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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20096 The famous history of Sir Thomas VVyat With the coronation of Queen Mary, and the coming in of King Philip. As it was plaied by the Queens Maiesties Seruants. Written by Thomas Dickers, and Iohn Webster. Dekker, Thomas, ca. 1572-1632.; Webster, John, 1580?-1625? aut 1607 (1607) STC 6537; ESTC S105289 23,849 54

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THE FAMOVS History of Sir Thomas Wyat With the Coronation of Queen Mary and the coming in of King Philip As it was plaied by the Queens Maiesties Seruants Written by Thomas Dickers And Iohn Webster LONDON Printed by F. A. for Thomas Archer and are to be solde at his shop in the Popes-head Pallace nere the Royall Exchange 1607 THE Famous Historie of Sir Thomas Wyat. Enter Northumberland and Suffolke Suff: HOw fares the King my Lord speakes he cheerely Nor: Euen as a dying man whose life Like to quicke lighting which is no sooner seene but is extinct Suff: Is the Kings will confirm'd Nor: I that 's the point that we leuel at But oh the confirmation of that will t is all t is all Suff: That will confirme my Daughter Queene Nor. Right my Sonne is marryed to your daughter My Lord in an euen plaine way I will Deriue the Crowne vnto your Daughters head What though the King hath left behinde Two Sisters lawfull and immediate heires To succeed him in his Throane Lyes it not In our powers to contradict it Haue we not the King and Counsels hands vnto it Tut wee stand high in mans opinion And the worldes broad eye Enter Sir Thomas Wyat. Suff. Heere comes Sir Thomas Wyat Nor: Sir Thomas booted and spur'd whether away so fast Wiat. It bootes me not to stay When in this land rebellion beares such sway Gods will a Court T is chang'd Since Noble Henries daies You haue set your handes vnto a will A will you well may call it So wils Northumberland So wils great Suffolke Against Gods will to wrong those Princely Maides Nor. Will you not subscribe your hand with other of the Lords Not with me that in my handes Surprise the Soueraigntie Wyat. I le damb'd my soule for no man no for no man who at doomes day must answere for my sinne Not you nor you my Lordes Who nam'de Queene Iane in noble Henries daies Which of you all durst once displace his issue My Lords my Lords you whet your kniues so sharp To carue your meate That they will cut your fingars The strength is weakenesse that you builde vpon The King is sicke God mend him I God mend him But were his soule from his pale body free Adieu my Lords the Court no court for me Exit Wyat. North. Farwell I feare thee not The Fly is angrie but hee wants a sting And all the Counsell onely this peruerse And peeuish Lord hath onely deny'd his hand To the inuesting of your princely Daughter Hee 's idle and wants power Our Ocean shall these petty brookes deuoure Heere comes his Highnesse Doctor 〈◊〉 Enter Doctor Suff: How fares his Highnesse Doct: His body is past helpe We haue left our practice to the Diuines That they may cure his soule Aru: Past phisickes helpe why then past hope of life Heere comes his Highnesse Preacher Life reuerent man Enter Preacher Pre. Life life though death his body doe disseuer Our King liues with the King of heauen for euer Nor. Dead send for Heralds call me Purseuants Wher 's the King at armes in euerie market towne Proclaime Queene Iane Suff. Best to take the opinion of the Counsell Nort. You are too timorous We in our selues Are power sufficient the King being dead This hand shall place the crowne On Queene Ianes head Trumpets and Drums with your notes resound Her royal name that must in state be crown'd Exeūt Om Enter Guilford and Iane Guil: Our Cousen King is dead Ian: Alasse how small an Vrne containes a King He that ruld all euen with his princely breath Is forc'd to stoope now to the stroake of death Heard you not the proclamation Gui: I heare of it and I giue credit to it What great men feare to be Their feares grow greater Our Fathers grow ambitious And would force vs saile in mightie tempests And are not Lordes of what they doe possesse Are not thy thoughts as great Ian. I haue no thoughts so ranke so growne to head As are our Fathers pride Troth I doe inioy a Kingdome hauing thee And so my paine be prosperous in that What care I though a Sheep-cote be my Pallace Or fairest roofe of honour Gui. See how thy blood keepes course with mine Thou must be a Queene aye me a Queene The flattering belles that shrilly sound At the Kings funerall with hollow heartes Will cowardly call thee Soueraigne For indeed thou wouldst prooue but an Vsurper Ian, Who would weare fetters though they were all of golde Or to be sicke though his faint browes For a wearing Night-cap wore a Crowne Thou must assume a tytle that goes on many feet But t is an office wherein the heartes of Schollers And of Souldiers will depend vppon thy Hearse Were this rightly scand Wee scarce should finde a King in any Land Enter Arundell Arun. Honor and happy reigne Attend the new Maiestie of England Ian: To whome my Lord bends this your aue Arun. To your grace dread Soueraigne You are by the Kings will and the consent Of all the Lords chosen for our Queene Ian: O God! me thinkes you sing my death In parts of musickes lowdnes T is not my turne to rise Enter Northumberland Suffolke with the Purse and the Mace with others Nor: The voice of the whole Land-speakes in my tongue It is concluded your Maiestie must ride From hence vnto the Tower there to stay Vntill your Coronation Ian: O God! Suff. Why sighes your Maiestie Ian: My Lord and Father I pray tell me Was your Fathers Father ere a King Suff. Neuer and it like your grace Ian. Would I might still continue of his lyne Not trauell in the cloudes It is often seene the heated blood That couets to be royall leaues off ere it be noble My learned carefull King what must we goe Gui. We must Ian. Then it must be so Nor. Set forward then A dead march and passe round the stage and Guilford speakes The Towre will be a place of ample state Some lodgings in it will like dead mens sculs Remember vs of frailty Gui. We are led with pompe to prison O propheticke soule Lo we ascend into our chaires of State Like funerall Coffins in some funerall Pompe descending to their graues But we must on How can we fare well to keep our Court Where Prisoners keepe their caue A florish Exeunt Omnes Enter Queene Mary with a Prayer Booke in her hand like a Nun Mary Thus like a Nun not like a Princesse borne Descended from the Royall Henries loynes Liue I inuirond in a house of stone My Brother Edward liues in pompe and state I in a mansion here all ruinate Their rich attire delicious banquetting Their seuerall pleasures all their pride and honour I haue forsaken for a rich prayer Booke The Golden Mines of wealthy India Is all as drosse compared to thy sweetnesse Thou art the ioy and comfort of the poore The euerlasting blisse in thee we finde This little volume inclosed in
against thy entrance And it shall cost the liues of twentie thousand true subiects to the Queene before a Traytor enters Omnes Shoote him through Wia: Stay le ts know him first Clo: Kill him then le ts know him afterwards Pem: Looke on my face and blushing see with shame thy treasons Charecter'd Bre: T is the Lord Pembroke Wiat What haue wee to doe with the Lord Pembroke where 's the Queenes Lieftenant Pem: I am Lieftenant of the Citie now Wiat Are you Lord Maior Pem: The greatest Lord that breathes enters not beere without expresse commaund from my deare Queene Wiat. She commaundes hy vs Pem: I doe commaund thee in her highnesse name To leaue the Cittie gates or by my honour A peece of ordinance shall be straite dischargd To be thy deathes man shoote thee to thy graue Wya. Then heer 's no entrance Pemb: No none Exit Pembroke Bre: What should wee doe following Wyat anye longer Wiat. O London London thou perfidious Town Why hast thou broke thy promise to thy friend That for thy sake and for thy generall sake Hath thrust my selfe into the mouth of danger March backe to Fleet-streete if that Wyat die London vniustlie buy thy treacherie Bre: Wold I could steale away from Wyat it should be the first thing that I would doe Heare they all steale away from Wyat and leaue him alone Wia: Where 's all my Souldiers what all gone And left my Drum and colours without guard O infilicitie of carefull men Yet will I sell my honoured blood as deere as euer did faithfull subiect to his Prince Exit Wyat. Enter Norfolke Iseley Isl. Pembroke reuolts and flies to Wyats side Norf: Hee 's damb'd in hell that speakes it Enter Harper Isl: O my good Lord t is spred That Pembroke and Count Arundell both are fled Enter Pembroke and Arundell Pem: Sfoote who said so what diuil dares sturre my patience zwounds I was talking with a crue of vagabonds that lagd at Wiats taile and am I thus paide for my paines Norf. And there being mist some villaine finding you out of sight hath raisde this slander on you but come my Lord Pem. I le not fight Norf: Nay sweete Earle Pem. Zoundes fight and heare my name dishonoured Arun. Wiat is marcht downe Fleete-streete after him Pem. Why doe not you and you pursue him Norfol. If I strike one blow may my hand fall off Pem: And if I doe by this Norf. Come leaue your swearing Did not countries care vrge me to this quarrell For my part I would not strike a blowe Pem. No more would I I le eate no wrongs Let 's all die and I le die Enter Messenger Mes. Stand on your Guard for this way Wyat is persude a maine A great noise f●llow Enter Wyat with his sword drawne being wounded Within Follow follow Nor: Stand Traitor stand or thou shalt nere stand more Wia. Lords I yeeld an easie conquest t is to win the field After al 's lost I am wounded let me haue a surgion that I may goe sound vnto my graue T is not the name of Traitor paules me Nor pluckes my weapon from my hand Vse me how you can though you say Traitor I am a Gentleman Your dreadfull shaking me which I defie Is a poore losse of life I wish to die Death frights my spirit no more then can my bed Nor will I change one haire loosing this head Pem. Come guard him guard him Wiat. No matter where I hope for nothing therefore nothing feare Exit Omnes Enter Winchester Norfolke 〈◊〉 Pembroke with other Lordes Win. My Lord of Norfolke will it please you sit By you the noble Lord of Arundell Since it hath pleasde her sacred Maiestie To nominate vs heere Commissioners Let vs without all partialitie be open eard To what they can aleadge where 's the Lieftenant of the Tower Enter Lieftenant of the T. Lief. Heere my good Lord Win. Fetch foorth the prisoners Place them seuerally in chaires of state Clarke of the Crowne proceede as law requires Clark Guilford Dudley hold vp thy hand at the barre Guil: And would to God this hand heau'de to the law Might haue aduanc'd it selfe in better place For Englands good and for my Soueraignes weale Clark Iane Gray Lady Iane Gray Hould vp thy hand at the Barre Iane A hand as pure from Treasons Innocence At the white liuerie worne by the Angels in their makers sight Clarke You are heere indited by the names of Guilford Dudly Lord Dudley Iane Gray Lady Iane Gray of Capitall and high Treason against our moste Soueraige Lady the Queenes Maiestie That is to say that you Guilford Dudley and Ladye Iane Gray haue by all possible meanes sought to procure vnto your selues the Royaltie of the Crowne of England to the disinheriting of our new Soueraigne Lady the Queenes Maiestie the true and lawfull Issue to that famous King Henrie the eight and haue manifestly adorned your selues with the states Garland imperiall and haue graunted Warrants Commissions and such like for leuying of men and Souldiers to bee sent against the saide maiestie what answere you to this Inditement guiltie or not guiltie Guil Our answere shall be seuerall like our selves Yet Noble Earle wee confesse the inditement May we not make some Apolegie vnto the Court Norf: It is against the order of the Law therfore directlye pleade vnto the Inditement and then you shall be heard Guil. Against the law For what so ere you say And you will follow it vnto our deathes Norfo: Speake are you guiltie of these crimes or no Iane I le answere first I am and I am not But should we stand vnto the last vnguilty You haue large conscience Iurors to besmeare The fairest browe with stile of Trecherie Norfo The Barrons of the Land shall bee your Iurie Iane An honorable and worthy Tryall And God forbid so many Noblemen Should be made guiltie of our Timelesse deathes Aru You le answere to the Inditement will you not Guil. My Lord I will I am Norf: What are you guiltie or noe Guil. I say vnguiltie still yet I am guiltie Iane Slander not thy selfe If there be any guiltie it was I I was proclaimde Queene I the Crowne should weare Guil. Because I was thy Husband I stand heere Iane Our loues wee 〈◊〉 our selues but not our pride And shall our fathers faults our liues deuide Guil. It was my father that made thee distrest Iane O but for mine my Guilford had beene blest Guil. My Iane had beene as fortunate as faire Iane My Guilford free from this soule greeving care Guils: If wee bee guiltie t is no fault of ours And shall wee die for what 's not in our powers We sought no Kingdome we desired no Crowne It was imposde vpon vs by constraint Like goulden fruite hung on a barren Tree And will you count such forcement treacherie Then make the silver Thames As blacke as Sickts because it was constraind to beare the