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A92862 The leaves of the tree of life: for the healing of the nations. Opening all the wounds of this kingdome, and of every party, and applying a remedy to them: by which we come to a right understanding between King and Parliament. A universal agreement and peace on all sides, and the kingdom restored and setled upon a sure and unmoveable foundation: by the light of God shining upon William Sedgwick. Sedgwick, William, 1609 or 10-1669? 1648 (1648) Wing S2386; Thomason E460_40; ESTC R204719 74,614 130

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her Ghost into the Armies bosome and leaves the Army Executor of her wil dies into the People and al dying together and tumbled into one grave of confusion By this death there is a perfect Remission of sinne here is a true Act of oblivion on all sides a blotting out of transgressions Hath the King transgrest hee lyes in the dust for it he is in your own bowels devoured by you if you accuse him you accuse your selves look upon him now as pierced by you and you can't think of his sins but of your own shame with self-piercing self-wounding hearts Neither can the King remember the Parliaments injuries but he must in those thoughts be oppressed they are in him and if he should think of revenge he must be revenged upon himself death wholly overcomes and spoiles revenge and leaves it nothing at all to feed upon Or if any party do look back they see all these mutuall violences in the Divine wisdome and goodnesse the sting of them being taken away with pleasure and content and glory in these marks not of hatred but love glory in the Crosse and rejoyce in your mutuall sufferings together and one for another all bitterness and envy being slain thereby Every one as now in the accuser you see your own good and your adversaries weaknesse and sin so shall you by this change of death see all the evill as your own and be able to beare it every one accusing himself and acquitting others so that the greatest enmity will be against your selves or any thing that makes a division and nothing remaining to be hated but enmity or hatred it selfe There cannot a thought of strife or enmity arise now but it must appear in blood in the blood of Kings Queenes Princes Parliaments enmity being slaine at first look you do see death in it and so abhorre to change a word with it look upon it as a murtherer and immediatly fly from it into each others bosomes Here is away too to pay all debts to cancell all obligations on both sides in this pit of death must all be swallowed up Debts are forgiven a dead man Here is a death of the Old man The old Quarel the old termes of enmity the old man and his lusts The lustings of the KINGS party after honour greatnesse preferment the Parliament after places Bishops Lands c. the Armies lustings after arreares the lusts of envy malice tyranny oppression coveteousnes desiring each others goods the fuell of this flame in all is buried Thus as before our remedies were our diseases so now our diseases our miseries become our remedy in saving we lost now in losing we save Our gain was losse and our losse is become gain through the riches of the wisdome and mercy of the Lord our GOD Now we must say we had perisht if we had not perisht Chap. XV. Of the compleat cure of the Nation shewing it in its Raised state and parrticularly the King NOw through the tender mercy of our God doth the day sparing from on high visit us To give light to them that sit in darknes in the shadow of death to guid our feet in the way of peace The bright day of Englands Redemption is come the sweet morning of our Resurrection A rise let us go from this pit of misery Let us wrap up all our grave cloaths of shame sin and sorrow and leave them with their Father the destroyer in this dark night of hell and death The Lord saith it and in the power of the Lord we doe break open Iron gates of death and let goe these poor prisoners of hope and before we goe we will spoile the spoyler trample Satan under foot laugh and mock at thy power ruine thy Kingdom of darknes take away from thee thy power to vex wholly destroy thy destruction Oh thou enemy destruction is come to a perpetuall end We smite thee upon the cheek-bone thou canst bite no more Now we lead captivity captive we were under thee now thou thy selfe art a prisoner and a servant thou hast not hurt us but done us good in destroying us thy curses are turned to blessings to our infinite advantage Thou thy self shall be under the burden of divine wrath We are escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowler your snare is broken and we are delivered and thou fallest into the pit thou diggest for others by thy wounding us wee are healed thou hast bruised our heel but we have broak thy head thy whole design of Englands ruine and thy plots are discovered and turned against thy selfe upon thee and thy wrath as a foot-stoole doe we ascend into the blessed throne of God We lock thee up in chaines of darknesse and throw thee under the earth get thee hence and all thy darknesse with thee that keeps Englishmen from seeing God in one another take with thee all thy bitternesse rage madnesse oppression tyranny all thy lies and falshood thy false Oaths and breach of Covenant all thy disorder and confusion thy mischievous plots and all thy scorne and reproach and all thy false accusing Father to Son and Son to Father c. Thy rayling and revilings blasphemies with every thing that is cursed and goe headlong into the deep Sea of thy perdition we wil live in heavenly peace love and righteousnesse in the light and glory of our own God Shake thy self from thy dust captive daughter this cloud of dust that darkens thee from divisions emptinesse barrennesse vanity instability and ascend into the light majesty union and strength of God England is become the Kingdome of the Lord and of his Christ God reigns in her she is become a holy Nation a heavenly Kingdome God is in her and none else The tabernacle of God is with men he now takes his great reign upon earth he is come he is come to judge the People righteously and to govern the Nation upon Earth The majesty of the Trinity dwelling before in weaknes that is sowed dyed it s raised in power before in flesh now in Spirit before covered and vailed hiding himselfe now in open and naked face We are now a new creature a new Kingdome of righteousnesse living in the immediate brightnesse of the face of God God is with us with all his host of power and goodnesse mercy and wisdome to establish us in peace and justice there is nothing amongst us but God who is exalted alone and saith I am and there is none besides me and hath taken the Kingdome into himself and every thing is what it is in the glory of God now indeed the soyl is the Lambs he is English Earth The people the Lords and shall be filled with the excellency of God in himself The Lord is King God himself reigns God is upon his throne and saith openly to the whole Kingdome I am your King you are my People I le rule you with a pure golden Scepter of righteousnesse and peace you shall submit to me and
union the Son exalting himself from a poor minister a Carpenters Son to sit upon a Throne far above all principalities and powers In their pomp and state of living and worshipping God in an easy rich and brave way is darkly represented the glory of the Church Zion sucking the milk of the Gentiles having Kings and Queens nursing Fathers and nursing Mothers and bowing to the soles of her feet Christ in glory under this abominable filth In the Presbyterian rigid and harsh yoak of Government forcing the mindes of men into a observance of their Reformation We now see the severity of Christ and his strength and power his heat and zeal not contented with a cold formality but requiring every Sacrifice to be salted with fire a smoaky and dark shadow of the baptisme of the holy Ghost and fire Christ in power under miserable weaknes In the Independents uniting their Churches close into one intire body and keeping of them under their own immediate care and not suffering them to acknowledge any other power we see there lyes in it the pastorall care of Christ carrying his Lambs his bosome heavenly union Christ keeping his Spouse chast to himself his personall and immediate governing of them and his absolutenes and Lordlinesse over them Christ absolute and his people independent living only in and with himself In their sharp opposing one another being intolerable one to another is the zeal of the Lord of host seen his jealousy that is impatient of having his Spouse taken from him their persecuting one another a shadow of those stormes and tempests wherewith he persecutes them that take his Spouse his People from him In all these there are some particular excellencies of Christ scattered they have gotten each a peece of the seamles coat of Christ or else they could not be a rent or schisme but in all his visage is so marred his form so uncomly that he is there unknown to any even to themselves Christ bears their shame upon his own body on the tree in their shame and repoach he is reproached suffers deeply for being in such a filthy shape both from themselves and others all the honour beauty order uniformity of the Church is the Lord his face vaild and covered and now t is a ruinous heape he lies buried in it under divisions factions heresies reproach by all this his true body is broken pierced slain This is your sacrifice O yee Priests this blood must wash you and make an atonement and it is sufficient to take away your sinnes though as red as scarlet and put you again into white garments this will satisfy Gods wrath and then the rage of the Nation against you and the wrath one against another will dye Christs body is dead and you are dead you are spirit-lesse life-lesse a meer carcasse rotten sepulchers That which you fear is upon you the Witnesses are slain by the Beast coming out of the bottomlesse Pit The carcases lies in the streets of the great City scorned trampled upon your shame un-buried where our Lord was crucified Dissolved and broken amongst your selves from the People and most from the Lord your live in a miserable world and not in Heaven which only is true life and with you dies the false Prophet the deceiver the Father of lies and all the delusions of the devil and all insulting pride coveteousnesse worldlinesse malice persecution and vaine glory and by this fire of God upon you shall you be purified and cleansed By death the partition wall is broken down betwixt God and you betwixt your selves and betwixt you and your People Of two God and man heavenly and earthly priesthood made one Priesthood one new man The vail is rent and you are now admitted into the holiest and of many kindes of Priests you are one Priesthood one tribe one body in many members one Christ and you and People are one Clergy one lot and inheritance the people Priests with you and you people with them all the Lords People holy their jealousy and enmity your pride and loftinesse being taken away God will not suffer his holy one to see corruption But will raise you up together with Christ Levi shall never want a man to minister before him If you can break the covenant of the day and of the night that there should be no more day nor night in their season then may also my Covenant bee broken with David my servant c. and with the Levits the Priests my ministers The night of their calamity shall be followed with a day of rejoycing And though the Sun have set upon the Prophets yet it stall rise again David and Levi shall have heires Christ shall have Kings and Ministers Kings propheticall or priestly anointed with fulnes of spirit for both and Priests Regall or royall to govern the house of the Lord. Now Joshua thou great high priest and thy fellowes men wondred at I le take away thy filthy garments from thee and will cloath thee with change of rayment I le remove thy iniquity off that land in one day and bring forth the branch The Lord and all his twigs growing out of him full of the Spirit of God in the compleatnesse and fulnes of the spirit seven eyes upon one stone much light and understanding The Lord himself shall be the Temple ministers people gifts all we shall all worship in the house of God for ever now are you Divines indeed holy men men of God one with the holy divinity shining in the brightnes and majesty in the wisdome and judgement of God Anointed with holy Oyle cloathed with beautiful garments of righteousnesse truth and peace Now raisd out of the dust as the stones of Zion as dried bones restored to life by the Spirit of the LORD God sends a plentifull rain showers of righteousnesse whereby thou wilt confirme Levi thine inheritance when it was weary The Lord gives the word Arise and great is the company of them that published it Though ye have lain among the pots Kitchin Priests that have served for the belly Now as the wings of a dove covered with silver and her set hers with yellow gold Winged now with the Dove the Spirits strength in the purity and excellency of silver and gold by heavenly and holy gifts we shall fly aloft and live alwaies in the clearnes and light of God not in the basenesse and foulnesse of the world Christ ascended on high and will give liberal gifts all kinds Bishops Presbyters Independents Apostles Evangelists Pastors c. yea for the rebellious also that the Lord God may dwell amongst them God streaming himself forth in all varieties of Offices and Officers none in vaine all filld with grace and power Now in this restored condition all one with God indeed spirituall and heavenly of pure gold And one with and amongst themselves as Stars of severall magnitude moving in there distinct Orbs all glorious lights yet differing in an excellent variety one from another
you lye downe in the Eternall By this your arreares are paid you are nothing you are dead and you can require nothing you and your demands are fallen to the ground your service is dead and nothing is due to it but to be buried and all your miscarriages in forgetfulnesse Who do you require arreares of The Kingdome is dead the sword reignes and therefore the Kingdome is free if you will be paid take blood want spoile confusion ruin that 's all that is left of the Kingdome pay your selves of that Do you expect it of the Parliament That is dead too Poor Parliament you have eat it up your selves in greedines of pay you tore her bowels out and you can have no more But all anger is past there remaines nothing but love you are dead and live with Christ come forth of your graves stand up in the resurrection of Christ in union and fellowship with Christ The Lords host now the Lord is in you and you pitch your tents about the Lord and are the arme of God stretched out for his owne defence and for the punishing of transgressors living in the strength and Spirit of the Lord and now mighty and powerfull to execute Divine pleasure Now you are under the Captain of our salvation and at once interested in the salvation of the Nation and of Christ our Saviour Now we can pay you arreares you never stuck upon arreares till you sunk into the earth into poor earthly mindes rise you again into spirit you will count it your honour to help England freely Mony and a Saviour cannot subsist together That Spirit of Christ that once acted in you to let goe the prisoners Englands freedome and justice without price or reward that spirit shall revive in you and then you will scorne to be mercenary I know you disdaine to keep Englands woundes open to suck her blood you have hazarded your lives for justice and freedome and can't now insist upon pay you are worthy your selves and have the worth of all with you if you desire pay enter with us into Cānaan and you shall have Vinyards that you planted not wels that you diged not A land flowing with milk and hony such mercies and blessings as you could not expect The Lord is Judge he will audite your accompts and pay all that he owes you Religion flourishing in the purity of it peace and righteousnesse as Rivers and Seas the sweet holy unmolested enjoyment of your own families and estates in the presence under the government of the most high You shall now subsist in our bowels be disolved into the Church and Kingdome which is the beloved of Christ Terrible as an Army with banners terrible to the world and the God of the world to the prince of darknesse and so wee shall disband you into spirit and power the whole Nation shall be Souldiers able to draw the sword of the Spirit against all forrain power amongst our selves wars shall cease from the earth you must beat your swords into plowshares and spiers into pruming hooks to your honest trades again there will need no Iron or steely wrath but to plow up your own hearts and to cut down enemies within your own brests all our Townes and Cities are garisoned with a heavenly host and we have salvation for our wals and bulwarks we shall lye down in peace and none make in afraid while we need force we shall use you but not in civil wars you must be removed and only imployed in service against strangers if you delight to sit down by the still streames of Englands peace and feed in our green pastures of eternall love you shall if your valour makes you desirous of military actions we shall finde enemies abroad to imploy your swords against and when you under take such expeditions the Lord shall goe with you you shall have Angels spirits that shall make you invincible where ever you goe The Levellers grew out of the Army and are again shrunk into the Army and therefore we will now joyne you to the Army being mingled together In your endeavour to impose your Democracy your popular Government upon the Kingdome over-throwing and overturning all powers into the People we hear the voice of one crying in the Wildernes England is become a Wildernesse all flesh grasse all power is corrupt the Spirit of the Lord hath blowne upon it and its withered This is John Baptist that exalts the valies and brings down the hils he brings all into the waters the People God is in these Levellers casting the Mountains into the depths of the Seas plunging all into a confused People not suffering one stone to lye upon another Thy place is to be in the Wildernesse and not to come into the City to expire and dye speedily to decrease that he that comes after may increase Thou art beheaded thy devices are fallen to the ground a mushrome thou wert little and art nothing What went you out to see A reed shaken with the wined growing out of the mire of the Nation or a man clothed with soft rayment People got into Kings houses In this state thou art vanisht lost and raised in the Spirit of Christ the divine and eternall love of God and in this Kingdome there is a perfect Levell The People the originall of the Parliament and King by a free giving up themselves and and their estates to the Parliament and King are in the King and Parliament and fully pertake of the royalty and power of both and are leveld with it The People give honour and glory to the King and so higher then hee or he their Subject He that gives is greater then he that receives heer all the people are one with that spirit that is kingly that Anointing that makes Christ King and so called mine Anointed living all in the liberty of that spirit that makes Kings and are most perfectly content in the Kings greatnesse being that which themselves constitute making it themselves they live in it and enjoy it And the King is levelled to the people by his sufferings or humiliations and by his love taking in every Subject to himself humbling of himself to be but the Kingdoms Servant and wearing his Crown only for the happinesse and good of the people living together and brought into one body head and member The eternall love is the Leveller Divine Charity that lifts not up it selfe but is lifted up and being lifted up drawes all after it I rejoyce in the healing thy breaches oh London thou honourable City Thy iniquities have been great there is a righteous one under them that will carry them without the City as a scape Goat into the wildernesse we see the Lord in thee in thy greatest filth in thy violent enforcing powers above thee to thy own minde in constraining the Parliament to thy will by bold petitions urged with tumults we see darkened and shadowed the intercession of the Son of God who with violence wrests
from his Father favour for himself and his people he comes with boldnesse to take what he asks and saies I will and the power that Saints have in Christ to command God in prayer In thy siding with the Parliament against the King and thy free powring forth thy self for her We see the excessive love of Christ to his Church who is ravisht with love and for her forgets all things else In thy ingrossing the riches of the Kingdome into thee thou art a shadow of Christ who treasures up wealth and riches of glory in the City of God for us But thy glory is gon thy true life the beautifull presence of God hath left thee and thou art burning in flames of wrath jealousies envies divisions thou art wasted into a sceleton thy trade obstructed by Sea and Land thy People filled with rage thy bowels pained with fierce contests of parties pulling various waies quite restlesse an unquiet Sea in continuall agitation The Lord dyes in thee the LORDS delight thou wert his Spouse thy glory and greatnesse it was the LORDS he suffers in thy suffering and is covered in thy ashes lyes under the burthen of all thy wants is pierced with the necessities of the poor And thou art in the dust of confusion a ruinous heap the seat and place of vexation lying in a thick cloud of darknesse But his fire purifies thee in these flames thou losest thy filthy pride coveteousnesse malice revenge c. Thou shalt not perish utterly The voice of God is heard in thee to revive thee thou shalt be built again Thy foundations shall be all of precious stones c. The glory of God shall shine in thee thou art now the City of God a Righteous City this is thy name The Lord is there The Lord displaies his glory in the midest of thee The new Jerusalem indeed in truth in Spirit in perfect union with GOD a heaven and so in union amongst your selves Peace within thy wals and plentiousnes in thy palaces a City at unity in it self there shall not be the least found of discord in thee Thy nature is love light and holines The City of the great King made happy by the presence of the King and all the state and honour of the Kingdome Now open thy armes of Divine love and take into thy imbraces the glory of England Kings Princes Nobility Gentry Ministry Judges Lawyers with all the wisdom justice power and excellency of heaven and earth let all flock together in one God one Christ one Spirit one City and thousands of thousands of Saints and Angels dwelling in thee Nothing shal be heard in thee but mirth and joy in the Lord our God praises of the Great King Open thy gates thy everlasting doors that the King of glory the Lord of Hosts with all his host of Princly powers may enter in And all the riches of the World shal flow into thee in thy trade naturally and abundantly the wealth of both Indies and all parts shal seek unto thee and offer up it selfe to satisfy thee thou shalt be crownd with blessings all contents and pleasures shal continually run dawn thy streets and all in the sight and face of the holy God in the pure River of life Chap. XXI Of the admirable fullnesse and compleatnesse of this restoration satisfying all interests ALL the works of God are perfect found out of all them that take pleasure therein The greatest and highest are reserved for us in this later and great day of God wherein it pleaseth the LORD to appear in his fullest and most excellent glory this of Englands salvation is a sweet bud of it a little taste of that infinite Majesty that is now breaking forth in the glorious appearing of God In this businesse the Lord satisfieth his own Interest who is Alpha and Omega the first and the last and this is the rock of our pleasure that thou art pleased and satisfied Thou reignest thou art King this is thy due all power and dominion is thine t is thy right to have all all are thine for thee they were created and made King Parliament Lords Commons Ministers People all sorts all sides all parties are the Lords and thou wilt reign over and in all from Sea to Sea from one end of the Earth to the other as lightening shining from East to West so is thy Kingdom and thy glory is now due to thee that thou shouldest appear not in weaknesse to serve men but in thy great Majesty in thy highest honour thou must now shew forth plainly thy self in thy utmost most enlarged goodnesse power wisdom Nothing now will serve thee but to be ALL IN ALL To be All thou art in Heaven in all the Earth to bring forth all thy riches to fill every creature all glory in all things Thou art all in Earth as well as all in Heaven all in King in Parliament in People there is nothing but thy self in these thou art Bishops Presbyters Independents all these and all in these all Majesty power glory justice in the King and all the same in the Parliament and all that too in the People thou art all the labour strength riches freedome in the People all this in the Parliament all the same in the King all night and all lownesse Thou art all wisdom Authority Government in Bishops all care zeal labour in Presbyters all love union absolutenesse in Independents and all these in every one thou art the same in all ALL IN ALL All in darknesse all in light all in weaknesse all in strength all that every part is all the wholl is all the wholl in every part and all Heaven all Glory all peace all quietnesse all love all goodnesse in all these parts and wholl Lesse then this generall and near union and mariage will not satisfie thee being thy self satisfied thou doest satisfy all and being pleased thou pleasest all thy content contents every one because thou art all art content it self in all Thou hast shaken all Nations and the desire of all Nations is come We have been shaken into peeces and every peece shaken out of all order and peace Thou art good that thou doest but shake only rends that thou mayest make way for thy selfe to enter and for all to enter with thee into every part What we desire we have we can desire nothing but the Lord nothing is desirable but the Lord the Lord we have and in the Lord wee meet with every desirable thing the desire satisfied which if a tree of life God was our desire which is now interpreted being brought forth into performance and enjoyment God the bottom and top the desire and desired meeting in one Spirit and Kingdome GOD the root in our desires grown up into the fruit attainment The interest of this whole Kingdome in this restoration is satisfied and that consists in First PEACE a sure Peace a well grounded Peace here you have the richest jewell of peace that heaven hath
the Peace of God The union and agreement of Father Son and Spirit in one this is our peace and a well grounded peace settled and sure that is lasting and durable a threefold cord that cannot be broken We are one with God reconcil'd to God we dwell together in the same house he hath married us one in God one as God one amongst our selves as he is one All in the Father the Head the KING all in the Son the Body the Parliament All in Spirit in combination acting and living together in their just and lafull rights and in perfect fruit of righteousnes love and peace Secondly The Nation desires SETTLEMENT after her shakings here 's everlasting Settlement upon sure foundations The sure mercies of David upon the rock of ages he who was is and ever will be those pillars upon which England stood made cleare and bright and the Kingdome settled upon them Now the world is establisht in eternity so that it cannot be moved Thirdly The HONOVR OF THE NATION honoured indeed For glory doth dwell in our Land our Nation now is the very throne and seat of Divine glory a Royall Nation filled with Princely spirits the Kingdome it self raisd from the grave of lusts luxury coveteousnesse oppression basenesse and beastlinesse into the noblenesse and wisdome of the Spirit of God England first brought forth into that excellent and perfect righteousnesse liberty and justice that shall bee a copy to other Nations a Mother that shall bring forth salvation to all the earth Fourthly The SETLING OF RELIGION of the true Orthodox ancient Protestant Religion and the rooting out sects herisies popery This doth it compleatly and fully We now shall have sound doctrin measured by the scriptures of truth the golden line of truth it self truth derived from the bowels of eternity and constantly preserved and kept in the worst ages free from defilement giving testimony of it self successively in the darkest times and now breaking forth in undeniable and indisputable authority and evidence Not peeces but a whole body of Divinity divinity it selfe not in shadow but the body of it not maim'd but intire and whole from the highest head and glory of God to the lowest part of hell and all the variety of estates in Christ in Angels in men with their fallings and risings descendings and ascendings fully and plainly brought forth The Sun shall shine so clearly as shall discipate these mists of error that are amongst us with such power as shall compose the madnesse and disorder of peoples judgements into a beautifull Uniformity by power of the Spirit of God and in satisfaction to every minde Fiftly Another Publick interest is LIBERTY from all oppressing powers this we have here restored a glorious liberty in which all English men shall live under Authority as children not servants nor slaves some shall rule as Fathers others shall obey as Sons Nothing but love goodnesse and gentlenesse in both both to command and obey shall be sweet and delightfull no Laws but the perfect Law of liberty which the subject shal choose and desire A KING free and enlarged into the hearts and estates of his people living in all they are and have they pleased to have it all the Kings every one hating that which will not be the KINGS and Common wealths counting that base and unworthy that is not every one 's as well as his own and that only to be rich which is free for all and so men free to part with as well as to injoy estates free as well as persons and men not slaves to men nor to their wealth no not to propriety which is the greatest bondage to serve them selves and their own wealth That 's true wealth Common wealth And the People free living in the bosome of the KING in his authority and greatnesse they have a true right to it as they have anything Tbe Court is their Fathers house the Throne their own home where every subject dwels and lives in the Kings honour and presence Sixtly In this we have A RIGHT VNDERSTANDING between King and Parliament The wisdome of God to shew us a way of peace the true light shining from heaven upon us the night of our mistakes is past The prince of darknesse is thrown down we are translated out of a kingdome of darknesse into the Kingdome of God in which we shal alwaies have the true wisdome to guide us Seventhly Here likewise have we AN ACT OF OBLIVION whereby all transgressions are blotted out all carried in to the depth of the Sea where sin if it be sought for it shall not be found such a fullnesse of pleasure and satisfaction as will not admits a thought of revenge if we shall remember past things it will bee with joy and thanks to each other for in ●●rting we have saved one another wherein we have done evill to any it is turned to their good The KING will thank the Parliament for rising against him and the Parliament thank the KING for leaving of them There is GOD and perfect good in all that every party hath suffered HAPPINES it selfe England now hath a confluence of the riches of Heaven and Earth in one blessednesse England a glorious Land the Land of God abounding in store trade justice peace amity We are fallen but as hath been expected We RISE AS ONE MAN England acted by one head one spirit is become one man every one loving another as himself rising against the COMMON ENEMY the Devil the destroyer who is and hath been our only enemy wee hate none but him and by this RISING wee free our selves from him As this satisfies the publick so every particular interest or all interests are here satisfied and brought into one interest which is the true nature of an interest to be in others a joynt or common subsistence every part made cleane and right and so inter-weaved into one intire garment which is the excellency of Divine works they are large save all that 's a humane and devilish designe that saves one by the ruin of another but that is Gods way to save all so as the salvation of one is the salvation of another Now here you see all contented The KING as all have sworne and prayed advanced into honour and greatnesse freed from prison from chains of darknesse wherein he hath been held brought out of a low dungeon of wrath and heavy affliction to the highest Throne of Majesty Person and Office restored from blacknesse and foulnesse to splendor and brightnesse into the Majesty of God and that performed which the Parliament often promised A GLORIOUS KING a KING in the glory of God or the glorious God the Immortall KING Reigning in man and over men Sir this is your true interest t is your life and soul I know t is your heart though yet lying hid T is the Key will unlock your spirit and bring it out into the light and liberty of God unlock your understanding after
with God God with him drink of this health freely and the whole Kingdome shall PLEDGE be bound to fill it again and drink down this heavenly liquor of the Majesty of God in the King into them and the whole people shall say and see it performed GOD SAVE THE KING The King is saved in God and God the salvation of the king This restoration fully satisfies the Parliaments Interest gives her high PRIVILEDGES She is called to an honourable state to live in the Lord Christ to sit with Christ in heavenly places to be one with the Son the body of God to be Jerusalem above the mother of us all and therefore FREE free with God and in God with the King freedome to enter into his heart and bosome to lye there continually The king shall greatly desire thy beauty Thou now hast POWER as well as liberty to make Righteous Lawes in perfect Righteousnesse that shall stand for ever such a King and such a Parliament as we have long beg'd to agree together in just things and in both we shall reap the fruit of our prayers which though they were sowed in weaknesse and now seem dead and rotting in the earth yet shall rise in power The great Interest of the Parliament the COVENANT is here fully satisfied The end that we looked upon HAVING THE GLORY OF GOD IN OUR EYES that glory is now manifest God in glory All Popery c. rooted out and the root of it Satan a thorow and perfect REFORMATION God once formed the Kingdome after himself in his owne likenesse in which it corrupted he hath taken down the old forme and sets up a new reformes us in State and Church now we shall have doctrin and disciplin according to the WORD OF GOD the true and eternall Word the Word it self brought forth and according to the example of the BEST REFORMED CHURCH The generall assembly in heaven c. We have the KING in honour the KINGDOMES heavenly and earthly UNITED and a strong bond that will binde these three and all the Kingdomes of the earth in one life law and peace By this THE POWER OF GODLINES is set up Godlines likenesse of God in Spirit in Power or God himselfe all things else being but a forme We have here PROPRIETY God our own God we restored to him and hee to us his own Vineyard Every one shall enjoy what he hath in peace and coveteousnesse the root of oppression destroyed every one shall have enough every one shall bee satisfied have so much as hee hath ability to beare and others shall freely part with that which hath been burthensome to them selves none have more then they want and all that they want all in such a condition place office as they are fit for as they are capable of Every one having a minde to his condition and a condition to his minde every one by Divine wisdome so disposed as he shall rest in it and not move after others there being no discontent but in hel which is in perpetuall motion after every thing and attains to nothing THE LORD SHALL BE ONE AND HIS NAME ONE in both Kingdomes There is now but one LORD all gathered into Christ hee is LORD indeed and his name written upon every thing in Church and State nothing but the Lord spoken and done amongst us in heaven and earth in England and Scotland The Spirit of the Lord running through these Kingdomes and through all persons in it ruling over all in and by himself the whole shall be called by this Name The Lord and so not only one man but one Lord there being nothing but the glory and righteousnesse of the Lord amongst us This is that which we have desired and attempted to set up THE KINGDOME OF CHRIST THE REIGN OE THE SAINTS The holy God holy Christ holy Spirit with holy men and Angels Reigning together This rich LO RD filling all Magistracy with justice all People with love our Ministry with truth our hearts with heavenly joy all our Laws with life and light our Cities with unity and wealth our Villages with plenty our Families with content our Persons with happinesse our King especially with honour glory safety ease of heart clearness of understanding a sweet injoyment of his Queen and Children the Parliament LORDS and COMMONS with perfect agreement majesty goodnesse love of the King and peoples prosperity This is a true PERSONAL TREATY wherein King and Parliament and all the people are together one person one body living in one Spirit Thus the Lord is Englands desire and Englands joy him we sought for him we finde God gives us all that we desir'd and more then we could ask or think of and that too in a more excellent way then we could imagine T is the Lords doing and t is marvellous in our eies T is the day of the Lord we will rejoyce and be glad in it T is thy self O God Englands life and soul and England is thy delight thy first-borne of all the Nations of the earth T is thy self out saviour and salvation T is thy justice hath took vengeance upon our inventions and saved in that vengeance T is thy power triumphing in our weaknesse thy mercy rejoyces in our deliverance thy wisdome shines forth that brings light out of darknesse turnes mourning into rejoycing makes our Tragedy end in a Comedy a seasonable deliverance now when all miseries and destructions are met together in our bowels a cleare Sun to break forth of a suddain out of such blackensse of darknesse as covered us Thou hast carried us through death to life yea through thy own death to thy own life T is by blood wee are saved by the blood of Christ Thou hast done all things well thy workes are all excellent and perfect Let the People praise thee O God yea let all the People praise THEE FINIS Poscript THese are the Leaves of the tree of Life that will give a new life to this Nation and will heale all her deadly maladies but the leaves not the fruit yet effectuall It 's written here weakely it shall be mighty in operation imperfectly expressed now but fully and accurately will it write forth it self in action T is death to resist them The rebellious do dwell in a dry land in hel Particular persons may be confounded the Nation is the Lords and shall be recovered hee that opposeth all the evils of the Kingdome shall gather into his heart and hee shall bee the common shore into which the Nation shall empty forth all ber plagues wrath and destruction leave the Kingdome and dwell there thou shalt cease tormenting the Nation and torment them that resist You see the Leaves I know you desire the Fruit that is indeeed the life of all you shall speedily injoy it all the glory and happinesse of this Nation beer expressed and of all the Nations of the earth and heaven too shall in its highest perfection dwell in every particular soul This and every peece of it and more ten thousand times then this shall in the purest and fullest glory of Father Son and Spirit Grown every Saint and fill his soul body relations calling businesse recreation and all with the Righteousnesse and Light of Heaven and the Face of God Errata Page 2. line 21. for were read weare p. 16. l. 25. for Mame r. Name p. 45. l. 2. for see their r. see their p. 55. l. 16. for Mation r. Nation l. 22. for them selves and families r. himself and family p. 57. for Chap. 11. r. Chap. 13. p. 81. l. last for a second r. as a second p. 82. l. 29. for dody r. body p. 88. 13. for stall r. shall The Contents CHAPTER I. SHewing the happy and flourishing condition in which the kingdome of England once stood and the ground of it pag. 1. CHAP. II. Shewing the kingdome of England in its corrupt and declining estate pag. 6. CHAP. III. Shewing the kings errours pag. 10 CHAP. V. Shewing the Parliaments errours pag. 18 CHAP. VI. Shewing the judgement upon the Parliament pag. 26 CHAP. VII Shewing the sinne and punishment of the People of both partyes pag. 29 CHAP. VIII Shewing the wickdnesse of the Ministery or Clergy and their judgement pag. 32 CHAP. IX Shewing the iniquity of the Army and its judgement pag. 39 CHAP. X. Shewing the state of the Levellers pag. 45 CHAP. XI Shewing the judgment of the City of London pag. 47 CHAP. XII Shewing the irrecoverablenesse of Englands ruine by humane wayes pag. 50 CHAP. XIII Shewing the method of God in curing the Nation viz. first to take our sinne upon himself pag. 57 CHAP. XIV Of the second thing in saving of the Nation The death of Christ and our fellowship in it pag. 62 CHAP. XV. Of the compleat cure of the Nation shewing it in its raised state and particularly the king pag. 69 CHAP. XVI Of the Parliament in its raised estate pag. 74 CHAP. XVII Of the perfect union betwixt king and Parliament and by them with his People in this new and raised estate pag. 76 CHAP XVIII Of the cure of the people of the Land by this death and resurrection pag. 87 CHAP. XIX The restoration of the Ministrie by Christs bearing their sin and by his death and resurrection pag. 90 CHAP. XX. Of the restoration of the Army Levellers and City of London pag. 97 CHAP. XXI Of the admirable fulnesse of this restoration satisfying all Interests FINIS