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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A33580 The Young clerk's tutor enlarged Cocker, Edward, 1631-1675.; J. H. 1668 (1668) Wing C4858; ESTC R38749 71,419 127

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4500 li. was the proper moneys of the said E. F. and was paid by him and not by the said A. P. and C. D. or other of them And therefore it is further declared That the said A. B. and C. D. their Executors Administrators and Assigns shall and will stand and be possessed and interested of and in the said Mannor and Premises and all other Securities made or given for securing of the said 4500 l. And as to and concerning the said 4500 li. and the Interest and Proceed of the same upon Trust and for the benefit of such person or persons as the said E. F. by any Writing or Writings under his Hand and Seal shall appoint and in default thereof upon Trust and for the benefit of the said E. F. his Executors and Administrators In witness c. Release of a Ward to his Guardian when he is at age TO all c. A. B. sendeth Greeting Know ye That the said A. B. for good Causes and Considerations him thereunto moving hath remised released and for ever quit-claimed and by these Presents doth remise release and for ever quit-claim unto F.F. his Executors and Administrators all and all manner of Actions Suits Debts Duties Reckonings Accounts and demands whatsoever which he the said A.B. now hath or at any time hereafter shall or may have against the said T. F. his Executors or Administrators for touching or concerning any the Rents received and Profits of any the Mannors Lands Tenements or Hereditaments of the said A.B. or touching or concerning any-Wood sales upon or our of the said Mannors and Premises or any of them or for any other matter cause or thing whatsoever made committed or done or for any Receipts or Payments of or touching the said Mannors and Premises or any of them during the minority of the said A. B. or at any time sithence until the day of the date of these Presents In witness c. What a Deed of Feoffment is FEoffment Feoffamentum or rather Feoffamentum signifieth dona●●●●em ●eudi and it signifieth a loving and free Gift or Grant of any Honours Castles Mannors Messuages Lands or other moveable things of like nature to be hereditary to another and his Heirs for ever and thereof delivereth Livery and Seisin or Possession of the thing given or else nothing shall pass by the Grant And in every Feoffment the Giver or he that maketh the Feoffment is called to Feoffor Feoffator and he to whom it is made Feoffee Feoffatus Now because there can be no Feoffment good without Livery and Seisin I will shew you what Livery and Seisin is and the manner how it is performed Of Livery and Seisin LIvery Seisin is a certain Ceremony in our Law used in the conveying of Lands Fenements or other things corporal by Feoffment from one man to another either in Fee-simple Fee-tail or for term of Life It is a Testimonial of that willing departing of him which makes the Livery from the thing whereof Livery is made And it was ordained at first that the Common People might thereby have notice of the alteration and passing or Estates that they might surely know in whom the right thereof remained for their own peace and quietness Perkias 209 210 Braci lib. 2. cap. 18. Sect. 12. The usual manner of Delivery of Seisin of Houses Lands Tenements c. is thus The Feoffor and Feoffee if they be present or in their absence their Attorneys sufficiently Authorized in Writing do come to the House or Place whereof such Seisin is to be Delivered and there in the Presence of sundry good Witnesses declareth the Cause of their meeting there and then openly reads or causeth to be read the Deed of Feoffment and Letter of Attorney if by Attorney or to declare the very effect thereof before them in English which being so done the Feoffor or his Attorney taketh a Clot of Earth or a bough or a Twig of a Tree thereupon growing the Ring or the Hasp of the Door of an House and delivers the same with the said Deed unto the Feoffee or his Attorney saying I deliver these unto you in the name of Possession Seisin of all the Lands Tenements c. contained in this Deed to have and to hold according to the form and effect of the same Deed And if the Feoffment be without Deed as it may well be then at the time of Delivery of Seisin the party must declare by word of mouth before Witnesses the very State which the Feoffee must have thereby and then delivereth Seisin and Possession in manner aforesaid and then the date and manner of Seisin must be Endorsed Livery and Seisin to be Endorsed on a Deed. MEmorandum That peaceable and quiet Possession and Seisin of the Lands and Hereditaments within mentioned to be granted was had and taken by the within-named A. B. the Attorney within-mentioned and by him was delivered to the within-named M.G. the Bargainee in his own proper person To hold to him the said M.G. and his Heirs to the use of him the said M. G. and of his Heirs and Assigns for ever according to the tenour form and effect of the within-written Deed in the presence of us An Assignment of an Annuity for years granted out of a Lease for years TO all Christian People to whom these Presents shall come E.L. of c. and W.S. of c. send Greeting Whereas by Indenture of Lease bearing date c. for the consideration therein mentioned did lease betake and to farm let unto M.L. of c. and E. his Wife all that c. and divers other Messuages or Rents or Hereditaments in the said Indenture mentioned for the term of c. concerning c. at for the yearly Rent of c. payable as in the said Indenture amongst other things doth may appear And whereas the said J. T. by one Indenture of Lease bearing date c. And whereas the said M.L. by Indenture bearing date c. for the Consideration therein mentioned did bargain sell alien assign and sel over unto R. L. of c. as well the said several Indentures above recited as the Premises therein thereby demised as also all his Estate Right Title and Interest of in and to the same as by the said Indenture of Assignment more at large may appear And whereas also the said M.L. and R.L. by their Indenture of assignment bearing date c. for the Consideration therein mentioned did bargain sell assign and set over unto W.B. of c. his Executors Administrators and Assigns the said several Indentures and Premises as also all their Estate Right Title and Interest of in to the same To have to hold the said several Indentures Premises unto the said W.B. his Executors Administrators Assigns from the day of the date of the said last recited assignment forthwards for during all the term rest residue of the respective terms then to come and unexpired
whole and so ●●●on thereof to ta●e to make seal d●●●●er in my name any Lease or ●●●es of Ejectment thereupon for any term or number of years as in such Cases is ●●ital to ta●e use all lawful ways or means for recovery of the Premises And to pay any sum or sums of money and to cont●●ct for set ●ot bargain and sell all or any of my Mesi●●ges Lands Tenements or Hereditaments Goods Char●els or Estate whatsoever for any term or number of years or otherwise as he shall think sit to sue implead make answer presecute and desend in any Court or Courts of Law or Eqi●ty and before any Judge or Justices or other person or persons in any Suit Action Ma●ter or Cause with me for me or against me as the Cause shall require and to deal and intermeddle in any Actions Suits A●airs and Eusi●e●●es any way touching or concerning me as may Agent or Factor or otherwise giving and by these Pres●●ts granting unto my said Attorneys my full and whole Power and lawful Authority in the execution and per●o●mance of all and singular the Premises and to make my Composition or Agreement for and concerning the Pr●●nises and to make seal and deliver or otherwise execute any Acquittance or Acquittances or other sufficient discharges or Releases concerning the Premises or any part thereof for me and in my name or otherwise as the Cause shall require and Attorneys one or more for the purposes aforesaid or any of them under them to make and again at their pleasure to revoke and generally to so accomplish determine and execute all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable act and acts thing and things devise and devises whatsoever which in or about the premises shall be unto my said Attorneys thought fit to be done as fully and amply in every respect as I my self might or could do if I my self were personally persent ratifying and allowing for firm and effectual all that and whatsoever my said Attorneys shall lawfully do or cause to be done in my name or otherwise by force hereof In witness c. A Charter-party of an Affraightment IN the Name of God Amen This Charter-party of Affraightment indented made and agreed upon the c. Anno Domini 1663 and in the fifteenth year of the Reign of c. Between James Wakefield of Deal in the County of Kent Mariner part-owner of the good Barque or Vessel called the c. of the Portage or Burden of Fourty Tuns or thereabouts now riding at Anchor in the River of Thames within the Port of London and Master under God of the said Barque or Vessel for her now intended Voyage on the one part and Thomas Chapman of London Merchant of the other part WITNESSETH That the said party-owner and Master for and on the behalf of himself and the rest of the owners of the said Barque or Vessel Hath granted and let to Fraight the said Barque or Vessel unto the said Merchant and the said Merchant hath hired the said Barque or Vessel for a Voyage with her to be made in manner and form following That is to say The said J W for himself his Executors and Administrators doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said T C his Executors and Administrators by these presents That the said Barque or Vessel with the first wind and weather that God shall send after the tenth day of this instant January shall depart from the said Port of London with such lawful Goods and Merchandizes as it shall please the said T C or his Assigns in the mean time to lade aboard her and that it shall be lawful to and for the said T C his Factors and Assigns in the mean time to lade aboard her all such lawful Goods and Merchandises as he or they shall think sit which she may reasonably carry and stow over and above her Victuals Tackle and Apparel and that the said Barque or Vessel shall by Gods grace directly as wind and weather will serve sail unto the Port or Harbour of Dublin in Ireland and there deliver unto the said T C his Executors Administrators Factors or Assignes all such Goods and Merchandizes as shall be laden aboard of her by the said T C his Executors Administrators Factors or Assignes dry and well conditioned danger of the Seas Fire Enemies and Imbargo of Princes onely excepted And after her clearing and right discharge of such Goods as she shall receive into her within the said Port of London shall receive into her at the Port of Dublin aforesaid her full lading in such lawful Goods and Merchandizes as it shall please the said T C his Executors Administrators Factors or Assignes to lade or cause to be laden aboard her and after such her full lading at Dublin aforesaid shall directly sail as wind and weather will permit to the said Port or Harbour of the City of London and there deliver unto the said T C his Executors Administrators Factors or Assignes within the space of seven working days hereafter mentioned the said Goods and Merchandizes so received into her at Dublin aforesaid dry and well-conditioned and make a right Discharge and end of the said Voyage the perils of the Seas Fire Enemies and Imbargo of Princes onely excepted And that the said Barque or Vessel after her arrival at Dublin aforesaid shall stay at anchor there for her unlading re-lading as aforesaid thirty working-days and shall stay at an Anchor at the said Port of London after her return again and arrival here from Dublin aforesaid by the space of seven working-days for the delivery of the said Goods so to be laden aboard of her at Dublin aforesaid And the said T C for himself his Executors and Administrators doth further covenant promise and grant to and with the said J W his Executors and Administrators and also warrant by these presents that the said Barque or Vessel at her departure from the said River of Thames and during the said Voyage shall be strong and staunch and well and sufficiently victualled tackled and apparelled and furnished with Masts Sails Sail-yards Anchors Cables Ropes Cords Tackle Apparel Boat and all other Furniture whatsoever requisite or needful for such a Barque or Vessel for such a Voyage together with an able Master and three sufficient able Sea-men and two Boys which shall be ready at all times upon every request with the Coket-boat of the said Ship to serve the said T. C. his Executors Administrators Factors and Assigns to and from I and during the said Voyage And the said T. C. for himself his Executors and Administrators doth covenant and grant to and with the said I.W. his Executors and Administrators not only to un-lade relade and dispatch away the said Bark or Vessel at and from Dublin and London aforesaid within the time and times before therefore limited agreed upon but also for the Fraight or Hire of the said Barque or Vessel for
reasonable request costs and charges of the Executors or Administrators of him or them that shall first happen to die by sufficient conveyance and assurance in the Law grant and assign the one moiety of the Premises to the Executors or Administrators of him so first dying clear of all Incumbrances done by him Also whereas by the mutual consent and agreement of the said W. S. and S.V. the said W.S. hath the custody and keeping of the said Indenture of Lease and Indentures of Assignment the said W.S. doth now covenant promise and grant for him his Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them to and with the said S. V. his Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them by these Presents That he the said W. S. his Executors or Administrators at all time and times hereafter after reasonable warning to him or them to be given and request therefore to him or them to be made by the said S. V. his Executors Administrators or Assigns at the equal costs and charges of them the said W. S. and S. V. their Executors or Administrators shall and will deliver unto the said S. V. his Executors Administrators or Assigns true Copies of the said Indenture of Lease and Indentures of Assignment And at all and every time and times hereafter and from time to time upon reasonable waring to be given and request to be made as aforesaid shall and will bring and shew forth the said Indenture of Lease and Indentures of assignment in all and every Court and Courts and unto before all and every such Judge of Judges or other person or persons as by the said S. V. his Executors Administrators or Assigns shall be reasonably required for the better maintenance shewing forth and approving of the Interest Estate Right Title and term of years of them the said W. S. and S. V. their Executors Administrators and Assigns in and to the said Indenture of Lease and of in and to the said piece or parcel of Land and Premises as any needful occasion shall be or require during the rest and residue which is now to come and unexpired of the aforesaid term of years in and by the said indenture of Lease granted as also as occasion shall serve or require upon the request and warning as aforesaid shall and will produce and shew forth in all Court or Courts and before any person or persons the Counter-part of the Indenture of Lease made by the said A. B. to the said A. D. and that from time to time during the continuance of the said Lease In witness c. An Vmpirage TO all Christian People to whom this present Writing shall come I R. C. Citizen and Stationer of London Umpire indifferently chosen by F. W c. and T. C. of c. having deliberately heard and understood the griefs and allegations and Proofs of both the said Parties and willingly as much as in the lieth to set the said parties at unity good accord do by these Presents arbitrate award order deem decree and judge That the said F. W. his Executors and Assigns shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said T. C. his Executors Administrators or Assigns at or in the c. the full sum of c. of lawful money of England on the tenth day of c. next ensuing the c. And that upon payment thereof either of the said F. W. and T. C. shall seal subscribe and as his several Act and Deed deliver unto the other of them a General Release in Writing of all Matters Actions Suits Causes of Actions Bonds Bills Covenancs Controversies and Demands whatsoever which either of them hath may might or in any wise ought to have of and against the other of them by reason aforesaid or means of any matter cause or thing whatsoever from the beginning of the World until the 30th day of June now last past and in the Fifteenth year of c. In witness c. An Acquittance for the Redemption of Lands Mortgaged BE it known unto all men by these Presents That I A. B. of c. Gent have received and have this present day at the now dwelling-house of John Williams at the Star in Fleetstreat London between the hour of c. of B.C. of L. in the County of K. Yeoman 30 li. for the redemption and full satisfaction of all and singular those Lands Tenements with the appurtenances in the Parish of c. in the said County called c. contained and specified in in the Fifteenth year c. made between the said B. C. of the one part and me the said A. B. of the other part of for and concerning the Bargain and Sale of all and singular the said Lands and Tenements conditionally as by the same Indentures more at large may appear of which 30 li. in full payment as is above recited I the said A. B. acknowledge my self well and truly contented satisfied and paid thereof and of every parcel thereof I clearly acquit and discharge the said B. C. his Heirs and Executors by these presents In witness c. An Acquittance for Rent December 30.1663 REceived then of A. B. of c. for this half years Rent due at the Nativity of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus last past the full and just sum of 40 li. for Houses and Lands in the County of c. the day and year written By me An Acquittance for a Legacy BE it known unto all men by these presents That we A. B. and C. my Wife Daughter c. have received and had the day of the making hereof of C.W. W. C. Executors of the last Will and Testament of T.D. 20 li. of c. in full payment of 20 li. given and bequeathed by the said T. D. in his said Testament of which said sum of 20 li. in full payment and satisfaction of all bequests and Legacies to us given in the said Testament we acknowledge our selves fully satisfied contented and paid In witness c. An Acquittance for Money received to pay another THis Bill Witnesseth That I A. B. of c. have received and had on the day of the making hereof of C.D. of c. in the c. Yeoman by the hands of c. the sum of c. to be paid and disbursed by me the said A. B. for the said C. D. to be paid and disbursed in such sort and manner as the said C. D. hath appointed In witness c. A Condition to seal a Deed by a certain day and perform the Covenants therein THe Condition c. That whereas in and by one Indenture bearing date c. made or mentioned to be made between the above-bounden A.B. C.D. and E.F. of the one part and the above-named G. H. of the other part It is mentioned That for the considerations therein expressed the said A. B. C. D. and E.F. have granted bargained sold and demised unto the said G.H. the
Mannor c. and other Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in the said Indenture mentioned in the said County of c. for one thousand years from the making thereof at a Pepper-Corn Rent and with and under the Proviso Conditions agreement therein contained as by the same Indenture may at large appear which Indenture is onely signed scaled delivered by the said A. B. and C. D. and not by the said E. F. Now if the said A. B. his Heirs Executors or Administrators do procure the said E. F. on or before c. to sign seal and deliver as his Act and Deed the before-recited Indenture and do also from time to time and at all times well and truly hold observe perform and keep all and every the Covenants Grants Provisoe's Conditions and Agreements which on his or their parts and behalfs are and ought to be held obseved performed and kept comprised and contained in the before-recited Indenture and that in all things according to the purport true intent and meaning of the same Indenture Then this c. A Condition that the Heir shall enter into Bond at his full age to pay another THe Condition c. That if the above-bounden O. H. procure R. H. his Son and Heir apparent within one Moneth after he shall have attained the age of one and twenty years to enter into one Obligation together with the said G. H. wherein the said G. H. and R. H. shall be joyntly and severally bound unto the above-named L.M. in the penal sum of c. conditioned for the true payment of the same c. unto the said L.M. his Executors or Assigns on the c. at or in c. And if the said G. H. his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of them do well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said L. M. his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns the said sum of c. on c. at the place aforesaid Then c. Condition that an Administrator not present shall seal a Deed. THe Condition c. That whereas in and by one Indenture bearing even date with these Presents made between c. mention is made that G.F. Administrator of the Goods and Chattels of H. P. at and by the request and appointment of the said W. G. for the consideration of the sum of c. therein mentioned to be paid to the said W. G. by T. B. hath granted and assigned unto the said T. B. for the term of years therein mentioned the Mannor c. as thereby appeareth And whereas the said G. F. hath not yet sealed or delivered the said Indenture and by reason of his employment c. it will be some time before he can be procured to seal If therefore the said G.F. shall at any time hereafter within the space of c. seal and deliver the said Indenture as his Act and Deed or if he happen to die or his Addition to be repealed before such sealing and delivery of the said Indenture If then some other Administrator of the Goods and Chattels of the sald H. P. not administred by the said G.F. do shall within the said space of c. well and sufficiently grant and assign to the said T.B. his Executors or Assigns the said c. in manner as the same is mentioned to be assigned by the said Indenture and according to the purport and effect thereof And if the said Assignment so sealed and delivered shall be within the said space of c. delivered in to the hands and custody of the said T.B. unaltered and undefaced And if thesaid T. B. His Executors and Administrators shall in the men time quietly and peaceably have hold and enjoy perceive and take the annual Rent of the said Mannor and Premises aforesaid without any let or interruption of or by the said G.F. and the said W. G. or either of them or any other person or persons claiming by or under them or either of them or the said H. P. deceased Then c. A Covenant from an Infant to engage him to execute a Conveyance at age KNow all men c. That I A. B. of c. in pursuance of the intentions of c. expressed in his last Will and Testament bearing date c. as otherwise do hereby promise engage my self to C.D. that I shall and will at any time or times after I shall attain the age of 21 years upon the request at the costs and charges of the said C.D. his Heirs Executors or Administrators make and execute such Conveyances and assurances for the setling conveying assuring unto and upon the said C.D. his Heirs and Assigns all that c. whereof or wherein I have any Estate Right Trust or Equity whatsoever as by the said C. D. his Heirs of Assigns shall be reasonably devised or advised and required and that the same at the time of such conveyance or assurance shall be free and clear of and from all Estates or Incumbrances made or wittingly and willingly suffered by me the said A. B. In witness c. A Release of Personal Actions TO all c. A. B. sendeth Greeting Know ye that the said A. B. hath remised released and quit-claimed and by these presents for him his Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them doth remise release and for ever quit-claim unto C. D. of c. his Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them their and every of their Lands Tenements Goods and Chattels all and all manner of personal Actions Suits Debts Duties Reckonings Accounts Sum and Sums of Money and Demands personal whatsoever from the beginning of te World until the day of the date hereof In witness c. A Letter of Attorney to receive Livery and Seisin according to the Feoffment TO all c. A. B. and C. D. of c. send Greeting Know ye That the said A. B. and C. D. for divers good causes and considerations them thereunto moving have made constituted and in their place put G. F. of c. and A.H. of c. and either of them joyntly and severally our true and lawful Attorney and Attorneys to enter into the Mannor of c. and other the Lands Tenements and Hereditaments mentioned in one Indenture bearing date c. and mentioned to be made between R. G. and G. W. of c. of the one part and us the said A. B. and C.D. of the other part purporting a Feoffment of the said Mannor and Premises to us and our Heirs or into any part of the said Premises and Possession and Seisin thereof for us and to our uses from them the said R.G. and G.W. or their Attorney or Attorneys in that behalf to take receive and kep according to the tenour from and effect of the said Indenture ratifying and by these presents confirming all and whatsoever our said Attorneys or either of them shall do or cause to be done in the Premises as fully and
effectually as we could do of we were personally present In witness c. A Lease of Ejectment THis Indenture c. witnesseth That the said A. B. for good considerations him hereunto moving hath leased set unto Farm let and by these presents doth lease set and to Farm let unto the said C.D. all that c. To have to hold the said c. unto the said C. D. his executors Administrators and Assigns from the feast of c. for and during the term of c. form thence next ensuing fully to be compleat and ended yielding and paying therefore yearly the Feat of one Pepper-corn at the Feast of c. only if the same be demanded Provided always That if the said A. B. his Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of them do and shall at any time hereafter pay or tender or cause to be paid or tendred unto the said C. D. his Executors Administrators or Assigns or to any other person or persons to his or their use the sum of 12 \ d. of lawful money of England to the intent to make void this present Indenture that then and at all times from thenceforth this present Indenture and the Lease hereby made shall cease determine and be void any thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithstanding In witness c. Defeazance of a Statute for performance of a Covenant THis Indenture c. Between A. B. of the one part and C. D. of the other part Whereas in and by one Recognizance in the nature of a Statute-Staple bearing even date with these presents taken acknowledged before c. the said C.D. is standeth unto the said A.B. in the sum of c. payable as by the said Recognizance may at large appear Now this Indenture witnesseth That it is nevertheless covenanted conditioned and agreed by and between the said parties to these presents And the said A.B. for him his Heirs Executors Administrators doth covenant conclude and agree to and with the said C. D. his Heir and Assigns by these presents That if the said C. D. his Heirs Executors and Administrators every of them do and shall well and truly pay perform observe fulfil and keep all and every te Payments Covenants Conditions Agreements which on his and their parts and behalfs are and ought to be paid observed performed fulfilled kept contained in one Indenture bearing date c. and made or mentioned to be made between the said A. B. of the one part the said C.D. of the other part that in all thing according to the true intent and meaning of the same Indenture then and at all times from thenceforth the said Recognizance or Statute-Staple shall be void and of none effect and shall be delivered up to be at the costs and charges of the said C.D. his Heirs and Assigns vacated on Record In witness c. Attornment of Tenants to be endorsed on a Deed. VVE whose names are hereunder subscribed being the present Tenants of the within mentioned Lands Tenements and Hereditaments understanding the effect of the within written Grant thereof made unto the within named H. P. do a●ent and agree unto the same Grant in every respect as the same is within written and do thereunto attorn And in testimony of such Attornment each and every of us have hereunto subscribed our Names the day c. Affidavit that a man is seised in Fee free from Incubrances A B. of c. maketh Oath that he as seized of and in the Mannors c. contained and specified in one Indenture or Writing indented bearing date c. made between c. and thereby demised or mentioned to be demised to the said C. D. for the term of c. under the Conditions and Agreements therein contained of a good and indefeazable Title and lawful Estate to him and he Heirs of the said A. B. in Fee-simple as he conceiveth and that the Premises are called or known by the Names and descriptions in the said Indenture of Demise expressed and are of the full and clear yearly value of c. above all Reprizes and free and clear of and from all manner of former Estates Titles Rents and Arrerages of Rents Judgments Recognizances Statutes and other Incumbrances except the Rents and Services to the Lord or Lord of the Fee c. Acquittance for the consideration of Money in an Indenture and a Release of the Estate TO all c. A. B. sendeth Greeting Know ye That the said A. doth hereby acknowledge to have before the sealing and delivery of these presents had and received of and from D. E. of c. the sum of c. which said sum of c. is the same sum which in and by one Indenture bearing date c. made between the said A. B. of the first part and the said D. E. of the other part is mentioned to be paid to the said A. B. and to be the consideration for the Purechase of the Mannors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments therein mentioned to be thereby granted unto the said D. E. and his Heirs of which said sum of c. the said A. B. doth hereby acknowledge himself fully satisfied and doth thereof and of every part and parcel thereof acquit release and discharge the said D. E. his Heris Executors and Administrators and every of them by these presents And further in consideration thereof the said A. B. doth by these presents remise release and for ever quit-claim unto the said D. E. and his Heirs all the Estate Right Title Interest Claim and Demand whatsoever of him the said A. B. of in and into all and singular the Mannors Mesuages Closes Lands Tenements and Hereditaments to the said D.E. granted or mentioned to be granted in and by the before-mentioned Indenture and of in and to every part and parcel thereof In witness c. A Peelar 〈◊〉 that Money lent in one mans name is the peaker Moneys of another THis Indenture 〈◊〉 c. Between A. B. of the first part C.D. of the second part and E.F. of the third part Whereas by Indenture 〈◊〉 bearing date c. made between J. F. of the first part the said A B. of the second part and the said C. D. of the third part It is mentioned that the said J.F. in consideration of 4500 li. therein mentioned to be paid unto him by the said A B. and C.D. Hath demised granted bargained and sold unto the said A. B. c C. D. all that c. and other Lands Tenements and Hereditaments in the said Indenture mentioned for the term of years therein mentioned at a Pepper Corn Rent redeemable nevertheless and to be redeemed by the re-payment of the sadi 4500 li. with Interest in manner as therein is expressed as by the said recited Indenture may at large appear Now this Indenture witnesseth That it is declared and a knowledged by the said parties to these Presents That the said principal sum of
contained and expressed in the said several Indentures and every of them upon a Proviso express agreement and Covenant nevertheless in the said Indenture of Assignment contained That in lieu and further satisfaction or consideration of the said agreement he the said ● B. his Executors Administrators Assigns should would pay or cause to be paid unto the said M.L. his Executors and Assigns for and during all the rest and residue of the said terms of 21 years 13 years granted as aforesaid by the said J.T. and to the end of the said term of 13 years being the longest term of those Leases as being in reversion after the said 21 years should be expired as aforesaid yearly every year the sum of 26 li. of lawful money c. at the four most usual Feasts in the year that is ●ay at the Feasts c. or within 14 dayes next after every of the said Feasts by even portions the first payment thereof to be made in the c. or within 14 days then next ensuing with a Clause of Entry and Distress if it should happen the said yearly Rent or Sum of 25 li. or any part thereof to be behind and unpaid by the space of 14 days next after any Feast or Term of payment thereof above-limited in which the same ought to be paid being at the said great Messuage called the White Lyon lawfully demanded And with a Clause that the said last-recited Indenture the Assignment therein contained should be utterly void and re-entry if it should fall out that no sufficient Distress should be there found or that the same could not be come at to be distrained after the said 14 days should be expired and the said payments respectively should be unsatisfied at the end of one Month next after any Feast or Term of payment thereof aforesaid in which the same ought to be paid being at the same Messuage called the White Lyon lawfully demanded at the end of the said Moneth as in by the said last recited Indenture relation being thereunto had may more at large appear All the Estate Right Title Interest of which the said M.L. of in the said annuity or yearly sum or 26 li. is now by good and sufficient Conveyance and assurance in Law come unto setled and vested in the said K. L. and W. S. or one of them Now know ye That for and in consideration of the sum of c. to the said K. L. in hand paid by E.D. of c. before the sealing and delivery of these Presents and of 6 d. of like money to the said W.S. in hand also paid by the said E.D. before the sealing delivery of these Presents whereof they do hereby severally and respectively acknowledge the Receipt thereof do severally and respectively acquit and discharge the said E. D. her Executors and Administrators for ever by these Presents They the said K. L. and W. S. have and either of them hath bargained fold released assigned and set over and by these Presents do and either of them doth fully freely and absolutely bargain sell release and assign and set over and for ever quit-claim unto the said E. D. her Executors Administrators and Assigns as well of the said annuity or yearly sum of 26 li. as also all the Estate Right Title Interest Power of Distress Re-entry Claim and Demand whatsoever which they the said K. L. and W. S. or either of them have or hath or in any wise might should or ought to have of into and for the said annuity or yearly sum of 25 li. or any part or parcel thereof in or unto the said Messuages or Tenements and Premises or any part thereof by force vertue or means of the said several recited Indentures or otherwise whatsoever To have take perceive receive and enjoy the said annuity or yearly sum of 26 li. and Premises hereby mentioned to be assigned unto the said E. D. her Executors Administrators and Assigns to her and their own proper use uses forthwards for and during all the rest and residue now to come and unexpired of the said term of thirteen years And the said K.L. for her self c. doth covenant promise and grant to with the said E.D. her Executors Administrators and Assigns by these Presents That the said E.D. her Executors Administrators Assigns shall or may from time to time at all times hereafter during all the rest residue now to come and unexpired of the said term of 13 years fully peaceably quietly have take perceive receive enjoy to for her their own proper use uses the said annuity or yearly sum of 26 li. Permises hereby mentioned to be assigned and every part thereof without any lawful let suit trouble molestation release discharge or interruption of or by the said K.L. her Executors Administrators or Assigns or any of them or of or by any other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under them or any of them by from or under the said M.L. In witness c. A Letter of Attorney from the Husband to the Wife upon his Voyage BE known unto all men by these Presents That I A.B. of c. Esq do hereby assign ordain authorize constitute and in my stead and place do put appoint and depute my loving Wife C.B. to be my true and lawful Deputy and Attorney for me and in my Name and to my own proper use benefit and behoof to ask demand and require sue for recover and receive all such Debts Duties Sum and Sums of Money Rent and Rents and Arrearages of Rent and Rents yearly payments Merchandizes Legacies money due and to be due upon Bill of Exchange or all other demands whatsoever as now are or hereafter shall be due and payable or belonging or to be delivered unto me by or from any person or persons whatsoever or wheresoever to pay money for me and to contract for demise and let to Farm at the accustomed Rents or more all or any of my Messuages Lands tenements or Hereditaments whatsoever and for default of payment or delivery of any Rent or Rents or other sum of Money or other thing or things to me due or to be due or belonging to use all lawful wayes means for recovery thereof be Action Suit Arrest Bill Plaint Attachment Distress Re-entry or otherwise as fully and amply in every respect as I my self might or could do if I were personally present and to sue implead make answer prosecute and desend in any Court or Courts of Law or Equity and before any Judges or Justices in any Suit Matter or Cause with me for me or against me as the Cause shall require and to deal intermeddle in all Actions Suits Aflairs and Businesses any ways touching or concerning me as my Agent or Factor or otherwise giving and by these Presents granting unto my said Attorney full and whole and lawful
Goods Chattels Lands or Tenements whatsoever or wheresoever and the said C. D. hath remised released and for ever quit-claimed and by these Presents for him his Executors and Administrators doth remise and release and for ever quit-claim unto the said A. B. his Executors Administrators and Assigns all and all manner of Errour and Errours Cause Causes of Errour Jeofails Demands whatsoever for or by reason of the said Judgment or for or by reason of any Entries or proceedings thereupon or relating thereunto In witness c. An Assignment of a Mortgage by Endorsement by a Friend in Tru●● for one that purchased the same to keep it in force MEmorandum That I the within named T. E. in consideration of the ●m of c. of lawful money c. i● hand paid M. G. of c. by the appointment and direction of the within named 〈…〉 to me paid by A C. have assigned and set over 〈◊〉 do thereby a●● g●●●● set over unto the said A. C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns as well this present Indenture and all the Messuage or Tenement and Herediraments within mentioned to be granted As also my Estate Fight Title and Interest of in and to the same either by force vertue or means of this present Indenture otherwise howsoever To have and to hold the premises unto the said A. C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns during all the residue now to come and unexpired of the term of 500 years within mentioned to be granted in trust and for the onely benefit of the said M. G. his Heirs and Assigns and to extend upon the state of Inheritance of the Premises which the said M. G. hath purchased Witness my Hand and Seal in the year c. An Acquittance and Receipt for a Legacy given by a Will to the Executor thereof REceived the c. in the year of by me L. M. of c. of N. O. c. of c. Executor of F. R. c. the full sum of c. of lawful money c. being a Legacy given unto me the said L. M. by the said F. R. in and by her last Will and Testament Of which said sum of c. and all other Debts Duties Sum and Sums of Money and Demands whatsoever I the said L. M. do acquit and discharge the said N. O. his Heirs Executors and Administrators and every of them for ever by these Presents In witness c. An Affidavit that Lands are free from all Incumbrances RObert Fall of Rochester in the County of Kent Butcher maketh Oath that all that parcel of ground with the appurtenances lying and being in the Parish of c. in the County of Kent commonly called and known by the Name of c. containing by Estimation six Acres more or less now bargained and sold from the said Robert Fall to Thomas Giles of c. in the County aforesaid Yeoman by Indenture bearing date the day of c. now are and were at the realing and delivery of the said Indenture and so shall continue free and clear of and from all and all manner of former and other Bargains Sales Gifts Grants Releases Statutes Recognizances Estates Acts Titles and Incumbrances whatsoever had made committed or done by the said R. F. or any other person or persons whatsoever to his knowledge or by his order means authority consent or procurement An Assignment of a Bond with a Letter of Attorney verbatim as in the Bond. TO all Christian People to whom these Presents shall come I A. B. send Greeting Whereas E.S. of c. by one Bond or Obligation bearing date c. in the year c. did become bound unto me the said A. B. in the penalty of c. of lawful c. conditioned for the true payment c. of like money at such days and times and in such manner and form as in the Condition of the said recited Bond or Obligation is mentioned as by the said Obligation Condition relation being thereunto had more at large may doth appear Now know ye That I the said A. B. for divers good Causes and Considerations me hereunto especially moving have assigned and set over and by these Presents do assign and set over unto W. C. of c. his Executors Administrators and Assigns the said recited Bond or Obligation and the said sum of c. therein mentioned and I the said A. B. have made ordained constituted c. and deputed the said W. C. my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my Name but to his own proper use and behoof to ask demand sue for recover and receive of the said E.S. all such sum and sums of money as are or shall be due to me by vertue of the said recited Bond or Obligation and to have use and take all lawful ways and means in my Name or otherwise for recovery thereof by Attachment Arrest Distress or otherwise and to compound and agree for the same and Acquittances or other sufficient Discharges for the same for me and in my Name to make seal deliver and to do all other act and acts and things whatsoever concerning the Premises as fully in every respect as I my self might or could do if I were personally present And Attorneys one or more under him for the purpose aforesaid to make and again at his pleasure to revoke And I the said A. B. do covenant for me my Executors and Administrators to and with the said W. C. his Executors Administrators Assigns by these Presents That I have not received releated or discharged the said Bond or any of the money therein mentioned neither will I my Executors or Administrators acquit discharge or receive the same or any part thereof but shall and will justifie all such lawful Actions and Proceedings in Law Equity as shall be brought prosecuted or defended concerning the same or by reason thereof and will not non-suit disavow or discontinue any such Action Suit or Plaint And that it shall be lawful to for the said W.C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns to receive and enjoy to his own use all such sum and sums of money as shall be duly recovered by vertue of the said Obligation or the Condition thereof without any accompt to be given concerning the same and that neither I the said A.C. my Executors Administrators or Assigns shall or will revoke this Letter of Attorney or Writing of Assignment but that I my Executors and Administrators shall and will upon every reasonable Request do acknowledge execute all and every such further Act and Acts thing and things whatsoever be it by making a new Letter of Attorney or Assignment or otherwise howsoever for the better enabling and authorizing him the said W.C. his Executors Administrators and Assigns to recover receive to his own proper use all such sum and sums of money as shall be due by vertue of the said Obligation as by the said W.C. his Executors Administrators
Administrator meos firmiter per praesentes Sigallo meo Sigillat Dat. promo die Jan. An. Regni dicli domini nostri Caroli secundi Regis decimo quarto c. Annoque Domini 1662. A Discharge to Trustees for Money by them received VVHereas G. F. of c. did by his Indenture dated c. Demise and Lease unto H. P. of c. and others divers Mannors Lands Tenements and Hereditaments therein mentioned To have and to hold the same unto the said H. P. and the rest of the Lessees therein named for the term of 99 years if the said G. F. should live so long upon Trust that the said Lessees should dispose the Profits of the lands demised to the several purposes in the said Indenture mentioned as by the same Indenture may at large appear Now know all men by these presents That I the said G. F. do hereby acknowledge signifie and declare That all such Moneys as have been received by the said H. P. by vertue of the said Lease have been all paid and satisfied by him the said H. P. according to my Directions and Appointment and according to the Tenor of the said Lease and I do hereby acquit and discharge him the said H. P. his Heirs Excutors Administrators and Assigns and every of them of and from all such Moneys as aforesaid and every part and parcel thereof In witness c. Warrant of Attorney to confess a Judgment in Chancery for priviledged persons To c. or nay other of the Six Clerks belonging to His Majesties High-Court of Chancery WHereas I A. B. of c. became bound by Obligation bearing even Date with these Presents to C. D. of c. in the penal sum of 100 l. for the payment of 50 l. of lawful Money on or before the c. If in case I the said A. B. do not satisfie and pay or cause to be paid unto the said C. D. his Exccutors or Administrators the said sum of 50 l. on or before the c. then I the said A. B. do hereby give warrant and authorize you the said c. or any other of the said Six Clerks to appear for me at the said Court unto an Action or Suit there to be brought or commenced against me the said A. B. by the said C. D. his Executors or Administrators upon the said Obligation and thereupon to acknowledge and confess a Judgment in Hillary-Term next ensuing the date hereof and for so doing this shall be your sufficient Warrant Witness my Hand and Seal c. A Mortgagee's Assignment of his Mortgage to the Mortgagor to be endorsed on the Deed. KNow all men by these Presents That I H. P. of c. the Lessee within named for and in consideration of the sum c. unto me in hand paid by the within named G.F. Have granted assigned and set over and by these Presents do grant assign and set over unto the said G.F. all that the Mannor of c. and all and singular other the within-mentioned Premises with their and every of their Appurtenances and all my Estate Right Title Term and Interest therein as fully and amply as the same were granted or demised unto me from the said G.F. by the Deed or Writing within-written contained To have and to hold the same unto the said G. F. his Heirs and Assigns to do therewith at his and their free will and pleasure And I the said H. P. do hereby covenant and grant to and with the said G. F. his Executors and Administrators That I have not made done or willingly suffered and Act or Thing whereby the Premises within-mentioned or the Estate or Term hereby granted or demised shall or may be in any wise discharged impeached or incumbred In witness c. A Deed of Feoffment upon a Sale TO all Christian People to whom this present Writing shall come greeting Know ye That I W. B. of c. in part of performance of the Covenant mentioned in one Pair of Indentures bearing date c. made between me the said W. B. and F. my Wise of the one part and G. H. of c. of the other part Have given granted enfeoffed and confirmed and by these Presents do give grant enfeoff and confirm unto the said G. H. all those c. several Meswages Tenements or Cottages c. and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and Profits of all and singular the Premisses and all the Estate Right Title Interest Benefit Claim and Demand whatsoever of me the said W. B. of in and to the same To have and to hold the said Messuages Tenements or Cottages and all and singular other the Premises with their and every of their Appurtenances before-mentioned to be granted unto the said G. H. and his Heirs To the use of the said G. H. his Heirs and Assigns for ever And I the said W. B. have granted for me and my Heirs That we will grant unto the said G. H. and his Heirs the said Messuages Tenements or Cottages and Premises with the Appurtenances against all People for ever by these Presents In witness c. An Acquittance of part of a Debt BE it known unto all men c. That I A. B. c. in the County of c. have received and had the day of the making hereof of c. R. W. c. in the said County Yeoman 6 l. c. due to me on the Feast-day of c. last past before the date of these Presents in part of Payment of a greater sum contained and specified in a writing Obligatory wherein the said R. W. with others stand bound unto me the which 6 l. as abovesaid I do by these presents acknowledge to have received c. A short Deed to declare that the name of the Obligee in an Obligation is used in trust for another TO all Christian People to whom this Present Writing shall come I S. B. of c. send Greeting Whereas J. T. and J. G. of c. by Obligation bearing date c. stand joyntly and severally bound unto me the said S. B. for the true payment of c. on the c. as by the c. recite more if there be more Now know ye That I the said S. B. do hereby signifie and declare That the several sums of Money in the conditions of the said several Obligations mentioned were and are the proper Mon●ys of A. B. of c. And that my name is used in the said several Obligations in Trust and for the onely benefit of the said A. B. his Executors Administrators and Assigns and therefore I●h● said S. B. do hereby authorize and appoint the said A. B. his Executors Administrators and Assigns to receive and take all the several sums of Money to his and their own proper use and behoof without any Accompt to be given concerning the same and to use all lawful way●s and means for recovery thereof and to compound and agree for the