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land_n hereditament_n premise_n tenement_n 2,326 5 10.4805 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06315 [Charter to Shipwrights company] Worshipful Company of Shipwrights (London, England); Egerton, Thomas, Sir, 1540?-1617.; Fleming, Tho.; Coke, Edward, Sir, 1552-1634. 1612 (1612) STC 16785; ESTC S114020 51,816 72

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name of Master Wardens and Cominaltie of the said Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid they shall and may be able and capable in law to haue hold purchase receiue take possesse and enioy aswell any mannors mesuages landes tenements rents reuersions seruices and other hereditaments in Fee to them and their successors for euer As also all and singuler goods chattels and other things whatsoeuer and the same manners messuages lands tenements rents reuersions hereditaments goods chattels and other the premisses and euery or any part or parcell thereof to demise graunt let set assigne and dispose at their will and pleasure and to make seale and accomplish all deedes euidences and writings of for and concerning the same and euery parcell thereof in that behalfe needfull necessarie or conuenient to be made or had And that they and their successors by the same name of Master Wardens and Cominaltie of the Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid shall and may be persons able and capable in law to sue and be sued plead and be impleaded answere and to be answered to defend and to be defended in all or any Court or Courts place or places iurisdiction or iurisdictions whatsoeuer and before any Iudge Iudges Iustices or other person or persons officer or officers whatsoeuer in all and singuler actions plaints Pleas suits quarrels causes matters and demaunds of whatsoeuer kinde nature qualitie or sort in such manner and forme by all those waies and means and to such end and purposes as any other Corporation or any our liege people of this our Realme of England being Corporations or persons able and capable in deede or law may or can haue hold purchase receiue possesse enioy retaine giue grant demise alien assigne dispose plead and be impleaded answere and be answered and to defend and be defended or do permit and execute by any lawful waies or meanes whatsoeuer And also that the said Master Wardens and Cominalty of the Art or Mysterie of Shipwrights of Redrith aforesaid shall and may make or cause to be made and may haue a Common Seale for them and their successors for euer to serue for the ensealing doing and confirming of all and singuler their causes affaires and businesse whatsoeuer And that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Master Wardens and Cominaltie and their successors the same Seale at their will and pleasure from time to time to breake deface alter change and make new as to them shall seeme most meete and conuenient And further we will and for vs our heires and successors we do grant by these presents That from henceforth for euer there be and shall be one Master three Wardens sixteene Assistants of the said Corporation Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid to be constituted and chosen in such manner and forme as heereafter in these presents is expressed and specified And for the better execution of the premisses and also for the good rule and gouernment of the Master Wardens and Cominaltie of the Art or Mysterie of Shipwrights aforesaid from time to time for euer we haue assigned ordained and constituted And by these presents for vs our heires and successors do assigne name ordaine and constitute our welbeloued subiect Phinees Pett our seruant and Master Ship-wright to be the first Master of the said Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights willing that the said Phinees Pett be and shall continue Master of the said Art or Mysterie from the day of the date of these presents vntill the morrow after the feast of Saint Bartholmew Th'apostle now next ensuing and then from thenceforth vntill some other meete and sufficient man of the said Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights aforesaid be elected sworne to execute the said Office of Master of the said Art or Mystery of Shipwrights of Redrith aforesaid according to the ordinances and prouisions in these presents expressed and limited if the said Phinees Pett shall so long liue vnlesse the said Phinees Pett shall happen in the meane-time for some misgouernment or other iust cause to be remoued whom for such iust cause we will and ordaine to be remoueable according to the forme heerein expressed And also we haue assigned ordained named and constituted and by these presents for vs our heires and successors do assigne name ordaine and constitute our welbeloued subiects William Burrell Nicholas Symonson and Thomas Dymock three other Shipwrights to be the first three Wardens of the Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights aforesaid Willing that they the said William Burrell Nicholas Symonson and Thomas Dymock shall be and continue Wardens of the said Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights from the day of the date of these presents till the morrow after the feast of Saint Bartholmew the Apostle now next ensuing the date heereof and from the morrow after the said Feast vntill three other meete and sufficient men of the Art or Mysterie of Shipwrights aforesaid be to the said Offices of Wardens elected and sworne to execute the same according to the ordinances and prouisions in these presents limited and expressed if they the said William Burrell Nicholas Symonson and Thomas Dymock shall so long liue vnlesse they or any of them respectiuely in the meane-time shall be remoued for their misgouernment or for some other iust cause whom for such iust cause wee likewise will and ordaine to be remoueable according to the forme heerein expressed And moreouer for the better assistance and counsell of the said Master and Wardens in and about the execution of their seuerall Offices wee haue assigned named ordained and constituted and by these presents for vs our heires and successors doe assigne name ordaine and constitute our welbeloued subiects Mathew Baker William Bright Edward Stephens Nicholas Clay Iohn Apslin Peter Pett Thomas Ienkins Iohn Graues Robert Bourne Iames Marshe William Hedger Thomas Wells William Pickes Iohn Maye Edmund Iordan and Richard Watford to be the first and present sixteene Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie Willing that they the said Mathew Baker William Bright Edward Stephens Nicholas Clay Iohn Apslin Peter Pett Thomas Ienkin Iohn Graues Robert Bourne Iames Marshe William Hedger Thomas Wells William Pickes Iohn Mare Edmund Iordan and Richard Watford and all other Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie for the time being shall be and continue Assistants of the said Art or Mysterie of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid for and during their naturall liues and shall from time to time be aiding counselling and assisting vnto the said Master and Wardens for the better gouernment rule and direction of the said Master Wardens and Cominaltie of the said Art or Mysterie and euery member thereof vnlesse they or any of them shall be remoued from the same place of Assistant or Assistants for some misdemeanor or other iust cause whom for such cause we likewise will and ordaine to be remoueable according to the forme heerein also expressed And for
or warned to appeare vpon any such Iuries or enquests could not nor cannot plead or alleadge the said former Letters Pattents nor these presents or the priueledges and authorities hereby giuen and granted vnto them for their discharge in that behalfe whereby diuers issues fines and amercements are many times returned against them contrary to our true intent and meaning Wee doe therefore graunt for vs our heires and successors vnto the said Master Wardens and Comminalty and their successors for euer That if any issues fines and amercements shall be returned forfeited or imposed by or vppon any of the said person or persons of the said Corporation Trade Art or Mistery for or in respect of not doing or not performing of any of the said seruices or other things whereof they are hereby exempted or freed or mentioned to be exempted or freed That then the same person or persons his or their heires executors administrators and assignes and euery of them and all his and their landes tenements goods and chattels shall be for euer freed and discharged of and from the same issues fines and amerciaments and euery of them And wee doe require and commaund the Barons of our Eschequer that in respect of the pouerty of many that are to be releeued in this case they giue them all expedition and ease in the proceedings and pleading for their discharge in that behalfe And because this Corporation of Ship-wrights hath bin principally instituted made for the mainteinance and encrease of Nauigation and for the better and more substantiall making building and repairing of ships and also for the trayning vp instructing of Ship-wrights Ship-carpenters labourers and workemen to make them more ready able and skilfull for seruice All which things do very greatly concerne the defence safety wealth and profit of our selfe our Kingdomes and subiects Therefore wee doe not onely straightly charge and command all and euery person and persons which are or shall be of the Cominaltie of this Corporation That they doe dutifully submit themselues to such good and wholesome lawes statutes and ordinances as shall be heereafter ordained and made by vertue of these Letters Patents for the gouernment rule order and direction of this Corporation and of all the members thereof But wee doe also straightly require charge and command all Masters Wardens and Assistants deputies and other the principall Officers of this incorporation now being and that heereafter shall bee That they and euery of them in their seuerall Offices and places doe carefully diligently and circumspectly looke to the due and seuere execution of all such lawes statutes and ordinances so to be made as aforesaid that the same may be truely performed and accomplished according to the tenor and true meaning of the same vpon paine of our heauy displeasure and indignation and of such punishment and imprisonment as by our lawes may be inflicted on them and euery or any of them wherein our meaning is to extend the greater punishment vpon such as hauing offices and places of trust and charge committed vnto them shall by wilfulnesse negligence remisnesse partialitie or otherwise offend themselues or suffer others to offend in those things whereof they ought to bee the reformers and redressers and at whose hands wee expect to receiue and haue amendement and reformation of all offences that shall bee committed by any others in that behalfe And forasmuch as the pouertie of Ship-wrights and persons belonging to the said Corporation is now much more increased then in former times and not able to be releeued supported and maintained by the duties and reuenues of the said Corporation which heertofore they haue had or were enabled to haue being so small in yeerely value Therefore and to the end the said Master Wardens and Comminalty and their Successors may bee from henceforth the better enabled from time to time to beare and sustaine their charges and expences drawne and occasioned by reason of the Corporation and to releeue and maintaine the poore of the same wee haue of our more especiall grace certaine knoledge and meere motion giuen and graunted and by these presents for vs our heires and successors doe giue and graunt vnto the said Master Wardens and Comminalty of the said Art or Mistery of Ship wrights of Redrith aforesaid and to their successors especiall licence and free and lawfull faculty power and authority that they their successors for euer shall and may not onely haue receiue and purchase to them and their successors for euer to their owne proper vse and behoofe as well of vs our heires and successors as of any other person or persons whatsoeuer Mannours Messuages Lands Tenements Rectories Tithes Rents Reuersions Seruices and other Hereditaments whatsoeuer which are not held of vs our heires and successors in chiefe or by Knights seruice nor of any other by Knights seruice So alwaies that the same Manours Messuages Lands Tenements Rectories Tithes Rents Reuersions or Hereditaments by the said Master Wardens and Comminalty or their successors so to bee receiued purchased obtained or had as aforesaid doe not exceed the cleare yeerly value of forty pound by the yeere aboue all charges deductions and reprizes The Statute of Lands Tenements not to bee put in Mortmaine or any other Statute Act or Ordinance prouision restraint or any other matter cause or thing whatsoeuer to the contrary notwithstanding And further wee haue giuen and graunted And by these presents for vs our heires and successors wee doe giue and graunt special licence and ful free power authority to any and euery of the subiects of vs our heires and successors and to all and euery body and bodies Corporate and Politique and other person and persons whatsoeuer and to euery of them That they and euery of them shall and may giue graunt bequeath assigne or by any wayes or meanes whatsoeuer alnie deuize or assure vnto the said Master Wardens and comminalty and to their successors for euer any Mannours Messuages Lands Tenements Rectories Tithes Rents Reuersions Seruices and other Hereditaments whatsoeuer which are not held of vs our heires or successors in chiefe or by Knights seruice or of any other by Knights seruice So that the same Mannours Lands Tenements and other the premisses so as aforesaid to bee giuen graunted assigned or deuised doe not exceed in the whole the cleare yeerely value of forty pound per annum aboue all charges deductions and reprizes The Statute of Lands and Tenements not to bee put in Mortmaine or any other Act Statute Ordinance Prouision or restraint or any other matter cause or thing whatsoeuer to the contrary notwithstanding And finally we doe by these presents for vs our heires and successors straightly charge and command Aswell the Lord Admirall of England for the time beeing and also the Iudge of our Admirality and principall Officers of our Nauy and al Viz. Admirals Marshals Sergeants and other officers of our Admiralty As also the Lord Mayor of our
well and honestly carry behaue and demeane him and themselues towardes the Master Wardens and Assistants of the faid Art or Mistery for the time being and their deputy or deputies or other inferior officers respectiuely according to the true intent and meaning of these presents but after due and conuenient warning notice or admonition giuen to him or them in that behalfe shall still wilfully and obstinately persist perseuere or continue in any wilfull stuborne obstinate or disobedient course tending to the hurt and preiudice of vs our heires and successors or any our louing subiects or the order rule and gouernment aforesaid either by insufficient negligent or deceitfull working or not performing of his or their duties or by purloyning imbeazling of stuffe or by vnlawfull and disorderly departure from his or their worke after he or they haue bene hired and such like or shall doe or commit any act or acts directly or indirectly to the preiudice or hindrance of the said Corporation or the good estate and procedings thereof either by wilfull absenting him or themselues from the Common-Hall and meeting vpon due warning or by deniall of ordinary and iust duties or shall by mutinies combinations conspiracies or any such like wicked or vnlawfull course or practise persist or continue in the wilfull breach neglect or contempt of this our Charter or any thing herein contained or any law ordinance or institution made by force of these presents That then in all and euery or any of these cases before mencioned it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Master Wardens and assistants or any three of them whereof the Master and one of the Wardens to be alwaies two seuerally to correct and punish such offendor or offendors according to the quantity and quallity of his or their offence or offences according to the lawes and ordinances of the said Corporation and according to the lawes and statutes of the realme in that behalfe respectiuely And whereas the greatest number of the workmen and other persons imployed in the trades aforesaid are soe very pore and nedy and of meane condition as no pecuniary mulct can take hold of them and likewise so rude and disordered as noe ordinary or ciuill censure can moue them to yeelde obedience to rule or gouernment And therefore some sharpe and seuere coertion and constraint must necessarily be vsed towards them in many cases Therefore our will and pleasure is and wee doe by these presentes will and ordaine That if any person or persons now vsing or which shall hereafter vse or exercise within the said realme of England or dominion of Wales the said Art Trade or Mistery of Ship-wrights or other the workes or trades aforesaid shall obstinately resist and withstand the gouernment of the said Maister Wardens and Assistants or their lawfull deputy or deputies and shall after admonition and warning giuen vnto them or any of them in that behalfe wilfully persist in such disobedient course either by deceitfull working or by vnlawfull departure from after they haue bene hired or within the time or times of their retainor or shall by combination conspiracies or other vnlawfull practises seeke to ouerthrow destroy and bring into contempt the powers preuiledges and authorities by these presents giuen and granted to the said Maister Wardens and Cominalty and their successors for the vniuersall benifit and good of our said Realme dominion and subiects That the●… or in such cases the Lord Admirall of England for the time being vpon complaint and profe therof made to him shall take the body or bodies of all and euery such notorious offendors and keepe them vnder arrest vntill they shall conforme themselues and reforme what they haue done amisse as aforesaide And for so much as a great part of the said Art or Mystery are continually for the most part imploied and attendant vpon the seruice and nauigation of vs our heires and successors We therefore of our especiall grace doe will and grant for vs our heires and successors That the saide Maister Wardens and Cominalty or any of them or their or any of their successors shall not at any time or times hereafter be informed put placed or impannelled in or vpon any Assizes Iuries Inquests or attaintes whatsoeuer before any Iudges Iustices or Commissioners of vs our heires or successors out of the Citties Townes Boroughs Parishes or places where they or any of them doe or shall happen to dwell vnlesse they haue lands or tenements lying out of the said Citties Townes Boroughs Parishes or places by reason whereof they or any of them ought to be charged nor shall at any time be pressed or inforced to serue vs our heires or successors as Land-soldiers but doe absolutely and freely discharge them and euery of them from any such seruice and attendance And wee doe further by these presents for vs our heires and successors straightly charge and commaund all and euery Sheriffes Bailiffes and other officers of vs our heires and successors that they every of them doe from time to time forbeare to put or impanel any of the said Maister Wardens and Cominalty or any their deputies or apprentises in or vpon any such Iuries or inquests as is aforesaid contrary to our said meaning intent vpon paine of our displeasure of such paines penalties and imprisonments as by the lawes of this our Realme can or may be inflicted or imposed vpon them or any of them for their contempt in doing contrary to our royall pleasure and commandment in that behalfe And whereas the Master Wardens and Cominalty of the said Art or Mistery of Ship-wrights of Redrith aforesaid and their and euery of their deputies and apprentises being continually for the most part charged and chargeable to be ready and prouided at an howers warning vpon diuers seruices and imployments as well at the Sea for the necessity defence and safety of our realmes and kingdomes and for the use and imployment of our Marchants for continuance and increase of trade and commerce with forraine Nations for the benefit and profit of vs and our subiects as also to giue attendance within our Kingdomes for the new building repairing and triming as well of the Shippes Pinnaces and vessels of vs our heires successors as also of the Ships Pinnaces and vessels of our Marchants and subiects Therefore our will and pleasure is That if it shall hapen the said Maister Wardens and Comminalty or other persons which by the true intent and meaning hereof are and ought to be discharged from such seruice vpon Iuries or Inq●ests shall by Sheriffes Bailiffes or other officers ignorantly or wilfully be put and impannelled to serue vpon Iuries and Enquests contrary to our true intent and meaning in that behalfe in certaine our former Letters Pattents graunted and also in these presents renued And that any of the said persons beeing absent from their houses and places of habitation at such times as they were or shall bee sommoned