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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03887 A briefe chronologie of the holie scriptures as plaine and easie as may be, according to the extent of the seuerall historicall bookes thereof. Comprised first in a few verses to a short vievve for some helpe of memorie: and afterward more particularly layd forth and explaned, for a further light to the course and proceeding of the holy sorte. With a catalogue of the holy prophets of God, as touching the times wherein they prophesied. Aylett, Robert, 1583-1655?, attributed name. 1600 (1600) STC 14; ESTC S490817 39,775 88

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gates of Ierusalem Nehem. 1. 1. it was the 49. after their returne according to the speech of the Angell Gabriell to Daniel alleadged before The reason of the hinderance of the Lords building euen so soone after the gratious commission of Cyrus king of Persia and Darius of the Medes it seemeth to haue bene this that Darius of the Medes dying shortly after and Cyrus following his warres abroad Artashasht the sonne of Cyrus called of Greeke writers Cambyses being king or Viceroy in peace at home was willing to hearken to the accusation of the Iewes aduersaries and so was Ahashuerosh also after him Ezra ch 4. 5. 6. 7. And this seemeth to be the cause of Daniels great griefe ch 10. 1. 2. 3. Moreouer the Iewes were too easily discouraged of themselues ouer slothfull as may appeare by the earnest reproofes which the Lord giueth thē by his holy Prophets Hag. chap. 1. 1. 2. c. and Zach. ch 1. 1. 2. c. Neuerthelesse so soone as they resumed the worke and at the instigation of the Prophets earnestly set vpon it according to that we reade further Ezra chap. 5. 1. 2. by the singular mercie of God they finde so gratious furtherance at the hands of Darius then king of Persia euen in the second yeare of his reigne and their labour so prospered that the house of God was finished in the sixt yeare of his reigne Ezra chap. 6. 1. c. verse 15. And in the 7. yeare of the same Darius called also Artashasht king of Persia Ezra commeth from him furnished a fresh as it were with a new supply yea with a most large augmentation of the kings fauour and bountie toward the people and house of God Ezra 7. vers 8. 9. c. to the end of the chapter NEHEMIAH IN the twentith yeare of his reigne the same Darius or Artashasht king of Persia granteth Nehemiah a newe commission for he is now Tirshatha or Commissioner from the king cha 8. 9. and chap. 10. 1. as was mentioned before for the perfecting of the whole building of the Lord whatsoeuer was wanting concerning any appurtenances to the Temple or touching the walles and gates of the whole citie Nehem. chap. 1. 1 c. and chap. 2. 1. c. The which seruice of perfecting finishing the whole worke he did through the blessing of God performe with all faithfulnesse and singular expedition that is i●… the space of 52 dayes by the willing and industrious diligence of the thousands of Iuda Thus wonderfully did the Lord from time to time prosper his worke in the hands of his seruants when they did earnestly set vpon it contrarie to all the malignant indeuours of the wicked Reade Nehem. 2. 17. chap. 3. 1. c. chap. 6. 1. c. 15. 16. And thus was the whole building of Ierusalem perfected at the end of the first seuen weekes of yeares as was obserued before in Ezra Nehemiah hauing brought the outward buildings to this perfection he remaineth still among the Iewes a gratious Gouernour and foster-father of Gods Church and people by the space of 12 yeares that is from the twentith yeare of Darius king of Persia to the 32. yeare of his reigne This Darius was the most bounteous benefactor which the Iewes euer had amōg all the heathen Princes vnder whose subiection they were We may not altogether vnfitly call him for honours sake the Iewes Constantine Reade Nehem. ch 5. 14. From the time saith Nehemiah that the King gaue me charge to be Gouernour in the land of Iuda from the twentith yeare euen to the 32. yeare of King Artashasht that is twelue yeares I and my brethren haue not eaten the bread of the Gouernour c. But rather I fortified a portion of the worke c. Moreouer there were at my table a hundreth and fiftie of the Iewes and rulers which came vnto vs from among the heathen c. Yea and though at the 32. yeare of Darius Nehemiah left the Iewes and returned to the king who was then by a newe stile written king of Babell Nehem. chap. 13. 6. yet so tender was his care ouer the people of God and so zealous was he of Gods glorie that he intreated leaue of the king to go to them againe Which request also he obtained of him How long this was after that he had left them it is not expressed neither yet how lōg he remained with them after he was come to them Only this is specified that hee renewed a worthie seruice among the people of God to the great honour and glorie of God and to the singular benefite of his people in reforming the abuses both of the house and Offices and also of the Sabbath of the Lord. Read chap. 13. 7. c. And thus the Iewes the people of God were in prosperous estate and gratiously protected and blessed of God vnder the reigne of the Persian kings as these books of Ezra Nehemiah do declare for the better half of those hundreth and thirtie yearés while their Monarchie combined with the Medes did continue As touching the latter part of their reigne it may probably be conceiued of vs that the kings of Persia which succeeded were no enemies to the people and true worship of God which their predecessors had so gratiously fauoured priuiledged and the rather because of the troubles which arose vnto them from the Grecians Dan. chap. 11. 2. 3. c. ESTER HEre let vs in a few words note by the way cōcerning the book of Ester that though it be placed in order after the booke of Nehemiah yet the notable and verie memorable historie of the Iewes wonderful deliuerance from the intended massacre of Haman described therein was by most likelihood fulfilled in the time of the reigne of Ahashuerosh mentioned before in the second chap. of Ezra verse 6. This Ahashuerosh in the booke of Ester and that Ahashuerosh in the booke of Ezra being all one And the deliuerāce was wrought in the twelfth or thirteenth yeare of the kings reigne as we read Ester chap. 3. verses 7. 13. In which history note these speciall things first that God would by the great danger which fell vpon the Iewes correct the slacknesse of them in returning to their owne land out of those prophane nations Secondly that Gods mercie was wonderfull in sparing of their liues And last of all the slacknesse of the people that were already returned to Ierusalem may hence be discouered in that notwithstanding Mordecay after their deliuerance was in high fauor with the king and very carefull for his part to procure the wealth of his people Ester chap. 10. 2. 3. they did for all that greatly foreslowe the building of the house of God as we haue seene before Thus much concerning the booke of Ester without interruptiō of the former course of the historie Now let vs go forward to the rest of the 490 yeares recorded before out of the prophesie of Daniel DANIEL
was dead And thus vpon the laying together of al the aboue named numbers in this order following first 930 which was the age of Adam secondly 126 frō the death of Adam to the birth of Noah thirdly 600 to the floud fourthly 352 to the birth of Abram fiftly 75 to the promise first made to Abram sixtly 25 to the birth of Isaak seuenthly 60 to the birth of Iaakob eightly 147 the age of Iaakob ninthly 53 the time that Ioseph suruiued Iaakob we haue a full declaration that the generall summe of yeares from the creation of Adam which was the sixt day after the world began to the death of Ioseph where with the whole hrstorie of Genesis is ended they are 23 68. EXODVS 146 yeares FRom the death of Ioseph to the birth of Moses were 65 yeares From the birth of Moses to the time that God sent him to parlie treate with Pharaoh for the deliuerance of his people out of bondage were 80 yeares Exod. 7. 7. The very next yeare after this Israel departed out of Egypt euen on the 14. day of the first moneth Exod. chap. 12. and chap. 13. And in the third moneth of the same yeare the Lord did publish his Lawe from heauen descending vpō mount Sinai Exo. 19. 1. c. 11. c. and ch 20. And in the very beginning of the next yeare after this the Tabernacle of God was reared vp Exod. chap. 40. 17. 18. Thus farre reacheth the second booke of Moses called Exodus All the yeares wherof reckened together that is to say 65 from the death of Ioseph to the birth of Moses 80 to his ambassage from God to Pharaoh 1 to the giuing of the Law and vntill the rearing of the Tabernacle they grow to the number of 146. But it may here be demaunded what proofe we haue that betweene the death of Ioseph the birth of Moses were iust 65 yeares We gather that it must needs be so because that otherwise there could not be 430 yeares from the promise of the Gospell made first to Abraham vnto the giuing of the law Of which intermediant space of time we haue vndoudted testimonie Exod. 12. 40. 41. and Gal. 3. 17. And therefore the warrantise of this is a sure confirmation of that LEVITICVS only one moneth COnferre that which we reade Exod. chap. 40. verse 17. The Tabernacle was reared vp the first day of the first moneth in the second yeare with that which Moses writeth in the first verse of the first chapter of Numbers in these words The Lord spake againe vnto Moses in the wildernesse of Sinai in the Tabernacle of the congregation the first day of the second moneth in the second yeare after that they were come out of the land of Egypt c. Here therfore is the storie of neuer a whole yeare but only of one moneth NVMBERS 38 yeares and 9 moneths COmpare that beginning of this booke of Numbers with the third verse of the first chapter of Deuteronomie where thus we read And it came to passe in the first day of the eleuenth moneth in the fortith yeare that Moses spake to the children of Israell c. Of these fortie yeares yeeld one for the giuing of the law to the rearing of the Tabernacle vnto Exodus and one moneth to Leuiticus so there shall remaine to Numbers 38 yeares and 9 moneths DEVTERONOMIE two moneths at the least which make vp the 39. yeare of the booke of Numbers and reacheth to the end of the fortith yeare that Moses spake to Israell THis is euident in that as was mentioned before out of Exod. chap. 7. vers 7. Moses was 80 yeares old when he led Israell out of Egypt but he died not til he had liued 120 yeres as we read Deut. 34. 7. Moses was one hundreth and twentie yeares old when he died his eye was not dimme nor his naturall force abated c. So the●… Deuteronomie maketh vp the 39. yeare of Numbers whereunto ad one yeare borrowed from Exodus and we haue the whole fortie years that Moses spake to the children of Israel Note here that the fortie yeares wandering of Israell in the wildernesse is to be reckened from their first entrance into it Exod. 16. 35. Nehem. 9. 21. Reade also Psalme 95. For euen three dayes after their deliuerance they begin to murmure Exod. 15. 22. Neuerthelesse it is not pronounced for a curse vnto them till Numbers 14. 34. This curse ended with the death of Moses IOSHVAH 17 yeares THis is prooued in that there being 480 yeares betwixt the departure of the Israelites out of Egypt to the time wherein king Salomon layd the foundation of the Temple of Ierusalem which was in the fourth yeare of his reigne 1. King chap 6. verses 1. and 37 there are of this summe of 480 euery yeare recorded in the holy Scriptures except from the beginning of Ioshuah his gouernment to the time of his death to the number of 463 yeares as will be manifest by the acc●…unt following For as hath bene already declared from the time that Moses began to speake to Israel to the time of his death was 40 yeares The time of the Iudges as will more clearely appeare anone was 299 yeares of Eli 40 of Samuel and Saule 40 of Dauid 40 of Salomon 4 to the time wherein he began to build the Temple Wherefore onely 17 yeares are wanting to fufilll that number of 480. And the same must needes be the yeares wherein Ioshua gouerned and guided Israell after the death of Moses to the time of his owne death Iosh. 1. 1. where thus we read Nowe after the death of Moses the seruant of the Lord the Lord spake vnto Ioshua the sonne of Nun Moses minister saying Moses my seruant is dead now therefore arise thou go ouer this Iorden thou all this people vnto the land which I giue thē c. And cha 24. 29. And after these things Ioshua the sonne of Nun the seruāt of the Lord died being 110 yeares old IVDGES 299 yeares THis was the space of time wherin the thirteene Iudges chronicled and renowmed in the booke of Iudges did as heroicall most valiant Captaines of the Lord iudge auenge deliuer the people of Israell out of the hands of their enemies as the rehearsall of the seuerall distance of yeares from Iudge to Iudge will hence forth shew and confirme to be true For from the death of Ioshua to the death of Othniel the first of these Iudges were 40 yeares Iudg. 1. 1. c. After that Ioshua was dead the children of Israell asked the Lord saying Who shal go vp for vs against the Caananites to fight first against them And ch 3. ver 9. 10. 11. When the children of Israell cried vnto the Lord the Lord stirred vp a Sauior to the childrē of Israel and he saued them euen Othniel the sonne of Kenaz Calebs younger brother c. So the land had rest to the fortith