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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06710 A comfortable epistle, too Goddes faythfull people in Englande wherein is declared the cause of takynge awaye the true Christen religion from them, & howe it maye be recouered and obtayned agayne, newly made by Thomas Becon. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1542 (1542) STC 1716; ESTC S101288 27,898 66

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prysonne Gene. 41 but he also bringeth hym to suche honoure and dignitie that he is made chiefe ruler ouer all the lande of Egipte nexte vnto the Kynge O the singular good will of the Lord our God towarde his faithfull and louing seruauntes What shall I speake of that moste noble 4. Re. 18. and faythful kyng Ezechias which beynge in moste greuous daunger bothe he hys contries thorow the tyranny of Sennacherib that moste proude kyng of the Assyriās which was at hande to destroy both hym hys realme not perceauing how he hys people with al their witte pollecy strēght were able to enter battel with so mighty an enemy vtterly despairing of his own might power lamēted his cause vnto the Lorde his God which so petied the sorowful estate of kyng Ezechias of his people that euen the same night he sent his aūgel which slew 4. Re. 19. in the hooste of the Assyriās an c. lxxx and fyue thousand so that Sennacherib with the rest of his hooste fled which shortly after as he was worshipping his fals God was slayne of his owne sonnes in the idolatrous tēple O the pricelike puissaūce of the Lord our God in defending hys faithefull people Notable is the historie cōtayned in the boke of Hester concerninge the Iewes which were the people of God where we Hest. 〈◊〉 rede that wicked Amā beyng hyest in autho rite with kyng Ahasuerus for displeasure that he bare vnto Mardocheus the Iewe because he wold not bowe the knee vnto hī reuerēce him procured of the kynge a cōmaūdement to be directed vnto all his officers magistrates that all the Iewes that were within the kynges dominions should be destroyed And as for Mardocheus Amā had prepared for him a new payre of galowes of l. eubites hye purposinge to hange hym the next days folowing Here was nothing at hāde nor to be loked for but present death and destruccion All was lyke to go to hauocke all thynges were brought to such an extremitie The commission is written and sealed with the Kynges owne rynge Postes are sente wyth it into all the kynges landes the daye is appoynted that all Iewes both yonge and oldechyldren and women should be destroyed in one daye What is here too be sene but present death The Iewes are not an handfull in comparison of their enemies so that vtter destruccion lygheth bent out for them no way there is to escape it so farre as rea son can iudge But now behold Gods workinge and here shall ye fynde that thynge true whiche Salomon hath The kynges Pro. 21. hart is in the hande of the Lord lyke as are the ryuers of water he may turne it whyther so euer he will Aman whiche before Hest. 7. was so muche set by of the kynge is nowe sodenly so farre fallen from the kynges fauoure Bevvare ye papistes that he is commaunded to be hāged vpon those same gallowes that he had set vp for good Mardocheus so that Mardocheus was made ruler of all that Amā had was exalted vnto hye dignitie that that maye be founde true whiche we rede in the Psalme I sayde vnto the fooles deale not Psal. 75. so madly to the vngodly set not vp your borne Set not vp your horne on hye and speake not with a styffe necke For promocion cōmeth neither from the East nor frō the West nor yet frome the Southe And why God is the Iudge he putteth doune Psal. 37. one and setteth vp another Agayne the vngodly seeth the righteous and seketh occasiō to slea hym But the Lorde will not leaue hym in his hande nor condemne him whā he is iudged Immediatly after also was a contrary commaūdement sent out by the Hest. 8. 9 postes with all haste frō the king streightly charging all the inhabitantes of the kinges Maie not God thus vvorbe in the O●…enes hart for his faithful seruauntes in time to come dominions by no meanes to trouble or too vexe the Iewes but to take them as moste dere faithfull and louinge subiectes of the Kinge and if anye wolde withstande the Kinges commaundement in this behalfe that the Iewes shoulde gather them selfes together and slea their enemies and take awaye their goodes Thus sodenly was sorow turned into ioye heauines into myrth sadnes into gladnes slauery into honoure darkenes into lighte and deathe into lyfe O the vnspeakable power of the Lord oure God To whome is the historie of the. iij. iong Dan. 3. men vnknowen which because they wold not worship the goldē Image at the kinges commaundement were cruelly caste into an whote brēning ouen Who wolde not haue iudged their lyfe vtterly loste But God which helpeth in moste extremities so prouided that the fyre did hurte them nothing at all no not so muche as an hay●…e of their head perished with the fiire nor no parte of their garmentes Whole sounde came thei out of the brenninge fornace vnto the great glory of God O the fatherly care of the Lorde our God for all such as cleue to hys holy and blessed worde The history of casting the prophet Daniel Dan. 6. into the denne of Lyons because contrary to the Kynges commaundement he prayde vnto the Lorde hys God is not vnknowen to them that rede the holy scriptures Who durst haue promysed Daniel any lyfe bei●… thus caste doune vnto the hungrye cruell Lyons yet God was present with hym stopped the Lyons mouthes that they dyd not once hurte hym O the louing kyndnes of the Lorde oure God towarde all theym that call on hys holy name and putte theyr truste in hym I passe ouer the histories of the cytiesins of Bethulia of Iob of Thoby of Susan and of diuers other contayned in the olde testament which in al their necessities and troubles callīg on the name of god proued hys presente helpe whyche by no meanes wolde suffer them to perish All these thinges Rom. 14 are written for our learnyng that thorow pacience and comfort of the scriptures we should haue hope ¶ The. x. Chapter TAke one or twoo examples out of the new Testament for the confirmatiō of our faythe in this behalfe that we maye learn God to be one and the same louing Mala. 3. father in all ages neuer more doubt of his fatherly goodnes towarde vs but cō ceaue an assured hope and perfect truste off hys present helpe euen in the depest of our aduersities as he sayeth Though I walke thorow the valley of the shadow of deathe I wyll feare no euell for thou arte wyth Psal. 23. me Whan Christ and hys disciples were in the shipp●… Christe at a certayn tyme slept In the meane whyle their arose a greate Math. 8. tempeste in the sea in so muche that the shyppe was couered wyth the waues The disciples perceauynge them selfes too be in greate daunger and peryll of drownynge and not knowynge what to do nor how