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land_n honour_n king_n lord_n 2,198 5 3.4827 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13370 Anno fœlicissimi regni augustæ reginæ nostræ Elizabeth quadragesimo primo, fauste[m?] iam incepto psal. terseptimus, domine in virtute tua : this sallm blessed David did make for himself & his peple ... Patten, W.; Campen, Jan van, 1490-1538. 1598 (1598) STC 2368.5; ESTC S2514 1,549 2

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Anno foelicissimi Regni Augustae Reginae nostrae ELIZABETH Quadragesimo primo fausté iam incepto Psal terseptimus Domine in virtute tua THIS Sallm blessed David did make for himself hiz peple too reioys at Gods allmighty poour mercy against hiz enimyez vnto whoom in fervency of sprite did he zeloously voow héer sum dreadfull rewards for theyr mallis méet éending hiz dittée with harty prayer for continuauns of the same divine poour But az in du conferens it well appéerz hoow néer the fortunez dignitéez of that Godly Prins and oour sacred Sooverain doo ioyn He King of Iuri Her highnes Quéen of England He the seaventh soon of Isai She by name the seaventh of my God Thus as it were a certein alliauns between them and matter of the Sallm so aptly serving in Ebru meter long a go compoounded héer noow reduced intoo seaven English Septenariez have we allso thearby too yéeld God all dutifull thanks for oour Quéenz singular prudent goovernauns éevē too this prezent Annuall Seaventeenth of November the happy day of entrauns intoo her gracious Rein and allso with all tru affectiō we pray Gods mercy too bless her with many such yéerly daiz ' whearby with all felicitée ' her highnes in her vnmatchabl gracioous good Regiment long over vs too Rein. Ex Versione 10. Campensis 1 DOmine in fortitudine tua Rex vt laetatur Et in salute tua vt exvlrat Praeter modum 2 Desyderium cordis dedisti ei et petita labiorum non negavisti 3 Nam bonorum liberalitate etiam praevertisti eum et capiti eius auream Coronam imposuisti 4 Vitam petijt à te etdedisti ei longaevam aetatem in sempiternum et vltra 5 Immensa est gloria eius sed per tuam opitulationem honorem et splendorem posuisti super eum 6 Sed et perpetua felicitate donabis eum laetificabis eum laetitia vultus tui 7 Rex enim sperat in Dominum et in altissimi bonitatem hinc fit vt labi non possit 8 Sentiant manum tuā omnes hostes tui experiantur dexteram tuam Inimici tui 9 Incende eos velut clibanum in tempore indignationis tuae Domine in ira tua deglutiat ac devoret eos ignis 10 Germen eorum de terra perde et semen eorum ex hominum numero 11 Quoniam moliuntur adversum te malum Cogitant facihus quod non possunt 12 Sed tu in fugam convertes eos et nervo tuo in vultus eorum collima bis 13 Evehere Domine cum fortitudine tua Vt canamus et celebremus potentiam tuam I. 1 O Lord thy Queen rebollving in her mynde Thy poour surinoountyng all oother poour so far Her self thearwith hoow ioyfull dooth she fynde But at thy Healy so vanquisshaunt in war Triumph she dooth lifts it az hy az star 2 Her harts dezyre thoow gyvest her ioyfully Her prayerz eak thoow doost not her deny II. 3 Lord of thy boountyoous liberalitee That hast her set in Sooveraintee supream Blest her with thy gyfts of Principalitee Made her the Queen of this thynobl Ream Croound her with a Monarchall diadeam 4 Lyfe hath she askt ' which Thoow most gracioously Hast graunted her in perpetuity III. 5 Greatiz the glory of her hy estate But az thoow hast of meer benignitee Aboove so mighty Kings her elevate In honor brightnes famoous dignitee 6 So shalt thoow make her blessed for too bee With happines still in continuauns And gladnes of thy ioyfull coountinauns IIII. 7 Oour Queen trusts in God and in the great boounty Of Thee most hy Thoou Lord of Sea Land Thearfore slip can she not but certeinly 8 Thy foez herz shall feel vnderstand The mighty poour strength of Thy right hand They thearby forced een mawgree of their hart Too be more quiet or els be made too smart V. 9 Heat thoow them hot az furnessiz by fire In time of thy most dreadfull indignacion Quell them with torments of thy wrathfull Ire In vengeauns Lord withoout commizeracion Flamez them devoour spoil in cruell facion 10 Theyr plants from earth shallt root vp and agen Destroy their offpring for ever amoong men VI. 11 Against Thee Her in damnabl dezire One prank amoong the rest most execrabl Assayd they in mallis mischeef swoord fire 1588 Which yet too acheeve alas they wear vnabl What gat they by that practis detestabl But slaughter flight and most infamoous shame With a freating corzey perpetuall too their name VII 12 Tiz thoow that makest them run awey apace Thy bowstring iz it that in a full despight Terribly shall flyrt them at their very face 13 Avauns thy self O Lord God in thy might So shall we sing all cheerfull in delight Thy praiz thy glory and celebrate with all Thy puissant poour that Reinz ever shall