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A55118 A little view of this old vvorld in two books ... a work fitted to the press five years agone, and now published, by Tho. Palmer. Palmer, Thomas, b. ca. 1620. 1659 (1659) Wing P253; ESTC R17862 95,299 212

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times and deeply mourned over the sins and sufferings of their brethren and especially the woful desolations of the Temple and worship of God gave them a glorious deliverance from the Armies of Antiochus and liberty again to restore the pure worship of God This news being brought to Antiochus he was astonished and lying down upon his bed fell sick with grief and in his trouble lamented his cruelty against the Jewes whom he destroyed without cause acknowledging the just hand of the Lord was upon him for it So giving order for the education of his son he died in the 149. year of the Kingdom of Grecia and in all reigned 12. years 9. Antiochus named Eupater succeeded Antiochus Epiphanes his father in the Kingdom and reigned two years 10. Demetrius son of Seleucus came from Rome and gathered an Army whereby he surprized Antiochus in his Palace and reigned in his stead 9. years 11. Alexander the son of Antiochus Epiphanes got an Army and came against Demetrius who had slain his brother Eupater and possessed the Kingdom and in a set battel Alexander overthrew the Army of Demetrius where he also was slain and Alexander sat upon the Throne When Alexander was now established in the Kingdom he sent Embassadours to Ptolomy King of Egypt to make a league of amity with him and to give him Cleopatra his daughter to wife Ptolomy King of Egypt seemed to rejoyce in the motion and appointed Ptolomais to be the place of their meeting for to accomplish the Marriage which was done with great glory But both these Kings hearts were to do mischief and according to Daniels Prophesie they spake lies at one Table for Ptolomy went about through deceit to get Alexanders Kingdom and joyn it to his own 12. In the 165. year Demetrius Nicanor son of Demetrius who was overcome by Alexander came out of Crete with an Army against Alexander but Ptolomy King of Egypt having by deceit got into many of Alexanders Cities left Garisons therein and in the mean time offers a league with Demetrius and to give his daughter Cleopatra to him whom he had given before to Alexander which was done Thus Ptolomy quieted Demetrius and so took the opportunity to set the Crown of Asia and Egypt both upon his own head When Alexander heard of this he came with his Army out of Cilicia and made War with Ptolomy but was worsted and flying into Arabia Zabdiel the Arabian took off Alexanders head and sent it to Ptolomy but Ptolomy died the third day after and so Demetrius came to the Crown in the 167 year of the Kingdom Demetrius Nicanor came thus to the Kingdom yet injoyed little peace for Tryphon who had been of Alexanders party finding Demetrius his Army murmuring against him set up Antiochus the son of Alexander and lav sore upon Sinialcus the Arabian to deliver young Antiochus that he might reign in his fathers stead At last Tryphon got Antiochus Crowned and drawing unto him many Souldiers who were discontented from Demetrius won Antioch and so got much power All this was done in policy by Tryphon for when opportunity served he kill'd Antiochus and set the Crown upon his own head by this means Demetrius was full of trouble all his days and going with his Army towards Media to get help to fight with Tryphon Arsaces King of Persia smote his Host and took Demetrius prisoner in the year of the Kingdom 172. 13. Antiochus Sadetes son of Demetrius the King gathered a great Army in the Isles of the Sea to recover his Kingdom from Tryphon He came up in the 174. year at which time most of Tryphons forces left him and joyned with Antiochus Tryphon seeing troubles coming upon him fled to the City Dora where Antiochus laid siege against him with an Army of 120000. foot and 8000. horsemen and beset the Town by Land and Sea But Tryphon got away and went by Sea to Oethosias and the King pursued him At this time Antiochus brake his Covenant with the Jews and made War upon them where Judas was slain Yet John his brother pursued the Victory and gave an utter overthrow to the Army of Antiochus How long Antiochus reigned is not left certain but he is thought to reign 3. years 14. Antiochus Pius 12. years 15. Demetrius Nicanor 4. years 16. Alexander 2. years 17. Antiochus Gryphius 29. years There now arose much strife amongst the Nations which continued about 10. years but the Syrians to end the strife amongst the Princes chose Tygranes King of Armenia to govern them who reigned about 18. years And now the Syrian Monarchy being thus weakened through strife and division Pompey the Roman General came up with an Army overcame Tygranes conquered Syria and brought all in subjection to the Roman Empire about Ann. mund 3902. A View of the Roman Empire THis Empire had it's Original from Rome as is well known Italy is a Country in this part of the World called Europe and lies thus Italy is rounded with the Ionian and Adriatique Seas except towards France and Germany from whom it is parted by the Alps. This Region was distinguished into four parts 1. Hesperia 2. Latium 3. Ausonia and 4. Oenotria Of all the Cities wherewith Italy was beautified Rome had the first place and became Mistress of the World This City is supposed to be founded by Romulus and Rhemus in the reign of Hezekiah King of Judah about Ann. mund 3230. This City in her glory spread her lines to the compass of 50. miles But this City felt the fury of the Gaules and by them was laid in heaps So that now Rome standeth lower upon the Bank of Tiber and is drawn into narrower bounds This Empire hath according to Daniels Prophesie differed greatly from the other three and in nothing more then in the several changes of Government yet as the Lord described to Daniel this fourth and last earthly Kingdom in several parts and properties it is apparent that no City or Empire of the World hath answered the Vision like this of Rome Daniels fourth beast is described with 10. horns but John in the Revelation having a Vision of the same beast saw him with seven heads and ten horns where the Holy Ghost there interpreteth the seven heads to be seven mountains and the ten horns ten Kings Both which time hath proved true in Rome First Rome in her plantation was built upon seven hills which are thus named and numbered 1. Palatinus 2. Capitolinus 3. Viminalis 4. Aventinus 5. Exquilinus 6. Caelius 7. Quirinalis Secondly Rome hath been eminent for seven changes in the Government of the Empire every of which in their time had Supreme Authority 1. By Kings 2. Consulls 3. Decemviri 4. Dictators 5. Tribunes 6. Senate 7. Emperours or Caesars But though ambition and avarice did cause these changes in the Roman State yet the word of the Lord
which people eat mans flesh In the 8. year he subdued Scotland and made them do homage In England he left no natural Noble man to bear rule but so impoverished the Nation by great Taxes that much Tillage was laid down and good ground laid wast many miles together When the Tyrant had brought the nation into extream poverty he imposed upon them an Oath of allegiance and went into Normandy and not long after falling to War with the King of France he was over-heat in his fat body by his harness upon him and got a painful disease and dyed the 9. of Sept. when he had reigned 20. years 10. moneths and about 25. daies Anno 1008. William Rufus the 3. son of Duke William took advantage of his elder brother Roberts absence stepped into the Royal Throne and began his reign from the death of his father Most of the Nobility stood for Robert and raised war against William But by pleasing words and fair promises he gained some of them to him and then subdued the rest by force After Robert claimed his right to the Crown and William refusing to surrender they fell to War and at length agreed that if either of them had not issue the Crown should descend to the survivers In the 11. year of Williams reign all the Lands belonging to Earl Godwin whose son proved a perfidious perjured man by the breaking in of the Sea was utterly overwhelmed with water which is added to the vast Ocean and still bears the name of Goodwins sands King William was one that fulfilled the curse of God upon that kind of Government for it is recorded of him that he did not only shave but slea the people of England But the just had of God found him out and at last Sir Walter Terril shooting at a Deer in New Forrest which his father had made a Forrest by the destorying the People and Town 30. miles together the King being there hunting the righteous Lord guided the Arrow to Williams brest of which wound he fell dead and spoke no word Some of his men laid the dead body upon a Colliers Cart drawn with one poor horse which came by accident which carried him to Winchester where he was buried the day after at whose burial men could not weep for joy He reigned 12. years 10. moneths and about 22. daies An. 1101. Henry brother to Rufus the 4. son of William Duke of Normandy who for his learning was called Beau-Clark got into the Throne after his brother William Rufus At first he abated the taxes and reformed the Laws But Robert Duke of Normandy returning from the holy Wars made War upon his brother Henry for the Crown of England At this time Robert was appeased with money but upon this quarrel was raised a second and third War Till at last Henry took Robert prisoner and Duke Robert endeavouring escape was taken and then Henry caused his brothers eyes to be put out and kept close prisoner to his death King Henry in a Council or Parliament had power given him over the Clergy But he took their Money and suffered them to do what they pleased And unto all other his black sins It 's plain he was a whore-monger for he made Robert his Bastard-son first Earl of Golcester Many dreadful judgements and great signs of Gods displeasure were manifested upon the Land about these times Yet Henry ruled 35. years and 4. moneths and died the first day of December An. 1136. Steven Earl of Bulloin son to Alice daughter to William the Conqueror claimed the Crown of England and succeeded his Uncle Henry He was a gallant Souldier and much favoured and eased the people But the Nobles of England sent for Maud King Henry's daughter who was married to the Emperorr of Rome of the French line and promised her to possess her in the Throne of England At this time also the King of Scots invaded the North parts and woful desolations were made in the Land by Armies on all sides But at last Steven made peace by adopting Henry son to Maud to succeed him in the Kingdom so Steven died in peace the 25. day of October when he had reigned 18. years 10. moneths and odd days An. 1155. Henry the 2. called Henry Plantagenet next took the Royal Scepter And now again the Saxon line was restored Maude daughter to King Henry son to William the Conqueror was first married to the Emperour and after to Geffery Plantagenet Earl of Angeou and Duke of Normandy by whom he had this Henry who married Elianor descended from Malcolme a Saxon. It was observed of this King that he was unsteadfast or unfaithful in his promises and a wedlock breaker He caused his son Henry to be Crowned in his life-time who married the King of France's daughter But Henry and his brethren raised great Wars against their father who died the 6. day of July An. 1189 when he had reigned 34. years 9. moneths and 12. days Richard the 2. son to Henry the 2. took the Crown of England He sold great possessions and immunities from the C●own and after pretending that he had 〈◊〉 his Seal caused all that had purchased to have their Deeds and Patents sealed again Richard left the Government of England with a Chancellor and went into Normandy and there he agreed with the King of France to go to Jerusalem In his absence John his brother set up himself King But upon Richards return John was perswaded by his mother to lay down the Crown and Richard was again crowned King of England the 12. day of March and then he entered again upon all the Lands he had sold unless they would buy them again How this man loved Money and let go Conscience any may judge But after he was shot with a poyson'd dart of which he died the 6. day of April or the second moneth An. 1200. when he had reigned 9. years and 9. moneths John now succeeded his brother Richard He was divorced from his wife and married another Amongst other the great evils he brought upon England this was not the least That he resigned his Crown with the Realms of England and Ireland to the Pope The Barons fell at difference with the King and obtained help from France upon which the King sleeing up and down ended his miserable life at Newark Castle as some say by poyson But when he was dead his servants divided what he had not leaving enough to cover his dead body and then left him He died the 19. of Octob. Ann. 1217. when he had run out 17. years and 6. moneths with some odd daies Henry the eldest son of Richard by a second wife or Concubine was set upon the Throne at 9. years of age Upon this the French withdrew out of the Nation He took to wife Elianor daughter of Raymond Earl of
reign over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab King of Israel he walked in all the waies of Asa his father and took out of the land those Sodomites that remained in his fathers daies In his time he made peace with Israel by matching his son with Ahabs daughter and by that neer affinity to that wicked King joyned with him to fight his battles which sin of his was deeply threatend and soundly reproved from the Lord. This good man had great infirmities yet did more in reforming his people then any King after Solomon to his time and reigned 25. years about Ann. mund 3045. Nevertheless the High places were not taken away Jehoram succeeded his father Jehoshaphat in the Kingdom but not in his piety when he was settled in the Throne he murdered his six brethren the sons of his father and divers Princes This was a woful beginning and yet the holy Pen-man gives this account of him that he walked in the waies of the Kings of Israel like as did the house of Ahab for he had the daughter of Ahab to wife Marriage with Idolatrous wives hath been the ruine of many men and Nations And to all the rest of this wickedness Jehoram set up Idols and compelled Judah to worship them I shall omit some things but I may not pass the miseries God brought upon his people and this vild person as the just reward of his sin yet less then he deserved though eternity may pay for all In his time the Edomites revolted and set up a King amongst themselves at the same time also Libnah revolted because Jehoram had forsaken the Lord. But Jehorams sad doom was sent to him in writing from the Prophet Elijah possibly it might be in this extraordinary way either to give the full certainty of the sad judgements determined against him or rather to prevent some bloudy design of of this wicked King against the Prophet for the discharge of his duty But soon after the Lord stirred up the Philistines and Arabians who came to judah and carryed away all the substance that was Jound in the Kings house and his sons and his wives so that Jehoahaz the yongest son was saved And after all this the Lord smote Jehoram with an incurable disease in his bowels of which he languished for the space of two years and in the end his bowels fell out and so died but Judah buried him not in the Sepulchres of their Kings Thus he lived wickedly dyed miserably and was buried shamefully when he had reigned or rather raged 8. years About Ann. mun 3053. In the 12. year of Joram King of Israel the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Azariah the youngest son of Jehoram who was lest alive King of Judah This is the general account the Holy Ghost gives of him That he walked in the waies of the house of Ahab for his mother Athaliah the daughter of Omri King of Israel was his Counsellor to do wickedly In 2 King 8. 26. it's said Azariah was 22. years old when he began to reign but 2 Chron. 22. 2. it 's said he was 42. years old when he began to reign This deserves further thoughts to reconcile yet in both places it is said he reigned but one year Azariah had but a short reign and the Holy Ghost adds this as a further reason which is worth observing he did evil in the sight of the Lord like the house of Ahab for they were his Counsellors to his distruction About Anno mund 3054. Ahaziah going to visit Joram King of Israel son of his grand-father Ahab when Jehu came to execute judgement upon Ahabs house he found Ahaziah King of Judah hid in Samaria and put him to death with the rest this news being brought to Athaliah his mother she set up her self Queen of Judah and at first she murthered the seed Royal of her own son to sit quietly in the Throne Yet to make good his word to David the Lord preserved Joash who was secretly stole away from amongst the Kings children by Jehosheba Ahaziahs sister and hid five years with his Nurse in the house of the Lord. Jehosheba was wife to Jehoiada the Priest by whose Counsel and help Joash was saved alive In the seventh year Jehoiada made Joash known to the Captaines of the Army and taking an Oath of them Guards were appointed the Kings son was brought forth and Crowned at which there was great rejoycing when Athaliah heard the great noise in the Temple she came forth to know the matter But seeing the King stand by the Pillar according to the usual manner of the Kings of Judah at their Coronation she rent her cloaths and cryed Treason Treason But Jehoiada commanded to lay hold on her and to have her out of the range of the Temple and to kill her which they did when she had reigned 7. years about Anno 3061. Joash or Jehoash was seven years old when he began to reign which was the seventh year of Jehu so soon as Joash was Crowned King Jehoiada caused a Covenant to be made between the King and the people and between the King people and the Lord and presently all the people went into the house of Baal and they destroyed it thoroughly Joash reigned well while Jehoiada lived yet the High places were not taken away but after the death of Jehoiada the Princes of Judah had full recourse to the King and by their flatteries the King was drawn to Idolatry that both the King and his Courtiers left off to worship God in the Temple and served Groves and Idols The Lord in mercy sent Prophets to reprove their sin and bring them back again but they would not harken to these then the Lord sent Zachariah the son of Jehoiada the Priest who dealt plainly both with the King and people he told them Because yea have forsaken the Lord the Lord also hath forsaken you and that was the reason they could not prosper This home preaching they could not digest and by the command of the King the good man was stoned to death in the Court of the Lords house though he was an extraordinary Prophet sent by God and the son of Jehoiada It 's a known truth Tyranny can know no relations when they are not any thing yet Zachariah left his bloud at their doors and appealing to the righteous God and Judge of all the earth who upon his death said The Lord look upon it and require it And the Lord did so For about the end of the year the Syrians came to Jerusalem with a small company and the Lord delivered a very great Host into their hand because they had forsaken the Lord God thus God executed his judgement against
Joash At this time Hazael King of Syria destroyed all those wicked Princes from among the people and to pacifie him Joash King of Judah took all the holy things dedicated by Jehoshaphat Jehoram and Ahazia his father with all the gold found in the Treasury of the Temple and in the Kings house and sent them to Hazael and he carryed them to Damascus this was a just and dreadful misery that the Kings sin especially brought upon the Jewes But the Lords hand stayed not there For Joash himself was afflicted with great diseases and for the bloud of the sons of Jehoiada the Priest his own servants conspired against him and kill'd him in his bed And after they buried him but not in the Sepulchres of the Kings This I would leave to consideration That none can stand long when they leave the Lord and the Lord forsakes them but a shameful end shall follow a wicked life this King reigned 40. years about Ann. mun 3100. In the second year of Joash son of Jehoahaz King of Israel Amaziah son of Joash King of Judah was set up King at his first coming to the Crown he did some good things in hypocrisie as his father did but when he was settled in the Kingdom he put to death those servants that killed his father After this Amaziah raised an Army of three hundred thousand choise men to make War with the Edomites yet thinking himself too weak he hired also 100 thousand mighty men of valour out of Israel But by a Prophet the King was admonished not to joyn with that Army of Israel because God was not with those Idolatrous wicked people upon which Amaziah dismist them but in much discontent they returned and taking the time they fell upon many Cities of Judah as they went flew 3000. of them and took much spoil Amaziah prospered in this battel and smote 10000. men and 10000. men which they took prisoners they carryed to the top of a steep Rock and threw them down that they were broken in pieces Amongst the spoil of the Edomites Amaziah took their gods and set them up to be his gods and burnt Incense to them Good Lord what folly will not wise and great men commit when God leaves them Amaziah was exceedingly lift up in this Victory and now he thinks to revenge the wrong done to him by the Army of Israel and therefore he sent a Challenge to Joash King of Israel The King of Israel was unwilling to meet Amaziah and disswaded him from it But Amaziah would not be so satisfied therefore Joash King of Israel went to Bethshemesh in the land of Judah and gave battel to Amaziah In this battel Judah was worsted and Amaziah taken prisoner The King of Israel now having the field he marched his Army to Jerusalem brake down the Wall took all the gold silver and vessels in the Lords house with the Treasures of the Kings house He also took Hostages for subjection and so lest Amaziah in Jerusalem This was in the 14. year of Amaziahs reign but Amaziah after this sell from the Lord the people conspired against him in Jerusalem upon which he sled to Lachish yet they sent after him and flew him there when he had reigned 29 years about Anno mundi 3129. After the Death of Amaziah Judah was without a King 13. years which this appears In the 15 year of Amaziah the son of Joash King of Judah Jeroboam son of Joash King of Israel began to reign And in the 27. year of Jeroboam King of Israel began Azariah son of Amaziah King of Judah to reign Now from the 15. of Amaziah to the 29. is 14. years to Jeroboams reign so that to the 27. of Jeroboam there must needs be an interval of 13. years to the Crowning of Amaziah about An. mun 3142. The People of Judah took Azariah son of Amaziah and made him King in his fathers stead At 16. years old Azariah was Crowned King of Judah in the 27. year of Jeroboam King of Israel Azariah or Uzziah did well in all the former part of his reign He was a man of War built divers Forts in Jerusalem and both built and took in several Cities he also did much in reformation of Religion and so long as he sought the Lord God made him to prosper But when he was strong his heart was lifted up in him to his destruction For he transgressed against the Lord his God by going into the Temple and usurping the Priests Office to burn incense upon the Altar Azariah the Priest with 80. Priests of the Lord went in after the King and withstood him and said It pertaineth not to thee Uzziah to burn Incense to the Lord but to the Priests the sons of Aaron that are consecrated for it Go out of the Sanctuary for thou hast transgressed neither shall it be for thy Honour Then was the King wroth with the Priests and presently the Leprosie rose upon his forehead and the Priests discerning of it they thrust him out from thence and he himself also hasted to go out because the Lord had smitten him After the King dwelt in a house several from others and was a Leper until the day of his death and Jotham his son was over the Kings house judging the people of the land● Uzziah or Azariah reigned 52. years about An. mund 3194. In the second year of Pekah King of Israel Jotham began to reign over Judah Jotham did according to all that his father Uzziah did before him but yet the High places were not taken away and the people did corruptly In his time he built the high Gate of the house of the Lord and built Cities and Forts Jotham became mighty because he prepared his waies before the Lord his God he was 25. years old when he began to reign and reigned 16. years about An. 3200. In the 17. year of Pekah King of Isreal Ahaz the son of Uzziah King of Judah began to reign He was 20. years old when he began to reign but he did wickedly and walked in the ways of the Kings of Israel and made his son to pass through the fire according to the abomination of the Heathen he made Moulten Images for Baalim and burnt Incense in the high places then Rezin King of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah King of Israel joyned their forces and came up and laid siege to Jerusalem at this time the King of Syria recovered the City Elah which was taken from his Kingdom by Azariah King of Judah and between Rezin and Pekah they almost destroyed the Kingdom of Judah for the Lord delivered them into their enemies hands The King of Syria smote the Army of Ahaz and carryed away a great multitude of them to Damascus And Pekah slew in Judah 120000. valiant men in one
them When Hezekiah had reigned 29. years he went to the Lord about Anno mund 3245. In the reign of Hezekiah Israel was carryed away Captive and the Kings of Israel ceased and so not mentioned after Manasseh succeeded his father Hezekiah and was 12. years old when he began to reign But he did evil in the sight of the Lord and was a gross Idolater In the former part of his reign he builded again the High places reared Altars for Baal sacrificed his own son c. and did worse then the Heathen In his time the Lord left not Manasseh and Judah without reproof But they hearkned not Therefore the Lord threatned to bring the same destruction upon Manasseh and Jerusalem as he had brought upon Samaria and the house of Ahab and to wipe them clean from all their filthiness as a man wipeth a dish and turneth inside down to keep it from dust and soon after the Lord brought up the King of Assyria the Rod of his anger who took Manasseh among the thornes whither he was run to hide himself and bound him in fetters and carryed him to Babylon In this low estate Manasseh humbled himself greatly before the Lord and the Lord heard his prayer and restored him again to his Kingdom And now Manasseh knew out of real experience that the Lord was God After this Manasseh repaired and reformed yet the people still sacrificed in the High places and when Manesseh had reigned 55. years he slept with his fathers and they brought him not into the Sepulchres of the Kings but buried him in the Garden of his own house at Uzza about Anno mund 3300. Amon the son of Manasseh at the age of 22. years was Crowned King of Judah he again destroyed Religion set up Idolatry walked in all the wicked ways of his father and his own servants conspired against him and slew him in his own house when he had reigned 2. years about Anno mun 3302. Amon coming to the Crown at 22. years of age reigning but 2. years and his son Josiah 8. years old when he came to the Crown unless Amon had Josiah at 15. years of age which is not ordinary there must be an interval between Amon and Josiah After the death of Amon the people took Josiah his son when he was 8. years old and made him King Josiah walked in all the waies of David he again destroyed Idolatry repaired the Temple and was a choice Reformer Josiah also renewed the Covenant with the Lord and all the people to be the Lords people and keep his Commandments Nevertheless the Lord turned not from his fierce and great wrath before denounced against Judah because of the sin of Manasseh whereby he provoked the Lord in Josiahs daies the King of Egypt went to War against the King of Assyria at Euphrates and Josiah went out against him I do not finde the ground of his quarrel but probably Josiah might take offence at the King of Egypt for passing through his Land yet Pharaoh Necho King of Egypt sent Embassadors to Josiah to let him know he intended not to War against him but against the house against which God had commanded him to fight and charged Josiah not to meddle with him left God should destroy him But Josiah being a man of courage would not be said to turn his face upon any yet his resolution being not rightly ordered and not hearkning to the words of Necho from the mouth of God Josiah was shot in the sight and his servants brought him in his Chariot to Jerusalem and he died there and all Judah and Jerusalem and the Prophet Jeromiah lamented Josiah who reigned 31. years about Anno mund 3333. Upon the death of Josiah the people took Jehoahaz a younger son and Crowned him King when he was 23. years old Jehoahaz did evil in the sight of the Lord according to all that his fathers had done But Pharaoh Necho King of Egypt came up put Jchoahaz in bonds when he had reigned 3 moneths laid a Jerusalem taken by the King of Tax upon the Land of 100. talents of Silver and one Talent of Gold and made Eliakim Jehoahaz his elder brother King of Judah in the room of Josiah his father and called his name Jehoiakim but took Jehoahaz into Egypt and he died there Jehoiakim now succeeded being 25. years old Jehoiakim seems to be well pleased to have the Crown and to gratifie his new Master he forthwith gave the Tribute of silver and gold to Pharaoh but taxed all the Land for it It 's an easie matter to grant large sums of Money when they lay it upon others to pay and this the holy Pen-man notes in general that Jehoiakim did evil according to all that his fathers did so Nebuchadnezzer came up against him and Jehoiakim became his servant and submitted to him Ah how doth sin unman men and render them low slavish spirits When men leave God they will stoop to any bondage But Jehoiakim after three years rebelled against the King of Babylon and the Lord sent against him the Caldees the Syrians the Moabites and Amonites to destroy Judah for the sins of Manasseh and for the innocent bloud he brought upon Jerusalem which the Lord would not pardon so Jehoiakim ended his daies in trouble when he had been King but hardly reigned 11. years about Anno mund 3344. Jehoiachim the son of Jehoiakim succeeded his father in the Throne and in his sin but the King of Babylon came up with an Army and laid siege to Jerusalem and Jehoiachim and his Princes went out rendred themselves prisoners and delivered up the City when he had reigned three moneths in the eighth year of Nebuchadnezzers reign At this time the King of Babylon made havock of the Temple took away the Treasures of the Lords house and the Kings house and carryed all away Captives but the poor of the Land and made Mattaniah Jehoiakims brother King of Judah and called his name Zedekiah Zedekiah was 21. years old when he came to the Throne and did according as his fathers had done before him And after some time he also rebelled against the King of Babylon and in the 9. year of Zedekiahs reign in the 10. day of the 10. moneth Nebuchadnezzer brought up all his Army and laid siege to Jerusalem In the 11. year of Zedekiah on the 9. day of the 4. moneth June the Famine prevailed in the City which was exceeding great the City was broken up and the men of war fled by a back way and the King went towards the plains of Jericho But the Chaldeans pursued him and brought him to the King of Babylon to Riblah where they gave sentence upon him so they put the sons of Zedekiah to death before his eyes
Salsbury Plain and took the King prisoner In this low condition the King was constrained to give Kent Sussex Suffolk and Norfolk to Hingest and there he set up his Kingdom In this interim of time Aurelius Ambrosius son to Constantine brought over an Army out of France to recover his right and falling upon Vortiger burnt him in his Castle in Wales when he had reigned 6. years more An. 466. Aurelius Ambrose being set in the Throne hasted speedily with an Army against Occa son of Hingest at York In that battel he took Occa prisoner and soon after set up the great stones upon Salisbury Plain in memory of the Brittains that were buryed there who were treacherously murdered by the Saxons as before In this Kings time the Saxons grew fast They set up the South Kingdom of Saxons containing Somersetshire Dorsetshire and Cornewall Also Porthe set up the East Kingdom of the Saxons containing Norfolk and Suffolk Not long after Aurelius Ambrose was poysoned when he had reigned 32. years An 498. Uter Pendragon then bare the royal Diadem No Lady would please him but the Duke of Cornewall's wife and on her he begat Arthur Pendragon and reigned 18. years An. 516. Arthur the son of Uter succeeded his father He fought twelve battels with the Saxons when Arthur had much subdued these enemies at home he committed the Government of Brittain to one Mordred and followed the Wars beyond Sea But in his absence Mordred confederated with the King of the West Saxons and set up himself King of Brittain The news of this coming to Arthur he speedily returned to Brittain with an Army and gave battel to Mordred in Cornewal where Mordred was slain and Arthur deadly wounded yet they brought him to Glastenbury where he died when he had governed 16. years An. 532. Constantine a kinsman of Arthur got the Crown after him But Aurelius a Brittain raised War against him and slew him when he had reigned 3. years An. 535. Aurelius Conan Nephew to Arthur was crowned King of Brittain about An. 545. There was now great strife for the Kingdom and it appears that for some time one King was kill'd before another got to the Throne At this time Arthurs brother was next heir to the Crown but Aurelius his Couzin got it by great hand having the longer Sword and kept his Uncle a prisoner In the time while these were striving for the Crown the Saxons got ground and set up the fifth and sixth Kingdoms of the Saxons Aurelius reigned 33. years An. 578. Vortipor succeeded his father Conan He was a vile person he put away his wife and kept his daughter for his Concubine He reigned 4. years An. 582. Malgo-Conan then had the rule He delighted in the filthy sin of Sodomy he kill'd his wife and took his brothers daughter In wickedness he reigned 4. years An. 586. Cara next got the Crown This King was so vile abominable and wicked that the people moved the Saxons and the King of Ireland to make War against him and after two years they drove him out of his Kingdom An. 588. The Brittains were now exceedingly wasted the Christian faith before received neer worn out The Saxons prevailing against the Brittains drive them to the desolate Mountains in Wales and got the whole Dominion of this Land In the time of the Saxons the Inhabitants of this Land were called Angles or Anglishmen and now English-men and the Brittains Welch-men But though the Brittains were driven into Wales yet there they elected Kings over them and as they had strength made War upon the Saxons until King Cadwalladar Anno 687. The Saxons being now masters of Angland or England they set up their Heptarchy or seven several Kingdoms and every King had his Dominion But when other competitors were gone Ambition and a varice set them at variance until one Kingdom had swallowed up all the other Alas alas It 's not Towns or Countries or some Nations that will satisfie aspiring spirits Time and great experience hath proved this Possibly it may be expected that I should go through the Lines of these several Saxon Kings But I find them treading in the same steps of those that went before them and those that follow after are the right sons of their Progenitors Therefore I will enter again with Monarchy and pass all the rest from the expulsion of the Brittains into Wales and the whole Land as divided amongst the Saxons until the Nation was again run up into one Monarchy which was from An. 588. to 872. In the time of the Saxon Heptarchy the Danes made their first inroad into England by Portland Island in the West but were then repulsed An. 800. Yet after they came with redoubled force and entered in Northumberlaud against whom Ethreldred King of the West Saxons who had greatest strength of the Saxon Kings gave them battel but the King was there slain when he had reigned 5. years and the Danes still kept their hold about An. 871. Alfred or Alured last King of the West Saxons began the first Monarchy of the Saxons in England He put the Saxons Laws into English he restored and repaired the City of London and made it again habitable which was wasted and burnt by the Danes An. 839. It is thought also that this King was the first Founder of the University of Oxford He reigned 29. years and 6. moneths Ann. 900. Edward the elder succeeded his father Alfred He subdued the Kings of Scotland and Wales He built divers Towns and Nottingham-Bridge and reigned 24. years An. 924. Adelstain or Athelstain son to Edward took the Throne and did much in his time He expell'd the Danes out of the Land and reigned 15. years Anno 939. Edmund succeeded his brother Athelstain and was slain when he had reigned 5. years An. 344. Edmund left two sons young and Eldred brother to Edmund took on him the Government as Protector but soon after he was Crowned King and reigned 9. years An. 953. Edwin the son of Edmund succeeded his Uncle Eldred and in the day he was Crowned he ravished his own kinswoman the wife of a Noble man and put her husband afterwards to death that he might have her For this and some other abominable acts his Subjects deprived him of his Royal dignity when he had reigned 4. years An. 957. After Edwin Edgar his brother was set on the Throne He was a good Commonwealths-man and reigned 16. years An. 973. Edward the second son of Edgar succeeded his father but was murdered when he had reigned 3. years Anno 976. Etheldred the second son of Edgar murdered his brother and set up himself in the Throne But by this bloody act and other ill carriages he lost the hearts of
day and this was the reason because they had forsaken the Lord God of their fathers Sin un-mans men and renders Champions slaves Here was a woful slaughter yet Israel took also captive 200000. women with their sons and daughters and much spoil and brought them to Samaria But Obed a Prophet of the Lord in Samaria went out to meet the Army of Israel and said Behold because the Lord God of your fathers was wroth with Judah he hath delivered them into your hands and ye have slain them in a rage that reacheth up to heaven And now you purpose to keep them bond-men and bond-women to you But are there not with you even with you sins against the Lord your God Now hear me therefore deliver them again for the fierce wrath of God is upon you Wonderful O wonderful wisdom and bowels of God! that the sin of his people should bring them to the sword and slavery and yet this misery the sin of those that are the Lords executioners Sin divides and raiseth war amongst brethren yet the Lords fierce wrath is upon those brethren who execute Gods wrath upon their sinful brethren because they have sinned against God themselves But in these straits King Ahaz sent to the King of Assyria to help him for to all the rest the Edomites had again smitten Judah and carryed away captives The Philistines also invaded the Cities of the low Countries and took away many Towns and Villages and dwelt in them for the Lord brought Judah low because of Ahaz King of Israel Kings seldom sin alone And dreadful are the sins of great men when the sin of the chief Magistrate may bring National judgements The more effectually to engage the King of Assyria Ahaz took a part of the Treasure out of the house of the Lord and out of the house of the King and of the Princes which I finde not done before and gave it to Tilgath-Pilneser King of Assyria But he helped him not Certainly the strength of man cannot deliver the Nation that God will break down But in the time of this distress the King did trespass yet more against the Lord and above others the Holy Ghost hath left this black brand upon him This is that King Ahaz And the reasons follow he sacrificed unto the gods of Damascus which smote him saying Because the gods of the Kings of Assyria helped them therefore will I sacrifice to them that they may help me But the text saith They were the ruine of him and of all Israel 2. Reason for that Ahaz gathered together the Vessels of the house of God and cut in pieces the vessels of the house of God and shut up the doors of the house of the Lord and made him Altars in every corner of Jerusalem and in every several City of Judah he made High places to burn Incense to the gods and provoked the Lord to anger When Ahaz had thus run out 16. years in these abominations he died and they buried him in the City but not in the Sepulchres of the Kings about Ann. mun 3216. In the third year of Hoshea King of Israel Hezekiah son of Ahaz King of Judah began to reign he was 25. years old when he came to the Crown and did that which was right in the sight of the Lord according to all that David did Hezekiah excelled all the Kings from David that went before him and after was none like to him In the first year of his reign in the first moneth he began to reform and opened the doors of the Lords house and restored Religion he removed the High places brake down the Images and took away the Brazen Serpent set up by Moses to which the people burnt Incense and reformed thorowly yet in the 14. year of Hezekiah Sennacherib King of Assyria came with a mighty Army against all the fenced Cities of Judah and took them Then Hezekiah sent an humble submissive message to the King of Assyria desiring of him to draw ●way his Army and he would pay him what he would lay upon him Sennacherib appointed Hezekiah to give him 300. Talents of Silver and 30. Talents of Gold Whether Hezekiah was able to raise the same is not certain but he did what he could Hezekiah took all the silver that was found in the Lords house and in the Kings Treasury At that time also Hezekiah cut off the gold from the doors of the Temple and from the pillars and gave it to the King of Assyria But as pride hath no bowels and a covetous heart knows no pity Sennacherib is unsatisfied with all the Treasure Hezekiah could scrape up though he pilled and defaced the house of God for it and therefore sent an insolent Army up against Jerusalem This put all Jerusalem into a terrible fear and now they have none to slee to but the Lord Hezekiah sent away Messengers presently with his sad complaints to the Prophet Isaiah to pray to the Lord for them And Isaiah comforts them with a sweet and seasonable answer from the Lord that the Lord will send a blast upon Rabshakeh and he should hear a rumour and return to his own Land and there he should fall by the sword in his own Land So Rabshakeh returned from Jerusalem for he heard that Sennacherib was gone from Lachish and Rabshakeh found him warring against Libnah After this Sennacherib brought his Army into Judah a second time and then sent Messengers with a Letter to Hezekiah stopped full of pride blasphemy When Hezekiah had received the Letter he went into the Lords house and in prayer spread it before the Lord and begged his help and the Lord promised him that the King of Assyria should not lay siege or shoot an Arrow into Jerusalem but he would defend it and save it And that very night the Lord sent an Angel who smore in the Assyrians Camp 185000. So Sennacherib departed and went to Niniveh In these daies Hezekiah fell sick and neer to death But upon his prayer the Lord restored him and added 15. years more to his daies Upon Hezekiahs recovery the King of Babylon sent a present unto him which he accepted and to gratifie the Messengers Hezekiah shewed them the house of his precious things the house of his Armor and his Treasures c. But the Prophet Isaiah sadly reproved his pride and vain-glory that he who had such abundant experience of an allsufficient God in the Creatures nothingness should have his heart going out to his wealth and works And therefore the Prophet foretold Hezekiah of the woful Captivity which should come from Babylon Herein Hezekiah fell sadly but God left him to see what was in his heart and this lesson we have all to learn That the best of Saints stand not longer then the Lord sustains and keeps