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B09348 A voice out of the wildernes, crying with many tears and strong perswasions to the world for repentance. Proving by undeniable grounds from the word of God, that the great day of his righteous judgment will certainly be in this present age, namely about the 45th. yeer after the ruine of Rome, in 1666. Wherein are unfolded many great and wonderful mysteries of God, foretold in his word to come to pass unto th' end of the world. This work consists of five small tracts: 1. To the church of Rome, printed first in an. 1588. 2. To Qu. Elizabeth, presented to her in an. 1589. 3. To the E. of Essex in her days, called, Babylon is fal'n 4. To K. James, being an exposition of the 11. 12, 13. ch. Apoc. 5. De fide, against Baro, since translated into English. / By T.L. sometime a student in the University of Cambridge in the daies of Q: Elizabeth. T. L. 1661 (1661) Wing L83A; ESTC R179227 116,012 190

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are Caesars and unto God the things which are Gods Which many blind and fleshly humours not considering have laboured and brought forth such errour and distraction as we see every where this day Some so drunken with the primacies and prerogatives of Caesar as that they feare not to revile the freedome appertaining to the Kingdome of God Others so headlong carried with a false pretended liberty and freedome of a Christian as that they care not to deny the lawful sword and authority of Caesar so that amongst so many so few from time to time are found that can discerne how Saints are free and yet subject to Caesar But God loveth Sion and hath chosen it for in her is truth without confusion And this is the generation of the counsell and wisedome of God and the true description of all her children which if you understand and doe thereafter then shall you discerne those reprobate times and save your selfe from the visitation to come What man is he that travelling by desart places and seeing the day at his going downe hasteth not to recover his Inne for feare lest the night leave him in distresse Hasten then after the counsell and correction of God whilst yet the day lasteth for behold the night commeth And these are all which I advertise you few as they be and simple as they goe yet if truth deceive me not their right understanding is far finer gold then is your Scepter and much more honourable then your Fathers house And this shall be for a signe that I speake not of my self Behold the Mountain which you fear so much I mean the Beast the Man of sin Lucifer Son of the morning the Horne that hath so many hundred years blaphemed heaven and oppressed earth behold I say tho now he be so great as that the makes the earth to Isai tremble and shake with a word only the very roots of Kingdoms the ●ime hasteth and is at hand ●herein he shall be made so little as neither name nor remnant of him nor son nor sons son shall be found upon the earth For his days are numbred signed and sealed up in the b●ok of God and yet seventy and seven days and his number 666. shall be fulfilled And all his Princes his Sorcerers and multitudes of people which now rejoyce and ●lap their hands drunken with the whoredoms and prosperity of Babel shall then lie comfortles and wring their hands as fast for Beltis their God is dead And the death of Babylon shall be the life of Sion but her light may not long endure as testifieth the Prophet and then and in those dayes shall be finished the secret knowne to the Lord alone even the great mystery and redemption of God forespoken of by the Dan. 12. 22. mighty Angel who stood upon Sea and Land and swore by him that liveth for ever and ever That time should be no more And when these things shall come to passe as Revel 10. 6. verily in their appointed time they shall then shal they k●ow that in the days of their rebellion there was a voyce of a servant of God heard amongst them 1 T. L. restifie these things with mine owne hand in sober humblene●●e commending them to your Majestie onely in regard of my duty and for no other reward Give your promotions to those sons of Beor that rise so early ●nd saddle their Asses to post after them for I your servant have bread and water enough thanks be to my God and am therewith as well content as if my Lands were as large as are the royalties of the little bird who possesseth all the fields over which it flyeth Proverb 1. Because ye have despised all my counsell and refused my corrections I will also laugh at your destruction and mock when your feare commeth FINIS BABYLON IS FALLEN OR A Prophesie that had lain hid above two thousand years Foreshewing The rising continuance and fall of the Empire and Supremacie of Rome with all matters of moment that were to come to passe during the reigne of the Emperours and Popes The last being the vanishing of the Germane Empire lately fullfilled The next the dividing of the Kingdome of France by the Sword of Spaine The third that of Spaine by the Sword of other Nations The fourth the destruction of Rome and desolation of her Church in the yeare 1666. The fifth the descending of the Kings of the East and of the whole world unto the battell of the great day of God Almighty The first title was onely Babylon is Fallen with these words of the Prophet For I heard the railings of many and how they watch for my halting saying it may be that he is deceived Jer. 20. 10. LONDON Printed by M. S. 1651. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE ROBERT Lord DEVOREUX Earle of Essex REading of late my Lord a Chapter of Esdras folding up in a mysticall and dark discourse a living Representation of a long time whereof the most is past and some little to come ● thought it no lost labour to take my Pen and unfold the same that therein wee may behold which naturally all desire to see as well the issues of things to come as what is past or now in being and thereafter to qualifie and moderate our hopes and call our troubled thoughts which otherwise run with reins on Neck within the Circle and limitation bounded and drawn from above And finding this Prophesie written by a Man greatly beloved of God and thereto which rare is a Princes Favourite high in grace with a King of Persia I presumed the rather to present this my Labour to your Hon. Lordship as upon whom God hath vouchsafed like great and rare graces ' Tsufficeth that your Honour read it greater favour Esdras seeketh not He Labours not to praise or please which now a dayes finds many friends but to admonish and forewarne which fataly finds none till 't be too late He fears not the Noble and Learned Reprover of supposed Predictions for he hath heard him honour the Prophesies of Holy Writ wherein himselfe hath no less honour gotten then given His other Enemies have wisht me to conceal and t● reserve them to a more open hearing But Esdras is at th● next leaf my Lord and craves your Honours patience for an Hour BABYLON IS FALLEN ESDRAS 4. Chap. II. Vers 1. Then I saw a Dreame AFter this the Prophet saw a Vision concerning the beginning continuance and fall of th' Empire and supremacie of Rome And this Vision was shewed him in the dayes of Artaxerxes King of Persia About four hundred years before the first stone of Julius Caesar her Empire was laid And behold there arose from the Sea an Eagle And there arose among the Nations the fierce and fearfull Kingdome and Empire of Rome seene in Vision by the Prophet Daniel some few years before Which had twelve fethered wings Wherein should arise and raigne twelve Emperours which should spread their Power like wings
the Familists when I alledg'd St. Paul's words 1 Cor. 15. 19 If onely in this life we have hope in Christ we are of all Men most miserable to prove the Resurrection and his assured hope of Salvation in the world to come he denied it in hearing of divers saying that the Apostles meaning was if we had only hope in this life not the thing hoped for we were most miserable but now saith he we have both the hope the thing hoped for the promise the thing promised al that may be expected we have in this life as he affirmed agreeable to the rest of their blasphemous Principles Familists then to receive and enjoy eternal rest an Inheritance amongst Gods Elect the faithful Iews Gentiles in that Land promised the Fathers I say commending his writings as a most inestimable Treasure to all sober Christians hoping that themselvs may see and find that they are undoubtedly the very truth as in due time will appear desiring them as they tender and value their own everlasting peace and happiness as they must certainly answer it at the great Day of the coming of Christ Resurrection of the dead that they would above all things take heed of and avoid the horrible infatuations the pernicious poisonous Doctrines Principles of the shameless blasphemous Familists so directly contrary to so wholy absolutely inconsistent with the grace of God and state of Salvation I take my leave and rest their Christian Friend J. W. Lond. Apr. 15. 1661. A VOYCE Out of the WILDERNES CRYING With many Tears and strong perswasions to the World for REPENTANCE Proving by undenyable Grounds from the Word of God that the great Day of his righteous Judgement shall certainly be in this present Age before 61. Years after this present Yeare 1651. shall be expired And unfolding many great and wonderfull Mysteries of God forespoken in his word to come to passe and be fulfilled from the rising of Julius Caesar first Emperour of ROME to this present time and from hence to that Great Day of the Lord. Things that were never discovered by any Writer before this knowne and such as greatly concerne the Church and Chosen of God in this last time Exprest in a very high Propheticall stile and clear evidence of the Spirit and of Power from above which the judicious Christian Reader may well perceive LONDON Printed by M. S. 1651. TO THE CHURCH OF ROME MANY and sundry voices have beene heard out of the Wildernesse in these latter dayes whereunto had wee given good and diligent eare we had perhaps discerned the time of our visitation neverthelesse he that writeth testifieth the Kingdom of God is at hand WHat neighbour or friend is he who seeing his next or beloved in danger doth not cry ●ake heed and though such one may be found yet ●annot we hold our peace Generations sinfull and ●dulterous why should we feare or shame to speake ●mongst yee your number and hath it not been alwayes the complaint of the holy Ghost in the dayes of the Prophets Apostles and to this houre Lord who hath beleeved our sayings and to whom is thy arm revealed your nostrils whose power is breath not to be counted of nay we are not only ready to give up our bodies but our souls to be sacrificed in witnesse of the cause pleaded before yee this day or should our voyce be ashamed of her preparation behold yee scorners like as a mighty wind that pas●eth your eare and bloweth not upon yee so shall yee heare great things to day and not be moved ●herewith and poore and slight and simple as she goeth she hath authority to give joy to the living and life unto the dead Amongst whom liest thou buried rotten and past rising up againe thou that si●test carelesse like a Queen in pleasure and glorifien th● sel●e saying in thy heart I am alone and besides me is no other I may not be widow or desolate for ever a●d like a foole hast not considered th'older thou art the nigher to thy grave But thou sayest tush am I not great Where dwelleth then the power that may doe all these things Wherefore thus saith the truth although thou be now so high as that the word forespoken is fullfilled in thee And who is like unto the beast or who may war with him behold the day hasteth and is at hand wherein th●u shalt be made so little that thy name and remnant shall not be found upon the earth and all thy many hornes and multitude of Witches whose arme and counsell have been thy help and treasure from thy youth shall fall and perish as fire consume●h straw and not be able to deliver thee any more for thy dayes are numbred and yet two Moneths two Weekes two dayes and a halfe and thy number six hundred sixty six shall be fullfilled Happy man that liveth to see that day and behold there be living that shall see it And Tyre and Sydon with all thy Cedars though now they surfet in wealth in pride and pleasure shall then lie comfortlesse and wring their hands for Babylon their Lord is dead And thy death shall be the life of Israel but his light may not long indure as test●fieth the Prophet And then and in those dayes shall be fullfi●●'d the great mystery of God proph●●ied by the mighty Angell who set his right foot on the Sea and left upon the Land and lifting up his stro●gest arme to Heaven swore by him that liveth for ever and e●er There shall be time no more He that blasphemeth let him blaspheme still and he that liveth at ease take his pleasure still neverthelesse the speciall day is at the doore to give to every one according to his wayes And yet thou sayest I am his house his sanctuary and place of his dwelling wherefore Discoursers 〈◊〉 once shall be wrought in your eye to day all the gate● of his City shall be laid open before yee and none of yee shall enter into it All are wise and every one shall give account according to that he hath received I aske then and have not all received yes verily the voice of God is written up and placed in th' eyes or hea●ts of all as it is wirtten Their sound is gone forth over all the earth and their words unto the worlds end But all have nor obeyed as test●fieth the Prophet and therefore the Kingdome of Heaven is likened to a Field containing Corne and Weedes to a Net enclosing fish of all sorts good and bad to a Wedding whereunto all were bidden those that refused those that came prepared and those that came and were 〈◊〉 apparrelled to Servants good diligent faithfull bad slow and unprofitable to Virgins some wise whose lamps did watch while they slept 〈◊〉 foolish whose lamps did sleep with them to a house of great and large receit● garnished with v●ssells of gold and silver of wood and clay then and in that day to be imployed
shame and losse 23. But if any doubt arise how the overthrow of Rome could be a Sign to the Queen that he spoke not of himself seeing it was to be 77 years after that time and she dyed long before The Reader is to note that he doth not say This shall be for a Sign unto you ô Queen but This shall be for a Sign that I speak not of my self A Sign to the world that is to say a sure signe an evident undoubted token an undeniable firm insoluble Argument to the succeeding age the following Generation viz. to the People that should be living in 666. and see Rome the habitation of Antichrist laid even with the ground a clear convincing Sign and demonstration to them that he spoke not of himself but as a humble Servant of God guided and directed by his holy Spirit that revealeth secrets and giveth wisedome and understanding and leadeth into all truth Wherefore it is written Apoc. 13. 18. Here is w●●dome let him that Apoc. 13. 18. hath understanding count the number of the Beast c. as intending or pointing at the very man as one well observeth whom God foreknew and had determined first of all to give that special gift of wisdome understanding unto it being the great secret on which the knowledg of that other greater secret concerning the year of th' end of the world depended as Daniel declareth Chap. 12. 11 12 13. Which undoubtedly was Dan. 12. 11 12 13. no other then the Author of this ensuing Treatise he being the first discoverer of that great secret of the number of the Beast i. e. of th' end and determination of the raign of the Beast as above is noted 24. Agreeable to this namely that a Sign for assurance of a truth affirmed or confirmation of a thing promised doth not alwaies necessarily come to pass in the life time of him or her to whom the promise is made or truth declared but may be for posterities sake and be accomplished and fulfil'd long after for their establishment and confirmation an eminent Example we have in Abraham Gen. 15. When God had promised him the Land of Canaan to inherit it Gen. 15. 8. Lord God saith he whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 In quo i. e. unde quanam re qua ratione ut Vatablus Mercerus Pareus alii viz. By what means token or Sign shall I know c. The answer is Know of a surety that thy Seed shall be a stranger in a Land which is not theirs and shall serve them and they shall afflict them 400. years and thou shalt go to thy Fathers in peace and be buried in a good old age but in the 4 th Generation they shal come hither again 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 For the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full v. 13. 15 16. Which Sign came not to pass in Abrahams daies but long after in the fourth generation after 400. Munst Clar. Caiet in Gen. 15. 13 Musc in loc Q. 3 p. 375. Zeg in Act. 7. 6. Riv. in Ex. 12. 40 years that is to say at th' end of 430. years from the promise first made to Abraham Gen. 12. in the 70. Musc ubi suprà Q. 2. p. 373 P. Mart. in Gen. 15. 13 Bibliand in Tab. 3. Chron. Capel in an Abr. 70 Tremel in Gen. 11. Exod. 12. 40. Codom Chron. l. 1. c. 3. Mercer in Gen. 15. 13. D. Ed. Sims Chron. ad an Mundi 2077. Abr. 70. Vid. Scal. in Can. Isagog 322. Drus in Act. 7. 6 apud Crit. Sac. T. 7. Col. 2204. year of his age when he went out of Chaldaea to go into Canaan And it came to passe at th' end of 430. years even the self same day it came to passe that all the Hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt It is a night to be much observed unto the Lord for bringing them out from the Land of Egypt Exod. 12. 41. 42. And thereby Moses all the faithful posterity of Abraham were comforted Hoc expetiverat Abram cupiens promissionem illam possessionis terrae Chanaan insigni aliquo foedere notabili signo confirmari ad roborandam posterorum suorum fidem fiduciam Perer. in Gen. 15. 9. post Videlicet id facere Deus voluit de foedere cum Abramo firmato agit ad ingenerandum animis posterorum Abrae certam ejus terrae possidendae atque obtinendae fiduciam Id. ibid. v. 18. Hoc quidem partim Abrahae causâ testatum est oportuit sed maxime ejus posteros spectavit Dominus ne in suis aerumnis deficerent quorum exitum fore laetum faelicem Dominus promiserat praesertim cum ipsa diu●u●nitas ingenti taedio non careret Calvin in loc Nec dubium est quin Abraham hoc posteris suis assiduis concionibus inclucarit commendarit ne fracti calamitatibus cederent sed urgerent firmà fide in concussâ spe promissionem terrae Chanaan liberationem Luther in loc Quemadmodum legimus Joseph hujus rei certissimum fuisse cum de ossibus suis mandavit fratribus Marlorat in loc Hoc in Abrahami Israelitarum ejus posterorum consolationem est scriptum nec dubium quin diligenter à majoribus Mosis literis consignatum in posterorum consolationem Vnde fideliter à Mose relatum ut Israelitae quibus tunc haec scribebat in Aegypto vel in Deserto cum essent mo● in terram Chanaan introducendi animum in tam gravi servitute non desponderent sed scirent praestitutum esse afflictionibus tempus post quod eorum persecutores poenas darent ipsi liberarentur gloriosè Mercer Praelect in Gen. 15. 13 14. confirmed and ascertain'd of the truth of Gods promise made to that Patriark renewed to Isaac Gen. 26. 3 4 5. and to Jacob Gen. 28. 14. 15. 35. 11. 12. namely that they should inherit the Land of Canaan for an everlasting possession as it is written Gen. 17. 8. In Abrahams time the iniquity of the Amorites was not full and so the punishment was deferr'd till after four Generations viz. 400. years when they were ripe for Judgement And when this Author writ the sins of the Romanists the wickednesse and impieties of the Western Babylon were not full but when the measure of her iniquity is fill'd up and her sins shall have reach't unto Heaven Apoc. 18 5. when her unjust dealing is ascended unto the most High and her pride to the Almighty 4 Esd 11. 43. then will God remember her iniquity and violence done unto Sion and visit her transgressions in his wrath and vex her lay her wast and make her utterly desolate in his sore displeasure For after 77. years viz. after the said year 1589. when her wickedness blasphemies are arrived to the heighth when there is no remedy nor healing when she is ripe for punishment then shall the Judgement that hath so long
to their use of honour and dishonour when he shall come in glory to judge and reward the world separate the stranger from the child the goa● from the sheep the sinner from the just and this is the Kingdome whereof it is written Many are called Lords of Sodome may it then plea●e your dead and dry eyes to consider that in this great company of hearers two speciall differing companies are commended unto yee th' one that hearing the voyce obeyeth and doth it th' other that hearing transgresseth and doth not called in Scripture Ha●ed bond forsaken cast out children of evill vessells of wrath and such like compared to a Man who built a house and laid no foundation and when the day of reckoning the day of tempest came the building fell and the fall thereof was great and lamentable for ever But they that hea●ing the Commandements of God observe and do them are called in Scripture beloved free chosen beautifull children of promise vessells of mercy Israel Jacob his people his heritage a holy Nation a holy City a kingly holy Priest-hood his house his Temple his Tabernacle Saints Sion Hierusalem from above the pillar and upholder of truth his vine his Church his Body his Spouse and such like compared to a Builder that digged deep and laid his foundation on the Rock whose work endured the day to come and gave glory to the worker to a Graine of Mustard-seede whose great increase for his little body is marvellous compared with other hearbs to Leaven which seasoneth the whole wherein it is hid to a Pearle of price for which the Jeweller adventureth by Sea by Land by fire by water to attaine to a Field wherein lyeth hidden a treasure of such quality that the possessor selleth all he hath to make a purchase thereof to a Seede prospering from Blade to stalk from stalk to head the Lord of the ground neither sleeping nor waking knowing how And this is the generation of them that seek him the portion and Kingdome whereof it is written But few are chosen And of this company and no other speaketh the Scripture which saith Where two or three be gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them And againe And behold I am with you from day to ever even to the worlds end And againe Feare not little flocke for it hath pleased your Father to give you a Kingdome And againe And I will intreate the Father and he shall give you another Comforter who shall remaine with you for ever And againe But when the Spirit of truth commeth he shall leade you into all truth And this is the City and house spirituall built upon the head of the corner which through the strength and glory of the foundation remaineth and liveth for ever as it is written And upon this Rock will I build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevaile against her And this is the Church and Sanctuary of God the stones of life and glory everlasting disdained and trodden under of worldly builders prepared notwithstanding from above and appointed to serve for his Tabernacle and place of his dwelling for he that is highest dwelleth not in Temples made with hands as testifieth the Prophet Heaven is my seat and earth is my foot-stoole what place of rest will yee build unto me saith the Lord O house of Israel These things had yee understood then had yee beene wise and learned Scribes and like unto the housholder which bringeth forth of his store and provision as time and occasion serveth old and new And this is she which erreth not dissenteth not for all her Children are endued with a tongue and taster of truth all are prepared with one and selfe-same water all are purged by one and self-same fire all are Servants to one and self same Lord who by the sweet and accepted Sacrifice of his owne body hath sanctified and made them of sinners Sonnes of God as it is written He that sanctifieth and they which are sanctified are all of one And this is shee which prepareth her selfe for the Wedding arrayed in a white and righteous garment which her Lord the Bride-groome giveth her with Lamp watching night and day waiteth and attendeth his comming whose modest countenance whose chast and comely steps walk in our streets and the world regardeth not for her name is hidden written in the heart not in the skinne and the light of her beauty is in the spirit within not in the 〈◊〉 without whose praise is not of men but of God And yet thou sayest let me see her behold he that writeth testifieth before the Throne of God and all his holy Angells that he knoweth not any one this day after the flesh that taketh part with him what then shall I say I am left alone God forbid for I see and heare with th' ears and eyes of my soule the groans the chains and tears of seven thousand whose obedience is greater then mine and of which number I am the least and as a poore and miserable and borne out of time am not worthy to be one of them And this is she who once Balaam walkt in thy streets and all th' earth was filled with her beauty untill thy Father lifted up his sawcie head pursuing her blood and generation for there is enmity betweene him and her her seed and his for ever but she laid her Babe before the Throne of God whose eye defended it from all his teeth and fury And in those dayes her Lord the Bridegroome gave her two wings whose Feathers were made of the word of truth and she flew into the Wildernesse where she had a rest provided from the face and feare of her enemy a time and times and halfe a time and there remaineth shee her houre her day her moneth and her yeare eating no other thing then that which God giveth her And thy Father fell heavy exceeding wroth thereat and sat him downe by the Sea side in a Throne newly erected to th' honour of his name mourning and pining that the woman with her Boy had scap't his hands so And calling his powers and counsell about him devising found out a way t' appease his wrath namely to be reveng'd but on the remnant of her seed which shee left behind and while he sat in Consistory seeking best means t' accomplish his purpose thou liftedst up thy Nose out of the many waters and presently his dump was turn'd to a dance thy heads and hornes were so like his owne that he rejoyced wholly to see thy unhappy day and having nothing greater to shew his love parted with thee his Kingdomes and glory thereof planted thee in his old and ancient Throne where once his name was honoured and gave into thy hand his great power and chiefest of his hoast Wonders Lyes Murder and bad thee warre and have no feare for it was appointed the third borne among the Sons of men should be subdued unto thee And it pleased