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A19267 An admonition to the people of England vvherein are ansvvered, not onely the slaunderous vntruethes, reprochfully vttered by Martin the libeller, but also many other crimes by some of his broode, obiected generally against all bishops, and the chiefe of the cleargie, purposely to deface and discredite the present state of the Church. Seene and allowed by authoritie. Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. 1589 (1589) STC 5682; ESTC S118522 145,211 254

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repressed they thinke it better to beare with some imperfections then by attempting great alterations in so dangerous a time to hazard the state both of the Church and of the Realme And the like toleration in some meane things I vnderstand vpon like consideration hath bin vsed in other churches reformed beyond the Seas Obiection An other crime is obiected not onely against ishops but against all other of the Clergie that is Ambition and greedie seeking after liuings and promotions If a benefice fall voyde say they then rideth hee then writeth hee then laboureth hee then inquireth he who can doe most with the Patrone And if hee be a Lay-man then at the least a reasonable composition will serue And if the Bishop haue the gift then Master Chancellor or Master Steward or my Lords Secretarie or my Mistresse his wife must helpe to worke the ma●ter Answere Doe you not see how this malicious spirite passeth ouer all the good giftes that God hath in these dayes bestowed on a number of learned men to the great ornament of this land and of purpose onely to deface the Church taketh holde of those imperfections and blemishes which the corruption of mans nature specially in so perillous times and so large a Church must needes worke in a number Well writeth Basile Quemadmodum vultures c. As vultures or carren Rauens flie away to stinking carcasses and passe ouer many sweet medowes and many sweete sauouring places And as the flies shun the whole and sounde places of the body and rest only vpon scabs and soares out of which they suck matter to norish them euen so the enuious malitious and backbiting spirite passeth ouer all the ornaments worthy commendations of the liues of mē carpeth biteth at those things that he findeth worthy blame This Realme of England neuer had so many learned men nor of so excellent gift in deliuering the word of God It is the greatest ornament that euer this church had For my part surely I do reuerence and maruell at the singular gifts of God that I see in many But these things bee wincked at and passed with silence and the ambitious doings of some few brought in as matter to discredite the whole number of Preachers Diogenes seeing the cleanly furniture of Plato his house got vp vpon his bed and trampled on it with his dirtie feete saying Calco fastum Platonis that is I contemne tread vnder my feet the pride of Plato True it is quoth Plato sed alio fastu with another pride worse then mine So these men in rebuking ambitiō reach at an higher authoritie and power then any bishop in England hath or will vse Ambition I knowe and confesse is very wicked hath euer beene a perillous instrument of the deuil to make mischief By this he drew our first parēts to the disobedience of the commandement of God perswading them not to be contēt with that happy state that God had placed them in By this he incensed Corah Dathan and Abiram with other to rebel against Moses and Aaron By this he thought to ouercome Christ when hee sawe he could not preuaile by other meanes By this he hath always raysed discorde dissention rebellion warre and tumult not onely to the troubling and disquieting but to the shaking and ouerthrowing almost of all common weales that euer haue beene and thereby also hath wrought the murther and destruction of an infinite number of the creatures of God By this he hath frō time to time raised many schismes heresies in the Church of Christ By this vndoubtedly I thinke he worketh no small euill nowe at this day in this our Church of England But what then Doe they thinke that if the bishoppes landes and the rich liuings of the Cleargie be taken away that they shall extinguish Ambition in the heartes of the ministers Was there no Ambition in the Church before that bishops had lands or before preachers had so large liuings No man can so thinke but they that are ignorant of the ecclesiasticall histories What was the first root of the troublesome schisme of the Donatists Whereof sprang first the heresies of the Nouatians at Rome What gaue the first occasion of the pestilent heresie of the Arians What maintayned and continued it was it not Ambition and seeking of preheminence But what shoulde I number vp any more examples Fewe schismes and heresies in the Church but had their beginning out of this roote And many knowe that a repulse of a dignitie desired was the first cause that our schisme brake forth hath so eagerly continued Surely though I confesse that I see and knowe in our church more corruption that way then I am gladde to beholde and so much especially in some kinde of Ministers as I praie GOD by some sharpe order may bee diminished yet this I dare stande to iustifie that all the enemies of the bishoppes and better sorte of the cleargie shall neuer be able to proue notwithstanding the daunger of this corrupt time that there is at this day in this Realme such heauing and shoouing such canuasing and working for bishoprikes and other Ecclesiasticall liuings as I will declare vnto them to haue beene in the ancient time aboue a thousand yeeres since in the best state that euer was in the church from the Apostles age vnto this time That there is no Ambition vsed among vs as I haue saide I dare not affirme but surely if there bee any there can be no Ambition on the one part but there must bee corruption on the other therfore let them looke vnto themselues that haue authoritie to bestow the liuings The best sorte of the ecclesiastical liuings are in the disposition of the princes authoritie And those honorable that haue to doe therein and are counsailers to her Maiestie be not so vnwise but they can espy Ambition in him that sueth and laboureth for them And if they do perceiue it they are very greatly to blame if they suffer it to escape without open shame or other notable punishment and thereby bring suspition eyther vpon themselues or vpon those that be about them As for the corruption in bestowing other meaner liuings the chiefe fault thereof is in patrones themselues For it is the vsuall manner of the most part of thē I speake of too good experiēce though they may haue good store of able mē in the Vniuersities yet if an ambitious or greedie minister come not vnto them to sue for the benefice if there bee an vnsufficient man or a corrupt person within two shires of them whom they thinke they can draw to any composition for their owne benefit they wil by one meanes or other finde him out And if the bishop shall make curtesie to admitte him some such shift shall be found by the lawe either by Quare impedit or otherwise that whether the bishop will or no he shalbe shifted into the benefice I know some bishops vnto whom such sutes against
therefore saith Chrisostome As I haue sayde wine is not ill but drunkennesse is ill so say I riches are not ill but couetousnesse is ill A rich man is one thing and a couetous man is another A couetous man cannot be a rich man And to the same meaning in an other place Let vs not falsely accuse either riches or pouertie for both riches and pouertie are such as if we will our selues bring instruments of vertue Let vs therefore so frame our selues that we iudge not so as we may seeme to blame Gods giftes but the euill affections of men The same Chrysostome Riches saith he killeth not but to be a slaue to riches killeth and to loue couetousnesse And againe the rich glutton was punished not because he was rich but because he wanted mercie For it may bee that one hauing riches ioyned with mercie may attaine to all goodnesse By these testimonies of the ancient learned Fathers grounded vpon the examples and doctrine of the Scriptures you may perceiue that riches are the good gift and blessing of God that the Saintes of God haue vsed and enioyed them that welth possessions of them selues are not hinderous to pietie godlinesse but rather instruments of vertue and meanes to come to heauen that God doeth not condemne them in his seruants that it is not a man voyd of lands and possession but a heart voyde of couetousnesse that Christ desireth that it is not riches but the sinfull affections of men that he reproueth How then can it bee prooued by Christs doctrine that any state of his disciples or faithfull seruants and followers ought not to haue landes possessions or ample and large liuings or that they be by his word so expresly prohibited that neither Prince may suffer it vvithout danger nor faithfull Minister with good conscience inioy them Let vs somewhat better consider the particular places of this doctrine of Christ whereon this assertion is grounded Where Christ saith Hoarde not vp treasures for your selues on earth he saith not you shall haue no treasures To haue treasures and to hoarde treasures be diuerse Hee that hoardeth vp treasures sheweth that hee hath a carefull minde to keepe them but a man may possesse treasures and yet with free heart bee willing to imploy them to godly purposes like as Iob did who had his riches alwayes ready to pleasure other When Christ affirmeth that where a mans treasure is there is his heart by treasure he meaneth not the possession of riches simply but hee meaneth that wherein a man reposeth his chiefe treasure and felicitie to consist And in deede it can not bee but that hee that esteemeth his chiefe felicitie in any thing doeth set his heart also vpon it He that setteth his felicitie in honour and dignitie hath his heart possessed with ambition Hee that thinketh it to bee in worldly pleasure hath his whole minde on playing banqueting feasting and riot He that reposeth his felicitie in building giueth ouer his cogitations vnto that So hee that iudgeth his blessednes in this life to be in possession of riches lands vndoubtedly can not but haue his heart fastened vpō them And seeing that God chalengeth vnto himselfe all our whole heart and our whole soule and minde they that so do must needes offend God most grieuously make of their riches their God and so as S. Paul saith become very idolaters Therfore if either Ecclesiasticall persons or lay men do so set their minds on riches this place nighly toucheth them When Christ saieth No man can serue two masters c. and ye cannot serue God and Mammon Marke I pray you that he saith not No man can serue God get riches For godly men both haue before time now may get lands riches procured either by heritage or by gift or by any other lawfull meanes Consider the Patriarch Iacob who passed Iordane onely with a staffe in his hand in the time of his liuing in a strange Countrey gate so great riches as he returned with two great cōpanies of seruants cattel And yet vndoubtedly this Patriarch was a good Christian being saued by the same religion that his grandfather Abraham was the father of the faithfull who with reioycing sawe the day of Christ Neither doth Christ say No man can serue God and possesse riches For as it is saide before Abraham Iob and Ioseph possessed great wealth riches and yet vndoubtedly truely and sincerely serued God Riches are the blessings of God neyther may anie more rightly or with better title possesse them then the good and faithfull seruants of God What saith Christ then forsooth No man can serue two masters or No man can serue God and Mammon Getting or possessing is one thing seruing is another Seruing presupposeth a mastership or dominion in him that is serued He that serueth riches acknovvledgeth them to be his Lord and Master Seruitude or bondage hath this condition that hee wholly obey his master that night and day he doe nothing but that pleaseth his master that he shall be contented to haue the displeasure of all other so that he may haue the good vvil of his master Finally vvhatsoeuer a seruant doth what labour soeuer he taketh vvhatsoeuer by his paines he getteth he doth it to the vse behalfe of his master Whosoeuer is such a bond-slaue to riches is a traytour reuolted from God neither can it be possible for him to serue God Such a seruing of Mammon it is that Christ in this place rebuketh vvith vvhich seruice the seruice of God cannot be ioyned But it vvere great rashnesse to thinke all that possesse lands lordships and riches of necessitie to be subiect to this slauish seruice of Mammon as some men vncharitably iudge of the Bishops and Clergie of England Ioseph of Arimathea vvas a rich man and yet in time of great perill did more seruice to Christ then all his poore Apostles vvhich had so little to leese It is vvritten in the Euangelists When Euen was come there came a rich man from Arimathea named Ioseph which also himselfe was Iesus his disciple He went to Pilate and begged the body of Iesus Then Pilate commaunded the body to bee deliuered and when Ioseph had taken the body hee wrapped it in a cleane linnen cloth and layde him in a newe tombe c. Consider the circumstances of the historie vveigh the danger of the time call to remembrance how many things might haue hindered and staied Ioseph from this doing and you shall perceiue that possession of landes and riches may be ioyned with a free faithful seruice yea oftentimes more faithful then pouerty and base estate in the vvorlde Good Christians therefore may not condemne as slaues seruants to Antichrist all such as haue lands possessions Experience in England God be thanked hath taught whē a number of poore Priests Ministers reuolted frō Christ to the Mammon their Masse that many which
The dispensing with Banes for money pag. 100. The Sale of Christian libertie in Marriages pag. 103. That they make lewde and vnlearned Ministers for money pag. 108. That they maintaine an vnlearned Ministery therby be occasion of Reuoltings many other mischiefs to the Prince and the Common weale But it is declared that there is no such vnlearned Ministery as they pretend and therefore can not bee an occasion of Reuolting or any other like mischiefes but that there bee other true and right causes to redresse of which it behoueth them that God hath set in place in time to haue speciall regarde for feare lest those mischiefes that be pretended doe increase pag. 109. c. The Crime of mainteyning Pilling and powling Courts pag. 135. The Crime of abusing Ecclesiasticall discipline pag. 141. The Crime of ambition and griedie seeking after Liuings and promotion pag. 144. That Bishops are carnally disposed which they shewe by hoarding vp great summes of money by purchasing Landes for their wiues and children by furnishing their tables with plate and guilded Cups by filling their purses with vnreasonable Fines and Incomes pag. 148. That the Prince ought to take away their great Lands and Liuings and set them to meane Pensions that in pouertie they may be answerable to the Apostles pag. 157. which they take vpon them to prooue by the whole course of the Scriptures pag. 162. The Lawe pag. 166. The Prophets pag. 177. The example of Christ pag. 190. and the doctrine of his Apostles pag. 221. Answere to the prescription of the old Lawe vvith the true meaning thereof pag. 166. Ansvvere to the Allegations out of the Prophets noting hovve absurdly and affectionately they be abused pag. 177. c. Answere to the example of Christ and the true doctrine that is to be taken of the same pag. 191. c. Answere to the doctrine of the Apostles declating hovv the same is rightly to be vnderstanded pag. 221. A Declaration how Ministers haue bene maintained from the beginning wherein is shevved that they haue had both Lands Houses Rents and Reuenues pag. 231. c. A Declaration that the wealthie state of the Church vvas not y e chiefe cause of setting vp Antichrist in his Throne as it is pretended but that the Histories of that time do declare other causes of more importance which also beginne to growe among vs and therefore good heede to be taken in time pag. 238. c. ¶ AN ADMONITION to the Church and people of England to take heede of the contempt of those Bishops and Preachers which God hath sent to them as messengers to bring vnto them the doctrine of their saluation WHen I call to my remembrance the loathsome contempt hatred and disdaine that the most part of men in these dayes beare and in the face of the vvorld declare tovvarde the Ministers of the Church of God asvvel Bishops as other among vs here in Englande my heart can not but greatly feare tremble at the consideration thereof It hath pleased God novv a long time most plentifully to povvre dovvne vpon vs his manifold great benefits of vvealth riches peace and quietnesse euen in the middest of the flames of discord dissention and miserie round about vs yea and that more is by the space of these thirtie yeeres by the continual preaching of the Gospel hath called vs vnto him as before time he called his chosē people of the Ievves by his Prophets and yet do vve not only not shevv any sound token either of our returning to him that called vs or of our thankefull receiuing his worde which he hath sent vs or of conforming our liues thereunto as hee willeth vs but also euidently to the eyes and eares of all men shew our hatred and misliking of those reuerend persons whome it hath pleased God to vse as his messengers to call vs vnto him and as his instruments to bring vnto vs the glad tidings of the Gospel which before with sworde and fire was taken from vs. For who seeth not in these dayes that hee who can most bitterly inueigh against Bishops and Preachers that can most boldely blaze their discredites that can most vncharitably slaunder their liues and doings thinketh of himselfe and is esteemed of other as the most zealous earnest furtherer of the Gospel Yea they thinke it almost the best way most ready to bring themselues in credite and estimation with many A lamentable state of time it is wherein such vntemperate boldnesse is permitted without any bridle at all What man therefore that feareth God that loueth his Church that hath care of his Prince and countrey can remember this thing and not dread in his heart the sequele thereof When the Israelites derided and contemned the Prophets which God had sent among them his wrath was so kindled that hee brought the Assyrians vpon them to their confusion When the tribe of Iuda did the like to Ieremie and other messengers of God they were cast into the captiuitie of Babylon When the Iewes reprochefully vsed Christ and with vvicked slaunder persecuted his Apostles that brought to them the light of saluation their Citie and Temple vvas burned their people slaine and as Christ threatned their countrey made desolate and giuen ouer to the spoyle And shall wee thinke that God vvill not remaine the same God tovvard vs Is his minde changed is his iustice slaked is his hand shortned that either he wil not or cannot reuenge as he hath bin wont to doe No good Christians let vs neuer deceiue our selues with such vaine and godlesse cogitations God remaineth alwayes one and is not mutable His benefits to the Israelites and Iewes were neuer greater then they novv these many yeeres haue bene toward vs they were neuer more earnestly eyther by Gods blessings allured or by preaching called to repentance then vve haue bene And yet our vnthankefulnesse in some respectes is greater then theirs and our vncourteous vsing of his messengers not much inferiour yea if the willes of many were not brideled by Gods singular grace in our Prince and gouernours it is to bee feared it woulde shewe it selfe as outragious as theirs did We haue iust cause therefore to feare the like plague which they in like case sustained And surely it cannot bee but that it hasteneth fast vpon vs. Obiection But some will say I knowe That I doe great iniury to the Prophets the Apostles and other messengers of God to compare them with such wicked men such blinde guides such couetous hypocrites such antichristian Prelates such symonicall Preachers as our Cleargie men now are Answere I doe not compare them good Reader in worthines of grace and vertue but in likenesse of office and ministerie These haue brought vnto this realme the same light of the Gospell the same trueth of doctrine the same way of saluation that the Apostles brought to the people of God in their time They are the mouth of God whereby hee speaketh to
ascension of Christ whē God sent his Apostles and other holy men to preach the Gospell of our saluation in Christ and the same was among men vnthankfully receiued God did cast sundry plagues punishments vpon them as dearth and scarcitie famine hunger the pestilence and sundry other diseases warre tumult earthquakes and great deluges in sundry places The causes of al this very slāderously blasphemously they imputed to Christian Religion and therby raised those dreadfull persecutiōs which at that time were exercised against the Christians This errour was the cause that Saint Augustine wrote his notable worke De ciuitate Dei and that Orosius by the counsell both of Saint Hierome and Saint Augustine vvrote his historie vvherein he ansvvereth this false argument and shevveth that God in all times had sent the like plagues for the sinnes and offences of mankinde and for the reiecting of his vvorde and trueth In the fourtie foure Chapter of Ieremie The Ievves deceiue themselues with the like argument to confirme their conceiued superstition and idolatrie But we will do say they whatsoeuer thing commeth out of our owne mouth as to burne incense to the Queene of Heauen to powre out drinke offerings vnto her as we haue done both we and our Fathers our Kings our Princes in the Cities of Iudah and in the streetes of Hierusalem for then had we plentie of victuals were well and felt no euill But since wee left off to burne incense to the Queene of Heauen and to powre out drinke offerings vnto her we haue had scarcenesse of all things haue bene consumed by the sword and by the famine In these vvordes you see to the hardening of their owne hearts they attribute the good giftes of God to their idolatrie and their dearth and trouble to the preaching of Ieremie and other Prophets vvhich indeede were not the true causes thereof In like maner reason rebellious subiects in common vveales when they seeke to make odious the Princes gouernors vnder whom they liue vniustly imputing to them the causes of such things wherwith they finde thēselues grieued So reasoned the rebels in the time of King Richard the second against the King against the Counsell and chiefe Nobilitie of the Realme against the Lavvyers and all other States of learning therefore had resolution among them to haue destroyed and ouerthrovven them all and to haue suffered none other to liue in this Realme with them but the Gray Friers onely Seeing therefore this manner of reasoning is so perillous it behooueth all them that feare God and loue the trueth and will not vvillingly be caried into errour to take diligent heed that they be not abused herewith And so I pray God they may doe vvhich at this time so earnestly seeke to make odious the state of the Clergie of England imputing to them the causes of those things vvhich they most detest and abhorre For if they vvill see the trueth and iudge but indifferently they shall finde that there is no such vnlearned Ministerie as they complaine of neyther such vvant of preaching as may iustly prouoke the wrath of God to send such plagues punishments vpon vs as they recite This I dare iustifie that since Englande had first the name of a Christian Church there was neuer so much preaching of the vvorde of God neuer so many in number neuer so sufficient and able persons to teach and set forth the same as be at this day hovvsoeuer they be defamed and defaced There bee I confesse many vnlearned and vnsufficient Ministers but yet I take it to bee captious and odious in respect of them to name the whole Ministerie vnlearned or ignorant For the simplicitie and charitie of Christian iudgement doth giue the name of any Societie according to the better part and not according to the vvorse There were in the Church of Corinth many euill persons aswel in corruption of doctrine as wickednesse of life and yet Saint Paul noteth that Church to bee a reuerend and holy congregation The Church of Christ militant heere in earth hath alwayes a great number of euill mixed vvith them that be good oftentimes the worse part the greater yet were it reprochfull and slaunderous to call the Church vvicked In like sort may it vvell bee thought vncharitable to call the ministerie of the Church of England ignorant when that thenkes be to God there bee so many learued and sufficient preachers in this lande as neuer vvere before in any age or time and the same adorned with Gods excellent good giftes and comparable to any other Church refourmed in Europe If men would cast so curious and captious eyes vpon the Ministers of other countreyes and note the blemishes and imperfections in them as they doe in our owne I am perswaded vnder correction they would not thinke so meanely of the state of the Ministerie of England as they doe But this is the generall disease of vs Englishmen to haue in admiration the persons and states of other foreine countreyes and loath their owne bee they neuer so commendable or good I speake not this to note with reproch any refourmed Church in forreine countries or to diminish the commendations of those excellent giftes which it hath pleased God plentifully to powre downe vpon them as the first renuers and restorers of the Gospel in this latter age to whome in that respect we ovve great loue and reuerence But yet they see and acknowledge that they haue imperfections and cannot haue churches in this world without blemishes Notwithstanding it is not free among them no not for the best learned or of greatest authority in publike speech or vvriting to vtter those things vvhich may tend to the generall reproche of their Church or common weale as it is commonly vsed vvith vs at this day Or if they doe they are sharpely dealt vvithall for the same For as vvise gouernours they see that such doings is the very seede of dissention discorde and faction the very pestilence of all Churches common vveales and societies Wherefore in most Churches they doe tollerate some imperfections setled by order at the beginning least by change of lavves there shoulde bee greater inconuenience Obiection Yea but all their Ministers are learned and able to teach Answere Of that I doubt in some places by good testimony I know it not to be true That is easie to be had in a free Citie that hath no more congregations but those that be within the Citie or within a fevve villages about vvhich is not possible in so great a kingdome as this is replenished with so many Villages almost in euery place as scantly you haue two miles vvithout a Towne or Village inhabited And yet that men doe not conceiue euill opinion of the Bishops for that which cannot bee remedied it behooueth the vvise and godly to consider that the state of this Church is such as of necessitie there must bee some of very meane abilitie in
owne free heart and liberalitie and saith Hee neuer set his heart vpon Gold nor saide to the wedge of Golde Thou art my hope nor reioyced of beeing rich nor because his hande had founde abundance c. Abraham also was riche and God had blessed him with great possessions and yet surely his heart was farre from the loue of money Ioseph had no small possessions and was in place of honour and yet fewe in the meanest state or degree did euer keepe a more humble heart or put lesse delight in honour and riches then hee did I might say the same of Dauid though a king and of Daniel though in very high estate and in great authoritie and as it may bee thought in liuing proportionable to the same When Christ in the gospell had saide that it was as vnpossible for a riche man to enter into heauen as for a Camell to goe through the eie of a needle and his Disciples had wondered at that saying hee aunswered That which is with man impos-sible is possible with God Albeit mans corrupt nature as it is generally giuen to all ill so it is chiefely inclined to couetousnesse and delight of the worlde Yet the good grace of Gods holy Spirite doeth so guide the heartes of his faithfull that in the middest of greatest abundaunce of his plentifull blessinges they can retaine the feare of God and contempt of the worlde Wherefore it is great rashnesse and presumption to condemne all them to bee giuen ouer to couetousnesse and delight of the worlde whome they see by the state of the Commonweale or by the goodnesse of the Prince or by any other lawfull and iust meanes to haue landes and possessions or wealth and riches according to their state Such persons as so rashely deeme of other may seeme rather to bewray the sicknesse and ill disposition of their owne mindes then to iudge truely of them whome in such case they condemne It is the pouertie and humblenesse of Spirite and minde it is not the pouertie and basenesse of outwarde estate and condition vnto the which Christ imputeth Gods blessings If couetousnesse be a desire to haue for feare of want and scarcitie as some learned men haue defined it then is a poore estate to a corrupt minde a greater spurre to couetousnesse then lands and plentie of liuing can bee Before that bishoppes and Ministers had any Landes assigned vnto them yea when they were yet vnder the Crosse of persecution in the time of Cyprian wee reade that he findeth great fault with many bishoppes which leauing the care of their charge went from place to place vsing vnlawful meanes to get riches practising vsurie and by craft and subtiltie getting other mens lands from them In like manner complaine Hierome Augustine Chrysostome Basile and other auncient Writers and Histories of their time Yea in the Apostles time wee see some giuen ouer to the worlde and ledde away with couetousnesse when Ministers as yet liued onely vpon the free beneuolence of the people Wherefore it is not pouertie or a lowe and contemptible state in the face of the worlde that can bring a satisfied and contented Spirite And surely I am of this opinion that a poore and straight state of liuing in the Ministerie especially in these dayes woulde be a greater cause of euill and inconuenience in the church and a more vehement temptation to carrie away their myndes from the care of their Office then nowe their ample and large liuinges are I could and will when God shall giue occasion declare good reason of this my opinion which for some considerations I thinke good at this time to lette passe If our bishops and other chiefe of the Cleargie beeing nowe in the state of our church by the prouidence of God singular goodnes of our Prince so amply prouided for be so vnthankfull vnto God and so giuen ouer to the worlde as they are bitterly accused to bee surely their fault must needes bee the greater neyther will I or any other that feareth God in that poynt excuse them but praie to God if there bee any such that these odious reportes spredde vpon them may bee a meanes to put them in remembraunce of their duetie and to amend But vndoubtedly good christians I speake it with my heart me thinketh I doe foresee at hand those dayes and that time when GOD of his iustice will both condignly rewarde our vnthankful receyuing of his Gospell and contempt of his Ministers and also giue to them iust occasion to declare vnto their aduersaries and euill speakers that they are not such bond-slaues of the world nor bee so lead away captiue with the lusts of the flesh as they are defamed Yea I thinke this crosse of contempt slaunder and reproch that now is layde vpon them is Gods fatherly admonition to warne them and as it were a meane to prepare them to that day that is comming which day vndoubtedly will bee a day of wrath a day of trouble and heauinesse a day of vtter destruction and misery a darke gloomy day a cloudie and stormie day a day of the trumpet of the alarme against the strong cities On that day will the Lorde search Hierusalem with Lanthorns and visit them which continue in their dregges and say Tush the Lorde will doe no euill Therefore their goods shal be spoyled their houses shall bee layd waste they shal build gay houses and not dwel in them they shall plant vineyardes but not drinke the wine thereof In that day the Lorde will visite the Princes and Kinges Children and all such as weare gay cloathing and all those that leape ouer the thresholde so proudly and fill their Lordes houses with robberie and falsehoode On that day God will bring the people into suche vexation that they shall goe about like blinde men and all because they have sinned against the Lord and contemned his worde Wherefore I most heartily pray vnto God that we altogether both Prince and people honourable and worshipfull ecclesiastical and lay persons preachers and hearers may ioyne together in the faithfull remembraunce of that day and to consider that it can not bee farre from vs and therefore that it is full time and more then time to turne vnto God by hearty repentance and faithfull receiuing of his worde For surely the sentences of the Prophets of some men partially and affectionately applied to the Clergy and ministers only do in right true meaning touch vs al of al states and conditions But I will returne to my matter againe The testimonie of Malachie vsed of some to like effect as the other before I haue purposely left to this place because it speaketh particularly of priestes and therefore will they haue it more nighly to touch our bishops c. And nowe O yee Priests sayth the Prophet this commandement is for you c. And a litle after making comparison betwene Leui and the priests of that time The lawe of
had the greatest liuings in this lād were most ready not onely to be banished their countrey but also to shead their blood and giue their liues to serue faithfully their Lord and master Christ and I doubt not wil doe againe if euer God giue the occasion Iudge therefore more charitably of your Ministers Preachers O ye English professours which haue seene these things with your eyes know not how soone to the sorowe of your owne hearts yee may see the same againe But they which at this day mislike the state of bishops do write or speake against them are those persons which in the time of affliction eyther were not borne or els were very yong therefore haue no sense of that temptation which that persecution did then bring As God of his goodnes graunteth vs now some Halcion dayes so I beseech him against that day to giue vs the grace of his mightie spirit so that we may haue the like constancie It is further alledged out of Christs doctrine that when he answered the Pharisees Mat. 22. he giueth a plaine commandement that landes and possesions should be at the pleasure of the Prince that Ministers of the church ought to giue them vp vnto him For this he saith Giue to Caesar that which is Caesars and to God that is Gods But say they all temporall landes are Caesars therefore they ought to giue them vnto Caesar and our Caesar is our gracious Prince and Soueraigne Truely it woulde make any Christian heart to lament in these dayes to see Gods holy word so miserably drawen racked and pulled in sunder from the true meaning thereof If the bishops and other of the Cleargy of England did grudge or murmure to haue their landes and Liuinges to bee tributarie to the Prince and subiect to all taxes and seruices that by the laws of this Realm may be either to the maintenance of her person or to the defence of our countrey Or if they did challenge such an immunitie or exemption from the authoritie of the Prince as the Pope and his Cleargie did Or if they did find them-selues grieued to bee punished by the Prince for the breach of her Lawes as the Donatists in old time did and some nowe in our age do If they were such enemies to Princes and Gouernours as they woulde exempt thē out of the state of true christianitie of the Church of God and make them onely to serue their turne in euill affaires then in deede did this place make strongly against them But I trust the Cleargie of Englande are with all good men out of the suspition of these pointes They are as willing and readie at all times to bee contributarie as any other subiectes are they claime no exemption from her authoritie they willingly submitte them-selues to her correction they humbly acknowledge their obedience in all thinges that anie Christian Prince may require and this doe they principallie for conscience sake because it is the ordinance and commandement of God but much mooued thereto also as men in consideration of their ovvnestate vvhich next vnder God dependeth of her maiestie Seeing therfore the hand of God hath more straightly bounde them vnto her then other common subiects I doubt not but shee vvillingly hath and shall haue all dueties of obedience at their handes that any Christian subiects by the word of God are bound vnto Neither are they in any feare that her Maiestie vvill presse them to any thing vvhich shall not stand vvith the glorie of God and furtherance of the Gospel But hovv these vvords of Christ before mentioned do cōmand them presently to yeeld vp into her Maiesties hands such landes possessions as by the grant of her goodnes by the law of this realm they nowe inioy indeede I see not If such a Prince shall com as I trust in my daies neuer to see that shal put them to this choise either to forgoe their lands liuings or to loose the free course of the Gospell it is before declared what their duty is to do therin And I doubt not but in the late time of persecutiō there were many of them that would haue bin glad with al the veines in their hearts by that choice to haue enioyed in this Realme the freedom of their consciences though they had bin put to as pore estate as possibly men might haue liued in But how that christiā princes are warranted either by this place of the gospell or by any part of the word of God so hardly to deale with the state of the ministery I haue not as yet learned though it be in these dayes by some boldly affirmed Amb. hath a worthy saying wherin he plainly noteth both what a christiā prince may do in these things that appertaine vnto the Church and howe a godly bishop shoulde in that case behaue himselfe When it was proposed vnto me saith he that I should deliuer the plate or vessell of the church I made this answere If there were any thing required that was my owne either land house gold or siluer being of my owne priuate right that I would willingly deliuer it but that I coulde not pull any thing from the Church of God And moreouer I sayde that in so doing I had regarde to the Emperours safetie because it was not profitable either for me to deliuer it or for him to receiue it Let him receiue the words of a free Minister of God If he will doe that is for his owne safety let him forbeare to do Christ iniury By these words ye may perceiue both that Ambrose wold not deliuer the church goods nor that he thought it safe for the Emperour to require it The mening of Christ is in those words to teach his to put a differēce between the duty that they owe to the Prince that they owe to God and to declare that vvithin their due boundes they may both stand together Therefore they that wil rightly folow Christ in this doctrine must consider in what consisteth the dutie towards a Prince or Magistrate and wherein resteth our duetie towardes God Wee owe to the Prince honour feare and obedience obedience I say in al those things that are not against the worde of God and his commandements Those things that God commandeth a Christian Prince cannot forbid Those things that God forbiddeth no Prince hath authority to command But such things as be external and by Gods word left in different the Prince by his authoritie may so by lawe dispose either in cōmanding or forbidding as in wisedome discretion he shall thinke to make most to the glorie of God and to the good and safe state of his people Among these things external I thinke lands goods and possessions to bee and therefore that the same ought to be subiect to taxe and tribute in such sort as the lawes state of the countrey requireth yea and if there shal happen in any country a magistrate which by
ample giftes vnto the Church not onely in money and plate but as it is to be gathered in reuenue also For Optatus Mileuitanus vvriteth that Mensurius bishop of Carthage before Cecilianus vvhen hee vvas sent for to the Emperor fearing that he should returne no more againe left in the custody of certain persons Ornamenta plurima aurea argentea many ornaments of gold siluer The restoring of which ornaments iewels afterward was one great occasion of the schisme of the Donatists as the same Optatus sheweth Wherefore it may appeare the Church was not in those dayes so poore needie as some men would haue vs thinke it was though it were then vnder heathenish cruel tyrants with al extremitie forbidding that any persons should giue either goods or lands to the releefe of it Sabellicus writeth that in the time of Maxentius the Emperour one Lucina a noble and rich gentlewoman of Rome appointed the Church of Rome to be heire vnto all her substance possessions Which whē that cruell tyrant vnderstoode he for the time banished her out of the citie But when Constantine that good first Christian Emperour vndertooke the defence maintenance of Christian religiō he not only liberally bestowed vpon the Church himselfe but by law made it free to all that would giue any thing vnto the Church were it in lands or otherwise Which law Valentinianus Theodosius other afterward confirmed nor euer was it abridged but by Iulian the Apostata A copy of one decree of Constantine is in Eusebius Those things that belong to the right of other we will not only not to haue retained but plainly to be restored Wherfore our wil plesure is that so soone as thou shalt receiue these our letters if there be any goodes belonging to the Catholike Church of Christians either in cities or other places takē in possession by the citizens or by any other that the same presently be restored in like right as before they had it See therfore that all things either houses or gardens or whatsoeuer be with speed restored to the Church againe By this meanes not only the Emperours themselues gaue both lands many other rich gifts but also sundry other rich godly persons Constantine gaue lands in the country about Sabine and an house a garden at Rome The same Constan out of the tribute of euery city gaue a portion to the churches for the maintenāce of their Ministers established thē to cōtinue as a Law for euer Eusebius writeth that beside many other benefites as contribution of corne building of Churches c. he granted to all Ecclesiastical persons free immunitie of all seruices and taxes sauing only for their lands For the lands of the Church were subiect to tribute as other were by an ordinance made by the sonnes of the forenamed Constantine This may appeare also by Ambrose writing of the second Valentinian If he require tribute we denie it not the lands of the Church do pay tribute The church then had lands and that a good while before Ambrose his time which was about the yeere of our Lord three hundred sixtie and eight Yea Ambrose himselfe liued by his owne lands being Bishop Therefore it may appeare hee did not thinke it to be against the worde of God for a Bishoppe or Minister of the Church to liue vpon the reuenewe of landes After the time of Constantine the wealth of the Church increased as well in landes as other substance prouision not only by the gifts of Emperors Kings and Queenes but partly also as I haue said by the deuotion of other godly persons who oftentimes left to the vse of the Church either a great part or their whole substance and possessions partly by the gift of bishops themselues partly by other ecclesiastical persōs which because they were not married nor had issue or heires were by order bound to leaue vnto the church al their possessions both lands goods Sometime also by the punishment of offēdors For it is read that one Bassus a gētleman falsely accused Sixtus bishop of Rome whē Sixtus had cleared himselfe in a synode of Bishops Bassus for his slaunderous accusation was banished his landes giuen vnto the Church The same Sixtus gaue lands vnto the Church himselfe also Crescentius a noble man gaue vnto the Church of Rome all his substance and a manour in Sicilie called Argianum Eudotia the Empresse wife to Theodosius adorned the Bishops house at Constantinople gaue vnto it a yeerely reuenue By the counsell at Berythe it may appeare the Church of Edessa had rentes manours woods plate set with pretious stones c. This state of wealth y e church grewe vnto not much more then in the space of one hundred yeeres after it pleased God to giue peace vnto it frō outward Heathenish enemies and yet in the meane time had it other tempestes and bitter stormes of aduersitie that did more hinder deuotion and godlinesse then the bloody persecutions of the Emperours did as namely the troubles raised by the Ariā heretikes by the space of many yeres especially in Asia Greece and al the East parts of the world And shortly therupon followed the horrible inuasion of the Goths Vandals Herules other barbarous people which as swarmes came out of the North parts with maruellous cruelty ouerwhelmed all the west Countreyes of Europe to the great hindrance daunger vnquietnesse of the Church of God After these stormes and tempests were somewhat ouerblowen the riches of the Church did very much increase both in lāds otherwise by such means as before I haue rehearsed And this generally I obserue in al histories in al times that the wealth thereof vnder christiā princes was neuer diminished but rather increased nor euer did they murmure at it or thought it too much vntill the Pope chalenged his vsurped dominion did seek to bring the necks of Princes vnder his girdle to alter Empires Kingdomes Principalities at his will and pleasure saying that he had Ius vtriusque gladij the power of both swords Here I know some will say that by mine owne confession I am fallen to acknowledge that botch that first bredde Antichrist and set him vp into his throne aboue Kings and Princes that is to say the immoderate wealth of the Ecclesiasticall men which then did corrupt religion and so say they doth it now with vs. No no good Christians they that so say eyther are blinded with ignoraunce or looke into things with partiall eies seeke rather a secret furthering of priuat purposes thē the knowledge of the true causes of that wherof they speake For they that will indifferently consider the states of times with true iudgement weigh the circumstances of them may easily discerne that it was not the vvealth of the Clergy but other causes of greater vveight and importance that
men may not flatter and deceiue themselues I let them vnderstande that the Scriptures in no place teach them that the offences and faultes of the Ministers are alwayes the onely cause why the word of God doth not take place in mens hearts It is more commonly and almost alvvaies imputed to the waywardnesse vnthankefulnesse and obstinacy of the people that heare it Therefore it vvere good for alsortes of men of what calling soeuer to looke into their owne bosomes carefully to consider whether the fault thereof be not in themselues For they knowe right vvell that the master may bee learned and diligent and yet the scholler not thriue by reason of his owne dulnesse The Physition may bee honest and skilfull and the obstinate Patient make light of his vvholesome counsaile The seede may be good and the seede sower a paineful and skilfull husbandman and yet the fruite not to bee ansvverable to his trauell because of the naughtinesse and barrennesse of the ground This our Sauiour Christ teacheth vs in the parable of the Seede-sovver Matth. 13. The Sower sayth he went foorth to sowe his seede and some fell in the high way that is to say into the heartes of them that vvere continually trampled vvith vvicked and vngodly cogitations so that the seede coulde not sinke into their hearts but by those birds of the deuill vvas caried avvay vvithout fruite Some fell into stonie ground that is into such hearts as wanted the good iuice and moysture of Gods holy spirite and therefore when the heate of persecution ariseth or some great temptation assaulteth them their zeale is withered and they reuolt from the trueth Some fell into busshie ground that is into the mindes of them that were troubled with the cares of the worlde with the loue of riches and with the pleasures of this life which wholly choked vp the good seede of the Gospell of Christ so that it could not in any wise prosper and bring foorth fruite Heere you may perceiue that for one fourth part of good grounde that yeeldeth fruite of the doctrine of God there are three greater partes of euill ground wherein it nothing at all prospereth But in these our dayes amongst vs we haue a fourth sort of men which obstinatly at al refuse to heare the word of God and do shut vp their eares not onely against preaching but against priuate exhortation also If there were lesse store of these euill groundes in this land at this day vndoubtedly wee should see more successe of the Gospell and more ample fruite of our teaching then novve wee doe It were good for men to looke that these quarrellings at other mens liues bee not one of the coardes of vanitie that Esay speaketh of Woe be to them saith God by his holy Prophet that drawe on iniquitie with coardes of vanitie and sinne as it were with a Cart-rope that is Woe bee to them that imagine excuses and coulours to nouzell and mainetaine them selues in contempt of Gods vvorde and vvant of repentaunce Let men take heede of such dealing that such Coardes of vanitie pull not on iniquitie so fast that it draw them to the vtter contempt of God and his trueth Example where of is seene at this day in too many to the griefe of all good mens hearts For the schoole of Epicure and the Atheists is mightily increased in these days The like effect Esay noteth to haue fallen out among the Iewes at that time For this he maketh them to say in derision of the preaching of the Prophets Let God make speede and hasten his worke that wee may see it Let the counsell of the holy one of Israel drawe neere and come that wee may knowe it And in like manner dealeth the wicked in Ieremie Chapter 5. They haue denied the Lorde and sayde It is not hee Tush the Sword and the plague shall not come vpon vs neither shall we see it The threatnings of the Prophets are but wind the true word of God is not in them They vtter their owne fantasies and these things shall come vnto themselues Euen with like contempt and derision many at this day abuse the Preachers of Gods worde When we lay before them the terrible threatnings of Gods wrath and indignation if they reuolt from the trueth of the Gospell or suffer the same to bee betrayed into the hands of the enemie saying that God wil for sake them that he wil take his defence from them that he will set his face against them that he will bring strangers vpon them to destroy their countrey and possesse their great landes and goodly buildings Oh say they These Preachers make great outcries they put strange expectations into the peoples heads they are vndiscreete they medle with matters which doe not appertaine vnto them if matters goe amisse the greatest fault is in them selues But I haue sufficiently spoken of this maner of intertaining of Ministers alreadie shall speake of the same hereafter The second and in deede a chiefe cause of backsliding and reuolting is the schisme faction and dissention vvhich for the space of these fifteene or sixteene yeeres hath exceedingly growen betweene the Ministers and Preachers of England For the like hath in all ages bene a cause to many of falling both from the trueth of God and to wickednesse of life Basile speaking hereof saith Ob haecrident increduli fluctuant qui modicae sunt fidei ambigua est fides ipsa The effects of this schisme hath bene as in part I haue declared in other partes of this treatise First that not only in sermons publikely but also in common table talke priuately yea and in writing and treatises spredde abroade into all mens handes wickedly vehement and bitter inuectiues haue beene made against the Bishoppes and other Preachers of the Church of England to the discredite not only of their persons but also of the doctrine which they haue taught Yea the whole state and gouernment of this church the Liturgie and booke of Common prayer and the administration of the Sacraments established by Lavve and authoritie the externall rites and ceremonies layde downe onely for order sake haue beene publikely misliked depraued and condemned as directly contrary and repugnant to the worde of God Men haue not onely deliuered foorth these inuectiues against the whole state of our Church and all the partes thereof but in the face of the vvorlde against Lavve against authoritie haue taken vpon them to alter all thinges according to their ovvne pleasure Which dealing you may bee sure cannot bee vvithout great offence of an infinite nomber as the worlde euidently seeth it hath beene Moreouer many persons both vndiscreete and vnlearned because they will not bee accompted Dumbe dogs haue taken vpon them to preach without license or triall and entring into discussing of matters nowe in controuersie betweene vs and the aduersarie haue handled them so coldly nakedly and vnperfectly that many haue beene grieued to heare them some brought in
the patrones haue bene more chargeable in one yeere then they haue gained by all the benefices that they haue bestowed since they were bishoppes or I thinke will doe while they bee bishoppes They haue iniurie therefore to bee so openly slaundered in the face of the worlde If there bee any bishoppe that corruptly bestoweth his liuinges by sute of Maister Chauncellor or Maister Steward or any other looke what punishment I woulde haue any lay-man in that case to sustaine I woulde wish to a bishoppe double or triple Obiection But now I must come to that which toucheth bishops most nighly that is that they be carnally disposed and not euangelically and this their affection and corruption they shew to the world by hoarding of great summes of money by purchasing lands for their wiues and children by marrying their sonnes and daughters with thousands by increasing their liuings with flockes and heards of grased cattell by furnishing their tables with plate and guilded cups by filling their purses with vnreasonable fines and incomes c. Answere Wee heare in this place an heape of grieuous offences indeed if they be true wel worthy such lamentable outcries as are made against thē But the godly must consider that where lauishing tongues and pennes be at libertie to lay forth reproch without feare of correction or punishment that the best men in the worlde may be slandered and brought in danger especially where through enuie and malice men haue conceiued displeasure against any State Eustathius a godly and chaste Bishop by conspiracie and false suggestion of certaine Heretikes and Schismatikes was not accused onely but vniustly also condemned of adultery and by the Emperour Constantine cast into banishment into a citie of Sclauonie Cyrillus a good and learned father Bishop of Hierusalem and an earnest patrone of the true faith of Christ was by the heretike Acasius his friends in the Court accused to the Emperor Constantinus that he had imbezeled the church goodes and had solde to a player of Enterludes a rich garment giuen to the Church by his father This false accusation so much preuailed that the good bishop was for it deposed c. I noted you the like before of that blessed man Athanasius and other and might bring a great number of examples out of the Ecclesiastiall histories writers For it was the vsuall practise of all such as did endeuour to further any heresie or Schismaticall faction were they of the Cleargie or Laitie by all meanes they could through infamie and discredite to pull downe such as did withstand their euil troublesome attempts in the Church not onely to raile at them to deface them with false and vniust reports but also to draw to their reproch their best and most Christian ●oings as the charitable dealing of Cyrill was so wrested that it brought him to great daunger And surely I cannot but feare that the deuill is euen now in hatching of some notable heresies or some other hid mischiefes which hee woulde bring foorth and thrust into the Church of England therfore prepareth the way for the same by defacing discrediting the best learned of the church that both would and should resist them This wee see alreadie in that peeuish faction of the families of the loue which haue bin breeding in this Realme the space of these thirty yeeres and now vpon confidence of the disgracing of the state of Bishoppes and other Ecclesiasticall Gouernours haue put their heades out of the shel and of late yeeres haue shewed themselues euen in the Princes Court The like I might say of the Anabaptists and other Sectaries as bad as they As touching this present point of the accusation of Bishops I haue to admonish the godlie Reader that in Christian charitie and wisedome they consider aswell what diuers of those persons which now bee Bishoppes haue beene before time as also in what state they are nowe in this Realme and howe they are beset on euery side with aduersaries and euill speakers of diuers sortes and then to weigh with themselues whether it bee likely that all is true which is vttered against them or rather that for despite and displeasure many things are spoken falsly and slanderously and manie other meane and small blemishes amplified and exaggerated to the worst more then trueth That those which now bee or of late haue beene Bishops in this Church shoulde be so carnally and grosly giuen ouer to the world and the cares therof as they are by some defamed my heart abhorreth to thinke neither will the feare of God suffer me to iudge it to be true I see what they are presently in all truth of doctrine I see how earnestly and zealously they teach and defend the same in their preachings I see howe carefully they beate downe the grosse superstition of Antichrist and his ministers I call to remembraunce that of late yeeres in the time of persecution when the most of them were in state wel able to liue that they were contented for the freedome of their consciences and that they might enioy the doctrine and liberty of the Gospel to forsake their liuinges to leaue their friendes to hazard their liues to be accompted Traitours and to sustaine all those miseries troubles that might followe vpon banishment and casting out of their Countrey And I see nothing in them if God as wee by our vnthankfulnesse daily deserue should cast the like scourge vpon this Realme againe but that they would be most readie to do the same although happily prosperitie in the meane time may drawe them to some offences May any christian heart then conceiue of them although there be faults in them moe then the worthinesse of their office requireth that they be so carnally fleshly giuē ouer to the world as the immodest accusations of many their aduersaries do make them Mans nature is corrupt fraile and therfore may fal to much euil but that so many learned men trained in the schoole of the Crosse continuing in teaching preaching of the trueth should bee so vtterly caried away from God I can not beleeue I trust God shall giue some enident token of the cōtrary If there now be or before time haue bene such as haue giuen iust occasion in such things as they are accused of I cannot but blame them and wishe to the residue more feare of God and care of their calling I neuer entred into other mens hearts to see their consciences I neuer looked into their Cofers to see their treasures I neuer was desirous to be priuie of their secrete doinges I must therfore by that I see heare know iudge the best Hee that shall charitably consider the state of Bishops as they are by the authoritie of the Prince and lawes of this Realme will not thinke it impiety in them against the time of necessary seruice of their countrey to haue some reasonable summe of money before hande gathered in
honestie and iust vsing of their owne But if they hoarde vp heapes either for greedinesse and loue of riches or of perswasion to put their trust in them in time of affliction as they are reported surely their offence cannot be excused As touching their purchasing of lands I haue not heard much The greatest value that euer I heard of doth scant amount to one hundred pound that in very few scarce to the number of 3. persons Which in them that so long time haue enioyed so large benefit of liuing may seeme no great matter especially toward the relieuing of their wiues and children Obiection They will say perhaps that Preachers shoulde not bee so carefull for their children nor Bishoppes ought not to make their wiues Ladies Answere If any looke to leaue them like Ladies in wealth and riches they are to blame but moderatly to prouide for their wiues children I thinke thē bound in consciēce especialy in this vncharitable vnkind vnthankful world For we may see the wiues and children of diuers honest and godly preachers yea of some bishops also that haue giuen their blood for the confirmation of the gospell hardly to scape the state of begging euen amōg vs that professe the gospell to our great and horrible shame The sight wherof I thinke doth moue some bishops other Ecclesiasticall persons to bee the more carefull for their wiues childre that they may haue some stay after their time and not to be turned to liue vpon Almes where charitie and christian consideration is so clean banished Ecclesiastical persōs are not as other parēts are For so soon as they depart this life or otherwise be put from their liuing because they haue no state but for life their wiues and children without cōsideration are turned out of the doores And if in their husbandes time they haue not some place prouided they hardly can tel how to shift for themselues And surely experience teacheth me so much that I must needs bewaile and lament the pitifull case of diuers honest matrons and poore infants which in my knowledge at the death of their husbands and fathers haue beene driuen to great hazard distresse And this causeth that most honest women of sober and good behauior are loath to match with ministers though they bee neuer so well learned because they see their wiues so hardlie bested whē they are dead They that are not moued with this haue but cold zeale toward the gospell And seeing the case is so among vs in this realme as he is worse thē an heathen by S. Pauls iudgemēt that in his life time doth not prouide for his family so surely hee cannot escape the blame of an vnkind husbād or vnnatural parēt that hath not some care of his wife and children after his time I write not this to defend the peruerse or couetous affection of any neither do I thinke that there be many such in this church Diuers I knowe that when God shall call them will leaue so litle as their children as I think must commēd themselues only to the prouidence of God And therefore it is not well that the fault of a fewe if any such be should bee taken as a matter to discredite the whole calling But surely they that murmure so greatly against the moderat prouision of the wiues and children of Ecclesiasticall persons and turne that as matter of hainous slaunder vnto them let them pretend what they wil it may be suspected they scantly think wel of their marriages Or if they doe the very Papistes themselues are more fauourable and charitable aduersaries to preachers then they are For seeing the state of our Church alloweth ministers to be married they thinke it to stand with godly reason also that they should in honesty prouide for their wiues and children Diuers persons of other calling by the exercise of an office onely in fewe yeeres can purchase for wife and children many hundreds and all very well thought of but if a bishop that by state of the lawe hath the right vse of a large liuing many yeeres doe purchase one hundred markes or procure a meane Lease for the helpe of his wife and children it is accompted greedie couetousnesse and mistrust in the prouidence of God I woulde it were not spite and enuie with greedie desire of bishops liuings that caused this euill speech rather then their couetous and corrupt dealing They feare that all will be taken from themselues As touching that bishops are blamed for taking of vnreasonable Fines and furnishing of their Cupboardes with siluer vessel and plate I trust euery charitable man that hateth not the presēt state may easily see what is to be answered To take Fines for their leases lands is as lawfull for them by the word of God by the law of this Realm as for any other christiā subiect that hath possessions And likewise to haue plate or siluer vessell their condition beeing considered is a thing indifferent not worthy so great reproch or biting speech as is vsed If they had not such furniture it is likely a great number would thinke euil of it and in an other sort blame them as much for it But if they take immoderate Fines or let vnreasonable Leases to the grieuing and burthening of their poore honest tenants or if they pompously auaunce themselues set their glorie in the gorgious plate and gay furniture I am so farre from defending that abuse that I will be as ready to blame thē as any man And so much do I mislike such dealing in them as I would wish those that can be foūd faultie in these things by the Princes and Gouernours to be examined and tryed and vpon iust and lawfull proofe of their offences to be punished according to their demerits And ify e weight of matter so required to be deposed for the example of other and better set in their places But if y ● trial were made as some faults perchance might be found vnworthy their calling so I am in hope they woulde not appeare so great so grieuous as to y e discrediting of their doctrine should deserue so heinous bitter exclamations and so reprochful libels as are giuen abroad against them Faults in all states and specially of ministers woulde bee examined tried iudged punished by the law and ordinarie magistrates and not an vnchristian loosenesse and libertie left to vnquiet vngodly subiectes either by euill speeches or vncharitable writings to slaunder them bring them into hatred and misliking The example whereof may grow to great daunger and hath bene counted perillous in al common weales and much more in the Church of God But I pray you what is meant by this disgracing of bishops other chiefe ministers of the Church For what purpose are their liues in such sort blased to what ende are their doings so defamed Why is their corruption their couetousnesse their Simonie their extortion and al other vices
true or false laide abroad before mens eies Why is the perfect rule of their office calling according to the patterne of the Apostles time required at their hands onely Is God the God of ecclesiastical ministers alone Is he not the God of his people also doth he require his word to be exactly obserued of bishops and ministers alone doth he hate vice and wickednes in them alone Or doth he lay downe the rule of perfect iustice to them onely and not comprehend in the same all other states of his people as well as them Yes truely I thinke no Christian is otherwise perswaded Obiection Perhaps they will say that all other States do wel and liue according to their calling The worde of God is sincerely euery vvhere imbraced Iustice is vprightly in all places ministred the poore are helped and relieued vice is sharpely of all other men corrected there is no corruption no couetousnesse no extortion no Simonie no vsurie but in the Bishops and in the Cleargie There are no Monopolies in this Realme practised to the gaine of a fewe and the vndoing of great multitudes that were wont to liue by those trades All courtes be without fault and voyde of corruption sauing the Ecclesiasticall courtes onely All officers are vpright and true dealers sauing theirs None other doe so carefully and couetously prouide for their wines and children They onely giue the example of all euill life Answere I would to God it were so I would to God there were no such euils as are recited but in them Yea I woulde to God there were no woorse then in them on condition that neuer a Bishop in Englande had one groate to liue vpon The want surely of the one would easily be recompensed with the goodnesse of the other What then is the cause that Bishops and Preachers haue in these dayes so great fault founde with them Forsooth it followeth in the next branch of a certaine Accusation penned against them Obiection They haue Temporall landes they haue great liuinges They are in the state of Lordes c. The Prince ought therefore to take away the same from thē set them to mean pensions that in pouertie they may bee ansvverable to the Apostles other holy Preachers in the Primitiue Church vvhereby the Queene maye bring 40000. markes yeerely to her Crovvne beside the pleasuring of a great many of other her faithfull subiects and seruants Answere This is the end why bishops and other chiefe of the Clergie are so defaced why their doings are so depraued why such cōmon obloquie is in all mens mouthes vpon them raysed that is to say that the mindes of the Prince Gouernours may thereby be induced to take away the lands and liuings from them and to part the same among themselues to the benefite as some thinke and to the commoditie of their countrey and common weale But it behooueth all Christian Princes and Magistrates to take heede that they bee not intrapped with this sophistrie of Satans schoole This is that Rhetorike that he vseth when he wil worke any mischief in the Church of God or stirre vp any trouble or alteration of a state in a common weale First by defaming and slandering hee bringeth the parties in hatred and misliking and when the peoples heads be filled therewith then stirreth he vp busie and vnquiet persons to reason thus They be wicked and euill men they are couetous persons they oppresse the poore they pill other to inrich themselues they passe not what they doe so they may grow to honour and wealth and beare al the sway in the countrey Therfore bring them to an accompt let them answere their faults pul them downe alter their state condition let vs no more be ruled vnder such tyrants and oppressours we are Gods people as well as they Did not he deale thus in Corah Dathan Abiram did he not by them charge the milde and gentle gouernour Moses and his brother Aaron the chosen Priest of God that they tooke too much vpon them that they lifted themselues vp aboue the congregation of the Lord behaued themselues too Lordly ouer his people that they brought the Israelites out of a lande flowing with milke and honie of purpose to worke vnto them-selues a dominion ouer the people and to make them to perish in the wildernesse By this meanes they so incensed the hearts not onely of the common people but of the Noblemen also that they led a great number with them to rebell against Moses and Aaron and to set themselues in their roomes and offices In like maner and by like policie hath hee wrought in all common weales in all ages and times as the histories doe sufficiently declare In this Realme of England when the lewde and rebellious subiects rose against K. Richard 2. and determined to pull downe the state to dispatch out of the way the counsellers and other Noble worshipfull men together with Iudges Lawyers and al other of any wise or learned calling in the Realme was not the way made before and their states brought in hatred of the people as cruell as couetous as oppressours of the people and as enemies of the common weale yea a countenance made vnto the cause a ground sought out of the Scriptures and word of God to helpe the matter At the beginning say they when God had first made the worlde all men were alike there was no principalitie there was nor bondage or villenage that grewe afterwardes by violence and crueltie Therefore why should we liue in this miserable slauerie vnder these proud Lords and crafty Lawyers c. Wherefore it behooueth all faithfull Christians wise Gouernours to beware of this false and craftie policie If this Argument passe nowe and bee allowed as good at this time against the Ecclesiasticall state it may be you shall hereafter by other instruments then yet are stirring heare the same reason applied to other States also which yet seeme not to be touched and therefore can be content to winke at this dealing toward Bishops Preachers But when the next house is on fire a wise man will take heed least the sparkes therof fall into his owne He that is authour of all perillous alterations and seeketh to worke mischief by them will not attempt all at once but will practise by little and little and make euery former feate that hee worketh to bee a way and meane to draw on the residue For he seeth all men will not be ouercome with all temptations nor will not be made instruments of all euill purposes though happily by his colours and pretenses he bee able to deceiue them in some The practise hereof wee haue seene in this Church of England to the great trouble and daunger thereof At the beginning some learned and godly Preachers for priuate respectes in themselues made strange to weare the Surplesse Cap or Tippet but yet so that they declared themselues to thinke the thing
priestes of God but of Antichrist Is there no more reuerence and feare of the maiestie of Gods Prince and sacred minister then by such grosse absurdities to seeke to seduce her If this be a conclusion of such necessitie then let them go further for by as good reason they may God sayeth to Aaron Thou shalt not drinke wine nor strong drinke thou nor thy sonnes that are with thee when ye goe into the Tabernacle of the Congregation least ye die Letit be a Lawe for euer throughout your generations In an other place commaundement is giuen to the Priestes That they may not eate of that which is rent of wilde beasts And in the same chapter If the Priestes daughter bee married to any of the common people shee may not eate of the hallowed offerings but if shee be a Widowe or diuorced from her husbande and haue no childe and is returned into her fathers house againe shee may eate of her fathers meate as she did in her youth but there shall no stranger eate thereof In the 21. of Leuiticus it is sayde Speake vnto the Priests the sonnes of Aaron and say Let none bee defiled by the dead among their people And a little after Let them not make baldnes vpon their head nor shaue off the lockes of their beard And againe Let him take a Virgine to wife but a widowe a diuorced woman or a polluted c. shall he not marry Now if the obseruation of the orders appoynted by God to the Priests and Leuites of the olde Law be a thing so necessary in the church of God Why then the Ministers of the Gospell may not drinke wine or strong drinke they may not suffer their daughters married forth if they come vnto their houses to eate any of the tenths and oblations whereby they liue they may not come nigh a dead body nor bury it they may marry no widowes but maydes onely And so likewise shall you bring in by as good authoritie infinite numbers mo of Leuiticall orders into the Church and make it rather like a superstitious Synagogue as the popes church was then like a sincere vndefiled Church of God as you would pretend to do But let vs descende further into this allegation and see howe they ouerthrowe themselues in their owne purpose If vpon this proofe it be so necessarie that bishops and other ministers shoulde not liue by landes then as the negatiue is necessarie in the one branch so is the affirmatiue in the other When God hath sayd Thou shalt haue no inheritance in their land he addeth Beholde I haue giuen the children of Leui all the tenth of Israel to inherite for the seruice which they doe c. Then it is of necessitie by the Lawe of God that bishops and preachers shoulde liue vpon tenths and offerings neither may this order be altered by any authoritie And here is an other errour of the Papists that tenths and offerings are in the Church Iure diuino by the lawe of God and not by any positiue Law of the Church Thus we see that these men are not able to stand to their positions but they must ioyne arme in arme with the Papists in their greatest and grossest errors And if it be of necessitie that ministers must liue by oblations and tithes and no otherwise howe can the prince by Gods Lawe take away their Landes and set them to meere pensions in money Or if princes haue libertie by the Lawe of God according to their discretions to appoynt the liuings of ministers by pensions of money contrary to the order that God hath prescribed to his priests in his Law why haue they not like authoritie by the same worde of God if they see it conuenient for the state to allot vnto them some portion of temporall Landes and much more to suffer and beare with that order being alreadie setled in the Church By this it appeareth that the assertion of the aduersaries doeth not hang together in it selfe but that the one part impugneth and ouerthroweth the other But mee thinkes these men deale not directly but seeme to hide and conceale that which maketh against them For in the same place of Iosua by which they will prooue that bishoppes and ministers may not haue any possession of Landes because hee saith To the Leuites he gaue no inheritance among them Immediatly hee addeth Sauing Cities to dwell in and the fieldes about the Cities for their beastes and cattell And in like manner The Lorde sayde to Moyses Commaunde the children of Israel that they giue vnto the Leuites of the inheritaunce of their possession Cities to dwell in And yee shall giue also vnto the Cities Suburbes hard by their Cities rounde about them the Cities they shall haue to dwell in and the Suburbes or fieldes about their cities for their cattell and all manner beastes of theirs And the Suburbes of the Cities which you shall giue to the Leuites shall reach from the wall of the Citie rounde about outward a thousande cubites c. And you shall measure on the East side two thousande cubites and on the West side two thousande cubites c. In the twentie one Chapter of Iosua The number of these Cities is mentioned And the lotte came out of the kinred of the Caathites the children of Aaron the Priest which were of the Leuites and giuen them by lot out of the tribe of Iudae Simeon and Beniamin thirteene Cities And the rest of the children of Caath had by lot of the kinreds of the tribe of Ephraim Dan and halfe the tribe of Manasses tenne cities And the children of Gerson had by lotte out of the kinred of the Cities of Isachar Aser Nepthaly and the other halfe of the tribe of Manasses in Basan thirteene cities And the children of Merari by their kinreds had out of the Tribes of Ruben Gad and Zabulon twelue cities The whole number therfore of the cities assigned to the Leuites in the lande of Iurie amounted to fortie eight Nowe I woulde demaund of indifferent Christians that vvere not obstinately set to maintaine an euill purpose Whether the state of inheritance without rent of fortie eight Cities in one Region no bigger then England with the fieldes almost a mile compasse may bee thought in trueth to bee temporall possessions or no Surely I thinke there is no man so wayward that will denie it to be most true Wherefore eyther the worde of God must bee found vntrue which is blasphemie to thinke or els that boulde assertion that is made of the contrary is found vaine and the argument to prooue it false and deceitful They that had to their portions fortie eight Cities with the fields thereof did not liue by tithes and oblations onely You see therefore good Christians howe they vnderstand the Scriptures that in such immodest and confident maner take vpon them to be masters and controllers of other and by how fleight allegations absurde arguments they seeke to
leade men into error euen in great weighty matters without feare of God himselfe or reuerence of his people with whome they deale God blesse them with more grace of his true milde and humble spirite that they runne not so headlong to the daunger of their owne soules and the trouble of the Church of Christ And for the better vnderstanding heereof let vs consider what state the Leuites had in this Lande that was allotted vnto them They might sell and alienate it but not to any other Tribe or family but to some of the same family whereof they were The Lawe therein saith Leuit. 25. Notwithstanding the cities of the Leuites and the houses of the cities of their possession may the Leuites redeeme at all seasons If a man purchase of the Leuites the house that was soulde shall goe out in the yeere of Iubile But the fields of their Cities may not be solde for it is their possession for euer And yet we read that the Prophet Ieremie bought a piece of land of Hananael his Vncles sonne which I take to bee because Ieremie was his next of kinne to whome by Lavve after him it shoulde come So that Hananael soulde onely the interest of his life time Thus by the way you may note that buying and purchasing of such grounde as was lawfull to them was not prohibited to Gods Priests in the olde law Obiection Happily they will say That although they had some temporall Landes yet it was in comparison of the large inheritance of the other Tribes but a small portion And as the Ministers of God they liued meanely and poorely vpon it Answere But they that rightly consider weigh the quantitie and largenesse of the Lande of Promise not beeing as I thinke so large as this Realme of England shall perceiue that the same being deuided into twelue partes according to the twelue Tribes that eight and fourtie Cities with the fieldes about them onely for the tribe of Leui was a portion although not so big yet not much inferiour to the residue although the one part had their liuing together and the Leuites had theirs disparkled in sundrie partes of the Countrey To which if you adde Gods part that is the oblations the first fruits and the tenths of their fruites and cattell beside you shall perceiue that the Priests Leuites and Ministers of the Temple of God were not left in meaner or poorer but rather in as good or better state then any of the other Tribes Which thing vndoubtedly God did of his gracious prouidence nor that his ministers should by wealth waxe wantō 〈◊〉 proud but that by that meanes they might be of more authoritie with his people and not beeyng drawen away by the necessitie of care howe to liue they might more freely and quietly attend vpon the seruice of God in the Temple and other places Wherefore these places of the Law of Moses were not fitly alleadged to prooue either that the Ministers of the Church shoulde haue no temporal possessions or that they shoulde by stipends of money liue in poore or base condition It pleased God that the Leuites shoulde not haue their portion lying together as the other had but to bee sparkled among all the Tribes of that nation that they might the better instruct the people of all partes in the Lawe and Ordinaunces of almightie God as their office and duetie was But if the value of their portion together with the first fruites and tenths bee considered you shall perceiue it was nothing inferiour to anie of the best They that had not some peculiar drift and purpose in their heades which by all meanes right or wrong they will further and confirme but did sincerely and with good conscience seeke the true meaning of the spirit of God in the holy scriptures out of these testimonies of the Lawe of God might haue gathered a right and wholesome instruction profitable not onely to Ministers of the Church but to all other good and faithfull Christians to whom these places appertaine as well as to bishops and Ministers For as Aaron the high Priest in the Lawe was the figure of the true high Priest Christ Iesus our Sauiour so the inferiour Priestes and Leuites seruing in the temple of God represent vnto vs all other faithfull and elect of God whom hee hath chosen vnto him to serue him as his peculiar heritage in steed of the first begotten of mankinde To this interpretation alludeth S. Peter speaking not to Priestes alone but to the whole Church of God and number of the faithfull You are saith he a chosen generation a royall priesthood an holy nation This exposition S. August confirmeth As for the Priesthoode saith he of the Iewes there is no faithfull man that doubteth but that it was a figure of the roiall Priesthood that should be in the Church Whereunto all they are consecrated which appertaine to the mysticall body of the most high and true Prince of Priests as Peter also witnesseth Bede also writeth very euidently to the same purpose By the name of Priesthood in the Scriptures figuratiuely is vnderstoode not onely Ministers of the Altar that is Bishops and Priests but all they which by high and godly conuersation and by excellencie of wholesome doctrine are profitable not to themselues onely but to many other while they offer their bodies as a liuely and holy Sacrifice well pleasing God For Peter spake not to Priests only but to the vniuersall Church of God Nowe if this bee true the right sincere doctrine that is to be taken out of the testimonies of the law of God is this that as the Priests and Leuites had not a like portion of inheritaunce allotted vnto them as the residue of their brethren had but God onely whome they serued was their portion so al faithful Christians being of the true priesthoode of God must not thinke they haue any allotted portion in this worlde but God onely is their portion to whome they must cleaue and heauen to bee their inheritaunce after which they must seeke according as S. Paul saieth Wee haue heere no abiding Citie but wee seke for one in Heauen Wee be as pilgrimes and straungers in this earth Therefore if wee bee risen with Christ wee shoulde seeke those things that be aboue where Christ our portion sitteth at the right hand of God the father and our whole heart shoulde be fastened vpon thinges aboue and not on earthly things This instruction as nighly and as deeply toucheth all Christians as it doth Bishops ministers of the Church of God But countenaunce must bee giuen to this quarell against bishops and this strange Assertion must bee confirmed by the Prophets also euen as aptly alledged as the other places before mentioned AND first they beginne with Esay His watchmen are all blinde they haue altogether no vnderstanding they are all dumbe dogges not being able to barke they are sleepie sluggish and lie snorting they
are shamelesse dogges that neuer are satisfied the sheepheards also haue no vnderstāding but euery man turneth his own way euery one after his couetousnesse with all his power Out of Ieremie also are alledged these wordes I will giue their wiues vnto aliens and their fieldes to destroyers for from the lowest vnto the highest they followe filthie lucre and from the Prophet to the Priest they deale all with lies The prophet Ezechiel also is brought in to helpe this matter where hee terribly thundreth against negligent naughty and corrupt shepheards that deuoure the flocke and feed it not Thou sonne of man prophecie against the Sheepheards of Israel woe bee vnto the Sheepheards of Israel that feede themselues shoulde not the Sheepeheardes feede the flockes ye eate vp the fat ye clothe you with the wooll the best fedde doe you slay but the flocke doe you not feede the weake haue you not strengthened the sicke haue you not healed the broken haue you not bound together c. but with force and cruelty haue you ruled them Wise and discreete christians that in iudging of things feare to be deceiued and looke to the direct proofe of that which is in controuersie will marueile to see these testimonies alleadged to the end before prefixed that is that bishops may not enioy any temporall Landes For there is nothing in these places of the Prophetes that toucheth it But if the ende were onelie to make an inuectiue against the negligent corrupt and couetous liues of Bishops or other Ministers in deede these allegations might seeme not altogether to bee vnfit for the purpose And happily that is it that is especially intended by such meanes to make them contemptible and odious And yet this is no sincere handling of the Scriptures to apply those places to the particular blaming of some one sort of men which the Spirit of God directeth against many Who beeing acquainted with the Scriptures knoweth not that by the words Watchmen and Shepheards in the Prophets are meant not only bishops priests and Leuites but also Princes Magistrates and Rulers Vpon the place of Ezechiel aboue recited Hierome sayth The speech is directed to the Shepherds of Israel by which we ought to vnderstand the Kings the Princes the Scribes Pharises the masters of the people And againe vpon these words The fat they did eate by a metaphore sayth hee the Prophet speaketh to the Princes of whom it is said in another place Which deuoure my people as it were bread Yea when God himselfe sayth in this same place of Ezechiel with force and crueltie haue yee ruled them It may euidently appeare that he speaketh not there to ecclesiastical ministers only but to princes iudges rulers also which sucke the sweete from the people of God and do not carefully see to their defence and godly gouernement but suffer them to be spoyled of their enemies and to wander from God and his true worship But what should I seeme to proue that which all learned knowe to bee most true The Spirite of God speaketh to the same purpose by these Prophets vnder figuratiue wordes that he doeth by other prophets in plaine speech O yee Priestes sayeth Osee heare this O yee house of Israel giue eare O thou house of the King Iudgement is against you because you are become a snare in Mispath and a spreadnette in Mount Thabor that is you as hunters lay wayte to snare the people and to oppresse them by couetousnesse extortion and briberie and your corrupt manners is as a nette to take other in by your euill example And likewise sayeth Micheas Heare this O yee heades of the house of Iaacob and yee Princes of the house of Israel they abhorre iudgements and peruert equitie They build vp Sion with blood and Hierusalem with iniquitie The heades thereof iudge by rewardes and the Priestes thereof teach for hire and their Prophets prophecie for money These bee the ordinarie voyces of the holie ghost vttered by the prophets in sharpe and earnest reproouing not onely for the people for their wicked reuolting from God but also yea that chiefly for the princes rulers magistrates iudges bishops priests ministers and other whome God hath set in place of gouernement For God hath appoynted them as Shepheards as guiders and patrons of his people to direct them to keepe them to defend them in his true worship and right seruice and if they will bee wandering from him eyther by errour in Religion or by wickednesse in life to instruct teach them and by all meanes that may bee to call them home againe or if they will not bee ruled by authoritie to bridle and restraine them yea and by punishment to correct them Now if the watchmen and Shepheards that is the guiders and rulers of the people whether they bee Ciuill or Ecclesiasticall shall waxe ignoraunt and vnskilfull of their dueties shall become negligent and carelesse of their charge shall be giuen ouer to voluptuousnesse and pleasure of the world or to couetousnesse briberie and extortion to iniurie violence and oppression and in their gouernment seeke their owne pleasure and commoditie and nothing regarde either the benefite of the people or the glory of God then I say these speeches of the Prophets lie directly against them and may well be vsed to declare the wrath of God towards them But what maketh this to the purpose pretended howe hangeth this reason together God by the prophets earnestly reprooueth the Gouernours aswell of the Church as of the common weale for their wickednesse couetousnesse and extortion therefore bishops and ecclesiasticall ministers may not by the word of God enioy temporall landes possessions Or this God blameth the priestes of the olde lawe for couetousnesse therefore the bishops of the church of Christ may haue no landes and possessions They that wil be perswaded with such reasons wil easily be caried away into error If it were certaine and did of necessitie followe that all they which haue great liuings and possessions must needes be couetous then happily this reasoning might bee of some force But I thinke there is no reasonable man that wil graunt it and therefore this reasoning is without all reason The Priests Leuites as themselues confesse had no great lands and lordships and yet wee finde them often in the prophets accused and blamed for couetousnesse therefore it is not the want of temporall lands and liuings that can bring a poore heart and contented minde voide of couetousnes Wee see often as couetous and greedie hearts in meane mens bosoms as in the greatest landed Lordes in a whole Countrey And on the contrary part we find in them that haue very great possessions as humble and as contented mindes as farre from the affection of couetousnes as in the meanest man that is Iob was of great wealth and possessions and yet wee reade not that hee was euer blamed for couetousnesse Yea hee beareth witnesse of his
may seeme to be of great importance and such in deede as God hath had much care of in all times as before it hath beene countenanced by the Lawe and Prophets so must it nowe bee drawen also through the whole course of the nevve Testament Yea whatsoeuer is vsed eyther of Christ himselfe or of his Apostles against couetousnesse or the loue and care of this worlde and delight of this life all that either by faire meanes or foule is brought into this fort to batter and shake the lands and possessions of Bishops and other of the Cleargie And first men are willed to cal to remembrance the example of Christ our Sauiour his birth the state of his life the choise of his apostles his perpetuall doctrine exhorting to pouertie and contempt of the worlde His parents say they were poore and liued by an handie craft descended of a stocke and kinred growen altogether out of credite in the worlde in steede of a princely chamber borne in an Oxe stall wrapped in poore clothes in steede of white and fine linnen layde in a cribbe for want of a rich cradle and in place of worthie seruitours hee had the presence of an Oxe and an Asse And that hee might shewe himselfe to delight in pouertie and contempt of the world his natiuitie was first reuealed vnto poore Shepheards watching their flockes As hee was borne so was he bredde in the poore and contemptible Towne of Nazareth out of the which Nathaniel thought nothing woorthy credite coulde come in which Towne as it may bee thought by the exercise of an handie craft hee liued in obedience of Ioseph and of his Mother Such as his birth and breeding was such was the state of his liuing when the full time of his dispensation came for hee was not borne to anie Landes or possessions neyther had hee any great wealth and riches to susteine himselfe yea not so much as an house to put his heade in but was mainteyned by the almes as it were and by the charitable deuotion of certayne wealthie vvomen of Galiley and other godly persons His Apostles that he chose to follovve him and to bee the Ministers of his kingdome hee tooke not out of the state of Princes noble men or great and rich Lordes with Landes and dominions but out of the poore state and condition of fishers Tent-makers and toule-gatherers And thus may we see our Lorde and Christ altogether wrapped in pouertie and besette on euery side with the base and contemptible state of the vvorld But to what purpose is all this alleaged Forsooth that wee may vnderstande that it is not lawfull for such as bee guides of the Lordes flocke to liue in any other state then in that the Lorde gaue example of For vvhosoeuer seeketh Christ say they in other state and sort then hee gaue example of seeketh not Christ but Antichrist and the pompe of the vvorld So that the sense and effect of the reason is this Christ was borne bredde and liued in pouertie and chose vnto him Apostles of poore condition therefore bishoppes and Ministers of the church must haue no Landes or possessions but stay them selues in like poore state as Christ and his Apostles did I doe not frame this argument good Reader of purpose to cauill but to admonish thee of the principall state and that considering the proofe to bee naked in it selfe thou maiest the better iudge of the strength thereof Surely I will hencefoorth cease to marueile at the wrested and violent interpretations that Hermites Monkes and friers haue made vpon the scriptures to iustifie and set foorth their superstitious life of voluntary pouertie and forsaking the worlde seeing professors of the gospel to mainteine their new doctrines take vpon themselues the like liberty and boldenesse in abusing the holie Scriptures and worde of God And yet surely it doth grieue mee and make my heart bleede to see it What shall the aduersarie thinke of our dealing with the Scriptures Surely that wee doe in so earnest manner pull them from the interpretation of the Fathers of the Church to the ende that by applying them according to our owne fantasies we may set foorth and seeme to iustifie to the worlde what doctrine soeuer we shall thinke good our selues And so shall this bee an occasion to discredite all the particular doctrines of the Gospell which hitherto as well this Church of England as other churches reformed haue taught But to vnderstande the weight of this reason before vsed against the wealthie liuings of our Clergie wee must trie it by a right and iust balance that is by the true meaning of the holy Ghost First therefore let vs consider the causes of Christes pouertie and of the choyce of such Apostles which in mine opinion are two The one is the necessitie of our redemption the other is an example and iust instruction set foorth vnto Christians As touching the first when the certaine purpose of God had determined that his sonne shoulde come into the worlde to worke the redemption of mankinde and his deliuerance from sinne necessarie it was for him to satisfie the iustice of God in sustaining all those difficulties and punishmentes that were due to man for sinne that is to say affliction ignominie reproch contempt pouertie and all worldly troubles and miseries and last of all death This is that the Prophet Esay spake of long before Hee is despised and abhorred of men hee is such a man as hath good experience of sorowes and infirmities we reckned him so vile that we hidde our faces from him Howbeit hee onely hath taken our infirmities on him and borne our paines Yet wee did iudge him as though he were plagued and cast downe of God This is that humiliation and debasing of himselfe that Paul speaketh of when hee saith Hee beeing in the forme of God thought it no robberie to be equall with God but made him selfe of no reputation taking on him the forme of a seruant and made in the likenesse of men and founde in figure as a man hee humbled himselfe made obedient vnto death euen to the death of the Crosse These places good Christians declare vnto vs both the pouertie and contemptible state of Christ here in earth and also the very roote and principall cause thereof that is the saluation of mankinde The sonne of God became the sonne of man that he might make vs the children of God he vvas borne a weake and tender babe that he might make vs strong men in him he was tied in swadling bands that he might loose and deliuer vs from the bondes of the fraile and sinful flesh he was wrapped in poore clowtes that with the garment of his innocencie he might hide our nake dnes he was borne liued poorly that he might make vs rich plentiful in him he was a stranger in the world had not an house to put his head in that he might purchase for vs a citie heritage
in heauen he was borne vnder bondage and payed tribute to Caesar that hee might deliuer vs from the tyrannie of Hel he was debased euen to the company of bruite beasts that he might bring vs to the glorious company of Angels he lay in hay in a Crib that he might procure euerlasting foode for our soules finally he was accused of sin put to most cruel death that we being iustified by his merite might appeare innocent in the sight of God These be the sweet comfortable cogitations that good christians should conceiue vpon the consideration of Christs poore base state in this life For pouerty in Christ was not so much for exāple of life as to satisfie a punishment due to sinne Riches is the good blessing and gift of God but pouertie came in at the same doore that death did that is by the disobedience of our first father Wee may not therefore thinke with Monks Friers that pouerty in it self is a more holy state of liuing then wealth riches is But of that more hereafter Novv let vs cōsider what maner of pouerty this was in Christ Christ vvas in himself exceeding rich both as the sonne of God as the sonne of man As God he had all things common with his father All thinges that my father hath saith he are mine And againe All thine are mine and mine are thine As touching his humanitie he is likewise of great possessions For his Father saith vnto him Desire of me I shal giue thee the heathen for thine inheritance the vttermost parts of the earth for thy possessiō How hapned it then that Christ being in right Lord of so great possessions became in the time of his dispensation almost in the state of a beggar certainly quia ipse voluit because he would himself For he that filleth heauen earth was borne in an Oxe stall in Bethleem he that had al power in the vvhole vvorld vvas a banished person for a certaine time in Egypt he that feedeth with sustenance man beast foule fish partly by labor gat his liuing partly was fed with the liberalitie of other He that prouideth apparel foral things hung naked vpō the Crosse he that sitteth in heauen as his throne hath the earth for his footestoole at an other mans charge was buried and layd in a strange Sepulchre Christs pouertie therfore was vvilling not of any necessitie of holinesse as I haue said but to beare that vvhich for sinne was due to vs. Now I pray you mark y e strength of the former reason Christ to sustaine the punishment due to our sinnes liued in great pouerty humility in this world therfore bishops ministers of the Church of necessitie must liue in pouertie and not haue any wealthy liuings by lands or otherwise I trust they that haue care of their consciences will not easily be led to any perswasion by such reasons They will say Christ did this also for our example I graunt in some respect he did so By his example he teacheth vs humblenesse and modestie that we may not be loath to doe those things that he did for the benefite commoditie of our Christian brother If we so swell with pride that in respect of our Noblenesse or birth or great estate in the worlde wee disdaine other and thinke our poore neighbour doeth vs iniurie if he in respect of Christian brotherhood require of vs a benefit for his better reliefe then is it time for vs to behold the Sonne of God lying poorly in a cribbe or manger betweene beastes who although he were God eternall with his Father and by his mother borne of the most noble family of many Kings and Prophets yet for our sake he did so humble debase himself that he came in so poore and vile condition before men Furthermore Christ by his example hath as it were consecrated pouertie trouble miserie and affliction that they may not be accompted tokens of the wrath of God or such things as do hinder true pietie holinesse or let the saluation of our soules For as mans nature doeth abhorre all afflictions so chiefly do men thinke pouertie and neede to be not onely one of the greatest miseries that can happen to man but also hatefull to God himselfe Thus we see men cōmonly to thinke of such as are any way fallen into pouerty misery Let Iob hereof be an example In this cause also it is expedient for vs to looke vpō our poore Christ and to set him before our eyes that wee may both more patiently beare these things vvhen for Gods cause they light vpon vs and more charitably iudge of other whom God therewith toucheth yea it is good to teach vs to pul downe our brissles when we waxe proude of those gifts of plenty and riches that God hath giuen vs. Thus you see what profit the example of Christes pouertie bringeth but I pray you to whom is Christ an example to bishops and Ministers only did he liue in poore miserable state for Ministers only did he die for their sinnes only God forbid He was borne he liued he died for all mankinde and all faithfull haue the fruite of this his birth his life and his death Therefore the example of Christs life must stretch further then to Bishops and Ministers It is a farre truer argument to say Christ liued a simple and poore life while hee was here on earth therefore all Christians ought to liue in the same maner that he did then to apply the same onely to Ministers and Ecclesiasticall persons Therefore I will all Christians to beware of this hereticall and Anbaptisticall assertion Whosoeuer seeketh Christ in other state and sort then hee gaue example of seeketh not Christ but Antichrist and the pompe of the world For if this sentence be applied to the example of the poore state of Christ it is the very ground of Anabaptisticall communitie and that none can be saued but such as renounce al their goods possessions Albeit the example of Christ in this place be applied to Ministers onely yet in trueth it appertaineth to all other faithfull as well to them And if the Argument shalbe counted good now hereafter with as good liklihood and farre truer interpretation it may be vsed against al that shal truely professe Christ As touching that Christ chose so simple Apostles and of so poore estate Saint Paul sheweth the reason and cause thereof Brethren saith hee you see your calling how that not many wise men after the flesh not many mightie not many Noble are called but God hath chosen the foolish things to confound the wise and the weake things to confounde the mightie and vnnoble things of the world and things that are despised God hath chosen and things which are not to bring to nought things that are that no flesh shoulde glorie in his presence If Christ in the entrance of his Kingdome going about to subdue the
proprietie possessions of lands goods as I haue before saide bringeth in a Platonicall community I say not that they which vse these places do meane it but surely that inconuenience danger followeth vpon it Therefore they that haue any feare of God ought to take heed that their immoderat stomack affectiōs against bishops other ministers do not ouermuch blind them carry them away either to the affirming or to the maintening of corrupt and dangerous doctrines both to the Church and commonwealth If this their doctrine spread in libels shall once become familiar vnto the commō people of this Realme it may happily breed such a scab and dangerous sore as all the cunning in this land will scant be able to heale it God send grace that heede may be taken thereof in time They wil say I know That this is but a shift of Logike that the false sophisters the bishops do vse to turne the matter from themselues when they say that this doctrine of Christ pertaineth to al Christians aswell as to them will aske me how they will auoid those plain euident words that Christ speaketh to his Apostles and disciples only when he sendeth them abroad two and two to preach the kingdome of God This say they doth belong to Ministers and Preachers only As ye go preach saying that the kingdome of heauen is at hand heale the sicke clense the lepers raise the dead cast out deuils freely ye haue receiued and freely giue you Possesse not golde nor siluer nor money in your purses nor scrip toward your iourney neither two coates neither shooes nor yet a staffe For the workman is worthy of his meate These words I must confesse do not appertaine generally to al christians no more do they generally to al ministers preachers of al times places Is it euil in it selfe to haue golde or siluer or to haue a staffe on the way to walke with or to weare shoes to saue his feet in iourneying I think there is no christian that will so iudge Christ himselfe had a purse wherein Iudas caryed mony for his prouision he suffered certaine rich women to go with him to minister to him to his disciples Peter also bare a sworde ware sandalles on his feete when the Angell bade him put on his sandalles And Paul writing to Timothie willeth him to bring his cloake with him although vndoubtedly hee had an other garment before We must consider then what it is that Christ in this place meaneth seeing neither himselfe nor his Apostles did obserue it according to the strictnesse of the letter There be some that say these precepts be personall and for a time onely not generall or perpetual for that which goeth before may seeme to take away the continuāce of these precepts Go not in the way of the Gentiles but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel Which precept the Apostles at this time obserued but afterward they preached the gospel vnto al the nations of the earth so doe they thinke that Christ for the time of this message only commanded them to possesse no gold nor siluer c. from thenceforth that this commandement was abrogated This interpretation I cannot reiect as euill or not pertinent to the meaning of Christ There bee also some hypocrites Pope-holy persons which wil haue these precepts perpetuall and build thereon friery monkish superstitiō They wil not touch any money They wil weare no whole shooes They wil not haue a staffe to walk with thinking that they shew themselues the holy seruants of God therein To this interpretation very nighly commeth that which these men vse to proue that bishops preachers may haue no lands nor possessiōs nor riches no nor money further then will barely prouide thē meat and drinke and cloth whatsoeuer is aboue to be of superfluitie Some other thinke that Christ in those words onely compareth the Ambassadors of other princes with his as if hee had saide I send you foorth to preach the kingdome of God and the state of an ambassade or message doeth require that I should deliuer vnto you money and all other like things conuenient for this voyage as Princes vse to their ambassadours but deceyue not your selues the maner of this message is diuers from such messages as ciuill princes vse In ciuill ambassades great furniture I know is thought conuenient but this message of mine is such as nedeth no such matter to set it out For the maiestie of the thing it selfe the myracles that you shal worke shall sufficiently giue authoritie vnto it This interpretation also I thinke not amisse but in my opinion that by the iudgement of some other learned men also the true simple meaning of Christ was to teach his Apostles to put their trust whole confidence vpon the prouidence of God only for the better persuasion would haue them at this time to make trial therof and by experience to learne that though they haue nothing in the sight of the world to feede thē to helpe or to defend them yet that he will so prouide for them if they continue in their vocation calling faithfully that they shal want nothing yea that the fowles of the aire shall rather feed them thē that they should lacke sustenance That this was Christes meaning it may appeare in S. Luke where he saith to his Apostles When I sent you forth without wallet or scrippe or shooes lacked you any thing and they said No. Then said he vnto them But now he that hath a wallet let him take it vp and he that hath none let him sell his coate and buy a sword The Apostles vndoubtedly had great need of this instruction and to be taught to put their whole trust in the prouidence of God and to depende vpon that onely For he did see that in the execution of their office they shoulde be cast into all the difficulties of this worlde which either Sathan or his ministers were able to raise against them This lesson is very necessary also for all other christians but principally for the ministers preachers of the Gospel whensoeuer God for the profession teaching of his trueth shall cast them into the like difficulties For if they do not rest vpon that onely they shall finde lands possessions power authoritie kinred friendship all other helps of this world to be but as a broken staffe to leane vnto But what maketh this against that that ministers of the Church in the calme times of quietnesse may ●nioy the benefites and liberalitie of good and gra●ious Princes whom he hath appointed as fosterers and nourishers of his Church and people wherein soeuer those benefites of their liberalitie shalbe imployed be it lands possessions goods money or any other maner of prouision For further proofe of this matter against the wealthy state of the Clergy the example of S. Peter also is
thus Princes Magistrates and noble men are euil they doe not fulfill that rule of right and perfect gouernment that the worde of God requireth therefore pull them downe set other in their places or alter their state cleane This is a seditious and perillous argument especially when common and inferior subiects not hauing authoritie shall take vpon them to bee iudges in such cases as nowe they doe against bishops With this manner of reasoning as I haue before noted the Deuill filleth the heads and hearts of his troublesome instrumentes when hee intendeth to worke mischiefe either in the Church of God or in the state of any common weale This maner of arguments they alwaies vse which for priuate respects pretend generall reformations or alterations in the state of a Church or countrey wherein they liue Let the Bishops and Cleargie of England haue such iudges and triall as the word of God requireth euer hath bin vsed in the Church of Christ yea or such as other states would thinke reasonable and indifferent for themselues in their calling and then on Gods name let them abide the hazard of the sentence eyther with them or against them and the daunger of such penaltie as in iustice and equitie may bee assigned Another daungerous Argument is this Bishops Preachers by Christ are commaunded not to be careful for the world not to hoord vp treasures in earth yea to renounce all they haue and follow Christ therfore they ought not to haue any lands or Lordships or great wealthie Liuings but to be contented with meate drinke cloth c. The hardnes of this reason will be the better vnderstanded if the like be applied to some other persons Noble men and gentlemen if they wil bee right and true Christians by Gods worde are commaunded not to be carefull for the worlde not to hoord vp riches heere on the earth yea to renounce all that they haue and followe Christ therefore they may not haue so great and ample liuings more then other but shall content themselues vvith such a moderate portion as may tollerably maynteine them in seeing the administration of iustice in their countreys and the refidue that nowe is spent in gaming and vnnecessarie pompe and vanitie of the worlde to be imployed to the maintenance of a great nomber of the Princes subiects and people of God that are not able in meane estate to liue For in such case were the noble men and Gentlemen of the Israelites called Principes familiarum the Princes and chiefe of each tribe and familie among the people of God A many of such factious and seditious arguments may in like maner be framed more meet for rebels then for good subiects or faithful christians which I doe in this place for good considerations omitte For if they shoulde bee so countenanced with particular allegations of the Scriptures and furnished with such learning and examples of histories as factious heads are able to deuise happily they would carrie as much credite and drawe as a great number of followers and mainteiners as nowe the like dealing doeth against the Clergie I will not therfore tarrie any longer in this point I haue set forth vnto you an example or two nakedly and barely to this ende onely if it might be possible to open the eyes of some which seeme in part to be blinded either with affection against bishops or with a desire to worke and bring to passe some speciall drift and purpose that they haue deuised for what cause it may be more easily by wise men coniectured then safely by me laid downe in writing For the further examining of this matter that it may be the better vnderstanded whether ecclesiastical men may with safe cōsciences enioy the state of their liuings by lands or no Let vs briefly consider the condition of the Church how Ministers haue bin mainteined from the beginning euen to this day And here I must protest that the Histories and writers especially such as bee of credite are so imperfect in this point as the trueth must bee gathered by coniecture of certaine braunches rather then by any discourse in their writing For the space of the first three hundred yeeres after Christ it is wel known to all such as haue looked into the Ecclesiasticall Histories that it was almost in continuall persecution vnder heathen tyrantes which with all indeuour sought meanes to oppresse Christian Religion and the true professours therof Wherefore in all that time it was not possible for the church to haue any setled state by Lands or certaine reuenevv to maintaine the Ministers thereof but they were sustained onely by the liberal contribution of godly persons collected at certaine times for that and other like Christian vses For Saint Cyprian signifieth that to certaine persons appointed to the office of readers he distributed the measure of gifts distributiōs as were assigned to the Priests The Canons attributed to the Apostles make mention of oblations and first fruites to be brought home to the house of the bishop beside such things as were offered in the Church Origen somwhat more straightly seemeth to require the tenthes and first fruites of such increase as Christians haue by the blessing of God his words be these It is comely and profitable that the first fruites shoulde be offered to the Priestes of the Gospel also for so the Lorde disposed that he that preacheth the Gospell should liue by the Gospel And as this is good and comely so contrariwise it is euill and vncomely that one that worshippeth God and cōmeth into the Church knowing that the Priests attend on the Altar and serue the worde of God and ministery of the Church shoulde not offer vnto the Priestes the firstlings of those fruites that God giueth by bringing foorth his sunne and seasonable showres vpon them For such a soule seemeth not to to me to haue any remembrance of God or to thinke that it is God that giueth those fruites It may appeare also that euen in this time the Church had certaine houses allotted to their Bishops For when Paulus Samosatenus after his deposition would not depart out of the house that belonged to the Church it was appoynted by the authoritie of the Emperour Aurelius that he should bee remoued from it and the house assigned vnto him to whom the bishops of Italie did agree in doctrine Origen also mentioneth certaine rentes and reuenues due to the Church Many of vs sayth hee haue neede of this warning that wee bee both faithfull and also wise ad dispensandos Ecclesiae redditus to bestowe the rents of the Church And one Petrus de Natalibus writeth that in the time of Vrbane bishop of Rome about 226. yeres after Christ the Church first began to possesse landes tovvard the finding of the Ministers Certaine it is that many godly disposed persons notvvithstāding they vvere letted by the crueltie of tyrantes euen in that time gaue large and
set vp Antichrist aloft in his throne and wrought him the dominion of the church which I pray God may be more carefully looked vnto amōg vs then yet I perceiue that they haue bene especially if we meane so earnestly to keepe away from vs the returne of his corruption as many now would seeme to do The first cause that aduaunced Antichrist was Schisme and here sie in the Church for the space of 200. yeres and more together with the barbarous irruptions which before I spake of The secōd cause was the generall decay of learning especially of the knowledge of the Scriptures and of the tongues Thirdly the vsurpation of Ecclesiasticall Discipline practised against Emperours and Princes by which hee conquered more then by all other meanes The helping causes to these principall were these two first the negligence the vnskilfulnesse the vnworthinesse of many emperors and gouernours giuen ouer rather to wantonnesse and voluptuous pleasures then to the care of their charge and secondly the superstitious deuotion of the people maintained by corrupt doctrine But the graund cause of al causes was the iust iudgement of God for the generall vnthankfulnesse of the worlde in receiuing the knowledge of his gospell which he sent among them And this cause was vniuersall in all estates and kindes of persons as well ecclesiasticall as other The bishoppes and Ministers were giuen ouer to maintaine factions and hereticall doctrines Princes looked more to their sensuall pleasure then to the godly gouernment of their subiects the people were bent wholly to superstition and wickednes of life so that a smal number only excepted none did study howe in life and godly conuersation to frame thēselues to the good wholesome doctrine of the Gospel which at the hand of many godly men they at the beginning had receiued Sūdry of these or the like causes haue we now also growing encreasing among vs and therfore haue we great cause to feare the like iust iudgement of God that eyther shal cast vs againe vnder the tyrannie of Antichrist or bring vpon vs some plague no lesse grieuous then that is Our ministers and Preachers breake out to Schismaticall factions and curious doctrines The people in steed of superstitious deuotion haue conceiued an heathenish contempt of Religion and a disdainfull loathing of the ministers thereof Vice and wickednesse ouerwhelmeth all states and conditiōs of men None almost vnlesse it bee some that God reserueth to his secrete knowledge studie to shew themselues thankfull to God and in life to expresse that which in doctrine they will seeme to approue I pray God that by abusing this long suffering of the Lorde we heape not vp wrath for our selues against the day of wrath God hath dealt as mercifully with this land as euer hee did with any I beseech him that in time we may repent with Niniue and turne to him in sackcloth and ashes while hee may bee founde and while hee stretcheth vnto vs the hande of his gracious goodnesse least when it is too late and hee hath turned his face from vs we crie vnto him with vaine gronings and mourne with vnprofitable sighings Hee sent the light of his trueth into this Realme first in the time of King Henry the eight and brake the power of Antichrist among vs but because hee sawe neyther thankefull receyuing of the Gospell nor any thing studied for by men generally but the benefite of Abbey lands and possessions to enrich them-selues hee by and by cut off the comfortable sweetnesse of his worde with the bitter sauour of the sixe articles and sharp persecution of them that professed true religion His iustice in deede coulde no longer abide the full ripenesse of the superstition idolatrie and wicked life of the Monkes and Friers and such other swarms of Antichristian impietie but our vnthankfulnes deserued not to haue the same turned to our benefite nor the freedome of his Gospel to be continued among vs to our further comfort In the time of that gracious Prince king Edward the sixt hee gaue vs a larger taste of his word and a greater freedome of all points of sound true christian doctrine to our vnestimable benefite if wee could haue receiued it accordingly But euen then also hee perceiued that wee sought not so much the increase of his glory or to frame our liues according to our profession as wee did studie vnder countenance of religion by al meanes we could to worke againe our owne worldly benefit commoditie And therefore did hee the second time take from this realme his fatherly blessing cast vpon vs that heauie scourge of persecution which immediatly followed keeping vs vnder the rodde of his correction by the space of certaine yeeres Neuerthelesse as a mercifull Father declaring that by his chastening he sought not our confusion but our amendment euen for the glory of his names sake onely beyond all hope expectation he shewed vs againe the light of his countenance and that more fauourably bountifully then euer he did before raising for vs as it were out of the dust of death a noble Queene a gratious Prince as a nurse or protectresse of his church Vnder the shadow of whose wings although but a virgine he keepeth vs in great safetie quietnesse against al the ancient enemies both of his church of our natural countrey Notwithstanding al this our old vnthankfulnes and forgetfulnesse of our duetie stil continueth we shew our selues the same men that euer we did before And therfore beside the earnest preaching of his word calling vs continually to repētance vvho seeeth not diuers times he hath shaken the rod of his displeasure ouer vs as in the Northren rebellion in many signes tokens from heauen thereby if it were possible to waken vs out of our sinful security wherein we sleep so confidently Yea and the more to keep vs in feare he hath made vs to nourish in our bosomes the apparant instrument of his wrath by whō we could not choose but see that in a moment he might haue taken frō vs both the comfort of his Gospel the freedom and happinesse of our state Here must I put you in mind again of his exceeding mercies shewed toward vs euē in these few months deliuering vs frō the bloody cruelty of our enemies But to what effect I pray you commeth all this carefull working of our mercifull God by fayre meanes and foule meanes thus labouring to drawe vs vnto him Doth it quicken in vs the care of our saluation doth it increase the feare of his displeasure doth it stir vp any more zeale and ●oue of his Gospell hath it any thing diminished our uncharitable strife contentiō doth it any thing ab●●e the obstinacie of the aduersary hath it any way diminished the loosenes of our liuing hath it taken from vs our pride in apparell our daintines in feeding our wastfull and pompous building hath it made lesse any euill among vs and
not rather increased euery thing to an higher degree then euer it was before Shall we thinke then that this our vnsensible dulnesse and vnthankfulnesse can bee without imminent punishment Surely me thinketh the song of Esay the Prophet painteth out our state and condition with the euent that will follow of it The Lord hath chosen this lande as his beloued vineyard hee hath mounded it with his gratious fauour and diuine protection hee hath stoned it by casting out the rubble of the Synagogue of Antichrist the broken stones I meane of idolatrie superstition false doctrine and corrupt worship of God hee hath planted among vs the sweete grape of his most wholesome Gospel and the true vine Christ Iesu he hath set vp a watch Tower of Christian gournement and a wine presse of earnest preaching of repentance to presse and wring mens hearts if it were possible to yeelde foorth the sweete iuice of the fruits of the gospel to the glorie of God And he long hath looked for these his great benefites that wee should haue brought foorth sweete grapes and we haue yeelded nothing but sowre and stinking fruite discord and dissension among our selues couetousnesse oppression extortion drunkennesse banquetting voluptuous pleasure whoredome adulterie securitie in sinne contempt of God disdaine of his Minister despising of his worde selfe-liking in our owne ●oings confidence and trust in our owne wisedome and policie c. I pray God therefore in time wee may take heede of that heauie iudgement that followeth I meane that hee will take away the ●edge and breake downe the wall of his mightie protection whereby onely wee haue hitherto remayned safe and that hee vvill lay vs waste that the beastes of the fielde may ouertrample vs that hee vvill take from vs the teaching and preaching of his Gospell vvherevvith in vayne hee hath so long digged and delued in our barraine heartes that hee vvill forbidde the cloudes of his heauenly prouidence to rayne dovvne vpon vs his great and manifolde blessings vvhich beforetime hee hath giuen vs so that wee shalbe left as a desolate ground breeding nothing but bushes and brambles of ignorance errour idolatrie superstition heresie and vvicked life and bee made subiectes and slaues vnto our greatest enemies The Lorde turne away that which our vnthankfull hearts may iustly feare to be at hand c. By this that I haue written as I doubt not but the godly may perceiue it was not riches and vvealth of the Cleargie that first set vp Antichrist in the vsurped throne of his dominion ouer the Church but that there vvere other more true and right causes that bredde that mischiefe so likewise that conscience that feareth God and vvithout affection looketh into the state of this time among vs and rightly weigheth and considereth thinges may easily iudge that it is not the Lands and great liuings of bishops Ecclesiasticall persons but other matters more heynous more grieuous that wil hastē the wrath displeasure of God against this realme which indeed it behoueth bishops principally and all other in their states and conditions to haue care of and in time while wee may by all godly meanes to preuent it The affection of them which at this day speak so much against the Landes and liuinges of Bishops and other Cleargy men is much like the dealing of those persons that murmured against Marie of Bethania which in the house of Simon the leper in testimonie of her thankfulnesse for the great mercies that shee had receiued of Christ powred vpon his head the precious oyntment of Spikenarde For euen in like manner our gracious Queene vvhen God had deliuered her out of the iawes of the greedie Lyons and cruell wolues that sought her blood and by his mighty hande had set her in the throne of this her Fathers kingdome to testifie her thankefull minde and to shewe her liberall and bountifull heart towarde the Church of GOD shee powred vpon it this plentifull gift towarde the maintenance of the Ministers and Preachers of his woorde that shee might declare to the worlde that in imbracing the Gospel and restoring the same to this Realme shee had not that minde and affection which some other haue shewed that is vnder colour thereof to make the increase of her owne benefite and the commoditie of her Crowne But as then Iudas and some other Disciples murmured at Marie and vnder pretence of holinesse and charitie towarde the poore found great fault with that superfluous excesse as they thought it euen so nowe many Disciples among vs with like colour of religion and holinesse and of zeale towarde the perfection of the Church forsooth murmure at the liberal benefit of our prince which she hath bestowed vpon the Church think the same a great superfluitie that might bee better imployed sundry wayes to the benefite of the common weale Whatsoeuer is pretended I pray God the cause of the griefe bee not the same that Iohn mentioneth to haue beene that which first began the murmuring at that time But whatsoeuer is the cause of this reproouing of the liberalitie of our gracious prince and soueraigne if the time did now serue I coulde with better reason and authoritie prooue the Contrary Proposition to that which they take vpon them to maintaine that is That it is not lawfull to bestow such liuings vpon Lay men as are appointed by godly lawes for Ministers and Preachers of the worde of God But the shortnesse of the time wil not now serue to follow that course ❧ Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie 1589. Matth. 9. Matth. 12. Iohn 8. Tertul. Iustin Melito c. 4. Reg. 17. 18. 4. Reg. 24. Matth. 23. Luke 13. Apolog. In 2. epist ad Tim. 2. 1. Matt. 10. De zelo liuore Nom. 16. Mal. 2. 2. Cor. 5. Ephes 2. Esay 57. Chrysost in 2. ad Cor. Chrys in 2. ad Timoth. 1. Tim. 5. Nom. 16. 1. Thes 1. Matth. 5. 1. Pet. 2. Rom. 14. Matth. 12. Chrys in epist ad Rom. Eccle. 3. Chrys in Epist ad Rom. In Matt. 8. homil 27. Hest 3. 4. Matt. 11. Iohn 8. Tertull. Apolog in Epist Mar. Collec apud Euseb Theol. lib. c. 26. Athan. Apol 2. Socrat lib. 1. cap 30. Theodor. Socra lib. 1. cap. 35. Libel pag. 1. Answere Libel Pag. 3. Answere Libel pag. 10 Answere Libel pag. 15 Answere Libel pag. 21. Answere Libel pag. 22 Answere Libel pag. 23 Answere Pag. 24. Pag. 25. Libel pag. 26. 27. Answere Libel pag. 31 Answere Pag. 32. Pag. 34. Libel pag. 37 Libel pag. 44. Answere Libel pag. 50 Answere Prouer. 24. Psalm 55. Esay 5. Psal 120. Pro. 24. De vnitate Eccle. cap. 10 Contra Crescon lib. 2. ca. 31. Lib. 1. contra Celsum Euseb lib. 6. cap. 19. Socr. lib. 1. cap. 9. In Praescript Tertul. Eusebius Euseb lib. 4. cap. 28. Epiphanius Theodor. Psal 34. Epist lib. 7. Epist 44. Super Can● Serm. 24. Moral
violence and extortion shall wrest more vnto him of the landes and substance of the people then lawe and right requireth I see no cause warranted by Gods word that the inferiour subiectes can rebell or resist the Prince therein but that they shal euidently shew thēselues to resist the ordinance of God For they haue not the sword of correction committed into their hand and oftentimes God by euill Princes correcteth the sinnes of the people Wherefore if subiects resist the hard dealings euen of euill Magistrates they doe in that respect striue against God himselfe who will not suffer it vnpunished Wherefore Ieremie willeth the Iewes to submit themselues to the obedience of Nabuchodonosor a wicked and cruell king and Baruch teacheth them to pray for the good estate of the sayd Nabuchodonosor and his nephewe Balthasar And Saint Peter and Saint Paul will Christian subiects not onely to bee obedient to the heathen tyrants vvhich vvere in their time as Nero and such other but also to make most humble and heartie prayers for them that his people might liue vnder them a quiet and peaceable life vvith all godlinesse and honestie Tertullian also shevveth the same to haue beene the practise of the primitiue Church euen towarde the enemies and cruell persecutours of the faith of Christ A Christian saith he is enemie to none and least of all to the Emperour whome he knowing to be ordeined of God must of necessitie loue reuerence and honour and wish to bee in safetie together with the whole Romaine Empire And againe We pray for all Emperours that God woulde graunt vnto them long life prosperous reigne strong armies faithfull Counsell obedient Subiects c. We may learne then by this that Christian duetie of a subiect consisteth in louing in reuerencing in obeying the Prince and Magistrate in all things that lawfully hee commandeth and in those things that he commandeth vnlawfully not by violence to resist him though the same touch our goods our lands yea and our life also As touching our duetie towarde God wee owe vnto him our selues whollie both body and soule and all things and partes to the same appertaining according to that his Lavve requireth Thou shalt loue God with all thy heart with all thy soule with all thy minde and with thy whole power For wee are his creatures and hee is our Lorde and maker But forasmuch as Princes Magistrates Rulers Parents Masters and all superiours haue a portion of Gods authoritie ouer vs as his officers and Lieutenants in their callings therefore God doeth permit vnto them some part also of his honour but so farre and in such things and such maner as before is declared retaining vnto himselfe our faith and religion vvith all the partes of his diuine vvorshippe consisting in Spirite and in trueth the calling vpon his blessed name the confession of his holy trueth and the obedience of his morall Lavve vvhich thinges hee doeth not make subiect to any Princes authoritie And if any Prince or Magistrate by violence and crueltie shall breake into the boundes of our duetie towardes God I saie not that priuate subiects may by violence resist it but surely they may not obey it but rather yeelde into his handes goods landes countrey and life too For so did the Prophet Daniel so did the yong men his companions so did the whole number of the martyrs of God by whome the Church of Christ increased as Augustine saieth Non resistendo sed perferendo not by resisting but by suffering And Hierome The Church of Christ was founded by suffering reproch by persecutions it increased by martyrdomes it was crowned To this ende saith Tertullian also Semen Euangelij Sanguis Martyrum This is the true doctrine of the wordes of Christ before mentioned by which wee are taught to put a difference betweene our duetie towards God and that we owe towarde the Prince yeelding to each that vvhich is his A doctrine most profitable and necessarie to all Christian Churches and common weales But who can gather of this that the Ministers of the Church of Christ liuing vnder a Christian Prince fauouring and defending the Gospel must of necessitie giue vp into the Princes hands those landes and possessions which by the graunt of the same Prince and the Lawe of the Lande is assigned vnto them For if the land be Caesars and therefore must bee deliuered to Caesar then are all goods Caesars and must be also yeelded into his hands God saue vs from Princes that will vse like violence and tyrannie towarde our Landes goods and bodies as these men vse to the worde of God I haue not as yet noted vnto you good Christians the very grounde of this corrupt interpretation of the doctrine of Christ and the mischiefe that is hid vnder it I pray you therefore consider to vvhome doth Christ speake in al those places of his doctrine before mentioned Whome doeth he teach whom doth he instruct that they shoulde not hoarde vp treasure vpon earth that they may not serue God and Mammon that they may not bee carefull what to eate and what to drinke that they must sell all that they haue and followe him that they must renounce all that they haue if they will bee his true Disciples And lastly that they must yeelde to Caesar that which is Caesars Are these things spoken to Ministers onely doeth Christs doctrine pertaine to Bishops and Ministers onely Is it his will that they onely shoulde followe his godly instructions and commaundements Then of likelihoode as hee came onely to teach Ministers and to bee example of life to them alone so hee came to saue Ministers onely But what a wicked vanitie were it so to speake or thinke Now if Christes doctrine bee generall to all the faithfull as in deede it is that beeing the true interpretation that they vvoulde haue to bee it must of necessitie followe that no true Christian can keepe landes and possessions nor abide in any wealthie or rich estate which is the very ground of the Anabaptists doctrine as all learned men do know In so much that all the famous men that in this our age haue expounded the Scriptures or written against the Anabaptistes doe note that by this interpretation of the speeches of Christ before mentioned they doe grounde their communitie and taking away of proprietie and possession of goods with sundry like other doctrines We may see therfore it is time to take heed of it how sathā vnder pretences seeketh to thrust the spirit of the Anabaptists the groūds of their learning into this church of England The inconuenience then of this kinde of reasoning is either that these sentēces of the gospel touch bishops and ministers only and all other are left free which is a very great absurditie or els that the same doctrine gathered out of these places in the same sense that they vse doth belong to al christiās which with the Anabaptists taketh away al