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A11370 A wounderfull prophecie or pronosticatio[n] begynnynge from the yere of oure Lorde M.D.XXXI. to the lawde and prayse of the moost victoryous Emperowre Charles the fyfthe of that name borne within the triumpha[n]t towne of Gandt, in the golden yere .M.D. vppo[n] the .xxiiij. daye of February, whiche daye is neyther named nor no[m]bred, because it was in the leapeyere pronostycate by Master Salomon the Jewe, [and] physician greatly soundynge to the honour of God and lawde of the famous towne of Gandt. Salomon, Dr., of Ruhrmond. 1543 (1543) STC 21629; ESTC S106795 14,545 33

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of God to be vnfallable / in as moch as it procedeth frō the bosome of the father And here do I bothe earnestly and playnly admonysshe the Germanies bothe hyghe lowe to ioyne them selues vnto the Egle / For elles there shall aryse amongest them / soche warre discorde that it shal not easely be apeaced For the Turke shall with great violence go about to destroye the landes of Meyssen / Duryngen Hesse / as Merlyn dothe ꝓphecye / whiche sayth by soche meanes the Emperours maiestye myght come to some mysfortune of hys body / by reason of the cōiunction of Iouis beynge in Scorpio Also other princes lordes of the Romayne Empyre / shal be some thynge troubled of their subiectes / notwithstandinge it shall not longe contynewe And after that the Emperours maiestie hathe taken great payne trouble in trauaylinge frō one contrey to an other / with moche disquietnes small reste / aswell by lande as by sea / then shall the spyrituall swerde not be so longe / The spirituall swerde shall be made shorter so brode / nor yet so sharpe / to cut with soche violēce as it hath done in tymes paste And in thys tyme shall the sonne lose hyr lyght .iij. poyntes and a halfe great / which shal be vppon a Frydaye after S. Bartholemews daye at one of the clocke in the after none or ther vppō / because Leo hauinge the ascēdent / signifyeth to vs many fearful warres great shedinge of bloude Whiche as wel they of the lande of Austriche shal perceaue and feale as many other straunge nacions Austriche ys vnder the dominion of Ferdinādo kyng of Hōgary For Merlyn sayeth that the Turke wythe great power purposeth to destroye the fore named landes of Meyssen / Duringen and Hesse Therfore let not this Godly admonission and plage / whiche hangeth ouer youre heades good Christen mē be forgotten / but rather let it be closed within youre hartes / seynge it is none other wyse lyke / thē so to come to passe For as truely as the Lorde lyueth / great sorowes troubles are at hande in whiche the holy prophecies shal be fulfylled / and the true Christen churche shall sore decaye / euen lyke as it chaunced vnto the congregacyons of the Iewes / beynge in great prosperytie / felycytie pryde / Hearynge the wounderfull thynges wroughte aboue in heauē / perceyuyng one lyke a vallyaunt Captayne / beyng in a fyery charret and syttyng in a stoole of golde / hauinge in his hande a sharpe speare / and a voice hearde in the entrynge in of the temple / which sayed within a very shorte tyme we will depart hence / which sygnifyed the mercye of God to be withdrawen from the generacyon of the Iewes / and it so came to passe / as it appered mooste manyfestlye by the distruccyō of Ierusalē / all this not withstandinge nor nothynge at all regardynge these visyons thei mocked and derided thē / as thinges mooste false and vntrue And I feare me that as many of the dowchelande / dothe esteyme and iuge these admonicyons of the prophetes as fables / euen so dothe other landes and nacions / whiche will neuer repente / vntill the tyme that those thinges happē to thē / as did to the Iewes for theyr dissobediēce Apoca. xviij Esa xij But heare what S. Ihon sayeth in the apocalips / of them whiche ioyne them selues vnto the Babilonical strompet Babilon that great cytie is fallen / whiche hathe poysoned all nacions / causyng them to dryncke of the wyne of her stinking fornicacion Iere. li. That myghty and great cytie Babilon sayeth he is fallē / and become the habitacyon of deuels And why bycause the Kinges of the earthe haue committed fornicacion with her Apoco xiiij And her marchantes are waxen ryche with the haboundaunce of her pleasures / yet in one houre o thou Babilō is thy iugement come Esaie xiij Ieremy xiiij Ezechi xxxiiij Thy sheaperdes haue distroyed and scatered my flocke a brode sayeth the Lorde / feadinge them selues / and not my people Therfore sayeth he I will vpon them / and requyer my shepe oute of theyr handes / will feade them myn owne selfe For howe manye is there at this daye which for the inwarde zeale which thei beare vnto the heade of that cytie of Babilon / take an occasyon after the ensample of Herod to make inquisycion for fylthye lucres sake / Mat. i. for the pore innocēt lambes of Chryst neuer leauing of vntill thei haue shed their bloude / thynkinge therby their lordeshippes and Kyngdomes lōger to endure And it is seine at this presente daye in some places / that althoughe the name of the heade of the Babilonicall cytie be abolished / yet were his lawes neuer more auaunced / nor his ministers and adherentes had in more hygher estimacion I wolde there were some man that coulde make the spiritualty to vnderstāde this lesson of Christe wel / where he saieth / mat xx that the Princes and Lordes of the heathen / haue power ouer the heathen people / but it shulde not be so amōgest his disciples / Nowe then / if they wolde harken to this doctryne / and graunte them selues to be Christes disciples / then can they not loke to haue soche rule in the worlde / ouer Dukedomes / Erledomes / Cyties and townes / in soche ample wise / that worldly princes / in a maner be nothyng to be compared vnto them / or at the leaste withoute them I speake not this in disprayse of the superyour powers / for euē the same Gospel whiche taketh worldelye promocion from the spirituall powers / dothe agayn restore the same to the Ciuyle Maiestrates / the which oughte to be obeyed as well of the spiritualtie / Roma xiij as of the temperaltye / seinge it is thordenaunces of God him selfe / for the punisshemente of them that be euell / and maynteyninge of the good So that who so euer withstandeth them / withstandeth the ordenaunce of god / seinge thei be his mynistres for oure wealthe and profyt / vnder whose subiection / God hathe instituted all creatures For he sayeth clerely / Omnis anima / here is no mā excepted / nether spiritual nor tēporall Roma xiij For where this order is not in the church of Christe / there muste the Lorde nedes sende downe his plages and punisshemētes / accordinge to the prophecie of Hyldegardus / whiche sayeth / the time shall come / that the moone shall lose her light / that is to saye .iiij. poyntes / whiche shal be apon a monday after vincula Petri / at .xij. of the clocke at mydnighte / the ascendent beinge in Aquario .xviij. degrees in Libra / whiche vndoutedly dothe signify vnto vs / that many godly ordenaunces and statutes / which haue bene made for the setting forwarde of gods honour and the publyke wealth / shall be disanulled and broken / and other wicked and
vngodlye actes shal be put in their places For in this time shall stande vp a false prophet / whiche shall go aboute to distroye the cheifest articles of our faithe and beleif / and so throughe an vtwarde and gloryous appearaunce / he shall seduce moche people / and worke many straunge thinges And in this time shall the Emperowrs maiestie be vexed and troubled with many of his subiectis / so that the prisons in euery place where men do vse to execute iustice / shal be fylled / with monkes / fryres / nōnes and soche other / so that thei shal lyue in an vncerteyn and vnsure estate Itē marchaūtes artifycers / shall not greatly profyt in their affayres / but that shall not longe cōtynewe Itē women shall haue good fortune in their trauaylle labour / for they shall brynge forth many chyldren within shorte tyme. After this shal ther be two eclipsis / the one of the Sonne / the other of the moone The sonne shall be darkened .vi. poyntes great frō the begynnynge to the endynge / which shal be vppon a wednesdaye .viij. dayes after the .xij. day at after none And agayne the moone shal loose hyr lyght vppon a frydaye after the conuersyon of S. Paull in the mornynge at twoo of the clocke in the .ix. degre of Leo / whiche betokeneth great mischaūce and fortune to them that dwelle vppon the sea coastes / or where the grounde is lowe In thys tyme men shall see a great fall and decaye of Turkes / so that the empyre shall haue great rule domynion / conquerynge diuers lādes lordeships Itē the nobles of the empyre shall haue prosperous successyō and fortune with great fauoure of their subiectes In the mean tyme shal the spiritualtie be at variaunce / strife / discorde / for the promociōs and goodes of the churche And while thei are thus striuinge one agaynste an other / marchauntes and all other artyficers / shall haue more prosperous and better lucke in their trades busines then thei had before Notwithstanding / Italye / Norway / and Denmark shal be vexed troubled and be brought to great heauines Aboute this tyme shall there be in Fraunce / in the lande of Luke / and in some places of the lāde of Cleue / great pestilēce and other straūge diseases / then shal the flowdes of the water of Ryne braste forth with great violēce / and ouerflowe dyuers partes of the lande / to the greate discomoditie of the people In this tyme shal the sōne be darkned .ix. poyntes from benethe vpwarde / vppon the secōde friday after Easter after none at .iiij. of the clocke .xij. degrees in the sygne of Pisces / so that then thascendēt shal showe him selfe signifying vnto vs / that there shall be a great nombre of princes deposed / so that the crowne of the lāde of Boheme shal stād voide / through the great disobediēce of the subiectes And because thei do reproue the rodde wherwith thei shulde be beatē / I wil therfore saithe the Lorde visite their transgression and disobedience / Amos. viij withe a sharper rodde / that is / with the swerde of warre pestilence dearthe and deathe Then shall the p̄lates of the churche be at strife / one agaynste an other for diuers causes / whiche I entende not moche to entreat of at this tyme / but will cōmitte the thinges vnto god / yet will not I ouer slyppe the wordes of that princely prophet Dauid / which saithe Psal ij The kinges of the earth shall stande vp / and the rulers shall counsell and come to gether agaynste the Lorde / and his anoynted For bothe Pilate and Herode / Annas and Cayphas / scribes pharisees / whiche seke their own profet and aduauntage / with no small dissentiō and discorde / sekyng the soules of them / Esaye xiij which the prophet Esay sayeth shal not yet dye / Thei shall right well perceaue the great plages of god / withe lamentinge and moorninge as lāpes with oute oyle / lanternes with out light / beinge both idle / blinde vayn Psalm lxi For yf thei were layd agaynste vanitie in a peire of balaunce / thei shuld flye vp vnto the skye / and be moche lighter then euen vanitye it selfe Harken therfore sayeth the Lorde ye princes of Sodoma / ye people of Gomorra / these my wordes For the synne of my people / I will sayeth he suffer ypocrites to raigne ouer you Let vs take hede of the wōderfull example where the aungell af god did destroye apon one nighte in the pauilliōs and tētes of the Assyriās C.lxxxv thousande mē iiij Regū xix Esaie xxxvij For vndoutedly these plages that are to come / shall be for the synnes / whiche raygne at this daye in the worlde / so that there shal assemble together in one felde / many nobles of greate power / whiche willingly shal go to battell / where moche bloude shall be shedde / moste especially of the wicked / in soche wyse that the thirde parte of the worlde / shal there be slayne iiij Esdras xv For I will holde my tonge no lenger sayeth the Lorde seinge the people be so wicked ād vngodly / for the innocēt bloude of the troubled / criethe vnto me / and the soules of the ryghtuous complayne contynually / therfore will I auēge the bloude of my people / so that the worlde shal be full of wofulnes and misery The groūde shall lye voide / and not be tilled / the trees shall bear frute and shall not be gathered The corne that is sowē in the feldes / shall not be broughte home into the barnes / the womē shall weape and wayle / for the losse of their husbandes / that shall perisshe withe the power of the swerde And more ouer / Aloufresant prophecyethe / that in this tyme / the trewe christiās shall haue moche persecuciōs / troubles sorowes / for the worde of God And after that shall there folowe great dearthe / and deathe / as well in other places / as in douchelande Thē shal ther come in the coastes of Europe / soche rayne / wynde tempest / that many mē shall be slayne therwith And this tempeste shal come frō the north / so that many shall go at nyghts merely to they re beddes / whiche shal be founde dead in the mornynge / and thus ended hys prophecie In this tyme also shall the papistrie and seate of Rome stande voyde / so that the Emperour shall take vppō him to ordeyne and instytute an other in the same seate / to whome the Emperoure shall adioyne hym selfe make attonemēt in the churche And the man whome he shall thus ordeyne / shal be of great worthynes vertue / and therto be sett lyke one of power so that after that he shall put downe / take awaye great possessyons / rentes / promocions dignyties / from the prelates and prebendaries / forbyddinge all
vnder the coloure and pretence of beggynge / wyll do moche more harme / than eyther Iewes / Turkes / Agarenes or any maner of kynde of beggers / so that they wyll not onely be cōtent / to begge in the open and cōmen streates of townes and Cyties / as do the lame / dome / and crepell / nor yet to stande at the churche doores porches / but withoute any shame wyll entre boldelye into mēnes houses and tauernes And some there be of the other partie / that appere to the people lame / halt and no lesse then crepell in dede / that withoute the townes and Cyties / in the feldes will take them to their fete / layinge awaye their cruches / some tyme vppon their shulders / moch more redyer to take a purse violently / then to aske for Christus sake charytablye Thus see yowe two maner of beggers / bothe worthely to be reprehēded and amended For whan the one kynde of them hathe before none / brought home their prouender / and fylled not onelye their bellye 's full / but euen crōmed them vp to the throtes / yet must they agayne at after none / seke agayne in the streates / where they maye haue their bagges full agaynst the next daye / so that they go gulpyng lyke brute beastes / neuer satisfyed The other sorte bolle swyll all that euer they cā gett The lorde which seeth from aboue / and knoweth that all these thynges are trewe / shall ones iudge that these be euen the shepe withoute wolle Althoughe there is no man that taketh hede of them / yet is it not suffycyent that both theis kyndes of people lyue thus myserablye ydelly and wredchedlye / from whome commeth skante one good woorde oute of their mouthes And it is not a lytle to be maruayled at / that these enormyties be vnpunysshed / seynge they so great and intollerable But euen lyke as the lynke of one chayne draweth after hym an other / so dothe one myschefe and synne drawe an other after hym For ther is no great synne that cōmeth alone / but draweth by certeyn occasyons many other euelles after hym / by the whyche the great indignacyon from the Lorde / is caste as a plage to come vppō the dysobedyent / of whome the Prophet Dauid speaketh They reioyce when they do euell / hauyng delyte and pleasure in they re euell dedes For the wycked when he commeth into the daunger and deapthe of synne / he passeth nothyng at all for it / so that Rom. i. S. Paull sayeth / that God hath geuen all soche people vp into they re hartes lustes / and vnto all lewde mynde to do soch thynges whiche be not comely / beyng full of all vnryghtuous doynges / folowynge the foote paithes and steppes of Caym and Iudas / with that styfnecked stony harted Pharo Notwithstandynge the goodnes great lyberalyte of God forgeueth the synner so ofte as he falleth / to the intent he shulde repent amende Therfore nowe ye Christen mē aryse from youre synnes / and open youre eares vnderstand with youre hartes the wordes of the Prophet / whiche sayeth I am so full of thy indygnation Iere. vi O Lorde / that I can suffre it no lenger They take thy worde but for a scorne / tredinge it vnder their fete / hauyng no luste thervnto Powre out thy wrath vppō the childrē that are without thy worde / that the mā may be takē prysoner with the wyse / the aged with the crepell For what with the intollerable burdēs of the scrybes pharizees / the insaciable beastly desyres of the adulters fornicatours / with the vnmeasurable couetuousnes / falsehead / frawde deceyte of dyuers straūge sortes of people / the churche is become I feare me a very denne of theues robbers bloudy murtherers Therfore sayth the Lord by hys Prophet / vppō all soche shall rayne solphur / fyre brymstone with wyndes bothe troublous and tempestious and all other plages / no lesse then it was sene vppon Sodoma and Gomorra Genes xix Ezechi xvi Iere. vi Esa xxi Ezechi xxxviij Psalm xcviij And agayn speakith the Lorde by the mouthe of his prophet Esaye I will powre out vppon yowe saythe he my wrathe / and I will caste downe vppon yow the fyre of my vengeaunce and indignation / withe thonder / lyghteninge / hayle and darkenes So that there shall go a fyre before the Lorde / whiche shall consume and burne vp his enymyes on euery syde Therfore clothe yowr selfes with sacke clothe / caste asshes vppon yowre heades / faste and praye / lament and repente yowe of yowre synfull lyuynge Ionas iij. For the dayes of the Lorde are at hande / so that euerye thynge whiche hathe bene prophecyed shal be fulfylled Ezechi xij Remembre what great pytie and mercy / the Lorde had ouer the Niniuytes / after that they withe longe lamentation / repentaunce and feruent supplicacyon / submitted them selues wholy to hym Also not withstandinge that these .iij. men / Moyses Aarō and Samuel / offended agaynste the Lorde / yet when they repented and prayed hertelye / the Lorde hearde them / yet punisshed he their trāsgressions / as it appeareth by Moyses whiche synned at the water of Stryfe / by reason wherof he myghte not entre into the lande of promys Nūe ij Lykewyse when Aaron made a goldē calfe vnto the lordes people Exodi xxxij i. Regū viij cha And Samuel synned beynge negligēt in teaching of his chyldrē Yf God haue not spared soche mē / we then ought to take good hede / howe we walke in the p̄sence of God Therfore sayth the prophet / beware of the plage / and pestylence of darkenes / which is a syckenes that dystroyeth the lyght of the daye And if ye will not turne and amende / then the dayes of sorrowe shall sodenly come / from whose face thowe shalt not flee Genes vij Psal ij Thowe shalte call vppō the flowdes of the waters / with the hyghenes of the mountaynes to hyde the. There shal be soche a cryinge and waylyng amongest the chrystians / that the one shall saye to the other / it were good that we neuer had bene borne Insomoche that some shall dysdayne the wordes of this prophet / yet is there nothyng more truer / then that whiche is spoken of before So that greate heauynes and sorowes shall chaunce / aswel vppon other staungers and alyaunt naciōs as vppon the dowche lande / wherfore it behouethe me some thynge to speake therof / that men perceauynge the lytle shyppe of Peter throughe discorde and disobedience to be rent and broken in peces / agaynst the harde stony rockes / shall then the more easyer see these thinges to be true no fables And thoughe ther be many whiche thynke the naturall inclinacions of the elementes to be but fantasticall and worthy of no credyte / yet can they not but graunt the ordenaunce