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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06558 [The lyf of our lady] Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451? 1484 (1484) STC 17023; ESTC S100681 89,151 190

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is the feste of candelinesse For sundry skylles in conclusion As olde bookes make mencion And how this feste first took his name So as I can to you I wyl ataine How candelmasse took first the name capituse lxxxij sOmtyme whan rome thorugh his hye renoun Was most flowryng in power in myght Euery fyfthe yere by reuolucion In februarie vpon the first nyght Eche man chylde with a taper light Went in the cyte two two a paas Vnto a temple whiche sacrid was To 〈◊〉 of olde fandacion That moder was to mars omnypotente In whos honour this processyon Ordeyned was by grete auysemente At eche lustre wenyng in her entente That her power and grete worthynesse Preseruyd was thrugh helpe of this goddesse From al asaute of euery aduersayre Supposyng fully in her opynyon That she fort●●e made debonayre For to susteyne the honour of her toun And thorugh her helpe and medytacion That myghty mars to encrece her glorye In al conquest yaue to hym glorye For whiche cause thorugh out the cyte As ye haue h●●de of hygh lowe estate Was fi●st ordeyned this solempnyte In the temple that was consecrate To februa the goddesse fortunate Thorow helpe of whom they were victorious And so this custome superstitious In Rome towne as myn auctor seyth Obseruyd was long and many a day Yet after that they torned to the feyth But euer in one this ●yte they kepte alway For old customme is hard to put away And also vsage greuyth folk ful sore To doo away that they haue kepte yo●● But at the laste pope Sergius Of the peple seeyng this errour And that the customme was ful peryllous Dyde his deuoyre and also his laboure That ryte to chaunge in to the honoure Of oure lady soo that this hye feste From the hyest doune to the loweste Euery man and woman in her honde To the Temple shold a tapre brynge Thorowe oute the world in euery maner londe And ther with al make her offryng After the gospel the prestes hand kyssyng With lyght solempne that al myght it sene In honour only of the heuen quene That best may be oure medyatryce To hyr sone that is withoute fayle Bothe lord and kyng and she Imperatryce Of lond and see of pees and of batayle Withouten whome no conquest may auayle For she hath power more in sothfastnesse Than Februa of Rome the goddesse And thus this ryte was vtterly refusyd By sergyus as ye haue herd deuyse That was aforne of hem of Rome vsyd Ful many a day in her paynym wyse Whome to sowe al Cristen must despyse And of candels whan this rite gan passe Came the name fyrst of Candelmasse This feste also of ful long agone The name took of the processyon Made of Anna and holy Symeon When they hym me● with grete deuocyon Brought to the temple to this oblacion As was the lawe customme and vsaunce Of holy chirche for a remembraunce Obseruyd forthe fro yere to yere Of February on the fyrst day With sacrid lyght vppon taperis clere Shynyng as bryght as phebus in may Whan the peple in what they can or may Ful redy ben of one entencyon To make in fygure a presentacyon Of Crist Ihesu with al her ful myght Sygnefyed who so can take hede By the tapre that we offre lyght For fyrste the waxe bytokeneth his manhede The weke his sowle the fyre his godhede For as the wex is made of newe Thorow smal bees of floures fresshe of hewe Thorow clennesse only and dylygent laboure On blosso●es gadred and to hyue brought Soo Crystes manhode grewe oute of a floure Whoo 's fresshe beaute of colour fadeth nought For a mayde clene in wylle and thought Lyche as wexe of floure soote and glade Is tryed oute and doth hem not to fade So Crist Ihesu conseruyng hyr clennesse His manhoode took of a mayde free She standyng hole flouryng in fayrenesse With al the fresshenesse of vyrgynyte And as a tapre is one to geder on thre Soo thylk lord that is bothe thre and one Took flesshe and blood to saue vs euerychone Of a mayde whiche this day fro 〈…〉 Mekely wente to be 〈◊〉 To the temple of Ierus●lem As her to forne it is specyfyed In whoo 's honour this feste is magnyfyed Of al Cristen men with fresshe tapres shene To sygnefye who so that wyl be clene Must offre a tapre to geder made of thre Of feythe and werke and trewe entencyon For sothfastly but they conioyned be Withoute partyng or deuysyon Nother his offryng ne oblacyon How fayr outward pleynly that it seme To god aboue it may neuer queme And though this tapre brenne bryght al day And enuyron make his lyght to shede If werke of feyth prolonged be away And trewe entent folowe not the dede Fare wel his guerdon his meryte his mede For whan these thre be not knette in one He nys not able to offryng for to gone For yf these thre to geder be not meynt Feyth werke and hoole entencion His offryng fareth but as a tapre queynt That yeueth no lyght but bryghtynesse enuyron For derke of dede from al deuocyon His offryng is but yf this thre Be knette in one thorow perfyght vnyte Now Cryst that art the sothfast holy lyght The hert of man for to enlumyne Vppon vs wretches for thy see so bryght Lete the sonne of thy mercy shyne For loue of hyr that is a pure vyrgyne Whiche on this day to the temple went Of mekenes only the fo● to present 〈◊〉 whoo 's prayer lord of thy myght Graunte vs grace whan we be olde And shal deye to holde oure ●●pres 〈…〉 To fore thy see where that it is t●ld Seuene chaundelors al of 〈◊〉 gold Fresshely with lyght stonde afore thy 〈◊〉 The dye to come of mercy graunt vs grace And in this exyle where as we soiourn● Graunt vs lord whyle that we ben here In February as Phebus doth retourne The circuite of his golden spere Vppon this day ay fro yere to yere With tapres fresshe and 〈…〉 To kepe and halowe 〈◊〉 honour of that 〈◊〉 To whome 〈…〉 Dedy●●t 〈…〉 Whiche 〈…〉 Betwene 〈…〉 And 〈…〉 To thy 〈…〉 Sancte Indiuidue trinitati Ihesu cristi crucifix humanitati gloriose beate marie virgini sit semp terna gloria ab omni creatura per Infinita seculorum secula Amen Vnto the holy and vndeuyded trynyte Thre persones in one veray godhede To Ihesu crist crucefyed humanyte And to our blessyd ladyes maydenhede Be geuyn laude and glorye in veray dede Of euery creature what someuer he be World withouten ende amen say al we Benedictum sit dulcissime nomen Ihesu crysti ● gloriosissime marie matris eius ineternū vltra Nos cum prole pia benedicat virgo maria Amen Blessid be the swettest name of our lord Ihesu crist and most glorious marie His blessyd moder with eternal accord More than euer tendure in glorye And with hir meke sone for memorye Blesse vs marie the most holy virgyne That we regne in heuen with the ordres nyne Enpryntyd by Wyllyam Caxton
And fro the bondes of her dwellyng place Of veray force dryue hem and enchace And of his byrthe longe or that it felle In a vysyon wonderful of sight Spake the prophete callyd dany●lle And sayd hym thought he sawe vpon a nyght Lyke to beholde as he 〈◊〉 right A sone of man comyng with a 〈◊〉 To whom power honour and regally There geuen was perpetuelly to abyde And his kyngdom by eternyte Shal stonde hole and not deuyde Whiche shal not passe neyther corupte be Who 's comyng eke whan he dyd see The holy prophete olde ezechyel Sayth thus the byble can you telle I shal ordeyne prudently prouyde An herdeman my slepe to kepe sure To wake the flockes euery tyde To kepe hem wysely in to her pasture And forthermore he doth vs eke assure The holy prophete forthe in his wrytyng Sothely affermyng that there shal be a kyng Of al folkes whos empyre shal be one And no lenger deuyded in to tweyne Whiche in ydolis made of stocke and stone Ne shal nomore be pollute to ordeyne False offerynges to god that they seyne And the prophete that callyd is adgee Ful opynly who so lyst to see Wryteth of his byrthe in a lytyl stounde Euen lyke as he was enspyrid That he shal moue heuen see and grounde And he that is of al most desyrid Shal come in haste lyke a kyng a tyrid For ioye of the whiche holy zacarye To crystys spouse this doth specefye 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 thou doughter of syon And synge thou doughter of Iherusaleme Beholde 〈◊〉 kyng shal come right anone That shal be 〈…〉 in bethleme And his power shal fro 〈◊〉 to royame The bondes 〈◊〉 of his rya●te As ferre in soth as ony flood or ony see Holden her course as they wyth wawes wynde Out of her moder the grete occian Of whos comyng malachye maketh mynde Within his book the byble telle can How the name of hym bothe god and man Shal stretche his stremys withouten wene Fro thylke place where the sonne shene Reysith his light whan hit begynneth dawe At the vpryste in the mornynge Vnto the west where he goeth vnder wawe Tyl efte ageyn his chariete he brynge In to the este that doth the larke synge For ioye onely that his bemys ryse And of his comyng doth eke amos deuyse And sayth he shal newely by myracle Restore ageyn and eke reedefye Vpon that day the myghty tabernacle Of kyng dauyd with al the regallye And of this chylde wryteth also ysay● Whan he is borne that in his presence Kynges for drede shullen kepe salence A questyon assoyled whiche is worthyest of kyng wyne or woman capitulo lvij A questyon assoyled whiche is worthyest of kyng wyne or woman capitulo lvij aNd as in erthe is made a questyon Of thynges thre whiche was worthyest Kyng wyne or woman in comparison Eche y praysid holden as for best And al this stryf as darius gan lest Zorobabel withouten ony slouthe Aboue echone had preferrid trouthe And whyle they were atrauerse of thise thre Eueriche holdyng his opynyon Zorobabel of ryght and equyte To woman yaue his commendacion Makyng forthwith of trouthe mencion Onely in signe as he can deuyse Fro woman first trouthe must aryse Whiche is the bonde knotte pryncipalle Of al vertu hit may not be denyed And therwithal so excellent ryalle With god hym self that is next alyed And for hit is so moche magnefyed Thorow the world of pryce and worthy fame God chese hym self of that to bere the name And with his mowth hym self so list hym calle As the gospel makyth mencion And by recorde of prophet●s alle God descendyng to one conclusion This day in erthe for our sauacion Of a woman in maydenhede flouryng To mankynde trouth dyd spryng And fro heuen rightwysnes behelde How trouthe mercy in a mayde mette And thus is trouth spronge out of a felde Where the holy ghoost the rayne of grace sette To make the graffe that he fro Iuda fette To fructefye and a pure virgyne That shal be tytle of the same lyne The crowne of Iuda to hym accepte anone And vnderfonge hit as a champyon Whiche was byrafte so many a day a gone From sedechye aweye in babylon Whan that was made a transmygracion By the tyraunt nabugodonosore Who 's cruelte last shal nomore How our lady ought worthely to be recommendyd and worshypped for the byrthe of cryst capitulo lviij nOw he is borne that is rightful eyre That shal make better than neomy● His peple of Iuda for to haue repeyre Ierusaleme ageyn to reedefye Though herode that falsely doth ocupye As a foreyn thrugh his cruel myght By tyrannye and no tytle of right Of whom the kyngdom shal not longe endure The reygne vsurpyng by extorcion For the lord of euery creature This day hath take his Iust pocessyon In bethlehem within a smale dongeon He his moder as who sayth but allone To wayte on hym other fewe or none A lady myn how god hath made the riche Thy self allone al richesse to possede For in this world none is the lyche Of plente ryal fro the londe of mede Where the hylles of golde ben as I rede May no tresoure in his menes reyse Ageyn thy tresure for to counterpeyse For certes lady thou allone hast alle That within heuen aungels desyre The Iewel riche the tresour celestyalle Of heuen kyng of erthe lord and syre And hym that hath al the hole empyre Of londe see the monarchye Thow hast hooly lady myn to gye And as austyn the holy doctour writeth In a sermon of the natyuyte We may to the say right as he byddeth With deuout herte knelyng on our kne O blessyd lady floure of virgynyte We prayen echone o welle of our welfare Lyke a moder not thy mylke to spare Yeue hym plente that is so plenteous Of fulsomnesse aungels to fede And yeue hym sowke the pyment gracious Of thy pappes let thy condyte shede The swete mylke al about in brede Moderly it makyng to auale On his fayr tendyr lymmes smale Glad mayst thou be that sauf list to vouche With his softe rounde lyppes lyte To haue plosaunce thy brestis for to towche Onely to sowke thy blessyd pappys whyte And that hym list so godely to delyte For his playe to haue so moche blisse Euer amonge thy holy mouthe to kysse And sodeynly with childely chere Iocounde Than anone thy whyt necke to enbrace With his softe tendyr armys rounde And than attones falle on thy face And of his eyen fulfilled of al grace A goodely loke to the ward enclyne And so forth his chekys leye to thyn And with his fyngrys mowth eyen touche His smalle pawmys on thy chekis leyne His yonge face betwene thy pappys couche And holde hym stylle with al his besy peyne And grype hem fast with his hondes tweyne For therin was his heuenly repaste Thy yonge sone whan he lyst breke his faste There was his fode and his norisshyng pure
to wareye Make her malice mekely to obeye To thy name make hem stonde al backe Or they haue power to hawnte her cruel myght And wicked spirites so horible blacke That besy ben to wayte vs day and nyght Lete thy name dryue hem out of sight And in our forhede whan we Ihe Impresse Make vs of grace her malice to oppresse For to thy name hooly we commende Our lyf our deth body herte alle Our s●wle also whan we hens wende O crist Ihu o lord Inmortal Prayeng to the whan thou vs deme shal To saue al tho from eternal shame That haue ful fayth hoole trist in thy name How by the prophecye of balaam watche was made vpon an hylle capitulo lxvij tHou lord whos light dessendith fro so fer●● Thorow the roundenes of the speres nyne Withouten whom phebus ne no sterre Vpon heuen power hath to shyne Let now thy light my derknes enlumyne That thorow thyn helpe I may my style gye Somwhat to sey of thyn epyphanye And let my brest benygne lord be dewyd Doun with somme drope from thy mageste That was this day by a sterre y shewyd Out of the este to worthy kynges thre Whiche on this nyght of thy natyuyte Gan first aspye the bright bemys clere Of this sterre on the heuen apere Of whom the sprynge was not cansille Of fortune ne sodayn auenture For many a day or this thyng befylle And many a yere by recorde of scripture With a waytyng wonder besy cure In veray soth as I remembre can A certeyn kynrede toward the occian Whiche of the stocke and the lyne cam Who so list loke in bookes from a ferre And of the blode of olde balaam That somtyme had with his asse werre The whiche sayd there shold ryse a sterre Out of Iacob and from Israelle Al be that he therof no tyme coude telle Vpon whos word fully in beleue There shold aryse suche a sterre light Weren twelue chosen the trouthe for to preue Within mydwynter euer fro nyght to nyght Whan in aquarie phebus shadde his light For to awayte in al her best wyse Whan this sterre in heuen wold aryse And these twelue weren of kynrede Of balam as ye haue herde me telle That yere by yere shold take hede Vpon an hylle besyde a lytyl welle And ther in fere a certeyn space dwelle Anoynted bathed in clothes whyte And they of custome to speke but a lyte But in prayer in certeyn rytes vsid They must wake and wayte in specialle And none of hem platly to be excusid Vpon this hylle namyd victoryalle And yf one dyd that his sone shalle This statute olde his place ocupye ●r effys one that were next of alye 〈◊〉 this commytted duryng many yere 〈◊〉 custome vsid of antyquyte 〈◊〉 phebus went by meuyng circuler ●o they kept her tymes by degree And eche yere weren certeyn dayes thre 〈◊〉 ●a●kyng cast and computacion Sought chosen out by good eleccion For 〈◊〉 awayte the vprist by the morowe Of this sterre with his lemes glade Whiche balam sayd shold auoyde her sorowe At his vp●●st whos bemes may not fade To shewe his light in euery shroude shade Without wrestyng or drawyng to declyne Tyl at the last for the same fyne To see this sterre most famous of renown On the heuen whan hit shold appere The worthy kynges as made is mencion Vpon the hylle to gyder goon in fere For cause they who so list to here Were of the stocke of balam doun discendyd Wherfore of sorte the hylle they be ascendyd As fyl on hem by custome to succede At a certeyn of the yere by reuolucion And on this hylle estward they toke hede By good auyse in her Inspeccion The same nyght of the Incarnacion Whan crist was born in bethlehem of marye The same oure the sterre they aspye Of newe aryson in the oryent Ful lusty of whom the bemes light Gan enlumyne al the firmament From este to west it yaue so clere a light That of the stremes euery maner wyght Astonyd was they were so bright shene And to the eye ful persant for to sene The whiche sterre drowe his course of right Toward the hylle lyke as bookes telle Where the kynges the long wynters nyght It to awayte solytarye dwelle And there anone vpon her knees felle And thankyd god with al her hertes luste Whiche hath not hem defrauded of her lust How the thre kynges perceyuyd the sterre capitulo lxix aNd al that nyght to gyder as they woke Vpon this sterre that shone so fayr clere And sodaynly vpward as they gan loke They sawe a chylde aboue the sterre appere So yonge so fayr in a golden spere Ful ryally stonde aboue his hede A large crosse that was of blood ful rede The whiche chylde spake to hem anone Aboue the hylle with voyce and chere benygne And bad hem fast that they shold gone In to Iuda right as ony lyne And folowe alwey the sterre for a signe That shal hem brynge to that regyon Where the kyng most worthy of renown Was borne that tyme to haue the regallye Of Iewes lond of veray dewe right To whom the sterre dyd specefye Whan he was borne with his clere light And they anone whan passyd was the nyght The next morowe no lenger list abyde But toward hym cast hem for to ryde With grete araye and ryal aparayle As was sittyng to theyr worthynesse They shope hem forth for they nolde not fayle To do honoure to his noblenesse With hem they toke golde grete richesse To spende yeue also for they ment With yeftes grete the chylde to present And forth they gone no lenger wold they tarye Thorow many a londe many a dyuerse yle Eueriche of hem on a dromedarye Whiche weren so swyfte that ful many a myle They passyd haue within a lityl whyle That in the space of dayes thyrtene By conduyte onely of the sterre shene They entrid ben in to Iherusaleem That of Iuda was the chyef cyte Conueyed euer with the bright beem Of the sterre that was so fayr to see And whan they amyd the cytee be Not astonyed axed in audyence Where is the kyng grettest of reuerence Of Iewes borne for to bere the crowne Who 's sterre we haue seen in the oryent That from heuen cast his stremys downe Whiche al the world vnder the firmament Is glad to see we of one entent Haue yeftes brought out of our contre Hym to honoure in his ryall see And whan herode of theyr comyng knewe He troubelyd was also al the town And gan anone to chaunge chere and hewe And made in haste a conuocaciyn Of al the prestys dwellyng enuyron To knowe clerely be certefyed Of the place that was specefyed Of prophetes where crist shal be borne And they anone the trouthe to hym tolde In bethlehem as they ful longe aforne Fownden out in her bookes olde And al the