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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23561 A breuiat cronicle contaynynge all the kinges from Brute to this daye and manye notable actes gathered oute of diuers cronicles fro[m] Willyam Conquerour vnto the yere of Christ a. M.d.c.lii.; Chronicles of England. 1552 (1552) STC 9968; ESTC S4659 60,362 218

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Constantines sonne slew Engyst and droue the Sarazyns away reygned viii yere Vter pēdragō his brother xvii yere Arther his son reigned xxvi yere Cōstātine Arthers cosin xxiiii yere Guran for Constantyne had none heyre reygned xxx yere Tonagh his cosin xxiiii yere Syryke reygned xxv yeare Saint Ethelbert and Sebert that were conuerted by saint Austine his felowship reigned l. yere Elfrede and Cadwaller saint Oswalde and Cadwalyn reygned in this realme of Englande one after another lxxx yere Offa Sainte Oswaldes brother xlviii yere Alured the first in his time saynte Edmunde of Bury was slayne of hūger and Hubba the kynges brethren of Denmarke xxx yere Edward the first his son xxv yere Edmunde his brother xvii yere Adelstone xxv yere Eldred his brother x. yere Edwin his third brother iiii yere Edgar his sonne xvii yere S. Edward the martyr xii yere Swayne that was kinge of Denmarke reygned xv yere Eldred s Edwards brother .ix. yere Edmunde Irensyd and Knowe Swayne sonne reigned xx yere Harolde Harefote knowte sonne xiii yere Hardeknowt his brother xvi yere Saynt Edward the confessour Eldredes sonne reigned xxiii yere Harolde that was Godwyn sonne Earle of well sex reygned i. yere ¶ Here endeth al the kinges that raygned before the Conquest Wyllyam Conqueroure WIlliam Duke of Normandy called conquerour Of williā cōqueror duke of normādy Nephew vnto king Edward the confessoure began his dominion ouer this realme of Englande the .xv. daye of October in the yeare of oure Lorde M lxvii and reygned .xxi. yeares one moneth with greate cruelnes toward the Englyshmen chargynge them alwayes wyth greate exactions by meanes whereof he caused dyuers to flee oute of the lande he ordayned new lawes at hys owne pleasure profitable to him self and greuous and hurtful to the people In the second yere of thys kīges reygne the cyty of Exeter and Northumberland Exiter Rebelled rebelled which bothe were subdued and after greuously punyshed Kynge Wyllyam bylded certayne castels within thys realme and put normans to be gouerners in them who greatlye oppressed the Englyshe men The englysh men oppressed About thys time the kyng caused .ii. Bishops albotes deposed Cardynalles to come frome Rome where by meanes of the kynge they deposed certayne Bysshopes Albottes and Prioures Englyshemen and in theyr place put in Normans The countre aboue yorke destroyed In the .iii. yeare of Wyllyam Conqueroure the Danes inuaded the North countre and won yorke but shortlye after the kynge came and droue awaye the Danes and toke such displeasure wyth the enhabitauntes of that prouynce that he destroyed the lande from yorke to Durham that .ix. yeare after it laye vnlaboured and vntylled About thys tyme was a greate debate betwene Thomas Archebishop of yorke and Langfranke archbyshop of Canterbury for the Primacy of Englande A variaunce betwene the byshops for the primacy but the byshop of Cantorbury optained and the Byshop of yorke made to hym an othe of obeysaunce In the .x. A conspiracy against the kynge yeare of thys kynges raigne Roger Erle of Herford and Rafe Earle of Norfolke conspyred agaynste kynge Wyllyam he beynge in Normandy whych were bothe outelawed the realme and Earle Walrefe that vttered the conspiracy was beheaded About the .xv. A bataile ī normādy yere of his raigne Robert curteyse the kynges eldest sone wyth the helpe of Philip the French kinge made warre against his father in Normandye where kynge Wyllyam was sore hurte but afterwarde a peace was made betwene them Thys kynge wyllyam made the newe forest in hamshere and therefore he cast downe diuers churches by the space of xxx The makinge of new forest myles No englishe man bare office in englād In his time he kept the Englysh men so lowe that few of them bare any offyce of honour in England Also in the .xix. yeare of kynge Wyllyams reygne he beynge in Normandy raysed a great trybute in England and caused to be gathered of euery hyde of landes whych contayneeh .xx A greate tribute Acres .vi. s Shortly after the kinge made warre into Fraunce where he dyd muche hurte The deth of williā cōqueror but in this heate he toke suche a disease that it cost him his life in his sekenes he made his testamente and gaue to Wyllyam Rufus his second sonne the kyngdome of Englande and to Roberd Courteise his eldest sonne the Duchye of Normandy and vnto hēry hys thyrde sonne he gaue hys treasure thus he ended his lyfe in the moneth of Iuly and lyeth buryed at Cane in Normandy Wylliam Rufus WIllyam Rufus or willyam the Reed began his reygne ouer thys realme the .xvii. day of Septembre the yeare of Christ .m.lxxxix. Sone after willyam Rufus had taken vpon him the kyngdome hys brother Robert Courteise came out of Normandy and landed at hamptō to th entent to haue put out his brother frome the kyngdome but the kynge sente to him ambassadours Agremēt betwene williā rufus hys brother so at the last they were agreed that Wyllyam Rufus should be kynge payinge to his brother yearly .iii. M. Markes ech of them to be others aire A rebelliō againste the kinge In the second yere of thys king dyuers Lordes in England rebelled against the kynge and assayled dyuers townes but kyng wylliam vanquyshed the traitours and chased them out of hys realme war with the scotes In the .iii. yeare of Wyllyam Rufus the scottes warred on englande wherefore kynge Wyllyam prouided an armye and wente thether where after dyuers conflictes and scermyshes a peace was concluded so that Malcolyn kynge of Scottes was sworne to be trew to kynge Wyllyam A greate winde in England In the iiii yere of wyllyam Rufus there was a greate wynde in London that blew downe v.c. houses and the rofe of Bow churche and did greate hurte in vynchester and other places The king of wales slayne In this time also the Welchemen rebelled but they were subdued theyr duke or kinge called Ryse slayne whiche was accompted the laste kinge of Wales Also Malcolin kyng of Scottes rebelled and came with an army into Englande The king of scottes slayne but the Earle of Northumberlande encountred wyth him and there kinge Malcolyn was slaine In the .vi. a viage to Ierusalē yeare of William Rufus there was prepared throughe christendome a mightye army of thre .c. M. men to winne Ierusalē whose soueraygne capitayne was Godfrey duke of Loraine and his ii bretheren with many other noble men of Christendome At this time many noble menne Borowīg of money for this vyage laied their landes to morgage to prouide for the forenamed viage amonge whiche was Roberd Curtoyse Duke of normandy he layed his dukedome to pledge to his brother William kinge of Englande for a C.M. pounde Greate taxynge A bought the .viii yeare of william Rufus bothe Englande and Normandy were greuouslye taxed and also there was a great mortalitie
them after which victory Sir Thomas Poyninges was made Lord. This yeare in Iuly about the xx day the frenchmen wyth a greate Nauy of shyppes enuaded the I le of Wyghte The frēchmen enuaded the ile of wight where as they wer driuen backe and a greate nombre slayne This yerae in Septembre the Church of Saynt Gyles withoute Cripilgate was brent ¶ Anno domini M. ccccc.xlv an xxxvii Henrici octa Syr Martyn Bowes goldsmith mayre George Barnes Raufe Aleine shiriffes This yere in February sholde a woman bene brente in Smithfmithfelde for clyppyng of Golde but the kinges pardonne came she beynge at the stake readye to bee brente Thys yere the Cytizyns of london leuaied in the cyty ii fyfienes for the conueyaunce of more water to the citie Thys yeare the .xiii. day of Iune beynge whytsonday and the yeare of our lorde God M. ccccc.xlvi a continuall peace was proclaymed in the citie of London betwene our most renomed Henry the eyghte on the one partye A peace betwen england and Fraunce And the ryght hygh and myghtye prynce the Frenche kynge on the other partye with a solempne procession at the tyme of proclamacion gyuynge laude and praise to god the auctour of peace and at nyght thorowoute the Citie greate fyers with muche ioye and gladnes This yeare the .xxvii. daye of Iune docter Crome preached at Poules crosse Docter crome recanted and there openly confessed that he had ben seduced with noughtye Bokes contrarye to the true doctrine of Christ and in this doyng he sayd he was not compelled so for to saye neyther for feare nor by any other meanes but onelye of his free and voluntary wyll This yere was brent in smithfelde Anne Ascue and thre more for herisy and Doctor shaxston recanted the same time In the same yeare the .xxi. day of Auguste The conclusion of the year came into englande to do his duety from the french kinge Mounscure Deneball high admirall of Fraunce wyth greate tryumphe and broughte with him the Sacre of Depe .xii. Galeis well besene in diuers poyntes and so landed at the Towre where as he was honorablye receyued with manie nobles and peres of the realme and with the greatest shotinge of Gunnes that euer was hearde or sene and so broughte to the Byshoppe of Londons place and lay there ii nyghtes that is to saye the xxi .xxii. day of August ī the yere of oure lorde M. ccccc.xlvi On the monday the .xxiii. day of August he dyd ryd to Hampton courte where as the kinges grace lay and before he came to Hampton Court my Lorde the prince receyued him with the noblest company that euer was sene to the nombre of cccc.xl veluet cotes And my lord Prīces leuery wer with sleues of cloth of golde and halfe the cote imbrodred also with golde there were to the nombre of viii.c horses ryally apparelled which broughte him to the Maner of Hampton Courte to the prudent and redubted Prynce his father and Quene Katheryne and on the morowe the kynges grace and the said Mounsure Deueball brake the hooste betwene them for a generall peace so continued in banketynge and pleasure triumphantlye wyth the noblest Maskes and mumminges that euer was sene with diuers sundry chaunges in so muche that the torche berers were clothed in cloth of golde this continued .vi. daies and so returned into Fraūce with manye sundrye gyftes gyuen him and his retynew ¶ An. do m. ccccc.xlvi an xxxviii herici viii Henri Hobelthorne marchaunte Tayloure mayre Richard Gerues Thomas Curtes shiriffes This yeare the .xix. day of Ianuary was the Erle of Surrey beheaded at the Towre hyl for treasō This yeare the .xxviii. daye of Ianuary departed this present life the noble king Henry the eyght of that name whose soule God take to his infinite mercy vnder whome we his people of Englande lyued longe a ioyful and a peasable lyfe The deth of kīg hēry the .viii reduced from the errour of Idolatry to the true knowledge of God and his worde And was full royally buryed at Wynfore the .xvi. day of February the same yeare ¶ Edwarde the .vi. OVre most gracious Soueraygne lorde kyng Edward the .vi. beganne his raygne the .xxxi. daye of Ianuary in the yere of our lord m.ccccc.xlvi and was proclaimed kīg in all his late fathers realmes and landes And the .xix. day of February he rode solemply with his vncle syr Edward Seymer Lord gouernour and Protectour Duke of Somerset with the nobilitie of the realme from the towre to Westmīster thorowe the citie of London whiche was richelye hanged with couerlites and carpettes of tapistry and ares Chepesyde being richely hanged with clothe of siluer and golde Euery condite running wine Pagentes of chyldren beyng rychely aparelled to receiue him at euerye place with Oracons of his prayse And on the Southe syde of saynt Poules churcheyard an Argosie came from the battilment of the same churche vpon a cable beynge made faste to an anker at the deanes doore lying vpon his brest aidinge him selfe nether with hand nor fote and after ascēded the mid of the same cable tūbled and played many pretye toyes where at the kynge with other of the peres and nobles of thys Realme laughed hertelye The tornacion of king Edwarde The .xx. daye of February hys moste noble grace at Westminster was proclaymed anoynted crowned kynge Thomas lord Archebishop of Cantorbury and Meterapolytane of this Realme minystring the deuine Sacramentes ceremonies to do ryallye al thynge belonginge and so continued in banketynge triumphantlye wyth the noblest maskes and mummeries that euer was sene wyth dyuers and sundry chaunges of apparell The xxi and .xxii. day syr Thomas Seymer lorde Admyrall accompanied with Deuelox syr Anthony kingstone syr Peter Carewe Knowles and Shelley were Chalengers agaynst al personnes defendaunte at the Tylte bariers and turney wherein they behaued themselues lyke valiaunte men of armes And this was finished on Sonday nexte folowinge beynge the .xxvii. day hauinge at euen bankettes at the which were suche dyuers and sundry playes with maskes that no tyme tongue nor pen can expresse In this moneth of March syr Andrewe Dudley vise Admirall with the Paunce and the Hart beynge but synglye manned had a great conflycte with thre Scottish shippes beynge double manned and trīmed with ordinaunce in the narowe Seas and thankes be to God obteyned the victory and toke many prisoners and broughte the shyppes into Orwell hauen where they dyd remaine For the whiche victory let vs praise God praying God for the prosperous raygne longe life of oure Lord and kynge Edward the sixte to the victory ouer his enemyes and for the welthe of this Realme ¶ Anno domi M. ccccc.xlvii an primo Edwardi sexti Syr Iohn Greshā knighte Mayre Thomas White Robert Curtes shiriffes In this yere was ordeyned the holye Communion to be receyued in both kindes This yere the last day of Iuly Stephen Gardener byshoppe of