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B01271 Anno quarto et quinto, Philippi & MariƦ. Actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster, the .xx daye of January, in the fourth and fift yeare of the reigne of oure soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, kinge and Quene of England, Spayne, Fraunce, both the Sicilles, Jerusalem, and Jrelande, defendours of the faith, archidukes of Austria, dukes of Burgondie, Millaine and Brabant, counties of Haspurge, Flaunders, and Tyrol, and there continued and kepte vntyll the vij. day of Marche, then next folowinge, and enacted as foloweth..; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Mary I, Queen of England, 1516-1558.; Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598. 1558 (1558) STC 9457; ESTC S832 78,057 91

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Anno quarto et quinto Philippi Mariae ❧ Actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster the .xx daye of Ianuary in the fourth and fift yeare of the reigne of oure soueraigne Lorde and Lady Philippe and Marye by the grace of God kinge and Quene of England Spayne Fraunce both the Sicilles Ierusalem and Irelande defendours of the faith Archidukes of Austria Dukes of Burgondie Millaine and Brabant counties of Haspurge Flaunders and Tyrol and there continued and kepte vntyll the .vij. day of Marche then next folowinge and enacted as foloweth Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis ❧ The Table AN Acte for the confyrmation of letters patentes Cap. i. An acte for the hauynge of Horse Armoure and Weapon Cap. ii An acte for the takinge of musters Cap. iii. An acte that accessaries in murder and dyuers felonies shall not haue the benefit of clergie Cap. iiii An acte touchinge the makinge of wollen clothes Cap. v. An acte to enquyre of Frenchemen beynge denisens Cap. vi An acte to make vp the Iury with circumstantibus where the kynge and Quenes maiesties or the Quenes maiestie is a party Cap. vii An acte for the punishement of suche as shall take away maydens that be inheritours beynge within age of .xvi. yeares or that mary them without the consent of theyr parents Cap. viii An acte for the continuation of certaine statutes Cap. ix An acte for the confirmation of the Subsedye of the clergie Cap. x. An acte of a Subsedye and one fyftene graunted by the temporaltie Cap. xi ¶ An Acte for the confirmation of Letters Patentes WHERE sythen the .vii. daye of Iulye in the first yeare of the Quenes Maiesties reygne dyuers and sondry Honors Castels Manoures Lands Tenements Rentes Reuercions seruices and other hereditamentes haue bene conueyed and assured to her highnes her heyres and Successoures by or from diuers and sundrye persons bodies politike aswel for the discharge and satisfaction of great debtes and summes of monye as for other good considerations For the perfytte assuraunce confirmation and further suretye whereof BE IT enacted ordeyned and establyshed by the kyng and Quenes Maiestyes the Lordes Spirituall and Temporal and the commons in thys present Parliament assembled and by thaucthoritie of the same That all Feoffementes Fynes Surrenders assuraunces conueyances and estates in any wise cōueyed had or made to or for our sayd Soueraygne Lorde and Lady the kyng and quenes Maiesties or to or for our sayde soueraygne Lady the quene by or from anye suche persō or persons bodies politike or corporate of any such Honors castels manoures Lādes Tenements Rentes Reuertions Seruices or other hereditamentes for anye debte summe or summes of monye or other consideration whatsoeuer shall stande remayne be good and auaileable in the lawe to all intentes constructions and purposes accordynge to the true meanynge intente and purporte of the same SAVINGE to all and euery personne and personnes and to their heires bodyes politike and corporate to their Successoures and to euerye of them other then such person or personnes and their heyres and wyues and euerye of them bodies politike and corporate their successoures and euery of them of or from whome the kyng quenes highnes or the quenes hyghnes onelye hath obteyned or purchased the sayde premisses or anye percell thereof by exchaunge gyfte bargayne fyne Feoffement recouery dede inrolled or otherwise al such right title interest vse possessiō rentes reuercions Remainders Olfiees Fees Commons profyttes and commodities whatsoeuer which they or any of them haue might or ought to haue had of in or to the premisses or any part thereof in as large and ample maner forme and condition to al intentes cōstructions and purposes as yf this acte had neuer bene had ne made Thys present Acte or any thing therein conteined to the contrarye notwithstandynge AND where aswell our sayd soueraigne lorde Lady as our sayde soueraigne Lady the Quenes highnes sithens the said .vii. day of Iuly in the first yere of her maiesties reigne aswel for diuers gret sōmes of mony as also for diuers sondry other cōsiderations haue hath bargained sold giuen or graūted by their or her graces sōdry letters patēts indentures or other writinges sealed vnder the great seale of England or the seale of the Duchy of Lancaster aswel to bodyes politike corporate as to diuers and sondry other their louing obedient subiects diuers and sondry honors castels manors landes tenements rentes reuercions seruyces other hereditamentes in fee symple fee tayle or for terme of lyfe lyfes or yeares as in the same seueral letters patents indentures other wrytynges is mentioned declared And to thintent the same letters patents indentures other writinges shulde be of good auayleable and perfit force effect to al and euery her highnes louyng Subiectes according to the true meaning effect of the same OVRE SAIDE Soueraygne Lorde and Ladye the kynge and Queene are contented and pleased that it be enacted by thauthoritie of thys present parliamente And therefore by oure sayd Soueraygne lord and lady the kyng and quenes maiesties the laides spiritual and temporal and the commōs in this present parliamente assembled be it enacted and established the aswel al and singuler letters patents indentures and other writinges Sealed vnder the greate Seale of Englande or vnder the Seale of the Duchy of Lancaster and heretofore made or graunted by our sayde soueraygne Lord and Lady the kyng and Quene or by our said soueraigne lady the Quene for any Sūmes of monye or for and vpon any other consideratiōs as al other letters patētes hereafter to be made by our saide soueraigne lorde ladye for any summe or sūmes of monye during the space of Seuen yeares next ensuynge the makyng of this acte to anye body politike or corporate or to any other persō or personnes whatsoeuer of any honors castels manors lordeshippes graunges Meses lādes tenements medowes pastures rentes reuercions seruyces woodes aduousons nominations patronages annuities rightes interestes entrees conditions letes courtes liberties priuileges fraunchyses or of anye other hereditamentes with their appurtenaunces or of any parte or percell of thē sealed with or vnder the great seale of Englande or vnder the Seale of the Duchy of Lancaster of whatsoeuer kynde nature or qualitye they or any of thē be or shal be reputed knowen or taken with their appurtenaunces or any part or percel of thē shal be good perfyt and effectual in the lawe and shal stand be takē reputed demed adiudged good perfit sure auayleable effectual in the lawe aswel against the kynge and Quenes Maiesties as againste the queene her heires and successors according to the tenor of the said letters patēts the same to be expounded cōstrued demed adiudged most beneficial for the patentees and graūtees of the same according vnto the wordes purport of euery the said letters patents without any confirmation licence or tolleration of the quene
her heires or successors any misnaminge misrecital or non recitall of any the same honors castels maners landes tenemētes other the premisses or any percel therof or any lacke of fyndinge of offices or inquisitions of and in the premisses wherby the title of the Quenes highnes therin oughte to haue ben founde before the makinge of the same letters patentes or other writinges or any misrecital or none recitall of leases therof before made as well of record as not of record or any lacke of the certaintie miscastinge rating or setting forth of the yearly values and rates of the premisses or of the yearly rentes reserued of for the premisses or any percel therof mentioned or conteined in any the said letters patentes or other writinges or for that the premisses be or any part thereof is valued to a more or lesse value in the sayd letters patentes or writinges then the said manors landes tenementes and other the premisses then were or shal be in yearly value or any misnaming of the townes Hamlettes parishes or counties wher the same honours Castels manors landes tenementes rentes hereditamentes and other the premisses and euery percell therof or any percell therof lien or ben or any lacke of the true naminge of the landes tenementes or hereditamētes or of the natures kindes sortes or quantities of the sayde possessions or hereditamentes or any percell therof or any lacke of the true naminge of the corporation or any lacke of atturnement liuery or season or any misnaming of any the late tenauntes or fermours of the same so sold or geuen notwithstandinge PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted by thauctoritie aforesaid that this acte nor any thinge therin conteyned shall not extend to make anye letters patents of any office or offices to be of any other effect force or strength thē the same letters patents were or shuld haue ben before the making of this act PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde that all and singuler suche patentees grauntees and donees and euerye of them whiche at any time heretofore sithens the sayd seuenth day of Iuly haue obteyned and gotten of our sayd Soueraigne Lorde and Lady the kyng and Quene or of any of them or at any time hereafter duryng the space of seuen yeares shall obtaine and get of our sayd Soueraigne lord and lady the king and Quene that nowe be or of any of them by way of exchaunge or for any summe or summes of monye any letters patents of any monasteries abbathies priories nonneries or other ecclesiasticall possessions or of any percell of them or of any other manours Landes Tenementes or Hereditaments whatsoeuer whiche at the date and makyng of any the same letters patentes so made sithens the saide seuenth daye of Iulye or hereafter to be made durynge the space of seuen yeares as is aforesayde were or shal be of better and more yearely valewe to the kynge and Quenes highnes or to anye of them in yearly rent and ferme then was is or shal be conteined mentioned or specified in any suche letters patentes or in the perticulers or rate thereof made or to be made by any auditour or auditours surueyour or surueyours or other officer that then euery suche patentee grauntee and donee theyr heyres executours or assignes and euery of them within one yeare nerte after office and other due profe order and decre therof made and had or to be made and had within the space and terme of tenne yeares nexte after this present parliament in the courte of the eschequer shall content and paye vnto the quenes maiestie her heires and successours for the same ouerplus and more value of the same monasteries abbathies priories nonneries manors landes tenementes and other hereditamentes whatsoeuer with their appurtenaunces so solde geuen graunted or exchaunged as is aforesayde after the rate of twenty yeares purchase and accordinge to the yearely value and rate as the same manours Landes tenementes and other hereditamentes whatsoeuer were at the time of the making of any such letters patentes so made or to be made in maner fourme aforesayd Any thyng cōteined in any such letters patentes to the contrary in any wise notwtstanding PROVIDED also and be it further enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde that this acte or any prouision therein conteyned shall not in any wyse extend to confyrme ratifie or make good anye lease or leases made or to be made by our sayde Soueraigne Lorde and Lady the kynge and Quene or by anye of them for terme of life lifes or for yeares wherevpon the olde and accustomed rentes or more be not or hereafter shall not be reserued and yearelye payable duringe the tyme and terme of euerye suche lease nor that this presente acte shall in any wyse extende to reuiue or make good anye letters patentes made of any office or offices to anye comptroller customer alneger sercher ne to anye letters patentes of the graunte of any other office or offices heretofore graunted or made by the kinge and Quenes maiestie or any of them whiche nowe be or at anye tune heretofore haue ben adnichilated determined or made voide by iudgement by auctoritie of parliament or by decree nor to anye patent to be made to anye person or persons for terme of yeares or during the minoritie of any heyre of any manours Landes or tenementes whereof any trauerse hereafter shal be tendred within three monethes after any office founde and certified into anye of the kinges courtes of recorde ne to make good anye letters patentes made by oure layde Soueraigne lorde and Ladye or any of them of anye office or offices to be of anye other effecte force or strength then the same letters patentes were or should haue bene before the makinge of this Acte PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde that this acte or any thinge therin conteined shall not extende to any letters patentes whiche at any tyme heretofore sithen the beginninge of the Quenes maiesties reigne haue ben made or hereafter shal be made by the kynge and quenes highnes or by the quenes maiestie onely to any person or personnes of any manours Landes tenementes rentes reuercions seruices or other hereditamentes by force of any information suite or suggestion made or to be made to her highnes that the same manoures landes tenementes or other hereditamentes so conteyned in any suche letters patentes were concealed landes nor to any letters patentes heretofore made by our sayde soueraigne Lorde and lady the kinge and Quenes maiesties or any of them to Rause Iackson clerke nowe maister of the hospitall of the Sauoye in the parishe of Saint Clementes Dacorum without the barres of the new temple London and to his brethren beyng perpetuall Chaplaynes of the same Hospitall and to theyr successoures but that the same letters patentes and euery of them shall stande remayne and be in the same force strength and effecte as they were before the makinge of this acte any thinge in this acte
mentioned to the contrary notwithstandinge AND where the manoure of Southwell in the countie of Nottingham and also the Scite and procincte of the colledge of Southwell in the same countie together with diuers other landes tenementes and hereditamentes to the sayde late colledge lately belongynge or appertaininge were conueyed and assured by indenture fine or otherwyse by or from Iohn Beamount esquier vnto our late Soueraigne Lorde kinge Edward the Sixte and to his heyres and successours for the discharge and satisfaction of diuers great summes of money wherein the same Iohn Beamounte was indetted to the said late king Be it enacted and established by the aucthoritie aforesaid that the saide cōueyaunce and assuraunce shal be perfect good sufficient and auayleable against the said Beamount and his heyres to all intentes constructions and purposes according to the purport tenor and true meaning of the same conueiaunces and assuraunces Sauing to al and euery person or persons and bodies politike and corporate their heires and successours and euery of them other then the said Iohn Beamount his wyfe and his heyres and all other clayming any estate or intereste by or from thē or any of thē sithens the same conueiaunce and assuraunce all such right title interest possession estate leases rentes seruices commons and all other profites and commodities whatsoeuer as they or anye of them shoulde or might haue had if this acte had neuer ben had ne made Anye thinge therein conteyned to the contrary notwithstandinge AN ACTE for the hauing of horse armour and weapon The .ii. Chapiter FOR THE BETTER furniture and defence of thys Realme Be it enacted by the kyng and quenes Maiesties with thassentes of the lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present parliamente assembled by aucthoritie of the same that asmuch of al euery acte and Statute concernyng onely the keping or fyndinge of horse horses or armoure or of any of them heretofore made or prouyded and all euery forfeyture and penaltye concernyng onely the same shal be frō hence forth vtterly voyde repealed and of none effect And be it further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayd that euery noble man gentelman other temporal person after the rate proportion hereafter declared shal haue kepe in a redines such horses geldinges Armoure other furniture for the wars at the lest in such sort maner as is shal be in this act hereafter expressed and declared That is to saye all and euery person temporall hauynge any honors lordeshippes manors houses landes meadowes pastures or woodes of estate of enheritaunce or freholde to the clere yerely value of one thowsand pound or aboue shall from after the first day of May which shal be in the yere of our lord god a thousand .v. hundred fifty eight haue find kepe susteine mainteine with in this realme of Englād of their owne proper and at their owne proper costes and expences .vi. horses or geldyngs able for dimilaunces wherof .iii. of thē at the leaste to be horses with sufficiente harnesses steele sadels and weapon requisit and apperteyning to the sayde demylaunces horses or geldynges and tenne light horses or geldinges able and mete for light horsemen with the furniture of harnes and weapon requisite for the same And also forty corselettes furnished fortye almayne ryuettes or in stede of the said almaine riuettes forty cotes of plate corseletes or brygandines furnished fortye pykes .xxx. longe bowes .xxx. shefes of arrowes .xxx. steele cappes or sculles .xx. blacke billes or halberdes .xx. haque buttes and twenty morians or salettes And euery person temporal hauing any honors lordeshippes manors houses landes meadowes pastures or woodes of any such estate as is aforesaid to the clere yerely value of a thou sande markes or aboue and vnder the clere yearelye value of a thousande pound shal haue finde susteine and maintaine within this realme of their owne proper and at their owne proper costes and expences foure horsses or geldinges able for dimilaunces whereof two at the leaste to be horses with suffycyente harnesses and weaponne and sadels mete and requysyte to the sayde dymylaunces Horses or Geldynges and syxe lyghte horses or geldinges able and mete for light horsemen with furniture of harnes and weapon requisite for the same And also of armor and weapō .xxx. corselets furnyshed .xxx. almayne ryuettes or in stede of the sayde almaine ryuettes xxx cotes of plate corselettes or brygandynes furnyshed .xxx. pykes twentye long bowes .xx. shefes of arrowes .xx. stele cappes or sculles ten blacke billes or halbertes tenne haquebuttes and ten morians or salletes And euery person temporall hauing honors lordships manors houses landes meadowes pastures or wodes of any such estate as is aforesaid to the clere yerely value of foure hundred poundes or aboue and vnder the clere yerely value of a thousande markes shal haue finde kepe susteine and meynteyne as is aforesayd two horses or one horse and one geldyng able for dimilaunces with sufficient furniture of harnes stele sadels and weapō for the same as is aforesayde and foure geldynges able for lyght horsemen with sufficient harnes and weapon for the same and also .xx. corselettes furnished .xx almayne riuettes furnished or in stede of almaine riuettes twenty cotes of plate corselettes or brygādines furnyshed twēty pykes fyftene long bowes fyftene shefes of arrowes fyftene steele cappes or sculles sixe haquebuttes and sixe moryans or salletes And that euerye person temporal hauyng lord shippes manors houses landes meadowes pastures or wods of any such estate as is aforesayde to the clere yerely value of CC. poundes or aboue and vnder the clere yerely value of CCCC poūdes shall from the said first day of May haue kepe susteine and mainteine .i. gret horse or gelding able for a dimilaunce with sufficient furniture of harnes steeled sadle weapon for the same two geldings able for light horsemē with harnes and weapons sufficient as is aforesaid for the same and also ten corselettes furnished ten almaine riuettes or in the place of almaine riuettes x. cotes of plate corselettes or brigandines furnished x. pikes .viii. long bowes viii shefes of arrowes .viii. stele Cappes or sculles three haquebutts three morians or salettes And euery person temporall hauing any lord shippes manors houses landes meadowes pastures or woodes of any such estate as is aforesaid to the clere yerely value of one hundred poūds or aboue vnder the yearely value of .ii. hundrede pounds shal from and after the sayde first day of May haue kepe and maynteine as is aforesayd two geldinges able and mete for light horsemē with sufficient harnes and weapon requisit for the same And also thre corselettes furnished thre almaine riuettes or in stede of them soo manye cotes of plate corselettes or brygandines furnished .iii. pikes .iii. long bowes thre shefes of arrowes thre steele cappes or sculles two haquebuttes and two morians or sallettes And also euery person temporall hauing lordeshippes manors
whiche yf it shoulde happen woulde be no small annoyaunce as well to theyr Maiesties as to the hole estate of this realme For the wyse preuention and resistence whereof least any such shuld happen to be attempted theyr highnes shal be enforced not onely to mayneteyne a conueniente number and nauye of shyppes vpon the narrowe Seas but also a great power and number of souldiers to continue in diuers and sundrye partes of the borders and frountiers of this realme redye prepared to all purposes to resist al such malicious attempts or inuasions and to defende the libertye and honour thereof whiche cannot be put in order and readines withoute greate Summes of monye to be defraied and emploied for the same And furthermore considering that the same shall not be onely for the suertye of their maiesties personnes whom we pray to god maye longe raygne ouer vs and likewise for the suretye of this Realme and theyr Maiesties louynge Subiectes of the same but also maye be a greate terroure feare and discourage to the sayde frenche kynge and Scottes and all theyr confederates and alies to attempte anye such inuasion or other enterpryse Haue graunted vnto our said Soueraigne lady her heyres and Successours one Subsedye and one .xv. and tenth to be taxed rated and leuied of our goodes cattels landes and tenementes in maner and fourme as hereafter in this present acte is limitted and conteined And albeit that we doubte not but that our said most gratious Soueraigne lorde and lady assure them selues that we their gratious mooste louinge subiectes knowe the same to be farre vnder the charges whiche theyr maiesties are lyke to susteyne in this behalfe Yet neuerthelesse we moste humblye beseche theyr highnes to accepte this oure gifte as a declaration of our true and most faythfull hartes who be and by gods assistence alwayes shal be by all wayes and meanes and in all respectes ready to serue with all conformitie and obedience for the preseruation of theyr moost royall personnes and defence and suretie of this theyr maiesties realme and dominions as to the du tye of good and obedient subiectes apperteyneth Wherefore we the said lordes and comons for the great and vrgēt considerations aforesayd by one hole assent by auctoritie of this presēt parliament do geue and graunt to our sayde Soueraygne Lady the quenes highnes her heires and successoures towardes the sayd great costes and inestimable charges one hole .xv. and tenth to be payd taken leuied of the moueable goodes cattels and other thinges vsuall to such .xv. and tenthe to be contributorye and chargeable within the Shires Cities Boroughes Townes other places of this their maiesties realme in maner and fourme afore time vsed except the summe of sixe thousande pounde thereof fullye to be deducted of the Summe that one hole .xv. and tenth atteyneth vnto in releif comforte and discharge of the pore cities townes boroughes of this her sayd realme wasted desolate or distroyed or ouer greatly empouerished after such rate as was and hath afore this time bene had and made vnto euerye Shire and to be deuided in suche maner and forme as heretofore for one hole .xv. and tenth hath ben had and deuided And the sayd one hole .xv. and tenth the exceptions and deductions aforesayde therevpon had deducted and allowed to be payde in maner and fourme folowinge That is to saye the hole .xv. and tenth to be payde to her assignes in the receipte of her highnes eschequer be fore the tenth daye of Nouember next comminge AND be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that the knightes elected and retorned of for the Shires within this realme for this presente Parliamente Citezens of Cities and Burgesses of Boroughes and townes where collectours haue bene vsed to be named and appointed for the collection of any .xv. and tenth before this tyme graunted shall name and appointe before the laste daye of Auguste nexte comminge sufficient and able persons for the Collection of the sayd .xv. and tenth in euery of the sayd Shyres Cities Boroughes and townes the sayde personnes then hauynge landes tenementes and other hereditamentes in his owne ryghte of an estate of inheritaunce of the yearelye value of tenne poundes or in goodes worth one hundreth poundes at the leaste And also suche person or persons so by them to be named and appointed for the collection of the sayde .xv. and tenth shal be by them seuerally apoynted and allotted into hundredes Rapes Wapentakes cities boroughes and townes And also the sayd persones so named and apoynted for the collection of the same .xv. and tenth shal be charged and chargeable vpon his or theyr accoumpte or accoumptes in the eschequer to be made with all suche summe or summes of mony as the hundredes rapes wapentakes cities boroughes and townes where he or they shall so happen to be appointed amount vnto and of no more summe or summes And vppon the paymente of suche Summes of monye as he shal be charged with shall be discharged and haue his quietus est the none accoumptinge or none payment of any other his fellowes or the insufficiency of them or anye of them notwythstandynge And the names and surnames of euerye of the sayde Collectoures for the sayde xv and tenth together with the place allotted to theyr Collection and charge the said knightes citizens Burgesses for the Shyres cities and boroughes whervnto they be elected named and retourned shal certifie before the kynge and quene in theyr chauncery before the .xiii. daye of October no we nexte folowinge accordinge to the tenure of this acte And yf defaulte of anye suche certifieng be hadde or made in fourme as is abouesayd then the lorde Chauncellour of Englande for the time beynge shall immediatelye after name and appointe Collectoures for the collection of the same .xv. and tenth in manner fourme as the sayde knightes of the shyre citizens of cities and Burgesses of Bouroughes shoulde haue doone and as afore tyme haue bene vsed The whiche sayde collectours and euery of them shall haue like allowaunce vpon theyr accoumptes for theyr fees wages and rewardes for the collection of the sayde .xv. and tenthe in as large manner and fourme as anye collectoure or collectoures of .xv. and tenth haue had at anye season in time paste And that the barons of the kynge and quenes Eschequer for the time beinge shall and may from time to time awarde suche proces for the spedye payment thereof agaynst the collectoure and collectoures of the same as by theyr discretions shall be thought conueniente PROVIDED alwaye and be it enacted by the aucthoritie of this presente parliament that the sayde Lorde Chauncellour knightes of the shyres Citisens of Cities and Burgesses of Burroughes Townes and other places hauynge aucthoritie by this presente acte to name and nominate the sayde Collectoures of or for the sayde fyftene and tenth shall vpon theyr nomination and election hadde and made take by aucthoritie of this presente parliamente sufficiente recognisaunce
or by obligation of euerye personne so by them to be named to be bounden to the kynge and Queenes Maiesties in the double Summe of theyr collection and to be endorced vppon suche condition that yf the sayde collectoure or collectoures doo truelye contente and paye to the vse of the kynge and Quene in theyr receypt of theyr Eschequer before the sayde tenth daye of Nouember nowe nexte ensuynge so muche of the Summe of money allotted and appointed to his collection as the same Collectoure shall haue collected and gathered And do lyke wyse after the sayde tenthe daye of the moneth of Nouember contente and paye to the kynge and Quenes Maiesties vses at the same receypte the residue of his collection charge wtin one moneth next after such tyme as he shal haue gathered and collected the same residue that then the sayde recognysaunce or obligation to be voyde or elles to stande in his full strength and vertue whiche recognisaunce or obligations soo taken the sayde knyghtes of the Shyre Citisens and Burgesses and euerye of theym takynge anye suche recognisaunces or oblygatyons shall certysye and delyuer to the Lorde Treasurer and Baronnes of the same Eschequer before the sayde tenth daye of Nouember nowe nexte ensuynge vppon payne of forfeyture of ten pounde to the Quene for euerye recoguysaunce or oblygation soo to be taken and not certified And that euerye inche collectoure vpon requeste to him made shal make and knowledge the same recognisaunce or obligation according lye vpon like payne and forfeiture of tenne pounde to the Queene for his refusall thereof And that the Treasurer or Barons of the escheker vpon the payment of the same collection or at the sayde daye shal cancell and delyuer the sayde recognisaunce or obligation to the sayde collectour or collectours without any fee or rewarde to be payde to anye person for the same And furthermore for the greate and weyghtye considerations aforesayde we the Lordes Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this present Parliament assembled do by oure like assente and aucthoritie of this Parlyamente geue and graunte to oure sayde Soueraygne Lady the Quenes Maiestie her heyres and Successours one entyer Subsedye to be rated taxed leuyed and payde at one hole and entyre paymente of euerye personne Spyrytuall and Temporall of what estate or degree he or they be accordynge to the tenure of thys acte in manner and fourme folowynge That is to saye as well of euery personne borne within this realme of Englande Wales or other the Quenes dominions as of all and euery Fraternitie Guild Corporation Misterye Brotherheade and Cominaltye corporated or not corporated within this Realme of Englande Wales or other the quenes dominions beynge worth fyue pounde for euerye pounde as wel in coyne and the value we of euerye pounde that euerye suche personne Fraternitie Guylde Corporation Mysterye Brotherheade and Comynaltye corporate or not corporate hath of his or theyr owne or any other to his or theyr vse as also plate stocke of marchaundises all maner of corne and blades householde stuffe and of all other goodes moueable as well within the Realme as without and of all such summes of money as to him or them is or shal be owyng wherof he or they trust in his or their consciences surely to be payde excepte and out of the premisses deducted suche summes of money as he or they owe and in his or theyr consciences truely intendeth to paye and excepte also the apparell of suche personnes theyr wyues and chyldren belongynge to theyr owne bodies sauynge Iuelles golde syluer stone and pearle shall paye to and for the sayde Subsedy two shillinges eyght pence of euery pounde And also of euerye alien borne oute of the Queenes obeysaunce as well Denizen as other inhabitinge within the Realme of euerye pounde that he or they haue in coyne and the value of euerye pounde in plate corne grayne marchaundise householdestuffe or other goodes Iuelles Cattelles moueable or vnmoueable as is asoresayde as well within this Realme as without and of al summes of monye to him or them owyng whereof he or they trust in his or theyr conscience or consciences to be payde excepte and of the same premisses deducted euery suche Summe or summes of mony which he or they doo owe and in his or theyr conscience or consciences intendeth truely to pay shal pay of and for euery pounde to and for the payment of the sayde Subsedy fyue shyllinges iiij.d for euery pounde And also that euery alien and straunger borne oute of the queenes dominions beynge denizen or not denizen not beynge contrybutorye to anye of the rates abouesayde shall paye to and for the paymente of the sayde Subsidy eyght pence foreuery poll and the mayster or he or she with whome the same alien is or shal be abidinge at the tyme of the taxation or taxations thereof to be charged with the same for lacke of payment thereof And be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that euery person borne vnder the quenes obeysaunce and euery corporation fraternitie guylde misterye brotherheade and cominaltie corporate or not corporate for euery pounde that euerye of the same personnes and euery corporation fraternitie guylde mystery brotherhead and cōminaltie corporate or not corporate or anye other to his or their vse hath in fee simple fee tayle for terme of lyfe terme of yeares by execution wardeshyppe or by copye of courte roll of and in any honoures castels Manours landes tenementes rentes seruices hereditamentes annuities fees corrodies or other yearelye profyttes of the yearelye value of twentye shyllynges as well within aunciente demeane as other places pryuyleged as elles where and so vpwardes shall paye to and for the paymente of the sayde Subsedy foure shyllynges of euery pounde And euerye alien borne oute of the Quenes obeysaunce in suche case to paye at the sayd payment eight shyllynges of euery pound And that all summes presented and chargeable by this acte either for goodes and debtes or for landes and tenementes and other the premisses as is in this acte conteyned shal be at the sayde payment set and taxed after the rate and portion accordynge to the true meaninge of this acte landes and tenementes chargeable to the dysines of the clergy and yearlye wages due to seruauntes for their yearelye seruyce other then the kinge and Quenes seruauntes takynge yearelye wages of fyue poundes or aboue onely except and forprysed And that all plate coyne iuelles goodes debtes and cattelles personnalles beynge in the onelye custodye of anye personne and personnes to the vse of anye corporation fraternitie Guilde misterye brotherhead or anye comminaltie beynge corporate or not corporate be and shall be rated set charged by reason of this act as the value certified by the presenters of that certificate to be sworne of euerye pounde in goodes and debtes as is abouesayde And of euery pounde in landes tenementes annuities fees corrodies or other yearely profittes as is abouesayde And the sommes that