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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07354 Mayers catechisme abridged. Or the A.B.C. inlarged With many necessary questions fitted vnto it, for the benefit of all that desire to teach or learne it effectually. A duty to which all wee of the Church of England are bound, it being generally appointed by authoritie. Mayer, John, 1583-1664. 1623 (1623) STC 17739; ESTC S107048 24,537 78

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required to the right keeping of the Sabbath day A. No but wee must prepare our selues by prayer and emptying our hearts of sinne and meditate vpon Gods Word suffering it to worke in vs so as that we may bee furthred in all holinesse of life Q. Is there no duty to be done towards our neighbour for the hallowing of this day A. Yes it is a speciall time of exercising mercy by helping against sudden dangers Mark 3.4 Mat. 12.12 1. Cor. 16.2 by collecting and distributing to the poore by visiting the sick and reconciling dissentions amongst neighbours Q. Is there any set day vnder the new Testament thus to be kept holy A. Yes the day which is commonly called Sunday but in the Scripture the Lords day Mat. 5.20 Acts 20 7. 1. Cor. 16.1 Reuel 1.10 or the first day in the weeke is thus to be kept without alteration to the end of the world Q. When doth the Lords day begin and end A. It beginneth in the morning at the dawning of the day and endeth next morning likewise Q. Are we bound to doe the holy duties of Gods worship all this time without ceasing A. No for wee may refresh our selues with eating and drinking Neh. 8 9 10 Hosh 2.11 singing and musick and with any honest delight whatsoeuer whereby the minde is cheared vp and ioy and gladnesse befitting the Lords holy day expressed Q. What auaileth it then whether ●he Sabbath beginne in the morning or euening A. Yes it auaileth much to know the beginning of the Sabbath rightly that wee be not entangled with any wordly businesse vpon it Q. Is this all that wee are bound vnto to keepe the Sabbath our selues ●n ceasing from labour and doing the ●uties thereof A. No but who so hath sonne or laughter man-seruant or maid Exo. 12.21 Iosh 24.15 1. Tim. 3.15 Ephes 6.5 cat●ell or stranger within his gates is ●like bound to prouide as much as ●n him lieth that they all obserue ●his day in their kinde both man ●nd beast Q. Doth the Lord only take care for he right spending of this day leaue ●s to our selues vpon the sixe dayes A. No doubtlesse but it is his will and commandement also Ephes 3.28 2. Thes 3.10.12 that we should vpon the sixe dayes abstaine from idlenesse and diligently labour in the works of our callings Q Is it not lawfull then to forbeare working to attend vpon God and his worship vpon the sixe dayes A. 1 Thes 5.17 2 Tim. 1. Deut. 6 7. Dan. 6. Yes It is not onely lawfull but necessary for euery one to doe the duties of Gods worship euery day of the weeke in priuate and in publike when iust occasion is offered Q. How can this stand with the command of working vpon the sixe dayes A. Yes very well because that howsoeuer God is to be serued vpon the sixe dayes yet they are for the most part to bee spent in the workes of our callings Q What more speciall rules are we to follow in our weekely deuotion A. These fiue Q. Which is the first A Wee must pray euery day morning and euening Q. Which is the second A. Before and after the vse of Gods creatures Q Which is the third A. The more our necessities vrge vs pray the oftner and more instantly Q. Which is the fourth A Let no day passe without some reading and Diuine meditation Q. Which is the fift A. Iam. 5.13 Heb. 3.13 1. Tim. 4.13 Amos 12. Neglect not the publike preaching in the weeke-dayes where opportunity is offered to come vnto it Q. What is to be thought of whole dayes set apart to publike duties in the weeke as Saints dayes and dayes of thankesgiuing A. Ester 9.21 Mal. 4.59 Iohn 10.22.23 Leuit. 23. All this may lawfully bee done and is commendable by Gods word and therefore wee are reuerently to conforme our selues to the ordinance of authority herein Q. What is the sinne by this Commandement forbidden Answ All prophaning of the Sabbath day Q. How is the Sabbath prophaned A. Thrée manner of wayes Q Which is the first A. By doing worldly workes which are not of present necessity by iournying about worldly affaires idle resting or absenting our selues from the publique duties o● Gods worship Q. Which is the second Ans By forgetfulnesse of the Sabbath vpon the sixe dayes by which wee often bring vpon our selues a necessitie of prophauing the same Q. Which is the third A. When being Parents or Gouernours wée leaue our Children Pupils or Sernants to their owne liberties vpon this day Q. What be the reasons of this Commandement A. They are partly infolded in the Commandement and partly expressed in these words For in six● dayes the Lord made heauen and earth the sea and all that therein is and rested the senenth day wherefore the Lord blessed the seuenth day and hollowed it Q. What and how many are the reasons infolded in this Commandement A. Thrée Q. Which is the first A. Because the Law of the Sabbath is ancient and was in force in Paradise before mans fall Q. Which is the second A. Because it is most equall the Lord allowing vs sixe dayes for our worldly affaires and requiring but one of seuen for the worke of his worship Q. Which is the third A. Because the seuenth is the Lords peculiar day so that without sacriledge we cannot any way prophane it Q. What are the reasons expressed A. Two Q Which is the first A. From the Lords owne example who rested vpon the seuenth day from all his works of creation Q. Which is the second A. From his blessing inseperably linked to the hallowing of this day so that he which kéepeth it holy shall finde it to his comfort vnto him a blessed day Q. In which Table do you learne your dutie toward your neighbour A. In the second Table contayning the six latter commandements Q. Reherse the first of these which is the fift Commandement A. Honour thy father mother that thy dayes may bee long in the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee Q. What are we here commanded A. To honour father mother Q. Who are meant by father and mother A. 2 Kings 5.13 Gen. 45.8 1 Cor. 4.15 2 King 6.21 Iob 31.18 1 Tim. 5.1 Our naturall Parents the Magistrates who are the parents of our Country the Ministers of Gods Word who are our Fathers in Christ our Masters and Gouernors the Ancient and all our betters Q. What is meant by this word Honour A. To honour is to loue reuerence cherish and obey Q. Are all Superiours then to be obeyed and reuerenced A. Ephes 6.1 Col. 2.20 Rom. 13.1 1 Per. 2.13 1 Tim. 5.17 1 Thes 5.12 They are all to be reuerenced and obeied in the Lord whose image in a speciall manner they beare Parents Magistrates Ministers and Gouernors for their authoritie the Ancient and other Superiours for their wisedome experience and dignitie Q. Is it our dutie also to cherish
care it hath been almost euer since Constantines time to magnifie their owne Church and themselues and to suppresse their aduersaries Q. But is it possible that the Roman Church being once a true Church should fall seeing God hath promised his Spirit to his Church to be alwaies present leading it into all truth A. The Lord tyeth not his Spirit to any place for then the famous Churches in Asia should still haue beene true Churches but the Spirit is alwaies present to the faithfull in all places of the world Q. Hauing found out the true Church are wee to beleeue in it as in God A. No for then we should sometime beleeue errours seeing the best men which are the Church may erre Q. What is it then to beleeue the Church A. To beleeue the doctrine of the Church wherin it followeth Christ the Prophets and Apostles the only sure pillars and ground of truth Q. What is that which followeth in these Articles viz. The communion of Saints the forgiuenesse of sinnes c. A. They be certaine speciall benesits belonging to the Church and to euery member thereof Q. What is the Communion of Saints A. Ephes 4. Iohn 15. Gal. 3.28 Reuel 6.11 Heb. 10.24 That holy and swéet followship which all the mēbers of Christs Church haue one with another in forrowing reioycing praying and praising God for and with one another Q. What is the forgiuenesse of sinnes A. That wonderful grace of God in Iesus Christ whereby hee passeth ouer our transgressions as if they had neuer béen committed and releaseth the punishment due to them Q What is the Resurrection of the body A. The raising of the body againe at the last day by Gods power Math. 22.31 Dan. 12.2 Iob 19.25 1 Cor. 15. that being ioyned to the soule it may stand before Gods iudgement Seat to giue account of all that it hath done whether good or euill and bee rewarded accordingly Q. What manner of bodies shall we haue in the Resurrection A. The very same which now we haue only whereas they be now naturall 1 Cor. 15. 35 43. Iob 19.25 they shall rise againe spirituall not subiect to death any more nor sustained by naturall meanes of meates and drinkes and sleepe and the like Q. Among those that die some are crooked through age some tender infants some blind and some lame shall their bodies at the resurrection then bee the same A. No for all these are weakenesses which shall be done away to the faithfull and strength perfection and comelinesse shall be to euery one of them Q. What is the Life euerlasting A. Psal 16.11 Esay 6.1 Reuel 21. Esay 66.23 1 Cor. 2.9 All that euer enduring happines all those ioyes which the Lord imparteth to al his elect in the world to come which are so great as that the eye hath not séene nor the eare heard neither can the heart conceiue throughly Q. Thou saydst that thou wert bound by vow in thy Baptisme to kéepe Gods holy will and Commandements tell me therefore how many Commandements are there A. Ten. God spake these words and said I am the Lord thy God which haue brought thée out of the ●and of Egypt out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue none other Gods but me Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath or in the water vnder the earth Thou shalt not vow downe to them nor worship them for I the Lord thy God am a iealous God and visite the sinnes of the Fathers vpon the Children vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shew mercy vnto thousands in them that loue me and kéepe my Commandements Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine for the Lord will not hold him guiltles that taketh his name in vaine Remember that thou kéepe holy the Sabbath day Sixe dayes thou shalt labour and doe all that thou hast to doe but the seauenth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God In it thou shalt doe no manner of worke thou and thy sonne and thy daughter thy manseruant and thy maidsernant thy cattell the stranger that is within thy gates For in six dayes the Lord made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seauenth day wherefore the Lord blessed the seauenth day and hallowed it Honour thy Father and Mother that thy dayes may bee long in the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee Thou shalt doe no murther Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt not beare false witesse against thy neighbour Thou shalt not couet thy neigh●ours house thou shalt not couet thy ●eighbors wife nor his seruant nor ●●s mayd nor his oxe nor his asse or any thing that is his Q. What doest thou learne out 〈◊〉 these commandements A. Two things my dutie to●ards God and my dutie towards ●y neighbour Q. What is thy dutie towards ●od A. My dutie towards God is to ●●léeue in him to feare him and to ●●ue him with all my heart with all ●y mind with all my soule and with 〈◊〉 my strength to worship him to ●●ue him thanks to put my whole ●●ust in him to call vpon him to ●●nour his holy name and his word ●●d to serue him truely all the dayes 〈◊〉 my life Q. What is thy dutie towards thy neighbour A. My dutie towards my neighbour is to loue him as my selfe an● to doe to all men as I would the should do to me to loue honour an● succour my father and mother 〈◊〉 honour and obey the King and hi● Ministers to submit my selfe to a●● my Gouernours Teachers spirit●all Pastors and Masters to orde● my selfe lowly and reuerently to a●● my betters To hurt no body b● word nor déed to be true and iust i● all my dealings to beare no malic● nor hatred in my heart to kéepe m● hands from picking and stealing an● my tongue from euill speaking l●●ing and flaundering to kéepe m● body in temperance sobernesse an● chastitie not to couet nor desire ●ther mens goods but learne and l●bour truly to get mine owne liuin● and to doe my dutie in that state 〈◊〉 life vnto the which is shall plea●● God to call me Q. How were these Commau●dements giuen A. Written with Gods own hand in two Tables of stone Q. In which Table do you learne ●our dutie towards God A. In the first containing the foure ●●rmer Commandements Q. How many bee the parts of ●●ery of these Commandements A. Two the Commandement it ●ife and the reason of it Q. Rehearse the first Commandement A. I am the Lord thy God c. Q. In which words is the Comandement contained A. The Commaundement is ●hou shalt haue none other Gods ●ut me Q. What are wee heere comanded A. To haue the Lord for our God that is to loue him aboue all Deut. 6.45 Mal.