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A20479 A righte noble and pleasant history of the successors of Alexander surnamed the Great, taken out of Diodorus Siculus: and some of their lives written by the wise Plutarch. Translated out of French into Englysh. by Thomas Stocker; Bibliotheca historica. Book 18-20. English Diodorus, Siculus.; Plutarch. Lives. English. Selections.; Stocker, Thomas, fl. 1569-1592. 1569 (1569) STC 6893; ESTC S109708 214,981 340

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Princes which before were but as Uicegerents and Gouernours entituled them selues then by the names of Kings to saie Seleuke of the Satrapies and hier Prouinces by hym newlie conquered Lysimache and Cassander of those whiche at the first were gyuen them and still reteyned ¶ Antigone and Demetre his sonne with a mightie power inuade Egipt both by Sea and lande And after finding the entry and border of the countrey well prouided and furnished they returne without any exploite The .ix. Chapter THe yeare that Corile gouerned Athens and at Rome Quinte Martie and Publie Cornelie were created Consuls after King Antigone had sumptuously celebrated the funeralles of Phenix his yonger Sonne deceased he sent to his Sonne Demetre in Cypres to make haste and come to him and in the meane time him selfe made great preparation to arrere warres against Ptolome in Egipt Which done he tooke hys iourney through the countrey of Celosirie with an armie of foure score thousand footemen about .viij. thousand horsse and foure score and three Elephantes and sent his sonne Demetre by Sea with L. Gallies and aboue an hundred Carraques and Barques whiche carried his people and their baggage commaunding him to saile alōgest that shoare side which the armie marched on by land And although the Marriners counsailed him to staye .xv. dayes longer vntill suche tyme as the daungerous season of winter were passed ouer yet woulde he not be ruled but very angerly gaue them despitefull and reprochefull words calling them cowards and dastards and encamping at the citie of Gaze determining to preuent Ptolome hys armie commaunded his Souldiours to make prouision of victualles for ten dayes and laded the Camels which y e Arabians brought with Cxxx. thousande Medynnes of wheat and haye for their horsses great store and hys shot armour weapon and other necessaries were carried by carte through the desertes a laborsome and painfull iourney bycause the wayes were myery déepe and ful of marshes but especially as he drew néere the countrey of Baratre And Demetre who the same daye about midnight loused from Gaze had for certen dayes a faire and caulme ceason During which time he haled drew with his Gallies the Carraques and Barkes fraught w t Souldiours and sarriages And as he thus for a fewe dayes rowed sodenly arose so great a flaw of wynd out of the North that it put the Gallies in great hazarde in so much that some of them were carried with the surgies and bellow into the daungerous mouth of the port of Raphie bycause it was almost choked vp with a shelf of dyrte and ouze And some of the Barques whiche carried the shot armoure and other carriages perished by tempeste and other were dryuen backe ageyne into Gaze. But the rest of the Nauie wherin were the strongest Gallies and lustiest Souldiours so labored against the wether that they arriued about Cassile a citie scituate vpon the riuer Nile hauing no Port but only a rode which in the tyme of any vnseasonable wether or tempest is very daungerous by reason wherof the Marryners were forced to caste Anker two furlongs from the shoare riding in much daūger for y e Bellow went so hie that it was great maruell the shippes and men had not out of hand ben ouerthrowen and drowned And to land could they not get eyther with boat or man which land also belonged to the enimie and that which was worse their fresh water failed and they driuen to such néede that if the tempest had continued but one daye longer they had all died of thirst While they were in this dispaire looking for present death sodēly the wind calmed anō they descried Antigone his armie encamped not far from the Nauie wherefore they came on lande there refreshed them certē dayes attending some good newes of the rest of their shippes In this tempest perished .iij. Gallies but by good hap many of the Souldiours were saued and came on land From thence departed Antigone and encamped within two furlongs of Nyle But Ptolome alreadie aduertised of the enimies comming had throughly furnished all the fortes and blockhouses which fronted on the enimie with strong and mightie garrisons● and sent certen in smal pynnaces with commaundement that they should row néere and make proclamation that so many as would come and serue hym he would gyue liberall wages and gentle reteynoure to saye to euery common Souldiour two mynes a day and to euery Captayne or any other which had charge a Talent a day By reason of which proclamation most of Antigone his Mercenarie souldiours minded to serue Ptolome and amongs them many Captaynes also for diuerse occasions desired to serue him so that Antigone séeing his Souldiours dayly steale from his campe was enforced to set strong garde and watch all alongest the ryuer side with great store of shot and engines to stop the enimie for comming on lande and gréeuouslie punished certen of those which were taken going to the enimie to the ende to put the rest in terrour and feare Demetre also with those fewe shippes he had entred an arme of the riuer Nyle whiche ranne into the Sea called the false Porte thinking there to lande a number of his Souldiours But when he founde it garded with a lustie garrison and that he was with shot and all other kinde of engines repulsed and the night drawing on retired and commaunded all the Captaynes of the ships to followe the Admirall by the light in the mayne toppe sayling directlie to the other entry of Nyle called Phenitique When daye was come bycause manie of his ships had missed their course he was driuen to stay for them sent oute his Brigantines to séeke and haste them forward Wherefore with spending much tyme in getting them togyther Ptolome who was aduertised of the certeyntie thereof made spéede to gard the said passage so that he had a great numbre of able fighting men readie arranged in battail vppon the shoare When Demetre sée them thus furnished and that the Countrey next to the said entry was almost all marish ground he sailed backe into the déepe where immediatlie arose suche a great wind which so violentlie draue them towards the shoare that .vj. Gallies and as many Barques which carried men of warre with the vehemencie of the wether were runne on lande vnder Ptolomees power and the rest with strength of ores rowed against the winde to the place where Antigone encamped When Ptolome had thus furnished all the passages of the Sea w t strong garrisons and the entry of Nile with shippes shot and men Antigone was in great feare For once Demetre his Nauie at Sea serued to no purpose to enter the mouth of Peluse being so well garded and kept ageyne the armie by land could no waye passe by reason of the swelling and rysing of the ryuer and that whiche was worse they hadde so long trauailled that they wanted victuals both for men and horses When the souldiours for
them his footemen which carried the terges and scaling ladders and all the rest which were appointed for the assaulte of the towne After them he placed his best men at armes which should encountre Ptolome if at any tyme he issued out into the fields And as they were passing about the middest of the riuer they escried on the other side the enimy whome Ptolome with great spéede ● hrust into the towne for the defence thereof And although they were first entred the towne which they well vnderstood both by their noyse and sound of Trūppets it nothing daunted the courages of Perdicas Souldiers but that they stoutely approched the walles and addressed them to the scaling thereof and they which led the Elephaunts threw downe the trenches and battred and spoyled the batlements of the Curtennes whiche thing Ptolome séeing and minding to encourage his Captaynes and Souldiers whereof were many both famous and valiaunt encountred them euen vpon the vttermost rampare at the push of the Pyke and fighting in a place of aduauntage put out the eyes of the foremost Elephant and sore wounded his ruler an Indian This done he with great despite and mighty blowes charged the scalants tūbled them frō the ladders into y e riuer which ranne alongest the side of the Towne Then his friends compaignions in armes purposing some notable exploit with shot so charged the other Elephant which followed the first that they slew his gouernour whereby he could do nothing Notwithstanding all this Perdicas Soldiers cōtinued the assault forced to enter when Ptolome sée y t he then bare him selfe twice so bold stout to gyue good example of wel doings to all his friēds he in his owne person exploited notable déedes of armes whereby many worthy mē through y e noble courages of their Captaynes w t aduenturing lost both life limme And bycause Ptolome had the place of aduaūtage the enimy the greater nūbre the assault on eyther side cōtinued long daungerous vntill at last Perdicas séeing he could by no meane winne it and that night drew on he retired into his Camp immediatly without noyse priuily remoued and came to a place right ouer against the Citie of Memphis where the Riuer Nyle maketh a particion like vnto an Isle and an excellent good and méete place to encamp a great mighty army Into this put he ouer his army being hard for the Souldiers to passe bycause they waded vp to their chinnes through the violēce and swiftnesse thereof so staggered that with great payne they hardly passed When Perdicas had séene the daungerous and difficult passage he sent his Elephantes on the left side vp into the Riuer to breake the violēce of the streame and beneath on the right hande placed his horsemen to take vp them whome the violence of the water did carry away and so bring them to land In this passage chaunced a singular thing and greatly to be maruelled at For after the first company had safely passed ouer the rest which followed were in wonderfull daunger bycause the Riuer sodenly swelled and became so déepe that none could perceyue by any apparaunt reason whereof it should come for it ranne aboue the Soldiers heads And being enquired and reasoned of what might be the cause aunswere was made that there was some lowe or hollowe place about the arme of the Riuer stopped vp by meane whereof the waters goulfed therevpon procéeded the swelling and waxing some sayd it had rayned about the head or spring of the Riuer and that that might be the cause But after it was found to be neyther the one nor the other for they whiche went ouer first so raysed and remoued the sand and grauell which lay in the bottome of the water that the violēce and swiftenesse therof carryed it away and so by that meane became déeper and chiefly in the chanell When Perdicas sée that his souldiers already ouer were not able to resist Ptolome nor him self able to make any shift to set ouer y e rest he was in such a perplexity that he commaunded them that were ouer to returne So the mighty and strong men and such as could swimme came hardly backe agayne leauing behind them notwithstanding their armour other which had no skill in swimming were with the water swallowed vp and a great many violētly carried downe with the streame were eaten and deuoured of the Crocodiles the rest whiche durst not gyue the aduenture yelded to the enimy who spoyled and robbed them of all they had When Perdicas in this sorte had lost better than two thousand of his men amongs whome were a great many good Captaynes the biggest nūbre of the army found them sore agréeued with● him Contrariwise when Ptolome had burnt the dead carcases whiche were cast on lande on his side he sent their bones to their kinsfolks and friends When the Macedonians with Perdicas vnderstood that they were then more offended with Perdicas ● than before and enclined to the good nature and conditions of Ptolome But at night all the whole Camp was filled with sorrowes complaintes lamentations wéepings bycause they had lost through euill conduct and want of good guyding without fight such a numbre of their friends of which the better parte of a thousand were eaten and deuoured with Crocodils whereupō diuerse of the Captaynes for y e causes aboue rehearsed assembled openly blaming Perdicas Againe y e battail of footemē w t threatning wordes shewed their malice grudge against him For that very cause also the principall Captaynes assembled amongs whome Pithon was chief the same Pithon who at the commaundement of Perdicas had in the hier Asie discomfited the Grecian rebels and for his noblenesse and vertue nothing inferior to any of Alexanders friends and familiars Whereupon they all with one accord hauing at their commaundement certain of the men at armes forcibly and violently rushed vpon the pauillon of Perdicas and there incontinent slew him The next day following Ptolome came towardes the Macedonians and after he had saluted them and excused him of all suche matters as Perdicas would haue charged him withall he caused to be brought such abundaunce of bread wine and diuerse other necessarie things as furnished and fillede their Camp whereby he acquired so great fauoure and good will of the whole army that they woulde néedes in Perdicas stede make him gouernour and regent of the Kings whiche charge he clerely refused but made meanes that that gouernement with the whole power aucthority therof by the aduise and deliberation of the whole counsaill might be bestowed vpon Pithon Aride the same Aride who transported the bodye of Alexander in to the Citie of Alexandrie Thus and in this maner dyd Perdicas after he he had ruled and gouerned the principalitie the space of .iij. yeares lose both Empire and li● e. ¶ After Perdicas his death the Macedonians slea all his kynne and friends in the army and adiudge
foloweth First that the inhabitaunts of Asie should be brought into Europe and the inhabitantes of Europe into Asia to the end that they being conioyned in mariage and affinitie with the other they should always liue and continue in amitie friendship concord And for the places where the Temples should be erected he appointed that one should be at Delos in the honor of Iupiter Dodone one in Macedone to Iupiter Nidie one in Amphipolis to y e goddesse Diane of Scithie the other two in y e honor of the goddesse Pallas the one in Cyrne the other in Illye Which temple in Illye he would should be so excellent and sumptuous that the like might not any where be found Ouer and bisides all this he appointed a tombe to be built in manner of a Pyramide or broche in the honoure of his father Phillip farre excéeding them in Egipt which are thought the most excellent things in the world that euer were séene or heard of When the ordinaunces and escriptes of Alexander were red and heard although the Macedonians loued Alexander maruellously yet after they see that his enterprises were suche and of so great charge and very difficult to bring to passe they all agréed that nothing should be done And shortly after Perdicas caused thirtie of the principal soldiours to be slaine which were against him and namely Meleager whom bisides that when he was sent Ambassador to the footemen he did traiterously and quite contrary to his charge he accused also to haue bene the chief conspirater and purposer of his death ¶ Perdicas sendeth Python against the Greekes rebelling in the hye Countries whom he ouerthroweth And incidently is described the scite and compasse of all Asie The thirde Chapter AFter Perdicas was aduertised that the Grekes which were deuided by Colonies into the higher prouinces rebelled and had assembled great puissance of men he sent against them one of the Princes named Python But before any mētion be made of the warres we think it first méete to make report in this History of the occasions of the said rebellion together the description of the scite and greatnesse of the Countrey of Asie and the natures and properties of the Prouinces of the same In doing whereof they which shall read the History hauing before their eyes the distaunces of the places may with greater ease conceiue and vnderstand it First the Mount Thaure adioyning to the Countrey of Cilice extendeth and reacheth all alongst Asie euen to the East Occean But bicause there are in the same many bowes and crookes they haue therfore diuers and sundry names so that Asie is deuided by the said Mount into two partes the one of which abutteth and lyeth towardes the North and the other towardes the Southe Some of the springs also which discend from the sayde Mountaine on the North side of the hil run into the Caspian sea some into the riuer Euxine and another part into the North Occean And the rest which descend from y e South side some fall into the Indian Sea some into the Occean adioining to that part of Inde and some into the red sea In this manner abut the prouinces of Asie some against the North other some against y e south And for the North part thereof the first prouinces which boūdre vpon the riuer Thanais are Sogdiane and Bectriane and adioyning to them Arrie and Parthe enuironing the Hircane-sea deuided from the rest Bisides all these are the Prouince of Mede the greatest and largest of all the rest hauing many and sundry countreys belonging there to called by their seueral names After these are Armenie Licaonie and Cappadoce very colde Countreis Beyonde this straight forward is Phrygie y e great which ioyneth vpon Hellespont and of either side it are Lydie and Carie. And on the right sidelieth Piside a great countrey Behinde that lieth Licie in the firme land and all alongst the Sea coastes are the Cities which the Greekes somtime builded and inhabited whose names shal not be néedful to be mētioned in this present history And in this sort do lie abut the prouinces of Asie towards y e North. But to returne to the prouinces towards the South the first that lieth about the Mount Cauc● se is Inde a very great realme and wōderfully peopled with diuers nations amongs which the greater natiō are the Ga● garides against whom Alexander could neuer bring his army by reason of their Elephants which countrey extendeth so the riuer Ganges In the same riuer boundreth the realm of Inde being in that quarter .xxx. furlōgs brode or there about Next vnto the Countrey of the Gangarides ioyneth the rest of the realme of Inde which Alexander cōquered ful of goodly holesome riuers and of great wealth In the same besides many other countreys are also the realme of Pore and Taxille amidst which runneth the riuer Inde● wherof all the coūtrey first toke the name of Inde About which lie the Prouinces of Aracose Gedrofe and Carmanie and right ouer against thē Perse wherin are enclosed Fusiane and Sita● ine together the Countrey of Babilon which reacheth to the deserts of Arabie And on y e other side leding hyer vp lieth Mesopotamie enclosed with tw● riuers and therby so called And on thother side ioyneth al this region of Babilon the higher Sirie nere to them al alongst the Sea coast are Pamphile and the other part of Sirie called Celosyrie in which is enclosed Phenice To that and the desertes ioyning thereto by which the floud Nile runneth downe and deuideth Sirie there is on the other side of the riuer the Countrey of Egipt which was alwayes reputed and taken the richest and of greatest reuenues of all the rest And al these Prouinces are in a hote Region for so much as they lie towards the south euen as the others which be towards the North are very colde All whiche were deuided amongs the principall chiefetaines and Captaines of warre which serued Alexander as hath bene aforesaid But to returne to the History of the Greekes I meane those which Alexander had sent by Colonies to enhabit the hier prouinces there to dwel they were much agreued for that they wer driuen to forsake their maner of life the holesome aire and fertile soile of the good countrey of Grece ● as it were become abiects in the farthe s● wartes cōfines of the countrey Notwithstāding so long as Alexander liued they endured the case for feare of him But so sone as they had newes of his death they ge● to rebell assemble in armes to the number of twentie thousand footemē or more thrée thousand horsemen all trained souldiers amongs whom Philo Enian● was general When Perdicas vnderstood the rebellion of the sayde Grekes ● he sent against them Phiton one of Alexanders garde or Pencioners a man of great magnanimitie and courage and for his prowes and martiall pollicie worthy the charge He deliuered to hym thrée thousand footemen
published aunswered that he would cōclude no peace with the Athenians vnelesse they wold wholie submit them to his discretion and gouernement alleaging that what time they besieged him within the Citie of Lamie they woulde make none other answere to his Ambassadoures When y e Athenians sée none other boote that they were no longer able to resist they remitted the whole gouernement of the Citie to his pleasure Who being of such moderation of mind redeliuered to them their Citie and landes with all their goods and cattels Howbeit he altered and chaunged the gouernement of the Citie Declaring that where before the rule and estate of the Citie was common he therefore now decréed and ordayned that none should be admitted to anie office or dignitie within the Citie except suche as were of good reuenue and liuing that might at least dispend two thousand Drachmes by yeare they to haue all the aucthoritie gouernement and ordering of the same And that the rest whose lands did not amount to the clere yerely value aforesaid as persones seditious and desirous of tumultes and warres were clerely excluded from authorite and gouernement Neuerthelesse they that were contented to dwell elsewhere he gaue them the conntrey of Thrace for their habitation and reliefe of whiche sorte were aboue xx thousand which went to dwel al in Thrace And there remained in the Citie of auncient and landed Burgesses about ix thousand or néere thereabout who gouerned the same and territories therof after the Lawes of Solon without taking away frō Perseus any of the goodes which he possessed And for their better quietnesse and refuge Antipater least behinde vnder the the charge of Menille a garrison of men of warre for the repressing of such as would go about to commence or reuiue anie innouatiō or mutation And for as Samy he least it to the willes and discretions of the Kings Thus the Athenians being gently handled and well entreated farre beyond their expectation minded vpon that cōclusion to liue in rest and peace and to vse their trauaill without feare by meane wherof in shorte time they grew to great wealth After Antipater had atchieued and obtained these victories he retourned with Cratere into Macedone whome he perfectly loued and greatly honoured bestowing on him large and honorable gifts giuing him also in mariage hys eldest daughter Phile a yong a Damsel of excellēt fauoure and beautie making farther great preparation for his retourne into Asie Moreouer he used such great humanite and curtesie towards all the Cities of Grèce and reduced them to ciuility and politique gouernement that he acquired great prayse and renowme Perdicas lykewyse rendred to the Samians their Citie and Countrey and called home all the citisens which had ben in exile xl yeares and more ¶ Of the explotys done by Thimbron and Ptolome in the warres of Cyrene The ninth Chapter NOwe since we haue spoken of all the factes of warres done in the Lamian warre it behoueth vs out of hand to make mencion of the warres which the Macedonians had against Cyrene and to gyue it this meane space to the end we deferre not those gests so long from the time in whiche they were done but to make the matter more clere and manifest we must beginne somewhat farther of What time Harpale fled out of Asie into Crete with a certen numbre of souldiers as in the booke before we haue mencioned Thimbron who by outward apparaunce séemed his friend traiterously slew him and seising on all his money men and shippes sailed with all the said souldiers and riches into the countrey of Cyrene and by the meane of the aide and conduct of the exiles of the same Citie he gaue battaill to the Citisens gouernours and vanquished them wherof he slewe many and tooke a numbre of prisoners and so wanne the Port or hauen whereupon he put the Citisens in such terror and feare that he draue them to come to a composition wherein they agréed that he should haue v. hundred Talents of siluer and the one half of his Charriots and Charrets that he woulde occupie in his warres This agréement concluded on he immediatly sent his Ambassadours to the rest of the cities néere hand demaunding their ayde for the subduing of the Region of Lybye thereto adioyning He farther willed his Souldiers to spoile and but in all the goods which they founde in the shippes within the said Port the rather to enbolden them to enduer the warres And albeit fortune highly fauoured the said Thymbron that he became rich proude yet not long after she brought him agayne into as great miserie by this occasion for one of his Captaines named Mnasicles borne in Crete a man expert in martial factes chalenged him and said he had done yll bycause he made no egall diuision of the but in And being a valiaunt and stout man and of nature mutinous reuolted tooke parte with the Cyrenians greatly blaming and discommending the crueltie and disloyatie of Thymbron dissuading them to breake promisse with him and to set thē selues at their owne choise and libertie But when Thymbron sée that they had not as yet payd but lx Talents and that frō daye to day they delayed the payment of the rest he held the agréement and composition on their parte infringed brokē wherfore he tooke so many Citisens as were within the Port prisoners to the nūbre of foure score That done with al his force he besieged the Citie and preuayling nothing retired into the hauen In this while the Barcians Hesperits toke part with Thymbron wherfore the Cyrenians purposing some facte least one part of the Souldiers within the Towne and with the other parte salied out and ranne vpō the Barcian and Hesperite camp who were forced to send to Thymbron for ayde whether he came with all his power which when Mnassicles sée and perceyuing he had leaft the Hauen vnfurnished persuaded the Cirenians in the Towne to assaye to winne the hauen whereupon they immediatly issued out and with great ease wanne it bycause there were few or none leaft to defend the same all whiche was exploited and done by the meane and conduct of Mnasicles who straightwayes redeliuered to the merchaunts of the towne so muche of their goods as might be found and after furnished the Porte with a garrison of valiaunt men of warre When Thymbron vnderstood that the Port so méete a place for the anoying of y e enimy was lost al the bagage of his mē of warre he was thereat greatly abashed Howbeit he tooke to him a martiall courage went to the siege of an other Citie called Thacire which he wanne wherfore he waxed right glad and bolde Neuerthelesse not long after happened him other great misaduentures For first his Souldiers which were a bord hauing lost the Hauen therby cut of from victuals at land were constrayned to make out certeyn bandes to fourage the fields and Countrey for prouision of victuals whome
the Libians one daye among the rest finding abrode disordered discomfited ouerthrew of which some were slaine other were taken prisoners the rest recouered thire shippes and went to sea meaning to arriue at some Port where they might finde friendship But sodenly arose so gréeuous and vehement a tempest y t it perished and drowned manie of their shippes and such as escaped were driuen with winde and weather into Cypers and vpon the coast of Egypt Yet for all this ill fortune he neuer desisted his purpose and attempt but without stoppe sent certeyn of his chiefe and assured friēds into Peloponese to mustre and take vp Souldiers willing them also to entertaine the two thousand men of warre straungérs lying and abyding in the Countrey of Tenare and to bring them also into Libie All this time the Cirenians by reason of the late ouerthrowes by them gyuen trusting in their owne courages and hoping well of better successe boldly attempted Thymbron with battaill wherein they vanquished kild a great numbre of his people which conflict made him almost despaire of the conquering and subduing the Cyrenians But sodenly came in his ayde the Souldiers of Tenare wherewith he tooke such harte that he a fresh assembled an other great numbre to commence and beginne his warres But when the Cyrenians sée that they by and by sent to the Libians Chartagians their neighbours requiring ayde so that with them and of their owne Citie they had gotten together about xxx thousand men with whom they arrered an other great army wherein on eyther side cōsisted and depended the whole and totall victorie And although the fight endured long yet in the end Thymbron obtayned victorie whereof he was right ioyous hoping then in short time to conquere and subdue all the Cities thereabout In whiche conflict the Cirenians lost al their Captaynes wherfore they chose for their Chieftayne and Generall Mnasicles and other vnder him to defend the hauen and Citie whiche Thimbron had before besieged and yet still dayly approched But in the ende the siege so long continued that victuals within the Towne were verie scarse which caused great muteny wherfore the Cirenians expulsed the most worshipfull and riche Citisens whereof some tooke part with Thimbron and the rest went for rescous into Egypt and desired ayde of Ptolome for their retourne home whereunto he graunted So they departed thense towards Sirene with a puissaunt army both by sea and lande vnder the conduct of Orphellon When the exiles with Thimbron vnderstood of their cōming they determined by night to steale vpon them and so to rob and spoyle them but their enterprise being reuealed and discouered they were all slayne Then the Cōmoners which kept the Towne perceyuing the exiles at hand truced with Thimbron and ioyned together to fight against Orphellon who encountred them in battaill and ouerthrew them tooke Thimbron prisoner Whē al these conflictes had thus taken end he toke the Citie of Cirene the rest of the Cities neare about whiche before liued at libertie to the behoofe of Ptolome his Lorde and Soueraigne ¶ Perdicas entring Piside taketh the Lauradians prisoners by siege so distresseth the Isaurians that they kil them selues And at the entreatie of Antigone Antipater and Cratere which warred vpon the Etholians conclude a peace with them bycause they would go against Perdicas The x. Chapter BUt now to returne to Perdicas and King Phillip after they had ouerthrowen and discomfited Ariarathe and bestowed the gouernement of Cappadoce on Eumenes they tooke their iourney into Pisided etermining to sacke raze the Cities of Laurade and Isaure bycause that they in the life of King Alexander had slaine Balacre the Sonne of Nicanor whom Alexander had deputed their Patrone and Gouernour And first by force they tooke the Citie of Laurade and killed all the men and made portsale of their infaunts and yong children But bycause the Citie of the Isaurians was strong and throughly manned to hold out the enimy after they had two dayes besieged it wherin many of their Souldiers were lost they seing the Citisens wel furnished of all things for the defence thereof fully determined to maintayne it to death retired howbeit after thrée dayes past they agayne approched the wals and gaue a fresh assault which the Citisens to their great losse manfully defended wherfore being thē disfurnished of able men for the manning of their wals rampiers and Bulwarks they purposed an honorable fact worthy memorie First foreséeing their iminent destruction ineuitable by reason they were no lenger able to resist and knowing for certein that they should shamefully and villaniously be entreated they therefore determined rather than to yelde to the enimy to die an honest and honorable death For first they shut vp in their houses the old men women and children and to the ende there to burie them they set all the houses on fire which being on a light and the flame issuing out on euery side they cast in all their mouable goodes and all other things which any way might be profitable or gaynefull to the enimy whereat Perdicas greatly amased commaunded his Souldiers to enuiron the Towne and gyue the attempt to the wals but the Townesmen so valiaunly defended the curten that they ones agayne repulsed the assaylaunts Then Perdicas much more astonied enquired the cause why they so couragiously stoode to the defence of the Citie considering they had burnt both their houses and goods But after Perdicas had retiered his Souldiers from the assault the Isaurians threwe them selues into the fier and so were buried in their houses with their friends and familiers The next day in the morning Perdicas licenced his soldiers to sacke and spoyle the Citie who after the fier was throughly put out found infinite treasure of gold siluer forasmuch as the said Citie had long continued without warres and through traffique great trade of merchaundise grew to great wealth and became very riche When Perdicas had wonne these two townes he purposed thē to marry being in choyse of two Gentlewomen to saye of Nice the daughter of Antipater whome he had already fianced and of Cleopatre sister to Alexander the great and daughter to king Phillip sonne to Amint. But first he determined to allie himself with Antipater bicause his puissaunce and aucthority was not yet throughly confirmed established and therfore fianced he his daughter But after he had once obtayned an army royal princily estate he altered his purpose meaning for his greater aduaūcement to espouse Cleopatre wherin he affected the kingdom of Macedone to y e ende the Macedonians might accept and take him for their Lorde and Soueraigne Neuerthelesse bycause he would not that this his practise should come to light he in the meane while married Nice fearing that if he did not Antipater woulde be come his vtter enemy But after he perceyued that Antigone friende to Antipater had smelt out
came vpon them and on the waye he tooke vp a great numbre of the Citizens whiche were dispersed abroad in the countrey and after besieged the towne and would néeds enforce the sillie besiegeaunts to receyue and take in his garrisons And although they were vnprouided of men and all other things necessarie to holde out the enimie yet determined they to defend their libertie Notwithstanding they sent first their Ambassadoures to Aride praying him to rayse his siege saying they were all at his commaundement to do whatsoeuer he woulde except the receyuing of men into garrison But in the meane time they secretly armed all their yong and lustie fellowes to man the wall and curten And when they sée Aride still vrge them to receyue his garrisons they aunswered they would comprimit the matter to the deliberation of the cōmunaltie and for dispatch thereof demaunded truce for the next day and night following which was graunted and in the meane while made they greater preparation for their defence When Aride sée he was thus deceyued and mocked he lost both oportunitie hope for winning the Citie bycause it was verie strong both towardes the Sea and lande standing almost like an Island within the Sea and but one way to enter by lande and that parte towardes the Sea very strong bycause Aride had there no ships They sent also by Sea to the Bizancians for men armoure and all other things necessarie to holde out the siege which they incontinent sent whereupon they were greatly assured and tooke meruailous courage to defende their Citie Farther they sent out their gallies alongest the shoare to gather together their people which were dispersed in the countrey and in the end they had assembled so great a numbre of men of warre that they sallied out vpō the enimie slew many and repulsed the rest from the siege Wherefore Aride deceyued by pollicy returned into his Satrapie without any exploite ¶ Antigone commenceth warre against Aride gouernour of Phrigie and against Clyte Lord of Lydie And in the ende openly proclaymeth him selfe enimie to the Kings and enioyeth one parte of Asie The .xxiij. Chapter AS Antigone abode in the Citie of Celene he was aduertised of the siege of Cizice wherefore he thought if he sent towards them spéedy ayde and succoure in their distresse that it woulde be a good occasion for him to winne the said Citie to be his friend and confederat For which cause he chose out of the whole armie .xx. thousand of his most warlike Souldiers and .iij. thousande horse and in his owne person spéedely marched to aide the Cizicians And although the siege was raised before his comming yet euer after they became and remayned his most bounden friends Notwithstanding he sent his Ambassadours towards Aride declaring to him that he had done verie yll to besiege a frée Citie of Grece and friend to the Macedonians considering the people thereof had in nothing abused him and that he had shewed inough to make him selfe of a Deputie and Gouernour a Potentate and commaunder commaunding him therefore to gyue ouer his said Satrapie and for his habitation to betake him to one onely Citie When Aride vnderstoode the charge of the Ambassadours he greatly detesting the arrogancie of Antigone aunswered that he was not as yet determined to leaue his Satrapie but to kéepe and defend it and if Antigone would come to expulse him he should then sée whether of them had the better right After the Ambassadours had receyued this answere and were departed he soone after fortified and furnished his Cities and townes He also sent to Nore a bande of Souldiers to Eumenes vnder the leading of one of his owne Captaynes thinking therby to winne his fauoure and be his confederate When Antigone had receyued aunswere from Aride he sent one half of his army against him and him selfe with the rest trauailed into Lydie to chase out Clyte Gouernour thereof But so soone as Clyte vnderstood the cause he garrisoned his Cities and made as good prouision against him as he could That done he immediatly went to Sea and transfreted into Macedone signifying to the Kings the boldnesse of Antigone saied that he went about to aduaunce him selfe to some high and honorable estate and to rebell against them praying therefore aide for the repressing of him In the meane time Antigone by the intelligence of certain citisens tooke at his first cōming the Citie of Ephese But after he vnderstood that Eschil the Rhodian was there arriued and would for the behoue of the Kings carrie out of Cilice into Macedon in foure shippes sixe hundred Talents he intercepted them and tooke it away saying that he had great néed thereof for the wageing of his mercenaries which déede imported that he ment to establishe him selfe some great Prince and to warre vppon the kings When he had this done he went against the other Cities of Asie and by violence and practise brought many vnder his subiection ¶ Of diuerse aduentures which happened Eumenes and of his deliueraunce from the siege of Nore The .xxiiij. Chapter WE will here leaue a while to speake of Antigone and returne to Eumenes who besides many and diuerse mishaps had also ben in sundrie aduentures both good and bad for after the death of Alexander he still tooke part with Perdicas who gaue him the Satrapie of Cappadoce and the countreys thereto adioyning in which he had assembled and gotte together numbres of men of warre and great summes of money getting thereby great renoume alway liuing in prosperitie and felicitie He in battail vanquished and killed Cratere and Neoptolome two of the most renowmed Captaynes amongst all the Macedonians and all the Souldiers whiche serued vnder them which had ben continuall victors where euer they became But when he thought him selfe most puyssaunt and none able to resist him he was by Antigone in battaill sodenly vanquished and constrained to flie and retier with a fewe of his friends into a litle towne castle where being besieged and enclosed with a double trenche could not in one whole yeare be aided to raise the siege Howbeit about the yeares end when he was almost out of hope in despaire sodenly came vnto him present remedie For Antigone who still helde him besieged hauing altered his determination and purpose sent to him requiring his friendship companie and after he had takē his othe and faith he deliuered him of the siege Who departing thence trauailed into Cappadoce and being there but a short time assembled the Souldiers lately vnder his charge dispersed through the said countrey and by reason of the earnest zeale and loue they had to him he had gotten together in a little whyle a great numbre at his commaūdement For ouer and besides the six hundred whiche were with him during the siege he had gotten aboue two thousand other souldiers and in the ende came to great authoritie for he was made Generall of the armie Royall to warre vppon
greeuously accused and adiudged them worthy the death the summe of which accusation was this that they after the Lamian warre were the principall and chiefe causers that their Citie and Countrey were brought in thraldome and bondage the gouernement and authoritie of the people wholy extinguished and the lawes and ordinaunces of the same Countrie clerely violated and infringed When the daye assigned was come Phocion very sagely and wysely beganne to plead and defende his cause but so soone as the multitude and great numbre of the people heard him beginne to speake they made suche a noyse and vprore that he could not be heard When the noise was ceased and that he beganne agayne to speake they likewise interrupted and stopped him that he coulde haue no audience for the multitude of the baser sorte which had bene degraded and put from the publique gouernement being sodenly newly authorised were very insolent against those which had depriued them their libertie Howbeit Phocion in daunger to lose his life boldly and stoutely stood to the defence of his iustification so that these about him heard what he sayde But they which were any thing farther of could heare nothing for the noyse and vprore of the people but they might all sée that he spake and made many gestures with his body as a man in great daunger and feare But in the ende when he sée no boote he with a loud voice cried and sayde that he was contented to dye but prayde that they might be forgiuen whome he had inuegled and attracted to his will and pleasure some forcibly and some by gentle admonitions and persuasions When certaine of Phocions friendes sée that the violēce and rage of the people ceassed not they preased in to speake for him whome the multitude incontinent hearkened vnto before any man knewe what they woulde say But after it was perceyued they spake in the fauour of the accused they were in lyke sorte reiected by the clamors of the people so that in the ende by the cōmon voyce and exclamation of the multitude they wer condemned to death and that done carried to prison Then many of their friendes seing their miserie were very pensife and sorowfull For when they sée that such personages being the chief and principal of the Citie as wel for their nobilitie as their authoritie and renoume had done many good and gracious déedes to the Citie were in such sort condēned without order of iustice they greatly feared to come in the like dāger But forasmuch as fortune is common and mutable many of the people dispiteously agreued with the sayd Phocion spake al the oultrages viltanies against him they could reproching hym of many wicked acts déedes as people commonly doe which dissimule their anger against them in authoritie But when they see fortune turne hir saile that it otherwise hapneth then wil they without reason or measure in all despiteful crueltie vtter and shew forth their priuie griefe and pestiferous malice Not long after the condemned acording to the custome of the coūtrey dranke poyson and their carkaises were throwne without the limites and precinctes of Athens vnburied and this was their ende Polyspercon besiegeth Cassandre in Pyrey and perceiuing that he coulde not win it departeth thence and besiegeth the citie of Megalopolis where by the wisedome and policie of Demades he is at an assault repulsed The .xxix. Chapter DUring the time that these matters were done in Asia Antigone had sent Cassander with .xxxv. tall warlike gallies and foure thousand souldiours to saile into Pire whom Nichanor captaine of the Castle receiued and rendred to him the port and castle But as for Munichie Nicanor garded and helde that with his owne garrison When Polispercon who abode and continued in Phocide vnderstoode that Cassander had taken and enioyed Pire he came into the Countrey of Athens and encamped before Pire with twentie thousād Macedonians and foure thousand straungers and confederates and thrée score and fiue Elephantes and besieged the same But séeing the scarcitie and want of victuals and the siege like long to continue he left behind at the siege such number of Soldiours as the Countrey might wel vittell deputing for his lieuetenant Alexander his sonne and him selfe with the rest being the greater number entred Peloponess to the ende to force the Megalopolitanes to come vnder the obeisaunce of the Kings being greatly enclined to Cassander and the continuation of their Oligarchie to say the gouernement of certaine particular offices and dignities which Antipater had appointed them While Polispercon was about this enterprise Cassander with his Nauie hauing alliaunce with the Eginets went and besieged the Citie of Salamine his enimie And euery day with shot whereof he had foyson assaulteth the town bringing them in great hazarde and feare And being almost in despaire aide came from Polispercon bothe by sea and land Wherevpon Cassander was so daunted that he raised his siege and returned to Pire After that Polispercon meaning to set and order and stay about the affaires of Peloponese assembled before him the Deputies of all the Cities whom with gentle and gratious woordes he allured to ioyne with him and afterward sent his Ambassadoures to all the Cities commaunding them that they should sodainely kill all the gouernors appointed by Ptolome and restore the gouernement to the people Which commaundement the people incontinently obeyed so that there were great slaughters and banishmentes throughout the Cities of the friends of Antipater Then the commonaltie being restored to libertie and authoritie ioyned with Polispercon And bicause the Megalopolitames would not obey but still sticke to Cassander Polispercon fully determined to besiege them When they vnderstood his meaning and purpose they incontinently caused all their goodes in the Countrey to be brought into their towne and after mustered and tooke viewe of their people which were of Citizens and forainers about fiftene thousand besides their slaues all able men and deuided them into two bandes whereof some made rampiers and other workes some manned the walles so that at one instant they were all busied and occupied One companie ditched about the Towne an other companie carried woode and earth out of the fieldes to make the Rampiers other repaired and mended the walles where they were any thing at all decayed some forged harnaies and engines of Artillarie and on this sort was all the whole Citie occupied bicause that euery one was minded and disposed thereto for so muche as the power which came against them were men of inuincible courages and the Elephantes of great violence and might Not long after that they had brought all things into a readinesse and perfection Polispercon with his whole armie arriued before the same and on both sides besieged it On the one side encamped Macedonians and on the other side his allyes and straungers He builded also many Towers of woode hygher than the curten and wall and planted them in places conuenient and thrust into them
chases and greate plentie of wilde beastes wherof the peasantes brought to Penceste greate abundance whiche he gaue and bestowed vppon the men of warre to get and win their loue and good wils There are also in that region for archers and other shotte the best Souldiers within the whole countreye of Perse. When they were at last arriued in the Citie royall of Persepolis Penceste gouerner of the same countrey made a solempne sacrifice to Philip and Alexander as to theyr Gods and after the sacrifice a greate and sumptuous banket to the whole campe aboundyng in all sortes of meates brought from all the partes of the countrey And for the assemble of the men of warre he made readie a place abroade in the fieldes with .iiij. round circles like vnto a cloister one with in an other egally distant the seconde bigger than the first all the reste in mete proportiō so y t the vttermoste which inclosed the other thrée was .x. furlongs about in whiche sate the mercenarie souldiers and straungers In the seconde sat the Argiraspides Macedonians and the Souldiers which serued with Alexander in his warrs .viij. furlongs in compasse In the thirde were the extraordinarie captaines horsemen and all other the speciall friends of the Satrapes and other chieftaines being foure furlongs aboute In the last which was two furlongs round sat the Dukes and chief rulers of the armie the captaines of the horsmen and the princes of Perse there In the middest of the last circle stode the altars of the Gods the tabernacle of Alexander and Philip whose seates were made of leaues and trées bearing frute and the residue couered with faire and riche tapistrie wherof the countrey of Perse aboundeth being full of delices and thyngs of pleasure The distances of the circles were in that sort drawen out to the ende that they which sat in the one should be no let or stop to those in the other and euery circle had his officers and ministers kitchins and all other houses of office in such order and so many that the great diligence and prouidence of Penceste might therin be well vnderstoode and knowne By meane wherof he greatly wanne the fauoure and good willes of all the companie Which thyng Eumenes perceyuing and knowing he went about to win the souldiers fauours to bée made generall and to obtaine the principalitie counterfaited forged certaine false and surmised letters by whiche he animated the Souldiers to warre wherewith he soone abated Penceste his audacitie and ambition and brought him self into greater authoritie and reputation in whome also the men of warre had greate hope and confidence The contents of the letters were these How that Olympias had brought the yong sonne of Alexander into Macedone had slayne Caslander and peaceably enioyed the realm And that Polispercon with the greatest parte of the armie royall and all the Elephantes was gone into Asie to war on Antigone was already in Cappadoce Whiche letters were written in the Syrian tongue subscribed in the name of Oronte Satrapa of Armenie Penceste his great friend and therfore bare the more credit Then Eumenes caused them to be caried to all the Satrapes and captaines to be séene and after published them to the whole armie By reason of whiche letters all the host then thought that Eumenes might aduaunce to the kings whome he woulde and punishe those he hated And the more to put and kéepe in terrour and feare suche as were disobedient and desirous of authoritie he called to iudgement Sybirte Satrapa of Aracose and great friend to Pencest whome he accused saying that he had sent some of his horse against the Aracothes without knowledge of the assemble and counsel and therfore required that he might be discharged and all his treasure and goodes confiscate Wherevpon he put him in such perill and danger that if he had not secretly fled he had bene slaine by the multitude of the Souldiers Notwithstandyng after he had by that meane put the other in feare and recouered his authoritie he returned to his accustomed humanitie and curtesie and through faire wordes and large promises he reconciled Penceste and made hym readie and tractable to employ his seruice in the affaires of the Kings And to assure him self of the other Satrapies chieftains captaines and to haue some maner guage of them to serue in steade of hostages he fained the want of money praying euery of them to lend him as much as they coulde spare for the affaires of the kings Whiche they did so that he borowed of those whom he chiefly suspected the iust summe of CCCC talents By which mean he thought him so sure of thē that they would not work him any falshode or treason nor yet once steppe asyde from him whom he after kept reserued for the garde and defence of his person and his fautours in all his affaires whatsoeuer ¶ Of the battaile betwene Antigone Eumenes and of their powers and of their retire to winter without victorie on either side The .x. Chapter WHen Eumenes had thus prouided for all things that might happen as aforesayde newes were brought out of Mede howe Antigone with his whole power was commyng into Perse which Eumenes vnderstanding immediatly toke his iourney wyth hys whole armie determining to be there before him to y e ende to giue battaile Whereupon he sacrificed to the Gods and that done royally banketted the Princes captaines and men of warre bicause he would giue them greater occasion of affection and loue towardes him And for that they should thinke he wold at ful please them he pledged so many as dronke vnto hym by reason wherof he fell into a grieuous maladie and therfore was forced to repose there certaine dayes For whose cause all the whole armie desirous of battaile were very sorie Neuerthelesse after some amendement and recouerie he no longer stayed his iourney but being carried in a horselitter hasted on the aray the conduct wherof he gaue to Pencest and Antigene And after he had gotten within a days iorney of the enimie the vauntcurrers of eche side gaue intelligence of the approch of one an other wherfore they determined on both sides the next day folowing to giue battaile Howbeit by reason of a valley and Riuer betwixte them besides the straightnesse of the grounde they were frustrate of their purposes and determinations Notwithstanding they aranged on either side their battailes and encamped not aboue .iij. furlongs one from an other and for .iiij. dayes together they onely skirmished with shot during which time both the armies had wasted and cōsumed all the victuals in the countrey néere vnto them so that they began to wante The fifte day folowing Antigone sent his ambassadors towards the Satrapes Macedonians to persuade them to abādon forsake Eumenes and ioyne with him promising to leaue the Satrapes theyr Satrapies And the reste whiche would not folowe the campe he promised to some greate landes and possessions and to sende the
this Decrée had bene thus by the common assent and consent of the whole armie ratified and approued Antigone by by sent it throughout all quarters to be published trusting that the Grekes in hope to come at libertie would allie and ioyne with hym He likewise thought that when the Satrapes and Gouernours of the Satrapies of the hier countreys of Asie whiche still ymagined that Antigone would clerelie extinquish y e Kings and all the ligne Royal of Alexander apperceyued that he nowe enterprised and publikelie tooke in hande the warres for the defence of the Kings they would alter chaūge their determinatiō purpose gladlie become obedient and subiect to him That done he gaue to Alexander .v. hundred Talents and sent him into Peloponnese laden and fraught with faire promisses and in hope to be preferred to some great authoritie and honour He sent also for his ships to Rhodes the greater numbre of which he made readie and furnished and after embarqued and sailed to Tyre and both by sea land besieged the citie the space of .xv. monethes so that nothing could be brought into it Whereupon in the ende they were enforced to render vppon thys composition and agréement that all Ptolome his Souldiours within the same should with bag and baggage safelie departe and Antigone at his pleasure to thrust in his gerrisones ¶ Of the practizes deuises and prouision by Ptolome Seleuke on the one part Antigone on the other parte made by Sea in the countrey of Asie The .xxvij. Chapter AMongs these entrefaicts when Ptolome vnderstood the edict and decrée which Antigone and the Macedonians had made for the libertie of Grece bycause he would it should to the Grekes be knowen that he had so good an hart and will to restore them to libertie as the said Antigone he caused the like proclamation to be made and before them to be notified and published For eyther of them made great accompte and thought it a verie good way to win the Grekes to stand their friends and therfore they contended howe and by what meane they might best gratifie them He wanne also to his alliaunce Cassander gouernour of Carie a mightie Prince and one who had at his commaundement manie Cities He sent likewise ouer and besides the .iiij. thousand men sent before by him to the Kings of Cypres his confederats a mightie armie to enforce to their obeissaūce their enimies to wete Mirmidon the Athenian with .x. thousand Souldiours Polyclete with a Nauie of an hundreth saile and appointed for generall Menelaus his brother And as they arriued in Cypres they heard of Seleuke hys being there whereupon they held a counsell wherein was concluded that Polyclete should with L. shipe saile into Peloponnese to warre vpon Aristodeme Polispercon and Alexander That Myrmidon with the Mercenaries should into Carie to ayde and comforte Cassander and other their allies whom Ptolome Antigone his brother warred on and that Menelaus and Seleuke shoulde remayne in Cypres with Nycocreon and other their allies to mainteyne the warres there When Seleuke and hys companie had thus deuided their power they tooke the cities of Cerine and Lapythe and there wanne to their al-aliaunce Stasicetus King of the Manians and forced Amathusius an other prince of the countrey to deliuer thē ostages They besieged also with great force the Citie of Cythie bycause they would not at their first cōming allie with them At that same verie season sailed from Hellespont and the Rhodes to Antigone .xl. saile vnder the cōduct of Themyson their Admiral Dioscorides likewise brought from Hellespont and the Rhodes foure score besides the ships first built in Phenice being in all accompting those left at Tyre Cxx. wherof .iiij. score .x. rowed with foure tier of ores in a side ten with fiue tier ten with nine and ten with ten tier and .xxx. barques the rest lesse so that he had in the whole CCxl Gallies appointed for the warres Which Nauie he deuided wherof L. he sent into Peloponnese and appointed Dioscorides his brothers sonne Admiral ouer the rest and gaue him in charge to goe to the ayde of hys Allies and purchase the good willes of the Isles not yet confederate Nowe for this time we wil leaue speaking of the things done in Asie and returne to the matters exploited in Europe ¶ Of certen exploictes of warre by Cassander and his Souldiours in Peloponnese and other partes of Grece done And how Alexander Polispercon his Sonne reuolteth After of a great victorie whiche Ptolome his Nauie hath against Antigone his Nauie in Cilice And after Ptolome and Antigone come to a parle and of certain exploits of warre betwene the Romaines and Samnites The .xxviij. Chapter THe while that Antigone made preparation for the warres in the countrey of Asie as we haue heretofore declared Apollonide whome Cassander had left Captayne of Argos secretlie departed into Arcadie and in the night by stealth tooke the Citie of Stymphale In this meane time the Argiues not content with Cassander sent to Alexander Polispercon his sonne and promised to yelde him the Towne but he so detracted his comming that Cassander was thyther first come whē he had entred the citie the Traitours cōspiratours tooke y e Palaice for their defence which he besieged clerely burnt to the ground And of the reste be put some to death and sent a great number in exile The same time Cassander aduertised of the sailing of Aristodeme into Peloponnese and concourse of the Mercenaries thyther first assaied if he could withdrawe and remoue Polispercon and Alexander his sonne from the amitie of Antigone And séeing it would not frame he passed throughe the coūtrey of Thessalie into Beote and strengthning the Thebanes with ayde for restauracion of their Citie entred Peloponnese and tooke by force the citie of Cencre and made incursions on the territories of Corinthe and there winning two castles by force licenced Alexanders Souldiours to departe without dommage or hurte After that he was by a band which loued not Alexāder receyued into the Citie of Orcomenie and licenced the citizens to plucke out by the eares certen of Alexanders friends gotten into the Temple of Diane and to do with them what they listed whome they incontinent contrarie to the lawe and common custome of Grece put to the sworde After that Cassander came against the Citie of Messenie and séeing it to difficile to winne passed on and entred Arcadie in which countrey he left Damides Gouernour and him selfe returned to Argos where he caused manie tou● noys to be done and after returned to Macedone Whereof Alexander aduertised tooke with him Aristodeme and warred vpon all the Cities whiche Cassander had wonne and furnished with garrisonnes thinking to bring vnder his subiection the saide Cities promising to restore them to libertie Which Cassander vnderstanding sent towardes him Propelle by whome he offred if
he would yeld and reuolt from Antigone to gyue him the gouernement of Peloponnese and the aucthoritie ouer all the armie farther to vse him as his companion and aduaunce him to great honour and dignitie When Alexander had considered that the same offer whereunto Cassander graunted was the onely occasion of the warres betwene them he allied with hym so became and remayned Gouernour of Peloponnese In this meane while Policlete sent by Seleuke out of Cypres touched at Cencre and vnderstanding of Alexander his reuolte and séeing there no armie of aduersaries sailed into Pamphilie and from thence to the citie of Aphrodise in Cilice where he vnderstood that Theodote Admirall for Antigone was loused from Patare in the region of Lycie in the shippes whiche came from Rhodes māned with Marriners of Carie and that Perilaye for the more safetie of the said Nauie went by land with a terrible armie Wherefore he by ambushes deceyued both the said armies for he closelie laid a numbre of men against the enimie which came by land where they must néedes passe and him selfe with the Nauie laye behind a promontorie attending the enimie to battaill It happened that the armie by land first lighted vpon the Ambushe where being surprised and sodenlie come vppon they were almost all slaine and takē prisoners amongs whome was Perilaus all in the sight of the Rhodian Nauie who with great spéede making towardes the lande to their ayde were by Policlete which there road in order of battail so lustelie bourded that they discomfited all the whole Nauie and prized their shippes and the greater numbre of their men amongs whome was Theodotus who soone after of the woundes he had receiued in fight died When Polyclete had thus without daunger wonne these victories he sailed into Cypres and from thence to Peluse whome Ptolome honorablie receyued and with great rewardes and giftes rewarded and to him gaue a farre greater charge as to the Aucthor of that notable and honorable victorie He deliuered also Perilaus and manie other prisoners for deliuerie of which Antigone had sent an honorable Ambassade and to treat a peace Which treatie was graunted to be had at the place called the Eruption where they met togyther and commoned of the matter but departed without conclusion bycause Antigone would not agrée to Ptolome his demaundes The same season the Romaynes inuading the Samnites tooke by force from them the Citie of Ferent in Ponille But the Citizens of Nucere called Alphaterne by the persuasion of some reuolted from the Romaynes and confederated with the Samnites ¶ Of diuerse exploites which Aristodeme one of Antigone his Captaynes doth against Alexander Polispercon his sonne in Peloponnese Alexander being slaine his wife through hir prowes taketh vpon hir the gouernement The .xxix. Chapter THe self same yeare that Nicodore gouerned Athens and Luce Papyre the fourth time and Quinte Publie the second time were at Rome created Consuls Aristodeme Antigone his Lieutenaunt vnderstanding the reuolte of Alexander Polispercon his Sonne accused him in the presence of all the assemblie of the Etholians and persuaded them to ioyne with Antigone Whiche done he departed with his Mercenaries out of the countrey and came into Peloponnese where he found Alexander and the Etholians besieging the Citie of Cilene sore distressed and by his comming in good time to the ayde thereof raised the siege And after he had thrust in as he ●● ought a sufficient numbre to garde and defende it he went to Acaie and there likewise deliuered the Citie of Pataras by Cassanders souldiours besieged He tooke also by violence the citie of Ege and vsed the garrison therof at his pleasure and according to the generall Edict determined to restore the Citie to libertie Howbeit he could not bicause the men of warre who by assaut hadde taken it were wholie bent to the spoile slewe manie of the Citizens and razed and sacked a numbre of their houses After that during the time he was in Etholie the Citizens of Dyme kéeping a garrison of Cassāders in their Citie sodenly had buylt and set vp a wall betwene the towne and castle to seperate them exhorting one another to reduce their citie to hir pristinate libertie and entrenching the Castle gaue many proude assautes Which doings Alexander vnderstanding w t his whole power returned and after he had entred the towne he put to death the principall mutiners imprisoned some and bannished a numbre By meane whereof the remnaunt neuer durst a long tyme after make or reuiue any commocion or rebellion reducing to memorie the miserie and punishment of the late rebelles But not long after they got in their ayde the souldiours of Aristodeme in Ege by whose helpe they againe attempted the Castle and by great industrie wonne it and flewe the greater parte of the garrisonne togyther all the citizens which tooke parte with Alexander who departing at the same time from Sycione was vnder the coulour of friendship by Alexion and certen his complices shamefully slaine Notwithstanding after his death Cratesipolis his wife tooke vpon hir the domination and rule of the citie and armie whome the Souldiours dearelie loued by reason of the great pleasures she had oftentimes done them and always helping their present miseries She was a wise Ladie and in matters of great importaunce had a meruellous forefight and an hart and courage more valiaunt than to a woman was pertinent which she amongs the Sicionians throughlie shewed For when the Sycionians after the death of hir husband without making any accompt of hir had gotten in armes in hope to haue restored their libertie she in battaill vanquished and ouerthrewe them In whiche conflict were manie slaine and .xxx. of the rest after takē and hanged When she had appaised thus this mutenie she peaceably gouerned the towne and had at commaundement a great number of Souldiours which were all determined to abide in hir seruice any aduentures whatsoeuer These things were done in Peloponnese ¶ Cassander making amitie with the Acarnanians and Illyrians and reducing to his alliaunce certen other Cities returneth into Macedone and the Etholians taking the Citie of Arginye in Acarnanye slea and kill the inhabitaunts therof The .xxx. Chapter WHen Cassander had considered that the Etholians which fauoured Antigone warred against the Acarnanians their neighbours he thought he should do very well to allie with the Acarnanians in that warre and so abase and represse the Etholians Whereupon he trauailed with a mightie power oute of Macedone into the countrey of Etholie and encamped about the ryuer Cambile and there called togyther the Acarnanians to speake with them to whome he declared the importaunce of the warres which they so long had had so néere hand and yet stil continued And the better to encounter them said that it was very néedfull that they did forsake the indefensible small townes and villages and get them into
appointed besides Quint Fabie the most renoumed Captayne they then had Generall of their armie Quint Elye Marshall and about Lanscalle ioyned battaill with y e enimie in which on eyther side were many mē slaine But in the ende the Romaines were discomfited and put to flight Which Elye séeing bicause he would auoide the shame to be said he fled tarried alone in the battaill there valiauntlie and manfullie fought against the enimie not for anie hope he had of victorie but to shewe such magnanimitie to be in him as an apparaunt matter of the inuincible courages of the Romaines who much more loued honorably to die in fight than to liue and remayne Captayne of those whiche fled After this discomfiture and ouerthrow the Romaines fearing to lose al Pouille sent one Colonie of their people to Locres the principall citie of that countrey from whence they transferred the warres against the Samnites And that Colonie and Citie serued them not for that warre only but continuallie euer after and at this present doth as an explorator and receptacle to hold and keepe their neighbours in subiection ¶ Lisimache subdueth the cities of Pont Thaure which rebell and after vanquisheth the Scythes supplies by Antigone sent into the same countrey The .xxxiiij. Chapter THe yeare ensuing whiche was the same tyme that Theophraste gouerned Athens and Marcke Publy and Caye Sulpitie were at Rome created Consuls the Caulandians enhabiting the left partes of Pont expulsed Lysimache his garrisone there and set them selues at libertie The lyke also dyd the Histrianois the other cities néere thereabouts Whereuppon they altogyther ioyned to resist Lysimache and made also alliaunce with the Tracians and Scythians néere them so that being altogyther ioyned they were able to encountre resiste a mightie armie Wherof Lysimache aduertised departed with an huge armie and came through the countrey of Thrace and passing the mount Emus sodenlie encamped before the citie of Odesse and after besieged Obseste both which he at his first arriuall surprised and put in suche feare that they rendred vpon composition and going thence he tooke after the same maner the Histrianois From thence he went to besiege the Calandians but whē he vnderstood that the Scythes were come in the coūtrey with a mightie armie to helpe their Allies and friends he marched against them and as soone as he was neere them so fierslie charged the whole camp and put the Thracians which were with thē in such feare that they reuolted and came to him and after ioyned battaill w t the Scythes in which he ouerthrew and kild a great nūber the rest he chased and expulsed the countrey After that he besieged the citie of the Calandians fullie determined to be reuenged for their rebelliō But as he was thus purposed newes came that Antigone had sent two armies for the reliefe of the Calandians to saye Lycon by the sea of Pont and Pausanie by lande who alreadie was encamped at a place called Sacre With whiche newes Lysimache verie sore troubled left so many of his armie as he thought would suffise for the siege and him selfe with the greater parte marched on to encounter the enimie which came by land But when he was come to the foote of the Mount Emus thought to passe he was aduertised that Seuthes the King of Thrace was reuolted from him and ioyned with Antigone and garded and kept the passage with a great numbre of men Wherefore he was enforced to gyue him battaill in which many of his people were lost But in y e end after great slaughter he draue the enimie from the passage And al sodenlie he so lustelie charged Pausanie his bande which was fled to the straights of the mountaine on the other side that he slew the greater part amongs whom was Pausanie ● and some of the prisoners he ransomed and sent awaye and retained the rest and deuided them amongs his bandes ¶ Thelesphore one of Antigone hys captaynes restoreth the greater number of the cities of Peloponnese to libertie And Phillip a Captayne of Cassanders vanquisheth the Etholians and the King of Epire which came to their ayde The .xxxv. Chapter AS Lysimache his affaires stood in this astate Antigone apperceyuing him selfe frustrate of his purpose sent L. sayle manned with suche numbre of men as he thought good into Peloponnese vnder Thelesphore and gaue him in charge to restore the cities of the same countrey to libertie thinking to get suche credit thereby amongs the Grecians that they woulde firmelie beléeue how he vnfainedlie desired nothing more than the restoring of them to their libertie and popular gouernement He sent also his intelligencers to learne what Cassander did And shortly after that Thelesphore arriued in Peloponnese he deliuered all the citizens from the garrisons of Alexander except Sycione and Corinth which Polispercon with a great armie helde and kept whome he coulde not expulse considering the great strength of the places The same season Phillip whome Alexander hadde sent as Lieutenaunt Generall against the Etholians after his comming into Carnanie beganne to make incursions and robberies in the countrey of Etholie But soone after he was aduertised that Eacide who had ben expulsed the realme of Epyre was thyther returned and had assembled a great armie Wherefore he departed thence and marched forth meaning to encountre him before he ioyned with the armie of the Etholians But he found at his first comming the Epirotes all prest readie to battaile whō he so forcibly assayled y ● he them discomfited slew many and tooke a great nūbre prisoners and amongst y e rest L. of those which had bene the causers of Eacide his returne into Epire which L. he sent boūd to Cassander But they escaped w t Eacide ioyned agayne with the Etholians to fight a freshe whome Phillip likewise discomfited and slew the greater part togyther w t King Eacide him self Thus Philip by reason of his two great victories in so short time put the Etholians in suche terrour and feare of him that they abandoned the playne countrey and vndefensable places and with their wyues and children got vp to the straights in the moūtaines And so much as touching the affaires of Grece ¶ Antigone apperceyuing that he is by Cassander deceyued taketh certen cities in Carie and after commeth to a parle with Cassander And vppon little or no agreement they beginne the warre in Grece The .xxxvj. Chapter DUring the time that these things were exploited in Grece Cassander Lieutenaunt to Ptolome other his Allies in Asie by Antigone oppressed came to an agréement w t him Wherein these articles were concluded vpon First that he should put away and deliuer hys armie to Antigone Item that he should set the Cities Grecians in Asie at libertie Item that he shoulde retayne and hold the Satrapies he had first gyuen him And lastlie that he should become and remayne Antigones
entier and deare friend For suertie and performaunce of which things he gaue him in ostage his brother Agathon Notwithstanding before many dayes past he repented him of that alliaunce and founde the meanes by stealth to get awaye his brother And incontinent after he sent towardes Ptolome Seleuke and Cassander to send aide for his defence and suertie Whereof Antigone aduertised in great despite sent both by sea and lande a mightie armie to set the Grecians Cities at libertie to saie Mede his Admirall by sea and Decime by land And when they arriued before the citie of Mylese they denounced to the Citizens that they were come to restore them to their auncient libertie and to expulse the garrison in the Castle In this meane while Antigone tooke be force the citie of Tralles From thence he marched by land and came before the citie of Caune whether he made his shippes also to come by Sea and it besieged wonne except the castle he could not presentlie take Howbeit he entrenched it on that side it was siegeable and gaue many assauts And as he laye thus before the castle he sent in the meane time Ptolome with one part of his armie to the citie of Iase and draue them to a composition whome he enforced to take parte with Antigone and so the cities of the countrey of Carie became subiect to Antigone Few dayes after the Etholians and Beotians sent an Ambassade towardes him to treat an alliaunce which was concluded vppon That done he came to a communication with Cassander about Hellespont thinking to haue agréed vpon some conclusion of peace but they departed doing nothing By reason wherof Cassander voyde of all hope of peace determined againe to winne the Grecian cities Wherefore he departed with .xxx. saile to besiege the Citie of Orey and so stoutlie charged it with siege and assauts that it was in great daunger of taking or rendring But all at one instaunt Thelesphore came out of Peloponnese with .xx. saile and Medie out of Asie with an hundred who séeing Cassanders shippes kéepe the Port threw in amongs thē wilde fire and burnt foure and failed verie little that the rest had not ben so serued And as Cassander was thē the weaker behold so sodeyn ayde came to him frō the Rhodes where with his Souldiours tooke such courage that they assailed the enimie nothing fearing or doubting anie suche thing eyther yet accompting of their force vntil they had sonke one of their shippes and tooke other thrée and the men within them These matters were done in Grece and Pont. ¶ The Romaines winne a victorie on the Samnites And the rebellious Champanois by an agreemēt put them selues to their obeisaunce The .xxxvij. Chapter IN Italy the Samnites pursued their victorie winning destroying the townes and cities which hadde taken parte with the Romaines in Pouille Again the Romaine Cōsuls marched on with their armie to the ayde of their friends and allies and perceyuing that the Samnites laye before the citie of Cynue they came and encamped hard at their noses and forced them to raise the siege But few dayes after they ioyned battaill wherein manie on both sides were slaine but in the ende the Romaines wanne the victorie and in fight so lustelie pursued the enimie that they slew aboue .x. thousand During which time and before the victorie knowē abroad the Champanois contrarie to their alliaunce with the Romaines came towards the ayde of the Samnites which thing the Romaines vnderstanding fully aucthorized Caie Manlie and sodenlie sent him against them and according to their custome ioyned with him Manlie Fuluie And as they were encamped about Capue the Champanoys put them selues in armes to gyue battaill but so soone as they vnderstoode of the ouerthrow of y e Samnites and fearing that the Romaines had sent against them all their puissaunce they made an appointment by whiche were rendred the aucthours of the reuolte Who by reason of iudgement prolonged and sentence not pronounced they in the meane time slewe them selues And the cities of Champanois being pardoned continued with the Romaines their pristinate alliaunce and amitie ¶ Ptolome and Antigone to despite one the other restore diuerse cities of Grece to libertie And the same Antigone faileth of his entrie into Macedone After are entreated the matters by Ptolome done in Cypres and Cilice in the hier Syrie The .xxxviij. Chapter THe yere following that Ptolome gouerned Athens and that at Rome Lucie Papirie the .v. time and Caye Iunie were created Cōsuls And the Cxvij yeare of the Olympiade when Parmenon of Mythilene wonne the prise at the running Antigone sent his Captayne Ptolome into Grece to restore the Grekes to libertie gyuing him Cl. Gallies vnder Mede the Admirall .v. thousande footemen and .v. hundred horsse And besides allied with the Rhodians to fight for the libertie of Grece who sent him .xx. saile armed and furnished Ptolome likewise with his power at Sea arriued at a Porte of the Beotians called the déepe Porte and there mustered and tooke vp .ij. thousande two hundred Beotian footemen and three hundred horsse He called backe also his Nauie frō Orey ● and after he had with a wall entrenched Salmone he brought thyther his whole power For he verilie trusted to take the Calcedonians being onelie defended from the enimie but by a garrison of Eubeans But Cassander myndfull of Calcide and fearing the loste thereof raised his siege from before Crea and came to the laid Calcide and commaunded his armie to marche thyther When Antigone vnderstoode that the two armies were assembled there togyther watching one another and euerie of them attending the oportunitie and aduauntge he commaunded Mede with al spéede to returne into Asie And at his comming backe he agayn enbarqued hys armie and hastily sailed into Hellespont thinking through Cas● ander his absence to finde the countrey of Macedone vnprouided of men and so win the same before he could returne from Calcide or if he came backe for the defence of the realme of Macedone he should lose that he held in Grece When Cassander vnderstood thereof he left for the defence of Calcide his Lieutenaūt Plistarche with a numbre of his men and him selfe with the remnaunte went to the citie of Orope in B● ote and by force tooke it and trucyng with the other Cities of the Countrey of Beoce left for his Lieutenaunt in Grece Eupoleme and returned into Macedone chieflie to stoppe the enimie for passing into Europe When Antigone was come to the passage of Propontide he sent his Ambassadoures towardes the Bizancians requiring their ayde in those warres who there found for the same matter the Ambassadoures of Lysimache requiring that they would not go against him nor Cassander By reason whereof the Bizancians fully determined to take neyther part When Antigone sée he failed of his purpose and that y e winter drew néere he deuided hys Souldiours into garrisons
and sent them abroad into the Countrey to winter In this meane time the Corcirians with the ayde of the Apollonians and Epidaurans expulsed Cassanders garrisons their cities and set at libertie the citie of Apollonie and restored Epydaure to the King of Illirie Ptolome also one of Antigone his Captaynes after Cassander was departed into Macedone tooke the citie of Calcide and after he had expulsed the garrison of the enimie he restored them to their pristinate estate to the end al men might thinke y e Antigone sans faile would restore the cities of Grece to libertie For if he had ment to kéepe retaine y e same citie it had ben a méete defence for such as would continue any warres to haue recourse vnto Ptolome likewise tooke the Citie of Orope and restored it to the Beotians and had Cassander Souldiours in his power After he made alliaunce with the Eretrians and Caristians and remoued his camp to the citie of Athenes Demetre Phalerey being then gouernour thereof But the Citizens vnderstanding of his comming first secretly sent Ambassadours towardes Antigone praying his ayde for the defence of their citie Whē Ptolome was approched the Citie they constrained Demetre to make a truce and after to send to Antigone to treat an alliaunce After the truce made taken he departed and came into Beote and there tooke the citie of Cadmea thrust oute the garrison of the enimie and deliuered the Thebanes Frō thence went he into the countrey of Phocide and there expulsed Cassanders garrisons the cities and after besieged the citie of Locres Cassanders confederate The same season the Cyrenians rebelled against Ptolome and besieged the castle which his Souldiours kept thinking out of hand to haue taken it It chaunced the same time certen Ambassadours to come out of Alexādrie in the name of the citie to praye and exhorte them to surcease and gyue ouer their enterprise and rebellion whiche Ambassadours they killed then made greater preparation to take the castle Wherewith Ptolome sore moued and agreeued sent by lande Agis a Captayne w e a mightie armie and by sea Epinete for his greater succoure Which Agis forcibly tooke the citie and sent the principall aucthours of the rebellion into Alexandrie and from the rest tooke their armour and weapon and taking order about the affaires of the citie returned into Egipt When Ptolome had thus reduced the Citie of Cirene to his minde he departed from Egipt and went into Cypres to subdue the kings which would not obey him Amongs which he slew Pigmalion bycause he had sent an Ambassade towardes Antigone to take Praxippes King of Lapithe and the tyraunt and Prince of Cyrene for that he mistrusted them w t Stasice Malie his sonne Whiche Citie he destroyed and transferred the inhabitaunts thereof into the citie of Paphe These things performed he left Nicocreon his Lieutenaunt in the Isle of Cipres and gaue to him the cities and reuenue of the Kings whome he had deposed and after sailed into the hier Syrie and there tooke the cities of Neptunie and Carie. From thence w e al spéede he departed into Cilice where likewise he tooke and forraged the citie of Male and solde the Citizens he tooke prisoners he wasted and spoyled also the next region And after he had enriched and furnished the whole armie with spoyle returned into Cypres for he so loued his Souldiours that he thought all he could do for them was to little to the ende they shoulde the willinglier serue him in all such high and great affaires as he hadde to do Amongs these entrefacts so soone as Demetre Antigone his sonne lying in Celosirie and nothing mynding the warres exploited in Egipt vnderstood the great spoile and domage whiche Ptolome had done in Cilice and the hier Sirie he left the charge of his armed men hys Elephantes and baggage to Python and him selfe with the horsse and shot departed with all spéede to the ayde of his friends in Cilice But when he came thyther he found the enimie quite dispatched and gone Wherefore by reason of his great haste he returned with the losse of many horsse for he had rydde from Maley thether in two dayes whiche was .xxiiij. reasonable dayes iourneys for men of warre to trauaill in so much that neyther Muleter nor horsse sclaue might follow him ¶ Ptolome and Seleuke come into Syrie against Demetre and in battaill vanquish him And after Ptolome conquereth the countrey of Phenice The .xxxix. Chapter WHen Ptolome had according to his harts desire woonne in shorte time so many victories and performed such notable exploictes he sailed into Egipt Howbeit not long after at the instigation of Seleuke and the rather bycause he maliced Antigone he determined a freshe to inuade Celosyrie and fight with Demetre Wherefore he assembled his armie and losed from Alexander to Peluse with .xviij. thousand footemen and .iiij. thousand horsse the one halfe Macedonians the other Mercenaries He had besides of the Countrey of Egipt a great numbre of men as victuallers and suche like and some armed men méete for the warres From Peluse daylie trauelled he through the desertes vntill he came about the old citie of Gaze in Syrie there encāped néere the enimie When Demetre vnderstood of his comming he likewise assembled and mustered his garrisons and brought them into the said old Gaze attending the violence of the enimie And although his Gouernours and friendes coūsailed him not to hazard battaill against so valiaunt a chieftayne mightie an armie yet would not he by their counsayls be stayed but made him readie to fight hoping notwithstanding hys yong yeares and absence of his father to winne honour and victorie And after he hadde assembled hys armie and by hys oration verie stoutlie exhorted them to warre perseuering and still abyding in the assemble pensiue and in great trouble of mynd the multitude with one voyce showted and cried vnto him to hope well and feare nothing And such was their honor reuerence towardes him y t before he could commaund them to silence they held their peace vppon this onely occasion for that he neyther in factes martial or cyuill hadde offended them in so much as he was but newly made chieftayne the first time that the charge of an armie had ben committed vnto him but it cōmonly chaunceth otherwise to them which long haue hadde such rule and leading bycause they sundrie wayes and by diuerse meanes gréeue their mē of warre and Souldiours And therefore when they once gette occasion to trippe and take their Captaynes in any one faulte they forthwith séeke reuenge of y e rest of the iniuries against them committed for the multitude loue not long to perseuer and continue in one estate but always desire and are glad of chaunge so it excéede not The men of warre besides séeing his father well stryken in yeares and the likelyhood of the succession of the Realme lyneallie to descend
hauing alreadie such encrease of power and authoritie as might beséeme a right mightie King w t glory fame worthy a great Empire ¶ Demetre in battaill vanquisheth Cylles Ptolome his Lieutenaunt and after Antigone his Father commeth and ioyneth with him and then Ptolome forsaketh the countreys of Syrie and Phenice and leaueth them to the said Antigone The .xlij. Chapter DUring the time that Seleuke was occupied as is aforesayde Ptolome who had in battaile vanquished Demetre in Celosirie as aboue and there still remained vnderstanding that Demetre was againe come into the hier Syrie and there encamped sent one of his captaynes named Cylles a Macedonian with suche numbre of men as he thought good eyther to expulse him the coūtrey of Syrie or else to kéepe hym so occupied that he should do no kind of exploite But as he was vppon the waye Demetre being by his scoulte aduertised of hys comming and their disorder bycause he neyther feared or estéemed the enimie in the night departed from hys camp lying nere Myunte w t hys horsse and light armed footemē leauing in his camp the rest with the baggage and so hasted that about the daye breake he assayled Cilles camp which he found so disordered that they without resistaunce yelded togyther Cylles himselfe Whervpon when Demetre had thus sodenlie done so great an exploite he thought he had well reuenged the shame and domage by him at the battail before lost receiued Notwithstanding doubting that if Ptolome hearde of those newes he would with his power come agaynst him he pitched his campe in a verie strong place hauing at hys backe a great Marris and then so much as in him laye sent to aduertise his father of that he had done praying him with all diligence to sende a strong supplie or else with all his power to come him selfe and enter Syrie to recouer it Of these newes Antigone then lying in Cylene in the countrey of Phrigie was right glad that his sonne a yong man had wonne so great and honorable a victorie whereby he deserued to be a King And incontinent he with hys whole armie departed Phrigie and after he had passed the moūt Thaure he made such spéed that within few days he was come to his sonne When Ptolome vnderstood of his comming he aduised with hys counsaile what should be best to doe whether to attend the enimie in Syrie and there to fight or to returne into Egipt and from thence make warre as he hadde before done against Perdicas Whereuppon they all agréed that he should not hazard his case against the force of the enimie ioyned togyther and chieflie bycause they hadde a great numbre of Elephants and Antigone hym selfe also in persone who neuer yet was vanquished Wherefore it séemed to them that the beste surest way was that Ptolome should returne into Egipt where were victuals great store and might there kéepe hym selfe in strong and aduauntageous places In following which counsaill he delibered to go into Egipt but before hys departure he beat downe and razed certayne faire and beutiful cities to wete Hace in Phenice Yoppe in Samarie and Gaze in Sirie That done he with his armie and al the mouable goods which might be carried went into Egipt By this meane Antigone without difficultie or resistaunce recouered all the countreys of Sirie Phenice ¶ Antigone enterpriseth warres against the Nabathians inhabiting the deserts of Arabia and Athaney his Captayne is by them discomfited Also after Demetre hys comming thyther he concludeth a league and amitie with them The .xliij. Chapter AFter Antigone had thus recouered and wonne the countreys of Syrie and Phenice he indicted warres to the Arabians called Nabathians whō he thought his enimies Wherfore he chose out one of his Captains named Atheney and deliuered to him .iij. thousande shot and .vj. hundred of his lightest horsse cōmaunding them to enter the said countrie and to make so many incursions as they might But bycause the maner of life and order of the said Arabians is farre different and disagréeing from all other I thinke it meete and expedient here to make some mention and declaration thereof First they dwel wildlie abroad without eyther townes or houses wherefore they saie their lande is vnhabitable bicause there are neither ryuers or foūtayns wherwith to maintayne an armie They haue also a lawe which prohibiteth them on paine of death not to sowe any corne neyther to set or graf trées bearing fruit nor to drinke wyne or build houses This they hold mayntayn bycause they thinke that those which haue houses and maneured lands and fruitfull are always subiect to conquerours But there are amongs them many whereof some haue great flockes of shéepe other great heards of Camels going abroad in the desertes neuer tarrying long in one place And althoughe there are diuerse kindes of Arabians whiche inhabit the desertes yet are the Nabathians the richest and wealthiest and are about the numbre of .x. thousand whereof some are accustomed to trade by Sea with incense myrrhe and other drugs aromatique growing in the fertile Countrey of Arabie They are also meruelouslie determined to kéepe and mainteyne their libertie And when any enimie inuadeth they draw to the desert and places solitarie which serue in stead of castles and forts where no straunger can liue Notwithstanding they haue certen receptacles within the Caues whiche they digge in the same earth being of plaister and softe stones whereby they may the better digge the Caues the entry of which are little but within large and déepe so that they are more than an Arpent square and in those they set earthen vessels filled with great store of rayne water and then they in suche sorte couer the entry of the Caue aboue that they which passe by can not perceyue it but them selues knowe it again by a signe which they leaue behinde and euery third daye they water their cattell with that water to the ende if they were put to flight they should not want drinke and their chief foode is flesh mylke and other things which the lande bringeth forth verie good and holsome to eate In this lande also groweth Peper and wild honie which they drinke with water There are besides beyond these other Arabians dwelling in the maneured land and are tributaries as the Syrians and liue in such order as they doe saue that they dwell in no houses And this is y e maner and life of the Arabians Nowe is there a place in the same Countrey verie strong without walles or anie suche like defence distaunt from the land habitable two dayes iourney where at one time of the yeare whiche was euen verie then they repaire and come from all quarters of the countrey to buy and sell. And as the merchaunts were there assembled and had left at home their goodes wyues children and olde men and women in a certen strong rocke Atheney who had wel espied out his time with
the siege thereof one of his friendes hight Archelaye with .v. thousande footemen and a thousande horsse to continue the siege and him selfe with the reste returned to Sea ¶ The Romaines vnder the cōduct of Quinte Fabie their Dictator winne and take two Cities from the Samnites The .xlvj. Chapter DUring the time that these things aforesaide were done in Asie the warres betwene the Romaines and Samnites in Italy waxed and continued more fierce neuer ceasing besieging of Townes making incursions and robberies one into anothers countrey and running all ouer with rolling campes For these two Nations notable Souldiours and warlike people left nothing vnhazarded for the winning of Empire and Dominion one of another It happened also that y e Romaine Consuls with one part of their armie were come and encamped more néere the campe of the enimie to espie the tyme and aduauntages for them to fight and also to staye the enemie that they might thereby hold kéepe the Cities allied and confederate with them in suertie The other parte of the armie ledde Quinte Fabie Generall of the whole armie and soueraigne Dictator who wonne and forcibly to● ke the Citie of Ferent and sent two hundred of the principall Citizens to Rome prisoners whom for their common rebellion against the Romaines they according to the Lawe and maner of the Romane custome were whipt about the Citie and after beheaded in the great market place Shortlie after he entred the territorie of the Nolaines tooke the citie and by the sound of the drumme sold the butine thereof and deuided one parte of their lande amongs the men of warre Wherefore the Romanes séeing their affaires prosper and go forward sent a Colonie of Citizens into the Isle of Potide ¶ After the alliaunce made and confirmed betwene Cassander Ptolome Lysimache and Antigone Cassander putteth to death the yong Alexander and Roxanne his mother The .xlvij. Chapter THe yeare ensuing in which Thesimonide hadde the gouernement of Athens and that Ma● ke Valerie Publy Dece were at Rome created Consuls Cassander Ptolome and Lysimache treated a league and amiti● which was put in writing By which Cassander was declared and named Gouernour and Emperour of Europe Lysimache of Thrace Ptolome of Egipt and the Cities neere there about aswell in Lybie as Arabie And Antigone of all Asie vntil that Alexander Roxanne hir sonne came to his full age It was also concluded and agréed vppon that the Grekes should remayne and be at libertie after their accustomed lawes Neuerthelesse the sayde Princes continued nor remained not in that accord and appointement for euery of them by exquisite meanes went about to enlarge and encrease his Dominion and authoritie But Cassander séeing that Alexander y e sonne of Roxanne waxed and grewe in yeares and bignesse that in Macedon the voices went and men talked that it was néedfull and requisite to take Alexander oute of prison and to restore hym to the authoritie and gouernement of his fathers Realmes and fearing if that should so come to passe it would go awry with him commaunded Glaucye who had charge and kéeping of the infant secretlie to put him his mother to death whiche thing was spéedily done Through which facte both Cassander Ptolome Lysimache and Antigone so soone as they had thereof intelligence were clerely deliuered of the feare they had of the yong King Alexander For after him remayned no succe●● our of Alexander the great but euery of the Gouernours of the Countreys and Prouinces aspired the Kingdomes and principalities and after held and kept them as their owne inheritaunce acquired and gottē by the right and conquest of warre And the same tyme in Italy the Romaines with a great number of footemen and horse went to besiege the citie of Spolite in the countrey of Maruce and sent into that countrey a Colonie of their Citizens whom they called Interanneis The ende of the .xix. Booke of Diodorus Siculus the second part of this present volume and here beginneth the .xx. of this volume the third parte A little shorte Prologue wherin the Author declareth in what sorte it is commendable and well beseeming a good and perfect Historiā to vse Rhetoricke Orations Declarations and such other like NOt without iuste cause ought they which vnderstand and knowe the arte of Rhetorick to reproue their order which in Histories do admixt eyther too long or many orations bycause they by such impertinent and superfluous wordes doe not onely interrupt and breake the order of their narration but also do hinder the desire of the Readers for vnderstanding of the things passed And if suche Oratours and Rhetoritians wil by such orations shew their skill and learning and the elegancie of their spéeche and language they may particularly by them selues couch the orations and Ambassades apperteyning to Ambassadours the prayses and disprayses able and méete and other suche like and so vsing their arte and elegancie in such tales and busying them in this and that matter particularlie shall be cōmended therin Howbeit at this day some writers w t vsing the art Oratory reduce the greater part of Histories into Orations tales whiche to the Readers are verie tedious and yrkesome not only for that they haue naughtely written and made them but also bycause they no whit regarded the order and nature of the Historie By reason whereof suche as do read them verie ofte passe ouer vnread the saide orations and declarations which by great arte and cunning had bene composed and made or else for the length impertinencie are so weried that they leaue all vnread And not withoute good reason for the nature of an Historie is to be plaine and continued without interruption like as when the bodye of a man is dismembred it loseth hys kindely vertue but when it is whole ioyned togyther it hath then the full grace and perfect strength And so in like case the narration and setting forth of an History gyueth to the Reader thereof a manifest and delectable pleasure if it be playne and continued Notwithstanding I wil not altogyther reiect and forbidde the vse of Rhetoricke in an Historie for that to make it pleasant it ought with some varietie and copie to be garnished is therfore very requisite that in some corner place thereof be orations and declarations Neyther will I my selfe be altogyther voide of that facultie and arte when I shall come to the talke of any Ambassadoure Counsailour or other such graue personage but I will recite what he hath saide And they whiche haue not the knowledge to do that might find manie excuses and say they had forgotten to put it in which had ben expedient and necessarie in the same place to haue ben interlaced Therefore where things be worthie memory and profitable whereby the Historie should be garnished they ought not negligentlie to be passed ouer as it were vnder colour that they nothing serued to y e purpose not properlie couched and
certen victories which the Romaines haue vppon the Tyrrhenians and Samnites And of certen Innouations by Appie Claudie the Romaine Censor made in contempt and defacing of the Senate and nobles in fauoure of the communaltie The .v. Chapter ABout the same time the Tyrrhenians besieging the Citie of Souttre a colonie of the Romaines were in vattaill by the Romaine Consuls vanquished chased home into their campe whiche Romaines came thyther with great power of purpose to rayse their siege On the other side the Samnites séeing the Romaine armies farre from their countrey burnt wasted and pilled the landes and countrey of the Iapides confederats with the Romaines By reason whereof the Consuls were enforced to deuide their armie leauing Fabie in Toscane and sent Martie against the Samnites who tooke by force the citie of Aliphe and deliuered the Allies of the Romaine people from the necessitie and daunger they were in Agayne Fabie séeing that a great number of the Tyrrhenians were assembled to besiege the Citie of Souttre secretly departed from that quarter and passing throughe the territorie of their neighbours before they were espied entred the hie countrey whiche of long had bene vnpilled and vnrobbed of any enemie and spoyled and fouraged it all ouer and slew numbres of the paysaunts that resisted hym and tooke many prisoners Whiche done he went against Perouse and finding the Tyrrhenians there assembled in battaill discomfited them and slew a great numbre wherwith they were maruelously amazed for the Romaines had neuer ben so beforehand as Fabie was thē Who after that victorie trused with the Aretians Crotonians and Perousians and shortly after tooke by force the citie of the Tyrrhenians named Castolle by meane whereof they were enforced to raise their siege from before the citie of Souttre In this season Appie Claudie and Lucie Claudie were by the Romaines elect and named Censores And the said Appie being throughe flatterie of his companion in all doings followed chaunged and altered many of the ancient customes of the citie for he to please the communaltie had no regard to content the Senate And firste he caused a pipe of lead to be brought into the Citie by conductes foure score furlongs long to the great coste and charge of the common treasure withoute making the Senate any thing priuie thereto and called it after his owne name Appie He likewise caused the wayes and straights from Rome to Capue being a thousand furlongs distaunt betwene to be paued and called them Appie he playned and leuelled also all the rockes and mountaynes and filled vp all the ditches and vallies w t earth and rubushe so that he had about those works employed bestowed almost the whole reuenue of y e Citie to haue his name ymmortall for his liberalitie and munificence towardes the weale publicke besides great nouelties and chaunges in the Senate by him made For where in times past were none but of the noblest houses and greatest wealth admitted to the dignitie of a Senator he put in many sclaues borne wherewith the nobles and gentlemen were greatly offended He likewise graunted to euery of the Citizens to enrolle writte him selfe in what tribe he would and in the same paye his rente Moreouer when he perceyued the nobles wholie moued and bent against him he woulde do nothing that in any wise should seeme to please or content them nor do any thing according to their intention and desire that by any meane might displease the meane sorte of the communaltie making in this sorte hys parte good against the nobles through the good willes of the commons So that when it came to the musters of the horssemen he woulde not once reiect any horsse of theirs and in vewing the Senate would not put backe one of the infamed according to the auncient custome therein always before obserued and kepte By reason whereof the Senates to despite him when they assembled the Senate would not once cal to counsail the Senators by him appointed but onely those whiche before had ben by the others Censors nominated and chosen Howbeit the communaltie thinking to please Appie to vpholde and mainteyne that whiche he had done and also desiring that the promotion of their kinsfolkes and friends by him pronounced Senators might take effect chose to the chief and principall office of Edilite Gne Flauie sonne to a bondman whiche thing in Rome was neuer before seene When all these things were finished and done and that the ende and terme of Appie was cōsumed and determined to auoyde the malice and displeasure of the nobles cōceyued against him he feigned and countrefaited blindnesse and neuer after remoued out of his owne house ¶ After Ptolome Prince of Egipt hath restored one parte of the Cities of Grece to libertie he for despite and in recompence of their breach of promisse with him concludeth a peace with Cassander And Cleopatre sister to Alexander the great comming on hir waye towardes hym is by the commaundement of Antigone miserablie slayne The .vj. Chapter THe yeare that Carine helde the principalitie of Athens and at Rome were created Cōsuls Publie Decie and Quite Fabie● and in the Olympiade the Cxxvij Ptolome Prince of Egipt went to Sea with a great armie from Mynde and sayling alongest the Isles of Grece deliuered first Andrie from the subiection of Antigone● and expulsed his garrisons From thence he sayled to the straight of Peloponnese called Isthmus and there tooke the cities of Sycione Corynth and Cratesipole and restored them to libertie fully de● ermined to do the lyke to the rest of the cities in Grece thinking thereby to get great good will and fauoure and so to fortifie and make strong his estate But after he sée that the Peloponnesians would not with victuals and money ayde him according to their promisse he for despite and anger allied and cōcluded a peace with Cassander wherein was declared agreed on that euery of them should gouerne the Cities and Prouinces alreadie in their possessions And vppon that conclusion after he had garrisonned Sycione and Corinth he returned into Egipt In the meane while Cleopatre séeing the enimitie dayly betwene hir and Antigone encrease determined to ioyne with Ptolome and so departed from the Citie of Sardis meaning to séeke hym out It is to be vnderstood that Cleopatre was sister to Alexander the great and sometime wife to Alexander late King of Epyre deceased whiche warred in Italie whome for the noblenesse of hir ligne and stemme Cassander Lysimache Antigone Ptolome and in effect all the puissaunt and renowmed Princes Chieftaynes which remained after Alexander the great greatly desired to wife thinking that the Macedonians would soone obey and follow him who shoulde marry hir by reason of the affinitie he should haue in the bloud Royall and be held for chief and soueraigne ouer the rest But the deputie of the Citie of Sardes for Antigone hauing from hym expresse charge and cōmaundement to take
diligent héede she departed not incontinent stayed hir going And after by the commaundement of Antigone throughe certen women whome he had for that purpose corrupted put hir to death And bycause Antigone woulde not séeme to be the Author of so execrable a murder he by iustice put to death certen of the said women as if they had perpetrated and committed some hainous facte and verie honorably buried the body of the Ladie as apperteyned to so noble a Dame In this sorte Cleopatre for marriage of whome all the noble and renowmed Princes were at debate and controuersie before the time of marriage ended hir life ¶ After the taking and razing of Munichie Demetre Antigone his sonne by his Fathers commaundement restoreth Athens Megare and many other Cities of Grece to libertie and of their liberalitie towardes him and the honours they iudged him worthie for that his benefite good turne The .vj. Chapter THe same yéere in which Anaxicrate held y e gouernement of Athens and that Appie Claudie and Lucie Volamine were at Rome created Consuls when Demetre Antigone his sonne to execute his Fathers cōmaundement for restauration of the Cities of Grece to libertie had gotten togyther a great number of footemen shippes plentie of armoure and all other munition méete necessarie for a siege he loused from Ephesus and sayled directly to the Citie of Athens by Cassander garrisoned And after he had before the Porte of Pyrea pitched his campe he caused by an edict his fathers commaundement to be published for the restauration of the cities of Grece to libertie But Dionise Captayne of Munychie and Demetre Phalerey deputie of Athens for Cassander right ouer against him had with Souldiours māned their walles and curtens Neuerthelesse some of Antigone his Souldiours had gotten one quarter of the curten of Pire standing vppon the Sea side named Acten and there slew and repulsed the enimie whiche was the cause of the taking of Pyre Howbeit Dionise retired into Munichie and Demetre Phalerey into the Citie of Athens who the next day in the morning was by the commoners sent in an Ambassade towardes Demetre before whom he propounded aswell the deliueraunce of the citie and Citizens as also his owne But when he see he could no whit impetrate or get graunt for the said Citie but for him selfe only he fled into Egipt to Ptolome and so abandoned hys Countrey after he had gouerned the citie .x. yeares And after the people had gotten libertie they adiudged the authors thereof worthie perpetuall honours In this meane tyme Demetre hauing great prouision of shot and engines for to assault both by Sea and land besieged Munychie Howbeit Dionise and his souldiours had great aduantage of the enimie by reason the towne was of great heigth and the scituation of the walles agréeing thereto so that they right valiauntlie defended it although Demetre hadde maruelous great prouision of all things And lastly after he had two dayes togyther without staye assaulted the castle he shreudlie daunted the courages of y e defendants bycause the greater number were sore hurte and gald with shot not able to releue the curten with fresh men and the assailaunts by reason of their mightie numbre continuallie refreshed and releued their Souldiers and thereby at last wanne the castle and tooke Dionise Captayne thereof prisoner After he hadde in short tyme atchieued this victorie he razed Munychie restored the Athenians to their pristinate libertie and with them allied and made an inuiolable peace By reason of which benefite they by the commaundement of Stratocle ordeyned that the statues or Images of Antigone and Demetre should be set vp in golde hard by Armodie and Aristogiton and farther sent to eche of them a crowne of golde worth two hundred Talents They likewise rered an Altare called the Altare of their deliuerers and added and annexed to their .x. Tribes two more wherof the one called Antigonide and the other Demetriade They farther ordeyned euery yeare in their honoure games and sacrifices to be made as vnto Goddes and that their Statues and Images shoulde be wound and couered ouer with a couerchief of the Goddes Pallas And thus the Gouernement and libertie populer which the Athenians had in the Lamian warre lost vnder Antipater was restored to them vnlooked for .xv. yeares after The like did Demetre to the citie of Megare by Cassander garrisoned whom they also honoured as they did the first After all these matters when the Ambassadors of Athens came to Antigone to present the Decrée made by the citie in the honour of him and hys Sonne and to desire him of timber and other stuffe for the buylding of certen shippes and corne to victuall them he gaue Cl. thousand Medymnes of wheat and so much timber and other stuffe as would build a hundred tall shippes and rendred to thē the citie of Imbre which he kept farther writte to Demetre his sonne to depute and appointe all the Conseruators of y e frée cities of Grece to haue charge and authoritie to consulte and puruey for all things apperteyning to the conseruation of their libertie and y e done incontinent to take shipping and saile into Cypres to fight with the Lieutenaunts of Ptolome ¶ Demetre Antigone his sonne vanquisheth in a battaill at Sea Ptolome before the Citie of Salamine in Cypres and by that meane winneth the whole Isle from him And after the said Antigone Demetre and Ptolome take vppon them the Tytles and Dyademes of Kings The .viij. Chapter WHen Demetre had executed and performed hys Fathers commaundement concerning the restauration of the Cities of Grece he sailed into Carie from thence sent his Ambassadoures to the Rhodians to persuade them to allie and ioyne with him in the warre against Ptolome whereunto they would not agrée but concluded to be in amitie and friendship with them both and not to make or medle with any of their doings which was the first occasion and chief cause that plucked away the harts of the Rhodians from Antigone From thence loused Demetre and passing elongest the Isle of Sicile leuied shippes and Souldiours and sayled into Cypres hauing with him .xv. thousand footemen .iiij. hundred horsse and of Pumasses and excellent fine Gallies Cx. besides Liij other of greater burden méete for the warres and a number of Barques laden with victuals and other necessarie hablements for the armie And first he landed on the coast of Carpasie and there encamped hard by the shoare which he entrenched with déepe ditches and trenches From thence he went to the siege of Vranie making incursions on the Countrey in the waye and tooke them That done leauing a sufficient number for the garde of his shippes he marched on to Salamine whereof Menelaye was deputie for Ptolome who had leuied a number of mē in the Isle and retired into Salamine hauing intelligēce that Demetre was approched within .xl. furlongs of the citie he marched oute against him with
.xij. thousande footemen and .viij. hundred horsse and encountred him in battaill but after the horssemen had a while lustely charged one another the Menelaians retired and fled and the Demetrians séeing the victorie theirs subsecuted and chased them harde to the walles of the citie so that they slewe aboute a thousand and tooke aboue thrée thousand prisoners Whome Demetre reteyned in wages and deuided amongs hys bandes But when he see they dayly fled from him to Menelaye bycause their goods and baggage were left in Egipt with Ptolome and that he could not reduce thē to his amitie and seruice he enbarqued y e rest and sent them to his father lying in the hier Syrie where he buylt about the ryuer Oronte a verie sumptuous Citie called after his owne name Antigone being foure score furlongs about Now was this a méete and necessarie place to get and hold the imperiall dominion of Babylon and al the hier and lower Satrapies in subiection notwithstanding it stoode not or continued long for Seleuke shortly after destroyed it and transported the inhabitaunts into an other citie of his foūdation and building called after his name Seleuke After Demetre hadde bene victor in the battaill aforesaid Menelaye and the reste of his Souldiours which escaped and had gotten the Citie of Salamine made great preparation of shot and engines for their defence and suretie deuiding the quarters of their walles with the towers and flankers betwene them bycause they sée that Demetre determined with al his power and force to attempt and assault the citie They also sent into Egipt to Ptolome signifying to hym of their estate aud daunger solliciting him to send hys ayde and helpe When Demetre sée that the Citie was mightie and strong and throughlie māned he determined to make huge mightie engines wherewith they commonly vsed to besiege and ouerthrow Townes and Cities which shot stones and other kinde of shot of all sortes against the walles and the residue of his prouision maruelous terrible to batter ouerthrow the same For exploiting wherof he sent for a wonderful number of workemen and artificers plentie of yron and such other stuffe out of Syrie so that in short tyme he had prepared and made readie all things to batter and ouerthrow the walles But amongs other his deuises he caused an engine to be made called Helepolis to saye an ouerthrower of cities .xl. cubits eche waye square and foure score and ten cubits hie in which were .ix. stories or sellers deuided one from another with planchers of wood all running vppon foure great wheles .viij. cubits hie He had also many other engines called Rammes very large great to batter any wall two great and puissaunt Tortoises to helpe them In the lowermost sellers of the Helepolis he planted store of engines and ordinaunce which threw and shot stones the greater sorte waying thrée Talents In the middle stories he planted engines made like boltes shooting long sharpe shot and in the hier stages were other whiche shot lesse and lighter He placed also in the saide roomes or stories two hundred experte Souldiours to shoote off and handle the said ordinaunce and engines After he hadde placed his engines of battery against the wall he in short time beat down the toppes and batlements of the curten and after sore battered and shaked the walles Howbeit the besieged so valiauntly defended their Citie with such weapon and engines as they had prepared against the assaultes that for certen dayes no mā could iudge of the winning of the citie suche were the noble hartes and courages inuincible of the honorable Captaynes and lustie Souldiours on eyther side But to be short the wall was so sore battered and shaken and a long breach made that the citie was disfurnished of defence and no remedy but to yelde or be taken the nexte day following if there were not found some newe maner of defence that night before the assault ceassed Wherfore the Menelayans hauing great store and plenty of drie wood and suche like stuffe whiche soone would take fire about midnight so néere approched y e engines of the enimie that with long poles and other which they had lighted they cast in fire so that in lesse thā an houre the fire grew so quicke and terrible that they had burnt the greater part of the engines and the souldiours within them which thing the Demetrians coulde not helpe and auoide by reason of the sodainenesse therof And althoughe Demetre for that time was frustrate of hys determination purpose yet had he good hope and still vrged to take the citie continuing the siege both by Sea land not doubting but in the ende to winne it In this meane while Ptolome hauing intelligēce of the affaires and slaughter of his people departed oute of Egipt and tooke sea with a great power sayling towardes Salamine and being dryuen into the Porte of Paphe in the Isle of Cypres he there landed and got togyther all the ships of the cities thereabout and from them made his course to Syrie distaunt from Salamine two hundred furlongs He had in his Nauie an Cl. Gallies wherof the greater were of .v. tier of ores on a side and the lesser of foure he had also aboue two hundred Barques wherein were enbarqued aboue ten thousand souldiours and the reste laden with baggage and other prouisiō He sent by land likewise certen Messangers to Menelaye commaunding him if it were possible to send the .lx. Gallies lying in the hauē of Salamine which ioyned with his he thought to be much stronger at sea then Demetre hauing two hundred Gallies or better When Demetre vnderstoode of Ptolome his comming he left the siege furnished before the citie and enbarqued the rest of his Souldiours with great store of shot and engines which shot far off planting them in the noses of his Gallies and when he had arranged them all in order of battaill he enuironed the Towne and in the mouth of the hauen cast ancre and road there all that night withoute the daunger of the shot bothe for stopping of the Gallies which laye in the Port that they should not get out to ioyne with Ptolome and also to sée what course Ptolome kept to the ende that which waye soeuer he came he would be arranged and readie in order of battaill to fight But after the day once appeared he might descry a mightie and terrible Nauie of Ptolomes sayling towards the citie whereat he was astonied wherfore he left his Admirall Anthiston with ten Gallies of fiue tier of ores in the place where he laye to garde and take héede that the Gallies of the Towne made not out commaunded hys horsemen to ryde all alongest the shoare to the end that if any mischief happened him they might saue them which were ouerthrowen into the sea and swamme to lande and him selfe in order of battaill sailed against the enemie with a Nauie of a Cviij saile with those
he receyued of the cities he wanne whereof the greater were of vij tier and the rest of .v. tier And first in the left wing or rereward he placed .vij. Phenician Gallies of .vij. tier and of the Athenians .xxx. of foure tier appointing Mede the leading of that battaill behinde them he placed ten of sixe tier and ten of fiue tier meaning to fortifie and strengthen that well wherein him selfe paraduenture would fight In the middle wing or maine battaill he placed the lesser Gallies the charge of which he committed to Themise the Samian and Martian the Historian who writte the déedes and gestes of the Macedonians The right wing or vowarde lead Egesippe the Alicarnasian and Plescias of Coho Admirall of the whole Nauie Now had Ptolome in the night loosed and with all possible speede sailed towardes Salamine thinking to preuent the enimie if he could gette into the Porte of Salamine But when it waxed néere daye he might discry not farre of the Nauie of the enimie in order of battaill Wherefore he got togyther hys Gallies and arranged them as followeth First he commaunded that the barques should come a good way behinde and arranged the rest in good and compotent order placing him self in the left wing or rereward wherin was the greatest power and strength When he had ordered and placed hys battaill the Souldiours on eyther side made the prayers and supplications to the Goddes in loude maner according to their custome And y e Chieftayns considering that y e hazard of their liues whole estate stood thereon were very carefull and sore troubled in mynde aboute the same But so soone as they were approched within thrée furlongs one of an other Demetre first gaue the signe and token of battaill to his Souldiours halsing a terge of golde in the poupe of hys Gallie in the view of the whole Nauie and shortlie after Ptolome did the like Then sounded y e trumpets to battaill and forthwith beganne a fierce and violent fight with shot and dartes being a pretie distaunce asundre wherein on eche side were many sore hurte but after they drew neerer there was flinging of great mightie stones and the Marryners for their liues rowed as harde and forcibly as they could so that at the bording was a terrible affray for they violently rushing one by another brake and carried away one anothers ores to the ende there should be no flight nor yet any great forcible assayling Some encountred one an other afore and there fought hande to hand some borded on the broad side y e eas● ier to get into the enimie bycause it is difficile and hard to laye abord about the beake or forebough of a Gallie other some thinking to enter fell into the Sea and were slaine w t the shorte pikes of the enimie some entred and slewe many en●● ies and made the rest leape into the Sea so that in the ende happened diuerse aduentures and victories vnlooked for For often tymes the lesser Gallies borded and tooke the greater bycause they were so heauie that they could not so readily remoue and turne to and fro And although in fight on lande the vertue and prowes of the Grekes winneth them victorie whiche by no fortune or chaunce can any way be let or stopped yet in conflictes at Sea diuerse and sundrie wayes it chaunceth that the greater power and most lykely contrary to mannes reason is soonest vanquished and ouerthrowen But in this battaill Demetre amongs the rest most valiauntlie bare him selfe for he getting vp to the poupe of a Gailie of .vij. tier of ores which he had wōne so stoutely fought against the Souldiours within that what with dartes and Iauelings he slewe of thē a great number and some with playne hand stroks And althoughe great store of shot came against him yet put he by and eschewed some receyued the rest on his armoure And for the thrée men whiche continually were aboute him the one was with the pushe of a pyke slayne the other two with shot sore hurt But to be short he so cheualrouslie exployted his matters that he put to flight y e right wing or voward of y e enemie as many as were next them And Ptolome with his greatest and most warlike Gallies put to flight the leaft wing or rerewarde of the enimie sinking some and pryzing the rest with so many as were within them And returning as victor to the ayde of his right wing or vowarde whiche was discomfited and put to flight he séeing the Demetrians pursuing and chasing them and after making towardes him was so afraid that he fled into the Citie of Citin When Demetre had at Sea atchieued and gottē this victory he deuided hys Nauie and gaue the charge to Neon and Burick two of his Captaynes commaunding them to pursue and chase the enimie and take in as many of his souldiours as they founde swimming and him selfe with the rest of his Nauie and his prizes carried ensignes and tokens of victorie into his campe lying about the Porte of Salamine In the meane while that these two Prouinces were in fight Menelaye deputie of the Citie of Salamine had enbarqued a numbre of men of warre in the .lx. Gallies ryding in the hauen of Salamine to send in Ptolome his ayde appointing for Admirall Menete who with such violence rowed out vpon the .x. Gallies which garded the entry of the hauen that he put them all to flight and made them haste towardes the shoare where Demetre his horssemen were But the Menetians preuented of the enemie came a daye after the faire and were fayne to returne to their citie In this fight were aboue a hundred Barques taken with .viij. thousand Souldiours .xl. Gallies and the Souldiours within them and foure score sore frushed and shaken which Demetre his Souldiours brought awaye laden to the siege lying before the entry of the Porte of Salamine There were not of Demetre his Gallies aboue .xx. lost After this victorie Ptolome despayring in the defence kéeping of the Isle of Cypres returned into Egipt and incontinent after his departure Demetre got in subiection all the Townes and Cities of the countrey togyther al the garrisons within them to the number of .xvj. thousand footemen and .vj. hundred horsse whiche he deuided amongs his armie When he had finished and accomplished all these things he embarqued certen of hys most warlikest Gallies he had and sent them to hys Father signifying to him of his notable and triumphāt victorie who was so glorious and proude thereof that he tooke vppon him the name of a King and Diademe Royal and after bare hym as a King willing Demetre his Sonne to do the same Ptolome likewise notwithstanding hys great ouerthrow and losse in Cypres to shewe he had lost neyther hart or courage tooke vppon him the name of a King and in all his letters and proclamations to all mē so entituled and named him self By whose example the other
diuerse other sundrie kind of people who followed the Campe to traffique For knowing that the Rhodians had ben long without wars they thought there would be such store of wealth in the Countrey whereby the Marchaunts should be great gayners When Demetre had set all things in readinesse he went to Sea and so ordered his shippes as though he would fight And first he placed his Gallies in the first front in their noses he couched great engines which shot great sharp arowes of wood .iij. spānes about next them came the shippes whiche carried the horses whiche were haled out by the Gallies and other small pynnaces rowed with ores In the latter flote came the Pyrats and Marchaunts aforesaide so that all the Sea betwene the citie and the firme land was couered with shippes which sight sore dismayed and troubled the citizens Neuerthelesse they with their Souldiours and so many as were able to beare armes manned their walles and bulwarkes awayting the approche of the enimie and the olde people and children were set in the garrets and hiest places of the houses to beholde them for the citie stoode so vppon the Sea like vnto a Theatre that they might clearely sée the hugenesse of the shippes and the braue glistering armoures and helmes whiche was a terrible thing to sée and that made them carefull of their estate and Citie Shortly after Demetre landed and encamped before the citie without daūger of the shot incontinent after he had pitched his camp sent out his Pyrats a nother cōpanie thoroughout the Isle to spoyle and robbe it both by sea and land And further himselfe caused to fel the trées pull down the houses in the fieldes to make and buyld vp the lodgings and fortifications in hys Campe which he with a treble of wood earth fortified y t it might be the strōger against the force and power of the enimie He likewise filled the voide ground and places betwixt the Citie the Porte and left at the Sea side onely a space for the Nauie to ryde in In the meane while the Rhodians sent many and sundrie tymes Ambassadoures to praye hym not to do them any hurte But when they perceyued he would giue them no reasonable aunswere they sent to Ptolome Caslander and Lysimache requiring them to come to the aide and succour of the citie which for their quarrell was besieged and oppressed During this time it was put to choise of the inhabitaunts within the citie able to beare armoure aswell Citizens as Forainers whether they would tarry and abyde the daunger of the siege or else departe the towne and so many as would not tarry as also those which were vnméete for the defence thereof they excluded the citie f● reséeing y t their victualles thereby shoulde last longer and that no man should saye he was there against hys will besieged and so not content therewith might deuise and ymagine some treason or villanie against the Citie This done they mustered the remnaunt whiche were aboute sixe thousand Citizens and aboue a thousande straungers They moreouer made and published a Decree wherein was agreeed that all the sclaues whiche valiauntly serued in the same siege should with the common treasure be bought set at libertie and that their bodies slaine in those warres should be enterred their Fathers mothers wyues and children at the despence and cost of the Citie mainteyned their daughters with the money of the common treasure endowed and the men children when they were out of their minoritie crowned and armed in the theatre with all suche solempnities as sometyme were done to Dionise to the ende their Citizens should with greater courage defend and mainteyne the citie Whē they had thus by an whole and common consent accorded the riche men disburst money the artisans and workemen labored to make armoures engines and other things necessary for their defence so that in effecte euery man according to hys calling in that he was most skilful and excellent did his best some made Crosbowes and engines other repared and strengthned the walles and the greater sorte carried stones and earth to the curten They sent also out of the Port thrée of the lightest shippes best sailers to gyue an alarme to the enimie and especiallie vnto the victuallers who much more exploited than they thought them able for they soonke many Marchaunts shippes whiche followed the campe to traffique spoyle and buy the pillage and brought a great number into the Porte which they after burnt and tooke many prisoners of whome they according to the appointement conclusion in that behalf betwene Demetre and them accorded and agréed vpon tooke a great summe of money which was this that the prisoners taken on eyther syde shoulde be ransomed as followed First that a frée man should paye a thousande Dragmes and a bond man .v. hundred When Demetre had prepared and gotten abundaunce of al things he buylt two great tortoises made of bords and couered with leather that would not burne the one to defende his Souldiours from the stones the other to defend them from quarrelles and such like shot whiche two engines were set vpon two shippes of burden ioyned and grappeled togyther an egall distaunce the one from the other He caused also to be set vpon two other shippes two towers of wood euery of them hauing .iiij. stages or stories much hier than the towers within the Porte to assaile and batter them with great artillerie other shot He made also a notable rāpier of great tymber hollowed-nayled and pinned togither which swāme foure féete aboue the water as a defence before the ships which carried the towers and engines and great artillerie bycause the shippes of the Towne whiche were great and mightie shoulde not borde them with their beakes and so quash and breake them or else vtterly repulse them In the meane tyme while these things were brought to an ende he picked oute hys strongest Barques and furnished them with thicke plan● hers made out with great wyndowes which serued in stead of Port holes to open and shut at which he placed great mightie crosbowes and other artillary which shot great arrowes and farre of and men also cunning in the handling of them besides a great number of other archers and Arbalisters of the countrey of Crete All which preparations thus made as aforesaide after the saide shippes and engines were approched the wall within daunger of the shot he sore hurte and gald the Townes men which manned and defended the towers and Bulwarkes in the Porte When the Rhodians sée that al the force and power of the enimie was bent against the Porte they with all their studie deuised howe to defend it Whereupon they planted two engines of Artillary vppon a Bulwarke adioyning to the Porte and other thrée engines vppon thrée ear●● cques néere the entry of the little hauen wherein were men crosbowes shot stones other things necessary of great force to withstand
bodye or spirit so that vnder his conduct were made the greatest engines of artillary and greatest shotte that euer were séene or heard He hadde also at Sea the most huge and mightie shippes after that siege and after hys Fathers death that euer were built or séene When the Rhodians sée the great furniture and preparation that he made to come against them they buylt and set vp within the vttermost wall for their defence a countermure of stone least y e first Wall should be sore battered and shakē For performaunce wherof to haue store of stone they pulled downe the wall whiche encōpassed the Theatre and many houses ioyning thereto besides certen temples vowing to the Gods in whose honour they were built and consecrated that they would build and set vp muche beautifuller Temples if they escaped that siege They armed moreouer .ix. tall shippes and sent them out of the Porte eyther to sinke or bring in so many of the enimies as they encountred that they might be Masters of the Sea whiche shippes were into thrée partes deuided whereof the thrée called the Scoult Demophile had charge and sayled directly to the Isle Carpathe where they founde a great many sailes of the enemie some of which after long fight they sonke and brought away the rest to the Port of Rhodes and after set them on fire But a great numbre of the chief and principall Souldiours and Marryners whiche were in them● that went to robbe and spoyle the fruictes and commodities of the Isle they kept still in prison Menedore Captayne of other three sailed towardes the Countrey of Lycie and finding in the Porte of Patare a great ship vnmanned laden with victualles for that the Marriners were gone on land he burnt it in their sight and tooke besides many other smal Barques laden with victualles which he sent to the Rhodes he tooke a Gallie also coming out of Cilice in which amongs other things was found much royall riche and precious attire that Phile Demetre his wife had sent to hir husband which apparel he sent into Egipt to King Ptolome and brought the Gallie into the Porte of the Rhodes and ransomed all the men both in that and in the rest The third Captayne named Amynthe who hadde charge of the reste throughe long sayling fortuned to descrye a numbre of Barques laden with wood and suche like stuffe to make engines kéeping their course towards the camp whom he had in chase some of which he sonke and brought the rest home to Rhodes hauing a great numbre of prisoners amongs whome were .xj. of Demetre hys moste excellent enginers Betwene these doings y e gouernours of the Towne beganne to animate the commoners to throwe downe the Images of Antigone and Demetre which they had set vp before the warres in their honor saying it were no reason that they which held them besieged as enemies should stande amongs their friendes and benefactours Notwithstanding the people woulde not consent thereto but sharplie rebuked those whiche vrged and put forward the matter And surely the people aswell for the honour of the citie as for the profit cōmoditie therof had therein great reason Which constancy of the Rhodians got not onely great commendaciō and honor amongs al their neighbours friends but also amongs all forreners strangers which knew it Agayne the assaylaunts seeing their ● ranchise bountie repented that euer they came against them considering they had restored to libertie all the other Cities of Grece who neuer had shewed any signe or token of beneuolence or gratitude towardes them And that Citie which by experience had manifested so great acknowledging of good wil and bountie they went about vtterly to subuerte and bring to ruyne Which thing if it had ben well and iustlie considered was a good occasion for them to haue deliuered the Rhodians frō the great daunger they were in And besides if peraduenture the citie hadde ben taken they might well haue aunswered no breach of peace in them bycause they had alwayes desired to haue continued amitie and friendship with Demetre his father which of the Rhodians was very wisely and circumspectly considered But when they were aduertized by one who fled from the campe that Demetre had with his Myoners vndermyned one corner of the wall they digged a very déepe trenche and countermyned the enimie so that they could no farther passe but euery of them at the entry and mouthes of the mynes kept diligent watche And as Demetre was thus vndermyning to ouerthrow the curtē certen of the Demetrians had practized to corrupt Anathagore of Mylete sent thyther by Ptolome with the charge of shippes as generall to the Mylesians that he would suffer Demetre to enter the Citie by the mynes wherunto Anathagore accorded So there was a day taken betwene them when Demetre should send one of his chief Captaynes whome he promised to thrust into the town by the mynes that he might sée how to bring in the rest of the Souldiours withoute But after they were agréed vpon the practize wherein Demetre had great hope the Mylesian reueled the matter to the Senate Notwithstanding at the day prefixed and assigned Demetre sent one of the friendes and domesticals of the King of Macedone named Alexander to the said myne whome the townes men incontinent tooke prisoner and after crowned Anathagore with a Crowne of golde and rewarded hym with fiue hundred Talents of siluer to the ende to gyue greater encouragement to the other Mercenaries and straungers within the Town iustly and truly to serue in the said siege When Demetre see he could thereby nothing preuayle and hauing finished and made readie all hys engines and playned the waye wherein they should be drawē he planted in the middest the great Helepolis and the .viij. Tortoises without rammes he planted on eche side the Helepolis foure wel couered and porched and the wayes couered frō one to another like porches so that men without daunger might passe to and fro Ouer and besides these engines he hadde two other rammes of wood of a maruelous greatnesse which were brought thyther eche of them sixe score féete long and the beaks or points armed with yron like vnto the Gallie nose so that there could not be fewer than a thousande men to driue and runne them against a wall albeit to conducte and bring them fewer would serue bycause they went vpon wheles When he had brought his engines néere the Wall and had appointed in euery storie of the Helepolis such number of shot of all sortes as hym thought good He sent to the porte and to his men about the Sea and all other quarters of the towne cōmaunding them to approche and seale the wall And forthwith marched on with the footemen to gyue the attempt and assaulte so that in one moment the towne in euery corner was assayled and the walles with great engines of artillary battered and they whiche manned the
curtens were w t quarrelles stones sore hurt But to sée how the Rhodians defended was wonder While these matters were at this point and that the assault had long tyme continued the Ambassadours of the Guidians came to entreat Demetre for their Citie to leaue of and raise hys siege promising to persuade the Rhodians to performe hys demaundes which with reason might be graunted whervnto he gladly agreed But after the assault ceased and that the Ambassadours had long gone aboute all partes of the curten debating with them to and fro to yeld and to consider the daunger they were in the King séeing yt impossible to persuade them gaue a freshe assaulte more fierce and terrible than the first and with his Artillary so beate them that he battered and ouerthrewe a great square Tower of stone and the wall it stoode on all to pouder so that the Souldiours of the towne could not that waye passe to go to their other towers and defenses Notwithstanding the Attemptaunts throughe the wonderfull and valiaunt defence of the Citizens could not all that daye enter the Town In this meane while arriued at the Hauen a great number of barques laden with corne and great plenty of other victuals by King Ptolome sent out of Egipt who with a prosperous wind sayled a maine vnder all sayles and entred the Hauen maugre all Demetre his Nauie who did al that in them laye to barre them the Porte And as it were al at one time certen other shippes laden with victualles sent from Cassander and Lysimache arriued Whereupō the Citizens which before were in great feare and necessitie tooke now such courage that they wholie determined to sallie oute on the enimie and set on fire their engines And thereuppon they made great prouision of drie wood and such other stuffe for fire workes when they had appointed all their shot to that side on the wall where the engines were planted they which were put out of the Town began about midnight al at one throw to cast fire in diuerse sorte against the engines and their garders and the Souldiours from the curten so lustely applied them with shotte which came to the rescous that the whole armie was in maruelous terrour as of a thing not precogitated or thought on But the Demetrians fearing the burning and spoyle of all their Engines fiersly ranne to their rescue and by reason of the darknesse of the night the fire carriers being alwayes in sighte were very sore hurte and stryken downe bycause they could not in the darke auoyde the shot which came on them Neuerthelesse after the Rhodians hadde once perceyued that the plates of yron wherewith the great Helepolis was armed were fallen of they then in all they might cast fire aboute the bare naked places But they within diligently quenched the fire with water which they had for the purpose made readie Howebeit when Demetre sée the fire stil encrease fearing y e consummation of all his engines he caused them at the sound of the Trumpette to be drawen awaye by those who had the charge The nexte daye in the morning he commaunded his Souldiours to gather togyther all the shot which came out of the Towne to the end he would haue a gesse what furniture they hadde within whiche thing was spéedely done and by the reporte that was made they coniectured to be within engines of artillary for fire workes aboue .viij. hundred of diuerse bignesse and of other artillary as crosbowes and such like aboue a thousand Wherefore when he hadde séene such plenty of shot in so short tyme in one night he greatly wondred at the maruelous wealth and dispence of the Citie and yet he more wondered at their furniture Neuerthelesse after he had taken order for the burying of the dead and healing of the hurt mē he then repaired and amended his engines of artillary During which time the Citizens being at reaste and without daunger of battery made a crosse wall within the Town enuironning all that part of the wall which was in daunger and besides cast a déepe trenche at the corner of the Wall whiche was beaten downe to staye the King that he should not by any great or impetuous force entre the Citie by assault They sent oute also secretly Amynthe with a number of their fittest saylers who before anie thing was perceyued had gotten y e coast of Asie right ouer against the Isle where Demetre had thrée tall and mightie shippes whiche the Pirates had brought in the ayde of the King whom he there borded and after a whiles fight tooke them and all that were a borde amongs whome he had Thimocles Prince of the Pirates He tooke besides these many other small Barques laden with victualles cōming towardes the camp all which he brought by night into the Rhodes withoute knowledge of the enimie Soone after that Demetre had repared and amended his engines of battery he ageyne brought them as neere the wal as was possible and with great force of shot repul● ed all that stoode to the defence and towers of the curten and with his rammes other engines of battery so sharpely battered them that he threw downe two Turrets Howbeit the Souldiours of the Tower or Bulwarke that stood betwene the two Turrets defended it so valiauntlie that it was nothing shaken neuerthelesse many of the Souldiours were slayne and Ananie Captayne thereof Amongs these enterfacts Ptolome had ageyne sent another fléete laden w t asmuch corne and other necessarie things as before w t a thousand Souldiours vnder the conducte of Antigone the Macedonian In this meane while arriued before Demetre aboue L. Ambassadours sent by the Athenians and other cities of Grece desiring him to conclude an inuiolable peace with the Rhodians and rayse hys siege whereunto he agréed and for certen dayes the Ambassadours and diuerse other messengers were sent on all handes to treat a peace but in the ende they agreed not so that the Ambassadoures returned withoute conclusion After their departure he by treason determined to wynne the Citie and by night to thrust in his Souldiours at the great breach And thereuppon he chose oute a thousand of his valiauntest and best trayned Souldiours commaunding them about midnight faire and easely without noyse to approche the Wall on that side the rest he arranged in order of battail and at that very instant with so great noyse as might be gaue an assault round about the town both by sea and land And incontinent they whiche were charged to enter the breache violently rushed in and slew the watche whiche garded the trenche so that they entred the towne and ment to winne the Bulwarkes and Bastils standing about the Theatre When the gouernours of the Rhodians vnderstood the case and seeing al the Citie in great terror and maruelous feare they commaunded them whiche manned the Port and Walles not once to remoue frō their charge but valiauntly stand to the defence thereof and
and besides for the space of .xxxvj. yéeres gouerned the countreys of Cappadoce and Paphlagone The same season also Cassander after the departure of Demetre recouered the cities he had lost in Thessalie and sent in Lysimache his aide Plisterche one of his captains into Asie w t the greater parte of his armie being about xxij M. footmen and .v. C. horsse But after Plistarche was come to the straight of Hellespont and sée it garded by Demetre his Souldiours he returned The ende of the third Booke The fourth Booke is taken out the wise Plutarque in the life of Demetre ¶ Antigone comming to battail against the enimie is throughe the default of hys sonne Demetre slayne The first Chapter ABoute the spring the two armies to saye Antigone and Demetre on the one parte and the Kings confederate on y e other with great power came into y e fields one against an other For Antigone had about Lxx. thousand footemē .iiij. thousand horse and Lxxv. Elephantes And on the enimies side were about Lxiiij thousand footmen .xv. thousand horsse foure score Elephantes and Cxx. armed charriots When the two armies were in viewe one of an other Antigone was maruelously troubled and very pensife For there ranne in hys fantasie many things and especially the great daunger and hazard of that battaill whereof he no lesse doubted the losse than he had good hope of victorie And although one waye by reason of his continual victories he well hoped but chiefly for the fame and reputation by him newly gotten for hys laste victorie in Cypres yet he agayne as a wise man and one experimented in martiall pollicies considered the varietie of Fortune who is neuer firme or stable but still delighteth in mutation and chaunge All whiche things throughly wayed he became so sore troubled and gréeued that where he before in other warres and battailles was accustomed to speake lowde and fiercely in reproche and despite of the enimie and set forth hys stoutenesse and magnanimitie he then without words was altogyther heauie pensiue which imported a maruelous thought and care in him as if he had had some present infelicitie in his head which sodaynly happened him He did also at that time as they said many things whiche he neuer woonted to do For he there openly in presence of al declared and named his sonne Demetre successor of hys realme as thoughe he should presently haue died and after tooke him into his Pauilion a great while and conferred with him alone whereat the whole armie was maruellously abashed bycause he neuer before vsed a parte to talke nor yet communicate with him in secret of his affayres but trusting to his owne wyt determined all matters after his owne fantasie and withoute demaunding aduise or counsail of any would cōmaund that to him seemed best In so muche that at one tyme they said when Demetre his sonne being but a yong Souldiour demaunded when he should returne to hym with the armie with a troubled and disdainfull countenaunce aunswered Arte thou so very a boy cowarde that thou canst not without me heare the sounde of the Trumpets Ageyn besides these his fantasies and imaginations many things then happened whiche might be iudged pronostications of euill lucke and misfortune towardes him For Demetre one night sée in his dreame Alexander the great al armed in white who asking him what signe and token he should giue to hys Souldiours in that battaill aunswered that Iupiter gaue victorie and by and by hym thought that Alexander saide and I also will take parte with your enimies It was likewise reported that after Antigone had aranged his Phalang or battaille of footemen and comming oute of hys Tente that he stoond one of his féete and therewith sodenly fel flat to the ground And after he was lift vppe holding vp his handes to heauen made his humble prayers to the Gods that they would eyther gyue hym victorie or at the least that he might be slayne rather than with shame to be enforced to flie and all at once wholy went to the battaill which on eyther side beganne very hoate and cruel It happened soone after y e Demetre with a lustie band of horssemen vnder his charge so violently charged Antioche the Sonne of Seleuke that he put him and all his company to flight and by reason of the excessiue ioye of victorie hadde them so long in chase that with his too great desire he lost altogyther For during the time he had them in chase the Seleukeans séeing the footemen left naked without horse whiche shoulde haue ben their garde and succoure so encompassed them as though they would on euery side haue charged Wherevpon some seeing all their horssmen gone forthewith rendred and the reste whiche stood to the defence after they see their inabilitie to withstand fled so that when Demetre was returned from the chase he could no way bring them ageyne into order And immediatly after this companie was discomfited a great band of the enimie charged the battaill wherein Antigone was euery of them meaning to get his persone Whiche thing one of his Souldiours apperceyuing sayd to him Saue thy selfe Sir King for euery of these men séeke and desire none but thée whome he ageyne thus aunswered In vayne they séeke and desire me for Demetre will soone be here to ayde me Howbeit the charge was so sodaine and impetuous that before his Sonne coulde come to helpe him many times calling for him to his ayde and looking round about if he came was by the enimie enuironed and after he was dead sore wounded And then all his enimies about him fled except Thorax of Larisse who alone tarried with the body ¶ After this discomfiture the Athenians woulde not suffer Demetre to entre their Citie and howe he ageyne gathereth togyther his armie After Demetre his daughter is married to Seleuke who treateth a marriage betwene Demetre Ptolomais daughter to King Ptolome and of the deniall he hath of two little Cities The .ij. Chapter AFter the Kings confederate had wonne this victorie they deuided amongs them as a great praye but in all Antigone and Demetre their landes and Seigniories And after Demetre sée the battaill loste he in all haste with .v. thousande footemen and foure thousand horsse fled to Ephese Whereupon the Citizens considering his losse and the necessitie he was in greatly feared that he woulde robbe and spoyle the riche Temple of Diana Howbeit he tooke not a Talent but doubting that his Souldiours bycause they were not well pleased with him would do some wicked déede he therfore determined to departe the Citie And after he sée the wind beganne to blowe vp he enbarqued all his soldiours and sailed directly into the Countrey of Grece meaning to get into the citie of Athens whiche he hadde kepte for his onely and singular refuge and therefore had there his shippes treasure and Deidamie his wife being fully persuaded that that Citie would neuer faile whatsoeuer
chaunce and aduersitie might happē Howbeit he was therein greatly deceyued for so soone as he was thyther come arriuing aboute the Cyclades there came messangers to them from the Athenians whiche brought him such newes as he neuer thought on or looked for signifying to him that the Athenians had concluded and determined not to receyue any King into their Citie praying him therefore to refrayne and staye hys comming thyther Neuerthelesse that they would send him his wife in suche honorable estate as became them to do and as to the wife of so honorable and Noble a Prince apperteyned With whiche Ambassade Demetre was so angry agréeued that a litle thing would haue made him lost all the hope of his estate and almost desperate For although what with the losse of his Father armie and realme he see him reduced and brought from so great felicitie almost to extreme miserie and beggerie yet considering the power and nature of Fortune to whome al men are subiect he paciently endured and abyd all his misfortunes and infelicities But séeing him so frustrate of his hope deceyued and mocked of the Athenians he was thereat so agréeued and despited that he could by no meane beare it Whereupon by example may be learned and by experience knowen that the hyghe and mightie Princes which thinke bicause of the great honor and seruice that the people do them that therefore they singularly loue them and that that is a great establishemēt and suertie of their estate are therin maruelously deceyued And although of their owne accord for some good will they beare to Princes they oftentimes do them these honoures yet many tymes it is for feare for we dayly sée that they will do as great honour and make as humble reuerence to them whom they hate as to those they honour and loue Wherefore all sage Princes and Gouernours of common weales do not care or force to be so much honoured of the common people by Decrées by setting vp their statues or images by orations and other like means as to do such things as are worthie and deserue such honours Notwithstanding his angre and despite against the Athenians séeing yet no way of reuenge he dissimuled the matter hoping one daye to haue a more conuenient tyme season Neyther gaue he the Ambassadoures any euill or discurteous language nor yet made semblant as though he were discontented but required them one thing to send him his shippes lying in the Porte of Pyrey amongs which was one of .xiij. tier of ores on a side which they speedely did And so soone as he had them he sailed in all haste to the straight of Peloponnese called Isthmus being there arriued newes were brought hym out of al quarters that his case daily empaired and that his garrisons euery where were expulsed his townes without resistaunce rendred to the enimie Where upon he was in maruelous doubt what to do Notwithstanding considering that he left Pyrrhe in Grece he went w t his whole armie into Cheronesse to inuade Lysimache his countrey and in short time his strength and power so encreased that he had an able armie whereat the other Kings were nothing agréeued bycause they all maliced Lysimache his pride and enuied his puissaunce But shortly after happened Demetre a better aduenture For Seleuke séeing that Lysimache had had in marriage two of Ptolome his daughters one for him selfe an other for Agathocles his sōne he likewise determined by alliaunce with the other Kings to establishe and fortifie his realme as much as he could Whereupon he sent to Demetre demaunding in marriage his daughter Stratonice whiche sodaine aduenture Demetre right well knew how to accept and thereuppon incontinent with his whole Nauie sailed into Syrie brought his daughter to Seleuke But coasting alongest the shoare straight vppon the Countrey of Cilice hys Souldiours went on lande and robbed and spoyled the countrey Wherupon Pisistrate brother to Cassander whiche Cassander had had the same Countrey by particion made at the spoyle of Antigone was verie sore displeased Wherefore he incontinent went towardes Seleuke and made to him hys complainte and farther declared that he did euill to seperate him selfe from the other Kings who had altogyther made alliaunce with him against the said Antigone But when Demetre vnderstood that Pisistrate was gone he set on land the greater numbre of his Souldiours in the said Countrey and ageyne robbed and spoyled the same and in the ende made the paysaunts compound w t him for .xij. hundred Talents which they payed on the nayle and thereupon he ageyue enbarqued his Souldiours and kept his course directly towardes Syrie And one euening going on land with his wife Phile he found Seleuke come thyther before where at their firste méeting without countenaunce of mistrust the one of the other was made great chéere But firste Seleuke feasted Demetre in his Pauilion on lande and after Demetre feasted him in a Gallie of .xiij. tier of ores and all that daye they had great talke and long conference togyther without armour or watche one to another but altogyther good chéere and confidence amongs them and their Souldiours Finallie when Seleuke had espoused Stratonice he brought hir away and with his whole furniture departed thence towardes his Sonne Antioche Demetre likewise returned into Cilice and after his arriuall he incontinent sent Phile his wife towardes Cassander hir brother to excuse him of the incursions robberies by him in the said Coūtrey committed and done In the meane season arriued out of Grece Deidame before Demetre who within fewe dayes after fell into a disease whereof she died Shortly after whose death Demetre seeking new alliaunce a marriage by Seleuke his meane was concluded betwene Demetre and Ptolomaide daughter to King Ptolome wherein Seleuke dealt very gentlie and curteously towards Demetre But not long after he played him as vngentle a parte and ill agréeing to the affinitie with him newly contracted For notwithstanding Demetre his large and great offer of money to Seleuke he not only refused to render the coūtrey of Cilice but also denied him two Cities Tyre and Sydone whiche in Seleuke was a great discurtesie and therefore reputed of great pusillanimitie that he being Lord and King of all the lande and countreys betwene the Indian Sea vnto the Syrian shoare did more estéeme two trifling cities of no ● alue than the amitie and parentage of one so noble and valiaunt a King And although he had married his daughter séeing him by Fortune persecuted euen to the hard hedge did not only refuse to ayde him but in refusing to giue him the domicile of two small Cities secretly expulsed him all hys landes and dominions And trulie this pusillanimitie doth the sayings of Plato well proue in this I counsaill him that woulde be riche sayeth Plato not to studie and deuise to gather togyther great store of treasure but that he refraine his couetous desire For he shall
alwayes be poore who without setting measure to his couetousnesse hath an ardent desire to get Neuerthelesse although Demetre was thus of his intention purpose by his sonne in lawe frustrate yet lost he no whit his courage but as a man of an inuincible harte one that oftentimes had assayed the deceytes of Fortune said to his friends Although I should a thousand times haue ben vanquished and ouercome yet would I not be so fainte harted and effeminate for so small a trifle to lose the loue and fauoure of my sonne in lawe ¶ Demetre at his pleasure taketh by siege the Citie of Athens of his bountie and humanitie towardes them And after besiegeth the Citie of Sparte in the countrey of Laconie The .iij. Chapter WHile these matters were doing Demetre was by letters from his friendes oute of Grece aduertised how Lamacare throughe a popular sedition which had ben at Athens vsurped the Dominion thereof Wherfore they willed him not to lose any such occasion for recouerie of so noble a citie Whereuppon he incontinent went to Sea with his whole armie and sailed directly into Grece But as he drew néere the regiō of Athens sodenly arose a sore tempest wherein many of his shippes and men perished whereby he was enforced for his better sauetie to come on land and for that time to leaue of his enterprise of Athens vntill some other more conuenient season Wherefore he gaue in charge to certen of his mē that they should new calke amende hys shaken and brused shippes and hym selfe with the rest sailed into Peloponnese and besieged the Citie of Messene at whiche siege as he one daye went about the wall to view the Towne there came a shot out of it which gaue him such a blowe on the chappes that he had almost yelded the ghoste neuerthelesse being soone after healed he tooke the sayd citie by cōposition many other This done he ageyn enterprised his voiage of Athens and after his entry into the countrey he tooke the cities Eleusine and Rammise and farther commaunded his men to make incursions and to spoyle and rob all the countrey about the citie of Athens When the Athenians were by Demetre his Souldiours thus we● ied and endomaged happened them an other sodain inconuenience which sore troubled them For as a Carracque of theirs was comming to the Citie laden with corne Demetre toke it immediatly hung the Patron thereof the taking of whiche draue them to so great a necessitie that a Myne of salte was solde for .xl. Drachmes and a Bushel of corne for three hundred Wherevpon they were so troubled and in suche despaire that they beganne to treat and rendre But as they were in that mind newes came to them from all coastes howe King Ptolome would send an Cl. sayle to their ayde alreadie séene at Eugine whereupon they were not a little encouraged and hoped to saue all When Demetre vnderstood of the comming of the saide Nauie he got togyther in the countrey of Peloponnese and Cypres two hundred shippes so that when Ptolome hys Captaynes see that they were not able to resiste so mightie a Nauie they durst not abide but incontinent retired After Lamacre had heard of that he secretly stoale out of the Citie and fled And although the Athenians had decréed and published a new and common Decrée that who so euer did talke or once make motion with Demetre of peace or conclusion in peace he should lose his hed yet being with famine sore oppressed and gréeued they were enforced to agrée vpon such composition as him best liked and set open the gate nexte to his campe and sent their Ambassadoures to rendre the Citie and Citizens at hys pleasure with petition that he would not forget his old accustomed benignitie and clemencie neyther to be reuenged of the iniuries and offences against his Maiestie committed And this did not the Athenians for any fauoure or grace y t they hoped for at Demetre his hands considering his mortall grudge towardes them but by famine enforced thought it muche better to submitte them to his highnesse discretion and mercie than to die of hunger which as they said was then so great that a rat falling from the toppe of a house downe vnto the flowre the father and hys Sonnes straue maruelously which of them should haue it to eate And the Philosopher Epicure fed his housholde with beanes whiche he gaue them out by tale When Demetre with his whole armie was entred the citie he commaunded that all the people should at the Theatre assemble in the middest wherof on a great scaffolde pitched he his Pauilion and appointed his Souldiours to stand about the same with their weapons in their handes And soone after the people were come togyther he descended from his Pauiliō vnto a Tribunall much lower whereat al y e people that sée him were in maruelous terrour and feare But after they heard him vtter no sharpe or rigorous words they were well recomforted And when he had in the beginning of his Oration checked and reproued their stubbornesse and obstinacie he gently in al humanitie benignitie procéeded on with the rest And in token and signe of reconciliation he gaue them two thousand Medymnes of wheat and appointed them such Officers as were méetest to Gouerne the Citie according to their auncient accustomed libertie Wherat y t people were so excéeding glad and reioyced that they neuer ceased highly to prayse and commend Demetre and to blason hys name throughoute all quarters the Oratours also of the citie were wel furnished to make and set forth Orations in his commendation and prayse And bycause Democlide after he had made his Oration would seeme to do something more than the reste he propounded a Decrée whereby was ordeyned that the people of Athens should fréely gyue to Demetre the Townes of Pyre and Munychie to vse at his pleasure which Decrée being by the people allowed Demetre calling to remembraunce their former rebellion receyued their gentle offer and immediatly fortified the Towne of Munychie to the ende if they at any tyme else rebelled he had now gotten a reyne to restrayne them After Demetre had thus recouered the citie and Countrey of Athens he rested not but still continued frō one warre to another and with his armie went against the citie of Lacedemonie and when he was come about the Towne of Mantine he encountred Archidame King of the Lacedemonians who with great power was come thyther to stoppe his passage whome at the firste ioyning he put to flight and incontinent without farther resistaunce entred the countrey of Laconie robbing and spoyling vntil he came before the citie of Sparte which he besieged And as he laye before the citie the Citizens sallied out vppon him but they so valiauntly repulsed them that there were two hundred slaine and .v. hundred taken and it went very narrowly that his Souldiours had not entred the
and repulse the enimie were it eyther to set men on land to wynne the said bulwarke or else to approche their engines of Artillary They also built and set vppe vpō the other carracques which laye in the great Port certen receptacles of weapons to shoote méete for the engines called boltes And as eyther parte hadde made ready all things for the fight and that Demetre purposed forthwith to approche and bring néere his engines of battery of the entryes of both Portes sodenly arose a great tempest at Sea which lasted and continued vntil night But when night came and the wynd calmed he secretly sayled about the hauen vntill he came to the great Bulwarke aboue in the great Port and wonne that being from the walles of the citie about .v. acres fortified it with strong rampiers and déepe trenches of stone and wood and thrust into it foure hundred souldiours well purueyed of all kinde of shot But so soone as daye appeared he with great noyse of men and Trumpettes brought néere his engines to the Porte and with his crosbowes and other small artillary hurt and slewe the garders of the rampiers of the Porte And with his greater engines he so battered the Wall that there he brake some and there ouerthrewe some bycause it was neyther very strong nor yet hie Neuerthelesse the Citizens all the whole daye right valiauntly repulsed thē where was on eyther side great slaughter and mischief gyuen and taken And after it began to drawe towards night Demetre retired and haled backe his shippes with his engines of battery out and from the daunger of the shotte Then the Townesmen fraughte their cockes with drie wood and such like stuffe and pursued the said engines and so soone as they were come neere they cast fire into the shippes Notwithstanding they were enforced to retire both bycause of the rampier before mēcioned which swāme aboue the water also by reason of the shot wherewith they were by the enimie galde But when they see they could do no good some quenched the fire of the boates wherein they were and then returned into the Port and the rest which coulde not let all burne and leapt into the Sea and by swimming saued them selues The next day in the morning Demetre by Sea a freshe assaulted the Porte and at one instant with as great noise of men and Trumpettes as was possible attempted the walles of the towne round about thinking thereby so to affray the townesmen being on euery side assaulted that they woulde leaue defending of the curten and come to some treaty who for their partes ment nothing lesse but valiauntly susteyned all the atteintes assaults that were giuen during viij dayes When Demetre see he coulde not daunte the courages of the defendaunts he caused to be planted vpon the toppe of their Bulwarke whiche he had wonne about the great Port his greatest artillarie which shot stones as waightie as three Talents wherwith he flanked and battred the curten betwene the Towers and the Towers also During this broyle certen of Demetre his Souldiours had wonne the toppe of the Wal right ouer the Porte but the Rhodians in suche numbre came thyther that they slewe very many of them and stoutely repulsed the reste For they were but a fewe men and the place for the Rhodians of such aduauntage bycause it was stéepe and hard to mount vnto that they so oppressed the Demetrians with stones whiche were cast downe vppon them and so gald them with shot oute of the houses standing neere the Wall that the Marryners who brought the assaillaunts were enforced to runne on ground their shippes and retire to the Souldiours on land whereupon incontinent the townesmen sallied out tooke and carried away al such ornaments as they found in the poupes of the shippes and after sette them all on fire Amongs this entrefactes Demetre hys Souldiours sailed about the towne and set vp ladders all alongest the sea side and violently assailed them and the Souldiours on land did the like so that there were many which without feare aduentured maruelous daūgers and sealed the very toppes of the walles Ageyne the defendaunts so maruelously aduaunced thē selues and so stoutlie defended that they slewe many whiche were gotten vp and hurt a great numbre whome they tooke prisoners amongs which were certen of the principallest Captaynes and honorablest personages of the Campe. After this assaulte and slaughter Demetre ritired his owne shippes into the road where the rest laye and his engines of batterie which at the two assaultes were sore broused and torne and newe trymmed and amended them When the Rhodians hadde thus repulsed the enimie they enterred the bodies of their people and sacrifised to the Goddes the armours and beakes of the enimies shippes and for the space of .vij. dayes in al corners repaired their Walles sore battered and broken downe During which tyme Demetre newe built and ageyne trimmed his engines When Demetre hadde the vij daye set in good order all hys whole businesse a fresh to assault it he came directly with hys shippes well furnished against the hauen for to winne it was hys onely studie bycause he would cut them from victualles And whē he was with in an arrow shot approched the Port he beganne violently to set vppon the Rhodian shippes with fire brandes and other fire workes wherof he had plentie and with long bowes and crosbowes slewe many which manned and defended the curten and with his great artillary sore battered and shaked the Walles Neuerthelesse the Rhodians in this fight tooke suche paynes to defend their shippes that they clerely extinguished the fire And the Captaynes and Chief of the towne fearing the winning of the Porte and Citie exhorted all the lustiest Souldiours at that pinche stoutly to stand to it or else neuer which thing they spéedely did And amongs other things they enbarqued in thrée of their tallest shippes the most hardy and valiaunt mē they had cōmaunding them with all their force to borde with their beakes or Gallie noses on the enemie which bare the engines of battery and drowne them who notwithstanding al the shot which came against them so violently ranne vpō the enimie that they first brake the rampier whiche swamme vppon the water before the shippes and after so lustely borded them which carried the engines that the water broke in on euerie side and drowned two of the greatest engines Neuerthelesse the third was by the Gallies haled out and carried back When the Rhodians sée al things prosper thus wel they waxed so proude and bold that néedes they woulde pursue the third engine amiddest the enimie wherfore they were so surprised assailed and ouerthrowē by reason of the numbre of the enimies shippes that Exaceste Chieftayne of the band and Captayn of one of the Gallies was very sore hurte and in the end taken a great number of the reste leapt into the Sea and so were saued and of thrée Gallies the one taken