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land_n heir_n lord_n time_n 1,868 5 3.5360 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07507 The phoenix as it hath beene sundry times acted by the Children of Paules, and presented before his Maiestie. Middleton, Thomas, d. 1627. 1607 (1607) STC 17892; ESTC S112593 43,145 80

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Phoe. At hys first rising let his fall be base Prod. That must be altered now Phoe. Which his rising or his fall rod. Art thou dull now Thou hear'st the Prince is come Duke What 's heere my Lord Prod. My Lord Duke I have got such a large portion of knowledge most worthy father by the benefit of my Trauaile Prod. And so he has no doubt my Lord Duke That I am bolde now to warne you of Lord Proditors insolent Treason who has irreligiouslye seduc'd a fellow and closely conuaide him ee'n in the presence-chaire to murder you Phoen. Oh guiltie guiltie Duke What was that fell what 's hee Phoen. I am the man Prod. O slaue Phoe. I haue no power to strike Prod. I 'me gone i 'me gone Duke Let me admire heauen's wisdome in my Sonne Phoe. I confesse it he hyred me Prod. This is slaue T is forg'd against mine honour and my life For in what part of reason can 't appeare The Prince being Trauaild should know Treasons heere Plaine counterfet Duke Doost thou make false our Sonne Prod. I know the prince will not affirme it Fid. He can and will my Lord Phoe. Most iust he may Duke A guard Luss. We cannot but in loyall zeale our selues Lay hands on such a Villaine Duke Stay you I finde you heere too Lus. Vs my Lord Duke Against Lussurioso and Infesto who not onelye moste ryotouslye consume their houses in vicious gaming morgaging their liuings to the Merchant wherby he with his heires enter vppon their lands from whence this abuse comes that in short time the Sonne of the Marchant has more Lordships then the Sonne of the Nobleman which else was neuer borne to inheritance but that which is more impious they most adulterously traine out young Ladyes to Mid-night banquets to the vtter defamation of their owne honors ridiculous abuse of their Husbands Lus. How could the Prince heare that Phoe. Most true my Lord My Conscience is a witnesse gainst it selfe For to that execution of chast honour I was both hyr'd and led Lus. I hope the Prince out of his plentious wisdome Will not giue wrong to vs as for this fellowe Hee 's poore and cares not to be desperate Enter Iustice Falso Fal. Iustice my Lord I haue my Neece stolne from me Sh 'as left her Dowrie with me but shee 's gone I de rather haue had her loue then her money I This this is one of them Iustice my Lord I know him by his face this is the Theefe Prod. Your grace may now in milder sence perceiue The wrong done to vs by this impudent wretch Who ha's his hand fixt at the throate of lawe And therefore durst be desperate of his life Duk. Peace you 'r too foule your crime is in excesse One spot of him makes not your Vlcers lesse Prod. Oh! Duk Did your Violence force away his Neece Phoe. No my good Lord I le stil confesse what 's truth I did remoue her from her many wrongs Which shee was pleasd to leaue they were so vilde Duke What are you nam'd Fals. Falso my Lord Iustice Falso i 'me knowne by that name Du. Falso you came fitly You are the verie next that followes here Fals. I hope so my Lord my name is in all the Records I can assure your good grace Du. Against Iustice Falso Fals. Ah Du. Who hauing had the honest charge of his Neece committed to his trust by the last will and Testament of her deceased father and with her all the power of his wealth not onely against faith and conscience detaines her Dowrie but against Nature and humanity assaies to abuse her body Neece I 'me present to affirme it my lou'd Lord Fals. How what make I heere Neece Eyther I must agree To loathed lust or despisde beggery Du. Are you the plaintiue here Fals. I my good Lord For fault of a better Du. Sildome comes a worse and moreouer not containde in this vice onelye which is odious to much but against the sacred vse of Iustice maintaines three threeues to his men Fals. Cuds me Du. Who onely take Pursses in their Maisters libertie where if any one chance to be taken he appeares before him in a false Beard and owne of his owne fellows takes his examination Fals. By my troth as true as can be but hee shall not knowe on 't Du. And in the end will execute Iustice so cruellye vpon him that hee will not trust him in a prison but commit him to his fellowes chamber Fals. Can a man doe nothing i' the Countrey but t is told at Court there 's some busie informing knaue abroad a my life Phoe. That this is true and these and more my Lord Be it vnder pardon spoken for mine owne Hee the disease of Iustice these of honour And This of Loyaltie and Reuerence The vnswept venome of the Pallace Prod. Slaue Phoen. Behold the Prince to approoue it Prod. Oh where Phoe. Your Eyes keep with your Actions both looke wrong Prod. An infernall to my spirit All My Lord the Prince Prod. Tread me to dust thou in whō wonder keepes Behold the Serpent on his bellie creepes Phoen. Ranckle not my foote away Treason we laugh at thy vain-labouring strings Aboue the foote thou hast no power ore Kings Duke I cannot with sufficient ioy receiue thee And yet my ioye 's too much Phoen. My royall Father To whose vnnaturall murther I was hir'd I thought it a more naturall course of trauaile And answering future expectation To leaue farre Countryes and enquire mine owne Duk. To thee let Reuerence all her powers engage That art in youth a myracle to age State is but blindness ethou hadst piercing Art We onely saw the knee but thou the heart To thee then power and Dukedome we resigne Hee 's fit to raign whose knowledge can refine Phoen. Forbid it my obedience Duke Our word 's not vaine I know thee wise can'st both obey and raigne The rest of life we dedicate to heauen All A happy and safe raigne to our new Duke Phoe. Without your praiers safer happier Fidelio Fid. My royall Lord Phoe. Here take this Diamond You know the vertue on 't it can fetch vice Madam Castiza Fid: She attends my Lord Phoen. Place a guard neare vs Know you you fellow Ladie Lad. My honours euill Prod. Torment agen Phoen. So vgly are thy crimes Thine eye cannot endure 'em And that thy face may stand perpetually Turn'd so from ours and thy abhorred selfe Neither to threaten wracke of state or credite An euerlasting banishment ceaze on thee Prod. Oh Fiend Phoen. Thy life is such it is too bad to end Prod. May thy Rule life and all that 's in thee glad Haue as short time as thy begetting had Exit Phoen. Away thy curse is idle the rest are vnder reformation and therefore vnder pardon All Our duties shall turne edge vpon our crimes Fals. S'lid I was afraid of nothing but that for my theeuerie and bawderie I should haue beene turnd