy account for satisfie the Kings own debts and were liable to actions and dammages to the Queen if they detained her Gold when levyed 3ly That Aurum Reginae was due to the Queen for Fines for licenses to alien Lands held of the King in Capite to other persons for licenses to alien Lands in mortmain to Chantries Gilds Fraternities and other Corporations Civil or Ecclesiastical for appropriations of Churches or Chappels for Fines for alienating Lands in Capite or mortmain without license for the Custody of the bodies lands and mariages of Wards for fines for grants and confirmations of antient Kings Charters of Lands or Liberties granted to Monasteries Bishops Deans Chapters other Corporations and to particular persons for Fines for indenizations of Aliens Custodies of the Temporalties of Abbyes and Bishopricks during their vacancies for marying the Kings Wards or Widdowes without his precedent license For fines for not receiving the Order of Knighthood upon Writs of Summons for Fines or Compositions for all sorts of Trespasses of Jurymen attainted for false Verdicts and Breaches of the Peace For Fines for Original Writs as of Assise and Novel Disseisin Writs of Concord or Covenant to levy Fines or suffer Common Recoveries of Manors Lands Tenements conveyed to others in which last sort of Writs it is observable that where several Writs of Concord and Covenant were sued forth for divers Mannors Lands or Tenements lying in several Parishes or Counties whereof one Fine or Recovery only was to be levyed or suffered though the Fine for every of these Writs severally considered amounted not to ten marks yet if they all conjoyned did arise to the sum of ten marks or upwards Aurum Reginae was paid for them all conjunctively either because they amounted but to one Concord or because one Fine only was imposed on them all in the Fine Office wherein they differ from the Fines of all other Writs 4ly That the extracts of Fines for Trespasses Offences Misdemeanors of all sorts Writs of Assise Concord and Covenant transmitted by the Kings Justices out of his other Courts into the Exchequer and Fines in the Court of Exchequer being Records were a sufficient charge and warrant to the Queens Clerks Officers and Barons of the Exchequer to issue forth Writs of Fieri facias and Extents to Sheriffs to levy the Queens gold arising out of them according to the proportion of one mark for every ten marks due to the King and did bind the goods chattels lands and tenements of the parties and their Sureties towards the payment thereof from the time the Fines were first made and recorded Before I proceed to the reigns of our succeeding Kings I thought fit to present you with some Antiquities and Records concerning this Duty of Aurum Reginae in the reigns of Henry the 2. Edward the 1 3. Richard 2. and Henry the 6. according to their Antiquities omitted in their proper Chronological series in the premised printed sheets because lately discovered upon my further search of Records and Antiquities at Westminster since the first sheets were committed to the Presse Jocelinus de Brakelande a Monk of the Abbey of St. Edmunds Bury in Suffolke flourishing in the reign of King John qui res gestas sui Coenobii libro accuratè Scripto perstrinxerit as Johannes Balaeus records in his life in his Chronicon Coenobii Sancti Edmundi Buriensis the Manuscript whereof I perused in Sir John Cottons Library hath this memorable passage concerning a Golden Cup of the value of 100 marks given to Queen Alianor wife of King Henry the 2. by the Abbot in lieu of her Queen-gold due by the Custome of the Realm for a fine of 1000 marks given to King Henry for the Manor of Mindenhale which she restored to the Monastery and afterwards redeemed for 100 marks when pawned by the Monastery towards the redemption of King Richard the 1. and bestowed it on them again for the soul of King Henry her husband upon condition never to alienate it Upon which account King Richard the 1. refused to take 500 and demanded received 1000 marks for the new grant of this his Manor to that Monastery His own words I transcribed out of cap. 24. are these Abbas optulit Regi Rich. 1. quingentas marcas pro Manerio de Mindenhale dicens illud Manerium 60 libr. 10. pro tanto esse collatum in magna Rolla de Wincestre Cum it a spem voti sui concepisset cepit res dilationem usque in
Oliver de Punchardin debet 2. m. de eod Aurum Reginae Rob. de Albeneio redd Comp. de 9 l. de eod In thesauro 7 l. 8 d. Et debet 20 s. 4 d. Willielm de Bello Campo redd Comp. de 54 m. de eod In thesaur 9 l. Et debet 24 l. di m. Duncanus de Lasceles 7 l. 4 s. de eod Walter de Trailli 45 m. pro eod In Magno Rotulo de Anno 17 Regis Johannis c. Aurum Reginae Willielmus de Belchamp 24 l. di m. de Auro Reginae Duncanus de Lascell 7 l. 4 s. pro eod Walterus de Trailli 45 m. pro eod Aurum Reginae Robertus de Curtenai deb 4 m. auri pro Fine de Sutton Josce de Plugen●i deb 1 m. auri pro terra matris suae Aurum Reginae Hawisa de Curtenai 7 m. di auri pro Honor. de Okemanton Will. Painell 2 m. Auri de Fine suo It is evident by all our Historians that Isabel daughter of the Earl of Engolisme married to King John in the first year of his reign after his divorse from Hawes the Earl of Glocesters daughter survived him which being premised I shall observe from these Records in King Johns reign 1. That this AVRVM REGINAE was claimed and received as a just legal Debt and Prerogative to the Queen in and from the first till the last year of King Johns reign by this special Name and Title 2ly That it was specially charged in the Great Rolls in the Pipe Office and levyed accounted for in the Kings Exchequer under this very Title of AVRVM REGINAE in the self-same manner by the same Process as the Kings own debts 〈◊〉 were levyed and accounted for 3ly That 〈◊〉 was due and paid out of all voluntary Fines and compositions made or pay● 〈◊〉 the King for the restitution of lands seised into his hands for reliefs wardships grants of Mariages Lands liberties and for voluntary Fines ransoms amerciaments for offences misdemeanors or pardons of them and that by Jewes as well as Christians 4ly That the proportion of this Duty was one Mark out of every Fine or Oblation of or above the sum of 10. Marks 5ly That King John no doubt by his Queens consent and agreement challenged and levyed AURUM REGINAE as a Debt Duty belonging to himself as well as to his Queen That he ordered it to be paid into and accounted for in the Court of Exchequer where he constituted a special Officer to keep the Rolls thereof and to demand levy receive and account for it from time to time 6ly That he somtimes gave several times for the payment thereof in the Exchequer by equal portions and that what could not be levyed thereof at one time by one Sheriff was afterwards levyed and accounted for by another 7ly That all the Lands as well as goods chattels of the persons from whom it grew due at the time of the Fine or Obiation first made were liable to be extended for it into whose hands soever they came by descent or grant without any suit at Law being a Debt due upon Record in the Fine and Pipe Rolls in the same manner that Debts to Jews were levyed by the King when devolved to him In the Fine Roll in the Tower Anno 17. Johan Regis m. 4 5. I find many considerable Fines and Oblations made to the King by several Persons Cities Corporations in Ireland out of which Aurum Reginae was then due and payd to the Queen in Ireland as well as in England as the Clause Roll of 33 E. 3. 〈◊〉 17. and other Records assure us though I find no Account thereof in the Pipe Rolls here From King John I descend to the reign of King Henry the 3d. his Son who being an infant scarce ten years of age when he was crowned King this Duty of Queen-gold was discontinued till his marriage of the Lady Eleanor second daughter of Raimund Earl of Province in the 20th year of his reign Anno gratia 1236. when it immediately revived and vested in her Majesty as these ensuing Records during his long turbulent reign will inform and resolve us The Red Book in the Kings Remembrancers Office in the Exchequer at Westminster records that at the Coronation of this his Queen Eleanor in the twentieth year of his reign at Westminster one John de Sanford put in his claim to be the Queens Chamberlain and that by virtue of his Office amongst other appendants thereunto belonging he ought to appoint one Clerk in the Exchequer to receive the QVEENS GOLD who ought to have 6 d. a day out of this duty for his Salary which was then deferred and disallowed afterwards as other Records assure us Which claim of his I finde thus certified out of the Red Book by the Barons of the Exchequer into the Court of Chancery and there exemplified at the request of Albred de Vere Earl of Oxford Chamberlain to King Richard the second and inserted into his Patent Anno 20 R. 2. REX omnibus ad quos c. Inspeximus c. Inspeximus etiam quandam Certificationem nobis in Cancellaria nostra per Thesaurarium Barones de Scaccario nostro de mandato nostro missam in haec verba Praetextu Brevis Regii huic Cedulae consuti scrutato Rubro Libro penes Scaccarium residente compertum est in eodem fol. viz. 232. quod Anno vicesimo Regis Henrici filii Johannis coronata fuit Regina Alienora filia Hugonis Comitis Provinciae apud Westm ubi continetur inter alia sic De praedictis Officiis nullus sibi jus vendicavit in domo Reginae excepto G. de Sanford quia veteri jure Praedecessorum suorum dixit se debere esse Camerarium Reginae Cameram Hostium ea die custodire quod ibi obtinuit habuit etiam tanquam jus suum totum lectum Reginae et Bastines et alia quae spetant ad Cameram Vendicavit etiam se debere unum Clericum in Scaccario ad exrigendum AVRVM REGINAE qui percipiet ut dicitur depraedicto AVRO qualibet die se● denarios pro liberatione set fuit dilatum Nos autem Transcripta Certificationem praedicta ad requisitionem dilecti Consanguinei nostri Albredi de Veer nunc Comitis Oxon. ●enore praesentium duximus Exemplificanda In cujus c. Teste Rege apud Westm quinto die Februarii Insteed of his Clerk REX 5 assignavit Laurentium de Castellis ad recipiendum et custodiendum AVRVM REGINAE ad magnum Scaccarium Regis ad respondendum inde per manum suam Et mandatum est Justiciariis ad custodiam Iudaeorum assignatis Quod AVRVM quod ipsam REGINAM continget ad Scaccarium Iudaeorum ei faciat liberari ad respondendum inde sicut praedictum est Teste Rege apud Mortelak 13 die Maii. REX Baronibus de Scaccario Mandamus vobis quatinus
Rotulis et Memorandis dicti Scaccarii Regis continetur et usitatum invenitur quod hii qui in pecunia numerata progenitoribus Regis spoute se obligant Reginis quae pro tempore fuerunt similiter tenebantur licet expressum non fuisset videlicet pro 100 Marcis in una mar AURI pro 200 m. in duobus Marcis AURI sic deinceps pro majori summa plus pro minori minus Rex volens quod negotium illud per Barones discutiatur et ulterius flat quod justum fuerit in hac parte Mandat Baronibus quod scrutatis Libris Rotulis et Memorandis praedictis si per inspectionem eorundem per discussionem coram eis super praemissis faciend eis constare poterit ita esse tunc praedictos Majorem Aldermannos Cives ad praedict 200 l. eidem Reginae pro AVRO SVO sine dilatione reddend compelli prout justum fuerit fac Teste Rege apud Westm. 22 die Octobris Anno regni nostri undecimo Nota quod hoc Termino vel antea praedicta Regina obiit whereupon I finde no entry of the Barons resolution given therein After this Queen Mothers decease the King by his Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England and by Privy Seals issued to the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer authorized Thomas Earl of Norfolk Marshal of England and Edmund of Woodstock his Brothers and other Executors of this Queen to receive and recover all Debts due to her and the arrears of Queen-gold which he granted to them to be levyed with all speed in the same manner as the Queen her self might have done and as his own debts were levyed EDward par la grace de Dieu c. au Tres e as Barones de nostre Eschequer Come entre autres choses que nous avoms grants al executors de Testament Margaret Reigne Dengleterre les deniers grantez que touts maners de Dets que estoient duez de la dit reigne de levant en la mesme manere come nos fesoms lever les nostres sicome plus pleinement est contenus en lettres de nostre grand Seal et nous entenduz que grand provis DEL OR e dettes ailloms sont uncors arrers Mandoms que mesme le OR et dettes facer lever a tote le haste que vbous unquez poyres pur le mieulx execution de dit Testament King Edward in the 18 year of his reign issued this Writ to his Barons for the due Collection of his Queen Isabels Queen-gold EDward par la Grace de Dieu c. As Tresorer Barons de nostre Eschequer salutz Nous vous mandoms que vous soeffrez Isabelle Royne Dengleterre nostre trescher Compaigne preindre et aver SON OR sauntz nui nusement et le facez lever a son oeps auxi come ad este acustumez ceo enarrire Et ceo ne lessez Don souz nostre prive Seal a Wint. le 9 jour D'octobre l'an de nostre regn 18. Et memorandum quod Breve liberatum fuit Camerar 11 die Octobris per praeceptum Thess Custodiend quod quidem Breve Robertus de Hoton Clericus dicti Thes recepit eodem die quo aliud breve de privato figillo directum fuit Thes Camerar de recipiendo AVRO praedicto ad opus Regis From these Records in the reign of King Edward the 2. I shall observe 1. That the Queen Consort her self by her Patents constituted a special Clerk in the Exchequer to demand collect and receive her Queen-gold as a Legal Debt Duty belonging to her 2ly That it was levyed by the same Processe as the Kings Debts were and that the distresses taken for it were sold by Sheriffs and Baylifs of Liberties who demanded the same fees for both 3ly That it was due and demanded for a voluntary composition or fine made by the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of London with the King for the Twentieth part of their goods granted in Parliament to the King though not for the Disms Quindisms and Twentieth part when paid in specie or compounded for by any person for himself alone 4ly That in doubtfull causes concerning this Duty of Queen-gold the Black or Red Books Records Memorials in the Exchequer were consulted and pursued to descide the same 5ly That the Queen-Mother after the King her husbands decease recovered the arrears of Queen-gold vested in her before his death in the reign of the succeeding King in the self-same manner and by the like processe in the Exchequer as she should have done in his life-time but not enjoy any Aurum Reginae for Fines or Oblations to the succeeding King 6ly That by the death of the Queen Mother the Arrears of Queen-gold due unto her meerly by her Royal Prerogative accrued to the King her Son not to her Executors unlesse specially granted to them by the King And that her Executors by the Kings special grant had the self-same process for the recovery thereof and all other Debts due unto her as the King or Queen her self enjoyed in her life-time 7ly That our Kings gave special charge to the Treasurers and Receivers of their Exchequer by their Writs and Mandates from time to time for the levying of this duty of Queen-gold to the use of the Queens to whom it was due without delay or impediment The Records concerning Aurum Reginae during the reign of King Edward the 3. come next in order to be presented to your view I shall begin with this Writ of Privy Seal by the King to the Treasurer and Barons of his Exchequer for the levying of all sorts of debts due to his Mother Queen 〈◊〉 wherein Queen-gold was included and particularly specified by name which John de Oxenden her Receiver General should shew to be due unto her by such processe out of that Court as should be most for her profit EDward par la grace de Dieu c. As Tresorier et Barons de nostre Eschequier saluz Come Isabell Reyne Dengleterre nostre treschier Dame et Miere vous eit mandez per ses 5 lettres que elle ad establi et assigne son Clerk Johan de Oxenden Recevour des issues de ses terres a faire lever totes les dettes que sont dues a nostre dite Dame et Miere auxibien des issues de ses dites terres come de SON OR et a faire retrere reconissances faites a nostre dite Dame et Mere a nostre dite Escheqier quele heur q'il verra q'il soit a faire a son profit Vous mandoms qe vous recevez le dit Johan a pursuire et parfourmir totes les choses suisdites solon● le purpoet et la tenour des lettres nostre dite Miere avantdites Don souz nostre Prive seal a Wyncestre le 12. jour de Marz l'an de nostre regne quart What lands are liable to be extended for Queen-gold and from what time this ensuing Record An. 7