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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68520 The original [and] sprynge of all sectes [and] orders by whome, wha or were they beganne. Translated out of hye Dutch in Englysh. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568, attributed name. 1537 (1537) STC 18849; ESTC S107067 46,945 128

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differ frō y e churche of Rome in many artikles which what tyme they were obedient to y e churh of Rome they obserued but now they are ●ecyuered and parted from it x. The Mosarabites or Arabysh Christians THys secte dwelled somtyme in great nombre in Aphrica and Spayne but now are there but a fewe They kepe the vse of the Christians in Aphrica nearehande in all poyntes They say masse in latine they obey y e churche of Rome they cōsecrate with vnleuended breade yet vary they in many thynges from the Romanes The daye is diuided wyth them in xxiiii houres and so many collets Psalmes or seruices haue they to euery houre a seuerall but not after y e latine fashion That the Latines saye in the begynnynge that do they saye in the ende The sacrament of altare do some diuide in vii or x. peces They are a very deuoute people They mary none without they be of theyr nacion and fayth Yf a man dye y e woman marieth not agayn but remayneth in chastite wedowheade xi The Moscouites and whyte Russes fayth MOscouites is a naciō in Asia whose lande is called Moscouia Theyr kynge and gyde that now is is called Basilius a quicke victorious and fortunate man of warre Which was in y e sege with the Turkysh Emperoure before Uienne in Eastenrich anno M. D. xxix He hath aboute a. xx contryes vnder hym accordyng as he auaunceth hym in hys tytle Thys kynge with hys subiectes wyl be called a good Christian he boasteth hym to be of saynt Paules fayth whiche shulde haue prescribed them theyr fayth lawe and ordinaunce and to kepe and retayne thys vntyll hys returnynge In thys lande as in many other partyes of Grece do the wyues wear alway a shewsole vpon theyr heades but y e poore weare thē of cloth the rych of gold beluet to signifye theyr subiection and obedience due to the man so that she is content so to submitte herselfe as thoughe the man shulde go vpon hyr heade and knowledge hym for hyr Lorde Thys fayth vse the whyt Russes also xii The fayth of the Bemes or order of the Hussites THough the Bemes haue ben vnder the B. of Romes iurisdiction and accostumed wyth hys lawes and fayth yet are they conuerted and seduced by Ihon Husse that was burnt in the councell of Constaunce anno M. cccc xvi so that they are deciuered and fallen from the sye Rome They geue the sacramente of the altare vnto theyr laymē vnder both kyndes agaynste the commaundement of the B. of Rome yee and vnshryuen also But in other thynges do they cleue to the Byshop of Rome for they nother do eate flesh on wednisdayes nor frydayes they syng hepe holy dayes and worshyp sayntes as in the byshopryke of Rome They kepe theyr fastes very straytly It is a fearce people and enclyned to lyberte xiii The order of Waldenses or Picardes THe Picardes that were seduced by Waldus the heretike area seuerall kynde of Christen people in Beme These leade a very Christen and blamlesse lyfe they call vpon no sayntes or creatures but only God They sweare not atall countynge it to be vncomly for a Christen man so to do They haue no image at all they knele not afore them nor pray to thē They say y e sacramēt ought not be worshipped but Christ at y e ryghthād of hys father God in sprete truth They haue no begger amōge thē helpe coūsel ech other brotherly Yet are they diuided in two or as some saye in thre partes namely y e greate y e lesse y e leest of all They hold greatly w t y e Anabaptistes they haue all thynges cōmune they Christē no chyldrē they graūt not Christes body to be in y e sacramēt neuertheles y e great heape beleue in y e sacramēt They psue ech other whereby they vtter theyr sprete though they shyne neuer so fayre They are alwaye at y e least lxxx thousande They set nought by the B. of Romes fayth orders spiritualty fastyng holydayes masse prayenge syngynge readynge c. I passe ouer here the Taborytes which also haue a seuerall fayth xiiii The Georgians secte and fayth THese Christians haue the Tartaries made tributaryes to them two C. yeare ago They vse the Grecians maner in many poyntes They broder vpō the Perses reachynge from Palestina vntyll the mountaynes called Caspy They hadde xviii byshoprykes and one heade or chefe byshop whome they called Catholicō They were fyrste subiecte vnto the sye of Antiochia a warrefarynge people Theyr prestes haue crownes shauen rounde but y e layemen foresquared Theyr wyues be partly vsed to warre and be hyred therto Before they stryke ony felde they do drynke largely that they maye fall on theyr enemyes with the better corage and more fearcely Theyr prestes spiritualty kepe the walles and fenses and vse vsery finaunces and symony They are euer at debate with the armenians whom they call heretikes Both the Armenians and Georgians ar now subiecte to the Turke Theyr name haue they of saint George theyr patron in whose name they fyght whom also they haue in theyr standarde and banners They border also vpon the Medes and Sirians of whō they are greatly dradde yee and of all the Easte partes also Whan they go to the holy Sepulchre they entre the cytie Ierusalē with spled banners for the Saracenes shune thē sore nother paye they ony where tribute Theyr wiues haue heere beerdes as y e mē and go also to warre They weare hygh toted hattes What so euer they ascribed some tyme vnto the Soudane y t dyd he graūt thē agayne for they were of great estimacyon by hym are greatly accepted euery where for theyr valeaunt dedes and worthynesse Here do I passe ouer also the Gothyes and Wandalyes whose landes and kyngdomes hath euery one his Christen fayth Sclauony also hath in many thynges an other religion Gods seruice and maner seuerall from all other Fyften orders sectes or supersticions of the Iewes i. Samaritani IN the tyme of Sarabella or as sayeth Iosephus the. xi boke y e. vii Chap. of antiquityes Sanaballat the debite of Ierusalem rose the fyrst scisma or dissencyon amonge y t Iewes on this wyse Manasses the brother of Iadi the byshop confederated hymselfe with the debite or leutenaūt which was an Hey then toke the doughter of the vncircumcysed to wyfe agaynst the lawe vpon the condicyon that he shulde make hym hygh prest or byshop Now seynge that in this dede he dyd transgresse the lawe he gat euell wyl of many of the Iewes yee he was euen reiect and hated of them Upō this dyd his father in lawe buylde hym a temple vpon mounte Garisim and set y e foresayd Manasses ther in agaynst Iadus his brother geuyngt him a village therto and they that helde on hys syde were called Samaritans These dispēsed with the lawe in many thynges and yet wolde be called Iewes This discencyon lasted
Some apes counterfayted this holy B. takynge vpon thē an order vnder y e rule of S. Benet in a wyldernesse and called thē selues Celestines after Celestine Theyr orders garment cloke cole and kappe shuld haue ben blew and Celestine shulde haue begōne it but his storye denyenge it accordeth not here with xxxvii The Dutch order or order of the lordes of Prusse ANno M. cc. xvi or as theyr rule specyfyeth M. c. xc whan the Emperoure Frederike the. ii hooste laye in Pruse to resyste the assaultes of the infideles and that ther rose a great disease amonge y e soul dyers some of y e goodharted souldyers made a cotage or tente of a shippe wherin they caryed the diseased and with great tēdaūce serued them there gatherynge an almesse amonge the hooste and whan they wente to felde they were alwaye the fyrst lyke feruēt souldyers so that prynces and great mē had a great mynde to them Amonge these were some rych and honest cytesens of Lubeke Breme which vndertoke by the Emperour to make a brotherheade amonge them by y e which dede they dyd alure many to them They promysed also yf the lande of Pruse shulde be geuen them they wolde lyke brethren and men of chyualrye conquere it agayne This was graunted them geuē and registred Duke Conrade also of Mosauia that wrote hymselfe lorde of it gaue them ouer his tytle vnder a golden bull Thus raysed they a brotherhead amonge them to warre vpon lyke aduenture ether to lyse or to wynne come who wolde procured in y e meane tyme a confirmacyon of this theyr brotherheade of the B. of Rome which they gat and obtayned Than proclamed they theyr order and all such as were wrytten in to it had a pece of y e sayle of y t shippe where vnder they tended the sycke and diseased And vnderone they made a statute y e whoso wolde ioyne hymselfe to them shulde weare a whyte lynnen cloth cast aboute hym lyke the Egipcyans do closed aboute the necke lest it fell from them a blacke crosse theron This brotherheade was called y e Dutch order of y e hospitall of S. Mary at Ierusalē for they toke none therin but Dutchmem As for y t tytle knyghtes or lordes y t they gat longe after Now as they had cōquered taken in Pruse it was graūted them to go further what lande they toke in y t to be theyr possessiō heretage Upon this they toke in euery one y t came to thē saue those maryed men y t had chyldren yf he were maryed and had no chyldrē he myght be receaued welynough For it was ordyned y t after his death al y t he had shuld come to the orders be hofe Maryed men were marked wyth an halfe crosse only but y e other with a whole crosse They refused no kynd for they toke also we men in to theyr order yee prestes This chyualry knyghthode agaynst y e Heythen theyr busy cure to y e diseased was a great shyne of goodnesse but whā they gat a lytel reste they made out a procture w t a sleght copper crosse vnknowē relikes to gather in dyuerse places to the mayntenaunce of theyr order hospitall They obtayned also great pardon for them y t relyued thē w t theyr goodes bodyes ayde counsell so that they encreased greatly foūded euery where hospitals wherfore euery mā was redy to geue to mantayne thē Such also as were slayn in y e aforesayd battayls were holdē for martyrs whervpō they caused many gētlemen souldyours to warre for thē at theyr owne costes to conquere landes people But what they gat w t conqueryng lymytynge y t drue they all to theyr owne payeng theyr ayders w t thankes bought w t the goodes y t they gathered both those waies tributes tolles and one pece of lande after another as they increased in goodes and possessiōs so decreassed theyr cure to the poore At the fyrst they led a strayght lyfe with the chastifynge of theyr bodyes but specyally w t tendynge of the sycke Whan Dutch gentlemē came to vysite them they coulde scant finde an empty corner to put of theyr harnesse it was so full of sycke folke and of the brethren that prayed whereof some scourged them selues naked wyth roddes which foolyshnesse at that tyme had a great shyne of holynesse With this conuersacyō and shyne of holynesse as warrynge beggynge obtayned they in short space iii. lordshippes namely one in Dutchlande that they gat with beggynge Prusse and Eyflande or Lyfelande Marke now the chaungynge and alteracyon At the begynnynge was the order fre for euery man and an hospitall of the poore but now hath the gentlery bytten out the poore the whole soūde them that were sycke and diseased the rych the poore so that it is nomore called the hospitall of the poore but of the gentlemen are called nomore brethren but lordes and knyghtes of the Dutch order Moreouer it is not now fre for euery mā for euē gentlemen themselues must make labour frendes to obtayne it Thus well remayneth euery foundacyon in this wycked worlde so that I counsell hym that wyl do good to his neghboure to do it by his lyfe dayes and let foundacyon be foundacion Theyr heade now is called Comither The order of S. Ihōs or knyghtes of Rhodis hath lyke begynnynge myddell and ende wherin also are now only lordes coūties other gentlemē Unto whō the order is not shewed before they be entred therin xxxviii The order of Maryes seruauntes ANno M. ccc iiii was one Philippe a very spirituall and deuoute man the founder of the order of the seruaūtes of oure lady He raysed thys order vnder the rule of S. Austine wyth euen lyke wordes and fashion makynge difference of it wyth certayne ordinaunces of the freres of oure lady whiche order afterwarde was confirmed by thre B. of Rome namely Bene y e xi Boniface the. viii and Urbane the. vi is rekened amonge the beggynge orders At the last it was wholy sanctifyed and halowed of Innocencius the. viii and delyuered of the euell wyl that some cloysters dyd owe them Theyr garmentes are lyke oure ladyes brethren Thys order begāne vnder Benet the. xi B. of Rome shortly increased greatly in goodes persones cloysters decreased only in sprete xxxix The order of saynt Ihons or the Lordes of Rhodis ANno M. ccc viii what tyme Ierusalē the cytie was lost and y e Templars were destroyed by reason they were fallen to a great Idolatry certayne knyghtes with a great company of gentlemē and other vale aūt men made a compacte in the name and honoure of S. Ihō Baptist wherfore they were called Iohannites These toke vpon them to recouer agayne the loste I le of Rhodis yf it were geuē them to possesse it frely orels wolde lese theyr lyues This beynge graunted to them they toke theyr iourney the therward