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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12120 The countryman vvith his houshold Being a familiar conference, concerning faith towards God, and good workes before men; fitted for the capacitie of the meanest. By R.S. preacher of the word at Arley. See the contents more particularly before the booke. Sherrard, Robert. 1620 (1620) STC 22427; ESTC S102598 97,338 274

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these foure Scholler Euery one of them haue seuerall reasons added which in the first commandement goeth before and in the other thrée doe come after Seruant Which is the Reason of the first commandement Scholler I am the Lord thy God which haue brought thée out of the land of Egypt out of the house of bondage Seruant What doth it principally and generally teach Scholler l Deut. 6.4 5 c. Because God is the Lord my God the author of all good gifts and blessings and the only Sauiour and deliuerer of his people that therefore I am bound to serue him with all my hart Parent Which is the first commandement it selfe Child Thou shalt haue no other Gods before me Parent What doth the first commandement injoyne Child m 1 Chron. 28.9 Pro. 3.5 The inward worship of the true God alone which is both to know him and also to feare loue and trust in him and in nothing else Parent Which is the second commandement Child Thou shalt not make vnto thee any grauen Image or any likenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water vnder the earth Thou shalt not bow downe thy selfe to them nor serue them Parent What doth the second commandement enjoyne Child n Deut. 12.30 31 32. Math. 15.9 The outward worship of the true God only according to his appointment set downe in the holy Scriptures Seruant Which is the reason of the second commandement Scholler For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquitie of the fathers vpon the children vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shewing mercy vnto thousands of them that loue me and kéepe my commandements Seruant What doth it teach Scholler o Psal 44.21 106.36 37. 2 Chron. 19.2 That God being jealous of his owne worship is greatly displeased with all those that do worship him in a false manner as the speciall haters of his name but that he vouchsafed singular mercy to all them that doe maintaine his pure worship accounting them his speciall louers Parents Why doth the Lord speake so particularly both of the transgressors of this commandement as though he had no other Haters but they and also of the followers of his true worship as though he had no other Louers but they seeing it is often and plainely shewed in the Scriptures that all the wicked for their transgressing other commandements as well as this are censured to be his Haters or Enemies and all the righteous hauing respect to other commandements as well as to this are esteemed to be his Friends or Louers Pastor For two causes First the Lord would preuent mans erroneous conceipt concerning this commandement aboue all the rest for man is not only p Exo. 32.7.8 Num. 15.39 Deut. 31.16.29 Esai 2.8 9. Gal. 5.16.17 c. exceedingly prone to Idolatrie Wil-worship and Superstition through the corruption of his nature but also his blinde and deceitfull heart q 2 King 18.22.25 peruersely iudgeth the follower of Gods true worship to be Gods speciall Enemie and r Iud. 17 4 5.10.12 13. Iere. 44.15 16 17 18. confidently beareth himselfe and others in hand that by his false worshipping he doth highly please God Secondly ſ Deut. 4.23 24. with Exod. 32.19 Idolatrie is a notable breach of Gods couenant t Ezek. 16. * Hos 1.2 2.1 ●● 4.5 whence it is that God abhorreth both Idolaters and their Progenie continuing in this sinne as a jealous husband lotheth his whorish wife and her children u Gen. 17.7 1 Cor. 11.2 3. but he embraceth with his loue the true worshippers and their seed keeping couenant with God as the husband doth his chaste wife and her children Parent Which is the third commandement Child Thou shalt not take the name of thy Lord thy God in vaine Parent What doth the third commandement injoyne Child * 1 Tim. 6. ● To auoyde all dishonouring and abusing of Gods name in his titles words and workes Seruant Which is the reason of the third commandement Scholler For the Lord will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine Seruant What doth it teach Scholler x Zach. 5.4 I●m 5.12 That God will certainly punish that person in fearfull manner who dishonoureth his holy name either in word or déede Parent Which is the fourth commandement Childe Remember the Sabbath day to kéepe it holy Sixe daies shalt thou labour and doe all thy worke But the seauenth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt not doe any worke thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy man-seruant nor thy maid-seruant nor thy cattell nor thy stranger that is within thy gates Parent What doth the fourth commandement injoyne Child y Gen. 2.2 3. Act. 20.7 c. 1 Cor. 16.1 Nehem. 13.21 Esai 58.13.14 Apoc. 1.10 To separate our selues and our people vpon the Lords day from all other exercises to the seruice and worship of God alone Seruant VVhat is the reason of the fourth commandement Scholler For in sixe dayes the Lord made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seauenth day wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it Seruant VVhat doth it teach Scholler z Gen 2.2 3. Exod 16.23 24 25 26 27.29 Because God himselfe hauing made all things in sixe dayes both rested the seauenth from creating any more Esai 56.4.7 58.13 14. with Iohn 20.19.26 and also sanctified the sabbath for the vse of his worship wee are bound to imitate his example in kéeping of the Lords day assuring our selues that it is the way to true blessednesse Parent VVhat doth the second table containe Child a Math. 22.39 40. My dutie to man in the sixe last commandements b Epbs 6.2 whereof the first is with promise Parent Which is the fifth commandemenr being the first of the second table Child Honour thy Father and thy Mother Parent VVhat doth the fifth commandement injoyne Child c 1 Tim. 6.1 1 Pet. 3.7 All speciall duties to man in regard of his and our speciall calling and degree whether Superiors Inferiors or Equalls Parent VVhich is the Promise Child That thy daies may bée long vpon the Land which the Lord thy God giueth thée Parent VVhat doth it teach Child d Iere. 35.19 with 1 King 14.12.13 That if I make conscience of this Commandement my life shall be happie vpon the earth Parent Which is the sixth commandement Child Thou shalt not kill Parent What doth the sixth commandement injoyne Child e Math. 5.22 Ez●k 33.8 All duties to man in respect of his person and that both to body and soule Parent Which is the seauenth commandement Child Thou shalt not commit adulterie Parent What doth the seauenth commandement injoyne Child f Math. 5.27 28. 1 Thes 4.4.5 All duties to man in respect of Chastitie
the Summe of the Law Child b Exod. 20.1 c. Deut. 5.1 2 3 c. The ten Commandements Parent Say them Child c Exod. 20. v. 1. God spake all these words saying vers 2. I. I am the Lord thy God which haue brought thée out of the Land of Egypt out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue no other Gods before me vers 3. vers 4. II. Thou shalt not make vnto thée any grauen Image or any likenesse of any thing that is in Heauen aboue or that is in the Earth beneath or that is in the water vnder the earth Thou shalt not bow downe thy selfe to them nor serue them vers 5. For I the Lord thy God am a iealous God visiting the iniquitie of the Fathers vpon the children vers 6. vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shewing mercy vnto thousands of them that loue me and kéepe my commandements III. vers 7. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine for the Lord will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine IV. Remember the Sabbath day vers 8. vers 9. vers 10. to kéepe it holy Six daies shalt thou labour and do all thy worke But the seuenth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God In it thou shalt not do any worke thou nor thy sonne nor thy daughter thy man-seruant nor thy maid-seruant nor thy cattell nor thy stranger that is within thy gates vers 11. For in six daies the Lord made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seuenth day wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it vers 12. V. Honour thy father and thy mother that thy daies may be long vpon the Land which the Lord thy God giueth thée vers 13. VI. Thou shalt not kill vers 14. VII Thou shalt not commit adulterie vers 15. VIII Thou shalt not steale vers 16. IX Thou shalt not beare false witnes against thy Neighbour vers 17. X. Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house thou shalt not couet thy neighbours wife nor his man-seruant nor his maid-seruant nor his oxe nor his asse nor any thing that is thy neighbours Parent But the Papists do not diuide the Commandements thus some of them dashing the second quite out of the Text and others adioyning it to the first and so making the first and second both one and therefore both sorts of them are forced to diuide the tenth Commandement as we reckon it into two thereby to make vp the number of ten counting the first member of the tenth for the ninth and all the other members remaining for the tenth Pastor They do so indeed But they are confuted by good and apparent reason For First they that quite dash out the second out of the text of the ten Commandements are flatly impious because they goe about to abrogate and d Ps 119.126 destroy that which God would haue continued for the guidance of his people vnto the end of the world seeing at his appointment Moses wrote it in the Tables of stone as well as all the rest And the reason of this their sacriledge is vile and abhominable euen to hide their manifold Idolatry Imagerie and other wretched inuentions in the worship of God which they see cleerely condemned in the second commandement Secondly they that adjoyne the second to the first as a part thereof do not consider how God himselfe by his Spirit of wisedome hath noted the diuersitie of the matter throughout all the ten in such sort that euery seuerall commandement hath one principall verbe wherein the greatest force of the commandement doth consist as in a word that beareth the sway throughout all that precept or prohibition where it is placed in the very forefront or neere vnto it as in the Originall tongue is plaine to the judicious and learned For there are ten seuerall verbes for ech commandement one whereupon the matter and drift of ech commandement doth chiefly depend Now the verbe of the second doth manifestly differ from the verbe of the first according to the diuers matter thereof for the first imposeth vpon our soules that the true God onely must be our God and thereby excludeth all false Gods or Idols but the second requireth vs to take and vse such outward worship onely of the true God which he himselfe hath prescribed and forbiddeth to Make or vse any other outward worship of himselfe and all outward worship or approbation of any false God or Idoll at all And as for the verbe of the ninth and tenth Commandements as they diuide it is but one as the matter is but one to wit that we should not Couet meaning with an euill concupiscence although the things forbidden to be coueted are diuers as our neighbours house wife seruant c. and therefore it is but one Commandement And it is to be noted that by their manner of diuiding they might make so many seuerall Commandements as there be seuerall things forbidden to be coueted which were absurd The truth then is that the grosser and more sensible breach of all the particular members mentioned in the tenth Commandement are forbidden in the fiue Commandements going next before and the Lord maketh a Collection of them all togither as touching the first hatching and breeding of those grosser breaches in our wretched concupiscence and condemneth it wholly and apart by it selfe in this one Commandement which he hath in most conuenient sort put in the last place All which being indifferently weighed we may not vnfitly say as our Sauiour in a case not much vnlike e Math. 19.6 What God hath ioyned togither let no man put asunder And this that I haue said is confirmed by the Repetition that Moses maketh of the Ten Commandements in f Deut. 5.21 Deutronomie where the neighbours wife is specified before his house which at the giuing of the Law recorded in Exodus g Exod. 20 17. was otherwise Vndoubtedly it was to teach vs to referre them both togither with the members that follow vnto one chiefe head or commandement If it were not so there might bee giuen an occasion of doubting which were the ninth commandement and which the tenth but now by our diuision all such occasion is preuented Seruant What are those words God spake all these words saying Scholler They are a Preface to all the Commandements following Seruant What lesson doe they teach Scholler h Deut. 5.28 c. Because God himselfe deliuered all the commandements with his owne holy mouth that therefore it concerneth mee to learne and kéepe them Parent How are the Commandements diuided Childe i Deut. 10.1 2 c. Into two Tables Parents What doth the first table containe Childe k Math. 22.36 37 38 39 40. My duty towards God in the foure first commandements Seruant What is common to
withall I haue also brought you the Parent in sometimes asking my helpe and sometimes conferring otherwise with me and my selfe the Pastor answering your Questions replying satisfying your demands aduising or exhorting in sundry matters and passages of the Booke Parent I thanke the Lord for the care you haue had of me and my people and such as we are And I do promise by the grace of God to obserue your order and directions both for my selfe and all my familie as also for other my speciall frends with whom I can preuaile vntill it shall please God to bring vs to some competent perfection that we be as good or better than your Booke Pastor Well then remember your promise and consider that it is impossible for you t 1 Sam. 2.12 13 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 25. to seeke and serue the Lord in the Congregation and yet to to be negligent or prophane in the house And looke that you breake not off a good course well begun but hold on with cheerefull resolution and constancie against all temptations and stumbling blocks And euermore be carefull to proceed with a good and honest heart neuer seeming before men to be more religious than indeed you are before God who is the searcher of the hearts And haue respect to your conuersation that it be such as may u Tit. 2.10 adorne the doctrine of God our Sauiour in all things And to this good worke of informing reforming your Houshold it shall be much helpfull for you often and seriously to call to minde First the Commandements which God hath giuen togither with the Promises that he hath made to the truly obedient in this behalfe And secondly the Examples of the Godly Fathers mentioned in Scripture who haue practised furthered this worke and specially of Abraham Iosua and Dauid whom the Lord made notable patterns for all Christian Housholders to imitate Parent I pray you giue me some taste of Gods commandements and promises laid forth to all Housholders Pastor The Commandement or rather Charge that the Lord giueth you is most plainly expressed in Deuteronomie In one place he beginneth thus u Deut. 6.6 These words which I command thee this day shall be in thy heart And in another thus x Deut. 11.18 Yee shall lay vp these my words in your heart and in your soule And then in the former place he proceedeth thus y Deut. 6.7 8 9. And thou shalt teach them diligently vnto thy children and shalt talke of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when thou lyest downe and when thou risest vp And thou shalt binde them for a signe vpon thine hand and they shall be as frontlets betweene thine eyes And thou shalt write them vpon the posts of thy House and on thy Gates His meaning is Housholders must apply this worke that because mans heart is scarcely by the greatest and most continuall labor brought into due order obedience that first for our selues we meditate his word so much the more carefully and earnestly that we may vnderstand and embrace it in the whole course of our life and secondly that we doe our best endeuour to propogate the doctrine of it from one to another euen to all posteritie He saith Teach them diligently the Originall hath it thus * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. Et exacues ea vel Et ea acutè ingeres Tremel Put them pearcingly as warriours sharpen and whet their weapons to pierce and cut their enimies with more easinesse Therefore Parents Housholders must put Gods word so importunately and fitly vpon their children people that there be no failing on their part for lacke of the best course and manner that may be taken but that the other may receiue it So then you must carry your selues towards them as those that will haue no nay and that whatsoeuer else they entertaine or refuse this holy doctrine they must needs embrace Thus the Lord requireth you to be diligently and euermore bent and busie to accept and promote his word to all your people and specially to your children pressing it vpon their consciences whether you be in rest or motion and in what place soeuer you be taking the likeliest opportunities and vsing your greatest wisedome to make it effectuall in their hearts To which ends he admonisheth you to haue it in a readinesse in your hearts as a thing that you alwaies carry in your hands to be put to present vse vpon ech occasion and as a thing that is euer to be seene directly before your eyes and therefore to be alwaies in minde and neuer to be out of the way z Psal 18.21 22. but ready for a continuall rule and constant practise in all your wayes Then the Promise is added in these word a Deut. 11.21 That your dayes may be multiplied and the dayes of your children in the Land which the Lord sware vnto your Fathers to giue them as the dayes of heauen vpon the earth that is to say Both you and yours who serue the Lord in his word shall prosper and be blessed both here euer For the multiplying of dayes noteth the happines of time and liuing vpon earth and the Land of Gods promise or oath which was Canaan signified euerlasting life Parent Shew me likewise the examples of piety in this behalfe with you haue named first of Abraham Pastor Of Abraham the Lord said thus b Genes 18.19 I know him that he will command his children and his houshold after him and they shall keepe the way of the Lord to doe iustice and iudgement that the Lord may bring vpon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him Lo here Gods own report both of Abrahams course in glorifying God by his children and houshold also of his owne gratious blessing vpon him and his progenie according to his free promise besides the present fauour God shewed him in acquainting him with his secret purpose to proceede against Sodom and Gomorrhe for which and other causes Abraham is often graced in the holy Scriptures with that speciall title The Friend of God Parent A digression why Abraham is called The friend of God Let me intreat you to declare vnto me more largely plainly the meaning of that title which God gaue vnto Abraham The friend of God Pastor For three Reasons First we know it is the manner and dutie of true and louing frends to shew speciall fauour and kindnesse one to another and to make hearty and vnfained promise of their mutuall loue as well either to other as to ech others posteritie after them and to giue credit either to others affections and words yea and duly and mindfully to performe their promises on both parts as Dauid and Ionathan did But wee read in the Scriptures of Gods singular fauour and mercy on th' one part towards Abraham in calling him by his grace to be faithfull