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A10614 A treatise conteining two parts 1 An exhortation to true loue, loyaltie, and fidelitie to her Maiestie. 2 A treatise against treasons, rebellions, and such disloyalties. Written by Michael Renniger. Renniger, Michael, 1530-1609. 1587 (1587) STC 20888; ESTC S106425 154,771 309

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the Emperor withdrawing himselfe a while The Bishops of Mens Colon and Wormes with violēce deposed their soueraigne Lord Henrie the 4. inuested himselfe in the Imperial robes returning These saith he ●●e the Imperiall ornaments of estate these by the goodnesse of the euerlasting king and election of Princes haue bin bestowed on me God is able also in these to continue vs and to hold your hands frō the worke you intend although we be now disgarnished of our forces and armies for supposing our selues to bee in safetie we made no preparation against suche violence But let the feare of God stay you whom pietie doth not reclaime and if you reuerence neither behold we are in presence we cannot resist your force The Bishops staggered The Bishops pluck the crowne from the Emperors head but after they encouraged one the other to set on the Emperor to pluck the crown frō his head and whē they had plucked him out of his seat they turned him out of his Imperiall robes ornamēts The Emperor fetting deep sighes saith thus vnto thē God the Lorde of reuēge see it take reuenge of the wickednes you commit I susteine ignominie and dishonor that neuer the like was heard before for the sins of my youth of the iust iudge I am punished you neuerthelesse shal not be free frō sin because you haue falsified your othes of loyaltie The Emperor cōpareth his Bishops to Iudas the Traitour you shal not escape the vengeance of that iust iudge your honor neuer prosper your portion be with him that betraid Christ But they stopping their eares go back carrying the imperial robes ornamēts to his son Thus far the report of the storie of the deposing of Henry the 4. out of Alber● who telleth it out of the Chronicle of Germanie for he saith Haec est narratio nostrorum a●naliū Who that hath bowels of good natur● in him would he not rue to heare the pitifull plaint of so valiant a Prince to his sworne subiects that had been aduaunced to so high dignitie of him Hee gaue ghostly counsell to them which shoulde haue giuen it to him But their eares were stopped like the deafe Aspes Psal 48. They wilfully brake the oth of their alleageance they layde violent handes on the Royal person of the Prince they vndertook the execution of treason and the Popes curse vppon the sacred person of their prince by whome they were mounted vp in high estate of honor Thus in the treason and rebellion of the sonne against Henry the 4. his father and in the deposing of him in the ende the bishops which chiefly should haue bene faithfull and loyall to him were the principall actors and instruments against him and tooke on them the execution of the Popes curse and the violent deposing of the Emperor from his Imperiall estate King Iohn of England Fabian 2. vo part 7. in anno 1205 So in king Iohn of England his time the execution of the Popes curse vpon him and the realme was committed to the Bishops of London Ely Winchester and Herford who after they had denounced it against the king the land were fain to flie the land And in that blind time when the Pope sate in the consciences of simple people to binde and loose the king by practise of the Pope and popish Prelates was so encountred and wrapped in troubles that at length he yelded himselfe to Randolph the Popes Legate by oth Fabian 2. vo part 7. in anno 1212 to stand to the Popes order Finally hee was driuen on his knees to take the crowne from his head as Fabian reporteth it to resigne it with solemne wordes into the Popes handes and after to resume it as Feodarie to the Pope as Fabian telleth vppon a yeerely fee of a thousand marks to be paid vnto him So whē there is variance in the land and the Pope is vmpire by cursing of Princes and lands hee fingreth and filcheth gaine and setteth a sale his cursings and blessings againe Popish Prelates are the Popes hands and bowels in Countries To whom chiefly doth hee commit the trust of the execution of such things to popish Prelates They are as the Popes hands in countries they are as the bowels of his own body and as if their conscience liued of him they are made actors and instruments eftsoones against their own Princes for him as in the practise of stories we see Running to Rome And if there grow quarrell betweene the Prince them they goe round to Rome The Pope is the vmpire they keepe that string for their bowe whatsoeuer faileth at home Tho. Becket packed him to Rome againste Hen. the 2. Thomas Becket returned with authoritie frō the Pope against the Prince Anselme Archbishop of Canter Anselme Archbishop of Canterb. sped him to Rome against Henrie the first at his return held a conuocation at London by the authority of the Pope against the Prince Lanfrank Archbishop of Canterburie Lanfrank likewise Archbishop of Canterburie Thomas of York pleated the libel of their preeminēce at Rome vnder William the conqueror Abbat Benet Abbat Benet had 5. times been at Rome Rome was their paradise on earth to run in pilgrimage to it The Pope as a God sate in dark consciences as hauing Peters key to bind lose The Abbat of Vrsperg who himself had bin at Rome runneth in Romish religion with them and raileth vpon Hen. the 4. for resistance against Popes of Rome yet hee cryeth out on Rome for sucking the gaine of the world and saith Gaude mater nostra Roma Ab. Vrsperg in Chro. quia aperiuntur catarractae the saurorū in terra vt ad te confluant riui aggeres nummorum in magna copia our mother Rome reioyce saith he because the sluces and Gulfes of gaine are opened on earth Mother Rome sacketh the treasure of the earth that streames and heapes of money may come flowing in to thee in great abūdance Thus the Abbat though hee were her deare sonne yet crieth out on his mother Rome for sucking the treasures of the erth And now because his mother Rome hath byn kept so long fasting frō England the gulf of her great gaine stopped there not only she is hungred but with rauening iawes gapeth cōtinuallie ouer it by practise of monstrous treasons and rebelliōs to pluck it in again Thus of the taking and deposing of Henrie the 4. and of the Bishops that were chiefe instruments and actors in it The fourth chiefe point of the discourse of this storie The 4. The death of Henry the 4. and the crueltie on his corps is of the death of Henry the fourth and the crueltie shewed on his corse After that Henrie the Emperor was of the bishops aforesaide thus deposed and dispoyled of the robes of estate and the Imperiall ensignes he fled to Limburg and lighting on a prince a hunting Alb.
Fabian termeth it and fawning flatterie and glauering glosing of the which hollow hypocrits make an art in Pallaces of Princes and houses of estate that he aduaunced him to one of the foure regimentes of England called Mercia Notwithstanding he could not keepe himselfe true to his Prince that hadde beene drawne through so many treasons for that is rooted in the marrow and bones will not out Hee was taken tardie in treason againe and being accused and conuicted iudgment was giuen immediatly executed his head cut off and his body cast into a foule and filthy place Ranulph saith Edricus the traytors death that he was slain by the kings agreement within his Pallace at London his bodie with the head throwne after into the towne ditch Whether for his treasons against king Edmond before he dyed as some write or for his treason against king Knoght after as others tell all agree that he dyed for his treasons whether his head were exalted on the highest gate of London for king Edmonds death or whether his head and bodie were cast into the towne ditch for treason against king Knoght Pol. Verg. Hist Au. li. ● So his treasons turned on his owne head Polidor telleth how king Knoght after the death of kinge Edmon● greatly endeuoured himselfe to banishe th●● sonnes of kinge Edmond who as he sayth departed into Pannonia and there were well intreated and ended their liues in exile Chronica Fructus temp the 6. parte And Chronica Fructus temporum telleth how that after the death of king Edmond Edrick aforesaid surprised the sonnes of king Edmond and presented thē to king Knought to put himselfe in great fauour with him and that of the king they were sent after to Denmarke from whence by a Dane called Walgar that pittied them they were conuaied to the king of Hungarie Saxo Gram. Hist Danicae lib. 10. Saxo Grāmaticus the auncient famous wryter of the storie of the Danes telleth that king Kanutus was very careful not to be touched with suspition of the death of king Edmond whō he called Edward And that some reporte the king Edmond whō he calleth Edward by Kanutus commaundment and practise came to his death and that by his cōmaundment likewise more greeuous execution was don on the traytors to cleere him selfe of the suspitiō thereof yet notwithstanding saith he the same thing did greatlie rack the kings fauour in his houshould those that were neere him Thus out of Saxo. Fabian reporteth of him Fab. in Chro. the 6. part cap. 205. that he did so abhorre the vnnaturall treason of the English men that hadde sworne to bee true to the blood of kinge Edmond that though by their treasons the Crowne wholy was deuolued to him and his posteritie yet hee hadde the workers against kinge Edmond his sonnes in continuall mistrust whereas they thought they should haue beene in high fauour with him And as Fabian telleth he dispatched the more part of them some by banishment some were slaine some by Gods punishment soddenly died Canutus lo●thed traytors though he gained by them Thus traytors are loathed of them that gayne by them and their treasons turne on the heades of the workers of them Touching the end of kinge Edmond his sonnes Fabian thus reporteth it out of the opinion of some that kinge Canut sent Edmond and Edward king Edmond his sonnes to Swanus his brother kinge of Denmarke to bee made away And that hee abhorring the deede sent them to Salomon king of Hungarie where Edmond died and Edward suruiuing was surnamed the outlaw because he neuer returned into England againe Caesar Caesar was wont of treasons traytors to say that he loued treasons but he loued not traytors he loued treasons to serue his turne Plutarchus in vita Rom. but he shunned traytors as mōsters in the ciuil body the wold be ready to practise on him that they haue proued in others Plutarch telleth Plutarcus in Apoth Rom. that the king of Thraci vpbraied him at the table that from Anthonie he had reuolted to him He rouned 〈◊〉 other king that satte by him in the eare an● sayeth that he loued treason but not traytors In like sort king Philip said Philip. that hee loue not traytors but those that would betray meaning though he had his turne serued by them he would not trust them Io. Stub There was in the time of this Edrick of Sratton Elfricus vnder king Egelred and when the Danes pressed the land in diuers places an other traytor of great countenance and estate called Elfricus maister or Admirall of the kings Nauie Fab. in Chro. the 6. part cap. 197. as Fabian calleth him who was bought and sold of Danes against his Prince and Countrie When with the kings nauie furnished he lay for the Danes to encounter them he was blinded with bribes and the Danes had their chase and rechase by sea and land notwithstanding him Fabian the 6. part cap. 199. He was by sea like to the scharcrow by land which standeth with bow bent and the arrow set in the bow and yet is blind and cannot discharge Such a watch was Elfrick by sea the Portes and passages were open to the Danes Polidore saith he was a hot and fierce man Polidor Hist Angl. lib. 7. but the Danes so cooled his courage with corruption that there was no valew in him for his Prince and Countrie When he shoulde fight a battaile with the Danes by sea and trye for the maine chance then Elfrik fled to the Danes Pol. Angl. Hist li. 7. the Nauie was dispersed some taken some drowned Thus Elfrick by sea and Edrick by land played their partes in flying when they should fight and when they were most trusted betraying their Prince and Countrey This Elfrick after his first fight was recōciled to the king againe After he fled the 2. time Then the king as Fabian saith in wreak of the father commaunded the eyes of the sonne Algarus to be plucked out of his head Fab. the 6. part cap. 197 Polidor reporteth that whē the Danes came not of with their rewardes to Elfrick his contentment hee put himselfe to the mercie of kinge Eldred or Egelred to whom saith he the king Effossis oculis vitam condonauit After his eyes were plucked out of his head pardoned his life Thus traytors come short of their reckning and Gods iudgmentes suddenly ouertake them as they did Elfrick and Edrick Polidor Hist Angl. lib. 7. Because Elfrick was blind when he should see the kings enemies therefore the king plucked out his eyes that he should not see his own freindes It was the iust iudgment of God reuenge suddenly ouerreacheth the wicked in the parts they offend eftsoones they are punished What marueile when ther were 2. such as Elfrick and Edric● were though king Eldred or Egildred was fayne to flee the lande the Councell of the land was bewrayed the seruices
A Treatise conteining two parts 1 An Exhortation to true loue loyaltie and fidelitie to her Maiestie 2 A Treatise against Treasons Rebellions and such disloyalties Written by Michael Renniger Psal 36. How precious is thy mercy O God and the Children of men shall put their trust vnder the shadowe of thy winges Jmprinted at London at the three Cranes in the Vintree by Thomas Dawson and are there to be sold 1587. ❧ To the most Excellent mightie and gracious Queene ELIZABETH by the grace of God Queene of England Fraunce and Ireland defender of the true Christian faith grace and mercie from God our Faher and from our Lorde Iesus Christ MOST Humblie I beseech your gracious Maiestie to vouchsafe the accepting of this small treatise of one of your Maiesties old sworne seruantes of houshoulde and althouge of the least and most vnworthyest of the association The great occasion of the late occurentes hath induced me to sounde the trumpet of exhortation out of the worde of God in a good and acceptable season I trust to doe good to all subiectes of your Maiestie which shall read or heare the same Most hartelie I pray God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ to vouchsafe by it as the ordinarie meanes of his blessed will with his spirite to worke good in th heares of all subiectes to your Maiestie t● whose handes or eares it shal come And that his tender mercie in Christ will continuallie set the watch and gard of his prouidence about the royall person and estate of your Maiestie and keepe you as the apple of an eye as Dauid prayeth and vnder the couert of his owne winges from all conspiracies treasons and plattes of practises at home or abroade of al enemies whatsoeuer And blesse your Maiestie with longe life prosperous reigne and victorie ouer all your enemyes Your Maiesties Most humble and faithfull subiect and seruant Mihael Renniger The Contentes principall points and cheefe matters of the exhortation 1 A Commendation of the godly and louing affections of faithfull subiectes to her Maiestie and how such godlie affections are of God and are accepted of him 2 How we should frame our affections and obedience to Princes and higher powers according to the rules of Gods worde 3 How according to the rules of Gods worde Christians in the primitiue and auncient Church framed their affections and obedience to princes and higher powers being then heathen and many of them persecuters of the faith of Christ 4 What an acceptable thing it is to God when the people ioyne their heartes to Godly Princes in true faith to God hartie fidelitie to their Princes 5 The Example of Dauid his loyaltie and fidelitie to the royall person of King Saul notwithstanding continually he sought his life 6 The example of the famous fidelitie of one Lilla a Britton and an heathen man in the defence of the royal person of his Prince 7 How the late occasions and daungers should encrease enflame true loue loyaltie and vnfayned fidelitie in the heartes of al good subiectes to her Maiestie 8 How directed in wisedome from God w● may take the right way long to obteine her of the mercie of God by making hartie prayers and supplications to God for her That he will set the watch of his prouidence about her and send the garrison of his Angels to garde her that the euill spirits and those by whom they worke and that worke and practise by them may haue no power against her With what mindes we should pray to God for her that he may accept our prayers 9 Of the inner walle of England which is true faith to God vnfained fidelitie to our Prince and mutual loue and concord amongest our selues And of the outward walle by Sea which is the shipping nauigation furniture thereof wherewith her Maiestie hath fortified our countrie and what a comfort and blessing it is to our whole countrie 10 Of those that make breaches in these walles by lingring looking after inuasions forraine forces 11 What hath beene the case of this realme in inuasions of forraine forces and straungers heretofore and of other countries in like cases And what shoulde be our refuge and staye against all inuasions 12 A generall warning to all subiectes to shunne such vices as hinder true faith to God and true loyaltie to their Prince which are hipocrisie and a hollowe harte to God and hipocrisie and a hollow hart to the Prince and estate with peruersnes frowardnesse and vncontentment of malcontentes misslikers and murmurers against the Prince and estate The fitnesse of the season for this kind of exhortation IF we looke into the state of this present time and the woonderfull worke of God in the late discouerie of trayterous attemptes against the royall person of her Maiestie and our Countrie it ministreth verie fit occasion matter of this manner of exhortatiō vnto vs. For if the people of God be his heauenly husbandrie as Saint Paul calleth them and we his workemen 1. Cor. 3. we must also take fit times and seasons for it And when the good season is and the ground in temper it is then good sowing the seede Now by the wonderful worke of God of late the season serueth and the verie ground of the hartes of faithfull subiectes is so tempered and prepared of God that this kind of exhortation is verie welcome to them The shewers are then most in season when the drie ground thirsteth after them The Prophet Dauid saieth Psal 14● that his soule gaspeth after God like as a thirstie land And God in the Prophet Esai resembleth himselfe to a cloud Esai 18. comming with dewe in the heate of haruest And in the same Prophet he sayeth that he knoweth how to speake in time and sea with the wearie soule Esai 50. And as God doth sen good seasons to those that are fayne of heauenly thinges so by his word and exhortation thereof he worketh secretly in conciences of Christians as pleaseth him It is good to take the seasons which God offereth Paul exhorteth vs to serue the season and opportunitie Rom. 12. which he calleth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 All things haue their appointed time as Salomon saieth Eccle. 3. God hath made the way to this exhortation by his maruelous worke of late by kindling the fier of fidelitie in the heartes of al good subiectes Now is the time to blow it vp by exhortation out of the word of God This season so wel seruing by Gods grace it wil be more effectuous Thus of the fitnes of the season for this kind of exhortation The order of the exhortation FOr the better ordering of my exhortation I haue laid downe the contents principall pointes and the cheefe matters thereof in the beginning as a breefe vewe of the whole discourse as in order I mean to treate of them To which order I referre my selfe THE FIRST OF THE chief matters THE first is a commendation
could neuer be gotten out againe But as Fabian saith they wer cōtinually abiding in one place or other till the time of Hardikinitus the last king of the Danes blood as the English Chronicle calleth him Fabian the 6 part cap. 198 who is called also Canutus of other And they did so ouerspread and ouerflow the land The Danes called Lord Danes in Englishmens howses that as Fabian telleth the Danes were as Lords in priuate mens houses and they called them Lord Danes They imployed the husbandmen to care sow the ground to works of al druggery as Fabiā saith the Dane held his wife at his pleasure his daughter seruant And when the husbandman came home he should scarsly haue of his owne as seruants had as Fabian reporteth it Yet for feare and dread in euery suche house where they had rule they called them Lord Dane But after the Danes were voyded the land in despite derision of them it was turned into a word of reproch whē one wold rebuke an other he would as Fabian saith for the most part call him Lurdane Lurdaine a word of reproch Is not this a notable glasse of experience in our own Countrie also to warne all true Englishmen to be warned and armed against all inuasions and forraine forces if they wil be maisters owners of their owne houses of their wiues childrē goods as by experience in their own Coūtrie heretofore they may see in such cases As we haue looked into the leaders Captains of the Saxons so let vs hear of the Captaines leaders of the Danes into this land The leaders of the Danes Fabian the 6 parte Hubba Hunguoar or Hungar Guttran or Garmund Fabian the 6 part cap. 172 Vnder king Etheldredus the 3. son of king Adaulphus Hubba Hunguoar or Hungar were Captaines and leaders of the Danes into the land Vnder king Aluredus one Guttran or Gothian or Garmund as the English Chro. calleth him was the great leader ruler of the Danes with whō king Alured made cōpositiō that he should be christned 20. of the cheefe and principall persons of them were Christned with him And he allotted to him East Anglia contayning Norfolke and Suffolke and parte of Cambridgeshire to abyde in But greedie Guttrū could not be satisfied with these coūtries for while he liued he continued a tyrant by the space of eleuen yeres An other Captain called Ciyto landed in East Englande vnder Edward surnamed the Elder Clyto And at last vnder Egelredus king of this land driuen to flie first into the Wight Swanus Fabian the 6 part cap. 198 Canutus Fabian the 6 part cap. 24. Edmund Ironside after into Normādy they aduanced their kingdom vnder Swanus king of Denmark after him vnder Canutus his son with whō king Edmund surnamed Ironside first diuided the land and after his death by treason of Edricus Canutus alone reigned ouer the whole land Thus of the leaders of the Danes and their diuiding of the lande and how at the last the whole land fell to their share Nowe though Hubba and Hungar their Captaines were slaine as Fabian reporteth out of Polichronicon Fabian the 6 part cap. 170 yet Captaine Hungar still remaineth Captain Hūgar the Dane who hungreth after the fat of this land and fain wold be bringing in of forraine forces to haue dealings in the land and in diuision to make thēselues a partie as the Saxons and Danes did and that they may fall a sharing the lande as Saxons and Danes did before and at length get the land and all as they did And by whatsoeuer name they bee called if wee looke into the right qualitie and disposition of suche though they are not captaine Hūgar in name yet in true meaning and intent they are of his right rase for they hūger after the land wold fain haue diuision amongst vs that they may make themselues a partie and so haue their confederates in the land to winde themselues in and at last to winne the land Though captaine Guttrum or Gurmond be dead Captaine Guitrum or Gurmond who coulde not bee satisfied with a share of great Countries in England but played the Tyrant and cutthroate still yet such greedie guttrans or gurmands remaine who gape ouer the Realme ready for occasions and woulde faine satisfie their greedy guts with the rauen and ransacking of it And is there any that hath true Englishe blood in him that can betray his owne Countrie and cast it as a pray into the rauening iawes greedy guts of such Guttrons or Hungars God keep our Prince and Realme from such Hungars Guttrons that continually gape ouer her and vs to deuoure vs and giue true wisedome to all naturall subiects of England by such experience and examples of our Countrie heretofore to be warned against all such as practise by confederating themselues with forraine forces to bring suche Captaine Hungars or Guttrons vpon vs whose hunger cannot bee quenched but out of the body and bowels of this land Thus of the inuasion of the Danes and their leaders The inuasion of the Normans Fabian the 6 part ca. 217. After the Normans inuaded this land vnder William the Conquerour and king Harold being slaine in the field they subdued it The Normans had the preheminences of honours and offices in both estates The Englishmen were vnder them Fabian the 6 part ca. 222. and great tributes were laid on them and after sundrie attempts by sundrie persons made in vain the Englishmen learned to serue straungers into whose hands God had put thē The Romans The Romans ruled in this land had so good liking thereof that Seuerus the Emperour after his great victories of the Parthians and Arabians Seuerus the Emperor imploied himselfe here Fabian the 4 part cap. 61. and for the defence of the Coūtrie against the inuasion of the Pictes he caused a wall of Turues to be made of the length of 122. myles as Polichronicon witnesseth and at length in a battaile himselfe against Fulgenius Leader of the Pictes who inuaded the lande hee was slaine and buried at Yorke Fulgenius leader of the Picts The Troians The Troians vnder Brute first entered the lande and well liking the fruitfulnesse thereof determined heere to pitch their dwelling and by the Riuer of Thames they built a Citie which in remembrance of their owne Countrie they called Troy-nouant London and which after was enlarged by King Lud and was called Luds Towne and which nowe is called London as Fabian reporteth Thus of the experience examples and case of our Countrie touching forraine forces and inuasion of strangers If any warning will serue seeing God hath set vp so many warninges spectacles in the experience of our owne cases in our owne Countrie we should now receiue warning and be wise in such cases vnlesse wee will be still strangers in our owne stories and affaires
Monsters that the fame of them should not be hard to wound the tender sent of nature that neere them there might be no speach of thē Would God such monsters in nature that are ready to betray their own Countries were so far from vs that we might not heare the fame of them much lesse that we should need to feare them But the greatest daunger is when they are in the bossome and bowels of our Countrie which secretlie gnawe in them and are readie to eate through them They may be compared to Sobna of whom the Prophet Esai maketh mentiō who was greatly aduaūced of the godlie king Hesechiah Sobna Esai 22. outwardlie bare his countenance that he would liue and die with him made for himself a sepulcher in Herusalem as if he would lay his bones there But he had a false hart a lingering in his hart after the Assyrians the enemies to his Prince and Countrie which made inuasion on them And his false hart deceiued him for he was carried away captiue into a far Coūtrie according to Gods threatning by the Prophet there he ended his life in confusion God deliuer vs from such Sobnaes that haue lingering harts after the enemies of our Prince Countrie whatsoeuer countenāce outwardly they make and lay open their trayterous harts and practises against the sacred person of our prince her royal estate our Countrie Thus of those that haue lingering in their harts after inuasions of forraine forces The 11. cheefe matter The 11. is what hath been the case of this Realme in inuasions of forraine forces and strangers heretofore and of other Countries in like case and what should be our refuge and stay against such inuasions Our own Country doth minister to vs sufficient experience in the case Of inuasion of strangers and forraine force The foūtaines are small that feede great riuers Of small occasions at first as out of fountaines issue grow and flow out great floods gulfes that ouerflow whole Countries We may see the experience in king Vortigerne his time King Vortigerne Aurelius Vter Who being distressed by troubles at home and fearing ciuil wars inuasiō by Aurelius Vter the sons of king Constantine whose death by treason he had procured and practised before sent for forraine forces Panims Saxons for his aid The inuasion of the Sax●● Horsus Hengist Fabian in his Cron. the 5. part cap. ●3 Then came in Horsus Hengist the Saxons first into this land for Vortigerne distrusting his own subiectes affied himselfe in strangers forrain forces in the end he was himselfe vnhorsed discōfited by Aurelius Vter whō he feared and the whole land was made a bootie pray for the Saxons They cāe in first stealing in by troupes after troupes companies after cōpanies The Caspian Sea Plinius nat ra Histo 〈◊〉 6. cap. 3. Like the Caspian Sea stealeth in and breaketh in at streightes at first as Plinie writeth but after moūteth into a great Sea ouerfloweth in the maine land First Horsus and Hengist came in with their cōpanies after the fame sprāg of the fat of the land Fabiā the 5. part cap. 83. Ella Porch Fabian the 5 part cap. 94. Vffa Fabian the 5. part cap. 96. as Fabian saith one Ella a Saxon came in with his 3. sons landed in the south part of Britō And after came in a Soxon named Porch with his two sons of whō the hauen Porchmouth is called as Fabiā noteth And one Vffa a Saxon with his troupes intruded himselfe into Norfolke and Suffolke and other Saxons in other places Finally as Catterpillers they deuoured the fat and fruite of the land they raigned the Britons serued This may be a president and mirror for Englishmen to looke into to see what hath beene the case of their Country when strangers and forraine forces haue come vpon them Let vs perticulerlie looke into the storie of Hengist Hengists storie it is notable and worthy to be renued in remembrance of Englishmen When Hengist so liked the land Ronouen Hengists daughter Fabian the 5 part cap. 82. that he thought to plant himselfe here he sent for Ronouen his daughter who came in with 16. saile After he had got footing in the land first he conteined himselfe in certaine boundes but after at a Sea he brake ouer the bankes and ouerflowed the maine land He obtayned of king Votigerne first so much land as he could lay out with a Buls hide which he cut out into thonges and hee compassed a great circuit of ground with it Thongcastle Fabian the 5 part cap. 83. and built him a Castle thereon and he called it thonge Castle And after he left cutting out of thonges out of the Buls hide and be fell to cutting out Prouinces and Countries out of the maine land in the East part of Briton Then in steed of Thongcastle Fabian the 5 part cap. 89. Hengist king of Kent Fabian the 5 part cap. 95. Ella his kingdome Fabian the 5 part cap. 94. Vffa his kingdome Fabian the 5 part cap. 96. hee made himselfe kinge of Kent and raigned there 24. yeeres and after him Ochra his sonne ruled other 24. yeeres This kingdome endured aboue 300. yeeres as Fabian rehearseth out of Polichronicon Ella another Saxon set vp his kingdome ouer the South Saxons Aurelius being then king of Briton And Vffa an other Saxon reigned ouer the Eastangles now called Norfolke Suffolke Thus they fel a deuiding the land amōgst thē first they came in for aide of king Vortigerne when diuision was in the land and after they fell to deuiding the land and making shares to themselues till they got land and al. Will not such examples of our owne experience in our owne Countrie heretofore make Englishmen wise against al practises of inuasions and forraine forces What hartes or bowels of nature haue they which can haue any lingering hope after forraine forces Doe they looke to aduaunce themselues in the ruins of their Countrie Either they knowe not or haue forgotten the saying of Caesar Caesar I loue treason but I hate the traytor The verie heathens abhorred them notwithstanding they reaped benifite by them Let all true harted subiectes of England beware of them which by the dore of diuision at home would let in forraine forces to make their shares out of the bodie and bowels of our Countrie The inuasion of the Danes Let vs looke into the inuasions of the Danes also which is an other glasse of like experience for all true Englishmen to looke into In the first inuasion of the Danes when they descried diuision in the land they ioyned themselues with one part made thēselues a partie with the West Britons against Egbert king of west Saxōs Fabian the 6 part cap. 158 And after they had made themselues a partie in the land so had their confederates in the land they