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A43208 Englands chronicle, or, The lives & reigns of the kings and queens from the time of Julius Cæsar to the present reign of K. William and Q. Mary containing the remarkable transactions and revolutions in peace and war, both at home and abroad, as they relate to this kingdom, with the wars, policies, religion and customs, success and misfortunes as well of the ancient Britains, as Roman, Saxon, Danish, and Norman conquerors, with copper cuts and whatever else is conduceable to the illustration of history / by J. Heath. Heath, James, 1629-1664. 1689 (1689) Wing H1325; ESTC R29472 167,333 265

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to be the greatest Malediction that could befal them so that the Priests to strengthen their Masters Power and make him more dreadful to the World lay idle for the space of six years and fourteen Weeks in which time there was neither publick preaching nor praying no Administration of the Sacrament Burial or Christning by which we may plainly see whatever the Papists pretend as to the Sanctity of their infalible Father how much he prefered his private revenge before the Service of God and this he denyed not to Hereticks but to Papists so that the people being greatly discouraged many parts of the Kingdom lay untilled and became as it were desolate when the King on the other hand prescribed the disloyal Clergy confiscated their Temporalities as also their Bishopricks Abbies and Priories puting them into the hands of Lay-men suffering the Clergy to be oppressed without taking notice of it or righting them by civil Justice declaring they had by obliging the Pope put themselves out of hi● protection yet some of the more prudent as the Bishop of Durham and his Successor the Bishops of Winchester and Norwich incouraged the King not to regard the Papal Curse as being weak and insignificant like wise the Abbots of Cistercian Order took no notice o● it but went on as before till such time as the Pop● suspended them for that contempt and the more t● shew his spleen Anathamatized the King by name whereupon some as well Nobles as Plebeans diserte his service for which in a stout resolution he b●nished and fined them but wearied out with th● practices of the Clergy against him and the Rebellio● of his Nobles he concluded it was better to give wa● to the humour of a petish Pope than to live in di●quiet and daily hazard his Kingdom whereupon Langton was offered to be confirmed the other Bishops and Clergy restored and that the Churches should have its Franchises as in the time of Edward the Confessor but not being willing as indeed he was not at that time in a condition to restore the Monies received for Ecclesiastical confiscations the Legate sent by the Pope would not come to a conclusion This being the state of Affairs and the Pope desirous to humble the King discharged his Subjects from their fealty and Allegiance to him which some taking as a good warrant utterly disowned him for their King and the Welsh thereupon took up Arms which so inraged the King that he caused the 28 Hostages which they had given for the security of their good behaviour to be hanged up at Notingham but by this time the Barons had invited Lewis Dauphin of France to invade the Kingdom promising to set the Crown upon his Head when in the mean time while Stephen Langton and other Bishops implored the Popes assistance to settle the Church which must otherways fall into ruine whereupon he decreed that King John must be deposed ere it could be settled sending to Philip the French King to take upon him the Crown and Kingdom offering him a pardon for all his sins in case he effected it King John upon notice of the spightful proceedings prepared to oppose the French or any other Invader by Sea or Land but in the mean time Pandulph the Pope's Legate came into England and so wrought with the King that he suffered himself to prevent the storm conditionally to be deposed and at the Knight Templers house at Dover he surrendred his Crown into the hands of the Legate some say whilst he kneeled the proud Priest kicked it off with his foot for the use of the Pope and to be disposed as he thought fit laying his Scepter Sword and Ring at the Legates feet and subscribed a Charter whereby he resigned his Kingdom to the Pope professing but how sincerely I suffer the Reader to judge he did it not through fear or force but of his own voluntary accord as having no other way to make satisfaction to God and the Church for his offence and from that time forward he would hold his Crown and Kingdom in fee of the See of Rome at the A●●al pension of 1000 Marks for England and Ireland a very hard case but necessity it seems has no Law so that the Legate having gained his ends more favourable than he could reasonably expect passed over for France to put a stop to King Philip's preparations but he declared that seeing the Pope had been the main Instrument in seting him on and that the charge was already very great he would not desist though the Pope should Excommunicate him and calling a Council of Peers all but Ferdinand Earl of Flanders approved his intentions and the Barons denied to aid him till he was Assailed of the Excommunication and that all their Laws and Liberties granted by Henry the First were restored which obliged the King to send divers rich Presents to Rome thereby to allure the Pope who upon the Receipt sent the Bishop of Tusculum who would have perswaded him to have made over the Kingdom of England but not only the Arch-bishop but all the Peers of the Kingdom opposed it so that in Parliament it was Enacted That since the King could not without the consent of Parliament bring his Kingdom and People to such a Thraldom therefore if the Pope should in the future attempt any such thing they with their Lives and Fortunes were ready to oppose it So that the Pope finding there was no good to be done this way sent his Authentick Letters for the repealing the Edict yet not without the restitution of 1300 Marks to the Clergy most of which came to his Coffers so that the King passed into his Transmarine Territories but before he could quiet the disturbances news came that the English Barons had bound themselves at the high Altar of St. Edmundsbury by Oath to pursue the King with Arms till he had granted them their Charter of Liberties granted in the Reign of Henry the First whereupon he found himself necessitated to return and finding they had not only seized London but were otherways very formidable a Council to reconcile differences was held in Runing Marsh between Stains and Windsor since called Council Mead and there he granted them Magna Charta and Charta Forestae and consented that 25 select Peers should command the rest who were bound by Oath to be obedient but the King long dijested not this abating of his Power but withdrawing himself he sent to complain of it to the Pope as likewise to his Friends abroad for Aid and was in both successful for at Rome by a definitive Sentence the Barons Charters were made void and both they and the King accursed if either of them observed the conclusion of the Treaty in Council Mead he likewise had considerable Forces sent him from Gascoin Brabant and Flanders so that he again took the Field dividing his Army in two parts when himself marching Northward and the Earl of Salisbury Southward they brought all into subjection and
driven to their Country but not so much discouraged as to hinder their landing in Wales th●… next year and there they joyned the poor remainde●… of the Britains But the King being aware had more time to draw his Forces together when giving then battle he overthrew both parties yet not long after th●… Danes sacked the Isle of Shippy and were not with out much slaughter expelled This was the Seventeenth King of the West Saxon●… and First sole Monarch of England beginning h●… Reign as Monarch 819 and reigned Seventeen year●… much improving and increasing the welfare of th●… Kingdom Ethelwolf the Second sole Monarch eldest Son ●… Egbert began his Reign Anno 837 and was in h●… Fathers time Bishop of Winchester But being in ●… manner constrained to take upon him the Government he resigned his Bishoprick to Swith●…n his Tut●… and gave a great overthrow to the Danes at Ocl●… freeing the Church Lands from all Trib●…tes and R●…gal Services and going to Rome at the Bishop's pe●…swasion he confirmed Peter-pence and setled a yea●…ly Pension of Three hundred Marks upon the R●… man See and continued his Reign about Twen●… years Ethelbald succeeded Ethelwolf being his eldest S●… by his Wife Osburge who was his Butlers Daughte●…●… his Valiant Actions sufficiently appeared against t●… Danes in his Fathers Reign but that which bloted ●… great Actions was his Marrying Judith Danghter ●… the French King and his Mother-in-law But ●… reigned only two years and was the Third sole M●…narch of the English Men. Ethelbert the second Son to Ethelwofe succeeded ●…is Brother Anno 860 he was continually alarumed ●…y the Danes who finding the pleasantness of the ●…ingdom compared with their Rocky Land came in warms sometimes landing in one place and some●…mes in another and destroyed W●…nchester but the ●…ople gathering in great numbers and falling upon ●…em before they could recover their Ships most of ●…em were slain He reigned Five years and then ●…ave place to Ethelred in whose Reign the Danes and Norwig●…ans got more and more footing and being Pagans ●…ed all manner of Rapin and Violence deslowring Virgins and ravishing Women not sparing the Veiled Nun but destroyed the Abbies and Mona●…eries so that to save their Chastity by the advice ●…f their Abbess the Nuns of Codingham Monastery ●…ut off their Noses and upper Lips to render them●…elves deformed and that the frightful spectacle might ●…ay the Lusts of the inslamed Danes but it prevailed ●…ot for the Monsters having first deflowred them ●…ut them to the Sword and set the House on fire ●…nd so proceeded under the leading of Hungar and Hub●…a their Commanders in chief to burn the City of ●…ork committing extraordinary Outrages and Vio●…ences But Ethelred at length gave them a great over●…hrow slaying one of their Dukes or petty Kings with nine Earls and a great many common Soldiers ●…ut about eighteen days after being recruited with ●…sh Forces they put the King to slight at Basing ●…nd about two Months after wounded and overthrew ●…im at Merton of which wound he dyed when he had ●…eigned about Six years and was succeeded by Elfride fourth Son to Ethelwolf who fought seven Battles with various success against the Danes for in ●…is time they sorely oppressed the Land insomuch ●…hat the High-ways were unfrequented and the Ground ●…n most places Untilled and the King himself obliged ●…o flee into Woods and Desart places but in the end weary of that solitude he put himself in the Hab●… of a Musician under which disguise he discovered t●… sluggish security of the Danes in their Camp whe●… upon secretly rallying his scattered People he su●…prised them in that manner killing a great number ●… them and taking their Standard And more Da●… attempting to land in Devonshire under Halden th●… Captain the people rise generally in Arms and falli●… upon them near Exeter kill'd the Captain and 8●… of his Followers This King caused all Thieves to banished and divided the Kingdom into Shires Hundred and Tythings he founded the first common Scho●… in Oxford which is now called University Colledg●… and continued his Reign Twenty nine years Edward the Eldest Son of Elfride succeeded him and began his Reign 901 when soon after he came ●… the Throne his Nephew Ethelwald stirred up ●… Subjects to rebel against him but they were quiet●… without much trouble yet the Danes were still ●… possession of one part of the Country which ma●… the King build a strong Castle at Hartford and mar●… against them when at St. Edmuns Ditch he gave the●… Battle but prevailed not however in that Mort●… Battle two of their Kings viz. Ethelwald and Croc●…cus were slain And soon after he gave them anoth●… Battle at Wodesfield with a great overthrow killi●… two other of their Kings and two Earls with abo●… 4000 Common Soldiers He reigned Twenty fo●… years and gave place to Etheistance who began his Reign 923 his Subject upon his coming to the Crown rose in Mutine unde●… Elfrede a Norman but the Ring-leader taken and se●… to purge himself they were quieted yet he was ●… jealous of his Brother Edwin that he consented ●… his being murthered which created in him such remorse that he caused his Murtherers to be put ●… death and had like soon after to have been slain ●… his Tent by one Anlafe a Dane but by a lucky r●…moval he escaped and a Bishop who had pitched ●… ●…ent on the same Ground was assaulted and slain ●…fter he had killed many of the Danes with his own ●…nd as well Nobles as Plebeans and having ●…yed their fury he had leisure to pass into Scotland ●…th a powerful Army and brought that Kingdom ●…o subjection But upon his return he found the ●…nes had strengthened themselves yet he routed them ●…ar VVinchester and in this contest it is reported Guy ●…rl of VVarwick sought with Colbron the Danish Gi●…t of mighty seize and slew him hand to hand as ●…e Kings Champion in single Combat and so far read the fame of this King that Historians report ●…ut with what credit I know not that Hugh King ●… France greatly desirous of his friendship sent him ●…e Sword of Constantine the Great which had in its ●…ile one of the Nails that fastened Christ to the Cross likewise his Spear which was that with which Lo●…●…us peirced his side with a piece of the Thorny Crown ●… wore that Otho the Emperor sent him a Landskip ●… with precious Stones and the King of Norway a ●…ip with guilt Decks and Purple Sails he reigned ●…een years and was the Eldest Son to King Ed●…d Edmund the fifth Son of King Edward succeeded his ●…other Anno 940. he fought sundry Battels with vari●…s success against the Danes and his Son Dunmail re●…lling against him he caused his Eyes to be put out ●… was Crowned at Kingstone upon Thames his picture ●… memory of it being still preserved in the Church ●…ith many other●… his Successors he made many whol●…m Laws but
bring Which shows the frailness of each earthly thing The Reign of Henry the Second King of England c. HEnry Plantaginet commonly called Fitz Empress was three times Crowned first by Theobald Arch-bishop of Canterbury at Westminster then at Lincoln and lastly at Worcester and being setled in the Realm he demolished sundry Castles that had given too much incouragement to the falling off of such as at any time grew discontented some that had Honours unduly conferr'd on them he divested and reduced to a private State purged the Land of Forreign Soldiers and chiefly of the Flemings that had come over with King Stephen choosing his Council out of the most Worthy and Learned Men restraining the Incroachments and Oppressions of the greatest Persons without respect of their greatness which made the Lord Hugh Mortimer fall off and take up Arms against whom King Henry went in person and had been slain at the Siege of Bridgnorth had not Hubert d' St. Clare one of his Courtiers stepped between as the Arrow was coming and lost his own Life to save his Masters but this Lord soon reduced and the face of calmness appearing at home he passed into France to do Homage to King Lewis for his Provinces of Normandy Acquitain Anjou Main and Lorain which he claimed as his right 〈◊〉 in himself and partly in Eleanor his Queen and there he adjusted differences between himself and his Brother Geofry and after being highly Caressed and Entertained he returned to England where as much as in him lay intending to live peaceably he contracted an Alliance with Malcolme King of Scots restoring him the 〈◊〉 of Huntingdon The Welsh about this time making Inroads and greatly indamaging the English the King marched against them and joyned Battle but in the heat of the Fight his Standard was cowardly abandoned and his person in danger to be slain or taken Prisoner for which Henry d' Essex Standard bearer being accused by Robert d' Montford as the main cause of the dissertion the Combat as usual upon such Accusations was allowed them at Reading and Essex being overcome the King was notwithstanding contented to spare his life upon condition he became a Monk which accordingly he did and was immediately shorn but in conclusion the Welsh were subdued and the King returning in Triumph was Crowned together with Eleanor his Queen at Worcester where they both at the Offertory laid their Crowns on the high Altar vowing never to wear them after and this was the last of the three Crownings and his Brother Geofry now dead he seized upon sundry Citys and strong places in Normandy and setling his Affairs in that Province he returned to England where Becket Arch-bishop of Canterbury influenced by the Pope began to trouble the Kingdom not only at the Council Tours privately surrendring those Honours the King had heaped upon him to the Pope and from him receiving them again thereby to cast off the acknowledgements he had to the King or his Prerogative but countenanced all manner of violence in the Clergy even to murther so that the complaints of above a hundred Murthers done by the Clergy coming to the King's car and he not finding them punished by Church Censure brought some of them under the Civil Power commanding Justice to be administred without partiality as well to the Clergy as Laity to that end appointing Ministers of Justice in all parts of the Land whose charge it was to enquire into crimes of that or the like nature But this was opposed by Becket with a high hand challenging the King with invading the Rights of the Church demanding at the same time the Castle of Rochester and sundry other places as belonging to the See of Canterbury This made the King assemble all the Bishops in Convocation at Westminster Becket excepted where it was agreed That no Appeals should be made to Rome without the Kings Licence That no Arch-bishop or Bishops upon the Popes Summons should go out of the Land without the like leave That no Bishop should excommunicate any person holding of the King in chief or put any of his Officers under interdiction without the like Licence That Clerks criminals should if the King thought fit be tried before Secular Judges But although the King urged Becket to agree to them yet he absolutely refused it sending thereupon complaints to the Pope who for his profit and interest not desirous to break with England commanded Becket to yield to the King without any Salvo's or exception which not without much stomaching the matter he at last consented to on the word of a Priest and swore that he would observe the Laws which the King called Avitae as being made in the Reign of his Grandfather yet he refused afterwards to set his Seal saying What he had done was rather in some measure to pleasure the King than out of conscience For which and his continuing obstinate he was condemned to the confiscation of his Goods and the Bishop of Chichester in the name of the other Bishops disclaimed and for the afronting the King in his Palace with his Cross he was adjudged as a Traytor and perjured person and that he should as such be taken and imprisond which made him flee into Flanders where Pope Alexander and Lewis the French King openly declared for him which so far incensed King Henry that he banished his Kindred commanding his Sheriffs and other Officers to seize such as appealed to Rome as likewise the Kindred of those Clergy that were with Becket excluding him from being prayed for as Arch-bishop Becket being by this time in France excommunicated the Bishop of London and proceeded in the like nature with others so that there were scarce any found in the Kings Chappel to perform the Service This made him send to the Pope for Legates to absolve his Subjects and settle a peace in the Kingdom and although accordingly they were sent yet Becket standing off with much obstinacy nothing was effected wherefore as some Historians will have it to spite the Arch-bishop the more and the more firmly to establish the Kingdom he caused Roger Arch-bishop of York to Crown his Eldest Son Henry and at the Coronation Feast the King carried up and served at the Table the first Dish of Meat whereat the Arch-bishop whispering the young King said Rejoyce my fair Son for there is no Prince in the World that hath such a Servitor attending at his Table as you have this day To which the early raised Stripling replied Why wonder you at that my Lord seeing my Father knows he doth nothing that is unbeseeming him for as much as he is Royally born on one side but as for our self we are Royally born on both as having a King to our Father and a Queen to our Mother Upon which proud speech the old King told the Arch-bishop That he repented the too early advancement of the Boy And now by the mediation of Friends the old King and Becket were reconciled and all
Richard was no ways dismayed but drawing out his Forces offered the Saladine battle which vvas refused vvhereupon he caused the Army to march towards Jerusalem but by the vvay he vvas diserted by the Duke of Burgundy vvho the French King left as his General vvith part of the Forces and upon no other account as Burgundy himself declared But that it should never be said the English should have the glory of wining Jerusalem vvhich greatly grieved the King that so famous an enterprize should miscarry through malice and emulation and vvhilst he vvas in his melancholly upon this occasion a Knight mounting a high sandy Hill said Come hither Sir and I will show you Jerusalem but the King at these vvords covered his face and fetching a deep sigh said Ah my Lord God I beseech thee that I may not see thy holy City Jerusalem because I am not able to deliver it out of the hands of thine enemies Hovvever he made an honourable peace vvith the Saladine which including that the Christians should quietly enjoy what they possessed and so selling the Isle of Cypruss to the Knight Templers for 30000 Marks he returned with his Army having obtained the nominal Title of King of Jerusalem from Guy of Lusig●am the last of the race of the Christian Kings of Jerusalem which Title the King of Spain claims at this day but without power or effect One thing is not lightly to be forgotten viz. that the King above all others that had been in the Holy Land though many great Potentates had been there before him brought terror and dread upon the Sarazens for when at any time their Children cryed they to quiet them would say King Richard is coming and will have you nay when their Horses stumbled they would cry Ha Jade you think King Richard is in the way King Richard as is said returning home with his fair Queen Berengaria was separated upon the Coast of Histria by a storm from the rest of the Fleet and the Ship being broken and in no condition to put to Sea he in disguise of a Merchant or as some say a Knight Templer resolved to pass over Land but being too lavish in his expenses that raised a suspition of his being of great Quality so that near Vienna he was made a prisoner by the order of Leopold the Arch-Duke whose Standard he had thrown down from the Walls of Ptolomais and by him sold to the Emperor Henry the Sixth for 60000 Marks and was ransom'd after sixteen Months imprisonment and very bad usage at 160000 pounds to pay which a great Tax was levyed throughout England yet joyfully disbursed by the people who suffering under such Ministers as were set over them greatly desired the return of their King so that Philip of France having notice he was at large sent to tell John King Richard's Brother who had usurped the Rule during his captivity That the Devil was let loose and although several waits were laid to intrap and retake him after security was given for the Money he landed safe at Sandwich and was joyfully received by Hubert Arch-bishop of Canterbury who had been in the Holy Land with him as likewise by his Subjects but more especially by Queen Eleanor his Mother who by her prudent Conduct and Authority had secured the Kingdom during his absence from the total usurpation of his Brother John who now hasted to meet him and submitting himself was freely forgiven in these words viz. I would that thy faults may be so forgotten of me as thou thy self may keep in memory wherein thou hast offended and thereupon taking him into his favour he restored his forfeited Possessions who from that time became firm to the Kings interest and did him faithful service especially against the French whose King contrary to his Oath he gave King Richard upon his departure from the Holy Land had warred upon his Countries of Normandy Anjou c. stirring up in his absence many discensions and disorders in England when in one of the Skirmishes taking the Bishop of Bevois prisoner compleatly Armed the Pope interceeded by Letter for the delivery of his dear Son as he termed the Bishop when the King in a merry humour sent his Habergeon Curiass and the rest of his Armour he was taken in and order'd the Bearers in the words of Josephs Brethren to say This we found see if it be thy Sons Coat or not To which the Pope earnestly replyed They belonged not to his Son nor to a Son of the Church but to some Imp of Mars and therefore he should free himself as he could for as for his part he would have no further hand in the matter So that the Bishop was obliged to ransom himself with a large sum and soon after the King at Gysors gave the French a great overthrow taking 100 Knights and Servetors on Horseback thirty Men at Arms 200 great Horses whereof 140 had Barbs and Caparisons armed with Plates of Iron killing a great number many of the first Rank and here the King in Person did wonders bearing to the ground with his Lance Matthew d' Monmerancy Alan d' Rusci Foulk d' Giserval and made them Prisoners and after this Victory it was that the King expressed himself in these Words that have since become the Motto of the Arms of England viz. Diu Mondroit Not we say he have gained this Victory but God and our Right But now the fatal time approached that was to eclipse the Glories of this Prince in the shades of Death for hearing the Count of Limogen had found in one of his Lordships a great Treasure of Silver he sent to him for it as properly belonging to the Sovereign but the Count would not yeild to send him above one half which incensing the King he besieged him in his Castle of Chauluz at which Seige he was shot by a square Arrow out of a Steel Bow into the Shoulder yet he took the Castle and the Arcubalaster being brought before him boldly owned the shot alledging That the King with his own hand had killed his Father and two Brethren which incited him to revenge their deaths in an honourable way Whereupon the King perceiving the undaunted confidence of this Bertram d' Guidon not only forgave him the fact but ordered him 100 shillings yet through the unskilfulness of the Chirurgeons the Wound proved Mortal when the King perceiving his end to approach he greatly bewailed his sins and then receiving the Sacrament expired Anno 1199 having before given order that his Bowels should be buried amongst his rebellious Subjects of Poctiou as those that deserved his worst part his heart at Roan which City had always been constant and loyal to him and his Body at Font Everard there to be laid at the Feet of his Father to whom he had been some time disobedient and for which he greatly reproved himself This Richard the First was King of England Duke of Normandy Guin and Aquitain he began his Reign
although the Barons were excommunicated yet they slighted it and incouraged the City of London which was Interdicted for adhearing to their Interests and sent to Lewis Dauphin of France their Letters of Allegiance confirmed with their Seals intreating King Philip his Father to send him in order to take possession of the English Diadem but the Pope advertised of what was in hand sent his Apostolick commands to Philip charging him not to suffer his Son to molest St. Peter's Patrimony with a Curse upon such as should assist him but it prevailed not for the hot-headed Prince sent over with a Fleet of 600 Ships and 80 Boats landing in Kent where he joyned the Barons whereupon the King retired towards Winchester and the Dauphin came to London where he was received in triumph the Citizens doing him homage as did the Barons at Westminster he swearing to them That he would restore all men their Rights and recover to the Crown whatever King John had lost so that most important places submitted During these Transactions the King ruined the Houses and Castles of the Barons in Arms and set forward from Lyn in Norfolk to give them battle but passing the Washes the Floods destroyed most of his Baggage with many of his Soldiers which obliged him to desist But the Barons not having their rents paid began to look back and perceiving their services slighted by the Dauphin and the places of trust bestowed on his French-men they thought it high time to reconcile themselves to their King which was hastened by the discovery the Viscount d' Melun made upon his Death-bed viz. That Lewis had sworn when established on the Throne to condemn the Barons to perpetual banishment as Traytors to their King and utterly root out their Kindred so that forty of them immediately addressed their Letters of humble submission to the King but it so unfortunately fell out that he was dead before they arrived The death of this King is variously reported some will have it to be of a Flux others of a Surfeit but Writers of best credit say that coming to Swinstead Abby after his great loss in the Washes and seeing the liberal profuseness of the Monks whilst his Army was in a manner half starved he said in a pet holding a Loaf in his hand That if he lived but half a year he would make it 12 times as dear which being overheard by a Monk he mixed poison in a Cup of Wine and served it to the King as he was at dinner by the force whereof he died some again will have it to be done by intoxicated Fruit. This John was King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Normandy Guyen and Aquitain sixth Son of King Henry the Second by Q. Eleanor and 27 sole Monarch of England he began his Reign on the 6th of April Anno 1199 reigned 17 years 6 months and 13 days dying of poison the 19. of October 1216. Thus from a troubled Throne King John descends And in his Grave all toil and trouble ends There factious Subjects Popes nor Galick Arms Disturb his rest with their too rude alarms Death can alone from cares of state give rest The slumbring Grave is with no fears opprest The Reign and Actions of Henry the III. King of England c. KIng John being dead the Barons almost with one voice and consent notwithstanding Lewis was yet in the Land with his Army chose Henry eldest Son to the deceased King about Ten years of Age Crowning him nine days after his Fathers Death and the Earl of Pembroke was constituted his Guardian who raised an Army and marched against the French giving them a great overthrow near Lincoln taking several of the Barons that stood out with about 400 Knights and Esquires Prisoners besides a great Booty the French had scraped together in plundering the Country and many of the French that scattered from the Battel were killed by the Peasants nor was the Fleet appointed to bring Supplies out of France better treated for being met by the English most of the French Ships were burnt sunk or taken so that the Dauphin was obliged with such Forces as he could Rally to shut himself up in London whither he was followed by the Earl and besieged by Water and Land which made the Monsieur begin to think of a timely Capitulation The substance was That Lewis and the Barons in Arms should submit to the Censure of the Church and that then he and as many as would goe with him should be permitted to depart the Land with a Promise never to return again in a design of harming it and that he should use his Interest with his Father that such things as belonged to the English Crown and were wrongfully detained should be restored and that when himself should be King of France he should peaceably part with them and that he should immediately render to Henry all Castles and Places taken in England during the War To this Lewis swore and for the better security of the Barons that had been in Rebellion Wallo the Legate the Earl of Pembroke and the young King swore they should be restored as well the Barons as others to all their Rights and Inheritances with their Liberties before demanded of King John that none of the Laity should suffer damage or reproach for the Side or Party they had taken and that the Prisoners taken in War or by Surprize should be released Upon this Lewis the Dauphin and as many of his Followers as were left passed into France yet the Kingdom was molested by sundry turbulent Persons whom no Concessions nor Favours could oblige and amongst these were William Earl of Aumarle Robert de Veipont c. which encouraged the Welsh to raise new Broils on the Frontiers And soon after one Arnulph a Citizen of London with divers others Conspiring to call in Lewis a second time Arnulph and two others were hanged and several had for the like Attempt their Hands or Feet cut off and the Barons finding their Liberties but slowly confirmed began to murmur Lewis extreamly vexed for the disgrace he had suffered in England upon the Death of his Father though contrary to his Oath seized upon Rochel and the County of Poictu both appertaining to the English and the true Cause he excused by pretending King Henry as Homager of Aquitain should have attended at his Coronation but that he neither did it in Person nor shewed any Reason for his being absent by his Ambassadors These Proceedings made King Henry n● at Age Call a Parliament which granted him Supply in order to raise an Army for the recovery of his Right but that not proving sufficient though he that Summer vanquished the French in a set Battel he pressed about 5000 Marks from the Londoners above their Fifteenths and the Clergy were not exempted but under pain of the papal Censure obliged to pay the Tax of Fifteenths but the greatest Summe he raised was by revoking the Charters and Liberties excusing it by
Fitz-walter battel at Ferrybridg near Pontefract but not being able to maintain it he was there with most of his men cut in pieces by Henry's Forces when both Armies facing on the Plain between Towton and Saxton on the 28th of March they joined Battel that of Edwards consisting of 48660 men and Henry's of 60000 but by the Lancastrians mistaking Stars for Suns being the Cognizance of each Party and doubting some Treason in the case many of them fled so that those who remained lost the field and in this Battel were slain the Earl of Northumberland the Lords Clifford Neuel Wells Scales Beaumont Dacres Grey Willoughby Fitzhug and other Persons of Quality about 357 and in all 35091 being the most bloudy and obstinate Battel that had been fought upon this Overthrow Henry with his Queen and Son fled into Scotland and were honourably received by King James whose Sister Prince Edward not long after married From Scotland the Queen sailed to France to seek aids in that Court and in mean while King Edward returning to London was a second time proclaimed and calling a Parliament Henry together with his Queen and Prince Edward his Son were disinherited and about fourty three Nobles disinherited and attainted The Queen a Woman of a Martial Spirit by her Interest in France had by this time gotten a considerable number of Men but sailing for Scotland and afterwards making for England her Fleet was scattered by a Tempest so that she and her Husband were left solely to the Aid of the Scots and with what Forces they could gather marched as far as the Bishoprick of Durham but the Forces of the Scots were defeated at Hegely Moor where Sir Ralph Percie dying said in allusion of his Oath to King Henry I have saved the Bird in my Breast And another defeat happening at Hexam Feries Fortune seemed utterly averse and that poor Prince coming out of Scotland into England in disguise was betrayed and apprehended as he sat at Dinner in Wadington-Hall and in an ignominious manner brought to London with his Legs bound under the Horses Belly and secured as a Prisoner in the Tower King Edward by the Imprisonment of Henry conceiving himself more secure sent the Earl of Warwick to woo for him in the Court of Savoy but whilst he earnestly sollicited and had brought the matter to perfection by obtaining the good Will of the Estates News came that King Edward had married the Lady Elizabeth Grey Widow to Sir John Grey slain in the Battel at St. Albans fighting on the part of King Henry with whom he had fallen in Love upon her becoming an humble Suitor to him for her Jointure and because he could not compass his ends without Marriage that vertuous Lady disdaining to be the Harlot even of a puissant King he resolved against the Minds of his Friends to obtain his desires by making her his Wife This so sensibly touched the Earl of Warwick in reflecting upon his Honour in serving a Master of so little Constancy that although he had been mainly Instrumental in helping him to the Kingdom he changed his love into mortal hatred and working upon George Duke of Clarence to favour his design and by secret Practices they stirred up a Commotion in the North where one Robert Huldren headed 15000 of the Commons but he being executed Sir John Conyers undertook to head them Proclaiming as they passed that King Edward was an unjust Prince and unprofitable to the Kingdom when to surpress these disorders he sent an Army under the leading of the Earl of Pembroke who joyned Battel near Banbury and had been victorious had not one John Clapham Esq and Servant to the Earl of Warwick come in the heat of the Fight and displayed his Master's Colours whose Cognisance was the White Bear and by crying a Warwick so dismayed the Welshmen of whom most of the Army was composed that thereby thinking the Earl was come in with his party they threw down their Arms and betook them to flight leaving their General who valiantly fighting was taken Prisoner together with his Brother Sir Robert Herbert and ten other Gentlemen of Note who lost their Heads at Banbury by the Judgment of Conyers and Clapham Anno 1469. The Success of the Northern men occasioned them to rise in great Number and a Party under the Leading of Robert of Ridisdale surprising the King's Manner of Grafton siezed the Lord Rivers the Queens Father together with John his Son whom they beheaded at Northampton which obliged the King to hasten with a great Army but whilst the people were expecting the issue of a bloudy Fight a Truce was concluded which rendering the King more secure than cautious the Earl of Warwick entered his Tent in the dead of Night and with little resistance made him Prisoner and carried him to Warwick Castle and from thence in the Night time conveyed him to Middleham Castle in Yorkshire and there committed him to George Nevil Arch-Bishop of York Brother to the Earl but having Liberty allowed to hunt in the Park and Forrests he was rescued by a Troup of his own Men however Sir Robert Wells with thirty thousand of the Commons disturbed the Country Proclaiming King Henry but encountering King Edwards Forces and himself in a bloudy Battel made Prisoner the Lincolnshire Men of which the Army was mostly composed threw of their Coats with the Earls badge on them in great Confusion left the Field so that from that it was called the battel of Losi-Coa●field upon which defeat and the putting Sir Robert with many others to death The Duke of Clarence Earl of Warwick and divers Nobles found themselves obliged to pass the Seas but were refused enterance at Calais of which place VVarwick was Captain by one Vawclear whom he a little before had Substituted his Deputy and for which refusal King Edward made him Captain in VVarwick's stead however they went to the Court at France and were there entertained with much respect where gathering Aids and holding Correspondence with their Friends in England soon after they Landed at Dartmouth and Marched towards London Proclaiming King Henry and commanded all from Sixteen to Sixty years of Age to take up Arms on his behalf against Edward Duke of York whom they termed a Usurper so that all the Land in a manner was in Arms and King Edward perceiving his Fortune utterly averse and that the few forces he had raised were ready to Revolt he thought it no fit time to dispute but rather to reserve himself to a more favourable Fortune whereupon with a few of his Friends he passed the Seas and was received by Charles Duke of Burgundy who had married the Lady Margaret his Sister whilst his Queen took Sanctuary in Westminster where she was delivered of a Son afterwards Christened by the name of Edward and other Sanctuarys were filled with the King's Friends and such as had adhered to him This disorder gave the Kentish men an opportunity to rise in Arms
Englands Chronicle OR THE LIVES REIGNS OF THE Kings and Queens From the time of JVLIVS CAESAR To the present Reign of K. WILLIAM and Q. MARY Containing The Remarkable Transactions and Revolutions in Peace and War both at Home and Abroad as they relate to this Kingdom with the Wars Policies Religion and Custom Success and Misfortunes as well of the Antient Britains as Roman Saxon Danish and Norman Conquerors with Copper Cuts and whatever else is conduceable to the Illustration of History By J. Heath LONDON Printed for Benj. Crayle at the Peacock and Bible at the West end of St. Pauls N. Bodington in Duck-lane and G. Conyers at the Ring on Ludgate-hill 1689. W Conq K Will 2 K Hen 1 K Ste K Hen 2 K Ric 1 K Iosor K Hen 3 K Ed 1 K Ed 2 K Ed 3 K Iames. 2. K Rich 2 England's Cronicle K Hen 4 Hen 5 or the Lives Reigns of all the KINGS QUEENS To the present Reign of K. William L. Mary K Hen 6 K Ed 4 K Ed 6 K Hen 8 K Hen 7 K Ric 3 K Ed 5 K Ch 2 K Ch 1 K Iames Q Eliz Q Mary Englands fam'd Monarchs thus pouri●●●●● behold Whose warlike Deeds this vollume does unfold For Wisdom and for Valour they were known Each had their Triumphs on the Brittish Throne Licensed July the 3d. 1689. And Entred according to Order THE PREFACE TO THE READER READER IN this Book you have the Recital of the past and present Glories of this famous Kingdom from the time it was first dis●vered to this day continued in the renowned Actions of its Kings and Princes being a Series of History so remarkable and delightful that nothing material can be truly said to be omitted Here you may find the Original Manners Wars and Customs of the first Britains their contending with the Romans their Courage and various Success and wh●● and by what means this Nation became subject to the Roman Saxon Dane and Norman Conquerors with the sundry Revolutions of Church and State as well in Peace as War Transactions at home and abroad various Policies and Stratagems c. And indeed those things hat have made this Island lift her Head above other Nations blessed by the plenteous hand of Heaven and the Industry of her Natives her Renown has travel'd with the Sun scarce any corner of the habitable World where Fame has not breathed her Glories I need not much infist upon this to those who are daily Spectators of her Riches and Plenty as well of her own Product and Manufacture as accruing by Navigation c. from the remotest Oriental Parts nor of the Purity of Religion or Tranquility we enjoy under the Auspicious Reign of our Gracious King and Queen but it remains that I recommend to you the perusal of what cannot but aford as much satisfaction as any thing of this kind is capable of rendring So hoping it may prove very useful to all Lovers of History I am Reader yours to serve you J. Heath Englands CHRONICLE OR The Lives and Reigns of all the Kings and Queens from the time of JVLIVS CAESAR to the present Reign of K. William Qu. Mary c. A Discription of the Island of Britain with its Original Denomination c. THE Island of Great Britain whose Fame has travel'd with the Sun and reached the remotest Kingdoms of the Earth is bounded with Germany and Denmark on the East or properly with the German Ocian on the West with Ireland or the Irish Seas on the North with the Ducalidonian Seas and on the South with France and Normandy scituate in the eighth Climate of the North Latitude and placed in relation to Longitude between the Parrals of fourteen and sixteen Containing in length from Strathy-Head in the Kingdom of Scotland to the Lizard point in Cornwal Six Hundred Twenty Four Miles and in Breadth from the Isle of Thannet in Kent to the Lands end in Cernwal Three Hundred and Forty Miles though formerly its Limits were Fancied from the Orcad●s to the 〈…〉 Mountain● As for the time of its being peopled even the most curious Historians vary some hold it to be inhabited long before the Flood and that being a part of France it was by the Rapid Inundation of the Universe broken off from the Continent where now the Channel parts Dover from Calais and by that means being left by the Flood became an Island But this I conceive only conjectural without any warrantable Testimony and is grounded upon the Pariety of the Soils and Temprature of Air. Since that there are others that will have it possessed by one Albion a Gyant who beat out the Samotheans whose Gigantick Race increased till the time that King Brute Coasting these Seas with a powre of Trojans under his Command observing its spaciousness and fertility made a Descent and subdued it and of this latter Opinion is the so much Celebrate Antiquary and Historian Jeffry of Monmouth and from this Trojan Prince he would have us believe the Island took its Name But those who have seriously enquired into the Date he proposes for the Landing of Brute viz. In the 2887 Year of the worlds Creation find not any Foundation to Build a belief that such a Man was ever in these Parts but rather the Name was derived from the word Prith or Brith signifying Painting and probably the Greeks who were then the greatest Navigators Sailing along the Coast and perceiving the painted People that inhabited it might from that signification give it a Name as indeed they did to most Islands and Countries that were not Civilized where ever they came or it might be from the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mettals for its abounding with Mettals as it had done that of Albion from Albis Rupibus viz. White Rocks that appear towards the Coast of France These are the Conjecturals and we might run on in a maze of uncertainty till we tired the Reader considering that before the Landing of the Romans th● People were uncivilized keeping no Writings or R● cords of their Country or Actions to Druids or Priests themselves being a kind of Magicians or such as dealt in Spells and Charms preserving their Religious Rites and Ceremonies in Hieroglipicks and Figures after the manner of Egypt the better to create an Awe and Dread upon the more ignorant and raise an esteem and veneration of themselves which otherwise must have much abated the Credit they had gained But leaving things that are doubtful and have never been fully cleared by the most curious and industrious Writers we come to what is more warrantable and for what we have sure● grounds laying aside the Story of the Samothes sprung from the 〈◊〉 Son of Japhat perhaps as Fabulous as the rest and that is to the Year of the Worlds Creation 3873. Viz. Caius Julius Caesar by the prevailing Arms of the Roman Commonwealth having subdued Gallia now France and a great part of Germany thirsty of new Glory
whilst th●… Trumpets sounded a Charge as to the Battle and ●… returned in a foolish kind of Triumph proud to ha●… taken the Spoils of the Ocean but Claudius Drusius wh●… succeeded him overthrew Guiderius and his Britain under the Conduct of his Deputy and in the Figh●… the King was slain by the Treachery of one Hamo wh●… pretending friendship in a Disguise got near his Pe●… son but being pursued by Arviragus the King's B●…ther to the shore of the Sea himself was there di●…patched from whose Fall some Antiquaries affir●… the Place took the Name of Hamo's Haven now t●… Town of Southampton The Father and Son thus Dead Catacratus a seco●… Son to Cunobeline assumed the Throne when following his Predecessors in opposing the Romans he was a great and mortal Battle overthrown with the loss almost all his People and himself being taken Pri●…ner was carried to Rome where he was led throu●… ●…he streets in a triumph of Derision to honour Aulus ●…lautinus his Conqueror yet Togodumnuis the third ●…on of Cunobeline succeeded him but with as bad for●…une for after he had harazed their Camp and slain many of them in such a manner that Plautinus was obliged to send for the Emperor Dr●…sius who ●…rought with him a great Power a Mortal Battle was ●…ought in which the British King was slain yet Ar●…iragus the last of the Brothers had leave to Succeed ●…im and he for a while held a fair Correspondency with the Romans but finding his opportunity fell off ●…nd joyning with some petty Neighbours gave the ●…mperor such Apprehensions of Danger that he ●…hought it best for his Repose and the Securing the Roman Interest in this Island to give him his Daugher Genissa in Marriage This Assinity calmed Affairs for a time and the Britains having learned the Roman Customes became much civilized forgetting their Barbarous Nature cloathing themselves and building Houses so that the Island extreamly Flourished and ●…ested from War during the Life of Arviragus and was very little troubled in the time of Cogid●…nus But Characticus a Prince of the Silures growing powerful by the contracted Forces of his Neighbours drew into the Field and beat the Roman Souldiers from their Strenghts making great Slaughter of them yet in the end being Overthrown he fled to Cart●…smandua for shelter and protection but she desirous to ingratiate her self with the Emperor caused him contraty to her Faith plighted to be delivered up to his Enemies who the better to keep their new Acquiessitions in Peace sont him to Rome where beholding the Magnificence of that Luxurant City he reproved the Roman Covetousness and Ambition saying He adm●…red that they being Master of such glor●…ous T●…mples Structures and Riches should neverthe●●ss crave after the Cottages and poor Poss●…ssions of the Britains And altho' this Prince was removed another stood up in his stead Pr●…sutagus King of the Icenij yet finding himself in no good Condition to Resist h●… made Peace and growing near his end left Quee●…-Boduo and his two Daughters in the Protection of the Emperor Nero whom he had made his Heir but the Ladies being of Incomparable Beauty and contrary to the Trust reposed Ravished the valiant Queen called together her Friends and Commanders acquainting them with the Treachery and desiring their assistance telling them That the Romans were infeble●… by Ease and Luxury and therefore being resolutely so●… upon they would fly like a timorous Hare and at that word opening her Lap she let go a Hare which so the purpose she had concealed This so animated the rest that they immediatel●… took Arms and falling upon the Romans in their to●… much Security under the Conduct of this Queen pu●… eighty thousand of them to the Sword but in the en●… New Forces arriving she was forced to lay down her Arms and seek for Safety And next to he Venutius King of the Brigantes Warred upon them but by the Trechery of his Queen the faithless Cart●… mandua he was Overthrown so that the Roman having pierced into Scotland Overthrew in a grea●… Battle Galgacius Prince of the Callidonians an●… finding none to Oppose them they became absolut●… Masters of the Famous Island of Great Britain No●… was it known that they discovered it till this time t●… be an Island which was about one hundred thirty six years after the Landing of Caesar when in a far less●… time they Subdued all France Germany and othe●… Countrys insinitely larger by which we may perceive The Early Valour of the British Race Who boldly durst the worlds prou'd Conquerors Face And put even Rome her self to soul disgrace An Historical Account of the Roman Emperors who were personal in this Island or Ruled by their Lieutenants CAius Julius Caesar as you have heard was the first Roman that set footing in this Island landing in the Year of the worlds Creation 3873. But he did little more than show it the Romans laying a small Tribute of 300 pounds upon it not having passed with Armed Forces as many hold beyond St. Albans then call'd Verillum finding by the great Resistance he experienced he had to deal with a stubborn People over which he had no other advantage but being better Armed and somwhat more expert in the Trains of War yet after three Expeditions he came no more but proceeded to put the project of gaining the Soveraignty of the World in practice wherein he was Successful after the Fatal Battles of Pharsalia Philipi and Munda yet his Aspiring cost him his Life as has been Related Octavian Augustus Caesar succeeded Julius after many Troubles and much difficulty but came not into this Island though he thrice intended it and in this Golden Reign the SAVIOUR of the World was Born To this Great Emperor Succeeded Tiberius in the eighteenth year of whose Reign The LORD of LIFE was put to Death to Rise more G●orious and Triumph over Death and Hell and the prodigious Defects in Nature that attended his Passion being ob●erved by Dionisus Areopagita as the Ecclipse of the Sun and Moon c He cryed out that The God of Nature suffered or the Frame of the world was about to be dissolved To this Emperor Caligula Succeeded but the most memorable Act he did was the Banishing Pontius Pilate who thereupon grew desperate Slew himself Then came Claudius Drusius under whom Aulus Plautinius was Deputy in Britain who was put so hard to i● that the Emperor was obliged to come over and by the Marriage of his Daughter put an end to the Troubles Nero succeeded him in the Imperial Throne whose wickednesses are too many to be related in this place Amongst other things he Crucified St. Peter and caused St. Paul to be Beheaded Burnt the City of Rome Killed his Wife Ripped up his Mother and Persecuted the Christians with new invented Torments he did great Injuries to the Britains by his Lieutenants for which Queen Boduo slew Eighty Thousand of his Romans Sergius Galba began his Reign Anno Dom. 70.
But being a Cruel and Desolute Prince he was Killed by his Souldiers after he had continued seven Months in the Throne So that Maximus being then Deputy the Britains felt not the Effects of his Anger and thus Rome wanting a Head Marcus Sylvius Otho entred upon the Stage yet Reigned but three Months and five Days before he made way for Aulus Vitellus who after eight Months Reign was Killed by the Souldiers and Elavius Vespatian made Emperor in his stead So that in these short Revolutions the Britains had Peace yet in this last Reign the Brigantes and Silures were up in Arms but Julius Frontius over-powered them Petilius being Deputy the Famous City of Jerusalem after an obstinate and bloody Siege was Taken by the Romans under the L●ading of Titus Vespatian who succeeded his Father in the Empire after he had Reigned about nine Years and Reigned two years and three months yet we find not that he had any War with the Britains but left the Empire to Domitian his Brother who raised a Persacution against the Christians by the Example of Nero Insomuch that Christianity then beginning to Flourish in this Island many were cut off for the Testimony they bore to their Lord and Master And Julius Agricola being Deputy he upon the Revolt of the Britains gave them ●… and in a fearful Overthrow slew Ten Thousand of them with the Loss of Three Bundred and Forty of his own Men and this is he that first discovered this Country to be an Island and Domitian after about fifteen years Reign dying Coc●eius Nerva came to the Throne of Empire being a very Charitable Prince but after ten Months he gave place to Trajan who raised the Third Persecution and Overthrew the Revolting Britains by Spartia●us his Lieutenant Leaving the Stage of Honour after Twenty One Years Six Months when Adrianus was Proclaimed Emperor and although he had no War with the Britains he nevertheless raised a Persecution against the Christians and made the Church of Christ weep Tears of Blood in all Lands whither his Power extended yet he Reigned twenty two years But at length Antonius Pius who Succeeded him restrained re-called his Cruel Edicts yet in his time the Britains rising in Arms were Overthrown by Lollius Urbicus Marcus Aurelius taking next upon him the Administration of the Imperial Power revived the Persecution but had no War with the Britains and giving place after nineteen years Reign Commodius took upon him the Sway of the Empire and now the Almighty smiling upon this Land with the brightest Rays of Divine Love raised up a Christian King and the first that the World had seen viz. King Lucius Son to King Ceilus and Great Grand Child to Arviragius who Married the Emperor Drusius's Daughter and he being more mindful of Religion that dearest part of Government than of any other Consideration the better to Establish the Work so prosperously begun sent two Learned Men to Elutherus then Bishop of Rome to be further Instructed in the FAITH who thereupon sent him Fagarius and Damianus with his Letter in the following words You have received in the Kingdom of Britain by GOD's Mercy both the Law and Faith of Christ you have both the Old and New Testament out of the same through God's Grace by the Advice of your Realm take a Law and by the same through God's Sufferance Rule your Kingdom of Britain for in that Kingdom you are God's Vicar This I have mentioned to shew The honesty and plainness of the Bishops of Rome before they came to be Debauched and Corrupted with Pride and Avarice And this good King so far improved the Advice that he immediately Changed the Seats of the three Arch Flamens and twenty-eight Flamens into so many Archiepiscopal and Episcopal Sees appointing for the first three London York and Gloucester and thereupon the Christian Religion in spite of the Oppressors grew up like a stately Cedar and overspread the Land Helvius Pertinax the next Emperor did nothing of note having but a short Reign not exceeding eight Months and was Succeeded by Didius Julianus who continued not above two Months neither o● them having any War with the Britains Yet in the Reign of Septimus Severius the Calledonians were up in Arms and Heraclionus his Deputy not being able to Quell them the Emperor came over in Person yet could not Effect it by reason of the Fortresses and Marshes where they usually Fortified themselves with less than the Loss of fifty thousand o● his men and the better to Bridle them he caused a mighty Wall with Towrs to be run from Shor● to Shore but being come over a second time upon new Commotions he fell Sick and dyed at York and in his Reign the fifth Persecution was raised against the Christians Bassianus Caracala Reigne● after him six years and being made Co-Emperor with his Brother Geta he slew him yet the Britains wer● not molested during his Reign and then he gave place to Opilius Maerinus who reigned about one year two months and was Succeeded by Heliogabilus a Lude Debauched and Luxurious Emperor wh● had been formerly Priest to the Son yet he held the imperial Seat four years and then gave Place to Alexander Severus who gave Liberty to the Christi●ns to live peaceably and quiet without oppression or persecution but when he had reigned six months ●nd seven days he was killed by the Mutiny of the Almain Souldiers and made way for Maximinus who ●aised the sixth Persecution yet in his time the Bri●ains were in Peace but three Years put a period to his Reign and Julius Varius Maximus mounted the Throne but he soon after was slain by the Souldiers And Gordianus who succeeded him Reigned but forty days For now the Petorian Souldiers began to commit all manner of Disorders setting the Empire to Sale raising any one to it for Money and then either Killing or Deposing them made room for more Gain and instead of One they sometimes set up Two in Co-partnership as Claudius Puppienus and Celius Balbinus who Reigned only a Year then Antonius Gordianus Reigned and after him Julius Philippus the one Reigning Four and the other Five Years Which short continuance and the Care they had to Secure themselves made them little mind what was done abroad and Lieutenants of Provinces perceiving things go thus unfortunately did not so much trouble themselves in Gathering the publick Taxes as to ingratiate in the Peoples Favour and enrich themselves by Presents and Offerings which were daily made them without runing the hazard of forcing them to Rebel And now Decius coming to the Imperial Seat stirred up by the Enemies of the Church of Christ he raised the seventh Persecution but his Fury continued not for he reigned but two years e're he gave way to Trebonianus and Vo●usianius who stayed the Persecution and had Peace with the Britains But in two years they gave way to Aelmelianus who reigned not above two months and though Valerianus that succeeded
and had indeed enough to do to Defend themselves and were succeeded by Theodosius who began his Reign Anno Dom. 379. under whom the Christian Religion flourished and Damassus being Bishop of Rome the Second General Councel was held and now for the space of six Months the World was so troubled with Earth-quakes that the Dissolation and Ruine they occasioned is not countable Arcadius and Honorius next took place viz. 402. In whose Reign a marvellous Thing happened at Constantinople viz. About Noon a Fire entering the Great Church fastned upon the Bishops Seat and Consumed it thence growing up like a Pyramid seized the Roof and Burnt it not doing the People then Assembled any harm though it passed through them leaving the Church it passed directly ●… Senate-House and reduced it to Ashes This ma●… looked upon as a Divine Presage of those Miseri●… that soon after befel the Church and State for no●… the Roman Greatness growing to a period the Bra●… ches being too ponderous for the Bole to Suppo●… the Storms of War that came thundring from sevral Quarters rent and tore them in pieces ins●… much that we may say The Red Horse and h●… Rider were sent forth about this time To take pea●… from the earth and now the Britains groaned under the weight of their Enemies the Picts Scots an●… Wild Irish who came upon them in great Swarm laying waste all their pleasant places which mad●… them again Address the Romans who had so lon●… been their Masters for speedy Succour but ha●… word sent them That their hands were full of En●…mies and that they could not spare any of their Forces●… However Theodosius Junior and Valentinianus coming to the Thrones of the West and East for now th●… Roman Eagle was double headed a Legion wa●… ordered for Britain upon whose approach and after some Skirmishes the Barbarous People retired and the Romans before their departure taught the Britains the more perfect Exercise of Arms ad●… monishing them to renew strengthen fortifie their Wall from Sea to Sea and keep Watchmen o●… the Towers to defend them and give notice of the Enemies approach seeing they might be confident this was the last time they could expect any Succou●… from Rome so that after a possession of 597 years the Romans of their own accord left the flourishing Island of Britain carrying with them at sundry times the Flower and Strength of the Land to assist them in●… their Foreign Wars by which the Britains lay more easie and open to the Inroads and Incursions of their Enemies ●…us 〈…〉 whom balfe the world obey'd ●…r conquering 〈…〉 spread ●…ve hundred ninety seven years and then ●fatal times ●… the Isle again ●…en blood and 〈…〉 rag'd in every place ●…d Crimson Seas had delug'd Natures Face ●…en 't was Great Kingdom thy sad Woes came on ●…us plagues o'er took thee that thou thoughts't to shun 〈…〉 friendly seeming Saxons more undone 〈◊〉 what means the Saxons came to Conquer this Kingdom and divide it into a Hepterchie with their Succession of Kings and Discription of their resprective Kingdoms till it was reduced to a Monarchy and from thence till conquered by the Danes THE Romans as we have said by a voluntary relinquishment having left this famous Island in●…mbered with restless Enemies whose Ravages and ●…oils are too many to count and the poor defence●…ss Britains quite wearied out with continual Ala●…ms Slaughters Burnings and the Ravishment of ●…eir Wives and Daughters heartless to defend ●…emselves and out of all hopes of Assistance from ●…eir old Masters the Romans they at last understand●…g the Saxons were a powerful and prevailing Peo●…e in Germany who had inlarged their Borders and one great Actions resolved to apply themselves to his People for Succour and hereupon Vertigern ●…e King with the consent of his Nobles sent Am●…ssadors to the Heads of the Saxons and Jutes ordering upon the Rhine laying before them the ●…plorableness of the Kingdoms condition and how was at a point to be lost the Enemy having al●…ady advanced as far as Stamford in Lincolnshire ●…ith dreadful Spoil and Devastion intreating a speedy Succour and Protection promising large Re● wards for the Service The Saxons having well● weighed the thing upon certain notice of the● Fruitfulness of the Country and finding their own● Borders to streight and scanty for their numbers ● immediately closed with the request of the Britains● dismissing their Ambassadors with a very obliging● Letter and instantly drew out 9000 Men under the● leading of Hengist and Horsus two Brothers of a● noble Family who with expedition suitable to the● imergency of this occasion landed at Ebsfleet in● the Island of Thanet where they were received by● the King's Order with Songs and congratulations o● Joy and then joyning with them such Forces as he● had drawn together gave the Enemy Battle with● great slaughter defeating and overthrowing them so that they were obliged not only to repass th● Wall that was drawn from Sea to Sea as a defence● against Scotland but to leave the Kingdom in entire peace So the face of things seemed very much● changed but long this tranquility had not lasted before the two Brothers the first having married his Daughter Rawena to the doting King who had fallen in love with her upon a Complement she passed in drinking to him gave their Soldiers so much liberty that the People found themselves greatly oppressed of which reitered Complaints were made and the King used his interest with the Captains● to restrain them but they connived at it and demanded larger Pay giving out That they would lay th● Kingdom iu Ashes if it were denyed them seizing upon sundry Towns and Castles so that the Nobles perceiving the King blindly carried away by the couns●ls of his young Wife on whom he infinitely doated they consulted with Vortimer his Son 〈◊〉 Prince of great Hope and Courage when drawi● together what Forces they could without th● knowledge of the King they sell so unexpectedl● upon the Saxons that having overthrown them in 〈◊〉 bloody Battle they resolved to drive them out of the Land which accordingly they did forcing the remainder with their Captains to take shipping and be gone This defeat and disappointment so perplext the Brethren that gathering greater Forces they came again coasting the Country in their Ships and Barks and under pretence of friendship and desire to have the Daughter with them they were permitted quietly to Land but here their treachery appear'd for it being agreed that so many of theirs should hold a conference with a like number of the British Nobles about setling Affairs and reconciling the Differences between them and the Saxons under their long Coats they hid short Swords during the Treaty upon and watch-word given by Hengest fell upon the unarmed Nobles who expected no such matter killing all but one Earl who geting a Hedgestake made his passage through them and alarumed the Country with the fatal news And this some Authors
interposing as some Authors have it ●…tween two Deuelists he was unfortunately run ●…rough after he had reigned six years Edred succeeding Edmund Anno 946. the Danes be●…n to gather courage not without being privately a●…mated by some treacherous English and amongst ●…em Weelstan Arch-Bishop of York so that ●… the ●… caused himself to be Crowned King of Northum●…rland against whom Edred marched with a great Army but had the Rear of it surprised by the underhand dealing of Woelstan however he made his party good put the Danes to the rout and returned with victory He made St. Germans in Cornwal a Bishops See which was by Canute the Dane translated to Credington and at last setled at Exeter by Edmund the Confessor where ●it at present remains This Edred was Tenth sole Monarch of England and reigned Nine years Edwy succeeded Edred Anno 955 and was crowned at Kingston upon Thames where it is repoted he committed Adultery with a great Lady his near Kinswoman in the sight of his Nobles and afterwards caused her Husband to be slain that he might more freely enjoy her He thrust out the Monks and put married Priests in the places of those that affected a single Life Banished Dunstan who is now stiled a Saint and the same that is reported to have taken a shee Devil by the Nose with a pair of Tongues for disturbing him at his Forge These things turned the Peoples Affections against the King to a degree of laying him aside and swearing Fealty to Edgar which made him pine to death after he had Rul'd Four years and was buried in the New Abby Church at Winchester Edgar began his Reign Anno 159 he recalled Dunstan and outed the married Priests making a Penalty against Drunkenness and the Land at that time being pestered with Wolves he laid a yearly Tribute of three hundred Wolves Heads upon the Prince of Wales and upon the Noble-men and Free-holders according to the largeness of their Possessions so that in a few years they were all destroyed He made it his business once a year to ride the Circuit of his Kingdom to inquire of Abuses done by his Judges in Illegal Actings or those that were done by private Persons one to another inflicting severe punishments on such as he found tardy yet he have himself up to prodigeous Lust insomuch that casting his Eyes upon any Women he liked he would have his satisfaction by fair means or force and killed Ethelwald an Earl and one of his principal Courtiers with a Spear as he was hunting in the Forest because he had married a beauteous Lady Daughter to Duke Orgarus when he had sent him to fetch her for his own use and then took her to Wife He deflowred a Nun called Wolfe-child and got on her a hopeful Brat which was afterwards Sainted by the name of Edith and afterwards another Nun called Ethelflede on whom he begot his Son Edward who succeeded him he had peace except a little bickering with the Welsh all his Reign feared a broad and at home having the greatest Navy of any King before him some Authors reporting it consisted of Three thousand Ships He was crown'd at Kingston upon Thames by Otho Archbishop of Canterbury and reigned sixteen years Edward the Thirteenth sole Monarch of England began his Reign Anno 975 and was usher'd in by a Famine and a Blazing Star with great contentions between the Monks and Married Priests Dunstan taking taking part with the former and Duke Alfarus with the latter and meeting to Dispute in an upper Room the press being great the Flour fell down and many were wounded only Dunstan's Chair stood fixed upon a Post which gave such credit to the Monks who without doubt had contrived the sinking of the Four as appeared by the Chair being fixed that they gained the point and the Married Priests were turned out suffering great necessity no Man daring to entertain or relieve them Soon after this the King going a Hunting and being near the Castle of Queen Elfreda his Mother-in-Law he separated from his Company and went to pay her and her Son a visit But the treacherous Queen to advance her own caused one of her Servants to stab him in the Back whilst he was drinking on Horseback at her Gate whereupon turning his Horse he fled the farther Treachery but not finding his retinue he through loss● of blood fainted and falling in the next Wood expired when he had reigned four Years Ethelred the Son of Edgar and Elfreda succeeded Edward who for his slowness in Affairs was Nick-named The Unready he was Crowned at Kingstone upon Thames the ordinary Seat of the Saxon Monarchs and upon his Coronation day a Cloud was seen throughout England half resembling Blood and half Fire and in the third year of his Reign the Danes Landed in divers parts of this Kingdom committing great Outrages and much about the same time a great part of London was laid in Ashes The King not being able to oppose the Torrent of the Danish power compounded a Peace for 10000 Pounds a Year but finding their Advantage they soon raised it to 40000 l which 〈◊〉 heavy upon the Nation and was called Danes Guilt o● Danes Money nor did this suffice them but they pillaged and ravag'd the Country so extreamly that the King to free his Sublects from the Oppressions they groaned under gave them private notice on St. Brices day to fall upon the Danes in all the Cities and Towns where they quartered which was done with so much secresie that most of them were cut off this being done on the 13 of November Anno 1002. the News flew into Denmark whereupon new swarms came over under the Leading of Swanus who destroyed all before them with Fire and Sword in such a terrible manner that the People fled to the Woods and Mountains and although the King bought his Peace at the price of 30000 Pounds yet not long after they flew 900 Monks and such as were of Religious Orders in Canterbury and having gotten a great sum of Money from the Archbishop Aphegus for his Ransom they notwithstanding ston●d him at Greenwich so that the King perceiving their treachery and cruel dealing and that he was no ways capable of opposing their fury he sent Emma his wise with her two Sons to her Brother Richard Duke of ●●●mandy and soon after left the Kingdom to follow them but Swanus being stabbed by his own Me● and Canutus his Son set up in his stead Ethelred returned but finding many Treasonable Designs carried on against him by Edricus one of his Dukes and a powerful Enemy in the Land which he was no ways able to oppose he died for grief when he had Reigned thirty seven years and was the fourteenth sole Monarch of England Edmund the Eldest Son of Ethelred Sirnamed Ironside succeeded him Anno 1016. and was Crowned at Kingstone upon Thames by Livingus Arch-bishop of Canterbury though Canute then Reigned as King at Southampton This Edmund
declaring they were granted in his nonage But this begat Hubert de Burgo his chief Justice who advised him to it a very great hatred amongst the People however the King with the Money thus gotten raised an Army and sailed for Britany winning many Places and driving them from their Encroachments but the Irish rebelling he was constrained to return sooner than he purposed but upon notice of his Preparations the Irish laid down their Arms and sneaked into their Eogs He about the same time quieted the Welsh that began to be mutinous and now it was that the Bishop of Winchester and others found an opportunity to accuse Hubert de Burgo of many high Crimes and Misdemeanours upon which he fled but being taken at Brent Wood in Essex he was brought bound to London and Imprisoned in the Tower when in his Place as chief Counsellour and Confident the King ordained Peter de Rupibus Bishop of Winchester but he being a Foreigner by Birth so greatly favoured Strangers that he procured them to be put into Offices and the most important Trusts of the Kingdom which made the English Noblemen confederate against him and the King summoning them to Parliament they sent him word that if out of hand he removed not the Bishop of Winchester and Strangers out of his Court they would drive both him and them out of the Kingdom and having removed him with his evil Counsellours they would consult about Creating a new King But animated by the Bishop of Winchester his Confident the King marched to Gloucester with an Army and sending for them by Name such as appeared not he burnt their Mannors and gave their Inheritances to his Strangers which made the Earl-Marshal and others that stood out contract a strict Alliance with Lewellin Prince of Wales and by way of Reprisal fell upon the Possessions of the Kings Favourites burning some Towns and many Castles but the Earl-Marshal crossing the Seas to recover his confiscated Possessions in Ireland was there wounded and of that wound he dyed whose Death instead of Rejoycing the King as some expected made him on the contrary burst into Tears declaring That he had not left his peer in England and the King plainly perceiving the People's hatred in general against the Bishop commanded him not to meddle any farther in Matters of State and finding the necessity of it he laid aside Peter Rivalis his Lord-Treasurer commanding the Poictuovians to depart the Land But the Disquiets ended not in this manner for the Pope perceiving the English Clergy did not greatly stickle for his Interest and Advantage he the better to support his Usurpation sent over 300 Romans requiring they should be placed in the first Benefices as they became vacant at the same time demanding great Summes of Money of the Clergy for the Maintenence of his Wars against the Emperour the which though at first denied was at length complyed with and soon after the Pope as he alledged out of a Curiosity from a Report he had heard of the Country's Fertility and Pleasantness was greatly desirous to come over and see it making his Suit to the King that he might be admitted but the Council considering he had some sinister end in it not only the Laity but the Clergy opposed it In the year 1240 Richard Earl of Cornwall with the Earls of Lincoln Salisbury Pembroke Chester and others departed with a great Train to the Holy-Land and two years after King Henry passed the Seas to recover Poictou but spent a great deal of Treasure without effecting any thing memorable which made him in his Return levy grievous Taxes to supply his Coffers and above all he sate heavy upon the Jews who were then great Usurers in this Kingdom draining them of what they had unlawfully gotten He likewise retrenched the Expences of his House condescending to such a meanness that to save Charges he would invite himself and his Court frequently to the Houses of such wealthy Persons as he thought best able to give him Entertainment getting likewise a great Summe of the Parliament under pretence of going to the Holy-Land and for his consenting again to restore the Liberties and Charters Anno 1257. Richard Earl of Cornwall the King's Brother was chosen King of the Romans by the Electoral Princes and with King Henry's consent passed into Germany yet he was obliged to purchase this Leave with a great Summe of Money as being accounted one of the richest Princes in Europe He was Crowned King of the Romans at Aquisgrave and received the Honour due to his Character from all the Princes and Estates of the Empire But after his Departure new Differences arose between King Henry and his Nobles upon the Account of the Return of Strangers contrary to the Agreement so that they came armed to the Parliament at Oxford binding themselves by Oath to have Things of that nature regulated and the King the better to quiet them without bloud-shed together with Prince Edward his Son was there content and the wide Differences being referred to a Parliament appointed to meet at London they were cemented But the Peace continued not long e● upon new Disgusts both Sides prepared for War so that the King seizing upon Oxford turned out the Students of that University to the number of 15000 whose Names were entered in the Matriculation Book which made many of them take part with the Barons and imbody themselves under a peculiar Standard so that when the King broke into Northampton where part of the Confederate Army lay the Students bore the brunt of the Battel and killed more Men than all the rest of the Soldiers which so incensed King Henry that he vowed a sharp Revenge but being told they were many of them the Sons and Kinsmen of the Noblemen in his Army and that such Rigour would alienate them from him he retracted his Resolution Yet heightned with this Success he pursued the Barons to Nottingham burning and wasting their Possessions which made them seek for Peace declaring by a submissive Letter their Loyalty to him and that they had no Design against his Person but their Quarrel was to his evil Counsellors the known Enemies of the Kingdom But the King reproaching them by the Name of Traitors sent them word that the Injury done to his Friends he took as done to himself and therefore held them as theirs and his own Enemies so that no good understanding being towards the Armies drew out and engaged in a mortal Battel wherein Prince Edward the King 's eldest Son behaved himself with much Bravery routing the Battalion composed of Londoners and following the pursuit four Miles which notwithstanding was prejudicial to his Father for in the mean while the King's Horse was slain under him and he made Prisoner together with his Brother the King of the Romans who a little before returned to England for the security of his Possessions so that the Prince not being able to restore the Battel Victory fell to the Barons and
a great Scarcity of Provision happening he was constrained without performing any memorable Action to make his Retreat nor was the Scots so contented but falling on his Rear not only cut off a great many of his Men but obliged him to leave his Baggage with much Treasure as a Prey to them But now the Pope in favour of England having interdicted Scotland a Truce was concluded between the two Kingdoms for thirteen Years and so ended this tedious War and the King had leisure to make his Progress through the several Counties of York Lancaster and the Marches of Wales punishing such as had been in the former Rebellion and amongst others Andrew de Herkerley was drawn hanged and quartered for taking part with the Scots But now a greater Storm began to gather for young Mortimer making his Escape out at a Window and swimming the River of Thames fled beyond the Seas and joined himself to other Fugitives and banished English and not long after the Spencers oppressing the Kingdom and setting the King against the Queen she under a pretence of Visiting her Father's Court at Paris found means with her Son Edward to get beyond the Seas and refused upon the King 's sending for her to return till she joining with Mortimer her dear Fovourite and other Lords raising a considerable Power and holding Correspondence with the Lords that yet were disaffected in England landed in a hostil manner and marched against the King who was preparing to oppose her seizing upon many considerable Towns The King by this Proceeding finding himself in distress and that the Londoners and many of the Lords had declared against him setting the Prisoners every where at Liberty and recalling those that were banished thought it good to avoid coming to Battel whereupon the Queen with her Forces sate down before Bristol took it and therein Spencer the Elder whom she caused to be cut up alive after being dragged through the Streets for the Satisfaction of the People who mortally hated him And now the King finding himself in a manner forsaken fled into Wales and there for a time lay secret in the Abby of Neath but in the end being discovered and with him the younger Spencer Robert Baldok Chancellour and Simon de Reading the King hereupon was conveyed to Kenelworth Castle and the Lords to Hereford where the Queen lay and there Spencer and Reading being condemned by Sir William Trussel Lord Chief Justice on that occasion they were hanged The Confederates with the Queen having in this manner imprisoned the King and not conceiving it safe to set him at Liberty resolved amongst themselves to make Edward his Son a Prince of about thirteen years of Age King and thereupon sent Sir William Trussel to the Castle where the King was Prisoner to acquaint him with what was intended which put him into a mortal Agony from whence being recovered he greatly lamented and bewailed his hard Fate however Trussel being instructed what to doe proceeded to unking him in these words I William Trussel in the Name of all Men of the Land of England and of all the Parliament Procurator do resign to thee Edward the Homage that was made to thee some time and from this time forward I deprive thee and defie thee of all Power Royal and I shall never be tendent to thee after this time Anno Dom. 1327. And here following the Rule of other Historians we put an End to his Reign though he lived in Captivity as we shall have occasion to mention in the Reign of his Son This Edward the Second was King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Aquitain and fourth Son of Edward the First by Eleanor his Queen he began his Reign the 7th of June Anno 1307. and reigned 19 Years 6 Months and 18 days and was the 30th sole Monarch of England he was murthered Anno 1327. in the 20th Year of his coming to the Crown and the 41st of his Age and afterward buried at Gloucester His Wife was Isabel Daughter to Philip the Fair King of France and by her he had Issue Edward of Windsor John of Eltham Joan married to David Bruce and Eleanor married to Reynold Duke of Guelder In his time there happened a very great Famine throughout England with many strange Sights betokening the Woes and Miseries that after followed c. Thus by misguided Zeal a Monarch fell Vndone by Parasites he lov'd too well Hard Fate of Princes that in time wont see Their Friends from Foes untill they ruin'd be The Reign and Actions of Edward the Third King of England c. EDward the Third though scarcely of sufficient years of Discretion to know what belonged to the Titles or Rights of Crowns and Kingdoms had however more compassion on his afflicted Father than the Queen his Mohter had on her Husband for young as he was when he heard what had happened he greatly bewailed his Misfortune vowing never to take upon him the Government unless the King freely consented to resign without compulsion nor could they constrain him to it but with threats that they would utterly reject the whole Line and chuse a King out of the Nobility though of another Family Upon these Considerations the young King eight days after his Father's Resignation was crowned with the usual Ceremonies but the old King being yet alive and the People compassionating his Captivity his Deposers thought themselves no ways secure especially Mortimer who was suspected to be over familiar with the Queen and from that time they fell to plotting his death in order to which Mortimer procured an express from the young King to remove him under pretences of Friendship and Advantage but indeed that he might put him into such hands as he was sure would dispatch him and thereupon he was conveyed to Berkley Castle when by the way for fear he should be rescued by the People who had yet some remains of Love for him they set him on a Mole-hill in order to shave him for the better disquise and in an insulting manner told him That the Water of the next Ditch should accommodate him for that purpose to which the sorrowfull King replied That there should be warm Water whether they would or not and thereupon sent forth a floud of Tears and being arrived at Berkley Castle in the Custody of Thomas Gurney and John Matravers he was murthered by them or such as they appointed in this barbarous manner viz. being bound to a bed with his face downwards they thrust a hollow Horn into his Fundament and through that to prevent any burning or searing in the outward parts they thrust an Iron Instrument red hot twisting it amidst his Bowels till with horrible pain and torment amidst crys and groans he expired And this Wickedness Historians record to be acted upon Mortimer's sending an ambiguous Sentence prepared by Adam Torleton Eishop of Hereford to such as kept the Castle viz. Edvardum occedere nolite t●mere bonum est To kill King Edward refuse to
two Ruffians sent at another time to kill her who were prevented by Beddingfield her Keepers being out of Town she at last escaped the ruine intended her In the year 1554. on the 16th of April a great Dispute was held between the Popish Doctors and Thomas Cranmer Arch Bishop of Canterbury Nicholas Ridly Bishop of London Hugh Lattimer Bishop of Durham and others of the Reformed Religion at Oxford about Transubstantiation and other Points wherein when the Papists found themselves baffled they told the Bishops though they had the word yet they had the Sword and indeed they used it with extream cruelty for these good Prelates were then Imprisoned and about a Year and six Months after were burnt for the sake of a good Conscience in Oxford Town-Ditch and now on the 25th of July Philip King of Spain arrived with a great Train of Nobility and the Marriage was solemnized and they proclaimed by the Titles of Philip and Mary King and Queen of England France Naples Jerusalem and Ireland Princes of Spain and Sicily Arch Dukes c. of Austria Dukes c. of Millain Burgundy and Brahant Counts c. of Haspurg Flanders and Tyrol and in November following the Queen was said to be with Child and upon the spreading this report she took her Chamber whereupon Midwives Rockers and Nurses were provided and the Priests in their Pulpits prayed for her safe Delivery assuring the people before hand it was a Prince and some where so vain to discribe it features the Parliament likewise resolved if the Queen Dyed King Philip should be Protector of the Realm and the Infant during the Minority and at last a false Rumour was given out that the Queen was actually delivered of a Prince whereupon the English Merchants at Antwerp and other Ports discharged their Guns and drunk Healths to their young Master but in conclusion it appeared the Queen was not nor never had been with Child yet it was conjectured by many that the Papists if King Philip had not protested against it had shamed a Child upon the Nation and soon after out of some dislike he left England and returned no more yet he taking part with the Emperour his Father against the French the Queen sent a Gallant Army under the Leading of the Earl of Pembroke to his Aid as he lay at the Siege of St. Qeintines by whose help the place was taken from the French whereupon the Duke of Guis with the greatest part of the French Army coming about by swift Marches unexpectedly laid Siege to Calais the only English Town in France and there being no Succours sent from England by reason of contrary Winds as if Heaven apparently declared it self against the breach of League the besieged few in number after they had done all that men were capable of doing in Defence of the place surrendered it upon advantageous Articles The loss of this place and the unkindness of King Philip cast the Queen into a deep Melancholly insomuch that she declared if she was opened when Dead they might find Calais written on her Heart and the Sweating Sickness coming on she fell desperately ill and dyed the 17th of November 1558 in her Reign were consumed in the Flames for the sake of a good Conscience five Bishops twelve Ministers 18 Gentlemen forty eight Artificers one hundred Husband-men Servants and Labourers twenty six Wives twenty Widows nine Virgins and two Infants the one Whipped to Death by Bonner's Chaplain for calling him Ball 's Priest and the other springing out of his Mothers Womb whilst she was in the Flames was notwithstanding cast into the Fire sixty more were Imprisoned and grievously persecuted seven of them Whipped and sixteen perished in Prison who being as Hereticks denyed Christian Burial were buried in Dunghills The Dutches of Suffolk and divers others were forced to flie beyond the Seas where they suffered extreme Misery and hardship nay so violent were the Priests who altogether swayed the Queens Inclinations that they intended to take up the Body of King Henry her Father and bury it in a Dunghill in revenge of the injurys he had done Mother Church in rooting out the Monks and Fryars but the Council opposed it and in process of of time almost all the Persecutors came to miserable Ends. This Mary was Queen of England France and Ireland Eldest Duaghter to Henry the Eighth by Catharine his Queen Daughter to Ferdinand the Seventh King of Spain She began her Reign on the 6th of July and Reigned five Years four Months and Eleven Days dying in the fortieth Year of her Age without Issue and was buried in Westminster being the 42. sole Monarch of England c. Thus Dy'd Romes Darling who a wonder stood In Cruelty and Feasting Flames with Bloud Made England groan beneath a Popish Yoak Yet Death at last the fatal Fetters broke The Reign and Actions of Elizabeth Queen of England c. QUeen Mary giving place by Death her Illustrious Sister Elizabeth after escaping many Eminent Dangers succeeded her in the Throne the Nobles owning her their rightfull Queen and doing her Homage so that on the 15th of January she was crowned by Dr. Oglethorp Bishop of Carlisle and soon after a Parliament was called in which the Title of Supreamacy was taken from the Pope and restored to the Crown with the tenths and first Fruits of Ecclesiastical Livings as also the Common Prayers as used in the Churches in the Reign of Edward the Sixth and such Acts as in Queen Marys time were made in favour of the Romanists were were repealed so that the Face of Religion was again restored and many pious men that had fled the Land returned and about this time a Petition was made to the Queen to Marry that her Royal Issue might succeed her but she absolutely refused to hearken to it saying That she held it sufficient that a Marble Stone should tell to Posterity that she a Quen had Reigned lived and dyed a Virgin The Pope by this time having Notice that England was rescued out of his Clutches set all his Engines on work to trouble the Reign of this great Queen which obliged her to enter into Confederacy with divers Protestant Princes of Germany and upon demanding Calais the French promised to deliver it to the English at the Expiration of eight years or to pay 500000 Crowns but it was never performed though sworn to and for the better Regulation of the Clergy in England Oaths were tendered whereupon divers refusing to own the Queens Supreamacy were turned out and learned Men who had been outed in Marys Reign put into their places she likewise called into her Mint Pase and Adulterated Coin and allowing so much as the true value she refined it and Coined that Mony that now goes Currant in her Stamp laying up Magazines and Stores of Warlik Provision and sent Aids into Franne to support the Protestants in Arms against the Papist but to divert her nearer home Shan O-Neal Rebelled in Ireland
laying claim to the Province of Vlster but great preparations being made against him he came over and submitted yet returning to his old Trade he was at length slain by one of his Companions who with his Head compounded for his own safetie c. and shortly after great Dissensions happened in Scotland where the Scots Mutiniers Murthered their King and the Queen the Heiress of Scotland and Mother to King James the First of England flying for France was driven on the Coast of England and made a Prisoner by order of Council and now the Pope impatient of delay by his Commissions and large Promises stirr'd up many as well Nobles as Plebeans to take Arms causing his Bulls to be dispersed the better to incense the people against the Queen however they were overthrown and an Alderman a Priest and about 66 Constables and others Executed at Durham and other places The Earls of Northumberland and Westmoreland hereupon fled into Scotland but raising new Commotions they were again routed and Northumberland on the 22d of August 1570 beheaded at York where to the last he affirmed the Pope's Supreamacy and declared the Land to be in Schism according as the Pope had declared in his Bull or Curse against the Queen which had been privately fastened on the Gate of the Bishop of London's Palace and divers Priests conspiring themselves and stirring up others to raise Commotions were convicted and Executed at sundry times and places as Story Summevil Parry Campion Throckmorton Howard and others Anno 1577. the famous Captain Drake set sail from Plymouth and in 3 years wanting 12 days compassed the whole Earth making many wonderfull discoverys his Men being worshiped by the Barbarous Nations as Gods and at a place which he named Nova Albion the King surrendered him his Crown of Net-work and Feathers curiously wrought desiring him to take upon him the Government of the Country which he did to the behoof of the Queen setting up a Monument of her Sovereignty in those parts by the consent of King and People and much about the same time Sir Martin Forbisher tryed the North East Passage and named the furthest Land Queen Elizabeths Forelands and whilst this great Queen flourished in spite of Forreign and Clandestine Foes Francis de Valois Duke of Anjou and Brother to the French King made sute to her for Marriage and mistaking the Freedom she had taken for a consent came over to Wooe her in Person but after the Expence of much Treasure himself and his Sute were rejected and he returned no wiser than he came And now the King of Spain oppressing the States of the Neitherlands and labouring to settle the Inquisition amongst them the Queen upon their humble supplication sent over 1000 Horse and 5000 Foot under the Leading of Sir John Norris and for the Security of the Reimbursment of her Charges had the Towns of Brill and Flushing with two Sconces and a Castle put into her hands Anno 1587 The Priests raised new stirs in England and Ireland which hastened the Death of Mary Queen of Scots for that poor Princess weary of a tedious Imprisonment holding some Intelligence with one Babington and others in orders to make her escape was betrayed by her Secretary and being Sentenced as one that had designed to depose Queen Elizabeth and set up her self she was on the 7th of Feb. beheaded at Fotheringay Castle whose Execution proved afterward no small cause of discontent to our Queen All hopes by this means and other disappointments being lost to the Papists of bringing their Designs about by Clandestine ways the Pope stirred up the King of Spain to Invade the Kingdom giving it him as the Patrimony of St. Peter and promising him success whereupon he gathered his huge Armado which he named Invincible even whilst there was a Treaty of peace on Foot yet the Queen having notice from Henry the Third King of France what was intended against her prepared by Sea and Land to expect the Storm pitching her Camp at Tillbury in Essex consisting of 15000 Horse and 22000 Foot and for her own Guard out of the several Countys she drew 23520 Horsemen and 34500 Foot-men and in the remarkable year 1588 on the 20th of July the Spaniards with their huge Hulks which appeared on the Sea like floating Castles passed by Plymouth towards Calais to joyn the Duke of Parma Governour of the Neitherlands for the King of Spain but were dispersed with a mighty Tempest yet gathered again but were so beaten by the English under the command of the Lord Howard Admiral Sir Francis Drake and others that of 134. great Ships that Sail from Lisbon only 53 returned into Spain so that there were missing 81 Vessels 13000 Soldiers and Sea-men and there was hardly a Noble Family in Spain but lost a Brother or Kinsman in this Expedition which had cost the King of Spain Ten Millions For this great deliverance the Queen gave publick Thanks in St. Paul's Church and the Spanish Prisoners and Streamers were brought to London and the Queen resolving to be even with the Spaniard for this Treachery sent Sir Francis Drake and others into the West-Indies where they took many Spanish Towns and Ships with great store of Gold and Silver and after that she assisted Don Antonio the expulsed King of Portugal to recover his right whereupon they burnt Cadiz and the Shiping in the Harbour worth five Millions took several Towns in Portugal and marched to the very Gates of Lisbon against which the Earl of Essex breaking his Lance demanded the proudest Spaniard of them all to come and answer him They likewise sailed to the Azzores and took and plundered those Islands This made the Papists at home begin to stir for which Patrick Cullen Dr. Lopez a Spaniard and divers others hired to kill or poison the Queen were detected and executed and indeed the Plots and Contrivances of the like kind against this Queen are recorded to be very many nor did the Spaniards fail to send Forces to the Assistance of the Irish Rebells under Tyroen but they were defeated by the Lord Montjoy many of them killed and the rest obliged to beg leave to depart the Kingdom and Tyroen forsaken of his Followers was sent into England and Imprisoned in the Tower About this time the Earl of Essex who had been under disgrace for some Miscarriages when he was Deputy of Ireland and confined to his House being of a fiery temper and knowing his Enemies at Court were contriving his Ruine he sent for ●●e Earl of Southampton and divers other Friends as resolving to force a Visit and confront them in the presence of the Queen but being strictly forbid it he confined the Counsellors that were sent to that purpose under a guard and marched into London but finding himself opposed and that there were none very forward to stand with him upon such an Undertaking he returned and fortified his House in the Strand but finding himself to weak to hold out