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A22993 Anno primo et secu[n]do Philippi & MariƦ actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster, the xij day of Noue[m]ber, in the fyrst and second year of the reigne of Our Soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, Kinge and Quene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Irelande, defendours of the faith, princes of Spayne & Sicile, archdukes of Austria, dukes of Millaine, Burgondie and Brabant, counties of Haspurge, Flaunders, and Tyrol, and there continued and kepte vntyll the dissolution of the same, beinge the xvj daye of January then next ensuing, were enacted as foloweth.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Mary I, Queen of England, 1516-1558.; Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598. 1555 (1555) STC 9448.3; ESTC S113142 63,051 69

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suspected euery of thē may by the aucthoritie of the sayd ordinarye and Statute cause to be arrested and vnder saufe custody in his prisones to be deteined tyl he or they of the articles layed to him or them in this behalfe doo canonically purge him or them selfe or ells suche wicked secte preachynges doctrynes and heretical and erronious opiniōs do abiure according as the lawes of the church doth require so that the sayd dyocesan by him self or his commissaries do openly and iudicially procede against such periones so arrested and remayning vnder his saufe custodye to all effect of the lawe and determine that same busynes according to the Canonicall decrees within three monethes after the sayde arrest any lawfull impedimēt ceassing And yf any person in any case aboue expressed be before the diocesan of that place or hys commyssaryes canonically conuict then the same diocesan may do to be kept in his prison the sayd person so conuict for the maner of his defaulte and after the qualitie of the offence accordyng and as long as to hys discretion shall seme expedient and moreouer to put the same person to the secular court except in cases where he accordyng to the canonicall decree ought to be left to paye to our soueraigne lord the kinge his pecunier fine accordyng as the same fyne shall seme competent to the diocesan for the maner and qualitie of the offence in which case the same dyocesan shal be bounde to certifye the kyng of the same fine in his escheker by his Lettre Patentes sealed with hys seale to the effecte that suche fyne by the kynges aucthoritie maye be requyred and leuied to his vse of the goodes of the same person so conuycte And if any person within the sayd realme and dominions vpon the sayde wycked preachynges doctrynes opinions schooles and heretycall and erronious informations or any of them be before the diocesan of the same place or his commissaries sentencially conuyct the same wicked sect preachinges doctrines and opinions scholes and informations do refuse duely to abiure or by the dyocesan of the same place or his commyssaryes after the abiuration made by the lame person pronounced fal in to relapse so that accordinge to the holye canons he oughte to be lefte to these culer courte whervpon credence shal be geuen to the dyocesan of the same place or to his commissaryes in this behalfe then the sheryffe of the countie of the same place and Maior and sheryffes or sheryffe or Mayor and Baylyffes of the Citie Towne and borow of the same countye next to the same diocesan or the sayde Commissaryes shal be personailye present in preferryng of such sentences when they by the same diocesan or his commissaries shal be required and they the same personnes and euerye of them after suche sentence promulgate shall receaue and them before the people in an hygh place dooe to be brent that such punyshmente maye strike in feare to the myndes of other wherby no such wycked doctrine and heretical and erronious opinions nor their abbettours and fautours in the said realme dominions agaynst the catholike faith christen law determination of the holy church which god prohibite be fusteined or in any wyse suffered in whiche al and singuler the premisses concerninge the sayde ordinaunce and statute the sheriffes maiors and bailiffes of the said counties cities boroughes and townes shal be tendynge aydynge and supportyng to the sayd diocesans and their commissaries ☞ The tenor of the thyrd act made in the second yere of kygne Henry the fift is as foloweth Cap. vii ITem forasmuch as great rumors congregations insurrections here in the realme of England by diuers of the kinges liege people aswel by them which wer of the sect of heresies commonly called lolardry as by other of their confederatie excitation abbetment nowe of late were made to thintent to adnul destroy and subuerte the christen faith and the law of god and holy church within this same realm of England and also to destroy the same our soueraine lord the king and all other maner of estates of the same realme of England aswel spiritual as temporal and also al maner of policie and finally the lawes of the lande The same our soueraigne lord the king to the honour of god and in conseruation and fortification of the christen faith and also in sak ation of his royal estate and of thestate of al his realme willing against the malice of such heretikes and lolardes to prouide a more open remedy and punishment then hath ben had and vsed in the case hereto fore so that for fear of the same lawes and punishment such heresies and lolardries may the rather cease in time to come by the aduise and assent aforesaid at the prayer of the saide commons hath ordeined established that first the chaunceloure treasurer Iustices of the one benche and of thother Iustices of peace shirifes mayors and baylifs of cities and townes and al other officers hauinge gouernaunce of people which now be or hereafter for the tyme shal be shal make anothe in takyng of their charges and occupations to put their hole power and diligence to put out and do to be put out cease and destroy al maner of heresies and errors commonly called lolardryes within the places where they exercise their offices and occupations frō time to tyme with al theyr power and that they assist the ordinaryes and their comissaries and them fauor and maintaine as often as they or any of them to that shal be required by the same ordinaries or theyr comissaries so that when the saide officers and ministers trauayle or ride to arrest any lolard or to make assistence at the instance and request of the ordinaries or their commissaries by vertue of this statute that the same ordinaries and commissaries shal paye for theyr costes reasonable And that the kynges seruices to the which the same officers be fyrst sworne be preferred before al other statutes for the libertie of holy church and the ministers of the same in especiall for the correction and punishment of the heretikes and lolardes before this time made and not repelled being in their force And also that al persons conuict of heresie of what estate condition or degre that thei be by the sayd ordinaries or other cōmissaries left to the seculer power according to the lawes of holp churche shal lose and forfeyte all theyr landes and tenementes whiche they haue in fee simple in the maner as foloweth that is to say that the kinge haue al the londes and tenementes whiche the sayde conuictes haue in fee simple and holden of him immediately as forfeyte and that the other lordes of whome the landes and tenements of such conuictes be holden immediatly after that the king is so seaced and answered of the yeare the day and the wast haue liuery out of the kynges handes of the landes and tenemētes aforesaid of them so holden as it hath bene
Anno primo etsecūdo Philippi Mariae Actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster the .xii day of Nouēber in the fyrst and second year of the reigne of our soueraigne Lorde and Lady Philippe and Marye by the grace of God kinge and Quene of England Fraunce Naples Ierusalem and Irelande defendours of the faith princes of Spayne Sicile Archdukes of Austria Dukes of Millaine Burgondie and Brabant counties of Haspurge Flaunders and Tyrol and there continued and kepte vntyll the dissolution of the same beinge the .xvi. days of Ianuary then next ensuing were enacted as foloweth Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis The Table AN act touchinge letters patentes ▪ and other wrytynges to be signed by the Quenes Maiestie Ca. i. An act for the reformation of excesse in apparel Ca. ii An acte against seditious wordes and rumours Cap. iii. An act for the punishment of certayne persons callynge them selues Egiptians Cap. iiii An acte to restrayne carying of corne victuals and woode ouer the Sea Cap. v. An acte for the reniuing of three statutes made for the punyshment of heresyes Cap. vi An act that personnes dwellyng in the countrey shal not sell dyuers wares in cyties and townes corporate by retayle Cap. vii An act repealing al statutes articles and prouisions made agaynste the sea apostolyke of Rome synce the twenty yeare of kynge Henrye theyght and also for the establishemēt of al spyrytual ecclesiasticall possessions and hereditamentes conueyed to the laytye Cap. viii An acte for the punyshment of trayterous wordes agaynst the quenes maiestie Cap. ix An acte wherby certaine offences be made treasons and also for the gouernement of the kinges and Quenes Maiesties issue Cap. x An acte for the punishmente of bunginge in of counterfeyte coyne of forrayne realmes being curraunte within this realme Ca. xi An acte touchinge the impoundinge of distresses Ca. xii An act appoyntynge in order to Iustices of peace touching the vail ment of prysoners Cap. xiii An act for the making of russels satens sattens reuerses and fustian of Naples in Norwyche Cap. xiiii An acte to confyrme the liberties of the lorde Marchers in Wales Cap. xv An act for the continuaunce of certayne statutes Cap. xvi An act touchyng leases hereafter to be made by certayne spyrytuall persons Cap. xvii An acte touchynge letters patentes and other wrytynges to besigned by the Quenes Maiestie The fyrst Chapter WHere in the Parliamente begonne and holden at Westminster the second day of Apryll in the fyrste yeare of the reigne of oure mooste dreade and gratious Souetaygne Ladye the Queenes Maiestye there continued and kept til the dissolution of the same being the fift day of Maye then next folowinge one acte was made touching tharticles of her highnes most noble mariage In the which acte amongeste other thinges it was enacted ordred established by the auctority of the said parliament that all and singuler giftes grauntes letters patentes exchanges cō firmations leases other writinges whiche after the said mariage and during the same shoulde passe and be made of any benefices offices landes reuenues and fruites or of any of them shoulde be intite led and made in the names of our Soueraigne Lord the king and of her most excellent highnes whether his Maiestye shoulde be present within the realmes and dominions of her hyghnes or wtin any of them or absent And that the same giftes grauntes letters patentes eschaunges confirmations leases and other writinges so sette forth and made shoulde be sealed and firmed with the signe manuel of her highnes and the same so signed sealed with the greate seale of this realme or with such seal as hath ben accustomed should be by thauctoritie of the said parliament demed adiudged declared and pronounced to be as good perfect and of like force strength effecte in the lawe to all intentes constructions and purposes agaynst our sayd Soueraigne Lorde and Lady the king and the Queenes malestyes and her hyghnes heires and successours as yf her mayestye had ben at the tyme of the making thereof sole and vnmaried and that all gyftes grauntes letters patentes eschaunces confirmatiōs leases and other wrytynges whiche after the sayde mariage and durynge the time of the same should passe and be made of the said benefices offyces landes reuenues and fruites or of anye of thē whervnto the signe manuall of her hyghnes should not be sette made or put shal be by thaucthorytye of the sayde parlyament from to tyme demed adiudged aceepted taken and decreed to be of no force ne effect but vtterly frustrate and voyde in the lawe to all intentes constructions and purposes the sayde marjage pranye law vsage or custome to the contrary in any wyse notwithstanding as by the sayde act more at large doth appeare Sithence the making of which Statut and the solmntsation of the sayde mariage the queenes most excellent maiestye hath bene greatly molested greued and troubled ●● often signing of letters patentes giftes grauntes eschaunges leases and other wrytynges concerning and touchinge benefices offices andes reuenues and fruites made and graunted by and from but sayd soueraygne lorde the kynge and her highnes to sundrye of theyr most louynge subiectes to whome also it hath bene and is no smal charge to attend vnty ssuche tyme as they may procure and obteyne the signe manuell of her highnes vnto their sayde letters patentes gyftes grauntes ef●chaunges confirmations and leases without whith signe the fame are vtterly voyde by force of the sayde statute to the great daunger losse and vtter vndoing of diuers persons that haue lately boughte purchased or obtayned of our sayd soueraigne Lorde and Lady the kyng and Quenes maiesties diuers landes tenementes and other hereditamentes to theyr great costes and charges For remedy wherof be it enacted by the auctoritie of this present parliamente that the sayde braunthe or article touchinge or concernyng only the signing of letters patentes giftes grauntes eschaunges confirmations leases or of other writinges for any landes benefices offices reuenues friutes or other hereditamētes shal be from henceforth clearely repelled and made frustrate and voyde to alintentes and purposes And be it further enacted by auctoritie of this present parliamet that al and singuler letters patentes touching or concernyuge anye gifte graunte eschaungs confirmation lease or other writinge the whiche sithence the sayde mariage hath passed and be made of anye benefices offices manoures landes tenementes reuenues fruytes lybertyes or other hereditamentes or of any of them in the names of our mooste dread Soueraygne Lorde and ladye the kynge and the Quenes maiesties the waraunte or writinge or warauntes or wrytynges wherof being signed with her hyghnes signe manuel in such fourme order and degree as the same heretofore haue bene accustomed to be signed when her highnes was sole and vnmaryed shal be by auctoritie of this present parliament of the same like force strength and effecte in the lawe to al intentes constructions and purposes as yf
vsed in the case of attainder of feloni except the landes tenementes which be holden of the ordinaries or their cōmissaries before whom any such persons impeched of heresie be cōuict which landes tenementes intierly shall remaine to the king as forfayt And moreouer that al the goods cattels of these persons so cōuicted be forfeit to our soueraygne lorde the kinge so that no person conuict of heresy left to the seculer power after the lawes of holy church shal forfeyt his lands before that he be dead And if any such person so cōuict be enfeffed be it by fine by dede or without dede in landes or tenementes rentes or seruices in fee or otherwise or hath any other possessiōs or catels by gift or graūt of any persō or persons to anothers vse thē to thuse of such cōuictes that the same landes nor tenements rentes nor seruices nor suche other possessions nor catels shal be forfeit to our soueraign lorde the king in no wise And moreouer that the iustices of the kings bench iustices of peace iustices of assise haue ful power to enquire of al thē which hold any errors or heresies as lolardes whiche be theyr mainteyners receiuers fauorers susteners cōmen writers of such bokes as wel of the sermons as of their scoles conuenticles congregatiōs confederaties And that this clause be put in comissions of the iustices of the peace And if any persons be indicted of any pointes aforesaid the sayd iustices shal haue power to award against thē a capias the shiref shal be bound to arrest the person or persons so endicted as sone as he may them find by him or by his officers And forasmuch as the cognisance of heresy errors lolardries belongeth to the iudges of holy church not to the seculer Iudges suche persons iudicted shal be delyuered to the ordinaries of the places or to their commissaryes by indentures betwixt them to be made within .x. dayes after theyr arrest orsoner yf it may be therof to be acquit or conuict by the lawes of holy church in case that these persons be not indicted of another thynge whereof the cognysaunce belongeth to the seculer iudges and offycers in whiche case after that that they be acquyte or delyuered before the seculer Iudges of suche thinges to the seculer Iudges helongyng they shal be sent in safegarde to the sayde ordynaryes or their commissaryes and to them delyuered by indentures as before to be acquite or conuyct of suche lollardryes errours or heresies as is aforesayde after the lawes of holy churche and that within the terme aforesayde Prouided alwayes that the sayd endictementes be not taken in euidence but for information before the spyrytuall Iudges agaynste suche persones so endicted but that the ordinaries commence theyr processe agaynst such persons endicted in the same maner as though no endictmeut were hauing no regarde to suche endictmentes And yf anye be endicted of heresye erroure or lolardrye and taken by the Sheriffe or other officer he shal be let to maynpryce wythin the sayde tenne dayes by good suertye for whom the sayde shyreffes or other officers wil aunswere so that the sayde person or personnes whiche were so endicted be readye to be deliuered to the sayde ordynaries or to theyr commissaries before the ende of the sayde tenne dayes yf he may by anye meanes for sicknes And euerye ordynarye shal haue sufficient commissaries or commissary dwellyng in euerye countie in a place notable so that if any such person so endicted be taken that the sayde commissaries or commissarie may be warned in the notable place where he dwelleth by the shyreffe or some of hys officers to come to the kynges iayle in the same countie there to receyue the same person so endicted by indentures as before And that in the inqueste in this case to he taken the shyreffes and other offycers to whom it belongeth shall do to be empanelled good and sufficient persons not suspected nor procured that is to say that euerye of them which shal be so empanelled in suche inquest haue within the realme of England C.s. of landes tenementes or of rente by yeare vpon payne to lose to the kynges vse and they which shal be empanelled in such inquestes in Males euery of them shal haue to the value of xl.s by yeare And yf anye suche person be arreste be it by the ordinary or by the kynges officers or ministers and escape or break the prison before that he be acquit before the ordinarye the goodes tattelles which he hadde the daye of suche arreste shal be forfeyte to the kynge and his landes and tenementes whiche he had the same daye seased also into the kynges handes the kyng shall haue the profytes therof from the sayd daye vntyll he be yelded to the pryson frō whiche he escaped And that the foresaid Iustices haue ful power to enquyre of al such escapes breakyng of pryson and also of landes and tenementes goodes and cattels of such persons so endicted Prouided also that yf any such person endicted do not retorne to the sayd prison and dieth not conuicte it shal be lawfull to his heyres to enter into the landes and tenementes of their auncestre without anye other pursuyt makynge to the kyng for thys cause and then al they which haue libertyes and fraunchises royall in England as in the countye of Chester the countye and liberty of Durham other lyke and also al the Lordes which haue iurisdiction and frauchisies royal in Wales where the kynges wryttes do not run haue power to execute and put in due executiō these articles in al poyntes by thē or by theyr officers in like mauer as the Iustices and other the kynges officers before declared shoulde doe ☞ An act that persons dwellinge in the countrey shal not sel diuers wares in eities or townes corporate by retayle ☞ The .vii. Chapter WHere before thys tyme the aunnent tities horughes to wnes corporat and maiket to wnes within thys realme of Englād haue bene very populous chiefly inhabited with march auntes artificers handye craftes men during which time the childrē in the sayd cities borowes townes corporat market townes were ciuilly brought vp and instructed and also in the said cities borowes and townes corporate kepte in good order and obeysaunce and the whabiters of the same wel set on worke and kept from ydlenes By reason wherof the sayde cytyes borowes and townes corporate dyd then prosper in riches and great wealth were as then not only able to serue and furnysh the kynges and quenes maiesties and othere their noble progenytours kynges of thys realme aswell with great numbers of good able persons and wel furnyshed meete for the warres as also then charged and yet chargeable with greate fee farmes quindemes taxes and diuers other paymentes to the kyng and Quenes maiesties whiche at this present they be not able to paye beare but to their vtter vndoinge beynge fewe
the kyng then beinge shoulde and mighte be alleged pleeded and allowed as yf the same had not bene soo abolisbed or extinguyshed Forasmuche as the sayd acte is here before amongest other repealed and made voyde Be it therefore euacted by aucthoritie of this present parlyamente that all Bulles dispensations and pryuyleges obteyned before thee sayde .xx. yeare or at any tyme sythence or whyche shall hereafter be optemed of the Sea of Rome not conteininge matter contrarye or pretudicial to the aucthoritie dygnytye or prehemynence Royall or imperyall of the realme or to the lawes of this realme nowe beyng in force and not in this parliament repealed maye be put in executyon vsed and alleged in anye courte within thys Realme or ells where whether the same remayne yet hole or can appeare to haue bene can celled in this vayleable and effectuall maner to all intentes purposes as yf the sayd Acte had neuer bene had or made Anye obiectyon by pretence of extinguyshment or cancellyng of the sayd Bulles dyspensations or priuileges or of any other matter or cause by the pretence of the lawes of thys realme whatsoeuer in anye wyse notwythstandyng And wher as by dissolution of monasteries and other religious houses certayne paryshe churches and chappeles which wer before exempte from the iurisdiction of the Archbyshope and byshop of the diocesse and by speciall exemption and priuelege from Rome were vnder the gouernement and order of the Abbotes and Prioures of those religious houses whych sayde churches by colour of the sayd exemptions be nowe of speciall graunt from Kyng Henry kynge Edwarde vnder the rule and gouernement and iurisdiction of tēporall and laye men who can no more enioye that suprmacye ouer those particuler churches then the king might ouer the hole realme Be it therefore enacted that all Archbyshoppes byshopes in their dioces and all other spirituall person and persones hauynge iurisdiction and their ministeres and officers and no laye person or persones in euery Churche and place within the precincte of the same beyng rempte or not exempte maye freely and without impedimēt execute their spirituall iurisdictiō in al pointes articles as though no such exemption or graunt had neuer bene made Prouided alwaye and be it enacted that this act extend not to take awaye or oiminyshe the preuileges of the vniuersitie of Cambrydge and Oxforde ne the priuileges or prerogatiues graunted heretofore to the churches of Westminster and Wyndesore ne the Tower of London ne preiudiciall to suche temporall Lordes and possessioners in this realme as by auncient custōe haue emoyed probate of Testamentes of their tenauntes or other And forasmuch as after this reconsiliation and vnitie of this noble realme to the body of Christes church it is to be trusted that by the aboundaunce of goddes marcy and grace deuotion shal encrese and growe in the hartes of many the Subieces of this realme with desire to gyue bestow their worldly possessions for the resuscitatyng of almose prayer example of good life in this realme to thintent such godly motions and purposes should be aduaunced Be it therefore enacted by aucthoritye of this present parlyamēt that it shal be lawefull to suche as shal be sessed of any mauours lāds tene mentes personages tithes pencions portions or other hereditamētes whatsoeuer in fee symple in posession reuertiō or remaynder in their owne ryghtes not veyng coppy holde may therof make feoffamentes grauntes or any other assuraunces or by his last wyll and Testament in wryting may be queath and geue in fe symple al and euery the sayd manours lādes tenementes personages tithes pentions portions or other hereditamentes to any spyrituall body polytike or corporate in this realme or dominions of the same nowe erected or founded or hereafter to be erected or founded withoute any lycence of mortmayne there in to be optayned or any wrytte of ad quod dampnum to be sued out for the same the actes de terri ad manion mortuam non ponendis or any other acte or statute heretofore had or made in in any wyse notwithstandyng Sauyng to the Lordes of the fee all rentes seruices dew or goyng out of any of the sayde land or renements or hereditaments so to be amortized as is aforesayd Prouided alway that this clause of this acte for geuing the liber tye of or for the amortezyng of landes or tenementes shall cotynue for and duryng the space of .xx. yeares nexte and immediatelye folowyng and no lenger And forasmuch as we your maiesties humble and obedient subiectes the lordes spirituall and temporall and commons in this present Parlyament assembled nether by the makyng or deliuering of either the supplycations aforesayde nor by any clause artycle or sentence thereof or of any other clause article or sentence of this or any other Statute or any of the preambles of the same made or agreed vpon in this session of this present parliamēt by any maner of inter pretation cōstruction implication or other wyse intende to derogate empaire or diminish any of the prerogatiues liberties fraunchisies preheminences or iurisdictyons of your Croune Imperyall of thys realme and other the dominions to the same belonging we do most humbly besech your maiestyes that it maye be declared and ordeyned and be it enacted and declared by aucthoritie of this presēt parliament that neither the makyng exhibityng or insertynge in thys present statute or in the preambles of the same of the supplicatyons or promys aforesayd or either of them nor any other thyng or thynges wordes sentences clauses or articles in the preambles or body of the artes aforesayde shal be construed vnderstanded or expoūded to derogat diminishe or take away any the liberties priuileges prerogatiues preheminences authorities or iurisdictyons or any parte or pertel therof which were in your imperial croune of this realme or dyd belong to your sayde imperial croune the twenty yere of the reigne of yours the Quenes maiesties moste noble father or anye other your most noble progenitours before the sayd twentye yere the popes holynes and Sea Apostolyke to be restored and to haue and enioye such aucthoritie prehemynence and inrisdictyon as hys holines vsed and exercised or myght lawfully haue vsed and excercised by aucthoritie of hys supremacie the sayd twētie yeare of the regine of the kinge your father within this youre realme of Engnde other your Dominions without diminution or enlargemēt of the same and none other And the Eclesiasticall iurisdiction of the Archebishoppes Bishoppes and ordinaties to be in the same state for processe of suites punishmēt of crimes and execution of censures of the churche wyth knowledge of causes belongyng to the same as large in these poyntes as the sayde iurisdiction was the saide .xx. eyare Prouyded alwayes and be it enacted by thauethoritie aforesayd that in and vpon euery such gyftes and deuyses to be made to suche spirituall corporations or persones as is aforesaid the donor feoffer or diuisor thereof may reserue to him and
kyngly name of this realme or that any persō or persons being neyther the kyng or the quenes maiesties that nowe are durynge the sayd matrimony betweue them ought to haue or enioye the stile honoure and kyngelye name of this realme or that the Queenes maiestie that nowe is during her life is not or of right oughte not to be quene of this realme or after her death that the heyres of her hyghnes body beyng kinges or quenes of this realme of righte oughte not to be kynges or quenes of this realme or to haue and enioye the same or that anye person or personnes other then the quenes maiestie that nowe is during her life ought to be Quene of this realme or after her death other then the heyres of her body beinge kinges or queenes of this realme as longe as any of her sayde heyres of her body begotten shal be in lyfe of ryght oughte to haue and enioy the imperiall crowne of this realme That then euery suche offendoour beyng therof duly connicted or attainted by the lawes of this realme their abbettours procurers and counsailoures and all and euerye theyr comforters knowynge the sayde offences or anye of theym to bee done and being thereof conuicted or attaynted as is abouesayde for his or theyr suche offence shall forfeyte and lose to the queenes hyghnes her heyres and successours all his and theyr goodes and cattels and the whole issues and proffytes of his and theyr landes tenementes and other hereditamentes sor terme of the lyfe of euerye suche offendoure or offendours and also shall haue and suffer duringe his and theyr liues perpetuall imprisonment Prouided alwayes and be it enacted by the auctoritie aforesayde that all and euery ecclesiasticall person beinge conuicted or attaynted in fourme aforesaid for euery surhe his offence shal be depriued by the ordinary from his promotion spirituall or ecclesiasticall in suche lyke maner and fourme that it shal be laweful for euery patron founder or geuer thereof to present after suche depriuation hadde some one other to the same as thoughe the sayde offendoure or offendoures were deceassed And yf any person or persons beyng hereafter conuicted or at taynted of any of the sayd offences in fonrme aforesayd cōmitted shal after his or theyr conuiction or attainder estsones committe or perpetrate any of the sayde offences in forme aforesayde That then euerye suche seconde offence or offences shal be demed and adiudged hyghe treason and the offendoure or offendoures therein theyr abbettoures procurers and councelloures and all and euery theyr aydours conforters knowing the sayd offences or anye of them to be done beyng thereof conuicted or attainted accordyng to the lawes and Statutes of this realme shal be iudged and demed hyghe traytoures and shall suffer paynes of deathe and lose and forfeyte all theyr goodes and cattels landes and tenementes to the queenes maiestie her heyres and successours as in cases of high treason by the lawes of this realme at this day of ryght ought to be lost and forfeyted And be it further enacted by the said aucthoritie the yf any person or persones at any time after the said first day of February next to come during the sayd marriage compasse or ymagine the death of the kynges maiestie that nowe is and the same maliciousely aduisedly and directly shall vtter and attempte by any writing pryntynge ouert dede or acte or yf any person or persons at any tyme after the said fyrst day of February next comming shall maliciously aduisedlye and dyrectlye by wryting prynting ouert dede or acte affirme that the kynges maiestie that nowe is duryng the said matrimony oughte not to haue or enioye ioyntly togethers with the Quenes hyghnes the style honour and kyngly name of this realme or that any person or persons beyng neither the kynge or the Quenes maiestie that nowe is durynge the sayde matrimony betwene them ought to haue and enioy the stile honour and kinglye name of this realme Or yf any person or personnes after the sayde day by any writing prynting ouert dede or acte maliciousely aduisedly and directly do affirme that the Quenes maiestie that nowe is duryng her lyfe is not or oughte not to be quene of this realme or after her death that the heyres of her hyghnes body beyng kynges or Quenes of this realme of ryght ought not to haue and enioye the imperiall Crowne of this Realme or that anye person or persones other then the Quenes maiestie that nowe is durynge her lyfe or after her death other then the heyres of her body begotten beynge kynges or quenes of this realme as longe as anye of her sayde heyres of her body shal be in lyfe of ryghte oughte to haue and enioye the imperyall crowne of this realme That then euery such offence and offēces shal be adiudged high treason the offender offenders therein theyr abbettours procurers and councellers and all and euery theyr aydours and comforters knowinge the sayd offences or any of them to be done beynge thereof conuicted or attaynted by the lawes and statutes of this realme shal be demed and adiudged hygh traytoures and shall suffer paynes of death and loose and forfeyte al theyr goodes and cattels landes and tenementes to the Quenes maiestie her heites and successours as in cases of high treason as is abouesayde And albeit we the Lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present parliament assembled haue fyrme hope and confidence in the goodnes of Almyghty God that lyke as he hath hether to mir aculousiye preserued the Quenes maiesty from many greate imminent periles daungers euen so he wyll of his infinite goodnes gyue her highnes strength the rather by oure continuall prayers to passe well the daunger of deliueraunce of chylde wherwith it hathe pleased hym to all oure greate comfortes to blesse her Yet forasmuch as all thinges of thys worlde be vncertayne and hauynge before our eyes the dolorous experience of the inconstaut gouernement duringe the tyme of the reygne of the late kynge Edwarde the syxte do playnelye se the manifolde inconuenienees greate daungers and perylles that maye ensue to this hole realme yf foresyghte be not vsed to preuent euyll chaunces yf they should happen For the eschewing whereof we the Lordes spiritual and temporal and the commons in this present parliament assembled for in consideration of a most special trust and confidence that we haue repose in the kinges maiestie for and concernyng the good and politike gouernemēt ordre and administration of this realme in the tyme of the yonge yeres of the issue or issues of her maiesties body to be borne if it should please God to call the quenes hyghnes out of thys present lyfe duryng the tender yeares of such issue or issues whych God forbyde according to such ordre and maner as hereafter in this present acte hys hyghnes most gratious pleasure is should be declared and set fourth haue made our most humble suite by thasiēt of the quenes highnes